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DEPARTMENT OF MINERALS AND ENERGY BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS 056138 ~ . stud: 1975/46 MOLONGLO PARKWAY, BLACK MOUNTAIN, A. C.T.: GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATI ONS, 1974 by D.C. Purcell and R. Goldsmith BMR Record 1975/46 c.4 The information contained in this report has been obtained by the Department of Minerals and Energy as part of the policy of the Australian Government to assist in the exploration and development of mineral resources. It may not be published in any form or used in a company prospectus or statement without the permission in writing ofthe Director. Bureau of Mineral Resources. Geology and Geophysics. 1975/46 MOWN= PARKWAY, BLACK MOUNTAIN, A.C.T.: GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS, 1974 by D.C. Purcell and R. GOldemith CONTENTS Page SUMMARY INTRODUCTION^ 1 GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF ROADCUT SECTIONS ^ 2 BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA ^ 2 General Geology^ 2 Engineering Geology^ 2 Excavation conditions^ 3 Slope Stability^ 3 ACACIA INLET^ 6 General Geology^ 6 Engineering Geology^ 9 Excavation conditions^ 10 Slope Stability^ 11 GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF TWO ALTERNATIVE QUARRY SITES ^12 INTRODUCTION^ 12 QUARRY SITE 2^ 13 General Geology^ 13 Engineering Geology^ 14 QUARRY SITE 4^ 15 General Geology^ 15 Engineering Geology ^ 15 CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF CATCHMENT AND QUARRY ROCKS ^16 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ^ 17 BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA ^ 17 ACACIA INLET^ 18 QUARRY SITES 2 AND 4^ 19 1 REFERENCES 1 APPENDIX 1: Definitions APPENDIX 2: Geological logs of diamond-drill holes APPENDIX 3: Geochemical analyses of reservoir rocks FIGURES 1. Location map 1 2. Interpretative geological map of south Black Mountain area 3-7Geo1ogical logs of costeans PLATES 1. Surface geology - Acacia Inlet to Sullivans Creek 2. Acacia Inlet - interpretative geological section A-B 3. Black Mountain Peninsula - interpretative geological Emotion C-D 4. Seismic cross-sections - traverses 3 and 4 5. Seismic cross-sections - traverses 7 and 17 6. Seismic cross-sections traverses 12, 13, and 14 7. Seismic cross-sections - traverses 15, 16, and 18. 8. Joint stereograms - south Black Mountain area 9. Surface geology 7 Quarry Site 2 10. Surface geology - Quarry Site 4 1 SUMMARY This report presents the results of geological investigations carried out in 1974 for the section of the Molonglo Parkway south of Black Mountain. The investigations were of elope stability and the materials to be excavated in the roadcuts across Black Mountain Peninsula and adjacent to Acacia Inlet, and two quarry sites as sources of rock-fill for the embankment section to be constructed within the margins of Lake Burley Griffin. The roadcut on Black Mountain Peninsula will be excavated in slopewash, discontinuous gravel lenses, and the underlying Silurian and Ordovician mudstones; the limit of mechanical ripping is effected to lie at depths between 1 and 2 m in Ordovician mudstone and between 1 and 6 m in Silurian mudstone. Slopes in the slopewash and gravel are generally expected ° to be stable at angles up to 35 , in the Silurian mudstone at angles up to ° ° 45 , and in the Ordovician mndstone at angles up to 75 ; however, local slope failure may be encountered in the slopewash and river gravel in areas of groundwater seepage, and in the mudstone where irregular Shears intersect joints and faults and initiate some wedge failures. The roadcut adjacent to Acacia Inlet will be excavated in slopewash and gravel lenses, with a small section in weathered dacite and quartzite. ° Batter slopes in all materials are expected to be stable at angles up to 35 , and all materials are expected to be rippable without preblasting. Groundwater seepages in some areas may require drainage in order to control slope failure. Sufficient quantities of suitable rock-fill can be obtained from both quarry sites in volcanic rock which is predominantly dacite; however, poor correlation of the weathering profiles between the results from diamond drilling and seismic traverses indicate that seismic traverses at the selected site should be reshot, and that additional diamond drilling carried out. The fragment sizes of the excavated material are expected to be suitable for the embankment, and chemical analyses have not detected elements in any quantities likely to preclude its use as rock—fill or likely to provide a source of pollution to the lake waters. Figure 1 SCAlE 1: lOOA)OO 1 r:.a::a: '" A 1 G S «e H rnt IHRtutlULHfiBtj 1 I = i 0 2 Ouarry site 2 4 1. I:U O j;;:::a" lit Geochemical sample locality Record 1975 /46 4 % ! 11 ; 4 • r; -'-~: • A MP 1_ 6. 1:3'" ALii 'l~ =h .":::F-o ~ • 1% "*'-,.. 10 Acacia Inlet roadcut Black Mountain Peninsula roadcut I55/AJ6j 1292 INTRODUCTION Following a request from the National Capital Development Commission (NCDC) the Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR), in conjunction with the Department of Housing and Construction (DHC), carried out a" 11 geotechnical study of the proposed Molonglo Parkway alignment from Acacia Inlet to Sullivans Creek. In addition, two alternative quarry sites were investigated to determine the suitability of the rock as fill for construction of an embankment within the lake (Fig. 1). BMR carried" out detailed outcrop mapping of the route (Fig. 2; Plate 1)1 A program of diamond drilling and costeaning was completed and logged by BMR. The BMR Engineering Geophysics Group carried out an extensive seismic refraction survey along sections of the route which are to be excavated; this survey supplemented an earlier seismic survey by BMR (Bishop & Dolan, 1973). This report presents the results of investigations carried out on the proposed Acacia Inlet and Black Mountain Peninsula roadcuts, and the drilling and seismic investigations by DHC of the two alternative quarry sites. Laboratory testing of rock core samples from the quarry Sites was carried out by DHC and the results were reported by McDevitt (1974)1 this report also contains seismic profiles obtained from the seismic :survey of the quarry sites by DHC. The only work by BMR on the lake fill section of the route was the logging of drill core; these logs have been included in Appendix 2 of this report. -2- GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF ROADCUT SECTIONS BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA General geology The surface geology and the locations of drill holes, costeans, and seismic refraction traverses are Shown in Plate 1. The bedrock underlying this section of the parkway route is mudstone: grey State Circle mudstone, which weathers to orange brown, lies to the north of the east-west fault that cuts Black Mountain Peninsula; it is not as strong as the blue-grey Pittman mudstone that lies to the south of the fault. The fault separating the two mudstones is near-vertical but may dip southwards between 70 ° and 90 0 ; the exact nature (width, dip, position, and content) of this fault zone is not known owing to lack of outcrop in the area. Rock outcrop along and adjacent to the Parkway alignment is sparse, and observations on jointing, bedding, and faulting have been limited. Bedding in the State Circle mudstone generally dips north into Black Mountain at moderate angles, but attitudes vary over fairly short distances (see Plate 1). Mudstone in the Pittman Formation is more massive than the State Circle mudstone; bedding, where it has been observed, generally dips east to southeast at 30-50 0 . In both mudstones, joints in any set are generally spaced less than 15 cm. Joint information from rock exposures has been plotted onto stereograms (Plate 8). Engineering geology The interpretative geological section C-D (Plate 3) summarizes the expected geology, slope stability, and excavation conditions along the top (north) alignment. The notations on the bottom of Plate 3 refer only to the south-to-southeast-facing roadcut along the approximate centre-line of top road alignment. Lateral variation from this section is to be expected. INTERPRETATIVE ^FIG. 2 GEOLOGICAL MAP OF SOUTH BLACK MOUNTAIN AREA 0 m;le Soo ^ 1000 Metres BURLEY^ GRIFFIN A REFERENCE • QUATERNARY UPPER SiluRIAN LowER SILMAN ORDOvicint4 I Alluviurn 1 (la^ ^ Fan3lomerate suP I iStbi ELI -1:2 Dip and strike of beAdin 3 — Geological boundary, approximate • Mount Painter Porpkyry Esi ckc ic Mo u ntain Sandstone State Circle Shale Pittman Formation ••••■•■■•• Fault, position approximate .....4.oss Fault, inferred ...ow Fault, concealed CD Locality of joint Measurements Topogrophieal coniour, feet ^ Cross secton^Creek Small deposits of fanslomerate and Scree olong the southern foot of Black Mountain are not shown. Record i975146 Drilling results in the form of logs are included in Appendix 2 1 seismic refraction profiles in Plates 4. 7 1 and costean logs in Figures 3 to 5. , Excavation conditions. The assessment of excavation conditions is based on results of seismic surveys, diamond drilling, and costeaning. Results from the seisuic refraction survey indicate the following velocities for earth and rock materials: (i) 300 to 600 m/s represents soil (ii) 700 to 1200 m/s represents slopewash material (the velocity depends on the size and number of rock fragments) (iii) 1300 to 3200 m/s (or greater) represents in situ rock ranging from highly weathered to fresh. in situ rock with a seismic velocity of greater than 1300 m/s is generally considered not to be rippable without preblasting; a velocity of 1300 to 1500 m/e is interpreted as representing highly to moderately weathered mudstone. Excavation conditions in the area of deepest cut are tabulated in Plate 3. In that portion of the route that lies to the south of the fault, depths to unrippable rock (Pittman mudstone) will generally be between 1 and 2 m; this depth increases to about 4 in between costeans 4 and 4A, and may be 3 to 4 in in those sections close to the fault. The mudstone to the north of the fault (State Circle mudstone) is generally more deeply weathered and is softer and weaker than the Pittman mudstone. Depths to unrippable mudstone vary from 1 to about 6 in below present ground 'surface. asps stability. Slope estimates of stable Parkway batters for the southfacing cuttings along top road alignment appear in Plate 3. Geological factors affecting stability of the cuts will be: -4-^ I/ - type of material excavated - rock structure, particularly bedding and jointing - surface water and groundwater The type of material to be excavated along the Black Mountain ieninsula section of cut is variable and includes soil, slopewash (scree), mudstone, and river gravel; the gravel may be confined to the zone uphill from the centre-line alignment, in the region of costeans 4 and 4A. 11 The batter angles (in degrees from horizontal) tabulated in Plate 3 as 'most probable' are considered to be conservative. The slopewash material varies with the percentage volume and size of rock fragments. Slopewash containing large rock fragments (greater than, say, 15 cm in diameter or longest axis) is expected to be less stable at a 11 71ven slope angle than alopewaah containinesmaller (up to 15 cm) fragments; ° however, all slopewash Should be stable at angles below 35 . Groundwater and surfall water infiltration will decrease the strength of the slopewaah, and may necessitate lower batter angles. If the parkway batters are not adequately vegetated, the slopewash material will erode fairly easily. If permeable gravel or sand lenses occur within the slopewas.h, groundwater may seep from the cutting during wet periods, and even very low angle batters may slump. Such aquifers will need to be located during parkway excavation. The river gravel Shown in Plate 3 was the only gravel detected during the investigations; when excavated, it is expected to behave in a similar manner to the slopewath. The gravel is, cemented in places by manganese and iron oxides, and silica; however, it is generally quite friable with very little strength or resistance to surface erosion, and, on exposure, is likely to fret away with time. The gravel and overlying silt exposed in Costean 4 were dry, and appear to be relatively impermeable as the costean had been excavated Shortly after prolonged rainfall. The rivet gravel and 11 ^ Figure 3 MOLONGLO PARKWAY- COSTEAN LOGS COSTEAN N°3 BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA E 26780^N 11290 (approx.) DEPTH^SKETCH LOG^DESCRIPTION (metres) 0 ^ SILTY TOPSO/L-red. 1 MUDSTONE -moderately to slightly weathered. 2 COMMENTS- PIT is DRY - Machine refusal occurred at 1.5 m. The costean was not deep enough for any conclusion to be made about batter stability. The mudstone is hard and fairly strong, but closely and randomly jointed. A possible bedding orientation of 30 ° E/160 ° was obtained. It is thought that a batter slope of 65-70*(or less) would be stable assuming no unfavorable, oriented 'greasy' defects are present. COSTEAN N° 3 A E 26920^N 11280 ( approx.) DEPTH (metres) SKETCH LOG^DESCRIPTION 0^ SILTY TOPSOIL-red 1 MUDSTONE- moderately weathered (some slightly) 2 COMMENTS - PIT DRY. Machine refusal occurred at 1.1 m. Possible bedding in mudstone at 50° E/160! I 55/A16/1286 Record 1975/46 11110 SIP IND NM IIIIIIII^1111111^IIIIIII MIN all 11111 alb ^MI all 11111111^1111111 MOLONGLO PARKWAY - COSTEAN LOGS ^ COSTEAN N°4 BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA COSTEAN N°4A BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA E 27200^N11320 ( approx ^ E 27340^N 11450 (approx) LOG OF EAST ( WEST FACING) WALL DEPTH ^ (metres) DESCRIPTION SKETCH LOG DEPTH SKETCH LOG DESCRIPTION (metres) 0 0— ^TOPSOIL ,black RED SILTY CLAY, sandstone fragments less than 5cm diam. SILTY CLAY, red AS ABOVE, but 7% of Cloy stiffer more compact. 1 TOPSOIL, black I — CLAYEY SILT, 2 GREY-PURPLE CLAY, SOME SILT, grey -purple fairly still, massive, and slightly permeable (c.f. Pit 4 1 2 (Originally o river deposit ?) (River deposit) CLEAN GRAVEL ,some silt matrix. .^•^.^.^. 3—^0 • 0 ° • 0 RIVER GRAVEL, some clayey silt motra Portly LEACHED CLAYEY SILT . 0 . 0 0 • -• ° • 0• cemented in places by iron and manganese oxides cloy-sat matrix. Quartz grove/ gen< 2-3cm diameter. . • 0^0 • 0^• 0 0 0 ' o 3 RIVER GRAVEL-friable MIJOSTONE, moderately 0 weathered. 4— Grovel becomes coarser be/ow about 4in (up P0/5 cm diameter) 5— COMMENTS PIT DRY. - Stood up well when excavated. The gravel is only very loosely cemented and is friable; would erode away on exposure and probably undermine material above The gravel would probably be fairly permeable. COMMENTS: Machine refusal at 3.7 m Costean walls damp; seeping in places. Gravel thinning rapidly to south . side of . . costean(i.e. downhill). Less stable than costean 4 owing to 'wetness Clayey silt overlying gravel fairly permeable also A road batter in this material would almost certanly slump with prolonged^exposure. I 55/AI6/1287 Record 1975/46 MS MID IMO MS MI NIP OS all ell OM NIP INS ^MIS la IIIII IMO Al MI OS MOLONGLO PARKWAY — COSTEAN LOGS COSTEAN N°5 BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA COSTEAN N°6 BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA E 28300 N 11 980 (approx.) (LOG OF WEST WALL ) E 27600 N11540 (approx.) (LOG OF NORTH WALL) DEPTH^SKETCH LOG^DESCRIPTION (metres) o— TOPSOIL, block,orgonic DEPTH^SKETCH LOG (metres) 0—• • ML/DSTONE, moderately weathered . 0 • --^•^•^- • • .• o 0. . *. . - • SLOPEWASH sandstone frogs. 5 /0 cm in size, up to 25 cm, • ) d grey a ye//ow mottled clay as matrix 0 SCREE, sandstone frogs. /5-20 cm, up to 50 cm. (long axis down dip) e“., ^/Th 0,. 3567:5 Q . - • ___ • •^ C:7 . • 0^- • .^- • • 0 •• • • .^- . •^ some clay on these planes. Machine refusal at 1.5 m. -^ : .• • COMMENTS : Costean dry. Mudstone bedded at 75 0 N/025? (could be cleavage); Stable to 1.5 m. Would probably be fairly stable at greater depth and fairly steep slopes (up to 60 0 ?)• Ultimate stability will depend on defect continuity, orlentotion and .• SILTY CLAY, red, _sandstone fragments •••••••^• 2 — DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL, black ,OM. SLOPEWASH Small sandstone fragments in a red silty clay I — ^ •^• 2• • • •^•^•^• RED AND GREY morrLED CLAY .^• Mostly red, grey mottles o^clay a silty cloy. 0 • •^ Some scree ; sandstone 0 pieces average 5 cm. Irregular Surface SHALE .- medium brown, 4— 0 condition of surfaces. (See text) o 5— o^ o • . 0 •^0 n-oderotely to highly weathered, c/ose/y fractured a jointed. Bedding 40°N/025° COMMENTS :Machine refusal at 3m (in scree ) on downhill^side , and 5m ( in shale ) ^ on^uphill side.