President`s Message, by Nancy Charbeneau


President`s Message, by Nancy Charbeneau
Wet Paint
June-July, 2015
The Waterloo Watercolor Group Newsletter
Important Dates
July 6: Spring Show
Strike, Pick up paintings
Corridor of Art, 10:0011:00
July 13,:Hang TAG
July 17: TAG show
August 15: Tag show
August 26: Deadline to
get entry jpegs to P. Molina for Fall Show
September 13: Accepted entries announced,
Fall Show
October 3: Hang Fall
Exhibit at N. Hills Gallery
October 4: Announcement of Prize Winners
October 11: Fall show
Opening, Noon
October 31: tentative
date for strike at N. Hills
President’s Message, by Nancy Charbeneau
Happy summer adventures
to all!
I hope no one has had problems with all the rain we’ve
been having or has started to
grow webbing between their
toes. It has been soggy, but
the lakes are coming back
up! Yay!
The Board has been, and will
continue to be, hard at work
for you this summer. To
mention a few projects in the
works, the new Venue
Search Committee and your
V.P’s for Shows (Tanya and
Janine) have been looking
for new places for you to
show, and the V.P.’s for
Workshops (Chuck,
Michele, and Tina) are working on contracts for new
workshops. Also, our Membership director, Pat, is experimenting with Mail
chimp as a new vehicle for
our communications.
version. We are also getting
close on our comprehensive
re-write of the WWG ByLaws. The committee that
was working on this has sent
a draft to the entire board for
input and soon we will be voting on that too. After we approve the new document, we
will ask you, the membership,
to vote to accept it at our next
General Membership Meeting.
Speaking of our next membership Meeting, we have
reserved the meeting room at
Old Quarry Library on Saturday, August 22 from 2:30In the last newsletter, I spoke 4:45 pm. Since many of you
of a small group of members in the February survey rewho were developing a new quested some meetings be
official Prospectus for our held in Austin at a more cenannual fall and spring shows. tral location, we thought this
The board has already given would fit the bill! The Old
our input to their proposals
Quarry Library is at 7051 Viland will soon vote on a final lage Center Drive, directly
opposite of Northwest Hills
Methodist church where we
will be hanging our fall show.
There is plenty of parking,
they have Wi-Fi and it is free!
So I hope you can come join
us there for a presentation on
WWG’s website by Sandra,
our Website director, enjoy
some frozen treats, and participate in our business meeting
including voting on the new
In the next newsletter, I will
be speaking more about all
these endeavors and more, but
until then, have a great summer and keep on painting!
—Nance C.
Don’t get lost!
Have you moved
or changed your
email address?
Don’t forget to let our
membership chair, Pat
Molina know your new
contact information:
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SPRING MEMBERS SHOW by Eileen Pestorius
Be mindful of chatting with friends and blocking the aisle, since workers come and go.
Our beautiful spring show at the Corridor of
(Take a table at the café instead!) Be sure to
Art will strike Monday, July 6, at 10:00AM.
sign out your paintings with co-chairs Eileen
Please come promptly to collect your paintor Deb. Eileen’s cell is 512-922-3467 if you
ings, or if you can’t make it because of the
run into trouble that morning. Thanks to all
holiday weekend, be sure you have a pickerfor participating and to our fine juror Nick
upper scheduled. The next group will hang at
11. the address is 700 Lavaca, but entry to the
parking garage is across from the History
Center on Guadalupe at the corner of 8th.
Drive up the ramp, take a ticket, and get it
Please claim these from Eileen Pestorius. We
validated at the desk at the top of the escalaalso have many brochures with entries and
tor. From the garage, press LL to see the
photos, so take some for your records or mail
show. Bring friends before it closes!
one to a friend.
Contact Eileen at:
LEFT: Co Vice Presidents of Shows Janine Garcia and Tanya Christie at the reception. When our
Refreshments person, Jennifer Polnaszek was
temporarily disabled from an injury, Janine and
Tanya stepped up and provided a lovely array of
refreshments and decorations.
RIGHT: Spring Members Show co-chairs Eileen
Pestorius and Deb James.
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Show News, by Janine Marie O’Dea Garcia
Janine (Palmer) Garcia
winners of $1,000 in awards. Thank you
Pat Molina and Sue Kemp, for all your hard
work on the Fall Juried show.
