The Beacon issue 9


The Beacon issue 9
The JOTRON GROUP Newsletter content
Successful FAT
Issue 9 - Spring 2008
Jotron acquires
a new company,
Consultas AS
New products
Marketing Director
Jotron Consultas AS
Million $ contract
ATC Global 2008 - Amsterdam
ATC Global 2008 was this year held at the RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre in Amsterdam. Jotron was represented once again and this was the
18th year of participation.
ATC Global 2008 became a major success
for Jotron during the
few days of the event.
Over 2000 industry
invited to witness the
event in a new city.
Jotron displayed its
new VDL2 (VHF Digital Link) radio to show
what possibilities there
are as a Ground to Air
communicator. While
AM voice still is the
From left to right: Diane Tan (Jotron Asia), Stuart Ferguson (Jotron UK),
primary communicatiLise Grøstad (Jotron AS) and Bjørn Allum (Jotron AS).
on between the plane
and air traffic controllers, the importance
across the Aeronautical Telecommuniof being able to supply VDL2 radios will
cation Network.
increase as the technology becomes
more widely used.
The VDL2 is not future technology, it is
operational today. The number of aircraft equipped by VDL2 is progressively
increasing. The recent records from a
monitoring ground station show a rapid
This communication system is one of aircraft-ground subnetworks, and it may be
used to support data communications
From left to right: Merete Berdal, Chairman of Jotron AS,
Steinar Jovall, Werner Hansen, Haldor Hole (All founders
of Consultas).
A new company has from
February 1st,
been added to the Jotron Group,
when company Consultas AS located
in Horten (Norway) has been acquired
from the three company founders.
Consultas is a provider of a wide variety of maritime software;
The Consultas Loading Computer
meets the industry standards for
loading calculations on most types
of ships and rigs, and provides users
with an efficient calculation and reporting tool. Another area of expertise is the wide variety of software tools
to handle various ship management
tasks onboard vessels and from central offices.
Consultas consider itself first and
foremost as a maritime company
fully dedicated to their end users of
software and hardware. By combining innovative technology and solid
maritime competence, the company
shall maintain its position as a highly
competent and reliable provider of
maritime software in the world.
Jotron is looking forward to learn more
about these fine features and in due
course introduce relevant solutions
to partners worldwide. Read more
about Consultas from pages 4-5.
The JOTRON GROUP Newsletter Issue 9 - Spring 2008
New environmentally friendly EPIRB and SART
optimal user-friendly features. For several years, Jotron AS
has co-operated closely with professional end-users, such
as fishermen and merchant-fleet crew. This has resulted in
both the new EPIRB and the new Tron-SART20 having a
newly designed release mechanism which simplifies and facilitates manual operation, especially under extreme conditions and at low temperatures.
For ease of replacement, the new series EPIRBs have also
been designed to fit the current type of bracket used by its
predecessors Tron-40S and Tron-40GPS.
It is a pleasure to announce that the Jotron Group launches
a new range of EPIRBs (Emergency Position Identification
Radio Beacon) as well as a new SART (Search and Rescue
Transponder). In addition to introducing a range of new
technical features Jotron AS has placed great emphasis on
ensuring the new products are as environmentally friendly
as possible while still meeting the required international
The two new EPIRBs are called Tron-40S MK II and Tron40 GPS MK II while the new SART enters the market under
the name of Tron-SART20. Both the EPIRB and SART come
with a 5 year warranty as standard.
The new Tron-40S MK II and Tron-40GPS MK II have been
designed to exhibit even greater visibility. A state of the art
LED-module has been developed comprising a unique reflector. Together with an optimal lens, the EPIRB meets new
strict requirements. The new intense LED-light will assist the
work of any Search and Rescue Teams and greatly improves detection during difficult weather conditions.
Jotron AS policy is to manufacture safety equipment with
In addition to these important new technical features, Jotron
AS has invested a significant amount of effort and focus
to ensure that these new products are as environmentally
friendly as possible. The new range of EPRIBs and the Tron
SART20 are incorporated into Jotron AS recycle program.
Furthermore, this new generation of products will comply
with RoHS and hence contain no lead-soldering. Another
important environmental aspect is the use of a new NonHazardous battery assembly. A product classified as “NonHaz” considerably eases distribution, handling and the cost
of transportation. Jotron AS is very proud to announce that
the new products meet all the criteria according to the UN
on the Transport of
Dangerous Goods;
Manual of Test and
Criteria, Ref ST/SG/
TronSART20 is also designed to be a lightweight, compact unit
greatly reducing the
need for unnecessary material and
parts. This, in turn,
results in less packing material, which
otherwise would have
to be recycled.
Both the new EPIRBs
as well as the new
Tron SART20, including accessories, are
available through Jotron AS World Wide
distribution network.
