Winter 2014 - Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide


Winter 2014 - Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide
Catholic Resource & Information Service
112 Kintore Street Thebarton SA 5031
PO Box 179 Torrensville Plaza SA 5031
Ph: 8301 6869
Winter 2014
“The joy of the
Gospel is such
that it cannot
be taken away
from us by
anyone or
“I came that
they may
have life, and
have it
(Jn 10:10)
(cf. Jn 16:22)
— Pope Francis,
Evangelii Gaudium
Meryl Weetra 2013
 Book Reviews
Monday - Friday 9:00 – 5:00
 Themes:
Joy of the Gospel resources
Pope Francis
Parish book clubs
 New Resources
Catholic Education Staff Days 2014:
(Library closed):
Thursday, 27 June, 9am – 4pm
Thursday, 7 August, 9-1pm
Tuesday, 16 September, 9-11am
Thursday, 30 October, 9-1pm
 CRIS review questionnaire
Closed weekends and public holidays.
Rediscovering the lost body-connection within
Christian spirituality :
The missing link for experiencing yourself in the body of the whole
Christ is a changing relationship to your own body
Edwin M McMahon and Peter A Campbell
Tasora, Minneapolis. 2010
233.5 MCM
Just to complete the cover blurb, this book is described as: “Practical body-learnings
and exercises that transform your awareness of who Christ is today and who you are in Christ by developing a
new habit of noticing and nurturing your important feelings”. This is a timely book for me and I guess it is an
important book for everyone. It has seventeen chapters of highly documented material that is necessary for all
times. It is interspersed with six “workbook of body learning” inputs. Much of it is practical and demanding.
Much of it has personal, simple, touching stories in it.
Both authors have years of experience in their field. Both are Jesuit priests seeing the content of this book
from a wide perspective. There is something of Teilhard’s “whole within wholes” in this searching for human
wholeness within the search for Christ.
Let me quote from the book so you will have a sense of its scope and plan. From the ‘Author’s Preface’: p.xiv
“If Christians cannot help one another to experience their bodies as living membranes within the Body of the
Whole Christ, giving witness by their organic presence in the world as the continuing Incarnation of God “in
Christ”, then Christianity will be experienced as increasingly irrelevant within the lives of those suffering the
pain of aging, physical trauma, or those carrying the insecurity and emotional-physical impact of violence, as
well as the inevitable dying we all go through.”
In the Chapter ‘Why this book’ under a sub-heading ‘Living a New Christian Paradigm’, we read p.xxiv
“The real challenge for any of us can never be overcome by merely explaining this interior process more
clearly. Rather, the path becomes more evident as you learn how to put one foot in front of the other and walk
your own, unique, body path of actually living your life forward as you develop a new habit of being open and
attending to what your body knows and not solely to what your mind thinks. This maturing experience holds
the key for discovering yourself as an integral part of something greater than yourself. By the repetitious
practice of simple exercises in this book you can develop the habit of noticing and nurturing what your body
has to tell you about the Larger Body within which we all “… live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28
RSV).” The price of course is facing up to what bars our progress … “Yet surely the very meaning of God’s
self-revelation in Christ tells us with no uncertain clarity that a Continuing Incarnation of the Divine Presence
becomes possible through our ongoing, embodied experience of transformation. In fact such transformation
unveils the core witness and meaning of Christian life itself.”
Under the ‘Process-skipping’ heading Ed and Peter write “Most of us have feelings. What we don’t know is
how to follow our important feelings all the way down into the story of our body whenever that feeling needs
to change”. From p.113 I quote “The simple morning habit, which I have described above, can teach you the
art of allowing, along with an inner freedom, not to fear the change that greater wholeness always necessitates,
as it creates a conscious physical posture which senses and learns through “the eyes of your body in Christ’s
Body” – the felt presence of God in all things (Eph 1:18-10. 3:14-19).”
This book has immense depth. It can be read but it is really a study programme. It has great personal
challenge but it is a pastoral must for all of us. I have my own copy and I’m reading and re-reading it. I highly
recommend it.
Br Ben McCabe, cfc
From Teilhard to Omega : Co-creating an unfinished
Ed. Ilia Delio
Orbis Books, New York 2014
261.55 DEL
I’m inspired to write this review with two thoughts in mind: viz. This is vital for some
people I know who are searching in their lives for a spirituality based on a “new story”
of evolution. Secondly it’s an effort to say thanks to the Resource Centre staff for
providing such thought-provoking and inspiring material for us.
I had read 4 books by Ilia, The Humility of God, The Emergent Christ, Christ in Evolution and The Unbearable
Wholeness of Being. I daily ponder her challenge in the statement she makes in The Unbearable Wholeness of
Being viz. “The goal of Christianity is the aim of Evolution – unity in Love”, knowing she is talking about
“Omega” love coming out of the future and echoing (‘unire’ to unite) and (‘uniri’ to be united) from the heart
of Teilhard. In this book “From Teilhard to Omega”, Ilia acts as Editor and summons 12 other gurus to
support her, each of whom has their own flavour but each pointing to the sub-title of this book “creating a new
Teilhard is revealed as a brilliant Palaeontologist, a deeply mystic Jesuit priest, a controversial character,
underestimated and mostly misunderstood and surely discredited in his own times and just now being
rediscovered. Each article, and there are thirteen, takes a similar approach. There is first the title giving
direction and the article itself expounding the title, followed by “points to ponder”, a sort of summary of the
articles main points, finalised by “questions for discussion.”
I would like to introduce you to the wonder of this book by using some of the “points to ponder”, and then
some “questions for discussion”:
From Edward Vacek S.J.’s “points to ponder”
 Christian Ethics is not at its base a matter of “Do good and avoid evil …” Rather it is a relational task:
we are to contribute to our relationship with Christ who is building the universe.
 Without human beings, God cannot accomplish what God wants to accomplish
From his “questions for discussion”
 Discuss the importance of “Future” for an evolutionary based ethics. What are some Gospel passages
that support Teilhard’s insights in this respect.
From my favourite article by Kathleen Duffy on “Teilhard’s Sophia” p.34 “points to ponder”
 Reflect on these words: “From within the heart of matter, I hold together the foundations of the
Universe. Since everything in the Universe is made my union, I labor to condense the elementary
particles that continue to emerge from the energy ejected from the primordial fire. I am the principle of
union, the soul of the world. Especially within the human family, I stir up passionate desire for the
more – for dedication to scientific discovery, for the creation of beauty, for compassion towards those
in need. My love is like a tremendous vital current running through the cosmic landscape. I am love, a
wild and daring cosmic love – as strong as the sexual force between lovers, as tender as the nurturing
love of a parent.
“Questions for discussion”
 Who is Teilhard’s “Eternal Feminine”? How is she vital to the forward movement of life?
 Most of Teilhard’s writings on Wisdom were composed during World War 1. What connections do
you find between wisdom and suffering?
The book had many challenges for me personally. Can I fathom the significance of the changes that have
taken place in my life in the heart of Jesus? How can the Church respond in the light of changes thrust on us?
Can I see virtue and sin in a Cosmic sense as it calls to me from science and medicine etc. Personally, I think
this book would provide great material to inspire small group meetings coming together for prayer and
Best wishes, Br Ben McCabe, cfc
Sacred Fire : A Vision for a Deeper Human and
Christian Maturity
Ronald Rolheiser
Image, New York (2014)
248.482 ROL
My expectations were high when Susan (CRIS) introduced me to this new book by
Ronald Rolheiser. His two ‘Daybreak’ books of daily reflections for Advent and
Christmas and for Lent and Easter I have used daily each year. His regular reflections
are readily available and always challenging. I was confused / lost when I started to read this book until I
realised that this book is the second of a series of three. The first ‘The Holy Longing’ (1999) was well received
and the third is planned but not written. Rolheiser says that as there are stages in human development there are
stages in growth in discipleship and hence in spirituality. Chapter 2 of this new book is a brief synthesis of his
first book. See P45 for a brief overview of essential discipleship. Chapter 9 of this book outline plans for the
third book of the Series. For a brief note on the focus of this book see P.21. Chapters 3 to 8 develop the theme
of this book i.e. Mature Discipleship.
