application list cars and smalltransporters
application list cars and smalltransporters
zuliste_US 08.05.2008 11:09 Uhr Seite 1 UK zuliste_US 08.05.2008 11:09 Uhr Seite 2 RUNNING BULL Safety and pure power thanks to new AGM technology. The absolute maintenance-free and leak-proof starter and inboard network battery for motor vehicles with a high energy requirement. (AGM = absorbent glass mat, which absorbs the battery acid in the glass fibres and thus binds it in.) UNI BULL The zero-maintenance, universal starter battery with patented ACCUSAFE leak protection and pure calcium technology. NEW – the 5th generation. Buffalo Bull The cycle- and vibration-resistant starter battery for modern commercial vehicles with a high power requirement. Now also maintenance-free. Bike Bull The motorcycle battery with Banner Power. Energy Bull The special, cycle-resistant battery for hobbies and leisure that offers portable power. zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:07 Uhr Seite 1 THE POWER COMPANY LIST OF CONTENTS ENGLISH 1. Banner Product Variations 2. List of Types Page 2-6 7-10 3. Terminals, Layouts, Base Holddowns, Battery Specifications 11-13 4. Comparison table UK-DIN-JIS 14-15 5. Low-temperature test current for starter 16 batteries according to different standards 6. Warnings and Safety Rules for Lead-Acid Batterie 16 Application List 7. Cars and Smalltransporters 8. Instructions for Use of Starterbatteries 17-99 100 THE POWER COMPANY EDITORIAL ENGLISH Dear business friend, Our products are sustained by decades of experience, highest quality requirements and most modern technologies. These facts give you the assurance of supplying your customer with a superior trademarked product with which he will be satisfied. We have most carefully studied the individual applications for each mark but we cannot warrant that all car manufacturers actually will install the same battery type in each case per model or per year. Therefore we are obliged to indicate that Banner declines any claim that may arise from a possibly adversely indicated application. Also Banner will accept no liability in the case of errors. Banner GmbH 05/2008 1 zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:07 Uhr Seite 2 THE POWER COMPANY PRODUCT VARIATIONS Banner PRODUKTVARIANTEN IM GLEICHEN ODER ALTERNATIV VERWENDBAREN GEHÄUSE Banner product variations in the same boxes or in boxes usable as an alternative. Diferentes equivalencias de productos Banner. Produit variable Banner dans le bac normal ou en alternatif. Le varianti del prodotto Banner nel contenitore regolare od in quello utilizzabile in alternativa. Banner productvarianten in dezelfde of alternatief te gebruiken behuizing. Kastenart Box Max. Abmessungen in mm Max. dimensions mm 128 Running Bull 128 Starting Bull 50 400 P40 26 535 20 540 26 50 400 P40 27 535 22 540 27 50 400 P45 23 545 23/84 50 400 P45 24 545 24/51 187 226 129 Power Bull 187 226 35NS Uni Bull 238 225 45NS 129 238 225 135 218 225 E2 135 545 77 50 400 545 79 218 225 175 50 400 210 175 50 100 P44 09* 536 46 175 50 100 P44 09 536 53 T4 / LB1 175 210 * mit Bodenleistenadapter/with base hold-down adapter/con adaptador para la fijación de fondo/avec adaptateur de talon/con adattatore per il tallone/met bodembevestigingsadapter 2 zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:07 Uhr Seite 3 THE POWER COMPANY PRODUCT VARIATIONS Kastenart Box Max. Abmessungen in mm Max. dimensions mm Running Bull Uni Bull Power Bull Starting Bull 50 100 T4 / LB1 50 100 543 17 P44 09 544 09 50 100 H4 / L1 50 100/T4 544 13 P44 09/T4 P50 03 P60 68/D23 D20 P40 26/35NS** 50 200 P55 19* 50 200 544 59 550 41 545 19 555 18 T5 / LB2 50 200 P55 19 555 19 50 200 P62 05 560 77 * mit Bodenleistenadapter/with base hold-down adapter/con adaptador para la fijación de fondo/avec adaptateur de talon/con adattatore per il tallone/met bodembevestigingsadapter ** mit Polhülse/with pole sleeve/con adaptador/avec cache bornes/con tapo per il polo/met poolhulsen // = Double Top 3 zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:07 Uhr Seite 4 THE POWER COMPANY PRODUCT VARIATIONS Kastenart Box Max. Abmessungen in mm Max. dimensions mm Running Bull Uni Bull Power Bull Starting Bull 50 200 560 91 T5 / LB2 50 200 50 300 H5 / L2 P62 05 P55 19/T5 P62 19 50 300 50 300 T6 / LB3 562 05 555 59 555 65 P62 19 562 19 P66 13* 563 18 P66 13* 564 20 P66 13 566 13 P74 05 571 13 P74 05 574 05 * mit Bodenleistenadapter/with base hold-down adapter/con adaptador para la fijación de fondo/avec adaptateur de talon/con adattatore per il tallone/met bodembevestigingsadapter = Double Top 4 zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:07 Uhr Seite 5 THE POWER COMPANY PRODUCT VARIATIONS Kastenart Box Max. Abmessungen in mm Max. dimensions mm 175 Running Bull Power Bull Starting Bull 278 50 500 190 175 Uni Bull 566 33 278 570 01 190 50 500 P66 13/T6 P74 12 566 38 H6 / L3 175 278 50 500 190 175 278 570 01 190 173 173 174 560 68 565 33 P60 69 560 69 565 34 P70 29 560 48 P70 24 560 49 P70 24 570 24 P70 29 570 29 580 09 269 225 174 P60 68 269 225 D26 / MO60 574 12 269 225 174 P74 12 233 225 174 50 500 233 225 D23 572 33 269 225 = Double Top 5 zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:07 Uhr Seite 6 THE POWER COMPANY PRODUCT VARIATIONS Kastenart Box Max. Abmessungen in mm Max. dimensions mm 175 Running Bull Uni Bull Power Bull Starting Bull 315 570 02 175 T7 / LB4 315 P80 14 175 175 315 H7 / L4 50 500/H6 190 175 595 01 595 01 190 595 01 P88 20/T8 P100 44 588 27 P100 44 600 44 P100 32 600 32 P100 33 600 33 304 225 173 580 02 354 190 D31 / 56 AT 588 20 354 H8 / L5 173 580 42 354 190 175 P80 42 P88 20 175 175 P80 14/T7 354 T8 / LB5 175 580 14 304 225 = Double Top 6 Stand 05/2008 175 zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:08 Uhr Seite 7 THE POWER COMPANY THE BULL FAMILY DIE BULL FAMILIE. RUNNING BULL - for cars and commercial vehicles (AGM-Technology, absorbed glass mat) Starter- und Bordnetzbatterie für KFZ mit hohem Energiebedarf. Starter and inboard network battery for motor vehicles with a high energy requirement. Typ ETN-TypenNr. Banner Bestell-Nr. T/N Ah 20 h A EN 570 01 595 01 570901 076 595901 085 016 570 01 0101 016 595 01 0101 70 95 760 850 ! NEW T N 0 0 1 1 Länge Breite Höhe Ges.höhe 278 354 175 175 190 190 190 190 mG mG B13 B13 - - Zuordnung/Application - BMW, VW, Audi, Mercedes, Porsche, Taxis BMW, VW, Audi, Mercedes, Porsche, Taxis UNI BULL – for cars (Calcium-Technology) Universalstarterbatterie für mehr als 900 Automodelle. - Universal starter battery fits in over 900 car models. Typ Banner Bestell-Nr. T/N 50 100 50 0 01 01 0 01 10 Ah 20 h A EN RC min 535 28*, 536 21/24/27/28/41/46/53/54/55/59, 540 45, 543 12/15/16/17*/19/20/23/24, 544 09/13/34/49/59/64/65/66/69, 545 86, 546 14, 548 27*, 550 57*, P44 09 47 390 77 0+1 1 + 19 210 x 175 x 175 / 175 2,6 50 200 0 0 5 01 01 01 0 20 545 19/33/98, 546 13, 550 35/40/44/46/48/49/56/57*/69, 552 18/19, 554 14/15/23/26/27/28, 555 18/19/30/31/45/48/59/63/64/65/66/71, 555 72/73, 558 11*, 560 91*, P55 19, P62 05/19* 58 450 100 0+1 1 + 19 241 x 175 x 175 / 175 3,3 50 300 0 0 5 01 01 01 0 30 555 18/19/30/31/45/48/59/63/64/65/66/ 71/72/73, 558 16/17, 560 13*/73/74/76/ 78/88/93/94, 561 11/13, 562 05/16/19/20/ 21, 563 18*/26/32, 564 01*/20*, 566 33*, 572 33*, P55 19*, P62 05*/19 69 520 130 0+1 1 + 19 241 x 175 x 190 / 190 3,5 50 400° 400 50 1 010 0/010 010 535 20*/21*/22*, 538 56/57/80/81, 540 38/39/50/53, 545 23*/24*/51*/77/ 78/79/80/84*, P40 26*/27*, P45 23*/24* 46 360 72 0+1 1+3 228 x 140 x 203 / 225 3,1 50 500 0 0 5 01 01 01 0 50 566 13/18/19/31/38/41/45/47, 570 24*/ 29*/58/64/65/68/69/76, 572 17/19/20/ 21/23/25*, 572 26*/29/30*/32/34, 574 05/12/13, 575 31/40, 576 11/12, 577 19, 580 14*/34/35/41/42, P66 13*, P74 05*/12, P80 14*/42 80 700 150 0+1 1 + 19 278 x 175 x 190 / 190 3,7 Typ alternativ T N * bedingt einsetzbar/limited use/aplicable limitadamente/à monter en respectant certaines conditions/applicabile con riserva/beperkt inzetbaar ° ohne Auslaufschutz/without leak protection/sin protección contra derrame de ácido/sans protection anti-écoulement/senza protezione contro la fuoriuscita dell`acido/ zonder uitloopbeveiliging Ah 20 h A (EN) RC (min.) DEUTSCH ENGLISH ESPAÑOL FRANÇAIS ITALIANO NEDERLANDS Kapazität in Ah (20 h) Capacity Ah 20 h rate Capacidad en Ah 20 horas Capacité Ah en 20 h Capacità in Ah 20 ore Capaciteit in Ah (20 h) Kälteprüfstrom in Ampere Cold discharge test current in A Corriente de ensayo en frio en A Courant d’essai de décharge à froid en A Corrente di prova a freddo in A Koudstartstroom in ampère Reservekapazität in min. Reserve capacity min. Capacidad de reserva Réserve de capacité min. Capacità di riserva Reservecapaciteit in min. Schaltung Layout Esquema Schéma Schema Schema's Pole Terminals Terminales Bornes Poli Polen Max. Abmessungen mm Länge x Breite x Kasten-/ Gesamthöhe Max. dimensions mm Length x Width x Box-/ Total height Max. dimensiones mm Largo x Ancho x Altura del recipiente/Altura total Max. dimensions mm Longueur x Largeur x Hauteur du bac/Hauteur totale Max. dimensioni mm Lunghezza x Larghezza x Altezza del contenitore/ Altezza complessiva Max. afmetingen in mm Lengte x Breedte x Bakhoogte/ Totale hoogte Batteriemerkmale Battery specifications Caracteristicas de las baterias Specifications des batteries Caratteristiche della batteria Accuspecificaties Bodenleiste Base hold-down Fijacion de fondo Talon Fisaggio alla base Bodemlijst Füllsäure in Liter ca. Acid filling, approx. liters Acido de relleno en litros Contenance approx. en l Acido per riempire in litri Accuzuur in liter ca. T Trocken Dry Sin Acido Sèche Secca Droog N Nass Wet Con Acido Liquide Carica Nat 7 zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:08 Uhr Seite 8 THE POWER COMPANY THE BULL FAMILY POWER BULL - for cars (Calcium-Technology) Starterbatterie für alle PKW´s, speziell ab Baujahr 1997. Starter battery for all cars, especially manufactured from 1997 onwards. Typ ETN-TypenNr. Banner Bestell-Nr. T/N P40 26 013 540 26 0101 P40 27 013 540 27 0101 P44 09 013 544 09 0101 P45 23 013 545 23 0101 P45 24 013 545 24 0101 P50 03 013 550 03 0101 P50 41 = P60 68/P40 26*** P55 19 013 555 19 0101 P60 68 013 560 68 0101 P60 69 013 560 69 0101 P62 05 013 562 05 0101 P62 19 013 562 19 0101 P66 13 013 566 13 0101 P70 24 013 570 24 0101 P70 29 013 570 29 0101 P74 05 013 574 05 0101 P74 12 013 574 12 0101 P80 14 013 580 14 0101 P80 42 013 580 42 0101 P88 20 013 588 20 0101 P100 32 013 600 32 0101 P100 33 013 600 33 0101 P100 44 013 600 44 0101 ! NEW Ah 20 h A EN Länge Breite Höhe Ges.höhe 40 40 44 45 45 50 330 330 390 330 330 420 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 3 1 1+3 1+3 1 187 187 210 238 238 210 127 127 175 129 129 175 204 204 175 203 203 190 226 226 175 225 225 190 mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA B00 B00 B13 B00 B00 B13 2,3 2,3 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 535 20, 540 26 535 22, 540 27 536 53, 540 45**, 544 09/59* 545 23/84 545 24/51 544 09*/59, 550 03 55 60 60 62 62 66 70 70 74 74 80 80 88 100 100 100 450 420 420 510 510 540 570 570 700 700 660 660 680 720 720 780 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 241 233 233 241 241 278 260 260 278 278 315 315 354 303 303 354 175 173 173 175 175 175 174 174 175 175 175 175 175 173 173 175 175 203 203 175 190 175 200 200 175 190 175 190 175 203 203 190 175 225 225 175 190 175 222 222 175 190 175 190 175 225 225 190 mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA B13 B00 B00 B13 B13 B13 B01 B01 B13 B13 B13 B13 B13 B01 B01 B13 3,3 3,5 3,8 3,8 2,8 3,2 3,5 4,5 4,5 3,4 3,6 4,2 4,3 4,8 4,8 4,8 545 19**, 555 19/59* 560 68, 565 33 560 69, 565 34 562 05/19* 562 05*/19 563 18**, 564 20**, 566 13/38* 560 49, 570 24 560 48, 570 29, 580 09 571 13, 574 05/12* 574 05*/12 575 39, 580 14/35*/42* 575 39*, 580 14*/35/42 585 15, 588 20/27*/34* 600 32 600 33 595 21, 600 44 T N Zuordnung/Application Ersetzt/replaces DIN-Type * bedingt einsetzbar/limited use/aplicable limitadamente/à monter en respectant certaines conditions/applicabile con riserva/beperkt inzetbaar ** mit Bodenleistenadapter/with base hold-down adapter/con adaptador para la fijación de fondo/avec adaptateur de talon/con adattatore per il tallone/met bodembevestigingsadapter *** mit Polhülse/with pole sleeve/con adaptador/avec cache bornes/con tapo per il polo/met poolhulsen // = Double Top STARTING BULL - for cars Starterbatterie für PKW's mit wenig elektrischen Zusatzverbrauchern. Starter battery for cars with few additional power consumers. Starterbatterien 6 V – starterbatteries 6 V 066 12 077 18 084 11 098 11 112 11 160 17 066012 036 077018 045 084011 039 098011 048 112011 054 160017 076 010 066 12 0100/0101 010 077 18 0100/0101 010 084 11 0100/0101 010 098 11 0100/0101 010 112 11 0100/0101 010 160 17 0100/0101 66 77 84 98 112 160 360 450 390 480 540 760 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 178 216 230 265 282 330 175 170 177 177 177 177 166 166 195 195 195 215 188 191 220 220 220 240 HGI HGI HGI HGI B04 B06 B00 B00 B00 B00 2,2 2,2 3 3,6 3,9 4,9 VW -1968, Trabant VW, Ford D, Trabant, Tatra 613 div. LKW, Trabant Baumaschinen usw. Traktoren Traktoren, Avia 1,6 1,6 2,2 2,3 2,5 2,5 Kleintraktoren, BMW-Motorräder Kleintraktoren Kleinauto (Aixam -98, Ligier, ...) Hyundai Atos, Honda Jazz 03 Jap. PKW Mazda, Suzuki, Daihatsu, Subaru Starterbatterien 12 V – starterbatteries 12 V 530 30 530 34 532 28 535 04 535 20 535 22 536 46 536 53 540 08 543 17 544 09 544 13 544 59 545 19 530030 030 010 530 30 0100/0101 530034 024 010 530 34 0100/0101 532028 026 010 532 28 0100/0101 535104 028 010 535 04 0101 535020 024 010 535 20 0101 535022 024 010 535 22 0101 = P44 09**/536 53** 536053 030 010 536 53 0101 540108 033 010 540 08 0100/0101 543017 030 010 543 17 0101 544109 036 010 544 09 0101 = 50 100 544059 036 010 544 59 0100 545019 036 010 545 19 0101 30 30 32 35 35 35 300 240 260 280 240 240 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 4 1 3 3 3 187 187 178 197 187 187 128 128 134 137 128 128 165 165 200 202 202 202 165 165 225 224 224 224 mGGA mGGA mGGA mG mG B00 B00 B01 B01 B00 B00 36 40 43 44 300 330 300 360 0 0 0 0 1 1 19 1 210 175 210 210 175 175 175 175 175 190 175 175 175 190 175 175 mGGA GA mGGA mGGA B13 B13 B13 B13 2,8 2,5 2,7 3 Opel, Alfa Sud, Volvo, Skoda, VW, Audi -05.97 Fiat Punto Benzin, Aixam 99Ford Escort, Orion, Fiesta BMW, Opel, Renault, Fiat, Skoda 44 45 360 360 0 0 1 1 210 241 175 175 190 175 190 175 mGGA mGGA B13 B14 3,1 3,5 BMW, Opel, Renault, Fiat, Skoda, Smart Audi -05.97, VW -05.97 ** mit Bodenleistenadapter/with base hold-down adapter/con adaptador para la fijación de fondo/avec adaptateur de talon/con adattatore per il tallone/met bodembevestigingsadapter 8 zuliste_kern 13.05.2008 12:50 Uhr Seite 9 THE POWER COMPANY THE BULL FAMILY Typ 545 23 545 24 545 51 545 77 545 79 545 84 550 41 550 42 550 46 555 18 555 19 555 59 555 65 557 16 560 11 560 12 560 48 560 49 560 62 560 68 560 69 560 77 560 91 562 05 562 19 563 18 564 20 565 33 565 34 566 13 566 33 566 38 570 02 570 16 570 24 570 29 571 13 571 14 572 33 574 05 574 12 580 02 580 09 580 14 580 42 588 20 588 27 600 32 600 33 600 44 610 42 ETN-TypenNr. Banner Bestell-Nr. T/N 545023 030 010 545 23 0101 545024 030 010 545 24 0101 = P45 24/545 24 545077 030 010 545 77 0100/0101 545079 030 010 545 79 0100/0101 = P45 23/545 23 550041 036 010 550 41 0101 550042 036 010 550 42 0101 = P55 19/555 19 555118 042 010 555 18 0101 555119 042 010 555 19 0101 555059 042 010 555 59 0100 = 50 300 = 50 200 without handle = 50 200 560012 045 010 560 12 0101 560048 036 010 560 48 0101 560049 036 010 560 49 0101 560062 042 010 560 62 0101 560068 039 010 560 68 0101 560069 039 010 560 69 0101 = P62 05/562 05 560091 054 010 560 91 0101 562105 048 010 562 05 0101 562019 048 010 562 19 0100 = P66 13**/564 20 564020 064 010 564 20 0100/0101 = P60 68/560 68 = P60 69/560 69 566113 051 010 566 13 0101 566033 051 010 566 33 0100/0101 = P74 12/574 12 570002 064 010 570 02 0100 570016 051 010 570 16 0100/0101 570024 054 010 570 24 0101 570029 054 010 570 29 0101 = P74 05/574 05 571014 064 010 571 14 0101 572033 072 010 572 33 0100/0101 574105 068 010 574 05 0101 574012 068 010 574 12 0100 580002 085 010 580 02 0100 = P70 29/570 29 580014 064 010 580 14 0101 580042 064 010 580 42 0100 588120 064 010 588 20 0101 588027 064 010 588 27 0100 600032 068 010 600 32 0101 600033 068 010 600 33 0101 600044 076 010 600 44 0100/0101 610042 080 010 610 42 0100/0101 Ah 20 h A EN Länge Breite Höhe Ges.höhe 45 45 300 300 0 1 1+3 1+3 238 238 129 129 201 201 223 223 45 45 300 300 0 1 1 1 218 218 135 135 203 203 225 225 50 50 360 360 0 1 1 1 202 202 173 173 202 202 225 225 55 55 55 420 420 420 1 0 0 1 1 1 241 241 241 175 175 175 175 175 190 60 60 60 60 60 60 450 360 360 420 390 390 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 256 269 269 232 232 232 156 174 174 175 173 173 60 62 62 540 480 480 0 0 0 19 1 1 241 241 241 64 640 0 1 66 66 510 510 0 1 70 70 70 70 640 510 540 540 71 72 74 74 80 80 80 88 88 100 100 100 110 T N Zuordnung/Application B00 B00 3 3 Toyota, Subaru, Mazda Mitsub. Colt, Lancer, Galant, Honda B01 B01 3 3 Renault R8-R13, Dacia Peugeot, Honda, Dacia mG mG B00 B00 3,5 3,5 Mazda 1982-, Skoda, Toyota Mazda 1982-, Subaru 175 175 190 mGGA mGGA mGGA B13 B13 B13 3,3 3,3 3,7 Peugeot, Renault ,Lada BMW, Fiat, Peugeot, Renault BMW, Fiat, Peugeot, Renault, Lada 204 202 202 204 204 204 227 225 225 225 225 225 mG mG mG mG mG mG B00 B05 B05 B01 B00 B00 4,3 5,1 5,1 3,7 4 4 Kia Sephia Jap. PKW Volvo, Jap. PKW, Moskvië Hyundai Trajet, Elantra Mazda, Subaru, Nissan, Toyota Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Isuzu, Mitsubishi 175 175 175 175 175 190 175 175 190 mGGA mGGA mGGA B13 B13 B13 3,1 3 3,5 Ford Escort, Orion, Sierra Mercedes, BMW, Opel, Peugeot, Ford Mercedes, BMW, Opel, Peugeot 278 175 175 175 mGGA B14 3,7 Audi 80, Golf, Jetta, Passat D -05.97 1 1 278 278 175 175 175 190 175 190 mGGA mGGA B13 B01 3,7 4 Mercedes, BMW 1987-, Porsche, Fiat, Lada Chrysler Voyager Benzin 0 5 1 0 1 1 1 1 315 490 269 269 175 110 174 174 175 195 202 202 175 220 225 225 mGGA HGI mG mG B01 B05 B05 B05 4 4,1 4,7 4,7 Jeep Grand Cherokee Clark-Gabelstapler Volvo, Jap. PKW, Moskvië Jap. PKW 640 720 680 680 850 0 1 0 0 0 19 1 1 1 1 278 278 278 278 354 175 175 175 175 175 175 190 175 190 190 175 190 175 190 190 mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA B13 B01 B13 B13 B01 3,6 3,7 3,6 3,7 5 Ford Diesel Chrysler Voyager Diesel Mercedes, BMW, Opel, Fiat, Ford Mercedes, BMW, Opel, Fiat Jeep Grand Cherokee D 640 640 640 640 680 680 760 800 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 315 315 354 354 304 304 354 394 175 175 175 175 173 173 175 175 175 190 175 190 202 202 190 190 175 190 175 190 225 225 190 190 mGGA mGGA mGGA mGGA mG mG mGGA mG B13 B13 B13 B13 B01 B01 B13 B13 5 4,5 5 5,2 5 5 5 5,8 Audi A4 Diesel, BMW, Dieselfahrzeuge Audi A4 Diesel, Dieselfahrzeuge BMW D, Citroen D, Mercedes D, VW D Citroen D, Mercedes D, VW D Fiat Traktoren, Mazda D, Nissan, Toyota D Nissan D, Toyota D, Mitsubishi D Mercedes S-Klasse BMW, VW, Audi, Porsche mG mG ** mit Bodenleistenadapter/with base hold-down adapter/con adaptador para la fijación de fondo/avec adaptateur de talon/con adattatore per il tallone/met bodembevestigingsadapter 9 zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 12:21 Uhr Seite 10 THE POWER COMPANY THE BULL FAMILY Spezialtypen Großbritannien – special types UK Typ 007 13 007 33 532 02 538 37 538 80 540 63 548 80 550 03 570 72 570 88 570 89 574 60 575 72 578 72 590 17 590 18 ETN-TypenNr. 007013 069 007033 066 532002 024 538037 030 538080 030 540063 036 = 538 80 = P50 03 570072 048 570088 048 570089 048 574060 050 575072 059 578072 064 590017 068 590018 068 Banner Bestell-Nr. T/N Ah 20 h A EN Länge Breite Höhe Ges.höhe 010 007 13 0101 010 007 33 0101 010 532 02 0101 010 538 37 0101 010 538 80 0100/0101 010 540 63 0100/0101 260 200 32 38 38 40 690 665 240 300 300 360 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 19 1 1 372 422 165 239 239 210 181 176 170 135 135 175 323 220 165 179 179 175 370 243 190 200 200 175 010 570 72 0101 010 570 88 0101 010 570 89 0101 010 574 60 0101 010 575 72 0101 010 578 72 0101 010 590 17 0100/0101 010 590 18 0100/0101 70 70 70 74 75 78 90 90 480 480 480 500 590 640 680 680 1 0 1 9 9 9 0 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 1 1 272 272 272 245 225 250 344 344 175 175 175 160 170 160 172 172 214 214 220 220 220 200 185 175 230 230 T N 10 Zuordnung/Application mG mGGA B00 B00 B13 B09 B09 B13 8,2 6,6 2,4 3,3 3,3 2,8 Marine, PSV Marine, PSV >2000 Spanish built Vitara Early Fords up to 1976 Austin Skoda, Audi, Seat, VW mGGA mGGA mGGA mG mG B01 B00 B00 B01 B01 B01 B00 B00 4,7 4,7 4,7 2,6 3,2 3,2 5,9 5,9 TVR, Land Rover Discovery >99 Jaguar, Isuzu, Toyota Jaguar, Triumph, Isuzu, Toyota Side Terminals, Vx, Sintra Side Terminals US Side Terminals US IHC, Massey Ferguson IHC, Mac Cormick zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:08 Uhr Seite 11 THE POWER COMPANY TERMINALS ANSCHLUSSPOLE • TERMINALS • POLO • BORNES • POLI • AANSLUITPOLEN BATTERIEMERKMALE BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS SPÉCIFICATIONS DES BATTERIES GA = Batterie mit Zentralentgasung HGI = Hartgummigarnitur mG = mit Griff RZS = Rückzündschutz GA = battery with central degassing HGI = hard rubber set mG = with handle RZS = flame arrester GA = batterie à dégazage centralisé HGI = bac en ébonite mG = avec poignée RZS = protection anti-retour d'étincelle Blockdeckel one-piece cover couvercle monobloc monocouvercle Monodeckel mono-lid 11 zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:08 Uhr Seite 12 THE POWER COMPANY LAYOUTS SCHALTBILDER • LAYOUTS • CUADRO • SCHÉMAS • SCHEMA • SCHAKELSCHEMA’S 6 Volt 12 Volt 0 20 / D 50 / D 1 21 / G 51 / G 2 3 61 / G 4 60 / D 5 65 6 70 9 10 12 zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:09 Uhr Seite 13 THE POWER COMPANY BASE HOLD-DOWNS BODENBEFESTIGUNGEN • BASE HOLD-DOWNS • FIJACIÓN DE FONDO TALONS • FISSAGGIO ALLA BASE • BODEMBEVESTIGINGEN 13 THE POWER COMPANY COMPARISON TABLE UK - DIN Comparison table UK-No. – DIN-No. UK No. 001 002 202 004 005 006 007 008 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 017L 018 019 023 025 027 028 034 037 038 040 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 053 054 055 056 057 063 063 064 065 066 067 067R 068 069 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 083 084 Banner No. 54413 53202 53202 55042 56068 53646 54063 55041 56420 56205 56219 56069 54880 53837 58820 50500 50500 60044 60044 56219 55519 53522 53880 53837 53880 54519 54524 54523 53202 53228 53228 54577 54579 54523 53520 53522 53520 53522 54409 54063 56091 55519 57114 56613 56633 57029 57024 56049 57072 56048 56049 56205 54409 54413 55518 54459 54317 56049 Power Bull Uni Bull 50100 P6068 50100 50100 P6205 P5003 P6219 P6069 50200 50200 50300 50400 P8820 P10044 P10044 P6219 P5519 P4027 50500 50500 50500 50300 50200 50400 50400 50200 P4524 P4523 50400 50400 P4523 P4026 P4027 P4026 P4027 P4409 P4409 P5519 P6613 P7029 P7029 P7024 P7024 P7029 P7024 P6205 P4409 50100 50100 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50200 50100 50100 50200 P5003 50100 P7024 UK No. 085 086 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 110 111 112 113 115 137 138 154 155 165 221 222 249 250 279 333 334 335 404 421 451 484 501 511 521 531 541 612 615 617 621 622 623 624 625 627 628 629 630 632 Banner No. 54317 57233 57088 57089 56205 56049 56091 56091 57024 57114 57405 56091 57114 57114 57405 53030 54008 53030 53228 58014 56011 58820 55716 58042 53837 53880 54584 54551 55519 60026 63013 60032 60033 57016 63527 60032 60033 06612 07718 18290 24211 08411 11211 12018 15030 16017 64035 61040 63544 64327 63013 64389 68022 70027 62034 63013 67043 63544 70027 Power Bull P7029 P7024 P6205 P7024 Uni Bull 50100 50500 50200 50200 50200 P7024 P7405 P7405 P8014 P8820 P8042 50500 50500 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50500 50200 50500 UK No. 633 635 643 644 647 648 649 655 656 657 658 663 664 665 666 672 713 721 722 733 Starting Bull 63527 62511a 59017 59018 62511 62513 60527a 63511 63513 62511 62513 60528 60527 61047 61048 56633 OO713 OO721 OO722 OO733 50400 P4523 P4524 P5519 50200 P10032 P10033 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 14 zuliste.indd 14 09.05.2008 10:54:01 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY COMPARISON TABLE JIS - DIN Comparison table Japanese Part-No. (JIS)-DIN-No. JIS No. LO 7650 LO 7651 LO 7652 LO 7653 LO 7654 LO 7655 LO 7656 N 40 N 40L N 50 N 50 L N 50 Z N 60 N 60 L N 70 N 70 L N 70 Z N 70 ZL N 100 NS 40 NS 40 L NS 40 S NS 40 Z N S40 ZA NS 40 ZAL N S 60 N S 60 L N S 60 S N S 70 N S 100 S6S N T 60 S4 N T 60 SL4 N T 80 S 6 N T 80 S6LS N T 80 S6S N X 100 S6 N X 100 S6L N X 100 S6LS N X 100 S6S N X 110 S N X 110 S L N X 120 7 N X 120 L N X 120 7L Y 100 S6 28 B 19 R 32 C 24 L J40 LS J40 RS J40 L J45 LS J45 RS J45 L J45 R J50 L J50 R J60 L J 60R J70 L Banner No. 56049 56048 54584 60033 56068 56069 56069 54524 54523 56049 56048 56069 56069 56068 57024 57029 60032 60032 60033 53522 53520 53522 53522 53522 53520 54551 54584 54524 57024 57029 54524 53522 53520 54523 54524 54551 54584 54523 54524 57024 57029 57024 60032 60032 54551 53522 54523 53520 53522 53521 54584 54551 54523 54524 55041 55042 56068 56069 57029 Power Bull Ca Ca P7024 P7029 P4524 P10033 P6068 P6069 P6069 P4524 P4523 P7024 P7029 P6069 P6069 P6068 P7024 P7029 P10032 P10032 P10033 P4027 P4026 P4027 P4027 P4027 P4026 P4523 P4524 P4524 P7024 P7029 P4524 P4027 P4026 P4523 P4524 P4523 P4524 P4523 P4524 P7024 P7029 P7024 P10032 P10032 P4523 P4027 P4523 P4026 P4027 P4026 P4524 P4523 P4523 P4524 JIS No. J70 R J 90 L J 90 R 32 C 24 R 34 B 17 R 34 B 19 L 35 D 20 L 35 D 20 R 35 D 24 L 35 D 24 R 36 B 20 L 36 B 20 R 38 B 19 R 38 B 20 L 38 B 20 R 46 B 24 L 46 B 24 LS 46 B 24 R 46 B 24 S 46 B 24 RS 48 D 26 L 48 D 26 R 50 B 24 L 50 B 24 LS 50 B 24 R 50 B 24 RS 50 D 20 L 50 D 20 R 55 B 24 L 55 B 24 LS 55 B 24 R 55 B 24 RS 55 D 20 L 55 D 20 R 55 D 23 L 55 D 23 R 55 D 26 L 55 D 26 R 65 D 23 L 65 D 23 R 65 D 26 L 65 D 26 R 65 D 31 L 65 D 31 R 70 D 23 R 75 D 23 L 75 D 23 R 75 D 31L 75 D 31 R 80 D 26 L 80 D 26R 95 D 31L 95 D 31R 105D 26L 105D 26R 115D 31L 115D 31R 95 E 41 R 130 E 41 L P6068 P6069 P7029 Banner No. 57024 60032 60033 54524 53522 53520 53520 53522 54584 54551 53520 53522 53522 53520 53522 54584 54523 54551 54523 54524 56048 56049 54584 54523 54551 54524 55041 55042 54584 54523 54551 54524 55041 55042 56068 56069 56048 56049 56068 56069 57029 57024 57029 57024 57029 57029 57024 60032 60033 57029 57024 60032 60033 57029 57024 60032 60033 60026 60035 Power Bull Ca Ca P7024 P10032 P10033 P4524 P4027 P4026 P4026 P4027 P4523 P4524 P4026 P4027 P4027 P4026 P4027 P4524 P4523 P4523 P4523 P4524 P7029 P7024 P4524 P4523 P4523 P4524 P4524 P4523 P4523 P4524 P6068 P6069 P7029 P7024 P6068 P6069 P7029 P7024 P7029 P7024 P7029 P7029 P7024 P10032 P10033 P7029 P7024 P10032 P10033 P7029 P7024 P10032 P100033 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 15 zuliste.indd 15 09.05.2008 10:54:05 Uhr zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:09 Uhr Seite 16 THE POWER COMPANY ENGLISH ENGLISH Low-temperature test current for starter batteries according to different standards Warnings and Safety Rules for Lead-Acid Batteries Take note of the hints on the battery, the instructions for use and the operating instructions of the vehicle. (Low-temperature test current is a measure of the starting capability of a battery at low temperatures of –18 °C) Wear eye protection. Keep children away from acid batteries. 1. DIN (German Industrial Standard) DIN EN 50342 The test is performed at –18 °C. At a final voltage of 7.5 V after discharging with the low-temperature test current lcc the discharge time must be at least 10 seconds. The battery must also fulfil 2 further requirements. The time to a final voltage of 6 V must be: According to C1: t6V ≤ 90 seconds According to C2: t6V ≤ 150 seconds Danger Explosive: - When batteries are charging a highly explosive electronic gas is given off - therefore: No Smoking - No Naked Flames - No Matches: - Avoid sparking when handling cables and electronic devices. Avoid short circuits. Danger Caustic Acid: - Acid is highly caustic - therefore: - Wear gloves and eye protection. - Do not tilt the battery - acid could discharge from the degasifying vents. 