Access, Quality, Care


Access, Quality, Care
Annual Report 2012-2013
Access, Quality, Care
Message from Chair and Executive Director
Kensington Foundation has been providing financial
support to an expanding number of Kensington Health
entities for the past 15 years, staying true to our mission
of being a strategic partner for enhancing quality of life. In
turn, each of Kensington’s entities has made a significant
contribution to health care in Ontario.
It is the generosity of our donors and supporters who
have given financially and also of their time that has
enabled the Foundation to grow and sustain Kensington’s
organizations. In the past year almost $3 million has been
raised to improve the quality of, and access to, care in the
community and indeed the province.
It is funding that keeps the doors open and it is people –
employees, volunteers and our leadership teams – whose
commitment and dedication breathe life into Kensington’s
unique health organizations. We value the contribution
of all of the people who work and volunteer with
Kensington. We are making a difference in the health and
wellbeing of the community we serve, and our efforts are
helping to transform health care in the province.
The Kensington Foundation believes strongly in giving
back to the community, helping young people who
Kensington Foundation Annual Report 2013
are striving to be the best they can be, and supporting
organizations that are working to meet the needs of
individuals who are facing health and other challenges,
or who are at the margins of society. The Foundation
provided over $106,000 in grants in the past year
to a number of deserving academic and community
Behind the scenes we have a devoted Board whose
shared vision, insight and determination continue to guide
our progress and ensure our success.
We would like to thank all of our supporters and staff for
their commitment to the Kensington Foundation over
the past year. We are proud of the accomplishments of
Kensington’s entities and have confidence that they have
much more to contribute. We look forward to the year
John Lind,
President and Chair
Brian McFarlane,
Executive Director
Year of growth for KEI – new procedures at KEI
The Kensington Eye Institute has a proven track record for delivering exceptional care at a lower cost without
compromising on excellence or accountability. We are proud of what KEI is accomplishing and how it is supporting a
sustainable health care system by improving access to care, reducing wait times and freeing up operating rooms in
hospitals for emergency and acute-care needs.
The past year has been a year of growth and expansion for the Kensington Eye Institute. With the expansion, KEI
continues to increase access to high-quality, patient-centred vision care while reducing wait times for cataracts and
other serious eye conditions. The number of cataract surgeries that KEI is funded for has grown to approximately 10,000
annually. In late 2012, KEI performed its first corneal transplant. KEI now has government approval to perform up to 400
of these vision-saving procedures per year – which will have
significant impact on the transplantation waitlist in the
province. In addition, the Eye Institute has also been given
approval to treat up to 800 cases of glaucoma each year, as
well as 600 vitreoretinal cases.
KEI’s educational program has benefited greatly from the
growth of its surgical program of its surgical program. It
is now equipped to give medical residents training in all of
these subspecialty areas. KEI’s partnership with the U of T’s
Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences ensures
that we are not only improving the patient experience, we
are improving the learning experience. KEI’s 50+ skilled
ophthalmic surgeons are
committed to ensuring
that medical residents have firsthand exposure to a full range of surgical procedures
as well as clinical services, while our modern teaching and training facilities support an
excellent academic experience.
Kensington Gardens - using music to recall memories
Kensington Gardens, a 350-bed, not-for-profit long term care
home, has consistently been a long term care home of choice for
individuals and their families when living at home is no longer an option.
Kensington has a strong sense of community and the care provided is
focused on the needs, abilities and wishes of the residents.
The leadership and staff of Kensington Gardens are committed to
ensuring that residents have the care they need to thrive and a safe
environment in which to live. Staff of the Gardens are working with the
Alzheimer Society to meet the unique care and social needs of residents
who have been formally diagnosed with dementia.
A new project introduced in 2013 is helping residents to find pleasure
and reminisce through music. Studies have shown that personalized
music loaded onto a personal listening device can be beneficial to
people in every stage of dementia, and has the ability to improve mood,
cognition and communication, while acting as a conduit to memory.
Kensington Foundation Annual Report 2013
Kensington Hospice
Since opening in August 2011 with significant donor support, professional
staff and volunteers of the Kensington Hospice have had a meaningful
impact on residents and their loved ones, providing comfort and
compassionate care through illness and bereavement.
In April the Kensington Foundation, in partnership with the hospice, unveiled its
Wall of Remembrance, a unique display that offers a special way to honour and
memorialize the people who have chosen Kensington Hospice for end-of-life care.
Family and friends have an opportunity to
purchase a name plate on the wall to honour
and pay tribute to a loved one who called
Kensington Hospice home in their final days.
This initiative has brought colour and light to
the hospice and supports the hospice in its
provision of compassionate care.
The Wall of Remembrance was made possible
by a generous donation from Jaimie Grossman,
a member of the Board of Directors of both the
Kensington Foundation and the Kensington
Health Centre, who wanted to pay tribute to
his father, Larry Grossman.
Sarife Solis’ husband David Calado is one of the first hospice
residents memorialized on the Wall of Remembrance
Making a difference when it matters the
most - A message from parents…
Our daughter Barbara Alibhai spent many months at the Kensington
Hospice, where we visited her regularly, despite living far away in
France…Many of the staff and volunteers became our friends in the
many weeks we stayed off-and-on at the Hospice visiting with Barbara.
We are full of admiration of how Kensington Hospice is run and is
functioning under difficult and often sad circumstances.
For somebody like Barbara, at a relatively young age, knowing the
inevitable to come sooner or later she was in the best place possible.
The staff and volunteers made sure that she got the best care and that
suffering was reduced to a minimum.
Those are honest facts and the compliments should go to all that make
life bearable under such hopeless situations. I trust that our words get
a wide circulation, because all who participated on a daily, weekly and
monthly basis deserve this well meant compliment.
Keep up the good work – our donation is only a small drop in a big lake
of need for those who suffer and can no longer do something about it.
Barbara passed away quietly in her sleep on August 6, 2013.
Warm regards, Peter & Eliane Mey
Kensington Foundation Annual Report 2013
Barbara Alibhai and her father Peter Mey
out exploring Major Street
The Volunteer Experience
Hospice is end-of-life care, when a cure is no longer possible.
