SOLARIZE VALPO Solar. Simple. Together Kathy Luther Director of Environmental Programs Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission SOLARIZE VALPO Solar. Simple. Together Solarize NWI is being coordinated by The Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission South Shore Clean Cities In Partnership with City of Valparaiso U.S Department Of Energy SunShot Initiative Rooftop Solar Challenge Funding to support the Solarize campaign is provided by: SOLARIZE VALPO Solar. Simple. Together AGENDA What is Solarize? Benefits of Solar Solar Myths Solar PV Basics Solarize Valpo Meet your Solarize Installer Costs and Benefits Getting Started What is SOLARIZE? “Groupon for Solar Panels” Multiple residents go solar with a single installer Price goes down the more people sign up Community organization vets contractor and negotiates price Limited time to participate Where is SOLARIZE? Over 200 Campaigns in 20 States Thousands of homes Solarized! General SOLARIZE process Decision by 7/10, Installation within one year. You are here Select Installer Marketing & Workshops Enrollment Site Assessment Decision & Installation More details later about SOLARIZE VALPO Benefits of Solar To You To Your Community Save on your Electric Bill Solar Creates Jobs • • Typical home saves $800-900/year Protect against future rate increases Increases Home Resale Value • • Solar homes sell 20% faster 17% more than non-solar comps Federal Tax Credit • 30 % of installation cost • • • 142,000 US jobs in 2013 Grew 10 x faster than overall economy A new job is created for every 4 residential solar installations in NWI Solar creates economic value • Each new residential solar creates $29.61 economic value for NWI. Environmental Benefits • • Solar energy reduces air pollution and Produces no greenhouse gas emissions Common Myths It’s not sunny enough Unattractive/Hurts property values Solar Panels are Fragile Dangerous Glare Too Expensive/Too subsidized Costs jobs/Hurts the Economy New -Untested Technology Not Enough Sun in NWI? Indiana What About All That Snow? Will they be storm damaged? Yes, snow shuts down your solar array (temporarily) when it blocks the light. BUT. . . • There is very little sun in the winter. • December, January and February = about 5% of yearly sun • If snow covers your panels for a few weeks, you are losing very little energy production. • Panels can withstand 2 inch hail, 90 mph wind. Go Solar Today! 10 Solar is too expensive Solar installation costs are dropping rapidly. They went down 36% in three years between 2010 and 2013. “New Technology” Solar PV Performance Some systems have been in place since the 70s Demonstrated 80 percent of original output after 25 years Solar PV Basics How do PV Panels Work NEED DIRECT SUNLIGHT! Sunlight dislodges electrons in a layer of silicon Electrons flow to layer that needs electrons How does a Solar PV System Work? Grid-connected projects (standard for Solarize) apply for Net Metering (utility meter spins backwards) Power outage: Inverter shuts down, unless a battery-back up system is installed How are the panels installed? What is Net Metering Credits generated when system is producing more than is being used • – “Meter runs backwards” Excess credits are carried over month- to month • Once a year NIPSCO (or REMC) zeroes out. Receive credits at retail rate What makes a good site ? Southern exposure PV panels angled 30˚ – 45˚ At least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight Open roof area of ~100 sq ft per 1 kW Open space for a ground or pole mounted system Shading can have significant impact. Installer is the expert in feasibility for your site! Homes Best for Solar Why Go Solar Now? There has never been a better time to go Solar. 30% Federal Tax Credit on installation cost expires in 2016. Solar Hardware costs are less than they have ever been Solarize Valpo makes it easier and less expensive than ever! Net Metering reduces long term energy bills. NIPSCO’s Feed-in-Tariff provide an additional incentive opportunity for customers in NWI. Let’s Solarize VALPO! What is Solarize NWI & Solarize VALPO? Solarize is a way to make Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems more affordable and less complicated for regular people. Solarize Syracuse Results: It’s like a GROUPON for Solar! 4 Towns 500 Initial Sign Ups 120 Eligible Homes 77 Installations 530 kW Capacity 30% Cost saving Solarize campaigns have been conducted all over the country, from New England, to Upstate New York, to Texas, to North Carolina Solarize = Solar Simplified Simplified with Pre-Qualified Installer Request for Proposals November 2014 Sent to over 30 installers in Indiana and the Great Lakes Region identified through • Indiana Renewable Energy Association • North American of Board Certified Energy Practitioners Received 4 Proposals Reviewed Proposals with 6 members of our Solar Advisory Group: NIRPC South Shore Clean Cities Municipality Bank Indiana Office of Energy Development IUN School of Public & Environmental Affairs Interviewed Top 2 Scoring Installers Selection Criteria Quality and Value Experience Implementation and Capacity Price Structure Simplify with Outreach and Technical Support Workshops in Solarize Communities – Solarize