2. SAE (American Standard) The test is performed at –18 °C. The discharge time to reach 7.2 V with lowtemperature test current must be at least 30 seconds. SAE = DIN 2 First Aid: - If acid is splashed in the eyes rinse immediately with clear water and repeat several times. Then consult a doctor. - If acid is splashed on skin or clothes neutralize immediately by using an alkaline solution. - If acid is swallowed consult a doctor immediately. x 3 + 40 Warning: - Do not expose batteries to direct sunlight without protection. - Always store batteries in a frost free area, discharged batteries can freeze. 3. IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) 95-1 The test is performed at –18 °C. The voltage after discharging for 60 seconds with the low-temperature test current (Icc) must be at least 8.4 V. IEC = Recycling: - Banner Batteries are recycleable. Never dispose of old batteries with normal waste. During transportation take note of the instructions in part 1. DIN 0.85 Reserve Capacity The reserve capacity is the capacity reserve in minutes which the battery can deliver after failure of the generator, in order possibly to reach the next workshop. However, it is dependent on the consuming elements in the vehicle. IEC specifies the following test: Discharge with 25 A to a final voltage of 10.5 V at a temperature of 27 °C. measured time in minutes = reserve capacity 4. EN (European Standard) DIN EN 50342 The test is performed at –18 °C. At a final voltage of 7.5 V after discharging with the low-temperature test current lcc the discharge time must be at least 10 seconds. The battery must also fulfil 2 further requirements. The time to a final voltage of 6 V must be: According to C1: t6V ≤ 90 seconds According to C2: t6V ≤ 150 seconds EN (C1) = IEC 0.6 IEC = DIN 0.85 EN (C2) = DIN 0.6 EN (C1) = DIN 0.6 x 0.85 = DIN 0.51 Since the required levels are defined in the EN, the currents must be adapted through rounding up or rounding down: < 200 A – 10 A level 200 – 300 A – 20 A level (220, 240, 260, 280 A) 300 – 600 A – 30 A level (330, 360, 390, 420, 450, 480, 510, 540, 570 A) 600 – 800 A – 40 A level (640, 680, 720, 760 A) > 800 A – 50 A level 16 THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull 01.93-12.98 01.99- 202 53228 54008 83-94 86-93 87-93 9410.84-0787 94950000010102.0310.0406.0393000002.03989898 09.0512.0509.05 03.06 03.0688-98 88-98 -98 9873-84 76-89 83-86 01.0601.0601.0611.0311.0311.0377-87 78-87 9666-77 71-93 6.95-4.05 063-54063 078 O75 O75 067 O75 067 O75 067 O75 O75 067 096 096 075/065 075 067 067 075 067 096 O75 067 096 O75 067 O75 017 O75 096 063-54063 071 077 O75 067 096 O75 096 096 005R 069 096 005R 005R 075 54409 55518 56205 56205 56613 56205 56613 56205 56613 56205 56205 56613 57405 57405 55519 56205 56613 56613 56205 56613 57405 56205 56613 57405 56205 56613 56205 58820 56205 57405 54409 56049 54413 56205 56613 57405 56205 57405 57405 56069 57024 57405 56069 56069 56205 Power Bull Uni Bull P4409 50100 50200 50200 50200 50300 50200 50300 50200 50300 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50500 50500 50200 50500 50500 50200 50500 50500 50200 50500 50200 50500 50200 50500 50100 Running Bull AGM AIXAM Microcar & Van Microcar & Van ALFA ROMEO 33 Petrol 75 1.8, 2.0, 2.5 Petrol 75 3.0 Petrol 90 Petrol 90.TD, Diesel 145 Petrol 145 Diesel 146 1.6 1.8 T.Spark 146 Ti 147 1.6 1,7 Petrol 16V Twin Spark 147 2.0 Petrol 16v Twin Spark 147 3.2 GTA 147 Diesel JTDM 8 &16V 147 Diesel JTD 8 &16V 155 Petrol 156 Sportwagon.Petrol 1.6 1.8,20 156 Sportwagon.Petrol 2.5 V6 156 Sportwagon.3.2 GTA 156 1.6,1.8,2.0 156 2.5 & 3.2V6 156 1.9, 2.4 TD, Diesel 159 JTS Petrol1.9&2.2 159 JTS Petrol 3.2 Q4 159 Diesel JTDM 8 &16v 1.9 & 2.4 159 Sportwagon Petrol 1.9 & 2.2 159 Sportwagen 3.2 Q4 164 Petrol 164 TD, Diesel 166 166 Alfasud Petrol 1.3,1.5,1.7 Alfasud Sprint Petrol Arna Petrol Giulietta Petro Brera 1.9JTS,2.2JTS Brera 3.2 JTS Q4 Brera Diesel JTDM 20v G.T 1.8,2.0 PETROL GT GTA 3.2V6 GT Diesel 1.9 JTD G.T.V 2.0 Petrol G.T.V 2.5 Petrol G.T.V-Spider 2.0, 3.2 Spider Petrol 105 Spider Petrol 115 Spider Petrol 1.8,2.0,2.0V6, 916S P6205 P6205 P6613 P6205 P6613 P6205 P6613 P6205 P6205 P6613 P7405 P7405 P5519 P6205 P6613 P6613 P6205 P6613 P7405 P6205 P6613 P7405 P6205 P6613 P6205 P8820 P6205 P7405 P4409 P7024 P6205 P6613 P7405 P6205 P7405 P7405 P6069 P7024 P7405 P6069 P6069 P6205 50100 50200 50500 50500 50200 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 50200 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 17 zuliste.indd 17 09.05.2008 10:54:11 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 9504.0709.0609.06- O96 O96 075 O96 57405 57405 56205 57405 P7405 P7405 P6205 P7405 50500 50500 50200 50500 57001 57001 004 249 55041 60032 P5041 P10032 949604019984- 069 096 019 019 019 019 069 57024 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 57024 P7024 P7405 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P7024 50500 50500 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 79-95 79-95 79-95 84-91 84-91 -94 -94 -91 9400-05 00-05 97-05.03 97-05.03 97-05.03 05.0305.0305.0309.04 09.04 09.04 01.95-11.00 01.95-11.00 01.95-11.00 04.0204.0208.0211.00-12.04 04.01-12.04 05.01-12.04 08.01-12.04 11.04- 040 010 010 040 010 040 010 017 010 075 096 O75 096 096 O75 096 110 O75 096 110 O75 096 110 096 110 110 O75 019 096 110 O75 54519 56420 56420 54519 56420 54519 56420 58820 56420 56205+ 57405+ 56205+ 57405+ 57405+ 56205+ 57405+ 58014+ 56205+ 57405+ 58014+ 56205+ 57405+ 58014+ 57405+ 58014+ 58014+ 56205+ 60044+ 57405+ 58014+ 56205+ ALFA ROMEO Continued Spider Petrol 3.0 V6 & 3.2V6 24v Spider 2.4 JTDM Spider 2.2JTS Spider 3.2 JTS 57001 ASIA Rocsta 1.8 Petrol Rocsta 2.2 Diesel ASTON MARTIN All Models DB,4,5,6,S DB7 3,2 DB7 5,9 DB9 4,2 4,9 Vantage Vanquish,All Models Virage All Models 50500 AUDI 80 Petrol Not Quattro 80 Quattro Petrol 80 TD,Diesel 90 Petrol Not Quattro 90 Quattro Petrol 100 Petrol 4 Cyl 100 Petrol 5 Cyl,Quattro 100 Diesel 200 Petrol A2 Petrol 1.4 & 1.6 FSI A2 Diesel 1.2&1.4 TDI A3 Petrol 8LI, 1.6 ,1.8, A3 Petrol 8LI,1.8T &Quattro A3 TD, Diesel,8LI, 1.9TDI A3 Petrol 8P1 1.6,1.6FSI,2.0FSI A3 Diesel 8P1 1.9TDI A3 Diesel 8P1 2.0 TDI A3 Sportback 8PA Petrol 1.6,2.0 A3 Sportback 8PA Petrol 3.2V6 A3 Sportback 8PA Diesel 1.9&2.0TDI A4 1.6 1.8 Turbo Petrol 8D2 A4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Petrol 8D2 A4 1.9 2.5 TD 8D2 A4 Convertable 1.8,2.02.4Petrol 8HE,8H7 A4 Convertable 3.0,3.2 Petrol 8HE,8H7 A4 Convertible Diesel 2.0,2.5,2.7,3.0, 8HE A4 Petrol 1.6,1.8,2.0 8E2 A4 Petrol 3.0 &Quattro 8E2 A4 Diesel 1.9TDI 8E2 A4 Diesel 2.5 TDI 8E2 A4 Petrol 8EC 1.6, P8820 P6205+ P7405+ P6205+ P7405+ P7405+ P6205+ P7405+ P8014+ P6205+ P7405+ P8014+ P6205+ P7405+ P8014+ P7405+ P8014+ P8014+ P6205+ P10044+ P7405+ P8014+ P6205+ 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50200 50200 50500 50200 50500 50500 50200 50500 50500 50200 50500 50500 50100 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50500 50500 50200 59501 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 18 zuliste.indd 18 09.05.2008 10:54:15 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM AUDI Continued A4 Petrol 8EC Quattro3.2FSI,Quatt,S4,RS4 11.04_ 019 A4 Diesel 8EC 1.9TDI,2.0TDI 11.04 096 A4 Diesel 2.5,2.7,3.0TDI &Quattro 11.04 019 A5 1.8TFSI 10.07 096 A5 3.2FSI 06.07 110 A5 S5 Quattro 06.07 019 A5 2.7TDI 06.07 019 A5 3.0 TDI Quattro 06.07 A6 1.8, 2.0 Petrol 4A 94-97 O75 A6 2.3,2.6,2.8, 4.2 S6 Petrol 4A 94-97 010 A6 1.9 Tdi 4A 94-97 096 A6 2.5, Tdi. 4A 94-97 019 A6 Petrol 4B 01.97-01.05 110 A6 1.9 Tdi 4B 97-05 096 A6 2.5, Tdi. 4B 97-05 019 A6 2.0,2.4,2.8 Petrol 4F2 05.04096 A6 3.0,3.2,4.2 4F2 05.04 110 A6 2.0 Tdi 4F2 05.04 110 A6 2.7,3.0 TDI 4F2 05.04019 A8 Petrol 96019 Avant S4 -94 040 Cabrio Petrol 91-98 010 Coupe Petrol 81010 Q7 3.6 FSi 08.06110 Q7 4.2 FSi 03.06019 Q7 3.0 TDi 03.06Q7 4.2 TDi 03.07 AGM? R8 07Dealer only S2 -99 010 S3 00O75 S4 00110 S6 -98 010 S6 98019 S8 Petrol 97019 TT Roadster 99O75 +Audi vary the capacity depending on the electrical specification 44AH=54409orP4409,55AH=55519orP5519 60AH or 61AH=56205 o rP6205,70AH =57405 or P7405,80AH =58014 or P8014,over 80ah use 60044 or P10044. Be aware of an AGM or SLA (92ah) dry battery which is on some Q7 and will become more common,(use 59501++) 60044+ 57405+ 60044+ 57405+ 58014+ 60044+ 60044+ 61042+ 56205 56420 57405 60044 58014+ 57405+ 60044+ 57405+ 58014+ 58014+ 60044+ 60044+ 54519 56420 56420 58014+ 60044+ 61042+ P10044+ P7405+ P10044+ P7405+ P8014+ P10044+ P10044+ P6205 P7405 P10044 P8042+ P7405+ P10044+ P7405+ P8014+ P8014+ P10044+ P10044+ 50500 50500 59501 57001 59501 57001 59501 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 59501 57001 57001 59501 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 50200 50200 50200 P8014+ P10044+ 57001 59501++ 56420 56205 58014 56420 60044+ 60044+ 56205+ P10044+ P10044+ P6205+ 50200 57024 56205 57405 56205 57405 56205 57405 56205 57405 P7024 P6205 P7405 P6205 P7405 P6205 P7405 P6205 P7405 50500 50200 50500 50200 50500 50200 50500 50200 50500 P6205 P8042 50200 50200 50500 50300 57001 59501 59501 BENTLEY Continental R and all earlier models Amage (2 batteries fitted) Arnage Mk2 (2 batteries fitted) Azure (2 batteries fitted Azure MK2 (2 batteries fitted) 04.98-09.99 09.999.95-06.06 06.06- 069 O75 096 O75 096 O75 096 O75 096 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 19 zuliste.indd 19 09.05.2008 10:54:18 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull 03- 03.05- 027/065 AGM 027/065 AGM 075 Starter Auxilliary Starter Auxilliary 0404- 025 110 75-82 75-82 Power Bull Uni Bull P5519 50200 P5519 50200 Running Bull AGM BENTLEY Continued Continental Cabrio( ( 2 batteries fitted) DO NOT FIT WET BATTERY Continental GT (2 batteries fitted) DO NOT FIT WET BATTERY Continental Flying Spur (2 batteries fitted) 03- 59501 59501 P6205 50200 56219 58014 P6219 P8042 50200 50500 027/065 075 55519 56205 P5519 P6205 50200 50200 82-91 82-91 82-91 82-91 85-91 027/065 027/065 075 096 017 55519 55519 56205 57405 58820 P5519 P5519 P6205 P7405 P8820 50200 50200 50200 50500 90-98 90-98 90-98 90-98 95-98 91-98 027/065 075 110 110 096 017 55519 56205 58014 58014 57405 58820 P5519 P6205 P8014 P8014 P7405 P8820 50200 50200 50500 50500 57001 57001 94-00 97-00 95-00 027/065 067 096 55519 56613 57405 P5519 P6613 P7405 50200 50500 50500 57001 57001 00-05 98-05 98-05 98-05 01-05 98-05 99-05 00- 025 096 096 096 110 110 110 096 56219+ 58014+ 57405+ 57405+ 58014+ 58014+ 58014+ 57405+ P6219+ P8042+ P7412+ P7412+ P8042+ P8042+ P8042+ P7412+ 50300 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 0101- 025 096 56219+ 58014+ P6219+ P8042+ 50300 50500 57001 01.0505.0601.0501.0509.0609.05- 025 025 096 096 110 110 56219+ 56219+ 57405+ 57405+ 58014+ 58014+ P6219+ P6219+ P7412+ P7412+ P8042+ P8042+ 50300 50300 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 BMW 1 SERIES E87 (09.04-) 116i,118i,120i 118d,120d 3 SERIES E21 (75-84) 315,316,318 320,320i,320/6,323 3 SERIES E30 ( 82-94) 315,316,316i 318,318i 320i,323i 325i, M3 324D,324TD, 3 SERIES E36 (90-99) 316i,318i,318is 320i 323i,325i,328i M3,Cabrio 318TDS Diesel 325TD,325TDS COMPACT E36 (94-00) 316i,318Ti 323Ti,325Ti 318TDS Diesel 3 SERIES E46 (98-05) 316i, 318i,320i 323i,325i,325xi 328i,330i,330xi 318D, 320D 330D,330XD M3,Cabrio COMPACT E46 (01-05) 316Ti,318Ti,325Ti 318TD,320TD 3SERIES E90 (05-) 318i,320i 320Si 325i,325Xi 330i,330Xi 335i 318D, 57001 57001 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 20 zuliste.indd 20 09.05.2008 10:54:22 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 09.0509.0609.0509.06(03.07-) 03.0703.0703.0703.0703.07- 110 019 019 019 58014+ 60044+ 60044+ 60044+ P8042+ P10044+ P10044+ P10044+ 50500 57001 59501 59501 59501 025 096 096 110 019 56219+ 57405+ 57405+ 58014+ 60044+ P6219+ P7412+ P7412+ P8042+ P10044+ 50300 50500 50500 50500 81-87 81-87 85-87 83-87 075 067 096 017 56205 56613 57405 58820 P6205 P6613 P7405 P8820 50200 50500 50500 89-95 88-95 88-95 88-95 075 067 017 019 56205 56613 58820 60044 P6205 P6613 P8820 P10044 50200 96-03 95-03 96-03 96-03 07.0307.0307.0309.0307.03- 067 096 019 019 56613 57405 60044 60044 P6613 P7405 P10044 P10044 50500 50500 017 019 019 019 58820 60044 60044 60044 P8820 P10044 P10044 P10044 76-90 84-89 096 017 57405 58820 P7405 P8820 01.0404.0404.04- 019 60044 P10044 59501 019 60044 P10044 59501 77-86 77-86 096 110 57405 58014 P7405 P8042 86-94 87-94 017 017 58820 58820 P8820 P8820 59501 59501 017 017 017 94-01 94-01 96-01 58820 58820 58820 P8820 P8820 P8820 59501 59501 59501 017 11.01 58820 P8820 BMW Continued 320D 325D 330D,330XD 335D 3SERIES CONVERTIBLE E93 320i 325i 330i, 335i 330D, 5 SERIES E28 (81-87) 518,518i,520,520i 525i, 525e,528i 535i, M535i M5 3.5,524TD DIESEL 5 SERIES E34 (88-95) 518i,520i 520i24V,525i, 525i24V 530i,535i,540i V8,524DIESEL M5, 525 DIESEL 5 SERIES E39 (95-03) 520i, 523i., 525i,528i, 530i,535i,540i,M5 520D,525TD,525TDS,530D, 5 SERIES E60&E61 TOURING 520i,523i,525i,525Xi 530i,530Xi, 540i, 545i, 550i, M5 520D,525D,530D,535D 6 SERIES E24 (76-90) 628,630,633,635Csi M635CSi 6SERIES E63 ( 01.04-) 630i,645Ci,650i,M6 6 SERIES CONVERTIBLE (E64) 645Ci,650i,M6 7SERIES E23 (77-86) 728,728i,730,732i,733i, 735i,745i 7SERIES E32 (86-94) 730i-iL,730i-iLV8,735i-iL 740i-iLV8,750i-iLv12 7SERIES E38 (94-01) 728i-iL,730i-iL,735i-iL, 740i-iL,750i-iL 725TDS,730D,740d DIESEL 7SERIES E65,E66 (11.01-) 730,735,740,745,750,760,iLi 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 59501 57001 59501 57001 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 21 zuliste.indd 21 09.05.2008 10:54:25 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 60044 60044 57405 P7412 50500 57001 57405 60044 P7412 P10044 50500 57001 59501 57405 60044 P7412 P10044 50500 57001 59501 56219 P6219 50200 57405 57405 P7412 P7412 50500 50500 57001 57001 57405 P7412 50500 57001 58014 P8042 50500 069 GEL 019 096 57024 DB72 60044 57405 P7024 50500 P10044 P7405 50500 019 019 O75 60044 60044 56205 P10044 P10044 P6205 BMW Continued 730D,730LD740D,745D Diesel 019 11.01 8 SERIES E31 (90-99) 840I,840ci,.850i,Ci,850CSi, 90-99 096 X3 E83 (01-04-) 2.0i,2.5i,2.5si.3.0i 04096 2.0D,3.0D.3.0sd Diesel 04019 X5 E53 (05.00-) 3.0i 00096 4.4i,4.6is,4.8is 00019 Z1 (88-91) Z1 ALL 88-91 025 Z3 COUPE (97-) 2.8, 3.0 97096 M3.2 98096 Z4 (03.06-) 3.0Si,3.2M 03096 Z8 (00-03) Z8 4.9 06.00-06.03 110 +BMW CHANGE THE CAPACITY OF BATTERY DEPENDING ON THE VEHICLES ELECTRICAL SPEC. CHECK ORIGINAL CAPACITY AS A GUIDE.MOST LATER MODELS ARE FITTED WITH 190MM HIGH BATTERIES AND HAVE ELECTRICAL KIT ON TOP.WE ARE THEREFORE LISTING THE TALLER BATTERY AS FIRST CHOICE 59501 BRISTOL All Models All Models Blenheim Beaufighter -98 980404- 59501 57001 CADILLAC Escalade SRX XLR 59501 59501 50200 CATERHAM Super Seven 21 CSR 01.9010.942006- 53034 53034 50100 CHEVROLET Captiva LS Captiva LT Captiva LTX Kalos Lacetti Nubira Matiz Tacuma 06.0606.0603.0503.0503.0503.0503.05- 250 096R 004R 005R 005R 054 005R 60033 57233 55042 56069 56069 53520 56069 P10033 07.0309.04- 096 096 57405 57405 P7405 P7405 50500 57001 50500 50500 57001 57001 P6069 P6069 P4026 P6069 CHRYSLER see Jeep as well Crossfire 3.2 Crossfire SRT-6 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 22 zuliste.indd 22 09.05.2008 10:54:28 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 05.0409.0409.97-08.99 05.94-08.99 11.0108.9910.0111.0106.0008.0506.0008.0303.02- 096 096 111 111 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 MUST BE AGM 57405 57405 56011 56011 P7405 P7405 50500 50500 57001 57001 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 fitted on side P5003 P5003 P5003 P5003 P5003 P5003 P5003 P5003 POA 08.84-09.95 08.84-09.95 08.90-09.95 08.90-09.95 01.92-09.95 096R 096R 096R 096R 096R 57233 57233 57233 57233 57233 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 01.95-03.01 01.95-03.01 01.95-03.01 01.95-03.01 01.95-03.01 01.95-03.01 096R 096R 096R 096R 096R 096R 57233 57233 57233 57233 57233 57233 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 02.0002.0002.0002.0002.0002.00-2002 200206.0409.0409.0409.0406.0509.0509.0409.0409.0409.0404.0506.0509.0507.98-09.04 096R 096R 096R 096R 096R AGM FITTED AGM FITTED AGM FITTED 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 096 57233 57233 57233 57233 57233 USE USE USE 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 57405 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50300 50300 50300 CHRYSLER Continued Crossfire Roadster 3.2 Crossfire Roadster SRT-6 Neon MK1 1.8 16V Neon MK1 2.0 16V Neon MK2 1.6 Neon MK2 2.0 16V Neon MK2 2.0 16V RT PT Cruiser 1.6 PT Cruiser 2.0 PT Cruiser 2.4 PT Cruiser 2.4 PT Cruiser GT 2.4 PT Cruiser 2.2CRD Voyager & Grand Voyager MK1 Voyager MK1 ( ES ) 2.5i Voyager MK1 ( ES ) 3.0i Voyager MK1 ( ES ) 3.3i Voyager MK1 ( ES ) 3.3i AWD Voyager MK1 ( ES ) 2.5TD Voyager & Grand Voyager MK2 Voyager MK2 ( GS ) 2.0i Voyager MK2 ( GS ) 2.4i Voyager MK2 ( GS ) 3.0i Voyager MK2 ( GS ) 3.3i Voyager MK2 ( GS ) 3.8i AWD Voyager MK2 ( GS ) 2.5TD Voyager & Grand Voyager MK3 Voyager MK3 ( RG ) 2.4 Voyager MK3 ( RG ) 3.3 Voyager MK3 ( RG ) 3.3 AWD Voyager MK3 ( RG ) 3.8 Voyager MK3 ( RG ) 3.8 AWD Voyager MK3 ( RG ) 2.5CRD Voyager MK3 ( RG ) 2.5CRD Voyager MK3 ( RG ) 2.8CRD 300C 2.7 300C 3.5 300C 5.7 300C 6.1 SRT8 300C 3.0CRD 300C Touring 2.7 300C Touring 3.5 300C Touring 3.5 AWD 300C Touring 5.7 300C Touring 5.7 AWD 300C Touring 6.1 SRT8 300C Touring 3.0CRD 300M UNIBULL UNIBULL UNIBULL P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P7412 50500 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 23 zuliste.indd 23 09.05.2008 10:54:32 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 74-90 8688969682-94 83-94 02.0705050303060305030202020205020404040404040606060600009.05- 063 063 027/065 063 096 063 096 249 002R or 063 075 063 063 063 027/065 027/065 075 063 063 027/065 075 075 075 075 063 027/065 027/065 075 075 075 075 096 096 027/065 096 025 check size 019 025 check size 019 025 check size 019 075 075 096 027/065 067 017 048 063 002R 54409 54409 55519 54409 57405 54409 57405 60032 54008* 56205 54409 54409 54409 55519 55519 56205 54409 54409 55519 56205 56205 56205 56205 54409 55519 55519 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 55519 57405 56219 60044 56219 60044 56219 60044 56205 56205 57405 55519 56613 58820 54579 54409 54008* P4409 P4409 P5519 P4409 P7405 P4409 P7405 P10032 P4409 P6205 P4409 P4409 P4409 P5519 P5519 P6205 P4409 P4409 P5519 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P4409 P5519 P5519 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P5519 P7405 P6219 P10044 P6219 P10044 P6219 P10044 P6205 P6205 P7405 P5519 P6613 P8820 50100 50100 50200 50100 50500 50100 50500 Running Bull AGM CITROEN 2 CV, Dyane Petrol AX Petrol AX Diesel Berlingo 1.1 1.4 Petrol Berlingo 1.7 1.9 TD,Diesel BX Petrol BX TD,Diesel C-Crosser 2.2HDi C 1, 1.0 C1, 1.4HDi C2, 1.1 C2, 1.4 C2, 1.4-16V C2, 1.6 C2, 1.6VTS C2, 1.4HDi C3.1.1 C3, 1.4, 1.4 16V,Pluriel C3, 1.6, 16V,Pluriel C3, 1.4HDi.1.4, 16VHDI,Pluriel C3, 1.6,16VHDi C 3 Diesel C4 1.4 1.6 2.0 Petrol C4, 1.416V C4, 1.6 16V C4, 2.016V 136 C4, 2.016V 140 C4, 2.0 16V 177 C4, Picasso 1.8,16v Petrol C4 Picasso 16v 2.0, 16v P C4 Picasso 1.6 Hdi,110 fap C4, Picasso 2.0 Hdi 138 C 5 Petrol C5,C,6,C8,,TD,Diesel C6 3.0 V6 Auxillary Battery C6 2.2HDi Auxillary Battery C6 2.7HDi Auxillary Battery C8 2.0 16V,2.2, C8 3.0 V6 C8 2.0HDi,2.2HDI CX 2.0,2.2,2.4,2,5 Petrol CX 2.5 Gti Petrol CX Diesel LNA Petrol Saxo 1.1 1.4 1.6 Petrol Saxo 1.1 1.4 1.6 Petrol 84-92 75-89 79-85 -00 00- P4409 50100 50200 50100 50100 50100 50200 50200 50200 50100 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50200 50500 50300 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 50300 59501 50300 59501 50200 50200 50500 50200 50300 57001 59501 50400 50100 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 24 zuliste.indd 24 09.05.2008 10:54:35 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 9594-02 94-02 78-88 85-88 93-95 9693898904.9704.9704.97- 09.00 04.97- 09.00 02.0001.0302.9901.0312.9900919191- O75 O75 096 063 O75 027/065 O75 096 O75 096 079 076 O75 096 O75 096 096 O75 096 096 063 027/065 O75 56205 56205 57405 54409 56205 55519 56205 57405 56205 57405 54459 54409 56205 57405 56205 57405 57405 56205 57405 57405 54409 55519 56205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P4409 P6205 P5519 P6205 P7405 P6205 P7405 P5003 P4409 P6205 P7405 P6205 P7405 P7405 P6205 P7405 P7405 P4409 P5519 P6205 50200 50200 50500 50100 50200 50200 50200 50500 50200 50500 50100 50100 50200 50500 50200 50500 50500 50200 50500 50500 50100 50200 50200 Berlingo 1.1, 96Berlingo 1.7 1.9TD 96C15 E Petrol C15,C15 Diesel 85C25 E, Relay Petrol 94-02 C25,Relay Diesel 1.9, 94-02 C32,C35,Petrol 94-02 C32,C35,Diesel 94-02 Relay Mk2 2.0 4.02-4.06 Relay Mk2 2.0HDi 4.02-4.06 Relay Mk2 2.8HDi 4.02_4.06 Relay Mk3 all ex F30DT ENG 4.06Relay Mk3 F30DT ENG 4.06Dispatch 1.6i 95-07 Dispatch 1.9D,TD,2.0HDi 98-07 Dispatch Mk3 1.6HDi 07Dispatch 2.0HDi,120&136BHP 07*54008 CAN OFTEN BE REPLACED BY THE LONGER (207mm) 54409.CHECK CARRIER 027/065 096 063 O75 O75 019 067 019 067 096 019 019 P5519 P7405 P4409 P6205 P6205 P10044 P6613 P10044 P6613 P7405 P10044 P10044 50200 50500 50100 50200 50200 063 075 075 075 55519 57405 54409 56205 56205 60044 56613 60044 56613 57405 60044 60044 61042 54409 56205 56205 56205 P4409 P6205 P6205 P6205 50100 50200 50200 50200 005L 027/065 005L 249 078 56068 55519 56068 60032 55518 P6068 P5519 P6068 P10032 Running Bull AGM CITROEN Continued Saxo 1.5 Diesel Synergie Petrol Synergie Diesel Visa Petrol Visa Diesel Xantia Petrol Xantia Petrol Xantia Diesel XM Petrol XM TD,Diesel Xsara 1.4 Xsara 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 Xsara 1.5D, 1.8D, 1.8TD, 1.9D Xsara 1.8D, 1.8TD, 1.9D, Xsara Picasso 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 Xsara 1.6D Xsara 2.0D Xsara 1.4Hdi Xsara Picasso 2.0D Xsara Picasso Diesel ZX 1.4,1.8 Petrol ZX 1.9,2.0 Petrol ZX 1.9 TD,Diesel 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 CITROEN LCV 57001 59501 50300 50500 50500 59501 57001 57001 59501 59501 DAEWOO Combi Espero Kalos,Leganza Korando Lanos, 9695029996- 50200 50200 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 25 zuliste.indd 25 09.05.2008 10:54:38 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 969895960001- 054 250 027/065 078 005L 068 53520 60033 55519 55518 56068 57029 P4026 P10033 P5519 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM DAEWOO Continued Matiz Musso All Models Nexia Nubira Tacuma Petrol Tacuma Diesel 50200 50200 P6068 P7029 DAIHATSU Applause Petrol MK1 Applause MK2 Avanzata Charade Petrol 1.5,1.5 16vSaloon Charade Petrol Charade Diesel Charmant Petrol Copen .7,1.3 Cuore MK4 1.0 Domino Petrol Domino Petrol Fourtrak Petrol Fourtrak TD,Diesel 2.8 Gran Move 1.5 16V,1.6 16V Materia Mira Move .8,1.0 Sirion Petrol 1.0,1.3 Sirion Petrol 1.0,1.3 Sportrak F300 1.6,1.6i Terios JI ,1.3 Terios 1.5 Yrv 1.0,1.3 89-97 979694028582-86 040381-86 8688859606939698-05 058997-06 0600- 154-46B24L 54584* 154-46B24L 54584* 154-46B24L 54584* 154-46B24L 54584* 054- 34B19L 53520 068 57029 043 54523 054- 34B19L 53520 054- 34B19L 53520 048 54577 054- 34B19L 53520 055-34B17R 53522 644 59018 155-46B24R 54551 054- 34B19L 53520 055-34B17R 53522 054- 34B19L 53520 054- 34B19L 53520 054- 34B19L 53520 055-34B17R 53522 054- 34B19L 53520 054- 34B19L 53520 054- 34B19L 53520 * CHECK FOR LENGTH ANY DOUBT USE P4026/7 P4026 P7029 P4523 P4026 P4026 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* P4026 P4027 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* P4026 P4027 P4026 P4026 P4026 P4027 P4026 P4026 P4026 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* 50400* DAIHATSU LCV CX Petrol Van Extol Van Fourtrak Fourtrak F20,F25,F50,F55 Petrol Fourtrak F20,F25,F50,F55 Diesel Fourtrak TD,Diesel Hi-Jet Petrol Hi-Jet Diesel Sportrak Petrol 89-97 00- 154-46B24L 054- 34B19L 055-34B17R 155-46B24R 644 644 054- 34B19L O75 055-34B17R 54584* 53520 53522 54551 59018 59018 53520 56205 53522 optima optima 05148004AA 04364958 red red P4026 P4027 P4524 P4026 P6205 P4026 50400* 50400* 50400 50200 DODGE Avenger Caliber Nitro Diesel Nitro Petrol 06.06- top top P10033 50300 50300 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 26 zuliste.indd 26 09.05.2008 10:54:42 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. 