This book is the second phase of three books on discipleship. The first of three books is ‘The Holy Longing :
The Search for a Christian Spirituality’ (New York: Doubleday 1999) which dealt with Essential Discipleship
and laid out some fundamental principles in terms of getting our lives together. It could be called
‘Discipleship 101 – The Introductory Course.’ This book is intended to take this further and could be called
“Discipleship 201 – The Graduate Course.” The third book when written by Rolheiser will cover Radical
Rolheiser has the ability to ask key questions at each stage which enable the reader to trace progress in
discipleship and hence spirituality. His first book was well received and this book should be also - ‘Sacred
Fire: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity’. James Martin S.J. says, ‘It will be a way of
coming to know the God who desires evermore to know you.’ This book suggests practices for the reader’s
growth in human Christian maturity.
This book asks the questions: How can we live less self-centred, more mature lives? What constitutes deep
maturity and how do we reach that place? What constitutes a truly mature following of Jesus? (See subtitle) As
we face up to disappointment, boredom, frustration, tiredness and resentment we sort out more who we are.
When once we struggled with Eros, the god of passion, we now struggle with anger. God does not meet us in
the abstract but in our real lives. As Richard Rohr says “God comes to you disguised as your life” P.66 Falling
Upward – A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life.
Chapter 3 asks us to be ready to take up a new struggle. ‘Jesus doesn’t call the ready: he calls the willing! P.62.
Loneliness is part of the struggle. Resentment of duties can lead to a joylessness bordering on anger.
Workaholism may result from over commitment and therefore neglecting relationships P.75. Rolheiser is
especially insightful in considering the present-day forms of ‘the seven deadly sins’ during these years when
we try to be unselfish. P.84 “Pride, invariably, brings with it a harsh or condescending judgment of others”
P.86. In considering envy and jealousy the author asks the question ‘When did I last praise a young person of
the same sex?’
In Chapter 4 Rolheiser considers some general invitations from scripture, inviting us to be more generous and
life giving e.g. the disciples on the road to Emmaus, Peter’s commitment to Jesus, the invitation to be perfect
Chapter 5 considers particular invitations from scripture e.g. the rich young man, the pondering of Mary.
See p.139 for an example of a group of priests who are trying to move from being good priests to being great
priests. Chapter 6 is on the need to draw strength from prayer while in Chapter 7 Rolheiser considers the full
flower of maturity – the capacity and willingness to bless others and explores among other things the whole
nature of blessings. Chapter 8 commences with the quotation, “In the Gospels the moral heart of discipleship is
articulated by Jesus, and this challenge lies at its centre: Can you love and forgive your enemy?” P.243.
In this Chapter Rolheiser is at his best as he considers ten themes for Mature Living. He is especially good
exploring Living in Gratitude P.246, Forgiveness P.256, Transforming Jealousy, Anger and Bitterness P.251,
Bless more and Curse less P.260 and Live in a more Radical Sobriety P.261. The concluding Chapter 9 is
readying the reader for Book 3 of the series yet to be written.
This book is Rolheiser at his richest and deepest with many examples especially from scripture and with
practical challenges.
Michael Flaherty, cfc
Ask the beasts : Darwin and the God of love
Elizabeth Johnson
Bloomsbury, London. 2014
261.8362 JOH
This is a profound book and could be essential reading for all people for its beautiful
prose but more for its wondrous wisdom. It introduces the reader to creation /
evolution, through a sensitive picture of Darwin (the beholder) and his writings –
“The Origin of the Species”. Elizabeth’s aim is to engage with what John Haight
called “God’s creative and redeeming action in the world”.
Through the book her two lovely metaphors of “the entangled bark” and “the Tree of Life” tie together a
journey within “endless forms most beautiful”, that make up the Species. Early she warns us they are facing
death – horrifying to behold in “God’s Holy Dwelling place”.
She places God, not so much as life giver – but as “Lover” – a sort of new paradigm touching into the
Scientific (allurement) in an “Unscripted Adventure” in which the human being participates on a level playing
There is a marvellous Christian Chapter (my words) under Paul’s great paradox of “all Creation Groaning” that
called me to read and read again and again especially “Deep Incarnation and Deep Resurrection”.
What a challenge this book is for all in the final chapters which call for a response to the predatory stance of
the human in the face of our industrial greed and irresponsibility. She positively points out the redeeming
efforts of growing numbers of people who intervene and even give their lives to face destruction and
despoliation that seems beyond our feeble voices.
Throughout the book the passage of Job “Ask the beasts” and its call to wisdom comes to the fore again and
again. What a marvellous consideration 269 – 273 under the heading “Where were you” we get as she
grapples with Job’s wisdom ending in: “humbled and delighted by the other life around us, we can grow to
know ourselves as members of the community of creation and step up to protect our kin”.
What strikes the reader is the beautiful almost poetic language that in no way hides the deep and carefully
crafted Theology that flows from a mystic spirit who wants to inspire us to be responsible for our part in being
in solidarity with all nature by being with Einstein and his call for us to build a field of compassion with all
living things and the whole of nature in its beauty. (poetic licence).
Read it.
Br Ben McCabe, cfc
The Homeless Bishop
Joseph F. Girzone
Orbis books, Maryknoll, New York. 2011
813.54 GIR
This is one of the 16 titles by Girzone – a retired American priest. All at CRIS. It is
the story of a much loved and revered Italian Archbishop, Carlo. He is in search of
the human Jesus, how He fared as an itinerant, homeless preacher – a beggar on the
streets. In post-Resurrection Church, we worship the Divine Lord. Jesus in His life
did not seek worship, but reciprocal love. The other side of Church doctrine is that
He was truly human, “like us in all things except sin”.
Archbishop Carlo consults his friend, the sympathetic Pope. He asks permission to embark on an 18 month
“pilgrimage-retreat” – acting as a homeless person. For him, the very basis of our salvation – according to
Jesus – is how we treat others. He wants “to preach Jesus rather than Church”.
The kindly Pope – reminiscent of Pope St John XXIII – gives permission. And so Carlo, raggedly dressed and
penniless, begins his quest. He starts in Rome, but fearing recognition, moves on to America, where he
becomes “Charlie”. He experiences all the humiliations and rejections heaped upon the homeless – even by
priests and the Churchy “pious”. His strong prayer life sustains him. He is able to “make a difference” among
the poor by becoming one of them, as Jesus did.
Eventually Carlo returns to his mentor at the Vatican, reeking, as the Pope jovially remarks, NOT “of the
odour of sanctity” – and he sends the Archbishop to “clean up”.
Carlo was inspired by the words of Jesus: “the Son of Man has no-where to lay His head” – which is the fate of
the homeless. As he soon learns, “Time passes very slowly when life is hurtful”. (P56)
This is a novel, so it is not fair to reveal too much – especially what happens when “Charlie” returns home to
resume his duties as Bishop. Suffice to say he fulfils the aims of his manifesto to the Pope:- “If I am to be a
good shepherd after the heart of Jesus, I have to get to know my sheep, not just in fantasy, but in real life. I
need to feel their pain as Jesus did and respond to them with the feelings Jesus had – because He understood
the loneliness and the fears and the pain that His sheep were suffering”. (P38)
Girzone wrote that in 2011, so he had not heard the words of Pope Francis, Holy Week, 2013, urging the
Church to “get out of the Sacristy”. For him, “priests” – and surely all of us – “should be shepherds who live
‘with the smell of the sheep’ in the midst of their flock”. Not terribly flattering to the “flock”, but we know
what he means. Carlo as Charlie became part of the “odour” of the homeless, lived with it daily, learning deep
Christ-like compassion for his companions in need.
