

Dear MUN Director,
We are honored to invite your students to the fourth ILYMUN conference, ILYMUN 2016. The three-day
conference, organized by the International School of Lyon and the Cité Scolaire Internationale de Lyon, will take place
January 21st-23rd 2016. The conference will be held on the campus of the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, 15 parvis
René Descartes, 69007 Lyon (France).
Building on the success of our January 2015 ILYMUN conference and continuing the debates explored by scientists
and world leaders in the COP21 - CMP 11 conference of Paris, we intend to add to our previous exploration of “Surviving
the Perfect Storm”. As we saw in last year’s ILYMUN conference, if we don’t take immediate action, the consequences, not
only for future generations, but for our generation, will be dire. Climate Change is not just a scientific or environmental
problem; it’s a global issue that affects all aspects of our lives: economic, cultural, political and social. For this reason, it is
important for our generation to be involved in discussions of the same issues that world and scientific leaders will address in
COP21. Although some think that little can be done, we believe we have the power to come up with solutions to slow the
greenhouse effect and to adapt our ways of living. The theme of ILYMUN 2016 is, therefore, “The Climate Change
ILYMUN creates strong bonds and encourages collaboration and action. In ILYMUN 2016 we will put more
emphasis on the idea that by involving youth in finding solutions and taking action, we CAN make a difference. Therefore,
we have developed two extensions to our traditional MUN conference: an Action Assembly in which students represent
themselves rather than countries in order to work towards real change; and a Youth Conference for “collège” or middle
school students from the Rhône-Alpes region.
If you wish to participate in ILYMUN 2016, please send us the School Registration Form (Form I), found on our
website ilymun.org, as well as the registration fee by July 1st. If you need further information regarding registration, fees,
housing, committees and the provisional schedule, please refer to the attachment included with this invitation, see our website
or contact us at ilymun.csi.isl@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you in Lyon in January 2016!
The ILYMUN 2016 Executive Board
Ramzi Tallaa, Magali Vennin
Alexis Angel, Nilay Conraud, Maya Gottlieb, Jonas Milch
Country and Committee Assignments
In September, we will send you the Country and Committee Assignments Form (Form II). The number of
countries and committees assigned to your school is based on the estimated number of delegates that you proposed
on your School’s Registration Form (Form I). Please complete Form II by filling the delegation slots assigned to
your school with the names of your students.
The Housing and Transportation Form (Form III - to be sent later), must be completed by November 1 st.
Accommodation will be provided for 2 nights (Thursday and Friday) either by host families or in a Youth Hostel.
Should you require an extra night, you would need to let us know as soon as possible. For delegations staying in
the Youth Hostel, please note that Directors will be required to stay with their students (accommodation paid for).
For delegations staying with host families, Directors may wish to stay at one of the hotels (at their own expenses)
located near the conference site or in the city centre which is accessible via public transport. Please consult our
website or send us an email to find out more information about housing or hotels.
Dates and Fees
Registration opens end of May 2015
School Registration (Form I) due July 1st 2015
Country and Committee Assignments (Form II) due October 1st 2015
Conference Fees due October 1st 2015
Housing and Transportation (Form III) due November 1st 2015
Registration fee per school 20€ (euros)
Registration fee per delegate 60€ (euros)
Registration fee per MUN director 60€ (euros)
Fees include lunches on Friday and Saturday as well as housing for 2 nights.
Committees and Issues
Security Council
Historical Security Council
The question of Yemen
The 1970 petrol crisis
Isis controlling fossil fuels
The nuclear accident of Chernobyl
The control of the Mekong river
The first Gulf War: The Invasion of Kuwait by Iraq
Economic and Social
Science and Technology
Protecting populations from health issues linked to climate
The consequences of climate change on food security
Globalisation and climate change
The role of new technologies in climate change
Political and Territorial
Urbanisation and pollution in megacities
Determination of equitable access to international waterbased resources (e.g. rivers, aquifers, glaciers)
Finding a balance between industrialisation and greenhouse
Territorial resettlement of populations displaced due to the
consequences of climate change
Human Rights
Special Environmental Committee
Protecting indigenous populations from climate change
Developing sustainable forms of agriculture
Building a green economy to lift people out of poverty
Measures to manage the rapid deterioration of the Arctic
Action Assembly: Think Globally, but Act Locally
The Action Assembly is a venue for creative individuals who are eager to collaborate and committed to making a
difference. This large assembly ensures a diversity of opinions and proposals to the fight against Climate Change.
Participants do not represent countries, but speak for themselves. The atmosphere is one of a think-tank in which
participants become more knowledgeable about the issues, meeting and working with experts in the field. The goal
is to empower participants to take concrete action at local, regional and even national or international levels. The
final outcome should be an array of action plans that promote an ecologically sustainable lifestyle in the delegates’
communities, along with the development of supportive networks to ensure that ideas and actions go beyond the
Closing Ceremony of our conference.
The group will consider the following central questions: How does our lifestyle affect climate change and how
should we adjust our lifestyle in order to achieve ecological sustainability?