The JOTRON GROUP Newsletter Issue 9 - Spring 2008
Million $ contract with Norwegian Armed Forces
Jotron signs contract with the Norwegian Armed
Forces, here with Managing Director Steinar Sæter
from Jotron and Brigadier Asle K. Kjeldsberg.
Photo: Svend Einar Hansen
Jotron AS has signed a contract to deliver radio equipment for a value of NOK 78
million to FLO - Forsvarets
Logistikkorganisasjon (Norwegian Armed Forces) with an
option of an additional NOK
24 million. The deliveries and
installations will occur over
a period of approximately 4
ces. Due to subsequent budget reductions the procurement
was postponed until 2008.
Having this contract with the Norwegian Armed Forces and
the long term delivery schedule involved will give Jotron a significant project as a reference for the international market.
The contract also covers the installation of UHF/VHF airport
radio systems for communication between airports and military planes and helicopter traffic.
This contract is an addition to a Public Research and Development contract which was signed in 1998 between Jotron AS,
Flo and Innovation Norway. The development contract was
targeted to develop a modern Ground to Air radio system for
communication between airports and military aeronautical
traffic. The contract ended in 2002 because of circumstances surrounding restructuring of the Norwegian Armed For-
From left to right: Steinar Sæter (Jotron AS), Merete Berdal (Jotron AS), Shiv Grepp (FLO), Henning Høydahl
(FLO), Otto Holm (Jotron AS) and Ole Steinar Nordhaug (Jotron AS). Photo: Svend Einar Hansen
S-VDR suppliers
Another large scale contract
Rutter Technologies Inc. and
Consilium Navigation AB are
two of Jotron´s main distributors for the product range
of float free capsules. This is
the S-VDR (Simplified Voyage Data recorder) which both
distributors proudly put their
name on.
Rutter Technologies delivers
and supports world-class
electronics in the marine, aviation, aerospace, military and
security sectors. In addition
to manufacturing, distributing and supporting our own
product lines, Rutter also offers turnkey electronics manufacturing solutions on an
outsource basis.
Consilium Navigation is a
world leading supplier of a
range of navigation products comprising SAL Speed
logs, Consilium
and Consilium
Selesmar radar
systems. Consilium Navigation stands for
high quality and has a long
and extensive reputation of
state-of-the-art products.
Together with well trained
staff, Consilium Navigation
today offers ship owners
and other customers the
best technical products,
solutions, service and support with optimized cost of
ownership in combination
with premier endurance and
A new offshore construction vessel
is being built during 2008 worth US
$145.3 million. The vessel has a large
working deck and capacity and is designed with emphasis on efficiency,
safety and economy. The VS 4220 OCV Normand Seven
measures 130 meters in length and 28 meters in width and
has a crew capacity of 100. The vessel´s crane has a lifting
capacity of 400 tons at a depth of 3000 meters and a cargo
deck area of 2000 sqm.
Jotron USA has signed a contract with this vessel which is being built in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Shawn Goodwin, Sales Manager with Jotron USA,
tells us that this contract is worth USD 150.000
per ship and has a total of 3 ships with an option
of 3 more.
The award winning ship will start using Jotron Phontech equipment such as DICS 1600 (Digital Integrated Communication
System) with a call login system, MPA 1600 (Marine and offshore Public Address system), BTS 4000 (Amplified Battery
less Telephone System) and a hospital refrigerator alarm
The JOTRON GROUP Newsletter Issue 9 - Spring 2008
Consultas now part of the Jotron Group
Consultas has joined the Jotron Group and will now be known as Jotron Consultas AS. There are 2 main products that
form the basis of the Jotron Consultas range as described below.
The Consultas Loading Computer is designed to meet the
needs for loading calculations
onboard most types of ships
and platforms with the main focus on strength and all types of
stability analysis.
The Consultas Loading Computer was first introduced in 1972
after it had been converted
from a manual instrument into
a computer based software
pre-installed on computers available in those days. Since
then this product has been continuously developed to
always meet the latest requirements set by the industry,
governing bodies and class societies.
The Loading Computer department at Jotron Consultas
consists of Steinar Jovall, a Naval Architect, who is Head of
department. Team members are Arne Nåtedal, Kjetil Hansen, Kai Arne and Inger-Lise Grytvik. Bjørn Nygård, also a
Naval Architect, will join the team from May 2008.
Late 2006 Consultas decided to develop the next generation of Loading Software – version 4 under the project
name C-Load. Due to class requirement it was decided to
first develop Damage Stability in a 3D version. This version
was completed earlier this year and has already been delivered to 3 DNV classed vessels (Front Puffin, Navion Bergen and Attilio Ievoli) and we are proud to advise that Jotron Consultas achieved type approval with DNV in March
Jotron Consultas has also applied for type approval of Damage Stability-3D with Lloyd’s Register and hope to have
this in place shortly.