This little book shakes us out of complacency – makes us examine our prejudices, our true Gospel values. The
causes of homelessness are multiple, as Charlie discovers. The consequences dire.
Recently, the organisation “Mission Australia” reported that in Australia alone, this Winter there will be
105,000 homeless people. This number comprises more than 62,287 families and includes 17,845 children. It
only takes job loss, redundancy, physical or mental illness to add to these appalling statistics. As Girzone
reminds us, these beloved precious Children of God are not merely “lazy and unwilling to work”.
This novel is simple in style, direct in its message. Teaches us a lot, too, about the workings of the Church at
high levels – not always pleasant. Fair enough – it’s ‘fiction’ – but with some shades of the late, great Morris
Carlo’s twofold quest was : What was it like for Jesus then? What is it like for Jesus present in the
disadvantaged today? As he says, good people are longing for Gospel spirituality, and too often, in preaching,
“all they hear about is Church”. Girzone challenges us. First to a change in attitude. Then, perhaps to respond
to many non-government institutions, ever present both within and beyond “Church”. They do so much
without government assistance – to alleviate a need in society which daily grows more urgent.
Archbishop Wilson reminded us recently, that Jesus humbly washed the feet of the disciples – on his knees - so
that he could see them “eye to eye”. That’s what Carlo did – and in the eyes of others, he recognised Jesus
today. We have good role models in the Gospel of Luke. A group of women “provided for Jesus – and the
twelve! – OUT OF THEIR OWN RESOURCES”! (8:1-3). They saw Jesus “eye to eye” and responded
During his “post-pilgrimage” activities – read the book to find out – Carlo manages great inter-faith relations,
particularly with Islam. We learn of the power of Sufism – Islamic mysticism – to be a healing force to unify
all faiths. So it seems appropriate to end with a prayer from the Sufi, Hafiz. It speaks to the theme of the book
– of the spiritual value of those whom society often casts aside as “worthless”.
Beloved said,
“My name is not complete without yours.”
I thought:
How could a human’s worth ever be such?
And God knowing all our thoughts-and all our
thoughts are innocent steps on the paththen addressed my heart,
God revealed
a sublime truth to the world,
when (God) sang,
“I am made whole by your life. Each soul,
each soul completes me.”
- Hafiz
Kay Stringer
5th Week of Easter.
Gospel: “Have I been with you so long and still you do not know me?”
To ponder:
“We are all just two steps from homelessness”
This 34 minute documentary features the stories of 8 people
from diverse backgrounds who share their story of becoming homeless,
and who have beaten homelessness.
By South Queensland Council for Homeless Persons and Homelessness Australia.
DVD accompanying booklet, and more available for download:
CRIS Selected Resources for
“The Joy of the Gospel”
Evangelii Gaudium
The following resources have been selected for schools and communities to engage
with Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel by Pope Francis.
Included are related resources within the topics of Eucharist, the Gospel, Mission,
New Evangelisation, Hope, Community, Love for Others, and Social Justice.
Online articles and resources have also been added.
These resources are available from the Catholic Resource & Information Service,
112 Kintore Street, Thebarton. T: 83016869 E: cris
Evangelii Gaudium : The Joy of the Gospel
Pope Francis
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2013
253.7 FRA
Contents: The Church's missionary transformation -- Amid the crisis of communal commitment -- The proclamation of
the Gospel -- The social dimension of evangelization -- Spirit-filled evangelizers.
The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium) is the long-awaited teaching of Pope Francis on the proclamation of the
Gospel. Pope Francis is calling upon the Church and the world with encouragement to begin a new chapter in
evangelization. This dynamic document is written in the plain, everyday language for which the pope has become
famous. Pope Francis lays out a vision of the Catholic Church dedicated to evangelization in a positive key, with a focus
on society's poorest and most vulnerable, including the aged and unborn.
The Joy of the Gospel : Seven Challenges from Pope Francis :
A pastoral resource based on Evangelii Gaudium
Teresa Pirola
Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, 2013
253.7 PIR
This resource invites you to ponder and respond to seven challenges posed by Pope Francis in
his apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium.
For a papal document, Evangelii Gaudium is remarkably reader-friendly. That said, it is a lengthy
document and can take some time to read in full. For this reason, and to supplement a full
reading, this resource offers a series of reflections based on the document for pastoral use: e.g.,
for individual or small group reflection, for homiletic ideas or bulletin inclusions. It is formulated around seven bold ‘calls’
to conversion and action which thread their way through Evangelii Gaudium. It takes each one, to find out what Pope
Francis is asking of our lives and of the pastoral agenda of the Church. Evangelii Gaudium is packed with rich themes,
challenging pastoral teachings, and ‘quotable quotes’. This resource takes up a small sample as a place to start.
However don’t stop there... Go to the document itself and keeping exploring the hopes and dreams of Pope Francis for
the Church. This resource can be found at
The Francis Effect: Living the Joy of the Gospel
Danielle Achikian
Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious Australia, 2013
253.7 ACH
The inspiring insights put forward by 12 prominent Australian Catholics following the release
of Pope Francis' much-anticipated Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium" aims to help
everyone from parents to teachers, parishioners to youth leaders, students and Catholic
employers as well as employees to embrace the Joy of the Gospel and incorporate the Holy
Father's teachings into their daily life.
The 12 reflections published in "The Francis Effect" cover a wide range of insights,
possibilities, challenges and highlights. While the reflections address many aspects of
Evangelii Gaudium, joy remains the central theme of the message of Pope Francis' Evangelii
Gaudium and the insights published in "The Francis Effect - Living the Joy of the Gospel."
The book can be read online for free and also purchased as a book. The website also enables contains information on
Colloquiums hosted by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious Australia, and held across the country.
The Joy of the Gospel: A Group Reading Guide to Pope Francis'
Evangelii Gaudium
Bill Huebsch
Twenty-Third Publications, 2014
This unique, in-plain-English study guide offers a paraphrased summary of every article in Pope
Francis' latest groundbreaking document, with reflection and discussion questions for group or
individual use. Bill Huebsch is a well-known national speaker and Vatican II scholar.
Resources for related topics
Become one body, one spirit in Christ (DVD) 264.36 BEC
Consuming the Word : The New Testament by Scott Hahn 225.6 HAH
Why go to Church? The drama of the Eucharist by Timothy Raddcliffe 264.36
Lectio Divina : transforming from within. Kylie Cullen. Inform 146.
The ‘Friendly Guides’ series: Jesus ; The New Testament ;
Matthew’s Gospel ; Mark’s Gospel : Luke’s Gospel ; John’s Gospel.
by various authors.
Lectio Divina : the sacred art : Transforming words & images into heart-centered prayer
Christine Valters Paintner 248.3 PAI
The Mission of the laity : Understanding the laity's role in the body of Christ
Thomas Waugh. Inform 148.
Come, follow me : the commandments of Jesus : invitations to discipleship
Anthony Gittins 241.5 GIT
New evangelisation
The New Evangelisation. Julian Porteous. Inform 134.
The New Evangelisation : Issues and challenges for Catholic schools.
Richard Rymarz 268.433 RYM
Basic Evangelisation : guidelines for Catholics.
Pat Collins 234.13 COL
Christian Hope : Summary and highlights of the encyclical Spe Salvi.
Inform 112.