It’s about pain and symptom management, it’s about dying
with dignity in home-like surroundings and it’s about not
dying alone. These three things are people’s biggest fears
when they think about death. Hospice alleviates those fears.
I know I’m getting more out of this than I’m giving. It’s
helped me to understand that death is just part of life,
another stage we’ll all go through. It’s helped me to be more
self-aware, more appreciative of the people around me and
more determined to live a meaningful life.
I’ve been helping at the hospice as a resident and family care
volunteer since it opened and it’s one of the most rewarding
things I do. Many people think it must be depressing, but
that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
The hospice is full of amazing people: doctors, nurses,
personal support workers, leadership and support staff and of
course, the volunteers, all of whom offer care and support for
the residents and their families, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
And they do it with love. You can feel it when you walk into
the building - and I’m not just being sloppy and sentimental
- I’ve heard it said by people you wouldn’t expect to hear it
from. It’s the atmosphere you sense when you’re there.
There’s lots of laughter as well as tears, there are many
celebrations - wedding showers, baby showers, anniversary
parties, birthdays - along with sorrow, and there are so many
quiet, peaceful moments when you know just sitting with
someone offers comfort.
It’s really gratifying to know that giving a hug, holding a
hand, being there to listen or simply bringing a cup of tea has
helped. It’s really gratifying to know that you’ve been able
to ease someone’s mind or just made them warmer with an
extra blanket.
And that is why hospice is so important…it’s about the
people we serve - the residents and their families who come
to us at the most vulnerable time in their lives. And thanks
to the Kensington Foundation and generous donors, we’re
there to help them.
Excerpt from a speech by Sally Lougheed, a Hospice Volunteer
Events – raising awareness and having some fun at the same time
Hike for Hospice
The Hike for Hospice, held each spring, is a nation-wide event hosted
by hospices and palliative care organizations across Canada to build
awareness and raise funds to ensure that hospice palliative care and
support is available – at no charge – to all individuals living with a lifethreatening illness and their loved ones.
Our 3rd annual Hike for Hospice was a huge success, raising more than
$50,000 for the Kensington Hospice. We set an optimistic target and
exceeded our goal! The funds raised from the Hike will go directly to
sustain programs and services of the Hospice.
We are very grateful to our participants, sponsors, staff and volunteers
who made this success possible by giving so generously of their time
and support. Kensington Hospice and the Foundation are proud to be a
part of such a caring and giving community.
Hospice supporter Marianne Kupina with Doug, the “hospice
dog” who belongs to the Director of Hospice Care.
The 2013 Kensington Golf Classic
On June 11th, golfers gathered for a good cause and a great round of golf at the
beautiful King Valley Golf Club. Thanks to the incredible support of our sponsors and
competitive bidding on silent and live auction items, almost $130,000 was raised
for the Kensington Health group of charities!
A great afternoon of golf was followed by a wonderful dinner. Special guest
Dr. Jeff Hurwitz spoke about important research on the connection between early
detection of Alzheimer’s disease and the presence of beta amyloids in the retina,
which is being carried out at the Kensington Eye Institute in partnership with the
University Health Network and Boston University.
This ground-breaking research wouldn’t be possible without the generous support
of our donors to the Kensington Foundation, the Kensington Research Institute and
the Kensington Eye Institute.
Kensington Foundation Annual Report 2013
Kensington Screening Clinic
The Kensington Screening Clinic (KSC) is dedicated to
improving access for patients requiring colonoscopy/gastroscopy
screening with patient-focused services and state-of-the-art facilities
and equipment.
It is a simple fact that screening saves lives and early detection is the
first step in the treatment of colon cancer. Since opening in 2009,
KSC has performed close to 24,000 endoscopy procedures.
While endoscopy procedures are covered by OHIP, KSC relies on
the Kensington Foundation for its operating and capital costs. In
time, we believe that the Clinic will be able to mirror the KEI model
and contribute more broadly – not only improving the patient
experience with better access to high-quality clinical care and
services, but also increasing efficiency through productivity, and
delivering better value for money.
KF in the community
Academic Grants
The Kensington Foundation has been supporting youth
in the community with academic grants to two area
secondary schools since 1981. Grant monies are used to
recognize students for their perseverance, hard work,
contribution to the community, participation in extracurricular activities and academic achievement.
Words from a student at Harbord
Collegiate Institute:
Not only is the funding for this award
greatly appreciated but as well [for]
the encouragement that this award
embodies. Thank you. [My volunteer
experience] has taught me that true
success relies on the means rather than
the ends. It is not just the pursuit for
success that is important but it is also the
way that we conduct ourselves.
Community Grants
In its support of The L.E.A.D. Program, the Kensington
Foundation is assisting at-risk Grade 11 and 12 students
in making well-informed decisions about their future
continuing education and employment options.
The program also promotes good citizenry with
accountabilities and responsibilities, while encouraging
volunteerism among the youth.
The Kensington Foundation is also proud to be
supporting community organizations like Sketch,
the Fred Victor Centre, the Scott Mission, Yonge
Street Mission, Kensington Hope Program, Sanctuary
Ministries, Evangel Hall and Second Harvest that reach
out to homeless and vulnerable people in the city,
providing compassion, companionship and access to
programs they need to regain hope and to flourish.
This award represents the
acknowledgement of our growth and
accomplishments; the encouragement for
my peers and me to find purpose in our
academic skills. Thank you for directing
us positively.
As well as grants to secondary school students, The
Kensington Foundation Award is given to a student
of Ryerson University’s Daphne Cockwell School of
Nursing for good academic standing with strong clinical
practice reflective of strong analytical and creative
abilities and demonstrated commitment to the practice
of nursing in the community.