7509.85-09.89 08.90-12.95 03.9906.67-04.71 02.69-12.74 01.93 08.76-08.84 11.94-08.96 01.92-10.94 09.9610.0004.0206.0604-0469-80 0202.88-06.92 05.94-03.99 03.0504.0410.82-12.93 05.84-12.91 069 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 069 096 069 096 096 019 096 096 09.0709.0795-2004 95959695-98 95-98 96-98 4.074.0704.07939394-96 94-96 9686 - 94 86 - 94 20052005200520062001- 012 025 012 063 027/065 O75 063 027/065 075 002R 012 025 002r 063 079 O75 025 027/065 O75 096 096 110 110 012 Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 P10044 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 50500 57001 50500 57001 57001 59501 57001 57001 FERRARI 208,248GT,308,400i,412i 328 GTB,GTS 348TB,TS 360 Modena,&Spider F131 365GT 2+2 365 GTB4, & GTS4 Daytona 465 GT, F116 512BB, 512M 512TR 550 Maranello 550 Barchetta 575M Maranello F599 GTB Fiorano 612 Scaglietti Dino GT,GTS206&246,GT4,208&308 Enzo F40 3.0 F355 Berlinetta & Spider F430, & Spider F612 Mondial , & Convertable2.9,3.2,3.4 Testarossa, 5.0 P7024 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 60044 P7024 P7405 P7024 P7405 P10044 P7405 P7405 50500 50500 P5003 P6219 P5003 P4409 P5519 P6205 P4409 P4409 P6205 50300 50100 50100 50200 50300 50100 50200 50300 P5003 P6219 50300 FIAT 500 1.1, 1.4 500 1.3 JTD Barchetta Petrol Brava Petrol 1.2 & 1.4 Brava Petrol 1.6 & 1.8 Brava 1.9D Diesel Bravo Petrol 1.2 & 1.4 Bravo Petrol 1.6, 1.8 & 2.0L Bravo 1.9 Turbo Diesel Bravo 120 1.4 T-Jet Bravo 150 1.4 T-Jet Bravo 1.9D M-Jet Cinquecento Cinquecento Sporting Coupe 1750 16V Coupe 2.0L Coupe & PX Coupe Croma 2.0L Manual Croma 2.0L Auto Croma 1.8, 2.2 Croma 120 1.9D Multijet Croma 150 1.9D Multijet Croma 2.4TD Multijet Doblo 1.2 54459 56219 54459 54409 55519 56205 54409 55519 56205 54008 54459 56219 54008 54409 54459 56205 56219 55519 56205 57405 57405 58014 58014 54459 P4409 P4409 P6205 P6219 P5519 P6205 P7412 P7412 P8042 P8042 P5003 50100 50100* 50200 50300* 50200 50300* 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 27 zuliste.indd 27 09.05.2008 10:54:45 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 200110.0510.0510.0510.05200420041996199619981998071981 - 83 1984 - 95 02.95-09.03 9.0310.069.031994-99 1994-99 1994-99 1999199919992006200619982001 2001 2001 1990 - 95 1990 - 95 1990 - 95 1992 - 95 1988 - 95 1988 - 95 1990 - 95 1988 - 95 1992 - 95 1993 19931983 - 95 1985 - 95 1987 - 95 1977 89 025 002R 012 012 025 012 012 063 025 012 025 O75 077 063 002R 002R 012 012 063 027/065 O75 002r 012 025 079 096 002r 012 025 096 063 075 096 075 063 O75 027/065 096 096 025 096 063 027/065 O75 077 56219 54008 54459 54459 56219 54459 54459 54409 56219 55003 56219 56205 54413 54409 54008 54008 54459 54459 54409 55519 56205 54008 54459 P6219 1987 2001- 017 012 58820 54459 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM FIAT Continued Doblo 1.9 Diesel Grande Punto 1.2,1.4,1.4 16v Grande Punto 1.4 Turbo Grande Punto 1.3D Multijet Grande Punto 1.9D Multijet Idea 1.2,1.4,1.416v Idea 1.3Jtd,1.3M-Jet Marea Petrol Marea Diesel Multipla 1.6 Multipla 1.9D Mutipla1.9JTD Multijet Panda Panda Panda 0.6,1.1 Panda 1.1,1.2,1.4 Panda 1.4 100HP Panda 1.3 Jtd,1.3Jtd 4x4 Punto MK1 Not Sporting Punto MK1 Sporting Punto MK1 Diesel Punto MK2 Petrol Not 1.8 Punto MK2 1.8 Punto MK2 Diesel Sedici Petrol Sedici 1.9 JTD Seicento 0.9 & 1.1 Sporting Stilo 1.2 , 1.4 Stilo 1.6, 1.8 & 2.4 Stilo 1.9 JTD Tempra 1.4 & 1.6 Tempra 1.8i Tempra 1.9 Diesel Tempra 2.0Li Tipo 1.4 & 1.6 Tipo 1.7 Diesel Tipo 1.8i Tipo 1.9 Diesel Tipo 2.0Li Ulysse 1.8 & 2.0L Petrol Ulysse 2.0L Diesel Uno Petrol ( Not Turbo ) Uno i Turbo Uno Diesel X19 54459 57405 54008 54459 56219 57405 54409 56205 57405 56205 54409 56205 55519 57405 57405 56219 57405 54409 55519 56205 54413 P5003 P5003 P6219 P5003 P5003 P4409 P6219 P5003 P6219 P6205 P4409 50300 50100 50100 50100 50500 50500 50500 50500 50100 50100 P5003 P5003 P4409 P5519 P6205 50100 50200 50200 P5003 P5003 P4409 P7412 50100* 50100 50100 50500 P5003 P6219 P7412 P4409 P6205 P7405 P6205 P4409 P6205 P5519 P7405 P7405 P6219 P7412 P4409 P5519 P6205 50500 50100 50200 50500 50200 50100 50300 50200 50500 50500 50300 50500 50100 50200 50200 50100 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 FIAT LCV Daily Doblo 1.2 P8820 P5003 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 28 zuliste.indd 28 09.05.2008 10:54:49 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 200120011984 - 2002 1982 - 2002 02-07 02-07 02-07 02-07 7.067.061979 - 85 1986 1988 1996 1996 1996 071988 1988 - 91 1991 - 025 025 017 078 096 096 110 019 019 P6219 P6219 P8820 077 063 067R 063 O75 096 025 063 067 096 56219 56219 58820 55518 57405 57405 58014 60044 60044 61042 54413 54409 56633 54409 56205 57405 56219 54409 56613 57405 -79 7974-88 02.07_ 02.07_ 02.07_ 02.07_ 02.07_ 02.07_ 02.07_ 74-82 97-** 97-** -76 -95 96-99 99-** 96-** -88 88-95 96-** 975.76-8.83 9.83-2.89 4.84-2.89 1.89-12-95 3.89-12.95 037 085 097 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 096 110 085 100 O75 037 085 063 063 O75 093 097 O75 249 085 085 093 085 097 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM FIAT LCV Continued Doblo 1.9 JTD Doblo Cargo Ducato Diesel Ducato Petrol Ducato Petrol Ducato 2.0L Diesel Ducato 2.3 JTD Ducato 2.8 Diesel Ducato 2.3D,2.8D Ducato 3.0 D 160 Multijet Fiorino Petrol Fiorino Petrol Fiorino Diesel Punto 55 Petrol Van Punto 1.7 Diesel Scudo Diesel & Turbo Diesel Scudo 1.9d,1.9Td,2.0Jtd Uno Petrol Van 900 & 1.1 Uno 1.7 Citivan Diesel Uno 1.7 Diesel P7412 P7412 P8042 P10044 P10044 P4409 57233 P4409 P6205 P7405 P6219 P4409 P6613 P7412 59501 50200 50500 50500 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 50100 50100 50500 50100 50200 50500 50100 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 FORD Capri 1.3,1.6 Capri 1.3,1.6 2.0 Petrol Capri 2.8,3.0 Petrol C-Max 1.6 C-Max 1.8 C-Max 1.8 Flexi-Fuel C-Max 2.0 C-Max 1.6 TDCi C-Max 1.8TDCi C-Max 2.0TDCi Cortina 1.3,1.6,2.0,Petrol Cougar V6 Cougar Escort MK1 Escort 1.1,1.3 1.6 Petrol Escort 1.3 ,1.4,1.6,1.8 Escort 1.3 ,1.4,1.6,1.8 Escort 2.0 Petrol Escort 1.6 Diesel Escort 1.8 Diesel Escort 1.8,TD,Diesel Explorer Fiesta 1 1.0,1.1,1.3,1.6 Fiesta 2, 1.0,1.1,1.3,1.4,1.6 Fiesta 2, 1.6,Diesel Fiesta 3, 1.1,1.3,1.4,1.6,1.8 Fiesta3 1.8D 53837 54317 56091 56205+ 56205+ 56205+ 56205+ 57405+ 57405+ 58014+ 54317 57405 56205 53837 54317 54409 54409 56205 56091 56205 60032 54317 54317 NLA 54317 56091 P6205+ P6205+ P6205+ P6205+ P7405+ P7405+ P8014+ P7405 P6205 P4409 P4409 P6205 P6205 P10032 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50100 50200 50100 50100 50100 50200 50100 50200 50200 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 29 zuliste.indd 29 09.05.2008 10:54:52 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 8.95-1.02 8.95-1.02 11.0111.018.028.0210.98-11.04 03.02-11.04 10.98-11.04 11.0411.0411.0411.04-00 -00 00005.065.065.06_ 72-94 867796-** 93942.93-8.96 2.93-8.96 9.96-11.00 9.96-11.00 11.00-3.07 10.01-03.07 03-07** 03.0703.0703.0703.078383839396-99 99-** 96-99 99-** 9906.0606.0606.06- 063 O75 063 O75 063 O75 O75 100 096 O75 096 096 110 O75 019 096 110 O75 096 110 097 097 095 063 005R 250 O75 O75 O75 096 O75 100 096 O75 096 096 110 085 097 095 111 063 O75 027/065 O75 249 O75 096 096 54409 56205 54409 56205 54409 56205 56205+ 57405+ 57405+ 56205+ 57405+ 57405+ 58014+ 56205* 60044 57405 58014 56205+ 57405+ 58014+ 56091 56091 57405 54409 56069 60033 56205+ 56205+ 56205+ 57405+ 56205+ 57405+ 57405+ 56205+ 57405+ 57405+ 58014+ 54317 56091 56091 55716 54409 56205 55519 56205 60032 56205+ 57405+ 57405+ P4409 P6205 P4409 P6205 P4409 P6205 P6205+ P7405+ P7405+ P6205+ P7405+ P7405+ P8014+ P6205* P10044* P7405 P8042 P6205+ P7405+ P8014+ 50100 50200 50100 50200 50100 50200 50200 Running Bull AGM FORD Continued Fiesta4 1.0,1.25,1.3,1.4,1.6 Fiesta4 1.8D,1.8Di Fiesta 5 1.25,1.3,1.4,1.6 Fiesta 5 1.4TDCi,1.6TDCi Fusion 1.25,1.4,1.6, Fusion 1.4TDCi,1.6TDCi Focus 1.4, 1.6,1.8 Focus ST Focus 1.8Di,Tdi,TDCi Focus 2 1.4,1.6,1.8flexi-fuel Focus 2 2.0,2.5ST Focus2 1.6,1.8,2.0TDCi Focus 2 2,0TDCi optional Galaxy Petrol Galaxy,TD, Diesel,V6 Galaxy Petrol Galaxy,TD, Diesel,V6 Galaxy 2.0 petrol Galaxy 1.8TDCi,2.0TDCi Galaxy 1.8TDCi,2.0TDCi optional Granada,2.0,2.3,2.8 3.0 Petrol Granada Scorpio Granada TD,Diesel,Scorpio KA Maverick Petrol Maverick,TD Diesel Mondeo1 1.6,1.8,2.0,2.5 Petrol Mondeo1 1.8 TD Mondeo 2 1.6,1.8,2.0,2.5 Petrol Mondeo 2 1.8TD Mondeo 3 1.8,2.0,2.5, Mondeo 3 TD, 2.0 2.2 TDCI Mondeo 4,3.0 Petrol Mondeo 4 1.6,2.0 , Mondeo 4 2.5 Mondeo 4 TDCi Mondeo 4 TDCI optional Orion Petrol Orion 1.6 Diesel Orion 1.8 Diesel Probe Puma 1.4 Petrol Puma 1.4 Petrol Puma 1.7 Petrol Puma 1.7 Petrol Ranger S- Max 2.0 S-Max 2.5 S-Max Diesel P7405 P4409 P6069 P10033 P6205+ P6205+ P6205+ P7405+ P6205+ P7405+ P7405+ 56205+ P7405+ P7405+ P8014+ 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50200 50500 50200 50200 50300 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50100 50200 50200 P4409 P6205 P5519 P6205 P10032 56205+ P7405+ P7405+ 50100 50200 50200 50200 50500 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 30 zuliste.indd 30 09.05.2008 10:54:56 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM FORD Continued S-Max Diesel optional 06.06110 58014+ Sierra 1.6,1.8,2.0 Petrol 82085 54317 Sierra XR4i,XR4X4,2.8i,2.9i Petrol 82097 56091 Sierra 1.8,2.3 TD,Diesel 82095 57114 Special notes+These vehicles can be fitted with different capacity batteries depending on the electrical specification see below 43AH USE 54409 or P4409,55AH USE 55519 or P5519,60AH USE 56205 or P6205,71AH USE 57405 or P7405, 80 AH USE 58014 or P8014 Special notes **as scs fitted Special notes * may require bigger 19mm base hold downs Only use calcium batteries with scs as advised by Ford. Either use Power Bull or Uni Bull range P8014+ 50100 50200 50500 FORD LCV Courier Petrol -97 Courier Diesel -97 Courier Petrol 5.98-** Courier Diesel 5.98-** Courier Diesel 00-** Escort Petrol -95 Escort Petrol 96Escort ,1.6 Diesel -95 Escort 1.8 Diesel -95 Escort 1.8 Diesel 96-** Fiesta Petrol -95 Fiesta Petrol 96-** Fiesta Diesel -95 Fiesta Diesel 96-** P100 MK1 1.6 Petrol 04.82-09.87 P100 Petrol MK2 2.0L 10.87P100 Diesel MK2 10.87-12.92 Transit Petrol ,Connect 1.8 16v 6.02-** Transit Diesel, Connect 1.8Di,1.8TDi 6.02** Transit Petrol -95 Transit Diesel -95 Transit Diesel 2.5Di,TD,Tdi 95-3.00 Transit Diesel 2.0Di,2.0TDCi, 8.00-7.06 Transit Diesel 2.4 Di,TDE,TDCi 1.00-7.06 Transit Diesel 2.2TDCi 7.06Transit Diesel 2.4TDCi 7.06 Special notes **as scs fitted Only use calcium batteries with scs as advised by Ford. Either use Power Bull or Uni Bull range 085 097 063 O75 096 085 063 097 097 O75 085 063 097 O75 085 097 097 O75 096 097 097 096 096 110 110 110 54317 56091 54409 56205 57405 54317 54409 56091 56091 56205 54317 54409 56091 56205 54317 56091 56091 56205 57405 56091 56091 57405 57405 58014 58014 58014 077 54413 46B24RS 078 46B24RS 078 078 077 54524 55518 54524 55518 55518 54413 P4409 P6205 P7405 P4409 P6205 P4409 P6205 P6205 57405 P7114 P7405 P7405 P8014 P8014 P8014 50100 50200 50100 50200 50500 50100 50100 50200 50200 50200 50100 50100 50200 50200 50100 50200 50200 50200 50500 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 FSO All Models 50100 HONDA ACCORD 3D=EX,GL,STD,EX1600,EX1800,EXR,&BASIC. ACCORD 3D=EX,EX 2.0I, ACCORD 4D=EX,GL,STD,EX1600,EX1800,EXR,&BASIC. ACCORD 4D= EX,EX1600,EX2.0I,EX ED25,LX1600,2.0I-16 . ACCORD 4D=2.0,2.0I,2.2I,LX,EX1800,DX. ACCORD 4D=2.0IES,2.0ILS,2.3ISR,2.0I,1.8I,1.8IS,1.8ILS,2.0IS,2.2VT 82-85 86-89 82-85 86-89 90-93 93-94/6 P4524 P4524 50400 50200 50400 50200 50200 50100 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 31 zuliste.indd 31 09.05.2008 10:54:59 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 9696-02 99-00 99-02 99-02 99-02 03030499-00 99-02 99-02 01-02 040494-97 92-93,96-97 94-02 98-02 03-05 0491-93 83-87 8682- 03 02-05 04-05 04-05 82-05 82-05 02-05 97-00 0404060698-99 98-00 94-00&01-05 92-97 03-05 84-95 82-83 90-93 97-01 02-03,02-07 04-07 05-&0707- 096 46B24RS 096R 46B24LS 027/065 027/065 46B24LS 46B24LS 096 096R 46B24LS 027/065 027/065 46B24LS 096 55D23L 55D23L 55D23L 75D26R 46B24LS 096 55D23L 46B24LS 46B24RS 46B 24RS 096 46B24RS 46B24LS 46B24RS 46B24RS 096 096 46B24LS 46B24RS 46B24RS 096 46B24RS 096 46B24RS 46B24RS 36/38B19/20L 46B24RS 46B24RS 027/065 46B24RS 46B24LS 46B24RS 096 096 57405 54524 57233 54523 55519 55519 54523 54523 57405 57233 54523 55519 55519 54523 57405 56068 56068 56068 P7412* P4524 50500 50400 50500 50400 50300 50300 50400 50400 50500 50500 50400 50300 50300 50400 50500 Running Bull AGM HONDA Continued ACCORD 4D=2.0I TD ACCORD 4D=EX,2.2EX,EXI,2.0EXI,2.2EXI,2.3EXI,LX,LXI,2.3LXI,2.3VTI, ACCORD 4D= 2.0ITD,2.0ITD ECD3 ACCORD 4D= 1.6ILS,1.6IS ACCORD 4D=1.8IES 7CV.1.8ILS7CV,1.8ILSR,2.0IES D4,2.0ILS D4, ACCORD 4D= TYPE5,1.8IE,1.8ISEEXEC,2.0I SE,&EXEC,2.3SE,V,&EXEC ACCORD 4D=2.0 EXEC,2.4TYPE S,ECONO,1.6ILS 7PA,1.6I SE, ACCORD 4D= 2.4 EXEC,2.0 SPORT, 2.0 COMFORT ACCORD 4D= DIESELCTDI, 2.2 SPORT,2.2EXECUTIVE( MKVIII) ACCORD 5D=2.OITD, 2.0ITD ECD3,2.0TDI ACCORD 5D= 1.6ILS,1.6IS,1.6ILS7PA,1.6ISE, ACCORD 5D= 1.8I-LS,SPORT,ES,S,SPT,2.0I-ES,LS,&V.2.3IES. ACCORD 5D= 1.8I ,E,SE,SE EXEC,2.0I SE&EXEC,2.3V,& SE EXEC. ACCORD 5D= ALL PETROL MODELS ACCORD 5D= DIESEL 2.2 CTDI (MKVIII) ACCORD AERODECK= ALL 2.0I &2.2I MODELS ACCORD COUPE= 2.0I ACCORD COUPE= 2.0IES,2.0ILS,2.2IES ACCORD COUPE= 3.0I V6 ACCORD TOURER= 2.0COMFORT&EXEC, 2.4S & EXEC ACCORD TOURER=DIESEL, 2.2 SPORT,2.2 EXECUTIVE &CTDI ACCORD WAGON= 2.0I,2.2I ACTY TRUCK 2D,ACTY VAN 5D, BALLADE=EX,&EXI CIVIC 3D= ALL MODELS 82-83,84-87,88-91,92-00,01-03 CIVIC 3D= DIESEL 1.7ES,LS,S,SE,&SPORT CIVIC 3D= 1.4,E,LS,S,SPORT,1.6,ES,LS,S,SE,SPORT CIVIC 3D= TYPE R,TYPE R PREMIUM CIVIC 4D= ALL MODELS 82-3,84-87,88-91,92-00,,01-05, CIVIC 5D= ALLP MODELS 82-83,92-99,01-04,,02-05,EXCEPT BELOW CIVIC 5D=DIESEL, 1.7ES,LS,S,SE,&SPORT CIVIC 5D= 2.0I TD,2.0ITD 75PS,&90PS CIVIC 5D= 2.0,2.0OVSA CIVIC 5D= 1.4E,LS,S,SE,1.6ES,LS,S,SE,&SE EXEC CIVC 5D=ALLPETROL MODELS CIVIC 5D=DIESEL 2.2CRD CIVIC AERODECK= ALL PETROL MODELS CIVIC AERODECK= 2.0TD CIVIC COUPE= ALL MODELS 94-00 &01-05 CIVIC CRX 2D & 3D= ALL MODELS CIVIC HYBRID 4D= CIVIC SHUTTLE 5D &RT= ALL MODELS CIVIC WAGON= CONCERTO= ALL MODELS CRV= RVI,RVSI,BASE, CRV=( ES,LS,S,SE,SE-S,02-03) ( RV-I,RV-SI, 02-05) CRV= ES,EXEC,LS,S,SE,SE-E,SE-S. CRV ICTDI=ES,EXEC,LS,S,SE,SE-E,SE-S (ALSO 07 ON) CRV= DIESEL 2.2 54523 57405 56068 54880 54524 54524 57405 54524 54523 54524 54524 57405 57405 54523 54524 54523 57405 54524 57405 54524 54524 54524 54524 55519 54524 54523 54524 P4523 P5519 P5519 P4523 P4523 P7412* P4523 P5519 P5519 P4523 P7412* P6068 P6068 P6068 P7024 P4523 P7412* P6068 P4523 P4524 P4524 P7412* P4524 P4523 P4524 P4524 P7412* P7412* P4523 P4524 P4523 P7412* P4524 P7412* P4524 P4524 P4026 P4524 P4524 P5519 P4524 P4523 P4524 P7412* P7412* 50400 50500 50400 50400 50400 50500 50400 50400 50400 50400 50500 50500 50400 50400 50400 50500 50400 50500 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 50200 50400 50400 50400 50500 50500 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 32 zuliste.indd 32 09.05.2008 10:55:02 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull P4409 P4524 P4523 P7412* P4523 P4524 P4524 P4524 P4026 P5519 P7029 P7024 P7029 P7024 P4524 P6068 P6068 P6068 P4524 50100 50400 50400 50500 50400 50400 50400 50400 Running Bull AGM HONDA Continued CRV=PETROL MODELS 07063 54409 FRV=1.7,1.7COMFORT,1.7S,1.7SE, 0546B24RS 54524 FRV=2.0 COMFORT,2.0EXEC,2.0SE,2.0SE-S 0546B24LS 54523 FRV+2.2 CRD 05096 HRV= ALL MODELS ( 3D 99-03) ( 5D 00-05) 99-05 46B24LS 54523 INSIGHT 3D= DX 00-05 46B24LS 54523 INTEGRA 3D &5D= (3D 98-00) ((5D 86-88 ) 86-88, 98-00 46B24RS 54524 JAZZ 3D=DX,STD 84-85 46B24RS 54524 JAZZ 5D= ALL MODELS 02-05 36/38B19/20L LEGEND 4D = V6 -2.5I,V6-2.7I, 87-88 027/065 55519 LEGEND 4D = V6-2.7I,2.5I,2.7I, 89-90 75D26L 57029 LEGEND 4D = LEGEND,LEGENDEXI 91-04 75D26R 57024 LEGEND COUPE= V6-2.7I,V6 88-90 75D26L 57029 LEGEND COUPE= LEGEND 91-95 75D26R 57024 LOGO 3D= ALL 99-00 46B24RS 54524 NSX= 91-96 55D23L 56068 NSX= NSX,NSXT (NA1) 91-05 55D23L 56068 NSX=3.2 V6 (NA2) 97-05 55D23L 56068 PRELUDE= EX,STD,XZ 83-87 46B24RS 54524 PRELUDE= 2.0EX,2.OI-16,&4WS,2.0I-16 EDI.25,2.0SI,4WS,2.0SI, 86-91 077 54413 PRELUDE= 2.0I,2.3I 92-01 55D23L 56068 PRELUDE= DOHC VTEC,TYPE-S,VT,VTI,VTI-S,2.2VT,2.2VTI2.2VTIS,,VTEC2.2VTI 93-01 75D26L 57029 QUINTET 5D= DX,EX 82-83 46B24RS 54524 SHUTTLE 5D= 2.2IES,2.2ILS 95-99 55D23L 56068 STREAM 5D= 1.7ES,1.7LS1.7S,1.7SE, 01-04) (ES,&LS 05-) 01- &0546B24RS 54524 STREAM 5D= SI,SI-L,2.0ES,2.0LS,2.0SI,2.0SIL,SE,SE-L,2.0SE,SPORT&2.0SEL 0146B24LS 54523 S2000 00-02 46B24LS 54523 S2000 0346B24LS 54523 *P7412 IS 190MM HIGH, IMPORTANT WITH TOP HOLD DOWN. P7405&57405 ARE 175MM HIGH& MAY CAUSE HOLD DOWN PROBLEMS P6068 P7029 P4524 P6068 P4524 P4523 P4523 P4523 50200 50400 50500 50400 50100 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 HYUNDAI Accent 1.3 Accent 1.3i, Accent 1.5i Accent 1.5i 16v Accent LC Mvi 1.3 Accent LC Mvi 1.3 Accent LC Mvi 1.5 Accent LC Mvi 1.5 Accent LC Mvi 1.5 CRDi Accent LC Mvi 1.6 Accent 1.4GL Accent 1.6GLS Accent 1.5CRDi GLS Amica Amica, CDX ATOZ 1.0Li MPV ATOZ 1.0Li MPV ATOZ 1.1 MPV 10.94--01.00 10.94--01.00 10.94--01.00 12.95-01.00 01.0008.0201.0009.0004.0212.0211.0511.0511.052000-2002 200202.98-02.02 03.0103.04- 048 048 048 048 076 076 076 076 O75 076 076 076 54577 54577 54577 54577 54459 54459 54459 54459 56205 54409 54409 54409 56205 53504 53520 53504 53504 53504 075 054 P5003 P5003 P5003 P5003 P6205 P4409 P4409 P4409 50400 50400 50400 50400 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 P4026 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 33 zuliste.indd 33 09.05.2008 10:55:06 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull P6205 P6205 P6205 P7029 P7029 P7029 P7029 50200 50200 50200 Running Bull AGM HYUNDAI Continued ATOZ Prime 1.0Li Hatchback ATOZ Prime 1.0Li Hatchback ATOZ Prime 1.1 Hatchback ATOZ Prime 1.1 Hatchback Coupe 1.6i 16v Coupe 1.6 16v Coupe 2.0L 16v Coupe MK11 1.6 16v Coupe MK11 2.0L Coupe MK11 2.0L GLS Coupe Mk11 2.7L V6 S Coupe 1.5 Coupe S111 Elantra 1.6 77KW Elantra 1.6 79KW Elantra 1.8 Elantra 2.0L 102KW Elantra 2.0L 104KW Elantra 2.0L 105KW Elantra 2.0L CRDi Getz 1.1 Getz 1.1 Getz 1.3 Getz 1.3 Getz 1.4 + CDX Getz 1.6 Getz 1.5CRDi Getz 1.5CRDi Grandeur 3.3L i30 1,4,1.6,1.6CRDi i30 2.0L CRDi Lantra MK 1 1.5ie Lantra MK 1 1.6ie 16v Lantra MK 1 1.8ie 16v Lantra MK 11 1.5L 12v Lantra MK 11 1.6i Lantra MK 11 1.6L 16v Lantra MK 11 1.8L 16v Lantra MK 11 2.0L 16v Lantra MK 11 1.9D Lantra MK 11 Estate 1.5 12v Lantra MK 11 Estate 1.6i Lantra MK 11 Estate 1.6 16v Lantra MK 11 Estate 1.8 16v Lantra MK 11 Estate 2.0L 16v Lantra MK 11 Estate 1.9D Matrix 1.6 Matrix 1.8 Matrix 1.5 CRDi 08.9903.0106.0309.0512.96-04.02 03.98-04.02 08.96-04.02 03.0203.0202.0303.021990-1996 10.200605.0306.0006.0006.0006.0010.0304.0109.0209.0509.0209.0308.0509.0208.0503.0304.0507071990-1995 1990-1995 1990-1995 12.96-09.99 11.95-09.00 11.95-09.00 11.95-09.00 08.96-09.00 03.98-09.00 04.9702.9602.9602.9612.9603.9806.0106.0110.01- O75 O75 O75 068 068 068 068 049 068 079 079 079 079 079 079 O75 50D20L - 004L 50D20L - 004L 55D23L - 005L 55D23L - 005L 250 55D23L - 005L 068 049 049 049 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 075 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 075 50D20L - 004L 027/065 O75 53504 53504 53504 53504 56205 56205 56205 57029 57029 57029 57029 54579 57029 54459 54459 54459 54459 54459 54459 56205 53504 55041 53504 53504 55041 53504 56068 56068 60033 56068 57029 54579 54579 54579 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 56205 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 56205 55041 55519 56205 50400 P7029 P5003 P5003 P5003 P5003 P5003 P5003 P6205 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 P5041 P5041 P6068 P6068 P10033 P6068 P7029 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P5041 P5519 P6205 50400 50400 50400 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 50200 50200 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 34 zuliste.indd 34 09.05.2008 10:55:09 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 12.0406.74-10.89 10.89-01.95 05.9908.0102.0102.0110.0508.0104.0108.0310.0503.0603.0603.0603.0609.88-10.93 09.88-08.91 01.91-10.93 01.91-10.93 09.88-08.91 01.91-10.93 05.93-06.98 08.96-06.98 06.94-08.96 06.96-06.98 05.93-06.98 05.93-06.98 06.98-10.01 06.98-10.01 06.98-10.01 10.01-11.04 10.01-11.04 01.0501.0502.0610.83-08.86 10.83-12.91 12.0112.0112.0111.0303.0001.0409.0004.0108.0408.0408.04- O75 049 049 069 068 068 068 068 249 249 249 249 068 068 249 249 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 068 068 068 068 068 068 068 068 048 049 025 249 249 249 025 025 025 249 249 249 249 56205 54579 54579 57024 57029 57029 57029 57029 60032 60032 60032 60032 57029 57029 60032 60032 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57029 57029 57029 57029 57029 57029 57029 57029 54577 54579 56219 60032 60032 60032 56219 56219 56219 60032 60032 60032 60032 P6205 50200 50400 50400 Running Bull AGM HYUNDAI Continued Matrix 1.5 CRDi Pony 1.2,1.4 Pony ( x 2 ) 1.3, 1.5, 1.5i Santamo 2.0L Santa Fe 2.0L Santa Fe 2.4L 16v Santa Fe 2.7L V6 4x4 Santa Fe 2.7L Santa Fe 2.0CRDi Santa Fe 2.0CRDi 4x4 Santa Fe 2.0CRDi Santa Fe 2.2CRDi Santa Fe 2.7 Santa Fe 2.7 V6 Santa Fe 2.2CRDi Santa Fe 2.2CRTD CDX7 Sonata MK1 1.8i Sonata MK1 2.0Li Sonata MK1 2.0Li Sonata MK1 2.0Li 16v Sonata MK1 2.4i Sonata MK1 3.0L V6i Sonata MK11 1.8i Sonata MK11 2.0Li Sonata MK11 2.0Li Sonata MK11 2.0Li 16v Sonata MK11 2.0Li 16v Sonata MK11 3.0L 16v Sonata MK111 2.0Li 16v Sonata MK111 2.5 V6 24v Sonata MK111 2.4 16v Sonata MK IV 2.0L Sonata MK IV 2.7L Sonata MK V 2.4L Sonata MK V 3.3L Sonata MK V 2.0LCRDi Stellar 1.4 Stellar 1.6 Terracan 2.0L Terracan 2.5TD Terracan 2.9CRDi Terracan 2.9CRDi Trajet 2.0L Trajet 2.0L Trajet 2.7L V6 Trajet 2.0L CRDi Tucson 2.0L Tucson 2.0L AWD Tucson 2.7L AWD P7024 P7029 P7029 P7029 P7029 P10032 P10032 P10032 P10032 P7029 P7029 P10032 P10032 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7029 P7029 P7029 P7029 P7029 P7029 P7029 P7029 P6219 P10032 P10032 P10032 P6219 P6219 P6219 P10032 P10032 P10032 P10032 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50400 50400 50300 50300 50300 50300 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 35 zuliste.indd 35 09.05.2008 10:55:13 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 08.0408.0401.0601.0612.9812.9804.03- 249 249 249 249 O75 O75 O75 60032 60032 60032 60032 56205 56205 56205 P10032 P10032 P10032 P10032 P6205 P6205 P6205 50200 50200 50200 07.93-03.00 07.93-12.94 12.94-03.00 07.93-03.00 07.93-12.94 12.94-03.00 10.9710.9710.9710.9710.99-11.01 11.0103.0003.00-09.00 03.0010.0108.0382- 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 249 049 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60033 60032 54579 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10032 01.9201.9209.0404.05- 249 069* 069* 069* 57024 57024 57024 57024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 50500 50500 50500 50500 03- 096 57405 P7405 50500 8906.85-12.88 06.85-12.88 04.86-12.90 01.83-12.90 01.83-12.90 01.83-12.90 02.88-12.90 02.88-12.90 02.88-12.90 02.88-12.90 069 069 069 069 250 250 250 005L 005L 005L 068 57024 57024 57024 57024 60033 60033 60033 56068 56068 56068 57029 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P10033 P10033 P10033 P6068 P6068 P6068 P7029 50500 50500 50500 50500 Running Bull AGM HYUNDAI Continued Tucson 2.0L CRDi Tucson 2.0L CRDi AWD Tucson 2.0L CRDi Tucson 2.0L CRDi AWD XG 25 XG 30/300 XG 350 HYUNDAI LCV H100 Bus 2.4 A704 H100 Bus 2.5D H100 Bus 2.5D H100 Bus 2.5TD H100 Box 2.5D H100 Box 2.5D H-1 Bus 2.4 H-1 Bus 2.4 4wd H-1 Bus 2.5D H-1 Bus 2.5TD H-1 Bus 2.5TD H-1 Bus 2.5TD H-1 Box 2.4 H-1 Box 2.5TD H-1 Box 2.5TD H-1 Box 2.5TD H-1 Box 2.5CRDi Pony Pick Up 50400 HUMMER H1 6.5D H1 6.5TD H2 6.0L H3 3.5L * needs to be fitted with set of american terminals Invicta S1 ISUZU Amigo Campo 2.0L Campo 2.0L 4WD Campo 2.2L Campo 2.2D 4WD Campo 2.5D Campo 2.5D 4WD Gemini JT 1.5 Gemini JT 1.6 Gti 16v Gemini JT 1.5D Gemini JT 1.5TD Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 36 zuliste.indd 36 09.05.2008 10:55:16 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 55041 55041 55041 55041 57029 55041 55041 57029 60032 60032 60032 60032 60032 60032 60033 60033 60033 56069 56069 60033 60033 57024 57024 57024 57024 57024 60033 57024 60033 P5041 P5041 P5041 P5041 P7029 P5041 P5041 P7029 P10032 P10032 P10032 P10032 P10032 P10032 P10033 P10033 P10033 P6069 P6069 P10033 P10033 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P10033 P7024 P10033 57024x2 54409 54409 54409 57024 57024 57024 54409 54409 57024 57024 57024 57024 54409 54409 57024 P7024x2 P4409 P4409 P4409 P7024 P7024 P7024 P4409 P4409 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P4409 P4409 P7024 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM ISUZU Continued Gemini 1.5 01.90-12.93 004L Gemini 1.6 97KW 01.90-12.93 004L Gemini 1.6 132 KW 01.90-12.93 004L Gemini 1.8 01.90-12.93 004L Gemini 1.7TD 01.90-12.93 068 Impulse 1.6 71KW 01.90-12.93 004L impulse 1.6 120KW 01.90-12.93 004L Piazza 2.0L Turbo 06.81-12.90 068 Rodeo Denver Max 2.4 4x4 05.02249 Rodeo Denver Max 3.5 V6 24v 05.02249 Rodeo Denver Max 2.5D 4x4 05.02249 Rodeo Denver Max 2.5D 01.07249 Rodeo Denver Max 3.0LD 4x4 05.02249 Rodeo Denver Max 3.0LD 01.07249 Trooper 2.2D 4x4 05.84-12.91 250 Trooper ( UBS55 ) 2.8TD 71kw 10.87-12.91 250 Trooper ( UBS55 ) 2.8TD 78kw 10.88-12.91 250 Trooper Open Off Road 2.3 ( UBS16 ) 11.85-12.91 005R Trooper Open Off Road 2.6i ( UBS17 ) 10.87-12.91 005R Trooper Open Off Road 2.2D 4x4 05.84-07.89 250 Trooper Open Off Road 2.2TD ( UBS52 ) 03.84-12.91 250 Trooper UB 3.2 08.91-07.98 069 Trooper UB 3.1 08.91-07.98 069 Trooper UB Open Off Road 3.2 08.91-07.98 069 Trooper UB Open Off Road 3.1 08.91-07.98 069 Trooper 3.5 V6 24v 05.98069 x 2 Trooper 3.0L Dti 05.98250 Trooper Open Off Road 3.5 V6 24v 04.00069 x 2 Trooper Open Off Road 3.0L Dti 04.00250 Tip for all Troopers where 2 batteries fitted check layout as sometimes they fit 1xP7024 + 1xP7029 or 2 of the same some may have to have flat top because of the way they bracket if top hold down use Power Bull or Uni Bull 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 ISUZU LCV Grafter Truck All Variations CV Midi Bus 2.0L ( 98000 ) Midi Bus 2.0L 4WD ( 94000 ) Midi Bus 2.0TD ( 98000 ) Midi Bus 2.2DL ( 98000 ) Midi Bus 2.2D ( 94000 ) Midi Bus 2.4D ( 98000 ) Midi Van 2.0L ( 98000 ) Midi Van 2.0L 4WD ( 94000 ) Midi Van 2.0TD ( 98000 ) Midi Van 2.2DL ( 98000 ) Midi Van 2.2D ( 94000 ) Midi Van 2.4TD ( 98000 ) Midi Box 2.0L ( 98000N ) Midi Van 2.0L 4WD ( 98000N ) Midi Van 2.2DL ( 98000N ) 01.8901.8901.8901.8901.8901.9401.8901.8901.8901.8901.8901.9406.8809.8801.89- 069 x 2 076 076 076 069 069 069 076 076 069 069 069 069 076 076 069 50500x2 50100 50100 50100 50500 50500 50500 50100 50100 50500 50500 50500 50500 50100 50100 50500 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 37 zuliste.indd 37 09.05.2008 10:55:19 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 09.8802.9409.98- 069 069 069 x 2 069 x 2 57024 57024 57024x2 57024x2 P7024 P7024 P7024x2 P7024x2 50500 50500 50500x2 50500x2 72-97 9469-80 81-84 84-86 64-72 71-74 04.0201.9901.99-04.02 04.0206.0403.02-10.05 06.0106.0107.03-10.05 10.0502.0402.0402.04-10.05 10.0502,0805.75-10.86 09.85-12.86 09.79-12.87 08.8610.86-12.92 07.85-12.92 09.81-12.92 089 089 089 089 088 089 088 019 019 019 019 019 025 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 019 089 025 089 025 025 025 025 57089 57089 57089 57089 57088 57089 57088 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 56219 58014 58014 58014 58014 58014 58014 58014 58014 60044 57089 56205 57089 56219 56219 56219 56219 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7029 P7024 P7029 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P6219 P8014 P8014 P8014 P8014 P8014 P8014 P8014 P8014 P10044 P7024 P6219 P7024 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 10.86-08.90 09.90-11.94 10.86-08.89 09.89-11.94 03.93-11.94 025 025 025 096 019 56219 56219 56219 57405 60044 P6219 P6219 P6219 P7412 P10044 11.94-07.97 11.94-07.97 11.94-07.97 11.94-07.97 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 07.97-05.03 07.97-05.03 019 019 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 ISUZU LCV Continued Midi Van 2.2D ( 98000N ) Midi Van 2.4TD ( 98000N ) NPR Truck Series All Variations CV NQR Truck Series All Variations CV JAGUAR Daimler Double six Daimler Six Daimler Sovereign 2.8,3.4,4.2 Daimler Sovereign 4.2 Daimler Sovereign 4.2 E - Type 4.2 E - Type 5.3 V12 S-TYPE 2.5 V6 S-TYPE 3.0 V6 S-TYPE 4.0 V8 S-TYPE 4.2 V8 S-TYPE 2.7D X-TYPE 2.0 V6 X-TYPE 2.5 V6 X-TYPE 3.0 V6 X-TYPE 2.0D X-TYPE 2.2D X-TYPE ESTATE 2.5 X-TYPE ESTATE 3.0 X-TYPE ESTATE 2.0D X-TYPE ESTATE 2.2D X F ALL MODELS XJ6 3.4 XJ6 4.2 XJ6 4.2 XJ12 5.3 XJ SOVEREIGN V12 XJ SOVEREIGN V12 XJ12 H.E. XJ ( XJ40,81 ) XJ6 2.9 XJ6 3.2 24V XJ6 3.6 XJ6 4.0 XJ6 V12 6.0 XJ ( X300 ) XJ6 3.2 XJ6 SOVEREIGN 4.0 XJR SUPERCHARGED 4.0 XJ12 6.0 XJ ( NAW,NBW ) XJ8 3.2 XJ8 4.0 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 50300 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50500 57001 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 38 zuliste.indd 38 09.05.2008 10:55:23 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 07.97-05.03 019 60044 P10044 59501 05.0305.0305.0305.0310.05-87 01.88-05.92 08.87-12.89 10.83-12.88 05.91-09.94 07.94-03.96 01.86-12.89 01.86-12.89 01.88-06.91 05.91-08.93 01.88-05.92 07.81-12.87 05.93-03.96 83-87 08.87-05.91 08.87-05.91 10.86-12.88 05.91-09.94 07.94-03.96 07.85-05.92 01.86-05.88 01.88-09.91 05.91-08.93 01.88-05.92 09.85-12.90 05.93-03.96 03.9602.9808.0208.02- 019 019 019 019 019 088 025 025 025 025 025 025 025 025 025 025 025 019 088 025 025 025 025 025 025 025 025 025 025 025 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 57088 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 60044 57088 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 56219 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P7029 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P10044 P7029 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 03.9602.9808.0208.0203.0603.0603.0603.0603.06- 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 JAGUAR Continued XJR 4.0 XJ XJ6 3.0 XJ8 3.5 XJ8 4.2 XJR4.2 XJ6 2.7D XJS 3.6,5.3 XJS COUPE 3.6 136KW XJS COUPE 3.6 156KW XJS COUPE 3.6 162KW XJS COUPE 4.0 XJS COUPE 4.0 XJS COUPE 5.3H.E XJS COUPE 5.3 197KW XJS COUPE 5.3 202KW XJS COUPE 5.3 207KW XJS COUPE 5.3 211KW XJS COUPE 5.3HE XJS COUPE 6.0 XJSC CONVERTIBLE 3.6,5.3 XJSC CONVERTIBLE 3.6 136KW XJSC CONVERTIBLE 3.6 156KW XJSC CONVERTIBLE 3.6 162KW XJSC CONVERTIBLE 4.0 XJSC CONVERTIBLE 4.0 XJSC CONVERTIBLE 5.3 H.E 194KW XJSC CONVERTIBLE 5.3 197KW XJSC CONVERTIBLE 5.3 202KW XJSC CONVERTIBLE 5.3 207KW XJSC CONVERTIBLE 5.3 211KW XJSC CONVERTIBLE 5.3 H.E 217KW XJSC CONVERTIBLE 6.0 XK8 COUPE 4.0 209KW XK8 COUPE 4.0 267KW XK8 COUPE 4.2 XKR COUPE 4.2 XK8 CONVERTIBLE ( QDV ) XK8 CONVERTIBLE 4.0 XK8 CONVERTIBLE 4.0 XK8 CONVERTIBLE 4.2 XKR CONVERTIBLE 4.2 XK COUPE 4.2 XK8 XK COUPE 4.2 XKR XK COUPE 4.2 XKR XK CONVERTIBLE 4.2 XK8 XK CONVERTIBLE 4.2 XKR 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 59501 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 39 zuliste.indd 39 09.05.2008 10:55:26 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 01.83-12.87 01.84-12.87 01.72-12.87 01.83-12.87 01.83-12.87 11.9612.9107.9802.9901.9506.89-03.92 10.8401.8810.9509.0108.0309.0109.0111.0211.0409.0509.0509.0504.0609.0609.06- 048 048 048 644 644 096 096 096 096 05083899AA 05083899AA 05083899AA 096 AGM FITTED AGM FITTED 019 019 019 019 AGM FITTED AGM FITTED 54577 54577 54577 59018 59018 56011 56011 56011 56011 56011 57405 57405 57405 57405 56011 56011 56011 57405 USE UNI USE UNI 60044 60044 60044 60044 USE UNI USE UNI 10.95-04.99 09.91-04.99 09.91-04.99 01.92-04.99 10.95-04.99 09.92-04.99 08.97-04.99 10.95-04.99 096R 096R 096R 096R 096R 096R 096R 096R 57233 57233 57233 57233 57233 57233 57233 57233 04.99- 10.02 10.0204.99-08.00 08.0006.0310.0110.0104.99- 096R 096 110 110 110 110 017 019 57233 57405 58014 58014 58014 58014 58820 60044 P7412 P8014 P8014 P8014 P8014 P8820 P10044 06.0506.0506.0503.06- 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM JEEP CJ5 - CJ8 2.0L CJ5 - CJ8 2.5 CJ5 - CJ8 4.2 CJ5 - CJ8 2.1D CJ5 - CJ8 2.4D Cherokee ( XJ ) 2.5i 87kw Cherokee ( XJ ) 2.5i 90kw Cherokee ( XJ ) 4.0Li 127kw Cherokee ( XJ ) 4.0Li 135kw Cherokee ( XJ ) 4.0Li 131kw Cherokee ( XJ ) 2.1TD Cherokee ( XJ ) 2.1TD Cherokee ( XJ ) 2.5TD Cherokee ( XJ ) 2.5TD Cherokee ( KJ ) 2.4 Cherokee ( KJ ) 3.7 V6 150kw Cherokee ( KJ ) 3.7 V6 155kw Cherokee ( KJ ) 2.5CRD Cherokee ( KJ ) 2.8CRD 110kw Cherokee ( KJ ) 2.8CRD 120kw Commander 3.7 V6 Commander 4.7 V8 Commander 5.7 V8 Commander 3.0L CRD Compass 2.4 Compass 2.0L CRD Grand Cherokee MK 1 ( Z ) Grand Cherokee 4.0Li ( Z ) Grand Cherokee 4.0Li ( ZJ ) 132kw Grand Cherokee 4.0Li ( ZJ ) 135kw Grand Cherokee 5.2i ( ZJ ) 155kw Grand Cherokee 5.2 ( Z ) Grand Cherokee 5.2i ( ZJ ) 158kw Grand Cherokee 5.9i Grand Cherokee 2.5TD ( Z ) Grand Cherokee MK11 ( WJ, WG ) Grand Cherokee MK 11 4.0L Grand Cherokee MK 11 4.0L Grand Cherokee MK 11 4.7 V8 Grand Cherokee MK 11 4.7 V8 Grand Cherokee MK 11 4.7 V8 Grand Cherokee MK 11 4.7 V8 Grand Cherokee MK 11 2.7CRD Grand Cherokee MK 11 3.1TD Grand Cherokee MK111 ( WH ) Grand Cherokee MK 111 3.7 V6 Grand Cherokee MK 111 4.7 V8 Grand Cherokee MK 111 5.7 V8 Grand Cherokee MK 111 6.1 V8 50400 50400 50400 P7412 P7412 P7412 P7412 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 P7412 BULL BULL P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 BULL BULL 50500 50300 50300 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 50300 50300 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 59501 59501 50500 50500 50500 50500 59501 59501 59501 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 40 zuliste.indd 40 09.05.2008 10:55:30 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 06.050701.8812.91-08.96 12.91-08.96 08.86-08.89 11.0208.9606.9808.03 08.9602.06- 019 AGM FITTED 60044 USE UNI 56011 56011 56011 56011 P10044 BULL 50500 50300 59501 04634958 04634958 04634958 04634958 04634958 04634958 096 57405 P7405 50500 57001 72-76 69-91 2000- 049 069 069 54579 57024 57024 P7024 P7024 50400 50500 50500 11.00-07.02 07.0207.0208.0407.0211.0509.0609.0612.0612.0612.0612.0612.0609.0709.0709.0709.0709.0704.0404.0407.0504.0407.9607.9605.9805.9809.0102.0005.0105.01- 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 069 249 068 249 012 012 012 068 068 012 012 012 068 068 O75 O75 068 068 027/065 O75 027/065 O75 069 069 075 068 55519 55519 55519 55519 57024 60032 58009 60032 54459 54459 54459 57029 57029 54459 54459 54459 57029 57029 56205 56205 58009 58009 55519 56205 55519 56205 57024 57024 56205 58009 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P7024 P10032 P7029 P10032 55003 55003 55003 P7029 P7029 55003 55003 55003 P7029 P7029 P6205 P6205 P7029 P7029 P5519 P6205 P5519 P6205 P7024 P7024 P6205 P7029 JEEP Continued Grand Cherokee MK 111 3.0L CRD Patriot Wrangler MK 1 2.5 Wrangler MK 1 2.5 Wrangler MK 1 4.0L Wrangler MK 1 4.2L Wrangler MK 11 2.4 Wrangler MK 11 2.5 Wrangler MK 11 4.0 Wrangler MK 11 4.0L Rubicon Wrangler MK 11 4.0 Wrangler MK 11 3.8 Wrangler MK11 JK Diesel JENSEN Healey Interceptor S - V8 KIA Carens MK1 1.8 Carens MK11 1.6 Carens MK11 1.8 Carens MK11 2.0L CVVT Carens MK11 2.0L CRDi Carens MK11 2.0L CRDi Carens MK111 2.0L CVVT Carens MK111 2.0L CRDi CEE'D Hatchback 1.4 CEE'D Hatchback 1.6 CEE'D Hatchback 2.0L CEE'D Hatchback 1.6 CRDi 90 CEE'D Hatchback 1.6 CRDi 115 CEE'D Estate 1.4 CEE'D Estate 1.6 CEE'D Estate 2.0 CEE'D Estate 1.6 CRDi 90 CEE'D Estate 1.6 CRDi 115 Cerato 1.6 Cerato 2.0 Cerato 1.5 CRDi Cerato 2.0L CRDi Clarus K9a 1.8i 16v Clarus K9a 2.0Li 16v Clarus Estate GC 1.8i 16v Clarus Estate GC 2.0Li 16v Joice 2.0L Joice 2.0L Magentis 2.0L Magentis 2.5 V6 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50100 50100 50100 50300 50300 50100 50100 50100 50500 50500 50200 50200 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50300 50500 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 41 zuliste.indd 41 09.05.2008 10:55:33 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull 11.0511.0504.0693-99 9909.0310.0609.0504.0411.0501.9101.9010.9601.9001.9008.9905.0006.9909.00-02.05 09.00-02.05 03.0503.0503.0508.99939308.99-10.01 08.99-10.01 10.0107.0210.01 10.0110.97-03.01 10.97-03.01 03.96-12.98 10.97-10.01 05.01-08.04 04.03-08.04 05.01-0504 08.0212.0608.0208.0212.0604.94-08.99 10.00-08.03 10.00-08.03 10.00-08.03 04.94-08.03 075 075 068 56205 56205 57029 56012 55519 58009 57029 53504 53504 56069 55041 55041 55041 55041 55041 55041 56068 60032 56068 56068 56205 56205 57029 56205 56068 60032 57029 57029 57029 57029 60032 60032 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 60033 60033 60032 60032 60033 56011 57024 57024 57024 57024 Power Bull Uni Bull P7029 50300 50300 50500 Running Bull AGM KIA Continued Magentis 2.0L Magentis 2.7 Magentis 2.0L CRDi Mentor ( Sephia ) 1.5,1.6,1.8 Mentor MK11 1.5,1.6 Opirus 3.5 Opirus 3.8 V6 Picanto 1.0L Picanto 1.1L Picanto 1.1D Pride 1.1i Pride 1.3 16v 44kw Pride 1.3 16v Pride 1.3i Pride 1.3 16v 53kw Pride Estate 1.3 Retona 2.0L 16V Retona 2.0LTD Rio 1.3 Rio 1.5 Rio MK11 1.4 16V Rio MK11 1.6 16V Rio MK11 1.5 CRDi Roadster 1.8 Rocsta Rocsta Diesel Sedona UP 2.5V6 Sedona UP 2.5V6 Sedona MK11 2.5 V6 Sedona MK11 3.5 Sedona MK11 2.9CRDi Sedona MK11 2.9TD Shuma 1.5i 16V Shuma 1.8i 16V Shuma Saloon 1.5 Shuma Saloon 1.5i 16v Shuma MK11 1.6 Shuma MK11 1.8 Shuma MK11 Saloon 1.6 Sorento 2.4 Sorento 3.3 V6 Sorento 3.5 V6 Sorento 2.5CRDi Sorento 2.5CRDi Sportage 2.0 16V Sportage 2.0 Sportage 2.0 4WD Sportage 2.0i Sportage 2.0i 16V 4WD 027/065 068 068 054 054 005R 004L 004L 004L 004L 004L 004L 005L 249 005L 005L 075 075 068 O75 005L 249 068 068 068 068 249 249 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 250 250 249 249 250 111 069 069 069 069 P5519 P7029 P7029 base hold down base hold down 50200 P5041 P5041 P5041 P5041 P5041 P5041 P6068 P10032 P6068 P6068 P7029 P6205 P6068 P10032 P7029 P7029 P7029 P7029 P10032 P10032 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P10033 P10033 P10032 P10032 P10033 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 42 zuliste.indd 42 09.05.2008 10:55:36 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 10.97-08.03 09.0409.0409.0409.0401.0601.06- 250 005L 005L 068 249 249 249 60033 56068 56068 57029 60032 60032 60032 P10033 P6068 P6068 P7029 P10032 P10032 P10032 9302.9601.0310.99- 004L 249 096 249 55041 60032 57405 60032 P5041 P10032 P7405 P10032 76798387- 071 071 078 071 56049 56049 55518 56049 P7024 P7024 P7024 74-91 900382-87 02- 069 096 096 069 096 57024 57405 57405 57024 57405 57405 P7024 P7412 P7412 P7024 P7412 P7412 75758084-86 7576-84 77-85 82-91 85-88 81-84 85-91 85-88 063-54063 077 077 077 077 078 077 077 067 077 063-54063 077 54409 54413 54413 54413 54413 55518 54413 54413 56613 54413 54409 54413 P4409 86-90 86-90 83-90 90909889-99 069 663 663 069 069 663 072 57024 60528 60528 57024 57024 60528 57072 P7024 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 50500 57001 KIA Continued Sportage 2.0TD 4WD Sportage 2.0 16V Sportage 2.0 16V 4WD Sportage 2.7 V6 4WD Sportage 2.0 CRDi 4WD Sportage 2.0 CRDi Sportage 2.0 CRDi 4WD KIA LCV Pride Van 1.3 Besta Box 2.2D K2500 2.5D K2700 2.7D LADA 1.2,1.3,1.5,1.6 Niva Riva Samara 50200 LAMBORGHINI Countach Diablo Gallardo Jalpa Murcielago All Models 50500 50500 57001 57001 50500 50500 57001 57001 LANCIA Beta Coupe Spider,Hpe Beta Saloon Delta Delta Turbo Fulvia Gamma Saloon,Coupe Montecarlo Prisma Thema Trevi Y10 Y10 Turbo P6613 P4409 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 50200 50100 50300 50100 50100 50100 57001 LAND ROVER 90/110 90 Petrol 2.3 90/110 110 Diesel 2.5 V8 Defender Petrol Defender Diesel 2.5TDi,2.5TD5 V8 Discovery Petrol P7024 P7024 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 43 zuliste.indd 43 09.05.2008 10:55:40 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM LAND ROVER Continued V8 3.5, 3.9 89-94 072 Discovery Diesel 2.5TDi 89-94 072 Discovery MK2 2.0petrol 94069 Discovery MK2 3.9V8,4.0V8 94069 Discovery MK2 2.5,2.5 T5 94-00 072 Discovery MK2 2.5,2.5 T5 00-04 USA* Discovery 3 Petrol 4.4 04019 Discovery3 Diesel 2.7td 04019 Freelander Petrol 1.816v,1.8i 16v 98O75 Freelander Petrol 2.5 V6 00O75 Freelander Petrol 2.0Di,2.0td4 00096 Freelander 2, 2.2 P 06110 Freelander 2, 3.2 06110 Land Rover Petrol 58-82 071 Land Rover Diesel 71-86 663 Range Rover Petrol 70-90 069 Range Rover Diesel 2.4 86-90 072 Range Rover MK2 Petrol 3.9,4.0,4.6 94-02 072 Range Rover MK2,Diesel 2.5d 94-02 664 Range Rover MK3 Diesel 3.0TD6 02663 Range Rover MK3 4.2,4.4,4.6 02017 Range Rover Diesel,Sport 2.7,TDVM 05USA* Range Rover Petrol Sport 4.2,4.4, 05O17 Range Rover Sport Petrol 06110 Range Rover Sport 06O19 Range Rover 3.0LD TD6 ( D30 ) -07 Range Rover 4.4 V8 Efi ( AJ ) -07 Range Rover 4.2 V8 Supercharged ( AT ) -07 Range Rover 3.6 D ( Lion ) 07017 Range Rover 4.2 V8 Supercharged Petrol 07O19 Range Rover 4.4 V8 Petrol 07O19 * Where the centrally terminalled USA battery is fitted it is sometimes possible to fit a 60033,or P10033. by moving the battery cables to one side.Check leads for fowling before fitting 57072 57072 57024 57024 57072 60045* 60044 60044 56205 56205 57405 58014 58014 57024 60528 57024 57072 57072 60527 60528 58820 60045* 60044 58014 60044 61042 61042 61042 58820 60044 60044 P7024 P7024 P10033* P10044 P10044 P6205 P6205 P7405 P8014 P8014 P7024 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 P7024 P10044 P10033* P10044 P8014 P10044 59501 P8820 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 LDV 200,300 Petrol 200,300,400 Diesel Convoy Cub Diesel Maxus Pilot -88 -02 02980500- 071 O75 069 250 019 069 56049 56205 57024 60033 60044 57024 P7024 P6205 P7024 P10033 P10044 P7024 12.89-09.91 09.91-12.97 03.93-08.97 10.00-03.05 08.97-10.00 12.97-11.00 11.00-03.05 55D 23L 55D 23L 55D 23L 80D26R 80D26R 80D26R 80D26R 56068 56068 56068 57024 57024 57024 57024 P6068 P6068 P6068 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 50300 50200 50500 57001 59501 50500 LEXUS ES250 ES300 GS 300 GS300 GS300T3 GS400 GS430 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 44 zuliste.indd 44 09.05.2008 10:55:43 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 04.0504.0502.0604.9909.0110.0210.0110.0510.0512.89-12.94 12.94-08.97 09.9809.9710.0004.0610.00-05.03 05.0309.0509.0402.0608.01- 80D26L 80D26L 80D26L 55D 23L 55D 23L 55D 23L 55D 23L 80D26L 115D31L 115D31L 115D31L 115D31L 115D31L 80D26R 115D31L 80D26L 80D26L 043 043 80D26L 80D26L 58009 58009 58009 56068 56068 56068 56068 58009 60032 60032 60032 60032 60032 57024 60032 58009 58009 54523 54523 58009 58009 P7029 P7029 P7029 P6068 P6068 P6068 P6068 P7029 P10032 P10032 P10032 P10032 P10032 P7024 P10032 P7029 P7029 P4523 P4523 P7029 P7029 54409 53228 P4409 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM LEXUS Continued GS300 GS430 GS450h IS200 IS300 IS200 Sportcross IS300 Sportcross IS250 IS220D LS400 LS400 LS400 203kw LS400 209kw LS430 LS460 RX300 V6 RX300 RX400h FWD RX400h RX350 SC430 4.3 VVTi 50400 50400 Ligier J512 J56 50100 LOTUS Eclat Eclat Elan Elise Elite Esprit S3,S3 Turbo Esprit Excel Exige 1.8 75-82 829096-91 81818209.01- 085 O75 O75 076 015 O75 015 O75 076 54317 56205 56205 54409 54880 56205 54880 56205 54409 P6205 P4409 50100 50200 50200 50100 50400 50200 50400 50200 50100 017 067 58820 56613 P8820 P6613 50500 50300 069 O75 O75 096 078 019 096 096 57024 56219 56219 57405 55518 60044 57405 57405 P7024 P6219 P6219 P7412 P6205 P6205 P4409 P6205 MAHINDRA Indian 340 540 Brave, Chef ,cj3 Marksman 59501 57001 MASERATI Bora Biturbo 2.5 Biturbo 2.8 Coupe 4.2 Ghibli 430 V6 Ghibli GT 3200 Karif 7284-94 84-94 0488929988- P10044 P7412 P7412 50200 50200 50500 50200 59501 50500 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 45 zuliste.indd 45 09.05.2008 10:55:47 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 72047276-94 94-99 99-2004 2004919104- O75 089 O75 069 096 096 096 078 078 O96 56205 57089 56205 57024 57405 57405 57405 55518 55518 57405 P6205 P7024 P6205 P7024 P7412 P7412 P7412 50200 09.0209.05- AGM Only AGM Only Running Bull AGM MASERATI Continued Khamsin Kyalami Merak Quattroporte Quattroporte 2.8 V6 24 valve Quattroporte 3.2 V8 Quattroporte 4.2 F136 Shamal V8 Spider V6 2.8 Spider 4.2 P7412 50200 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 MAYBACH 5.5L V12 57/62 6.0L V12 57S 59501 59501 MAZDA 121 Petrol 121 Petrol 2 Petrol 2 Diesel 3 Petrol 3 Diesel 1.6 3 Diesel 2.0 3 MPS 2.3 DISI 323 Petrol 323 Petrol 323 Diesel 5 Petrol 5 Diesel 6 Petrol 6 Diesel 6 MPS 2.3DISI 4WD 626 Petrol 626 Petrol 626 Diesel CX7 2.3L CX7 CD Demio MPV MX3 Petrol MX5 Petrol MX5 Petrol MX5 Petrol Import** MX5 Petrol MX6 Petrol Premacy RX7 Petrol RX7 Petrol Rx8 Petrol Tribute 8848B24L(S) 95063 02075HD 02096 0450D20L 0480D26L 0795D31L 0755D23L 81-88 50D20L 8850D20R 8855D23L 03.0550D20L 03.0575D26L 0255D23L 0295D31L 0755D23L 7955D23L -02 55D23L 8575D26L 0755D23L 02.089946B24LS 9895D31L 9275D26L 89-98* 46B24LS 99-05* 46B24LS ** SEE NOTES BELOW 0546B24LS 9275D26L 9875D26L 78-91 50D20R 9275D26L 10.0375D26L 01096 53520 54409 56205 57405 55041 60032 55041 55042 56068 55041 56068 60032 56068 56068 56068 60032 P4026 P4409 P6205 P7405 50100 50200 50500 P7024 P10032 P6068 P5041 P6068 P7029+ P6068 P10032 P6068 P6068 P6068 P7029+ P6068 P4523+ P10032 P7029+ P4523+ P4523+ 50400 P4523** P4523+ P7029+ P7029+ 55042 57405 P7029+ P7029+ P7405 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 46 zuliste.indd 46 09.05.2008 10:55:50 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. 9292- 75D26L Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull P7029+ 50500 Running Bull AGM MAZDA Continued Xedos 9 Petrol Xedos 6 Petrol 55716 +FLAT LID NEEDED IN MOST APPLICATIONS *OE BATTERY IS A DRY PANASONIC N/A CAN USE P4523, * CAN USE P4523 AS REPLACEMENT ** GREY IMPORTS CAN BE FITTED WITH P4523 IF OLDER MINI TYPE HOOK HOLD DOWN KIT IS USED MAZDA LCV B Series Petrol B Series Diesel E Series Petrol E 2000,Series Petrol E Series Diesel BT 50 Pick up 2.5 diesel 50D20R 75D26L 55D26R 50D20L 75D26L 95D31R 55042 57029 56049 55041 57029 60033 P7029 P7024 P5041 P7029 P10033 04.90-08.93 10.82-05.90 02.85-06.93 04.84-08.93 08.83-08.93 04.85-08.93 02.88-08.93 09.88-08.93 09.86-08.93 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 096 096 067 067 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 57405 56613 56613 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P6613 P6613 50300 50300 50300 50300 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 07.97-08.04 07.97-08.04 03.99-08.04 03.02-08.04 07.98-08.04 07.98-08.04 012 O75 096 096 096 096 55003 56205 57405 57405 57405 57405 P5003 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 50100 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 09.0409.0409.0409.0509.0409.0409.04- 025 025 025 096 096 096 096 56219 56219 56219 57405 57405 57405 57405 P6219 P6219 P6219 P7412 P7412 P7412 P7412 50300 50300 50300 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 03.0503.0503.0503.0503.0503.05- 025 025 025 025 096 096 56219 56219 56219 56219 57405 57405 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P7412 P7412 50300 50300 50300 50300 50500 50500 57001 57001 11.94-05.00 O75 56205 P6205 50300 07- 50500 50500 50300 50500 MERCEDES 190 ( W201 ) 190E 1,8 190 2.0 190E 2.0 190E 2.3 190D 2.0 190D 2.5 190TD 2.5 190E 2.5 190E 2.6 A-Class ( W168 ) A140 A160 A190 A210 A160 Cdi A170 Cdi A-Class ( W169 ) A150 A170 A200 A200 Turbo A160 Cdi A180 Cdi A200 Cdi B-Class ( W245 ) B150 B170 B200 B200 Turbo B180 Cdi B200 Cdi Tip for B-Class use AGM 57001 for Diesel Taxis C-Class ( W202 ) 03.93-05.00 C180 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 47 zuliste.indd 47 09.05.2008 10:55:53 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 56205 57405 56205 56205 57405 56205 57405 60044 60044 57405 60044 60044 57405 57405 57405 P6205 P7412 P6205 P6205 P7412 P6205 P7412 P10044 P10044 P7412 P10044 P10044 P7412 P7412 P7412 50300 50500 50300 50300 50500 50300 50500 56205 56205 60044 56205 60044 56205 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P6205 P6205 P10044 P6205 P10044 P6205 P7412 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 50300 50300 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 58014 60044 58014 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P8042 P10044 P8042 P10044 P10044 Running Bull AGM MERCEDES Continued C200 01.94-05.00 O75 C200 Kompressor 10.95-05.00 096 C220 03.93-05.00 O75 C230 06.96-06.97 O75 C230 Kompressor 10.95-05.00 096 C240 06.97-05.00 O75 C280 05.93-05.00 096 C36 AMG 05.94-05.00 019 C43 AMG 08.97-05.00 019 C200 D 03.93-05.00 096 C200 Cdi 03.98-05.00 019 C220 Cdi 09.97-05.00 019 C220 D 08.93-05.00 096 C250 D 05.93-05.00 096 C250 TD 10.95-05.00 096 Tip for C-Class check length before supply 56205=242mm long, 57405=278mm long, 60044=354mm long C-Class Esatate ( S202 ) 06.96-03.01 C180T 06.96-03.01 O75 C200T 06.96-03.01 O75 C200T Kompressor 11.96-03.01 019 C230T 06.96-06.98 O75 C230T Kompressor 06.97-03.01 019 C240T 06.97-03.01 O75 C280T 06.97-03.01 096 C43 AMG 08.97-03.01 019 C200T TD 10.96-03.01 019 C200T Cdi 03.98-03.01 019 C220T D 06.96-03.01 019 C220T ddi 09.97-03.01 019 C250T TD 06.96-03.01 019 Tip for C-Class check length before supply 56205=242mm long, 57405=278mm long, 60044=354mm long C-Class ( W203 ) 10-00 C180 10.00-05.02 019 C180 Kompressor 05.02-01.07 019 C200 Kompressor 05.00-01.07 019 C200 Cgi Kompressor 07.03019 C230 Kompressor 02.04019 C230 01.05-01.07 019 C240 05.00019 C280 01.05-01.07 019 C320 05.00019 C350 01.05019 C32 AMG Kompressor 02.01019 C55 AMG 02.04019 C200 Cdi 09.00-04.03 110 C200 Cdi 04.03019 C220 Cdi 05.00-02.04 110 C220 Cdi 02.04-01.07 019 C270 Cdi 12.00019 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 57001 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 59501 50300 59501 50300 50500 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 50500 59501 50500 59501 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 48 zuliste.indd 48 09.05.2008 10:55:57 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM MERCEDES Continued C30 Cdi AMG 01.03019 C320 Cdi 01.05-01.07 019 Tip for C200CDi + C220 Cdi check length if 315mm long supply P8042 if 354mm long supply P10044 C-Class T-Model ( S203 ) 03.01C180 03.01019 C180 Kompressor 05.02019 C200 Kompressor 03.01019 C200 Cgi Kompressor 07.03019 C230 Kompressor 02.04019 C230 01.05019 C240 03.01019 C280 01.05019 C320 03.01019 C350 01.05019 C32 AMG Kompressor 03.01019 C55 AMG 02.04019 C200 Cdi 03.01-04.03 110 C200 Cdi 04.03019 C220 Cdi 03.01-02.04 110 C220 Cdi 02.04019 C270 Cdi 03.01019 C30 Cdi AMG 01.03019 C320 Cdi 01.06019 Tip for C200CDi + C220 Cdi check length if 315mm long supply P8042 if 354mm long supply P10044 C-Class Coupe ( CL203 ) 03.01C160 Kompressor 05.02110 C180 Kompressor 05.02110 C180 03.01-05.02 110 C200 Kompressor 05.02019 C200 Kompressor 03.01-05.02110 C200 CGi Kompressor 07.03019 C230 Kompressor 03.01-05.02 110 C230 Kompressor 05.02019 C230 01.05019 C320 09.02019 C32 AMG Kompressor 05.02019 C350 01.05019 C200 Cdi 07.03019 C220 Cdi 03.01- 02.04 096 C220 Cdi 02.04019 C30 Cdi AMG 09.02019 Tip for C-Class Coupe check battery length before supply if 315mm long supply P8042 if 354mm long supply P10044 C-Class ( W204 ) 01.07C180 Kompressor 01.07096 C200 Kompressor 01.07096 C230 01.07096 C280 01.07096 C220 Cdi 01.07019 C320 Cdi 01.07019 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 58014 60044 58014 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P8042 P10044 P8042 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 59501 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 58014 58014 58014 60044 58014 60044 58014 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 57405 60044 60044 P8042 P8042 P8042 P10044 P8042 P10044 P8042 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P7412 P10044 P10044 50500 50500 50500 57405 57405 57405 57405 60044 60044 P7412 P7412 P7412 P7412 P10044 P10044 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 59501 57001 59501 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 49 zuliste.indd 49 09.05.2008 10:56:00 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 56205 56205 57405 57405 60044 60044 P6205 P6205 P7412 P7412 P10044 P10044 50200 50200 50500 50500 56205 56205 57405 57405 60044 60044 P6205 P6205 P7412 P7412 P10044 P10044 50200 50200 50500 50500 57405 57405 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 57405 57405 60044 P7412 P7412 P7412 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P7412 P7412 P10044 50500 50500 50500 57405 57405 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P7412 P7412 P7412 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 50500 50500 50500 56205 56205 56205 56205 58820 58820 58820 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P8820 P8820 P8820 50200 50200 50200 50200 Running Bull AGM MERCEDES Continued CLK ( C208 ) 06.97-06.02 CLK 200 06.97-06.02 O75 CLK 200 Kompressor 06.97-06.02 O75 CLK 230 Kompressor 06.97-06.02 096 CLK 320 06.97-06.02 096 CLK 430 07.98-06.02 019 CLK 55 AMG 08.99-06.02 019 CLK Convertible ( A208 ) 03.98-03.02 CLK 200 03.98-03.02 O75 CLK 200 Kompressor 03.98-03.02 O75 CLK 230 Kompressor 03.98-03.02 096 CLK 320 03.98-03.02 096 CLK 430 09.98-03.02 019 CLK 55 AMG 01.00-03.02 019 CLK ( C209 ) 06.02CLK 200 Kompressor 09.02096 CLK 200 Cgi 07.03096 CLK 240 06.02096 CLK 280 01.05019 CLK 320 06.02019 CLK 350 01.05019 CLK 500 06.02019 CLK 55 AMG 09.02019 CLK DTM AMG 06.04019 CLK 63 AMG 04.06019 CLK 220 Cdi 01.05096 CLK 270 Cdi 10.02096 CLK 320 Cdi 01.05019 Tip- Check length before supply use P7412 or 57001( AGM )if 278mm long or P10044 or 59501 ( AGM ) if 354mm long CLK Convertible ( A209 ) 02.03CLK 200 Kompressor 02.03096 CLK 200 Cgi 07.03096 CLK 240 02.03096 CLK 280 01.05019 CLK 320 02.03019 CLK 350 01.05019 CLK 500 02.03019 CLK 55 AMG 02.03019 CLK 63 AMG 04.06019 Tip- Check length before supply use P7412 or 57001( AGM )if 278mm long or P10044 or 59501 ( AGM ) if 354mm long E Class Saloon ( W123 ) 02.76-12.85 200 06.80-11.85 O75 230E 04.80-12.85 O75 250 10.79-07.85 O75 280E 02.76-11.85 O75 200D 03.79-11.85 017 240D 03.79-11.85 017 300D 03.79-11.85 017 50500 50500 57001 57001 59501 59501 57001 57001 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 59501 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 50 zuliste.indd 50 09.05.2008 10:56:04 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 08.81-07.85 017 58820 P8820 11.80-11.85 04.80-11.85 09.77-11.85 03.79-12.85 03.79-11.85 10.80-11.85 O75 O75 O75 017 017 017 56205 56205 56205 58820 58820 58820 P6205 P6205 P6205 P8820 P8820 P8820 50200 50200 50200 04.80-12.85 03.77-11.85 09.81-07.85 O75 096 096 56205 57405 57405 P6205 P7405 P7405 50200 50500 50500 01.86-05.90 09.88-06.93 12.84-06.93 01.85-06.93 10.92-06.93 08.85-08.92 10.92-06.93 10.92-06.93 01.91-06.93 01.92-06.93 12.84-06.93 01.89-06.93 12.84-06.93 09.86-06.93 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 067 067 067 017 019 017 017 019 019 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56613 56613 56613 58820 60044 58820 58820 60044 60044 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6613 P6613 P6613 P8820 P10044 P8820 P8820 P10044 P10044 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 01.86-08.89 09.88-08.92 10.92-05.93 09.85-08.92 09.85-06.93 10.92-06.93 01.86-06.93 10.92-06.93 09.85-08.91 09.85-08.91 09.86-06.93 09.86-06.93 067 067 067 067 067 096 096 096 017 017 019 019 56613 56613 56613 56613 56613 57405 57405 57405 58820 58820 60044 60044 P6613 P6613 P6613 P6613 P6613 P7405 P7405 P7405 P8820 P8820 P10044 P10044 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 10.92-05.93 03.87-12.92 03.87-12.92 10.92-05.93 O75 O75 096 096 56205 56205 57405 57405 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 50200 50200 50500 50500 57001 57001 04.92-06.93 096 57405 P7405 50500 57001 06.93-06.95 O75 56205 P6205 50200 MERCEDES Continued 300TD E Class Estate ( S123 ) 03.79-12.85 200T 230TE 280TE 240T D 300T D 300T TD E Class Coupe ( C123 ) 03.77-12.85 230C E 280C E 300C TD E Class Saloon ( W124 ) 01.85-06.93 200 200E 230E 260E 280E 300E 320E 400E 500E 500EAMG 6.0 200D 250D 300D 300TD E Class Estate ( S124 ) 09.85-06.93 200T 200TE 220TE 230TE 260TE 280TE 300TE 320TE 200T D 250T D 300T D 300T TD E Class Coupe ( C124 ) 03.87-05.93 220CE 230CE 300CE 320CE E Class Cabriolet ( A124 ) 300CE E Class ( W124 ) 06.93-06.95 E200 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 51 zuliste.indd 51 09.05.2008 10:56:07 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 06.93-06.95 06.93-06.95 06.93-06.95 06.93-06.95 06.93-06.95 06.93-06.95 06.93-06.95 06.93-06.95 06.93-06.95 06.93-06.95 06.93-06.95 06.93-06.95 O75 096 096 096 096 096 019 019 019 019 019 019 56205 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 06.93-06.96 06.93-06.96 06.93-06.96 06.93-06.96 06.93-06.96 06.93-06.96 05.94-06.96 06.93-06.96 06.93-06.96 06.93-06.96 06.93-06.96 O75 O75 096 096 096 096 019 019 019 019 019 56205 56205 57405 57405 57405 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 06.93-06.97 06.93-06.97 06.93-06.97 06.93-06.97 O75 O75 096 019 56205 56205 57405 60044 P6205 P6205 P7405 P10044 50200 50200 50500 06.93-03.98 06.93-03.98 06.93-03.98 05.94-03.98 O75 O75 096 019 56205 56205 57405 60044 P6205 P6205 P7405 P10044 50200 50200 50500 06.95-08.00 06.97-03.02 06.95-06.97 06.97-03.02 01.96-03.02 06.95-03.02 01.96-06.97 06.97-03.02 02.96-08.97 08.97-03.02 01.96-03.02 06.98-03.02 06.95-03.02 06.98-07.99 096 019 096 096 096 019 019 019 019 019 096 096 019 096 57405 60044 57405 57405 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 57405 57405 60044 57405 P7405 P10044 P7405 P7405 P7405 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P7405 P7405 P10044 P7405 50500 Running Bull AGM MERCEDES Continued E220 E280 E300 E320 E420 E500 E60 AMG E200 D E250 D E250 TD E300 D E300 TD E Class Estate ( S124 ) 06.93-06.96 E200T E220T E280T E300T E300TE AMG E320T E36T AMG E250T D E250 TD E300T D E300T TD E Class Coupe ( C124 ) 06.93-06.97 E200 E220 E320 E36 AMG E Class Convertible ( A124 ) 06.93-03.98 E200 E220 E320 E36 AMG E Class ( W210 ) 06.95- 03.02 E200 E200 Kompressor E230 E240 E280 E320 E420 E430 E50 AMG E55 AMG E200 D E200 Cdi E220D E220Cdi 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 59501 57001 59501 57001 59501 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 59501 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 52 zuliste.indd 52 09.05.2008 10:56:11 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 025 096 025 096 096 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 56219 57405 56219 57405 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P6219 P7412 P6219 P7412 P7412 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 50300 50500 50300 50500 50500 096AGM 019AGM 096AGM 096AGM 019AGM 096AGM 019AGM 096AGM 096AGM 019AGM 096AGM 019AGM 096AGM 096AGM 019AGM 096AGM 096AGM 019AGM 57405 60044 57405 57405 60044 57405 60044 57405 57405 60044 57405 60044 57405 57405 60044 57405 57405 60044 P7412 P10044 P7412 P7412 P10044 P7412 P10044 P7412 P7412 P10044 P7412 P10044 P7412 P7412 P10044 P7412 P7412 P10044 50500 096AGM 019AGM 57405 60044 P7412 P10044 50500 Running Bull AGM MERCEDES Continued E250 D 06.95-07.99 E250 TD 06.97-03.02 E270 Cdi 07.99-03.02 E290 TD 03.96-07.99 E300 D 06.95-06.97 E300 TD 12.96-07.99 E320 Cdi 07.99-03.02 Tip Check length if 278mm use P7405 if 354mm long use P10044 E Class Estate ( S210 ) 06.96-03.03 E200 06.96-08.00 E200T Kompressor 06.97-03.03 E230T 06.96-06.97 E240T 06.97-03.03 E280T 12.96-03.03 E320T 12.96-03.03 E420T 06.96-06.97 E430T 06.97-03.03 E55T AMG 08.97-03.03 E220T Cdi 06.98-03.03 E250T D 06.96-07.99 E250T TD 06.96-07.99 E270T Cdi 07.99-03.03 E290T TD 06.96-07.99 E300T TD 12.96-03.03 E320T Cdi 07.99-03.03 Tip Check length if 242mm long use P6219 if 278mm use P7412 if 354mm long use P10044 E Class ( W211 ) 03.02E200 Kompressor 11.02E200 NGT 03.04E200 Cgi 11.02E240 03.02E280 03.05E320 03.02E350 03.05E500 03.02E55 AMG Kompressor 10.02E63 AMG 03.06E200 Cdi 07.02200 Cdi 04.06E220 Cdi 03.02E270 Cdi 03.02E280 Cdi 03.05E320 Cdi 11.02E400 Cdi 02.03E420 Cdi 01.06Tip Use AGM batteries as specified E Class Estate ( S211 ) 03.03E200T Kompressor 03.03E200 Kompressor 04.06- 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 59501 57001 57001 59501 57001 59501 57001 57001 59501 57001 59501 57001 57001 59501 57001 57001 59501 57001 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 