Expo returns to metro Detroit, with sessions


Expo returns to metro Detroit, with sessions
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Good Company: American Medical Marijuana Professionals
Expo returns to metro Detroit, with sessions
focused on education, ways to join industry
After a successful inaugural event last year,
the Second Annual Medical Marijuana Expo
plans a bigger and better edition this year at
Detroit’s Roostertail. Sponsored by American
Medical Marijuana Professionals, a Michiganbased company with a mission of educating the
public on the benefits of medical marijuana,
Michigan’s largest medical marijuana expo runs
March 23-25 and will offer speakers, classes,
demonstrations, vendors and an after-party
March 24 featuring Afroman and local artists.
AMMP owner Tom French says his goal is to
not only attract attendees who are familiar with
medical marijuana, but also people who are curious about the industry.
“We want to provide enough information
to attendees, so that they can make educated
decisions about this movement and industry,”
French says. “We want to get people not in the
industry involved, so they can get their questions
answered and learn about their rights.”
Classes and speakers at the expo
Good to Know
will cover topics such as the law and
your rights, medical conditions and
z The Second Annual Medical
Marijuana Expo, sponsored by
how marijuana alleviates symptoms,
The Roostertail in Detroit is hosting the Second Annual Medical Marijuana Expo, which
American Medical Marijuana
how to grow your own medicine, and
will feature speakers, classes, demonstrations, vendors and other opportunities to learn
Professionals, takes place 5-9
the history of marijuana, hemp prodabout the industry.
ucts, misconceptions and misinforMarch 24, and 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
mation. Open-mic sessions will take
voters approved the Michi- rights, and people want to go to a safe environMarch 25 at The Roostertail,
place with those in the medical and
gan Marijuana Medical Act ment to obtain their medicine,” French says.
100 Marquette, in Detroit. An
legal professions, along with profesin 2008.
“If the laws are more in favor of patient
after-party featuring Afroman
sional growers.
“There are opportunities rights, more people will want to obtain their
and local artists takes place
There also will be sessions that
in growing, dispensing and medical marijuana cards, therefore more
March 24. Admission is $15
focus on how to start a business and
hydroponics,” French says.
dispensaries, doctor certification centers and
per day.
industry-specific business needs.
“There are head shops, or
compassion clubs will open and all will require
z For more information on the
Vendors from the U.S., Canada and
expo, the AMMP and its certifieven Europe will be in attendance,
classes. There are all sorts
French says the expo’s goal is to offer a safe
cation center, visit www.ammp.
including activist organizations, alterof
comfortable environment for people to learn
biz or call 877-794-2099.
native energy suppliers, hydroponics
the economy.”
about the law, movement and industry.
suppliers and distributors, dispensa“There are many opportunities to get involved
ries, compassion clubs, security providers and in- Business Opportunities
in this industry, and someone interested in or
surance agents, doctors and certification centers,
AMMP also operates a certification center at
simply having to move in new directions could
and pipe and z shops.
28349 Gratiot in Roseville, where patients can
take advantage of this,” he says.
French says there will be a focus on Michimeet with a physician who will make a decision
“Insurance and security needs are taking a
gan companies and Michigan-made products,
about a medical marijuana referral to the state. A new direction, and the alternative power sources
highlighting the fact that medical marijuana has
shuttle bus will run from the facility to the expo. and suppliers could utilize this to introduce
become a statewide business opportunity since
“The laws are changing in favor of patient
themselves to the industry. The sky is the limit.”
Work Smarts
range is $22,000 to $41,000 yearly.
n Oakland Community College
Collision Auto Repair-detailer/
Painter Assistant Certificate Program. Provides entry-level skills
in the fundamentals of vehicle
detailing, surface preparation,
If the economic climate has
protection and painting. Starting
left you without a job or in a
wage is $10 to $15 per hour.
dead-end job, consider a career
n The Art Institute of Michiupgrade. You can rejuvenate your
gan Digital Design Program.
current career status by
Gives students the
retraining. Many local
opportunity to gain a
colleges offer quick defoundation in digital laygree programs. Here are
out and design. Graphic
some programs that will
designers start at about
put you on the fast track
$20 per hour.
to employment:
n Michigan Institute
n Kalamazoo Valley
of Aviation and TechnolCommunity College
ogy Global Logistics
Utility Line Worker
and Dispatch Program.