Kensington Foundation Annual Report 2013
In Honour
In Memory Barbara Alibhai
Brenda Caldwell
Mark Lehman
Lenny Lombardi
Sally Lougheed
Elaine & Ian McKinnon
Margaret Procter
Maxxine Rattner
Gary Rodin
Joan Wilkinson
Marija Alajica
Manuel Andrade
Robert Andreychuk
Helen Atchison
Vincenzo Avolio
William Ballantyne
Mable Bambrough
John Bassili
Janet E. Belray
Joao Benevides
Bryan W. Bennett
Dr. K. Werner Biber
Leslie Bickert
Peggy Birnberg
Harry Blake
Paul Brennan
Ruth Brown
William Bryans
Gary Burford
Peter J. Caddick
David Calado
Mabel B. Campbell
Olivia Cardoso
Vladimir Cherepanov
Kam San Cheung
Hoa Quoc Chieu
Sharon Chow
Elizabeth Cox
Dorothy Creal
George Dash
Robert Dassinger
Avis E. Daynes
Karen De Groot
Zoraida de Leon
Jane De Maria
Maria Dias
Patsy Dienstmann
Elizabeth Douglas
Champions of Care
Mark Atin
Jeffrey Baker
Ian Bookman
Calvin Breslin
Piedad (Pia) Escobar
Shirley Gardner
Alison Mason
Raymond Mathews
John C. Lloyd
Shaun Singer
Allan R. Slomovic
S. J. Weinstock
Staff of 3E, 45 Brunswick Ave
Staff of College West
Staff of Kensington Eye Institute
Staff of Kensington Health Centre
Staff of Kensington Hospice
Staff of Kensington Screening Clinic
Staff of Sussex East
Kenneth R. Dunphy
Azza El Sissi
John Faro
Mary Mitford Fowler
Michele Francella
Michael Garrak
Patricia Goodman
Norman Green
Lori Greenbaum
Adele Guido
Beverly Guy
Maryanne Hammond
Roger Heeler
Douglas Hilker
Margaret Home
Frances M. Howlett
Gary Hunt
Kathleen Huntingford
Vi Sanh Huynh
Douglas Ingle
Dorothy Jones
Darryl Julien
Anna Kazmierczak
Rita Kennedy
Sophie Kotyk
Ana Laki
Jack Lavin
Elizabeth Lawrance
Susan Ann Lawrence
Eileen Lehman
Irene Lewis
Linda Lilge
Virginia A. Lumbers
Velma Mac Tavish
Arnaud Maggs
Mickey Maikawa
Maria M. Martins
Andrew McCarthy
Janet E. McFadyen
Vilma Medves
Viola Michalski
Liliana Morvay
Ann Mosnyk
Mark Moss
Beverley Nachoff
Jose Nina
Clara Olive
Joanne Owens
Stevan Panic
Arthur Pape
Giovanni Patriarca
Donna Perry
Gerald Peters
Van Thuan Pham
John Pitt
Denny Pollock
James Pon
Samuel A. Rea
Philip Richardson
Elmer Rounding
Valerie Sailsman
Ed Shannon
Heather Sloan
Madelyn Smith
Marlene J. Sorensen
Ruth Stilman
Maria Strazzeri
Joel Taylor
Khanh Tieu
Maria Torchetti
Binh Tran
Carlos Valente
Barbara Warlow
Marianne Warson
Daniel Washimoto
Tsai-O Wong
King Wong
Aniko Zend
$1+ Million
The Carlo Fidani Foundation
Brian and Fran McFarlane
Douglas Anderson
Wendy and Mark Beckles
Kiki Delaney
Dr. Murray and Dr. Roslyn Herst
Russ and Barbara McKay
Edward McQuillan
Jim and Louise Nelles
Bill and Sue O’Neill
Marie C. Rounding
The Ralph M. Barford Foundation
Great-West Life Assurance Company
Jaimie Grossman
Lind Family Foundation
Warren and Joy Seyffert
Paul Stevenson
The Howard and Carole Tanenbaum
Family Charitable Foundation
Carmen and Rafaela Di Paolo
The Les and Minda Feldman Charitable Foundation
Craig and Shelley Lynk
Thomas P. McQuillan of the McQuillan Group Inc.
RBC Foundation
Mark and An Richardson
Natasha and David Sharpe
Josephine and Nick Torchetti
Glenn Watchorn
Robert and Joan Wright
Kensington Foundation Annual Report 2013
Natalie Dzudovich
Peter and Debbie Emmerson
The Sharp Foundation
Victor Sousa
$25,000 +
The Robert Kerr
$5,000 - $24,999
Aden Camera
Aird & Berlis LLP
Alcon Canada Inc.
George Beiko
Valerie Bennett
Black & McDonald
Jeff Brown
Jane I. Campbell
Clara Chan
Catherine Craig
Sherif El-Defrawy
Mary Ann Gardiner
Margaret Home
Medical Pharmacies Ltd.
Quinte Physiotherapy
Abe and Paula Saltzman
Sodexo Canada Ltd.
The Peter and Melanie
Munk Charitable
$1,000 - $4,999
Ian Akiyama
Ian Anderson
Connie Andreychuk
Anonymous (2)
ArjoHuntleigh Canada Inc.
Avant Imaging &
Management Inc.
Deborah Barrett
Birch Island Foundation
Mary Campbell
Cardinal Funeral Homes
Centura Limited
CHIN Broadcast Centre
Alice E. Courtney
Larissa Derzko-Dzulynsky
Eugene Downar
Graywood Developments
HUB International
Industrial Alliance
Intracorp Projects Ltd.
David Ja
Hugh Jackson
David J. Lawrence
Kiet Lieu
Darla Matheson
Julie McDowell
John McLeish
Medi Group Services
Medical Mart Supplies
Larry Mosnyk
Linda Munk
Hoang Nguyen
Elizabeth Olive
Nebojsa Panic
Margaret Procter
Cedric Rabin
Theodore Rabinovitch
Rogers Communications
David S. Rootman
Geoffrey Rytell
Lawrence Snook
W. Gordon Squires
The Atlas Corporation
Wendy J. Thompson
Dale Tinkham
Tricon Capital Group Inc.
United Way of Greater
Nancy Vickers
Samuel Wong
Peter Zaduk
$500 - $999
Basic Funerals and
Cremation Choices
Ian Bookman
Paul Brehl
Dianne Byrne
Sabrina Chan
Huynh Kuy Chieu
Ralph Chiodo
Marina Cholakis
Earlaine Collins
Carolyn Cowan
Heather E. Craig
Laszlo Cser
Doug Del Net
Suzanne Dube
Anne Dumouchelle
Eckler Ltd.