53 zuliste.indd 53 09.05.2008 10:56:14 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 03.0303.0503.0303.0510.0307.0303.0603.0303.0303.0503.03- 096AGM 019AGM 096AGM 019AGM 096AGM 096AGM 019AGM 096AGM 096AGM 019AGM 096AGM 019AGM 57405 60044 57405 60044 57405 57405 60044 57405 57405 60044 57405 60044 P7412 P10044 P7412 P10044 P7412 P7412 P10044 P7412 P7412 P10044 P7412 P10044 50500 57001 59501 57001 59501 57001 57001 59501 57001 57001 59501 57001 59501 03.79-08.92 11.79-08.89 11.79-08.89 03.79-08.87 12.88-08.92 03.79-12.91 O75 O75 O75 56205 56205 56205 62523 62523 62523 P6205 P6205 P6205 50200 50200 50200 02.9302.9004.9207.97- O75 096 019 019 56205 57405 60044 60044 P6205 P7405 P10044 P10044 50200 50500 06.90-06.93 06.9009.9401.9509.9304.9804.9906.9010.0109.8908.9609.0609.9112.00- O75 O75 O75 019 019 019 019 096 019 019 019 019 019 019 56205 56205 56205 60044 60044 60044 60044 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P6205 P6205 P6205 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P7405 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 50200 50200 50200 06.90-02.93 09.89-09.97 09.94-11.97 11.9704.9812.90-09.97 09.9609.91-09.97 O75 O75 O75 O75 019 019 019 096 56205 56205 56205 56205 60044 60044 60044 57405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P10044 P10044 P10044 P7405 50200 50200 50200 50200 MERCEDES Continued E240T E280T E320T E350T E500T E55T AMG Kompressor E63 AMG E220T Cdi E270T Cdi E280T Cdi E320T Cdi E Class Diesel Taxi Tip Use AGM batteries as specified G Class ( W460 ) 03.79-07.93 230G 230GE 280GE 240GD 250GD 300GD G Class ( W461 ) 02.90230GE 250GD 290GD G290 TD G Class ( W463 ) 07.97230GE 300GE G320 G36 AMG G500E G500 G 55 AMG 250GD G270 Gdi 300GD G300 TD G320 Cdi 350G TD G400 Cdi G Class Cabrio ( W463 ) 04.98230GE 300GE 320GE G320 G500 300GD G300 TD 250G TD 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 54 zuliste.indd 54 09.05.2008 10:56:17 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 12.00- 019 60044 P10044 59501 09.0609.0609.0609.06- 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 02.98-06.05 02.98-08.02 08.02-06.05 02.98-06.05 09.01-06.05 02.00-06.05 12.99-06.05 09.01-06.05 017 017 019 019 019 019 019 019 58820 58820 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P8820 P8820 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 07.0507.0501.0607.0507.0502.06- 019 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 01.0601.0601.0605.0602.06- 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 09.85-06.91 12.79-07.85 10.79-07.85 01.86-06.91 12.79-08.85 10.85-12.87 12.79-06.91 10.85-06.91 027/065 027/065 096 096 017 017 019 019 55519 55519 57405 57405 58820 58820 60044 60044 P5519 P5519 P7405 P7405 P8820 P8820 P10044 P10044 02.93-10.98 01.93-10.98 03.91-10.98 01.93-10.98 02.91-10.98 01.93-10.98 02.91-10.98 01.93-10.98 04.91-12.92 05.96-10.98 01.93-10.98 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 MERCEDES Continued G400 Cdi GL Class ( X164 ) 09.06GL450 GL500 GL320 Cdi GL420 Cdi M Class ( W163 ) 02.98-06.05 ML230 ML320 ML350 ML430 ML500 ML 55 AMG ML270 Cdi ML400 Cdi M Class ( W164 ) 07.05ML350 4-Matic ML500 4-Matic ML 63 AMG 4-Matic ML280 Cdi 4-Matic ML320 Cdi 4-Matic ML420 Cdi 4-Matic R Class ( W251 ) 01.06R350 R500 R320 Cdi R280 Cdi R63 AMG S Class ( W126 ) 12.79-06.91 260SE 280S 280SE,SEL 300SE,SEL 380SE,SEL 420SE,SEL 500SE,SEL 560SE,SEL S Class ( W140 ) 02.91-1-.98 S280 300SE 2.8 300SE,SEL, S320 S420 400SE,SEL S500 500SE,SEL S600 600SE,SEL S300 TD S350 TD 50200 50200 50500 50500 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 55 zuliste.indd 55 09.05.2008 10:56:21 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 10.94-02.99 10.92-02.99 09.92-02.99 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 10.98-08.05 10.98-08.05 09.02-08.05 10.98-08.05 09.02-08.05 10.98-08.05 09.02-08.05 04.99-08.05 06.02-08.05 01.00-08.05 09.01-08.05 03.04-08.05 08.99-09.02 06.00-08.05 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 10.0512.0512.0510.0510.0512.0512.0510.0612.0510.0610.06- 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 03.99-03.06 10.99-03.06 06.02-03.06 09.02-03.06 09.01-03.06 09.03-03.06 019 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 06.0605.0610.0610.06- 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 10.0410.0401.0504.0601.05- 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 MERCEDES Continued S Class Coupe ( C140 ) 09.92-02.99 CL420 CL500 CL600 S Class ( W220 ) 10.98-08.05 S280 S320 S350 S430 S430 4-Matic S500 S500 4- Matic S55 AMG S55 AMG Kompressor S600 S 63 AMG S 65 AMG S320 Cdi S400 Cdi S Class ( W221 ) 10.05S350 S450 S450 4-Matic S500 S500 4-Matic S600 S 65 AMG S 63 AMG S320 Cdi S320 Cdi 4-Matic S420 Cdi S Class Coupe ( C215 ) 03.99CL500 CL 55 AMG CL 55 AMG Kompressor CL600 CL 63 AMG CL 65 AMG S Class Coupe ( C216 ) 05.06CL500 CL600 S 65 AMG S 63 AMG CLS ( C219 ) 10.04350 500 CLS 55 AMG CLS 63 AMG 320 Cdi Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 56 zuliste.indd 56 09.05.2008 10:56:24 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 06.76-07.85 09.85-08.89 05.71-02.80 09.80-08.85 01.86-08.89 10.72-10.80 05.80-08.89 O75 067 096 096 096 096 096 56205 56613 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 P6205 P6613 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 05.98-10.01 03.89-08.93 09.93-10.01 09.92-10.01 09.89-08.92 03.00-10.01 05.97-10.01 07.92-10.01 096 096 096 096 019 019 019 019 57405 57405 57405 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 P7412 P7412 P7412 P7412 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 50500 50500 50500 50500 03.03- Auxilliary Starter Auxilliary Starter Auxilliary Starter Auxilliary Starter Auxilliary Starter Auxilliary Starter Auxilliary Starter dealership only 35AH 130high dealership only 35AH 130high Running Bull AGM MERCEDES Continued SL Class ( R107 ) 05.71-08.89 280SL 300SL 350SL 380SL 420SL 450SL 500SL SL Class ( R129 ) 03.89-10.01 280 300SL 320 500 500SL 55 AMG 60 AMG 600 Tip- Check length before supply use P7412 or 57001( AGM ) if 278mm long or P10044 or 59501 ( AGM ) if 354mm long SL Class ( R320 ) 10.01350 500 55 AMG 55 AMG Kompressor 55 AMG 600 65 AMG Tip- must use AGM for auxilliary battery SLK ( R170 ) 09.96-04.04 200 200 Kompressor 230 Kompressor 320 32 AMG Kompressor SLK ( R171 ) 03.04200 Kompressor 280 350 55 AMG Tip check battery size before supply SLR ( R199 ) McLaren 045.4 10.0110.01-06.02 06.0203.0604.0303.04- 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 dealership only 35AH 130high dealership only 35AH 130high dealership only 35AH 130high dealership only 35AH 130high dealership only 35AH 130high 57001 57001 57001 57001 09.96-03.00 03.00-04.04 09.96-04.04 03.00-04.04 03.01-04.04 025 096 096 025 096 56219 57405 57405 56219 57405 P6219 P7412 P7412 P6219 P7412 50300 50500 50500 50300 50500 03.0401.0506.0406.04- 096 096 096 096 57405 57405 57405 57405 P7412 P7412 P7412 P7412 50500 50500 50500 50500 04.04- 096 AGM Starter 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 57 zuliste.indd 57 09.05.2008 10:56:28 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 10.06- 096 AGM 096 AGM Auxilliary Starter 02.97-07.03 10.96-07.03 08.97-07.03 03.99-07.03 03.99-07.03 09.96-07.03 096 096 096 017 017 019 57405 57405 57405 58820 58820 60044 P7412 P7412 P7412 P8820 P8820 P10044 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 02.88-02.96 096 57405 P7405 50500 57001 12.77-01.90 10.88-02.96 12.82-01.90 10.88-02.96 11.88-02.96 O75 O75 O75 017 017 56205 56205 56205 58820 58820 P6205 P6205 P6205 P8820 P8820 50200 50200 50200 06.82-01.90 06.89-02.96 10.82-01.90 06.89-02.96 096 096 017 017 57405 57405 58820 58820 P7405 P7405 P8820 P8820 50500 50500 57001 57001 59501 59501 06.82-01.90 06.89-02.96 10.82-01.90 06.89-02.96 096 096 096 017 57405 57405 57405 58820 P7405 P7405 P7405 P8820 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 59501 04.00-05.06 01.95-04.00 01.97-04.00 04.00-05.06 02.95-04.00 04.00-05.06 04.00-05.06 04.00-05.06 019 067 017 019 017 019 067 019 60044 56613 58820 60044 58820 60044 56613 60044 P10044 P6613 P8820 P10044 P8820 P10044 P6613 P10044 04.00-05.06 04.00-05.06 02.95-04.00 05.97-08.02 04.00-05.06 02.95-08.02 04.00-05.06 02.95-05.06 017 017 096 017 019 017 019 017 58820 58820 57405 58820 60044 58820 60044 58820 P8820 P8820 P7405 P8820 P10044 P8820 P10044 P8820 02.96-05.06 019 60044 P10044 MERCEDES Continued 5.4 722 edition Tip- Must use AGM batteries V-Class MPV+A2217 V200 V230 V280 V200 Cdi V220 Cdi V230 TD 57001 57001 MERCEDES LCV 100 2.4D 200 Series Van ( 601 ) 12.77-02.96 207D 2.4 208D 2.3 209D 2.9 210D 2.8 210D 2.9 300 Series Van ( 602 ) 06.82-02.96 307D 2.4 308D 2.3 309D 3.0 310D 2.9 400 Series Van 06.82-02.96 407D 408D 409D 410D Sprinter 2-t ( 901, 902 ) 01.95-05.06 208CDI 208D 210D 211CDI 212D 213CDI 214 216CDI Sprinter 3-t ( 903 ) 02.95-05.06 308E 308CDI 308D 310D 311CDI 312D 2.9 313CDI 314 Sprinter 4-t ( 904 ) 02.96-05.06 408D 59501 59501 50500 50500 50500 59501 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 59501 59501 59501 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 58 zuliste.indd 58 09.05.2008 10:56:31 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 04.00-05.06 02.96-05.06 04.00-05.06 02.96-05.06 04.00-05.06 04.00-05.06 019 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 06.0606.0606.0606.0606.0606.06- 019 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 06.0606.0606.0606.0606.0606.06- 019 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 06.0606.0606.0606.0606.0606.0602.0202.0202.0202.0202.0202.0209.0306.0407.0509.0309.0303.0602.96-07.03 12.96-07.03 03.99-07.03 03.99-07.03 03.99-07.03 02.96-07.03 02.96-07.03 09.0309.0306.04- 019 019 019 019 019 019 096 096 017 096 096 017 019 019 096 096 019 019 096 096 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 57405 57405 58820 57405 57405 58820 60044 60044 57405 57405 60044 60044 57405 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P7412 P7412 P8820 P7412 P7412 P8820 P10044 P10044 P7412 P7412 P10044 P10044 P7412 P7412 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 59501 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 59501 59501 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 MERCEDES LCV Continued 408CDI 410D 411CDI 412D 413CDI 416CDI Sprinter 3-t ( 906 ) 06.06209CDI 211CDI 213CDI 215CDI 218CDI 224 Sprinter 3.5-t ( 906 ) 06.06309CDI 311CDI 313CDI 315CDI 318CDI 324 Sprinter 5-t ( 906 ) 06.06509CDI 511CDI 513CDI 515CDI 518CDI 524 Vaneo 1.6 Vaneo 1.9 Vaneo 1.7Cdi Vaneo 1.6 Vaneo 1.9 Vaneo 1.7Cdi Viano 3.2 Viano 3.7 Viano 2.0 Cdi Viano 2.2 Cdi ( 80 KW ) Viano 2.2 Cdi ( 110 KW ) Viano 3.0 Cdi Vito 113 2.0 Vito 114 2.3 Vito 108 Cdi 2.2 Vito 110 Cdi 2.2 Vito 112 Cdi 2.2 Vito 108D 2.3 Vito 110 TD 2.3 Vito 119 Vito 122 Vito 123 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 59 zuliste.indd 59 09.05.2008 10:56:35 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 09.0309.0609.0309.03- 019 019 019 019 60044 60044 60044 60044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 62-74 74-81 03.95-03.02 03.95-03.02 83-84 85-90 64-80 848803039303.02010101010101.0301.05- 421 x 2 078 063-54063 027 / 065 063-54063 038 063-54063 015 063-54063 096 096 O75 027 /065 O75 063-54063 027/065 096 O75 096 096 096 06612 x 2 55518 54409 55519 54409 53880 54409 54880 54409 57405 57405 56205 55519 56205 54409 55519 57405 56205 57405 57405 57405 06.01-08.07 03.02-08.07 03.02-08.07 06.01-08.07 06.01-08.07 08.0708.0708.0708.0708.0710.07- 012 025 012 025 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 6.92-8.99 9.96-6.06 9.96-6.06 9.96-6.06 9.96-6.06 9.96-6.06 9.96-6.06 11.99-6.06 069 O75 O75 005L 005L 005L 096 096 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM MERCEDES LCV Continued Vito 109 Cdi 2.2 Vito 109 Cdi 2.2 Vito 111 Cdi 2.2 Vito 115 Cdi 2.2 59501 59501 59501 59501 MG MGB,C GT MGB M G F 1.6 M G F 1.8,VVC M G Maestro M G Metro, Turbo M G Metro, Turbo M G Midget M G Montego petrol M G Montego 2.0D Turbo M G CDV Diesel M G Express MGR V8 M GT F M G ZR 1.4 M G ZR 1.8 M G ZR Diesel MGZS M G ZT M G X POWER 4.6SV M G X POWER 5.0 SV-R P4409 P7405 P7405 P6205 P5519 P6205 P4409 P5519 P7405 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 50200 50100 50200 50100 50400 50100 50400 50100 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50100 50200 50500 50200 50500 50500 50500 54459 56219 54459 56219 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 P5003 P6219 P5003 P6219 P7412 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 50100 50200 50100 50300 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57024 56205 56205 56068 56068 56068 57405 57405 P7024 P6205 P6205 P6068 P6068 P6068 P7405 P7405 50300 50200 50200 P4409 P5519 P4409 P4409 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 MINI (BMW ) Cooper Cooper 16v Cooper S ONE Petrol ONE Diesel Cooper Cooper S Cooper Diesel ONE Petrol ONE Diesel Clubman 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 MITSUBISHI 3000 GT 3.0 i 24v Carisma Saloon, Hatch, 1.6, Dutch Built Carisma Saloon, Hatch, 1.8, Dutch Built Carisma Saloon, Hatch, 1.6, Jap Built Carisma Saloon, Hatch, 1.8, Jap Built Carisma Saloon, Hatch, 2.0, Jap Built Carisma Saloon, Hatch, 1.9 TD, Di-D Carisma GT Evo V1/V11 50500 50500 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 60 zuliste.indd 60 09.05.2008 10:56:38 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM MITSUBISHI Continued Challenger 3.0L 98005L Challenger 2.5D,Tdi 98250 Colt MK1 Colt 1.2, 12.78-1.84 071 Colt 1.4 05.79-01.84 071 Colt 1.4 Turbo 09.81-01.84 071 Colt Mk2 Colt MK2 1.2 02.84-04.88 071 Colt MK2 1.5 09.84-04.88 071 Colt MK2 1.6 Turbo 02.84-04.88 071 Colt MK2 1.8D 02.84-04.88 069 Colt Mk3 Colt Mk3 1.3 4.88-5.92 004R Colt Mk3 1.5 4.88-5.92 004R Colt Mk3 1.6 4.88-5.92 004R Colt Mk3 1.8 4.88-5.92 044 Colt Mk3 1.8D 4.88-5.92 069 Tip for Colt MK3 some earlier petrol models have 56049 check length if 272mm long then 56049 if 200 long use 55042 Colt Mk4 Colt Mk3 1.3 4.92-8.95 044 Colt Mk3 1.6 4.92-8.95 044 Colt Mk3 1.8 4.92-8.95 005R Tip for Colt Mk 4 Check dimensions before supply Colt Mk5 Colt Mk5 1.3 05.96-09.00 044 Colt Mk5 1.6 05.96-09.00 044 Colt Mk5 1.5 11.95-07.05 005R Colt Mk5 1.3 09.00-07.05 005R Colt Mk5 1.6 09.00-07.05 005R Tip for Colt Mk 5 Check dimensions before supply Colt Mk6 Banner O.E. 6.04025 Colt Mk6 1.1 10.04076 Colt Mk6 1.3 06.04076 Colt Mk6 1.5 06.04025 Colt Mk6 1.5 Di-D 08.04096 Colt CZC Convertible 5.06025 Cordia 1.6 10.82-12.86 071 Cordia 1.8 10.82-12.86 071 Eclipse 4.91-4.99 005L Evo all models 02054 FTO Import 99155 005L Tip for FTO Check dimensions & layout before supply Galant 1.6 1.77-8.80 044 Galant 2.0 1.77-8.80 044 Galant Mk2 1.6 9.80-5.84 044 Galant Mk2 2.0, 2.3 9.80-5.84 071 Galant Mk2 2.3, Turbo D 9.80-5.84 250 Galant Mk3 1.6 6.84-12.87 044 56069 60033 P6069 P10033 56049 56049 56049 P7024 P7024 P7024 50300 50300 50300 56049 56049 56049 57024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 50300 50300 50300 50300 55042 55042 55042 54524 57024 P5424 P7024 50400 50300 54524 54524 56069 P5424 P5424 P6069 50400 50400 54524 54524 56069 56069 56069 P5424 P5424 P6069 P6069 P6069 50400 50400 56219 54409 54409 56219 57405 56219 56049 56049 56068 53520 54551 56068 P6219 P4409 P4409 P6219 P7405 P6219 P7024 P7024 P6068 P4026 50300 50100 50100 50300 50500 50300 50300 50300 54524 54524 54524 56049 60033 54524 57001 P6068 P7024 P10033 50400 50400 50400 50300 50400 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 61 zuliste.indd 61 09.05.2008 10:56:41 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 071 250 071 250 071 071 250 069 250 56049 60033 56049 60033 56049 56049 60033 57024 60033 P7024 P10033 P7024 P10033 P7024 P7024 P10033 P7024 P10033 50300 005L 044 071 071 071 250 071 250 071 250 071 250 054 071 069 069 / 75D26R 249 069 / 75D26R 250 / 95D31R 069 / 75D26R 250 / 95D31R 95D31L 56068 58009 54524 56049 56049 56049 60033 56049 60033 56049 60033 56049 60033 53520 56049 57024 57024 60032 57024 60033 57024 60033 60032 P6068 P7029 P4524 P7024 P7024 P7024 P10033 P7024 P10033 P7024 P10033 P7024 P10033 P4026 P7024 P7024 P7024 P10032 P7024 P10033 P7024 P10033 P10032 025 069 / 75D26R 069 / 75D26R 069 / 75D26R 069 / 75D26R 250 / 95D31R 069 / 75D26R 250 / 95D31R 069 / 75D26R 250 / 95D31R 069 / 75D26R 069 / 75D26R 250 / 95D31R 069 / 75D26R 055 56219 57024 57024 57024 57024 60033 57024 60033 57024 60033 57024 57024 60033 57024 53522 P6219 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P10033 P7024 P10033 P7024 P10033 P7024 P7024 P10033 P7024 P4027 Running Bull AGM MITSUBISHI Continued Galant Mk3 2.0, 2.4 6.84-12.87 Galant Mk3 1.8, Turbo D 6.84-12.87 Galant Mk4 1.8, 2.0 11.88-10.92 Galant Mk4 1.8, Turbo D 11.88-10.92 Galant Mk5 1.8 11.92-8.96 Galant Mk5 2.0, 2.5 11.92-8.96 Galant Mk5 GLS TD 2.0 11.92-8.96 Galant Mk6 2.0, 2.5 9.96-10.04 Galant Mk6 2.4 Gdi, 2.0 Tdi 9.96-10.04 Tip for Galant MK6 Petrol sometimes fitted with 57029 check terminal layout Grandis 2.4 4.04Grandis 2.0, DI-D 9.05Lancer MK1 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 74-79 Lancer Mk2 1.2, 1.4 9.79-1.84 Lancer Mk3 saloon, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 11.83-10.86 Lancer Mk3 estate 1.5, 1.8 09.85-06.92 Lancer Mk3 1.8 D 1.84-04.88 Lancer Mk4 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 04.88-05.92 Lancer Mk4 1.8 D 04.88-05.92 Lancer Mk5 saloon 1.3, 1.6 06.92-12.95 Lancer Mk5 saloon 2.0 D 06.92-12.95 Lancer Mk 5 Estate 1.6 12.92-10.03 Lancer Mk 5 Estate 2.0D 12.92-10.03 Lancer EVO 99Lancer Mk6 saloon 1.3,1.5 1.6,1.8 12.95-08.03 Lancer MK7 saloon, estate 1.3,1.6,2.0 09.03Outlander 2.0, 2.4 5.03Outlander 2.4, 2.0 DI-D 2.07Shogun, Pajero 3.0 V6 12.82-12.91 Shogun, Pajero 2.5 TD 12.82-12.91 Shogun, Pajero Mk2 2.4, 3.0 V6, 3.5 V6 12.90-4.00 Shogun, Pajero Mk2 2.4D,2.5 TD, 2.8 TD 12.90-4.00 Shogun, Pajero Mk3 2.5, 3.2, 3.5 V6 GDi 4.00Tip for Shogun MK3 check layout before supply especially 2.5 sometimes 60033 Shogun Pinin 1.8, 1.8 GDi, 2.0 GDi 11.01Sapporo 1.6, 2.0, 2.4 4.78-8.90 Sigma 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 2.6,3.0 77-90 Sigma 3.0 V6 12.90-7.96 Space Gear 2.0, 2.4 5.95-5.00 Space Gear 2.5 TD 5.95-5.00 Space Wagon 1.8, 2.0 1.84-4.91 Space Wagon 1.8 TD 6.86-4.91 Space Wagon 1.8, 2.0 10.91-10.98 Space Wagon 1.8, 2.0 TD 10.91-10.98 Space Wagon 2.0 GDi, 2.4 GDi 10.98Space Runner 1.8, 2.0 16v 10.91-8.99 Space Runner 2.0 TD 10.92-8.99 Space Runner 2.0, 2.4 GDi 8.99Space Star 1.3, Jap Built 06.98-09.00 50300 50300 50300 50500 50500 50400 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50400 50300 50500 50500 50500 50300 50400 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 62 zuliste.indd 62 09.05.2008 10:56:45 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 06.98- 10.02 005R 012 096 071 56069 54459 57405 56049 P6069 P5003 P7405 P7024 50100 50500 50500 -90 9191- 069 250 57024 60033 60035 60033 56049 60033 56049 60033 56069 60033 60033 P7024 P10033 Running Bull AGM MITSUBISHI Continued Space Star 1.8 Gdi Jap Built Space Star 1.3,1.6 Dutch Built Space Star 1.8GD, 1.9 DI-D Dutch Built Starion 2.0, 2.6 Turbo 57001 MITSUBISHI LCV Cantor FE / FH Series Cantor FE Series Cantor FH Series Cantor FM/FK Series L200 2.6 L200 2.5 D, 2.5 TD L200 2.0, 2.4 L200 2.5 D, 2.5 TD L300 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.4 L300 2.3 D, 2.5 D L400 2.5D 11.89-5.95 11.86-8.96 6.966.9684-87 5.8006.96- 250 071 250 071 250 005r 250 250 P10033 P7024 P10033 P7024 P10033 P6069 P10033 P10033 50300 50300 MORGAN ALL MODELS EXCEPT BELOW Aero 8 Plus 8, Plus 4, 4/4 Roadster Aero 8 & Aero Max Plus 4, 4/4 Roadster * Must be Uni Bull angled mounting -00 00-05 00-05 04/0510/05- 015 GIVC 12260 GIVC 12260 03.91-10.94 7.88-12.99 10.78-2.84 1.84-10.90 5.90-9.95 10.039.95-3.00 11.95-3.00 70-90 86-90 3.86-6.91 85-90 70-86 82-86 10.88-06.94 01.95-8.00 3.00- 005L 005R 071 071 071 005L/ 80D23L 063-54063 249 063-54063 096 063-54063 O75 096 071 071 249 027/065 096 054 249 005L 005L 068 54880 P6205 *50200 50200 NISSAN 100 NX 1.6,2.0 200 SX 1.8 Turbo, 2.0i, 2.0 Turbo 280 ZX 2.8 300 ZX, Z31 3.0, 3.0 Turbo 300 ZX, Z32 3.0 Twin Turbo 350 Z, Z33, 3.5 Almera 1.4, 1.6, 2.0 Almera 2.0 D Almera Mk2 1.5, 1.8 Almera Mk2 1.5 Dci, 2.2 Di, 2.2 Dci Almera Tino 1.8 Almera Tino 2.0 Almera Tino 2.2 Dci, 2.2 Di Bluebird Petrol Jap Build 180B Bluebird Petrol Jap Build ( 610/810/910) Bluebird 2.0 D Jap Build ( 910 / U11 ) Bluebird Petrol UK Bluebird Diesel UK Cherry 1.0 Cherry 1.7D Maxima 3.0i,( J30 ) Maxima QX 2.0, 2.5 V6, 3.0 Maxima QX 2.0 V6, 2.5 V6, 3.0 V6 56068 56069 56049 56049 56049 56068 54409 60032 54409 57405 54409 56205 57405 56049 56049 60032 55519 56613 53520 60032 56068 56068 57029 P6068 P6069 P7024 P7024 P7024 P6068 P4409 P10032 P4409 P7405 P4409 P6205 P7405 P7024 P7024 P10032 P5519 P6613 P4026 P10032 P6068 P6068 P7029 50100 50100 50500 50100 50200 50500 50200 50500 50400 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 63 zuliste.indd 63 09.05.2008 10:56:48 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 82-92 8.92-2.03 9.97-12.04 9.053.0507.80-08.88 07.80-08.88 05.86-06.90 05.86-06.90 8.88-11.95 11.88-6.97 11.88-6.97 09.97826.90-6.96 1.91-1.96 8.99-7.02 9.96-7.02 83-89 054 043 079 O75 079 027/065 096 096 012 012 027/065 O75 096 O75 096 068 249 069 250 249 249 250 250 005L 027/065 068 027/065 096 063 027/065 096 012 012 096 096 012 250 071 005R 071 054 071 004L 005L 249 005R 250 250 069 53520 54523 54409 56205 54409 55519 57405 57405 54409 54409 55519 56205 57405 56205 57405 57029 60032 57024 60033 60032 60032 60033 60033 56068 55519 57029 55519 57405 54409 55519 57405 54409 54409 57405 57405 54409 60033 56049 56069 56049 53520 56049 55042 56068 60032 56069 60033 60033 57024 P4026 P4523 P4409 P6205 P4409 P5519 P7405 P7405 P4409 P4409 P5519 P6205 P7405 P6205 P7405 P7029 P10032 P7024 P10033 P10032 P10032 P10033 P10033 P6068 P5519 P7029 P5519 P7405 P4409 P5519 P7405 P4409 P4409 P7412 P7412 P5003 P10033 P7024 P6069 P7024 P4026 P7024 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM NISSAN Continued Micra 1.0, 1.2, Micra 1.0, 1.3, 1.4 Micra 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 Micra Diesel 1.5 Dci Micra C+C 1.4 Convertible Micra C+C 1.6 Convertible Navara 2.5 Diesel All Variations Navara 4.0L Die Hard Note 1.4 Note 1.6 Note 1.5 dCi Pathfinder 3.3 V6, 3.5 V6 Pathfinder 2.7 TD, 3.2 TD Pathfinder 4.0 Pathfinder 2.5 dCi Patrol ( K160, W160 ) 2.8 Patrol ( K160, W160 ) 3.2 TD, 3.3D Patrol ( K260 ) 2.8 Patrol ( K260 ) 2.8TD,3.2 D Patrol ( W260 ) 2.8 TD, 3.2 D Patrol ( GR1 Y60 ) 2.8 TD Patrol ( GR1 Y60 ) 3.2D, 4.2 D Patrol ( GR11 Y61) 2.8TD,3.0DTI ) Prairie M10,M11,M12,M13,2.0 Primera 1.6, 2.0 16V Primera 2.0 D Jap Build Primera 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 Primera 2.0 TD Primera 1.6, Primera 1.8, 2.0 Primera 1.9 dCi, 2.2 Di, 2.2 dCi Qashqai 1.6 Qashqai 2.0 Qashqai 1.5 dCi Qashqai 2.0 dCi Serena 1.6, 2.0 Serena 2.0 D, TD, 2.3 D, Silvia 180SX Silvia 1.8,1.8 Turbo, 2.0 Skyline 240k GT Petrol Skyline import Stanza 1.6,1.8 (T11 ) Stanza 1.6,1.8 ( T12 ) Sunny 1.0, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 Sunny 1.7 D, 2.0D Terrano 2.4i Terrano 3.0i Terrano 2.7 TD Terrano Mk2 2.4i 12V 82-86 86-90 03.8203.8210.87-02.93 01.90-12.95 02.89-02.96 02.93-06.96 P6068 P10032 P6069 P10033 P10033 P7024 50400 50100 50200 50100 50200 50500 50500 50100 50100 50200 50300 50500 50300 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 50200 50200 50500 50100 50200 50500 50100 50100 50500 50500 50100 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 64 zuliste.indd 64 09.05.2008 10:56:52 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 05.9602.93-01.02 05.9605.027.01-09.07 7.01-09.07 12.03-09.07 12.03-09.07 09.0709.0709.073.05- 069 250 250 250 005L/55D23L 249 110D26L 249 005L/55D23L 110D26L 110D26L 80D23L 57024 60033 60033 60033 56068 60032 58009 60032 56068 58009 58009 56069 P7024 P10033 P10033 P10033 P6068 P10032 P7029 P10032 P6068 P7029 P7029 P6068 9.001.86-9.92 12.81-6.92 85-93 9310.98-10.06 10.061.94-00 1.94-00 7.0208.0308.0304.0604. 7.81-11.88 05.87-05.97 05.87-05.97 01.88-05.97 12.88-05.97 6.81-12.87 10.86-12.95 10.86-12.95 1.951.95- 069 250 664 249+250 664 069 096 663 019 027/065 096 027/065 096 096 096 069 250 069 096 250 250 069 069 069 O75 069 57024 60033 60527 60032+60033 60527 57024 57405 60528 60044 55519 57405 55519 57405 57405 57405 57024 60033 57024 57405 60033 60033 57024 57024 57024 56205 57024 P7024 50500 57001 01- 110 58014 P8042 50500 9194- 067 067 56613 56613 P6613 P6613 50300 50300 NISSAN Continued Terrano Mk2 2.4 Terrano Mk2 2.7 TD Terrano Mk2 2.7 TDI Terrano Mk2 3.0 DI X-Trail 2.0,16v X-Trail 2.2 Di, X-Trail 2.5 X-Trail 2.2 dCi X-Trail 2.0 X-Trail 2.0 dci X-Trail 2.5 petrol Murano 3.5 V6 NISSAN LCV Atleno Cabstar Petrol 1.6, 2.0, 2.2, 2.8 Cabstar Diesel 2.0, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 3.3 Cabstar Diesel 2.3D,2.5D ( TD 25 Eng ) Cabstar 4.2DSL Cabstar E 2.3 D, 2.7 D, 3.0 D Cabstar 2.5, 3.0 Ebro Trade 275 Diesel Ebro Trade All Other Diesel Models Interstar 2.1 D, 2.4 D, 3.0 D Kubistar 1.2, 1.6 Kubistar 1.5DCI Kubistar 1.2 16v Kubistar 1.5DCI 70, 1.5DCI 85 Primastar 2.0 Primastar 1.9 D, 2.0 D, 2.5 D, Urvan 1.8, 2.0 ( E23 ) Urvan 2.1D, 2.2 D, 2.3 D ( E23 ) Urvan 2.0 ( E24 ) Urvan 2.0 ( E24 ) UK BUILD Urvan 2.3D ( E24 ) Urvan 2.5 D ( E24 ) Vanette 1.5 Vanette 1.5, 2.4, Vanette 2.0 D, Vanette Cargo 1.6i Vanette Cargo 2.0 D, 2.3 D P10032+P10033 P7024 P7405 P10044 P5519 P7405 P5519 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7024 P10033 57024 P7405 P10033 P10033 P7024 P7024 P7024 P6205 P7024 59501 50200 50500 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 50200 NOBLE M12 GTO OPEL SEE VAUXHALL Diplomat Omega Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 65 zuliste.indd 65 09.05.2008 10:56:55 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 020197- 054 054 054 53520 53520 53520 P4026 P4026 P4026 72-88 9.91-4.96 9.92-4.96 5.96-6.05 5.96-6.05 6.056.0510.65-7.77 5.68-10.77 2.83-10.87 12.84-10.87 8.83-10.87 10.87-9.98 10.87-9.98 7.87-9.98 9.984.999.987. 