Optimal Strategy for the Conservation of the Rhinoceros Population in South Africa Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Ashleigh Hutchinson Kimesha Naicker, Despina Newman, Maria-Helena Wate, Ayobami Akinyelu, Sylvester Mothapo, Nelson Phora, Tanki Motsepa, Collen Matuwane January 16, 2015 Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker,January Despina16, Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 1 / 24 Introduction Our objective: To conserve the rhino population as well as decrease poaching to a manageable level. Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker,January Despina16, Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 2 / 24 Introduction We attempted to answer the following questions: - Can we characterize the rhino poaching situation in South Africa mathematically? - What effects do translocation of rhinos and legalisation of selling rhino horns have on the rhino population? - How can we design a pricing model that would reflect the rhino horn market? Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker,January Despina16, Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 3 / 24 Governing Equations The population equations: Logistic growth term Rate of change of wild rhinos z}|{ dR1 dt z }| { R1 = α1 R1 1 − k1 Poaching effect term − z }| { χ1 R 1 − z }| { η2 R 1 Rhino translocation − Trophy hunting (1) z }| { η1 R 1 Natural wild rhino death − z }| { ρ1 R1 Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker,January Despina16, Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 4 / 24 Governing Equations Here, Poaching effort z }| { γ1 q3 P3 χ1 = ν η R + q1 (P1 − C1 ) + T + C + ν1 q2 (P1 − C2 ) |2 2 1 {z } (2) Anti-poaching effort Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker,January Despina16, Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 5 / 24 Governing Equations Logistic growth term Rate of change of farm rhinos z}|{ dR2 dt z }| { R2 = α2 R 2 1 − k2 Poaching effect term − z }| { χ2 R 2 (3) Rhino translocation + z }| { η1 R 1 Natural farm rhino death − z }| { ρ2 R2 Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker,January Despina16, Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 6 / 24 Governing Equations Here, Poaching effort z }| { γ2 q3 P3 χ2 = (1 − ν2 )η2 R1 + (1 − ν1 )q2 (P1 − C2 ) | {z } (4) Anti-poaching effort Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker,January Despina16, Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 7 / 24 Governing Equations Rhino horn stockpile equations: Rate of change of wild rhino horn stockpile z}|{ dS1 dt Horn obtained from wild rhino deaths = z }| { λ1 ρ1 R1 (5) Horn removed from stock pile for legal sale − z}|{ q1 (6) Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker,January Despina16, Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 8 / 24 Governing Equations Rate of change of farmed rhino horn stockpile z}|{ dS2 dt Horn obtained from farm rhino deaths = z }| { λ2 ρ2 R2 (7) Horn obtained from horn harvesting + z}|{ µR2 Horn removed from stock pile for legal sale − z}|{ q2 Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker,January Despina16, Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 9 / 24 Governing Equations Rate of change of illegal horn stockpile z}|{ dS3 dt Horn obtained from poaching = z }| { λ3 (χ1 R1 + χ2 R2 ) (8) Horn removed from stock pile for illegal sale − z}|{ q3 Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 10 / 24 Governing Equations We assume a three-player game where all players are acting optimally. Our price model: P = P0 − (β1 q1 + β2 q2 + β3 q3 ), (9) where P0 is the ”crunch price”. The resulting cash flow for the i th player: wi = (P − Ci )qi . (10) Each player employs the optimal strategy to maximize their cash flow, resulting in optimal qi values. Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 11 / 24 Governing Equations These are: −3C1 + C2 + C3 + P0 , 4β1 C1 − 3C2 + C3 + P0 q2 = , 4β2 C1 + C2 − 3C3 + P0 q3 = . 4β3 q1 = (11) (12) (13) With C1 = C2 = $0 and C3 = $10000, we get a price of P = $65000. Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 12 / 24 Graphs Population sizes 14 000 12 000 10 000 8000 6000 4000 2 4 6 8 10 Time Figure : Population sizes of rhinos over time without legalisation. The blue line represents wild rhinos, the orange line represents farmed rhinos. Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 13 / 24 Graphs Population sizes 20 000 15 000 10 000 5000 5 10 15 20 Time Figure : Population sizes of rhinos over time with legalisation. The blue line represents wild rhinos, the orange line represents farmed rhinos. Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 14 / 24 Graphs Kg of horn 140 000 120 000 100 000 80 000 60 000 40 000 20 000 5 10 15 20 Time Figure : Stock pile sizes of rhino horns over time. The blue line represents wild rhino horn stock, the orange line represents farmed rhino horn stock, the green line represents illegal stock. Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 15 / 24 Graphs Number of rhinos after 20 years 20 000 15 000 10 000 5000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ν1 Figure : Graph showing the effect of varying cross-subsidy due to selling of farmed rhino horn on the population after 20 years. Blue is wild rhino population, green is farmed rhino population. Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 16 / 24 Horn growth model Assume the horn growth of a mature rhino is governed by dh = k1 − k2 f (h), da (14) where h is horn length, a is age and f (h) represents the rate of natural horn erosion. We get h = g (a). √ A possible function for the erosion may be f (h) = πR R 2 + h2 . The first harvest occurs at age a = am and thus h(am ) = 0. If we harvest N times over a period of L years, the height of the horn at harvest is given by L + am . (15) hharvest = g N We can obtain V (hharvest ) volume of horn. Thus in L years, we get V (hharvest ) · N. Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 17 / 24 Age-structured model We let the age of the rhinos be an independent variable Ri = Ri (a, t). (16) Our model: ∂R1 ∂R1 + = −ρ1 (a)R1 − η1 (a)R1 − η2 (a)R1 − γ1 χ1 R1 , ∂t ∂a ∂R2 ∂R2 + = −ρ2 (a)R2 + η1 (a)R1 − γ2 χ2 R2 , ∂t ∂a dS1 = λ1 ρ1 (a)R1 − q1 , dt dS2 = λ2 ρ2 (a)R2 + µ(a)R2 − q2 , dt dS3 = λ1 (γ1 R1 + γ2 R2 ) − q3 . dt (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) A similar economic model to the homogeneous age model presented prior will be utilized. Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 18 / 24 Age-structured model In this model, Death rates will increase as age increases Hunting is normally allowed for older (male) rhinos Translocation is normally done for pregnant rhinos and older rhinos The amount of horn removed from rhinos on the farm increases with the rhino age until they are mature Births of rhino enter the model through the boundary conditions on a=0 Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 19 / 24 Age-structured model Figure : Births of rhino enter the model through the boundary conditions on a = 0 Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 20 / 24 Two-sex model The aim for this model is to show how the population evolves in a two-sex population. The model is formulated like a predator-prey model. The prey population is sub-divided into two different populations, male and female. The equations for the model are given below: df = −θf + R, dt dm = −θm + R, dt (22) (23) where f (t) and m(t) refers to the number of male and female rhinos in the population at a given point in time, t, and θ corresponds to the respective mortality rates. Additionally, R, is the birth rate. Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 21 / 24 Two-sex model Fredrickson defined R as: R= γf γm f · m , γf f + γm m (24) where γf and γm are some positive constants. R must satisfy the following four conditions: R(0, m) = R(f , 0) = 0, (25) R(kf , km) = kR(f , m), (26) R(m, f ) ≥ 0, (27) R(m + u, f + v ) > R(m, f ), for u, v > 0. (28) Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 22 / 24 Conclusion Our conclusions: Without intervention, the wild rhino population will decline under poaching pressure. With controlled legalization, not only does the wild population increase, but a sustainable industry is suggested. The model is generally insensitive to the values of the parameters except for γ1 and γ2 . Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 23 / 24 Further work Improvements to the model can be provided by building in the age structure of the population and by using sex based models Analysis of horn growth and harvest timing can assist with optimal strategies for rhino farming management The pricing model needs further refinement and investigation The functions γ1 χ1 and γ2 χ2 are important in the results of the model. Further investigation of these will be important. Prof. Michael Sears, Prof. Tim Myers, Prof. Chris Breward, Rhino Ashleigh Conservation Hutchinson[0.3cm]Kimesha Naicker, January Despina 16,Newman, 2015 Maria-Hele 24 / 24
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