Encyclical letter : Spe Salvi on Christian Hope
Hope in an age of despair
Albert Nolan 234.25 NOL
Hope : promise, possibility, and fulfilment
Richard Lennan (ed) 234.25 LEN
Community, Eucharist and spirituality
by Kenan Osborne. 234.63 OSB
Staying faithful today : to God, ourselves, one another
by Alfred McBride 241.4 MCB
Love for others
The Beatitude of Mercy : Love watches over justice by Terry Veling.
Voices : Quarterly essays on religion in Australia Vol 3:2. 241.622
The work of mercy : being the hands and heart of Christ by Mark Shea
241.4 SHE
Social justice
The Eucharist and Social Justice by Margaret Scott 234.163 SCO
No Salvation outside the poor : prophetic-utopian essays by Jon Sobrino 261.8 SOB
Lazarus at the Table : Catholics and social justice by Bernard Evans 261.8088 EVA
These resources are available for loan from
Catholic Resource & Information Service 112 Kintore Street Thebarton SA 5031
T: 8301 6869 E:
‘Joy of the Gospel’ Online articles and resources
These are just a selection of the many related resources available online
Evangelii Gaudium : Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's
World (24 November 2013)
Living joy with Pope Francis: 3 lessons from The Gospel of Joy
A simple summary of three key lessons from The Gospel of Joy, from Jennifer Manning, a teacher and CNS guest
columnist. Catholic News Service, December 10, 2013
Pope Francis and the Gospel of Joy
A summary of the key issues raised by Pope in Evangelii Gaudium by Cindy Wooden.
Catholic Herald, 26 November 2013
A Summary of Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel):
Pope Francis' First Apostolic Exhortation
Kevin Cotter – Benedictine tradition – includes blog, summaries, question guides.
FOCUS (The Fellowship of Catholic University Students), 26 November, 2013
Catholic Theological Union (CTU ) The Joy of the Gospel 5-7 minute videos and podcasts
CTU faculty's Joy of the Gospel series gives insight into Evangelii
Gaudium through select passages which illuminate the vision of Pope
Francis for the Church. This series is for Catholics and those from other
faith traditions who want to learn more about this powerful document in a
format that is both substantive accessible and downloadable .
Contains a link to Evangelii Gaudium .
The Francis Effect: Living the Joy of the Gospel
Catholic News article from Sydney Archdiocese
Catholics On Call on The Joy of the Gospel
Contains a selection of videos that are part of the series "The Joy of the Gospel" by LEARN@CTU, and a short
comment. Each video explores a passage from Pope Francis' recent exhortation, titled Evangelii Gaudium.
Pope Francis Daily Surprise App to be downloaded
Pope Francis launched the first official app for the Vatican called Missio.
‘The Pope App’ is managed by the Pontifical Council and uses content from, the Vatican’s multimedia, multilingual news portal. The application
provides news and official speeches from Pope Francis as well as images and
videos of his appearances. Users can access live coverage of papal events and
receive alerts about them. The app is available for the iPhone, the iPad and
Android devices.
Daily Meditations of Pope Francis
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis Speeches
This is a pretty good site and summary too and invites others to blog.
Pope Francis Messages
Pope Francis Daily on Twitter
In This Together : Catholic Teaching and a Moral Economy
Includes Report, Catholic Social Teachings, Issues, Videos and more.
The report is a project of Faith in Public Life and supported by the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, the Franciscan
Action Network, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach and many
others. We’re all in this together. Catholic social teaching calls us to respect the dignity of every person and partner with
others to serve the common good. The Church teaches that government, as well as charities, have a responsibility to
help those in need. As Catholics, we recognize that poverty and extreme inequality are moral scandals that offend
Gospel values. Our economy should work for everyone, not simply a privileged few.
Includes 6 video clips:e.g. Rev. James Martin, S.J., Talks Pope Francis and Solidarity With the Poor
National Office for Evangelisation, from Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Church teachings and the New Evangelisation.
Evangelisation Resources Down Under
Resources for scripture study and evangelisation.
Catholic Herald UK
Pope Francis is sending us all out on a joyful mission
We are each called to spend time on our neighbours, drawing our strength from prayer
This article is one of 10 featured in this week’s Catholic Herald analysing the first anniversary of Pope Francis’s election.
Catholic Social Teaching Resources
primary, secondary and parish resources
Caritas, Project Compassion 2014
via SAC Yr 3 website
CRIS Book List suggestions* for
Parish book clubs**
A presence that disturbs : a call to radical discipleship
About Angels : companions on our journey
Alcheringa : the Australian experience of the Sacred
261.28 AB
Breath of life : a theology of the Creator Spirit
Christian Meditation : Contemplative prayer for a new
Colour and shadow South Australian Catholics 1906 – 1962
Dancing with your shadow
Forgiveness and other acts of love
From our broken toil : South Australian Catholics 1936 – 1906
Gift of the red bird
Giving Sorrow words : women’s stories of grief after abortion
Half the sky : how to change the world
Hope in an age of despair
Kristof and
Jesus and the cosmos
Jesus and the natural world
Journeying : a beginners guide to the Bible
Listening for the heartbeat of God : a Celtic spirituality
Made from stardust
Making decisions of Conscience
Mary MacKillop : an extraordinary Australian
Trainor and
Meeting Jesus again for the first time
Slavery Inc. : the untold story of international sex trafficking
The Churches the Apostles left behind
This remarkable gift : being gay and Catholic
Twelve steps to a compassionate life
Where the hell is God
Why be Catholic : Understanding our experience and tradition.
*this is only a starting point – many other titles are available in multiple copies from CRIS
**or informal study groups
All titles are available for loan from:
Catholic Resource & Information Service
112 Kintore Street, Thebarton SA 5031
T: 83016869 E:
New Resources
The Acts of the Apostles : Sacra Pagina
Johnson, Luke Timothy
Call Nr
101 Questions & answers on catholic social teaching
Himes, Kenneth R
150 North American martyrs you should know
O'Neel, Brian
272.092 ONE
2014 : A book of grace-filled days : Cycle A
Kelly, Elizabeth M
242.2 KEL
31 Days to becoming a better religious educator
Dees, Jared
268.432 DEE
50 Keys to the Bible
Sevin, Marc
220.07 SEV
501 Great social media ideas for schools
Rawlings, David
302.23 RAW
7 men and the secret of their greatness
Metaxas, Eric
200.922 MET
7 Secrets of Confession
Flynn, Vinny
234.5 FLY
Accompanied by a believing wife : Ministry and celibacy in the earliest
Christian communities
Collins, Raymond F
Acts : Courageous witness in a hostile world : A guide for Gospel foot
Brant, Howard
226.606 BRA
The adventures of Mali & Keela : A virtues book for children
Collins, Jonathan
241.4 COL
After the TRC : Reflections on truth and reconciliation in South Africa
James, Wilmot
323.1 JAM
Alive in the Spirit
Barker, Ken
231.3 BAR
Anam cara
O’Donohue, John
248 ODO
Around a thin place : An Iona pilgrimage guide
Bentley, Jane
291.446 BEN
The art of illumination
Carter, Patricia
745.67 CAR
Ask the beasts : Darwin and the God of love
Johnson, Elizabeth A
261.8362 JOH
Atheism's new clothes : Exploring and exposing the claims of the new
Glass, David H
239.9 GLA
Bakhita : From slave to Saint
Zanini, Roberto Italo
282.092 ZAN
226.6 JOH
Balance of the heart : desert spirituality for Twenty-First century Christians Farag, Lois
248.47 FAR
Basic Ecclesial Communities : The evangelization of the poor
Barreiro, Alvaro
250 BAR
Beauty : A path to God
Ciorra, Anthony J
261.57 CIO
Befriending our desires
Sheldrake, Philip
248 SHE
Beginning theology : An introduction for students
Breingan, Lucienne
230.203 BRE
Being human : Groundwork for a theological anthropology for the 21st
