curriculum vitae - Harry Ganzeboom


curriculum vitae - Harry Ganzeboom
Personal Data
Visiting Scholarships (hosts)
Gehonoreerde projectaanvragen [Granted Research Proposals]
Books, Reports in English
Articles, Chapters in English and Other Foreign Languages
Boeken en rapporten in het Nederlands [Books, Reports in Dutch]
Artikelen en hoofdstukken in het Nederlands [Articles, Chapters in Dutch]
Vakpublicaties [Other Publications]
Papers Under Review and Unpublished Conference Papers in English
Ongepubliceerde Conferentie Papers in het Nederlands [Unpublished Conference Papers in Dutch]
Other Working Papers and Work in Preparation
Presentations in English
Voordrachten in het Nederlands [Presentations in Dutch]
Dissertations supervised
Dataverzamelingen [Data Collections]
Host to foreign visitors
Onderwijs [Teaching]
Memberships and Other Professional Activities
(Last revised: September 1, 2016)
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. [Hermanus Bernardus Gerardus].
April 18, 1953 in Deventer, Netherlands.
Biltstraat 66 bis A, 3572 BE, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Department of Sociology
VU University Amsterdam [VUA]
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
(+31) 20 598 8634 (office)
(+31) 20 598 6806 (secretary)
(+31) 30 252 1253 (home)
Marital status:
Cursus “Gestructureerd Leidinggeven. Een praktijkgerichte leergang voor
wetenschapsmanagers.” GITP OrganisatieAdvies / VU. [Academic Leadership]
Doctoraat Sociale Wetenschappen, Universiteit Utrecht [Doctorate Degree (equivalent to
PhD) in Social Sciences, Utrecht University.] Promotores: Reinhard Wippler (Utrecht
University); Willem A.T. Meuwese (Eindhoven Technical University). Thesis: "Cultuur en
Informatieverwerking" ["Culture and the Processing of Information"].
Graduate courses in: Theoretical Sociology (Utrecht 1979, Reinhard Wippler), Loglinear
Analysis (Utrecht 1980, Albert Verbeek), Linear-Structural Equation Models (Leiden 1980,
Karl Jöreskog; Amsterdam 1981, Willem Saris), Non-Linear Data-Analysis (Leiden 1981,
Jan de Leeuw), Latent Class Analysis (Groningen 1982, Erling Andersen).
Doctoraal Examen Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht [Doctoral Degree (equivalent to MA) in
Sociology, Utrecht University.] Judicium Cum Laude. Specializations: theoretical sociology,
methodology, statistics. Thesis: "De toepasbaarheid van sociaal-psychologische theorieën in
sociologisch onderzoek" ["The Applicability of Social-Psychological Theories in
Sociological Research"].
Kandidaats Examen Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht [Candidate's Degree (equivalent to B.A.)
in Sociology, Utrecht University.] Minors: social psychology, economics, philosophy of
science. Thesis: "Theoriebouw in de sociologie" ["Theory Construction in Sociology"].
Gymnasium bèta, Geert Groote College, Deventer, Netherlands.
2002/09 -
Hoogleraar Sociologie & Methoden en Technieken van Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek [Professor of
Sociology and Social Research Methodology], Department of Social Research Methodology  Department
of Sociology, VU University, Amsterdam.
Hoogleraar Sociologie [Professor of Sociology], Department of Sociology, Utrecht University.
Universitair Hoofddocent [Associate Professor], Department of Sociology, [Radboud] University Nijmegen
Huygensstipendiaat [Huygens Fellowship], awarded by the Netherlands Organisation for the Advancement
of Scientific Research NWO. Locations: Vakgroep Empirisch-Theoretische Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht
and three American universities [University of Arizona-Tucson, University of California-Los Angeles,
University of Chicago].
Toegevoegd Onderzoeker RUU-WVC project 'Film en Publiek' [Research Fellow, Utrecht University,
project on the cinema going, funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Culture (part-time)].
Toegevoegd Onderzoeker RUU-ZWO project 'Cultuurdeelname in Nederland' [Research Fellow, Utrecht
University, project on culture consumption, funded by Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of
Science ZWO].
Toegevoegd Onderzoeker RUU-CRM project 'Beleving van Monumenten' [Research Fellow, Utrecht
University, project on the experience of architecture, funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Culture.
Toegevoegd Docent RUU [Teaching Fellow, Utrecht University].
Student-assistent RUU project 'Beroepsarbeid Vrouwelijke Academici' (Tazelaar, Van Doorne-Huiskes)
[Research Assistant, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University]
ADEK Universiteit van Suriname. Host: Tamira Sno. Purpose: supervision Tamira Sno and Regien
Department of Sociology, University of Melbourne. Host: Irma Mooi-Reci. Purpose: Sabbatical Leave.
Nederlands Instituut Turkije / Istanbul Sehir University, Istanbul: bezoek aan Ayse Güveli om te werken aan
boek over Turks migratieproject.
Department of Sociology, Masaryk University, Brno: bezoek aan Martin Kreidl om verder te werken aan
Istanbul Sehir University, Istanbul: Final (Expert) Workshop Norface LineUp project “Migration Histories
of 2000 Turkish Families”.
ADEK Universiteit van Suriname: bezoek om te werken met promovendi Tamira Sno en Regien Riedewald.
Verblijf Nederlands Instituut te Turkije, Istanbul. Host: Ayse Güveli.
Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname, Paramaribo [Host: Sno. Purpose: Fieldwork inspection; Continued
work on Sno’s PhD project]
California Center for Population Resarch, University of California-Los Angeles. [Host: Treiman. Purpose:
Continued work on International Stratification and Mobility File]
Anton de Kom University of Suriname. [Host: Tamira Sno. Purpose: Common work on “Social Stratification
Afdeling Sociologie ADEK Universiteit van Suriname. Host: Tamira Sno. Purpose: Supervision Tamira Sno,
Regien Riedewald.
ADEK Universiteit van Suriname, Afdeling Maatschappijwetenschappen, (werken met promovendi Tamira
Sno en Regien Riedewald).
Department of Sociology, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Host: Martin Kreidl.
and Social Mobility in Suriname“.
California Center for Population Resarch, University of California-Los Angeles [Host: Treiman. Purpose:
Continued work on International Stratification and Mobility File]
California Center for Population Resarch, University of California-Los Angeles [Host: Treiman. Purpose:
Continued work on International Stratification and Mobility File]
Academia Sinica, Institute for European and American Studies, Taipei [Host: Tam. Purpose: Preparing paper
on comparison of educational opportunities. I also gave a two-day workshop on occupation coding.]
California Center for Population Resarch, University of California-Los Angeles [Host: Treiman. Purpose:
Continued work on International Stratification and Mobility File]
Academia Sinica, Institute for European and American Studies, Taipei [Host: Tam. Purpose: Harmonization
of of Taiwanese social mobility data].
California Center for Population Resarch, University of California-Los Angeles [Host: Treiman. Purpose:
Continued work on International Stratification and Mobility File]
Zentrum für Umfragen und Methodologie ZUMA, Mannheim. Purpose: prepare paper on comparative
measurement of education in ESS. Host: Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik.
University of California-Los Angeles. Purpose: Continued work on Comparative Social Mobility Project.
Host: Treiman.
University of California-Los Angeles. Purpose: Continued work on Comparative Social Mobility Project.
Host: Treiman.
University of Eastern Piedmont-Alessandria. Purpose: Continued work on Social Mobility in Italy Project.
Host: Meraviglia.
Zentrum für Umfragen und Methodologie ZUMA, Mannheim. Purpose: prepaper paper on comparative
measurement of education in ESS. Host: Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik.
Zentrum für Umfragen und Methodologie ZUMA, Mannheim. Purpose: prepaper paper on comparative
measurement of education in ESS. Host: Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik.
University of California-Los Angeles. Purpose: Continued work on Comparative Social Mobility Project.
Host: Treiman.
University of California-Los Angeles. Purpose: Continued work on Comparative Social Mobility Project.
Host: Treiman.
University of California-Los Angeles. Purpose: Continued work on Comparative Social Mobility Project.
Host: Treiman.
University of California-Los Angeles. Purpose: Continued work on Comparative Social Mobility Project.
Host: Treiman.
University of California-Los Angeles. Purpose: Continued work on Comparative Social Mobility Project.
Host: Treiman.
University of California-Los Angeles. Purpose: Continued work on Comparative Social Mobility Project.
Host: Treiman.
University of California-Los Angeles. Purpose: Continued work on Comparative Social Mobility Project.
Host: Treiman.
University of California-Los Angeles. Purpose: Continued work on Comparative Social Mobility Project.
Host: Treiman.
European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy. Purpose: Continued work on Trends in Educational
Opportunities in the Netherlands. Host: Dronkers.
University of California-Los Angeles. Purpose: Continued work on Comparative Social Mobility Project.
Host: Treiman.
Australian Council for Education Research, Melbourne, Australia. Purpose: Writing a Thematic Report on
Social Background and Student Academic Achievement. Host: Marks.
Australian Council for Education Research, Melbourne, Australia. Purpose: Writing a Thematic Report on
Social Background and Student Academic Achievement. Host: Marks.
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France. Purpose: Further Work on a
Thematic Report on Social Background and Student Academic Achievement. Host: Schleicher.
Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles [host: Treiman] Purpose: continued work on
comparative mobility project.
Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles. Host: Treiman. Purpose: continued work
on comparative mobility project.
Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles. Host: Treiman. Purpose: continued work
on comparative mobility project.
Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles. Host: Treiman. Purpose: continued work
on comparative mobility project.
Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles. Host: Treiman. Purpose: continued work
on comparative mobility project.
Grupo Analyses e Pesquidas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Hosts: Martins (GAP), Pastore (University of Sao
Australian National University, Research School for Social Sciences. Hosts: Evans, Kelley.
Luxemburg Income Study, Center for Employment and Poverty Studies CEPS/INSTEAD, Walferdange,
Luxemburg (host: Rainwater).
Department of Sociology, University of California-Los Angeles. (host: Treiman).
Australian National University, Sociology Research Program, Canberra (hosts: Kelley, Evans).
Department of Sociology, University of California-Los Angeles (host: Treiman).
Nuffield College, Oxford University (host: Heath).
Max Planck Institut für Bildungsforschung, Berlin (host: Maas).
Department of Sociology, University of California-Los Angeles (host: Treiman).
Department of Sociology, University of California-Los Angeles (host: Treiman).
Department of Sociology, University of California-Los Angeles (host: Treiman).
Department of Sociology, University of California-Los Angeles (host: Treiman).
Department of Sociology, University of Chicago (host: Coleman).
Department of Sociology, University of California-Los Angeles (host: Treiman).
Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, Tucson (host: Sobel).
“Funding Sabbathical Leave University of Melbourne”. 15k AUD (with Irma Mooi-Reci).
“IB-DP Student Workload Project Pilot, Panel 2014-2016”. Commissioned by IB International Office. Stage A US $ 35.6k
Stage B US $ 47.0k (together with Ineke Nagel), June 2014.
“Drop-out: a waste of human resources?” Onderzoeksvoorstel voor NUFFIC ten behoeve van Regien Riedewald. Ingediend 1
februari 2013. Toegekend (85 k€) juni 2013.
“FSW Matchingssubsidie Regien Riedewald.” Toegekend 11.5k euro.
“ISSP-NL (International Social Survey Programme) 2012-2013-2014”. NWO Veranderingsstudies 481-08-012. Awarded
k€71. 25 mei 2012.
Sno, Tamira & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, “Status Attainment and Social Mobility in Suriname”. NUFFIC. Awarded December
1 2010. Awarded 85 k€ (NUFFIC), 31k€ (VU, Fieldwork). 28 k€ (VU, Supervision).
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “ESS Developmental Project: Improving the Measurement of Social Background Variables”. NWO
Special Program. Submitted: November 3 2009. Awarded: 265 k€.
Thomassen, J.; Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (2008) “ESS-NL: European Social Survey in the Netherlands”. European Strategy
Forum on Research Infrastructures [ESFRI]. Awarded: 2.7 m€. Main Data Collection, 1.25 m€. Developmental Projects, 275
k€ running cost.
Güveli, Ayse; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Nauck, Bernard (2008). “500 Families. Migration Histories of Turks in Europe
[LineUp].” NORFACE Transnational Research Programme 'Migration in Europe - social, economic, cultural and policy
dynamics'. Submitted September 10 2008, January 31 2008]. Awarded funds: 2.4 M€.
NORFACE subsidie voor uitbreiding ISSP 2008 “Religion”, 45 k€ (i.s.m. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
`Herbenoeming ESS Nationaal Coordinator 2008-2009`, 50 k€.
“Documentatie en Archivering Jeugd & Cultuur data” . Subsidie Klein Dataproject, DANS. K€10. (met Ineke Nagel).
“International Social Survey Programme Datacollection 2005-2006.” Sponsor & partner: Social and Cultural Planning
Office. k€ 25.
“Lezersonderzoek Horizon, Tijdschrift van de Protestante Gemeenten Amsterdam en Amstelveen.” Opdracht Algemene
Kerkenraad Protestante Gemeenten Amsterdam en Amstelveen. [k€ 14]
“Dataverzameling ‘Ouders en ICT’“ (met Ineke Nagel), opdracht van het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. [k€ 24].
“International Social Survey Programme Datacollection 2003-2004.” Sponsor & partner: Social and Cultural Planning
Office. K€ 25.
Mills, Melinda & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, Temporal Labour Market Flexibility: The Determinants and its Consequences for
Family Cohesion in the Netherlands within an International Perspective, NWO, BKF Project Nr: 457-03-024. Researcher:
Kadri Täht (1.0 fte 4 years).
Stichting Historische Steekproef Nederlandse Bevolking. "Life Courses in Context". NWO Investeringen Groot, dossiernr. & KNAW Investeringen Vernieuwingsfonds GWI. Toegekend: juni 2002. Budget k€ 3.085 & k€ 600.
Looptijd: 2003-2007.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Gary Marks, “Social Background and Student Achievement. Proposal submitted to OECD for a
Thematic Report using the data from the Program on International Student Achievement 2000.” Awarded: June 2000.
Budget: US k$ 69. Project time: 2000-2002.
Ganzeboom, Harry (i.s.m. Ineke Nagel en Folkert Haanstra), “Het CKV Volgproject.” Onderzoeksopdracht van het
Cultuurnetwerk Nederland en het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen. Toegekend: 1999. Budget: kf 384.
Looptijd: 2000-2002.
Stichting Historische Steekproef Nederlandse Bevolking, "Vervolgaanvraag bestandsopbouw Historische Steekproef
Nederlandse Bevolking". NWO Investeringssubsidie Middelgroot, dossiernr. 380.050.001. Toegekend: december 1999.
Budget: kf 750. Looptijd: 2000-2005.
Ganzeboom, Harry, "Moderne Informatietechnologie en Sociale Ongelijkheid". Onderzoek in opdracht van het Sociaal en
Cultureel Planbureau. Toegekend 1998. Budget: kf. 341. Looptijd: 1998-1999.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Nan Dirk de Graaf (i.s.m. René Bekkers). “Individual and Social Determinants of Prosocial
Behavior”. NWO Stichting MAGW #425-12-002. Toegekend 18 maart 1999. Budget: 1 fte (kf 189) & kf 40 materieel.
Looptijd: 1999-2003.
Ganzeboom, Harry. "Het Cultureel Jongeren Paspoort en Kunstparticipatie van Leerlingen in het Voortgezet Onderwijs".
Onderzoek in opdracht van de Stichting CJP.” Toegekend: 1997. Budget: kf. 86. Looptijd: 1998-1999.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Van Rees, Kees; Schram, Dick. "Cultural Canons and Cultural Competences. Subprogram of NWO
Priority Theme "The Multicultural and Pluriform Society", Toegekend: januari 1998. (Budget: kf. 510).
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. “Veranderingen in literaire socialisatie en leesgedrag in de periode 1975-1995”. NWO Stichting voor
Literatuur-, Muziek- en Theaterwetenschap # 301-80-081. Toegekend 28 april 1997. Looptijd: 1998-2002. Budget: 1 fte + kf
Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Dronkers, J. (with Susanne Rijken) "Extended Educational Careers". NWO-PD project, kf. 300,
toegekend 1997. Period: 1998-2000.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. "NWO Bezoekersbeurs Chris Crook" (kf. 6).
Giessen, D.; L. van Dijk; Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; J. Weesie. "NWO Conferentiesubsidie Workshop on the Rationality of
Households, ICS/Utrecht, June 1996" (kf. 5).
Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Lucassen, J. (i.s.m. Stichting Historische Steekproef Nederlandse Bevolking en International Instituut
voor Sociale Geschiedenis). "Investeringsaanvraag Historische Steekproef Nederlandse Bevolking" NWO apparatuurfonds
Middelgroot, dossiernr. 200.01.030. Toegekend september 1995. Budget kf. 1400. Looptijd 1996-1999.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. "Effectonderzoek Cultureel Jongerenpaspoort" Toegekend 1995. Budget: kf. 4.5. Looptijd: 1995.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. "NWO bezoekersbeurs Gary Marks" (kf. 3).
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (with Susanne Rijken). (1995) "Onderwijsexpansie, onderwijskansen en onderwijsrendement van
mannen en vrouwen in vergelijkend perspectief". Toegekend 1995, NWO 510-12-252. Looptijd: 1995-1998. 48mfte.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Ultee, W.C. (1994) "Sociale Segmentatie in Nederland in 2015." Voorstudie ten behoeve van de
Toekomstverkenning 1995 van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid. kf 200. Looptijd: September 1994September 1995.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (1994) "Occupational Career Mobility in Hungary in Historical and Cross-National Perspective". (NWO
048-011-007) kf 34. Looptijd: September 1994-December 1995.
Stichting Historische Steekproef Nederlandse Bevolking: Subsidie HSN (provincie Zeeland). Stichting Regionale
Geschiedbeoefening Zeeland. Toegekend 1993. Budget kf 25. Looptijd 1993-2001.
Stichting Historische Steekproef Nederlandse Bevolking: Voortgangssubsidie HSN (provincies Zuid-Holland, Zeeland).
Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen. Toegekend 1993. Budget kf. 200. Looptijd 1993-1995.
Lippe, Tanja van der; Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Siegers, Jacques J. (1993): "Verdeling van betaald en huishoudelijk werk tussen
mannen en vrouwen in Oost- en West-Europa: een vergelijking in de tijd en tussen landen." (NWO/SSCW 500-279-609) [36
mfte + 50 kf].
Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Haanstra, F. (1993): "Het effect van kunstzinnige vorming in het voortgezet onderwijs op latere
culturele participatie." (SVO 93405) [100 kf UU + 200 kf UVA]. Looptijd 1993-1996.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Haanstra, F. (1993): "Kunstzinnige vorming in het voortgezet onderwijs en cultuurdeelname:
aanvullend voorstel ten behoeve van het LOKV." [kf 38 UU + 15 kf UVA]. Looptijd: 1993-1996.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (1992): "Culturele en economische dimensies van statusverwerving in Oost-Europa voor en na 1989".
(NWO/SSCW) [36 mfte + 50 kf].
Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Haanstra, Folkert: "Effecten van kunstzinnige vorming op middelbare scholen." [Effects of cultural
socialization in secondary schools]." Onderzoeksvoorstel ten behoeve van het Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en
Cultuur, 1991. (fl. 25.000 (KUN) + fl. 55.000 (SCO))
Ganzeboom, H; Ultee, W.C.: "Multivariate homogamie analyse" [Multivariate Analysis of Homogamy Patterns], Netherlands
Organization for Scientific Research NWO, December 1990. (50.279-301; 48 mfte).
Ganzeboom, H.; Verhoeff, R.: "Het publiek van het Holland Festival Oude Muziek [The Audience of the Holland Early
Music Festival]", Netherlands Ministry of Culture WVC, October 1989. (14 mfte).
Stichting Historische Steekproef Nederlandse Bevolking: Proefproject Provincie Utrecht. Ministerie van Onderwijs en
Wetenschappen. Toegekend 1990. Looptijd 1991-1993. Budget kf. 200.
De Guchteneire; Paul; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.: "International Archives of Comparative Social Research InterCom - een
NWO/SURF Expertisecentrum", 1990. (erkenning, geen subsidie).
Dronkers, J.; Swanborn, P.G.; Ganzeboom, H., "Naar een meerdimensionele schaling van beroepsstatus. [Multidimensional
Scaling of Occupational Status]", Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO, May 1988. (48 mfte)
Ganzeboom, H.: "Museum en publiek." [Museum Audiences], Netherlands Ministry of Culture WVC, September 1988. (10
Ganzeboom, H.; Wippler, R.: "Podiumkunst en Publiek [Theater Audiences], Netherlands Ministry of Culture WVC,
December 1985. (80 mfte)
Ganzeboom, H. "Cultuur, leefstijl en sociale achtergrond. [Culture, Lifestyle and Social Background]", Netherlands
Organization for Scientific Research (Huygens Fellowship H50.293), December 1985. (60 mfte)
Swanborn. P.G.; Ganzeboom, H.B.G.: "Zelfmoord als navolging van kranteberichten." [Suicide and Accident Mortality after
Publicized Suicides]", Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, (ZWO 50-202), May 1984. (6 mfte)
Beereboom, H.; Ganzeboom, H.; Wippler, R.: "Effecten van prijsverlaging op bioscoopbezoek. [Effects of Lower Prices on
Cinema Attendance]", Netherlands Ministry of Culture WVC, June 1984. (6 mfte)
Ganzeboom, H.; Wippler, R. "Film en Publiek [Film Audiences]", Netherlands Ministry of Culture WVC, November 1984.
(10 mfte)
Wippler, R.; Ganzeboom, H.: "Cultuurdeelname in Nederland [Cultural Consumption in the Netherlands 1955-1980]",
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, (ZWO 50-293), May 1982. (36 mfte)
Ganzeboom, H.; Wippler, R.: “Beleving van monumenten’ [‘Experiencing Monumental Architecture’]”, Netherlands
Ministry of Culture CRM, December 1979. (60 mfte)
Ayse Guveli, Harry Ganzeboom, Lucinda Platt, Bernhard Nauck, Helen Baykara-Krumme, Sebnem Eroglu, Sait
Bayrakdar, Efe K. Sözeri, Niels Spierings. (2015). Intergenerational Consequences of Migration. Socio-economic, Family
and Cultural Patterns of Stability and Change in Turkey and Europe. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137501417.
Paul Nieuwbeerta & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (Eds.) (1998). Proceedings of the [Fifth] NWO Conference on Transformation
Processes in Eastern Europe, March 6-7 1997, Part II: Social Stratification. The Hague: ESR (253 pp.)
Nieuwbeerta, Paul; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1996). "International Social Mobility and Politics File". Amsterdam: DANS
Archives [DANS Codeboek P1145]. (201 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry (Ed.) (1996). Proceedings [Third] Workshop on Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe December
1-2 1994. The Hague: NWO/ESR (207 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry; Haanstra, Folkert (1989). "Museums and Public". Rijswijk: Ministry of Welfare, Health and Culture.
(116 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Flap, Henk D. (Eds.) (1989). "New Social Movements and Value Change. Theoretical
Developments and Empirical Analyses." (Contributions by: Henk Flap, Harry Ganzeboom, Anthony Heath, Jan van Deth,
Nan Dirk de Graaf, Hanspeter Kriesi, Karl-Dieter Opp.) Amsterdam: SISWO (Publicatie #339). (139 pp.)
Bakker, B.F.M.; Dronkers, J.; Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (Eds.) (1984). "Social Stratification and Mobility in the Netherlands",
Amsterdam: SISWO. (259 pp.)
Meraviglia, Cinzia, Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, Deborah DeLuca (2016). “A New International Measures of Social
Stratification”. Contemporary Social Science, published online August 2016.
Güveli, Ayse, Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, Helen Baykara-Krumme, Lucinda Platt, Sebnem Eroglu, Niels Spiering, Sait
Bayraktar & Efe K. Sözeri (2016). “2000 Turkish Families: Identifying the Research Potential of an Origins-of-Migration
Study”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, published online September 2016.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2015). “Occupational status attainment and intergenerational occupational mobility among Turks
in Turkey and Turks in Europe”. Chapter 5 in: Ayse Güveli et al. Intergenerational Consequences of Migration. Socioeconomic, Family and Cultural Patterns of Stability and Change in Turkey and Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.
Zuccotti, Carolina V., Harry B. G. Ganzeboom & Ayse Guveli. (2015). “Has Migration Been Beneficial for Migrants and
Their Children?” International Migration Review (Fall). Article first published online: 3 NOV 2015. DOI:
Begall, Katia, Melinda M. Mills & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, (2015).“Non-Standard Work Schedules and Childbearing in the
Netherlands: A Mixed-Method Couple Analysis”. Social Forces 93(3) 957–988.
Mooi-Reci, Irma, and Harry B. Ganzeboom (2015). “Unemployment Scarring by Gender: Human Capital Depreciation or
Stigmatization? Longitudinal Evidence from the Netherlands, 1980-2000.” Social Science Research 52:642–58.
Nagel, I., & Ganzeboom, H. B. G. (2015). “Art and Socialisation”. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral
Sciences (pp. 7–14). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.10432-5.
Notten, Natascha, Thijs Bol, Herman van de Werfhorst & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (2014). “Educational stratification in
cultural participation: Cognitive competence or status motivation?” Forthcoming in Journal of Cultural Economics. Published
online: April 26, 2014. DOI 10.1007/s10824-014-9218-1
Schröder, Heike & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (2014), "Measuring and Modelling Level of Education in European Societies".
European Sociological Review (30,1), 119-136. doi 10.1093/esr/jct026. Published online 29 October 2013.
Guveli, Ayse; Ganzeboom, Harry BG; Baykara-Krumme, Helen; Platt, Lucinda; Eroglu, Sebnem; Spierings, Niels;
Bayrakdar, Sait; Nauck, Bernhard; Sozeri, Efe K. (2014). 2000 Families: identifying the research potential of an origins-of-
migration study. Londen: Center for Research & Analysis of Migration [CREAM], Discussion paper CPD 35/14 / Norface
Migration Discussion Paper 2014/07.
de Luca, Deborah, Cinzia Meraviglia & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (2012). “Construction and Validation of a Relational Scale
of Occupational Status for Italy.” Pp. 29-51 in: Paul Lambert, Paul, Roxanne Conelly, Robert M. Blackburn & Vernon Gayle
(Eds.), 'Social Stratification, Trends and Processes', Farnham UK: Ashgate Publishers.
Güveli, Ayse; Luijkx, Ruud; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2012). “Patterns of Intergenerational Mobility in the Old and New
Middle Class in a Post-Industrial Society: Netherlands 1970-2006.” Social Science Research (41), pp. 224-241.
Nagel, Ineke, Harry B.G. Ganzeboom & Matthijs Kalmijn (2011). “Bourdieu in the Network: The Influence of High Culture
and Popular Culture on Network Formation in Secondary Schools”. Pp. 424-446 in Jörge Rössel & Gunnar Otte (Eds.).
“Lebensstilforschung”, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (Sonderheft 51).
Meraviglia, Cinzia; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2008). “Mothers’ and Fathers’ Influence on Occupational Status Attainment in
Italy. POLENA [Political and Electoral Navigations] (2), pp. 29-65.
Rijken, Susanne; Maas, Ineke; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2007). ”Access to Higher Education in the Netherlands. Institutional
Arrangements and Inequality of Opportunity”. Pp. 266-293 in: Shavit, Yossi, Arum, Richard & Adam Gamoran (Eds.)
“Stratification in Higher Education. A Comparative Study.” Stanford CA: Stanford University Press.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2006). “Foreword”. Pp. xvi-xix in Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Melinda Mills & Fabrizio Bernardi (Eds.),
“Globalization, Uncertainty and Men’s Careers”. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2005). “On the Cost of Being Crude: A Comparison of Detailed and Coarse Occupational Coding.”
Pp. 241-258 in: Jürgen H.P. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Methodological Aspects of Cross-National Research, Mannheim: ZUMANachrichten [Special Issue #11], 2005.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Luijkx, R. (2004). “More Recent Trends in Intergenerational Occupational Class Reproduction in
the Netherlands 1970-2004. Evidence from an Expanded Database.” Netherlands Journal of Social Sciences (40,2) pp. 114142.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Ruud Luijkx (2004). "Recent Trends in Intergenerational Occupational Class Reproduction in the
Netherlands 1970-1999. Pp. 345-381 in: Richard Breen (Ed.), Social Mobility in Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Treiman, Donald J. (2003). "Three Internationally Standardised Measures for Comparative
Research on Occupational Status." Pp. 159-193 in Jürgen H.P. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik & Christof Wolf (Eds.). Advances in
Cross-National Comparison. A European Working Book for Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables. New York:
Kluwer Academic Press.
Dessens, Jos A.G.; Jansen, Wim; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Van der Heijden, Peter G.M. (2003). "Pattern and Trends in
Occupational Attainment in First Jobs in the Netherlands, 1930-1995: OLS Regression versus. Conditional Multinomial
Logistic Regression". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, (168, Part 1), pp. 63-84.
Ganzeboom, Harry B. G., Donald J. Treiman, and Wout Ultee. 2002[1991]. "Daiji Fenceng Bijiao Yanjiu De Sandai Ji Yihou
De Fazhan [Comparative Intergenerational Stratification Research: Three Generations and Beyond.]" Reprinted in Qing Hua
She Hui Xue Ping Lun [Tsinghua Sociological Review] 3, pp. 151-194. [In Chinese.] [Or. Annual Review of Sociology
Nagel, Ineke; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2002). “Participation in Legitimate Culture: Family and School Effects from
Adolescence to Adulthood.” The Netherlands’ Journal of Social Sciences (38,2), pp. 102-120.
Haanstra, Folkert; Nagel, Ineke; Ganzeboom, Harry (2002). "A Preliminary Assessment of a New Arts Education Program in
Dutch Secondary Schools." The International Journal of Art & Design Education (21,2), pp. 164-172.
Luijkx, Ruud; Robert, Peter; Graaf, Paul M. de; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2002). "Changes in Status Attainment in Hungary
1910-1989". European Societies (4,1), pp. 107-140.
Korupp, Sylvia E.; Sanders, Karin; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2002). "The Intergenerational Transmission of Occupational
Status and Sex Typing at Children's Labor Market Entry". The European Journal of Women's Studies (9,1), pp. 7-29.
Korupp, Sylvia E; Sanders, Karin; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2002). "Wie die Mutter, so die Tochter? Dynamiken und Trends
im Statusvererbungsprozess zwischen Müttern und Töchtern in Westdeutschland und den Niederlanden". Kölner Zeitschrift
für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (54,1), pp. 1-26.
Korupp, Sylvia E.; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Van der Lippe, Tanja (2002). “Do Mother Matter? A Comparison of Models of
the Influence of Mother's and Father's Educational and Occupational Status on Children's Educational Attainment.” Quality
& Quantity (36,1), pp. 17-42.
Gijsberts, Mérove; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2001). “El appoyo a los principios distributivos. Una comparacion entre las
sociedades socialistas y las sociedades de mercado (1987-1996). [Support for distributive principles. A comparison between
socialist and market societies]”. Politica y Sociedad (38), pp 69-96.
Rijken, Susanne & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (2001). "Women and Men in State-Socialist and Market-Regulated Societies.
Gender Differences in Ascription and Achievement in the First Job." Pp. 245-263 in Tanja van der Lippe & Liset van Dijk
(Eds.), Women's Employment in a Comparative Perspective. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.
Dijkum, Cor van, Niek Lam & Harry Ganzeboom (2001). “The Dynamics of Educational Expansion: A Simulation Model.”
Pp. 205-221 in Felix Geyer & Johannes van der Zouwen (Eds.) Sociocybernetics: Complexity, Autopoiesis, and Observation
of Social Systems. Westport CT: Greenwood Press.
Treiman, Donald J. & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (2000). "The Fourth Generation of Comparative Stratification Research". Pp.
123-150 in: Stellah Quah & Arnaud Sales (Eds.) The International Handbook of Sociology. Sage.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Anton Kramberger & Paul Nieuwbeerta (2000). "The Parental Effect on Educational and
Occupational Attainment in Slovenia during the 20th Century." Pp. 9-54 in Anton Kramberger (Ed.), "Mechanisms of Social
Differentiation in Slovenia" [Special Issue of Druzboslovne Razprave [Slovenian Journal of Social Science Studies (Vol
XVI, nrs. 32-33)]], Ljubljana: Slovenian Sociological Association.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Paul Nieuwbeerta (1999). “Access to Education in Six Eastern European countries between 1940
and 1985. Results of a Cross-National Survey.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies (32), pp. 339-357.
Hendrickx, John; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1998). “Occupational Status Attainment in the Netherlands, 1920-1990. A
Multinomial Logistic Analysis.” European Sociological Review (14,4), pp. 387-403.
Rijken, Susanne & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (1998). “Occupational Status Attainment in First Jobs in Market Regulated and
State Socialist Contexts.” Pp. 3-22 in: Paul Nieuwbeerta & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (Eds.) Proceedings of the [Fifth] NWO
Conference on Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe, March 6-7 1997, Part II: Social Stratification. The Hague: ESR.
Luijkx, Ruud, Peter Robert, Paul M. de Graaf & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (1998). “From Ascription to Achievement: the
Status Attainment Process in Hungary from 1910-1991.” Pp. 93-120 in Paul Nieuwbeerta & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (Eds.)
Proceedings of the [Fifth] NWO Conference on Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe, March 6-7 1997, Part II: Social
Stratification. The Hague: ESR.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1998). Social Stratification in Eastern Europe: the Dutch View. Pp. 227-240 in Paul Nieuwbeerta &
Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (Eds.) Proceedings of the [Fifth] NWO Conference on Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe,
March 6-7 1997, Part II: Social Stratification. The Hague: ESR.
Nagel, Ineke; Ganzeboom, Harry; Haanstra, Folkert; Oud, Wil (1997). "Effects of Arts Education on Cultural Participation in
Later Life". Journal of Art & Design Education (16,3): 325-332.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Paul Nieuwbeerta (1996). "Access to Education in Five Eastern European Countries between
1940 and 1985. Results from the Cross-National survey of Eastern Europe." Pp. 197-216 in: Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (Ed.)
Proceedings of the [Third] Workshop on Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe, December 1-2 1994. The Hague:
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Treiman, Donald J. (1996). "Tendenze lineari di lungo periodo nel conseguimento di status in Italia
[Long Term Linear Trends in Status Attainment in Italy]". Pp. 187-219 in Carlo Mongardini (Ed.), "Teoria sociologica e
stratificazione sociale [Sociological Theory and Social Stratification]". Roma: Nuova Italia Scientifica.
Uunk, Wilfred; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Robert, Peter (1996). "Bivariate and Multivariate Scaled Association Models. An
Application to Homogamy of Social Origin and Education in Hungary between 1930 and 1979". Quality & Quantity (30), pp.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Treiman, Donald J. (1996). "Internationally Comparable Measures of Occupational Status for the
1988 International Standard Classification of Occupations". Social Science Research (25), pp. 201-239.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1996). "Effects of Arts Education in Primary and Secondary Education on Cultural Consumption
and Socio-economic Careers in Later Life." Pp. 146-156 in: Art&Fact. Learning Effects of Arts Education. Utrecht: LOKV
(Netherlands Institute for Arts Education).
Luijkx, Ruud; Robert, Peter; de Graaf, Paul M.; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1995). "A szarmazastol a teljesitmenyig: a
statuszmegszerzes folyamata Magyarorszagon [From ascription to achievement: The status attainment process in Hungary]"
Szociologiai Szemle (4).
Ultee, Wout C.; Batenburg, Ronald; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1993). "Cultural Inequalities in Cross-national Perspective. A
Secondary Analysis of Survey Data for the 1980's." Pp. 173-192 in: Rigney, Ann; Fokkema, Douwe (Eds.), "Cultural
Participation. Trends since the Middle Ages." Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins (Utrecht Publications in General and
Comparative Literature #31).
De Graaf, Paul; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1993). "Family Background and Educational Attainment in the Netherlands of
1891-1960 Birth Cohorts", Pp. 75-100 in: Shavit, Yossi; Blossfeld, Hans-Peter (Eds.), "Persistent Inequality. Changing
Educational Attainment in Thirteen Countries". Boulder CO: Westview Press.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Treiman, Donald J. (1993). "Preliminary results on educational expansion and educational
opportunity in comparative perspective". Pp. 467-506 in: Henk A. Becker & Piet L.J. Hermkens (Eds.): "Solidarity of
Generations." Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; De Graaf, Paul; Treiman, Donald J.; (with De Leeuw, Jan) (1992). "A Standard International SocioEconomic Index of Occupational Status", Social Science Research (21-1), pp. 1-56.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Treiman, Donald J.; Ultee, Wout C. (1991). "Comparative Intergenerational Mobility Research Three Generations and Beyond", Annual Review of Sociology (17), pp. 277-302.
Treiman, Donald J.; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1990). "Cross-National Comparative Status Attainment Research". Research in
Social Stratification and Mobility (9), pp. 105-127.
De Graaf, Paul M.; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1990). "Intergenerational Educational Mobility in the Netherlands for Birth
Cohorts from 1891 through 1960." Netherlands Journal of Sociology (26-1), pp. 35-50.
Ganzeboom, Harry; De Graaf, Paul; Robert, Peter (1990). "Cultural Reproduction Theory on Socialist Ground.
Intergenerational Transmission of Status Attainment in Hungary." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (9), pp. 79104.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (1989). "Cultural and Economic Dimensions of Lifestyle". Pp. 185-241 in: Filipcova, Blanka; Glyptis,
Sue; Tokarski, Walter (Eds.), "Life Style. Theories, Concepts, Methods and Results of Life Style Research in International
Perspective". Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.
Luijkx, Ruud; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1989). "Intergenerational Class Mobility in the Netherlands Between 1970 and
1985". Pp. 5-30 in: Jansen, W.; Dronkers, J.; Verrips. K. (Eds.), "Similar or Different? Continuities in Dutch Research on
Social Stratification and Social Mobility.", Amsterdam: SISWO (Publicatie #338).
De Graaf, Paul M.; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G; Kalmijn, Matthijs (1989). "Cultural and Economic Dimensions of Occupational
Status". Pp. 53-74 in: Jansen, W.; Dronkers, J., Verrips, K. (Eds.), "Similar or Different? Continuities in Dutch Research on
Social Stratification and Social Mobility.", Amsterdam: SISWO (Publicatie #338).