11.77-9.82 10.82-12.88 10.82-7.88 5.93-10.00 5.93-10.00 5.93-10.00 048 063-54063 O75 063-54063 O75 002R O75 049 069 063-54063 027/065 O75 063-54063 027/065 O75 063-54063 027/065 O75 027/065 O75 076 002R O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 063-54063 O75 063-54063 O75 063-54063 025 O75 063-54063 027/065 O75 027/065 027/065 025 O75 096 025 063-54063 54577 54409 56205 54409 56205 54008 56205 54579 57024 54409 55519 56205 54409 55519 56205 54409 55519 56205 55519 56205 54409 54008 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 54409 56205 54409 56205 54409 56219 56205 54409 55519 56205 55519 55519 56219 56205 57405 56219 54409 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM PERODUA Kelisa kenari Nippa and All Models PEUGEOT 104 Petrol 106 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6 106 1.4D, 1.5D, 106 Mk2 1.0, 1.1, 1.4, 1.6 106 Mk2 1.5D 107 1.0 107 1.4 HDI 204 Petrol 204 1.2D, 1.3D 205 1.0, 1.1, 1.4, 1.6 205 1.6 GTI, 1.9 GTI 205 1.7D 205 MK2 1.0, 1.1, 1.4, 1.6 205 Mk2 1.6 GTI, 1.9 GTI 205 Mk2 1.7 TD, 1.9D 206 1.1, 1.4, 1.6 206 2.0 206 1.4 HDI, 1.6 HDI, 1.9D, 2.0 HDI 206 SW 1.1, 1.4, 1.6 206 SW 2.0 16V 206 SW 1.4 HDI, 1.6 HDI, 2.0 HDI 206 CC 1.6, 2.0 206 CC 1.6 HDI 207 1.4, 1.6, 1.6V VTi, 1.6 Turbo, 1.6 16V RC 207 1.4 HDI, 1.6 HDI, 207 CC 1.6, 1.6 16V Turbo 207 CC 1.6 HDI 305 1.3, 1.5 305 1.5D 305 Mk2 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.9 305 Mk2 1.9D 306 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 306 1.8, 2.0, 2.0 S 16 306 1.8D, 1.9D, 1.9DT, 2.0 HDI 307 1.4, 1.6 307 2.0 307 1.4 HDI, 1.6 HDI, 2.0 HDI 307 SW 1.4, 1.6 307 SW 2.0, 2.0 16V 307 SW 1.4 HDI, 1.6 HDI, 2.0 HDI 307 CC 1.6, 2.0 16V 307 CC 2.0 HDI 308 1.6 HDi 309 1.0, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6 P4409 P6205 P4409 P6205 P6205 P7024 P4409 P5519 P6205 P4409 P5519 P6205 P4409 P5519 P6205 P5519 P6205 P5003 P5003 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P4409 P6205 P4409 P6205 P4409 P6219 P6205 P4409 P5519 P6205 P5519 P5519 P6219 P6205 P7405 P6219 P4409 50400 50100 50200 50100 50200 50200 50400 50100 50200 50200 50100 50200 50200 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50100 THD 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50100 50200 50100 50200 50100 50300 50200 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50300 50200 50500 50300 50100 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 66 zuliste.indd 66 09.05.2008 10:56:58 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 10.85-12.93 6.86-12.93 1.87-10.95 1.87-10.95 1.87-10.95 11.95-5.04 3.00-5.04 1.96-5.04 1.99-10.05 1.99-10.05 3.00-10.05 71-86 79-93 81-93 77-87 79-86 6.89-9.99 6.89-9.99 2.00- 56205 56205 54459 54459 56205 54459 56219 56219 56219 57405 56219 56205 57405 57405 56219 57405 57405 56205 56205 57405 54409 56613 55519 56613 56205 57405 56205 57405 56205 54459 56205 54459 56205 57405 56205 57405 57405 56219 60032 54459 56219 P6205 P6205 P5003 P5003 P6205 P5003 P6219 P6219 P6219 P7412 P6219 P6205 P7412 P7412 P6219 P7412 P7412 P6205 P6205 P7405 P4409 P6613 P5519 P6613 P6205 P7405 P6205 P7405 P6205 P5003 P6205 P5003 P6205 P7405 P6205 P7405 P7405 P5003 P6219 P10032 P5003 P6219 50200 50200 50100 50100 50200 50100 50300 50300 50300 50500 50300 50200 50500 50500 50300 50500 50500 50200 50200 50500 50100 50500 50200 50500 50200 50500 50200 50500 50200 6.94-8.02 7.95-8.02 O75 O75 079 079 O75 012 025 025 025 096 025 O75 096 096 025 096 096 O75 O75 096 063-54063 067 027/065 067 O75 096 O75 096 O75 079 O75 079 O75 096 O75 096 096 012 025 249 012 025 9485-93 3.9479-90 79-90 O75 079 O75 063-54063 O75 56205 54459 56205 54409 56205 P6205 P5003 P6205 P4409 P6205 50200 50100 50200 50100 50200 Running Bull AGM PEUGEOT Continued 309 1.9, 1.9 GTI 309 1.8D, 1.8TD, 1.9D 405 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 405 1.9, 1.9 MI-16, 2.0, 2.0 MI 16 405 1.8TD, 1.9D, 1.9TD 406 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 406 2.2, 3.0 24V, 3.0 V6 406 1.9D, 1.9TD, 2.0 HDI, 2.1TD, 2.2 HDI 406 coupe 2.0, 2.2, 406 coupe 3.0 V6 406 coupe 2.2 HDI 407 1.8, 2.0,2.2 407 3.0 407 1.6 HDI, 2.0 HDI, 2.2 HDI, 2.7 HDI 407 SW 1.8, 2.0, 2.2 407 SW 3.0 407 SW 1.6 HDI, 2.0 HDI, 2.2 HDI, 2.7 HDI 407 coupe 2.2, 407 coupe 3.0 V6 407 coupe 2.7 HDI 504 Petrol 504 Diesel 505 Petrol 505 Diesel 604 Petrol 604 2.3, 2.5, Turbo Diesels 605 2.0, 3.0, 3.0 V6 605 2.1TD, 2.1D, 2.5TD 607 2.0, 2.2, 3.0 V6 Auxilliary Battery 607 2.0 HDI, 2.2 HDI, 2.7 HDI Auxilliary Battery 806 1.8, 2.0 806 1.9TD, 2.0 HDI, 2.1TD 807 2.0, 2.2, 807 3.0 V6 807 2.0 HDI, 2.2 HDI ( AGM FITTED ) 1007 1.4, 1.6 1007 1.4 HDI 4007 2.2 HDI Partner ,Combo Petrol Mpv Partner,Combo Diesel Mpv 2.00- 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 50200 50200 50500 50200 50500 50500 50100 50300 57001 57001 57001 50300 PEUGEOT LCV 106 1.5D 205 Petrol 205 Van 1.7D 305 1.3, 1.5 305 1.5D Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 67 zuliste.indd 67 09.05.2008 10:57:02 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 8078-94 2.96-12.06 2.96-12.06 1.071.07- 063-54063 O75 O75 096 O75 O75 O75 096 012 O75 O75 017 017 017 017 54409 56205 56205 57405 56205 56205 56205 57405 54459 56205 56205 58820 58820 58820 58820 61042 P4409 P6205 P6205 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P5003 P6205 P6205 P8820 P8820 P8820 P8820 50100 50200 50200 50500 50200 50200 50200 50500 50100 50200 50200 006X2 096 096 096 017 017 017 040 O75 010 010 010 110 110 019 53646 x 2 57405 57405 57405 58820 58820 58820 54519 56205 56420 56420 56420 58014 58014 Running Bull AGM PEUGEOT LCV Continued 504 Petrol 504 Diesel Expert 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 Expert 1.9, 1.9TD, 2.0 HDI Expert 2.0 16V Expert 1.6 HDI, 2.0 HDI Express All Petrol Models Express All Diesel Models Partner 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 Partner 1.6 HDI, 1.8D, 1.9D, 2.0 HDI Boxer 2.0i Boxer 1.9D, 1.9TD, 2.5D, 2.5TD, 2.5TDI, 2.8HDI Boxer 2.0 Boxer 2.0 HDI, 2.2 HDI, 2.8 HDI Boxer 2.2 HDI, 3.0 HDI Boxer 3.0 HDI 6.966.963.94-4.02 3.94-4.02 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 PORSCHE 911 2.0, 2.2, 2.3 911 2.7, 3.0, Carrera 911 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, Turbo 911 ( 993 ) 911 ( 993 ) Cabrio 911 ( 993 ) Targa 911 ( 996 ) 924 2.0L, S Carrera GT, 2.5S 924 Carrera GT 928 933 & Cabrio 968 Boxster ( 986 ) Boxster MK2 Cayenne ( 955 ) V6, S, Turbo AGM Fitted Cayenne ( 955 ) V6, S, Turbo AGM Fitted Choice of 2 on Cayenne Cayman AGM Fitted 1.63-12.73 9.73-12.77 9.77-09.93 10.93-09.97 07.93-09.97 01.93-09.97 09.9711.75-07.88 11.75-07.88 09.77-11.95 01.82-07.91 06.91-11.95 09.9611.0409.02- P7405 P7405 P7405 P8820 P8820 P8820 P6205 P8042 P8042 50100 x 2 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 59501 61042 11.05- 60044 P10044 59501 PROTON Gen 2 1.3, 1.6 Coupe Impian 1.6 MPI Hatchback, saloon 1.5 Persona Persona TD Satria 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 Satria 1.5 Satria Neo 1.3,1.6 Savvy 1.2 Wira 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 6.04989.011.89-11.96 94-94 3.967.0002.07061.94- 078 005R 005R 005R 078 249 005R 005R 078 46B24LS 005R 55518 56069 56069 56069 55518 60032 56069 56069 55518 56069 50200 P6069 P6069 P6069 50200 P10032 P6069 P6069 50200 P4523* P6069 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 68 zuliste.indd 68 09.05.2008 10:57:05 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 5.968.005.02- 068 005R 005R 57029 56069 56069 P7029 P6069 P6069 7862-78 62-78 62-78 62-78 66-86 85 047 101 101 101 101 049 063-54063 53228 53030 53030 53030 53030 54579 54409 P4409 70-88 85858681-88 8369-72 83-89 83-86 80-86 888876-83 868584-92 76-84 9.01-5.03 5.02-5.03 1.91-9.98 1.91-9.98 1.91-9.98 9.98-6.05 11.00-6.05 9.98-6.05 10.84-12.90 1.91-12.96 1.91-10.96 11.96-10.02 11.96-10.02 048 063-54063 027/065 O75 063-54063 O75 048 063-54063 O75 048 O75 063-54063 O75 027/065 063-54063 O75 027/065 O75 O75 096 063-54063 027/065 O75 063-54063 O75 O75 076 O75 O75 027/065 096 O75 096 027/065 067 54577 54409 55519 56205 54409 56205 54577 54409 56205 54577 56205 54409 56205 55519 54409 56205 55519 56205 56205 57405 54409 55519 56205 54409 56205 56205 54409 56205 56205 55519 57405 56205 57405 55519 56613 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM PROTON Continued Wira 2.0D, 2.0TD Wira 1.3, 1.5 Jumbuck Pick-up 1.5 * must be flat top use P4523 RELIANT All Models After 78 Fox Kitten Rebel Robin Scimitar SS1/SST 50400 50100 RENAULT 4 Petrol 5 Petrol 5 GT Turbo 5 TD, Diesel 9 Petrol 9 TD, Diesel 10 Petrol 11 Petrol 11 TD, Diesel 12,14,15,16,17,18, Petrol 18 Diesel 19, 19 Schamade Petrol 19 TD, Diesel 20 Petrol 21 Petrol 21 TD, Diesel 25 Petrol 30 Petrol Avantime 2.0,3.0 V6 Avantime 2.2dCi Clio,1.1,1.2,1.4, Clio, 1.8,Rsi,Williams Clio 1.9D Clio Mk2 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 Clio Mk2 2.0 16V, 3.0 V6 Clio Mk2 1.5 dCi, 1.9D, 1.9dTi Clio Mk3 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 Clio Mk3 2.0 16V sport Clio Mk3 1.5 dCi Espace 2.0, 2.2 Espace 2.1TD Espace Mk2 2.0, 2.2, 2.8 Espace Mk2 2.1TD Espace Mk3 2.0, 2.0 16V Espace Mk3 3.0 P4409 P5519 P6205 P4409 P6205 P4409 P6205 P6205 P4409 P6205 P5519 P4409 P6205 P5519 P6205 P6205 P7405 P4409 P5519 P6205 P4409 P6205 P6205 P4409 P6205 P6205 P5519 P7405 P6205 P7405 P5519 P6613 50400 50100 50200 50200 50100 50200 50400 50100 50200 50400 50200 50100 50200 50200 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50100 50200 50200 50100 50200 50200 50100 50200 50200 50200 50500 50200 50500 50200 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 69 zuliste.indd 69 09.05.2008 10:57:09 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 2.99-10.02 11.0211.0211.0211.0203.98-05.02 03.98-05.02 02020811.93-3.01 11.93-3.01 11.93-3.01 3.01-07 3.01-07 3.01-07 0707071.96-03.99 1.96-03.99 1.96-02.01 03.97-02.01 03.99-11.00 03.99-11.00 02.011.96-03.99 1.96-03.99 1.96-02.01 03.97-02.01 03.99-11.00 03.99-11.00 02.0103.9901.0104.9903.9902.0103.99-03 10.96-03.99 03.99-03 04.97-03 03.99-03 10.96-03 1.97-9.99 1.97-9.99 1.97-9.99 1.97-9.99 1.97-9.99 096 027/065 096 096 110 027/065 O75 027/065 096 TBA 027/065 O75 096 025 067 096 025 110 110 076 076 096 096 076 076 096 076 076 096 096 076 076 096 096 027/065 096 096 096 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 076 076 075 076 076 57405 55519 57405 57405 58014 55519 56205 55519 57405 P7405 P5519 P7405 P7405 P8014 P5519 P6205 P5519 P7405 50500 50200 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50500 57001 55519 56205 57405 56219 56613 57405 56219 58014 58014 54409 54409 57405 57405 54409 54409 57405 54409 54409 57405 57405 54409 54409 57405 57405 55519 57405 57405 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 P5519 P6205 P7405 P6219 P6613 P7405 P6219 P8014 P8014 P4409 P4409 P7405 P7405 P4409 P4409 P7405 P4409 P4409 P7405 P7405 P4409 P4409 P7405 P7405 P5519 P7405 P7405 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P4409 P4409 P6205 P4409 P4409 50200 50200 50500 50300 50500 50500 50300 50500 50500 50100 50100 50500 50500 50100 50100 50500 50100 50100 50500 50500 50100 50100 50500 50500 50200 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50100 50100 50200 50100 50100 RENAULT Continued Espace Mk3 1.9dTi, 2.2TD, 2.2dCi Espace Mk4 2.0, 2.0 Turbo Espace Mk4 3.5 V6 Espace Mk4 1.9dCi, 2.0dCi, 2.2Dci Espace Mk4 3.0dCi Kangoo 1.2, 1.4 MPV Kangoo 1.9D, Kangoo 1.2, 1.6 MPV Kangoo 1.5Dci,1.9Dci, 1.9Dti MPV Koleos 2.0 Dci Laguna 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 Laguna 3.0, 3.0 24V Laguna 1.9dTi, 1.9dCi, 2.2D, 2.2DT Laguna Mk2 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 Laguna Mk2 3.0 V6 24V Laguna Mk2 1.9dCi, 2.0dCi, 2.2dCi Laguna MK3 2.0 Laguna MK3 1.5Dci Laguna MK3 2.0Dci Megane Mk1 1.4, 1.6 Megane MK1 2.0i, 2.0i 16V Megane Mk1 1.9D,1.9DT, 1.9TDI, Megane MK1 1.9DTi Megane Mk1 ( Facelift )1.4, 1.6 Megane Mk1 ( Facelift )1.8, 2.0i, 2.0i 16V Megane MK1 ( Facelift ) 1.9dTi, 1.9dCi Megane Classic 1.4, 1.6 Megane Classic 2.0i, 2.0i 16V Megane Classic 1.9D,1.9DT, 1.9TDI, Megane Classic 1.9DTi Megane Classic ( Facelift )1.4, 1.6 Megane Classic ( Facelift )1.8, 2.0i, 2.0i 16V Megane Classic ( Facelift ) 1.9dTi, 1.9dCi Megane Coach / Grandtour 1.4,1.6 Megane Coach / Grandtour 1.8 Megane Coach / Grandtour 1.9D Megane Coach / Grandtour 1.9 Dti Megane Coach / Grandtour 1.9Dci Megane Cabriolet / Coupe 1.4 Megane Cabriolet / Coupe1.6e Megane Cabriolet / Coupe1.6 16v Megane Cabriolet / Coupe2.0 Megane Cabriolet / Coupe 2.0i Megane Cabriolet / Coupe2.0i 16v Megane Scenic 1.4, 1.6 Megane Scenic 2.0i, Megane Scenic 1.9D, 1.9DT, 1.9dTi Megane Scenic 1.4, 1.6 Megane Scenic 2.0i, 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 70 zuliste.indd 70 09.05.2008 10:57:12 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull P6205 50200 P5519 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P6205 P7405 P4409 P6219 P7412 P6219 P6219 P7412 P7412 P7412 P6219 P6219 P7412 P6219 P6219 P7412 P7412 P6219 P7412 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50200 50500 50100 50300 50500 50300 50300 50500 50500 50500 50300 50300 50500 50300 50300 50500 50500 50300 50500 P6205 P7405 P6205 P7405 P4409 P4409 P7405 P7405 P7405 P4409 P6205 P4409 P6205 P5519 P6205 P6205 P7405 P10044 P6205 P7405 P8820 50200 50500 50200 50500 50100 50100 50500 50500 50500 50100 50200 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 Running Bull AGM RENAULT Continued Megane Scenic 1.9D, 1.9DT, 1.9dTi 1.97-9.99 075 Tip for MK1 Scenic is fitted with a sealed Fulmen battery not Gel as commonly thought use 50100 for petrol & 57001 for diesel. Scenic 1.4, 1.6 09.99027/065 55519 Scenic 1.8 01.01O75 56205 Scenic 2.0 09.99O75 56205 Scenic 1.9Dti 09.99096 57405 Scenic 1.9Dci 11.00096 57405 Scenic RX4 2.0 11.00O75 56205 Scenic RX4 1.9Dci 11.00096 57405 Megane Mk2 1.4, 1.6 11.02076 54409 Megane Mk2 2.0 16V, 2.0 16V Turbo, 2.0 Sport 11.02025 56219 Megane Mk2 1.5dCi, 1.9dCi, 2.0dCi 11.02096 57405 Megane Cabriolet / Coupe MK2 1.6 09.03025 56219 Megane Cabriolet / Coupe MK2 2.0 09.03025 56219 Megane Cabriolet / Coupe MK2 1.5Dci 03.06096 57405 Megane Cabriolet / Coupe MK2 1.9Dci 09.03096 57405 Megane Cabriolet / Coupe MK2 2.0Dci 09.05096 57405 Scenic Mk2 1.4, 1.6 6.03025 56219 Scenic Mk2 2.0, 2.0 16V Turbo 6.03025 56219 Scenic Mk2 1.5dCi, 1.9dCi, 2.0dCI 6.03096 57405 Grande Scenic 1.6 4.04025 56219 Grande Scenic 2.0 4.04025 56219 Grande Scenic 1.5 dCi 4.04096 57405 Grande Scenic 1.9 dCi 4.04096 57405 Modus 1.2, 1.2 16V, 1.4, 1.6 12.04025 56219 Modus 1.5dCi 12.04096 57405 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 RENAULT LCV Safrane 2.2, 3.0 V6 Safrane 2.1 DT, 2.5 DT Safrane Mk2 2.0, 2.5, 2.9, 3.0 Safrane Mk2 2.2 DT Sport Spider 2.0 16V Twingo Velsatis 2.0 Turbo Velsatis 3.5 V6 Velsatis 2.0 dCi, 2.2 dCi, 3.0 dCi Clio Van1.1,1.2,1.4, Clio Van1.9D Extra Van 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 Extra Van 1.6D, 1.9D Kangoo Express 1.2, 1.4, Kangoo Express 1.9D, Kangoo Express 1.2,1.4,1.6 Kangoo Express 1.5Dci,1.9Dci,1.9Dti Mascot Master 1 Van 2.0, 2.2 Master 1 Van 2.4D, 2.5D, 2.5TD Master 2 Van 1.9 dTi, 1.9 dCi, 2.2 dCi 4.92-7.96 12.92-7.96 7.96-12.00 7.96-12.00 3.95-10.99 03.936.026.026.02- 95 - 95 2.86-3.98 3.86-8.98 3.98-10.01 3.98-10.01 10.0110.018.80-7.98 8.80-7.98 9.00- O75 096 O75 096 063-54063 076 096 096 096 063-54063 O75 063-54063 O75 027/065 O75 O75 096 019 O75 096 017 56205 57405 56205 57405 54409 54409 57405 57405 57405 54409 56205 54409 56205 55519 56205 56205 57405 60044 56205 57405 58820 50200 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 57001 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 71 zuliste.indd 71 09.05.2008 10:57:16 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 7.988.06073.80-4.89 3.80-4.89 3.80-4.89 5.89-10.97 5.89-3.01 3.013.01- 019 019 019 027/065 048 O75 O75 096 025 096 60044 60044 60044 55519 54577 56205 56205 57405 56219 57405 P10044 P10044 P10044 P5519 P6205 P6205 P7405 P6219 P7412 50200 50400 50300 50300 50500 50300 50500 068 069 O75 096 57029 57024 56205 57405 P7029 P7024 P6205 P7405 50500 50500 50200 50500 076 096 063-54063 096 027/065 096 096 063-54063 012 063-54063 O75 063-54063 027/065 027/065 063-54063 O75 063-54063 O75 044 063-54063 096 063-54063 077 027/065 O75 096 027/065 O75 096 54409 57405 54409 57405 55519 57405 57405 54409 54459 54409 56205 54409 55519 55519 54409 56205 54409 56205 54524 54409 57405 54409 54413 55519 56205 57405 55519 56205 57405 P4409 P7405 P4409 P7405 P5519 P7412 P7412 P4409 P5003 P4409 P6205 P4409 P5519 P5519 P4409 P6205 P4409 P6205 P4524 P4409 P7405 P4409 50100 50500 50100 50500 50200 50500 50500 50100 50100 50100 50200 50100 50200 50200 50100 50200 50100 50200 50400 50100 50500 50100 50100 50200 50200 50500 50200 50200 50500 Running Bull AGM RENAULT LCV Continued Master 2 Van 2.5 dCi, 2.5D, 2.8 dTi, 3.0 dCi Master 3 Van 2.5 dCi Maxity 2.8D, 3.0D Trafic Van 1.6, 1.7, 2.0 Trafic Van 1.4, Trafic Van 2.1D, Trafic Van 1.4, 1.7, 2.0, 2.2 Trafic Van 1.9D, 2.1D, 2.5D Trafic Van Mk2 2.0 Trafic Van Mk2 1.9 dCi, 2.0 dCi, 2.5 dCi 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 ROLLS-ROYCE Phantom,Silver Cloud All Others Except Below Seraph 1 Of Each Seraph, EW B 100EX 101EX 57001 -04 -04 -04 ROVER 25 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 25 2.0 IDT 45 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 45 2.0 IDT 75 1.8, 1.8 Turbo, 2.0 V6 75 2.5 V6 75 2.0 CDT, 2.0 CDTI 100 (Metro) 1.1, 1.4, 1.4GTI 100 (Metro) 1.5D 200 hatch 1.4, 1.6, 2.0 200 hatch 218D, 218TD 213, 216, 216 Vitesse 200 Coupe 1.6, 2.0, 2.0Turbo 200 2.0, 2.0 Turbo 200 RF 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 200 2.0D/SD, SDI 400 1.4, 1.6, 2.0, 2.0Turbo 400 1.8D, 1.8TD 400 416 Auto 400 1.4, 1.6, 2.0 400 2.0D, 2.0DI 600 1.8, 2.0, Rover engine 600 1.8, 2.0, Honda engine 600 2.3 600 2.0 SDI 600 2.0 SDI facelift 800 2.0, 2.0Turbo 800 2.7 Vitesse, 2.7 24V 800 2.5D/SD 10.9910.992.002.002.992.992.993.90-12.98 12.94-12.98 10.89-10.95 9.91-10.95 3.85-9.89 10.9210.9211.95-3.00 11.95-3.00 4.90-4.95 9.91-4.95 95-07.99 5.95-3.00 5.95-3.00 8.93-2.99 8.93-2.99 8.93-2.99 8.93-2.99 97-10.99 10.86-2.99 10.88-2.99 1.92-2.99 P5519 P6205 P7405 P5519 P6205 P7405 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 72 zuliste.indd 72 09.05.2008 10:57:19 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull -83 1.048282-84 8585-70 70-95 958384- 015 077 063-54063 067 038 063-54063 076 077 038 043 063-54063 067 078 067 O75 096 54880 54413 54409 56613 53880 54409 54409 54413 53880 54523 54409 56613 55518 56613 56205 57405 071 071 071 Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM ROVER Continued Acclaim,Allegro, Dolomite,Ital,Herald,Maxi,Marina City Rover 1.4 Maestro Petrol Maestro Diesel Metro Petrol Metro MG,Petrol Metro Diesel Mini Mini Mini Montego Petrol Montego Diesel SD1 2.6 3.5 SD1 Diesel Streetwise 1.4 Streetwise 2.0 TD 8.038.03- P6613 P6205 P7405 50400 50100 50100 50300 50400 50100 50100 50100 50400 50400 50100 50300 50200 50300 50200 50500 P7024 P7024 P7024 50300 P4409 P6613 P4409 P4409 P4523 P4409 P6613 57001 57001 57001 SAAB 90/99 Petrol 95/96 Petrol 900,900i Petrol 900 Turbo,Petrol 900 Petrol 9000 Petrol 9000 3.0 V6 Petrol 9-3,9-5 Petrol 9-3,9-5 Diesel 90/99 Petrol 95/96 Petrol 9-3 2.0i, 2.0Turbo 9-3 2.3i, 2.3Turbo 9-3 2.2TiD 9-3 Cabrio 2.0 9-3 Cabrio 2.3i, 2.3Turbo 9-3 1.8i, 1.8t, 2.0t 9-3 2.8 V6 Turbo 9-3 1.9TiD, 2.2TiD 9-3 Convertible 1.8t, 2.0t 9-3 Convertible 2.8 Turbo 9-3 Convertible 1.9TiD 9-5 2.0t, 2.3t, 2.3 Turbo 9-5 3.0 V6 T 9-5 1.9TiD, 2.2TiD, 3.0TiD -84 70-81 -94 -94 9485949700-84 70-81 2.98-9.02 2.98-9.02 2.98-9.02 2.98-8.03 2.98-8.03 O75 O75 067 067 096 071 071 025 025 017 025 025 096 096 096 096 096 096 025 096 096 56049 56049 56049 56012 56205 56205 56613 56613 57405 56049 56049 56219 56219 58820 56219 56219 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 56219 57405 57405 9600969604- O75 096 096 110 063 56205+ 57405+ 57405+ 58014+ 54409+ P6205 P6205 P6613 P6613 P7405 P7024 P7024 50200 50200 50300 50300 50500 57001 57001 57001 P7405 50500 57001 P7405 50500 57001 P6219 50300 P7412 50500 57001 P6205*+ P7405*+ 57405+ P8042*+ P4409+ 50200 50500 50500 50500 50100 57001 57001 57001 P8820 SEAT Alhambra 1.8T,2.0i Alhambra 2.8V6 Alhambra 1.9TDi,2.OTDi Alhambra TD,OPTIONAL Altea1.6 (5P1) Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 73 zuliste.indd 73 09.05.2008 10:57:22 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 04_ 04060606979793-02 93-02 02020284-91 8491-02 91-02 02020299-05 99-05 050585858891-99 9991-99 990404- O75 096 063 O75 096 063 O75 O75 010 063 O75 O75 077 010 040 010 063 O75 O75 O75 096 O75 096 077 010 077 040 O75 010 096 O75 096 56205+ 57405+ 54409+ 56205+ 57405+ 54409+ 56205 56205 56420 54409+ 56205+ 56205+ 54413 56420 54519 56420 54409+ 56205+ 56205+ 56205+ 57405+ 56205+ 57405+ 54413 56420 54413 54519 56205+ 56420 57405+ 56205+ 57405+ P6205+ P7405+ P4409+ P6205+ P7405+ P4409+ P6205 P6205 50200 50500 50100 50200 50500 50100 50200 50200 50300 50100 50200 50200 50100 50300 50100 50300 50100 50200 50200 50200 50500 50200 50500 50100 50200 50100 50200 50200 50200 50500 50200 50500 55519 57405 54413 55519 P5519 P7405 54409 54459 56219 57405 54459 57405 P4409 P5003 P6219 P7412 P5003 P7412 Running Bull AGM SEAT Continued Altea2.0 Fsi,TFSi (5P1) Altea 1.9TDi,2.0TDi, (5P1) Altea XL1.6 (5P5) AlteaXL2.0FSi,2.0TFSi,(5P5) Altea XL 1.9TDi,2.0TDi,(5P5) Arosa 1.0,1.41,1.4 16V Arosa 1.4TDi,1.7TDi, Cordoba Petrol Cordoba TD,Diesel Cordoba 1.2,1,4 (6L2) Cordoba 1.6,20. (6L2) Cordoba 1.4TDi,1.9TDi Ibiza Petrol Ibiza Diesel Ibiza Petrol Ibiza Diesel Ibiza 1.2,1.2 12v,1.4,1.4 16v (6L1) Ibiza 1.6,1.6 16v,2.0 (6L1) Ibiza 1.4TDi,1.9TDi (6L1) Leon Petrol Leon Diesel Leon 1.4,1.6,1.8,2.0 (1P1) Leon 1.9TDi,2.0TDi, (1P1) Malaga Petrol Malaga Diesel Marbella Petrol Toledo Petrol Toledo Petrol Toledo TD,Diesel Toledo TD,Diesel Toledo 1.4,1.6,1.8,2.0 (5P2) Toledo 1.9TDi,2.0TDi (5P2) P4409+ P6205+ P6205+ P4409+ P6205+ P6205+ P6205 P7405 P6205+ P7405+ P6205+ P7405+ P6205+ P7405+ 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 SEAT LCV Inca 96027/065 inca Diesel 96096 Terra Petrol -95 077 Terra Diesel -95 065 Special notes *may need base hold down spacers +SEAT FIT DIFFERENT CAPACITY BATTERIES DEPENDING ON ELECTRICAL SPEC 44AH=54409 or P4409,51=55519 orP5519, 60 or 61AH=56205 orP6205,72AH=57405 or P7405 80 AH +58014 or P8014, 95=60044 or P10044. P5519 50200 50500 50100 50200 57001 SKODA All Petrol Models Upto 95 Fabia 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 Fabia 2.0 Fabia 1.4TDI, 1.9SDI, 1.9TDI, 1.9TDI RS Fabia ( 1 ) 1.2 Fabia ( 1 ) 1.4D 12.99-07 12.99-07 12.99-07 3.073.07- 063 012 025 096 012 096 50100 Fuse box on top 50300 50500 50500 57001 Fuse box on top 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 74 zuliste.indd 74 09.05.2008 10:57:26 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 10.95-3.98 1.98-6.01 1.98-6.01 9.96-6.04 9.96-6.04 9.96-6.04 6.0411. 025 096 025 096 076 O75 076 O75 012 025 096 076 O75 096 012 025 O75 096 096 110 56219 57405 56219 57405 54409 56205 54409 56205 54459 56219 57405 54409 56205 57405 54459 56219 56205 57405 57405 58014 P6219 P7412 P6219 P7412 P4409 P6205 P4409 P6205 P5003 P6219 P7405 P4409 P6205 P7405 P5003 P6219 P6205 P7405 P7405 P8014 50300 50500 50300 50500 50100 50200 50100 50200 919595- 065 065 025 55519 55519 56219 P5519 P5519 P6219 50200 50200 50300 4.037.98-1.04 11.99-1.04 1.04-1.07 1.04-1.07 079 079 025 079 025 079 025 079 025 54459 54459 56219 54459 56219 54459 56219 54459 56219 P4409 P4409 P6219 P4409 P6219 P4409 P6219 P4409 P6219 50100 50100 50300 50100 50300 50100 50300 50100 50300 10.0612.88-12.96 5.9712.9612.96965.0510.966.963.968.044.02- 250 250 069 250 250 005R 250 069 250 250 250 250 60033 60033 57024 60033 60033 56069 60033 57024 60033 60033 60033 60033 P10033 P10033 P7024 P10033 P10033 P6069 P10033 P7024 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 Running Bull AGM SKODA Continued Fabia ( 2 ) 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 Fabia ( 2 ) 1.4TDI, 1.9TDI Fabia ( 3 ) 1.4, 1.6 Fabia ( 3 ) 1.4TDI, 1.9TDI Felicia 1.3, 1.6 Felicia 1.9D Felicia Mk2 1.3, 1.6 Felicia Mk2 1.9D Octavia 1.4, 1.6 Octavia 1.8, 1.8t, Rs 1.8t, 2.0 Octavia 1.9SDI, 1.9TDI Octavia Mk2 1.4, 1.6, 1.6FSi Octavia Mk2 2.0FSI, 2.0RS Octavia Mk2 1.9TDI, 2.0TDI, 2.0TDI 16V Roomster 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 Roomster 1.4TDI, 1.9TDI Superb 1.8t, 2.0 Superb 2.8 V6 Superb 1.9TDI, 2.0TDI Superb 2.5TDI 50300 50500 50100 50200 50500 50300 50200 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 Fuse box on top 57001 57001 Fuse box on top Fuse box on top 57001 57001 57001 SKODA LCV Favorit Foreman,Freeway Felicia Petrol Felicia Diesel 57001 SMART CAR Roadster 0.7 Fortwo 0.6, 0.7 Fortwo 0.8CDI Fortwo 0.7 Fortwo 0.8CDI Fortwo 1.0, 1.0Turbo Fortwo 0.8CDI Forfour 1.1, 1.3, 1.5 Forfour 1.5CDI SSANGYONG Actyon 200XDI Korando 2.2D Korando 2.0, 2.3 Korando 3.2 Korando 2.3D, 2.9D, 2.9TD KJ 3.2 Kyron 2.0, 2.7XDI Musso 2.0, 2.3 Musso 3.2 Musso 2.3D, 2.9D, 2.9TD Musso Sports 2.9D Rexton 3.2 50300 50300 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 75 zuliste.indd 75 09.05.2008 10:57:29 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 4.025.05- 250 250 60033 60033 P10033 P10033 1.058.97-9.02 9.028.92-12.00 12.0012.0011.84-10.95 10.95-03 9.031.89-7.94 9.94-3.99 10.98-03 9.0300-03 11.0392-97 3.92-10.95 11.84-12.90 55D23L 55D23L 75D23L 55D23L 155 55D23L 55D23L 154 054 154 005L 005L 005L 005L 005L 75D23L 75D31R 054 004R 56068 56068 57029 56068 54551 56068 56068 54584 53520 54584 56068 56068 56068 56068 56068 57029 57024 53520 55042 P6068 P6068 P7029 P6068 P4524 P6068 P6068 83-88 948677-94 88-93 048HD 154 154 005R 154 54579 54584 54584 56069 54584 6.82-12.85 1.86-1193 9.94-6.02 6.027.952.92-8.95 3.98-10.05 3.98-10.05 4.98-10.05 3.98-10.05 10.0510.0510.0510.00-9.03 35D20L / 054 35D20L / 054 35D20L / 054 35D20L / 054 35D24L / 154 35D20L / 054 35D24R / 155 005L 005L 95D31L 005L 005L 95D31L 35D20L / 054 35D20L / 054 096 35D24R / 155 35D24R / 155 53520 53520 53520 53520 54584 53520 54551 56068 56068 60032 56068 56068 60032 53520 53520 57405 54551 54551 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM SSANGYONG Continued Rexton 2.7XDI, 2.9 Rodius 2.7XDI SUBARU B9 Tribeca 3.0L Forester 2.0, 2.0S Turbo Forester 2.0, 2.0S Turbo, 2.5, 2.5XT Impreza 1.6, 1.8i, 2.0, 2.0Turbo Impeza Imports Impreza 1.5, 1.6 Impreza 2.0, 2.0Turbo, 2.4 Justy 1.0, 1.2 Justy Mk2 1.3 Justy Mk3 1.3, 1.5 Legacy 1.8, 2.0, 2.0Turbo, 2.2 Legacy Mk2 2.0i, 2.2i, 2.5i Legacy Mk3 2.0, 2.5 Legacy Mk4 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 Outback 2.5, 3.0 Outback Mk2 2.5, 3.0 SVX Vivio 0.6 1.8XT Coupe P4026 P4026 P6068 P6068 P6068 P6068 P6068 P7029 P7024 P4026 50400 50400 50400 50400 50500 50400 SUBARU LCV 700 E12 Van Justy MV Pick Up 1.8 Sumo P4026 50400 50400 50400 P6069 50400 SUZUKI Alto 0.8 Alto MK2 0.8 Alto MK3 1.0 Alto MK4 1.1 Baleno 1.3, Cappucino 0.7 Grand Vitara 1.6, Grand Vitara 2.0 Grand Vitara 2.5 V6, 2.7 V6 Grand Vitara 2.0TD, 2.0HDI Grand Vitara Mk2 1.6 Grand Vitara Mk2 2.0 Grand Vitara Mk2 1.9DDiS Ignis 1.3 Ignis Mk2 1.3, 1.5 Ignis Mk2 1.3DDiS Jimny 1.3 16V Jimny 1.5DDiS P4026 P4026 P4026 P4026 50400 P4026 P4027 P6068 P6068 P10032 P6068 P6068 P10032 P4026 P4026 P7405 P4027 P4027 50400 50500 50400 50400 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 76 zuliste.indd 76 09.05.2008 10:57:33 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 7.017.0111.889.81-12.88 9.84-8.90 6.066.0610.83-3.89 3.89-5.01 7.88-1.95 12.94-3.98 12.95-3.98 12.94-3.98 2.98-5.00 35D24L / 154 35D24L / 154 35D24R / 155 35D20R / 055 35D20R / 055 063-54063 096 35D20R / 055 35D20R / 055 35D20R / 055 063-54063 002 35D20R / 055 005L 35D20R / 055 096 35D20L / 054 063-54063 063-54063 35D20L / 054 54584 54584 54551 53522 54551 54409 57405 53522 53522 53522 54409 53202 53522 56068 53522 57405 53520 54409 54409 53520 P4026 P4026 P4027 P4027 P4027 P4409 P7405 P4027 P4027 P4027 P4409 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 50100 50500 P4027 P6068 P4027 P7405 P4026 P4409 P4409 P4026 50400 054 35D24R / 155 53520 54551 P4026 P4027 71-80 75-85 73-81 73-81 82-85 69-78 78-84 67-72 82-86 67-72 777781-84 049 049 038 049 067 038 049 038 048 038 038 038 O75 54579 54579 53880 54579 56613 53880 54579 53880 54577 53880 53880 53880 56205 0000- 643 643 59017 59017 -82 8271- 664 663 664 664 60527 60528 60527 60527 Running Bull AGM SUZUKI Continued Liana 1.3, 1.6 Liana 1.4DDis Samurai SJ410, SJ413 SJ410, Cabrio SJ413 SX4 1.5, 1.6 VVT, VVT 4x4 SX4 1.9DDiS, DDiS 4x4 Swift Mk1 1.0, 1.3, Swift Mk2 1.0, 1.3, 1.6 Swift Mk3 1.3, 1.5 Swift Mk3 1.3DDiS Vitara 1.6 spanish built Vitara 1.6 Jap Built Vitara 2.0 Vitara 2.5 V6 Vitara 1.9D, 2.0TD Wagon R 1.0, 1.2 Wagon R Mk2 1.3 Wagon R Mk2 1.3DDiS X90 1.6 50100 50400 50500 50100 50100 SUZUKI LCV Super Carry SK410 SJ 410 413 Vitra 50400 TALBOT 160,180,2.0 Petrol Alpine Petrol Avenger Petrol Horizon Petrol Horizon Diesel Hunter,Minx,Petrol Rancho Petrol Rapier Petrol Samba Sceptre Solara Petrol Sunbeam Tagora P6613 P6205 50400 50400 50400 50400 50500 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 50200 57001 TATA Gurkha Safari ALSO SEE JAGUAR TAXI FX4 Diesel FX4 Diesel F6 GX1 61048 61047 61048 61048 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 77 zuliste.indd 77 09.05.2008 10:57:36 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 01-06 06- 663 663 AGM 096 Fitted AGM 019 Fitted 60528 60528 57405 60044 61047 61047 P7405 P10044 50500 57001 59501 03.0703.0703.079.97-10.00 9.97-10.00 9.97-10.00 8.0108.01 ??? 