1) Varing distance `Y`will increase or decrease the
1) Varing distance `Y`will increase or decrease the
SDA PLACEMENT GUIDELINES = SDA Speakers X Listenerrs distance from speakers. Y SDA speakers' distance from rear wa11. z SDA speakers' distance apart. b SDA speakers' distance from side walIs. c Other speakers, cabinets, displays, etc. TVr s, furniture, 1) Varing distance 'Y'will increase or decrease the midllow bass response as the speakers are moved closer to or further from the back wall. Adjust this distance for best tonal balance. 2) Distance 'Z' should be between 4 and 10 feet. 3 ) Distance 'S' should be a mininum of 3 feet. 4) Distance 'X' should be greater than,/equal to distance tZ' . 5) IMPORTANTI When demonstrating the SDA's they should be positioned at least 2 inches forward of any obstructing objects (item labefed 'C' in diagram 1) such as other speakers, cabinets, TV's, di-sp1ays, etc. This may require moving the SDA's a few inches forward of their normal display position. Doing this indicates to your consumer that you care enough about him and his purchase to give him a proper demonstration. 6) The li-stener's position is important, but not overly criticalr Ers you wilI find when listening. 7) If the SDA-I and SDA-2 are to be displayed together, put the SDA-I's on the inside of the SDA-2's,as shown in diagram 2. The SDA-Irs should stand about 2 inches forward of the SDA-2's. B) The SDA-CRS sounds and looks best on the metal stand made for it. If you must use another stand, make certain it places the speaker at ear height when seated. e) Do NOT angle the speakers inward or outwardl lg5Annapolis Road, Baltimore, MD.21230 / 3}1-837-43ffi Cable Address "Polk" oTelex 87-993 / PolkAudio Bal SDA PLACEMENT GUIDEI.,INES CONTINUF:D I0) If the SDA|s donrt sound spectacular, amazing, flabbergasting and stunning after you've set them up: that the speakers are in phase and that the absolute phase is not inverted. b) Refer to the trouble-shooting guide in the j-nstru.ction manual to see if there is a problem you may quickly a) Make sure remedyi ot t c) If all else fails and youtve set thern up as best you can, then call us tolI-free at (800)-638-7276. 1915 Annapolis Road, Baltimore, MD.21230 / 301-837-436 Cable Address "Polk" oTelex 87-993 / PolkAudio Bal F-- 'd ---{ l--- t"\ k*- "i-1 --+l rcl srrl I mQ & I t- ?tr* l>{/ I N X I I <--t i L---/ I n T _i,_ -l I I :t tl{ (5 tr L:J H o I _ly__ r-==l t'4 t_l 'a- ,l\ I \ \> rl dCt> EFIO+) ul dJ(Fl \--> +>dFt ogod ,cl O Pr{ I LJ ! I I tr 7* +:3cr (Utr J-)l-d cod0)c ttr r{(c dE. () c+) F{C LOO o13 E 0r E-i C)> Jv-l (d-l C C-t g -l*>9O r{ --at \., (,,l, C-i C OrrG ri d FrptDC) .,I rdl Erl ol 2l [*,lr)I .r.-,LJ ,--{ Lf -r- 7"',* II ;l<l 1 I | G:I C:I <l EI H I<l l6nll l-l RECOI4MENDED SDA DEMONSTRATION MUSIC CONSIDERATIONS l) Always select well recorded and that has a soundstage with good You should know your demo music use each selection to your best presentation. well produced music rvidth and depth. in and out so you can advantage during your 2) Often, CD's will image better than LP's. Another benefit is that since CD's do not have the various surface noises that many demo LP's do you'11 have one less objection to contend with during your presentation. 3) Your first demo track must grab and hold your consumer's attentj-on from the start lf you start with somethingr like " SIGFRIEDTS FUNERAL MUSIC " you may as well go about some other businessr ds the odds of that consumer making the purchase are poor. Hcv,rever, if you started your presentation with something really liveIy and dynamic you'11 probably make the sale. This is particulary important if your customer is unfamiliar with the selection. Always play your first selection fairly loud (without blowing down the rvalls). This will not only help grab his attention, but wi-Il immediately answer two questions that he'11 have: Do they handle much power? and, Do they have good dynamic range? When you use a CD you'11 answer yet another question: Are these speakers digital ready? 