March Meeting - San Antonio Claims Association


March Meeting - San Antonio Claims Association
“Professional Excellence Through Education”
A Few Messages From Your Association Secretary...
March 2011
Arthur Sevier
Hello Membership:
In this
Page 1
Secretary’s Message
Page 2
Page 3
Treasurer’s Talk by
Bill Alig
Page 4, 2011 Leadership Team Members
Pages 4 & 5, Monthly
Member and Vendor
Spotlight Winners
Page 6, Spring Seminar Agenda
Save the Date For the Spring Seminar!
The Spring Seminar will be on Thursday
March 31, 2011 at the San Antonio Shrine
Auditorium located at 901 North Loop 1604
West, San Antonio, TX 78232. The program
will begin at 9:00am and end at 3:00pm with at
least 4 hours of continuing education courses
being offered. Please refer to the last page of
this newsletter for the seminar schedule.
March Meeting
The meeting will be held Tuesday
March 8, 2011 at 11:30am at
Anne Marie’s, 12475 Starcrest,
San Antonio, TX 78216
Please save the date!
Membership registration for the event will be
available after March 1st on line at
Sponsorship opportunities are going out this
week and are also included in this newsletter.
Please contact Bill Willrodt at 210-345-4609
or for registration as
a sponsor. See page five of the newsletter for
sponsorship levels and a registration form.
Sponsorships are on a “First Come” basis so
please consider participation as soon as
possible. Spots are limited.
“Functional Capacity
Evaluations (FCEs)”
Presented by:
Steve Clark, OTR, of
Select Medical Corporation
Calendar of Events
March 8th Regular
Insurance Advisory Committee Member
March 31st, Spring Seminar
The Board appointed Michael Pritchett with located at San Antonio Shrine
The Travelers Companies as a new member of
the Advisory Committee in February. Please
April 12th, Regular Meeting
congratulate Michael at the March Regular
San Antonio Claims Association
PO Box 291130 San Antonio, TX 78229
S an An t o n i o C l ai ms As so ci at i o n
SACA’s New Venue July 2010
Beginning July 2010, we will be meeting each
month at Anne Maries located at:
12475 Starcrest
San Antonio, TX 78216
This is the website to look up your CE
hours with the Texas Department of Insurance. All you need is to access the website
and place your last name and TDI license
number in the provided inquiry.
Regular meeting registration. Please help the Association manage expenses by registering on-line
for each meeting or email Bill Alig or telephone 210-345-2692.
Your event registration is appreciated!
One Open Position on the Advisory Committee
If you were a member of SACA during 2010 and
would like to be considered to participate on the
2011 Advisory Committee as Insurance Representatives, please contact any of the 2011 Leadership
Team members.
2011 SACA Membership Registration
Please visit the San Antonio Claims Association
Website at to sign up
and become a 2011 member.
Thank you for your membership and participation
with the Association!
March CE Menus
Monthly meeting
King Ranch Chicken with salsa & sour
cream, Mexicali rice, salad, rolls, tea and
water. Assorted mini desserts.
Spring Seminar
Beef & chicken fajitas with bell peppers &
onions, rice, beans and tortillas, lettuce,
tomato, shredded cheese, homemade salsa,
tea, assorted soft drinks, water, and desserts.
S an An t o n i o C l ai ms As so ci at i o n
- Bill Alig
Previous Balance
Current Balance
President: Bill Willrodt
1st Vice President: Esther Zamora
2nd Vice President: Don Stephens
Secretary: Arthur Sevier
Treasurer: Bill Alig
Webmaster: Johnny Rodriguez
Member@Large: Laura Williams
David Guerrero
Michael Pritchett
Jessica Bray
Cathy McCain
Dorothy Rose
Monthly Member Spotlight Bio
Congratulations to our monthly member spotlight winner, Nicole Ortega. We asked her a few questions. Here’s
what she had to tell SACA:
Nicole Ortega
HEB Grocery
Job title:
Product Incident QA Technician
Years of service in the claims industry:
What type of claims do you handle?