The JOTRON GROUP Newsletter Issue 9 - Spring 2008
Jotron Consultas provide a wide
variety of software tools to handle
various ship management tasks
onboard vessels and from central
offices. Tasks such as ordering of
parts, consumables and provision, maintenance planning and
reporting, exchange of forms and
technical knowledge sharing, payroll and voyage reporting.
Jotron Consultas has its strongest
market share among Scandinavian ship-owners, but they do have clients in most parts of
the world.
Training courses and consultancy services related to planned maintenance are also important business activities within this department enabling them to offer the value added
services required by some clients in their achievements for
full utilisation of their software investments.
The Consultas Maintenance System is type approved for use
onboard DNV classed vessels with the Survey Arrangement
based on Planned Maintenance
(SAPMS). The Consultas Planned
System is type
The Ship Management Software
Jotron Consultas
consists of Werner Hansen, a Naval Architect who is Head of
department. Team members are Geir Skaret, Espen Sundheim, Bjørn Larsen, Gunnar Rustan and Alexander Dimmen.
Most of Jotron Consultas Ship Management Software is currently going through considerable development and they
expect to start launching the new main versions (ver. 4) late
The JOTRON GROUP Newsletter Issue 9 - Spring 2008
Product and SBM training March 11 - 12
The Jotron Group arranged yet another product
and SBM (Shore Base Maintenance) training course for distributors from Africa, Asia and Europe.
The participants are now trained and approved to
carry out SBM on Jotron maritime products.
In addition to the written agenda, they also went
through maintenance training to service Tron
TR20 GMDSS handheld radio, Tron UAIS TR2500 and Tron S-VDR CAPSULE software upgrade.
From left to right: Remco van Hijum (Radio Holland, Netherlands), Mikhail
Voronkov (Port-Service Ltd, Russia), Brian van Reek (Radio Holland, Netherlands), Marten Smidtman (Radio Holland, Netherlands), Leonid Khodjayev
(Rapid Solutions Ltd, Azerbaijan), Erik Rensink (Radio Holland, Netherlands),
Jan Erik Sæter (Jotron AS), Ivan Sucic (ABE Inzenjering, Croatia), Vitaly
Dovzhenko (Trident, Ukraine), Malik Slimani (WMCSAT, Algeria), Rolf Andreas
Wallin (Jotron AS), Mamy J. Nicolas Ramahafadrahona (Buerau of Shipping
Madagascar BSSM), Sergey Chudin (Marine Bridge & Nav. System, Russia),
Sergey Ivanov (Trident, Ukraine), Aziz Ouldisadia (Soremar, Morocco), Rasim
Aliyev (Rapid Solutions Ltd, Azerbaijan), Chae Kyu Lee (Jaeun Corporation,
Repulic of Korea) and Fred Ivar Tallaksen (Jotron AS).
New Marketing Director
Successful FAT
Magnus Vold is the new Marketing Director for the Jotron
Group having taken up the
role on January 1st 2008. .
Magnus is 40 years old and
has significant experience in
the field of marketing management.
Jotron AS with
Kai Henning
Angelsen as
Manager held
and FAT with
our customer
from the Turkish part of
With a Bachelor degree with
honours from Heriot Watt
University in Edinburgh and a
Master of Management from
BI in Norway, he has a respectable resume. During his
14 years of working as an employee with the ABB Group in
Norway, Magnus held a number of executive positions
from Export Area Manager to
various Vice President Positions in ABB Norway and the
Global ABB Group. Magnus
lives in Skien and has 2 chil-
dren aged 11 and 20.
His main focus is to ensure
stability and further growth
in the years to come. The Jotron Group welcomes Magnus and wishes him good luck
and every success in his new
Morten Gjersøe has become
the new Business Development Manager.
A FAT is a Factory Acceptance Test where the customer witnesses the test on
site and concludes that it is
up to their initial standards
and how they wish to use the
The acceptance test ended
successfully and all parties
From left to right: Kai Henning Angelsen
(Jotron AS), Selcuk Yazici (General Director of Yazici Co. Ltd.), Özgenç Yücesan
(Member of Tender Committee), Mahmut
Nihat (General Director of Civil Aviation
Dept. of KKTC), Ali Keskindag (Elk. Engineer), Gökhan Dagman (Elk. Engineer),
Mustafa Sofi (Elk. Engineer), Nuray Tuncel
(Elk. Engineer), Ole Steinar Nordhaug (Jotron AS), Lise Grøstad (Jotron AS).
involved ended their stay
satisfied with what they had
The JOTRON GROUP Newsletter Issue 9 - Spring 2008
Tron 40S ”phoned home”
BBC News reported in an article on February 15th 2008,
that a yacht couple was rescued in the South Atlantic
after e-mailing the Falmouth Coastguard.
