Program guide
Program guide
WELCOME TO LEFT FORUM 2013 Thank you for participating in Left Forum 2013. The conference has steadily grown over the years, and has been transformed by the influence of thousands of participants from six continents and myriad political perspectives. We are proud of this year’s gathering, humbled by the diversity of voices it includes, and honored that you can join us. We are grateful to be hosted by Pace University for the fifth consecutive year. Without critical support and input from their faculty, staff and students—who worked tirelessly with us to ensure a successful conference—Left Forum could not happen. The same must be said of the hundreds of volunteers who help before, during and after the event to make the weekend possible. This program guide includes the full conference schedule, and will help you navigate the more than 350 panels, workshops, and events happening this weekend. Please look through it carefully. The accompanying map should get you there on time, but feel free to ask a staff member or volunteer for assistance. We also heartily invite you to participate in the Left Forum Exhibition, held in the student union, multi-purpose room and reading room, located next to the registration tables. The Exhibition is the primary meeting and networking space for the conference, and includes book publishers and movement organizers. With so much happening at once, we ask that you help us keep things running smoothly: please keep your conference badge visible. Additionally, we ask that you not overcrowd rooms; due to fire code restrictions, we ask anyone who cannot find a seat to please select another panel to attend. Please note that the plenary sessions and all stand-alone Schimmel events are first come, first served. In between panels, you can find many culinary options in the vicinity of Pace University. Lastly, we apologize that we are unable to provide childcare for this year’s conference due to budget constraints and other difficulties. Finally, we encourage you to indulge the opportunity to share and discuss ideas with each other, and take advantage of the rare occasion for such a rich public debate. We organize the Left Forum to open an arena for dialogue on the most pressing matters of our world, with an ardent belief that this will help change it. To this end, we once again thank you for your participation, and look forward to seeing you in the future. In Solidarity, The Board of Directors and Staff of Left Forum Board Members Stanley Aronowitz Roderick Bush Eric Canepa Nancy Holmstrom Jamie McCallum Lorraine C. Minnite Catherine Mulder Donna Murch Frances Fox Piven Rob Robinson Hobart Spalding Richard D. Wolff Julia Wrigley Advisory Board Gilbert Achcar Tariq Ali Robin Blackburn Barbara Bowen Rose Brewer Renate Bridenthal Michael Brie Stephen Brier StephenEric Bronner Paul Buhle Joseph A. Buttigieg Luciana Castellina Left Forum Staff & Organizers Seth Adler–Conference Coordinator Marcus Grätsch–Panel Administration/Program Coordinator Amber Johnson* & Olabode Akinyemi–Editorial/Graphic Design Lou Hillier & Synthia Chowdhury–Event/Operations Coordinators Leander Marcano–Database Coordinator/Systems Managment Carlos Mejia– IT Coordinator Samantha Désiré:–Volunteer Coordinator Shyvanne Delva– Registration Cooridnator David Nelson–Exhibition Coordinator Carissa Davies & Jonathan Walkon–Panel Administration George Ygarza–Panel Administration Braden Crooks, Rikki Korkowic–Panel Administration Wycliff Coward–Advertising Coordinator George Chukwueze & Aparna Rishi–Media Coordinators James Green & Kathy Acevido–Media Coordinators Angela Dillard Stephen Duncombe Hester Eisenstein Barbara Epstein Deepa Fernandes Héctor Figueroa Harriet Fraad Josh Freeman Barbara Garson Marvin Gettleman Arun Gupta Jack Hammond David Harvey Gerald Horne Boris Kagarlitsky Robin D. G. Kelley Christine A. Kelly Peter Kwong Joanne Landy Jesse Lemisch Michael Löwy Randy Martin Liz Mestres Susan O’Malley Leo Panitch Christian Parenti Web, Database Development Mark Libkuman** Eric Goldhagen** Thomas Ponniah Barbara Ransby Michael Ratner Jan Rehmann Gerardo Rénique Rainer Rilling Colin Robinson Nan Rubin Stephen R. Shalom Neil Smith Eleni Varikas Victor Wallis Ross Weiner Joseph Wilson Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation Volunteers, Interns & Activists S aliha B o ussedra, M i ao C hi , J e ff Er ic kso n, J elisa Fo rde, Alanna Fr i e, Elvi n G arc ia, Yash Gup t a, S alah Hai m ed, M ar i a Heyac a, Osc ar J i m enez , K r ist i na J o hansso n, S co t t L aM o r t, YI f an L i, S. L indsay, Ashant y M eji a, Pavi t ra M eht a, K evi n M endez , M i a R agoz i no, J unai d Shah, Z ac har y Sm i t h, R egina Valdez , Carol Wo o dard, R alp h Yaz zo, YiuLe ung ( B engie) Yung, Vanessa Zet t ler.J unaid Shah, Z ac har y Sm i t h, R egina Valdez , Caro l Wo o dard, R alp h Yaz zo, YiuLe ung ( B engie) Yung, Vanessa Zet t ler. *Our gracious thanks to artist Amber Johnson for Left Forum’s illustrated graphics; and to Joel Simpson for photographs. **Abiding thanks to Openflows. 1 LEFT FORUM 2013 Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation We need to mobilize now! The planet and humankind are in peril. The climate is warming, glaciers are melting, seas are rising, droughts are spreading and species are going extinct, all caused by unsustainable development and overconsumption of every resource on the planet. Meanwhile the ongoing economic crisis the worst since the Great Depression has devastated working people around the world with astronomical rates of unemployment, falling incomes and brutal austerity measures. Everywhere, the people least responsible for these interrelated crises are bearing their brunt, in particular people in developing countries, women who are the bulk of ecological refugees, and people of color. Bangladesh with its floods and factory fires is a tragic case in point. These twin crises reveal the destructive – indeed eco-suicidal - nature of capitalism’s inherent drive to growth, where everything in nature has a price, and nothing has a value, including human life. At the same time, new forms of anti-capitalist and horizontal democratic resistance are emerging everywhere. There is reason to hope, as the basic question of who should own the Earth is coming to the fore. Come to this year’s Left Forum to explore the environmental and movement-building imperatives that make another world not only possible but necessary. Against this inspiring background, the Left Forum will host its annual conference at Pace University on the weekend of June 7-9, 2013. As it has done for many years, the conference will gather civil libertarians, environmentalists, anarchists, socialists, communists, trade unionists, black and Latino freedom fighters, feminists, anti-war activists, students and people struggling against unemployment, foreclosure, inadequate housing and deteriorating schools from among those active in the U.S. and many other countries, as well. Will the mass movements in Latin America, the United States and elsewhere further extend their participatory democratic, community-building, non-capitalist, and caring forms of struggle into the institutions of everyday life? Will the movements confront and disrupt the complicity of neo-liberal state elites with corporate capital? Are there alternatives to the increasingly brutal capitalist system on the horizon? Join us in exploring such questions and moving forward left agendas for social change. About Left Forum Each year Left Forum convenes the largest gathering in North America of the US and international Left. Continuing a tradition begun in the 1960s, we bring together intellectuals and organizers to share perspectives, strategies, experience and vision. For the US and the world, revitalizing an American Left has never been more urgent; Left Forum has a critical role to play in that undertaking. Left Forum seeks to link the critique of neo-liberalism to anti-capitalism, and to foster radical alternatives to the established order. Left Forum provides a context for critical engagement by people of different persuasions on the Left who, nevertheless, seek common ground. Thanks To Our Comrades Les Abrams Pete Alex Matthew Anderson Bertrand B. Aubrey Sally Bermanzohn Amber Black Susan Boger John Breitbart Allan Brick Kate Bronfenbrenner James R. Brown III Al Campbell Blandon Casenave Paul Chislett Dan Clawson Mary Ann Clawson Mary Cleveland Ted Cox Francois Dang Tran Lawrence Davidson 2 Michael Dawson Manuela Dobos Martin Donohoe Alvin Dorfman Rochelle Dorfman Hester Eisenstein Milton Fisk Bill Fletcher Jr Neil Friedman David Gallant Alan Gardner Erna Gold James Grainger J. Paul Gregory John Hammond Elliot Holar Jay Lawrence Holman Leah Hunt-Hendrix Herschel Kaminsky Richard Kearney Howard Kleinberg Joseph Knowles Larry Lawrence John Liebau Stephanie Luce Neal Madnick Gail Mansouri Frances Marcuse Seider Maynard Allen Mellen Susan Metz Gerald Meyer John Mineka Robert Murtha Shaun O’Connell Timothy Olsen Susan O’Malley Justin Paulson Walter Payne Charlotte Phillips Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation Rocco Rizzo Herbert G. Rubenstein Peter Schneider David Schultz David Schweickart Steve Seltzer Stephen Shalom Wally Showman Michael Steven Smith Matt Stancheck Stephen Steinberg Neil Talbot Merry Tucker McKenzie Wark Edith Weil James Young June Zaccone Michael Zweig CONTENTS PANEL INDEX.................................................................................................................4-16 MAPS ............................................................................................................................. 17-18 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE.......................................................................................... 19-70 SPEAKERS INDEX....................................................................................................... 72-78 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 3 PANEL INDEX Session 1: cont’d Conference Hours: Friday 6/7: 5:00PM-9:00PM - Doors Open 2:00pm Saturday 6/8: 10:00AM-9:30PM - Doors Open 8:00am Sunday 6/9: 10:00AM-7:30PM - Doors Open 8:00am Room Page Session A Fri 6/7 5:00-6:45pm 19 Occupy the Commons: Common Wealth E311 vs Private Wealth 20 Social Movements and Left Transformative W613 Organizing 18 BioCapitalism: Critical Perspectives on the E316 Body, Biology and Science 20 Let Fury Have the Hour: Art Confronts Left W614 Politics 18 The corporate left---does it exist and what E301 does it do? 20 Conversation with Immanuel Wallerstein W615 18 20 Ecstatic Corona W610 Venezuela Beyond Chávez I: The Policy E307 Perspective Peer-to-Peer Organizing: Seeding the Next E308 Labor Insurgency 20 Theater of the Oppressed for Self-Organiz- E309 ing and Building Community: A Panel Discussion and Workshop 20 TINA and OCCUPY - Two Forms of Meszarian W520 Consciousness 20 Session 1 Sat 6/8 10:00-11:50am After Liberation: The Promise and Perils of E310 Power 21 What Can Environmentalism Do? Schml 18 Contradictory consciousness in the neo- E327 liberal university 21 The Making of Global Capitalism LHN A 21st Century Social Studies for NYC Pub- W523 lic Senior High Schools The 8 semester Social Studies Sequence in our high schools continues to fail our youth. A new Social Studies is on the agenda. 21 People’s Power Assembly and other mass E303 resistance to ‘austerity’ 21 NGOs, Development, and the Problem of E326 Accountability 21 What is Deep Green Resistance? 21 Mass Murder An All American Phenom- W608 enon 18 Friday Night Plenary 6/7 7:00-9:00pm Opening Plenary with Christian Parenti, Jill Schml 18 Stein and Immanuel Wallerstein 4 Extreme Fossil Fuel Extraction: What We’re E306 Up Against and How to Fight It 18 Austerity isn’t Working, Can Keynesian Re- W613 forms Save the System? 19 The Fundamental Issue: Palestinian Right W614 of Return 19 The Green-Red New Deal: Capitalism, Cli- W510 mate Catastrophe, and the Alternative 19 Environmental Genocide: Politics and Pub- W511 lic Health 19 CitySteading: Civic Agency and the The W626 Right to the City 19 Solidarity Research in the Food Chain 19 W610 E329 Rebel from Below: Global Capitalism and W608 Local Resistance in Comparative Perspective Greece - Cyprus: Financial Terrorism And E305 The Neocolonial Feudalist Assault On Sovereign People Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 21 21 PLEASE CHECK ADDENDUM FOR CHANGES Session 1: cont’d Session 1: cont’d The Syriza Moment: Labor and Ecological W605 Strategies for the Greek Left 21 Animal Liberation and Social Justice 21 W606 Class and Race in the Child Welfare System E302 23 One Democratic, Secular Palestine/Israel E328 23 Sexual assault, Feminism, and Materialist E304 Politics: Which Way Forward for the Left? 23 Cuba’s Changing Economic System Re- E321 mains an Environmental Model 23 The Role of Media in Social Change E323 23 Left Wing Noir: High Crimes and Misde- E325 meanors 23 “The Making of the Neo-Liberal Queer: W616 Class, Race, and Homonationalism.” This is a panel for activist historical and sociological work on the class and racialized basis for the emergence of homonationalism. 23 Is it True that People Need their “Con- W617 sciousness Raised”? The Implications for Left Mobilization 23 U.S War Policy: how it destroys the environ- W504 ment, kills local economies, drains natural and human resources and makes people sick. So should we intervene in Syria? The Revolution of Everyday Life: Are Situ- W604 ationist Ideas Still Relevant? 24 Hip Hop: The Art of Resistance W607 24 Contemporary Maoism and Radical Poli- W609 tics 24 Food Sovereignty and Cooperative Eco- W621 nomics in the Cuban Revolution: One Delegation’s Report 24 The Campaign to Bring Mumia Home & W622 Free the Move 9 24 Beyond CSA: Community Supported In- E320 dustry 24 Is the Left Trafficking in Neo-Puritanism? 24 E324 The Fighting Youth Movement & The Ide- W601 ology of Marxism-Leninism 24 World War 3 Illustrated 33 years of con- W522 frontational comix 24 21st Century Mercenaries? The Rise of the W625 PMSCs 24 23 Liberating the Conversation: The Role of E332 Independent Publications in Facilitating Left & Radical Intellectual Discourses Outside of the Academy 24 Authors Roundtable: Occupying Political E300 Science: The Occupy Wall Street Movement from New York to the World 23 Penal states, Border choreography, Bare W503 bodies 24 TrueValueMetrics ... Meaningful Metrics for W211 a Smart Society 23 US Imperialism in the Age of Obama W618 24 26 The Theory of One-Dimensional Society, W521 the Specter of Climate Collapse, and Prospects for Social Transformation 23 Socialism, it’s not a dirty word, don’t be so W619 afraid to say it! Fusion Breeds Confusion: Countering Cuo- W602 mo’s Conservative Class Agenda 23 Session 2 Sat 6/8 12:00-1:40pm Obama’s Second Term: Assessments and Schml 26 Criticisms State Theory and its practical orientation LHN Primitive Accumulation in Light of the Cur- W613 rent Onslaught of Austerity Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 26 26 5 PANEL INDEX Session 2 Radical Alternatives to Immigration Re- W510 form 27 The Jackson Plan: The Struggle for Self-Deter- W520 mination and Economic Democracy in Jackson, MS 27 The Political Economy of US Healthcare, W511 the Medical Industrial Complex and the Affordable Care Act. 27 Occupy Your Workplace Assembly: Organ- W612 izing a New Labor Movement 27 Resistance Needs a Political Voice: Forging W626 a Radical Left Alternative in the US Session 2: cont’d Class struggle in contemporary Québec, E326 contesting Austerity and Neoliberalism before and after the “Printemps érable” 28 Militant particularisms within and beyond E329 corporate academy 28 Perspectives on the Struggles of Farm- W608 workers and Agriculture Today 28 Responding to Neo-fascist Movements: E305 The Case of Greece, Golden Dawn, and the Diaspora. 30 27 Harnessing Humor to Turbo Charge En- W605 gagement 30 Radical Roots: Italian Autonomist Marxism W610 in North America 27 30 Occupy Ethics: Human - Subhuman - Privi- E311 lege: A discussion 27 The Secret Pillars of Capitalism - Land Con- W606 trol and Debt-Money: Two systems that enslave us and how we can change them 30 Anticorporate Activism and Progressive E316 Policy Change 27 Class Warfare and the Resurrection of Jim E302 Crow Road to Sustainability E322 30 Ecosocialists in Municipal Office: Will Solar E301 Socialism Be The New Sewer Socialism? 