William Etzkorn
Pat Finelli
Carol B. Fripp
Christina Gallucci
Joan Heeler
Stephen Jack
Jessy John
Kyung-Ha Kim
Shannon Knelsen
Leanne Larose
Kathy Lashley
Yun-Fu Li
Irma Lubbe
Lynett Funeral Home
Douglas Mahaffy
Angela Manojlovich
Mary-Charlotte Miller
Mount Pleasant Cemetery
and Visitation Centre
Maridita Nillo
Erik Nilsson
Arminda N. Nina
Nicoleta Paraschiv
Cathy Parker
Derek J. Pillon
Kay Rhodes
Gary Rodin
Mary Ross
Sylvia Swiekatun
Howard Tanenbaum
Terratundra Foundation
Vi Kien Thai
Geddy Lee Weinrib
$20 - $499
Lisa Aaron
Tania Abbate
Jane Abbott
Donna Abs
Merla Abuan
Doris Adams
Mary Adams
Douglas S. Adlam
Doris I. Adler
Michael Agueci
Shahzad Ahmad
Lizzie Aikenhed
Elizabeth Ainslie
Andrea Alimi
Philip Allanson
Terrence J. Allard
Rosemary Allerston
Alliance Data
Fatima Alves
Amy Alyea
Amalgamated Transit
Union - Local 113
Cheryl Amedee
Glen Anderson
Roberta Anderson
Monica Andrade
John Andreychuk
Judy Anglin
Craig Applegath
Antonella Armenti
Linda Armour
Dave Armstrong
Dean Armstrong
Stephen Armstrong
E. Rae Arnold
Ascot Home Improvement
Elizabeth Ashton
Asigra Inc.
Alan Atkins
Lesley Atkinson
William J. Atwood
Barbara Aufgang
Anthony Avola
Pete Bader
Rosemarie Bahr
Neil Baimel
Emily Bain
Vanessa Bain
Elizabeth Baird
Jelena Bajcemc
Charisse Baker
Denise Baker
Michael Baker
Margarette Balanco
Nalayine Balarajan
Brenda Baldwin
Meyer Balter
Mildred Balter
Kenny R. Bambagiotti
John Banks
Don Barnett
Carolann Barr
Valerie Barr
Shelagh Barrington
Vicki Barron
Clare E. Barry
Christine Bartlett-Hughes
Susan Bassili
Vernon Bassue
Edward D. Bateman
Susan Bauman
Barbara Baxter
Bayshore Home Health
Irene Beaupre
William Beckles
Bruce Beggs
Rebecca Beitchman
Dana Beljanic
Mary M. Bell
Timna Ben-Ari
Elana Benayon
Duarte Benevides
Shirley Bennett
Sharon M. Benson
Bentall Kennedy
Simon Berkowitz
Corinne Berman
Buenavic Bersalona
Katie Berta
Bethel Green Seniors
Conrad Beyleveldt
Bonnie Bickel
Dale Biddell
Ron Biderman
Peter G. Birnie
Rebecca Bissessar
James W. Blaney
Teresa G. Boccia
Stella R. Boone
Linda Booty
Lindsay A. Borden
Carolyn Bornstein
Carmen Bourbonnais
Pat Bourgase
Heather Boyd
Mike Boylan
David Bradley
Robert Brandolino
Oswald Brandt
Stacy Braverman
Wendy Bray
Douglas Breckenridge
John Breckenridge
Alesha BreckenridgeVillard
Jennie Brehaut
Diane Bridges
Maura Broadhurst
Theresa Broomfield
Jennifer Brown
Jon T. Brown
Mary V. Brown
Robert Brown
Shelley Brown
Tina Brown
Ian Brueggemann
Mark Bruton
Richard Bryant
Joanne Bullen
Linda Bullock
Ronnie Burbank
Janet V. Burford
Janis Burgess
Stacey Burnett
Katherine Burress
Lynn Burton
Julie Byczynski
Eugene Cabral
Brenda Caldwell
Ruth Calman
Leslie Campbell-Park
Dominic Campione
Justin Campol
Sean Canavan
Tyler Cappe
Vivien Cappe
Shelley Cappuccio
Carmela Caramanna
Grazia Caramanna
Stacey Carcao
Doris Carmona-Coronado
Debbie Carr
Angela Carriere
Jane Carroll
Fred Carruthers
Dennis Carter
Maurice Carter
Vince Cascone
Carmen Casha
Karly Casha
Liz Catunto
Walter Cavalieri
Kensington Foundation Annual Report 2013
Naz Cavallaro
Martine Celej
Sharon Chadwick
Lynn Chaiton
Margaret Chambers
Kwai Fong Chan
Linda Chan
Max Chandler
Rhonda Charlat
Asuncion Chietera
Vincent Chietera
Brenda Chin
Benhilda Chirisa
Wyn Chivers-Korpikoski
Piotr Chomczynski
Elfrieda Chomiak
Kam K. Chong
Jaclyn Chouinard
Grace Chow
Jeffery Chow
Joe Chow
Olivia Chow
Raymond Chow
Siew Ling Chow
Marcelo H. Chuaqui
Anne C. Cipollone
Jennifer Citulsky
Deanna Clare
Barb Clark
Blaise Clarkson
Robin Cockburn
Laurie Cohen
Peter Cohen
Stephen Cohen
Jean I. Coleman
David J. Colla
Patricia Collie
Marie Collins
Barbara Collinson
Julie Colosimo
Lisa Compton
Sheila H. Connell
Bruce Conron
Frank Consiglio
Ines Conti
Brian Cook
John Cooke
Donald Cooper
Paula Copeland
Vincent Corey
Dan Cornacchia
MaryAnne Cornelius
Megan Corrigan
Francesco Costa
Lorenzo Costa
David Coutts
Valerie Cowie
Dale C. Cox
Pamela Crabb
Craig Hind Holdings Ltd.