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1989). "International Comparison of Culture Consumption Data: An Elementary Model." Pp. 109116 in: Waits, C. Richard; Hendon, William S.; Davidson Schuster, J. Mark (Eds.): "Cultural Economics 88: A European
Perspective", Akron OH: Association for Cultural Economics.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G., Luijkx, Ruud; Treiman, Donald J. (1989). "Intergenerational Class Mobility in Comparative
Perspective", Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (8), pp. 3-79.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1987). "Cultural Audience Formation in the Netherlands Between 1962 and 1983" Pp. 179-191 in:
Shaw, Douglas V.; Hendon, William S.; Waits, C. Richard (Eds.): "Artists and Cultural Consumers", Akron OH: Association
for Cultural Economics.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1987). "La Constitution des Audiences Culturelles aux Pays-Bas entre 1962 et 1983." Pp. 101-107
in: Dupuis, Xavier; Rouet, Francois (Eds.), "Economie et Culture. Les Outils de l'Economiste à l'Epreuve." Paris: La
Documentation Française.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (1984). "Causal Models for the Intergenerational Transmission of Social Inequality in the Netherlands in
1958 and 1977". Pp. 109-122 in: Bakker, B.F.M.; Dronkers, J.; Ganzeboom. H.B.G. (Eds.): "Social Stratification and
Mobility in the Netherlands." Amsterdam: SISWO.
Ganzeboom H.B.G.; De Graaf, P. (1984). "Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in the Netherlands in 1954 and 1977. A
Loglinear Analysis.", Pp 71-89 in: Bakker, B.F.M; Dronkers, J.; Ganzeboom. H.B.G. (Eds.): "Social Stratification and
Mobility in the Netherlands", Amsterdam: SISWO.
Ganzeboom, Harry (1982). "Explaining Differential Participation in High-Cultural Activities - a Confrontation of
Information-Processing and Status Seeking Theories", Pp. 186-205 in: Raub, Werner (Ed.), "Theoretical Models and
Empirical Analyses", Utrecht: E.S.-Publications.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Marion Wittenberg (Red.) (2009) “Nederland in Vergelijkend Perspectief. Proceedings Tweede
Nederlandse Workshop European Social Survey”. Amsterdam: Aksant [DANS Symposium Publicaties #3].
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Elsbeth Vogel-De Groot. (2006). “Lezersonderzoek Horizon, Tijdschrift van de Protestante
Gemeenten Amsterdam en Amstelveen.” Amsterdam: Afdeling Methoden & Technieken van Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk
Onderzoek [rapport ten behoeve van opdrachtgever].
Ganzeboom, Harry; Haanstra, Folkert; Damen, Marie-Louise; Nagel, Ineke (2003). "Momentopnames CKV1-Eindrapportage
CKV1-Volgproject." Utrecht: Cultuurnetwerk Nederland [Cultuur + Educatie #8]. [88 pp.]
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (Red.) (2003). “Jaren van onderscheid. Trends in cultuurdeelname in Nederland”. Utrecht:
Cultuurnetwerk Nederland [Cultuur + Educatie #7]. [183 pp.]
Ganzeboom, Harry; Haanstra, Folkert; Damen, Marie-Louise; Nagel, Ineke (2002). "Momentopname 2001 CKV1Volgproject." Utrecht: Cultuurnetwerk Nederland [Cultuur + Educatie #3]. (103 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Haanstra, Folkert; Hoorn, Marjo van; Nagel, Ineke; Vingerhoets, Camiel (2001). "Momentopname
2000 CKV1-Volgproject." Utrecht: Cultuurnetwerk Nederland [Cultuur + Educatie #2]. (112 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Henrichs, Hendrik (Red.) (2001). "De moede muze. Opstellen voor Wim Knulst." Utrecht:
Cultuurnetwerk Nederland [Cultuur + Educatie #1]. [109 pp.]
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1999). "Gebruik en waardering van de CJP-pas. Resultaten van ondervraging van CJP-pashouders
in maart 1999. Rapportage ten behoeve van de Stichting CJP." Utrecht: Vakgroep Sociologie/ICS. (16 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Nagel, Ineke (1999). "Het CJP en cultuurparticipatie van schoolgaande jeugd. Evaluatie van een
veldexperiment in acht gemeenten." Amsterdam: Stichting CJP. (110 pp.)
Nagel, Ineke; Ganzeboom, Harry; Haanstra, Folkert (Red.) (1996). "Cultuurdeelname in de levensloop". Utrecht: Nederlands
Instituut voor Kunsteducatie (Katernen Kunsteducatie). (74 pp.)
Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Ultee, W.C. (Red.) (1996). "De sociale segmentatie van Nederland in 2015". Den Haag: SDU
(Voorstudie en achtergrond Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid V96). (360 pp.)
Nagel, Ineke; Ganzeboom, Harry; Haanstra, Folkert; Oud, Wil. (1996). "Effecten van kunsteducatie in het voortgezet
onderwijs". Amsterdam: SCO-Kohnstamminstituut (SCO Rapport nr. 452). (162 pp. + bijlagen).
Ganzeboom, Harry; Lindenberg, Siegwart (red.) (1996). "Verklarende sociologie. Opstellen voor Reinhard Wippler."
Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers. (341 pp.)
Nagel, Ineke; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1995). "Wat scheelt het CJP? Een vergelijking van CJP-houders en niet-CJP-houders
in het Aanvullend Voorzieningengebruik Onderzoek 1991." Amsterdam: Stichting Cultureel Jongerenpaspoort. (32 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry; Ranshuysen, Letty. (1994). "Handleiding Publieksonderzoek Culturele Instellingen." Amsterdam:
Boekmanstichting. (150 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1993). "Rondom Data. Over het empirisch onderdeel van de empirisch-theoretische sociologie."
Oratie Universiteit Utrecht, uitgesproken 16 december 1993. Utrecht: ISOR. (31 pp.)
Ranshuysen, Letty; Ganzeboom, Harry (1993). "Cultuureducatie en cultuurparticipatie. Opzet en effecten van de
Kunstkijkuren en de Muziekluisterlessen in het Amsterdamse primaire onderwijs." Rijswijk: Ministerie van WVC. (193 pp.)
Oud, Wil; Ganzeboom, Harry; Haanstra, Folkert (1992). "Effecten van kunstzinnige vorming in het voortgezet onderwijs.
Verslag van het vooronderzoek." Amsterdam: SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut (SCO-Rapport 320; SVO-1040). (149 pp.)
Verhoeff, René; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (Red.) (1991). "Cultuur en Publiek. Multidisciplinaire opstellen over de publieke
belangstelling voor kunst en cultuur in Nederland." Amsterdam: SISWO. (159 pp.)
Maas, Ineke; Verhoeff, René; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1990). "Podiumkunsten en Publiek. Wetenschappelijk
onderzoeksverslag." Rijswijk: Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur. (263 pp.)
Maas, Ineke; Verhoeff, René; Ganzeboom, Harry (1990). "Podiumkunsten en Publiek. Samenvatting van het onderzoek."
Rijswijk: Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur. (39 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry (1989). "Cultuurdeelname in Nederland", Assen: Van Gorcum. (194 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry; Haanstra, Folkert (m.m.v. Dagmar Bukuru-Hempenius, Jos de Haan, Edith Paanakker & Wilfred Uunk)
(1989). "Museum en publiek. Een onderzoek naar ontwikkelingen in publiek en publieksbenaderingen in de Nederlandse
musea door middel van heranalyse van bestaande publieksgegevens en herondervraging van educatieve medewerkers",
Rijswijk: Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur. (121 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry (1988). "Leefstijlen in Nederland. Een verkennend onderzoek naar leefstijlpatronen in Nederland",
Alphen aan de Rijn: Samsom (Sociaal en Cultureel Cahier 60). (113 pp.)
Faasse, John; Ganzeboom, Harry (1986). "Film en publiek. Een onderzoek naar omvang en samenstelling van het publiek van
vier kanalen van filmdistributie aan de hand van secundair geanalyseerde gegevens." Rijswijk: Ministerie van Welzijn,
Volksgezondheid en Cultuur. (74 pp.)
Beereboom, Harrie; Ganzeboom, Harry (1985). "Effecten van prijsverlaging in de bioscopen. Onderzoeksverslag", Rijswijk:
Ministerie van WVC. (40 pp.)
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (1984). "Cultuur en informatieverwerking, een empirisch-theoretisch onderzoek naar cultuurdeelname
en esthetische waardering van architectuur", dissertatie, Utrecht. (257 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry (1983). "Beleving van Monumenten-2, een onderzoek naar bezichtiging en waardering van monumenten
uitgevoerd in de stad Utrecht, wetenschappelijke verslag", Sociologisch Instituut, Utrecht: Vakgroep Theorie en Methodologie van de Sociologie. (181 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry (1983). "Beleving van Monumenten-2, een onderzoek naar bezichtiging en waardering van monumenten
uitgevoerd in de stad Utrecht, samenvatting", Den Haag: Staatsuitgeverij. (51 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry (1982). "Beleving van Monumenten-1, een onderzoek naar herkenning en waardering en bezichtiging van
monumenten uitgevoerd in de binnenstad van Utrecht, wetenschappelijke verslag", Utrecht: Sociologisch Instituut, Vakgroep
Theorie en Methodologie van de Sociologie. (158 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry (1982). "Beleving van Monumenten-1, een onderzoek naar herkenning, waardering en bezichtiging van
monumenten uitgevoerd in de binnenstad van Utrecht, samenvatting”. Den Haag: Staatsuitgeverij. (40 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry (1980). "Visuele aspecten van straatgezichten, tussenrapport van het project 'Beleving van Monumenten'
(eindverslag vooronderzoek)". Tussenrapport ten behoeve van het Ministerie van Cultuur, Recreatie en Maatschappelijk
werk, Utrecht: Sociologisch Instituut, Vakgroep Theorie en Methodologie van de Sociologie. (49 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Schröder, Heike. (2016). De International Standard Classification of Education 2011 [ISCED-2011]
Verbetering of verwarring? ISCED en ISLED in ESS R5 & R6. Pp. 11-25 in Meuleman, Roza; Kraaykamp, Gerbert &
Marion Wittenberg (Red.), Nederland in context: verschillen en overeenkomsten. Proceedings Vijfde Nederlandse Workshop
European Social Survey – 22 mei 2015. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Brons, Anne; Liefbroer, Aart; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2016). De invloed van ouderlijke sociaaleconomische status op de
timing van relatievorming in verschillende Europese landen. Pp. 161-164 in Meuleman, Roza; Kraaykamp, Gerbert &
Marion Wittenberg (Red.), Nederland in context: verschillen en overeenkomsten. Proceedings Vijfde Nederlandse Workshop
European Social Survey – 22 mei 2015. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & David Nikoloski (2013). “Codering en schaling van beroepen in de European Social Survey”. Pp.
11-34 in K. Aarts & M. Wittenberg (Red.), “Stabiliteit en verandering in Europa. Proceedings Vierde Nederlandse Workshop
ESS. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (DANS Symposium Publication #7).
Schröder, Heike & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (2012). “De waarde van diploma’s in Nederland: de ESS-NL kwantificaties
getoetst”. Pp. 63-78 in Kees Aarts & Marion Wittenberg (Red.), “Nederland in de jaren nul. Proceedings Derde Nederlandse
Workshop European Social Survey”. Amsterdam: Pallas Publications.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2012). “De Ontwarring van de Sociologie”. Inleiding uitgesproken bij het afscheid van prof. dr.
Wout C. Ultee van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 7 oktober 2011. Mens en Maatschappij (1), pp 5-20.
Ganzeboom, Harry, Ruud Luijkx & Ayse Güveli. (2011). “Drie Generaties: het XYZ model.” Pp. 211-227 in Gerbert
Kraaykamp, Mark Levels & Ariana Need (Red.). “Problemen en Theorieën in Onderzoek. Een staalkaart van de
Hedendaagse Nederlandse empirish-theoretische sociologie.” Assen: Van Gorcum.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2009). ”De European Sociaal Survey: Geschiedenis, opzet en uitvoering.” Pp. 1-16 in Ganzeboom,
Harry B.G. & Marion Wittenberg (Red.) (2009) “Nederland in Vergelijkend Perspectief. Proceedings Tweede Nederlandse
Workshop European Social Survey”. Amsterdam: Aksant [DANS Symposium Publicaties #3].
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Heike Schröder (2009). “De waarde van diploma’s: een kwantificatie van de ESS-NLcategorieën.” Pp. 89-108 in Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Marion Wittenberg (Red.) (2009) “Nederland in Vergelijkend
Perspectief. Proceedings Tweede Nederlandse Workshop European Social Survey”. Amsterdam: Aksant [DANS Symposium
Publicaties #3].
Vries, Jannes de; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G (2008). “Hoe meet ik beroep? Open en gesloten vragen naar beroep toegepast in
een statusverwervingsmodel.” Mens & Maatschappij (83,1), pp. 71-96. + “Rectificatie.” Mens & Maatschappij (83,2), pp.
Nagel, Ineke; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2008). “Effecten van ouders en school op cultuurparticipatie in de periode van
adolescentie tot jongvolwassenheid: Resultaten van een longitudinaal dubbel contextueel model.” Pp. 69-90 in: Matthijs
Kalmijn & Marion Wittenberg (Red.). “Multi-actor data in survey onderzoek.” Amsterdam: Aksant.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2003). “Jaren van onderscheid / Epiloog.” Pp. 152-179 / 180-183 in Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (Red.)
“Jaren van onderscheid. Trends in cultuurdeelname in Nederland”. Utrecht: Cultuurnetwerk Nederland [Cultuur + Educatie
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Nagel, Ineke; Damen, Marie-Louise (2001). "Onderzoeksdesigns en de muze. Nieuwe gegevens
over effecten van kunsteducatie in het voortgezet onderwijs." Pp. 94-109 in Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Henrichs, Hendrik
(Red.) (2001). "De moede muze. Opstellen voor Wim Knulst. Utrecht: Cultuurnetwerk Nederland."
Korupp, Sylvia E.; Sanders, Karin; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2000). "Intergenerationele overdracht van status en seksetypering van beroepen: De invloed van vader en moeder op hun zonen en dochters." Mens & Maatschappij (75,1), pp. 22-39.
Bakker, Bart; Sieben, Inge; Nieuwbeerta, Paul; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1997). "Maten voor prestige, sociaal-economische
status en sociale klasse voor de Standaard Beroepen Classificatie 1992." Sociale Wetenschappen (40-1): pp. 1-22.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1996). "Onderwijsexpansie en onderwijskansen". Pp. 13-48 in Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Ultee, W.C.
(Red.) (1996). "De sociale segmentatie van Nederland in 2015". Den Haag: SDU [Voorstudie en achtergronden
Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid V96].
Nagel, Ineke; Ganzeboom, Harry. (1996). "De invloed van ouder, school en buitenschoolse kunsteducatie." Pp. 7-42 in: Ineke
Nagel, Harry Ganzeboom & Folkert Haanstra, "Cultuurdeelname in de levensloop". Utrecht: Nederlands Instituut voor
Kunsteducatie (Katernen Kunsteducatie).
Lippe, Tanja van der; Dam, Marcel van; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1995). "De tweede sekse in stratificatie-onderzoek. De
invloed van moeder op de kinderen naast die van de vader." Mens en Maatschappij (70-1): pp. 41-53.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Luijkx, Ruud. (1995). "Intergenerationele beroepsmobiliteit in Nederland: patronen en historische
veranderingen." Pp. 14-30 in J. Dronkers & W.C. Ultee (Red.) "Verschuivende ongelijkheid in Nederland. Sociale
gelaagdheid en mobiliteit." Assen: Van Gorcum.
Ganzeboom, Harry. B.G.; Kalmijn, Matthijs; Peschar, Jules L. (1995). "Het Nederlandse stratificatiepatroon in internationaal
perspectief." Pp. 142-161 in J. Dronkers & W.C. Ultee (Red.) "Verschuivende ongelijkheid in Nederland. Sociale
gelaagdheid en mobiliteit." Assen: Van Gorcum.
Niehof, T.J.; Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (1995). "De invloed van materiële en culturele hulpbronnen op het bereikte
opleidingsniveau: een replicatie en een uitbreiding." Sociale Wetenschappen (38-1): pp. 1-23
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1994) "Opleidingskansen onder het socialisme in vijf Oosteuropese landen: de invloed van
culturele en politieke hulpbronnen van ouders." Pp. 54-70 in: Wil Arts & Jules L. Peschar (Red.), "Om de Oost.
Maatschappelijke veranderingen in Oost-Europa rond de ineenstorting van het staatssocialisme." Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van
Loghum [Boeknummer Mens en Maatschappij, 69].
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1994). "Culturele en materiële consumptie van hand- en hoofdarbeiders in Oost en West." Pp. 244265 in: Hans de Witte (Red.): "Arbeiders: een eigen cultuur en leefstijl? Een verkenning van de verschillen in opvatting
tussen arbeiders en bedienden in Vlaanderen, Nederland en Europa." Leuven: Acco.
Ganzeboom, Harry; Ranshuysen, Letty (1993). "Bevordert kunsteducatie in het onderwijs latere cultuurdeelname?" , Pp. 5562 in: Letty Ranshuysen (Red.): "Scholen in kunst. Effecten van kunsteducatie op cultuurdeelname." Utrecht: LOKV
(Katernen Kunsteducatie).
Ganzeboom, Harry (1993). "Instructie, milieu of selectie? Drie verklaringsmodellen voor latere cultuurdeelname". Pp. 63-69
in: Letty Ranshuysen (Red.): "Scholen in kunst. Effecten van kunsteducatie op cultuurdeelname." Utrecht: LOKV (Katernen
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (1992). "Culturele vorming uit en thuis". Pp. 39-51 in: Kooiman, R.A.M. (Red.), "De vergeten
participant. Amateurkunst, kunsteducatie en kunstparticipatie." Utrecht/Rijswijk: LOKV/WVC.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; De Graaf, P.M. (1991). "Sociale herkomst, culturele socialisatie en cultuurparticipatie: een siblinganalyse." Sociale Wetenschappen (34-4), pp. 272-287.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; De Graaf, Paul M. (1991). "Culturele socialisatie en culturele participatie. Over de invloed van het
ouderlijk milieu." Pp. 133-157 in: Verhoeff, René; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (Red.): "Cultuur en Publiek. Multidisciplinaire
opstellen over de publieke belangstelling voor kunst en cultuur in Nederland." Amsterdam: SISWO.
De Graaf, Nan Dirk; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1990). "Cultuurdeelname en opleiding: een analyse van statusgroep-effecten
met diagonale referentiemodellen." Mens en Maatschappij (65-3), pp. 219-244.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1990). "Esthetische waardering voor architectuur en schilderkunst." Pp. 205-212 in: Van Andel,
Joost; Van Vonderen, Marijke (Red.), "Facetten van de sociale psychologie. Liber Amicorum Prof. Dr. W.A.T. Meuwese."
Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit.
Köpping, A. Peter; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Swanborn, Peter G. (1989). "Verhoging van suïcide in navolging van
kranteberichten", Tijdschrift voor Psychologie (44-1), pp. 62-72.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; De Graaf, Paul M. (1989). "Intergenerationele opleidingsmobiliteit in Nederland van
geboortecohorten 1891-1960", Sociale Wetenschappen (32-4), pp. 263-278.