Kirchhoffer, David G
233.5 KIR
Believe? : Tell me why : Conversations with those who have left the
Pagola, Jose A
230.2 PAG
Beyond belief : Faith, science and the value of unknowing
Kappelle, Robert P Vande
291.175 KAP
Beyond Pius V : Conflicting interpretations of the liturgical reform
Grillo, Andrea
264.02 GRI
The Bible and the covenant : using sacred text and images to understand
salvation history
Letellier, Robert
231.765 LET
Biblical ethics in the 21st century : Developments, emerging consensus
and future directions
Chan, Lucas
241 CHA
234.7 BIB
The Biblical foundations of the Doctrine of Justification : An Ecumenical
follow-up to the joint declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
The Biblical mandate for caring for creation
Tripp, Dick
261.8362 TRI
A big heart open to God : A conversation with Pope Francis
Spadaro, Antonio
282.092 SPA
A body you have prepared for me : The spirituality of the Letter to the
McCruden, Kevin B
Call Nr
227.8706 MCC
The Book of Questions
Neruda, Pablo
811.54 NER
Borderwork in multicultural Australia
Hodge, Bob
Born of a virgin? : Reconceiving Jesus in the Bible, tradition and theology
Lincoln, Andrew T
232.92 LIN
Bread and water : A spiritual journey
Haines, Jennifer
277.3 HAI
Called to be sent : Co-missioned as disciples today
Gittins, Anthony J
269.2 GIT
Catholic perspectives on sports from medieval to modern times
Kelly, Patrick
306.483 KEL
Catholic Social Teaching : Christian life in society
Singer-Towns, Brian
261.1 SIN
Catholic update guide to Mary
Kendzia, Mary Carol
232.91 KEN
Catholic update guide to Prayer
Kendzia, Mary Carol
248.32 KEN
The Catholic way to pray : An essential guide for adults
Glavich, Kathleen
242.8 GLA
The Catholic Youth Prayer Book
Shrader, Mary
268.82 SHR
Caught by Grace : The endless possibilities when you encounter Jesus
Basile, Alexander J
248.4 BAS
Chicken soup for the Soul : From lemons to lemonade : 101 positive,
practical and powerful stories about making the best of a bad situation
Canfield, Jack
158.1 CAN
Children's voices: Children's perspectives in ethics, theology and religious
Dillen, Annemie
230.083 DIL
Christ, christianity, church : A study course for groups and individuals
Doyle, Noel
232.09 DOY
Christian theology : An introduction
Mcgrath, Alister E
230 MCG
259.23 CON
Conclusions: The first National Encounter for Hispanic Youth and young
adult ministry (PENPJH)
Confirmation : How a sacrament of God's grace became all about us
Gabrielli, Timothy R
265.2 GAB
Conscience and calling : ethical reflections on Catholic women's church
Patrick, Anne E
241.042 PAT
Consuming the word : The New Testament and the Eucharist in the early
Hahn, Scott
225.6 HAH
A Council that will never end : Lumen Gentium and the church today
Lakeland, Paul
262.02 LAK
A country too far : Writings on asylum seekers
Scott, Rosie
A country unmasked : Inside South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation
Boraine, Alex
323.1 BOR
Creative ways to tell a Bible story : techniques and tools for exploring the
Bible with children and families
Payne, Martin
268.432 PAY
Cross-curricular teaching and learning in the secondary school : The Arts : Fautley, Martin
drama, visual art, music and design
707.1241 FAU
A - Cross the world : an exploration of forty representations of the cross
from the worldwide Christian Church
Payne, Betty
745.5 PAY
Cultivating an ethical school
Starratt, Robert J
370.114 STA
Daily Prayer 2014 (Sunday Year A - Weekday Year II) : A book of prayer
for each day of the liturgical year
Laughlin, Corinna
264.02013 LAU
Daring greatly : How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we
live, love, parent and lead
Brown, Brene
150.9988 BRO
A decision to discriminate : Aboriginal disempowerment in the Northern
Harris, Michele
305.89915 HAR
Defeating depression : Real help for YOU and those who love you
Stone, Howard W
The developing Christian : Spiritual growth through the life cycle
Feldmeier, Peter
248.482 FEL
Discernment : reading the signs of daily life
Nouwen, Henri
248.4 NOU
Doing faith justice : An introduction to Catholic social thought
Kammer, Fred
261.8088 KAM
Dramatic encounters in the Bible
Andrew, M E
Call Nr
220.92 AND
Embers in the ashes : New life in the Church
Werlen, Martin
282.09 WER
Embracing Edith Stein : Wisdom for women
Costa, Anne
282.092 COS
Emergence for life not fall from grace : making sense of the Jesus story in
light of evolution
Treston, Kevin
232 TRE
The emerging leader : Stepping up in leadership
Shaw, Peter
658.4 SHA
Encountering the Mystery of God : A framework for mystagogy from Easter Cronin, Patrick J
to Pentecost : An RCIA Resource Book
Epic food fight : A bite sized history of salvation
Patalinghug, Leo
230.2 PAT
The essentials of Catholic spirituality : Living and breathing our faith
Classen, Joseph F
248.482 CLA
Evangelii Gaudium : The Joy of the Gospel : Apostolic Exhortation on the
proclamation of the Gospel in today's world
Francis, Pope
253.7 FRA
Experiencing God in a time of crisis
Bachelard, Sarah
248.86 BAC
Exploring Catholic theology : God, Jesus, Church and sacraments
Hill, Brennan R
230.2 HIL
Faith and the Creeds
McGrath, Alister
270 MCG
Faith beginnings : Family nurturing from birth through preschool
Chronister, Michele E
268.432 CHR
Faithful meditations for every day in ordinary time : Years A, B, & C
(Weeks 11-22)
Savage, Warren J
242.38 SAV
Feminism in Christianity : An orthodox Christian response
Belonick, Deborah Malacky 281.9082 BEL
Filling the God-shaped void : A book of daily meditations
Hauser, Penny Mary
242.3 HAU
Finding your voice in the Psalms : An invitation to honest prayer
Canham, Elizabethj
242.5 CAN
The fine delight : Postconciliar Catholic literature
Ripatrazone, Nicholas
810.9 RIP
The first spiritual exercises : A manual for those who give retreats
Hansen, Michael
269.6 HAN
First steps in living with dementia
Atkins, Simon
616.83 ATK
The five dysfunctions of a team : A leadership fable
Lencioni, Patrick
658.4036 LEN
Forming intentional disciples : The path to knowing and following Jesus
Weddell, Sherry A
226.6 WED
Forming student leaders : A manual for Catholic schools
Ryan, Maurice
371.2 RYA
Francis : A new world Pope
Cool, Michel
282.092 COO
The Francis Effect : Living the joy of the Gospel
Achikian, Danielle
253.7 ACH
Francis of Assisi : The essential writings : In his own words
Sweeney, Jon M
271.302 SWE
A friendly guide to Paul
Monaghan, Christopher J
225.92 MON
A friendly guide to The Old Testament
Turner, Marie
221.09 TUR
Friendly kids friendly classrooms : teaching social skills and confidence in
the classroom
McGrath, Helen
302.1407 MCG
From Gethsemane to Pentecost : A Passion study
Danna, Elizabeth
232.96 DAN
From human to posthuman : Christian theology and technology in a
postmodern world
Waters, Brent
261.56 WAT
From monks to missionaries : Schools of spirituality in the Christian
Verploegen, Nicki
255 VER
From North to South : Southern scholars engage with Edward
Bergin, Helen F
230.042 BER
From Teilhard to Omega : Co creating an unfinished universe
Delio, Ilia
261.55 DEL
The gift of Encouragement : restoring heart to those who have lost it
Thompson, Marjorie J
233.5 THO
Gift of the red bird : the story of a divine encounter
D’Arcy, Paula
209.2 DAR
Gifts in open hands : More resources for the global community
Tirabassi, Maren C
264.0089 TIR
The girl who learned how to kneel : the story of Etty Hillesum
McCarthy, Patricia
940.53 MCC
Girls in the lead (Grades 6-12)
Norby, Alissa
613.7071 NOR
Giving up God to find God : breaking free of idolatry
Walters, Kerry
248.4 WAL
Global neighbors : Christian faith and moral obligation in today's economy
Hicks, Douglas A
261.85 HIC
Globalization and multicultural ministry : A Teilhardian vision
Ayotte, David John
Call Nr
261.8 AYO
Go to the ant : reflections on biodiversity and the Bible
Prance, Ghillean T
261,8362 PRA
God in the midst of change : Wisdom for confusing times
O'Murchu, Diarmuid
261 OMU
God of the sandpit : 50 prayers for children, young people, school staffs
and their Christian school communities
Tullio, Rachele
242.88 TUL
The Godbearing life : The art of soul tending for youth ministry
Dean, Kenda Creasy
259.23 DEA
The good life : What makes a life worth living?