Communities Can win up to a 3 kW System! Solarize Dyer Solarize Gary Solarize Hobart Solarize Valpo Regionwide Outreach Technical Workshops for Local Governments Solar Permitting Best Practices Solar Zoning Best Practices Solar PV and First Responders SOLARIZE NWI Pricing Tiers Total NWI kiloWatts Installed Price per Watt Number Typical Residential installs 15 kW-50 kW 50 kW-100kW 100 kW-200 kW 200 + kW $ 3.95 $ 3.85 $ 3.50 $3.28 3-10 10-20 20-40 >40 Factors affecting individual cost number of panels inverter and product selection rooftop, on ground or shaded parking roof material, height, slope and access location of site and travel time government rules Solar Incentives Tax Incentives Federal Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit – 30% of Cost Federal Business Energy Investment Tax Credit Indiana State Property Tax Deduction Solar Renewable Energy Credits Currently $20/kW in Ohio Market NIPSCO Incentives Net Metering Feed-in Tariff – Phase II Credit on your NIPSCO bill for energy you return to the grid Enrolling now through June 1 Awarded by Lottery NIPSCO is like your virtual battery Micro Solar (5-10 kW) Int. Solar (10 – 200 kw) You can sell your Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) 15 year contract NIPSCO keeps your SRECs $0.17 /kWh $0.15 /kWh Let’s Do the Math 5 kilowatt Example Market Price SOLARIZE NWI Price (100-200kW tier) Solarize NWI Best Price Price * $21,150 $17,500 $ 16,400 Federal Tax Credit $ 6,345 $ 5,250 $ 4,920 Net Price $ 12,250 $ 11,480 $ 14,805 What does that buy you? ~ 7,000 kWh/year • (60-65% of typical residential electric use) Estimate $ 800-900/year savings at current electricity rates 30 year life span (25 year warranty) 9 year cash flow pay back More math: what about my electric bill? kWh usage/production Monthly Energy Usage & Expected Solar Production (5 kW array example) kWh usage or production 1200 1000 "Home usage -kWh " Solar PV production - kWh 800 Pre Solar Annual Usage = 11,015 kWh 600 Post Solar Installation Annual Usage = 3846 kWh 400 200 0 Jan Feb Mar April May June Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 65% reduction in kWh usage charged to your electric bill More math: what about my electric bill? Costs $160 $140 Electric Bill Costs Pre and Post Solar PV Installation (5 kW array example) Electric bill before Solar Electric bill after Solar Electric Bill Cost in $ $120 Pre Solar Annual Electric Costs = $1,434 $100 Post Solar Installation Annual Electric Costs = $510 $80 $60 SAVINGS INCREASE AS ELECTRICITY COST RISE OVER TIME $40 $20 $0 Jan Feb Mar April May June Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Estimated Payback Period for a net installation cost of $13,871 = 9.8 years More Math What does that buy the environment? 175 ton CO2 Equivalent = Planting 4,101 trees Driving 352,000 miles less, or reducing gas use by 17,952 gallons Recycling 556 tons of waste 85.7 tons of coal burned How do you help Solarize Valpo? Get the Word Out! More signups = lower price! Invite your friends. It’s a GROUPON! Tell your Friends and Neighbors! Your price goes down if more people sign up. Contracts signed before July 10th will still get the lowest final price! We’ll be posting on social media and emailing every week with details on how many kW in your town, the region, and the latest price. Like us on Facebook: A household is more likely to adopt solar for each additional installation in their zip code How Solarize Valpo works: 1. Sign up online at, click on Solarize Valpo or here a the workshop. 2. Midwest Wind and Solar will contact you to provide a free noobligation assessment over the phone. (or call them direct toll free at (866) 430-0518) 3. Midwest Wind and Solar can review your home’s solar potential with on-line tools, and if solar is a good option for you, will schedule a free home solar assessment. How Solarize Valpo works: 4. Midwest Wind and Solar will conduct an on-site solar assessment at your home, walk you through a proposed system design, provide you with a detailed financial proposal, and answer any questions you may have. Installation Cost Additional costs needed for your home Current and Projected Energy Cost Savings Projected Increases in Assessed Property Value Incentives value Explanation of Financing Options (if requested) How Solarize Valpo works: 5. If you decide to proceed, sign an installation contract and spread the word! Your cost will go down as more folks in the region commit to SOLARIZE. 6. After the July 10th closing date, everyone with a contract will get the lowest rate corresponding with our Solarize NWI sign up success! If Solarize Valpo meets certain targets the Town can win free solar ranging from a classroom kit, to a 3 kW array with a data monitor and display tablet. Win Free Solar for Valpo! If Valpo meets or exceeds: 30 kW installed: - PV solar experimentation kit for classroom use 50 kW installed: 1kW PH solar array on community building 80kW installed: 3kW solar array 100kW installed: 3 kW array, plus a data monitor and tablet for display. Decisions-Decisions… Limited Time Offer! Go to to Stay Tuned for updates on Kilowatts Committed to date at or on facebook. Questions? Kathy Luther 219.763.6060 Deb Backhus 219.644.3695 Kevin Moore 219.714.2488