Ganzeboom, Harry (1989). "Leefstijlen. Een theoretische en methodologische beschouwing.", Jaarboek voor
Marktonderzoekers, pp. 131-150.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; De Graaf, Paul M. (1989). "Veranderingen van onderwijskansen in Nederland tussen 1900 en
1980", Mens en Maatschappij (64, Boekaflevering), pp. 58-78.
Ganzeboom, H., Luijkx, R.; Dessens, J.; Jansen, W.; De Graaf, P.; De Graaf, N.D.; Ultee, W.C. (1987) "Intergenerationele
klassenmobiliteit in Nederland tussen 1970 en 1985", Mens en Maatschappij (62-1), pp. 17-43.
Ganzeboom, Harry; De Graaf, Paul; Kalmijn, Matthijs (1987). "De culturele en economische dimensie van beroepsstatus",
Mens en Maatschappij (62-2), pp. 153-175.
Ganzeboom, H. (1987). "Podiumkunst en publieke belangstelling", Ruimte voor Cultuur (7-4), pp. 5-28.
Ganzeboom, H. (1984). "Tien jaar Sociale en Culturele Rapporten: zeven hoofdstukken over cultuur en vrijetijdbesteding als
theoretisch-empirische sociologie", Vrije Tijd en Samenleving (2, december).
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (1984). "Veranderingen in deelname aan culturele activiteiten tussen 1955 en 1977", Jaarboek voor
Marktonderzoekers, Amsterdam, pp. 85-104.
Ganzeboom, H.; De Graaf, P. (1983). "Beroepsmobiliteit tussen generaties in Nederland in 1954 en 1977", Mens en
Maatschappij (58-1) pp. 28-52.
Ganzeboom, H. (1982). "Culturele activiteiten als verwerving van status en verwerking van informatie, een confrontatie van
twee concurrerende theoretische verklaringen van culturele activiteiten aan de hand van reeds verricht onderzoek", Mens en
Maatschappij (57-4), pp. 341-372.
Ganzeboom, H.; De Haan, D. (1982). "Gepubliceerde zelfmoorden en verhoging van sterfte door zelfmoord en ongelukken in
Nederland 1972-1980", Mens en Maatschappij (57-1), pp. 55-69.
Ganzeboom, Harry. (2016). Wel verschillen, geen verbanden: een gemiste kans? Debat: SCP-rapport Verschil in Nederland.
Sociologie (11, 3/4) , pp. 583-586. [Bespreking]
[Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.] (2006) “Een data-infrastructuur voor de sociologie.” Pp. 141-153 in “Samenleven en
samenwerken. Een toekomst voor de Nederlandse sociologie.” Amsterdam: Koninklijke Academie van Wetenschappen
[Verkenningen KNAW #7].
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2001). "De maatschappelijke relevantie en irrelevantie van de sociologie". Mens en Maatschappij.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (1999). "ICS Data Archive Catalogue. Third Edition." Utrecht: Research School ICS (First Edition,
1994, ICS Occasional Papers #2).
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1998). “Antwoord van Ganzeboom [op Henk van Goor, ‘Koning Enquête als absolute vorst’]”
Facta (6,5): p. 23.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1998). "De uitdaging. Enige observaties over sociologen en biologen." Facta (6,4): pp. 28-29.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1997). "De Nederlandse sociologie en de NSV." Facta (5, september): pp. 24-27.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1997). "Advies van de Commissie Kordes over privacy en enquetegegevens." Facta (5, juni): pp.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1997). "Sociologie-opleidingen in Nederland." Facta (5, februari): pp. 18-20.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1997). "Toevallig zelfmoord." NRC Handelsblad [Bijlage Wetenschap & Onderwijs], 22 februari
1997, pp. 45-46.
Lindenberg, Siegwart; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1996). "Inleiding." Pp. 7-10 in: Ganzeboom, Harry; Lindenberg, Siegwart
(red.) "Verklarende sociologie. Opstellen voor Reinhard Wippler." Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Lindenberg, Siegwart (1996). "Ten geleide." Pp. 7-9 in: R. Wippler, "Sociologie tussen empirie en
theorie. Een keuze uit het werk 1970/1996." Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers.
Ganzeboom; Harry B.G.; Lindenberg, Siegwart (1996). Redactie van: R. Wippler, "Sociologie tussen empirie en theorie. Een
keuze uit het werk 1970/1996." Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers.
Ganzeboom, Harry. (1996). "Geen paniek". Facta (4-4): pp. 11-12.
Ganzeboom, Harry. (1996). "NSV Studiemiddag 'De Sociologie-opleidingen'". Facta (4-7), pp. 29-31.
Ganzeboom, Harry. (1996). "NSV Marktdag Sociologie 29 mei 1997". Facta (4-7), p. 32.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1996). "Codeboek Telepanel data 'Sociale Mobiliteit en Arbeidsmobiliteit 1992/93'. Documentatie
bij herziene data." Utrecht: Research School ICS (ICS Codebooks #28).
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1995) "Breuklijnen in de sociologie en verschuivende ongelijkheid". Facta (3-5), pp. 6-7.
Bespreking van Jo Diederen (1994). Sociaal milieu en loopbanen. Mens en Maatschappij (69-4), pp. 470-471. [book review]
Ganzeboom, H. (Ed.) (1994). "ICS Data Archive Catalogue." Utrecht: ICS (Occasional Paper Series #2). (109 pp.)
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1993). "Gedoemd om door te leren. Historisch socioloog houdt van complexe verklaringen voor
schoolbezoek" [Bespreking van: G. de Vries, "Het pedagogisch regime. Groei en grenzen van de geschoolde samenleving."]
NRC Handelsblad, 21 oktober.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1993). "Onderwijsexpansie heeft sociale verschillen toch verkleind." NRC Handelsblad, donderdag
25 maart.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1993). Bespreking van H.A. Becker, "Life History and Generations", Mens en Maatschappij (68-3):
pp. 318-320.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1992). "Speklapjes of muesli. Verschillen tussen bevolkingsgroepen niet meer in hoog-laag
tegenstelling onder te brengen." Politieke & Sociale Vorming (23-8), pp. 7-10.
Ganzeboom, Harry (1991). "Toch nog vooruitgang. Naar aanleiding van W. Knulst 'De geremde vooruitgang',
Boekmancahier (10, december), pp. 482-484.
Ganzeboom, Harry (1991). "Nog wat stappen vooruit. Reactie op Andries van den Broek." Boekmancahier (9, september),
pp. 330-333.
Ganzeboom, Harry (1990). "Sociale stratificatie en sociale mobiliteit. Indrukken van de ISA-wereldconferentie in Madrid."
Sociale Wetenschappen (33-3), pp. 208-210.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; De Graaf, Paul (1990). "Reactie op Van Kolverschoten en Kerstholt." Mens en Maatschappij (653), pp. 308-312.
Ganzeboom, Harry (1989). "Enige kanttekeningen bij 'Kunst, Macht en Maecenaat van Bram Kempers'". Pp. 17-23 in: Bram
Kempers, Nico Wilterdink & Harry Ganzeboom, "Professionalisering, Staatsvorming en Civilisering". Amsterdam: SISWO
(Publicatie #335).
Ganzeboom, Harry (1989). "Witter dan wit. Over leefstijltypologieën", Onderzoek (Nieuwsbulletin van de Nederlandse
Vereniging van Marktonderzoekers), pp. 19-20.
Ganzeboom, Harry; Flap, Henk (1989). "Introduction" / "Rational Choice Perspectives on New Social Movements and Value
Change". Pp. 1-4 / 133-137 in: Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Flap, Henk D. (Eds.), "New Social Movements and Value Change.
Theoretical Developments and Empirical Analyses." Amsterdam: SISWO (Publicatie #339).
Ganzeboom, Harry (1989). "Boekbespreking van Jules Peschar, 'Zo vader zo zoon - zo moeder, zo dochter'", Sociologische
Gids, 26-2, pp. 132-134.
Ganzeboom, Harry (1989) "The Museum-Going Public in the Netherlands - Le Public des Musées Néerlandais",
Museumvisie (13, ICOM issue), pp. 2-7.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (1987). "Review of 'Pierre Bourdieu: La Distinction'", European Sociological Review (3-3), pp. 264266.
Ganzeboom, H. (1983). "Sociale en psychische functies van monumentale bebouwing". Pp. 23-29 in: "Het hergebruik van
monumenten". Vught: Federatie Noord-Brabants Monumentenoverleg.
Ganzeboom, H. (1983). "Recensie van W.P. Knulst: ‘Mediabeleid en Cultuurbeleid’", Mens en Maatschappij (58-1), pp.
Ganzeboom, H. (1982). "Recensie van: J. Segers en J. Hagenaars, Sociologische Onderzoeksmethoden deel II", Mens en
Maatschappij (57-1), pp. 107-109.
Nagel, Ineke, Tally Katz & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom. “Intergenerational Transmission Of Cultural Participation And Cultural
Reproduction In Educational Attainment In 25 European Countries. Under review at Poetics, Special Issue on Cultural
Spaces. Submitted July 8 2016.
Brons, Anne, Aart C. Liefbroer & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom. "The influence of parental socio-economic status on the timing of
first union across European countries". Submitted to European Sociological Review. Revised and resubmitted, July 1st 2016.
Kragten, Nigel, Ineke Maas, Marco D. van Leeuwen & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom. “Long-Term Trends In Intergenerational
Social Mobility In The Netherlands, Birth Cohorts 1760 – 1980”. Last Revised August 24 2016.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G & Irma Mooi-Reci, “The Rise of Mothers. Intergenerational Occupational Status Reproduction: The
Role Of Mothers And Fathers Within A Cross-National And Historical Perspective.” Paper first presented at the ISA-RC28,
Pittsburgs PA, August 2015. Last revised: November 2 2015.
Sondergaard, Johanne & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom. “MIPi: A new index for comparing family reunification policies in 27
European countries developed with implicative scaling”. Submitted to Comparative European Politics, April 22 2015.
Sondergaard, Johanne & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, “Growing apart or growing together? Support for shared-earning and
shared-caring in 33 EU and non-EU countries between 1990 and 2008.” Working paper, last revised September 15 2014.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Donald J. Treiman, “Intergenerational Occupational Reproduction in Comparative Perspective:
Cross-national and Cross-temporal Differences and Similarities” Working paper first presented at ISA-RC28 meeting
Budapest, May 2014.
Sözeri, Efe K. Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, “Data-documentation 2000 Families: Migration Histories of Turks in Europe.” Last
revised August 28 2014.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “Occupational status attainment and intergenerational occupational mobility among Turks in Turkey
and Turks in Europe”. Draft Cha[ter for Ayse Güveli et al. “Migration Patterns of 2000 Turkish Families”, forthcoming
Palgrave, 2015. Last revised April 2014.
Meraviglia, Cinzia & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, “Long Term Trends in Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Italy. An
Analysis using Conditional Association Models with Linearly Constrained Parameters”. Revise and resubmit at Research on
Social Stratification and Social Mobility, submitted February 13th 2014. Rejected July 2016.
Güveli, Ayse, Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, Helen Baykara-Krumme, Lucinda Platt, Sebnem Eroglu, Niels Spiering, Sait
Bayraktar & Efe K. Sözeri, “2000 Turkish Families: Identifying the Research Potential of an Origins-of-Migration Study”.
Submitted to Ethnic and Racial Studies, September 2nd 2014.
Kreidl, Martin, Harry B.G. Ganzeboom & Donald J. Treiman, “How do Occupational Returns to Education Change over
Time”. Submitted to Research on Social Stratification and Social Mobility, September 15 th 2014.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Donald J. Treiman, “A New International Socio-Economic Index [ISEI] of Occupational Status
for the International Standard Classification of Occupation 2008 [ISCO-08]; with a Discussion of the New Classification.”
Last revised: June 18 2012.
Sno, Tamira E. & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, “Social Mobility and Status Attainment of Surinamese in Suriname and
Surinamese in the Netherlands.” Last revised: August 12 2012.
Treiman, Donald J. & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom. “Educational Achievement in Comparative Perspective”. Last revised:
November 13 2013. Submitted to American Journal of Sociology.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Tamira E. Sno, “Detailed and Crude Measurement of Occupation: Quality of the Occupation
Indicators in the ISSP Social Inequality IV module” Last revised: May 4 2013.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Tamira E. Sno, “Sociale mobiliteit en statusverwerving van Surinamers in Suriname en
Surinamers in Nederland.” Last revised: 21 mei 2012.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & David Nikoloski, “Coding and Scaling of Parental Occupations in the European Social Survey”,
Schröder, Heike & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, “Measuring and Modelling Level of Education in European Societies Revisited:
Exploring the Potential of ISCED-2011”. Last revised October 1st 2013. To be submitted to Research on Social Stratification.
Schröder, Heike & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, “The comparative measurement of level of education in the ISSP – an
assessment and application of the ISLED scale”. Last revised October 1st 2013. To be submitted to MDA Bulletin.
Schröder, Heike & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, “The Value of Dutch Degrees: testing ISLED with data from the International
Social Survey Programme [ISSP]”. Last revised October 1st 2013. To be submitted to Survey Research Methods.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “Do’s and Don’ts of Occupation Coding.” Paper first presented ISSP Annual Meeting, Chicago,
April 2008. Last revised: January 3 2010.
Meraviglia, Cinzia; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “Mother’s and Father’s Influence on Occupational Attainment of Men and
Women in Comparative Perspective”. Paper presented at the ISA RC28 Meeting at Stanford University, August 6-9 2008.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “Multiple Indicator Measurement of Social Background”. First presented ESRA, Warzaw, 2009.
Last revised: October 22 2009.
Meraviglia, Cinzia; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “Full Origin Social Mobility in Italy for Men and Women 1985-2008.” First
presented RC28, Being, May 2009. Last revised: December 14 2009.
Tam, Tony; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “Is Persistent Inequality a Mirage? Educational Opportunity over the Long Haul in 13
Societies.” Last revised: May 14 2009.
Nagel, Ineke; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “Cultural Reproduction in the Life Course – A Comparison of Migrant and NonMigrant Adolescents”. Paper first presented at RC28, Florence, May 15 2008.
Meraviglia, Cinzia; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G, “Validating Occupational Status Scales”. Presented at RC28, Florence, May
Güveli, Ayse; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “International Migration and Social Mobility in Europe. Effects of Parental
Occupational Status and Education on Occupational Attainment of the Immigrants and Natives”. First presented August
2007. Last revised December 2009.
Meraviglia, Cinzia & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, “Long Term Trends in Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Italy, Men
and Women 1963-2005.” First presented July 24 2006.
Täht, Kadri & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, “Parent’s Work Schedules and Children’s Educational Attainment.” First presented
September 1 2006. Last Revision: June 25 2009.
Johnston, Aaron D.; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Treiman, Donald J. “Mother’s and Father’s Influences on Educational Status
Attainment”. Paper presented May 7, 2005 at the Conference “Welfare States and Inequalities” of Research Committee 28 on
Social Stratification and Social Mobility of the International Sociological Association, Oslo, Norway, May 6-8 2005.
Ganzeboom, Harry & Jannes de Vries. “Pattern and Trends in Occupational Status Attainment In Netherlands Using a
Multiple Indicator Model.” Paper first presented at the Spring Meeting of the ISA Research Committee on Social
Stratification, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, May 2004.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Rijken, Susanne; Treiman, Donald J., “The Effect of Social Origin on Educational Opportunity in 42
Countries (1900-1970).” Paper last presented at the Summer Meetings of the ISA-RC28 on Social Stratification, New York,
August 22 2003. Last revised: September 4 2009.
Ganzeboom, Harry & Gary Marks, “Social Background and Student Achievement.” Paper first presented to OECD/PISA,
Helsinki, April 2002.
Ganzeboom, Harry, "Cultural Participation among Ethnic Minority and Native Majority Adolescents and their Parents in the
Netherlands". First presented American Sociological Association, Anaheim, August 2001.
Ganzeboom, Harry & Donald J. Treiman. "Ascription and Achievement in the Occupational Career: a Cross-national and
Over-time Comparative Perspective". First presented at ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification, Calgary, August
Marks, Gary; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. "The Decline of the Social". Paper first presented May 1999, University of Potsdam,
Germany. Last revised: November 1999.
Gijsberts, Mérove & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom. "The Support for Distribution Principles. A Comparison between StateSocialist and Market Societies, 1987-1996". Paper first presented to the Hungarian Sociological Association, Budapest,
September 1999. Last revised: September 1999. [Published in Spanish]
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G., Ruud Luijkx, Donald J. Treiman, “The Structure of the World-Wide Regime of Intergenerational
Occupational Mobility: a Two-Dimensional Approach”. Paper presented at Winter Meeting of ISA Research Committee on
Social Stratification, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, January 1998.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Donald J. Treiman, “Educational Expansion and Educational Opportunities in Comparative
Perspective.” Paper presented at Winter Meeting of ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification, Academia Sinica,
Taipei, Taiwan, January 1998.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.: "Long Term Trends in Occupational Status Attainment in the Netherlands in the 19th and 20th
Century: Evidence from Marriage Records and Sibling Data". Paper presented at the Summer Conference of the ISA
Research Committee on Social Stratification, Laval University, Quebec City, August 14-15 1997. Last revised: February
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Donald Treiman: "Intergenerational Occupational Status Attainment in Comparative
Perspective". Paper first presented at the Spring Meeting of the ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification, Tel
Aviv, May 1997. Last revised: April 2000.
Niehof, T.J.; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. "Cultural Socialization and Cultural Reproduction: A Cross-National Test of a Cultural
Theory of Stratification." Paper first presented at the American Sociological Association, New York, August 1996.
Niehof, J.; Ganzeboom, H.: "Cultural Reproduction in France and the Netherlands: a Cross-National Comparison. Paris:
INSEE-CREST (Document de Travail #9649). Last revised: 1996.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Susanne Rijken, "Social Mobility and Status Attainment in Brazil". Report presented to the Grupo
Analyses e Pesquidas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 1995. Last revised: March 1996.
Marks, Gary N., Krzysztof Zagorski, Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, "Over-time Changes in the Intergenerational Transmission of
Socio-Economic Status in Poland". Paper presented at the Summer Meeting of the ISA Research Committee on Social
Stratification, Burlington VT, USA, August 1995.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Luijkx, Ruud; Robert, Peter, "Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Hungary between 1930
and 1989", Paper, (first) presented at the ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility, Rome, April 1986 /
Budapest, 1991. Last revised June 1995.
Ultee, Wout; Ganzeboom, Harry, "European Integration and Social Inequalities in Cultural Participation." Paper presented at
the European Research Conference 'European Society or European Societies', Gausdal, Norway, November 24-27 1991.
De Graaf, Nan Dirk; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G., "Status Group Effects on Culture Consumption. An Application of Diagonal
Reference Models", Paper presented at Utrecht Meeting of the ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Social
Mobility, April 1989. Last revised October 1989.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Kraaykamp, Gerbert, "Life Style Differentiation in Three Countries", Paper presented at the
meetings of the ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility, Utrecht, April 1989.