Ninalee A. Craig
Robert Craig
Cheryl Crawford
Elizabeth Creal
Mari D. Creal
Sandra Creighton
Adriano Cremonese
Gordon Cressy
Angela Cronsilver
Kim Crosbie
Peter Crosby
Kenneth H. Curry
Lena Curveira
Teresita Cusipag
Cedric Cyr
Debbie Czarnuch
Karla Da Silva
Jennifer Dahl
Daphne Dales
June Daley
Andrea Danovitch
John Dash
Dianne Dassinger
Chad M. Davidson
Susan Davidson
Bryan Davies
Lorne Davis
Marilyn Davis
William Davis
Sandra Dawber
Brenda M. Dawson
Cristiano de Florentiis
David de Launay
Deirdre De Maria
Yvette De Rose
Trynie de Vries
Elise-Anne Dealy
Bev Deeth
Judy Defreitas
Grace Degasperis
Wayne Deitel
Joanne L. Dennis
Wailin Der
Alex Derry
Barbara Desmond
Bertilla Z. Desouza
Terry Deutscher
Maureen Dey
Patricia E. di Cenzo
Gina Di Cianna
Rocco Di Ilio
Rosemary Di Mauro
Arcangela Di Noto
Carmen and Rafaella
Di Paola
Joseph Di Paola
Daniel Di Stefano
Kym Diamond
Richard Diamond
Antonio Dias
Mary H. Dickson
Charmaine Dimick
Brian Dittmar
Sonia Dixon
Tracey Dodokin
Monica N. Doedens
Pauline Doherty
Michelle Doig
Deena Dolgoy
Franca Dominelli
Denise Donlon
Celia Donnelly
Suzanne Donohue
Jim A. Donovan
Amanda Dossett
Thomas Doucette
Bill Dovell
Marta Drewinska
Orazio Drogo
Paul Druckman
Ray Dube
Yves Dube
Lynn Duckworth
Michelle Duke
Colleen Durno
Nancy I. Durst
Carolyn L. Dushenski
Alfred Dykstra
John L. Easson
Constance Easto
Tessa Edward
Carolyn J. Edwards
Susan Eiley
Rasha El Sissi
Peter Eliopoulos
Raymond Ellis
Victor Enns
Equifax Canada
Anne Evans
Cynthia Evans
Claire Ewart
Lynn Eyton
Ligia M. Faria
Maria L. Faro
Anne Farquharson
Doreen G. Farrell
Joan Farrell
Guiomar Fatal
George D. Faught
Loriana Favrin
Victoria Fecteau
Hsiang Fei Lu
Michael Feil
Trudy Feinman
Victor Feinman
Talya Feldberg
Sarah Fentum
Paul Ferguson
Robert Ferguson
Lorrie Fern
Dick Fernandez
Tina Fernandez
Judy Feuer
Gary Field
David L. Fingold
Lynne R. Fingold
Fio Corporation
Luigi Fiorino
Alana Firestone
Abe Fish
Lynne Fitzpatrick
David Fleming
Shelley Flood
Josephine Foley
Julie Foley
Rod Foley
Shirley Foley
Louise Fontaine
Lauren Foote
Robin Forbes
Barbara C. Ford
Cameron Forster
Kathleen Foster-Morgan
Carmine Francella
Maria Francella
Maryse Francella
Robert Francella
Kevin Franch
Judy Franklin
Franklin Templeton
Investments Corp.
Deborah Fraser
Michelle Fraser
Gail Fratkin
Randi Fratkin
Enid French
Judith D. Fricker
Linda Friedlich
Bess Friedman
Elizabeth Friedman
Marla Friedman
Susan Friedman
Christine Frolick
Sandra Fruitman
Michi Fukumoto
John Fulton
Teresa Gabinet
Peter Gabriel
Krys Galetin
Beverly Gallinger
David Gavsie
Suzanne M. Gaynor
Murial S. Gendel
Tony Gentilucci
Anthony Geraci
Gail Gerstein
Gabriela Ghitulescu
Ralph Giannone
Cheryl Giblon
Mary Gibson
Bernadette Gilbertson
Linda Gill
Jennifer Ginder
Frank Giordano
Girl Guides of Canada,
Ontario Council
Sara Glanville
Marika Glied
Gwen Glover
Harry Godau
Evelyn Godoy
Phil Gold
James Goldberg
Rosylin Goldlist
Karen Goldstein
Isabel Gomes
Dolores Gooch
Janet A. Goodfellow
Douglas Goodman
Joe Goren
Catherine Goring
Anthony Gornik
Allie Gottlieb
Bill Gough
Leticia Gracia
Lloyd Graham
Robert H. Graham
Steve Graham
Deena Granatstein
J. L. Granatstein
Gino Granieri
Everine Grant
Mara Grant
Sue Gravelle
Sue Gravina
Ralph Green
Sarah Greenspan
James Griffin
Peter Griffin
Peter Grillo
Sharon Grosman
Jo-Anne Gross
Robbie Grossman
Carole Gruson
Mary Grace Guevarra
Linda Gurd
Andrew Guy
Maria Sarife S. Guzman
Terry Haas
Melginades Hacala
Dan Hadbavny
Anita Haimson
Noelle Hakim
David S. Hales
David Hall
Greg Hall
June Halliwell
Hallmark Dental Arts Ltd.
Donald Hambleton
Janice Hambley
Linda Hamer
Thomas Hamer
Annette S. Hamilton
Suzanne Hamilton
Sarah Hammerton
Jean Hammond
Paul Hand
Hugh Handy
Shirlee S. Hare
Judith Harris
Linda Harris
Paul Harris
Robert Harris
Janet Hart
Mariko Hatanaka
Elizabeth J. Hawkes
David Hawkey
Doris E. Hawkins
Cathy Hayhurst
Heart & Stroke
Foundation of Ontatio
Sue Heasman
Steve Heathcote
Sean Hefkey
Mary Heiberg
Thea Heidenreich
Richard Heinrich
Sandra Hellyer
Norma Hendershot
Jane M. Hendrie
Susan Hennighausen
Laurianne Herd
Adina Herling
Roslyn Herst
Katy Hess
James Hicks
Avril Higgins
Peter Higham
Martin Hilson
Barbara Himel
Paula Himel
Margot Hines
Li-Wei Ho
Yvonne Ho Lung
Martin Hoffman
Jennifer Hollett
B. Hollister
Jennifer Hollyer
Bernice K. Holmes
David Holmes
Judith Holness
Barbara Hopkins
John Hopkins
Jean E. Horn
Shelly Hornstein
Jim Horvath
Gary T. Hosaki
How International
Kevin Howlett
Elizabeth Hrenchuk
Sorina Hristea
Cathy Huffman
John Huggins
Hughes Amys LLP
Elwyn Hughes
John Hughes
Humber Community
Seniors’ Services Inc.