^Pi t dry. Stable to bottom, except the coarse scree horizon. Sandstone blocks may erode out with time and undermine the soil above. Record 1975/46^ 155/A16/1268 -5- clayey silt exposed in Costean 4A (about 60 m northeast of Costean 4) were wet, with seepage into the excavation; this seepage is expected to increase after heavy rain. The stability (or strength) of the silty layer immediately. above the gravel in Costean 4A would decrease when saturated (more so than the gravel), and quick conditions could develop and result in partial batter failure, even with a very low batter slope. Should this possibility be observed an excavation, remedial action should be undertaken to enhance stability. Bedding attitudes in the State Circle mudstone are variable but are generally between 40 ° and 60 ° into Black Mountain (northwest to northeast). The stability of north-facing cuts will be controlled primarily by the attitude of bedding and the condition of the bedding surfaces.. The stability of south-facing cuts will be primarily controlled by the continuity of open or greasy joints, or both, dipping southwards (roughly normal to bedding); wedge-type failures may occur (Table 1). Bedding and joint orientations have been plotted as sterographic projections (Plate 8). Plot 1 of Plate 8 represents joint and bedding orientations in State Circle mudstone; set 2" (082°/42°N) represents bedding. The formation of wedge-shaped blocks by the intersection of joint sets or bedding planes is assessed in Table 1. The mudstone of the Pittman Formation, south of the fault (Plate 1), is more massive and generally stronger than the State Circle mudstone. Bedding dips generally to the east at between 40 0 and 60 ; this is considered as being generally at a favourable orientation as regards cut stability. The stability of cuts in the Pittman mudstone will be controlled by jointing rather than bedding, provided that the easterly direction of dip is Consistent across the Peninsula area. Plot 3 of Plate 8 summarizes the rock defects observed in the Pittman mudstone. An assessment of this plot is made in Table 2. -6- The greatest thickness of mudstone in the parkway cut will be between costean 3 and costean 4, where up to about 3 metres is expected (Plate 3). The exact nature of the fault separating the State Circle and Pittman mudstones is not known. The width of the fault might range between 1 and 5 m; seismic profile 3 indicates that rock in the fault zone is more deeply weathered than the surrounding rock (Plate 4). The attitude of the fault is not known but it probably dips between 70 0 90 o to the south. The effect of this fault on cut stability will depend an its attitude and the nature of the disrupted material; it is likely to affect the stability of the top alignment cutting and may be the major factor in the determination of the slope angle of the cut in some Sections. ACACIA INLET General geology The surface geology together with the locations of drill holes, costeans, and seismic refraction traverses is shown on Plate 1. The proposed Acacia Inlet roadcut traverses an area underlain by dacite, quartzite, and sandstone. The relationships between the rock types can he seen in Plates 1 and 2. The bedrock geology is dominated by the Deakin Fault, which strikes at 140 ° and dips steeply to the west. Mount Painter Porphyry (Upper Silurian) occurs to the west of the fault; the porphyry is a blue—grey dacite and outcrop is poor. To the east of the fault zone is a thin sequence of Pittman Formation quartzite (Ordovician). Black Mountain Sandstone (Lower Silurian) is separated from the quartzite by another fault; it is a grey quartzose sandstone and crops out on steep slopes northeast of the proposed alignment. ell MO MP SW 11111^OS INN MO OS I. NMI IMO OS NIS =II INN BIM MIR IISS TABLE 1. STABILITY OF Cut SLOPES IN STATE CIRCLE MUDSTONE BEDDING 45 °N/080 °^JOINTING ° ° ° SET 1 50 SW/130 ^'SET 3 85 SE/050 May result in planar failure along bedding plane surfaces in north-facing cuts STATE CIRCLE MUDSTONE - North-facing cuts No affect Little or no affect South-facing cuts on stability of Forms wedges with sets south-facing cuts 3 and 4, plunging south between 45 - 50 • Possibility also of planar fsilure at about 40 °^SET 4 45°S/090° North-facing cuts - North-facing cuts Little or no affect an a sloe of up to about 80 - possibly some minor toppling on steep slopes. No affect South-facing cuts South-facing cuts Forms I. and south about Planar failure the most likely. Some wedging occurs with sets 1 and 3 wedges with sets 4, plunging tosouthwest at o 50 • CONCLUSIONS: Although wedge-type failures will occur they will be minor. North-facing cuts will be controlled by bedding more than jointing. South-facing cuts will be controlled more by joiinting (planar or wedge-type failures). 0 North-faclng cuts will probably be stable at angles 45 ; south-facing cuts generally at 45 (Up to 50 in places). NOTES: 1. The figures given in the conclusions are considered conservative. 2. Continuity and condition of joint surfaces not known in great detail, but will be of great importance to slope stability. 3. Joint attitudes near the fault may differ from the sets studied above. TABLE 2. STABILITY OF CUT SLOPES IN PITTMAN MUDSTONE BEDDING 30-50 0 E/005 0^JOINTING SET 1 85 °SW/125 o^SET 2 45 °W/O10 °^SET 3 80 °E/005 ° North-facing cuts PITTMAN MUDSTONE Little or no effect as strike near normal to parkway alignment. Some minor toppling might occur. Minor planar failure could occur on east side of the Peninsula where alignment strikes northeast. Soutil-facing cuts Does not constitute a problem on own. Forme a wedge block plunging at 75 with Set 3. Cut probably stable at This set strikes nearly normal to parkway alignment and no major problems are envisaged on either north-facing or south-facing cuts. Minor planar failure might occur an east side of the Peninsula where alignment strikes north-east. Does not constitute a problem on its own. Forms a wedge with Set 1. 75. CONCLUSIONS: In he areas of deepest cut the Pittman mudstone appears to be generally stable at angles of up to about 75 (north-facing and south-facing ties). Where the Parkway alignment strikes north-east some planar failure could occur, mainly at about 45 • NOTES: 1. The figures given in the conclusions are considered conservative. 2. Continuity and condition of joint surfaces not known in great detail, but will be of great importance to slope stability. 3. Joint attitudes near the fault may differ from the sets studied above. -111..111M• 11111^1111 MI ill ONII 1111 ^ill11 in^ 1118 11111 1111111 11111 11111 NIS MS IN 111111 In the area of the proposed alignment unconsolidated surficial deposits occur to a depth of 10 to 15 m, except in the region of diamonddrill hole A2. These deposits occur on a relatively flat outwash fan at the base of Black Mountain and consist of topsoil, slopewash, and discontinuous river gravel deposits. The slopewash is of two main types. In the western part of the section it consists of coarse angular sandstone fragments from 1 to 50 cm in size set in a matrix of sand, silt and clay (Fig. 6)4 this has been called fanglomerate by Opik (1958). The slopewash in the southeastern part of the section near costean 2 and drill hole A3 is much finer-grained and has more matrix than the fanglomerate; it consists of about 9 m of clay and silt, with small angular rock fragments making up roughly 30 percent of the slopewash (Fig. 7). Within the slopewaah are a number of sand and gravel deposits 1 to 2 m thick, but their lateral extent is not known. They are probably remnant terraces of the Molonglo River. In drill hole A3 the gravel horizons were intersected at 1820 and 1840 feet R.L. These cannot be correlated with the gravels exposed in costeans 4 and 4A in Black Mountain Peninsula as the latter occur at 1880 feet R.L. (40 to 60 feet higher). Other gravel lenses may occur elsewhere in Acacia Inlet but this is unlikely. Engineering _geology The interpretative geological section A-B (Plate 2) summarizes the expected geologyi stability, and excavation conditions along the top alignment. The notations on the bottom of Plate 2 refer only to the south-facing roadcut along the approximate centre-line of the top road alignment. Figure 6 MOLONGLO PARKWAY — CO STE A N LO GS (EXCAVATED BY RUBBER TYRED DROTT 40 CRUZ— AIR ) COSTEAN N°1 ACACIA INLET E 24120^N 11290 (approx.) LOG OF NORTH FACE ( UPHILL SIDE) DEPTH (metres) SKETCH LOG 0 DESCRIPTIO N Topsoil and scree; sandstone fragments generally less Man /0 cm in diameter SLOPE WA SH (Possible quarry fill material) 2 Sandstone fragments occur in red sandy cloy matrix which is fairly friable. Sandstone fragments generally hard and siliceous and mostly less than /5cm in diameter. 4 Larger boulders occur be/ow about 4m (up to 60 cm diam.) The sandstone fragments 5 make up) 60% of material excavated NOTE :Machine refusal 6 was not reached in this costean. Easily excavated to final depth. COMMENTS: Pit DRY. The near-vertical walls of the costean stood up well for the half - day it was open ( before bockfilling ). The red sandy clay matrix does not bind the sandstone fragments very well ; the whole profile can be described as FRIABLE and easily eroded on exposure. If saturated with water, slumping of a batter would almost certainly occur if the batter angle is too steep. 155/A16/1284 Record 075/46 Figure 7 MOLONGLO PARKWAY - COSTEAN LOGS (EXCAVATED BY RUBBER TYRED DROTT 40 CRUZ- AIR ) COSTEAN N°2 ACACIA INLET E 24340 N11230 (approx.) LOG OF NORTH FACE (UPHILL SIDE DEPTH (metres) SKETCH LOG 0 DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL- black, organic. SANDY CLAY, red brown SILTY RED CL Ay, plastic, some OM GREY & RED MOrnED CLAYAngular sandstone fragments (Ay. 5cm diam.) RED-GREY MOTTLED CLAYsmall sandstone fragments 3 a. -J YELLOW-GREY MOTTLED CLAYsmall sandstone fragments 4 RED-GREY MOTTLED CL AY smolt sandstone fragments 5 NOTE :Machine refusal NOTE: Sandstone fragments make up about 30% of material excavated. was not reached in this costean. Easily excavated to final depth. COMMENTS: This costean is more stable than N°1 and less erodable. The slopewash is more cohesive and much less friable. Sandstone fragments smaller than in Pit I. The costean is dry and its vertical walls stood well before backfilling. ^ Record 1975/46 1 55/A16/12 85 -10- Details of drilling results of holes A1, A2, and A3 in the form of logs appear in Appendix 2, seismic refraction profiles in Plate 4, and costean logs in Figures 6 and 7. Excavation conditions. The assessment of excavation conditions is based on results of seismic surveys, diamond drilling, and oosteaning. Results from the seismic refraction survey indicate that the following velocity-material correlations exists (i) 300 to 400 m{s represent. topsoil (ii) 700 .to 1400 m/s represents highly to completely Vleathered dacite and quartzite (iii) 1100 to '1600 .ta represents slope.ash and scree material, the velocity depending aD the size 'and number of rock fragments (iv) 1800 to 3500 ';8 in situ rook, which ranges from moderately weathered to fre •• If the parkway excavation is lese than 10 m deep it should be in unconsolidated material, except for isolated zones of hard rock adjacent to the Deakin F8l1l.t. The topsoil, gravel and slopewaah should be easily exoavated by mechanical means without blastillg. Large bOl1lders in the fanglomerate on' the western end may be difficult to remove; at the eastern end the compact clayey soil might becOll8 quite boggy if saturated. .! In the region of drill hole Al and costean 1 is an old quarry site, excavated into the dacite beneath the fanglomerate. The rock from the quarry was used as armour for the section of Lady Denman Drive adjacent to the lake. Excavation conditions in this area are expected to be the same as in the undisturbed fanglamerate to the west. The only area where surficial deposits are thin is near drill hole A2. Here, topsoil and slopewabh is 3 to 4 m thick and is similar in texture to the finer alopewaeh of the eastern end. Below this, highly to completely weathered dacite occurs to a depth of about 10 m. The rock is friable and Should be rippable; however, resistant zones of moderately weathered rock up to 60 cm thick may be encountered (see log of drill hole A2). The quartzite Should be rippable to the required depth, but resistant quartz veins and silicified fault breccia may need blasting. Slope stability. Estimates of stable slopes for the parkway batter for the southfacing cuttings along top road alignment appear in Plate 2. Geological factors affecting stability of the cuts in the slopewadh have been discussed earlier in relation to the Black Mountain Peninsula cut and may be applied here; however, in the Acacia Inlet area the anglomerate has a greater proportion of rock fragments in excess of 15 cm diameter than other areas. Vegetation cover and a coating of tar on existing cuts in the area has controlled erosion. Sandy gravel lenses were intersected in drill hole A3 from 1 to 3 m and from 8 to 9 m. These lenses could act as aquifers within the clayey slopewash and, if exposed on the batter slope, water draining from them may erode the slope below. Matrix in the gravel may be removed by groundwater movement, leaving a relatively unstable gravel with no fines. In dry periods the gravel might fret away through lack of matrix or cement between the gravel particles. The clayey Slopewaah above and below Should be more stable, and the slope profile may develop a concave form within the gravel. -12- The dacite is massive and irregularly weathered. In the region of drill hole A2 the stability of the batter will be determined mainly by the degree of weathering. Any rock defects (such as joints) are expected to be of secondary importance as the dacite is expected to be generally highly to completely weathered. The drill core of A2 shows mainly horizontal joints but their continuity is not known; however, they would not be expected to greatly affect the slope stability. There is no information regarding the strike of any of the inclined defects. The trace of the Deakin Fault intersects the alignment roughly 5 in east of drill hole A2 (Plate 1); another inferred fault occurs roughly 3 in farther east. These faults are not expected to have any significant affect on slope stability as they are favourably displaced in relation to the road alignment, and the roadcut will be Shallow. GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF TWO ALTERNATIVE QUARRY SITES INTRODUCTION^ 11 A preliminary assessment of four alternative quarry sites to supply rock-fill in Lake Burley Griffin was carried out in February 1973. Two of the proposed sites were then selected for more detailed investigations, namely sites 2 and 4. Alternative sites 2 and 4 were teet-boredby the Department of^1/ Housing and Construction (DHC) and the rock cores logged and interpreted by BMR. DHC also carried out seismic refraction surveys of both sites (McDevitt, 197 1 -1 3- Rock obtained from diamond drilling was tested by DHC. The following tests were carried out: weathering tests specific gravity and water absorption chemical analyses X-ray diffraction unconfined compressive strength classification of soil overburden petrographic analyses All the above tests have been fully reported McDevitt (1974); this report includes drill hole logs and photographs and the seismic refraction profiles. In addition to those tests carried out by DEC on drill core samples, BMR performed chemical analyses of samples of rock formations presently in contact with waters of Lake Burley Griffin. These testa were carried out to determine whether the rock from either quarry site (2 or 4) would introduce any different and harmful chemicals into the Lake other than those already being introduced by reservoir or catchment rock. Results of the BMR tests appear in Appendix 3. The location of the two alternative quarry sites as well as the location of samples taken for chemical analysis by BMR are shown in Figure QUARRY SITE 2 General ReologY The rock at this site (Plate 9) is a blue-grey dacite l not apparently bedded of the Upper Silurian Deakin Volcanics. A thin shale bed occurs on the ° east side of the hill and dips to the southwest at about 35 . To the east of the proposed quarry site volcanic rocks are interbedded with shale and sandstone. No major sheared or fracture zones are known to cross the site and although some shears were intersected by drill holes they are considered insignificant when assessing the suitability (quality) of the rock. Engineering ReaORY DEIC drilled 6 diamond-drill holes and carried out four seismic refraction traverses. Generally there is a poor correlation between diamond drilling and seismic results, and assessment of the suitability of the site has relied almost entirely on the drilling results. Rock recovered during drilling indicates that, where the dacite is moderately weathered or less weathered, the rock is generally hard and strong with no major defects; joints are generally closely to moderately spaced and some occasional narrow sheared or fractured zones occur. Slightly weathered to fresh rock' occurs, on average, about 14 m below ground surface, although in the region of holes 4 and 5 (northwest corner of site) the depth to slightly weathered or fresh rock decreases to between 6 and 7.5 m. Depth to fresh rock in hole 6 exceeds 24 m. even the highest-quality rock obtainable from this site would apparently rarely produce blocks greater in size than 0.03 m3, although larger fragments might be expected (up to 1 m 3 ) in highly competent rock near the base of the quarry. Fracture spacings observed during drilling indicate that blocks between 0.027 and 0.03 m3 would generally be obtained below about 10 m from ground surface. -1 5- QUARRY SITE 4 .-11— GE aera -26.8221.2a The rock at this site is a bluish-grey dacite or rhyodacite of the Upper Silurian Mount Painter Porphyry. The rock appears massive in places at the site although rock recovered in drill holes 6 and 7 dhows banding or bedding dipping between 20 0 and 35 0 (probably to the southwest). Plate 10 shows the location of the site and outcrop geology. No major faults are known to cross the site; however, some shearing and fracturing was intersected, particularly in drill holes 4 and 6 (Appendix 2). Engineering geology DHC drilled 4 diamond-drill holes and carried out 5 seismic refraction traverses. Correlation between drilling and seismic results appears more reliable at this site than at Site 2 although discrepancies still exist. The best correlation is where the change from weathered to fresh rock in the weathering profile is sharp; for example, drill hole 5 and traverse E,F, and drill hole 4 and traverse G-44. Poor correlation exists between drill hole 6 and traverse A-B, and between drill hole 7 and traverse C-D. In some traverses the highest velocity is as low as 2150 m/a, which would probably represent moderately weathered rock. It appears from the correlations between drilling and seismic results that rock with a velocity of about 5000 m/a (or greater) represents fresh rock. However, previous experience with similar rocks in the Canberra area dhow that velocities of greater than about 4000 m/i represent fresh rock. This would appear to indicate that (a) the deeper refractor representing it* rock was not always detected in this survey or (b) that some of the higher velocities obtained are optimistic. A reinterpretation of seismic results would seem appropriate, and, if this is not conclusive, then the traverses should be reshot. -1 6- Weathering of the rock at this site is much less irregular than at Site 2. Moderately weathered rock is generally fairly hard and strong; cores recovered from drill holes 4 and 6 dhow that the quality of rock is generally good except for sections of core weakened by steeply dipping poorly cemented fractures and shears. The quantities of rock at this site that are badly affected by fracturing and Shearing are not known but have been estimated to be less than 10 to 15 percent; additional drilling would be required to prove the quality of the rock over the whole site. iihen blasted, this fractured rock would probably break up into fairly small angular Shaped fragments. Slightly weathered or fresh rock occurs on average about 10 m below present ground surface, although an the higher portion of the site from traverse E-F to G41 the depths to fresh rock would appear to be much less (see logs of holes 4 and 5, Appendix 2, and the seismic profiles E-41 and G-16/ in McDevitt 1974). Fracture spacing observed in the drill cores indicates that block sizes of 0.03 m3 would generally be available from depths exceeding about 12 m, although blocks in excess of 1 m3 could be obtained in places. It is thought that the closely spaced fractures observed in drill holes 4 and 6 are not widespread and that the general fragment size obtainable from this quarry site would exceed that from Site 2. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF CATCHMENT AND QUARRY ROCKS Chemical analyses were made of rocks in contact with Lake Burley Griffin or cropping out in the immediate drainage area, and of one sample from Quarry Site 2. The purpose was to determine whether the proposed lake-fill rock material would have a similar chemical composition to rocks at present in contact with the lake water. -17- Six samples were collected for testing and their location is shown in Figure 1. The BMR Metalliferous Laboratory carried out atomic absorption spectrophotometry and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry; the results are shown in Appendix 3. The sample from Quarry Site 2 has a typical dacitic composition and should not introduce any elements detrimental to the lake water. The concentrations of cobalt, lead, and zinc are all well below toxic levels and cadmium was not detected. A similar result would be expected from Quarry Site 4 rock although test results are not yet available. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA 1) The parkway cutting will be excavated in slopewash, mudstone, and some discontinuous river gravel horizons. 2) Pittman mudstone will generally not be rippable1-2 m below natural surface; however, up to 4 m of material will be rippable in the region of costeans 4 and 4A, where alluvium overlies unrippable mudstone. 3) State Circle mudatone is generally more weathered near the surface than the Pittman mudstone; however, weathering is variable and depths to unrippable rock will range from 1 to 6 m below natural surface. 4) Roadcuts in slopewabh material are expected to be stable at 0 angles below 55 , provided groundwater seepage is controlled and steps are taken to minimize surface water erosion. 5) The river gravel has stability characteristics similar to the slopewash material, but may have a tendency to fret away on exposure. If saturated, the silty layer above the gravels may slump, resulting in partial failure of the batter. 6) Stability of south-facing cuts in the State Circle mudstone will be controlled primarily by jointing, and should be stable at angles up to 45 0 to 50 0 . Stability of north-facing cuts will be primarily controlled by bedding and Should be stable at angles up to 45°. -18- 7) North-facing and south-facing cuts in the Pittman mudstone appear to be stable at angles up to 75 ° . Where the parkway alignment strikes northeast some planar failure along beddinglaaneszmight occur at about 45 ° . 8) The exact nature of the fault separating the two mudstones is not known, but the fault is expected to reduce the stability of part of the top alignment cutting. 9) During excavations of the cuttings the exposed geology and groundwater conditions Should be mapped, and the factors affecting immediate and future slope stability Should be constantly reviewed and the stability of slopes reassessed" ACACIA INLET 1) The parkway cutting will be excavated in slopewash discontinuous river gravel horizons and a small area of weathered dacite and quartzite. 2) All material to be excavated will generally be rippable without preblasting. 3) Batter slopes in slopewash material are expected to be stable at angles below 35 ° , provided groundwater is controlled and measures are taken to control surface water erosion. 4) The gravel lenses will behave in a similar manner to the slopewash material but may fret away gradually on exposure. 5) No stability problems Should arise in the dacite and quartzite with a batter slope of 35 0 or less. 6) During excavations of the cuttings a close check Should be kept on the geology, and the factors affecting immediate and future slope stability Should be constantly reviewed and the stability of elopes reassessed. -19- QUARRY SITES 2 AND 4 1) Sufficient quantities of suitable rock can be obtained from either Site 2 or Site 4. 2) Both quarry sites are composed of dacite, although at Site 4 the rock tends in places to rhyodacite in composition. 3) No major sheared or fractured zones are known to cross either site but some localized fracturing and shearing occurs at Site 4. 4) Seismic survey results across both sites generally show poor correlation with the drilling results, and the traverses should be reshot, particularly those of Site Wif it is the most favoured site (for reasons other than geological suitability). If Site 2 is to be seriously considered, the seismic traverses should be reshot. 5) Slightly weathered or fresh rock occurs on average about 14 m below ground surface at Site 2 and about 10 m at Site 4. Weathering generally appears deeper and more irregular at Site 2 than at Site 4. 6) On blasting, fragment sizes obtainable below about 10 m should be mostly near 0.03 m3 at both sites. Larger blocks of around 1 m 3 should be obtainable from either site, at greater depths (particularly from Site 4). 7) Before either quarry site is exploited further diamond drilling is required. An additional 6 to 8 holes for Site 4, and 2 to 3 for Site 2, are envisaged. 8) Chemical analysis of a sample from Quarry Site 2 indicates that elements in quantities detrimental to the environment would not be introduced if the rockAs used as lake-fill. A similar result would be expected from rock at Quarry Site 4, but chemical analyses of drill core samples should be carried out if additional drilling is undertaken. -20REF'ER.ENCES BISHOP,^& DOLAN, B.H., 1973 - Molanglo Freeway, Black Mountain, A.C.T., seismic survey, 1972. Bur. Miner. Resour, Aunt. Rec. 1973/9 (unpubl.). McDEVITT, W., 1974 - Molonglo Parkway site investigation, Stage 1: quarry investigation and laboratory testing. Central Testing Res. Labs. Tech. Rep. 137. OPIK, A.A., 1958 - The geology of the Canberra City district. Bur. Miner. Re sour. Ant. Bull,. 32. APPENDIX 1 DEFINITIONS Grainsizo I mm to 4 mm in diameter - 14 mm to 1 mm in diameter - less than 14 mm in diameter Coarse-grained Medium-grained Fine-grained - Laminated Thinly bedded Thibkly bedded - less than 10 mm thick 10 mm to 100 mm thick greater than 100 mm thick - impossible to scratch with knife blade shallow scratches with knife blade deep scratches with knife blade Bedding Hardness of Rock Herd to very hard Moderately hard Soft Percussive Strengty of Rock Core Strang to very strong Moderately strong Weak cannot be broken by repeated blows with a hammer - rock breaks after 3 or 4 heavy blows with a hammer - rock breaks after 1 blow with hammer (includes brittle, fissile, friable, plastic, and flaky rocks) Joint Spacing Very close Close Moderately close Wide Very wide - joints spaces joints spaced joints spaced joints spaced joints spaced (greater than less than 2 inches (5 cm) 2 inches to 1 foot (5 cm to 30cm 1 foot to 3 feet (30 cm to 1 m) 3 feet to 10 feet (1 in to 3 m) greater than 10 feet 3 m) Joint Aperture This describes the amount of separation of the joint surfaces. Joints may be open or tight. If two joint faces fit perfectly, the joint in the rock mass was probably tight (or closed). However, if they do not fit, the joint was probably open, or possibly filled with clay that has been washed away during drilling. Weathering of Hock Fresh Fresh stained ▪ Slightly weathered Moderately weathered Highly weathered Completely weathered ▪ no discolouration or loss in strength limonitic staining along fractures, rock noticeably lower in strength than the fresh rock rock is slightly discoloured, but not noticeably lower in strength than the fresh rock rock is discoloured and noticeably weakened; N-size drill core generally cannot be broken by hand across the rock fabric rock is discoloured and weathered; N-size drill core can generally be broken by hand across the rock fabric rock is decomposed to a soil, but the original rock fabric is mostly preserved. APPENDIX 2 GEOLOGICAL LOGS OF DIAMOND-DRILL HOLES _ BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES,^PROJECT^MOLONG-4.0 PAeKle./PlY ' GEO,OGY 8. GEOPHYSICS^ LOCATION^ACACI q^421:0.1:› CUT GE.OLOGICT-t. 00 OF DRILL HOLE ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL COORDINATES e2 S 9, 9 (8) _ 90 % 111 //^ES iHOLE NO I (A DIRECTION R L OF COLLAR I 8 6 .2 If I SHEET Detect Frequency clb-l—r- r_ ::' r . • k ' y be ;a Fracture Descr.ptton^c.^F.j^ Structures Int•rc•pt Artgl• ord Log ROD^ ..6^ 7 ^ ength,etc y.C.LLIOut , 6 tr 0^30^60^so so joults,velnk,seams,toults,etc l Degree ct Weathering ^L■tholug g7 Poc 6- ) i^ :^ ^ e. 6 I2 --.-- CVVel -r04>S01L 4scp-EE I OF illWater Pressure Test Losses 3^(LUgeons) • Le• - -^ t..41..11 t- tO •a_^1 . -t I I^I a _ 4 ScREE 4. mcss ^ FANCrLo RAT./ C SC R. .2 - ss-^. e 1667 4 6 seZ A,. ear eic 0 0.,^ra.J. - 6 tst.4... CI —4.9). A.:NA ¶v4.141. 5 AN C , ATI . 41, 4 c t 40.4. - Cr (7-ANI L r-Araa,4.0mertorrE(sc E a) 1~4%. etc. texas Hy c try .. rtocAIL^rs.Atio &Lady ^4547 Le 4trils.. 1 344.44..:.... ol 1.■•••^La* PrIstrA. - 2 1.6o-t4.%% jr. luttim o+ 6o.ite E 0 Water Pressure Tests Notes Drill type • va/ues in higeons should be read in conjunction with computation Beckfing and Joint Planes .- Any/es or• meosureq r•lOtir• too pions normal to the core oils; sheets rest sections ore indicated by blocked in strips. Defect Frequency - Number of natural defects (shears, joints,froct urge) per 25cm of Froctur• Log - Number of fracture., Ow 25cm 0/ core. Zones of core lose blearld Feed LC Core barrel type^ Driller^0 . 14 .0 Commenced G^4- Completed^11- 744 1 core occurring of specified intercept ong/• tong.. Water Level Meosurements -^Ley./ when'hol• in progress at specified depth. --31- Levi/ in completed hole on specified dots Core Photograph Negative No Depth (tn)^Black Ek White^Colour Logged by f2.C.Q11.4t441:41, ver t , ca I scale _ Record 1975/46 Checked by U4°444.041(_ A16/1341 III (Pi) / 46 BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY GrOPHYS:CS GEOLOGICAL LOG OF Roc • T rCe ond PROJECT DRILL HOLE t1 oON&LO PARK Ay Aci^INLET^R,0AOCVT ANGLE FROM ROTZONTAL (3) - 9 ° c^.<5^.itt^,,actur. corour,stre N th, oft^ 0^ e^ 2.6^ 8 Log I HOLE NO DIRECTION R L OF COLLAR _136 • 9 GHEE T 1 OF I 1 Detect Frequency ROD 2 72(2 ) .- COORDINOTE5 E -4 4in' 00 ak 04.1r r ip!lOrt Degree at Weathering ^ LOCATION AC 16 61-v„, 0,,, Pressure S u c tu r e Intercept Angle Test Losses 0^30^60^BO 90 Joints.vetris.seorns,foults,etc^3^fLugeons) • I 6^m• - •^• ff 1.2"."44 y^bcr...cto..^ -.A F....A ToP,ot • 5c-R-EE I - , otED i 5 11.1- er C LAY rr14 At4c•u L FAS AR. 2 - 5.AND'Exo cFiz."&meNFT'S ..14011044 MW^ bii Puct'sr s ;Al z C twr;41, Woe c i-s ..^ 4 4 61 .^. f-f.1 1.1/47 14.1.•+ .7_^1113‘stit^cr ys ks ‘,1 44,^5re.a."-Tt M‘..1 Z^1-R4 -cw tu tu ■•••••■•••■ vv C 24.;,4 ..1) 13..coak -Gra-Lino*. zal .4.i• L^te..c.44 „,,it Su CtP ^sn^ t.,....r^reAtsa ^ cis,ps 0+ Ne m..41 '4'..j r* 414. k,,...* ,s_gy 4reat hp... 41 1.44;a 6....4. 41.-^444. Ls tot v./ ^- :y,...:t c_Lsy 4...y Cr u*Let ^ r eat^, 2 4.. 44..41e. 4 .^ OSA^ C e1.7 ) -f^ ^ ber„,,s,^Cr‘;.1014). a‘•air 4 --^ s Leal 100 4 ki*J — CLAJ 0 Cc t#. ^ leY^ap^ 3 1. 6•W oe" 40,4 " • 4Is MLA) A Cwv^ 445 —^, c tasy^00.4•Jort. 1007. 2" 34AZ...a fr..^ V END or Irtogi,*^44 grn K oe^.'"••••••• 'it • 2 1-A. r a-4 ii—^ I (y vimmods, . <10^6.1 40 t Notes Drill type^MO^E Feed CriLA4rrY cira-Jo Pat Core barrel tip° kOreEFL. "TO 3 s' c - 2.0 cr.. 1 L4..^414 c rrocture Log — Number of fractures per Water Preseure Tests 25 Cm of Core. Zones of core loss decked in Bedding and Joint Planes — Angles ore measured re/olive to op/an. normal to the Core or Detect Frequency — Number of natural defects Is/fears, joints,froctures.l per 25cm of core occurring at specified intercept angle range ^ C Driller commenced 4- IV 74 Wore/ Level Measurements —^Level when hole in progress at specified delttn _II__ Level in completed hole on specified dote Volues in Iugeons should be read in con junction .i1/1 computation Sneets Test sections are indicated by blocked in strips Core Photograph Negative NO . Depth ( )^Black B Wn ite^Coh.iur c.rnpieted^C^74 Logged by^ . der rice! scoielce.n 44666 Check so oy Pei ./a Reco rd. 1975/46 1 5 5/A16/13 4 2 - 44(P0/46 BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE PROJECT M01-^PAR.KwAy A ?-0 AD car LOcaTioN A CA I ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL (0). _ COoRDINATEsE a . 0 'i> 1 1 I a, Ci-i 6g J° i .^a`:,, ?. Lahology, culnur,streng!6,etc^I ,.., Rack^Type Fracture R00 Log Descr.allon^ and Degree of Weathering a r6 , m'_50 .Lk .^SO+ 4r ctrk,y et -2.4. Saco -...1 redi AAA IN b few," TorsolL ;;;;;TI R L OF COLL _ I :8 0^30^60^so^ scicee^clay ..a.K.^%kr o........4^all ea,1""a■fra^st.C4S ? tiu.A.,Ay^5rs..44.1 Pus).^%awl CrIL AVE I. Vct -- lorts...^.4o .4141 MAD SAW, 11.....4 Ce. 11+ *r Cte•-/ .. Col-lsolLA^■1^ y ruLoArt 4...1.^ls,..* 1 cr1ke.a. 0......101., Lk./ 4T10141 4.7e..4117 p 6 41 it Z . •;-•,: I -1 1 1 fAxt .....4- 1 rAy 'AA " ad.," _ low... tvre :r2a•-i• . 11,./a a 40.44ISZttr .4^vary • B 1.......4.^e......1. el rik-y 411 1.44.- brow... FANGI-Ce•se otarE Co ..44 41,4...(y I triv‘CwrwA 01, i Clo.444t . -li I : sam..4 4 :1:7 s "...X : 1. 14.44A 1.4.•^Ili:Mkt% . i , ce ce- ...../.01,....55*^Scs........plast • •. ..2•s -1- c:“.• _,_ ^ . ts. 60% A -r- "— ---. . -4. • & A RAJ, s■14-y clay 0..4 s.%.4.11str.a. f ,41.Z.4.1 . I i .^L 1 A A.A. C i 0.y -I . tiA% . 1 Sa me La c o lleeka 04 . . s.5.....4.s.4r,..a^•I• ctv...4.i•1I.ii4 FAIMLOrartirrE I . so......4. P -V11-43^be..11.411. C..^es. Aytedoi I " ti 'Water Pressure . F6^1^Test Losses^I 3 -1 ! (Lugeons) •^I I ^__I 1 I i 4t.o.., •re••••reA.C-.....1.. GRAN/el- : ! p • , searns,f cult s ,etC Ccx c ,.... 4-31, t 45-i 5.-....4) • .^• Coo...-S vow-^tcy s ,_,.......(4 ), WAWA) 90 r•^0 OC.CA44 C 2 - la^•••••) . ■-•41-‘5^scs....ok Structures jOinte ,veins —1 —1 0T •••• ' (A -b) 5-8 3^;SHEET^or I -1— -1---- -± ---- .----1 0-4" 40 —3- 0 Gr., . 70 c..... -4, I -0., Oro-4,11,4-MA DIRECTION^ In t•r cept Angle I^I ..E:1I^. . _ Detect Frequency 6^6 12 a• R* .c 1,^6 fo-e,^or Da 2 44at,^ HOLE NO 3 _^. UV. Ca/. $ Asi 3. 50 Z 1 1 1 I --4-- AA , 5 . cat% pace. g 0.A A -- - , 4 P/twre•Lomeltst-re 22..4......1 -tallow clo 7, .2.-4 s ....-01 a-6.4 0.....4 1 oa.e.t2.i-te. p ye. c4.8 . T Lk 4 e. o% 1 "7 - . ---.. - -^- — - KALAW. V.• 40 V1:vda tftwiara ) ,s.....ek clovek GRAY EL- fr.>,^1.....d, . 9 v ,„,...ts.... te.^rAeLeas °cc.... e mu!. of^kit‘,5,^silic torus , ■,.....4^:........44.44^ro ck -i c ,,,...y^63. -fu../4- rock .• • - ---- 1 . •cr.: : 1F 2^3. . -^.• --^• • • .^•^. s^4 - -^— —1^ . L./ o•-fik.....5S^. 80^. VS • 0 EN D OF tIOL G . 9 -0 r•-■- Drill type MO-4..___.•... Feed_ ..af4AVrrY^_ . _ .. Core barrel type 1.4 ML.C,_ .. Driller .^ DH c Commenced .2 - I 1-'74 Notes Woter Pressure Tests * Vetoes in lugeons shoute be read in conjunction with Computation Bedding end Joint' Planes - Angles ore /*caesurae' retaftve toe plane norms! to the core arm sheets^rest Sections are ,nclicated by blocked in strIps Defect Frequency - Number of natural defects (Shears, join ts,troctures) per 25crn of Fracture Log - Number of fractures per 25 cm of core. Zone. Of core loss blocked in. Core occurring at specified intercept angle range. Water Level Measurements - _L___ Level when hot. In progress at spec/fled depth -2-- Level in completed hole on specified date Core Photogroph Negative No Depth (m)^Black a Wh,ta^Coio.r ------ - - --^ Completed^3 7 11 7.7 4- ..^. _._ ----- Logged by^9?....SP./(0.11'!0. Vertical scale acl'A • I ".. Checked hi^4j1V91X1 Record^1975/46 155/416/131.3 ...._ .. _ _ • ^ ^ 1 3EOLOGY a GEOPHYSICS GE_OLOGiCAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE LOCATION^ck Pio "kcal."^r1S4...110% riuL_ _ ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL (0) _ COORDINATES E 26.750 W SHEEl I OF Elk Rocr^1 goo O nd • rcgrca of Wootiv-ring Litnoluoy,colour,strength,Otc ?.C.. ';(3^`311-1" 7 [.____^C SAcaOSTrOwe Pit.r. 5,11.1-7i ctron yay • 7416.4 of_Ay^c „,, HeMe,f1 -. , 1.1;44. 0. 6...4104- sAnDsToro 2Pr -St* 1,.^ ..! c.,„ ...r.y c ,Ay ^1 '33^ ^J^Z "CLQPIrT o Ct S Cc 0..) ^0^ 1^ - ^7 .5^516-7-y cy I ^,•. ,,,v) scr 5""6'A' • 1 CC 44) MIEN ME .111111111.M • / ° ' 6 02 ‘"'^ re+, 1171111111M rill 1114.1 ,r/r/. ‘4 - Fr SI-) S'a sit hoiv.4. o- s 1,,A.Ls. Plo,..+- // qv c..,<,^(c ,..) .^Pi 4,...+4.trs 0..4 7 11111111111=116.1 immimmon .,,, . i i 00Z 44 MEM ir IIII =Ill MOM 3 ". •• . c I ao....^...1.51,4.ot^roo.v.4./ ,^ • 111111111111111111111•M • t:1/1 . i .,^• 0 . /00.d.o. a......k^......c.ers.fc■Gt-est . :. • . P,,,..441GLS^2-44or•-. .:.. vie. C.....oitris 0 .41 .1 ,,x...4-2 -Fa-14s pc., .rsoa lacie „ c..^ .^c>......x.14 c.4.1,0.1. • • . i4 TE Sla) • 3 s i"^.Pl....÷... a^. rs vp lb 7c ... M i 04 // 1,....c4-9 I 5 %A./ -Fr 'It // INE-1-1.....-....^c.•••..s tua -„,^...ix-HI y AA ow _ k.‘ 4, v. ey I , ' (C'^.°111111 jpi 1 )..^Kid- 51,/ I^tu I ^q HbJ- ct.s/ • 0^ P4 I El^C %--, 3^;''i ,^CO / ; 1 lostaia / sa.■. o..1 reek^brow." ....+ 60110 lir .^ / /^• 1-. T Cafe. u.o...5V.4- 8.1,-04 . C-co.....91e411Azi v a‘Cempsad+414.. T ly p tit. 0rf SA-Y. I0 I* 4.14L-5 alpeseew* A•Jansta^14..14. ,...0 come p:cc.4.3^6 c...... C op 4-0 at c....) - Erras:114,11.11i ir 3w...elm ei.e.s. • iftc.,4- i zw.eimk.1.. O. famsei",. • Cr..ri&o.1 '34:0"..+ ,c (AT coo-4.A .,•) c.4.0..-t 4.444. S......L 4r t ra ...Ai * low c•tiSt%^2t.o-r41. Si.. s . 4 -^- r -....:-. i )- - 1 , 1 . / ewo op Ho . . 1 // 7 / p .dr pv...1^14.0...-.0 c .14^S....ten) • .._ _ !.' i - .,..„.. /0 c)% y co.--.1,^co ur pia. Noe --scaly ,...14`,140EC^, I A SW - Fr VI' -7 1.1' "7^for"......414^0.....4 cr...s1.-441.. :sur-:...-4's . G. r 14 -5 N.1 40.4 3..drto.,- betakat..5 '^.341s^ete-y be 3D 1 .' 4,4 Li■ALL. *4s 1.^c 7: _. P•i".....•^0.6ass, c . L. la)^Cto.y^... 4-4 star" ..,4- -44.4.^kor...t.4. .41 -1 Fro...4410.•-44. proauc.4 434 Ix - H1 I cp. ^Saz• _ NI ee C ley ;_^-., ....t!^Ma IA _.^_ _ a oi^ct.../ / - - -I _ 1 Q -- 1111 1 ' / I 00 % I^1j MI MUNN IIMINO _^_ 111 . Orli...I rock s+r....44.44 mi., .3 ,....., kipi......... - // 1^H t.) I ME ./.,. , ..... // 131y4 „4:23, s;Ify 31%.,14 M"^, %Nit pow ASA. um .11m o^• cc-44o.-- 6.1„,c, ^a.,, __ _ I^ -1141^4,7 . IMMO ap or I qa mill d - couwv l• v.., , Roxris^....A crite.....c wa•se4err ro-cra li /111 .. f; a , vta," 0,4,4 teoull e..5e• i 6RAVEL =MIN= unimomma. trt,IP"----° //az vt-t1.:ns, Ers.....15, ho.nsi .., 13441;ket t.^700 714 c.rolrour PLIAATz IIIMMIIMIMMI i r 4 ./ I-Cir°4'1^"244-S ( rt.ruk 4a., fro.v , Csca o P4.1 ^<^r - .^A'725-faS I,.. , II ' .^ 6 .-5 Water Pressure •-. ^,', Test Losaes i ---1 (Lugeons) e^rt ia• .--e.-..--• -^' .a e-a,rk0:....S^3 eAas. t 1^7e# . 4:iio..0i16 , telly ,._ Defect Frequency -- etc...c12 -115,123.0%:_ R L OF COLLAR /8 7 ?O ' b 'a .€ t! b Fracture Structures Intercept Angie Log ROD a...'0 8 0a°° t 7,, o^30^GO^ea^901 Joints,vein•,sopms,foults,etc 6a3 O 3 aa o .. r . .2 a, Description M e AO DIRECTION oiri.10 - Ccus‘. ir.....4, , . - c...... (314244-^4 S-C''s ' 1 1 , 1 1 , L - v. .5 -^bAsor. • mc•re^bi, 01...... 04 c to-y 1:... 4.Ack ,o044.1 A1 ( eivak o...., bvi. 1..o.e.A mac -_-_. J_ -' 1 I I Notes Drill t y pe^.pkoi,,E.^...^.__ 4 csap,.40 is.^... •'..g. hare Log - Numbor of froCtures per 25cm of core. Zones of core toss docked in . iir Food^,.,11-124Y 1 Coro barrel type pocoale. Bedding and Joint Pianos - Angles arc measured relative to ()plane normal to the core ati , 0,-4 ^r:t ty■ 1... C. 1 OFIlIor 1,;:!Hc____.__ 1 C..rnmoncod^1k-10.714 .^_ I Compioted^1 2 7. _111.2. 117_41-.^. L oggoci by 'R. 50101 s vii ti, - Vertical Imola^.2.C4a 7....