27 On Wisconsin: Beyond the 2011 Labor Cri- E328 sis 31 Venezuela Beyond Chávez II: The Grass- E307 roots Perspective 27 Rhetoric of Empire: The Bush Administra- E330 tion and Iraq 31 Toward Building a Strategic Alliance be- E308 tween the Worker Cooperative and Progressive Social Movements 27 The wealth gap for women - have we really E304 come a long way? 31 Theater of the Oppressed for Self-Organiz- E309 ing and Building Community: A Panel Discussion and Workshop 27 Making Green A Threat Again: Direct Ac- E321 tion in the Climate Movements 31 31 Drug War and the Environment in Latin E310 America 28 Free the Cuban 5! It’s time to bring them E323 home! 31 Human Paths of Development vs. Capital- E327 ist Development 28 Make Voting Count: Electoral Reform and E325 Alternative Voting Methods NATO’s catastrophic failure in Libya W616 31 Vito Marcantonio (1902-1954): Spokesper- W523 son for the Left 28 IT Co-ops 101 W617 31 Shrinking Financial Capital: Why and How? E303 28 6 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation PLEASE CHECK ADDENDUM FOR CHANGES Session 2: cont’d Greenwashing Apartheid: the Jewish Na- W504 tional Fund and the Colonization of Palestine 31 Men Are Parents, Too! 31 E300 “Life, Liberty, Humanity” and Paine’s Path W211 to Justice (501c4 Planning Roundtable) 31 “Why bother redeeming ‘primitive’ com- W521 munism?: the case of Gracchus Babeuf (1760-1796) and Guy Endore (1900-1970)” 31 Prosperity Gospel and the Moral Poverty W602 of the Modern Church: What Path for the Future? 32 Economic Liberalization and Environmen- W604 tal Policy Session 3: cont’d No Justice, No Peace! Families and Activ- W618 ists Speak Out Against Police Violence 33 The War on Africa 33 W619 Saturday Lunch Event 6/8 2:00-3:30pm Noam Chomsky Schml 33 Session 3 Sat 6/8 3:40-5:20pm Occupy and the Future of the Left Schml 33 Pussy Riot: The Ongoing Struggle LHN 33 32 Is There an Ecologically Sustainable Alter- LHS native? Democracy, Planning and Markets in the Next System 33 101 Changemakers: Rebels and Radicals W607 Who Changed American History 32 Wall Street’s war to impose austerity W613 33 Post Oil: Wind, Water & Solar, or Liquid-Fuel W609 Thorium? What’s our best hope? 32 Native/Indigenous Radio Media in Turtle W614 Island (North America) 33 Food Sovereignty Amidst Urbanization, W621 Food Justice Amidst Gentrification, and Urban-Rural Organizing 32 Organizing for Health Care Justice in the W511 Age of Austerity and the Affordable Care Act 33 The Political-Industrial Complex: How W622 America’s Corporate-Political Axis Destroys Democracy and Enriches the Few 32 Occupy Sandy: The Unofficial Response to W612 an Unprecedented Disaster 35 35 Socialism, Postsocialism, SocialismCrit: E320 What Will it Take to Wake a Moribund Left? 32 From Chinatown to China - Building Grass- W626 roots Solidarity through Organizing 35 Sartre Re-visited in a Time of Crisis E324 32 Reconsidering Narrative Filmmaking As W610 An Agent For Change Post-Adam Smith Capitalism W601 32 A Conversation with Alvaro Garcia Linera: E306 A Film and Discussion 35 Indebtedness: Art, Labor and and the W522 Specter of Unsustainability 32 Economic Democracy in Action E311 35 Torture and Culture 33 Targeted killings of Americans on Ameri- E316 can soil: the story of Lynne Stewart, political prisoners& all progressive struggles in America. 35 Rethinking the Commons E301 35 Two, Three, Many Transitions to Socialism E307 in Latin America Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 35 W625 What Can Activists Learn from Social E332 Movement Scholarship? 33 7 PANEL INDEX Session 3: cont’d Red Kindergartens to Freedom Schools: E309 Social Struggle and Radical Experiments in Education 35 The Drug War in Latin America: ¡Estamos E310 Hasta la Madre! (We are fed up!) 35 Environmental NGOs and Class Warfare: E327 Plundering and Pillaging the Commons 35 Fighting Tuition, Fighting Debt 35 W523 The Necessity of Direct Action to Prevent E321 Expansion of Gas and Oil Infrastructure 37 A changing Cuba, a stagnant America E323 strategy and the continuing plight of the Cuban Five 37 Occupy Wall Street: Special Meeting of the E325 Alternative Banking Group on “Breaking Up the Megabanks” 37 The Political Economy of a Green New Deal E303 35 11 Talking Points on 21st Century Social- E326 ism 36 Anthropological Perspectives on Econom- W616 ics and Environmentalism from the Left 37 Unpacking the University-National Secu- E329 rity State-Corporate Complex 36 How we live on this planet: An economic W617 perspective 37 The Quest For Free Community: Commu- W608 nitarian Anarchism, Cooperative Commonwealth, or Something Other 36 Fossil Fuel Divestment: A Catalyist for Sys- W504 temic Change 37 38 Beyond the Euro: The Political and Cultural E305 Dimensions of the Greek Crisis 36 From the Bronx to Mindanao: Develop- E300 ment Aggression, the Environment, and People’s Resistance Brooklyn!!! Gentrification! W605 36 A New World in Our Past: Using Anarchist W211 History Today 38 Post-election Ivory Coast: Can there be de- W606 velopment without Justice, Freedom, and Sovereignty? 36 38 Building Cooperative Alliances and Strug- E302 gling for Political Unity between Radical Scholars and Social Movements 36 NYPD out of Bed Stuy - U.S. Marines Out W520 of Africa! The Struggle for Reparations and Economic Development over Parasitism and Colonial Occupation! 38 Ecofeminist Ecosocialism in Action: Per- E322 spectives on Contemporary Movements for a Planet Beyond Capitalism 36 Raya Dunayevskaya /Herbert Marcuse/Er- W521 ich Fromm Correspondence, 1954-1978: Newly Published Letters with Dialogues on Hegel, Marx, Critical Theory, and Women’s Liberation The Art of Economic Cooperation. E328 36 The Trial of Bradley Manning and the W602 Crackdown on Whistleblowers 38 Pakistan: Fundamentalism, The Blasphe- E330 my Law, Human Rights Issues & Workers’ Rights 36 The Resurgence of Serge W604 38 Sex Work 101: Transforming Perspectives W607 38 Eco-capitalism and the myths of the “green E304 economy” 37 Food Justice, Labor Rights and the Envi- W621 ronment 38 8 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation PLEASE CHECK ADDENDUM FOR CHANGES Session 3: cont’d Session 3: cont’d W510 40 Ecological Crisis and the Catastrophe of W511 Environmental Illness 40 Street School Collective: Popular Educa- E325 tion and the Occupy Movement 40 Reinventing Democracy through Partici- W626 patory Budgeting 40 38 Free Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar W610 Lopez RIvera 41 41 Mass Incarceration - A National Shame and W625 a Call for Action 38 From hierarchy to network: Can trade un- E306 ions and NGOs make the transition to horizontalism? Beautiful Trouble: A panel discussion on E332 the art and science of creative activism 40 Anne Braden: Her Spirit Lives E311 41 41 A Cultural Renewal Through Democracy W503 40 The Marginalized Left: Lessons from Past E316 and Recent Histories The New Imperialism in Africa W619 40 The Intertwining of Red and Green: Eco- E301 cide Can Only be Stopped with the Defeat of Capitalism 41 The Twenty-First Century Latin American E307 Left 41 Unions Go Green: A New Framework To- E308 ward Energy Democracy 41 Contested Feminsims in an age of globali- E309 zation and war 41 Targeted Killing, Drone Warfare, Surveil- W622 lance & Grassroots Resistance: the Obama Doctrine 38 Does the National Initiative to Hire Veter- E320 ans First help facilitate equity or deny it to others? 38 Women, Work and the Future of Feminism E324 38 The changing configuration of govern- W601 ance: market building strategies in the global political economy Session 4 Sat 6/8 5:30-7:10pm Ecosocialism: Coming to a Horizon Near Schml 40 You The Question of Strategy after Occupy Class Struggle in North America: A Discus- LHN sion of Continental Crucible: Big Business, Workers and Unions in the Transformation of North America 40 Detroit: An Ecological Disaster That Didn’t LHS Have to Happen 40 Internal Colonialism and The Paradigms of E310 Race 42 Occupying Language W612 40 Fight for the Soul of the Cities: An Interna- E327 tional Vision for Urban Organizing 42 Beyond Bloomberg: The Future of New W613 York 40 After the Maple Spring: Lessons of the W523 Quebec Student Strike 42 Indigenize Our Paradigms: Restoring Sa- W614 cred Sustainability 40 Climate justice: Challenges and prospects E303 for an emerging movement 42 Shift Change: potential and limits of work- W615 er cooperatives in building a sustainable future 40 Socialism is Feminist E326 42 New York Students Rising: Students Re- E329 building Resistance 42 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 9 PANEL INDEX Session 4: cont’d Activist filmmaking and Academia W608 42 Stopping Indefinite Detention by the US: E305 Guantánamo, Bagram and the NDAA 42 Mobilizing for Africa’s Development: a W605 Panafricanist Approach 42 The Future of Education Reform 42 W606 Session 4: cont’d The Responsibilities of Heterodoxy: What E320 Kind of Economics Do We Need? 43 A New Documentary Film: “Raya Du- W601 nayevskaya: Biography of an Idea” 43 Politics and Literature: Victor Serge Today W522 43 Prison Radio The Making of the Media and W625 Fighting for Freedom 43 Lil Mama’s Tool Shed: Black and Brown E332 Women Strategies/Tools for Liberation 44 Organizing Against Solitary Confinement W618 in the Era of Mass Incarceration 44 44 Globalizing Revolution: New Perspectives E302 on History,Theory, and Praxis 42 Greens, climate crisis, environmental jus- E322 tice, and the eco-socialist moment 42 Art and the Commodity-Form E328 42 Iran: The Presidential Election of June 2013 E330 42 Imperialism in Africa and Building a Mass W619 Resistance The Road to the Third United States Social E321 Forum—Towards a Social Forum of a New Type 43 Saturday Night Event 6/8 7:30-9:30pm Barriers to Transformation: Government E323 Repression and White Supremacy 43 The Untold History of the United States Schml 44 with Oliver Stone, Peter Kuznick, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Donna Murch and Greg Wilpert 500 Years of Machiavelli’s The Prince: Or- W617 ganization, Desire, Communism 43 Session 5 Sun 6/9 10:00-11:50am Pathways towards a Sustainable World: W504 Strategies for Occupying our Economy 43 Imagine living in a socialist USA, Part l. Schml 44 What Government Must Do: What The Left W211 Can Learn From The New Deal 43 Socialize the Energy Sector! W613 44 Prospects for Syria’s Revolution W614 44 The Renewal of Radical Thought and the W520 Question of Communism 43 Catastrophism W615 44 The Future of World Capitalism W521 43 A National Security State In and Out: His- W510 tory Will Not Be Kind 44 The Domino Effect: Growing the Health- W604 care Is a Human Right Movement, One State after Another 43 44 Food Sovereignty and Land Reform in the W621 US 43 “Health Care Struggles in Embattled Com- W511 munities: Critical Historical Lessons, Political Continuities--Black Panther Party, Harlem; Young Lords, Lincoln Hospital/South Bronx -- & Beyond Ending the School-to-Prison Pipeline 43 Black Politics at the Tail End of Obama - W612 and Beyond 45 10 W622 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation PLEASE CHECK ADDENDUM FOR CHANGES Session 4: cont’d Session 4: cont’d China, Africa and Capitalist Destruction of W626 the Planet 45 Tramp the Dirt Down: Thatcher’s Irish E305 Problem 46 Memorializing the urban revolutionary W610 movements on the Lower East Side 45 Environmental & Social Struggles in Greece W606 (The Case of Skourgies- Halkidiki) 46 Failed Strategies: A Critical Dialogue on E306 the Left’s Response to Climate Change and Economic Crisis 45 The Central Park 5 & its Impact on the E302 Criminal Justice System 46 Empire, the national security state and rac- E311 ism during the Obama era 45 Knowledge, Climate, Energy and Ecoso- E322 cialist Transition in the 21st Century 46 The North Star: Strategies on Renewing E316 the Radical Left 45 The 2013 World Social Forum in Tunis E330 47 47 Apartheid: We Don’t Buy It, the BDS Move- E301 ment on the Rise 45 Addressing Sexual Violence While Oppos- E304 ing the Prison Industrial Complex 47 Marxism and Postmodernism -- enemies E307 or allies? 45 The Core of Today’s Broken Capitalism: Pri- E321 vatized Debt-Money of the Banks 47 Strategies for Rank and File Militancy E308 45 Ecological/Economic transformation for E323 Jamaica and Haiti? Or does it Wither ? : Democracy in the age E309 of inequality 45 Aggression by another name— how the W504 US wages war on Syria. 47 Against Privatization & Towards the Com- E310 mons: Experiences from Bolivia, Greece & Argentina 45 Venceremos Brigade: Who’s gonna break E300 the Travel Ban? 47 Electoral Politics: Demobilizing Swamp or W211 Tactic for Social Transformation? 47 BRICS: Which side are they on? W520 47 Marx’s Politics of Revolution: From the Cri- W521 tique of Proudhon to the Critique of the Gotha Program 47 Reproducing Cities in the Americas: Knowl- W602 edge, Technique, and Spatial Practice 47 Collective Liberation and Radical Mental W604 Health Workshop 47 Nothing About Us Without Us - Sex Work W607 Activism in NYC 47 Reclaiming our Agricultural Commons 47 Horizontal Organizing in the Crucible of Disaster Recovery E325 45 Foundations of Economic Justice: Low- E327 wage Workers Forward! 46 History and Education in Contemporary W523 U.S. Politics 46 Building A Democracy Movement - Con- E326 fronting Corporate Rule 46 Reinvisioning Global Energy Turmoil 46 E329 From Slavery to Emancipation or From W608 Slavery to Liberation: Which Way Forward From Neoliberalism and Racial Capitalism? 46 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation W621 11 PANEL INDEX Session 5: cont’d Political Prisons in America W622 47 Roundtable on “More Misused Wage Data E320 from ‘Monthly Review’: The Overaccumulation of a Surplus of Errors” 48 Primitive Accumulation: Then and Now 48 E324 Inequality and Exploitation in the World of W522 Art 48 Exodus: Breaking out of Prison and Patriar- W625 chy: The Life and Times of Russell Maroon Shoatz 48 Global Punitiveness and Social Waste: the W618 Plight of the Deportee 48 Engaging the African Youth and Young W619 Professionals in Africa’s Sustainable Development in the 21st Century. 48 Session 6 Sun 6/9 12:00-1:50am Workplace democracy and democratic Schml 48 ownership: Moving from theory to strategy Session 5: cont’d Occupy Neighborhood. (Lessons from Oc- W612 cupy assemblies in Kensington, Harlem, Astoria and elsewhere in New York City. Workshop. All Occupiers invited!) 49 Crisis and the Left in Europe: The Cases of W626 Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain 49 The State of the U.S. Left Alternative Media W610 49 Labor and the Resilient City – Stories from E306 Rapid Repairs and Sandy Recovery 49 Fighting Racism in a Post-Racial World E311 49 Donning the red square with CLASSE: the E316 organizational and political aspects of the 2012 Québec mass student movement and strike 49 Divesting from Fossil Fuels - Investing in E301 Our Planet 49 The revolutionary project of social ecology E307 49 Taking Socialism Seriously E308 51 Striking Back: The Chicago Teachers Un- E309 ion’s Victory and its Lessons for Labor 51 Latin America Rises Up: Resistance to E310 Mega Mining Across the Americas 51 ALEC Exposed: How the Right-Wing “Bill LHN Mill” Facilitates Attacks on Economic, Social, and Environmental Rights – and How to Fight Back 48 Challenges for the Latin American Left in LHS Power 48 Thinking Across Crises: Anti-Capitalist E327 Strategies and Imaginaries 51 Rank & File Unionism in a Time of Auster- W613 ity: Heath Care Unions on the Front Line 49 51 Emerging Revolt in the Arab World: Egypt, W614 Palestine and Beyond 49 Organizing Young People, Teachers, Par- W523 ents and Community: Building Trust and Accountability 51 Imagine living in a socialist USA, Part Il: W615 Making The American Socialist Revolution 49 Fighting Ecological Transformation: 20th E303 Century Energy in the Era of Sandy and Fukushima Capitalism & The State: Examining The En- W510 vironment, Social Security, and the Economy 49 Green Shadow Cabinet: Another Govern- E326 ment is Possible 51 51 Militarism, Economic Warfare, and Health 49 Fracking Us Every Which Way from Side- E329 ways, and How to Put the Kibosh on It 12 W511 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation PLEASE CHECK ADDENDUM FOR CHANGES Session 5: cont’d Session 6: Deadly Economies: Israel’s Role in World- W504 wide Repression 53 Urban redevelopment. From NJ Nets and E300 Atlantic Yards to FreshDirect’s Plans to move to the Bronx. Can Gentrification and Corporate Development Benefit the Poor? 53 Left Third Party Organizing: Challenges W211 and Opportunities 53 Marxism and the Theory of the Self W520 53 MEGA(2) and the Revolution in The Phi- W521 losophy of Marx 53 52 The Soviet Experience, the Effects of its W602 Temporary Destruction and the Struggle for Socialism Today 54 The Intellectual Commons After the Book: E322 Contemporary Experiments in Not-forProfit Literary Publishing 52 Intimate Life in US Capitalism: from the W607 Bedroom to the Boardroom to the Battlefield Chairman 54 Grassroots feminist organizing pushes the E328 courts, makes leap for reproductive rights: The Morning-After Pill Tummino Decision 52 Political Ecologies of Developmental Ter- W609 rorism: Neoliberalism and People’s Resistance in India 54 Building a Global Movement for Radical E330 Transformation: An Orientation to the US and World Social Forum Process 52 FreshFood.Connection: Advancing Aware- W621 ness of Healthy Food as a Right, not a Privilege 54 Socialist-Feminist Strategy for the 21st E304 Century 52 Preemptive Prosecution: Prison with No W622 Crime 54 Industrial Development Agencies: Activist E321 Opportunities Under Neoliberal Economic Development Initiatives 52 Toward a Carbon Theory of Value: Histori- E324 cal Materialism for the New Millennium 54 In the Eye of the Storm: Haiti Battle for Na- E323 tional Soveriegnty 52 Public Resource Theft: Lessons of New E325 Orleans Public Housing for NYC 52 Revolution without Marx? Rousseau and W601 his followers for the Left 55 Imperialism Today: What it is and why we W616 must fight it 52 Pop Media as AgitProp: The Power of Car- W522 toons 55 Class and History Consciousness: The uses W617 and abuses of historical knowledge by the Left. 53 Policing, Prisons, and Resistance: Organ- W625 izing Resistance across Communities and Sectors 55 Escape from Evil: Understanding and Over- W608 coming Violence: Two Modern Masters on 51 Brown Plague: Europe’s Far-Right and E305 Strategies for Resistance 52 Information Activism, The 5th Estate: Hack- W605 ing, Leaking, and Investigative Journalism in the Age of Secrecy 52 Labor Goes Online: Technological Trans- W606 formations in the Forms of Labor, Value, and “Life Itself” 52 Resisting Racism and Militarism in 21 Cen- E302 tury America: A Dialogue on the new book “We Have Not Been Moved” US Treaty Obligations and Freeing Imprisoned COINTELPRO/Civil Rights Activists, Political Prisoners Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation E331 55 13 PANEL INDEX Session 6 cont’d Session 7: cont’d The Citizen Suite: Strategies for a Full Me- W503 dia Literacy and Engagement 55 Over-Population Ideology: Too Many Peo- E306 57 Straight Talk Africa: Re-engaging with Af- W618 rica 55 Recession, Racism and the Transformation E311 of the U.S. working class 57 Chinua Achebe - His Life, His Legacy 55 The Student-Labor Fightback Against Neo- E316 Liberalism, on campus and off. 57 From a Green New Deal to a Global Trans- E301 formation: Green Jobs, Demilitarization and Economic Reconstruction 57 The Crisis of Capitalism: Five Years Later E307 57 Roundtable on Building International La- E308 bor Solidarity: Prospects and Challenges 57 Resist Empire, Build Justice through Soli- E310 darity, Close the SOA! 57 E325 58 Power Structures: Challenging Energy He- E327 gemony in the Era of Climate Crisis 58 Grassroots Visions of Socialism: The Grow- W523 ing Vision of Alternatives to Capitalism Emerging from Contemporary Social Movements 58 Organizing for Catastrophe -- Runaway E303 Global Warming and Strategies for Community Empowerment 58 5 Years Longer, 5 Years Stronger: What Will E326 it Take to Move from Resistance to Revolution? 