Humphrey Funeral Home
- A.W. Miles Chapel
John Hylton
Independent Wine
Education Guild
Innisfree Housing Co-op
Dawn Irwin
IURTC Company
Iryna Iwachiw
Elaine Iwai
Elizabeth Jackson
Lawrence Jacobs
Saryl Jacobson
Calla Janes
Gillian Jaramillo
Walter Jarzabek
P. Jarzyna
Barbara M. Jay
Ines Jeffrey
Tanya Jespersen
Jeanne John
Lara Johnson
Joan M. Johnston
Angela Jones
Karol Jones
Keith Jones
Mary-Beth Jones
Steve Joordens
Robert Jordan
Kevin Jorgensen
Carla Joyce
Antoinette Julien
Lynne Julien
Giuliana Katz
Joy Kaufman
Mitchell Kavanagh
Zbigniew Kazmierczak
Anne Marie Kelleher
Violet Kelly
Paula Kelso
Ross Keltie
Esther Keltz
Doug Kemp-Welch
John Kemp-Welch
Harry Kennedy
Julie Kennedy
Adam Kerbel
Deborah Kerner
Mary-Lou Kerr
Jan Kestle
Kew Beach Couples Club
Ramdasi Khan
Linda M. Kiley
John King
Keith King
Patricia Kirby
Lilia Kiriakou
Nella Kirk
Robert Kirk
Joan Kirsh
Donna Klebanoff
Charmalee Knox
Craig Koenig
Iris Kohn
Martin Kohn
Sharon Koren
Jennifer Korovesi
Melissa Kotack
Ashley Kowal
Ruth Kravetz
John Kronemeyer
Ruth Kruger
Francy Kuffer
Kula Yoga
Ana Kupina
John M. Kyle
Claire La Vigna
Howard Labranche
Jamee Lakas
Jennifer Lam
Ka Siu Lam
Karen Lam
Livia Lambrecht
Ronald Landsberg
Susan Langlois
Ginette Lanzillotti
Adrienne Lastman
Robin Lastman
Nancy Latowsky
Keltie Law
Angela Lawrence
Harley Layton
Wendy A. Leaney
Brenda Learmonth
Joanne Leatch
Francois Lebel
Bruce Leboff
Mary Beth Ledden
Andy Lee
Bill Lee
Mary Ann Lee
Nancy C. Lee
Parry Lee
Yoon Nam Lee
Martha Lee-Blickstead
Edgar Legzdins
Francine Lemon
Cynthia L. Lepper
Phil Lesperance
Frances T. Lester
Diane Leuty
Lori A. Levine
Deborah Levy
James Lewis
Jamie Lewis
Marilyn Lewis
Lucy Liegghio
Rui Lima
Lois Lipton
Natalie Little
Anna Litvack
Enzo Loccisano
James Lockyer
Nathan Loeppky
Lorne Lofsky
Marni Lokash
Lenny Lombardi
Velma London
Kathryn Long
Gerald Longpre
Agnes Loshusan
Ewa Losiak
Sally Lougheed
Jean Lovasz
Sarah Lowenberg
Ken Lundy
Alison Luoma
Ann Mac Diarmid
James A. MacDonald
Joan MacGillivray
Harry MacGregor
Karen R. Machmer
Laleah Macintosh
Claudine Mackenzie
Bob MacKinnon
Sylvia MacLeod
Ann L. Magee
Francis Maikawa
Kiyo Maikawa
John Maillard
James Maiorano
Katherine Malins
Patricia Malone
Rochelle Malus
Umberto Manca
Jean Manchee
Sharon Manchee
Sacha Mandarich
Raisyl Mandel
Maria Mandelker
Julia Mann
Bruce Manning
J. Bradley Manning
Manulife Financial
Benni Marchese
Esther E. Marks
Freda E. Marsden
Sandra Marshall
Susan V. Martin
Sandra Martins
Richard Martyn
Carol Marx
Cheryl Mascarenhas
Jane Mason
Peter Mason
Carla Mateus
Gwendoline Maunsell
Miranda Mawhinney
Erin McAnulty
Heather McArthur
Gayle McBurnie
John McCairley
Kathy McCallum
Carol McCanse
Thomas McCaw
Keith McConnell
Anthony McCourt
James McCreath
Ian McDonald
William McFadyen
Frances McGinnis
Al McGrady
Russ and Barbara McKay
Ross McKeown
Marita McLean
Shannon McLean
Brigitte McMillan
John McQuaker
Gerald McShane
Jag Mehta
Garry Melville
Kate Merriman
Jan Michaels
Joel Milgram
Michael Milgram
Winnifred Millar
Barbara Miller
Peter Miller
Maureen Milne
Alan Mintz
Mandy Mintz
E. B. Misener
Graeme L. Mitson
Shaye Moffatt
Carol Molenda
Stewart Molinari
Cindy Montgomery
Donna Moores
Elizabeth Morello
Judy C. Morgan
Evelyn Morris
Pauline Morrow
Marci Mosher-Mandel
Helen Mosoff
Wayne Mouland
Mulholland Farms
Yasmin Muller
Multi Rehabiliitation
Services Inc
Murdale Farms
Barbara Murray
Jennifer Myers
Joyce Myers
Maureen Myhill
Wendy Myles
Harry Nagata
L. J. Nagel
Kalman Nagy
Keena Naik
Michael J. Naismith
Paul Nanoff
Kathy Napper
Gino Natale
Brett Nattrass
David Neale