Mackay, Hugh
158.1 MAC
The Gospel according to the Simpsons, Bigger and possibly even better
edition : Leader's guide for group study
Parvin, Samuel F (Skip)
261.57 PAR
The Gospels in playdough : A hands-on approach to teaching children
about Jesus
Anstey, Liz
268.432 ANS
Growing in wisdom : Religious education in Catholic primary schools and
early childhood
Grajczonek, Jan
268.82 GRA
Half the Sky : How to change the world
Kristof, Nicholas D
364.15 KRI
The heart of Catholicism : Practicing the everyday habits that shape us
Ghezzi, Bert
248.482 GHE
Helping skills : facilitating exploration, insight and action
Hill, Clara E
158.3 HIL
The hero's journey : Joseph Campbell on his life and work
Campbell, Joseph
200.92 CAM
Hidden in Christ : Living as God's beloved
Smith, James Bryan
242.5 SMI
History after Apartheid : Visual culture and public memory in South Africa
Coombes, Annie E
968.065 COO
Hobbit lessons : A map for life's unexpected journeys
Brown, Devin
823.3 BRO
Holy Family prayer book : Prayers for every family
Holy Family Missionaries
242.802 HOL
Hope : Promise, possibility, and fulfillment
Lennan, Richard
234.25 LEN
How do Catholics read the Bible
Harrington, Daniel J
220.088 HAR
I am Malala : The girl who stood up for education and was shot by the
Yousafzai, Malala
I am Nujood, Aged 10 and divorced
Ali, Nujood
306.872 ALI
I ask you to pray for me : Opening a horizon of hope
Francis, Pope
252.02 FRA
Ignacio Ellacuria : Essays on history, liberation, and salvation
Ellacuria, Ignacio
230.2 ELL
The illuminated alphabet
Menten, Theodore
745.67 MEN
The illustrated Rumi : A treasury of wisdom from the poet of the soul
Jalal Al-Din Rumi, Maulana
891.5511 JAL
Implementing restorative practices in schools : A practical guide to
transforming school communities
371.93 THO
In defence of doubt : An invitation to adventure
Webb, Val
234.2 WEB
In Him alone is our hope : Spiritual exercises given to his brother bishops
in the manner of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Francis, Pope
242 FRA
In this life : Spiritual growth and aging
Missinne, Leo
248.85 MIS
Introducing Catholic social thought
Thompson, J Milburn
261 THO
Introducing children to silence and prayer : For catechists & parents
Benavides, Luis M
268.432 BEN
Jesus : A pilgrimage
Martin, James
232 MAR
Jesus and the Dreaming : Discovering an Australian spirituality through
Aboriginal-Christian dialogue
Fletcher, Frank
282.944092 FLE
Jesus : He lived among us (Based on the animated film from The voice of
the Martyrs)
Palavicini, R F
232.9 PAL
The Jesus Reader : The teaching and identity of Jesus Christ
Carty, Tom
232.954 CAR
Jesus risen in our midst : Essays on the resurrection of Jesus in the fourth Schneiders, Sandra M
232.5 SCH
The Jewish annotated New Testament : New Revised Standard Version
Levine, Amy-Jill
225.52043 LEV
John, Jesus & the renewal of Israel
Horsley, Richard
226.506 HOR
Jorge from Argentina : The story of Pope Francis for children
Monge, Marlyn
282.092 MON
Journeys to Justice
Hunt, Philip
Call Nr
Joy boosters : 120 ways to encourage older adults
Buchanan, Missy
259.3 BUC
The Joy of the Gospel : Seven challenges from Pope Francis : A pastoral
resource based on Evangelii Gaudium
Pirola, Teresa
253.7 PIR
Karl Barth on religion
Green, Gareth
234.7 GRE
The last words of Jesus : A meditation on love and suffering
Horan, Daniel P
232.9635 HOR
Leadership for Catholic Youth ministry : A comprehensive resource
East, Thomas
268.433 EAS
Learning to dance
Mayne, Michael
248.4 MAY
Letting go & letting God : 21 centuries of faith
Atkinson, Kathleen
282.0922 ATK
The life and challenges of Pope Francis
Gaeta, Saverio
282.092 GAE
The life of things : Therapy and the soul of the world
Neville, Bernie
150.1 NEV
Making sense of the Bible : rediscovering the power of scripture today
Hamilton, Adam
220.61 HAM
Mandela : My prisoner, my friend
Brand, Christo
322.44092 BRA
Mary in Western Art
Verdon, Timothy
232.91 VER
Mary MacKillop and Junior Joey Groups : Children living into the Josephite Madigan, Veronica
Story, Spirit and Charism
271.97602 MAD
MasterClass in Religious Education : transforming teaching and learning
Gearon, Liam
268.6 GEA
Mean girls : 1011/2 creative strategies and activities for working with
relational aggression (Grades 3-12)
Randall, Kaye
613.7071 RAN
The meaning and practice of faith
O'Murchu, Diarmuid
248.84 OMU
Meditations on the Passion : Two meditations on Mark 8 :31 - 38
Metz, Johann-Baptist
232.96 MET
Men pray : Voices of strength, faith, healing, hope and courage
McLaren, Brian D
242.8 MCL
Mere Christianity
Lewis, C.S. (1898-1963)
241 LEW
The message & the book : Sacred texts of the world's religions
Bowker, John
291 BOW
Messy celebration : make the most of your messy church celebration time
Moore, Lucy
268.432 MOO
Messy Church theology : Exploring the significance of messy church for
the wider church
Lings, George
268.432 LIN
The mindful workplace : Developing resilient individuals and resonant
organizations with MBSR
Chaskalson, Michael
615.852 CHA
Mindfulness for life
McKenzie, Stephen
The mirage shall become a pool : A New Testament theology of Social
Justice and charity
Hron, Ondrej
Musings on mortality : from Tolstoy to Primo Levi
Brombert, Victor
My ecumenical journey
Putney, Michael
280.042 PUT
My life on wheels
Afford, Dudley James
920 AFF
My people's dreaming : An Aboriginal elder speaks on life, Land, spirit and Harrison, Max Dulumunmun 305.89915 HAR
204.22 ZAG
Mysticism and the spiritual quest : A crosscultural anthology
Zagano, Phyllis
National Directory for Catechesis
U. S. Conference of Catholic 238.2 UNI
Navigating Pastoral transitions : A parish leader's guide
Jewell, Marti R
254.02 JEW
Navigating Pastoral transitions : A priest's guide
Marcheschi, Graziano
253.2 MAR
Navigating Pastoral Transitions : A staff guide
Kerkhoff, Barbara
254.02 KER
Navigating the Interior life : Spiritual direction and the journey to God
Burke, Daniel
253.53 BUR
New Evangelization : Passing on the Catholic faith today
Wuerl, Donald
269.2 WUE
The new learning revolution
Dryden, Gordon
371.30281 DRY
A new New Testament : A Bible for the 21st Century
Taussig, Hal
Call Nr
225.608 TAU
Night conversations with Cardinal Martini : The relevance of the Church for Martini, Carlo M
262 MAR
Nine portraits of Jesus : discovering Jesus through the Enneagram
Nogosek, Robert J.