I hope that you all saw the newsletter that
Fall show co-chair Pat Molina sent out
about the Fall Juried Show. If not, here is a TAYLOR ART GUILD
summary. You may submit three jpegs for
The TAG show (Taylor Art Guild) will be
a $25 entry fee by 8/26/15 to
hung on Monday, July 13 and opens
day, July 17. It ends on August 15. Thank
Juror Eric Wiegerdt will select enough
you Helen Green and Tanya Christie for
paintings from the jpegs to fill the North
organizing the TAG show. This may be a
West Hills Church Gallery. Pat volunteered great venue for WWG to gain exposure outto help anyone needing assistance photoside of Austin, and maybe even sell a few
graphing and sending jpegs. Please contact pieces.
her soon if you would like her assistance.
As I mentioned earlier, I am submitting an
Her phone number is 512-825-2370. See
application to the Julia Butridge Gallery for
the general prospectus guidelines and the
a show in 2016, possibly our next fall show.
plain paper copy on the website for comIf you have any other ideas of great venues
plete WWG Fall show entry requirements.
for our Spring or Fall shows, please give
After the artwork is framed and hung, Eric Tanya Christie or I a heads up.
will view the actual artworks and select the
Membership News, by Pat Molina
Questions about membership? Contact Pat Molina at:
Hello Members! I hope you had a wonderful
May and June. And, may July be welcomed
with loads of inspiration to paint.
Of our 125 members, we have a number of
birthdays to celebrate in July: Dr. Sidney
Shinkawa, Bob Travis, Greg Mintz, Cheryl
Christian, Yolanda McGann, Roma Freeman,
Beth Freeby, Donna Annacone and Nettie Lee
Plueckhahn. Happy birthday to all of you and
those whose birthdays I missed. May your
year be filled with wonder!
3/4 of the way done. I learned about using
two round brushes: a new brush that you use
for applying color, and an old one that has lost
its tip to soften edges. Now I don’t have to
constantly rinse the color out of my brush to
soften edges, plus it works better since the tip
is dulled.
8/26 Deadline to get entry jpegs to Pat Molina
9/13 Announcement of accepted entries
10/3 Hang exhibit at N. Hills church Gallery
10/4 Announcement of Prize Winners
I attended a watercolor workshop in Brenham, 10/11 Opening at noon
TX with Monika Pate. She is originally from 10/31 Strike at N Hills Gallery (not conPoland and lives in College Station. The
piece I did in class is pictured at left; it’s about
Wet Paint , page 4
Librarian’s Report by Carol Mc Collum
Carol McCollum has a new shipment of Arches of Rae Andrew’s watercolor book. . . Ready for
140lb., cold press, natural white paper. She
you to check out. Call Carol at 512-345-1536.
was able to get it at a sale price so that it will
Please contact Carol to arrange to buy paper or
continue to sell for only $4.25 a sheet.
check out materials at:
She also reminds members that she has a copy
Contact Carol at:
Bookworms by Eileen Pestorius
Bookworms will discuss a work recommended
by Nick Simmons while he taught our workshop here. It delves into a painting he specifically travelled to Boston to view. Although
John singer Sargent had no children, the title of
our next book is Sargent’s Daughters, about
the masterful portraits of four children of Sargent’s friend Ned Boit. The subtitle of the
book by Bostonian Erica Hirshler is “The Biography of a Painting” which offers clues to
one of Sargent’s greatest images, first exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1883 and again at the
Paris World’s Fair in 1889, marking a century
after the Bastille was stormed. Boit was a
painter too, and his pinafored daughters helped
establish Sargent’s fame. Learn about what
excited Simmons and many others on Saturday, Aug 29 at 9:30 at Eileen Pestorius’ home.
All are welcome.
Contact Eileen at:
Activities, by Helen Green
It is not too soon to begin thinking about what you might like to contribute to the painting exchange. Paint something original that fits into a 9x12 envelope. No need to mat
On the next page are the entries for the Logo Contest. As a WWG member, you can vote to
keep our old logo, or choose one of the new ones submitted by some of our members. Voting
will be at the next General Meeting.
“I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may, —light, shade, and perspective will
always make it beautiful.”—John constable, painter (1776-1837)
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Eric Wiegardt is coming to WWG this Fall!!!!!!