Sno, Tamira E. & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (2016). “De beroepenstratificatie van Suriname: hotdog of broodje pom?” Under
review at IGSR Academic Journal of Suriname, Ingediend Maart 31 2016.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “De sociologie van Ivan Gadourek: een ontmoeting in Wereld 3”. Laatst herzien: 13 november
Sno, Tamira E. & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, “Ongelijkheid in het Surinaamse onderwijs: Patronen en trends.” Laatst herzien:
15 januari 2013.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Tamira E. Sno, “Sociale mobiliteit en statusverwerving van Surinamers in Suriname en
Surinamers in Nederland.” Laats herzien: 21 mei 2012.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “Trap op, trap af. Sociale mobiliteit in Nederland tussen 1954 en 2004.” Eerste presentatie: januari
2005. Laatst herzien: mei 2005.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Maas, Ineke: "Culturele socialisatie en sociale stratificatie. Een toetsing van de culturele
reproductietheorie aan de hand van vijf Nederlandse databestanden." Paper gepresenteerd op de Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke
Studiedagen, april 1992, Amsterdam.
Flap, Henk & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, "Sociale netwerken en morele opvattingen". Paper voor de Vlaams-Nederlandse
Sociologendagen, 7-8 april 1988, te Antwerpen.
Kalmijn, Matthijs; Ganzeboom, Harry: "Veranderingen in samenstelling van culturele publieksgroepen in Nederland tussen
1962 en 1980", Paper gepresenteerd voor de Werkgemeenschap Verklarende Sociologie, november 1986.
Ganzeboom, H.; Ultee, W.C: "Verklarende sociologie en het gebruik van causale modellen", Paper voor studiedag
Werkgemeenschap Verklarende Sociologie, Utrecht, februari 1985.
Ganzeboom, H.: "Demografische ontwikkelingen en horizontale cultuurspreiding", Notitie ten behoeve van onderzoek
'Horizontale Cultuurspreiding' van de Boekmanstichting, 1985.
Ganzeboom, H.: "Theater en concert in 1990". Inleiding voor de Vereniging van Schouwburg- en Concertgebouwdirecties in
Nederland, Hengelo, 2 juni 1983.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G, & Heike Schroder, “Lange termijn trends van opleidingskwalificaties op de arbeidsmarkt,
Nederland 1948-2008.” Last revised: July 21 2011.
Bergman, Max; Lambert, Paul; Luijkx, Ruud; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. “Trends in Intergenerational Social Mobility in
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. & Donald J. Treiman, "The Process of Stratification in Comparative Perspective" [book volume]
Last revised: August 2001.
Evans, Mariah; De Graaf, Nan Dirk; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. [Eds.]: “Social Stratification and Life Style Differentiation”
[book volume] Last revised: 1996.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.: "Social Profiles of Museum Visitor Groups". Invited paper for Poetics. Last revised: December
Ganzeboom, Harry; Stephenson, Elisabeth: "An Annotated Compendium of Data Sources on Social Mobility Data". Last
revised: September 1994.
“Long-Term Trends In Intergenerational Social Mobility In The Netherlands, Birth Cohorts 1760 – 1980”.
Bern: RC28 Summer Conference. (with Nigel Kragten and Ineke Maas_
“Cultural Reproduction and Student’s Educational Attainment in the Netherland - a four-wave panel
perspective”. Bern: RC28 Summer Conference. (with Ineke Nagel)
“Invited comments ‘Workshop on Intergenerational Occupational Mobility’”. Oxford: Nuffield College.
“Validity and Reliability of Detailed and Crude Occupation Measures”. Trento (IT): University of Trento,
Convegno Hans Schadee.
“Gender Role Attitudes and Mother's Employment - A panel analysis of the ISSP Role of Women modules”.
Kaunas (LT): ISSP Research Session
“Some Thoughts About Three‐Wave Panel Studies”. Amsterdam: VU Faculty of Social Sciences M&T Lunch,
February 9 2016.
“The Rise of Mothers. Intergenerational Occupational Status Reproduction: The Role Of Mothers And Fathers
Within A Cross-National And Historical Perspective.” Department of Sociology, University of Melbourne,
Melbourne AU (with Irma Mooi-Reci).
“The Rise of Mothers. Intergenerational Occupational Status Reproduction: The Role Of Mothers And Fathers
Within A Cross-National And Historical Perspective.” Life Course Centre, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, AU (with Irma Mooi-Reci)
“Detailed and Crude Measures of Occupational Status; Can We Discard ISCO?” ISA RC28 Spring
Conference, Tilburg (with Tamira E. Sno).
“Honderd Jaar Ongelijkheid van Onderwijskansen in Nederland” Dag van de Sociologie 2015, Amsterdam
(met Ofra Klein).
“ISCED en ISLED in ESS R5 & R6.” DANS ESS Workshop, Den Haag.
“What has happened to DEGREE?” ISSP Annual Meeting, Cape Town (ZA).
“The First World Wide Survey On Intergenerational Occupational Status Reproduction – The ISSP 2009”
ISSP Annual Meeting, Cape Town (ZA) (met Tamira E. Sno)
“Occupational Stratification in Suriname. A Comparison of International and Country-Specific Indicators”
ISOL Seminar (met Tamira Sno).
“The Comparative Measurement of Education”. Nuffield College, Oxford.
“Occupational attainment and social mobility in three generations of Turks in Turkey and Turks in Europe”.
International Migration Institute, Oxford:
“Occupational Stratification in Suriname. A Comparison of International and Country-Specific Indicators”
ECSR Annual Meeting, Berlijn (met Tamira Sno).
“Occupational Stratification in Suriname. A Comparison of International and Country-Specific Indicators”
Cambridge Social Stratification Seminar, Edinburgh (met Tamira Sno).
“Post-stratification and Design Weights in the 2012 Surinamese ISSP survey” ISSP Annual Meetings,
Tampere (with Tamira Sno)
“Intergenerational Occupational Reproduction in Comparative Perspective: Cross-national and Cross-temporal
Differences and Similarities” ISA RC28, Budapest (with Donald J. Treiman)
“Occupational status attainment and intergenerational occupational mobility among Turks in Turkey and Turks
in Europe”. ISOL Seminar, Utrecht.
“Coding and Scaling of Parental Occupation in the ESS R1-R5”. InGrid Workshop University of Amsterdam.
“Coding and Scaling of Occupations in ESS R1-R5”, Department of Sociology, University of Lausanne,
“Cultural Reproduction and Cultural Participation in 25 European Countries” Workshop European Social
Spaces, University of Lausanne, Switzerland (met Ineke Nagel en Tally Katz) .
“Cultural Reproduction and Cultural Participation in 25 European Countries” ECSR, Tilburg University (met
Ineke Nagel) .
“The Occupational Stratification of Suriname.” ECSR, Tilburg University. (met Tamira Sno)
“Occupational Homogamy and Intergenerational Mobility as a Measure of Occupational Stratification”.
Cambridge Stratification Seminar, Cambridge UK. (met David Nikoloski)
“Do Occupational Returns to Education Vary by Context”, Summer Meeting ISA-RC28 University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (with Martin Kreidl)
“Detailed and Crude Occupations in the ISSP 2009.” ISSP Research Session, Santiago de Chile. (met Tamira
“Social Mobility and Occupational Status Attainment of Turks in Turkey and Turks in Western Europe”,
Norface Conference, University College London.
“It Is Better To Have Two Bad Measures Than One Good One: Multiple Indicator Measurement Of Social
Background Variables.” Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
“The Comparative Measurement of Level of Education in the ISSP – An Assessment and Application of the
ISLED Scale” (with Heike Schröder). Utrecht: ISOL Werkgroep.
Expert workshop ESS-NET Development of European Socio-Economic Groups, Paris, INSEE.
“New Occupational Status Measures for the International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 [ISCO08]; with a Discussion of the New Classification.” Chemnitz: Technische Universität.
“The Comparative Measurement of Level of Education in the ISSP – An Assessment and Application of the
ISLED Scale” (with Heike Schröder). Dubrovnik: ISSP Research Session.
“Cognitive Competency and Signalling Status. A Study Of Cultural Participation In Comparative Perspective
(with Natascha Notten et al.)” Utrecht: ISOL Werkgroep.
“Occupational Status Measures for the New International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 [ISCO08]; with a Discussion of the New Classification.” Oxford: Nuffield College.
“Social Mobility and Status Attainment in a European Perspective: the European Social Survey as a Source of
Error-corrected Intergenerational Stratification Data”. Nederlandse Demografiedag, Utrecht.
“Occupational Status Measures For The New International Standard Classification Of Occupations ISCO-08;
With A Discussion Of The New Classification.” Cambridge Stratification Seminar, Stirling University.
“Harmonizing Incomes In Cross-National Studies; with a Worked Example on ISSP 2002-2008” ISSP Annual
Meeting, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
“Occupational Status and Culture Consumption.” ISA-RC28, Essex.
“Measuring and Modeling Education Levels in European Societies.” Hong Kong University of Science and
“Occupation Coding using ISCO-08” and “Do’s and Don’ts of Occupation Coding”. National Coordinators of
PISA, Budapest.
“Social Mobility and Status Attainment in a European Perspective: the European Social Survey as a Source of
Error-corrected Intergenerational Stratification Data”. (with Heike Schroeder). European Consortium for
Sociological Research, Bamberg.
“Error-Corrected Status Attainment in a European Perspective”. Cambridge Social Stratification Seminar,
Utrecht University.
“Social Distance and Socio-Economic Status: Different Dimensions or Different Indicators of Occupational
Stratification?” (with Deborah de Luca & Cinzia Meraviglia). Cambridge Social Stratification Seminar,
Utrecht University.
“Mother’s and Father’s Influence on the Occupational Attainment of Men and Women in Comparative
Perspective.” (with Cinzia Meraviglia & Donald J. Treiman). ISA World Congress, Gothenburg.
“Creating Occupational Status Measures for ISCO-08, using ISSP 2002-2007” National Coordinators ISSP,
“Occupation Coding using ISCO-08” and “Do’s and Don’ts of Occupation Coding”. National Coordinators of
PIAAC, Bologna.
“Measuring and Modeling Education Levels in European Societies”. Paper contributed to the Meetings of the
European Consortium for Sociological Research, Paris, December 12 2009. (with Heike Schröder).
"Turks in Western Europe: Analysis of a Status Attainment Model 2004-2008". (with Carolina Zuccotti.)
Presentation at the European Consortium for Sociological Research, Paris, December 12 2009.
“Full Origin Social Mobility in Italy for Men and Women 1985-2008”. (with Cinzia Meraviglia.) Presentation
at the European Consortium for Sociological Research, Paris, December 12 2009.
“Inequality of Educational Opportunity in 52 Countries for Birth Cohorts 1900-1980.” Invited paper presented
at the Seminar on Inequalities in Contemporary Societies, Centro de Estudios Andaluces, Seville.
“Harmonizing Education for Comparative Research. With special reference to the European Social Survey.”
Presentation at the 5th Quality Enhancement Meeting of the European Social Survey, Mannheim.
“Status Attainment in a European Perspective. An Evaluation of Status Attainment Information in the
European Social Survey”. Presentation at the Summer Meeting of ISA-RC28, Yale University, New Haven.
“Measuring Level of Education in the European Social Survey”. (with Heike Schröder.) Presentation European
Survey Research Association, Warsaw.
“Multiple Indicator Models for Social Background”. Invited Keynote Address European Survey Research
Association, Warsaw.
“Long Term Trends in Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Italy, Birth Cohorts 1899-1980.” (with Cinzia
Meraviglia.) Presentation International Research Workshop “Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Italy”,
University of Milano.
“Multiple Indicator Models for Social Background”. Invited Presentation Quantitative Methods in the Social
Sciences Workshop, Bolzano.
“Mothers matter!” Presentation at the Spring meeting of ISA-RC28, Beijing.
“Is Persistent Inequality a Mirage? Educational Opportunity over the Long Haul in 13 Societies.” (With Tony
Tam.) Presentation at the Spring meeting of ISA-RC28, Beijing.
“Full Origin Social Mobility in Italy for Men and Women 1985-2008”. (With Cinzia Meraviglia.) Presentation
at the Spring meeting of ISA-RC28, Beijing.
“Within-household Substitution in the ISSP and the ESS in the Netherlands. + tables” Presentation at the
Annual Meeting of the International Social Survey Programme, Vienna.
“Do’s and Don’ts of Occupation Coding.” Presentation for National Coordinators Meeting European Social
Survey, Mannheim.
“The Comparative Measurement of Occupation Status” Department of Applied Social Science, Stirling
University, Stirling.
“Mother’s And Father’s Influence On Occupational Attainment Of Men And Women In Comparative
Perspective” (with Cinzia Meraviglia) International Sociological Association, RC28 On Social Stratification
and Social Mobility, Stanford CA.
“Do’s and Don’ts of Occupation Coding.” International Sociological Association, RC28 On Social
Stratification and Social Mobility, Stanford CA.
“Multitrait-Multimethod models for occupational status”. ESRA mini conference on Measurement error in
survey research, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin.
“ISCO-08. Changes, Prospects and Applications”, International Sociological Association, RC28 On Social
Stratification and Social Mobility, Florence.
“Cultural Reproduction in the Life Course – A Comparison of Migrant and non-Migrant Adolescents”,
International Sociological Association, RC28 On Social Stratification and Social Mobility, Florence (with
Ineke Nagel).
“Prestige and the socio-economic index of occupational status: how do they relate?” Department of Social
Research, University of Eastern Piedmont ‘Amedeo Avogadro’, Alessandria:
“Validation of occupational status scales via multitrait-multimethod models with an application on the new
2005 Italian occupational prestige scale” International Sociological Association, RC28 On Social Stratification
and Social Mobility, Florence. (with Cinzia Meraviglia).
“Do’s and Don’ts of Occupation Coding.” International Social Survey Programme, Chicago, IL:
“Harmonizing Education and Occupation Data for Comparative Research”. CESDA, Paris.
“The Comparative Measurement of Occupation Status”, Department of Sociology, Essex University,
Colchester UK.
Quality & Quantity 40th Anniversary Conference, University of Bologna: “Long Term Trends in Inequality of
Educational Opportunity in Italy, Birth Cohorts 1899-1980.” (with Cinzia Meraviglia).
“Long Term Trends in Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Italy, Birth Cohorts 1899-1980.” (with Cinzia
Meraviglia). Quality & Quantity 40th Anniversary Conference, University of Bologna:
European Social Survey Quality Enhancement Workshop, Mannheim: “Measurement of Occupation in the
European Social Survey – Recommendations”.
“Measurement of Occupation in the European Social Survey – Recommendations”. European Social Survey
Qualitity Enhancement Workshop, Mannheim:
European Consortium for Sociological Research, Groningen: “International Migration and Social Mobility in
Europe. Effects of Parental Occupational Status and Education on Occupational Attainment of the Immigrants
and Natives”
“International Migration and Social Mobility in Europe. Effects of Parental Occupational Status and Education
on Occupational Attainment of the Immigrants and Natives.” European Consortium for Sociological Research,
“International Migration and Social Mobility in Europe. Effects of Parental Occupational Status and Education
on Occupational Attainment of the Immigrants and Natives” (with Ayse Güveli). Montreal: International
Sociological Association, RC28 on Social Mobility.
“International Migration and Social Mobility in Europe. Effects of Parental Occupational Status and Education
on Occupational Attainment of the Immigrants and Natives” (with Ayse Güveli.) International Sociological
Association, RC28 on Social Mobility, Montreal.
“Multiple Measurement of Occupational Status”. Prague: European Survey Research Association:
“Multiple Measurement of Occupational Status.” European Survey Research Association, Prague.
“Non-standard Schedule Work and Children’s Educational Attanment” (with Kadri Täht). Brno: International
Sociological Association, RC28 on Social Mobility, Brno:
“Cultural Participation among Ethnic Minority and Native Majority Adolescents and their Parents in the
Netherlands” (with Ineke Nagel). Brno: International Sociological Association, RC28 on Social Mobility,
“Non-standard Schedule Work and Children’s Educational Attanment” (with Kadri Täht.) International
Sociological Association, RC28 on Social Mobility, Brno.
“Cultural Participation among Ethnic Minority and Native Majority Adolescents and their Perents in the
Netherlands” (with Ineke Nagel.) International Sociological Association, RC28 on Social Mobility, Brno.
“Long Term Trends in Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Italy Birth cohorts 1899-1980” (with Cinzia
Meraviglia). Brno; International Sociological Association RC28 on Social Mobility.
“Long Term Trends in Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Italy Birth cohorts 1899-1980” (with Cinzia
Meraviglia) International Sociological Association, RC28 on Social Mobility, Brno.
“Subjective measures of social status in the ISSP: validation”. Taipei: International Social Survey Programme.
“Subjective measures of social status in the ISSP: validation”. International Social Survey Programme, Taipei.
“On the cost of being crude. Detailed versus coarse occupation codes.” Department of Social Research,
University of Eastern Piedmont, Alessandria,
“Measurement of Occupation in the European Social Survey”. European Social Survey, National Coordinator
Conference, Mannheim.
“Ascription and Achievement in Occupational Attainment in Comparative Perspective: a Comparison of 42
Nations, 1900-2000”. (with Donald J Treiman). Russell-Sage University Working Group on Social Inequality,
University of California-Los Angeles,
“On the Cost of Being Crude. Detailed versus Crude Occupation Codes”.Los Angeles: California Center for
Population Research, October 18 2006.
“Long Term Trends in Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Italy, Birth Cohorts 1899-1980.” Prague:
European Consortium for Sociological Research. [with Cinzia Meraviglia], September 2 2006.
“Parent’s Work Schedules and Children’s Educational Attainment.” Prague: European Consortium for
Sociological Research. [with Kadri Täht], September 1 2006.
“Long Term Trends in Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Italy, Men and Women 1963-2005.” Durban
SA: International Sociological Association, XVth World Congress of Sociology [RC28 on Social Stratification
and Social Mobility], [with Cinzia Meraviglia], July 24 2006.
“Ascription and Achievement in Occupational Attainment in Comparative Perspective”. Nijmegen: ISA-RC28
on Social Stratification and Social Mobility, May 12 2006. [with Donald J. Treiman]
“Harmonizing Education Measures in the European Social Survey 2004” [with Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik]. Budapest:
SMABS/EAM conference, July 3 2006.
“On the Cost of Being Crude. Detailed versus Crude Occupation Codes”. Prague: Research Session
International Social Survey Programme, April 30 2006.
“Concluding Comments.” Lisbon: European Socio-Economic Classification [ESEC] Validation Conference,
January 20 2006.
“Towards an Internationally and Historically Harmonized Measure of Educational Attainment.” Annual
Conference of the European Consortium for Sociological Research, Paris.
“Nonlinear Trends in Inequality of Educational Opportunity in the Netherlands 1930-1989.” (with Maarten
Buis). Department of Sociology, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany.
“Trends in Occupational Returns to Education” (with Martin Kreidl and Donald J. Treiman). Summer
Conference of ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Social Mobility, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles.
“On the Cost of Being Crude: A Comparison of Detailed and Coarse Occupational Coding.” Zentrum für
Methodologie und Umfragen, Mannheim, Germany.
“Towards an Internationally and Historically Harmonized Measure of Educational Attainment.” Third
International Workshop for Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, Foundation Ortega y Gasset,
“Trends in Inequality of Educational Opportunity in the Netherlands 1900-1980: the Effect of Missing Data.”