Academy. This full-time,
Caree Eason
Includes a combination
26-week program provides
of classroom, hands-on
training and certification to
instruction and outside assignprepare students for in-demand,
ments. Career opportunities are
high-paying career opportunities
available within the transportaas line workers. Entry-level salary
tion, and public and private
7 ways to make
career upgrade
service industries. Annual salaries
range from $21,000 to $58,000.
n Henry Ford Community
College Basic Welding Technology
Certificate. Focuses on the skills
needed in several industry areas.
The manufacturing and automotive industries have an ongoing
need for welders. Starting wage is
$18 to $20 per hour.
n Monroe County Community
College Three-Day Basic Certified
Fiber Optic Technician Course.
This certification lets students
meet the basic requirements to
launch a new career in telecommunication maintenance and
installation. Annual salary range
is $35,000 to $64,000.
Caree Eason is a recruiter,
résumé repair expert and director of community outreach for
JobFairGiant.com. To learn more
or request her for speaking engagements, call 734-956-4550, email
ceason@jobfairgiant.com, or visit
Business Smarts
have considered whatever risk
might be involved in that part of
the business.
n Monitor your potential risk.
There should be a method to
continually track any possible risk
that could adversely affect the
Risk management is one of
business. This could be in the form
the hottest and most important
of a particular employee whose
topics for any small business. A
job it is to identify anything on
good risk-management program
the horizon that would result in a
can mean the difference
harmful situation, such
between success and
as new competition, an
old competitor with a
What does business
new product or service
risk actually mean? Busithat could cause a loss of
ness risk is the managecustomers, or changes in
ment and protection
the general economy or
of your business from
your specific industry.
anything that could
n Review insurance
cause financial damage,
protection. Annually reloss or any type of injury Jeffrey I. Kopelman view all of your business
affecting the business’ perinsurance policies. These
formance. Consider the following
would include any type of property
in managing your business risk:
insurance and your liability insurn Review your business plan.
ance. These should be included in
Check each area to ensure you
the annual policy review.
Managing risk
in small business
Career Calendar
Sponsored by
Michigan Collegiate Job Fair
Burton Manor, 27777 Schoolcraft
Road, Livonia
9 a.m.–3 p.m.; $15
www.mcjf.org or 734-487-0400
Network and meet with hiring employers at this statewide fair, sponsored by
Eastern Michigan University and
Michigan Career Educator and
Employer Alliance. Participating
companies, such as Disney Career
Start Program, BlueCross BlueShield,
and State Farm Insurance, are looking
to hire qualified graduates for entrylevel positions in business, liberal arts,
engineering and other areas.
Washtenaw Community College’s
Spring Job Fair and Nonprofit
Washtenaw Community College’s
Morris Lawrence Building, 4800 E.
Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor
12-4 p.m.; free
www4.wccnet.edu or
Meet with nearly 50 hiring employers,
as well as 20 representatives from
nonprofit agencies. This event is open
to students and community members.
Dress professionally, prepare an
introduction speech and bring your
ACCESS Spring 2012 Job Fair
ACCESS, 6451 Schaefer, Dearborn
9 a.m.-1 p.m.; free
www.accesscommunity.org or
Meet with hiring employers such as
PNC Bank, Oakwood Hospital, Sears
and Hamadeh Educational Services.
Fair typically attracts about 1,000
people, so bring multiple copies of a
well-crafted résumé and dress professionally.
Email date, time, place,
description, cost and contact
info (MUST include phone
number for verification) to
Shore Mortgage is more than a job …
it’s a career. Specializing in FHA/VA and
conventional mortgage financing.
Equal Housing
Equal Opportunity Lender
View an
archive of
the Working
pages at
n Have a disaster recovery plan.
An unexpected natural disaster
or other emergency situation, can
be devastating to a small business.
A disaster recovery site should be
established allowing everyday business to continue and avoid possible
business interruptions.
n Technology concerns. In this
modern world of fast-moving
technology, a small business conducting any type of e–commerce
must be prepared to manage risk
associated with Internet use. Security of business data is essential to
the safe conduct of all businesses.
You need to have a periodic review
by a professional who can evaluate
possible security breaches that
could be harmful.
Jeffrey I. Kopelman is the
president and CEO of Main Street
Bank in Bingham Farms, and has
nearly three decades of experience
in the banking and finance industry.
Contact him at 248-530-2861 or
To feature your business on the Working pages, or for information about this supplement, call 586-977-7577.

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