There ARE openings!!!!
Best Friends
“I am going to jump on
the soap box as well. . . I
took Eric’s workshop
back in the fall of 1999
in Taos, New Mexico
and he was excellent.
Don’t miss this opportunity to get instruction
for this master watercolor artist. I am taking
his workshop again because he is that good
and this is a tremendous
opportunity to take his
workshop so close to
home. Don’t pass it up.
. . Pass this message to
others in WWG”
—Rene Wojcik
Eric Wiegardt
Winter Surf
Barely a Ripple
The Duck Hunter- 2012 AWS Gold medal
Wet Paint, Page 7
Workshops, by Michele Missner, Tina Broderick, and Chuck Wallace
Eric Wiegardt workshop, sign up, pay now, and save $50!!
Now is your chance to take w workshop
with internationally known artist Eric
Wiegardt, right here in Austin, from October 5-8. sign up using our new electronic form that you can access on the
website or the online newsletter. You
can pay by PayPal (see YouTube instructions on the website) or by check to
Tina Broderick, made out to WWG.
Check our website, for all
the information you need. Email
Michele Missner
( or Tina
Broderick (
for more information or with any questions you may have. We hope to fill this
with WWG members, but we will soon
be advertising to other groups.
Eric Wiegardt, “Secrets of
Painting Loose” Oct 5-8, 2015, $450
for members and $500 for non-members.
There are openings at this time. Visit
Eric’s website at for more info..
Karen Knutson, Feb 29-March 3,
2016, $275 for members and $325 for
Birgit O’Connor, Sept 19-22,
2016, $300 members, $350 nonmembers
Mary Ann Beckwith, Oct 2-5,
2017. $300 members, $350 nonmembers
Mark Mehaffy, Feb 26-March 2,
Artists and their Work—Kudos
Frances Ashley Hall’s painting Three Roses has been accept- Michele Missner has a painting in the Creative Arts Society’s exhibit titled “154 Square Inches”—a very special exhibied into the National Watercolor Society 2015
tion featuring small works including pastels, oil, watercolor,
member Exhibition, and will be on display at the NWS
acrylics, fiber art, photography, and more. The exhibit will be
Gallery in San Pedro, CA through July 31st. It will also be
from July 31-Aug. 31 at 2235 East Sixth St #102, Austin, TX
included in North Light Publications SPLASH 17; Inspiring
Judy Copeland will be in a three person show of Mixed MeSubjects, Due out in 2016 2016.
dia at the Old Bakery and Emporium during the month of JuFrances’ painting Lotus Blossom is included in the exhibit
ly. In August she will be in an exhibit at North Hills Gallery
‘Into the Field” at the Tri-Cities Historical Museum in Grand
with Betty Jameson and several other Mixed media artists.
Haven, MI. The exhibit consists of works by members of OtChristine Gilbert has seven watercolor paintings on the
towa Shores Plein Air, and runs through September.
theme of tango dancing at Orange CoWorking, HEB ShopCongratulations Frances!!!!!!!!!!!
ping Center, 2110 W. Slaughter Ln #160
Wet Paint Page8
Artists and their Work—Kudos
Rae Andrews’ new instructional watercolor book , Watercolors Ready Set, GO! has been published! Inside you will get
11 demonstrations with step by step photos and many images
of Rae’s art. Rae discusses her approach to watercolor as well
as design, color, and value. This book shows many tips, techniques and fun ways to paint loose and exciting paintings.
Price point on this book is $45. Please contact her at :
Betty Jameson ‘s painting was selected for the Pikes Peak
Watercolor Society's International Watermedia 2015 at the
Colorado Springs Library, Colorado springs, Colorado June
1030, 2015.
Artist Opportunities-Shows
Sept 19-20, 2015
Rent a booth to sell your art or participate
in the Plein Air Competition (or do both!)
The Burnet Association of Merchants is hosting a Plein Air
Competition, Art Fest, and Auction in Burnet TX, Sept 1920, 2015. Entries are due august 15, 2015. Cash prizes of
over $1500 will be awarded in the Plein air competition.
(Last year, WWG’s Beryl Kerwick was a winner in the
Booths are also available for rent in the Art Fest.