--^I ....... Defect Frequency - Number of natural detects (sAears, joints,frocturea ) per 25cm of core occurring at specified intercept angle range. Water Love/ eleosuroments - ^1?^Level een hole in progress Of specified deist', ---^ll -^-.17--^ Love/ in completed hole on Specified ^te ota ilit.^c id^_ c H LA/^- 1.1 C11. Iy^ L. by blocked"' Strtes • core Photo g raph Negative No. Depth (m)^Block 8 White^Colour ^11.4.1oxt1.4.•xas . . M14^- vA0.1. aro** ly 6-.40:4"11"111 40 -- ---151i31,i 5,^....,ed.C64110.^ S^ 14^-^ Fr trt -^Fres'. s-fo.i...0..4^ Record 1975/46 !Choctaw:1 by^WANYZAM, Water Pressure Teets a VakieS in lugeons should be read consjur nec sir:Lit/oh ncs eam inhee , o Icioan,60, r punt d F.^-^vre.s 1.. 155 /A16/1344 • [BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY GEOPHYSICS PROJECT LOCATION ^ ANGLE FROM GEOLOG'C AL LOG OF DRILL HOLE Ruck Type ^ L N&^ivi:k6U4s..J A V 1314, 4 1.1. HORIZONTAL. (8)^.- 10. 1 7 if f! 11 417 5 (r1PS) N COORDINATES^6 L ur ccLLAR 1ff 1 34 SHEET Structures Angle^1 ROD^Intercept 10 30^60^BO 90. joints,yeins,seoms,faults,etc Lithnicgy,colour,strength,etc 1 OF -^- Defect Frequency ! Description and I Degree of Weathering .HOLE NO Hotote4 (A.'s*" ri 'Water Pressure, .0.^Test Losses (Luqeons) • Dyrksice brifs.m. - r P SOIL - — -'1Z co-0 -^- • G r ey — r clay . 1 - .. brew..., reod . 4 ••••2- trclt.tosect , le^■tt,atilse Cc- A.4.k , ,le.y cr.-FL:m.0 • rip.. •0.0•06^ceteltz - cnC LAQ^V.t•-••••-S 2 1-' to o% a-C/265 \BC t21* ^C lay c.te-te.ik covg. letbysiA'S 1 151,1 Mk/ 5e1c44.- . °"`" 4,- - 5nty- tes Hv4 -• 3 675 "•••••.' lab•/. (yam..^clidt 4.0 V4. 1-1•1 - C44J • Yyetle...o brow.. clay - ,c1^7 Sawa^1".43‘4.0( 7--o4 brow, mw-kvs, cr ,mbles. c 1., 17 "e"5-..Z rH:21( 4-c+to 40-;.- Itttk. ) ky.e.di ayj loc.% k. issal t pie?, Vt rap( • 5•.144444 CI.J5444.4 7.44444...C1,04y. 4.1y NechCee-61 y^rcl kora.,^r•e.4 - Ass c.74,...."^It 16y ate.+444 ....It MCI( ^hew 5-7... fret. wk.*. cer 4 ITV- 04. cio.y ooZ 1•1^44:4-4 M6J-5v4 84441,4 4-0° 13 to144...5^"No° 1,„ -f F.;so_^"act...Hy Irlayrci^u gory Ittrotel y co•re tioaS , cietp%:f.coowily sltnn tt FOS. PAW - v4*..1 4. 3tt ted. cry. 1. ooX Fa. -1::61■111 YUt. 9 Ave_ Av. -f-ron_c# 004 a fAcar .44( 94•4,4-1/ wr..ute(4•44.5•444a ^c 10.y b.* err 0 _j 4S*^S Ccrre 43ro.c-ivr4 Siya) ^1.^5,■ c, ft NW - S4 7 r -4.1 , q ..bc, ta. iragid■.1 plck, 0_41 (^M el - ^rock (-vv.., "7-7 - CSC .*-1 • -9 17 -mail l-8••••14 , Ew d■ •ps 4-o, _ _ 104^ •--git L_^ 2- c I — Notes D r , II type !ACC. E Pi OreEelt, Water Pressure Tests FeedC. ILAvrr y cie.0.4) Fcocrur• Log Core barrel type PtUtrE1-115 BeciaIngond Joint Planes — Angles or• measured re/ofive — Number of fractures per 25 cm of core Zones of core loss biocireci in peter, Freq u ency 1.50. — a...7 • / 74 Compieted 2 Logged by VertiCal scale Water Level Measurements — ^Level when hole n't progress at specified depth _2_ Level in completed hole on — c o.,0^,Je".44,44444 — 441.151. t t1 y cu. 44-44 12.41( - specified oloIo - Hod in conjunction 4,In Compulal,un Sheets Test Sec140 , 43 ore 1 ,4 41 , CO100 by blocked sl,ips Core Photovapn Negative Depth (m)^Block No a White^Colour ly 4.4 e•--fk oe-II..arka•elx - Checked by Pele144(214 • Number of natural defects (shears, joInts,frocfurss) per 25cm of Values in /ugeons shOuld ne COI- e occurring of spec/Neil intercept angle range [miler^CD • (4 C. Commenced toOp/One normal lo the core axe,. • F rt.& k Record 1975/46 155/A16/1345 M(PI)/46 ^ ^ ^ SURE_Au Of- iti:NERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY 8. r.-EOPt".YSICS PRo,EcT^01..0N41-0 COORDINATES ond Degree of Weathering cs 2 Description L ' holcg y, colou, , strength. etc . 0 2. .^66 ^e 'HOLE. NO r-i P 7) Pe*'..."^Su". _ DIR EC 1 ION - ANGLE FROM HORIZ T^(a) __^1_2 . nr np npii Roc ..^Type , PARKWAY LOCATION^13)/e*c^ ^26961 N 11^4'.9^iR.L. OF COLLAR^ g .. .f_ •-f h Fracture a-° a 0 ..-el°o.. 6F 076 Log 6o-^ R 43 D I 9°. I Defect Frequency --^--^- -^Structures Intercept Angle 0^30^60^eo 90 joints , seine, seams,foulfe,etc 7 SHEET^..I^OF^I 13 sWater Pressure .- :^Test Losses g -II (LugeOns) * o^6 a Is. so. ss A y^.s., it' , TOPS01 L clAy _a4c4 iv-mews: r r•-• 1! 1 Let s • 0. ••. Rock - c. Is Sig^ pia vat ,-Ityptc.At^.te C011 ,..40.... vt 0^. Y. 4 . is 2 Sott.. 1 I 1^....^1^i 23 4 I^.^' .^ 1 ^ i H: g -5,LT ›. el en,.....^+o^vati.,......, e 1 Z (NOWA",^311s gr C.16.7 C KAY 1/1 ,^. L.-- • 2^-.1 VI t Sit^r -T ---i - - _ . 1 ,^cr, .. V ..o .. Ca-AY ' ______!.. [--t-------- --- -, ,_--1__ _ ---- - -1 _____t __.__ ___i a x . I 1_..._, E 2, „ L. 1 4 .., I^i^, 1 i r - l 3 _______^___ 5 • i^ . .__I _ - -- I I I 4I re., -..,......„. , ,,,p ic 4, ....... behici . ea^&ale- . estai^• 340........2 c.v. ^41-..cA-u.r...1 / 100 X ^___] a.41.^4........s. Rock_ ■1)^ ^1 ..) raw- r vt ow«. k......41.^(.1 I, 6 r a as& . LJ twit owl/ 4...keeres.^cAnsilossi^j.......4% c..A- +La v•,..1c. - -^...t IC t 7-f.... S-gt...,^/-•-• . ,^•^^ ^' c-4 X 100Z . . I 7.ct^c kg..^. _. ' • ^f ^TO . Core barrel type AUCsff. s . b 4., 14.o....^N tit- C. . -1 I ---^; ______ ---4--.---- 1 -----4_- i 1 Notes Woter Pressure FrOC faro Log — Number of fractures per 25 cm of core. Zones of core loss blocked ,n fiedd,ng ond Joint Planes — Angles ore measured retative too plane normal to the core ox, . Defect Frequency — Number of noturol defects /sheers, joints,frocturesl per 25km of core occurring of specified intercept angle range Wafer Level 4IeOsuretnentS — ir..— Level ell•n hole in progress at „specified depth. • _II..— Level in completed hole on specified dote Tests • ironies M lugeons should be reed ,,nconnecst,fsneclohncsoomepunt nee,sjur d o rciocn,ed by blocked in strips. Core Photograph Negative No. Depth (m)^Block 8 White^Colour -^--^•^• Logged by^Ot.C3ettl.$ AA Ver ticol scoie^i cu., : 1 .... (Inaba fwaxivtre -- 4-I .0 • 6 9 . 74 11 i. Completed^s^.. — 44 .i.k ly^vOteCKIL, 4..1 MW - PA^ly act anae^...441...4Wasi_....._ F St^ Checked by ^54..;...t7^cl.+-•^.Att.i.y 4.4'44 - ,^,,,,,a ,....0...A . s• 14' • 44Y `". i. ---- --1^L • . 4 •qwslwer sow.* a,* 7 . 4 s. '^toes. .4 ...AAA tes...1.1; - —I re ale ,. s a*. —_. 100Z • ' 1 ^ ' • Driller^DI . gia. ----,'^qv...4N_^yer.....4....^.14•%-e 1^e..,.. 6o, •43 1 4z . -so. 4 7 2 -^-. , -- - - - -- -- -- - -Drill type MOLE^P10,41112 Feed 012...Agr'Y • ce0.4O rteiud 042Nr.2oly C64 i. i- a . Rock - ^q4•;.04^c.m.#5.^bilgts06-,; .^ ;^e.friis^GO . E.0.1.4.^It•o•• Commenced^.2. I r:■002^cl.■iff, Titter -I^kw 110ALS^ ^ ,,,^ /- NW Piss/ - F st -- I .• y. beskele.1^bet wet' --I^ r_ — — -^ Fc.a.44^i-481.■... a.el .^ • Record^1975/46 ^ -a^-— ---^ - • 155 /A16/13 46 BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY a GEOPHYSICS^ MO LONC.L0^PARKWAY PRO.ECT^ J LOCATION^. 1314,01,. fl o ,o,^FQ......m:A.s,,Ladr HOLE NO _^..._^_...^ 8 -ri - (^ P 8) 8) .^- .c1 P..^.^DIRECTION^_^a GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE^ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL (^ COORDINATES^e^.2 .7 32 3.^N^1 14 rif^R.L OF" COLLAR_ la 7 5: 6 '^. SHEET^I^OF I 1 Pod.^Type c Descr iption and Degree of Weathering j tilos.: 'TOPS° IL^ 0. ':‘ -- t e •^0 • _ _8 Fractu re a 0 ,^.4,., a a - 6- -;^,3:-. g Lithology,colour,strength,etc . 6 r6 '--e Defect Frequency RQD Structures Intercept Angle 0^30^60^Op 90 jo , nts,56M11,seams,faults,etc 6^• t2 W• Atha, i t^i^I 1 tit. Pressure 7:-.7-1-1 .^oter ,W to Z1^Test Losses a -1^(Lugeons) e --, s ki....-ry c LA), R......). -, --1 - •- — — -. . is v........14.4.4 C I6 %%Nate :Lips^b.:, .41^in,' 1 la < 0 4 • 02: • i --- --1. -I 1^: -fleple 1.444,y.aile.....) skol.W..s o/ ...61 y . ___. j Ale-a' PlKe5 C Lyey 3431...4 .. Of 444eci %say 0.4 arrowsilkilt Pwo^, enA ly ') beem.4 ...a.^ soil bleease ..... luse4S e c.u.I Orsx.wer. .. cyritor ciele.ay Ci../ --I .^.^. 95% __ .^• .^• - ---1 -- — -- ...........e.4.1(A .3'00 SP440StonIE Pt 8 c ES ti L./ - C. 44 So.. 4.^PA L'4^ss-1. 1,1 e,c ks 1,,el. 44.5 a+14,ac by sowsly c to, y . R.N.& - arrawvia ddiy, cusk 6- o s., . - Cy.c y i^.t.a.4-4,1 ...A 1.4.0al erwt A ly si-rirvl . JH Al- E PAW - F St Hu.) - cyj - .6...,^crust, eet . co..4.45^..a...../.^61".40,r S. ‘) 8.1+ car. plAly elece.er00t- 96 't . -1--- --- -- - 3,st .^blocks^S-9 c..... i I 1 . 4^__ _._____ 1- ---. Ektid,^4 0- CO ° . _.] 4. s ,,^. c..-41,^1 'a...4i, ep..-dallal .^. ..^f_^__ . IIII ef? t....10 (14...^clo‘y 4* v. A^Lik yaw' S . 1 . I 00Z 01.0'06 k 0+Toc* ,)t.e...J 1_ I Ar. -.A' . 4- • 4=.1,,L.4443. i \ik ...P.. .- 100% .1 Ti 7 45o. 21••■•4. SC!ss & backa.v....5. Moos* ly ent.. i^-- IJ 'E m et 0 'Ie. plat rock 54r ath`"avidaXt --.14:fts +.1) c.rkis •-^- --- sc....el^ccw...ftict4LY Ham corptelt tray 4o.. .^ W4 , lore.-0,^o.ue or...ei -ie cis:pi -^-- - Z IL^SANOTroNG .,....^...^1.....‘ - i 0 . ---4 cla.y 60 \41^trft...Pc4,.....1. --4---- - '^- 41.5..C44■!ae^$ 41roubiy . . % .^.^. ae-cAldni,^'..)lkat sc. , AL c.. ft...4,4" —1 4- ^ c3 re y. .....4. „mitt., -......y. .1^MeV _^47 _ ^—1 __ _ 4,4 .4 Pit.c..6IC6os"^)(caws:MI %b - -- 1H6.1 1- • -^-I. vet, matt - sag* t^Y r^c,,.., __ A V •101•6^p4 v..) i ------- . 77 /; mak -ore....ta ' c 10 ,y t S ArytArrop4E IL . • F4Ar4-pwcloctat .....41. Imagy ^try c ten ely bcar4 v.* cks^i...^rad Clihy •ciltE I 0q t. r rad- erre....v. cLo..y. rwps.rowE c L..) I/ 4 I.- •^st+ ...1 — -f--- - - .4 ILI c ----4 lilt Irt cloy. Caf II 46.43.'"Ari8 . C. 1 0 Coo. 4,, 2S-dee.. 1.4.5, up • 1...c.4-4.....u.u5^ ...2 , i.. 1.....4, ._ [-^, I • , --'^•Pro- C+.,04.3 •••••m• .^--1-- ..._ i ill;^ Dr,' t y pe .104 eioNEE f?_ Feed fAcwITY _+ cr-0,1Cees,uE Core barrel type^ANJA!elle- -rts (•Is•s - tise....^N M i__ c Driller^ - - I- Level when hole in progress of speCified depth. hol on speCifitt0 dote n^e _SL_ Level I^completed * CW ^- ^. Vertical scale^1 0%^'`.^2- C ....%:' Checked by Bedding ond Joint Pianos - Angles ore moOsured telotlye loop/one normal 10 the Core owl • core occurring of specified mtercept angle range . Logged by^I?, ‘3 61114!*" Proctors Log - Number of fractures por 15cm of core. Zones of COr• loss blocked in Water Level Measurements ll.>-_74 Completed^"^ --L.-- – t -- Defect Frequency - Number of noturo/ defects (snoork,joints,froctures) per 25cm of D.^%.4 , .. .. .. . Commenced^.2^- -^ - -t- Notes . . I c)c,49^.•, P4 ...4 Lo. '5' Water Pressure Tests 4/7 • Volt/Si tugeons should AS react in con/unCtion will) computation onsets^rest sections ore mchcotect by blocked in kttlps. _ Core Photograph Negative No Depth (m)^Black 8 White^Colour I ...e.cik..4.41 - l-t L'5 Lay ..4 Wf wet - ete 1 aria ta jetuara.I St•^ esi SI t&.+ ly -^ F St _ FP:a1.. .^R ecord 1975/46 . ^ _^ 155 416/13 4 7 ^ i BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY a GEOPHYSICS PRO.,ECT MOLop4G1.-0^PARKW LOCATION _^B"' %.t^ev1-0....w% ^Pecvsft.:rssu. tc..c Roc• n y pe and Degree of Wewhering e^ ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE COORDINATES_^ cs Descr.olon (ti R L OF COLLAR o 0 P 9) Structures Intercept Angl o^e^ec^ )e 901 joints ,weins, seoms,faults.etc 6IWoter Press., Test Losses - 1 (Lugeons) • 1 HUVI`e1-0 N E P1W • Gres, -011^thespse.4 44..4 ..a/ - F•st -^• 2 •-- -^• - •• • ----1•5^341.4y 111.3 Grey , r-t *A erst.+4.17 6/4 Ae• beaglie5 C olesori •fecrets 5* "S) j es sst s - brow% 544.■.04.6 • 3 4.s" ' te•t. Sc.. 1hIV 4p 6o• 1 e c ti:y •rti.,tietA Ch.tae r i .° ea 0 os.4114. 2 ,6.7 c .^0/%1. a...+. ' cot,t1^Hy ...Ass I ,‘ tt_ 4ta 1^2 - Ui 1 G 3^-- -^■•• CA" Us. 6 y ▪ wesele. va..:•"3 0 0.44. 4- ala"st. ^5......' .^s_..c.. .....F.c., 5.... 6..... „a... 7: . .. sos -5 c,... • .S "'Id 15•S•s' S £C— .. •. se T ° 13e-hatee. to-vit....A scr"...s 0.441./0.54. Csrre.. I iloc/544, 10— tC c ....Crust. z tr.oL ...asy be. /1 beilalinc). blua-tve y - - IN0.1-6y enoal..34 oNse. ) y,,u„,.6 6 •66- I^014 2.or 904.1-11.^Pte. cla.yeey , A% 60`. closetV3O.4 41# to - 41•1, 17y 04/41../ Fr -St 410 7 - zerne.s.. -III •• S-0' 7.2 7.3 mum mr.mmi S.Oismo^14csisa - 60 ° &se+^erect 11)41.10%.4^noi- reus garitsi. 6,st r4rip areted lyy 3,1%.14. s4rote..e3 '-c .s Les by^ s. CI 0.y *OW -C-rack urn trilbv.■••■ CrIn. Drill type 11°1-6 PIONEER Feed ORAVPY.a CROWO Pla4t5. - Core barr•I type At/GER 1"o 21. 714 *et NMLC Driller^O. Completed 2 S 9 • 14- I Logged by R. qP.IA i•^Ct N ft Values in lug•ons should be rood Bedding and Joint Planes — Angt•s ore m ^ relative too plane normal to the core arm in conjunction with computation streets rest sections ore indicated by btOCIred in strips Defect. Frequency —Nuinbor of no,urol dof•efe (Moor*, joints,frooturIS) per 25cm of Core Photograph Negonve NO Depth (m)^Block 8 White^Colour lit '4W^.11), • sudius rass4 41W^- rieeLoro.4 4 I y ,eass.-tivea4J Sv.1 - SI;3 44 Fr "I - 0444° Woter Pressure Tests iroter Lowe/ Meosurietn•nfe 7^Love/ when bole in progress of specified depth. • Level in Completed note on spocified dole Commenced _ 6 • 97. 4 Checked by • Care OCCurring of Specified intercept angle rang. 4-f. C.. Vertical scale2c^Is Notes Fracture Log — Number of fractures poi' 25 CM of core. Zones of core loss blocked in Fp. sk ReCord 71-975/46 -— 9 SHEET I . OF Defect Frequency s • L.thc:ogy,colaur,strength,etc HOLE NO • .^. DIRECTION 155A16/1348 ^ ^ ^ BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY 8. GEOPHYSICS ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL (Et) _ 9 0 8 Description i ' °^. t 6.^ev Llthology, colour.strengt h , etc Degree of Weathering J c tt . ^rectum it^t ;k ROD rA y 76^Log ° rz,e1) airy 1-.4 04 S K ALE ik J P-4,64 • + ca. et 4) rA. L OF COLLAR u) SHEET I GP Detect Fr•gu•ncy^_ Structures Intercept Angle so^60^e0 90 Jomte ,vein; ,•eamS,faults ,e1C `.3 Tie. ../ater Preset,' •..^,1, Test Losses • i %.> riaiissiife^rad', del k..PCK --, (LugeOne) “ 1 r 1 y e 4c..4^r4d4l(tS.. .^,^,^, 1 i t&-r tal.a.,^...0 41.-^robeej ri . SO% ...01.4.43 ,..^1.41'......0.04`........ --* "fue4. 4 y ,..,... ,;.,,.........,",..L. -- ..A.:4.4. el eir.0 4. -^RABA/ ...A bl.....46.,^F.e 4. P.1.. si-es..8.4 a.. :v.:....*3 • agAJ....3 10 ° cAvo..4./..0' 1^ 1 9 ei, , ,......4^......,, __,,,_,..r . I^ 1 .:, •: ...+, 7.4".1:„ ../...CriA•S 16 ,26t • ..,zrz, Con.* Liebe. li c•rm•114.61 sow? 0......1k GA« FPS^> 3 -5 ....... 2,^-.' .....-- r 1 -* - i • S'. p• - j,, ------.- Z r.i S'L'''SY^-t4.-), 1,1.4$4^.3 ' 0. . ^41 a..c.e. crus Iva 0.....d. c,Loy coated i as . v1- ./ I P"1"-S .2 -1. c..C.fe 4e, 6cr.) +MC+ ufte S. Go .a.t•ett 4.444, (1.1b4 Mos 6^e e? . Ct1P DIRECTION . COORDINATES I. .2 $4.15 J . 1205- 5. _ and HOLE NO LOCATION GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE Rock^Type wAy PROJECT P10.14).NCTL-.0 ^PARK Clan, 0-.^ $ etre...44 - 0,44- 4 • ...s, i-^S L'AA - TAN S HALE C. et L..)^.,-....^, .f- 0,--4-,...r ea) It' loot re_ ,e4..... sk.....s. st,„... 0 , C.....e. 15- c,...( ..- 40 32.4.....) ........... 1-... 0 I 1 44. ArtwAe. brew". pc s+1&:........t .a.,s is&eisiLly ,,s' - i... yirtki . ! ...diS &Aka •), PA t....i - Sw -... i --J- , N badlels".ei .CI•li ce.,*ed.. irret4a sarA•r*l o."..r. .11 lo• • 3-6. •a1,41.0.‘ a...a, loc... * 44 ... cv-61..1 :14.:-As # ba.A.a. 4:4 ... c.4-...411,441^'36....,-+ j 0'. I Oot Da Ad t;•.5 Sit:P, 4 C?■.), 124444't) So.s.e a..-. c-424A ^, 4aw c........U.a4 ^_.] a•-",64 , .40017^foto,....... . - X u bia rla...0 1.....-.1 co...1.^'01,17.13. ... e.** etA 2cre.4 __ _ 1.1,4 Cros‘ • st A. ip 4S ° s. *. 1444.k .^. Sc^ ---J \ TOL 7^10^.•444 . Calrrt^el . .. CA3^V ....., 1 -1 IOC..., . L OOT -r-v..;.y ba.A44.1 0....1-4 PA-481411.^t ,r &Aloe. - t (--4..y S W - Fr S+ 7 44.4..... -1......^ . . 13.a. s I.S. - Woo.. 1/^bi.L.AA.:.+5 to-s .4411 ....s i..... i+z . ./.4......s. , IA...I^kerwi a...1 sA•o•a3 . G.& 1,4.. as - . 41 i • je , , I _ - Completed^ v‘,I■ol 74. 1. I . Ours Log - Number of tractor's per 25CM zi, *in.( 1~42 VA wm. C Mr., s-1-0......1) PAK .. coO.:660. Vt.. 5 1^ /, betkaCri . I^ Water Pressure Tests Note. Drill type^F1C4- E . Commenced^16/10/14 . 14.^b...1 ‘„?....^*1 ...........As^.- . r.t. 4 m......^■....,...4....-^4.1.... rivrict -t4.....en...1.1..a,i . .^-. E,,c ^OF mot..e^7.0 or N tdi Li- C^. - - - -- -- - ^ -^---, I^4- 7 - 6 . S■-•^C Itgx(y 1.) &i...t...1. - -4- - - - ---- ] 7- •-•-■ Q^'t v- um..^Vb. . • ,e +. 3,, ,......, Driller^D. H . C. , So° . J 0 -41^11 cill 4^6-4....... ,^-Po.-^4.4 o .^67 100Z tlYiC^ C^ Feed GP4vci7 ecricu.0 PR ria., 1..42 vie;....5, ,i. t p . - -7 0. . - / 14^ .... 1.4-,.......1 Core barrel typo l'NU&0.* . . ___ __ - V. I. ......Z....A. tAi 4,,,„ ,....j Lo^ i t (.4-a4" 0, 1 "*.S° ...• Ro&k. -t> ork•tr&•3 %sot is wrz&Itors./ by swkurs 4,....1 ........0.44 _____ 10.443 . S .'t• A LE 3- 6..4 lA4A.s tabI c^1 ..... 4.....c.k. . ^c....... Cam. l... 4&& f3.41,4 0E D Cot*Ast ic:t:Ii I c....+Like_ 4 .3.• ST en, s ....l1 0.....i . c lei Of core Zones of core loss docked in * VO/Pes In lugeOnS should On read Beddin g g nd^e^ m eOsured relative to a plane normol to the core oxi • Joint Plans - Angles or•^ in conjunchon with computation Shoes^Test sections ore inclicoted Defect Frequency - niumber of natural defeCts (shears, joinfs,froctures) per 25cm of by blacosd in strips _____ . Water Level core occurring at specified intercept angle tong* Measurement. - _X_ Levet when hole in progress at specified ii__ Love in completed hole on specifies/dote if depth Core Photograph Negative No Depth (rn)^Block B White^Colour 51.y^,...“...4441. e art 1.4, ^HW^--^ Logged by^R...C504 11'... ye. I,cro 'CU is^..2.c...• • 1.• ri1,4^-^•io Lac ...4 4%7^i.14164.&erdi sw^-^S■■•51,:liy^•J‘001-4L 144 -- iii- C-ord^1975/46 Check e a by^Ael‘efirg.L Fr^‘st -^Fr& s t...^s+01-in 41.1 . 155/A16/1349 ^ ^ BUREAU OP MINERAL RESOURCES, ^ moLoNc,i_o fI ARKWAy ... PROJECT GEOLOGY &GEOPHYSICS LOCATION^ _ r141 ,J vCto;sie GEOLOGICAL LOG OF 1 ^Foci.^Type 050 Degree of Weothering ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL DRILL HOLE 0 . rt 0 0 c^Z ,s, Descrfption .--- 0 0 L■thology,colourottr•ngtholttc Fracture Log 0 ,'-d de roPc, I s)- , 4 , wt.( L SAND.", . w cio-Y 4:45-5-^41-4%• ct 3- 91 Z .k 4-4.Z.44c --- I I I - -- - oc.c. 4.1 f y ct,loou't^40 Y. .-P^.C-.2.51. «A 41ared 11. . - -i_i: - — - IG0 sr — ,___ _4_ __.____. - • SL.651,-de^cu.!^evitc-e_ IVO C.v. leen , ....A . I tI• 1....,.4-i-f 1.4.4^c. I.....jos .4 s 4.-4 s44.4 C. lay awa i::. I 21 -I • RgAr C.10.../^L./ 14t^1.4.), a al 1 2--1c. ■ ay." cceei Re.b1Aes^o......J. t rd../ a t 1 oca 4 SA' frei wool %ray NW U. v..^cowl)Ie*4 4 0 f R.64-'s p."410S. vv.. c.......i. .1 1.4^AinAt o^I. 4. ........ 8 t ro-.4 S.../7 Li, Water Pressure • 1 Test Losses 41 --I (Lugeons) • Structures joints ,veIns , seams,foults ,e1C r d^• • b....4 ALA^stl fy c. lo,,,, . ____:—,--_— _, -7 0 . 0 raw..? 0.4.41L it r.4J"/ ui^BAN 0 ED E^5 % L_T-t cLAy xi 4 & se,..--As-here-e.^6lecK 7c..... I-- 01 • Intercept Angle 0^30^50^80^so - 1....^10(1310a ts 3dthandk^........A x-rkee I L OF COLLAR ^1.•:4)_.. SHEET I_ OF ^j Detect Frequency ROO 2-1 HOLE NO (MPI2.) V rvi -1•SCIs CLAY VIA, W. ■ ftt...1 sst .fretiymegt% AN0 e^r2 ... D1R E C TI ON _^.^R . 0 - (8) COORDINATES^_24_3+4 . _ —s-.0L . bre12-41,.. ^b yVsoLs 4 3 . , veL., el a -1 v...4-s , p4, odiy I007, .." la 0‘,..411, 0 In SA-Hltr.,t ly 2 P. w Rt.:- +La c_l 'K.,' l.) - 4 r 0 4i oo R t cl, -T-ed brew.. ova-...t1^c-olour . Z 1-1.,:is^■ s^ft oar.-I^.......1 -,B.U. -- ,...,,,,,,,* avfo .. I inert^1+O..."A^a-4- 1 i : 2 %leers_ C &WU)/ bit. ,,,..1-^I ^I)^\i'4001.44- . 3 c. ,...i^co re e...... - .s......41-644. 61 . /..ic 2s G.- L,,5 . .A.4 . J. — t- . t -.- -- - - - — - (1.41.^.5 rm. >,^(...i....-.7, .......A I a.....A. ci-cr...4_ ^c 1,;104 .......a. r-c .-4,.4 . v....f.....--...i to...- --/----t - z M4-eil^40^.10 ..Q. SiZtAtti ^ilz.......:1^6., t44-, —4 1 .. GNI') OF I-Fol. £^6. l I'-‘ • ^ - -- ------- ,.____.. - - - ------- -------•--^--MOLE 0,11 type Water carAvrry. 4, abowt, PUSS. 119tocfure Log - Number of fractures per 25cm of Core. Zonis Of core loss blacked in Foe Core barrel At)(44.. to type^- Driller^ DM Bedding and J^ oint P/ones - Angles Ore meosure re/of/v.10o plane normo/ to the core ari • cl Detect Frequency - Number of natural defects Istseors, jotnts,fracturee) per 25cm of 14 1-41- C .^. core Occurring at speCifted intercept angle range C Commenced 1 4- - 1.6 Completed / 4 -10 - 74; - 74 - Water Level Measurements - _i___ Level when hole in progress of spec/fled depth _II__ Level /n completed bole on spec/f/ect dote 1 tiC01^scale^.2 c......^1 "..i . - (ieuhcegire! Core Photograph Negative NO Depth Ors)^Black a wroe^Colour 1 -----...- --- 197 5 /46 Record^ Checked by^ by blocked in strips - - • - -- --^- Logged by R .S.21.45,..erfis ^s (.4^-^st,"56+5,' ‘44..-ikaga Ver Pressure Tests s in lueons should be re0d • Value^sl neciciosnec ott itohnCs aom in cortiur a ,t cioon,ed , ,nt d pu re - .. ^ 155/A16/1350 ^ 111 1 8 1 IRE 41J OF MINERAL RESOURCES,^PROJECT KO U1,14^PAILKW - - 3 FOL.OGY^61..,T,PMYC'CS^ LOCATION I ; GEOLOGIC-t_ , OG OF DRILL HOLE r D'RECTION^ ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL (51 COORDINATES AI MD*^E 2. y.1 a 4:2 -- R L OF COLLAR (.8 1-1" o^ rk .6; .rworteesr , PLe ssss:s, Defect Freduer IFrocture Description^171gl^i Structures^ ,^u Z^ ROD^Intercept Angle Og L thniogy,cploorstrength,etc^ 30^60^80 eol joints,,eins,seatris,faults,etc ^3^LuaPons) ^ Li^c ^— — 0 6 i2 ie• Rock Type and Degree of Weathering 1 /..AV4 Qu.ey^0.CGC4 i. • _^ __ - -i--1-- -1-- ----^ f^ 1 ^. ,,^_^I^I •^•^ -,^ 2 ^1F I-^1 -Tr ; '^•^ I, I i w ATER. - 10 — Jetracil st14.1 clot/ et IAA was 61^I- 12 Go Arta te.ea. lay IIPISIAT7 SASit. 31 ALL.vV(VIA •.70 ce.ctee 4...43. ereamel. ^ 16 — . 6. *0 0• 54-mvei(LAre,..) ST P A.etu S A 1.- I le — "1, "ARA, ft., 1.0 roydet-c.‘40. i .1. 0 WM I e,^f be. OtJqt , l pin&^ray. MVO 41'0146 24114-1 w e".4-1.■ ared PAIILIA(1^IA.^(..}..stut^' -I^ Ile de ra.4 -44., ko.d etre^law* +Lt. rota ale rats is IA^dot +0 f ea, zies..c s . re cm.^ J • owe Notes Redding and Joint P/ones Angles are measured re/olive too p/one normal to the core cmis A/1611-C. 1.1r cow Driller^D H Defect Frequency — 4/umber of natural defects (shears, joints,fractures) per 25cm of , Core occurring at specified intercept angle range Water Level Measurements — ommenCed OQ9tii by ^ Level when hole in progress at specified depth Level in completed hole on specified dote Completed^:51 1/ 17 it D.c. Pt) ece.11 Cat"al ^ 0- LOIN GM^osi /Dm . . frev. Cali l g^0,1 Water Pressure TestS Values ii, luyeans should be read in Con junction wttn carnputotton sheets rest sections are indicated by blocked in strips • -^•^•^• Core Photograph Negntiye No Depth (ml^BIOCk 5 White^Colour c.lcol V.-,r tical sc,3Ie Checked by ^ - S ham r plac• Fracture Log — Mumber of fractures per 25 cm of core Zones of core loss blocked," Feed I ESTE D IFVUILJ^011.. Drill type nor° bnirel type JoT a^ob...., Gravel Record 19f5/46 155/A16/135 1 Yett _ tulvel.stobfte. M(Pt)/46 ^ I ' BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS I GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE PROuECT ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL ( COORDINATES el^9O° 26100^I/ 2 oP Defect . .. 2 ° -^ Fracture^ a,.;,. HOLE NO DIRECTION c.-,^I R L OF COLLAR / 8.4 -T .^SHEET /OF i 1 I Frequency " ilWater Pressure I Structures^0 ^,'„,, Test Losses 1 R 0 D^IntorCept Angle ,veins6,etc^ , 30^60^a 0 eoi joints seams,foult -i I ( Lugeons) • _ .1 ° ^ t^i^.^ 0 6 M la. ^Os Descriv•ior, 1^ and ^( Degree at Weathering^L ithoiogy, colour, strength, etc 7, F ,^Log I Ir MOL_ON&LO PARki/J^I—AKE FILL_^R-F-A LOc AT ION ^0 - I wirrE ALLuv 5 re v so+7 (t.y tuPb4 11 frly 1)1a cic 047 c-lay cis^ A.3..5 4,9 tmf - 6°E,v,"‘ sIC51.44y^eao^50..dy clAy 12_ 1 ray s; 147 Clay 0...) 5.4•••••stsAlet%g {-104-a-ss. CO AA'S<sb4 3 0,--.41 r 1V42.4- irev4.1. • • D s ro NE 14.....r.1 3( 47.y)^s+ l y 1 / - SoVta c o re L.J dL 5k-^.)^1.4Lc ki re— irreAks / / ZZL / r514-GIL-qrax,b a...dl y cu a4 c + r ock 'I // Haired 3 ray^et s4-tyrva / / II / Fo- / / / II / 11,-■ s. 2 7- i Dr ', ?Yoe /I 0L-C 4-, Notes c- E ..I co Water Pressure rests Fracture .^Number of frOCtures per 75cm of core. Zones Of core loss Dlockec I in CI kr t1.1 , fel ypot4 MI—C .J AS a 13o RosCr t) 14C tommencbd ? He.faind ■raa -taint Planes^Singles are measured re/otiveto o prone norms , / to tne cora^ ('ale - 'reopancy - Alumber^nOt Lir Oi defects (shears, joints,froctures) per 25cm on' bole On by blocked in strips Core Photograph Negative No . dve/ ornen hole fir prOgreSS Of specified depth _2__ Levet in completed /U900/75^126 iroil in conjunction wilt) computation Theels Test sections org - ore occui • /no or specit•ed intercept 01,9/0 range ikuter ..en•e/ MaCSu , ernentS — O • Values on Depth (m)^Black Et White^Colour specified dole " ' '011 0 0 t^'41,t64574 /44 ^"Ma_ ^J Gum^ 0 — 1 8 4 ne.S ,.4^...4314_t.0.4sL -C-wr , SLeai^Record 1975/46 ^ci.r■kket,^ r.c t en, by ftintit ^ 155/A1§03 ^ ^ PUI-(Cl-kl_l Lir^Viii^N/-ILrfC.JUUrtl.C.J , PROJECT .^PI OLO AIC. 1-0^P AKA wort^—^LA Kt^FIL-4-^A R.6/1 GEOLOGY 13 GEOPHYSICS^ LOCATION _ __ __. .4-AKE^Esoki-EY^c...qt-iF FIN ,^ I^ b — 90 ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL DIRECTION ^ (8)_ j oacp GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE ^ r^Roc,^ 0 0 COORDINATES .26/^ — Type , , u ccii f_^. • lb Defect FreduenCY c^C oi 0 c. ki f- : b Fracture Intercept Angle D RO ^ ° ... Lag `.'^ '' ,t; 6 0 , 3 1, ,..i c3'g . 30^60^Bo^90 - Description and ^: D egree of weother i ng Lithology, colour, str ength, etc ^R.L OF COLLAR _ ^/2S I. 08 Structures Joints ,veins, seams,f cults ,etC HOLE NO. SHEET _ 1-F 3 1 0F i _ `ii is 1Water Pressure .-n T;,^Test Losses --i^(Lugeons) • a io• , IN ATER S re ,^ilif-y day ) _ J^' ' iii Ate I-!- 1/V I UM E- [-- } * .i , Sr _^__ -^- -- .-- -C.-a..6-,.......40, 1 Red^bras...^co 44.474 •, cA.s .o."^y1-4.1.-4 s t6ktl y^0-.... 0+ .7. s........^.0...4A s46.4L.r...6.-,e. to $41.0".ok^....4^so.volvvym. . 1^ , -4-res-ces of 1 1 ^11 clay _ ...._ . .... ^....__ ___. _ __— _ 1^• A 1...LAJ vi v r-i 1 ti so• *A e^s.......A.34a..12 reca.11 i:-....^1...)^bcr4-‘44••••• i.e....ay^v•%14--/ * clay -_.. — ._ __i .H , ^■ 1.3 1 '^1^•^1 - , • 4 _.._. 0?....'t .,1 tar^.o3r.vel^a...A s.5.....41 s.-1-e..a.^-C-rat ofte+A3 i5 * Ai-J-wvtufrk • wtiC aCr...o u S S...-"""a m^••• b",..3.4- Li5L+ trAy IN•3•-rst "—Auks knrywt . PSTOe MO^Pi • 1 i 1 I6 - . ______ . __ ; , _ -I -.--^---1 I 7 671 I^7 to:c..1, ,^lb 1/9 iint / . Set;.+ICA ...A AS.C41.4.1411 __ zopc n.s — is • 6 `A• _^-- . - I cevsks4^EA;as^1""`—'' --I ws ,,,," wf^lAiy - „^,, h.s..sFis et- core AN:.71 -1u %5c'•' - ---1I -6 _ cb 1.4 p i act,^...f^40c." - _ ^Oilkly 4-ra..4.6, AJ, — tar .s- .. iq .t 14A^cloy . Pi;: I 1 .20.2 ei 1 _ • Fr- S Ki ^et C-14D oF Itoc-C ._ -^ Li^•witty 5( j 4t Y • -- i _ Droll typo^ 6044 C Notes Fracture Log - Number of froctureS per 25cm of core ZOnes of core loss &Melted", Feed . Core barrel type Bedding ond Joint Planes - Angles are meosured relative to o plane normal to the core dri, N fr't L-C 4.41 . 150-,y, Core occurring of specified intercept angle range Driller^D^)--1-^C ,-.„,„,,-„„„,"^4 -1^7 Defect FrequenCy -Number of natural defects (shears, joints,frocturest) per 25cm of ' Water Level M^u easr^e^ emnts - _.T.- ...eve/ when hole in progress of specified specie depth -4- Level /fl completisd note On specified dote Water Pressure Tests * values /17 lagoons should be read /ft conjunction with computation sheets. Test sections ore indicated by blOCIted in strips. Core Photograph Negative No Depth (m )^Black 8 White^Colour Completed^"^" Logged 0yr -2 .50 1 4.S ■•••4■ 41. ver ticol scale' be.. t^1C4.4. —rk.e.^c,,,.... sa.....—fk^-C-nn...^o— 1.40.3^Kilk-^cr,e10..164, le .^DagAii "AK -ILO C„. 4A,,Nut^is^6 V).65.4,:,%4AUT I 1 ICKS C hy,c.itea by^Ø6644CAIL- 1-C•5^S k e e-45^95/46 .^Record 17 155 / A161 1353 M(Pf)/46 BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES,^PROJECT^'114 0.1.0 NI CO- a^P A Pt* VV 144 1 GEOLOGY 5 GEOPHYSICS^ LOCATION _ _1....4_40.. _12%,01 t.-_,I. V. _ .114.1.i-17 1 t4,... ^ GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE^ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL cooRoiNATEsN Is. Rock^Type and D avao a t W ea th ering Litholo^,colour,etrength,etc gy , 6- .t *III ,., Log o r13 0 Lf 4 (e)_.....rr_9_0!...,..^DIRECTION _^--• wq....E ;_si....9.0 .^R.L. OF COLLAR^ (c'' Eu Fracture - go. Description HOLE NO. 0 5^a ROO Detect Frequenc y ---- -- -^ -Intercept Angle 0^30^60^BO Co SHEET_ I OF^ Structures^:ii o . l' Joints,veins,seams,taults,etc ^a -I I ater Pressure Test Losses (Lugeons) . te• ,.., . LAYS WATZ (1.. _ , 0 . Ii -, Au-VVivIvI Mack JaKely slily ashy; lavere.•. Jo we Ao 1114 . 4.• Dat ta_FA, _____c.. ...1_ , rtme tiu0/10■AS e, fray. .^. . 0.: STP 4 1 -IS-L. - _ .. t 0 o el tow salt it4( •Kirite.^..ini sk-...t.^•cALur • 1". tielpack j$. •PCA •Avarave c../ 4 14 I *to dartb.rati ',Awful Fitcsi4^tiv.4.19. to Gk. vs. OLS I 10140.U. r wet. loc. 1.-.1-.. fe. 0 - 3 s'•• -se ‘'.....h ...-i 4ft 4,„c- a m Ir-,— :-.: 2:29.t a.4 ot t e cevlci _ boa^oaliclibas . - — — - io... (20.4.1 . TM 1 TO 17 4 A; r11 e.....wise.• es • • Fro c4N, rack.* 6. 4...r 1 la . (sou ill.11.80. --^111.404 1-at"". --- -- 1. 010 1 - -- -11,4ecaroct.. 147- Mow. 19 -. - 1 • Values in lugeons should be read in COnjunCtion with computation Bedding and Joint Planet — Angles or. measured relative too plane normal to the core axis sheets. Test sections Or indicated by blocked in strips. Defect Frequency — Number of natural defects (shears, joints,froctures) per 25cm of Fracture Log Core barrel type^WMC• C! 0044_41,__ . ______ ._ Logged by ^ Core Photograph Negative No 3L.-- Level when hole in progress at specified depth CsH., clay^ID^ ^- _ ikes f. C _0 1 _ 14 tot .. 1 4144 :: iv.. 1 4. - 1 8 .4 0.c. 1 cm,. z 1 ton Checked by __^04.7^ - — - _II._ Level in completed hole on specified date. /NO* Vertical^scale^._ Number of fractures per 25cm of core. Zones of core loss blacked in Water Level Measurements Commenced Completed .^ — core occurring or specified intercept angle range. Driller ..^_^D,R.C., 0 Water Pressure Tests Notes Drill^type [7:1 Depth (m)^Black 8 White^Colour noci.s4unc.. • r 00..41^ ........^.14144r.4^ ^" E:^CroL44.1^ ,^• • Record^1975/46 . _____ 155/A16/1354 - -^ -- M(Pf)/46 ^ l..ItOLUUT tek UtUF'HY^IL:b^ LOCATION _ _1,A_K_e_ . 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ ^ GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE ^ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL (e) _ '''... 9 0 cooR DINATEs /4 .11_14_4 ^7.. Rock^Type and Degree of Weathering v e ,,.. z^,2,,, . . u C 2 . 8^ - Description Lithology,colour,strangth,etc i g 0 .-...., LI a 6' a ra all; 6- -J 1.- a!..' "f a 1 !a.2. ^DIRECTION ^— R.L. OF COLLAR _ Detect Frequency ROD r2 le• 1 HOLE NO... giV_A...401_ _Gtill.A.E.P. I r4_ _ _ Intercept Angle 0^SO^60^60 90 .1_ I1 L P S s' ' Structures Joints ,vein•,seams,faults.etc SHEET^.I. OF I , 'ci, ii Water Pressu Test I on...i. IL ugoons) • -0 4^i 1 ' — I . ^ _ I 1 -- I.- WATER... _ -- — . itw ALA,' _Silt; awl cLay A LL.0 Vtl) M Jow,ti^am.enAl 9 1'4044 Ides*. - Rs'14 MuOSTOME PRE S H o f gees V&A ....S. 9 roar.* ci, s ray :^. IS... •e -... H o do co* alp l..... ea' 0.4..ol^efro, A 3 . 0/.. ook two. et., t ‘411**.k.11"4114 iu. ptoccou du... +I. c4asaloi i pep.cael airEadit S PT^ILCIFOSA L- , OM 1* ..... _L. •r if,.. ri - - -I,. - 2. - . • .. - -. a. - -. _ -. - 161 /. - AI. a urt- S o•/.. o iPte.° voi ma. cavil.. -4 11^c.le rely i so il...taA4 co- p.o.e.* wrio al . —_-i• CO re (44**514.* 1 a • u p +o. 35tre. ^ r. NO T TESTED 41.41(^;••.. et ... cad .f.e..•^re. a . i _ — - _ -- --- ----^ ----- 1 ... .., --, ___ 11 _ Drill^type^.^___ Notes Feed Core barrel type . _ .^ • •^ -- __ ___ Driller^DH.C, Commenced^....^. Water Pressure Tests .* Values in lugeons shouice De read in conjunction with computation Bedding and Joint /None& - Angles are meosured relative to a plane normal to Me core axis sheets. Test sections ore indicated by blocked in strips. Defect Frequency — Number of natural defects (shears, joints,froctures) per 25em of Fracture Log — Number of fractures per 25cm of core. Zones of core loss blacked in Care Occurring at specified mtercepf angle range. Water Level Measurements - 1_ Level when hole in progress at specified depth. 4 D .C. . ._evcc __ ^_ El _II.- Level in completed hole on specified dote. Core Photograph Negative No. Depth (m)^Black 8 White^Colour Completed^. 111/17_9... Logged by _ Vertical^scale_ ,.._ . ._ . 0 - 14+ bet : I. CAM= 3.+V1 14 - IR 6....^I c.vo z I but Checked by . _... 4k,/,^ •.• o• .-.. .- - Ct If, doll .C. CIL Kai^ G mond^ MS.ICtikOAC -_....__.^_^.. -._ Record 1975/46 _____ _ 15 5/A16/1355^-- ^ , ^V'lLiii.L_ ^ill GEOLOGY 5 GEOPHYSICS PRO.JECT ^ 4. . LOCATION M r....s-c) ^ L GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL (e) COORDINATES )4_112..0 ^ E Hock r ipe^ Description and ^ Lithology,colour,strength,ete Degree of Weathering ii ° o 6 SA, Poi .1HOLE 1, 1(Th nLt,j_ — 9 06 DIRECTION .... 2S (*cm^R.1_ OF COLL AR I SAS ^SHEET^OF 1 -t^•^-- Defect Frequency Fracture^.-- - Structures^•;1^ '6 Z .t lasstic Log ROD^Intercept Angle . 0' rip^ 0 SO^60^BO so Joints ,veins, seoms,fnults ;etc^4 -, It •igeons/ 1^1^I e 12 á. 2. LAK.E INAT 1 IL ,^eftw4e.2.1 ALLUVIUM Ide lobe.* let9es",,te, .11-91 fLGPv/soki... .1. coes.tsa PP." S srt 3.7 Pivue. 5 ee.% .14 a4 ) ITI111.firp 11 •• • • - — sookr^/1"rh. 6.4 var.'s. 44. 74P` II *tease^. va.64.1.;...^aeo4C . r-0.0361 Au4ec..34. coca lap.314, 8 / • Con.. vv.° d area- 4.1i 19 hardoe4Frol...5 MUOSCoM E MI Coo okoraiti iiiui4 £% SS fSI 4o5« 111 IN NUM Min MUM p. • ••• 1.1 p. P8.11514 V 11-14.1... is toe..s up wo ft- SW= mem MEM MUD Mill 21.1 -K.4 irocu 13 vti,...semtti so:v.1-4d NEM Ices' e LI 4e. we li 1.44.. 111110 UWE to wit .fraeohare a..61-4 e.t.a MGR EM MEM Notes^ Drill type . Feed. Core occurring at specified intercept angle range. Driller. Commenced 10 /617 ogged o P y Water Level Measurements 1,14, cuiq C. purceti tid:Ic.u . Checked 13 ,, .CcitA ; 11A4 —^ Level when hole in progress at specified depth. -.IL- Level in completed hole on specified dote Ver tical scale l Woter Pressure rests eeke in^• Vo/ues /ugeons should he read Fracture Log — Number of fractures per 25cm of core. 2'enesof core loss M^r: . In can 11 oCt i efl with compiitotion Bedding and Jomt Planes — Angles are measured rotative too plane normal to the core or, sheets Test sert,ons 0 , er wrI:caturf strips Detect Frequency — Number of natural defects (sheors,Joints,froctures) per 25cm of ^by blocked in Core barrel type Completed wes E.1.4..‘ 14.14.1 a...A(0e c.L..L•f:A4 Ej 4rrlLI 0 Mud staine Core Photograph Negative No Deptn Cm)^Block S %non^Col,Jr jI Record 1975/46 155 /A16/1,55, ^ I^BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES,^PROJECT^_PIC.-P 1'4 CP‘.0^.9A11.KYVes.4. 1 GEOLOGY El C;EOPHYSICS LOCATION^,411,^Go... 414.1^Genf f ie.% I 1^ ° GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE^ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL (6) Rock^Type ond Degree of Weathering . a ,:,t,e 7, ...0 3T g .__Jal cs ra. Descrip tion Ldhologi, colour,strength, etc 3 2 E :_.' Fracture Lo g " 61 . Defect Frequency Intercept Angle D 7 SHEE T 1^OF^1 , ,i) le Water Pressure • o^,?,' - , Test Losses (Lugeons) * structures so^SO^so so L. NO LF ^--- 4 C.^DIRECTION^--- ^ ^24c•^R.L... OF COLLAR^IS 4..r 31 COORDINAT ES _0103 ...g c. '2 = .,€, HC.)L ._.^. A-1 Joinfs,yeins , seams,foults,etc 0^6 i2 M. _ II , .^, i^11 q --, --1 --1 i^I LAKE Ifo■Vt CP. I h 1 - 1 .... ___. _.__ l•-. -- . , 5— 1 •— •Mitch,. 4-. " 'act& sond I ^-.---- cm,41.‘ Clay loss.swei.l. , •Ytil. ,., 'fay A LW NtlyM s J41 pupil alai •comfit^twooLal.^AAA li rt ■.04.e•^C3 relL..111.A it . I. ,,,,A.:-4,..r., - Oft./ tlek-fay 6.......ta,cLay gt4A.L.G. ._ --- 9 v•-"1 egial be 0 lia..." IMU D f To NE "^•^, (r1 km... ci;^/ o fi rien.‘...4 lottisti ... .^Now .....",;.07 C•tety 4 f s_,... 4c+ ccot4...141-t4l7 6, at- ad • 0. • %40,Lere.44 111Z7 -ty .a.4....A - --.--.. ..-- ..— .--.„.. 14 in cr „„ , b a.dala.Lt ?lariat. --..... I - . ...^- AL Ulf Up I ■,, ClecistAZst "A. ..), 000 4. MIMI MO _..— __ .4 Ou • .4.^_I e I8 g It I C..." Cott Cf• 11111 17 N Fa eFael,^oi.L.,...5 .......44.,4 . £ PT^11,GF‘.1S A 1.- IC ..._ ---_ PIPV.A. a-cbe-ic :4)^weakk siAgl . ... 144. 01 ' . 0 . . a - — ____ '• • OM III III ••• . IR IONS 1 ,___ _ _____ ^ _ I I I!^• .. --- - I ^I I -.I ---, I — Notes Drill type .^.._^ Fracture Log — Number of fractures Per 25cm Of core. Zones of core loss bloc/red in. lead Bedding and Joint Planes — Angles ore measured relative to Op/one normal to the core o^ r rel ype ore bar^t f CO SLA.^. J i' v.". . Iriller^ Defect Frequency —Number of natural defects (shears, jointr,froctures) per 25cm of Core occurring at specified intercept angle range. . Is It C• ornmenced Water j ewel Measurements — _i_. Level when hale in progress at specified de0/ 1, —St— Level in completed hole on specified dote ' ^--il Completed^..^31Sirt l Logged by _D_ L C_..eyjfati e rtical scale^..^_ .• ittsott.^least:^Lsvi itte,4 .6K61.,^10,4 :^I wt Checked by^Of is :: ao, Water Pressure Tests * Values /17 higeons should 06 road co,nsi ur n:sr. /fade v w /Ione.fsoam ,e p unr d a 1; oan, . srn oe n e 0, by blocked in strips. _ _ Core Photograph Negative No. Depth Irn )^Black & White^Colour ^-^----^--- Clay^itl+ ,^1:3 Pt u al 1+4+ Ke.. - .0 A 44.4 rok44.1^ 917/C/61 pooaH ----r -ICC rAi6 /13,513 :_~. ~ ----------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----------8UREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, PRO~ECT ~O(,.OJJ.GrI..Q fl'A_"-"'WAI'i GEC)LOGY a (sEJ)PHYSICS LOCATION J.......k& _a","_l..c..., <;"\.ff\~ GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE ROCk Type ANGLE FROM HORiZONTAL (e) __ ~_C\_C?___ .-~: Descrtptlon ond at Weathering _ DIRECTION R L OF COLLAR COORDINATESN_ll~5_4;L!4:_ k't~~_~_CL_ o.!ect Frequency Fracture :~~ Llthc..loQY, c~lour t atrenQth ,.etc Log 3~ HOLt NO 6 LF ____ _ _1 'Oz...._,_ J SHEET OF I Structures Intercept An<;jle ROD - eo 60 ~_ _--------_--T------------_-------------r,---.----r-4l-...=~t+i=-t-tI~.-_,--_.---'-r---_r_----r_ z- L~ +- Ii f--+--+- --- --- ! ---+------j---+-- -----+---1 ---I-- ------ - - - --------, -- -- ---- Ii , I t-.i: --1-- 8- I-~f--+- --,,-,+-- -- -- ,- - i------ f-~--+- ---1- - - - f--+--f-- ---- "--I---f---I-- - ,--- ;;- f--+---+-----1I-----lll tole, lo J r-<...:"'l"1 ~~~ • ,,..,,,,.c1 j ,,,4I'o(. W,_r .. COt'~ , .. ",.1''''''.., loft- ...... cl _-.. s01. "".-.1&. Cll.144 " ....;, l'l j,f'ok.... .., C.i'4. --- - - ---, -- ~~ ------ ---- 1&- .,u. ..... 'kCA';"i~ &'IIc.e.,+ ~Qr ~u'" 'S,,_ - \1.'+ .... -- \NM". ~.a.,~", £----- k_c1.. bro"--.........CI/ ,"..I ft',"* (s-...... .. ---- t\'+'~.>4.' y~f'I. , . -. POlo""",,,,,,,, ,,".. "pGlc.&d l~ ~o - - SCAN" • ~.:w., ... --I. ...t- \0· tD--'1 II II I --- 1--- 11 --. -- ~--- -,- I , L1 I J c ____ 1---- ---- _c __ ---_. ---- --- --- _._- -... - -- ----- _._- - --- ---- _ ..... - I --- _.--- -- ----- 1 Fracture LO>l - Feed _ Core borr,,1 type "~I,.(.. Driller _ Water Pressure Tests Notes Dr; II tYD" £f",OIollo\, .l>_'.~ 'DH- ~ Bedding and Joint Planes 06fBct Frtfqu6ncy - .>1 ~ l' 't lOQQad hy DC. I'vneU Vertical scale 0 -I~-. .. l Co.......... 2._ let -1.1_ 'l.144: lC0M4: ( . !iJIi:i!~~,,",";.\I··§'l)!.·"e.d bb.- ~ I Angles are meosured relatIve to a plont! norma/fo 11'18 core Wattir Level MeasurBments - ..I- Lsvltl wflen flalltl17 progress at spBcllieddepth JL.. Level ~ ~ OXIJ Numbsr of natural dsftfcts (sfitJars,joints,fracfuru) per 25-cm of core occurring at sptJClfisd mftlrcspt ongls range. Commenced Completed .. Values In lugeons should be reac' in conjuncffon witll computatIon Number of fracturtlS per 25 cm of cort!_ Zones of COrti loss blocked In In camplBted hole on $~cified dote shuts, Test sections are indIcated by blocked In strlPS_ ------Core Photograph Negative No Depth (m) Block a White Ci4y, j.U· So'o\4." ~vc.t _~",clS+oll\c. .--- Record 1975/46 '''''''. -,.v ~--.- -----~--.----,- .l55l ~1f31 ~3~~", Colour ''''_iFlfJ\U :)/' MINERAL RESOURCES, '"Ci: OGY B CEOPHYSICS GlOI UGiCAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE ! I I 1 ~1'<L'f Ii\~, , ....'" ....... ct. I"'~'f c.\a'f • ..r._4. "'4of 8f'tII".. ' ... _ .. MUOSToNE SOl-\E M'No~ IU... TSTONE V_ ....."ly ~t ... ·~c.eli t'o_,tckc.l" +0 +--e ...... , U ". -.... . -.- -.0:. srCA(, f-\~ ~"'N"'''' 61c.c,t- tee" +""l..... N..&.. ~ .I~c"'_., '-""9&'--\(' ~ ~oJ-t. 18 _ 0 aI&t''f --~ ----"------------,----.----,-------------------,------------1 Water Pressure Tests Note. D"II type Number of froctures per 26 cm of core. Zones of core loss blacked In Feed Fracture Log - Core barrel type Bedding and ./(1i'" Plane. - Angles are measured relative to a plane norm(11 to thti core OXI NMt...C. fo,~ _~'":(~ __ _ Defsot Frequency - Number (1f natural defects (."tlors,joints,fractures) per 250m of corll l1CCurrJng of specified Intercept angle r(1nge. Dcliler 1) tt C. Water Levtll Measuremtlnt. - ...L- Level w"en "ole in progre$S at specified dspf". Commenced ...lZ-. Lllvelln completed 1>01" on 'Pllcifitld dote * Values m lug80ns should be read In conJunclton with computation ,I'IHf6. Test sBclions ore IndlCaffJd by blacked in strips. Core Photograph Negative No. Depln (m) Block So While Colour ;.::, ~ Vertical scole i."':" L:..:J l .._ .. l_ E!1 O-Ict--.: l .._ -: l'f"'_c.....t.~ Checked by r:-:I ~ <7_-1 M".~II\ ... - r,l+l~o"" Record 1975/46 I 155/ A1S/1359 ^ ^ BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY GEOPHYSICS PROJEC T . . GEOLOGICAL LOG OE DRILL HOLE COORDINATES r Description Lithology, colour, strength ,etc a (e) T LFII 7E, Fracture Log 6 • HOLE NO ).^DIRECTION R L OF COLLAR^2.5 261 °S^/114S— 0.4 _•• 06 Potal(14PlY 1C15 BuLLEI ^Cr.A.1 F Ft P4 ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL ^W Rock^Type and Degree of Weathering 11,01—C"46.1-0 LOCATION^ ROD • Defect Frequency — •I^Structures Intercept Angle o 30^GO BO 90 joints ,seine, seams,foults,etc mat ) Water Pressure Test Losses ILugeons) * pl:LcAP 4. . 11.".3 c..44:fs - • . ^shrew. C• loot,' Steekrot‘ei "1°14 4. Pees. toy 1:4-HAs c•e Ics sI 1,14.4.ri^- okay ba (..t by did . /0 3 I^ 12 S. s14 eitc41 4% 4"^(q.4 SHEET 464 Ow.. : - 9 . ja o^- irreas. 1, scs^ LQIU.s S.444 . Ceit•tHr .Sovre SO% s c.6.; '6" Ea.( -^4.■ c^-14.4 c1W è SI - st • to a. ca1■4 cage. e.t.cfriary PAW^Crrete.k.srkey ^fly ^■-..j cloy. 4:7 1.5 .-- 5 f iS . St...4.0 err )44. 4:46/1"celz: wa % k.^/"...y s 5 te.;..17 148.4. tra y 1.-71L.1.11 4* V. st.efooket ICAreIM 4i, -^ y^. en r 0 0% ,..;144, eye ;4 • 1 ^ik.,a41.••.111,04 , Carve. ^1 Ia.," 44, ■•■ Tf i so 40 I is- v. k^6.4 60.41.J..:-.t 3o-4 0 . END wt.- 64.. I^ I H ' Wi Drill type 6." Notes 141C..0 Fracture Log — Number of frac f Feed^GRA \ Water Pressur e Per 25cm^of core. Zones of core loss blocked in Oefect Frequency 7— Number of nofurol defects (sheers, joints,fract urea) per 25cm of core occurrmq at specified intercept angle range D. 54 -C Water Level Moosuremoolo —^Level when^hole in progress at specified depth Comrn•nc•d -II—. Level in Completed Completed hole on spot/lied dote 14 4ly ijetri‘1■011•1 Logged by Q 5.04/4•1419"• Vertical scale^C. Checked by ^ Bedding and awn! Planes — Angles are measured re/olive to op/one normal to the core ox Core barrel type 14 h4l—C Driller ^• .1— 0941ACIA . • Vo/ues in lugeons snou'O be len,' cOnfunct , on tv , th computot,on shows rest sections ore ,nd/coted by blocked in Wits .^_ Core Photograph No Depth (m)^Who.,^C.910.,, p 14C. des; ak , ve-s 14901124J 414,, .....1eMIL441 114441 S W^St iet y s./ -Maw 4,4 . F-*- Fr.ast..^4.01, • Record T975/46 155 / A16/ 1360 ~'f"'·I,.c_~~·"".r~lur.11 1""1....... i ~ ?:f. __ 0 ~_ g0 Log .. RQ 0 lIDefeef __Fr.<luency Intereapl A"IIlio ~~~~ ~~.~.~-L ~. Si ~ i Test Losses SO 60 eo 90 JOlnh,vein., •• om.tfoults,etc '$...Jj (Lugeons) * ~~L-~__~__________________L-~~~==~__ _ __ --- - II iI'~ ~- ~. I! : H 1---- I i ~.l..-----.-IW'?te r PresSIJre Structure_ t-- ~+-----= I----+---+-+_ --- II f-----!~___l_---__l ~-+-t-----t-- ~-+-+ 1----1- -- ------ --- --- -- r-- 1----- - .----- - - -- ---- ~--- ~-- f--- +----+--+.---I . f---+ -+-..---l---l -f-t---t= .. t~ -i-----J ---+ - ~ .+ +-- I +- " -t - -~ ----, --j --. r--, I f-----f--~---+---I END O F H~e 1·-'0 ~~ -- -- - +--1----1------4 ". _.- ---+--+-~ 1-- - f--- - f--- --~---- ~- -------~--~----__4 Not.. Drill typ.c;;-e;~(_Q. __ . ___ Feed _________ CZMVIT;f ... L . _ _ __ '<II.rP".. ureT Fracture L(J(I'- NUMb.,. of fr«dUl"e. p#Ir 25_ of oore. rttne. of core 10 •• blocked in. Cor. borrel type !~ 1'\ _ .c;._.~ Bedding and Joinl Plane. - Anflle. tNe M.a.urfHI reltln~ 10 a pl(J"e normal to 'he core Driller D-H L _ _ Commenced Comploted Logged by 4- -Il- 7 ~ R._So~~~ Vertical scale-4-' __:.J.£M,tI____ _ OXI' Drdecl Frequency - Number of nalural tlefect. (.lIear.,joinl.,fraelur•• ) per 250m IIf cdre occurring al.poeifled In'ercepl anflle range Waler Level Mea.ure",enf. - f"\,W ::'>w - - ~r ~+- ..L. L_I ../ten hoi. in progre". af IIpecifi,d dtIPfh. ..L. Level in comple'edhale on .".eifiadrlafe. M.ocl-J.~ VI~ ~l~I..+I)' w~ ~-~~. -0'1'1'.--' ~ ~---------.-- Record 1975/46 '* II ....,'., in lugeanll should b(J rood in conjuncfion wil" compulalion "h..,•. re., .eclion" ore indlcal.d by blacked I In .'rlp•. . -- ----- - - - - , Cor. Photograph Negative No. Depth 1m) Black a White Colour I BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES,^ ^6- L- 0^PARK 6./ ity^ 1'4 0 PROJECT GEOLOGY a GEOPHYSICS ^ LOCATION ^ ,.....A ic E.^13....A.L.fri^CALIW'Fr NI 1 GEOLOGICAL LOG OFL DRILL HOLE^ANGLE rRem HORIZONTAL (e) ^9° ‘ - Rock^Typ• and Degree of Weathering cooRo tN AT E Lithology.colour,strength,etC 0 0 21.6 - ;i roclure • ^ ROD Log &P ^ ^DIRECTION --------- - --- sf .4_44,135.0_ .td A A -2 S^R.L. ': . . g i Description . OF COLLAR^1.6,4 Defect Frequency -- -^- -^-Intercept Angle SO^SO^ISO SO HOLE NO _ FI -------- •z, Structures Joints ,ssin•,seams,touits,etc 5 SHEET^I^of I `,-, lir, ...6 ; a -i °ter Pressure Test Loam (Logeons) * • IVRTgrt -- I rterx. 0 ,Ls. 16. - • V) '6 ' ^ brown sa"el awl s s+ 11 • wri4. .."‘^ V' AliZ cir.^ctalf r t'cis taris A Cr fay - l". ijie tre:714Wyeet^1=0, 6Z/e di — 24 1 5 . C (sky f kirk 10,01/ s Piddtf i It Wu meg. 0+ Z^—I 1110"^-14.ds" sta.e.A .2' 44;n4. 't^ 7 clax_lo.rwr 11^32 6' 6 O.^ occur& S IVVIy raraaol ...IA), of, c l,,,,., ;t Lino., camera ree ss+ . r,si so44 . — .2-0Z . 36. -• -II OW +0 . -.1 t. ii ... ...y ..... kagri...04.1 1.2:...4 Ga40 OF^1401.4^5-3 1 0 v - -------- - - - 2^- 4107. S2 : --7 - --- -- .. _, adi ,..^802 +4 0A- lo...3 c C 1.4 -- • 1^ A y54.42- .a•..4 ^5 reta:A4. 14 M. 0 CVSTONe^ei;c1 cOby 40Z 4 rt. tit^c.1.4i - Ir vf vs^ - - SO Mora 30......1^44.+.. mak. t^cl..443 . Kottly^33+ . 41; 6 A N.-I^ tf) tr^ 1- - + 202, I. 221‘ ..--- A § I. ... alloakIbeseel e e alt cia.46 . ,. nu or, -- Vilify -,1 c ticts4^3 crkiiart.5 C %Levi sork.1 ^L. so .. stoc....3, rt .icas aws. 1-2, C.v.&^ . les t" ler.% . _ rc - 5TP : ,- Is 60 - 13 &SACO * C/2 let^ -10 '7'^4-/-3 2_3o"^e..446./ . Feed_ .__Crt . 1.14..Y1 it_l .^_ . _ _ Core born", , ype imize iy.y .... 1 — Number of notu•o/ defects (Moors, Jointe,frocluresi per 28cin of Core occurring ot sp•Cified intercept tong/orange. - Commenced . 6 - 1 i -74 Water Level Measurements — -I— Level when hole in progress of specified o'sglit ^• -2.-- Level in completed hole on specified dote. Completed ^ wrt-alt - Core Photograph Negative No. Depth (m)^Block & White^colour . C i..1 - c,,,,,pleAwly w &Aiwa. Record. 1975/46 Checked by .^.0 -_ci bil blacked in offlPs __^. Logged by _itr._^__ P4.14'.._ vertical scot. 4. ^.i.C.Y.I.I___ Water Pressure Teets 7 Number of fractures per ea an of core. Zones of core loss Mocked in. • Values in %moons should be read soor mpumt d o Icioon,ed Bedding ond Joint Moms,— Angles ore rneoeured reiotive to o pion■ sorrow/ to the core or* sinh owei.47::;1„ w; lc fracture Log De fecl frequency • Driller^CA4 C 2.8 fa "^go.4.410.1 5 7 i..2 ' Notes • 3/3 - ) - Drill type 1^ 155 A16 1362 - - '- .... ~ "L-~VU·"Vt:..::;" , • ."",'\1'--1',"",1..- ~. GEOLOGY a GEOPHYSICS GEOLOGICAL LOG 01' DRILL HOLE Rock Type and Oeg- of Weathering _ COOAOINATESl_2£1 ~_~Ul1L"-".o____ ____A.L, OF CO~~~~-_'~ ! O•• cription Lithology, colour. atra",th,atc 1",,· D~ ,,1+ .... it'-- AN() SAI10~'\'"oNc s-.....d <:s"c- .~~ p'.Co&-I , _ ~~~ F ttA61"'1f0f«5 It'" _l4-'," c.1../It'I ~.~ a¢ ~..,.""",.., _ .,.t . y ....IA._-br_. s.+ c,,-,lU ..p +.~'- SoLOPe..,A''' ~ SII..T1 'l.-A'"'I ... I.o,,~. ~ 't ~)-t".cA"u..... ' S&.o~ew ~5t1 s.,.._ ........ si 1+)' bru";"", .$~ ... ..w. (0 UM.-' fill .,. •.,..,. ~~ SAND A",C> ...-to- S ,-S.2' 6 Sfo-t ~"-f. , ,.,...{ ~ liP ~ ~ ~2 - I~," - .~ 51>% ~~ 5"'-1 'D' :;;: - #- . ~ 10% _-,_:I >l,' .'" .,-r\-b M -.e II c---- i I "'A.s1..~ ~lQoo( j _ly. i i j II 1 ,I 1 j -I) ~- ~- II, I HS" 1 .. J -11 j ~ S, to.. 1~!:~pressur8 Test Losses j..J (Lug_onal _11- -- " i : -i - II - . .-: " .. ..-.,.... Structur .. JOint •• "aine, •• aml,faultl,etc I 1-.0 ue>- ...... I ._- !I lOot ~ -ro4 :::::::: ~ I SHEET.1. OF J i ~, 'II::&~~~ ~. M.uDSTONE """'0 oP 4 " ----- ·1 4- . s.,......,. . . i-U.. crttA'IIEI. -, .JO- A. .".,..~ ....... ."..u... ~ .~. W.C.I\ SAND ,,.' ...,. _-,-':i._-S,"_- -.-_~_-.~ (- L~ J (, HOLE NO (v~4'" 75') . ~6 46 c:A..~S... ,)....... " .. ~..c. e..,,_ --- Ii" lii A- ~~-~q~,;~ _~ ef'. LoI-~~ 4 (SI.DP£"'~) , F'ractura RQII :if> A A- II..'TY :i~ IJO ~k q,r-.y c.~y cLJ\Y.Y - .'- --- .. --- ANGLE F'A;M -HO;I-ioN;'~-L-(~)~~9P-~_'~:: ~~ '_' -. DI-~E~-T-IO~ . - -- -~- -- --- -. - - - -. ,.- !.f+ 'lJ",~jj;1t ~,&...,... PROJECT ____ n.O)"9- "H~:"'Q __ . __ ~A~_~.Ay. _________ .. LOCATION _____ k~~__ ~~~!,--_~ ___ f'_:~I_~IFJ!'.f _____ .c ___ -- -. - - - I F~ ...,.J..~ 60- I ~\y de.-. 10'* c.\o.y -I' ., ;... CA'U& "'eA J.,:.;:.,u A. $'"&'4 " bO' 0" 60'* " ~- 6,"0'" . ..J $ &'4,.'~ -..41: -t-c..a b ,..-..It. ~ "" \tw.-t:k ~ ~~ 1.& .... .- ~~-6f1A?' ~S t:.1/~,~ ~u....~"" e(~ c..lq.y). ~~~ c.-1 .... ;.~ ~ .-8c:..- ~ ~ 2:2."", , 1 i '- - Drill type _G-:1[5~_~~___ .. ____ , water Pr..aure Teat. Not" 'O{I- Nllltlb., of frtICflll'u per 1$ em of cor•. Za,..e of care ",•• bltlcked in, • Valu .. in lugeons lI"oul(/ b. r80d In conjunct,on """ compu taflon or. _a.llred relafi~e to a pla"e nor_I to ,he core ox" t ••ctions or. indica/tid Core borral t ype ~ r:1 k ~______ Bedding and Joint Pla_ I by blacked In .'rlps. Fr.quency - Nu",1Hr of nafurtll .f.cftl (.".ar.,jal"'.,frtlCfure.) /»I' 2'!ltlM of, -. -. - ---- core occurr/nfl a' tJPMllfled "'terHpf ~. ranf/'tl, COr. PhotOQraph NegatIve No, Driller 'OttC .' Wafe,. '!lIel /IItIa • ."._nf, - ....I.... ·1AN1 ""." ".,.In tlf ,peclf'.d d.,,1II. Black' a. White Colour D.'pth(m) COmlTlanced .lQ-74- . ...ll- ",,,,,1 ill tlo""".fed IH1Ie on tJIItIClfltId tID;. ----- .... ---- -- - - .. --' -----Completed . . . _______ . __ . _ .. -_ . ----------Logoed by _ .~ ~~~"fl. -- - ... - --SW :",SItj,l.+l y .;.,~ ----~--,VertIcal Icale ;::.1.G4M._ - Feed _ . _IT{l"Ay_rJ:'f____ . _____ Fracfure An",.. ."..,•. r•• ,,-. .- - -. pr""••• _.2- q":, Jr' ChAo I 'bv .. .~M~. __ --------_.~ '. ---- .155/ A16/1363 M{Pf) 146 ,--__ ._ _ _ .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _. _________._________________________ - - - - ..-----r- - --..-- - ..... BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY So GEOPHYSICS PROJECT_ f:'\O'I.:'?r:Ju:-~ ._~~~I(~AY ." __ ' _ LOCATION_. ___ J-AI:<E ___ T3~j~.{.Jr_t____ GrIt:I.F'FJN____ GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOL E ANGLE FROM 1£RIZONTAL (e) __ --··------·-------9·.. .. ---<?~- -- .- - 1-_________r-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r-.COrO_R_D-r'NfrEs--.:?-$-~Q-R-N-'-t~L---Rock Type and Dell r.... of Wealherlng Description LitholollY, colour ,atrenQlh,etc 1 ~ -.-- LF 17 _ ___ ._ ." .-.-- "'-' DIRECTION. - - - - - - - f- - ' - RL OF COLLAR :.~:~ fracture ~~;'_c::~'~J !,; Log R Q D Int.rcepl AnQle '..ItO 50 60 eo HOLE NO - - _J 8~$_________ Structure. .. . . JOlnl. ,vema, aeom',faulh ,ele i i rV 5 ~ + IIf0J:i I'-SHEET.J. OFJ:~ I -:0 ..~~ ~~:~Pr.ssur. I rest Losses : j..J (Lugeon.) * , ~. t"\ 10 - II - "",A-rfjtl! 12. - -. - 110 . lit 511-' IS·3a .... '<Jetty ....... I'WO"S't"o'" E 1"\ I",~.. -.. n--':i>t ~~ ,;' __ ;t Co ~....... ~..w..~. t; II· - ~ ~ .~ I~~~' ,00 f-- ,'" . \J ~~ 'OD 17 "" .... ~r-l~.z I~ /~ I - 1... -;",,", *' .N ,. - 10. ., - -fL-;My' ~(s$d-e.) b.Jt' S~ %:;.. F,- SfClC.klaJ ~.I. ~ uc.o- ~u.. ....... ~ "" (HW-CW ....... ,YOU ~'" -z.-.&) ~ ~ . '.0 0.- -;. 1----11--4--+ - z,o- "'/ ~- I-- ~-+--+-+~!I'i c .. c - 1--.. ~I--4---+--1 " . , "3 ~I.. .,..,.... ~~ silty'" ~ 1----+-+-+----1fy,;+~ ~c.c..~r:!t. ~ ~ I)~ ~~'f~ - '0.J ...-1;'-". ~·I....;.,.Jr..J ----!'---+---4 c.1.os-ul .. '-+-----+._-- .... - ~.......w:s ..- 1--+---1-- 1-·····- r-"--+.--j--- ..+-.-- ~- f·--- r'''- 1--.--+-. - - f - Drill typa ,c;~_~(~ Feed ... .'":~l"y!l~rr ___ . ____ _ ___ .... _. __ Cora borrel Iype _ ~~I:-~ Driller ___ _ .'P.Iot_ ~__ C. ~ J:I}. __ Commlnoed .2,6 . ·_ ~O~ ?'f. __ ._ :::~:I:: -."1~--,_~::ii ~rti f waler Pr...ur. r •• ts Not .. • Valu .. in lugtl()ntl .hould btl rtlod in _junction witll computotion S.ddfflg ()W/ Jclnt"/o",~ - Anti'-. ;".. ",,,aurMi r,,/ofivtl to a 1I/(Ift.lltH"mol to lho cor.oxM ."..,•. T••t tltlCfiontl are indicated , . "y"/aclt" in .tripil. OfIf.ct Fr"qutInIly -/VuMJI.r of ntlfurol .f.OI. (-.tlr.,joint.,fr«:tur.. ' ".,. 21S0'" of - - - - - -_. - - - - ccro _wring at 1If/.clfi.d fflfort»pt """,·I'onritl. Cor. Photograph Negotlve No Wafar Lewl AI.".uro_fa - ..L... '--'-' ."." prOF"•• at tI/HClfl.d d.//I. Depth (m) IiIlack a White Colour .Jt- i..ov", complo/od Il0l0 fJf/ .-elf/tid dill'•. Froctur. Log - NUM".,. of frtH:fur .. ".,-16 _ of Dtlr•. Zon •• til corti"". bNH:kH in. ' I "''-''1 ___ _ Vertical ,cole_I_~ ....J_~ _._ _.L.....-.:..:::..155:=....!/~A=~6'-!-:.'1=36~4--l &L.° PARK Ay BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY Ei GEOPHYSICS PROjECT^MoLoN GEOLOGC‘-.L LOG OF DRiLL HOLE ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL LOCATION _ _LAIC F. 50ga—el^GRIP' F HOLE NO 14 „ I CVSI6 41 25 ): _ 1 ^ •^ 1:F•grol, f honthering 1 Utho COORDINATES^ Des(' ip!ion , (e)^40°^DIRECTION rocture Log ?_1 ov,colou , ,stre , Whoitc /JO 2;6^RA_ OF -- •^-^• -^.c• COLLAR^ tr..2 Detect Frequency ROD SHEET I^) nr Pressure Structures Str Ilest Losses Intercept Angle^ So^60^50 90 Joints,veins.seams,faults,etc^(i_ogeons) • 1 1Vi 10 II — L-JAI ER - - 13 - II _ hAny S11-1- t c L.,Ay —t- is■t■t. sLogr95)1 17 7 3 st. put.f...i 2-3 C—, StoP E 61ArSt1 FRA4MG WS or MUCA3T0NE IV2 F r at ..4.41.5^1:4-1 çkou^a. .4...gbh -C 4- S 'Cr epir V / 60% 1 sot tA .1.14411 soma aw..ol. silt 1-11.4 - Cy./ "V% (OA so l jo.-V sts:4 nmosA sr / A* , / / A-s^go. bv-i- Cr 60 z S .n4611^g mom) IrtnamArbil VIP441.. pabb1411. KUOST016 6 • 4 I. c.R.AVeL cie.a.b. i.jguk4 ark . b^ ;wet" poblab^o^ sizas - •^• • I Es`40 OP HOLE boIIJ .cotre ^c•IL to o.. enoedikS•terrtA A.e-41L. bauxrdl 406 0144,4114. • a. a. see 2. 2 . Scam. 22 I 1 Feed.. _ _ cri-Avirt Core barrel type ___ Driller^I4 Commenced Vertical scale_ . e0F 0 . 1.0008 Of ooro loos^in- core occurring at &pacified inferesPf coOld Pang" .X4.Tfitt^. - Logged by . of 'moues* oaf i!son, Volutes in tugeons shouid be reod in conjunction with computation Bedding one/ Joint Pions, — Angles ore ~Crewed relo five fo Pion• Aerfftel to Me Cord 014 ewes. rest sections ore mdicated by blookod in strips. Defect froOd•ind — Number Of 1101iirof *feel. (shears Joinfs,frocfures) per 'dem of /r/Ootur• Log Number, C. Completed Water Pressure Teets Not** Drill type _ _CrETS_CO_ Water L•v•t efeosiirements ^Lave/ when bole in progress Cl specified depth. • utv!.. ___ _ -Z._ Leine in completed NW. on *Adolf/did dole Core Photograph Negative No. Depth(m )^810CM 8 White^Colour CU: C.o.el 4 t..m.14•And 1 .1..k w - Hidal+ we.0.4imot1 • —11ord 1915/46 Checked by. f01/44411, 155 A16[1365 oit../t." ^0 ^ SURE AU OF MINERAL RESOURCES,^IL. Aron^ GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS GEOLOGICAL^LOG^OF^DRILL^HOLE^ANC., E^f WILL,VA.8 Cat 1. 0^e 4eiPeW/41^(Di? $1 , 00 ,ofbic,,,,,,,^.••• °ORDINATE- S^ - ..^, .....^.., .c. , -^..,^....,,^. " adisipt^Ii26. 1 1 ATV—^A 4.:rt u sal iwy. 'sit^po. ° _X- Cljkla,p4^ ...- ..S ■^ E ^p_ /- Sc.^1.4^1100 IA..., I .,... • '')N ^.. ^talgS1 ''^ I •,.^• . Of C.4.54 0^Perm. 0 , _^..7 , bp !I I IIIIIIII • 1^111111111 11•1•• . iiIIIl' I •. Po r 04.1 e .tte.,Ixtna4.- MC 1 1 i 4 0 di,...4 4.4 9 ‘*I •^11 'Iola( coral smotti .01ati Mos 11.11 rip 0 C LW' C..^1I AM Ittl•AIL 1.10 04 0. 111111 .,..'.^111111 V 1 l .1 s 4, 01,4413^Cf04.4.••^cojpan, 7 c ' s- ', 11, 3t s^ U tt 4 31'11. - 1 I'S"; $1.,401•4111 4 cort414441 141*Ali4.41444 461444. ill e II 55 l iln so 18(^MOr1 ;4•114te Nfi • ...4 4.40.044.,tead Or 00,r4ii e..r V ikl!fli ., 0 441. AARE 0, , re, c.k. . wirrLy V . artw slurp I 70^Il II • - • - • V • oi coos lc...5444s garter...Ili^'3 "- II"- o ' +o d le. p C.044 pa,e411 C.f.gcliweaci • • .it ^se.... , • i 11. 141 I.^•1•• 1 • V go 10;.111. #44"tre4.5 sal" 5l- S 41 . 4" in. 1 hi ii. (.4 LI VA I / 4cor I"^. Sall lio^op WE I Vesta 4..t 20° fk, a r4 1 vai... - .C.aokhat.i •. II l r:1111.4. CO re vim:. od - sialat‘ts. em.....I vow r4.. - apt 44.4 a 4/ all4.•^afilawM0‘44L • . '''' ro ll 1 4..." s IA...14 . i gall V poselli prune i., •• II V w '' P10,156415:1454 114 a .....k.^ip.....4 ,^to• . • I 11- 044.^t...a.eli.^owaat werovr•eiLeD - — - -- - -...-... -... - Hain 1 • [ 1, . 04 A t MC r •• 115111 9 V ...r..1.ccI- ca,%...44 •...443 airy in i• mg. \ Po ck • . mull cow, - ray , f at I 061 eN:h t, . :U4Avet...1 ..4...^• Lauge. ) 0“.44 ti i44., 1"- 6.'' Go wwwwisq.4..^, ; j.m...k* te- go' % co vv......0.4 . 1111111 9...o c.k_^. 4.4)........k.^py,,4 :of* Iv( vv.& 4 544.15.1' r kawreuAl ' a& I i *Ail • . • 1^;11111 I-I trapt.ti To coot PL.1111wf wean-Noun — _ .^11 11 111111 1 .^..^...• •gip - to c .,..................,. . • :11 v CAL C 4 fell/W..6J 4AA 3b4' ^46+ 80. q. ' 1^1I I !II v si-r....9 . WiATOCILI:1 ' - . • 4:1:40.1...b. - cr./04a MatIAS c040 yaftWe.4111.4^44, j^kaaillA • • a.^3 • ...I..ka ak 7...- SI a i core^f el.....‘....64 ...L.....) laTi .i....k^oivivimuvA -13.! a..a.4 -ru:ter • c.f.^is...04v ... 1. 40 %IP" 1 i 1 I D..i^•.,^-^—^--, l '^Wi 0 641" " Cr 00,^B,,,,,, ,^, , „^ut.44, ,^..^Ng WAT‘.... PFIF',51IRE. !L' ' ,, AC 'LAE^, OG^Numnot o , BEDD.NG^‘ , .I,^1 ,^N ,^.L.^ ' oc...•1^oe , ,,, o• Co•^Z ,.•^'^we ■oss^Pe toucw.^• •15^.,•3^IV* MOOSU ea^woo., ,^.^o.•1•••^ •o •■•■•^o..^1., fool^I k Gal ea cl saw*. /^ICA Kt I.,. "a f ,,,,,^, • ,^ MA-1 Hi I^I e lan& j P.C.1%.0 4^1 •pa. ' ^■^,r^ WA' T le rr ell /I 4 . ..111^'I •I . .,01,A,F+A.11^R! f E ..q- Ncr sr, I LA4 ,,,..^,..^O ,Pore.a• 11 ...,^...^Nr•it^1"^•••^(0' A'^ ecor d I^ 975/46 m(pf)9q _ 155/416/1366 1 of 2 -^. P ainglodAalzrE . /AO t(...CA^C.,L. 0 8URFAti of MINERAL RF SOURCES. GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS : • AI ra^____Ofaat5.11.2,-/ ^ .1.7 6t. LOL.It 11.11,32CT^oleo 1. 5 1.4qt F 'O' r' , 1.117ON TA I_ GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE C 00401 NA T S^ I 91 R E C . 0 N I 2. S 0^NI^3 oo GI 4•0•••( , Av.^levy tri.J0 v41 IA".^aptmq.4 A* cot' 46° C.AM$A.A Coarse. ego:to- sot e . 217 col& •fg.44 pb e rmovre Reok. seKeziell.f tlet. s.(/ cav. f favirA p_ir gu 64.41 1-1 WV:VTR 642D J e•CL.A v^root %De dt^Co wmoiA Soo&ot vauttagi j autmo.v.ty rtt., cp..eL•14o,tocovo tebiAte. vr 0 Core ( 4.4444, t<1114. 10" Cock ',toed - 4 rovuli . Lock twang) aJere. g.0 10 t./ Olivia, coca I sea bsaliwO6/04 1 424 4t' 11. CloseLf j.t,..;,te.all Crow* 104 II"- loi.'4" toga' - toe V FrOVIII.^I s' roc..14 it e4e.taly „io CapocZtwal w.stio1/ Dtit.rrt )jD DEa1ifl I..y lat.A•tmswoir 110 516 Lai, imbAciftare..t- %vim*. fares ( V. C .10.41, Les., forploveZtA.- Val 1•6044.4 e 11101411 Crtoo4 sae* .11 107' It* -^11' co" 444e. 1..oed 3 ,iewaeo-plakvi.+4* D ae•a. OWN• dam - icom41 pro44.1141^ekkeu+ Set WS' dr'.- it ir I, 0 IA. 4P.Abs.4. lir' EAR eoF^11/ Wit' A. RRP • •SI IR , IPt', f„^144 OSP. V‘t C.. E4P41.4. PAL 4,0c t_,RE tOG^No.000^0000,s c,^.•^i• ••••• .0^.^•0. 000^BF DC NC. ANI)^' 0 i •NE^- 00,.•^ •A.000^•• •^40.^'• •••••• - 0I0., e^SO %.€1.14 DH /; a • 1.0.0 •^Nt NOT 1E.C1- 9 /10:0. 6, ILALl^_ &LK*. 13,401 (341101. :1: 'ER' NU^P' I M mAy 9061.c. 10' M(Pf)99 Record e75/46 155 /A16/1366 2 of 2 ^ ^ ^ •^ ▪ ▪ _ C , ^r,^F 0.6.4 wart 04.06‘2.01 slies BORE AU^MINERAL RESOURCES, A, .0..^g^0■LiT Bahr OEOL OG'. AND GEOPHYSICS -- GEOL OW AL LOG OF DPI1 1 HOLE )0c1V.11.'^ 4. Luglioo s, • Ito Ailti^/44 0• .Fr+i-C4,60 VII 1)* 2 Joni: -14e.le ro ri 2.1 • lo to 1 flor+4 P.aok^o.ktcL. kLikt-f CIAlc.e■Ant.o4cipuLeJit 1./a4k,t 10w.111 wisdom, aced 4. vs44c4kens4 c.koirt - _ - -^- - Joto,+s^cpr' Ca 1.4 1.4. ••• • 1.13.+J Ni41."414411•1414- ▪ Kbas we. Fhir.44/ 150 . - Corm 14110.54 144 or till It " 11114...• • - rook.. SO b I'll" ▪ / pm% I... • 104 &sue swvti 11•01411 0,•114.4111. 4111.." fr111.44,1 ^(4"..) Cl . •• •• &ewe 9.91•11 oli it; .44 eirre.fliwi Aug 4.* C- (0•1141 • ■■••41^wine.kkirtAs) 4,44) gratot4L4 a. act 6,9 F.. rCIIIIA , C. #etklASIX4 lewitts tes-11. C...etrwo11.1. • , I^• 70 11 .• - 71^clays-y Jkaarea 70 PI kw 22.c.4 'F 7A--.3 ‘"No J41:24; ^; I I 10 .,1 pr4.1....Lti cut 44.451. 30. Ia.+^f Com 1.31^,4-ks I L." - 7- 4“ 11111.";.^ 141^c C Nis A I o r Te..11E.L) - M^OA ID cigro.folly• vitte...Risfed -^44.3 ‘1.1/^ftatt41.0a rad woo-4r LAO TO el D H C. c. w^C0 who. !OA& al.% y Nam D. 9u emit t cs, kat' --R-E-c-örd 1975/46 155/A16/1367 1 of 2 ^ ^ ..r^I^'^_^_14 0 1- D 4!) C • i•••P^f. ‘V4e4^OILAL.24 1_I_T t. 1 -BUREAU OF ^MINERAL ^RESOURCES.^ 1^ • ,'. • '•••^. ^ CPY *.___&o.,4 .^1 I LC),.^"Aa .ist_A.'11.4.e^ri° ?GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS __ .., o AN,^•^- .f '4^•-•n.^•••••• • A^. .3 ....)^(ystutto....)^... -0 .,^ GEOLOWC AL LOG OF DP^ 1L,^HOLE^ - --^ ^01).': .11." 5^_ - ,^.... (too 2. t , . , 1 .-- -.C oat riAr.^t3 re......./.4, bac( rE Z-. . TV/ A.. to. r COL . . - 14.614^.....4 skean, . . Mork je ....ks^diti' L07- 't Ao' r F 0..t2114 • ..-: /0 t r A 114e 9 • 214, •. '.' ,".^'' ...^! • ..• j^• ,^ . v 2...., v r 10.-.9 100-*. 413 . - i I.^jet...Vt.. %, :1"......4 i^1,0.4.6,46c.4 i m„t COI'.^la.4.14-1., ....i. pil y W.- tt ^C.,' 4c,^t....) .... , I 1. ; ENO OF^I-404. e.^(C.& I , I , I .^ 1 , I i I^ I ; , . i 1^ ! I I I 1 • , W.( 0 SAW 1. t C... /I ■••'•• AL^',CAI . 014C.......,,,,^. ^,.,... , ,.,.... , , , !,•ir,mo,to-,,^:0- I - •. HAI^(G17* DC. AJAct4.4. •,,^ M(DI)99 -^Record^1975/46 . _ __ I55/A16/1367 2 of 2 PRoJEci^PI 0 L c* AA Ch Lc> r- t2. Ee Led 11.-1^Ov s LAI^r vr G. I .01 E^NO BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES,^LOCATION^ _ 4:01-^J IS Iii^A f-T 0 1144 AT IN G. GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS • GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE 3 ,..e.^/ „^i ANGLE TROM HORIZONTAL ^— C4‘.", ^l COOPOINAT ES^ De Sca.otInni , ,^,,..., ^•,,,,^sr,,G1...tAk1.0..5^• , .--verc....l)^ .A DIRECTION^ le^I I‘so ^Ai^2 010 co^ , ILDF.11.4C c lc, ,^64 ,, „f^y 1. • •)Pf SHEET^i^OF^I^' ANIIE.^. 1.0 1...0^1i1.1 ,..^I., ,.• S. .11 ...5 SLAW, 'Au! rS,^N.0,71) JONI< . 6'^ 00 . • 0,:, RL^liNcle■ • a^, , ■ II!^1 , r 1 - I , 2aor. I 1 1 POT^coxes) SOIL , ^rt..0P81.00114 11-0 44k FIN G m C . 1 . , o E Sof+ . 1 pus Aran +IA - dais' .:•-- 1 I^ I . ofamarr hem ci. . a utea.tit,^s out %maws . • lienv4.t.i fe.e....1...rael 11.... -- :7' 4° ft.1-", 61 kL5 611 com.e....4 kilt, . Ivrttowe - -_ , , (.....4 c HAL. 1 • .^2e4,44....) prol...wi l 0.. - .^...Iv gav 4^6 °- I o -- .... 1 1 , WAIF R,22,1,1^ ',IlIf I.^IL DI ', Nyjui D., ■ • ot —^_ TIE^_ irtip MCAILL C.^_ , FM HARM!! 11DE i;_ni.0 ....^ Al $ pp .I w^1,1^ . 1..1. 1 ow!^100^P1 .16.,^ul^POO,"^L.•^fro! 41^cm.^/ ones^0^/...• ■ots^cl•f^elac•ed^•^ DCOD 1 NC.^AND JOINT^Pl •NIF 5 -^•,!..1^c•. mom,. •111/3n.9 le a 0 , 01.4^.10,ea , MI .,..• CCP'. 0••• ',up, ■ ..,T^ — NeCT TES TED V/ Fli 1 0, 1^SCALE 017.LIJa^ D14 C.^_ MA/^1 CI 7 it l OGG( D 8 ,1^hi _ __a_C-• OA-LA-4-- Ell PJ L-' CA R A F.' " RI •.- •^ilet0^w.1 I , COMP! ! 11 U .^ vCRTICAL SCAIE _e __% * t_q_ m(p099 L -- n•e^n■I■ca,ed vocoh.cuc.,^,^..unc•e4^^ •,. c, • , _ _3" E Pi .4 E_ .., 1, a- 44 Record 1975/46 155 7A16/1368 ..... PROJECT BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE rre^e ^1.4 LOCATION COORDINATES 4 — s Do N ANGLE FROIA PEOQIZON FAL ^I I it^E 2. CHREC /ION ^ a-1790,f) „ te:foo (ow rov) if SC.. , ION t^41^33•34 •,(P,C. • -,^ , 25 2 , .4■1f,t4.044,5. 1.I Pf COY' • SI.TE E __L OF _L 4.1 , 50 00.15^55 .T - (FINS 5E^1A5,5^7,101 I 1^I 1 1 Oi-- 23 ' "Jor 10 GO' 11.E 0 ., -^• Derre s^o..vili it j wesmOsertti 40 2S i +101410% Slue - yr/ e..otoe / Agl.cie. u4.4.A. ale roJeti ./ i . ko^. keci dim.d. fa'A.1•61 to 3^/ .^, tpotte4. CcrtA.. b , I 0 -^12." - .. c.I.A.(c.eli.c.^4 ept CIL 14. i VeA.1.4./^GC^ktb.04". s.riAll•Pt.0 (4.m.bil.A. 1 De",l11 41:56A .^1L.,. 144011.1 r- ELS 04 - 306;064J^vutrbeltfo..4.9.11 oLc^......t c...e.....440c.4.4. V m.4^u...retx..1‘1^ eat . r /. 40 -P / _P• J I' V • 1.. . lIA..he.r.flite.r^0.4 ' • HOS4- .jotZAA4 Le).- 4 ç ' 0 . . I V emo or 44c....z Air 3 o 1 1 V - e 0 ■ 1 I , WATE. T? • PIP !;51iiiE 'LS!' DO'i ,^,PE F.AC!VPE 1.0G^Aturny••^ve• t^e• o,^; •••^cips^3•• sEDO'NG ANI; (0(,1 K AN( S-^-3.31.3•430^3 D'u•■•^•■-■^34,A , OWE RAPPEL I , PE D pc, 4..^° t-3,34;,•ii. 3 .43, MOT '411..1.4 4 tNE^ TE1TEID ••• ,••^:.■••■■ '•• Jui.-LE1 4/1/^_ (tie; ,GRADFt 01 F 501, ^ELM A.,.• AND owl II 133.113 . 3 I, , 4.33113 83 .DC- %CALF^ m(P099 f te•- t. Record 1975/46 1557A16/1369 ^ •.° ''^•^_ BoRE At,^Of^hp,•,,E NA,^RF ',0(IRCF!- MO LC., NI CrLD F a-tewAsi 4 VINV4 - ^CAOLOCor^ANC) GE OPH`■ S , C6 GFOL Of.,' a^‘•^)r^°R'1 .. ■L •^NO i IT t _x_ex_10,-rw t Af 7 ..^1■44.4 ______ALU ^A g _ --• (le_^Cyg_r-Ir Ce o.. 0 ^IN HOLE '''.t N^ E^110_00 14 3 2 "itt^Corpp_re-J1_,)__^_ ..., 1 A O es' 6.ppeons •.,F ,^•^I^I _ .1• I. 4 1 5 1% 1 1 ad erptA . C oat rye.. 1....e"(41, I for plvi t. 1 t C. said MA l-t j+619.114ed OL44 OMB= Pk. %oil art Des ratal/ wtoa_dairtaa ma f4 etts41-1 sato , (../ a,,,. . • • MLA - tr ( 3.1 C.v.." I 8 - t D.^S 0 • 6. 4 a 1.6.440 • . eve rod I t". , V el^1.0 2 i l (..... S. , 2. 0 -,-," • 7......r. 444.e.,....^c • CAL^6.% o r111 Q A v a. Nuys.^ewes. Lewitt. • ;now. to ssa.a.c korai froi.44. I t1.4. 4 -11 t ..p arts 1 q.rlim i Ipuf^1.14,......*.r.., et id we •ft,4. kenia; I— t abaL^quAAA:ty^'‘do Le , .^• 6....otes-Kte re-O.. ft' AWL 441...4.l.f^.i,„ . 2.4... ? 44.# kern.^s 11.,(4.111 4 : . • Norm porpte.^%A^e.446 r • ci...-"moso. :-.11.51aill l'k'l. • .. to.441 , • t•-Peactita(egi it. f felt-, v iket..44.ctol Nf 1^' • . [ . 24' -27'^ic...... . ^i CAD 1 4.(1^s pa.cagi^assall -ea.44,1-.PLa..4-%■••■5 .. • . . .7,.. 40 ., Ego or^4 el 2-" I I^I 1^1 I^1 ... 1+4 0 0.A., Ld•Ca. • Ft. ,•..^f^Pd #iLt•^144)1 ..^•^,^•^•^....^•.^••^•^• • , '^'^'^'^' ' .^" . • .^"^•^.^" •^' r.^. D NC ....^KA-1^' q ^(o -^, -,^- • D.Q.- ^Po : Record 1975/46 mipf,9,, 155/A16/1370 ^ ^ PROJECT ^ 4...c• C.4.0 E NO BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS ECA1.0N __CPS.1441-TALAa.a_eallM GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLE 0001E FRON mORIZONTAL ^ ^2.. COORDINATES • SHEE^I R :If SCR 0G. . 10 pug . I af yor., ...+11 55, 51,E Dr Zap! or^1 9.1' •^•,,,r^.■•• I 6,, ,t • .1^. 1 :, ' ,^s -..yaf - ...,, T 5, .1 , 95 SE ,o, , a, .5^:.u.sw , 7 ,,, , 0 C ..1 w :'. 1117 10 &JOT C.01.1 D o f — 2.6 6 DIRECTION ° 20- 30 40 (tcrcAL IAA-a ciareebilaly pe-v 44" core. 1.6.1 air 4,e; Inovrti^to 014etTE 44re v•.5 Ka eto.Ce.11 Weemtlowne4 Cars l4 oebaera.111 cola rad . ' k•ori AAA rec.e.La. 50 vet...a^par+, b0- claistri^am"Cli +ream e....ut art careciaill vw.aiT cafa (at' sesta/. Cw4. Vies sr •oolmi41.1 essirtaasm.r &Wail^favv‘missi amoi^ai..14..4.Art rip nit . Gem Ntoarea..ri SO .f. WA. aosmit CMoslit 3 o..4-4.41, %Ayer* 2.•10.441. V Prvolft& /e l roar. 0.12 pawn -1-e■ be. 64.4 rev4:As V V 10 V From.. .04 'Dui' -10 1 CAS e44^lAtt LA 4 4C161/1" 4.11 — ( r 4.COIMIA.411 tog occv-e. V in 1 , af _ CM . or 14 o La her • 4e . •pacTun .06^,ac ,,,, • 14. , 'ow at ca. ona 911.110 , 1K, 000 )1001 01 0415 .^.„^ flIII 9•4 ,0 I 1,31 W47.^0UCrpo., a/ •cas loss a. 'tosogd NoT to en. I a,. a..1 G. s-r p VI 1.1 , .(..1. SLALE (0, 11. E a^ 44 c '^0.•^v'essurls graph^•,^.r, _ _ _ 3L11,)^ici1c# LIVIG/^ pc. AM) .01,1 _PQAAA. L4' 'AL/11CA, GI •1.1^ M ( P f )99 PtIl■l2GRAPI• RF.FERf NIT -,. LM 131 At f11.110- Record 1975/46 155/ Al 1371 -- ^ PROJECT^140t.orat.4.A5 IFLE.EWAII^Ova kill -811E r..s..1.7Eau c;^OiNERAL RESOURCES. ^LOCATION^QUI1‘14.4,4^R Cr E^AR 'T EiLNArt I V IE^4GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS^ . . GZOLOGtCAL LOG of DRILL HOLE ANGLE EROM HORIZON TAL ^••• COORDINATE S^ NOLE NO E AIS‘Scs^14 4100r4 Cot ppeov^A L zurs ... .^ Ix SC4 , • ,, ON ../ .18(^8 Slit Or^IC.,^% LCl/If 17 •/.1.4^NG^11M002 COLOUR. SERI ..D tin. kaRD•EFSS. I IC a .4G 2 fl^ 4 CIO^( Vit f4tCAR I )^DIRECTION^--- UM ,^cow ' 61.70., SI.ucto./ S • JC.NTS, SHE E T i *Alf R^PRISSII9I.^Ii , I +F MS St WS s AuL , S. CAUS.10 PONE 4 Colt^n gallons or rr-rwic or OF A__ teon .52:,,,gy . ,,, , , — I Mar c..011.e9 es • -^ti % • _-,--.41. ^.-4*/ ----At.,, 41 .._ ipar rt P..kyodaban. - v 11111 cook^ol.10.114. sr^.^a. et*. AilernOstie.• 11^.,1& D 3i.s,3tAktv ,_,,, ,;_r_,2../ Lilag•C.4 ir mu '^t11 is .is e^...^. 404% darnel $ALS. MSO4.5(461 mi d gios4to..54ro1 a. Ivis s• sot . took poettor..••ta, e. osev44. taus gait" sal taikars Cos-riv.. wow( vatvara vAekiffe alsesaki aallo.oavt: +las r •ak 49 - • . ./ v Wiled.^ilk•4 4 ,I4/111104. . ^. • rows.. pie:to , ose..4ser% et , mr4,ts . v1,41.fli . vv.^a Await. work% 4.414.4:12. r-1142.2 64 213116M 0 0 C. Coto imewiss■••ti ^*. iv.^ I bet e9 11 (.111144.44114 C.3 vett usobbil i vad‘oo4. , cs,ti•^b^otpas tat&s.^as ago c, or4111, @ d ^II 111111 tie PIS 0 •• • ^Ili I A•• =r ilielmioN.1 ev.- far of^o auf.lsolami. , by volakkAlf eoraaavIral •CRWARIWITSS.N 2 tVailltei . . s . ^ii 114"so olvoiscro MI41.00. pro hao-toli tistallii •Plo•^t tr, 0*^subo^a.444 1.tzfct •^. i.41er. _^, t e.t.a...IA..* eol.o.i.411. • , e . .^. Zt1==t4r1 o 7 ere •••^ 46' - CO •V is 11!111 he 110. 661111 V • 11 11 I ^ ^I I t 1 4,4- 401; Iss" 4‘41•11 ' ' • • taif 1440a, vvair I.A411•Mil frokolooto1 ts•• ealoorally tors aár44 barkoSama 4"- II" . I. I V• 1 , 1 iv' fAie res •. 11 1111 v 1 S3- se(c•••• • • • . ^I dint ad- 11''21 . 4,: . i - 114• 1•••46414 •4 ilea 4 v *r^• . y14.. 404.0•4044., so ova oons cleaus.avs+ to pr•le...has 0. tubsisavs ea. II •V ^4 I chwy. - II . V f^da“.4•44t, 00.4.1•401 4•.614. WI Os...attar} rock Ig • 11 I I/ . • .? , o.CO cAosotts sp^AL g I te.4144 0144 , ossso iii 40 I ••••4649 oboe yrs 1^• 3,,,,,, 1411.46,0414 o • TO 1 1 ^ei••• Nowei a^•^• • i4. owl. f lows* 3 •Loo• V .teriktaaso • FiLSISM I I 1. v v .^• ' iiiim • v v• it^1^1 I^. ■ .. I• 1 II .V --^.^- -^. -^.- Look cpieblitl ;$44,pnwss V' la4orli4ll4/ foosoov odeost • v 70 -II Prow..* bra' J so■vita^a pdaa • 4 rosorroalls '2. Is*^. W.'^4xo le 4-144.. SArteariat. ok- ? . 1 C.11set44■41141 fead111011.4 v • Cowes LIP4.13444./ 0 p +oa IS" 04.43, . • , .11 .. V. pm oo womi 'ill up iiiiiiiiiiil • Iiiiii1111111111111111111111111111 -- v,,,,,,,^..,,....-,,,,E.^itsrs ,. ED^ _--11\1\10144'1 /4".4 4' .. COCK D.ZZEL 7 'PE _haila— --_^. — . — - — CIIILL/0 ^ Dac,, , _. rq■C,Uai LOG^Mugaae. of trot-N.41Z Or on el coy Zanas 21 can Om re 512050 ., , ENEOD PIG^rJ(13 JCeql^DE ANF 5 - ..4. am wees,ma '•.'• a Waft .ErwOJ In l'ho Ea. <EE■s l'AParti : A 'moll^2." :owls( . votta,/ .1.•Aufw. (row 71.2.1' .^ 4or varretraill"Cs, a"...1.1et• COUMENCLO _KM_ _1112+______ LOGGED 51. ^r..\ Pu sa.c.ELL ,r011(41 5mA I" -._ 0 CD ' TYPE^ _ _ _^ - 6101^TP.31 6 0 __ SUPPLY OK^ ARTICAL SCAl F I., “ctIons pelt r.n rat. woolwoo, 0, Ire..^, SII•01 F+191/GRAPH RI f E ROC/. 51141.111 el ACK^sViD *In,' COW. , ETED— --- Record 1975/46 kl(Pf)e9 WWI "to' 155^A16 1372 ■ po,),f c ,^tiC) C..4 .1•Larl.Ce FILAIWIri .1111^,^SW Viiik_st- It 4^1'1:CC .^DORE AL) Di^a.4INF RAI ^PESOuiRCES, GfOLOC,Y AND GEOPHYSICS psi ..4....4 .4 i , '^' GE OL OG IC AL^t DG OF DRILL HOLE I ,Ppry A I • S^__E__^I S: 4Se, ......,.-d "^no^4- ,,re _^_ VILA, k COS k^ ROM .044 , 70N la -, L.4_ 9_47_45 5 ..____ .,..t . ',ON ,, CANaffw)^ , LI 1 4-o (.4 .4 10- 014 ,, .^,^ _I ,^..^, ". -,^• ri. 1 1 o co...e^o - r ,, i • Lim ... r • Mo die (A44.1-1 GI wt. awAI1 - 5r4.4, c.....e...... 31.1 II. . to 14.4 154-9444.44e.; r or 41 1 t•I''''' 41111 ■140,,, to c,11.^1,...o eel^.1%....01 Closali^joi4.-4- (4. •1 • 044...L.^L4 re, 1.40.■^11."-, l'^' IIIN• . p loss •^+40 •..k..v1- 20' WOO a k-rovn r r....? re-act...4 - 1^1-'4 Isl. (1 ‘ .. • r. ee,....^g c...... (Of, ..,,,.......-t- In. ...-414.^•-•ft. . wit. 1 .^Co,*.^le....., #4.....^0 10 0 40 I . ^ No • • , . i , !^ N.. .7 lb to on —..' 3-4.1.....411-.^aymos.../...i.k 1 ^1) T,42,E114 — U? irotnieo k CP vo...-4 2.^....AL c...1"( or at.^,AinotAbool 11^Ve.0.1^C.AD %MK& er4.4. 0 CT ito4 LA. %Steil^41 eeLe ad^01....4 fettPli ' 40 • i tios t^...tot I .,^. 0 N. 1.4".1 4, r# •• ,..t.^was366.1"44,1 r I Cle 1 ! .^ . •' • OS PI ■ S0 * • r^'^.. • ■• t^. '^. ,...- W44".14444•41.4 1044.4- • • , . , P •• NI OP a er wtot e7124 ,,.#i 2," ...rat 4..^..• (fen co*. ovar.o4.4.4441) ..744;44.4,•^•.4.^...14•....4 244-,^....• ,/4."- 1". ; 4. -‘,...04.•^44,4. de eftf 4 ail . o . 44.4•44.4444ratt ' L • /... -^I .1^• pl... 9 +6.0.• .joi.sta^ L. cia. ... l 4. MU 7. r ,z .:e... ..,,re r 1 :04444.11 14 ,...../ Ao I.^1^1 C440 OF No44, AT 44 ., • ,,^,o 1 ^l'E.-TTE D ...b.^wove** s D I-4 C 1-1A ., 1^Vil 9- Reco-d '975/46 „ . C.-^ft.) <LC. E. t.4- .^, ^.,.^1"^..^to m(Pf)9g 14e.t- _ 155/A16/1373 ..^.^-^Di 0 c.c. NI, (..4.-c>^c-0..4.E e1/4/51/41 ^Q.-, A. O. ft ^E. i3URf 6 ...^..,1^V■NE^--, ,a;^wFS, -)uPr,.• __ S.,., 04 0.0.1^1 , T C.^"o-1- e 0-0.1 tX.1" , ,./ E^ ' F 31._ _r• •^ONI^, ,E. )P - v ,. r •^ '^ eal^ 4 ___ V4e. fix c.. as_i^ GE.01.0.,^L^- -^, r^r ...^...D. I.^ ,..^...,.^14 DOC,^10 430c, ^,--...,..)^ 6 • . 1 2- c>1^(0-p?) 1 . .^.^. . ___ ‘^.. li. i ° IIII1 i^-.I i ll I^ ' I .-.. ^II^i1 I ^I ^ ' 1 ^i I ^1 ^ : 1)5:4 1^i 1 1 i NoT^cos..e0 kt..- Tr.^11'5" I I^1 1 , I i^I^I I^1^I (..., ,^I to 1 ^ I^ I i t-I 1-4,,,,v1 Moc14 , ..44.1y wrquawtinory&A 1 u VIP .01..t t0 01^pro u4401:0,11.1...4 , espeou1/^rro.(4%.-eis..L.L.. co.ioui^e.••••14.• 1.44 ;^14.4): - 7 OS • 2......0/.+L1L,^ool....c4o1/44. i 2. i 4 I^of^-flo.....4 , ,^4 ) i. 1/4 o..... cl........i^or- 1/4)o.o.o......,^ c o..........4.^ole.r:i.^Ir Iv elatcsts. II 13 ett,ho .i . af,... Ar^Lo^j.r plat(^p 50 11.4" 4.1^^ ' at> C...6.^V& r,f^1,,to, e A^ ou....ei^.14-es ...,^f rebu_ '1%1 11 Sg' i^o c^.. .) f I,^0 ..... 41/1.144 1. ( r. t 0 r do 41../ pm e.L.414^t......^'In.aft.i.tei / 4,.., saii wa „La 0 Pr OP Kaso^C.. ^i -, /...6.4s 1 va......en1/411.1^...... roackd . .C.4 - o,c4 ... rc )^0.4.41..^.1.1..4.( 0^ we.o..44“x(oci CI i.51,i- li ut4,.......1,^4.3^g o' P..yr..44.^'i t.lo okra. 1.• ,^. -^- ilrAt. (a 0 , t ' • W t ...A. l^.....s. c..^ .4.0s.t1^3o . 4.......o f Look. a.1.4-koodi. ....... fw. r.4-s 0-4 14 ..)k I/ wood.tos c col -If• . 10_ at ,...e . 5 ra y ., p ,,, ri.,vr,:+4.. . FLESH .24)..-• el c_.1 Wall i,.......t.. J c. L 000, , . tjX)0.. fAt- e-r/tIliol 4t. , IvosiOte...4. el.-toy ■-t-a. vv.) 4" y.A.01 ecc sj fl OLIO 4(ck.cAvr 4a-r ........14 flaky tk- : ?toe oj Arioua 441/40_4 .... to^3.0 .A.Q.I^0. 14 0-4" be" - r.0 •^h4ot A. acc&^fa...ell^s 4 ec1/4,10.1 1..o.6.1 a. el 1^1 I^ ! i^I <I a Ili dLL" 70 II/ 124 1 , . _ E. PA D^0 P-^1...0.) ,...E^0,. 1...^Is^1 II ,^. . ..^...^•^kt-i.. .^. D 64 c HA.' ^I 4 14 - • ' NoT Li/^el ak i .A^ral.)..1.41.^2a0 IA QS . Tc1-. ‘ro . ^. .., - DC^0...)o.c.E ,..t.. ( cD ;Pet 10 • :^f^,:1.■ ■^.1a. 155/416/1374 ^ ^ r.^_ tiGt4 4 0.00±0^PAidAWIP!'1_ ^.0.. 01■40.14i^iffli ^'-.1P^M , NE PAL^RP,OuRCFS.^ •^,^ _Cketa:f_ jo_i.V Jai,_i_eck.awrima . 0 ° 41_ ^5FOLOG , ^ANC , GEOP■-•31C5 GEOLOr,iCA_^, 'X^Oc^DR:t. ,_^NOL E^•,...^•^, QC*.^. , •404 !7 ; 0.0 •^._ —, icioc, ',.0114ATE4, ^c 1 ^.4.-. . ^ 4 a^ .E , - v ,... _ 1 5 4^9 9 4) C_:_.$^(o'..9pt. BI- 7 Mew) 20-1-r^(!‘ . ) •Er•^ I^-,^1 , --,^d.- f P401"^CZ 0-61) O - %o 1 1 1^1 I^. 10 III MOP ISEGICI ' , Pt OA N I i . nein MCC 14.1 5;61 .:II . . I I1 w Laidig.. &tad . ue Moli emigh vi.e...01,4a4 . Cool.t.i0 Cr1114%414 Preihrmbly um:3141y 4. ai^. go, uu.pleFely im. • f* 4:eft Lac: • p 0 t. p14.1 ri..4. fre 1,415141 cow& reccaotAri p v 1,:oza...44.4. ii..-^plo...c.t..s^0.4" V ...Aso.* 3S • ivaciAivieed Wm" km, sewn < 1 v er'. Cde.cout ■ o.L...-...1^qva.41., I e.A.LIses:te.^...p.atablra ve,. 1.^. ono, • J 4 1 r. 1111 frit: ti e+aumital v t I I .t LI 1. a_cd edic^ • DWI / 5 Iv,^it.e....k.^140.0.1. 4 7• _a 1...4.,..., -.4i. A," .044..k.e4m • .1.- 4414,., lies ole pabekty apirt Ito4AL^cob,' id ail ;404....t.t.41 ;row. 6% 1 • • .^. , Faur^icstbftte , rib 6.Y. i f i V 'NA I . 1 0‘444 e4'revl . • rstr441 .444100.41 ,^we" •444uklogil. re 41k '^• 01111%4Alm m I^•/••■.6.5 . I wt... *i• 1u/ill^(I ro sol" C, IILE t i4 ii . a 1- 0 , . I I' Q fltoot44-1.1 v4e.dottae re .1 C.-do iv.^t /^dbodo■41011Ail cote WI^iiiio w.f.. sat .1.0^0 id, ,^bio vi4.... •1 11 U se d I I 40 • cpooktt1-4^a^re r..4. t viA-p 4'0 VILS^feerlAa I • as pr..1...).ty _Ire. sat , e0=1 eralzi, i , , ,,, .......A.^wet • -^ V s IA . e .... fb^ L.:4.^owes:. ruted4tatth ism V 1 4114114e144' sd . r s. is...41A+, a I.} Z." ■ e... , blue - I reAy virlAtet. • 20 Kai, 04 C■Faa•^• o o'C HOLZ 4■1" 11 0' ! WA f1/2^MILT., IJk 1._^I t_!", ! , ', Au A•wwf^r,Pt CAW^■ ur , r7 , 4r,^.1.^... 0N,^,, 1 .or,^-^0, Antal^• +W WI.^•..C11.” •••^1 P 'I..^r•FrO , , .,,a^,o , . a... r. u I 040 ,uPPLf^LiNE ,it..... -.^0441+W LK .61.42.ti• di 1 MOT. T_E S Tic -0 VERTICAt^SCALE ' 1> H C Nir),,,ci.y.pH zuNte (amt. ,...„ „.^pc^It,rce(1 J. ,11,. A,^.,^•I I^r^1^4 45 i m(pr)99 p! rFP? '4 , .r^CC. r L pA • _^-.^_ _ Record 1975/46 PfAcras — ^c.b 640110 14e to SY 10.1C-- _ 155/A16/1375 APPENDIX 3 GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSES OF RESERVOIR ROCKS Sample No: XRF*^% SiO2 TiO2 Al203 Fe 0 2 3 MO 74360118 69.04 0.54 0119 65.43 0.78 14.39 3.93 15.56 7.27 0.05 0.04 MgO 0.88 2.67 Ca0 2.21 Na 0 2 K20 4.69 P 05 0.13 2 loss an ignition 1.65 100.17 Total 0122 66.22 0123 67.27 0.70 15.06 5.59 0.06 0.62 0120 0121 3.09 65.39 0.80 14.27 6.16 0.06 2.48 69.70 o.49 14.30 3.97 0.06 1.28 0.34 0.34 2.00 2.59 4.93 0.28 1.29 5.90 0.16 3.40 3.67 0.11 1.63 4.29 0.15 2.86 1.53 2.00 99.67 100.46 99.51 0.15 2.36 100.22 1.22 14.52 4.97 0.05 1.92 0.36 2.13 4.78 0.14 2.14 98.91 AAS**^PPm Ag 1 1 1 1 1 1 Be Co Cu Mn Ni Pb 3 2 3 3 3 12 11 360 15 28 2 15 28. 268 10 16 11 17 12 3 10 398 23 439 4 10 20 23 26 zn 85 58 86 3 22 381 20 10 127 Bil Cd, MO not detected. • XRF indicates X-ray fluorescence spectrometry * • AAS indicates Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry 340 19 6 25 APPENDIX 3 (cont.) Grid Reference Sample No. Rock Type General Locality 74360 - 118 Porphyritic rhyodacite 214300-- 640500 - 119 Dacite 216000.- 641000 Campbell, Russell Offices - 120 Ashstone 210400 - 641500 Weston Park Peninsula - 121 D.cite 205900 - 639300 Nolonglo River (Quarry Site No. 2) - 122 Rhyodacite 208500-640500 Scrivener Dam (Lakeshore) - 123 Rhyodacite Tuff 210300 - 64200 Lady Denman Drive (Rockfill) Aspen Island rock-fill area II E S 1 R L(fcl'l) A 190 Il SECTION NORTH OF ACACIA INLET-INTERPRETIVE GEOLOGICAL Geological and geophysicaL boundaries: EAST A-B B 1900 • o 0 ~ 1880 18130 o o ., . '\ 2 1860 1860 \3 1840 River gravel. D 0 o Dacite, fresh [§[] ,~ 1820 1 1-- V L- < ....\ > -' , v SCALE " 1820 / I' _4 LV 7 Least of i.op~o(L 2,., SC(l!.fl or hl'3hl( to <.-:1. w'rtt.. <.oa,--:.!;2. j;Q'&-t tL;~ck ..... ess or MI,x,ed. co"",,pl~te.LI v·,.' I""o<.k:: -To 15 ..... (SO') T'~tlbo",,,,dal"/ b . .dwQ.Q..o.o-. 5Cfli..Q... a .... d I beJ.fOC.k. (.5 "'D-t dd-~("Mll"\e.d. -' b...rt wovlcl ~ \rrli2.~'.Jla..- B~roc.k " Il\TTJ-: R \IOST PROR,\HLF ;,,,CU:S ( f r4) 3.5"'; ... Mav~t Pai"t .. r f"rp~)'rj- dO-c.',t", ~ ..... ~u"""'" ,rre.5u\lf...f" 'SC'Q.Q ;:,tee~ 'a~'.u ~s.-t ~b'\-e 100 .-;-sO If" PO~SIIlLf . . . . ak~~ Scr€.~ ~T10" CO"[)IIIO"S ~-\e.\·laJ - a. . . . ~v\o.A" (5"5') ~e.·l!""'LC. plaf'~I.£ \"",d\ca .. e.~ a . . . ",101 ",on."), ,,-to<. - f,lI.J. ""tL.. -tk .. <;;"i'e£ 35° 1~"'J'"'- o~"",d~ \,,""tho.. , ......1"" ;.u ...fa.c.~_ r-1. ~ .. """"',H:' ~~D t::-- re_""o "ed UI'\\for'"-" weli bo..; ..... d. -t..fl.,.rtv(.Q.., to'j'l!i.kJz.- z",..,J,. a"d .:5" ....... \.\ ..f(t\'::!, .... Q..!'\-t-\ cQ_pac.."t :no(" . . . . tQ..,o(t,.He..rd.nd. .:s ......·..dl J;f' a~ ...... ~.....i.5 t)o..J .... .:A. ~<£t.(.,'" .. .-...d. The. top'50oll ,and. 5c.r~e.. ,-ill'\ be. ~as.\I)" €.J< w\-tLoJ't bto.stll'\J to. we.lL be:a ........ +h~ ro-a.d ali~(\.""""Q.,,-i ~I",def(l.d oy E~C3'Jc..+,.rJ"'" !'dr'3li!.. bd ...d,--i-H<::' a ...... 0""j'io-"', ""'u'j b-E!. ~.-_(ep x . . . "--€. I 'YH =5 300 200 100 feet , . , J \ ? Sc.I"" ~c. to ..2-~~, Scree 2,-:,."" SI \\ c.~a J ~ "350 0 I· ..... Cl:J~Jp\Cid .' "'iI"\ ..... !- .. -f ad t-"'roi:. :-f~ ~~o.:::: ,I.;~ -f' Q; v It wlZ.a-B-..~,.o'o. o\a..c;-t,( '-t"Cl.1""-Zlt"'- aV>.d C\ ... ) 10 p~oil o\,je-f"i~~') ~re.y b..",d. ("€oJ. """"'-Ctt 1-,,0.. I.>.'ea-thered. clay v.)ltk ". ·,:1 .... 0. '5-a",d'S1o~ ('0 c ~ ' -fra~ ........ I2."--ts CA'>J€... S"c. ...... d\a~ .;. ,<, ovo.r-tzlte. M.;"'Oof .a.~ !>a ....,d "l.....d, q,J<\(, z. 0 ...... Rock.f'll 3.hd ..fau Vo..d. n '.ov- IPLATE C'o"J E,.,J.,o",k " i3lac.k M.cJ .....-ta.i ..... S l\V\.c.\.'{"tc,I'\€.. HORIZONTAL SCALE r--.o ... ,:z:o .... ~ ~<.-fov.....d. I"" dTIIIr.C,le. A;;' f'o . . . ...d 'w....... 7.5 0 Cc>a..r'S~A" 1 s.c.r~..e. -t\.......Q.. P (e..'S..e..A ~ c.ui. 1: 240 c:, . . . . . po...c.-t clay c ~ J",;tor_ c.o.......fAc-t 4-<;0 \...... 4S~' 1 03.'.>1. , / <r'_J(..C d,vate.<:t ....;:t" .... c...;t blastlO"\..C\ IL...~ ..... ~cr~-'2.. +c feP'\Ove,-J ""the'" deeo ........ po5.€.d. cLa-Clte \~olQ, poc..k'<:.-tS o.f' l.£...\".":, vJQ..a..ther~J daCIte t;r<:.9u\.·r-e.. ~Id...,,'h~ t·0-A~"!""..zltc" ....... 3f a,~~ I"~q)ir«' M"d.} b l d..,,""\:\""·' COMPIL.EO I ":I Should. 6." """,,,,atd. b\ ash .... 'j) ~P;)u"'"J Wlf{".OU"': '", Scrt t .:...-t3yll.), \ ... ~ ~ t D u+ , o.ry (""'i""ci SOIl will D..Q. bJ~'ttI we.a-H... -er Co::.tea.V\ No. 2 t", b~ -~ D.C.? & R.C.M.G ~a.')dy d0j A~ CHECKEO CHfCK[Q liND APPROV[O R,GM.G. PROJECT Gf:OlJ':; S'" D.C.P' - 1i11iff~' ACACIA CANiNL.'ET TITLE G[OLOCrY By Area 2 BUREAUro;F'uiN~"REsoURCES~ 1200 VERTICAL SCALE =-".'c.l 0.., (""o..v-<.', I ..... ,=,cr~-2. pl1.<:.i Ea.-;,i ~'j e..}<Cav a.-t~e..d ...... ;'1",...,0-.;+ bta<;,1, .... '1 "70'-; . . . . Co~te.a.."'dl..J~ f:.-.. l..a.r~~ -' bo./,deA""':> sOc.. ...... + OC.::. ..... T \'""' -rnQ~ •50t t• 1•0 i': 100 -' --- 4-5° rf ....... <:...o ......... EXC;,\ \' /' se ..... d.'S't o .... 4.fl"a:1 ...... oud;s J+ r <:liloN" < 5c......... +e 1he~ ".;,~ 1;.1. WE..A~'tJ. d.a...C.I\.~ 50c.- ~ ..... s;'Z-.~ .se:l: \. . . . a sa.... .:!:::; f"(2.d. Cv.-.. 'lTv) -t"""c. 10 "'" day ....... atrix io<::.l(..f'I""a..'3 ....... ~ Mak~ 8 e.dTOC.k: ·Ir"\dud.~~ up 60 % of, t6tal.. 0c..c:-u,""",. -t"o +17-.. d de Ite. a!'\d.. h~'"I. --------~ - - - - - - - fIl hnrilnllfal) /~'\ \ , " " 7 ::.c.ree MaterIa! o"e..r I Ie.S' GEOLOG) r i --" At Quartzite Rockfi LL -.J '7 (\ DriLL hole 3. Sandstone -7 I' Position interpoLated. Seismic veLocity in m.p.s. Dacite,highly weathered > [- 1000 A3 fill .rr3 V . _?_ -10 ~ C o"-le:dn 1 Position approxim ate SoiL. slopewash. INTERPRETATIVE SECTION GEOLOGICAL --.-.- A-B PROJECT MOLONGLO PARKWAY SfNlOR A:OL% '.3'" TO ACCOMPANY E.G. WI LSON SUP£RwiS'NG GEOt OGlsr RECORD 1975/46 DRAWN BY RC,MG. DRAWI"G NUMBER 155/ A16/1278 , 1900 I BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA - INTERPRETATI VE GEOLOGICAL I \11' -I \1P 7 EA ST Intersecbon Intersection Inter secflon C RUfcCl ) T 13 T3 T4 WE ST o C-D SECTION ( OSH<l" -I ! I prnje cle d ) I I C()~[('<ln 4-\ Inte rsec fl on I I J I Co~ [('a n 111 110 Tl Intersect'lon [) I -~-~ 11'100 ~:~-,;,.---~.,-/_ - ... ~ --- Sls D Geological & geophysical boundaries position approx _ Soil, slopew ash . T16 T2 Intersect'lon I 1880 1') 00 .... """- -~ - - ------- ---~!:-- ...:.~---=- u." -co" - _::- - - 1860 ------=-=-- ---='==-=--=-~-----.-- -~ ----- ---- ------ - I,:'<1River gravel. ~s--E-=~ str!te Circle Shole ---=~ Mudstone - • ~- --- --- MP" Dr ill hole ,, _ Seismic traverse Pittman Formation Mu dstone --="-- - - -Z__ _..'-------------_ 1000 Position interpolated _ Seismic velocities in mps_ _7_ - ? - _ ? _ ?_ Fault, posiflon approx _ ,I( -I II 1840 I - - - - - - -""1- - - ~-- -=-=:::: :::::::--- -?"- - - - - - \\ 1 .'"- I -~- -~-~--':"".:=- - 11( 2 0 ;±:j 'f: SCALE f-100' 1500- -- 1820 LAId H 5 c-- ::>1 o 1J...c-- I Tt,.., .... S:"'~~ e>'-'Cr\1l ...... ~ ~"'eo 1"''(G'r l(!o..I1"'-..>1: 20.:- tl ... pe........,a.." I.A . SI",pit.wcul... (O"'I"+S .. f Ht....d. - J BATTf:R ANGLES ( from hori7.0nlal ) EXCAVATION CONOITIOr"l"S .f-.,.......e f{-~ .... .e .....h ; " c.lao.'t ............... -;: Of ........ 0 . <; .... +0 I ... ·,\ ~..-....::d. I;;:"~.I .. ~ :z.s:....., to lllql..,.~l.,. wc._-tkc..rc." ...... t.>d. f".... e. ~u,."" .........:!lJ+-o"'~ .... "' ....... &. , ;... c.-J~~ r",,- CI."p.coo., .. d. L.-...o. ...... .............. ,-t- ........ , ..... d, ':\0,.1.., :, .. i .... t 1 ........ d ,.J,oo .... ~ 4 .... c,..c .... e.r .. U, J lbfo£ ......... .sl.-. i tl..,." ( " '1'''1"", ....,odc. ....~ ... \1 l~ .... of'- 4_i.1. ........... <:\. .t\."'r" ........... (.. . .. ...... rl'f ...... ~ _od,,'.,...\c-l..., ~o ' 1,",\\.0.+-1". ....,_-t ..."re.d, _"'<!Itfo"' .... .rJ...d.d.' ,,'!I o~ ... '-'d./~ o.,~ d...~Fj ¥#,,,,H ,{ t':"'-Jr .... + ....... eoo ,.l ......... +e. CI.M!)Ic.s ; 1" ''''100.. .. 1.., c.lOt~ 1'1 .:.",i... I-~" }--- - - - -- - - --1- - - - - -- - --I- .I... 7!'" i .... \P'f .,<_t. . ,M, )0"\ . ' ...,d..r+ ... e .. I<> I\ol'e.....:oo..)\.\ .. "Ii M .. dH .. td~ _ ~ .. e.d ..... " ...+-I.. _u~t ..... .. 1D"1 .. ",, 3.1-0 l .S ....... eo-;, \..., .. "c.. U(lL~Clol e.Q. 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I"Oe.... 1"" c.... -t- (.ILU)N .... ~I 1o>GlICI t\....<r.>'\ Vp ~Q. .... d..c+ ......... ~ fr~_c. ... -\ I~i e.._I10~ ... ,.. ......... .1 ......... o..c..'( ...................... ,,, . s. , ~~o-{ + I=I\..\.. ! .. ;l ~e. ............... "'- ,_...... ~ou-'t( .. " .... \ VIC..., .. <o., ' . . . , -tJ..o..iJ .....,a .... lo;:k ~h!" .... d.. ... 'l<>f'<'" ........ OLJL-.. tor.'"( ...... l:o\OL..Ih;.....~. ___ ,I( ......... <.""" ..... ..t,e.. ... J. ...... e. .. +-0 M....,d.ot""",ft.. I"..Q. """";, l\ oc. <:.. ... t"-r;~ "" ...cod" b .... ,. .. Q.d.. . f, . . . o..\ c .. r ~C.r+"-i t"-oo..G. PlATE S"'"~t .............. .i.. ~\.,.l' .... wco....r l.<.. "c.."'........... \\...., 1...1.1 ~t....-", 1.':'>..-.... +k, ....l<. "''' ..... l''l...;... :') ....... "'d .... _-t ... I-y ......... t:..-+ ............... d. ........... <:1. ..-"" ....... . "I. ........... u_ ....,-, .. "' . . . .3ft.. +L-..o...+ _+t... c +-1.o......C.\<. .... LI.I ... f- J I"'"f' .. --..l.....,~ "--""' ... ~...,ej ..... 1-1... ... &.oo...t+ ......... +1..... ""- .f! ................ ."t- <>.. .. l "" ,:> ~ .......... ~ ...... HORIZONTAL SCALE .f: ........ . ~f- +(. . . .."1 t d.. be.. ..,:..... J .. ~l JI"'l'e of "' ............... e ...... f' .. ~h'" I t ... " ........... Q.'( k -Ike. s(""p-Ot.,..)QJt... " ........t ......... t "" \;u .. 'L"' ...... c.......1: 1 ... 0..\-: .......... t(.......Q. ..... - ......... I u ..:.\-L-.. ...... + I I b(Q.lh..... ~ ~ .. ,.,£ - r ,r l E " & R_C .M G .,·1 ._,.. ". "-'" "" II' " I Aj E.GWILSON - -- -- - - CAN 8(:AAA . AC T 1 : 240 .. ."D.CP ~ SCAcE " ocr d i o._" ... ,. ) ."' ... d/t ......... b ........ lcl .. f"s . I -~ - BUREAU - VERTICAL ",1><" . - ClJ!/hJ1 • ! .. ~ .. I ' BLACK MOUNTAIN PENINSULA ", ' INTERPRETATIVE GEOLOGICAL SECTION C-D PQQJ [( , MOLONGLO PARKWAY - , ? .. '0 ACCO"" P",,,,, ~[COIfO ., 3 _0~;';~~"~~..R~SOURCES ~ 1200 1 ....,!,...· '>e"'"-'Ld. .... t,d. ; of l .... r~e. l "";) -at:. ~Q. l" -<-",;,\'1 .e,."c ......o-..k-c:d. t", ~ (1 .. ,."...., ...... $ ...... . ;... 100.11.,. "J o "'-:-.d-~· , I r.-.:>oi>-.Io l c . ".. F-\ L\'" 10.., 4."2.-' ......... f s ... ,\ --..d s t "" p ........ c.o...rl.., <.. ... ...... ot .... ,;.... • .( ................... 0."" .... fr'"'"':) ................+.f 'So ............. C. , ....... ~ ~e........e:. .. o..n'i \o:"l.. ~ ... _ .;.... cI .......... .,... ......; f .....!:I ......... ~J .................. 010:1..0. \- .... ~ ... _al'f elai ............ ~~,.... "" .... cI..,I ... '""':.,., ~!lt.I,. +<::0. ......, ... d. .. r ... totl,. ..... .-.....1:1.-0. ........ <:\ ", ... do. rJ.~"" .... "1 ........ .." +.... ... k.'! ca.t- -.... ...... 1: 4C>~ oc:.c. .... ~. o...l."" ..... +(...~ .I l ... p ....... _ k . n...c.. ,&lo.,.c.. ..... m:"dlton~ ( ...... ~<.t ... 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" .;... .,"-.. ,~ .......... cl' ) ~f G!r"""~l fl." ... 'o:. .... .,." ':!r ... " ..l ........ 1"" ~s+ ........ " gr .. ,,~\ . 35" ........ S ... " _ .d ) 3S"" .roil o. ... ct. rl"",......., ... s,,", -£.4:> " ( ... ,t... ~£. C;rde. ......,.h otC>ne. '35'"' ,~ J\10ST PROBABLE "Mo~l.,. oJ.,. • ....,t 2._ ... f .t .... ~ 2_ "'f'''~\ ",,",.I. "".....d. 'l .. p ........... I.-o. , o'-"tr .... II.. p ............ 1.<. ....... r - ' ... ~ ;2......... of I"" ., ue. ... 9 ...... "~\j - ll' .... " l. h ... 0 f l-!.T_ of ' il t( .. "~rch:pol;' ,. ' ..... r' ...... ~cl(H"" .... 1975/4 6 TJ IlA *" By II _-1 D_Cr 1,.'; :';I·:·:~I IL7q , PLATE 4 NORTH-WEST ----- ----- TRAVERSE 3 --- ----- - ------(400) ( 1900) 10- (400) ---- ---- ------(1800) (400) - ------- I ,Costean Cl: i ~ I .- 5 4 SURFACE flaco} i - 10 ~I ~'" SOUTH-EAST (400) (2500) I) --- - - - C - - - - - - - - - - - - i i3~ ( 1900) (2600) V) '" Q: h .'!> § ""tJ ( 1800) l5 '" - - _ I 20 25~ ~25 30- -30 '<1 ~ I ~35 35~ TRAVERSE 4 Costean 3 ~ (1 5 ( 30e) t8 10~ lu ~ 15~ [:: WEST SURFACE (30G) -- --- --- ------ _ - - - - - - - , 3;.;0,-0,,--_ - -; 12(0) SUPF:'CE ---- -- oow- - (4(;0 " --------~-- (1500) ---- ( 300- -------- -- 1 fi5DD) --------- --- EAST ~'b ~~ ((30G) (/500) (2200) -"''"" '<::" tJ cc 127(0) rO 5 -10 "1 '-U 'l:: I--. -15 '~ "" (2100 ) ( 2600) 20 20--1 , '-25 LEGEND 2.5 -.J Summar), fit or cI<dlhole. \o~ ( 2100) so'll Se'"s.mic ~e,'cc!ry In fcrmalicfJ Interpolated formation boundary HORIZONTAL SCA~E' sLop<!.wa,. h and '>C(~ ~1"6" ... l I em = 5m Bedrock boundary SEISMIC Mud. ",to", ... Interpolated bedrock boundary MP4 (metres/second) CROSS-SECTIONS TRAVERSES 3 AND 4 PLATE 4 155/AI6/1280 Record 1975/46 TRAVERSE 7 MP3 PLATE 5 ( 1400) '//7~//' " / / / /" 'i~ /'/;~~~ 0;>"""'-'7 SEISMIC /r;:,OO! (/800) SECTIONS, TRAVERSES 7 AND 17 FAULT LEGEND " (/200 ) Seismic velocity in formaflon (mefres/sf!cond) HORIZONTAL SCAL.E: Interpolated formofion boundary / / ??/ / I ! /1 7777777777 rem =5m Bedrock boundary Interpolated bedrock boundary ",,'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ TRAVERSE 17 SEISMIC , REDUCED LEVEL , L -_______________________________________________________________________________________________ WEST ~ EAST (m) 576 (m) 576 Costean 1 A1 creek A2 DEAKIN FAULT" A3 572 1'4 564 ~~. _ _ _ _:.:(4~00::.) 0 , 3 , ~ 558 9 6 , , 12 , 15 , m~t,.es :,:>::',: "'" " A'" ~'. =1 ~. 0000 000 (1600) 552 ----- -------------------- SCALE "v v"11 velOCity in metres per second soil slopewash and scree soil end slopewd~h gravel (16 00) A1 6'1- - - - (115Ll) _ _ _ _ _ (;nt.'polated) (2300) diamond dnUhole 24-5- - - -~--- - -- -- -- - - -- -- - - --- - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 215 (3600) Record 1975/46 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________ '- . _ _ _ _ _ -- - - - - -- - - -(1400) ~ velocity bounda.ry I depths in metre.s ---- 12'2_ dac.ite --------------(400) (400) (400) 2·7 --------- - ( ) 1100 _ _ __ __ _ ---- 9·0"""----- 19·3 (10~OL 4 Ll.,c,. Vy V 1/ - ----(1400) ----- --- - --(1400) _ (1000) A,A 62 v /_._ _ _~< 00 :~ _ 564 (700) 1 11.2 (1900) -- -- - - 552 10,5 (1900) (23 00) PLATE 5 155/Al6/1281 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----------------~ SEISMIC TRAVERSE 15" REDUCED LEVEL (m) WEST EAST PLATE 7 intef"sedion of traverse 16 562 SEISMIC SECTIONS TRAVERSES 15.16 AND 18. 576 570 -- SCALE o 3 6 9 12 1S ! ! I J I I ~ 564 (3300) Metres -- (2200) (1900) -- --~ --- 89 --- SUrY'1T\31)' dnLlhole. logs (3300) (1600) 558 --- velocity in rrletre.s per second veLocity boundarY,il'lterpol3"ted. de pths in met re s discontinuity soil banded. 5hale MW _ 5\i'jhtly fr.~': _ fre~h &ta\hed. REDUCED '-! 5B8 (1500) " --- --- -- " ./'---1 13·3 - ./' ( 2350) -53 s .... -fr,st - _ -- LEVEL (m) SEISMIC TRAVERSE 15 NOR"TH SOUTl1 - --- - (1500) ·,ntersection of traverse 15 5B2 ----- ---8-S t (600) (2350) 576 zone - I"'\Odera{elj SIoJ -- PossibLe shear hw i· highly weathered creek -.l40QI (2300) (2650) =1 - (1900) ? ----- 570 MPl1 SCALE 564 REDUCED LEVEL (m) o 3 h 9 12 ! , 0 , 1SI"'Ietres , ..... 1 '' 11"1 rtH~.tre5 pE'.f" EAST MP9 JOO 570 1700 - ~ o , 3J 556 (1200) 6, 9, 1'2 , 15 , metl'es .. .. ~ 1500 1600 ,,~ - ) 'Jrey shale moder-at ely ..,ea.thered sli'3ht 1)' fres.h stained. MP9 2600 ~oll " diamond (2600) -- driLlhole. - mw-slol SCALE Summary drillhole 109 sail !>ere\'. nnd , 2900 2400 ......... , ~ 3 -- rnudr'cone. MP12 ~ second I 1 c\a.:;I I ~ 576 S",mtYlat":,/ drJtholca. l0'3~ . " . ' , " . " '- (1600) WEST 6 >;1 SEISMIC TRAVERSE 18 564 MP12 (15 DO) dia(nond dnUho(e I N PLate 8 SOUTH BLACK MOUNTAIN AREA JOINT STEREOGRAMS I \ \ Set 3 v / \ / \ / \ I \ / / . /' . , ,/ ,/ \ V. ' I ./ \. I ,/ ,/ \. / ,/ \. ./ \. ,, , " + ,,/ " \ ,/ \. ,/ \. ,/ v ...... , ,/ "- ./ ...... ./ "'-. ,/ ... - ...... -.. -. ....... ./ ,/ ;' ,- Poles to joint planes have been plotted on an equal area, lower hemisphere projection and contoured to represent the distribution of joint directions. ,/,/ Set 1 132150SW ;' ;' Set 2 082/42N I I :, Set 4 139193SW Plot 1 represents 200 joints in state Circle Shale J J Set 1 J J Plot 2 represents 50 joints in Black Mountain Sandstone I , I / \. I \. Plot 3 represents 50 joints In Pittman Formation - 1 Set 3 --027/5SSE - '- I / / , The locations where joints were measured are shown on Plate 1. -I - 'I I / / /' - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - I / I - I ", I - ' ,, ,, , , '- " ./ ,/ Plot 3 ./ ./ / ./ / / / Set 1 / \ / I / ,, I " \. / , / "- " I t 3 003/78E\ I ' ..... I , I Set L. OOS120E 1 I \ I " ..... , I \ / ..... \ \ I , I \. Record 1975/46 percentage of points per percentage of area / ./ I 1-- >8 / /' I I I.-a / I I 1-2 2-4 / I \. I "- ..... / / ......... 0-1 / I \ I:::::~ 111111~f~ I ,, ., ./ -- -- -- /" PLate 8 ,, , ,, " • ,, '"') , \ , · .!t.' , , ., . . , , // ,, , ) • • ,t:o.,' , ,, - - -.---.---~--- ~- --------~ ------- / , ,, / GENERAL •GEOLOGY '" ~--- ,, , ,, ,/ - .... - .' -'~ 10000 / J / "- -.. REFERENCE Sup ~~ \ \ \ ~ ,, ,, , ~ ~ ~~ooo [@ Mt. Pointer Porphyry ~ Volcanics ISudl Deakin Volcanics [ill] Black Mt. Sandstone ~ state Circle ShaLe ~ Pittman Formafton - ~4'JlJ , -- --- GeoLogical boundary, position -- MOLONGLO OPf'f'OXI mate Fault, posi ticn appro><ill"llXte FREEWAY QUARRY SITE 4 BLue-grey welded dacite tuff ,, I / ,,----------- --- Joint showing dip Note: only the geology of the immediate quarry site has been shown 0. 0 , ,, I I / ~/ ~..,.,-"'" . / -~ / I N 8 000 ~ ,\ I, \ ,, t:' " , ' .... , X; ,, I / 155/A16j1291 DrilLhole, number indicated I At-I--~\B I I --- ----------- Area of proposed quarry - total volume of mater'laL within the area outUned 'IS about 1-9 million cub'lc metres I Seismic traverse, number 'lndicated I PLATE 10 I , I I I ,, I ,I ,, ------------------ -- ... ~--7;':"-------t--' '- ~ I , , II I I -------------...... I ,, , I , I ............. ,. AI C•• cr! t.on SCALE uthor hecll;ed q 100' ==::=:'~"==~'==~' ~. A2 .3 AUSTRALlA CANBERRA, A CT. TITLE mpil&d and checked A4 ~ BUREAU OF MINERAL RESOURCES D.c.P. Geol~y by D.ep. heCked ond opprov I).c.? Project geolQ9lst Senior 9eo1ogist PROJECT molO"31o To occompony , J E.G.W. ; I Super-Vl5ln • CaMMeNWEAL'fH .3OO r " ---4ci)' .2.00' I--I--------!---+--; Baso map/M", A.CT. Oe.ta; I .5eri~~ I I --------....--- AMENDMENTS No. Record geo(0 rst "75/46 Free.W"1 Drown by DrdWlng No. I'5'5/"1f./129 I