232.9 NOG
No problem : Turning the next corner in your spiritual life
Wicks, Robert J
248.482 WIC
The nonviolent life
Dear, John
327.172 DEA
Not peace but a sword : The great chasm between Christianity and Islam
Spencer, Robert
261.27 SPE
Nuts & bolts of daily spirituality : Practical steps to draw closer to God
Knight, David M
248.4 KNI
On Holy Ground : The theory and practice of Religious Education
Gearon, Liam
268 GEA
The one thing is three : How the most Holy Trinity explains everything
Gaitley, Michael E
231.044 GAI
Open mind, faithful heart : Reflections on following Jesus
Francis, Pope
248.4 FRA
ORDO 2014 : the Celebration of Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours ...
Elich, Tom
264.021 ORD
Paul for today's church : A commentary on First Corinthians
Marrow, Stanley B
227.2077 MAR
Paul & Judaism revisited : A study of divine and human agency in salvation Sprinkle, Preston M
227.066 SPR
Pay it forward
Hyde, Catherine Ryan
823.3 HYD
A Persistent Peace : One man's struggle for a nonviolent world
Dear, John
271.5302 DEA
Perspective criticism : Point of view and evaluative guidance in Biblical
Yamasaki, Gary
220.66 YAM
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin : A selective summary of his life
Cowburn, John
282.092 COW
A place for all : Ministry for youth with special needs
Barone, John E
268.432 BAR
Positive psychology for teachers : A practical guide
Swinson, Jeremy
370.15 SWI
The power of silence : The riches that lie within
Turner, Graham
248.34 TUR
The #Pray 4 Principle : Why prayer is still important in a secular age
Lee, Alexander
248.32 LEE
A prayer journal
O’Connor, Flannery
282.092 OCO
The prayer of the Priest : Christian meditation and priestly ministry
Eckert, William F
253.2 ECK
Prayer services for Parishes and Schools
Cymbala, Michael A
264.0272 CYM
Prayer : steps to a deeper relationship
French, Henry
248.32 FRE
Praying and believing in early Christianity : The interplay between Christian Johnson, Maxwell E
worship and doctrine
270.1 JOH
Praying with the women mystics
Malone, Mary T
270.0922 MAL
A Presence that disturbs : a call to radical discipleship
Gittins, Anthony J
226.6 GIT
Preventing child sexual abuse : Evidence, policy and practice
Smallbone, Stephen
362.767 SMA
Psalms for all seasons
Craghan, John F
223.206 CRA
Public theology in Law and life
Edgar, Brian
Rage : true stories by teens about anger
Longhine, Laura
155.5 LON
Raising God-first kids in a me-first world
Curtis, Barbara
248.845 CUR
Re Enchantment: the new Australian spirituality.
Tacey, David
291.4 TAC
The real scandal of sex trafficking : A resource for worship, education and
Berry, Lucy
364.15 BER
Reality, grief, hope : Three urgent prophetic tasks
Brueggemann, Walter
234.25 BRU
Reclaiming Francis : How the saint and the Pope are renewing the church
Murphy, Charles M
271.302 MUR
Reclaiming spirituality : a new spiritual framework for today's world
O’Murchu, Diarmuid
291.4 OMU
Redeeming administration : 12 spiritual habits for Catholic leaders in
parishes, schools, religious communities and other institutions
Garrido, Ann M
253 GAR
Refractions : A journey of faith, art and culture
Fujimura, Makoto
759.13 FUJ
Relationships unfiltered : Help for youth workers, volunteers and parents
on creating authentic relationships
Root, Andrew
259.23 ROO
Religious life at the Crossroads : A school for mystics and prophets
Hereford, Amy
Call Nr
255.9 HER
Remember the poor : The challenge to theology in the Twenty-First
Rieger, Joerg
230.0464 RIE
Rivers of sorrow, currents of hope
D’Arcy, Paula
155.937 DAR
The rule of Benedict : insights for the ages
Chittister, Joan
255.106 CHI
Ruth : Her story, our story... Reflections from women of faith
Oppewal, Anneke
222.35 OPP
Sacred Fire : A vision for a deeper human and Christian maturity
Rolheiser, Ronald
248.482 ROL
The Sacred In-Between : Spiritual wisdom for life's every moment
Chittister, Joan
242 CHI
Sacred Visions : early paintings from Central Tibet (Pt 1 and 2)
Kossak, Steven M
754 KOS
Saint Paul and the new evangelization
Witherup, Ronald D
269.2 WIT
A school of prayer : The saints show us how to pray
Benedict Xvi, Pope
248.32 BEN
Scripture in the Parish : A guide for Catholic ministry
Sperry, Mary Elizabeth
220.088 SPE
The search for a theology of childhood : essays by Jerome W Berryman
from 1978 - 2009
Hyde, Brendan
268.432 HYD
The Sermon on the Mount : The key to success in life and The Lord's
Prayer - an interpretation
Fox, Emmet
226.9 FOX
Serving the body of Christ : The Magisterium on Eucharist and ordained
Irwin, Kevin W
234.163 IRW
Shaped by Grace : You are God's masterpiece in the making
Lucado, Max
248.4 LUC
Shaping a digital world : Faith, culture and computer technology
Schuurman, Derek C
261.56 SCH
Sharing the faith that you love : Four simple ways to be part of the New
Boucher, John
248.4 BOU
She went to war : The Rhonda Cornum story
Cornum, Rhonda
956.7043 COR
Silent compassion : Finding God in contemplation
Rohr, Richard
248.34 ROH
Sister Stan's book of inspirations
Kennedy, Stanislaus
242.8 KEN
Sisters in the wilderness : The challenge of womanist God-talk
Williams, Delores S
230.082 WIL
Social media guide for ministry ; what it is and how to use it
Smith, Nils
269.2 SMI
Soul pain : Priests reflect on personal experiences of serious and terminal
Tann, Jennifer
262.142 TAN
Speaking of Christ : A lesbian feminist voice
Heyward, Carter
230.082 HEY
The spiritual guidance of children : Montessori, Godly play, and the future
Berryman, Jerome W
268.432 BER
The spiritual lives of dying people : Testimonies of hope and courage
Scaglione, Paul A
155.937 SCA
Startled by God : Wisdom from unexpected places
McHugh, Joe
242 MCH
Stories of Jesus : 40 days of prayer and reflection
Girzone, Joseph F
232 GIR
The story of Iona : Columban and medieval sites and spirituality
Power, Rosemary
291.446 POW
Strangers next door : Immigration, migration and mission
Payne, J D
282.94 PAY
Table of plenty : Good food for body and spirit
Muto, Susan
641.54 MUT
Teilhard de Chardin : The Divine Milieu explained : A spirituality for the
21st century
Savary, Louis M
233 SAV
Tell me your story : The parables of Jesus
Zannoni, Arthur E
226.806 ZAN
Ten universal principles : A brief philosophy of the life issues
Spitzer, Robert J
170 SPI
That's not a daffodil! [Picture book]
Honey, Elizabeth
823.3 HON
Theology and Sexuality : SCM Core Text
Cornwall, Susannah
241.042 COR
Theology of the Beyond
Pozo, Candido
236 POZ
This is our faith ... A Catholic catechism for adults
Pennock, Michael
230.2 PEN
Thomas Aquinas : A portrait
Turner, Denys
230.2092 TUR
Thrive : live like you matter
Toney, Lisa
158 TON
To my sons : Lessons for the wild adventure called life
Grylls, Bear
158 GRY
Tools for rebuilding : 75 really practical ways to make your parish better
White, Michael
254.02 WHI
A Treasury of Prayers for now and always
Joslin, Mary
Call Nr
242.8 JOS
Tree Whisperer : the story of Wilhelm Habel
Habel, Norman C
823.3 HAB
Tweet inspiration : Faith in 140 characters (or less)
Hart, Mark
234.2 HAR
The Twenty-first Century Catholic
Kinn, James
282.09051 KIN
The unbearable wholeness of being : God, evolution and the power of love Delio, Ilia
231 DEL
Unfinished Business : South Africa, apartheid and truth
Bell, Terry
323.1 BEL
Vatican City
Petrosillo, Orazio
945.6 PET
Visible learning and the science of how we learn
Hattie, John
370.1523 HAT
Walk4One : Paving a path to unity
Clear, Samuel
262.0011 CLE
The Way of the Cross : The path to new life
Chittister, Joan
232.96 CHI
We are not alone : Hymns, Psalms and songs for Eucharist and the Hours Haas, David
264.2 HAA
What do we tell the children? : talking to kids about death and dying
155.937 PRI
Primo, Joseph M
291 WHA
What do you believe? : Religion and faith in the world today
What good is God? On the road with stories of grace
Yancey, Philip
248.86 YAN
When love is not enough : A Theo-ethic of justice
Elsbernd, Mary
241.622 ELS
Where the hell is God?