For more information see
Artist Opportunities-Classes
Chinese Brush
Painting with
Vivien Wushuan
5Thursdays: 7/9, 7/16,
7/23, 7/30, 8/6 10:301:00
(on 8/6 you will wet
mount your masterpiece)
$175 5
At Vivien’s Studio: 1602 Shannon Oaks Trail, Austin, TX,
Learn this meditative and mind awakening art form using the
four treasures of Chinese art (bamboo brush, ink stone, ink
stick, and rice paper) through Orchid and Little Creature.
Vivien will guide you as you turn a photo reference into an
ink sketch, and learn how to work with color, value, brush
techniques and composition on rice paper. These skills form
a framework to understand the structure of the art form. The
class will also explore how to extend techniques into spontaneous styles. Vivien will show you how to wet mount your
masterpiece on the last class.
Check out Vivien's works at
contact Vivien at
Wet Paint, page 9
More Artist Opportunities:
ARToberFEST, Galveston, Texas’ Juried Art Festival on Post Office Street in historic
Downtown Galveston, will be held October 17-18, 2015. They take roughly 125 artists from
around the country, with a limit of 20 per medium. Applications are being accepted currently.
Work will be juried June 19, and notifications will be sent out June 25. For more information,
see the website at
A Word From the Editor by Marsha Reeves
In the last issue, I put out a call for assistant
wonderful people I have come to know at
editors of Wet Paint. I am overwhelmed and WWG. I am a happier, wiser person, and a
deeply touched by the number of people who much better artist for having known you all.
Although I will be in Kerrville, I will continoffered to help.
ue to be a WWG member and continue to
I owe those of you who kindly volunteered
work on the newsletter. I look forward to
an apology. I have allowed my unanswered continuing to be a part of your triumphs,
email to grow exponentially. I am slowly
news, and shows.
working my way through the mess, and will
If you’ve never been there, Kerrville has an
be contacting your shortly.
active arts community, and lots of beautiful,
As some of you may know, I am in the mid- paintable scenery. I hope you can stop by if
dle of moving to Kerrville, Texas. My hus- you visit the area—my email will remain
band and I have decided it is time for us to
the same, so I’m not hard to reach.
simplify and downsize our lives so that we
can spend what time, money, and energy we Thank you all for being my friends, and being part of my life’s journey.
have left on the things we truly enjoy-our
family, pets, art and music (plus some gar—Marsha
dening and fishing!). Navigating traffic is
NOT one of those things.
We have found a lovely vintage 1934 house
in Kerrville. The house and yard are smaller
than our current place—just the right size for
the two of us. There is a nice room with lots
of windows for my studio and a garage
workshop that Jim can convert into his music recording studio.
The process of going through my belongings
and getting rid of “excess baggage” has
made me reflect about what is really important to me. Something of great value that
I will take with me to Kerrville is all the
The new Reeves home in Kerrville TX.
My studio is the room with the fireplace.
Page 11
Wet Paint
Wet Paint is a monthly publication of Waterloo
Watercolor Group in Austin, Texas. We are a
non-profit group of people interested in the
advancement of watercolor and other waterbased media as an art form. We welcome
painters of all skill levels. WWG sponsors a
number of juried shows each year, in addition
to workshops with nationally ranked artists,
and mini workshops given by members. Come
paint with us!
Nancy Charbeneau
Tanya Christie, Janine Garcia
2’ND VICE PRESIDENT Michele Missner, Chuck Wallace, Tina
Pat Molina
Courtney Brown
Shevawn Eisman
Marsha Reeves
Do you have an artistic adventure or triumph
to share? Please submit your articles by the
25’th of the month to Marsha Reeves at:
Sandra Carlton
Helen Green
Please submit photos in jpeg, jpg or gif form
Kathy Summers
Carol McCollum
Betty Jameson
Donna Overly
Newsletter Items Wanted!
Send in articles as an attached Word document, or as part of the body of your email. I
cannot use write protected documents, or
web pages.
Membership Information
Membership runs from January through December.
$35 Basic membership
$40 basic + your website link on our website
$50 Basic + 8 jpegs on our webpage
$55 Basic + your website link + 6-8jpegs
$20 basic for anyone with student ID,
You can go to the WWG website and pay via PayPal or
fill out the application attached to this newsletter and mail
it, along with your check, payable to WWG to:
P. Molina
1200 Elm St # 115
Austin, TX 78703
Questions? Contact Pat Molina at: