2010 Issue (2nd Quarter)
2010 Issue (2nd Quarter)
“The white bellied sea eagle is a frequent visitor to our loading jetty. We must play our part in ensuring that this sea eagle remains a familiar sight, now and for future generations.” Graduation Ceremony For OTPS 2008 Intake Quarter 2 | 2010 Quarter 2 | 2010 1 CONTENTS News Graduation Ceremony For OTPS 2008 Intake Hydraulic Torque Wrenches and Industrial Bolting Tools -Operator Training Train 3 Shutdown Activities National Energy Efficiency And Conservation Initiatives Awards (NEECIA) Are Ours ACB Business Integrity Talk And Roadshow Safety Day 2010 Signing Of Combined Security Orders 3 In 1 Security Roadshow On-Boarding Program for OTPS 2008 Intake Message from MD/CEO 1 2 Dear Brunei LNG and Refinery colleagues; 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 Farewell And Welcoming Of New Belait DO 9 Key Successes Shared During Media Appreciation Night 2009 10 2010 Vendor Forum Provides Insightful Business Intelligence 11 Corporate Social Responsibility Brunei LNG Recognises 150 Best Students In Belait District Energy Saving Initiatives At Brunei LNG 12 13 News from Brunei Refinery Trauma Awareness Day Workshop Improved Website Showcases Brunei Refinery’s Forte Safety Day At Brunei Refinery 14 14 15 Sports Storm From Finance Wins Bowling Tournament 2010 We Are The Champion - Telbru 2010 Cycling Race 15 16 Personality Section 17 Visitors to Brunei LNG 17 - 19 Featured Article 20 New Joiners, Transfers, Leavers 21 Executive Editor Mohd Sofian Kipli Editor Caroline Ang Layout And Design Mohd Sofian Kipli Arnold Bianes Photography Mohd Zufri Mohd Bakhtiar James How (Nanyang Photo Trading) John Han (Nanyang Photo Trading) Aryo Santoso (Nanyang Photo Trading) Printing Wing On Printing Sdn Bhd 2 Quarter 2 | 2010 Assalamualaikum Warahmatuallahi Wabarkatuh and Warmest Greetings Our BLNG Q2 activities were centred around T-3 Turn-Around (TA) works. Although challenging, these were successfully completed without LTI and back in operations. It is a major deliverable and as a learning organisation focused on continuous improvements, we will learn from this experience and create new benchmarks of excellence. Other Q2 highlights were safe HSSE operations despite a period of high exposure with more than 2000 staff/contractors entering our plant daily in May and June. Safety measures were implemented although we registered a restricted work-case (RWC), incurred a few near misses and a loss of containment (LOPC) during start-up. Although not serious, we need to learn from such lessons and ensure total compliance with verification and be role-models with positive attitude towards safety and quality. Thanks to those frontline supervisors who try their best to keep up our good records. Be vigilant and never be complacent. Let’s ensure that we all return home safely daily. Safety Day 2010 saw the Business Integrity and Security Roadshow which were organised with support from the Anti-Corruption Bureau (NCB), Royal Brunei Police Force, Immigration Department and the Anti-Narcotics Bureau. These help raise the awareness of staff and contractors on roles and responsibilities of the various enforcement agencies and our lawful compliance. All staff must attend mandatory training on Business Integrity and if you have not done so, please register before year end. Contract holders and site representatives, know your roles and responsibilities. Comply with processes and business controls. Maintain arm-length relationship with our contractors and vendors at all times. Seek approval for any deviation and consult your superior when in doubt. Operational Excellence: Brunei LNG was a top quartile (TQ) organisation in 2009 in an annual assessment participated by LNG plants worldwide (total plant capacity equivalent to 90% of global LNG production participated in this benchmark exercise). We are pace setters in plant reliability and availability but other LNG plants are fast catching up. Continue to create significant achievements in order to be ranked #1 globally in some parameters. Well done but don’t stop improving. Business improvements have often been considered as a normal BLNG process. In the last Energy Week, we were recognised for our energy efficiency. We have worked on replacing gas instruments with air, waste heat boilers and becoming a more efficient power plant, thereby reducing gas feed consumption and increasing additional gas cargo sales. Congratulations to all especially the technical writers who presented the project paper for external acknowledgment. We have many similar good initiatives within BLNG that we can proudly showcase and do liaise with your supervisors (or TM) if you know. People: In June we welcomed the 2nd batch of 18 OTPS technicians who graduated with a National Diploma in Plant Engineering from Institute Technologi Brunei (ITB). This programme is a collaboration between BLNG/ ITB to develop our technicians as part of the operator training scheme. Our high standards and strong work attitude is evident through all levels of the organisation and our scholars are often role models emulated by the other ITB students. Well done to our OTPS technicians. Welcome to Brunei LNG and we wish you all the best! Sustainable development/Stakeholder: This year’s Academic Excellence Awards covered all schools in the Belait District beyond the traditional Liang Lumut boundary. We co-hosted this event with Liang Lumut Committee and Sg Liang Primary School with support of the Ministry of Education. For the first time, we also recognised teachers of star scholars in their respective subjects. The scholars are the future workers and leaders of BLNG and Brunei. Well done to everyone, including parents. Business Environment/Outlook: Demand for energy has improved but not at the pre-2008 level yet. These are potential events in North Asia and in Europe that could impact global recovery. We are still in economic recovery mode and in competitive cost environment. Other LNG operators are adjusting their cost structure and mode of operations to be competitive. We need to do likewise to stay ahead, also by reducing chronic wastes and increasing efficiencies . Let’s stay on course to ensure safe and excellence operations, enjoy efficient deliveries and be proactive to market changes element. As a team, we have delivered, and we deliver again , Insya Allah. Together For a Better Future. Gentle Reminder: This is our Plant , Our Work Place, Our Livelihood. Wassalam/regards H Salleh Bostaman B H Zainal Abidin Managing Director / CEO of Brunei LNG & Refinery Graduation Ceremony For Otps 2008 Intake A group photo session of the graduates with Vice Chancellor of ITB, MD/CEO of Brunei LNG and Chairman of the Organising Committee Dr. Faqir Gul delivering his opening remarks The 3 best students : Md Firdaus bin Md Taha (C), Stanley Chow (R) and Md Al-Hafiiz bin Md Shafiee (L) On 1st May 2010, a graduation ceremony for 18 new trainees in the Operations Technician Progression Scheme (OTPS) was held at Rizqun International Hotel. The guest of honour was H Salleh Bostaman BH Zainal Abidin, the MD/CEO of Brunei LNG. This is another milestone following the successful completion of the 2nd batch trainees from their two-year Brunei LNG Foundation Program in Plant Engineering at Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB). Out of the 18 trainees, 15 of them have been assigned to all four shifts of the Production Operations Department (OPS) in Brunei LNG while 3 others are employed in the Brunei Shell Refinery. The event began with a welcoming remarks by the Chairman of the Organising Committee, Dr Hj Faqir Gul, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, ITB. He was appreciative of the relationship between Brunei LNG and ITB in realising the setting up of this module at ITB, and congratulated Brunei LNG and the trainees for the successful completion and graduation of the second batch of trainees. Meanwhile MD/CEO of Brunei LNG his speech said “The success of these trainees were under the dedicated guidance of the respective supervisors, lecturers, parents and more importantly the trainees’ commitment, interest and perseverance. We hope that through their achievements, will lead us to our aspiration MD/CEO presenting the Best Student Award certificate to Md Firdaus bin Md Taha of having a recognised qualification and eventually will produce competent staff.” He further added “The introduction of Certificate in Plant Engineering course provides the key foundation knowledge necessary for a technician in operating a high-tech plant. The initiative is in line with our Human Resource Strategy in upgrading the competency level of our staff to a required standard, and at the same time to avoid business risks today and in the future. In a tight skills market, we are indeed growing our own timber to prepare and develop our young Bruneians to take the challenges in our operations.” The culmination of the ceremony was the presentation of the Brunei LNG’s best students’ awards by the MD/CEO. The top students were Md Firdaus bin Md Taha, Stanley Chow and Md Al-Hafiiz bin Md Shafiee. “I am very delighted to receive this award. This indicates that BLNG acknowledges our efforts by awarding for these achievements. It will certainly motivate me to go even further” said Md Firdaus. The event ended with the recital of a ‘Doa Selamat’ by Ustaz Haji Ali Amat bin Haji Ali Hassan and later a group photo of the graduates with the management and staff of ITB and Brunei LNG. Quarter 2 | 2010 1 Renewed Technical Training For Supervisors & Technicians Workshops participants at one of the sessions As part of the company’s drive to ensure continuous work quality and consistent production standards, a 2-day Hydraulic Torque Wrenches and Industrial Bolting Tools for Operators training was conducted for engineering staff as well as contractors’ supervisors and technicians. 35 staff and 127 contractors’ staff attended the workshop, over staggered dates from April to May 2010, gearing the team for the shut-down of Train 3 in May-June 2010 for general maintenance. The training renewed participants’ awareness of operational safety in relation to the usage, working condition and operations of hydraulic torque wrenches and industrial bolting tools used within the plant. It provided updates on accurate torques values to be applied based upon manufacturer’s specifications, ensuring proper implementation of flange bolting with a view to achieve “zero leak” and no “hot bolting” during operations. Hasli Julaili gives briefing to the workshop participants Haji Suhaili bin Haji Kula, Competence Adviser – Mechanical Static (HCD/4) and Hasli bin Haji Julaili, Senior Mechanical Technician (EME/534) led these workshops. Both trainers attended the certified Train the Trainer Workshop at the Hytorc Regional Headquarters in Adelaide, Australia and at local representative training facilities. Workshop participants at one of the practical sessions 2 Quarter 2 | 2010 Train 3 Shutdown Activities OCP3 TA Bypass stack scaffolding C-3301 TA Scaffolding Activities On 15th May 2010, for a period of 35 days, the shutdown and maintenance activities for train 3 at Brunei LNG plant commenced. This is in line with the Brunei LNG Engineering master plan, which will ensure plant integrity, reliability and efficiency of its train operations as well as associated assets. The slogan for this year is “It is not only your capacity but also your attitude that determines Quality”. turnaround slogan. Areas covered include a major overhaul of MCR1 & 11 turbine/ compressors and minor overhaul of the propane turbine/ compressor, change out of the mol sieves in the driers (V-3301A &B), fabric scope for utility, gas, steam and equipment lines and, routine and non-routine maintenance requirements including small projects that require a unit shutdown to implement. Other areas of operations included were Refrigerant make up unit; Onshore Compressor Plant 3; Electricity Generation and Main Distribution system (Generator and steam turbine overhaul); Raw Water Supply and Treatment; Cooling Water System; Fuel Gas System; Cooling water system rejuvenation (CWSR) for 15 cells; Train 4 - CWSR Sluice gate replacement for TR3&4 common basin. As part of shutdown activities, equipments were inspected or overhauled based on integrity or scheduled basis in order to maintain a 5-year train run cycle. During peak activities, about 1,000 people work on site with approximately 300,000 exposure of man-hours. Quality-wise, the Key Process Indicator (KPI) for the shutdown activities was to have flawless turnarounds or zero leak during unit start-ups. This is in line with this year’s Prior to the execution of the shutdown activities, “Scope Challenge and Optimisation” workshop was held from 2nd to 5th November 2009, facilitated by Shell Global Solutions. Various departmental staff attended the event, followed by team building activities on March 11th & 12th at ASMA Hotel, Jerudong, and then, an outdoor session at Bukit Shahbandar to foster better relationships and synergise team members. The continuous and successful execution of this maintenance and shutdown activities is part of Brunei LNG‘s commitment to maintaining its track record as a reliable supplier of LNG and will be a vital factor in enhancing the long term business relationship with customers in Japan and Korea. TA Team building Sessions Quarter 2 | 2010 3 National Energy Efficiency And Conservation Initiatives Awards (NEECIA) Are Ours Guest of Honour officially launch the Energy Day with Hj Ismail looks on Pehin Dato Hj Mohammad delivering his speech at the opening In conjunction with the Energy Day 2010 held on 24th May 2010, Brunei LNG, represented by the MD/CEO, was conferred the inaugural National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Initiatives Awards (NEECIA) under the industrial sector. The event in Rizqun International Hotel saw the former Minister of Energy, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Dewa Major General (Rtd) Dato Seri Pahlawan Awang Haji Mohammad Bin Haji Daud as the guest of honour. These awards promote best practices in energy management in buildings and industries. A working paper states that Brunei LNG improved its energy efficiency by 30 percent through its capital and operational improvement programme. Another 10 percent improvement will be realised after the completion of the on-going capital investment program in 2013. There are possibilities of further improvement through the expansion of the adjacent Government power plant which will enable Brunei LNG to expand its Heat Recovery Steam Generation, creating another 20 to 25 percent improvement that will undoubtedly make Brunei LNG far more energy efficient than any other LNG plant in the world. It was also highlighted in the paper that energy efficiency improvement is not only limited to applying new technologies, but more importantly is how creative and innovative individuals are in creating a motivated working environment, a surrounding in which individuals are inspired to perform their best and could lead the key stakeholders in sharing a common purpose. 4 H Salleh Bostaman (L) receiving the NEECIA awards on behalf of Brunei LNG Other awards under the ministry sector, commercial and education sectors were won by the Ministry of Defence, Orchid Garden hotel and Nusa Laila Puteri school Gadong branch respectively. Brunei LNG is also competing at ASEAN level for such energy efficiency and improvement awards which will be held in Vietnam. Quarter 2 | 2010 i d p g ACB Business Integrity Talk And Roadshow Employees of Brunei LNG listening to the presentation on Business Integrity delivered by Hj Abd Raub An employee from BSP Audit Department briefs some of the visitors at the booth The MD/CEO reminded himself and everyone on the consequences of non-compliance and that no one is above the law. He stressed on the importance of being similarly committed to business integrity and the 12 Life Saving Rules. Brunei LNG, in emphasizing business integrity, regularly organizes audits on process controls and contract management compliances in its annual audit plan, with high standards of check and balance. Employees visiting some of the exhibits on display As part of Brunei Shell Joint Venture Companies (BSJV) drives in promoting business integrity, on 2nd June 2010, Brunei LNG organised a one-day roadshow and talk. This serves as a reminder for employees to practice the BSJV code of conduct stipulated in the Statement of General Business Principle (SGBP). Present at the roadshow were Hj Abd Raub Hj Mohd Yassin, Deputy Director of Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) and its officials and also some seniors officers from BSP. The event began with a mass recital of Surah Al-Fatihah, followed by opening remarks by the MD/CEO who said that the event symbolised Brunei LNG’s and ACB’s commitment to ensure that Business Integrity remains a core value. The roadshow increases every employee’s awareness of business integrity. The Business Principles and Code of Conduct govern all BSJV companies for employees to practise the core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people. Hj Abdul Raub Hj Mohd Yassin in his speech reaffirmed ACB’s anti-corruption stand, saying that corruption is due to monopoly and indiscretion, akin to theft and crime of opportunity. He reiterated, “Corruption is not just about bad people but also because of bad governance.” Lack of accountability, transparency and integrity in an organization, coupled with the presence of someone who exercises full monopoly of power may create corrupt individuals. He concluded his speech by highlighting that the Bureau places strong emphasis on law enforcement as effective deterrent measures. The intended strategy is to detect corrupt practices and strike hard on unethical practices. Corrupt personnel will be caught with jail terms, hefty fines and confiscation of assets, and his or her reputation and family name will be lost. The ACB Departments as well as from Audit in BSP showcased their exhibition on business integrity at Brunei LNG main building foyer. Quarter 2 | 2010 5 Safety day 2010 Some of the employees of Brunei LNG at the launching of the Safety Day 2010 A contractor representative highlights their safety commitments Ariffin Md Diah representing EIE Department on higlighting safety commitments On 8th June 2010 Brunei LNG as well as BSJV and Shell companies worldwide held a Safety Day 2010 with a themed ‘Doing the Right Thing’. Launched by Senior General Manager Plant, Hj Matsatejo Sokiaw, is aimed at building and sustaining a culture where employees and contractors are committed and able to demonstrate action and “Doing the Right Thing”. Activities include practising and complying to the 12 Life Saving Rules, engaging stepback 5x5 and rewarding good HSE performance. Hj Matsatejo stressed that daily decisions have the potential to evoke danger; and that safety relies on everyone’s judgement on doing the right thing. Capability and empowerment are essentially required to make things happen. Capability in this context refers to necessary knowledge, skills and experience, for example HSSE competence and training. Empowerment concerns leaders who create environments in the workplace to help employees make the right decision. Circumstances would also coach employees to be accountable for their own actions. In conjunction with Safety Day 2010, every department or function was given the option to either review the Departmental or Functional “Do the Right Thing” obligation from Safety Day 2009 or to choose any of the engagement activities: 1) What If Scenarios 2) Intervention Role Play 3) Share a Personal Story 6 Quarter 2 | 2010 Among those present at the session 4) Safety Link. Contractors were given two options, the first one was to review ‘Do The Right Thing” commitment from the 2009 Safety Day or to do the “What if scenarios.” All departments and functions in Brunei LNG were encouraged to come up with their safety commitment: What would they like to do differently; what they will stop doing; and what they will support. Four selected departments and three contractors were given opportunities to present their safety commitment to the audience, while other departments and contractors had separate engagement sessions with their respective staff since 28th May. Safety remains the top priority in Brunei LNG. The 12 Life Saving Rules (LSR) complement our drive for the Goal Zero journey and also the three Golden Rules of Compliance, Intervention and Attitude. The highest safety record for Brunei LNG was the achievement of 12 million man-hours without LTI in 2007 and the 40th year of establishment without major incident in 2009. The challenge is, how do we sustain and continuously improve? Brunei LNG will continue to sustain its operational excellence beyond 2013 and maintain its reputation as a “Preferred LNG Supplier” amongst its customers in Japan and Korea. Signing Of Combined Security Orders On 16th June 2010 was a significant day for the company’s Security Department and the Royal Brunei Police Force when Combined Security Orders was signed. The Deputy Commissioner and the Director of Operations, Royal Brunei Police Force, Pehin Haji Hasrin bin Dato Hj Sabtu signed on behalf of the Royal Brunei Police Force, while the Managing Director/CEO of Brunei LNG H Salleh Bostaman BH Zainal Abidin signed on behalf of Brunei LNG. The signed document will integrate security resources to provide a concerted and effective response to security issues while providing the framework for coordinated security efforts and response. The Brunei LNG plant is considered one of the most important state’s assets and needs to be protected at all times. It is part of the nation’s special Protective Security Programme. In conjunction with the signing, the MD/CEO extended his gratitude to Brunei LNG Head of Security Yakub Ismail and The official signing of the Combined Security Order Royal Brunei Police Operations Directorate Officer- Yang Amat Mulia Pg Anak Hj Mohd Saifullah bin Yang Amat Mulia Pg Indera Setia DiRaja Sahibul Karib Pg Anak Hj Idris on all efforts and times invested to develop, review and complete the Combined Security Orders. 3 In 1 Security Roadshow Visitors at the Anti Narcotics Bureau and Royal Brunei Police Force booths On 16th June 2010, Brunei LNG organised a 3-in-1 Security Roadshow in cooperation with Royal Brunei Police Force, Immigration Department and Anti Narcotic Bureau. The event was held for 5 days as a follow-up event after the signing of the combined security orders. Brunei LNG Plant and its offshore installation are vital assets of the state and classified under the special protective security programme. All its assets are protected by the Government of His Majesty, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam. The MD/CEO, at the opening of the roadshow, highlighted that as the Authority in Charge, all legal requirements need to be ensured and complied as per the Protected Areas and Protected Places Act Chapter 147. In addition, all requirements for security implementation by Brunei LNG Security and Royal Brunei Police Force need to be adequate and effective. The roadshow will help to better understanding and enhance working relationships between Brunei LNG Security and Government enforcement agencies, to educate and improve overall security awareness for employees of Brunei LNG and contractors, to prevent crime, avoid loss and other costs incurred resulting from security incidents, and to create awareness on current and amended legal laws on Crime cases, Drug & Alcohol, illegal entry without visa/ Work Permit. The roadshow will help employees and contractors understand the roles and responsibilities of the three Enforcement Agencies. Simon Tan from Rudin Company highlighted, “Since my time is spent more in the plant, the roadshow is very good as it gives me an opportunity to know better the roles and responsibilities of the Enforcement agencies, without having to travel to the individual enforcement agencies offices” One of the visitors commented that the roadshow has helped uncover non-compliance activities while exposing some of the consequences of engaging in the distribution of contravene drugs and other activities that are against the law. The roadshow is the first of its kind organised by the Security Department in Brunei LNG involving the Enforcement Agencies in Brunei. Quarter 2 | 2010 7 On-Boarding Program For OTPS 2008 Intake Following the graduation of the 18 new OTPS trainees, an On-Boarding Program was organised by the Competence and Development (HCD) Department. The programme is designed to help the graduates to become familiar with Brunei LNG organisation, structure and business activities through the general processes and systems of the key activities. This way, they will be able to be versatile and undertake different functions and acquire a better understanding and awareness on the current and future business environment, challenges and opportunities. With such aptitude and attitude, trainees will play their role in conforming to the HSSE culture and provide awareness of the new Permit-to-work System, which will in turn, build trust and enhance teamwork within the organisation. me with a clear expectation in terms of our discipline and conducts. This will help me in ensuring that the company’s reputation is protected. Shell’s General Business Principles are indeed a good guide on how one should behave.” “I am very delighted that a structured process is prepared for us throughout our career. The OTPS Framework and Competence Assurance Systems will help me throughout my journey to become a competent operator in BLNG. The roles and responsibilities are clearly specified hence I know what to expect in-so-far-as my development is concerned.” said another participant, Nazirul. Module 2: HSSE Awareness and Permit-to-Work Workshop The program was divided into three modules namely: Business Awareness Workshop; HSSE Awareness and Permit-to-Work Training; and Outward Bound Teambuilding Training Module 1: Business Awareness Workshop The module covers the Brunei LNG’s overview, organisation, milestones, corporate scorecard as well as the key focus areas and the OTPS Framework, presented by various experts as well as an open forum with Head of Operations, Haji Kamis Haji Kassim. In addition, the workshop also addresses the The objective of the HSSE Awareness workshop is to communicate the HSSE Policies, Life Saving Rules and performance targets governing the HSSE mission of Goal Zero. Understanding management strategies through HSSE initiatives, reporting and programs (e.g. Step back 5X5, PAKAT, HSSE Critical Position, PTWS, Omni safe) will help to create a generative safety culture in Brunei LNG. “I have learned the roles and responsibilities of Permit Issuer and Permit Holders. Additionally as a Technician – I have a very active role in the PTW System especially in ensuring that the non-routine work is safely integrated with the normal operation of the plant” said Md Al-Hafiiz. Shell General Business Principles, employment terms and conditions, policies on drugs, alcohol and substance abuse, ethics and compliance and code of conduct. One of the trainees, Suresh, commented, “The module provides Lily Keh, Competence Adviser for HSSE who facilitated the workshop said, “The promising group of OTPS Technicians were quick on their feet when they were required to develop and present a simple Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) to the class. It is a positive indication that these technicians have good understanding of what JHA is all about.” ... continued on page 9 8 Quarter 2 | 2010 ... continuation from page 8 ON-BOARDING PROGRAM FOR OTPS 2008 INTAKE Module 3: Outward Bound Teambuilding Training The National Park, Temburong was the venue for the three-day Outward Bound Teambuilding Training. It started with HSSE briefing to ensure the safety of the team before executing all activities throughout the training. Various activities and challenges were organised such as flying fox, white water rafting, long boat ride, canopy walk, jungle tracking, plus a number of teambuilding Team Building session held at the National Park in Temburong activities. fighting the white water rafting phobia. I believe that we are “It was a totally new experience for me. Firstly having to ready to take the challenge in our respective shifts that contribute appreciate what the environment offers, secondly the challenges to both Brunei LNG and Refinery.” said Md Najib. He further that were posed on us as a team, thirdly is the learning from added that the programme provides the necessary preparation the activities that everyone is interdependent of each other” said both mentally and physically in their transition from being Muiz. a trainee that focuses on our training to a technician. “It is indeed a dream come true for me, since I have the ambition to be “During the adventure based training, the key challenge was part of the Brunei LNG family.” Added Md Najib. Farewell And Welcoming Of New Belait DO Hj Jemain bin Momin (1st photo L) and Hj Matusin (2nd photo R) receiving a memento from Brunei LNG MD/CEO for his support to Brunei LNG during his tenure as Belait DO. He also welcomed the new DO and hoped that Brunei LNG could foster similar strong working relationships with him as well. Brunei LNG and the Belait District Office had cultivated smooth cooperation all this while to look after the community welfare within the Lumut Liang area as well as the Belait district in general. The cooperation is more apparent during activities at National level. On 12th May 2010, an informal luncheon was held in Lumut to bid farewell to former Belait District Officer (DO) Hj Jemain bin Momin, and at the same time to welcome new Belait DO Hj Matusin bin Orang Kaya Sura Hj Tuba. Hosting the luncheon was the Managing Director/CEO of Brunei LNG with the presence of the management team and head of departments. Hj Jemain bin Momin has now moved on to become the Brunei Muara District Officer after his 2-year stint as Belait DO. Hj Matusin bin Orang Kaya Sura Tuba was formerly the Temburong DO for two years. The event began with a short welcome speech by the MD/CEO who extended Brunei LNG’s gratitude to former DO Hj Jemain After the luncheon, the MD/CEO of Brunei LNG presented mementoes to the two DOs, followed by a photo session. Quarter 2 | 2010 9 Key Successes Shared During Media Appreciation Night 2009 Jefri Salas of Brunei Times (R) receiving appreciation certificate Adep of P2F and Emcee Aunty Mey entertaining the crowds On 10th April 2010, Brunei LNG organised a Media Appreciation Night held at the Muhibah Hall, Royal Brunei Recreation Club (RBRC) in Berakas. Present in full force to support the event were representatives from various media companies around Brunei. These included Radio Television Brunei, Pelita Brunei of Information Department, Radio Stations: Pelangi, Harmoni, Nasional, Pilihan, Nur Islam and Kristal FM, Borneo Bulletin, Media Permata, United Daily, See Hua Daily, Sin Chiew and the Brunei Times. The event is aimed at enhancing the close and excellent relationship between Brunei LNG and members of the Brunei media, while providing highlights of the company’s activities to the media. The guest of honour was the MD/CEO of Brunei LNG, who in his speech, acknowledged the continuous support and cooperation of local media. He noted that the media had portrayed Brunei LNG’s contributions to the nation’s economy, profiled the company as the top quartile performer in the industry and as an Employer of First Choice for Bruneians. He highlighted that Brunei LNG and its media partners have developed positive relations over the years, and Brunei LNG will continue to cultivate future opportunities and partnership with the media. 10 Quarter 2 | 2010 Media Reps during the treasure hunt session Commenting that the company has been in the LNG business for 40 years and remains a reputable and a “Preferred LNG Supplier” to its customers. Brunei LNG’s highlights in 2009 were its 40th anniversary commemoration, the 5 Million Man-hours without Lost Time Incident (LTI) and zero Total Recordable Case (TRC). In terms of cargo delivery, more than 6,000 LNG shipments have been delivered without missing any contractual cargo. Brunei LNG’s Laboratory Service was for the 5th consecutive year rated as 2008 Best Shell Laboratory in Correlation results. Brunei LNG also grew in strength, achieving many industry firsts in Health & Safety, Plant Reliability and business performance. At the Refinery, the achievement of 26 years without LTI and 13 years without TRC is another outstanding achievement. The MD/CEO said that Brunei LNG will continue to promote itself as the “Employer of First Choice in Brunei Darussalam”. Succession plans have been developed to groom junior Bruneian staff. In fact, in 2009, Brunei LNG introduced the first 10 females in its Operative Technician Progression Schemes. This is part of the company’s drive to encourage diversity in its technical workforce and continue to search for suitable candidates to join the workforce. Media representatives received certificates of appreciation and were feted to a sumptuous spread. Local artiste Adep and emcee Aunty Mey spiced up the event. 2010 Vendor Forum Provides Insightful Business Intelligence The guest of honour and delegation at the Brunei LNG booth On 23rd June 2010, Brunei Shell Petroleum Company (BSP) through the Supply Chain Management (SCM) department organised a one day Vendor Forum 2010 at the Grand Hall, Empire Hotel and Country Club. The event is part of the Brunei Shell Joint Venture (BSJV) Companies drives in promoting Business Integrity. The guest of honour was the Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister’s Office, the honourable Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Paduka Haji Awang Mohammad Yasmin bin Haji Umar. The theme for this year’s forum was “Sustaining Competitiveness”. Over 750 individuals representing more than 400 companies were present and benefitted from the sharing of the latest information on existing processes, procedures Brunei LNG representatives at the exhibition booth of contracting and procurement in BSP and its member companies. In his speech, BSP Managing Director, Grahaeme Henderson said that in order to improve detection of fraudulent activities, policies have been strengthened and more resources have been put in place, together with training of contractors and staff on integrity. He added that maintaining the highest possible standards of HSE and Business Integrity is important for bottom-line performance. Thus no toleration given for non-compliance. Besides ‘HSE and Business Integrity’ and ‘improving cost efficiency’, innovations are vital for vendor improvements and mutual success. The quality and efficiency of delivery across the supply chain has a major impact on the performance of the BSJV Companies. The event showcased exhibits from various BSP departments and contractors, as well as the Anti Corruption Bureau, Brunei LNG, BST and BSM, and even several companies from Singapore and India. Brunei LNG’s participation highlighted the various business opportunities and tender openings, and working partnerships with contractors or vendors in previous projects. Upon arrival at Brunei LNG’s booth, the guest of honour was then briefed by Sujana Menudin, Contracts Engineer on the exhibits. The Vendor Forum 2010 agendas included presentations by the Asset Director of BSP, forums and focus group session. The event concluded with a final focus group session with vendors. Sujana Menudin briefs the guest of honour on the exhibits Quarter 2 | 2010 11 Corporate Social Responsibility Brunei LNG Recognises 150 Best Students In Belait District On 22nd May 2010, 150 best students in the Belait district were awarded by Brunei LNG for their achievements in 2009 public examinations. The Academic Excellence Awards were given to best students from primary, religious and secondary schools in the district. Some of these achievers were children of Brunei LNG and Refinery employees. The presentation ceremony was held at the multipurpose hall of Liang Lumut Recreation Club with the presence of the guest of honour Haji Mohd Mahdi bin Pehin Dato Haji Abdul Rahman, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs. This is the first time that Brunei LNG extended the awards and recognitions to best students in government and private schools in the Belait district. The previous years’ awards were only limited to Liang Lumut area students studying at government schools. The event was organised in collaboration with the host school, Lumut Primary School. Chairman of the organising committee, Cikgu Hjh Sediah Madeli in her welcoming remarks, extended her invaluable appreciation to Brunei LNG for the recognition. She reiterated that these are testimony for Brunei LNG’s caring of the Belait communities’ academic developments and achievements, and that such recognition will continue in future and be exemplary to other organisations in the country. The guest of honour congratulated awarded students and teachers on their academic excellence and best performance awards, including parents and guardians of students. He highlighted that the award from Brunei LNG could serve as a driver and enthusiasm to other students. Students are also advised to continuously seek excellence not only to benefit themselves but allow them to be important role models in religion, race and nation. He said that excellence has a direct relationship with individual personality, whereby some of the criteria include respect and love to parents, guardians and teachers, concern to surrounding communities and environment, interest in subjects and helping others in succeeding as well. These criteria would be effective if students are determined and work hard, while being prayerful to Allah Subhanahu Wataala. A lot of sacrifices of time, energy and effort are needed to become a successful and outstanding individual. He also reminded students to acquire extra-curricular skills, especially at this age whereby academic competition becomes increasingly challenging and requires more diligent and disciplined students. He commented that today, students are exposed to the Internet which is an easy source of information and knowledge. Parents and guardians were reminded to continuously monitor their children’s activities online and divert them from immoral and unhealthy social activities, such as incorrectly indulging social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter etc. Networking and collaboration from all parties will help to strengthen, enhance and emphasis religious education. He then presented awards and certificates to the 114 public examinations students while Brunei LNG Corporate Affairs Manager, Hj Mahri Matahir, presented the awards and certificates to 36 primary school students. ... continued on page 13 12 Quarter 2 | 2010 ... continuation from page 12 BRUNEI LNG RECOGNISES 150 BEST STUDENTS IN BELAIT DISTRICT Hj Mahri Matahir presenting award to primary school best student Guest of Honour Hj Mohd Mahdi presenting award to public examination best student H Salleh Bostaman presenting award to best teacher The awards ceremony also witnessed the presentation of Best Teachers category in every subject in the Public Examinations. The MD/CEO of Brunei LNG presented the awards to 21 teachers who received Brunei LNG Best Performance Award Based on Examination Results. community. After the presentation ceremony, the guest of honour toured an exhibition facilitated by the 3rd Battalion of the Land Force, Royal Brunei Armed Forces , Health and Agriculture Department, SPARK and Brunei LNG’s Human Resources and Recruitment department. The event, in its eighth year, is one of Brunei LNG’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives for Belait district The event concluded with a group photo session with all the awardees and guest of honour Energy Saving Initiatives At Brunei LNG Set air conditioner temperature to 24 degrees Celsius or at least 1 degree Celsius higher than usual. • For office room that has its own control system, the temperature is set to 24 degree Celsius. • For office room which has a central controlling system, the air conditioner will be set to 24 degree Celsius or at least 1 degree Celsius higher than usual. In support of Energy Day 2010, Brunei LNG initiated several campaigns, including the eSavings SOS campaign, which is part of the many activities held since the initial Energy Days in 2008 and 2009. The theme for this year is “Value Our Precious Energy”. eSavings is directed towards helping individuals and organisations in Brunei Darussalam to pledge towards energy saving and make a difference. Brunei LNG has pledged to support the campaign through several initiatives: Switch off unnecessary lights or computer during the day. • • • Staff is encouraged to switch off unnecessary lighting during the day. Switch of the lightings when leaving the office rooms. Computer should be set to hibernation mode when leaving the office room for meetings or lunch. Brunei LNG staff are also encouraged to make individual pledges through the website http://www. esavingday.com as well as car pool to work to reduce fuel consumption exercise. On the Energy Day, only staff and contractors who car-pooled with minimum 4 people inside the car were allowed to park their car at the management car parking area while those with 2 or more people in the car were entitled to park at Car Park Zone A. Further to that, during the turnaround shutdown month beginning 24th May to 16th June, staff and contractors who car-pooled with 2 or more people inside the car were allowed to park at car park zone A. Such pledges and support for Energy Day will help us to create awareness on energy savings and change our mindset from wastage to an energy-conscious lifestyle, and is part of Brunei LNG’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) steps. Quarter 2 | 2010 13 News from Brunei Refiner y Trauma Awareness Day Workshop By: Eza Salwati (RHSE/1) 14 Brunei Shell Refinery staff and contractors, some of whom are Refinery Designated First Aiders, attended the 2 day workshop. Everyone had fun and learnt at the same time, with a mock first aid demonstration, facilitated by excited volunteers. The hands-on exercise included Extrication of Demonstration for the management of minor injury Demonstration of proper handling of injured person on basket Casualty from vehicle, log stretcher roll, basket stretcher and On 27th and 28th April 2010, the Emergency Response Unit management of minor injuries. Physical stretches after a of Panaga Health Centre organised a Trauma Awareness Day strenuous exercise were also demonstrated by volunteers workshop with a slogan ‘Think Safe, Start Safe and Stay Safe’. after the briefing by the Physiotherapy Dept of Panaga Health Held at the Atrium in BSP Headquarters with Mrs. Catherine Centre on the prevention of sports-related injuries. Useful D. McRae, Brunei Shell Petroleum Technical Director as information on the Safe Storage of Drugs was also shared by the Guest of Honour. The workshop aimed to promote the Pharmacy Dept of the centre. occupational health and safety awareness to prevent workrelated trauma. The line-up of activities included presentations It was such an inspiring event and a great experience where the from guest speakers, exhibition, demonstrations and quiz, Refinery Designated First Aiders were able to sharpen their which are all geared towards creating awareness of injury First Aid skills and knowledge in terms of injury prevention at prevention at work, home, recreational areas and on the road. work, home, recreational area and on the road. Improved Website Showcases Brunei Refinery’s Forte By: Eza Salwati (RHSE/1) a treasure full of information and updates. The success of the website is the result of a multi-disciplinary team from the Refinery that was formed in April 2010 including key support from Brunei LNG TIS dept. The new platform profiles a host of information such as the organisation chart, management team, mission, EMS/QMS page and other refinery work-related links such as duty roster, audit schedule and performance reports. Other links such as HSE checklist, Turnaround info, Gas GAME etc are currently under construction and will be accessible once completed. For ease of file sharing, files will uploaded into livelink to ease file storage and enable convenient access to common files. Since 1st June 2010, Brunei Refinery’s new website is now online. It follows the standardised look that incorporate with the Brunei Shell Refinery branding. The website is easier to navigate and 14 With the successful launching of the website, the Refinery management team extended their appreciation to the TIS Department and Refinery staff involved in this project - for their efforts and ideas in making the “new look” Webpage a success. Quarter 2 | 2010 continued on page 11 Safety Day At Brunei Refinery By: Eza Salwati (RHSE/1) Safety Day briefing session on progress at Brunei Refinery Simultaneously to Brunei LNG, Brunei Refinery is not spared in organising the Safety Day 2010 on 8th June 2010. This is a major safety highlight in the Shell calendar. Over 100,000 employees and many other contractors worldwide united under a common theme: “Do the Right Thing”. On that day, each key location with the support of the Refinery HSE focal point carried out engagement sessions led by leaders, staff and contractors. The Engagement Activity helps each team to discover, activate and integrate key safety messages to meet local needs, risks and cultures with the theme of Do the Right Thing and Achieving Goal Zero. There were 4 discussion topics comprising ‘Intervention Role Play’ led by RES, ‘Safety Link’ led by RHSE, ‘What If?’ Scenarios’ led by RPS and ‘Share a Personal Story’ led by RTS. Response was overwhelming. Feedback from both staff and contractors indicated that they benefitted from the importance of intervention/approach and in doing the right thing in order to avoid unwanted accidents or incidents. The participants also learnt how to identify potential hazards and associated risks at the workplace so that they can control and mitigate the risks from escalating. They also learnt from the past incidents and how to be more extra careful to avoid similar things from happening again. Every participant shared good bonding, knowledge and healthy brain storming after the safety link quiz. A specific plan of actions will be established for further review and follow up. In conjunction with the group safety day, a special recognition of good safety intervention was awarded to Mr Rogelio A. Batiller of Adinin Works Engineering (AWE). Spor ts Storm From Finance Wins Bowling Tournament 2010 helps to foster relationship among employees, promote healthy lifestyles and to raise fund for the Brunei LNG and Refinery Orphans Fund. The tournament was officiated by the MD/ CEO of Brunei LNG who also participated in the tournament with some of his management team. He said “Brunei LNG is delighted to organise this tournament as an annual event as it serves as another platform for our staff to network and interact with colleagues from Members of the Storm Team - The Champion Salwa (R) receiving the champion trophy on behalf different departments and from Refinery. of Team Storm Apart from developing closer rapport among staff, the tournament On 17th, 18th, 24th and 25th April 2010, the MD Challenge Trophy also promotes active and healthy lifestyle as well as the idea of a bowling tournament 2010 was successfully held for at Utama work-life balance that we continuously advocate to our staff.” Bowling Centre. The tournament, in its 5th year running, received overwhelming from employees of Brunei LNG and Refinery. It ... continued on page 16 Quarter 2 | 2010 15 ... continuation from page 15 STORM FROM FINANCE WINS BOWLING TOURNAMENT 2010 This year’s tournament saw 47 teams and 282 employees, generating about $1,500 for the fund. A mock cheque was presented to the Patron of the Fund H Salleh Bostaman through the Secretary of the organising committee Risnani Hj Abdul Halim. Storm from Finance was crowned as the Champion for this tournament with a total pin falls of 2193. In second place was a HSEQ team named BMX and followed by Lacoste from EEE, Chop Lada from Refinery and Under Armour from the Laboratory. In the male individual category, champion went to Pg Hassanal Pg Mokhtar Puteh with a total pin falls of 499 for three games and Salwa Md Yakub won in the female category with a total pin falls of 432. In the moonlight category, the winner was Adi Shamsul Hj Sabli with a pin fall of 174. Acting Managing Director Hj Matsatejo Sokiaw handed over the prizes to all winners. This MD Challenge Trophy Bowling is considered the biggest tournament ever held in Brunei LNG with almost three quarter of staff involved. The excellent response is more than two-fold increase in tournament participation since its inception in 2006. We Are The Champion - Telbru 2010 Cycling Race By: Rozaini Manap great and fun experience for everyone. It was not only about winning but the participation of Brunei LNG team in the TelBru cycling race brings the event closer to cultivate a healthy balanced relationship among TeIBru employees, together with vendors, friends and associates from the government departments and ministries and also corporate companies such as Brunei LNG. Brunei LNG cyclists receiving their prize from Pehin Dato Hj Yahya The early hours of Sunday on 16th May 2010 witnessed hundreds of cyclists taking part in the 2010 TelBru Cycling Race, held in conjunction with TelBru’s 4th anniversary celebrations. Kicking off from the Telbru headquarters at the Old Airport, the event saw the Brunei LNG cycling team which was high in team spirits, emerging as champions in the 70km ride team category. The team clocked a time of 2:01 hrs ahead of the other nine teams from the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources and various TelBru corporate vendors and partners. Brunei LNG cycling team was led by team captain, Hj Samad Ismail with team members Md Radzi Hj Tamat, Md Rozaini Hj Manap, Hj Sulaiman Hj Yahya, Johann Chua and Lu Voon Oi. Despite the hot weather and tense competition, it was indeed a 16 Quarter 2 | 2010 The MD/CEO of Brunei LNG congratulated our team representatives, saying that the practice of daily cycling in the plant helped them in the competition. He suggested that more employees cycle as a way of promoting healthy lifestyles and reminded everyone to be vigilant on the road. Present at the prize presentation was the Minister of Industry and Primary Resources Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Utama Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Yahya bin Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Haji Bakar, who also participated in the 70km race. Other teams that took part in the race were MIPR Spinners, BIBD, Baiduri Bank, HSBC, B-Mobile and non-competitive category saw hundreds of free-and-easy cyclists from the public taking part during the scenic 50km. The competition was divided into the competitive team (70km), competitive ladies individual (22km) and expedition categories (50km). Personality Sec tion Liew Ah Heng APT/31 Construction Engineer – Mechanical As a long serving staff of Brunei LNG, many people have asked me, “What do you like about the company that has made you remain a loyal employee for so long?” I reply, “Job satisfaction. Great work environment. A caring management. Career opportunities. Learning curve. Good team spirit.” These are just some of the factors why I have been working in Brunei LNG for more than 38 years. When I was much younger, I was proud to be part of this illustrious company. It has been almost 4 decades of being part of the Brunei LNG team, and a notable project that I have been entrusted to work on, is the Mechanical Construction Project – ARP project. This is a significant march forward for the company, as the project will extend the plant life beyond 2013. This is a key factor for growth and sustenance and proves that Brunei LNG is continuously moving towards continuous improvements and never rests on its laurels. The work environment is harmonious. In fact, I know almost everyone in the company and this is what makes us special. A friendly wave. Generous smiles. A pat on the back and the camaraderie that we have at work and off work is like the bond of a family. In fact, I always recommend friends and relatives to seek a job with Brunei LNG as a company of choice, other than the fact that the oil and gas industry is an attractive avenue for job seekers. Even my second generation is in the LNG-related industry. One of my most memorable experiences is when I was still relatively new in the company. This was the time when His Majesty, the Sultan and Yang Dipertuan Of Brunei Darussalam, His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, officiated the first loading of LNG to the GADINIA tanker in December 1972. This was a momentous occasion and I can still recall the excitement that everyone in the company felt. I was proud to be part of Brunei LNG, and am still proud that I have been given the opportunity to contribute and grow with the company during these 40 memorable years. Visitors To Brunei LNG Sekolah Menengah Sufri Bolkiah, Tutong - 21st April, 2010 Quarter 2 | 2010 d 17 Visitors To Brunei LNG Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah, Gadong - 20th May, 2010 Sekolah Vokasional Wasan - 1st June, 2010 Sekolah Menengah Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Mentiri, BSB 18 Quarter 2 | 2010 Visitors To Brunei LNG OSAKA Gas Delegations - 10th June, 2010 KOGAS Delegations - 23rd June, 2010 Quarter 2 | 2010 19 Featured Article Personal Branding: 5 Secrets of Success By: Jessica Stillman Personal branding is a hot concept, which is both good news and bad. For fans of the idea, its ascendancy means more people can benefit from presenting themselves in a compelling way. For those trying to stand out from the personal branding herd, however, it could be a problem. With everyone and their mother trying to make a name for themselves, it’s harder and harder to be heard through all the noise. To do so you need expert help, and for top tips there are few better qualified to help than entrepreneur and uber-blogger Guy Kawasaki. Recently on Dan Schawbel’s Personal Branding Blog, Pete Kistler dug into Kawasaki’s book Art of the Start and outlined five secrets of personal branding success he found there: • Make Meaning, Not Money. If you’re into personal branding with the goal of making money, stop now. You will attract the wrong kind of people into your life. Instead, start with the goal of making meaning. What better way to align all your actions with your longterm goals. What kind of meaning will you make? Kawasaki suggests two ideas for inspiration: 1) right a wrong, or 2) prevent the end of something good. What will you do to make the world a better place? • Make a Mantra. In three words or less, what are you all about? Kawasaki believes that mission statements are useless. He says, make a mantra instead. FedEx stands for “peace of mind.” What do you stand for, in the simplest terms? • Polarize People. Personal branding pundits often advise against being a “jack of all trades,” or a generalist that isn’t very good at something specific. What does Guy believe? He suggests being great for some people rather than trying to please everyone. Do not be afraid to make people react strongly for or against you. As my former business partner used to remind me, you’re not doing something right unless you’re pissing someone off. That doesn’t mean be a jerk. That means just don’t try to appeal to all people, or you’ll end up a mile wide and an inch deep, mediocre to everyone. • Find a Few Soul Mates. We’re all on this journey together. It’s silly to think we are alone in our careers or in our life. Find people who balance you. Then make time for them. If you’re busy, make plans in advance so you have to schedule around them. You’re only one person, so surround yourself with people whose skills round you off. • Don’t Let the Bozos Grind You Down. Not everyone is going to like you. Not everyone will always agree with you. That’s a fact of life. So don’t let criticism or doubters bring you down. As you live out your mantra, it’s your responsibility to be strong in the face of “no,” and “you can’t do that.” Guy says, ignore people who say you won’t succeed. Use negative words as motivation. Prove people wrong. Sourced from BTNet.com Ideas @ Work APPLAUD! “When someone does something well, applaud! You will make two people happy.” by Samuel Goldwin (When was the last time you applauded when one of your colleagues did something well?) BRING SOME WITH YOU: “You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring some of it with you.” by Joseph Joubert WHAT IS HAPPINESS? “I know what happiness is for I have done good.” by Robert Stevenson WHY WORK? “We work to become, not to acquire.” by Elbert Hubbard WORK OR PLAY? A master at the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which, he simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always seems to be doing both. NEVER TOO LATE It is never too late to have a happy childhood. GETTING OLD? “I was surprised when I started getting old. I thought it was one of those things that would happen to someone else.” by George Carlin Getting old is a state of mind. There are people who feel old at thirty something, and others who feel young at sixty-something. One way to keep feeling young is to keep learning. You can learn new skills at work, new hobbies off work, and new ways of doing the things you do. Learning keeps the mind young and makes the spirit soar. At the end of each day, ask yourself: “What have I learned today?” Subscribed from 2009 Communication Ideas : Humanext 20 Quarter 2 | 2010 New Joiners Muhammad Abd Hafiz Hj Hamdi TIS13 Teodorovic Dorde APD8 Christopher Barrand APT5 Ismail Jaafar APT62 Christopher Lawrence Calvert APD5 Jing Hu APT4 Munir Abdulkadir Katrawala EEE4 David Kell APT9 Abdul Hakeem Zainudin OPS4305 Abdul Mu'Iz Musa OPS4204 Hazman Julaihi OPS7402 Mohammed Hamiz Johari OPS5104 Mohd Haziq Ifwad Mohd Azffri OPS6104 Hj Mohamad Aizat Haji Mohd Saidi OPS5204 Muhammad Nazirul Haji Ahmad OPS7104 Muhammad Al-Hafiiz Md Shafiee OPS6303 Muhammad Radhi Ramli OPS7204 Suresh Balakrishnan RPS32 Patrice Francois Elise Mondain ERE4 Rosemarijn Dekker APP11 Meenakshi Sundaram Venkatakrishnan EPO4 Saiful Bahrin Ali Noordin Amal Sharifizah Mohd Amin APS/73 APM Transfer from BSP Transfer from BSP Hj Suhaily Hj Abd Gani ESB3 Rejoin after retirement Deepak Kuar Goyal APP1 Bart Ossewaarde APP1 Abdul Aziz Morni OPS4104 Hasril Phillip RPS34 Mohammad Hanafi Matali OPS5403 Mohammad Firdaus Mohd Taha OPS5402 Muhammad Najib Ismail OPS7401 Stanley Chow RPS35 Doris Chin Chong Leng APT65 Eric Andrew Rogers APP2 Hjh Nurul Hassanah TPE/2 Hjh Suriyati Abdullah APD2 Transfer from BSP Dk Hjh Hasimah Pg Hj Damit APS/14 Transfer from BSP Richard Eng EEE14 Woo Shek Yim OPS6 Rejoin after retirement Leavers Ruzinawati Awg Hj Matusin FPR10 Yap Ah Wah HCS2 Quarter 2 | 2010 21 Published By External Affairs Department, Brunei LNG Sendirian Berhad Lumut KC2935 Brunei Darussalam Tel: +673 337 8015 / 6 Fax: +673 3236892 Email: Inquiry@bruneilng.com Website: www.bruneilng.com © Brunei LNG Sendirian Berhad, unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this newsletter/ magazine may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, reprographic, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of Brunei LNG Sendirian Berhad. Quarter 2 2010 22 |
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