Leonard, Richard
248.86 LEO
Who is Satan? : According to the Scriptures
Kelly, Joseph F
235.47 KEL
Why not today : trafficking, slavery, the global church... and you
Cork, Matthew
364.15 COR
Why weren't we told? A handbook on progressive' Christianity
Hunt, Rex A E
230.046 HUN
Women, wisdom and witness : Engaging contexts in conversation
Carbine, Rosemary P
305.42 CAR
Word into silence
Main, John
248.3 MAI
Words from the Wound : selected addresses, letters and homilies of
Archbishop Mark Coleridge
Coleridge, Mark
252.02 COL
Worship in the garden : Services for outdoor worship
Pratt, J Wayne
264.02 PRA
CDs and DVDs
Light of Life [CD]
Sons of Korah
782.25 SON
Once in a red moon [CD]
Secret Garden
782.25 SEC
Shelter [CD]
Sons of Korah
782.25 SON
The soul, the natural world and what is [CD]
Rohr, Richard
158.1 ROH
Bakhita : From slave to saint : The story of Josephine Bakhita, patron saint
of Sudan [DVD]
282.092 BAK
The Bible : A history [DVD] the most influential book ever written
220.6 BIB
Brother Francis presents the Bread of Life : Celebrating the Eucharist [DVD]
264.36 BRO
Buck Denver asks... What's in the Bible? Vol 1 : In the beginning - Genesis
220.61 BUC
Buck Denver asks… What's in the Bible? Vol 2 : Let my people go - Exodus
220.61 BUC
Buck Denver asks...What's in the Bible? Vol 3 : Wanderin' in the desert Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy [DVD]
220.61 BUC
Buzz & Poppy : Every person counts! : Lessons in manners, respect, and
honouring your parents (1) [DVD]
306.87 BUZ
Buzz & Poppy save the day! : Lessons in patience, team work and loving
your enemies (2). [DVD]
306.87 BUZ
Celebrate what's right with the world [DVD]
253 CEL
Gospel of St Mark : A crucified and risen Messiah : 8th National
eConference [DVD]
I am slave [DVD]
Moloney, Francis
226.307 MOL
364.15 IAM
In the footprints of Francis and the Sultan : A model for peacemaking [DVD]
261.2 INT
Joseph of Nazareth : The story of the man closest to Christ [DVD]
232.932 JOS
Journey of the Universe : Conversations [DVD]
523.1 JOU
Journey of the Universe [DVD] : an epic story of cosmic, earth, and human
523.1 JOU
Learn about your faith, challenge your knowledge, nourish your soul National eConference : Complete series 1 – 7 [DVD]
232 LEA
MacLarry & the stinky cheese battle : A lesson in getting along with others
242.63 MAC
Made to make a difference [DVD set]
261.8 LUC
Lucado, Max
Nefarious : Merchant of Souls [DVD]
364.15 NEF
Not today : None of us are free if one of us is enslaved [DVD]
364.15 NOT
The Angels Church Year lesson [DVD]
264.36 COS
Costello, Gwen
Picture Books, Posters, Kits and Games
The meal box : Fun questions and family faith tips to get mealtime
conversations cookin'
Nicholaus, Bret
Roll-a-Prayer for bedtime
268.432 NIC
242.6942 ROL
SenseAbility Kit [DVD kit]
Beyond Blue
152.4083 BEY
The Little refugee : The inspiring true story of Australia's happiest refugee
[Picture book]
Do, Anh
823.3 DO
Beginnings [Picture book]
Watson, Lori Ann
823.3 WAT
Grandfather's journey [Picture book]
SAY, Allen
823.3 SAY
Alfie's search for destiny [Picture book]
Hardy, David
823.3 HAR
Benjamin's Box : The story of the Resurrection eggs
Carlson, Melody
232.97 CAR
A child's book of values : Classic stories from around the world [Picture
Pujol i Pons, Esteve PBK
242.63 PUJ
The great big book of feelings [Picture book]
Hoffman, Mary
152.4 HOF
Let there be light : The story of creation [Picture book]
Tutu, Desmond
291.22 TUT
Mama do you love me? [picture book]
Joosse, Barbara M PBK
823.3 JOO
Oscar Wilde's The Selfish Giant [Picture book]
Hollingsworth, Mary PBK
823.3 HOL
Our friend Pope Francis : The amazing story of Jorge Bergoglio [Picture
Perego, Jeanne
282.092 PER
This child, every child : A book about the world's children [Picture book]
Smith, David J
305.23 SMI
Twelve colorful things [Picture book]
Tietz, Heather
823.3 TIE
Why Noah chose the dove [Picture book]
Singer, Isaac
222.1109 SIN
You and me together : moms, dads and kids around the world [Picture book] Kerley, Barbara
306.874 KER
Picture this : 75 colour photographs for conversation and reflection [picture
241.6 PIC
The Benedictine
Nuns of Turvey
232.9 BEN
Jesus calms the storm [from Jesus, our hope [poster kit] : the ministry of our The Benedictine
Nuns of Turvey
232.9 BEN
The Disciples of Emmaus [Poster] : Jesus, our way [poster kit] : No. 9
CRIS General Survey 2014
The Catholic Resource & Information Service supports the mission of parishes, schools and other church
agencies, in their pastoral outreach as communities of faith. Membership is open to all and is free for all
individuals, Catholics, Catholic schools and parishes. To assist us in evaluating our service and for
future planning please complete this form and return to CRIS.
1. In what ways does the Catholic Resource & Information Service assist you?
2. What resources do you require that would assist you?
3. Do you require resources for specific areas of interest? (e.g. youth, sacraments, spiritual life, etc) and how can
CRIS help you in this area?
4. Are there specific types of resources you require? (e.g. DVDs, posters, other formats)
5. Do you have any comments regarding the website? How often do you access CRIS online through the CEO or
Diocesan websites?
We welcome any other comments, especially in regard to your future needs / wishes
6. Do you have any other comments you would like to make regarding the development of services at Catholic
Resource & Information Services?
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Please return to: CRIS, PO Box 179 Torrensville Plaza SA 5031
T: 8301 6869 E:
112 Kintore Street Thebarton SA 5031