7.057.0502.83-1.88 10.84-01.88 11.86-5.91 2.88-5.91 11.88-5.91 6.91-6.97 8.96-11.01 8.96-1101 11.0111.015.73-03.78 1.78-2.87 4.82-9.83 10.83-6.93 02.84-6.93 4.92-9.97 4.92-9.97 4.92-9.97 5.73-3.78 8.77-10.86 9.85-08.90 10.89-1.94 11.93-11.99 11.9976-80 9.79-9.83 1.83-9.83 6.83-5.88 6.83-5.88 027/065 096 096 027/065 O75 096 027/065 096 025 025 096 110 002R 025 O75 030 030 005L 030 005L 005L 005L 005L 005L 005L 005L 249 005L 249 005L/044 005L/044 249/030 005L 005L 030 005L 005L 005L 044 005L 068 005L/044 030 55519 57405 57405 55519 56205 57405 55519 57405 56219 56219 57405 58014 54008 56219 56205 57029 57029 56068 57029 56068 56068 56068 56068 56068 56068 56068 60032 56068 60032 56068/54524 56068/54524 60032/57029 56068 56068 57029 56068 56068 56068 54524 56068 57029 56068/54524 57029 P5519 P7405 P7405 P5519 P6205 P7405 P5519 P7405 P6219 P6219 P7405 P8042 50200 50500 50500 50200 50200 50500 50200 50500 50300 P6219 P6205 P7029 P7029 P6068 P7029 P6068 P6068 P6068 P6068 P6068 P6068 P6068 P10032 P6068 P10032 P6068 P6068 P10032 P6068 P6068 P7029 P6068 P6068 P6068 P4524 P6068 P7029 P6068 P7029 50300 50200 TAXI Continued L T 1,T X 1 Metro Cab TX2 TX2 TOYOTA Auris 1.4,1.6 VVTI Auris 1.4D_4D Auris 2.0 D-4D,2.2D Avensis,!.8,1.8VVT-i Avensis 2.0,2.0VVT-i Avensis 2.0TD,2.0D-4d Avensis Verso 2.0 VVT-i Avensis Verso 2.0 D-4D Avensis 1.6 VVT-I,1.8 Avensis 2.0,2.4 Avensis2.0D-4D,2.2D-4D Avensis2.0D-4D,2.2D-4D (2.0L 07 PLATE D4D Aygo 1.0 Aygo 1.4HDi Camry 1.8,2.0 Camry 1.8 Turbo-D Camry V2 1.8i,2.0 Camry V2 2.5 V6 Camry 2.0 TD Camry 2.2,3.0 Camry V20 2.2 Camry 3.0 V6, 3.0 24v Camry V30 2.4 VVT-i Camry 3.0 V6 Carina 1.6 Carina 1.6,1.8 Carina 1.8D Carina MK2,TL15&17 1.6,1.8, Carina MK2,TL15&17, 2.0D Carina E 1.6,1.8. CarinaE 2.0i,2.0GTi CarinaE 2.0d,2.0TD Celica 1.6,2.0 Celica 1.6,2.0 Celica T16 1.6,2.0 Celica T18 1.6,2.0 Celica T20 1.8,2.0 Celica ZZT23 1.8 16v Corolla 1.2,1.6 Corolla E7 1.3,1.6 (SW-87) Corolla 1.8D (SW-87) Corolla E8 1.3,1.6 Corolla E8 1.8D 57001 57001 57001 57001 50500 50500 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 78 zuliste.indd 78 09.05.2008 10:57:40 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Corolla E9 1.4,1.6 Corolla E9 1.8D Corolla E10 1.3,1.6,1.8 Corolla E10 2.0D Corolla E11 1.4,1.6, Corolla E11 1.9D,2.0D,2.0D-4D Corolla E12 1.4,1.6,1.8VVT-i Corolla E12 1.4D Corolla E12 2.0D-4D Corolla Verso 1.4,1.6,1.8VVT-i Corolla Verso 2.0D-4D Corolla Verso Mk2 1.6,1.8 Corolla Verso Mk2 2.0D-4D,2.2D-4D Corolla Verso Mk2 2.0D-4D,2.2D-4D ( D4D 07) Corona 1.8,2.0 Landcruiser J4 3.9,4.2 Landcruiser J4 3.0D,3.4D,3.6D,4.0D Landcruiser J6 4.0,4.2 Landcruiser J6 3.4D,4.0D, 4.0TD Landcruiser J7 2.4, Landcruiser J7 2.4TD,3.0 TD Landcruiser J7 3.4D,3.4TD,4.2TD Landcruiser J8 4.0,4.5 24v Landcruiser J8 4.2D,4.2TD Landcruiser J9 3.4i Landcruiser J9 3.0TD,3.0D-4D Landcruiser J10 4.7 Landcruiser J10 4.2TD Landcruiser J12 4.0 Landcruiser J12 3.0 D-4D 7.87-6.93 8.87-6.93 7.92-4.97 7.92-4.97 4.97-1.02 2.00-1.02 1.02-5.04 04.0404-0406- ?? 12.75-7.81 3.69-4.86 2.74-10.84 11.84-12.89 10.81-12.89 11.84-12.96 11.84-5.96 11.84-12.96 01.90-08.92 1.90-12.97 04-9604.9601.9801.9801.0301.03- MR2 W1 1.6 MR2 W2 2.0 16V MR2 W3 1.8 VT-i Paseo 1.5 Picnic 2.0 Picnic 2.2D Previa 2.4 Previa 2.4 16v Previa 2.0D-4D RAV 4 2.0 16V RAV 4 MK2 1.8,2.0 VVTi RAV 4 MK2 2.0 D-4D RAV 4 MK3 2.0VVTi RAV 4 2.2 D-4D, 2.2D-CAT Starlet 1.0 Starlet 1.3 Starlet 1.0 Starlet 1.3 11.84-6.90 12.89-5.00 04.00 8.95-7.99 5.968.975.90-8.00 08.0003.016.94-6.00 06.0009.0103.0603.0602.78-09.84 10.84-12.89 10.84-12.89 005L 030 005L 030 004L 249 025/O75 069 096 004L/O75 096 O75 096 110 O75 069/250 069 069 249 & 250 068//249 250 249 & 250 250 x 2 249 & 250 249 & 250 249 & 250 250 249 & 250 249 85D26L X 1 85D26R X 1 005L 005L 46B24LS 004R 005L 249 068 043 068 005L 044 068 043/004L 115D31L 044 044 044 044 56068 57029 56068 57029 55041 60032 56219 57405 57405 55041/56205 57405 56205 57405 58014 56205 57024/60033 57024 57024 60032/60033 57029/57024 60033 60032/60033 60033 60032/60033 60032/60033 60032/60033 60033 60032/60033 60032 57029 57024 56068 56068 54523 55042 56068 60032 57029 54523 57029 56068 54524 57029 54523 60032 54524 54524 54524 54524 P6068 P7029 P6068 P7029 P5041 P10032 P6219 P7024 P7405 P5041 P7405 P6205 P7412 P8042 P6205 P7024 P7024 P7024 P10032/P10033 P7029 P10033 P10032/P10033 P10033 P10032/P10033 P10032/P10033 P10032/P10033 P10033 P10032/P10033 P10032 P7029 P7024 P6068 P6068 P4523 P5042 P6068 P10032 P7029 P4523 P7029 P6068 P4524 P7029 P4523 P10032 P4524 P4524 P4524 P4524 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM TOYOTA Continued 50300 50500 57001 50500 57001 50300 50500 57001 57001 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 79 zuliste.indd 79 09.05.2008 10:57:43 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 12.86-12.89 12.89-12.92 12.89-03.96 12.89-03.96 04.96-03.99 01.86-05.93 05.93-08.98 03.79-01.88 10.82-01.88 04.9903.0311.9904.0201.0304.0103.03-07.05 12.0101.0601.0601.0701.0601.0311.9905.0303.0012.0108.87-03.96 11.9507.90-11.95 11.9510.93-03.96 11.952008- 005R 043 043 069 044 068 068 044 044 043 063-54063 044 044 025 044 044 069 076 076 069 O75 044 044 044 044 069 068 069 069 249 & 250 069 O75 O75 56069 54523 54523 57024 54524 57029 57029 54524 54524 54523 54409 54524 54524 56219/54551 54524 54524 57024 54409 54409 57024 56205 54524 54524 54524 54524 57024 57029 57024 57024 60032/60033 57024 56205 56205 P6069 P4523 P4523 P7024 P4524 P7029 P7029 P4524 P4524 P4523 P4409 P4524 P4524 P6219 P4524 P4524 P7024 P4409 P4409 P7024 P6219 P4524 P4524 P4524 P4524 P7024 P7029 P7024 P7024 P10032/P10033 P7024 P6205 P6250 01.79-12.84 03.83-11.89 01.85-11.89 03.83-11.89 01.87-11.89 08.84-11.89 08.89-08.95 08.89-08.95 08.89-08.95 08.89-08.95 08.89-08.95 08.95-04.98 08.95-04.98 04.98-11.01 005R 005R 005R 249 249 249 005R 005R 005R 249 249 005R 005R 069 56069 56069 56069 60032 60032 60032 56069 56069 56069 60032 60032 56069 56069 57024 P6069 P6069 P6069 P10032 P10032 P10032 P6069 P6069 P6069 P10032 P10032 P6069 P6069 P7024 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM TOYOTA Continued Starlet 1.5D Starlet 1.0 Starlet 1.3 Starlet 1.5D Starlet 1.3 Supra 3.0 Supra 3.0i Bi Turbo Tercel 1.3 Tercel 1.5 Yaris 1.0 16V Yaris 1.0 16V French Manf 063 Jap Manf 044 Yaris 1.3 16V Yaris 1.3 Yaris 1.5 TS Yaris 1.5 VVT-i TS Yaris 1.5 VVT-i TS Yaris 1.4 D-4D Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Yaris 1.8 VVT-i Yaris D-4D Yaris Verso 1.3 Yaris Verso 1.3 Yaris Verso 1.5 Yaris Verso 1.5 Yaris Verso 1.4 D-4D 4 Runner 2.4 4 Runner 2.7i 4 Runner 3.0 V6 4 Runner 3.4i 4 Runner 3.0 TD 4 Runner 3.0 TD 4 Runner 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 50400 50100 50400 50400 50300 50400 50400 50100 50100 50300 50400 50400 50400 50400 TOYOTA LCV Hi Ace MK1 1.6 Hi Ace MK2 1.8 Hi Ace MK2 2.0 Hi Ace MK2 2.2D Hi Ace MK2 2.4D Hi Ace MK2 2.4D Hi Ace MK3 2.0 Hi Ace MK3 2.4 Hi Ace MK3 2.4 4WD Hi Ace MK3 2.4D Hi Ace MK3 2.4D 4WD Hi Ace MK4 2.4 Hi Ace MK4 2.4 4WD Hi Ace MK4 2.7 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 80 zuliste.indd 80 09.05.2008 10:57:46 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 04.9811.0107.9908.9508.9508.9511.0108.0608.88-07.94 01.84-12.86 01.87-12.89 01.84-08.88 06.89-97 08.88-97 08.88-97 08.88-97 08.97-01.02 07.98-01.02 08.98-01.02 11.0111.0107 PLATE 069 069 069 069 069 069 069 069 069 069 069 + 068 069 + 068 069 250 250 069 + 068 250 250 250 80D26L x 2 80D26L x 2 80D26L x 2 57024 57024 57024 57024 57024 57024 57024 57024 57024 57024 57024+57029 57024+57029 57024 60033 60033 57024+57029 60033 60033 60033 57029 x 2 57029 x 2 57029 x 2 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024+P7029 P7024+P7029 P7024 P10033 P10033 P7024+P7029 P10033 P10033 P10033 P7029 x 2 P7029 x 2 P7029 x 2 10.79-10.86 10.82-09.85 07.89-01.92 10.85-08.88 08.88-01.92 01.92-01.95 01.92-01.95 01.92-05.94 9696- 044 069 044 069 069 044 005R 069 069 663 54524 57024 54524 57024 57024 54524 56069 57024 57024 60528 P4524 P7024 P4524 P7024 P7024 P4524 P6069 P7024 P7024 50400 96939374857900-80 80000404- 089 089 089 015 089 015 086 015 089 086 069 069 57089 57089 57089 54880 57089 54880 57233 54880 57089 57233 57024 57024 P7024 P7024 P7024 50300 50500 50500 50400 50500 50400 50500 50400 50500 50500 Running Bull AGM TOYOTA LCV Continued Hi Ace MK4 2.7 4WD Hi Ace MK4 2.7 Hi Ace MK4 2.4D Hi Ace MK4 2.4D Hi Ace MK4 2.4TD Hi Ace MK4 2.4TD Hi Ace MK4 2.5 D-4D Hi Ace MK4 2.5 D-4D HI Lux 1.8 HI Lux 2.0 HI Lux 2.2 4wd HI Lux 2.4D AWD HI Lux 2.4i 4wd HI Lux 2.4D, 2.8 HI Lux 2.4D 4WD 1 battery fitted HI Lux 2.4D 4WD HI Lux 2.4i 4wd HI Lux 2.4D HI Lux 2.4TD 4WD HI Lux 2.5D-4D HI Lux 2.5D-4D 4WD Hi Lux Pick Up 2.5 D4D D cab Tip for Hi Lux Check before supply Lite Ace 1.3 Lite Ace 1.8D Lite Ace 1.5 Lite Ace 1.8D Lite Ace 2.0D Lite Ace MK2 1.5 Lite Ace MK2 2.2 Lite Ace MK2 2.0D Powervan Petrol Powervan Diesel 50400 50400 TVR Cerbera Chimaera Griffith 3.0M I 350 Taimar Tamora Tasmin Tasmin Tuscan T350/Sagaris T400R/440R P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 81 zuliste.indd 81 09.05.2008 10:57:50 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 09.0009.0007.0402.82-08.84 09.79-08.84 09.81-08.86 03.83-08.86 03.82-08.86 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 067 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 56613 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P6613 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50500 09.84-08.91 09.84-08.91 01.90-08.91 01.90-08.91 09.84-08.91 09.84-08.86 09.84-08.91 09.86-08.91 05.88-08.91 09.84-12.89 01.89-09.91 01.91-08.93 10.87-02.93 01.87-12.91 01.87-12.91 01.91-08.93 09.91-02.98 09.91-02.98 02.96-02.98 09.91-02.98 01.94-02.98 09.91-02.98 09.91-02.98 09.91-02.98 09.91-02.98 09.91-02.98 12.91-02.98 05.93-03.01 01.96.-03.01 03.93-03.01 11.94-03.01 03.93-10.94 02.9802.9802.9802.9809.0202.9809.0202.98- 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 027/065 027/065 027/065 067 067 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 067 067 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 027/065 027/065 027/065 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 55519 55519 55519 56613 56613 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 55519 55519 55519 55519 56613 56613 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 55519 55519 55519 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P5519 P5519 P5519 P6613 P6613 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P6613 P6613 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P5519 P5519 P5519 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 50200 50200 Running Bull AGM VAUXHALL Agila 1.0L 12v Agila 1.2L 16v Agila 1.2L 16v Twinport Astra MK1 1.2S Astra MK1 1.3S Astra MK1 1.6S Astra MK1 1.8 GTE Astra MK1 1.6D Astra MK 2 + Astra MK2 Belmont Astra MK2 1.2 Astra MK2 1.3 Astra MK2 1.4i Astra MK2 1.4S Astra MK2 1.6 Astra MK2 1.6S Astra MK2 1.8 GTE Astra MK2 2.0 GTE Astra MK2 2.0 GTE 16V Astra MK2 1.6D Astra MK2 1.7D Astra MK2 Convertible 1.6i Astra MK2 Convertible 1.6i cat Astra MK2 Convertible 1.6i Astra MK2 Convertible 2.0i Astra MK2 Convertible 2.0i cat Astra MK3 1.4i Astra MK3 1.4S Astra MK3 1.4i 16V Astra MK3 1.6i Astra MK3 1.6i 16V Astra MK3 1.8i Astra MK3 1.8i 16V Astra MK3 2.0i Astra MK3 2.0i 16V Astra MK3 1.7D Astra MK3 1.7TD Astra MK3 Convertible 1.4i Astra MK3 Convertible 1.4i 16V Astra MK3 Convertible 1.6i Astra MK3 Convertible 1.8 16V Astra MK3 Convertible 2.0i Astra MK4 1.2 16V Astra MK4 1.4 16V Astra MK4 1.6 Astra MK4 1.6 16V Astra MK4 1.6 Dualfuel Astra MK4 1.8 16V Astra MK4 1.8 Dualfuel Astra MK4 2.0 16V 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 82 zuliste.indd 82 09.05.2008 10:57:53 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 07.0203.0102.0004.0302.98-08.00 02.9808.9903.0009.0209.0003.0003.0103.0103.0203.0103.0403.0403.0403.0410.0503.0404.0406.0402.0502.0502.0502.0502.0509.0505.0605.0605.0606.90-07.97 03.92-07.97 04.93-07.97 12.82-08.86 01.83-12.84 10.78-08.86 11.84-08.86 05.83-08.86 09.86-03.94 09.90-03.94 09.88-03.94 09.90-03.94 03.87-03.94 08.90-09.92 09.86-03.94 10.86-08.88 08.88-03.94 027/065 075 096 096 096 096 096 O75 O75 O75 067 027/065 027/065 O75 067 063-54063 027/065 027/065 O75 096 096 096 096 027/065 027/065 O75 096 096 O75/065 068 068 250 027/065 027/065 O75 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 O75 067 067 067 55519 56205 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 56205 56205 56205 56613 55519 55519 56205 56613 54409 55519 55519 56205 57405 57405 57405 57405 55519 55519 56205 57405 57405 56205 58009 ? 58009 ? 60033 55519 55519 56205 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 56205 56613 56613 56613 P5519 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6613 P5519 P5519 P6205 P6613 P4409 P5519 P5519 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P5519 P5519 P6205 P7405 P7405 P6205 P7029 ? P7029 ? P10033 P5519 P5519 P6205 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P6205 P6613 P6613 P6613 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50500 50200 50200 50200 50500 50100 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50200 50500 50500 Running Bull AGM VAUXHALL Continued Astra MK4 2.0 SRI Turbo Astra MK4 2.2 16V Astra MK4 1.7 DTI 16V Astra MK4 1.7 CDTI 16V Astra MK4 1.7TD Astra MK4 2.0Di Astra MK4 2.0DTi 16V Astra MK4 Coupe 1.8 16V Astra MK4 Coupe 1.8 16V Dualfuel Astra MK4 Coupe 2.0 16V Turbo Astra MK4 Coupe 2.2 16V Astra MK4 Convertible 1.6 16V Astra MK4 Convertible 1.8 16V Astra MK4 Convertible 2.0 Turbo Astra MK4 Convertible 2.2 16V Astra MK5 1.4 Astra MK5 1.6 Astra MK5 1.8 Astra MK5 2.0 Turbo Astra MK5 1.3CDTI Astra MK5 1.7CDTI Astra MK5 1.9CDTI 16V Astra MK5 1.9CDTI Astra MK5 Sporthatch 1.6 Astra MK5 Sporthatch 1.8 Astra MK5 Sporthatch 2.0 Turbo Astra MK5 Sporthatch 1.7CDTI Astra MK5 Sporthatch 1.9CDTI Astra MK5 Twintop Cabriolet 1.6 Antara 2.4 Antara 3.2 V6 Antara 2.0CDTi Calibre 2.0i Calibre 2.0i Turbo Calibre 2.0i 2.5i V6 Carlton MK2 1.8S Carlton MK2 2.0i Carlton MK2 2.0S Carlton MK2 2.2i Carlton MK2 2.3D Carlton MK3 1.8 Carlton MK3 2.0 Carlton MK3 2.4i Carlton MK3 2.6i Carlton MK3 3.0 Carlton MK3 3.6 24V Lotus Carlton Carlton MK3 2.3D Carlton MK3 2.2TD Carlton MK3 2.3TD 50200 50200 50300 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 83 zuliste.indd 83 09.05.2008 10:57:57 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 08.77-08.81 09.75-08.81 08.77-08.81 09.81-08.88 09.81-08.88 09.81-08.88 09.86-08.88 03.82-08.88 09.88-11.95 09.88-11.95 09.88-11.95 09.88-11.95 09.88-11.95 09.88-11.95 09.88-11.95 03.75-12.85 11.96-09.00 03.93-09.00 03.93-09.00 03.93-09.00 03.93-09.00 03.93-10.96 02.96-09.00 09.0009.0008.0109.0009.0004.0409.0009.0004.040707070708.0703.92-10.98 09.96-10.98 03.95-08.96 03.95-10.98 03.92-10.98 03.92-10.98 09.96-10.98 03.95-10.98 10.9810.9810.9807.04- 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 067 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 027/065 027/065 067 067 038 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 O75 O75 O75 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 027/065 096 096 096 096 012 012 096 096 O75 O75 067 067 O75 O75 067 067 067 O75 O75 096 063-54063 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 56613 54409 54409 54409 55519 55519 56613 56613 53880 54409 54409 54409 54409 56205 56205 56205 54409 54409 54409 54409 55519 57405 57405 57405 57405 54459 54459 57405 57405 56205 56205 56613 56613 56205 56205 56613 56613 56613 56205 56205 57405 54409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P6613 P4409 P4409 P4409 P5519 P5519 P6613 P6613 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50500 50100 50100 50100 50200 50200 50500 50500 50400 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 50200 50200 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50100 50100 50500 50500 50200 50200 50500 50500 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50500 50100 Running Bull AGM VAUXHALL Continued Cavalier MK1 1.3 Cavalier MK1 1.6 Cavalier MK1 2.0 Cavalier MK2 1.3 Cavalier MK2 1.6 Cavalier MK2 1.8 Cavalier MK2 2.0 Cavalier MK2 1.6D Cavalier MK3 1.4 Cavalier MK3 1.6 Cavalier MK3 1.8 Cavalier MK3 2.0i Cavalier MK3 2.5 V6 Cavalier MK3 1.7D Cavalier MK3 1.7TD Chevette 1.3 Corsa 1.0i 12V Corsa 1.2i Corsa 1.4i Corsa 1.6i Corsa 1.5D Corsa 1.5TD Corsa 1.7D Corsa MK2 1.0 Corsa MK2 1.2 Corsa MK2 1.2 16V Dualfuel Corsa MK2 1.4 16V Corsa MK2 1.8 16V Corsa MK2 1.3CDTi Corsa MK2 1.7Di 16V Corsa MK2 1.7Dti 16V Corsa MK2 1.7Dti 16V Corsa MK3 1.2 16V Corsa MK3 1.4 16V Corsa MK3 1.3CDTi 16V Corsa MK3 1.7CDTi 16V Corsa MK3 1.6i 16V Turbo VXR Frontera Sport 2.0i Frontera Sport 2.5TDS Frontera Sport 2.8TD Frontera 2.2i Frontera 2.4i Frontera 2.3TD Frontera 2.5TDS Frontera 2.8TD Frontera MK2 2.2i Frontera MK2 3.2i Frontera MK2 2.2DTi Meriva 1.4 16V Twinport P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P6205 P6205 P6205 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P5519 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P5003 P5003 P7405 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6613 P6613 P6205 P6205 P6613 P6613 P6613 P6205 P6205 P7405 P4409 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 84 zuliste.indd 84 09.05.2008 10:58:01 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 05.0305.0201.0605.0305.0609.0204.0406.92-07.98 09.91-07.98 07.98-08.99 07.98-08.99 05.83-03.93 05.83-03.93 05.83-03.93 01.90-03.93 05.88-03.93 09.87-03.93 01.90-03.93 03.94-09.99 09.9903.94-09.00 09.0004.9402.0110.98-09.00 09.0004.94-02.01 09.0109.84-08.87 09.84-12.86 09.87-10.90 09.90-09.93 09.87-09.93 05.0305.0308.0505.0304.0404.0405.0305.0305.0309.0509.96-04.99 063-54063 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 096 096 005R 1X069,1X068 005R 1X069,1X068 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 O75 O75 067 067 067 067 067 067 067 067 017 096 075 075 067 067 067 067 067 096 096 110 110 110 110 110 110 078 54409 55519 55519 55519 55519 57405 57405 56069 57024,57029 56069 57024,57029 54409 54409 54409 54409 54409 56205 56205 56613 56613 56613 56613 56613 56613 56613 56613 58820 57405 56205 56205 56613 56613 56613 56613 56613 57405 57405 58014 58014 58014 58014 58014 58014 55518 * P4409 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P7405 P7405 P6069 P7024,P7029 P6069 P7024,P7029 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P6205 P6205 P6613 P6613 P6613 P6613 P6613 P6613 P6613 P6613 P8820 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6613 P6613 P6613 P6613 P6613 P7405 P7405 P8042 P8042 P8042 P8042 P8042 P8042 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 09.96-04.99 07.9407.9406.04- USA 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 7572 54409 54409 54409 Running Bull AGM VAUXHALL Continued Meriva 1.6i Meriva 1.6i 16V Meriva 1.6i 16V Twinport Meriva 1.8i 16V Meriva 1.6 Turbo Meriva 1.3CDTi Meriva 1.7CDTi 16V Monterey 3.2 Monterey 3.1TD Monterey MK2 3.5 V6 24V Monterey MK2 3.0 Dti Nova 1.0 Nova 1.2 Nova 1.3 Nova 1.4 Nova 1.6 Nova 1.5D Nova 1.5TD Omega 2.0 Omega 2.2 Omega 2.5 V6 Omega 2.6 V6 Omega 3.0 V6 Omega 3.2 V6 Omega 2.0 DTi 16V Omega 2.2 DTi 16V Omega 2.5 TD Omega 2.5 DTi 24V Senator 2.5i Senator 3.0i Senator MK2 2.5i Senator MK2 2.6i Senator MK2 3.0i Signum 2.0i Turbo Signum 2.2i Signum 2.8 V6 Turbo Signum 3.2 V6 Signum 1.9 CDTi Signum 1.9 CDTi 16V Signum 2.0 DTi Signum 2.2 Dti Signum 3.0 CDTi Signum 3.0 V6 CDTi Sintra ( Option 1 ) Option 1 fit hangover terminal conversions Sintra ( Option 2 ) CORRECT USA BAT Tigra 1.4 16V Tigra 1.6 16V Tigra TwinTop 1.4 P4409 P4409 P4409 50100 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 505000 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50100 50100 50100 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 85 zuliste.indd 85 09.05.2008 10:58:04 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 06.0406.0410.9510.9510.95-09.00 09.0010.95-09.00 09.0010.95-09.00 09.0005.98-09.99 10.95-11.96 11.9606.9709.0008.0204.0203.0308.0210.0208.0204.0404.0404.0204.0206.0304.0309.0004.9904.9909.0109.0010.9904.9907.0507.0507.0507.05- 027/065 096 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 096 096 027/065 027/065 O75 067 067 096 110 110 110 110 110 110 55519 57405 55519 55519 55519 55519 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 57405 55519 55519 56205 56613 56613 57405 58014 58014 58014 58014 58014 P5519 P7405 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P5519 P5519 P6205 P6613 P6613 P7405 P8014 P8014 P8042 P8042 P8042 50200 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 027/065 027/065 027/065 O75 096 096 027/065 027/065 O75 096 55519 55519 55519 56205 57405 57405 55519 55519 56205 57405 P5519 P5519 P5519 P6205 P7405 P7405 P5519 P5519 P6205 P7405 50200 50200 50200 50300 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50500 03.98-08.01 03.98-08.01 03.98-08.01 03.98-08.01 84-94 84-94 01.91-10.94 09.91-08.98 01.91-08.94 096 096 096 096 063-54063 067 063-54063 063-54063 067 57405 57405 57405 57405 54409 56613 54409 54409 56613 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P4409 P6613 P4409 P4409 P6613 50500 50500 50500 50500 50100 50500 50100 50100 50500 Running Bull AGM VAUXHALL Continued Tigra TwinTop 1.8 Tigra TwinTop 1.3 CDTi Vectra 1.6i Vectra 1.6i 16V Vectra 1.8i 16V Vectra 1.8i 16V Vectra 2.0i 16V Vectra 2.2i 16V Vectra 2.5i V6 Vectra 2.6i V6 Vectra 2.5i GSi Vectra 1.7TD Vectra 2.0 Di 16V Vectra 2.0 DTi 16V Vectra 2.2 DTi 16V Vectra MK2 GTS 1.8 16V Vectra MK2 GTS 1.8 16V Dualfuel Vectra MK2 GTS 2.0 16V Turbo Vectra MK2 GTS 2.2 16V Vectra MK2 GTS 2.2 Direct Vectra MK2 GTS 3.2 V6 Vectra MK2 GTS 1.9CDTi Vectra MK2 GTS 1.9CDTi 16V Vectra MK2 GTS 2.0DTi 16V Vectra MK2 GTS 2.2 Dti 16V Vectra MK2 GTS 3.0 V6 CDTi VX220 2.0i Turbo VX220 2.2i Zafira MK1 1.6 16V Zafira MK1 1.8 16V Zafira MK1 2.0 GSi Turbo Zafira MK1 2.2 16V Zafira MK1 2.0 Di 16V Zafira MK1 2.0 DTi 16V Zafira MK2 1.6 Zafira MK2 1.8 Zafira MK2 2.2 Zafira MK2 1.9CDTi 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 VAUXHALL LCV Arena Combi 1.9D Arena Combi 2.5D Arena Van 1.9D Arena Van 2.5D Astramax 1.3,1.4,1.6 Astramax 1.6D,1.7D Astravan MK3 1.4i Astravan MK3 1.6i Astravan MK3 1.7D 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 86 zuliste.indd 86 09.05.2008 10:58:07 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 01.94-08.98 08.9804.0408.9808.9804.0406.90-08.94 08.94-09.96 88-08.91 08.91-09.96 06.90-06.94 07.9408.0169-87 69-87 07.94-10.01 07.94-10.01 07.94-10.01 01.0410.0109.0110.0101.94-09.00 01.94-09.00 09.0009.0004.0409.0009.0009.84-05.88 09.84-05.88 06.88-02.96 07.9010.94-08.97 09.0009.0009.98-09.00 04.0410.0110.98-10.01 10.0301.90-10.94 01.91-10.94 8107.0203.0103.01- 067 076 096 096 096 096 027/065 027/065 017 250 250 250 250 079 664 076 027/065 067 027/065 027/065 096 096 063-54063 O75 063-54063 063-54063 096 096 096 063-54063 063-54063 063-54063 069 069 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 063-54063 027/065 015 075 096 096 56613 54409 57405 57405 57405 57405 55519 55519 58820 60033 60033 60033 60033 54409 60527 54409 55519 56613 55519 55519 57405 57405 54409 56205 54409 54409 57405 57405 57405 54409 54409 54409 57024 57024 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 60044 54409 55519 54880 56205 57405 57405 P6613 P4409 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P5519 P5519 P8820 P10033 P10033 P10033 P10033 P4409 50500 50100 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 57001 P4409 P5519 P6613 P5519 P5519 P7405 P7405 P4409 P6205 P4409 P4409 P7405 P7405 P7405 P4409 P4409 P4409 P7024 P7024 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P4409 P5519 50100 50200 50500 50200 50200 50500 50500 50100 50200 50100 50100 50500 50500 50500 50100 50100 50100 50500 50500 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 50100 50200 50400 50200 50500 50500 VAUXHALL LCV Continued Astravan MK3 1.7TD Astravan MK5 1.6i Astravan MK5 1.7CDTI Astravan MK5 1.7TD Astravan MK5 2.0DI Astravan MK5 2.0DTI Brava Pick Up 2.3 Brava Pick Up 2.3 Brava Pick Up 2.3D Brava Pick Up 2.3D Brava Pick Up 2.5D Brava Pick Up 2.5TD Brava Pick Up 2.5DTi CF Petrol CF Diesel Combo 1.2 Combo 1.4 Combo 1.7D Combo 1.4 Combo 1.6 Combo 1.7Di 16V Combo 1.7DTi 16V Corsavan 1.4 Corsavan 1.7D Corsavan MK2 1.2 16V Corsavan MK2 1.2 16V Dualfuel Corsavan MK2 1.3 CDTi 16V Corsavan MK2 1.7Di 16V Corsavan MK2 1.7DTi 16V Midi 1.8 Midi 2.0 Midi 2.0 Midi 2.2 Diesel Midi 2.4 Diesel Movano 1.9 DTi Movano 2.2D DTi Movano 2.5D Movano 2.5 CDTi Movano 2.5 DTi Movano 2.8 Dti Movano 3.0 DTi Novavan 1.2 Novavan 1.5D Rascal Vivaro 2.0i 16V Vivaro 1.9Di Vivaro 1.9TDi P6205 P7412 P7412 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 50100 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 87 zuliste.indd 87 09.05.2008 10:58:11 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull 606011.0110.9910.9901.9801.9807.0503.00-05.05 10.98-05.05 05.00-05.05 01.02-05.05 10.98-05.05 02.99-05.05 05.00-05.05 10.98-05.05 04.00-05.05 10.98-05.05 10.98-05.05 03.99-05.05 10.98-05.05 10.98-05.05 02.99-05.05 04.89-07.92 09.88-09.93 04.93-12.95 08.91-12.95 08.91-12.95 08.81-12.84 09.82-12.84 06.0603.0603.0606.0606.0604.0504.0504.0508.75-02.84 11.83-10.91 08.83-12.92 08.83-07.92 08.84-04.93 02.86-10.91 01.85-10.91 02.86-10.91 08.88-07.91 08.83-10.91 08.83-10.91 421 006 063-54063 O75 O75 O75 096 096 076 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 O75 O75 O75 025 025 096 096 096 110 010 010 010 010 010 006 006 025 025 025 096 096 076 076 025 006 006 006 006 040 040 040 040 040 010 010 06612 53646 54409 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 54409 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 56205 56205 56205 56219 56219 57405 57405 57405 58014 56420 56420 56420 56420 56420 53646 53646 56219 56219 56219 57405 57405 54409 54409 56219 53646 53646 53646 53646 54519 54519 54519 54519 54519 56420 56420 Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM VOLKSWAGEN Beetle Petrol 6volt Beetle Petrol 12volt Beetle 1.4 Beetle 1.6 Beetle 1.8T Beetle 2.0 Beetle 1.9 Tdi Beetle 1.9 Tdi Bora 1.4 16V Bora 1.6 Bora 1.6 16V Bora 1.6 Fsi Bora 1.8 Bora 1.8 4motion Bora 1.8T Bora 2.0 Bora 2.0 4motion Bora 2.3 V5 Bora 2.3 V5 4 motion Bora 2.8 V6 4motion Bora 1.9 Sdi Bora 1.9 Tdi Bora 1.9 Tdi 4motion Corrado 1.8 16V Corrado 1.8 G60 Corrado 2.0i Corrado 2.0i 16V Corrado 2.9 VR6 Derby 1.0 Derby 1.3 Eos 1.6 FSi Eos 2.0 Fsi Eos 2.0 TSFi Eos 3.2 V6 Eos 2.0 Tdi Fox 1.2 Fox 1.4 Fox 1.4 Tdi Golf MK1 1.6 Golf MK2 1.0 Golf MK2 1.3 Golf MK2 1.6 Golf MK2 1.8 Golf MK2 1.8i Golf MK2 1.8 GTi Golf MK2 1.8 GTi 16V Golf MK2 1.8 Gti G60 Golf MK2 1.6D Golf MK2 1.6 TD P4409 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7412 P7412 P4409 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6219 P6219 P7412 P7412 P7412 P8014 P6219 P6219 P6219 P7412 P7412 P4409 P4409 P6219 50100 50100 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50300 50300 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50100 50100 50300 50300 50300 50500 50500 50100 50100 50300 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 88 zuliste.indd 88 09.05.2008 10:58:14 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 040 040 040 040 040 010 010 010HD 010HD 010HD O75 O75 O75 096 O75 O75 O75 096 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 54519 54519 54519 54519 54519 56420 56420 56420 56420 56420 56205 56205 56205 57405 56205 56205 56205 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 58014 58014 58014 58014 58014 58014 58014 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P8014 P8014 P8014 P8014 P8014 P8014 P8014 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50200 50200 50200 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 O75 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 56205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P6205 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 Running Bull AGM VOLKSWAGEN Continued Golf MK3 1.4 10.91-04.99 Golf MK3 1.6 09.92-04.99 Golf MK3 1.8 11.91-04.99 Golf MK3 2.0 11.91-04.99 Golf MK3 2.0 GTi 08.92-04.99 Golf MK3 2.8 VR6 01.92-04.99 Golf MK3 2.9 VR6 10.94-04.99 Golf MK3 1.9 SDi 04.97-04.99 Golf MK3 1.9 TD,GTD 11.91-04.99 Golf MK3 1.9 TDI 08.95-04.99 Golf MK 3 Convertible 1.6 06.98-06.02 Golf MK 3 Convertible 1.8 06.98-06.02 Golf MK 3 Convertible 2.0 06.98-06.02 Golf MK 3 Convertible 1.9TDi 06.98-06.02 Golf MK4 1.4 16V 08.97-06.05 Golf MK4 1.6 08.97-06.05 Golf MK4 1.6 16V 02.00-06.05 Golf MK4 1.6 Fsi 01.02-06.05 Golf MK4 1.8 08.97-06.05 Golf MK4 1.8 4motion 05.98-06.05 Golf MK4 1.8T 08.97-06.05 Golf MK4 1.8T Gti 08.01-96.05 Golf MK4 2.0 07.98-06.05 Golf MK4 2.0 4motion 10.00-06.05 Golf MK4 2.3 V5 08.97-06.05 Golf MK4 2.3 V5 4motion 10.00-06.05 Golf MK4 2.8 V6 4motion 03.99-06.05 Golf MK4 3.2 R32 4motion 09.02-06.05 Golf MK4 1.9SDi 08.97-06.05 Golf MK4 1.9TDi 11.00-06.05 Golf MK4 1.9TDi 4motion 02.00-06.05 Tip for Golf MK 4 check length battery often vary depending on electrical spec . 