Product Liability
How long have you been a licensed Adjuster? 2
In Texas? 2
What’s the biggest change you have seen in the claims business since you first started?
Customer attitudes have changed with the economy.
What do you enjoy about your job?
I enjoy talking with customers, and helping them get their valid claims resolved.
What do you least like about your job?
When some customers do not believe we are trying to help them with their claim.
How long have you been participating with the San Antonio Claims Association?
I was introduced to the Association by a colleague a couple of months ago.
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy spending time with my family enjoying events around the city or just relaxing.
Any other accomplishments or remarks you’d like to share with the membership of SACA?
I have heard many good things about SACA, and have enjoyed the times I’ve been at the meetings.
Monthly Vendor Spotlight Bio
Congratulations to our monthly vendor spotlight winner. Find out a little about Blackmon Mooring below.
Letty Ann DeLoach
Blackmon Mooring
Job title:
Emergency Claims Coordinator
What services or products does your company deliver to the Property and Casualty world? Blackmon Mooring offers fire
& water restoration services, mold remediation and reconstruction for residential and commercial institutions. In addition
to restorative services, we also provide maintenance services, such as air duct cleaning, carpet cleaning, upholstery/
drapery, tile & grout cleaning and deodorization. Blackmon Mooring serves Texas, Oklahoma and have entered the Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Washington DC and New York. Our global clientele can also be serviced by our sister company, BMS CAT (Catastrophe).
Years of service in this industry? I have a total of 4 years in the restoration industry and 3 years in new construction.
What’s the biggest change you have seen in your industry since you first started? Since my introduction to the industry in
2000, I have seen the insurance policies change the most. Some carriers eliminated mold coverage altogether, which
changed the restoration industry dramatically in 2004. Insurance deductibles of most policyholders rose from the standard
$500 or $1000 deductibles to 1% or more. Now, I have personally witnessed more and more homeowners become aware
of their responsibility to their home and being proactive when there is an incoming disaster or freeze about to happen.
What do you enjoy the most about your job? As Emergency Claims Coordinator, I have the opportunity of speaking or
meeting the insured during the very first moments after their fire or water loss. This is the most devastating and stressful
event that has happened in their lives, at that point my main focus to make sure that the proper steps are taken to stop any
further damage and advise them on the next steps.
Our staff is there to help them and their families get their lives back to normal with the very least amount of stress and time
as possible. Our goal is to make certain each and every customer is 200% satisfied with their experience with Blackmon
Mooring, we are not only providing a service, but building relationships at the same time.
What do you enjoy the least about your job? I actually cannot think of anything I dislike or would change about the position. I would have to say, witnessing a tragic disaster happen around you and to witness the devastation to a community
and thinking about if you were in their position.
How long have you been participating with the San Antonio Claims Association? The first luncheon I attended was when
I had first joined Blackmon Mooring in April 2010.
What do you do for fun? Spring is right around the corner and I had the grips re-done on my golf clubs last fall, so I can’t
wait to get back on the course! I have been playing for about a year and a half now and absolutely love it. I shoot about an
87 on a good day, about a 90-95 on a bad and it depends on the course. I am progressing with each round, slowly, and my
goal is to consistently shoot in the low-80’s…or better. I also enjoy reading novels; mystery, psychological horror and
drama are my favorites.
Any other accomplishments or remarks you’d like to share with the membership of SACA?
Graduate of the University of Houston-Victoria, BA in Management
Agenda for Spring Seminar
8:00 – 8:30 Sponsor set up
8:45 – 9:30 Membership Registration
Door Prizes
9:45 a.m. – 11:45 Attorney Rick Reyna with Brock, Person,
Guerra, & Reyna
11:45 a.m. – 12: 45 Lunch
Door Prizes
1:00 – 1:50 LWG Consulting “Investigating Electrical
2:00 – 2:50 Blackmon Mooring “Street Level
Ethics” (Ethics)
Closing Remarks
Door Prizes