(with Maarten Buis) Spring Conference of ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Social
Mobility, University of Oslo.
“Trends in Occupational Returns to Education. A Comparative Perspective”. Spring Conference ISA Research
Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Social Mobility, Neuchatel, Switzerland. (with Martin Kreidl and
Donald J. Treiman).
“Pattern and Trends in Occupational Status Attainment in the Netherlands Using a Multiple Indicator Model.”
Spring Conference ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Social Mobility, Neuchatel,
Switzerland. (with Jannes de Vries).
“The Effects of Social Origin on Educational Opportunity: a 42-Country Comparison 1900-1974”. Summer
Conference ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Social Mobility, New York, New York
“The Comparative Measurement of Education and Occupation”. International Workshop on Comparative
Survey Design and Implemenation, Brussels.
"Recent Trends in Intergenerational Occupational Class Reproduction in the Netherlands 1970-1999: with an
Application of Partial Association Models Estimated Using LEM”. Spring Conference ISA Research
Committee 28 on Social Stratification of the International Sociological Association, Tokyo, Japan.
“Participation In High Culture: The Effects Of Family And School From Adolescence To Adulthood” World
Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, Australia. (with Ineke Nagel).
“Access To Higher Education In The Netherlands. Institutional Arrangements, Long Term Trends And Short
Term Flows” First Workshop of Comparative Project in Higher Education. New York University Prague.
(with Susanne Rijken).
Social Background and Student Achievement.” Program for International Student Assessment, Helsinki,
“Long Term Trends in Occupational Status Attainment in the Netherlands in the 19th and 20th Century: Evidence
from Marriage Records and Sibling Data”. European Social Science History Conference, The Hague.
"Students' Academic Achievement and Families' Socio-economic Backgrond in 34 Countries: How Does
Cross-National Variation Come About?" 14e Onderwijssociologische conferentie Lunteren:
"Students' Academic Achievement and Families' Socio-economic Background in 34 Countries”. Board of
Participating Countries of the OECD Program for International Student Assessment Budapest.
"Cultural Participation among Ethnic Minority and Native Majority Adolescents and their Parents in the
Netherlands" Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Anaheim CA.
“Long Term trends in in Occupational Status Attainment in the Netherlands in the 19th and 20th Century:
Evidence from Marriage Records and Sibling Data”.HSN Workshop on Large Historical Databases - Results
and Best Practices, Amsterdam.
"Participation in High Culture: The Effects of Family and School from Adolescence to Adulthood: A Double
Contextual Model Using LISREL." Spring Meeting of the ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification,
"Recent Trends in Intergenerational Occupational Class Mobility: Men and Women in the Netherlands 19702000” Conference on National Patterns of Social Mobility, 1979-1995, European University Institute,
Florence. (with Ruud Luijkx).
"Educational Differentiation in European Societies"European Consortium for Sociological Research, Giens
[Toulon]. (with Susanne Rijken).
"Ascription and Achievement in the Occupational Career: a Cross-national and Over-time Comparative
Perspective". Summer Conference ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification, University of Alberta,
Calgary, Canada. (with Donald Treiman).
"A Multinomial Model of Status Attainment." Spring Conference ISA Research Committee 28 on Social
Stratification, Libourne, France. (with Wim Jansen & Jos Dessens).
“Invited comments on the HISCO manual (Historical International Standard Coding of Occupations)".
European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam.
"On the Cost of Being Crude: A Comparison of Detailed and Coarse Occupational Coding". Symposium
'Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables in International Comparative Perspective'. Cologne, Germany:
University of Cologne.
"Five Models of Social Background: Do Mother Matter?" Summer Meetings of ISA RC28, Madison WI.
"Occupational Status Attainment in Current Jobs in Comparative Perspective". Annual Meetings of the
American Sociological Association, Chicago.
"On the Cost of Being Crude: A Comparison of Detailed and Coarse Occupational Coding". Spring Meeting of
ISA RC28, Warzaw, Poland.
"Effects of Parental Background on Educational and Occupational Attainment in Slovenia during the 20th
Century." Spring Meeting of ISA-RC28, Warzaw, Poland.
"The Decline of the Social." Potsdam: University of Potsdam. (with Gary Marks).
"Coding Occupational Information." OECD Program for International Student Assessment, Brussels.
"Effects of Parental Background on Educational and Occupational Attainment in Slovenia, 1903-1993".
International Workshop on Social Differentiation in Slovenia., Department of Sociology and Social Work,
University of Ljublana.
"Measuring Socio-economic Background in Student Surveys". OECD Program for International Student
Assessment, Paris.
"On Measuring the Complexity of Art Stimuli, with Special Reference to Literary Texts". Internationale
Gesellschaft für Empirische Literaturforschung, Department of Literature, Utrecht University.
"Educational Expansion and Educational Achievement in Comparative Perspective". World Congress of
Sociology, Montreal, Canada. (with Susanne Rijken).
"Educational Expansion and Educational Opportunities". Winter Meeting of ISA Research Committee on
Social Stratification, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. (with Donald Treiman).
"A World Wide Regime of Social Mobility". Winter Meeting of ISA Research Committee on Social
Stratification, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. (with Ruud Luijkx).
"Intergenerational Occupational Status Attainment in Comparative Perspective".Spring Meeting of the ISA
Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification, Tel Aviv.
"Social Stratification in Eastern Europe: the Dutch View".Fifth NWO/ESR Conference on Transformation
Processes in Eastern Europe, Amsterdam. [keynote speech]
"Standardizing Occupation (and Education) Codes for International Comparative Survey Research". Workshop
on Comparative Measurement. Zuma, Mannheim:
"Standardizing Occupation (and Education) Codes for International Comparative Survey Research". Workshop
Luxemburg Employment Study, Pont-a-Mousson (FR):
"Cultural Socialization and Cultural Reproduction: A Cross-National Test of a Cultural Theory of
Stratification". American Sociological Association, New York. (with Jacques Niehof)
"Trends in Educational Mobility in Brazil". Research Committee on Social Stratification, Ann Arbor MI. (with
Susanne Rijken).
"Social stratification and social mobility in the Netherlands: a historical and a methodological analysis of ICS
stratification research". ICS Congress, Groningen.
"Occupational Status Attainment in First Jobs in Market and Socialist Societies: An Analysis of the 1991
Social Justice Data using a Pooled Time Series Analysis." European Sociological Association, Budapest,
"Over-time Changes in the Intergenerational Transmission of Socio-economic Status in Poland." Summer
Meeting of the ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification, Burlington VT, USA.
"Occupational Status Attainment in First Jobs in Market and Socialist Societies: An Analysis of the 1991
Social Justice Data using a Pooled Time Series Analysis." Spring Meeting of the ISA Research Committee on
Social Stratification, Zürich, Switzerland.
"Trends in Educational Attainment in the Netherlands." Crest/INSEE, Laboratoire de la Sociologie
Quantitative, Paris, France.
"Educational Expansion and Access to Education in Five Eastern European Nations." International Research
Group on Social Stratification in Eastern Europe after 1989, Budapest University of Economics, Budapest,
"Cultural and Political Resources in Educational Attainment in Five Eastern European Nations". XIIIth World
Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany.
"Educational Expansion and Educational Opportunity in Comparative Perspective." International Economic
Sociology Conference, Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne.
"Educational Expansion and Access to Education in Five Eastern European Nations." Winter Meeting of the
ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification, Canberra, Australia.
"Cultural and Material Resources in Status Attainment in Eastern Europe before and after 1989". Workshop
NWO Priority Research Program on Transition Processes in Eastern Europe, Utrecht.
"Long Term Linear Trends in Status Attainment in Italy." ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification
and Social Mobility. Duke University, Durham NC.
"Structure and Trend of Educational Opportunity in Eastern Europe". Annual Meetings of the Hungarian
Sociological Association, Miskolc.
"Structure and Trend of Educational Opportunity in Eastern Europe". ISA Research Committee on Social
Stratification and Social Mobility. University of Trondheim, Norway.
"Educational Attainment in the Netherlands of Birth Cohorts 1900-1960". Conference on 'Solidarity of
Generations'. Utrecht: Jaarbeurs.
"Cultural and Economic Dimensions of Life Styles." Sociology Research Program, Australian National
University, Canberra.
"Comparative Measures of Occupational Status for ISCO 1988". Hoger Instituut voor Arbeidsvraagstukken,
"Comparative Measures of Occupational Status for ISCO 1988". TARKI [Hungarian Informatics Society],
"Patterns of Culture Consumption”. Department of Sociology, University of Trondheim:
"Comparative Measures of Occupational Status for ISCO 1988". ISA Research Committee 28 on Social
Stratification and Social Mobility, Salt Lake City.
"Trends in Educational and Occupational Achievement in Britain". ISA Research Committee 28 on Social
Stratification and Social Mobility, Trento.
"Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Comparative Perspective". ISA Research Committee 28 on Social
Stratification and Social Mobility, Columbus OH.
"Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Hungary between 1930 and 1989". Hungarian Sociological
Association, Budapest.
"Educational Attainment in Comparative Perspective".Department of Sociology, University of California-Los
"Educational Attainment in the Netherlands, 1900-1960". XIIth World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, ISA
Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Social Mobility. (with Paul de Graaf).
"Cultural Socialization and Status Attainment". Department of Sociology, University of California-Los
"Museums and Public". International Council of Museums, Congresgebouw Den Haag:
"Towards an International Socioeconomic Index of Occupational Status". Annual Meetings of the American
Sociological Association, San Francisco CA.
"The design for a comparative stratification survey in ten countries". ISA Research Committee 28 on Social
Stratification and Mobility, Palo Alto CA.
"Educational attainment in 17 countries". ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility,
Palo Alto CA.
"Status group effects on culture consumption". ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and
Mobility, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. (with Nan Dirk de Graaf)
"Disaggregating and re-aggregating the intergenerational class mobility table". ISA Research Committee 28 on
Social Stratification and Mobility, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. (with Ruud Luijkx)
"Intergenerational educational mobility in the Netherlands between 1900 and 1980". ISA Research Committee
28 on Social Stratification and Mobility, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. (with Paul de Graaf).
"Life style differentiation in five countries". ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility,
Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. (with Gerbert Kraaykamp)
"International Comparison of Culture Consumption Data: an Elementary Model". Fifth International
Conference on Cultural Economics, Ottawa.
"Comparative Stratification Research". University of Southern California, Population Research Laboratory,
Los Angeles.
"Towards an International Socioeconomic Index of Occupational Status". ISA Research Committee 28 on
Social Stratification and Social Mobility, Madison WI.
"Intergenerational Class Mobility in Comparative Perspective". Annual Meeting of the American Sociological
Association, Sociology of Occupations, Atlanta.
"Life Style Differentiation and Social Stratification". Department of Sociology, University of Chicago.
"Intergenerational Class Mobility in Comparative Perspective". Mathematical Sociology Seminar, University
of Chicago.
"Intergenerational Class Mobility in Comparative Perspective". Center for Demography, University of
Wisconsin, Madison WI.
"An Individual Model of Culture Consumption". Seminar on Mathematical Sociology, University of Chicago.
"An Individual Model of Culture Consumption", Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association,
Sociology of Culture, Chicago IL.
"Intergenerational Class Mobility in Comparative Perspective". ISA Research Committee 28 on Social
Stratification and Social Mobility, Berkeley CA.
"Cultural and Economic Dimensions of Lifestyle". ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and
Social Mobility, Nuremberg.
"Cultural and Economic Dimensions of Lifestyle". Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, Tucson
"Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Hungary 1930-1982" Department of Sociology, University of
Arizona, Tucson. (with Ruud Luijkx).
"Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Hungary 1930-1982"Department of Sociology, University of
California, Los Angeles. (with Ruud Luijkx).
"Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Hungary 1930-1982" Center for Demography, University of
Wisconsin, Madison WI. (with Ruud Luijkx).
"An Individual Model of Culture Consumption". World Congress of Sociology, New Delhi, Ad Hoc Group on
Rational Choice Theory.
"Cultural Socialization and Status Attainment". XI-th World Congress of Sociology, New Delhi, Session on
Social Stratification and Mobility.
"Culture Consumption in the Netherlands between 1962 and 1980". Fourth International Conference on
Cultural Economics, Avignon.
"Intergenerational Class Mobility in Comparative Perspective". ISA Research Committee 28 on Stratification
and Mobility, Cambridge MA.
"An Individual Model of Culture Consumption". German Classification Society, Section on Structural Models,
"Social Mobility in the Netherlands in 1958 and 1977". ISA Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification
and Mobility, Budapest.
"Intergenerational Class Mobility in the Netherlands between 1970 and 1982". ISA Research Committee 28 on
Social Stratification and Mobility, Budapest.
"Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in the Netherlands in 1954 and 1977". ISA Research Committee 28
on Social Stratification and Mobility, Amsterdam.
"Explaining Differential Participation in High-Cultural Activities". World Congress of Sociology, Mexico
City, Ad Hoc Group on Explanatory Sociology.
“Over dataharmonisatie.” Amsterdam: VU Faculty of Social Sciences M&T Lunch, 2016.
“Het werk van Ivan Gadourek. Een ontmoeting in Wereld 3”. Lustrumlezing Afdeling Sociologie,
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
“Ongelijke uitkomsten in het Surinaamse onderwijs: patronen en trends” (met Tamira Sno). SILC Seminar,
Afdeling Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
“Sociale Mobiliteit en Statusverwerving van Surinamers in Suriname en Surinamers in Nederland” Utrecht:
NSV Dag van de Sociologie.
“De Ontwarring van de Sociologie”. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
“Niveaus in het Nederlandse Onderwijs: een toetsing van de ESS-ISLED schalingen.” (met Heike Schröder)
Derde Workshop European Social Survey, Den Haag.
“Commentaar”. Leiden.
“De waarde van diploma’s in Nederland. Een kwantificatie van de ESS categorieën.” Den Haag: Tweede
NWO/DANS Nederlandse Workshop European Social Survey
“Commentaar op Jaak Billiet: ‘Methodologische en theoretische uitdagingen in (hedendaags) cross-nationaal
sociologisch onderzoek’”. Leuven: Dag van de Sociologie.
“The true effect of storks on fertility: How do we tell our students?” Amsterdam: Afdeling Methoden en
Technieken van Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek.
“Doelen en opzet van de ESS en structuur van het databestand.” “Intergenerationele beroepsmobiliteit in de
European Social Survey 2006. Een vergelijking met ISSP data via een multiple indicator model.” Den Haag:
Eerste NWO/Dans Workshop European Social Survey ‘Het ESS in vergelijkend perspectief.
“ESS en ISSP in Nederland: een vergelijking”. Tilburg: Universiteit van Tilburg, [NSV-VVS Dag van de
Sociologie], 8 juni 2006.
“Een onderzoeksagenda en de honger naar data in de sociale wetenschappen”. Voordracht conferentie “Data
delen in de wetenschap”, Den Haag: Gemeentemuseum [opening DANS], 1 juni 2006.
“Trap op, trap af. Sociale mobiliteit in Nederland tussen 1954 en 2004.” Talmalezing, Faculteit Sociale
Wetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
“Trends in statusverwervingsmodellen bij gebruik van multipele indicatoren voor beroepsstatus. Amsterdam:
Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Studiedagen. (met Jannes de Vries).
“XT modellen voor vergelijkend onderzoek”. Amsterdam: NOSMO Methodologendag 2003, 21 november
“Wat weten scholieren over hun ouders? De kwaliteit van proxy informatie in scholierenonderzoek.”
Nijmegen: NSV Marktdag, 22 mei 2003.
“Appels en peren, apples and oranges. Drie methoden van vergelijkend onderzoek”. Inaugurele rede Vrije
universiteit Amsterdam, 19 december 2002 .
“Jaren van onderscheid”. Afscheidsrede Universiteit Utrecht, 22 november 2002.
"Culturele participatie van etnische minderheden in Nederland". Utrecht: Workshop "Kunst tussen
"De maatschappelijke relevantie en irrelevantie van de sociologie". Referentencommentaar bij themamiddag
"Heeft de sociologie nog toekomst?", Amsterdam: Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging.
"Privacy-bescherming in wetenschappelijk onderzoek". Inleiding voor Workshop van datacoördinatoren,
Amsterdam: NIWI/DANSarchief.
Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte, Leusden. "De sociale wetenschappen in de 20ste eeuw. Inleiding
voor het Café des Idées."
“De sociologie van het levenslot: kansen in de maatschappij.” Inleiding voor het Studium Generale.
"Sociale stratificatie in Oost-Europa." Voordracht voor de Landelijke Sociologen Dagen, Groningen.
"De Nederlandse sociologie en de Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging". Voordracht op de NSV Marktdag
"Documentatie van databestanden: het gebruikersperspectief". SWIDOC Werkconferentie Documenteren
van Survey-data, Amsterdam.
"Een Strategie voor de Sociale Wetenschappen". Afsluitende conferentie Overleg Commissie Verkenningen,
"Enige opmerkingen over de Telepanel data". Telepanelworkshop Amsterdam.
"Simulatie Trends in Onderwijsexpansie en Onderwijsmobiliteit". NOSMO Studiedag Utrecht: (met Niek
"Publieksonderzoek in culturele instellingen". Contactdag Kunstonderwijs, Boekmanstichting Amsterdam.
"Effecten van kunstzinnige vorming in het lager onderwijs." Vakgroep Sociologie, Katholieke Universiteit
"Het sociale ongelijkheidsonderzoek in Nederland". Voordracht HBO-contactkring Nederlandse
Sociologisch Vereniging, Utrecht.
"Daarom data! Over het empirisch gedeelte van de empirisch-theoretische sociologie". Oratie, Universiteit
"Recente trends in onderwijsongelijkheid in Nederland". Debat 'Het gaat goed/slecht met de jeugd',
Tijdschrift Jeugd en Samenleving, Leiden.
"Ongelijkheid van kansen in het Nederlandse onderwijs". Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Rijswijk:.
"De nieuwe CBS Beroepenclassificatie". Amsterdam: SISWO, Werkgroepen Sociale Stratificatie en
"Arbeiderscultuur". Hoger Instituut voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, Leuven.
"Culturele socialisatie en loopbanen". NSAV Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Studiedagen: (met I. Maas).
"Cultuurspreiding". KUB Scholè cursus Beleid en Strategisch Management (t.b.v. Dienst Recreatie
Gemeente Rotterdam).
"Culturele vorming uit en thuis". Boekmanstichting Amsterdam, Symposium De Kunstzinnige Burger,
"Cultuurdeelname". Vakgroep Cultuurwetenschappen, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
"Kunstzinnige Vorming en Cultuurdeelname". Congres Podiumkunsten & Publiek, De Doelen, Rotterdam.
"Comparative Intergenerational Mobility Research". Vakgroep Sociologie / Methoden en Technieken,
Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.
"Het meten van sociale achtergrond in survey-onderzoek". Stafseminar Marktbureau Inter/View,
"Podiumkunsten en Publiek". Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten / Ministerie van Welzijn,
Volksgezondheid en Cultuur, Gouda. (met René Verhoeff).
"Cultuurdeelname". Vakgroep Kunst en Management, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
"Cultuurdeelname". Onderzoeksinstituut Faculteit Letteren, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht.