56205=242mm,57405=278mm,58014=315mm long Golf MK5 1.4 16V 10.03Golf MK5 1.4 FSi 10.03Golf MK5 1.4 TSi 10.03Golf MK5 1.6 01.04Golf MK5 1.6 FSi 10.03Golf MK5 2.0 FSi 4motion 08.04Golf MK5 2.0 GTi 10.04Golf MK5 1.9 TDi 10.03Golf MK5 1.9 TDi 4motion 08.04Golf MK5 2.0 SDi 10.03Golf MK5 2.0 TDi 10.03Golf MK5 2.0 TDi 4motion 08.04Golf MK5 2.0 TDi 16V 10.03Golf MK5 2.0 TDi 16V 4motion 08.04Golf MK5 2.0 GTD 11.05Golf MK5 Variant / Estate 1.4 Tsi 06.07- 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 89 zuliste.indd 89 09.05.2008 10:58:18 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 06.0706.0706.0706.0701.0507.0501.0505.0501.0505.0501.0512.0501.0503.79-12.88 08.87-12.88 08.78-02.84 08.79-02.84 08.78-02.84 08.78-02.84 08.82-02.84 08.80-02.84 03.82-02.84 01.84-12.91 01.84-07.92 01.84-10.91 08.86-10.91 01.84-10.91 01.84-10.91 07.0610.0509.0508.0510.0509.0510.0508.0501.60-12.85 05.73-09.92 10.92-07.03 09.98-07.05 10.00-07.05 09.98-07.05 02.01-07.05 09.00-07.05 07.99-07.05 01.99-07.05 09.98-07.05 O75 096 096 096 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 096 096 010 010 040 040 040 040 040 010 010 040 040 040 040 010 010 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 096 096 421 006 040 012 012 012 012 025 025 025 025 56205 57405 57405 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 57405 56420 56420 54519 54519 54519 54519 54519 56420 56420 54519 54519 54519 54519 56420 56420 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 57405 06612 53646 54519 54459 54459 54459 54459 56219 56219 56219 56219 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7412 P7412 P7412 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 50200 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50300 50300 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 P5003 P5003 P5003 P5003 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 50100 50100 50100 50100 50300 50300 50300 50300 08.80-07.86 040 54519 Running Bull AGM VOLKSWAGEN Continued Golf MK5 Variant / Estate 1.6 Golf MK5 Variant / Estate 1.9 TDi Golf MK5 Variant / Estate 2.0TDi Golf MK5 Variant / Estate 2.0TDi 16V Golf MK5 Plus 1.4 16V Golf MK5 Plus 1.4 FSi Golf MK5 Plus 1.4 TSi Golf MK5 Plus 1.6 Golf MK5 Plus 1.6 FSi Golf MK5 Plus 2.0 FSi Golf MK5 Plus 1.9 TDi Golf MK5 Plus 2.0 TDi Golf MK5 Plus 2.0 TDi 16V Iltis 1.7 Iltis 1.6 TD Jetta MK1 1.1 Jetta MK1 1.3 Jetta MK1 1.5 Jetta MK1 1.6 Jetta MK1 1.8 Jetta MK1 1.6D Jetta MK1 1.6 TD Jetta MK2 1.3 Jetta MK2 1.6 Jetta MK2 1.8 Jetta MK2 1.8 16V Jetta MK2 1.6D Jetta MK2 1.6 TD Jetta MK3 1.4 Tsi Jetta MK3 1.6 Jetta MK3 1.6 Fsi Jetta MK3 2.0 FSi Jetta MK3 2.0 TFSi Jetta MK3 1.9 TDi Jetta MK3 2.0 TDi Jetta MK3 2.0TDi 16V Kaefer 1.2 6v Kaefer 1.6 Kaefer 1.6i Lupo 1.0 Lupo 1.4 Lupo 1.4 16V Lupo 1.4 FSi Lupo 1.6 GTi Lupo 1.2 TDL Lupo 1.4 TDI Lupo 1.7 SDI Passat Mk2 Passat 1.3 50200 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 90 zuliste.indd 90 09.05.2008 10:58:22 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM VOLKSWAGEN Continued Passat 1.6 08.80-03.88 040 54519 Passat 1.8 01.83-03.88 040 54519 Passat 2.0 08.83-03.88 040 54519 Passat 2.2 01.85-03.88 040 54519 Passat 1.6D 08.80-03.88 010HD 56420 Passat 1.6TD 04.82-03.88 010HD 56420 Passat MK3 Passat 1.6 02.88-08.96 040 54519 Passat 1.8 02.88-08.96 040 54519 Passat 2.0 02.90-08.96 040 54519 Passat 2.8 VR6 06.91-08.96 010 56420 Passat 2.9 VR6 01.94-05.97 010 56420 Passat 1.9D 05.89-10.93 010HD 56420 Passat 1.9TD 03.91-08.96 010HD 56420 Passat 1.9TDI 10.93-08.96 010HD 56420 Passat MK4 Passat 1.6 10.96-11.00 076 54409 Passat 1.8 10.96-11.00 076 54409 Passat 2.0 04.00-11.00 O75 56205 Passat 2.3 10.96-11.00 O75 56205 Passat 2.8 V6 08.96-11.00 025 56219 Passat 1.9TDI 10.96-11.00 096 57405 Passat 2.5TDI 07.98-11.00 096 57405 Passat Mk5 Passat 1.6 11.00-05.05 012 54459 Passat 1.8 11.00-05.05 012 54459 Passat 2.0 11.00-05.05 076 54409 Passat 2.3 11.00-05.05 O75 56205 Passat 2.8 11.00-05.05 096 57405 Passat 4.0 W8 09.01-05.05 110 58014 Passat 1.9 TDI * 11.00-05.05 096 57405 Passat 2.0 TDI * 12.03-05.05 096 57405 Passat 2.5TDI * 11.00-05.05 110 58014 MK 5 VW vary size of diesel battery depending on electrical spec. We have listed most popular fitments for that engine size Passat MK6 Passat 1.6 03.05O75 56205 Passat 2.0 03.05O75 56205 Passat 3.2 * 11.05096 57405 Passat 3.6 * 04.07110 58014 Passat 1.9 TDI * 03.05025 56219 Passat 2.0 TDI * 03.05025 56219 * Tip for Passat MK 5 VW vary size of diesel, 3.2 & 3.6 batteries depending on electrical spec. We have listed most popular fitments for that engine size Phaeton 3.2 04.02025 56219 Auxilliary Battery choice of 2 AGM Phaeton 4.2 05.03025 56219 Auxilliary Battery choice of 2 AGM Phaeton 6.0 04.02025 56219 Auxilliary Battery choice of 2 AGM 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 P4409 P4409 P6205 P6205 P6219 P7412 P7412 50100 50100 50200 50200 50300 50500 50500 P5003 P5003 P4409 P6205 P7412 P8014 P7405 P7405 P8014 50100 50100 50100 50300 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 P6205 P6205 P7405 P8042 P6219 P6219 50200 50200 50500 50500 50300 50300 P6219 50300 P6219 50300 P6219 50300 57001/59501 57001/59501 57001/59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 91 zuliste.indd 91 09.05.2008 10:58:25 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull P6219 50300 P6219 50300 Running Bull AGM VOLKSWAGEN Continued Phaeton 3.0 TDI 09.04025 56219 Auxilliary Battery choice of 2 AGM Phaeton 5.0 TDI 11.02025 56219 Auxilliary Battery choice of 2 AGM Tip for Phaeton all starter batteries are 56219 Auxillary battery varies between 57001 & 59501 must be AGM check before supply Polo MK2 Polo 1.0 10.81-09.94 006 53646 Polo 1.3 09.82-09.94 006 53646 Polo 1.3D 08.86-08.90 040 54519 Polo 1.4D 08.90-09.94 040 54519 Polo MK3 Polo 1.0 10.99-09.01 063-54063 54409 Polo 1.4 05.97-09.01 063-54063 54409 Polo 1.6 05.97-09.01 063-54063 54409 Polo 1.8 01.97-09.01 063-54063 54409 Polo 1.4 TDI 10.99-09.01 O75 56205 Polo 1.7 SDI 07.97-09.01 O75 56205 Polo 1.9 SDI 06.97-09.01 O75 56205 Polo 1.9 TDI 09.96-09.01 O75 56205 Polo MK4 Polo 1.2 10.01063-54063 54409 Polo 1.4 10.01063-54063 54409 Polo 1.2E 06025 56219 Polo 1.4 05.06025 56219 Polo 1.6 05.06025 56219 Polo 1.8GTi 09.05025 56219 Polo 1.4TDI 10.01025 56219 Polo 1.4TDI 04.05096 57405 Polo 1.9 TDI 10.01096 57405 Santana 1.6 08.81-12.84 040 54519 Santana 1.8 01.83-12.84 040 54519 Santana 2.0 08.83-12.84 040 54519 Santana 1.6D 08.81-12.84 010 56420 Santana 1.6TD 12.81-12.84 010 56420 Scirocco 1.6 01.83-07.90 006 53646 Scirocco 1.8 08.82-07.92 040 54519 Sharan 1.8 09.97O75 56205 Sharan 2.0 09.95O75 56205 Sharan 2.8 VR6 09.95-04.00 O75 56205 Sharan 2.8 V6 24V 04.00096 57405 Sharan 1.9 TDI 09.95-04.00 017 58820 Sharan 1.9 TDI 04.00-06.05 096 57405 Sharan 1.9 TDI 06.05096 57405 Sharan 2.0 TDI 11.05096 57405 Tip for Sharan on models 2000- check length if 278mm supply P7405 if 315mm long supply P8014 Tiguan 1.4 Tsi 03.08025 56219 Tiguan 2.0 Tsi 03.08025 56219 Tiguan 2.0L Tdi 03.08096 57405 Touareg 3.2 V6 10.02019 60044 57001/59501 57001/59501 50100 50100 50200 50200 P4409 P4409 P4409 P4409 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 50100 50100 50100 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 P4409 P4409 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P6219 P7412 P7412 50100 50100 50300 50300 50300 50300 50300 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P8820 P7405 P7405 P7405 P6219 P6219 P7412 P10044 50500 50500 50500 50300 50300 50500 57001 57001 57001 59501 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 92 zuliste.indd 92 09.05.2008 10:58:29 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM VOLKSWAGEN Continued Touareg 3.6 V6 03.06019 60044 Touareg 4.2 V8 12.02019 60044 Touareg 6.0 03.05019 60044 Touareg 2.5 TDI 01.03019 60044 Touareg 3.0 V6 TDI 11.04019 60044 Touareg 5.0 V10 TDI 10.0261042 Tip for Touareg check before supply if 315mm long supply P8014 if 354mm long supply P10044 Touran 1.4 TSI 02.06O75 56205 Touran 1.6 02.03O75 56205 Touran 2.0 Ecofuel 02.06O75 56205 Touran 2.0 FSI 10.03O75 56205 Touran 1.9 TDI 02.03O75 56205 Touran 2.0 TDI 02.03O75 56205 Tip for Touran diesels most fitted with 56205 but check length 56205 is 242mm long 57405 is 278mm long & 58014 is 315mm long Vento 1.4 11.91-09.98 006 53646 Vento 1.6 09.92-09.98 040 54519 Vento 1.8 11.91-09.98 040 54519 Vento 2.0 11.91-09.98 040 54519 Vento 2.8 VR6 01.92-09.98 040 54519 Vento 1.9SDi 04.97-09.98 010 56420 Vento 1.9D 11.91-09.98 010 56420 Vento 1.9TD 11.91-09.98 010 56420 Vento 1.9TDI 09.93-09.98 010 56420 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50100 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 VOLKSWAGEN LCV Caddy 1.6 Caddy 1.8 Caddy 1.6D Caddy MK2 60 1.4 Caddy MK2 1.4 Caddy MK2 75 1.6 Caddy MK2 1.9D Caddy MK2 1.9SDi Caddy MK2 1.9TDi 01.83-07.92 08.85-07.92 08.82-07.92 08.00-01.04 11.95-09.00 11.95-01.04 11.95-01.04 09.96-01.04 Caddy MK3 1.4 Caddy MK3 1.4 16V Caddy MK3 1.6 Caddy MK3 2.0 Caddy MK3 1.9TDi Caddy MK3 2.0SDi Crafter 2.5 TDI LT 28-50 2.0 LT 28-50 2.4 LT 28-50 2.4i LT 28-50 2.4D LT 28-50 2.4D LT 28-50 2.4TD LT 28-50 2.4TD 03.0405.0604.0404.0604.0403.0404.0604.75-09.83 12.82-07.92 08.89-06.96 01.79-07.92 08.89-06.96 08.88-08.92 06.92-06.96 040 040 010 040 076 040 096 096 096 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 096 019 040 040 040 017 017 017 019 54519 54519 56420 54519 54409 54519 57405 57405 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 60044 54519 54519 54519 58820 58820 58820 60044 P4409 P7405 P7405 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P10044 50200 50200 50200 50200 50100 50200 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 50200 50200 50200 P8820 P8820 P8820 P10044 59501 59501 59501 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 93 zuliste.indd 93 09.05.2008 10:58:33 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 58820 61040 P8820 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM VOLKSWAGEN LCV Continued LT 28-50 2.4TD 12.82-07.89 017 LT 28-50 2.7D 11.75-01.90 615 Tip Choice of 2 batteries on 2.7D models check length if 514mm long use 61040 if 354mm long use 60044 LT40-55 2.0 04.75-09.83 040 LT40-55 2.4 12.82-07.92 040 LT40-55 2.4i 01.93-06.96 040 LT40-55 2.4D 07.90-06.96 019 LT40-55 2.4D 01.79-07.92 017 LT40-55 2.4TD 08.92-06.96 019 LT40-55 2.4TD 08.88-08.92 017 LT40-55 2.4TD 08.78-09.93 017 LT MK2 2.3 05.96010 LT MK2 2.5 SDi 07.96019 LT MK2 2.5 Tdi 05.96-08.99 017 LT MK2 2.5 Tdi 05.99017 LT MK2 2.8 Tdi 06.97-12.98 019 LT MK2 2.8 Tdi 01.99019 LT MK2 2.8 Tdi 04.02019 Taro 1.8 04.89-09.94 005R Taro 2.2 06.89-07.94 005R Taro 2.4i 06.89-03.97 069 Taro 2.4D 06.89-03.97 069 Transporter MK3 1.9 08.82-07.92 040 Transporter MK3 2.1 08.85-07.92 040 Transporter MK3 1.6D 01.81-07.87 010 Transporter MK3 1.6TD 08.84-07.92 010 Transporter MK3 1.7D 10.86-07.92 010 Transporter MK4 2.0 07.90-04.03 010 Transporter MK4 2.5 11.90-04.03 010 Transporter MK4 1.9D 07.90-04.03 010HD Transporter MK4 1.9TD 10.92-04.03 010HD Transporter MK4 2.4D 08.97-04.03 019 Transporter MK4 2.5TDi 09.95-04.03 019 Tip for Transporter 1.9TDi check length if 278mm long supply P7405 if 315mm long supply P8014 Transporter MK5 2.0 04.03025 Transporter MK5 3.2 V6 04.03096 Transporter MK5 1.9TDi 04.03096 Transporter MK5 1.9TDi 06.06096 Transporter MK5 2.5TDi 04.03019 Transporter MK5 2.5TDi 4 Motion 07.04019 Tip for Transporter 1.9TDi check length if 278mm long supply P7405 if 315mm long supply P8014 Multivan Mk5 2.0 04.03025 Multivan Mk5 3.2 V6 04.03096 Multivan Mk5 3.2 V6 4motion 07.04096 Multivan Mk5 1.9TDi 04.03019 Multivan Mk5 1.9TDi 06.06019 Multivan Mk5 2.5TDi 04.03019 Multivan Mk5 2.5TDi 4motion 07.04019 54519 54519 54519 60044 58820 60044 58820 58820 56420 60044 58820 58820 60044 60044 60044 56069 56069 57024 57024 54519 54519 56420 56420 56420 56420 56420 56420 56420 60044 60044 59501 50200 50200 50200 P10044 P8820 P10044 P8820 P8820 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 50300 P10044 P8820 P8820 P10044 P10044 P10044 P6069 P6069 P7024 P7024 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 P10044 P10044 59501 59501 56219 57405 57405 57405 60044 60044 P6219 P7405 P7405 P7405 P10044 P10044 50300 50500 50500 50500 56219 57405 57405 60044 60044 60044 60044 P6219 P7412 P7412 P10044 P10044 P10044 P10044 50300 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 94 zuliste.indd 94 09.05.2008 10:58:36 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull 10.82-07.85 08.80-07.84 08.80-07.84 08.80-07.86 08.86-07.93 08.78-08.93 08.82-07.86 08.85-07.91 08.80-07.84 08.84-07.91 09.88-12.96 08.88-12.96 08.88-12.96 08.91-07.96 08.92-07.95 07.94-12.96 04.86-07.96 08.87-07.96 08.92-09.95 01.85-07.92 08.83-08.92 08.85-07.90 08.84-07.92 09.85-07.92 01.88-07.92 08.82-10.88 08.81-07.90 08.82-07.87 08.87-07.92 08.86-07.90 06.91-12.96 08.93-12.96 08.94-10.98 08.95-12.96 06.91-12.96 08.95-12.96 01.92-07.94 04.96-10.98 08.90-12.94 08.90-07.94 08.90-07.95 08.90-12.94 04.96-10.98 08.94-10.98 01.95-10.98 08.94-10.98 08.94-10.98 08.90-09.93 08.90-07.94 069 069 069 069 O75 096 076 076 076 096 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 027/065 O75 027/065 027/065 027/065 O75 O75 O75 096 096 O75 O75 096 096 017 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 096 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 O75 096 57024 57024 57024 57024 56205 57405 54409 54409 54409 57405 55519 55519 55519 55519 55519 56205 55519 55519 55519 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 56205 56205 57405 57405 58820 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 56205 57405 P7024 P7024 P7024 P7024 P6205 P7405 P4409 P4409 P4409 P7405 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P5519 P6205 P5519 P5519 P5519 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P8820 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P6205 P7405 Uni Bull Running Bull AGM VOLVO 240 ( P242,P244,P245 ) 2.0 240 ( P242,P244,P245 ) 2.1 240 ( P242,P244,P245 ) 2.1 Turbo 240 ( P242,P244,P245 ) 2.3 240 ( P242,P244,P245 ) 2.3 B230F 240 ( P242,P244,P245 ) 2.4 Diesel 340-360 ( 343,344,345 ) 1.4 340-360 ( 343,344,345 ) 1.7 340-360 ( 343,344,345 ) 2.0 340-360 ( 343,344,345 ) 1.6 Diesel 440-460 1.6 440-460 1.7 440-460 1.7 Turbo 440-460 1.8 440-460 2.0 440-460 1.9TD 480 1.7 480 1.7 Turbo 480 2.0 740 2.0 740 2.3 740 2.3 Turbo 740 2.4 Diesel 740 2.4 TD 760 2.3 760 2.3 Turbo 760 2.8 760 2.4D 760 2.4D 780 2.9 850 2.0 850 2.0 Turbo 850 2.3 T5 850 2.3 T5-R 850 2.5 850 2.5 TDi 940 2.0 940 2.0 Turbo 940 2.3 940 2.3 Turbo 940 2.4D 940 2.4 TD 940 MK2 2.0 Turbo 940 MK2 2.3 940 MK2 2.3Ti 940 MK2 2.3 Turbo 940 MK2 2.4TD 960 2.0 960 2.9 50200 50500 50100 50100 50100 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50200 50200 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50200 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 95 zuliste.indd 95 09.05.2008 10:58:40 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 57405 57405 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 57405 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7412 P7412 P7412 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7412 P7412 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7412 P7412 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57405 56205 57405 56205 57405 56205 56205 57405 57405 P7405 P6205 P7405 P6205 P7405 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 50500 50200 50500 50200 50500 50200 50200 50500 50500 57001 VOLVO Continued 960 2.4TD 09.91-07.94 096 960 MK2 2.5 07.94-12.96 096 960 MK2 2.9 07.94-12.96 096 C30 1.6 10.06O75 C30 1.8 10.06O75 C30 2.0 10.06O75 C30 2.4i 10.06O75 C30 T5 10.06O75 C30 1.6D 10.06096 C30 2.0D 10.06096 C30 D5 10.06096 C70 2.0T 03.00-09.02 096 C70 2.0 03.97-09.02 096 C70 2.3 T-5 03.97-09.02 096 C70 2.3 T5 07.02096 C70 2.5 11.99-09.02 096 C70 2.5T 03.97-09.02 096 C70 2.4T 07.02096 C70 2.4 03.06096 C70 2.4i 03.06096 C70 T5 03.06096 C70 D5 03.06096 S40 I ( VS ) 1.6 09.95-12.03 O75 S40 I ( VS ) 1.8 03.99-12.03 O75 S40 I ( VS ) 1.8i 03.99-12.03 O75 S40 I ( VS ) 1.9T4 05.97-07.00 O75 S40 I ( VS ) 2.0 07.95-12.03 O75 S40 I ( VS ) 2.0T 10.97-12.03 096 S40 I ( VS ) 2.0T4 07.00-12.03 096 S40 I ( VS ) 1.9TD 07.95-08.99 096 S40 I ( VS ) 1.9Di 03.99-12.03 096 S40 MK2 1.6 01.05O75 S40 MK2 1.8 04.04O75 S40 MK2 2.0 10.06O75 S40 MK2 2.4 01.04O75 S40 MK2 T5 01.04O75 S40 MK2 T5 AWD 01.04O75 S40 MK2 1.6D 01.05096 S40 MK2 2.0D 01.04096 Tip for S40 MK2 D some high spec fitted with 58014 check length if 315mm long supply 58014 if 278mm supply 57405 S60 2.0T 09.01096 S60 T5 11.00O75 S60 2.4 T5 04.04096 S60 2.4 11.00O75 S60 2.4 Bifuel 06.02096 S60 2.4T 11.00O75 S60 2.4T AWD 11.01O75 S60 2.5T 02.04096 S60 2.5T AWD 04.04096 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 96 zuliste.indd 96 09.05.2008 10:58:43 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM 03.0312.0109.0501.97-11.00 01.97-11.00 01.97-11.00 01.97-11.00 08.99-11.00 10.98-11.00 06.98-11.00 01.97-11.00 01.97-11.00 06.9806.9801.9909.0106.0003.0307.0305.9806.0105.9806.0110.0108.0101.9903.0603.0603.0603.0603.0601.97-05.98 12.9507.9503.9805.97-07.00 07.9506.0107.0007.95-08.99 03.9901.0504.0410.06 04.0404.0404.0401.0504.04- 096 096 096 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 017 017 017 096 096 096 017 017 096 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 096 096 096 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 O75 096 096 57405 57405 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 58820 58820 58820 57405 57405 57405 58820 58820 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 57405 57405 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 57405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P8820 P8820 P8820 P7405 P7405 P7405 P8820 P8820 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7412 P7412 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 VOLVO Continued S60 R2,5T AWD S60 2.4D S60 2.4D5 S70 2.0 S70 2.0 Turbo S70 2.3 T-5 S70 2.3 Turbo S70 2.4 S70 2.5 Bifuel S70 2.5 S70 2.4 TD S70 2.5 Tdi S80 2.0 S80 2.0T S80 2.4 S80 2.4 Bifuel S80 2.4T S80 2.5T S80 2.5T AWD S80 2.8T6 S80 3.0 S80 2.9 S80 3.0T6 S80 2.4D S80 2.4D5 S80 2.5TDi S80 MK2 2.5T S80 MK2 3.2 S80 MK2 4.4 V8 S80 MK2 2.4D S80 MK2 2.4D5 S90 2.9 V40 Estate ( VW ) 1.6 V40 Estate ( VW ) 1.8 V40 Estate ( VW ) 1.8i V40 Estate ( VW ) 1.9T4 V40 Estate ( VW ) 2.0 V40 Estate ( VW ) 2.0T V40 Estate ( VW ) 2.0T4 V40 Estate ( VW ) 1.9TD V40 Estate ( VW ) 1.9Di V50 1.6 V50 1.8 V50 2.0 V50 2.4 V50 T5 V50 T5 AWD V50 1.6D V50 2.0D 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 50500 50500 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 50500 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 97 zuliste.indd 97 09.05.2008 10:58:47 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 56205 57405 60044 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P6205 P7405 P10044 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50500 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 57405 58820 58820 58820 58820 60044 57405 57405 57405 58820 58820 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P8820 P8820 P8820 P8820 P10044 P7405 P7405 P7405 P8820 P8820 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 50500 57405 57405 57405 58820 58820 57405 P7405 P7405 P7405 P8820 P8820 P7405 50500 50500 50500 Running Bull AGM VOLVO Continued Tip for V50 D some high spec fitted with 58014 check length if 315mm long supply 58014 if 278mm supply 57405 V70 MK1 2.0 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.0 Turbo 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 Turbo AWD 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.3 T-5 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.3 T-5 AWD 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.4 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.4 Bifuel 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.5 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.5 Bifuel 10.98-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.4 Turbo 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.5 Turbo 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.5 Turbo AWD 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.5 AWD 01.97-03.00 O75 V70 MK1 2.5TDi 01.97-05.00 096 V70 Mk1 Police Vehicles 019 for V70 MK1 some high spec models fitted with 58820 check length if 354mm long use 58820 if 278mm long use 57405 V70 MK2 2.0T 07.01096 V70 MK2 2.3 T5 03.00096 V70 MK2 2.4 T5 04.04096 V70 MK2 2.4 03.00096 V70 MK2 2.4 Bifuel 09.01096 V70 MK2 2.4T 03.00096 V70 MK2 2.4T AWD 09.01096 V70 MK2 2.5T 04.04096 V70 MK2 2.5T AWD 09.02096 V70 MK2 R2,5 T AWD 03.03096 V70 MK2 2.4D 12.01017 V70 MK2 2.4 D5 08.01017 V70 MK2 2.5 D5 AWD 12.05017 V70 MK2 2.5TDi 03.00017 V70 Mk2 Police Vehicles 019 XC70 Cross Country 2.4 T XC AWD 03.00-09.02 096 XC70 Cross Country 2.5 T XC AWD 09.02096 XC70 Cross Country 3.2 02.07096 XC70 Cross Country 2.4 D5 T XC AWD 09.02017 XC70 Cross Country 2.4 D5 AWD 12.05017 XC60 03.08TBA XC60 D5 AWD 03.08TBA XC90 2.5T 10.02096 XC90 T6 10.02096 XC90 V8 01.05096 XC90 D5 10.02017 XC90 D5 05.06017 XC90 3.2 05.06096 50500 50500 50500 50500 57001 59501 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 59501 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 57001 57001 57001 59501 59501 57001 Westfield SPORT 1800/2000 Megabusa 94 00- 038 895 53880 53030 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 98 zuliste.indd 98 09.05.2008 10:58:51 Uhr THE POWER COMPANY APPLICATION LIST CARS AND SMALLTRANSPORTERS Manufacturer/Model Year UK,Ref. Starting Bull Power Bull Uni Bull Running Bull AGM Westfield Continued Seight XTR2/XTR4 9002- 53030 YUGO All Models 81- 077 54413 50100 Banner Recommend Fitting Power Bull on all Diesel Models and Ca-Ca on Models After 1997 99 zuliste.indd 99 09.05.2008 10:58:54 Uhr zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:09 Uhr Seite 100 THE POWER COMPANY ENGLISH – Charging must be performed in a well-ventilated room. – Caution: Detonating gas is formed during charging! Fires, sparks, open flames and smoking are strictly prohibited! Running Bull: Only recharge with a voltage controlled charger (max. 14,4 - 14,8V)! The use of standard, non-voltage controlled chargers will destroy the battery through overloading and cause the electrolyte to escape! INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF STARTER BATTERIES 1. Storage and Distribution – Dry batteries do not need maintenance. Store in a dry and cool environment (frost free). – Recharge starter batteries where the acid density is below 1.21 kg/l (1.18 kg/l with acid 1.23 kg/l). See note 4. – Wet filled batteries must be transported in an upright position to prevent acid spillage. – During transportation secure the battery to prevent it falling over. Running Bull: Leak-proof even when upside down and in the case of damage to the casing. At the latest, recharge in the case of off-load voltage ≤ 12.50V (see Item 4). Acid density measurement, or topping up with distilled water, is not possible. 5. Maintenance – In order to ensure maximum battery life you should take head of the following tips. – Keep surfaces clean and dry. – Check the acid levels regularly and if necessary top up with salt-less or distilled water. Never top up with acid. If there is a substancial water loss, the voltage regulator should be checked by an expert. – Don’t put additives in the battery acid. – The level of charge of the battery can be checked by using a voltmeter, if the density of the acid is below 1.21 kg/l (do not understand this) the battery has to be recharged (see point 4). With this density the battery is protected from freezing up to -15 C (with 1.28 kg/l up to -70 C). Running Bull: The charge status can only be determined via the offload voltage. The battery is to be recharged in the case of off-load voltage of ≤12.50V (see Item 4). Acid density measurement, or topping up with distilled water, is not possible. 2. Activation Banner Batteries which are supplied dry charged are ready to be used as soon as they have been filled. They do not need charging. – The temperature of the battery and acid shouid be minimum 10°C. – Remove the vent plugs. – Fill the individual battery cells with sulphuric acid to specification VDE 0510 with a density of 1.28 kg/l (1.23 kg/l for tropical coun-tries) up to the acid level mark and never more than 15 mm above the top of the plates. – Wait about 15 minutes for the level to settle and then top up where necessary. – Replace the vent plugs/caps, wipe off any suplus acid drops. Filled Batteries are ready for use. Running Bull: Immediately ready for use. Tip: The battery will need to be recharged if there isn’t sufficient cranking power due to low temperatures or poor storage conditions. 6. Starting assistance – In view of the sensitive electronic components in the vehicle, starting assistance should generally be given only with a Banner booster. – Starting assistance from vehicle to vehicle can lead to voltage peaks during disconnection and these can damage or even destroy the electronic components of the vehicle. – For this reason it is essential that the following procedure be strictly observed when using starter cables! – Standard starter cables (e.g. in accordance with DIN 72 553) should always be used for giving starting assistance. – Observe the instructions for use of the starter cables. – Only connect batteries having the same nominal voltage. – Connection of terminals: Both vehicle engines must be stopped! First connect the two positive terminals 1 with 2. Then connect the negative terminal of the assisting vehicle 3 with a clean metallic point on the vehicle needing assistance 4, away from the battery. (Observe the instructions of the vehicle manufacturer.) 3. Installing the Battery – Before fitting or removing the battery, switch off the engine and all power users. – Avoid short curcuits via tools. – When removing the battery first disconnect the negative terminal and then the positive terminal. – Before fitting the battery clean the battery compartment. Ensure all connections are tight. – Clean terminals and battery clips and lubricate slightly with non corrosive grease. – When fitting the battery first connect the positive terminal and then the negative terminal. Ensure that the clips are secured. Battery of the assisting vehicle 4. Charging outside the Vehicle – Before charging, check the electrolyte level and top up if necessary with deionized or distilled water to the maximum acid level mark or to 15 mm above the upper edge of the plates. – The battery should be removed before recharging to avoid the possibility of damage to the vehicle. Caution: Follow the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions when disconnecting the terminals. – Batteries must only be charged with direct current. Connect the positive (+) battery terminal to the positive (+) terminal of the charger, and the negative (-) battery terminal to the negative (-) terminal of the charger. – Do not switch on the charger until after the battery has been connected. When charging is finished, switch off the charger before disconnecting the battery. – It is recommended that the charging current be equal to one tenth of the capacity. (e.g. 44 Ah divided by 10 = 4.4 A charging current) – The temperature of the acid must not exceed 55 °C during charging. If the temperature rises above 55 °C, the charging process must be discontinued. – Charging is finished if the current drops to 0 or stops falling, or if the automatic charger switches off. Battery of the indigent vehicle – Now start the vehicle needing assistance for a maximum of 15 seconds. Do not start the assisting vehicle. – Disconnection of terminals. Remove cables in the reverse order to the above. 7. Standby-Storage – Charge the battery (see point 4) and store in a cool dry place. – If the battery remains on the vehicle disconnect the negative terminal. – Regularly check the level of charge (see part 5). 100 zuliste_kern 09.05.2008 11:09 Uhr Seite 101116 THE POWER COMPANY NOTES NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 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______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 104 zuliste_US 08.05.2008 11:09 Uhr Seite 3 POWER BULL Modern, pure calcium technology for all cars, especially designed for models manufactured from 1997 onwards. Absolute maintenance-free. STARTING BULL The starter battery for cars with few additional power consumers. Dry Bull The leak-proof, gel technology, recombination battery for extreme applications. Wuchtofit Lead-free wheel weights for all rims and vehicles. Banner battery accessories Technology for professional battery servicing. 08.05.2008 11:09 Uhr Seite 4 1706076000 · UK 05.2008 zuliste_US GB: Banner Batteries (GB) Ltd., Units 5-8 Canal View Business Park, Wheelhouse Road, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1UY, Tel. +44/ (0)1889/ 57 11 00, Telefax +44/ (0)1889/ 57 73 42, e-mail:
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