4) It's nice to play songs that are popular on the radio... Just donrt forget that these songs get overplayed (usually) and your consumer may be tired of hearing them. Itrs possible that they'11 have a negative effect on him. 5) Keep the portions of each demo track short since you 6) This list of demo music is intended to get you started with what the SDArs can really do. As you come across them, add your own demo songs to the list, and when you get the time, let us knov,r about them too. only want to whet your consumer's appetite. If you play entire tracks his mind will wander and you'11 lose his attention very quickly. Use your demo tracks to illustrate what you've told hi-m, not put him to sleepl lg5 Annapolis Road, Baltimore, M'D.21230 / 3O1-837-$m Cable Address "Polk" rTelex ST-993 / PolkAudro Bal RECCD,I,IN{DED SDA DEI!CINSTRATION MUSIC ALBW ARTIST Thcnas Dolby The SOI{G Flat Earth Yes Eurythrnics Grace Jones Andreas Vollenroeider Dire Straits 90125 Touch Nightclubbing Caverna lt4agica Love G,rer Gold Herbie llancock Herbie Hancock Brand X Headhunters Future Shock Livestock Irtusic Ro><y Irtusic Tower of Poruer Return To Forever Return To Forever Flesh and Blood Roxy Avalon Direct "Dissidents" of a Lonely Heart,' 'rhlhors That Girl" "Pull Up to the Bumper" "O$/ner "Caverna Magica" "Iove Over C,o1d" and "Private Investigations" "Chaneleon" and "Sly" "Rockit" "Nightnare Patrol" and "ISiS }4ourning Part 2" "In the I'tidniqht Hou.r" "Avalon" nrany Forever Warrior Return To Rcrnantic TITI,E tracks ( Shef f ield Fiesta" "lbdieval Overture" and "l4ajestic Dance" "ssnetirne Aqo/T-a, Grape Led Zeppelin Supertramp Paul Sinon Jimi Hendrix Itloby Jirni Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Axis;Bold As Love "Little The Cry of Love "Ezy Ryder" and "Straight l4oby Grape fabs "Bitter Wind" fI "lrlhole Lotta Love" Crirre of the Century "School " and "Dreamer" Hearbs and Bones "Allergies" Electric Iadyland "Voodoo Chile(Stight Return)" "And the Gods l4ade Love" *Fxprr and Wing" Ahead" The Doobie Brothers l'{inute By Minute "Here to Love You" "![inute By lvlinute" Steely Dan MeK Realtine Records Donald Fagen The Brothers Johnson Pink Floyd lg5 Annapolis Road, Baltimore, MD.21230 Gaucho For D:ke "Hey Nineteen" Indigo" and tAt 'Irain" The Nightfly "Green Flovrer Street" Right on Tinre "Stravdcerry L,etter 23" "Speak To ltb" and Dark Side of the "Breathe in the Air" Iv(con / 3O1-837-$m Cable Address "Polk" oTelex ST-y)3 / PolkAudro Bal "IVlood ttTake The ) Paqe 2 RECOI4MENDM SDA DEI4ONSTRAT]ON T'4USIC ARTIST AI,BUM SONG Irtusic Aus Zei-tendrar:rn The l4anhattan Tlransfer Manhattan Transfer Jean Michael Jarre ltlotettkdr Stravinsky Chuck tlangione War Santana Domino The Rite of Spring Bellavia Greatest Hits Abraxas Deodato Prelude Oscars Cantate lst track. lst side "fu;o.edo Cars Talking Heads Quincy Jones The Honeydrippers Digital Donain Steve l4iller Band Jean I-uc Ponty Linda Ronstadt l4arvin Gaye Weather Report The Janes C'ang C\Fdi Lauper lvtichael Nesmith side 2.I/2 inch in (Telarc) "Dance (llot Was) Adrian Belew David Lindley RcvnnnLics The Blue Nile The of The Wind Up Toy" "A11 Day Music" "Singing WindsrCrying Beasts" "Qre Ccntr Va" , "Black Magic lrlofitantt and "Se A Cabot' 'Also Sprach Zarathustra" 200r ) Heartbeat City Stop l.{aking Sense rnany Abracadabra Cosrnic lt'lessenger l{hats l.Jew Midnight Love Heavy t{eather Greatest H-its "At:racadabra" "Cosmic l,bssenger" tracks nnny tracks The Dude Ai Iilo Corrida just about all of it The Honeydrippers Elektra/Asyh:m CD 960303-2 on CD She's So Unusual Infinite Rider on the Big Dogrna Hunnn Sexual Resgrcnse Fignrre Was Junction" "Chri-strnas Song"(Proprius) ( The TITLE 14 to laugh at Ione Rhino El Rayo-X Born "lrlhat's New" "Sex:al Healing" "Birdland" "Ir7alk Away " r"F\:nk #49 " and "The Bomber" r"F\-mk #48" "Ti:rre After Tilne" "Cruisin" "Cool Jerk" Tornados "Betrayal" "Big Electric Cat" "Bye Bye Love" and "T\arist and Shout" 12" Single "Talking in Your Sleep" A Walk Across The Rooftops "Stay","A Idalk Across the Rooftops" and "HeaLwavett lg5 Annapolis Road, Baltimore, MD.21230 / 3O1-837-$n Cable Address "Polk" oTelex 87-993 / PolkAudro Bal Page 3 RECOI{'I$JDED SDA DEI"IONSTRATION MUSIC ARTIST ALBUM T-Bone Burnett Proof Thru the Night Alan Parsons Project Stanley Clarke I Tirre Dcposure Valerie Carter Just A Stone's Throw Avay Bob Janes Touchdovn Dave Brubecl< Quartet Tifie Out "Coh Chlild" t'Sun Runner" ttTake Fivett Count Basie Basie "Doublin Blues" and Saint Sadns SO}JG TITT,E Robot t'S5)acerunner" Jam Slznphony l\o.3,Q>.78 "FreeSrort Blues" Finale Section (rnitips (Organ Synphony) 1915 "'Ihe Sixti-es" and "Fatefully Beautiful" "I Robot" "Play the Bass 103 " and 9500-306) Styx Kilroy Pink Floyd The WalI The Flesh" and "The Wall, Parts I and Star Tracks Telarc CD 80094 ttProtott Lee Ritenour Rio ttRio Funk" Annapolis Road, Baltimore, MD.21230 / "lllr. Was Here 301-837-43@ Roboto" "In Cable Address "Polk" oTelex 87-993 / II PolkAudio Bal