"Cultuurdeelname". Vakgroep Algemene Letteren, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht,
"Leefstijlonderzoek". Interuniversitair Verband Recreatiewetenschappen, Wageningen.
"Cultuurdeelname in Nederland". Boekmanstichting, Amsterdam.
"Leefstijlen en marketing". NCR (National Cash Registers), Jaarbeurs Utrecht.
"Culturele socialisatie en culturele participatie". Symposium 1989 Werkgemeenschap Verklarende
Sociologie, Centraal Museum Utrecht.
"Publieksonderzoek". Vereniging van Publiciteitsmedewerkers van Nederlandse Schouwburgen en
Concertzalen, Schouwburg Tilburg.
"The design of a cross-national comparative stratification survey". Vakgroep Empirisch-Theoretische
Sociologie, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht.
"Cultuurdeelname-onderzoek in Nederland". Sociologisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam:.
"Aggregating and disaggregating the intergenerational occupational mobility table". Nederlands-Vlaamse
Sociologendagen, Antwerpen, Sessie Sociale Stratificatie:
"Intergenerationele beroepsmobiliteit in Nederland tussen 1970 en 1985". Nederlands-Vlaamse
Sociologendagen, Amsterdam, Sessie Stratificatie en Mobiliteit:
"Een individueel keuzemodel voor cultuurdeelname". Nederlands-Vlaamse Sociologendagen, Amsterdam,
Sessie Verklarende Sociologie:
"De openheid van de Nederlandse samenleving". Bureau ter Bestrijding van Onwetenschappelijke
Uitspraken over de Samenleving, De Populier, Amsterdam.
"Een individueel keuzemodel van cultuurdeelname". Vakgroep Methoden en Technieken, Vrije Universiteit
"Podiumkunst en publieke belangstelling". Federatie van Vlaamse Culturele Centra, Brussel.
Onderzoekersbijeenkomst Werkgemeenschap Verklarende Sociologie
SISWO werkgroep Stratificatie en Mobiliteit, Zwolle.
"Verklarende sociologie en causale modellen". Studiedag Werkgemeenschap Verklarende Sociologie,
"Een individueel keuzemodel voor cultuurdeelname". Onderzoekersbijeenkomst Werkgemeenschap
Verklarende Sociologie, Utrecht.
"Beleving van monumenten". Interuniversitair Werkverband Vrijetijdssociologie, Utrecht.
“Tien jaar Sociale en Culturele Rapporten". NSAV-conferentie, Rotterdam.
"Determinanten van sociale ongelijkheid in 1958 en 1977." Nederlands-Vlaamse Sociologendagen,
Amsterdam, sessie Stratificatie en Mobiliteit.
"Heeft de kunst de school nog wat te bieden?", Symposium VSNU, Stadsschouwburg Eindhoven.
"Theater en publiek in 1990". Vereniging van Schouwburg- en Concertgebouwdirecties, Hengelo:
"Beleving van monumenten". Historische Vereniging Albertus Perk, Hilversum.
"Beleving van monumenten". Vereniging Oud Utrecht, Utrecht:
"Beleving van monumenten". Studiedag Geïntegreerd Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoek Gebouwde
Omgeving, Utrecht.
"Deelname aan culturele activiteit als verwerking van informatie en verwerving van status". Symposium
Werkgemeenschap Verklarende Sociologie, Utrecht:
Søndergaard, Johanne. Opinionated Family Migration Policies? Public opinion and resistance to EU harmonization of family
reunification policies in Europe. PhD Theses VU University Amsterdam, defended June 1 2016. Supervisors: Sarah van
Walsum, Harry BG Ganzeboom, Thomas Spijkerboer.
Bayrakdar, Sait. Education Outcomes and Mobility in Turkish Migrant and Non-Migrant Families. PhD Thesis Department
of Sociology, University of Essex, defended May 2015. Supervisors: Ayse Güveli, Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, Ewa Morawska.
Schröder, Heike. “Levels and Loadings. Two Methods for the Comparative Measurement of Education”. PhD Dissertation
VU University Amsterdam, defended April 25 2014. Promotores: H.B.G. Ganzeboom, M.C. Mills.
Begall, Katia. “Occupational Hazard. The Relationship between Working Conditions and Fertility”. February 7, 2013.
Dissertation Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Promotores: M.C. Mills, H.B.G. Ganzeboom.
Täht, Kadri. “Out of Sync. The determinants and consequences of nonstandard schedules for family cohesion: The
Netherlands within a comparative perspective”. Dissertation VU University Amsterdam. October 27 2011. Promotores:
HBG. Ganzeboom, M.C. Mills.
Damen, Marie-Louise “Cultuurdeelname en CKV. Studies naar effecten van kunsteducatie op de cultuurdeelname van
leerlingen tijdens en na het voortgezet onderwijs”. Dissertatie Universiteit Utrecht, 3 December 2010. Promotores: HBG.
Ganzeboom, F. Haanstra, F.A. Nagel.
Buis, Maarten L. “Inequality of Educational Outcome and Inequality of Educational Opportunity in the Netherlands during
the 20th Century”. Dissertatie Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2 juli 2010 [cum laude]. Promotores: H.B.G. Ganzeboom, A.
Mooi-Reçi, Irma. “Unemployed and Scarred for Life? Longitudinal Analyses of How Unemployment and Policy Changes
Affect Re-employment Careers and Wages in the Netherlands, 1980-2000.” VU University Amsterdam: December 5 2008.
Supervisors: H.B.G. Ganzeboom, J.G.M. de Bruijn, M.C. Mills.
Verhoeven, Jan-Willem, “Income Attainment in Post-Communist Societies”. Doctoral Dissertation Utrecht University,
March 9 2007. Promotores: H.BG. Ganzeboom, H.D. Flap, W. Jansen, J. Dessens.
Vermeij, Lotte. “What’s Cooking? Cultural Boundaries among Dutch Teenagers of Different Ethnic Origins in the Context of
School.” Utrecht University, March 3 2006. Promotores: H.B.G. Ganzeboom, W.A.F. Maas, C. Baerveldt.
Hansen, Johan. “Shaping Creers of Men and Women in Organizational Contexts. A Study of Career Development in Dutch
Organizations”, Dissertation Utrecht University, 6 juni 2005. Promotores: H.B.G. Ganzeboom, T. van der Lippe, A. van
Bekkers, René H.F.P. “Giving and Volunteering in the Netherlands. Sociological and Psychological Perspectives. Utrecht
University, September 17 2004. Promotores: H.B.G. Ganzeboom, N.D. de Graaf.
Nagel, Francine Antoinette [Ineke]. “Cultuurdeelname in de levensloop”. Utrecht University, January 21 2004. Promotores:
H.B.G. Ganzeboom, T.A.B. Snijders.
Verboord, Marc. “Moet de meester dalen of de leerling klimmen? De invloed van literatuuronderwijs en ouders op het lezen
van boeken tussen 1975 en 2000.” Utrecht University, March 7 2003. Promotores: H.B.G. Ganzeboom, K. van Rees.
Rengers, Merijn. "Economic Lives of Artists. Studies into Careers and the Labour Market in the Cultural Sector". Utrecht
University, June 11 2002. Promotores: H.B.G. Ganzeboom, J.J. Siegers.
Bras, Hilde. "Zeeuwse meiden. Dienen in de levensloop van vrouwen, ca. 1850-1950." Universiteit Utrecht, June 2002.
Promotores: H.B.G. Ganzeboom, J. Lucassen.
Poortman, Anne Rigt. "Socioeconomic Causes and Consequences of Divorce." Utrecht University, April 19 2002.
Promotores: M. Kalmijn, P. de Graaf, H.B.G. Ganzeboom.
De Wolf, Inge. "Opleidingsspecialisatie en arbeidsmarktsucces van sociale wetenschappers. [Field of specialisation and
labour market success among social scientists.]". Utrecht University, November 7 2000. Promotores: F. Tazelaar, H.B.G.
Ganzeboom, R. van der Velden, Y. Kops.
Korupp, Sylvia. "Mothers and the Process of Social Stratification". Utrecht University, May 18 2000. Promotores: H.B.G.
Ganzeboom, K. Sanders, T. van der Lippe.
Gijsberts, Mérove. "The Legitimation of Inequality in State-Socialist and Market Societies, 1987-1996. Utrecht University,
April 15 1999. Promotores: H.B.G. Ganzeboom, P. Hermkens, W. Arts.
Rijken, Susanne. "Educational Expansion and Status Attainment. A Cross-National and Over-time Comparison." Utrecht
University, March 5 1998. Promotores: H.B.G. Ganzeboom, J. Dessens.
Niehof, Jacques. "Resources and Social Reproduction. The Effects of Cultural and Material Resources on Educational and
Occupational Careers in Industrial Nations at the End of the Twentieth Century." Nijmegen University, September 25 1997.
Promotores: W.C. Ultee, H.B.G. Ganzeboom.
Uunk, Wilfred. "Who marries whom?" Nijmegen University, June 5 1996. Promotores: W.C. Ultee, H.B.G. Ganzeboom.
Blees-Booij, Arien. "Culturele en economische beroepsstatus van mannen en vrouwen. Een tweedimensionele ordening.
[Cultural and Economic Dimensions of Status of Male and Female Occupations."] University of Amsterdam, February 25,
1994. Promotores: J. Dronkers, P.G. Swanborn, H.B.G. Ganzeboom.
Kraaykamp, Gerbert. "Over lezen gesproken. [Speaking of Reading]". Utrecht University, November 12, 1993. Promotores:
R. Wippler, H.B.G. Ganzeboom.
Verhoeff, René, "De weg naar de podia. Ruimtelijke aspecten van het bezoek aan podiumkunsten in Nederland" ["The Way
to the Venues. Spatial Aspects of the Attendance at the Performing Arts in the Netherlands"]. Utrecht University, May 24
1993. Promotor: R. Wippler. Copromotor: H.B.G. Ganzeboom.
In voorbereiding (geplande einddatum) [in preparation (due date)]:
Sander Scholtus (met Bart Bakker en Cees Elzinga)
Tamira Sno (met Marten Schalkwijk, John Schuster)
Efe Kerem Sözeri (with Jasper Muis and Ayse Güveli)
Anne Brons (met Aat Liefbroer)
Regien Riedewald (met John Schuster en Edwin Marshall)
Lucille Matthijsen (met Dimitri Pavlopoulos)
Myrto Tourtouri (met Dimitri Pavlopoulos)
(VU, undecided)
(VU, due January 2015)
(VU, due June 2015)
(VU / Nidi, due March 2017)
(VU, due September 2017)
(VU, due September 2020)
(VU, due October 2020)
Riedewald, Regien G.C.; Sno, Tamira E.; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2016). “SurMob2015: Social and Cultural Situation of
Suriname 2015-2016” [machine-readable data file]. The Hague: DANS. To be archived.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. [principal investigator] & Hanna Rovers (2014). “ISSP-NL 2013 & 2014: Citizenship and National
Identity” [machine-readable data file]. The Hague: DANS.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. [principal investigator] & Shashi Roopram (2013). “ISSP-NL 2009 & 2012: Family and Social
Inequality” [machine-readable data file]. The Hague: DANS.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. [principal investigator] & Heike Schroeder. (2012), “ISSP 2010 + 2011: Environment & Health”
[machine-readable data file]. The Hague: DANS.
Sno, Tamira E. & Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2013). “SurMob2012: Family and Social Inequality 2011-2013” [machinereadable data file]. The Hague: DANS. To be archived.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. [national coordinator] “European Social Survey R4 [Netherlands], 2008/2009” [Machine/readable
data/file] N=1823. Bergen: ESS Data Archive.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Schröder, Heike. “ISSP 2007+2008: Vrijetijdsbesteding / Levensovertuigingen.” Den Haag:
DANS. P1813.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. [national coordinator] “European Social Survey R3 [Netherlands], 2006/2007” [Machine/readable
data/file] N=1889. Bergen: ESS Data Archive.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. [principal investigator] & Saskia Opdam, “ISSP 2005+2006: Werkoriëntaties / Rol van de Overheid.
Schriftelijke vragenlijst 2005-2006.” [machine-readable data file]. N=1923. NV=300. The Hague: DANS. P1812.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. [principal investigator] & Elsbeth de Groot,, “Lezersonderzoek Horizon”. The Hague: DANS.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. [principal investigator] & Elsbeth de Groot, “ISSP 2003+2004: Burgerschap en Nationale Identiteit.
Schriftelijke vragenlijst 2004-2005.” [machine-readable data file]. N=1823. NV=300. The Hague: DANS. P1811,
Moll, Marit; Iperen, Wilko van; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. (2001). “Uithof Bibliotheken Onderzoek 2001.” [machine-readable
data file]. N=982. NV=566. The Hague: DANS. P1547.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Nagel, Ineke. “Jeugd en Cultuur. Een multi-actor panelstudie 1998-2002.” Den Haag: DANS
[distributor] P1724.
Nieuwbeerta, Paul; Gijsberts, Mérove; Ganzeboom, Harry: "Social and Economic Attitudes in the Netherland 1998".
[machine-readable datafile, NC=933, NV=673] DANS P1435.
Gijsberts, Mérove; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.: "Sociale Ongelijkheid in Nederland 1996." [databestand, N=801] DANS P1370.
Weesie, J. ; Kalmijn, M. ; Ganzeboom, H.B.G. (1995) “Huishoudens in Nederland 1995.” [databestand, N=3354, NV=1602].
DANS P1458.
Nieuwbeerta, Paul; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.: "International Stratification, Mobility and Politics File." DANS P1145.
Nagel, Ineke; Ganzeboom, Harry; Haanstra, Folkert; Oud, Wil: "Effecten van Kunsteducatie in het Voortgezet Onderwijs
1993. (databestand, N=1031). DANS P1362.
Weesie, Jeroen; Ganzeboom, Harry: "Huishoudens in Nederland 1994". Telefonische pilot. [databestand, N=1000]. DANS
Ultee, Wout; Ganzeboom, Harry: "Familie-Enquête Nederlandse Bevolking 1992/1993" [databestand, N=1000]. DANS
Vakgroep Sociologie, Katholieke Universiteit, "De Sociaal-Culturele Situatie van de Nijmeegse Bevolking, 1991-19921993." [databestand, N=380+323+340] DANS P1187.
Ganzeboom, Harry; Ranshuysen, Letty: "Cultuureducatie en Cultuurparticipatie in Amsterdam, 1992". [databestand,
N=1061] DANS P1185.
Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.; Treiman, Donald J.: "International Stratification and Mobility File - Edition 1990" [machinereadable data file, N=ca. 350000] Los Angeles: Institute for Social Science Research.
Ganzeboom, H.B.G.; Haanstra, F. (1989). “Het Publiek van de Nederlandse musea.” [N=182, NV=183] DANS P1184.
Ganzeboom, Harry: "Leefstijlen in Nederland: Provincie Utrecht 1988/89" [databestand, N=803] DANS P1192.
Verhoeff, R.; Maas, I.; Ganzeboom, H. (1988) “Podiumkunsten en Publiek” [N=1778/4564, NV=716/71]. DANS P1159.
Ganzeboom, Harry: "Cultuurdeelname in de stad Utrecht, 1984/1985" [databestand, N=ca. 450] DANS P0837.
Ganzeboom, Harry: "Beleving van Monumenten in de stad Utrecht, 1981" [databestand, N=556] DANS P0838.
Tamira Sno, PhD Researcher ADEK University of Suriname,
Gülhan Yaman, PhD Researcher University of Ankara, November 2015-november 2016.
Andrea Maniscalco, PhD Researcher University of Torino.
Andrea Maniscalco, PhD Researcher University of Torino.
02/14-15, 03/2122, 04/17-20,
07/7-11 11/1921 12/19
2007, 06/12-14
Tom DiPrete, Columbia University New York. (met Irma Mooi-Reci)
Cinzia Meraviglia, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Eastern Piedmonte,
Aaron Johnston, Department of Sociology, Yale University, New Haven, USA.
Anton Kramberger, Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Max Bergmann, Swiss National Data Archive, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Chris Crook. Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Anton Kramberger. Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. (hosts: Nieuwbeerta,
Gary Marks, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Juliana Candian Frizzoni, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Carolina Zuccotti, European University Institute, Florence
Sait Bayraktar, Essex University
Tom DiPrete, Columbia University New York
Regien Riedewald (Paramaribo)
Sait Bayrakdar (Essex)
Laurent Lesnard (Paris), Ellu Saar (Tallinn)
Ayse Güveli, University of Essex.
Carolina Zuccotti, Argentina.
Carolina Zuccotti. Argentina. RESMA Internship.
Ayse Guveli, Department of Sociology, University of Essex
Tony Tam, Department of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Svetlana Babenko, Department of Political Sociology, Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Volcker Stocké, Department of Sociology, University of Mannheim.
Postdoctoraal onderwijs [graduate teaching experiences]
PhD-course “SEMinar: Structural Equation Modeling” (3 ECTS, 12 studenten) Graduate School of Social Sciences,
University of Melbourne. November 2015.
“Selected Quantitative Methods” (3-6 ECTS, 6 studenten). GSSS VU University, Spring 2014.
“Multiple Indicators Measurement. With Special Reference to Education and Occupation”. Research Master Anton de Kom
University of Suriname, Paramaribo, March 2011, March 2012.
“Measurement of Social Background Indicators in Comparative Social Research”. Tallinn University, Tallinn, 2010/11/1719.
“Social Stratification in Comparative Perspective: Theories, Concepts, Measurement, Models”. Summer School on
“Comparison as a Research Method in Sociology and an Approach to Teaching European Societies.” Taras Shevchenko
University of Kiew, Beregovoe, Ukraine. September 11-13, 2009.
“Expert Workshop on Occupation Coding”. Center for Survey Research Academia Sinica, Taipei, July 25-26 2008.
Summer Course “Comparative Analysis of Class an Vote – A Theory and Methods Course, University of Oslo, July 24-31
2005 (with Paul Nieuwbeerta).
“Comparative Research on Social Stratification”. ISA Graduate Workshop on Comparative Methodology, Free University
Amsterdam, November 18 2005.
Coordination of PhD Course "Integration of Explanatory Models with Models of Analysis and Measurement". Research
School ICS, 1997/98-2001/02.
Bijdragen aan ICS Integratiecursus, 1988-2002 (jaarlijks) [Contributions to PhD courses of the Interuniversity Graduate
Center for Theory Development and Advanced Methodology in Sociology ICS, Utrecht University and Groningen
University, 1988 – 2002 (annual).
Werkgroepen en colleges propedeuse / doctoraal [undergraduate, BA, MA]
MA-cursus “SEMinar: Structural Equation Modeling”. Spring 2016.
BA Course “Bachelor Project 2 Bestuur en Organisatie”, January-February 2014, 2015, 2016.
BA cursis “Theorie en Eempirisch Onderzoek”, Februari-maart 2016.
MA-course “Social Conflict, Social Inequality and Social Participation”, Fall 2014 (6 ECTS, 22 students)
PhD course “Selected Quantitative Methods”, November-December 2013.
MA course “Conflict and Inequality in Social Participation”, November-December 2013.
RESMA course “Methods of Data Analysis – Quantitative track”, April-May 2012. (6 MSR student, 2 PhD students).
RESMA-Course “Data Analysis and Report” (ca. 5-10 students, 5 ECTS), 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008. 2008/2009.