UK couple were on a
round-the-world trip
when their 30 feet
yacht was battered
by storms. They suffered damage to the
mast 500 miles from
the island of Tristan de
yacht “Brilliance”.
The Beacon has received confirmation that the distress call
which reached Falmouth Coastguard came from a Tron 40S
A cargo ship picked them up after having received an emergency signal from a beacon. They said they did not expect
to be rescued due to the remoteness of their position. Both
of them were amazed when they were told a boat would be
on its way to them. They also stated they were very lucky
to have been found but regretted having to abandon their
Masters on-the-air
Jotron Phontech AS has participated for
more than 2 months on NRK´s morning
quiz on the radio. They are undisputed
champions with 41 rounds which is a new
record for the region.
We are very smart people here, says Arild
Skoli, Development Manager at Jotron
Phontech AS. He was the radio’s telephone
voice and Hans Olav Talgø was one out of
three people who googled all the questions.
He said he rarely had time to google the
right answer until somebody shouted it out.
Skoli says it was a lot of fun to be a part of
the competition, and it contributed to a
good team spirit. Jotron Phontech set a new
record in the region of Buskerud, Telemark
and Vestfold. – “We sacrificed our coffee
breaks so we were able to be on the show
for 10-15 minutes each morning”.
Talgø was ready to google, Skoli managed the radio contact
and 20 colleagues stood around the table cheering away
and answering correctly. They had to win to be the best across
the county borders. The regional record was 37 rounds, while
the Vestfold record was 34 until the company from Horten
beat it. Congratulations to the whole team from The Beacon.
Issue 9 - Spring 2008
Shindong Digitec Co. Ltd. is a
worldwide ocean transportation
provider with total communication solutions.
Shindong values professional
human resources and knowledge
and quickly responds to rapidly
changing and improving situations. The company’s ultimate
goal is to become a worldwide
ocean transportation and communications leader by providing
total customer satisfaction and
has spent a great amount in de-
Employees of Shindong Digitec Co. Ltd.
veloping communication technology and highly trained professionals.
Shindong promises to become a
“giant company” that will lead the
industry as well as create new values for customers.
Shindong has been a major distributor for Jotron´s GMDSS products for many years and Jotron
intend to continue the good relationship in the years to come.
WIN an external hard drive
Answer the following questions and win a brand new Western Digital My Book
Premium Edition 500GB USB2.0/Firewire. We will draw 2 winners on the 9th May
2008 who each will receive an external hard drive. The answers can be sent to The competition is only open to non Jotron employees.
PS. All answers are available on our web site:
1. Mention at least two advantages with the new Tron SART20 and Tron 40S MkII?
2. What is the frequency stability on the TR-7750?
3. What is the overall dimensions on a CIS 3102 Master Station?
Previous issues winners of the IPOD were:
Laila Mikkelsen from NAVY AS, Norway and Serguei Tarychkine from Intelcan Technosystems Inc., Canada. The Beacon congratulates.
Exhibition Calendar 2008
You´ll find Jotron or our distributors exhibiting our products at the following international exhibitions throughout the year:
April May August
GAEC 2008 OTC 2008 ONS 2008 Nor-Fishing 2008
SMM 2008 Workboat exhibition
New Orleans
And finally...
First of all I would like to send thanks to
everyone who has given me positive feedback for the layout and style of the new
look Beacon. In this issue we focus more
on our new colleagues at Consultas AS
who became part of the Jotron Group in
February. In addition we also focus on our new maritime products and up and coming events for 2008.
Tore Holm Hammersmark, Editor
Jotron AS
P.O.Box 54
3280 Tjodalyng, Norway
Tel: +47 33 13 97 00
Fax: +47 33 12 67 80
Jotron Consultas AS
P.O.Box 743
3196 Horten, Norway
Tel: +47 33 03 07 00
Fax: +47 33 03 07 10
Jotron Asia Pte. Ltd.
19 Loyang Way, Changi Logistics Centre
Rear Office Block 04-26
Singapore 508724
Tel: +65 65426350/Fax: +65 65429415
Jotron Phontech AS
P.O.Box 274
3192 Horten, Norway
Tel: +47 33 08 35 00
Fax: +47 33 08 35 01
Jotron UK Ltd.
Crosland Park, Off Crowhall Road Cramlington
Northumberland NE23 1LA, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1670 712000
Fax: +44 (0) 1670 590265
Jotron USA, Inc.
10645 Richmond Avenue, Suite 140
Houston, TX 77042, USA
Tel: +1 713 268 1061
Fax: +1 713 268 1062