Susan Nelson
Dayle M. Nesbitt
Robert Nicoll
Jay Niederhoffer
Phil Nimmons
Kaz Nishio
Rhonda Nishio
Roxanne Nodello
Betty Noel
Eliza Nonan
Edwin H. Norton
Gary Norton
Anne O’Ball
Gloria Obukuro
Susan E. O’Connor
Naomi Oelbaum
Yetunde Olayinka
Elsie Oliva
Lina Oliverio
Kevin O’Mahoney
James B. O’Neill
Maria Onilla
Ontario College of Art &
Design Alumni
Lillian Orlita
Elaine V. Osin
Cheryl Ostro
Heather Owens
Barbara Paikin
David Palmer
Tod Palmer
Vanda Palter
Antonino Panarello
Carmelo Pandolfi
Juliana Pang
Keith Pang
Bayla Panzer
Jennifer M. Paquette
Dantes Paraschiv
Elizabeth Parchment
Gordon E. Parker
Lea Parrell
Catherine J. Paterson
Andrew Paton
Linda Patterson
Margaret Payne
PDAC Mining Matters
Kathleen Peace
Sharon Peach
Ashley Pearson
Wendy Peck
Ruth W. Peckover
Mary Pedersen
Heather Pentland
Albert Perri
Dorothy Perry
Nadine Persaud
Alexandra J. Peters
Rosanne Petrich
Patricia Petruga
Marita Phillips-Chase
Amerigo Picano
Claude Picard
David Pike
Charles B. Pine
Colleen Pittam
Marisa Pizzarelli
Jeanette Plant
Jospeh Podolyak
Esther Pohn
Mary Policastro
Pollock Law Professional
E. Marie Popham
Mary Jean Potter
Karen Power
Mark Prager
Summer Preney
Risa Prenick
Nancy Prentice
Darlene Presley
Cathy Preston
Robert Preston
Genevieve Presutti
Maria Prete
Agostino Primosig
Geoffrey I. Pringle
Dino Priore
Probus Club of Ajax
Mike Prsa
Susan Pryer
Donna Punch
Regina Purda
Janine Purves
Dave Purvis
David Pyper
R. S. Kane Limited
Adrienne Rabin
Judith Rae
Patricia A. Rae
Rachel B. Ramkaran
David Ramsay
Leanne Rapley
Pauline Rapp
Michael Ray
RBC Dominion Securities
Sarah Rea
Margaret Readings
Nancy Reason
Almerinda Rebelo
Marlize Reedijk
Linda Reichert
Allan R. Reid
Kara Reinish
Evelyn Reis
Susan Reis
Carole Renfer
Resource Interiors Inc.
Chris Reynolds
Sandra Ribeiro
Gaye A. Richards
Jamie Richards
Giuseppe Riga
Joan Riley
Suzanne Rintoul
Madeline Ritz
Bob Rivington
Dawn Robb
Clara Robert
D’Arcy Robert
Nancy T. Robinson
Maria Robrigado
Philip S. Robson
Paula Rochman
Margot Rockett
Melinda Rodriguez
James Rogers
Robert Rooney
Malka Rosenbaum
Doris Rosenstock
Cyndy Rosenthal
Jonathan Rosenthal
Earl Rotman
Kathleen Roulston
Connie Roveto
Irene Rowley
Royal Bank of Canada
Honey Rubenstein
Tzvi Rubinger
Marc Russell
Donald Rutledge
Ryan & Odette Ltd.
Gerard Ryan
Kathryn Ryan
Adrian Ryans
Patricia Sadleir
Enrique Saenz
Victor Saldivia
Carm Samalea
David Sanderson
Jay Sanderson
Melissa Santagato
Lorenzo Santini
Anna Maria Sanvido
John P. Sanvido
Matthew Sapera
Rose-Anne Sarno
Kris Sarran
Anne E. Sarsfield
Colleen Sartell
Zion Sasson
John Saunders
Larry Saunders
Kate Schatzky
Jim Scheffee
Ellen Schneidman
Brian Schnurr
Marianne Schuehle
Shelli Schwartz
Ryan Schwerdtner
Frank Scolaro
Wally Selihar
Pasquale Serpe
Rick Sgroi
Richard Shannon
Timothy Sharp
Barry Shecter
Helayna Shekter
Michelle Shen
P. Sheppard
Judith Shindman
Shoppers Drug Mart
Jon Sickle
Gordon Sidsworth
Serena Sigal
Lynn Sigel
Michael Sigel
Jay Silber
Markham Silver
Risa Silver
Annette Simbulan
Debbie Simone
Ian A. Sinclair
Malcolm Sinclair
Moira Sinclair
Rose Siochi
Jelena K. Sisic
Eileen M. Skillen
Debra Skurka
Donna Slater
Carolyn Slatter
Moira Slobod
Charlene R. Smelsky
Bernard J. Smith
Carol-Ann Smith
Doug Smith
Jennifer L. Smith
Mary Lou Smith
Melinda R. Smith
Nikki Smith
W. Garry Smith
Shirley Smoskowitz
Elizabeth Snyder
Jordan Soll
Judith Somer
Sony Canada Charitable
Minerva Soriano
Malina Souidaray
Barbara Soutar
Adriana Spadafora
Theresa Spano
Janet Speight
Laura Spence
S. Spitale
Kim Sprenger
Gail Spurr
SS&C Technologies
Canada Corp.
Dalton E. Stairs
Mirella Stalteri
Harvey Starkman
Louise Starkman
Allan D. Stauffer
Sherry Steenhuis
Stephenson Engineering
Richard Stern
Sally Stevens
Basil J. Stevenson
Sharon Stibbard
Harry Stilman
Allan Stitt
Barbara Stitt
Myrna Stone
Timothy Storus
Brian Story
Virginia Stoyanoff
Sharon Strang
Marina Strauss
John Strickland
Carol Strom
Barbara Stronach
Polydor Strouthos
Beverley Stuart
Warren Sud
Lindsay Sukornyk
Ryan C. Sullivan
Patrick Summers
Irene Surgenor
Gilda Swartz
Jay Swartz
Harley Swedler
Shirley Switzman
Laurie Taciuk
Susan Tagliapietra
Hin Tang
Camie Tang-Chang
Kathryn Tanguay
Laarni Tansingco
Sharon Tarshis
Peter C. Tasker
Barbara Taylor
Robert Tellenbach
Gloria Temkin
Greg Terakita
Alfonso Terrenal
The Healing Cycle
The Rivoli
The Sam Sorbara
Charitable Foundation
Carole Thimidis
Ingrid Thompson
Michael Tibollo
Alfred Till
Jessica Tinkler
Mary Tinmouth
Cyndie Tipping-Levine
Susan Tirimacco
Ljuba Tisma
Maria Tito
Judy Tobe
Bruce Topping
Nick Toritto
Lynda Torneck
Toronto Police Association
Steven Townsend
Cindy Turk
Helen Turk
Kensington Foundation Annual Report 2013
Barbara Turnbull
Glenyce Tweed
Ben Unsworth
Gary Ursell
Marion Vaclavik
Trevor Valcour
Robert Valenzano
Bev Vandahl
Lucia G. Vani
Ben Varadi
Judith A. Vaughan
Mel Vavaroutsos
Angelo Veri
Veridan Connections
Paul Viau
Cindy Wagman
Michelle Wainwright
Linda Waks
Kevin Walker
Sheila Walker
Mary Jane Walker-Markle
Simone Wallace
Andrea Walrond
Marie Walsh
Namgyal Wangmo
Ann Warden
Susan Warden
Stephen Warner
Larry Wasser
Mary Wasser
Carolyn Watson
Diana F. Watson
Marlene Webber
Maureen Webster
Marna Weinstock
Barbara Weisfeld
Rick Weiss
Patricia J. Werner
Keri West
Grace Westcott
Grazyna Whapshott
Beverly White
Elizabeth White
Rick Wilkins
Joan Wilkinson
Jeff Williams
Louise Williams
Syrenthia Williams
William E. Wilson
Rebecca Winder
Jim Winn
Peter Wloka
Laura Wolfe
David Wong
Mark Wong
Robert Wong
Amanda Woon-Fat
Wendy Wright
Shirley Wu
Mariko Yaguchi
Alan Yang
Wayne Yatabe
York Lodge of The
Theosophical Society
Helen Young
Janice Young
Sandra Yun
Kimberley J. Zaduk
Peter Zahradnik
Peter Zaltz
Lana M. Zampino
Lydia Zanette
Angie Zarysky
Jeffrey Zeldin
Janine Zend
Susan Zimmerman
Madeline M. Ziniak
Christina Zivanovich
Gloria Zucchet
Lucia Zucchet
Independent Auditor’s Report on Summary Financial Statements
To the Board of Directors of The Kensington
The accompanying summary financial statements, which
comprise the summary balance sheets as at June 30, 2013,
June 30, 2012 and July 1, 2011 and summary statements of
revenue and expense for the years ended June 30, 2013
and June 30, 2012 are derived from the audited financial
statements of The Kensington Foundation for the year
ended June 30, 2013. We expressed a qualified audit
opinion on those financial statements in our report dated
October 24, 2013.
The summary financial statements do not contain all the
disclosures required by Canadian accounting standards
for not-for-profit organizations. Reading the summary
financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute
for reading the audited financial statements of The
Kensington Foundation.
Management’s Responsibility for the Summary
Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation of a
summary of the audited financial statements on the
following basis:
The summary financial statements include all information
contained in the complete audited financial statements,
except for a statement of net assets, statement of cash
flows, notes and other explanatory information.
Auditor’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the
summary financial statements based on our procedures,
which were conducted in accordance with Canadian
Auditing Standard (CAS) 810, “Engagements to Report
on Summary Financial Statements”.
Basis for Qualified Opinion
In common with many charitable organizations, the
Foundation derives revenue from donations and
fundraising, the completeness of which is not susceptible
to satisfactory audit verification. Consequently, our
verification of these revenues were limited to the
amounts recorded in the records of the Foundation and
we were not able to determine whether any adjustments
might be necessary to revenues, excess of revenues over
expenses, assets or unrestricted net assets.
In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the
matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion
paragraph, the summary financial statements derived
from the audited financial statements of The Kensington
Foundation for the year ended June 30, 2013 are a fair
summary of those financial statements on the basis
described above.
Licensed Public Accountants
Toronto, Ontario October 24, 2013
The Kensington Foundation Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is chaired by Marie Rounding and is made up of four independent members of the board, all of
whom are financially literate to enable them to discharge their responsibilities in accordance with the requirements of
the Corporation. In carrying out its responsibilities, the audit committee meets with the Executive Director and the CFO
and with the external auditor, Tinkham and Associates, LLP.
Kensington Foundation Annual Report 2013
The Kensington Foundation Summary Statement of Revenue and Expense Year ended June 30
Donations - capital campaign
Donations - other
Investment income
Adjustments of investments to market value
Golf event
Fundraising office
Golf event
Investment management fees
Professional fees
- The Kensington Cancer Screening Centre
- The Kensington Eye Institute
- The Kensington Research Institute
Net rental income
Excess of revenue over expense before grants and donations
Deduct grants and donations paid or payable to:
- The Kensington Health Centre
- Community organizations
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expense for the year
Kensington Foundation Annual Report 2013
Kensington Foundation Board 2012-13
John Lind
Chair and President
Douglas Anderson
Ed Crosby
Russell McKay
Abraham Saltzman
Warren Seyffert
Natasha Sharpe
Nick Torchetti
Glenn Watchorn
Louise Yearwood
Carmen Di Paola
Marie Rounding
R.J. Brian McFarlane
Committee Members 2012-13
Audit Committee
The principal mission of
The Kensington Foundation
is to provide financial support for:
Marie Rounding, Chair
Jaimie Grossman
Russell McKay
Natasha Sharpe
Nick Torchetti
Carmen Di Paola, Chair
Russell McKay
Marie Rounding
Abraham Saltzman
Warren Seyffert
Nick Torchetti
The Kensington Health Centre
Kensington Gardens
Kensington Hospice
Investment Committee
Russell McKay, Chair
Douglas Anderson
Ed Crosby
Jaimie Grossman
Glenn Watchorn
Craig Lynk
Kensington Golf Committee
Craig Lynk, Chair
Mark Richardson
Mike Agueci
Wendy Beckles
Carmen Di Paola
Jaimie Grossman
Bob Hall
John Lind
Bill O’Neill
Brian McFarlane
Abraham Saltzman
Strategic Planning
Warren Seyffert, Chair
Carmen Di Paola
John Lind
Marie Rounding
Natasha Sharpe
Howard Tanenbaum
Nick Torchetti
The Kensington Eye Institute
The Kensington Screening Clinic
The Kensington Research Institute
Every effort is made to ensure proper
recognition of each donor. Please contact regarding
any omissions or corrections.
Charitable Registration No. 119230092 RR0001
Kensington Foundation
25 Brunswick Avenue
Toronto, ON M5S 2L9
416-963-9640| fax: 416-324-91783