RESMA-Course “Research Skills [adaptive]” (ca. 5-10 students, 6 ECTS), 2005/06, 2006/2007, 2007/2008. 2008/2009.
RESMA-Tutorials “Qualitative Comparative Analysis” (Michal Svoboda, 2009); “Time Series Analysis” (Tom Hylands,
2010); “Multinomial Conditional Logit Models” (Sjoerd van Heck, Jelle Koedam, 2010).
MA-cursus “Lineaire Structurele modellen” (7-15 students, 5 ECTS), 2007/2008, 2008/2009, 2009/2010).
BA Minor Course “Life Course and the Labor Market”. (with Irma Mooi-Reci), 2008/2009, 2009/2010.
BA Minor Course “Cultural and Educational Reproduction among Adolescents”. (with Ineke Nagel), 2008/2009, 2009/2010.
BA-cursus “Operationaliseren” (ca. 50 studenten, 3 ECTS), 2004/05, 2005/2006, 2006/2007
BA-cursus “Onderzoeks- en analysedesigns” (ca. 120 studenten, 3 ECTS), 2005-2006, 2006/2007.
BA/PMC cursus “Methoden en Technieken van Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (ca. 800 studenten, 10 ECTS),
BA/PMC-cursus SPSS practica, 2005/2006, 2006/2007.
BA-cursus “Beschrijvende Statistiek” (ca. 200 studenten, 3 ects), 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/2005
BA-cursus “Inferentiële Statistiek” (ca. 200 studenten, 3 ects, 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/2005, 2005/2006
Begeleiding “Onderzoekspracticum COM” (ca. 45 studenten), 2002/03 (ca. 45 studenten), 2003/2004 (ca. 15 studenten),
2004/2005 (ca 12 studenten), 2005/2005 (ca. 15 studenten)
Begeleiding “Onderzoekspracticum BCO” (ca. 15 studenten), 2003-2004, 2009/2010.
Practicum "Validiteit en Betrouwbaarheid". Universiteit Utrecht, 1998/99, 1999/00; Practicum “Models of Social
Measurement”, 2001/02-2002/03
Moduul "Geschiedenis van de Sociologie". Universiteit Utrecht, 1997/98-2001/02.
Modulen "Disciplinaire Inleiding Sociologie". Universiteit Utrecht, 1996/97-1999/00.
Moduul "Inleiding Sociale Wetenschappen voor Economie", Universiteit Utrecht, Opleiding Economie (1999/00-2001/02).
Moduul "Inleiding Sociologie voor Natuurwetenschappers", Universiteit Utrecht (bijvak). 1995/96-1997/98.
Moduul Basisseminar Sociologisch Onderzoek II "Statusverwerving". Universiteit Utrecht (D2). 1993/94-1997/98.
Moduul "Nederlandse Sociologie". Universiteit Utrecht (D1), 1994/95-1997/98.
Leeronderzoek 1991/92, Propedeuse Sociologie, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen [Introductory Research Practicum,
Nijmegen University]
Seminar Theorie en Methoden II 1991/92: "Leefstijlen", Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen [Advanced Research Seminar,
Nijmegen University]
“Inleiding Sociologie”, Vakgroep Theaterwetenschappen, Universiteit Utrecht [Introductory Course "Sociology of Arts and
Theater", Department of Theater Sciences, Utrecht University, January 1989 and January 1990]
Bijdragen in collegereeksen over methodologie, lisrel, loglineaire analyse, sociale mobiliteit, cultuurdeelname, theoretische
sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht, 1980-1989 [Contributions to undergraduate courses in survey methodology, linear-structural
equations, loglinear models, social mobility, culture consumption, theoretical sociology, professional ethics]
“Leeronderzoek Sociologie” 1984 Universiteit Utrecht. [Introductory Research Practicum Department of Sociology, Utrecht
University, 1984.
“Inleiding Empirische-Theoretische Sociologie”, Universiteit Utrecht, September 1978-April 1979 [Introductory Course
Empirical-Theoretical Sociology]
Begeleiding doctoraal / MA / BA scripties [Supervised MA Theses]
Ubbens, Eckhardt (2016). “Measuring the validity of the International Standard Level of Education (ISLED) by a comparison
to a cultural scaling of qualifications.” MA-thesis Opleiding Sociologie (honours traject).
Hansman, Jasper (2016). “Sociale mobiliteit en Werkloosheid. Een onderzoek naar de invloed van sociaal-economische
context op intergenerationele mobiliteit aan de hand van het statusverwervingsmodel van Blau & Duncan”. MA-thesis
Opleiding Sociologie.
van Dekken, Marit (2016). “Why do we believe? A multilevel, cross-national and longitudinal framework of education,
existential security and religiosity”. MA-thesis Opleiding Sociologie (honours traject).
Nijman, Rick (2016). “The effect of parental cultural capital on offspring’s educational attainment in the Netherlands”. MAthesis Opleiding Sociologie (honours traject).
Kragten, Nigel (2016) “Long-term trends in intergenerational social mobility in the Netherlands, birth cohorts 1760 - 1980”
(Thesis UU Research Master Sociologie), met Ineke Maas en Marco van Leeuwen.
Weijns, Joris (2015). “Kennis, cash en drempels in de zorg. Een landenvergelijkend onderzoek naar de invloed van de
toegankelijkheid van de gezondheidszorg op de relatie tussen opleiding-, inkomen en gezondheid.” MA-thesis Opleiding
Sociologie VU.
Goelam Mohamed, Raoul (2015). “Trends in opvattingen over inkomensongelijkheid tussen beroepen in Nederland tussen
1987 en 2013” MA-thesis Opleiding Sociologie VU.
Babai, Said [Siavosh] (2015). “Nationale onderwijskenmerken of selectieve migratie? Mogelijke oorzaken voor verschillen
in de opleidingshoogte van tweede generatie Turkse migranten in Noordwest-Europa”. MA Opleiding Sociologie VU.
Rovers, Hanna (2014). “Wat is de invloed van (niet-)werkende moeders op de beroepsstatus van hun kinderen?
Een onderzoek naar de relatieve invloed van beroepsstatus van vader en moeder en de invloed van de
arbeidsmarktparticipatie van moeder op de beroepsstatus van hun kinderen”. Master-thesis Opleiding Sociologie. Faculteit
Sociale Wetenschappen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Augustus 2014.
Delic, Jasna (2013). “Vertrouwen & Organizational Citizenship Behavior”. Masterthesis Opleiding BCO.
Verhoeven, Wiesje. “We zijn allemaal gelijk, de een wat meer dan de ander. Speelt sociale reproductie een rol binnen het
voortgezet onderwijs in Nederland?” Master-thesis Opleiding Sociologie. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, Oktober 2010.
Heibloem, Helène. “Een onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van de dienstverlening van het Centraal Fonds Volkshuisvesting”.
Doctoraalscriptie Opleiding Cultuur, Organisatie & Management. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, Oktober 2007.
Dam, Sharon van. “Organisatieverandering en betrokkenheid. Een onderzoek naar de organisatiebetrokkenheid van de
werknemers van V&B na invoering van organisatieveranderingen.” Masterthesis Opleiding Cultuur, Organisatie &
Management. Faculteit Social Wetenschappen, Januari 23 2007.
Blauboer, Marjolein. “Een onderzoek naar intergenerationele overdracht van kapitaal en leefstijlen.” Doctoraalscriptie
Opleiding Maatschappelijk Vraagstukken en Beleid. Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 13
februari 2006 [met Ineke Nagel].
Nisselrooij, Laura van. “Een onderzoek naar de attitude van medewerkers en leidinggevenden ten aanzien van employability
binnen de Kamer van Koophandel Amsterdam”. Doctoraalscriptie Opleiding Cultuur, Organisatie en Management, Faculteit
Sociale Wetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10 mei 2005.
Opdam, Saskia. “Twee culturen op een kussen, slaapt daar de duivel tussen? Een onderzoek naar de Innovation Frame
Cultuurscan, als instrumentarium voor diagnosticering van een organisatiecultuur.” Doctoraalscriptie Opleiding Cultuur,
Organisatie en Management, Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 15 maart 2005.
Op den Kamp, Helen. “Etnocentrisme. Een analyse van de invloed van individuele, dyade- en klaskenmerken op de attitude
en het gedrag van scholieren in het voortgezet onderwijs in Nederland.” Opleiding Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht, oktober
Iperen, Wilko van. "Religieus pluralisme en kerkaanhang. Een verklaring van gemeentelijke variatie in kerkaanhang in
Nederland tussen 1909 en 1971 door de mate van diversiteit in het religieus marktaanbod." Universiteit Utrecht: Opleiding
Sociologie, december 2001. (met Durk Hak, RUG).
Wessel, Ramon: "Sociaal veilig parkeren. Een monitor voor sociale veiligheid op verzorgingsplaatsen langs autosnelwegen."
Universiteit Utrecht: Opleiding Innovatiewetenschappen, december 2000.
Damen, Marie-Louise: "Cultuurdeelname en school. Een onderzoek naar de effecten van school op cultuurdeelname van
leerlingen." Opleiding Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht, juli 2000.
Fischer, Tamar: "Indirecte leerwegen. Het effect van vertraging in de schoolloopbaan op de ongelijkheid van
onderwijskansen naar milieu van herkomst." Opleiding Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht, augustus 1998.
Monden, Christiaan: "Kinderen en het loopbaansucces van vrouwen." Opleiding Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht, augustus
Wilbrink, Harm-Jan: "Determinanten van de woningcarrière van samenwonende paren", Opleiding Sociologie, Universiteit
Utrecht, februari 1997 (met M. Kalmijn).
Zuchowski, Carl: "Statusverwerving in Oost-Europa". Opleiding Sociologie, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1995.
Spierings, Mark: "Culturele loopbanen". Opleiding Sociologie, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1994. (Met N.D. de Graaf)
Nagel, Ineke: "Leefstijlen. Een onderzoek naar structuur, verklaring en historische ontwikkeling van leefstijldifferentiatie in
Nederland." Opleiding Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht, juli 1993.
Rijken, Susanne: "Smaakvorming van openingpubliek. Een onderzoek naar de invloed van status en interactie tijdens
openingen in galeries voor beeldende kunst." Opleiding Sociologie, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, augustus 1993.
Uunk, Wilfred: "Ascription en achievement op huwelijksmarkten. Een multivariate analyse van homogamiepatronen in
Hongarije tussen 1910 en 1981 [Ascription and Achievement on Marriage Markets. A Multivariate Analysis of Homogamy
in Hungary Between 1910 and 1981.]", Opleiding Sociologie, November 1989. (met H. Flap en W. Jansen)
Haan, Jos de: "Sociale ongelijkheid en museumpubliek [Social Inequality and Museum Audience] Opleiding Sociologie,
Universiteit Utrecht, Augustus 1989 (met P. de Graaf).
Batenburg, Ronald: "Omvang en samenstelling van theaterpubliek in verschillende landen [Cross-national Differences in Size
and Composition of Theater Audiences]", Opleiding Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht, juli 1986 (met R. Wippler).
Van der Speld, Giel: "Schoolloopbanen in het lager onderwijs. Een secundaire analyse. [Careers in Primary Education. A
Secondary Analysis.]", Opleiding Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht, Juni 1985 (met P.G. Swanborn).
Directeur BA- en MA-Opleiding Sociologie (2015-heden)
Lid VU-FSW Werkgroep Prestatieindicatoren (Voorzitter Van Tilburg) (2013).
Member Assessment Board VU Graduate School of Social Sciences (2011-2016).
Voorzitter Curatorium Bijzondere Leerstoel Bart Bakker, VU (2009..).
Voorzitter Curatorium Bijzondere Leerstoel Marjolein Broese van Groenou, VU (2012-2015).
Secretaris ISOL: Interuniversitaire Werkgroep Sociale Ongelijkheid en Levensloop (2006..).
Voorzitter Jury FSW dissertatieprijs (2013-2015).
Member Recruitment Committee President GESIS, Universities of Cologne / Mannheim, November 2011- March 2012.
Member Recruitment Committee Professors of Sociology, University of Amsterdam. (2010-2012).
Member Recruitment Committee Professor of Sociology, University at Cologne, September-October 2009.
Lid NWO VIDI Beoordelingscommissie 2011-2012.
Lid NWO Jury TOP Grants, 2011.
Participant of the ESS Working Group on Occupations, European Social Survey
Research Associate Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex, October 2009 – September
Member Recruitment Committee Dean School of Graduate Studies, University of Amsterdam, September-December 2009.
Lid NWO Beoordelingscommissie Graduate Programs, juni-juli 2009.
Lid Sollicitatiecommissie Hoogleraar Methoden en Technieken van Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Universiteit van
Amsterdam, Afdeling Sociologie & Antropologie. (2007).
National Representative International Social Survey Programme. (2005..).
National Coördinator European Social Survey (2006-2009).
Lid Visitatiecommissie Nederlands Centrum voor Studie naar Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving, Universiteit van Leiden.
Lid Wetenschappelijk Begeleidingscommissie WO Monitor, Vereniging van Samenwerkende Nederlandse Universiteiten
VSNU. (2004-2007).
Advisory Board EurOccupations Project University of Amsterdam. (2003-2008)
Director Research Master Program “Social Research”, Faculty of Social Sciences, Free University Amsterdam, (2003-2008).
Member Board Center Comparative Social Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Free University Amsterdam, (2003-2008).
Associate Advisory Editor Druzboslowbne Rasprave [Slovenian Sociological Review] (2003-2007)
Lid KNAW Adviescommissie Dienstenstructuur NIWI [taskforce DANS] (2003-2004)
Lid KNAW Verkenningscommissie Sociologie (2003-2005).
Lid NWO Beoordelingscommissie VICI programma (2003-2005).
Member Local Arrangements & Program Committee, RC33 Conference in Social Research Methodology, August 2004,
Editor European Sociological Review (2003-2004).
Hoofd Afdeling Methoden & Technieken van Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (2002-2006).
Lid Nederlandse Vereniging voor Demografie (2001 .. heden).
Voorzitter wetenschappelijke begeleidingscommissie Programma Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt [POA], uitgevoerd door het
Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidmarkt [ROA], Universiteit van Maastricht. [1999..]
Member Local Arrangement Committee & Program Committee, Fourth European Conference of Sociology, European
Sociological Association, Amsterdam 1999.
Lid Programmacommissie Tweede NSV Marktdag Sociologie 27 mei 1999.
Lid SWR-adviescommissie “Praktische omgangsvormen met betrekking tot persoonsgegevens” . (1998/1999)
Reviewer for: European Sociological Review, American Sociological Review, Contemporary Sociology, American Journal
of Sociology, Acta Sociologica, Poetics, Social Forces.
Lid en coördinator van de Organisatiecommissie Eerste NSV Marktdag Sociologie 29 mei 1997 (1996-1997).
Lid Commissie Sociale, Politieke en Communicatiewetenschappen Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen
Voorzitter Bestuur Stichting Sociologia Neerlandica (1997..)
Lid / Voorzitter Curatorium Bijzondere Leerstoel Cultuureducatie [Wim Knulst; Folkert Haanstra], ingesteld namens
Cultuurnetwerk Nederland (1995-2015).
Wetenschappelijk Directeur Opleiding Sociologie Universiteit Utrecht (1997-2002).
Scientific Director ICS/Utrecht (1996-97).
Member Board ICS Research School (1994-2002) / Chairman (1996-2002).
Lid Facultaire Bestuurscommissie Herziening Propaedeuse (1995).
Lid Dagelijks Bestuur Werkgroep Propedeuse UU/FSW (1995-1998).
Lid Dagelijks Bestuur Vakgroep/Capaciteitsgroep Sociologie Universiteit Utrecht (1993-2002).
Lid Wetenschappelijk Adviesraad SWIDOC (1994-1997).
Lid en Rapporteur Werkgroep Strategie Sociale Wetenschappen van de Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Raad (1994..1996).
Voorzitter onderzoekscluster 'Sociale Ongelijkheid en Cohesievraagstukken' (CSOC) van de NWO-Stichting Economie,
Sociale Wetenschappen en Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen (1995-98).
Lid voorbereidingscommissie Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Studiedagen 1996, 1998. (1995-1996, 1997-98).
Voorzitter Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging NSV [President Netherlands Sociological Association NSV] (1994-98)
Organizer workshop "Stratification in Eastern Europe after 1989". Utrecht University, December 5-16, 1993.
Lid Wetenschappelijke Raad Stichting Kiezersonderzoek Nederland [Member Scientific Council National Election Survey].
Lid Commissie van Advies m.b.t. Cultuur en Vrijetijdsbesteding van de Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek [Member
Advisory Committee on Cultural Statistics of the Central Council for Statistics]. (1991-1999, 2002-2006).
Member Board of Advisory Editors POETICS - Journal of Empirical Research on Literature, the Media and the Arts. (19912002).
Correspondent Boekmancahier. (1991-1997).
Lid Stuurgroep NWO Aandachtsgebied Oost-Europa [Member Steering Committee Priority Research Programme on Eastern
Europe, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO] (1990-1997).
Member Research Group "Social Stratification in Eastern Europe since 1989" (Principal Investigators: Ivan Szelenyi &
Donald J. Treiman) (1990-1996)
Extern Adviseur Onderzoeksbureau Driessen, Utrecht [Consultant] (1990-1998)
Voorzitter Stichting Historische Steekproef Nederlandse Bevolking [President of Foundation 'Historical Sample of the
Netherlands'] (1989-2011).
Editorial Board European Sociological Review (1988-1993).
Organizer Ad Hoc Group on "Consequences and Correlates of Social Stratification". Meetings held in: Chicago (1987),
Budapest (1988), Prague (1989), Utrecht (1990), Madrid (1990), Prague (1991).
Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility of the International Sociological Association (Member 1982 ..;
Board Member 1986-1998; Secretary-Treasurer 1990-1998).
[Bestuurs]Lid Werkgemeenschap Verklarende Sociologie [Netherlands Working Group on Rational Choice Approaches in
Sociology] (member 1982 ..; board member 1986-1992).
Organizer "Utrecht Mobility Seminar" [Informal working group with Wout Ultee, Ruud Luijkx, Paul de Graaf, Nan Dirk de
Graaf, Jos Dessens, Wim Jansen]. (1984-1988)
Lid SISWO Werkgroep Sociale Stratificatie / Sociale Ongelijkheid & Levensloop [Member SISWO Working Group on
Social Stratification] (1983 ..; voorzitter 2003..).
Member American Sociological Association. (1980 ..)
Lid Subfaculteitsraad Subfaculteit Sociaal-Culturele Wetenschappen, 1980-1981.
Lid Nederlandse Sociologische [en Antropologische] Vereniging NS[A]V [Member Netherlands Sociological [and
Antropological] Association NS[A]V] (1978 ..); President 1996-2000.
Member Social Science Council of Netherlands Royal Academy of Sciences [SWR] (2006..)
Non-resident Affiliate of the California Center for Population Research, University of California-Los Angeles (2002..).
Strategic professorship “Comparative Stratification Research”, VU University Amsterdam. Endowment. 2002-2007.
Fellow Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study NIAS 1996-97.
NWO Huygens Fellowship, 1986-1989.
Prize (fl. 1500), awarded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences for review article [Vrije Tijd & Samenleving
(1984)], December 9, 1985.