58 From Detroit to the Marcellus Shale, from E329 South America to Central Europe: Struggles for sustainable human development 58 58 58 W619 Sunday Lunch Event 6/8 2:00-3:00pm Report from Greece with Mihalis Spourda- Schml 56 lakis, Eirini Dourou - member of Parliament and Leo Panitch (moderator) Session 7 Sun 6/9 3:00-4:50pm The Transformative Dimensions of Local Schml 56 and International Politics: Astride or Outside the Revolution A Basic Income for All? LHN 56 Imperialism and Ecology LHS 56 The Left Youth Labor the Left, and AFL-CIO’s 2013 big W613 change of strategy 56 How to solve the Israel-Palestine Conflict: W614 0, 1 or 2 State Solution 56 Let Fury Have the Hour: FIlm Screening W615 56 Unions and the Worker Coop Movement W510 Building Power 56 This Positive World: Solutions to the Global W511 AIDS Crisis 57 Organizing Among/Within Crisis: Lessons W612 From The Housing Market Collapse, Occupy Wall Street, and Relief and Rebuilding After Hurricanes Katrina & Sandy 57 Beyond Resilience: Actions for a Just Me- W626 tropolis 57 Political Photography: Satires, Cartoons, W608 Statements—Staged Photography and Digital Collages Hollywood and CIA. (Hollywood as Propa- W610 ganda Ministry: Ideological confluence, security state influence, co-creation of enemies. Counterpropaganda.) 57 European Austerity and the New Resist- E305 ance 14 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation PLEASE CHECK ADDENDUM FOR CHANGES Session 7: cont’d Revolution in the Age of the Internet: an W605 International Panel 58 John Brown: Trumpet of Freedom (A Play) E302 58 Mobilizing Alternative Enterprises to Pro- E322 vide Affordable and Sustainable Power Session 7: cont’d The Free Mumia Movement: Solidarity, In- W622 ternationalism, and Anti-imperialism 60 Marx’s Humanism: Folly, Peripheral, or In- E320 tegral to his Philosophy? 60 58 Redefining The Role and Application of W522 Multimedia for Today’s Political Landscape 60 Economic, Ecological, and Social Crisis in E330 Iran: The Impact of U.S. Sanctions 58 60 What Would/Does a Feminist Labor Move- E304 ment Look Like? 58 US Treaty Obligations and Freeing Impris- W331 oned COINTELPRO/Civil Rights Activists, Political Prisoners 60 The “F” Word: Creeping Fascism in the Unit- E321 ed States 59 No More Budget Cuts on Our Backs! Fight E332 Back with a Robin Hood Tax! 60 Running Against ‘the Man’; Utilizing Grass- E323 roots Organizing Tools to Change City Hall’ 59 Africa and 21st Century Governance and W619 Security Challenges. Prospects for Ecological and Economic Transformation in the African Continent. Envisioning Global Movements: How the W616 International Organization for a Participatory Society (IOPS) overlaps with Anarchism, Zapatismo, and International Women’s Human Rights 59 All of the Pollution and None of the Jobs: W617 Port Communities Fight Back 59 Spaces and Times of Occupation: A Col- E300 lective Presentation by the Yale Working Group on Globalization and Culture 59 Community Organizing for a New Econo- W211 my 59 Dialectical Materialism vs. The New Physics W520 59 Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Legacy W521 59 China, the Panda in the left’s living room W602 59 Child Welfare and the Reproductive Jus- W604 tice Framework 59 The Peoples Republic of China and U.S. im- W609 perialism’s ‘turn’ to Asia 59 The Radical Potential of the Food Move- W621 ment: Sustainability, Justice, and Health 59 Sunday Night Plenary 6/8 5:30-7:30pm Closing Plenary with Bolivian Vice Presi- Schml 60 dent Alvaro Garcia Linera, John Bellamy Foster and Tadzio Muller Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 15 PACE UNIVERSITY FLOOR PLANS 16 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 17 CONFRENCE SCHEDULE FRIDAY 6/7 Brian D’Agostino ............... Harry Van Arsdale Center for Labor Studies Charles Strozier Myriam Miedzian Opening Plenary Session A Schimmel Auditorium, 7:00pm SPECIAL FRIDAY EARLY EVENING EVENTS 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm Social Movements and Left Transformative Organizing W613 Robert Robinson, Chair ...........Take Back the Land Leadership Committee Max Rameau ................................Take Back the Land Leadership Committee Eric Mann .................................... Director, Labor/Community Strategy Center Jessica Lewis ............................................Baltimore Right to Housing Alliance Miguel Robles-Duran....................... Parsons-New School Urban Ecologies Let Fury Have the Hour: Art Confronts Left Politics Speakers: Christian Parenti Jill Stein Immanuel Wallerstein W614 Richard Wolff, Chair.................................................................................. Antonino D’Ambrosio.................... La Lutta/A Bricklayers Union Production/For, Not Against Staceyann Chin ....................................Poet/Memorist/Performer Melanie Joseph............................... artistic producer - the Foundry Theater Imran Malik ......................................................................The Kominas Conversation with Immanuel Wallerstein W615 Sponsored by: Praxis SATURDAY 6/8 Jenny Greeman, Chair....................................... New Perspectives Theater Immanuel Wallerstein ...................................................... Yale University Richard Greeman .........Victor Serge Foundation, Montpellier, France; Praxis Center, Moscow, Russia Session 1 Ecstatic Corona What Can Environmentalism Do? W610 Patricia Clough, Chair ..................................... The Graduate Center, CUNY Yeong Ran Kim ................................................................. The New School Omar Montana ................................................. The Graduate Center, CUNY Elizabeth Garcia Elijah Kuan Wong .............................................. Friends of Island Academy McDonald Morris Mass Murder An All American Phenomenon W608 Harriet Fraad, Chair ......................................................... Psychotherapist 18 10:00am Schimmel Sponsored by: Dissent Nick Serpe, Chair.......................................................................... Dissent Magazine Mark Engler ............................................................................................... Andrew Ross............................................................................................... Alyssa Battistoni .............................................................Jacobin Magazine Charles Callaway .....................................WE ACT for Environmental Justice The Making of Global Capitalism Come From? Room LHN Sponsored by: Jacobin Magazine Nicole Aschoff, Chair ................................ Jacobin Magazine, Verso Books Leo Panitch ......................................................................Socialist Register Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 1: 10:00 - 11:50AM Sam Gindin ......................................Author, The Making of Global Capitalism Joshua Freeman ...............................................................................CUNY Austerity Isn’t Working, Can Keynesian Reforms Save the System W613 Sponsored by: Critique Suzi Weissman, Chair ...........St. Mary’s College of CA and KPFK Los Angeles Hillel Ticktin.................................................. Editor, Critique Journal Michael Hudson.......................................University of Missouri, Kansas City Robert Brenner.................................................................................. UCLA WorkingUSA The Journal of Labor and Society The Fundamental Issue: Palestinian Right of ReturnC W614 Editor: Immanuel Ness Sponsored by Haymarket books A cross-disciplinary journal, WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society explores the economic, political, and social dimensions of work and labor throughout the world. Sherry Wolf, Chair .......................................................... Haymarket Books Lamis Deek ..............................................................National Lawyers Guild David Letwin ......................................... Jews for Palestinian Right of Return Haider Eid ....... Palestinian Campaign for Acedemic & Cultural Boycott of Israel Shefeka Hashash ...............................Students for Justice in Palestine- NYU The Green-Red New Deal: Capitalism, Climate Catastrophe, and the Alternative W510 Paul Street, Chair........................................................Independent Author Janet Razbadouski........................................................ University of Iowa Chris Williams............................................................... Pace University, NYC Environmental Genocide: Politics and Public Health Key Articles Margaret Flowers, Chair..................................... Green SHadow Cabiinet Marsha Coleman-Adebayo................................. Green Shadow Cabinet Walter Tsou.....................................Physicians for a National Health Program Diane WIlson............................................................. Environmental Activist The Marxist View of the Labor Unions: Complex and Critical Room: W511 City Steading: Civic Agency and the Right to the City W626 Braden Crooks, Chair............................................................................... Frank Morales..................................................... Organizing for Occupation Gabriela Rendon William Morrish.....................................Parsons, The New School for Design Solidarity Research in the Food Chain W610 Yvonne Yen Liu, Chair.............................................................ROC-United Diana Robinson............................................... Food Chain Workers Alliance Joseph Sanchez.................................................................... Brandworkers Daisy Chung................................................................................... ROC-NY Extreme Fossil Fuel Extraction: What We’re Up Against and How to Fight It Dan La Botz Restructuring of the Honda Auto Parts Union in Guongdong, China: A 2-year Assessment of the 2010 Strike Rena Lau The Contemporary Significance of Gramsci’s Critique of Civil Society Arun Patnaik Labor Unions in Contemporary Russia: An Assessment of Contrasting Forms of Organization and Representation Irina Olimpieva Subscribe or view a free sample issue at E306 Peter Rugh, Chair.. Free Speech Radio News/ Steve Horn ............................................DeSmogBlog/CounterPunch/TruthOut Maura Stephens ...........Associate Director at the Park Center for Independent Media Karen Charman ..................... Managing Editor of Capitalism Nature Socialism Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 19 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 1: 10:00 - 11:50AM Occupy the Commons: Common Wealth vs Private Wealth Dr. Scott Noren Yannis Tziligakis, Chair............................................... G.E.T, G.S.M.T, H.G.S Marty Rowland ............................................................................ Ph.D., P.E. Joshua Vincent ....... Center for the Study of Economics, Executive Director/CEO, Andrew Mazzone............................... Henry George School of Social Science E307 Sponsored by: NACLA Report & E311 Sponsored by: Georgist Economic Taskforce (G.E.T) BioCapitalism: Critical Perspectives on the Body, Biology and Science E316 Venezuela Beyond Chávez I: The Policy Perspective Alex Main, Chair................................ Center for Economic and Policy Research Mark Weisbrot.................................... Center for Economic and Policy Research Gregory Wilpert................................................. Carol Delgado ............. Consulate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in New York Julio Rodriguez ................................................. Radio El Comunitario, Venezuela Peer-to-Peer Organizing: Seeding the Next Labor Insurgency E308 Benjamin Eleanor Adam, Chair........................... Graduate Center, CUNY Pilar Ortiz .................................................................... Graduate Center, CUNY Josh Scannell .............................................................Graduate Center CUNY Marzena Szulikowski ...............................................Graduate Center CUNY Erik Forman, Chair......................................................................................... James McCormick ....................Supply Chain Revolutionary Workers (SCReW) Hallie Grace.............................................. IWW Chicago-Lake Liquor Campaign Catalina Williams.................................... IWW Food and Retail Workers United The corporate left---does it exist and what does it do? Theater of the Oppressed for Self-Organizing and Building Community: A Panel Discussion and Workshop E301 Jim Vrettos, Chair........................... John Jay college --- Sociology Department Doug Thompkins....................................................... John Jay College, CUNY Randy Credico ..........Director of William Moses Kunstler Fund for Radical Justice E309 Sponsored by: Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB). Marie-Claire Picher, Chair..... Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB) Socialism and Democracy;; 1-617-776-9505 Recent special features No. 52 (March 2010) – Cuban Perspectives on Cuban Socialism No. 54 (Nov. 2010) – Marx for Today No. 55 (March 2011) – What Is African American Studies? No. 56 (July 2011) – Democracy vs. Neoliberalism in the European Union No. 57 (Nov. 2011) – The Maoist Revolution in India No. 58 (March 2012) – Chinese Marxism Today No. 59 (July 2012) – Promise and Challenge of the Occupy Movement No. 60 (Nov. 2012) – Contemporary Popular Movements and Cuba: A New Direction? 20 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 1: 10:00 - 11:50AM Janet Gerson.............................. Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB) Elia Gurna ................................... Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB) Reg Flowers ............................................................... Falconworks Artist Group After Liberation: The Promise and Perils of Power E310 Sponsored by: Daniel Singer Millennium Prize Foundation Nancy Holmstrom, Chair........... Daniel Singer Millennium Prize Foundation Mazibuko Jara Amandla ........................................Magazine, South Africa Samuel Farber ........................................ Prfessor Emeritus, Brooklyn College Maria (Josie) Saldana-Portillo Professor of Social & Cultural Analysis, NYU Rebel from Below: Global Capitalism and Local Resistance in Comparative Perspective W608 Lu Zhang, Chair.............................................................. Temple University Kimberly Lok................................................................... Temple University Jennifer Candipan ............................................................................. USC Konrad Aderer ..................................................................... Life or Liberty Esther Hio-Tong Castillo.....................................Temple University Rene Ropac.............................................................Temple University Contradictory consciousness in the neo-liberal university Greece - Cyprus: Financial Terrorism And The Neocolonial Feudalist Assault On Sovereign People James Cairns, Chair .............................................. Wilfrid Laurier University Charles Wells .......................................................... Wilfrid Laurier University Rebecca Schein ..............................................................Carleton University Kate Rossiter .......................................................... Wilfrid Laurier University Andreas Kalyvas, Chair................................................................................. Rania Antonopoulos..................................................................................... Nicholas Georgantzas.................................................................................. George Karyotis.............................................................................................. A 21st Century Social Studies for NYC Public Senior High Schools The 8 semester Social Studies Sequence in our high schools continues to fail our youth. A new Social Studies is on the agenda. The Syriza Moment: Labor and Ecological Strategies for the Greek Left E327 W523 Gregory Tewksbury, Chair...................................................................... Bernard Gassaway................................ Boys and Girls High School, Brooklyn Alan Schulman ................................................. Program Development Director People’s Power Assembly and other mass resistance to ‘austerity’ E305 Sponsored by: G.E.T W605 Sponsored by: Campaign for Peace and Democracy; SYRIZA-New York Natassa Romanou, Chair.......................... Columbia University, Syriza- NY Joanne Landy ...............................................Campaign for Peace and Democracy Lefteris Kretsos ........................................... Syriza, University of Greenwich Sean Sweeney............................................................Global Labor Institute Animal Liberation and Social Justice W606 E303 Sponsored by: Workers World Newspaper Larry Hales, Chair..................................................... Peoples Power Assembly Betsey Piette.................. Workers World newspaper, Pennsylvania anti-fracking Abayomi Azikiwe............................................ Pan Africa News Wire, MECAWI Teresa Gutierrez ...................May 1 Coalition for Worker and Immigrant Rights Larry Holmes............................................................. Peoples Power Assembly NGOs, Development, and the Problem of Accountability E326 Geoffrey Pfeifer, Chair................................... Worcester Polytechnic Institute Chioke I’Anson....................................................... University of South Florida Rachel Zazlow......................... Executive Director, Mother Health International Jesse Mattleman...................... Assistant Director, Seven Hills Global Outreach Ashley Emerson Gilbert............... Director, Seven Hills Global Outreach What is Deep Green Resistance? E329 Joshua Headley, Chair .......................................... Deep Green Resistance NYC Jalen Matney................................................. Deep Green Resistance New York Thaddeus Matney Megan McGee .............................................. Deep Green Resistance New York Frank Coughlin.................................................................................. DGRNYC Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 21 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 1: 10:00 - 11:50AM P A R E N T A L Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung 2013 Left Forum Panels Unions Go Green: A New Framework toward Energy Democracy Frankly, unions haven’t always been the greenest bunch. Nor have a whole lot of other folks on the Left. But that’s changing. Learn about the labor movement’s latest efforts to create a just, democratic, and sustainable energy system. Lara Skinner (Cornell Global Labor Institute) Tadzio Müller (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Berlin) Emmaia Gelman (Alliance for a Just Rebuilding, NYC) CHAIR: Stefanie Ehmsen (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – NYC) Fighting Racism in a Post-Racial World With the election of the first black president, we are told that we have evolved into a post-racial society. This rhetoric obscures the insidious, continued legacy of racism in the U.S. How can we invigorate efforts to strike at the true foundations of structural racism? Steve Williams (Ex-director of POWER, San Francisco) Tahir Della (Initiative of Black People in Germany) Luz Schreiber (SEIU, New York) CHAIR: Kazembe Balagun (Brecht Forum, New York) 21st Century Mercenaries? The Rise of PMSCs Private Military and Security Companies: hired guns, profiting from war and conflict escalation, accountable to no one. And our governments are relying on them more and more. What can we do about it? Lou Pingeot (Global Policy Forum, New York) Laura Raymond (Center for Constitutional Rights) Pratap Chatterjee (CorpWatch, San Francisco) CHAIR: James Hare (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – NYC) ROSA LUXEMBURG STIFTUNG NEW YORK OFFICE 22 ADVISO EXPLI RY CIT S OCIAL ISM Fighting Tuition, Fighting Debt A massive student movement recently stopped tuition hikes in the Canadian province of Quebec. How can other students fight back against spiraling tuition, and how can their struggles connect to a broader movement against other forms of exploitative debt? Jérémie Bédard-Wien (ASSÉ, Montreal) Jackie Sewell (Young Democratic Socialists) Astra Taylor (Strike Debt, New York) CHAIR: Ethan Earle (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – NYC) European Austerity and the New Resistance Austerity is on the rise throughout Europe, and whole societies are being driven into poverty and desperation. What’s being done to fight it? What are the possibilities for international solidarity? Albert Scharenberg (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – NYC) Catarina Príncipe (Cultures of Labour and Socialism, Portugal) Michael Krätke (University of Lancaster, UK) CHAIR: Josef Baum (European Network “transform!”) Twitter: @rosaluxnyc Facebook: rosaluxnyc The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung is an internationally operating, progressive non-profit institution for civic education. In cooperation with many organizations around the globe, it works on democratic and social participation, empowerment of disadvantaged groups, alternatives for economic and social development, and peaceful conflict resolution. The New York Office serves two major tasks: to work around issues concerning the United Nations and to engage in dialogue with North American progressives in universities, unions, social movements, and politics. Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 1: 10:00 - 11:50AM Joan Harrison, Chair................................................................................ Karen Davis............................................................. United Poultry Concerns Patrice Jones........................................................................Vine Sanctuary Joan Harrison Christina Hanhardt...........Assistant professor of American Studies and LGBT Studies at the University of MarylanD Class and Race in the Child Welfare System W617 E302 Don Lash, Chair............................................ International Socialist Organization Jovonna Frieson............................................ Child Welfare Organizing Project Sylvia Hooper............................................. Foster Parent Advocacy Foundation One Democratic, Secular Palestine/Israel E328 Julia Willebrand, Chair .............. ,Federation of Green Parties of the Americas Stan Heller............................................................ Middle East Crisis Committee Lenni BrenneR.................................................................Green Party of the US Mazin Qumsiyeh..........Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People Sexual assault, Feminism, and Materialist Politics: Which Way Forward for the Left? E304 Nicole Whalen, Chair.................................................................................... Esteban Kelly .............. AORTA (Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Alliance) Collective Dianne Feeley ..................................................................................Solidarity Cuba’s Changing Economic System Remains an Environmental Model E321 Stan Smith, Chair................................Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5 Ovidio Roque.......................................... Cuban Mission to the United Nations Jairo Rodriguez Hernandez............... Cuban Mission to the United Nations Arnold August The Role of Media in Social Change E323 Sponsored by: Western Africa Magazine Pojanee Fleury, Chair................................................................................... Robert Frith Rasheed Abdul-Wahaab Peter Lew Left Wing Noir: High Crimes and Misdemeanors E325 Sponsored by: PM Press Kenneth Wishnia, Chair....... Professor of English, Suffolk Community College Steven Wishnia Irene Marcuse Lina Zeldovich Kaylie Jones The Making of Neo-Liberal Queer: Race, Class, and Homonationalism W616 Gary Kinsman, Chair..........Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Sara Schulman . Is it True that People Need their “ Consciousness Raised”? The Implications for Left Mobilization Sponsored by Marxist-Humanist Initiative Anne Jaclard, Chair......................................... Marxist-Humanist Initiative Ishay Landa.......................................................The Open University of Israel Pam C. Nogales................................................... Platypus Affiliated Society Catherine Crump.............................................................................. ACLU U.S. War Policy: How it Destroys the Environment, Kills Local Economies, Drains Natural Resources and Makes People Sick. So SHould We Intervene in Syria? W504 Kelley B. Vlahos, Chair.....; Institute for the Study of American Militarism Gareth Porter...........................................................Inter Press Servie News John Walsh................................. University of Massachesetts Medical School Chase Madar....................................................The Nation Magazine Lorraine Barlett.........................................................................U.S. Army JAG (Ret.) Authors Roundtable: Occupying Political Science: The Occupy Wall Street Movement from New York to the World E300 Christopher Malonem, Chair....................Pace University, Political Science Meghana Nayak............................................ Pace University, Political Science Emily Welty...................................................... Political Science, Pace University Matthew Bolton............................................ Pace University, Political Science TrueValueMetrics... Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society W211 Peter Burgess, Chair........................................................TrueValueMetrics Jonathan Cloud......................Center for Regenerative Community Solutions Nicole Stubbs............................................................................First-Access The Theory of One-Dimensional Society, the Specter of Climate Collapse, and the Prospects for Social Transformation W521 Javier Sethness Castro, Chair................................................................ Sky Cohen Jani Benjamins Quincy Saul................................ Editor (PM Press), Capitalism Nature Society Fusion Breeds Confusion: Countering Cuomo’s Coservative Class Agenda Room 602 Sponsored by: Green Party of New York State Ursula Rozum, Chair.................................................................. Green Party Howie Hawkins...........................2010 Green Party Candidate for NUY ........ Governor of New York Gloria Mattera.......................2010 Green Party Candidate for Lt. Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 23 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 1: 10:00 - 11:50AM Governor of New York Mark Dunlea.........Executive Committee Member Green Party of New York State David Doonan......Green Party Mayor of Greenwich, New York Cecile Lawrence................20120 Green Party Candidate for US Senator from New York Timothy Geller......... Community Development Corporation of South Berkshire Ted Dobson................................................................................. Equinox Farm The Revolution of Everyday Life: Are Situationist Ideas Still Relavent? Τhe Fighting Youth Movement & The Ideology of Marxism-Leninism Eddie Yuen, Chair...................................................................................... Chris WInks.........................................................................................CUNY Donald Nicholson-Smith Hari Kunzru LeiLani Dowell, Chair ............... managing editor, Workers World newspaper Caleb Maupin....................................................... co-founder of “Red Youth.” Scott Williams........................................................Montclair State University Room W604 Sponsored by: PM Press Is the Left Trafficking in Neo-Puritanism? E324 David Rosen, Chair........................................................................................ Sheldon Ranz................................................................................. SWOP-NYC Beatty Cohan W601 Sponsored by: Workers World Newspaper Hip Hop: The Art of Resistance World War 3 Illustrated 33 years of confrontational comix Rukia Lumumba, Chair........................Center for Community Alternatives Mikal Amin..................................................................................... Urban Word Spiritchild Mental Notes........................................ Universal Zulu Nation Rachel Field Anakbayan Peter Kuper, Chair ................................... World War 3 Illustrated Co-founder Seth Tobocman................................................................. WW3 Illustrated Sabrina Jones.................................................................... WW3 Illustrated Sandy Jimenez .................................................................. WW3 Illustrated Contemporary Maoism and Radical Politics 21st Century Mercenaries? The Rise of the PMSCs Room W607 W522 Room W609 W625 Sponsored by: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - New York Office Martin Rivlin, Chair..................................................... Columbia University Karl Riukas..................................................................New School University Freddy Bastone James Hare, Chair .....................Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - New York Office Lou Pingeot Laura Raymond.......................................... Center for Constitutional Rights Pratap Chatterjee.................................................................... CorpWatch Food Socereignty and Cooperative Economics in the Cuban Revolution: One Delegation’s Report Liberating the Conversation: The Role of Independent Publications in Facilitating Left & Radical Intellectual Discourses Outside of the Academy W621 Nate Kleinman, Chair....................................................................Occupy Sandy New Jersey, InterOccupy, and Baedewood Cultural Heritage Garden Project Patricia Welty Franc Palaia Dylana Dillon E332 Penal states, Border choreography, Bare bodies Sponsored by: Socialism and Democracy W503 Orie Lumumba, Chair...International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal Ramona Africa ................................................................................. MOVE Pam Africa ...International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal Johanna Fernandez........Educators for Mumia AbuJamal, Co-Coordinator Beyond CSA: Community Supported Industry E320 Alice Maggio, Chair..........................Schumacher Center for a New Economics 24 Sponsored by: Blunderbuss Magazine Travis Mushett, Chair................................................. Blunderbuss Magazine Madiha Tahir....................................................................................... Tanqeed Jonathon Kyle Sturgeon.............................................The American Reader The Campaign to Bring Mumia Home & Free the Move 9 W622 Sponsored by: World War 3 Illustrated Sponsored by: Ecosocialist Horizons Terran Giacomini, Chair................................... University of Toronto, Canada Matt Meyer Educator, .......................................................Activist, Author Matt Graber ..................................................................Independent Scholar Sutapa Chattopadhyay ............... Visiting Scholar United Nations University Thanu Yakupitiyage.......................................... Activist, Media Professional US Imperialism in the Age of Obama W618 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review Ashley Smith, Chair........................................ International Socialist Review Medea Benjamin........................................................................ Code Pink Michael Schwartz................................... Saadia Toor College of Staten Island Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 1: 10:00 - 11:50AM Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 25 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 2: 12:00 - 1:50PM Socialism, it’s not a dirty word, don’t be so afraid to say it! W619 Sponsored by: Justice Newspaper Jesse Lessinger, Chair ..................................................Socialist Alternative Stephanie Sucasaca .....................................................Socialist Alternative Don Courter...............................East Brunswick High Young Communist League Kuba Goldstein ...........................................Honest Options for Political Ends SESSION 2 Obama’s Second Term: Assessments and Criticisms Schimmel Sponsored by: Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture Discover these Routledge Politics Journals Gregory Smulewicz-Zucker, Chair.. A Journal of Modern Society & Culture Bill Fletcher, Jr.............................................................. Benjamin Barber Senior.................. Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society Jeff Madrick ............................. Editor, Challenge Magazine; author, Age of Greed Laura Flanders..................................................................................... GritTV State Theory and its practical orientation LHN Sponsored by: Situations Journal Stanley Aronowitz, Chair.......................................... CUNY Graduate Center Leo Panitch............................................................................. Socialist Register Saskia Sassen.................................. Chair, Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and many more… Primitive Accumulation in Light of the Current Onslaught of Austerity W613 Sponsored by: Union for Radical Political Economics Michael Perelman, Chair...................................... California State University David McNally............................................................ York University, Toronto Michael Hudson .................................... University of Missouri, & Levy Institute Marxism and the Ecological Crisis: A World to Win W614 Dan Boscov-Ellen, Chair............................................................ New School Richard Smith............... Institute for Policy Research and Development, London Nancy Holmstrom............................................................. Rutgers University Richard Greeman ......................................................... Victor Serge Foundation Rights vs Commons W615 14-days’ free access voucher for over 200 journals at the Routledge stand* and start exploring our groundbreaking research today! Sponsored by: Studies in Political Economy Justin Paulson, Chair.............Carleton University; Studies in Political Economy Rebecca Schein................................................................. Carleton University Eloy Rivas Sánchez.............................. Red de Solidaridad Zapatista - Canada Barbara Epstein ..........................................University of California-Santa Cruz Peter Marcuse Peter Brogan............................................................................. York University Marcela Olivera .............................................Food and Water Watch; Red VIDA 26 Pick up your * Please note: Free access offered on 2011 and 2012 content only for a 14 day period and must be activated by 31st of December 2013. You must register for a Taylor & Francis Online account to activate the free access. Find more exclusive offers at Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 2: 12:00 - 1:50PM Radical Alternatives to Immigration Reform W510 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review and others Sarah Flores, Chair......................................................................................... Immanuel Ness ............... Author, Guest Workers and U.S. Corporate Despotism Jane Guskin .............Author, The Politics of Immigration: Questions and Answers Donald Anthonyson..................................................... Families for Freedom Sonia Guinansaca............ Board Member of the NYS Youth Leadership Council Shaun Harkin ...............................International Socialist Review editorial board The Political Economy of US Healthcare, the Medical Industrial Complex and the Affordable Care Act. W511 Sponsored by: Union for Radical Political Economics Robert Chernomas, Chair .......................................... University of Manitoba Robert Kemp................................................................ University of Louisiana Matt Anderson of the online journal Social Medicine. Francesca Lo Basso ................................................... National Nurses United The Jackson Plan: The Struggle for Self-Determination and Economic Democracy in Jackson, MS W520 Kali Akuno, Chair ..........................................Malcolm X Grassroots Movement Jed Brandt................................................................................ Kasama Project Monifa Bandele ............................................Malcolm X Grassroots Movement Occupy Your Workplace Assembly: Organizing a New Labor Movement W612 Eric Dirnbach, Chair... Occupy Your Workplace, Industrial Workers of the World Victoria Miller .............. Occupy Your Workplace, Industrial Workers of the World Sam Calvin .................................................................... Occupy Your Workplace Resistance Needs a Political Voice: Forging a Radical Left Alternative in the US W626 Sponsored by: Haymarket Books; International Socialist Review Jennifer Roesch, Chair.................................... International Socialist Review Danny Katch .........................................................................Haymarket Books Gloria Mattera.................................................... Green Party of New York State Mark Dudzic ................................................... Labor Campaign for Single Payer Radical Roots: Italian Autonomist Marxism in North America W610 Christina Rousseau, Chair.....................................................York University Elise Thorburn Gary Kinsman................................................................. Laurentian University Guio Jacinto ..............................................................................York University Occupy Ethics: Human - Subhuman - Privilege: A discussion E311 Yannis Tziligakis, Chair................................................... G.E.T, G.S.M.T, H.G.S Harold Channer Danny Schechter Paula Gloria Anticorporate Activism and Progressive Policy Change E316 Kevin Young, Chair......................................................Stony Brook University Michael Schwartz .......................................................Stony Brook University Tarun Banerjee .............................................................Stony Brook University Kate Aronoff..................................................................... Swarthmore College Ecosocialists in Municipal Office: Will Solar Socialism Be The New Sewer Socialism? E301 Peter LaVenia, Chair ............................................New York State Green Party Sarah Manski................................................................. Wisconsin Green Party Ursula Rozu Venezuela Beyond Chávez II: The Grassroots Perspective E307 Sponsored by: NACLA Report & Alejandro Velasco, Chair ..............................................New York University Dario Azzellini ........................................................................................CUNY Sujatha Fernandes................................................................ Queens College T.M. Scruggs ..............................................................................The Real News Julio Rodriguez Radio El Comunitario, Venezuela Toward Building a Strategic Alliance between the Worker Cooperative and Progressive Social Movements E308 zine Sponsored by: Between The Lines Radio Newsmaga- Scott Harris, Chair.........................Between The Lines Radio Newsmagazine Brendan Martin................................................................. The Working World Leah Hunt-Hendrix..................................................... EDGE Funders Alliance Maliha Safri................................................ assistant professor , Drew University Gar Alperovitz ...........................................................Democracy Collaborative Theater of the Oppressed for Self-Organizing and Building Community: A Panel Discussion and Workshop E309 Sponsored by: Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB) Marie-Claire Picher, Chair..... Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB) Janet Gerson ............................. Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB) Elia Gurna.................................... Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB) Reg Flowers................................................................ Falconworks Artist Group Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 27 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 2: 12:00 - 1:50PM Understanding Change Begins with These Titles by Stylus Publishing P R E - O R D E R T O D AY ! Due: June 2013 Color by Number “Employing arguably the most Understanding Racism Through Facts and Stats on Children polarizing epithet in American Paper: 978 1 57922 636 7, $22.50 history, nigger, Dr. J. W. Wiley grabs the attention of those who understand the castigation of racism, but who may not grasp the multiple ways that otherness beyond race is treated in contemporary American culture. The Nigger in You is a spellbinding book that will challenge both the newcomer to diversity studies as well as the veteran of social JUSTICE.” —THOMAS KEITH, The Nigger in You Professor, California State Challenging Dysfunctional Language, Engaging Leadership Moments Polytechnic University–Pomona, Paper: 978 1 57922 986 3, $21.00 "The Bro Code") Social Responsibility and Sustainability Multidisciplinary Perspectives Through Service Learning Paper: 978 1 57922 418 9, $29.95 and Filmmaker ("Generation M: Misogyny in Media & Culture" and OT H E R T I T L E S B Y O U R PA R T N E R S : Understanding Climate Change Adaptation Lessons from Community-Based Approaches Paper: 978 1 85339 683 0, $29.95 Climate Change and Gender Justice Paper 978 1 85339 693 9, $29.95 From Poverty to Power, 2nd Edition How Active Citizens and Effective States Can Change the World The Barefoot Guide to Working With Organizations and Social Change Paper: 978 1 85339 714 1, $29.95 Achieving Water Security Lessons from Research in Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Ethiopia Paper: 978 1 85339 764 6, $37.95 The Challenge of Urban Ecological Sanitation Lessons from the Erdos Eco-Town Project, China Paper: 978 1 85339 768 4, $31.95 Climate Change and Threatened Communities Vulnerability, Capacity, and Action 28 Gender and the Economic Crisis Paper 978 1 85339 713 4, $29.95 Paper: 978 1 85339 735 6, $37.95 Connect with Stylus Online! TO ORDER: CALL Paper: 978 1 85339 741 7, $37.95 @StylusPub 1-800-232-0223 • 703-661-1581 FAX 703-661-1501 E-MAIL WEBSITE Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 2: 12:00 - 1:50PM Drug War and the Environment in Latin America Doug Henwood........................................................... Left Business Observer Fred Rosen, Chair .........................North American Congress on Latin America Liliana Davalos.................................................................... SUNY Stony Brook David Barkin .......... Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco (Mexico) Sanho Tree ............................................Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies Nicole Fabricant .................................................................Towson University Class struggle in contemporary Québec, contesting Austerity and Neoliberalism before and after the “Printemps érable” E310 Sponsored by: NACLA Report on the Americas Human Paths of Development vs. Capitalist Development E327 Sponsored by: News & Letters Michael Gilbert, Chair..................................... News and Letters Committees Terry Moon..................................................... National Organization of Women Franklin Dmitryev....... Defense Depot Memphis Tennessee Concerned Citizens Committee Gerry Emmett................................................... News and Letters Committees Vito Marcantonio (1902-1954): Spokesperson for the Left W523 Gil Fagiani, Chair.........Vito Marcantonio Forum, East Harlem Historical Organization, Gerald Meyer ....................Hostos Community College, Vito Marcantonio Forum Roberto Ragone .......Vito Marcantonio Forum, FIERI, Ciao America Film Project Angel Martinez Shrinking Financial Capital: Why and How? E326 Eric Pineault, Chair ...............................................................UQAM sociology Mathieu Dufour............................. John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY) Julia Posca................................................................. UQAM/sociology and IRIS Gabriel Nadeau.................................................................................. -Dubois Eve-Lyne Couturier ................................................................................IRIS Hébert Guillaume ................................................................................... IRIS Militant particularisms within and beyond corporate academy E329 Sponsored by: Ecosocialist Horizons Eli Meyerhoff, Chair.................................University of Minnesota - Twin cities Eli Meyerhoff ............................................University of Minnesota - Twin cities Tapoja Chaudhuri .................................Assistant Professor, Haverford College Sutapa Chattopadhyay .................Assistant Professor, Maastricht University Perspectives on the Struggles of Farmworkers and Agriculture Today W608 Sponsored by: Monthly Review Bruce Neuburger, Chair............................................................................... Fred Magdoff ......................................................................... Monthly Review Sara Niccoli.................................................................. Labor-Religion Coalition E303 Suresh Naidu, Chair........................................................Columbia University Cathy O’Neil ........................................................................Occupy Wall Street New Politics plays a unique role on the democratic left. As founding editors Julius and Phyllis Jacobson wrote: “New Politics allies itself with all those working for peace, social justice, and cultural freedom,” and offers “a framework broad enough to embrace diversity and disagreement.” NP features serious political analysis, interviews, book and film reviews, and cartoons. $24 for individuals ($50 for institutions) in U.S. currency only, drawn on a U.S. bank New Politics comes out twice a year. All subscriptions are for 4 issues (2 years) NEW POLITICS • 155 West 72nd Street, Room 402 • New York, NY 10023 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 29 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 2: 12:00 - 1:50PM Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Reconstitution of the Socialist Party USA The Socialist Party's history goes back more than 100 years, but our specific tradition, while inseparable from the Socialist Party of America, can be inked directly to the 1973 reconstitution in Milwaukee, WI. From the SPUSA pamphlet " 100 Years of Democratic Socialism" ...."At the end of 1972, the Socialist Party, now completely under control of the right wing, changed its name to Social Democrats USA. This lit the fuse for the disaffiliation of many of the states and locals within the Debs Caucus, and for many resignations. Early in 1973, the Socialist Party of Wisconsin, with the support of the California and Illinois Parties, called a “National Convention of the Socialist Party,” to be held Memorial Day weekend in Milwaukee. The resulting body voted to reconstitute the Socialist Party USA." Over the last 40 years the Party has grown and continued the struggle for democratic socialism, led by rank-n-file members in the labor, student, anti-war and women's movements. SPUSA Statement of Agreement - The following points represent the key ideas of agreement of the Socialist Party USA. We encourage you to read and discuss them, and if you agree consider joining the Socialist Party: 1) The Socialist Party is a democratic socialist organization. We see socialism as a new social and economic order in which workers and consumers control production and community residents control their neighborhoods, homes The Secret Pillars of Capitalism - Land Control and Debt-Money: Two systems that enslave us and how we can change them W606 Jeff Schlesinger, Chair.................................................................................. Sue Peters .............................................................American Monetary Institute Allen Smith.............................................. Henry George School of Social Science Ron Rubin Anthony Persaud.................................. Henry George School of Social Science Class Warfare and the Resurrection of Jim Crow E302 Alicia Ivory, Chair................................... Black Workers Rank and File Network Tim Schermerhorn ............................... Black Workers Rank and File Network Dianne Feeley ..........................................................................Occupy Detroit Marvin Holland ..........................................Transport Workers Union Local 100 Road to Sustainability E322 Ghassan Karam, Chair........................................................... Pace University Dr. Robert Chapman ............................................................ Pace University Claudia Mausner .................................................................... Pace University and school and the production of society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not the private profit of a few.. 2) We see the working class as in a key and central position to fight back against the ruling class and its power. The working class is the major force worldwide that can lead the way to a socialist future – to a real radical democracy from below. 3) We stand in opposition to all forms of oppression including but not limited to racism, sexism and homophobia. 4) We are a “multi-tendency” organization. We orient ourselves around our principles and develop a common program, but our members have various underlying philosophies and views of the world. Therefore we reject vanguardism and democratic centralism. 5) We advocate for independent political action outside the Democratic and Republican parties. 6) Our tactics in the struggle for radical democratic change reflects our ultimate goal of a society founded on principles of egalitarian, non-exploitative and non-violent relations among all people and between all peoples. Economy Connection Speakers & Resources on Political Economics a project of the Union for Radical Political Economics Has the economy been mystifying you lately? Responding to Neo-fascist Movements: The Case of Greece, Golden Dawn, and the Diaspora. E305 Sponsored by: AKNY-Greece Solidarity Movement (, Campaign for Peace and Democracy (cpdweb.or g) Nicholas Levis, Chair. ..........AKNY-Greece Solidarity Movement. “Stop Golden Dawn” Alan Akrivos ................AKNY-Greece Solidarity Movement. Socialist Alternative. Emmanuelle Mimieux Neni Panourgia............... New School for Social Research. Columbia University. Harnessing Humor to Turbo Charge Engagement W605 Julianna Forlano, Chair.....Hofstra University, CUNY Brooklyn, Free Speech TV John Hlinko Luna Theekat 30 We can provide a speaker for a political or educa tional event, or someone to discuss economic questions informally with members of your community organization, union or political group, or in your class room. Our members speak and write about a wide range of domestic and international issues. Contact us and we will find someone who is right for you! (201) 792-7459 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 2: 12:00 - 1:50PM On Wisconsin: Beyond the 2011 Labor Crisis E328 Sponsored by: Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society IT Co-ops 101 W617 Beth Robinson, Chair..............................University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Jacob Glicklich.......................................... University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Joe Walzer ...................................................University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee John R. Terry ...............................................University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Dawson Barrett .........................................University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Yochai Gal, Chair...............................................................Boston TechCollective Jack Aponte..................................................... Palante Technology Cooperative Jonathan Kissam.......................................................................... WebSkillset Eric Goldhagen.............................................................................. OpenFlows Mark Libkuman............................................................................. OpenFlows Dana Skallman....................................................................................Tadpole Rhetoric of Empire: The Bush Administration and Iraq Greenwashing Apartheid: the Jewish National Fund and the Colonization of Palestine John Ehrenberg, Chair...................... Political Science, Long Island University Jose Sanchez ....................................... Political Science, Long Island University Dalia Fahmy.......................................... Political Science, Long Island University Stephen Bronner..................................... Political Science, Rutgers University Toby Kramer, Chair......................... International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Lee Gargagliano ............................. International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network David Schwartzman..................... International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network E330 The Wealth Gap for Women - Have We Really Come a Long Way? E304 Sponsored by: URPE Peg Rapp, Chair........................................ Union for Radical Political Economic Susan Pashkoff ......................................... Association of Heterodox Economics Diana Zavala........................................................ CISPES and Change the Stake Barbara Garson Irene Ortiz Rosen Making Green A Threat Again: Direct Action in the Climate Movements E321 Scott Parkin, Chair..................................................Rising Tide North America Rae Breaux................................................................ Rising Tide North America Christy Tennery....................................................... Rising Tide North America Free the Cuban 5! It’s time to bring them home! E323 Benjamin Ramos, Chair...................The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5 Frank Velgara Ismael Nunez Make Voting Count: Electoral Reform and Alternative Voting Methods E325 W504 Men Are Parents, Too! E300 Sponsored by: East Harlem Journal Felix Leo Campos, Chair...... Real Dads Network, Bronx Fathers Taking Action Keith Honeywell Real Dads Network Janks Morton.................................................................. YAGO! Entertainment Thabiti Boone .........................President’s Initiative for Responsible Fatherhood Stephen Baskerville .....................................................Patrick Henry College Janks Morton .................................................................. iYAGO Entertainment Keith Richards........................................................................................ none “Life, Liberty, Humanity” and Paine’s Path to Justice (501c4 Planning Roundtable) W211 Sponsored by: Thomas Paine Friends (TPF) Bulletin and Website Victor Madeson, Chair..................................... TPF, VFW, VfP, Dr. Vincent Stravino............................. Veterans for Peace (VfP), LEPOCO, TPF Robert Taetsch .............................................................................LEPOCO, TPF Michael DeDora........................................ United Nations & Center for Inquiry Patrick Roxberry................................................ Veterans for Peace, VFW, VVA, TINA and OCCUPY -Two Forms of Meszarian Consciousness W520 Mario Rendon................................................................................. Chair Douglas Greene........................................................................Speaker. Chip Smith..................................................................................Speaker TJ Frawley, Chair.................................................... Occupy Wall Street Political Stefan Agapie......................................................... Occupy Wall Street Political Cecelia Frontero.................................................... Occupy Wall Street Political Itzhak Epstein .................................................... Occupy Wall Street Political “Why bother redeeming ‘primitive’ communism?: the case of Gracchus Babeuf (1760-1796) and Guy Endore (1900-1970)” NATO’s catastrophic failure in Libya Joe Ramsey, Chair......................................................................Cultural Logic Carl Martin .......................................................................... Norwich University Doug Enaa Greene .........................the Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series W616 Sponsored by: Monthly Review Younes Abouyoub, Chair .............................................Columbia University Wazir Mohammed Horace Campbell............................................................. Syracuse University W521 Sponsored by: Cultural Logic, an electronic journal of marxist theory and practice Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 31 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 2: 12:00 - 1:50PM Prosperity Gospel and the Moral Poverty of the Modern Church: What Path for the Future? W602 Sponsored by: Religion and Socialism Commission of Democratic Socialists of America Post Oil: Wind, Water & Solar, or Liquid-Fuel Thorium? What’s our best hope? W609 Sponsored by: No sponsoring journal Eric Jackson, Chair ................................................................Drew University Stephen Sarma-Weierman............................. Union Theological Seminary Nathaniel Mahlberg .................................................................Occupy Faith Kira Shepherd..................................................................... The Black Institute Timothy Maloney, Chair..................................................Dirk Publishing Co. Darryl Siemer James Gerard Tim Judson Economic Liberalization and Environmental Policy Food Sovereignty Amidst Urbanization, Food Justice Amidst Gentrification, and Urban-Rural Organizing Tina Gerhardt, Chair.................................................. independent journalist Robert S. Eshelman .................Associate Producer, Year of Living Dangerously Tina Gerhardt.............................................................. Independent Journalist Lucia Green................................................................................-Weiskel CUNY Tristan Quinn-Thibodeau, Chair.................. US Food Sovereignty Alliance Brenden Beck............................................................................. Milk Not Jails Blain Snipstal......................... Rural Coaliltion, La Via Campesina North America Corbin Laedlein ............................................................... Occupy Food Justice 101 Changemakers: Rebels and Radicals Who Changed American History The Political-Industrial Complex: How America’s Corporate-Political Axis Destroys Democracy and Enriches the Few W604 Sponsored by: The Nation W607 Sponsored by: Haymarket Books Jason Farbman, Chair.........................................................Haymarket Books Dao Tran .................................................................................Haymarket Books Barbara Young ...........Domestic Workers United / National Domestical Workers Alliance W621 W622 Chuck Pennacchio, Chair........... University of the Arts and Healthcare for PA Jerry Policoff .................................................... Healthcare for All Pennsylvania Walter Tsou,.............................. MD, MPH PNHP, Healthcare for All Pennsylvania Julian Palmer ................................. Columbia University, Common Cause, SANE Socialism, Postsocialism, SocialismCrit: What Will it Take to Wake a Moribund Left? E320 Patricia S. Mann, Chair ................................................................... NLG/NIP Paul Warren............................ Florida International University, Philosophy Dept. Judith Lorber................................................................. CUNY Graduate Center Books T-shirts & Mugs Available at the book table A comical sci-fi thriller about GE corn that mutates to a creature and terrorizes a small town. Underlying the story is a serious topic about genetically engineered food. Post-Adam Smith Capitalism W601 David Hungerford, Chair ........................ People’s Organization for Progress Michael Perino ......................................... Rutgers Students of the Radical Left Lynne Turner ...........................................................NJ Industrial Union Council Sharon Hand ................................................ People’s Organization for Progress Walter Farrell.......Univ. of North Carolina, School of Social Work Sartre Re-visited in a Time of Crisis E324 Elizabeth Bowman, Chair... Center for Global Justice and Radical Philosophy Association Matthew C. Ally ............................ Borough of Manhattan Community College Joseph Catalano............... Professor Emeritus at Kean University of New Jersey Bob Stone Indebtedness: Art, Labor and and the Specter of Unsustainability W522 Leigh Claire, Chair........................................ La Berge , Saint Mary’s University 32 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 2: 12:00 - 1:50PM Laurel Ptak Tensta........................................................ Konsthall (Stockholm) Cassie Thornton ........................................... Feminist Economics Department Torture and Culture SESSION 3: Karen Malpede, Chair ............Theater Three Collaborative & John Jay College Fabiola Salek .................................................................................York College David Brotherton ............................John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Occupy and the Future of the Left W625 What Can Activists Learn from Social Movement Scholarship? E332 Jeff Goodwin, Chair........................................................New York University John Antush............................... Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE) Cecily McMillan ...............................................New School for Social Research Yasemin Yilmaz .............................Department of Politics, New York University Michelle O’Brien ....................... New York University, Department of Sociology No Justice, No Peace! Families and Activists Speak Out Against Police Violence W618 Sponsored by: International Socialist Organization Lichi D’Amelio, Chair................................ International Socialist Organzation Natasha Davis ........................Shantel Davis Committee for Justice and Beyond Crystal Davis ...........................Shantel Davis Committee for Justice and Beyond Gina Sartori ............................ Shantel Davis Committee for Justice and Beyond The War on Africa W619 Sponsored by: United National Antiwar Coalition (UN AC) Joe Lombardo, Chair........................................................................... UNAC Abayomi Azikiwe .......................................................Pan-African News Wire. Ana Edwards..................................... Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality Patrick Bond................................... professor at the University of KwaZulu-Nata Noam Chomsky Schimmel Auditorium 2:00pm - 3:30pm Schimmel Sponsored by: Jacobin, Democratic Left, Dissent Chris Maisano, Chair...................................................Jacobin editorial board Frances Fox Piven .......Distinguished Professor of Sociology, CUNY Grad Center Joseph M. Schwartz .............. Professor of Political Science, Temple University Bhaskar Sunkara ......................................................editor, Jacobin magazine Sarah Leonard............................................. associate editor, Dissent Magazine Pussy Riot: The Ongoing Struggle LHN Daphne Carr, Chair........................................................................................ JD Samson.......................................................................................... musician Rob Lieder............................................................... U.S. liaison for Pussy Riot Karen Finley ............................................................................................artist Is There an Ecologically Sustainable Alternative? Democracy, Planning and Markets in the Next System LHS Gloria Mattera, Chair.................................................................................... Gar Alperovitz.............................................................. University of Maryland Richard Smith .............Institute for Policy Research and Development, London Wall Street’s War to Impose Austerity W613 Sponsored by: GroundSwell Andy Mazzone, Chair....................................................Henry George School Michael Hudson............................. University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC) Cay Hehner ..............................................The Robert Schalkenbach Foundation David Kelley ............................................. Economic Adviser to Dennis Kucinich Native/Indigenous Radio Media in Turtle Island (North America) W614 Sponsored by: FIrst Voices Indigenous Radio Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Chair.............................First Voices Indigenous Radio J. Kehaulani Kauanui ...............Indigenous Politics From Native New England John Kane-.....................................................................Karhiio Lets Talk Native Organizing for Health Care Justice in the Age of Austerity and the Affordable Care Act W511 Martha Livingston, Chair....................................................PNHP-NY Metro Laurie Wen ...............................................................................PNHP-NY Metro Leonard Rodberg............................. Physicians for a National Health Program Mark Dudzic ................................ Labor Campaign for Single-Payer Health Care Ebiere Okah.......................................... PNHP-Mt. Sinai Medical School chapter Benjamin Day ...................................................................... Healthcare-NOW! Deborah Richter.................................................... Vermont Health Care for All Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 33 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 3: 3:40 - 5:20PM THE NEW PRESS THE NEW PRESS Publishing in the Public Interest Foodopoly The Battle Over the Future of Food and Farming in America The Machine A Field Guide to the Resurgent Right WENONAH HAUTER “Few people out there have done more in-depth research, reporting, and writing on the post-Obama conservative movement than Lee Fang.” —THE HUFFINGTON POST “Politically brave—not just naming names . . . but pushing us to think more deeply about the politics and economics that dictate our diets.” —SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE Loving This Planet Leading Thinkers Talk About How to Make a Better World HELEN CALDICOTT “With a level of intellectual discussion all too absent in our national discourse, this is a worthy collection.” —BOOKLIST The Essential Chomsky NOAM CHOMSKY Edited by ANTHONY ARNOVE “Noam Chomsky is one of the most significant challengers of unjust power and delusions; he goes against every assumption about American altruism and humanitarianism.” —EDWARD SAID Any Way You Slice It The Past, Present, and Future of Rationing Howard Zinn A Life on the Left STAN COX “Biography at its best.” —MICHAEL KAMMEN, LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS “Richly informative and deeply courageous.” —NAOMI KLEIN The Martin Duberman Reader The Essential Historical, Biographical, and Autobiographical Writings MARTIN DUBERMAN “Exemplary . . . a provocative collection that is thoughtful in both scope and attention to detail.” —KIRKUS REVIEW 34 LEE FANG MARTIN DUBERMAN Race to Incarcerate A Graphic Retelling SABRINA JONES and MARC MAUER “The skillful visuals add clarity and vividness to complex issues.” —LIBRARY JOURNAL New Press books will be sold at the PM Press table at the Left Forum Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 3: 3:40 - 5:20PM Occupy Sandy: The Unofficial Response to an Unprecedented Disaster W612 Dylana Dillon, Chair.................................................................Occupy Sandy Nate Kleinman...............................................Various Occupy Sandy Organizers Katt Ramos.........................................................Various Occupy Sandy Organizers Michael Premo..................................................Various Occupy Sandy Organizers Terri Bennett .............................................Respond and Rebuild, Occupy Sandy Diego Ibanez............................................................................. Occupy Sandy From Chinatown to China - Building Grassroots Solidarity through Organizing W626 Helena Wong, Chair.............................CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities Alex Tom...................................... Chinese Progressive Association, San Francisco Ellen David Friedman Esther Wang Reconsidering Narrative Filmmaking As An Agent For Change Two, Three, Many Transitions to Socialism in Latin America E307 Roger Burbach, Chair................Center for the Study of the Americas (CENSA) Michael Fox ..............................................................................United Workers Eric Leenson................................. Center for the Study of the Americas (CENSA) Carol Delgado Arria........... Consul General in NY of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Labor: Stumbling Block or Ally in the Transition to Building an Ecologically Sustainable Economy? E308 Sponsored by: Against the Current Jenny Brown, Chair.....................................................................Labor Notes Sam Gindin .............................former Research Director, Canadian Auto Workers Howie Hawkins............................................................................. Green Party Steve Downs .............................................................................TWU Local 100 Red Kindergartens to Freedom Schools: Social Struggle and Radical Experiments in Education E332 Sponsored by: Haymarket Books Vagabond Beaumont, Chair...................................................................... Lisa Sánchez González Kazembe Balagun ....................................................................Brecht Forum Megan Behrent, Chair......................................United Federation of Teachers Brian Jones .................................................................... CUNY Graduate Center Jeremy Sawyer............................................................. CUNY Graduate Center Marissa Torres .....................................................United Federation of Teachers A Conversation with Alvaro Garcia Linera: A Film and Discussion The Drug War in Latin America: ¡Estamos Hasta la Madre! (We are fed up!) Josefa Salmon, Chair.......................................................... Loyola University Bruno Bosteels ..................................................................... Cornel University Nurit Mablu, Chair....................................International Socialist Organization Héctor Agredano..................................... International Socialist Organization Helen Redmond .................., International Socialist Organization, Gabriel Chaves.......................................... International Socialist Organization W610 Sponsored by: Audio Visual Terrorism • MACHETERO E306 Sponsored by: Situations Journal Economic Democracy in Action E311 Alex Jackimovicz, Chair......Alliance for Economic Democracy, Maine People’s Alliance Rachel LaForest..................................................................... Right to the City Isaac Jabola-Carolus ............................. Participatory Budgeting Project, NYC Targeted killings of Americans on American soil: the story of Lynne Stewart, political prisoners& all progressive struggles in America. E316 Ralph Poynter, Chair............................Lynne Stewart defense org. & Inpdum Jess Sundin ..........................................................................Grand Jury resister Sue Udry ............................................................. Defending Dissent Foundation Anne Lamb............. NYC Chapter :Jericho Movement for Recognition & Amnesty Pam Africa ........................................................................Free Mumia Coalition Matthis Chiroux .....................................................................The Disobedient Christopher Towne ........................................................... Peace thru Justice Rethinking the Commons E301 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review Geoff Bailey, Chair............................................ International Socialist Review Chris Williams .......................................................................... Pace University Marcela Olivera................................................. Red VIDA, Food & Water Watch E310 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review Environmental NGOs and Class Warfare: Plundering and Pillaging the Commons E327 Irwin Sperber, Chair...........................Sociology Department, SUNY New Paltz Tess Cooper.............................................................................. NY Frack Action Andi Weiss Bartczak Annie Wilson Frank Morris .......................................................................... Ecologic Advisors Fighting Tuition, Fighting Debt W523 Sponsored by: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - New York Office Ethan Earle, Chair........................Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - New York Office Jérémie Bédard-Wien... l’Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ) Astra Taylor Jackie Sewell ......Young Democratic Socialists - Democratic Socialists of America The Political Economy of a Green New Deal E303 Sponsored by: Green Shadow Cabinet Margaret Flowers, Chair............. Secretary of Health, Green Shadow Cabinet Philip Harvey ....... Chair, Full Employment Council of the Green Shadow Cabinet Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 35 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 3: 3:40 - 5:20PM Stephen Zarlenga..... Chair, Monetary Authority Board, Green Shadow Cabinet Richard McIntyre..................... US Trade Representative, Green Shadow Cabinet Kalilah Collins .......... Public Intervenor for Social Justice, Green Shadow Cabinet 11 Talking Points on 21st Century Socialism E326 Sponsored by: Online University of the Left Carl Davidson, Chair........ Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism David Schwartzman......................... Free DC Green Party, Howard University Dario Cankovic ............................................................................... Northstar Unpacking the University-National Security StateCorporate Complex E329 Liza Featherstone, Chair............................................................ The Nation/ Steve Horn ..............................................DeSmogBlog/CounterPunch/TruthOut Allen Ruff............................................ Independent U.S. Historian and Journalist Chris Hebdon ...........................................................................Yale University The Quest For Free Community: Communitarian Anarchism, Cooperative Commonwealth, or Something Other W608 Sponsored by: Situations Journal Michael Pelias, Chair..................................................................LIU Brooklyn Stanley Aronowitz ...................................................... CUNY Graduate Center Peter Bratsis ........................................................................................... BMCC John Clark.......................................................... Loyola University, New Orleans Beyond the Euro: The Political and Cultural Dimensions of the Greek Crisis E305 Sponsored by: SYRIZA-NY Frango Akrivos, Chair............................................ Teamsters and SYRIZA-NY Nicos Alexiou.................................................................. CUNY and SYRIZA-NY Andreas Karras....................................................................................... CUNY Eirini Dourou......................SYRIZA - Member of Greek Parliament Brooklyn!!! Gentrification! W605 Ida Susser, Chair............................................................................................. Maggie Dickinson ...................................... Anthropology, Grad Center, CUNY Chrisitine Noschese .......................................................... Hofstra University Fivel Rothberg Ecofeminist Ecosocialism in Action: Perspectives on Contemporary Movements for a Planet Beyond Capitalism E322 Sponsored by: Capitalism Nature Socialism Terran Giacomini, Chair................................................University of Toronto Terisa Turner .................................................................... University of Guelph Abraham Mwaura........................................... Warehouse Workers for Justice Sutapa Chattopadhyay .................Assistant Professor, Maastricht University Building Cooperative Alliances and Struggling for Political Unity between Radical Scholars and Social Movements E302 Sponsored by: Journal of World-Systems Research Just published, special at Left Forum, $10 A must-read inspirational tale of a woman who dares. Bea tells her story of life on the front lines. ‘Joy in the Struggle’ is a story that shines a light on all that is good; keen lessons, a life worth emulating to advance our struggle for a better world.” -Ed A. Sadlowski, labor organizer and a leader of Wisconsin uprising against union-busting. Ecofeminist Ecosocialism in Action: Perspectives on Contemporary Movements for a Planet Beyond Capitalism E322 Sponsored by: Capitalism Nature Socialism Terran Giacomini, Chair................................................University of Toronto Terisa Turner .................................................................... University of Guelph Abraham Mwaura........................................... Warehouse Workers for Justice Sutapa Chattopadhyay .................Assistant Professor, Maastricht University The Art Economic Cooperation ISBN 13: 978-0-7178-0750-5 Remember to stop by our table! Visit our website: for a complete listing International Publishers Co., Inc. 235 West 23 Street New York, NY 10011 212-366-9816 Fax -9820 36 Jackie Smith, Chair..........US Social Forum National Planning Committee & Univ. of Pittsburgh Walda Katz-Fishman ........................................................ Howard University Jerome Scott ...............................League of Revolutionaries for a New America Rose Brewer ................................................................ University of Minnesota Grace Davie .................................................................... CUNY-Queens College Catherine Mulder.................................................................................. Chair Curtis Haynes, Jr..............................................................Buffalo State College Cecilia Rio .........................................................Towson University in Maryland, Pakistan: Fundamentalism, The Blasphemy Law, Human Rights Issues & Workers’ Rights E330 Syed Ehtisham, Chair................................................................................... Syeda Nuzhat Siddiqui Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 3: 3:40 - 5:20PM Tahir Qazi Eco-Capitalism and the Myths of The “Green economy” E304 Sponsored by: Union for Radical Political Economics, Global Justice Ecology Project Brian Tokar, Chair................. Institute for Social Ecology, University of Vermont Les Levidow............................. Open University (UK), Science as Culture journal Rachel Smolker ..........................................................................Biofuelwatch Carlos Marentes ......................................................................Via Campesina The Necessity of Direct Action to Prevent Expansion of Gas and Oil Infrastructure E321 Dave Publow, Chair................... Occupy the Pipeline ( Patrick Robbins .......................... Occupy the Pipeline ( Pramilla Malick ................Stop the Minisink Compression Station ( Monica Hunken Tim Woodcock ..................................................................................SolarCity A changing Cuba, a stagnant America strategy and the continuing plight of the Cuban Five E323 Hobart Spalding, Chair........................................City University of New York Stephen Kimber ......................University of King’s College Shool of Journalism Peter Roman......... Hostos Community College of the City University of New York Keith Bolender .....................University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies Martin Garbus Gloria La Riva ..................................National Committee to Free the Cuban FIve Occupy Wall Street: Special Meeting of the Alternative Banking Group on “Breaking Up the Megabanks” E325 Catherine ONeil, Chair .................Occupy Wall Street, Johnson Research Labs Nicholas Levis Linda Brown Anthropological Perspectives on Economics and Environmentalism from the Left W616 Jaire Donald, Chair........................................................................................ Mignon Donald Richard Vital How we live on this planet: An economic perspective W617 Joan Hoffman, Chair..................................................................................... Vitali Kremez Laura Blackwood Devaki Naik Fossil Fuel Divestment: A Catalyist for Systemic Change W504 Jalen Matney, Chair.............................................. Deep Green Resistance NYC Thaddeus Matney............................................... Deep Green Resistance NYC Hannah Forrester..................................... International Socialist Organization Joe Shortsleeve ....................................................... Barnard-Columbia Divest SAVE 25% AND CHOOSE A FREE BOOK. SUBSCRIBE TO n+1 TODAY! Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 37 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 3: 12:00 - 1:50PM Claudio Albertani ....Professor, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México Jean-Guy Rens ....................................Sciencetech Communications, Montreal Belinda Rodriguez From the Bronx to Mindanao: Development Aggression, the Environment, and People’s Resistance E300 Jackelyn Mariano, Chair.............................................................BAYAN USA Khalil Vasquez ........................ Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee Gary Labao ................................ BAYAN USA Rural and Environmental Info Desk Fernanda Pardo Herrera..... Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee A New World in Our Past: Using Anarchist History Today W211 Adam Quinn, Chair....................................................................................... Wayne Price ............................................Supporter of NYC Open City Collective Cam Mancini .....................................................Industrial Workers of the World James Birmingham NYPD out of Bed Stuy - U.S. Marines Out of Africa! The Struggle for Reparations and Economic Development over Parasitism and Colonial Occupation! W520 Daphne Jackson, Chair..... International Director of Information & Education, International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement Oronde Takuma................Director of Political Education, International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement Harris Daniels............Northeast Regional Representative of the African People’s Solidarity Committee (APSC) Raya Dunayevskaya/Herbert Marcuse/Erich Fromm Correspondence, 1954-1978: Newly Published Letters with Dialogues on Hegel, Marx, Critical Theory, and Women’s Liberation W521 Andrew Lamas, Chair........................................... University of Pennsylvania Kevin Anderson.................................. University of California at Santa Barbara Arnold Farr .................................................................... University of Kentucky Russell Rockwell.......... Fordham University, St. John’s University Charles Herr............................................William Alanson White Institute The Trial of Bradley Manning and the Crackdown on Whistleblowers W602 James Green, Chair.......................................................................Left Forum Alexa O’Brian Shayana Kadidal .......................................The Center for Constitutional Rights Moe Davis Jesselyn Radack Thomas Drake The Resurgence of Serge W604 Sponsored by: Verso Books Hillel Ticktin, Chair.......................................................Editor, Critique Journal Suzi Weissman .......................Saint Mary’s College of CA and KPFK Los Angeles 38 Sex Work 101: Transforming Perspectives W607 Kate D’Adamo, Chair................................. Community Organizer, SWOP-NYC Brittany Wollman.................................................................. Love SWOP-NYC Dana Louis Food Justice, Labor Rights and the Environment W621 Nancy Romer, Chair ................................................. Brooklyn Food Coalition Sean Sweeney.................................. Global Labor Institute, Cornell UniversityS Gerardo Renique .............................................................. City College, CUNY Targeted Killing, Drone Warfare, Surveillance & Grassroots Resistance: the Obama Doctrine W316 Debra Sweet, Chair..............................................................World Can’t Wait Ed Kinane ......................Upstate Coalition to Stop the Wars & Ground the Drones Nick Mottern......................................................................... Zohra Ahmed ....................................................... Pakistan Solidarity Network Does the National Initiative to Hire Veterans First help facilitate equity or deny it to others? E320 Sponsored by: Black Agenda Report Leutisha Stills, Chair... ......... Black Agenda Report, 3ChicsPolitico, Jack and Jill Politics Glen Ford ......................................................................... Black Agenda Report Bruce Dixon ..................................................................... Black Agenda Report Women, Work and the Future of Feminism E324 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review Dao Tran, Chair.....................................................................Haymarket Books Leia Petty.............................................................. United Federation of Teachers Erin Mahoney ......................................................National Women’s Liberation The changing configuration of governance: market building strategies in the global political economy W601 Sponsored by: CSE/Capital & Class Trans-Pennine Working Group Stuart Shields, Chair..........................................University of Manchester, UK Bengi Akbulut........................................................... Independent Researcher Toby Carroll..................................................... Centre on Asia and Globalisation Owen Worth...................................................... University of Limerick, Ireland Mass Incarceration - A National Shame and a Call for Action W625 Carl Dix, Chair..................................................Revolutionary Communist Party Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad ...Director of Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture Jamel Mims.................................................... Stop Mass Incarceration Network Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 3: 12:00 - 1:50PM Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 39 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 3: 3:40 - 5:20PM Beautiful Trouble: A panel discussion on the art and science of creative activism E332 Andrew Boyd, Chair...................................................................................... Janice Fine Andy Bichlbaum Stephen Duncombe Nadine Bloch A Cultural Renewal Through Democracy W503 A.J. Segneri, Chair ............................................Foundation for a United Front, Chris Blankenhorn .........Radical Student Union, Foundation for a United Front Jason Jenkins ............................................................... Radical Student Union Asher Platts .... Maine Independent Green Party, The Punk Patriot, Occupy Maine The New Imperialism in Africa W619 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review Matt Swagler, Chair.........................................................Columbia University Lee Wengraf ....................................................... International Socialist Review Patrick Bond ....................... Centre for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu-Natal Betsy Reed, Chair......................................................................The Nation Doug Henwood .................................... The Nation, Left Business Observer Joshua Freeman ...............................................................................CUNY Indigenize Our Paradigms: Restoring Sacred Sustainability W614 Sponsored by: Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Chair........................ First Voices Indigenous Radio Debra White Plume ................................................................... Owe Aku Janene Yazzie .........................................................Sixth World Consultants Kent Lebsock...................................... Owe Aku International Justice Project Shift Change: potential and limits of worker cooperatives in building a sustainable future W615 Melissa Young, Chair......................................................... Moving Images Gar Alperovitz ................................................ The Democracy Collaborative Carl Davidson.................................................. Solidarity Economy Network Mark Dworkin .................................................................... Moving Images W510 Sponsored by: Socialist Register Ecosocialism: Coming to a Horizon Near You Schimmel Sponsored by: Capitalism Nature Socialism Joel Kovel, Chair..........................................................Ecosocialist Horizons Quincy Saul Kanya D’Almeida Terran Giacomini Abraham Mwaura Ben Barson Terisa Turner Leigh Brownhill Detroit: An Ecological Disaster That Didn’t Have to Happen LHS Marvin Surkin, Chair........................................................Ramapo College Dan Georgakas .................................................................. Queens College Mike Hamlin Ron Reosti Herb Boyd............................................................... College of New Rochelle W612 Manissa McCleave Maharawal, Chair................ Cuny graduate center Marina Sitrin............................................................. CUNY Graduate Center Dario Azzellini ...............................Cuny graduate center / JKU Linz (Austria) 40 W613 Sponsored by: The Nation The Question of Strategy after Occupy SESSION 4 Occupying Language Beyond Bloomberg: The Future of New York Vivek Chibber, Chair...............................................NYU, Socialist Register Barbara Epstein...................................... University of California-Santa Cruz Sam Gindin Charles Post............................................................................ NY Solidarity Michalis Spourdalakis........................................ Syriza/Athens University Ecological Crisis and the Catastrophe of Environmental Illness W511 Benjamin Barson, Chair........................................ Scientific Soul Sessions Linda Thompson.................................. Co Chair Green Party of Connecticut Dr. Margaret Flowers .....Secretary of Health for the Green Shadow Cabinet Cecile Lawrence......................... Green Party, New Yorkers Against Fracking Zoltan Vaci ............................................................GeoCleanse International Street School Collective: Popular Education and the Occupy Movement E325 Emily Reynolds, Chair............................................Street School collective Tobin Jordan Richie Machado...................................................... Street School Collective Reinventing Democracy through Participatory Budgeting W626 Pamela Jennings, Chair............ The Participatory Budgeting Project (PBP) Vincent Villano ..................................................... Community Voices Heard Carmen Pineiro .................................................... Community Voices Heard Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 4: 5:30 - 7:10PM Free Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar Lopez RIvera The Intertwining of Red and Green: Ecocide Can Only be Stopped with the Defeat of Capitalism From hierarchy to network: Can trade unions and NGOs make the transition to horizontalism? The Twenty-First Century Latin American Left E306 Liam Barrington-Bush, Chair....................................... more like people Carne Ross............ Independent Diplomat/Author, ‘The Leaderless Revolution’ Charles Lenchner ............................................................... Organizing 2.0 Fred Rosen, Chair ...........................................................................NACLA Steve Ellner.............................................................. Universidad del Oriente George Cicariello-Maher.............................................. Drexel University Arnold August Anne Braden: Her Spirit Lives Unions Go Green: A New Framework Toward Energy Democracy w610 Ana M Lopez, Chair.................................................................... Professor Jan Susler,................................................................. Esq. Peoples Law office Graciano Matos ............................ National Boricua Human Rights Network Clarissa Lopez............................................... Comite de Derechos Humanos -- E311 Sponsored by: Juliet Ucelli, Chair..................................................................................... Anne Lewis Sally M. Alvarez Karly Safar The Marginalized Left: Lessons from Past and Recent Histories E316 Ted Morgan, Chair.......................................................... Lehigh University Beth K. Lamont Paul Street E301 Stephanie McMillan, Chair ................................................One Struggle Ron Whyte........................ Deep Green Philly, Food Not Bombs, Fire Next Time Mario Kawonabo ............... Batay Ouvriye Solidarity Network, One Struggle Jalen Matney............................................................ Deep Green Resistance E307 Sponsored by: NACLA Report & E308 Sponsored by: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - New York Office Stefanie Ehmsen, Chair...........Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - New York Office Lara Skinner.................................................. Global Labor Institute - Cornell Emmaia Gelman............................................. Alliance for a Just Rebuilding Tadzio Mueller ................................Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - Berlin Office Contested Feminism in an age of globalization and war E309 Sponsored by: Socialism and Democracy Hester Eisenstein, Chair ....Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY Ida Susser ...............................Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY MEMOIRS OF A REVOLUTIONARY Victor Serge • Translated by Peter Sedgwick with George Paizis • Foreword by Adam Hochshild Glossary and notes by Richard Greeman Paperback • $17.95 hAppY MOScOw Andrey Platonov introduced by Robert Chandler Translated by Robert and elizabeth Chandler Paperback • $14.95 ThE NEw YORk REVIEw AbROAd FiFTy yeARS oF inTeRnATionAl RePoRTAGe Edited by Robert B. Silvers With prologues by ian Buruma Hardcover and e-book • $30.00 GROwING Up AbSURd Paul Goodman Foreword by Casey nelson Blake With an essay by Susan Sontag Paperback and e-book • $17.95 ALExANdER VVEdENSkY An inviTATion FoR Me To THink Poems selected and translated by Eugene Ostashevsky Additional translations by Matvei yankelevich Paperback and e-book • $12.95 MIGUEL hERNáNdEz Poems selected and translated by Don Share Paperback and e-book • $12.95 Stop by our table to see a wide range of books, available at discounted prices, and to pick up a copy of the latest issue of The New York Review of Books. 435 Hudson Street, Suite 300, new york, ny 10014 • • • Follow us on like us on Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 41 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 4: 5:30 - 7:10PM Kate Griffths-Dingani.... , Ph.D. Program in Anthropology, Graduate Center, CUNY Internal Colonialism and The Paradigms of Race E310 Jarvis Rucker, Chair.................................................... St. John’s University Andrew Ferguson St. John’s University Charles Pinderhughes Essex County College Ryan Howard St. John’s University Tanecia Headley St. John’s University Fight for the Soul of the Cities: An International Vision for Urban Organizing E327 Sponsored by: AhoraNow Eric Mann, Chair........................................ Labor/Comunity Strategy Center TBD TBD After the Maple Spring: Lessons of the Quebec Student Strike W523 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review Stopping Indefinite Detention by the US: Guantánamo, Bagram and the NDAA E305 Debra Sweet, Chair......................................................... World Can’t Wait Ramzi Kassem ................................................................. CUNY Law School H. Candace Gorman Jeremy Varon.......................................................... Witness Against Torture Golnaz Fakhimi ............................................. International Justice Network Mobilizing for Africa’s Development: a Panafricanist Approach W605 Sponsored by: Ivorian Popular Front-USA; The Re vival of Panafricanism Forum;; www. Akuba Manu, Chair............................. The Revival of Panafricanism Forum Gervais Gnaka Lagoke ...................... The Revival of Panafricanism Forum Mjiba Frehiwot................................. All-African People Revolutionary Party The Future of Education Reform W606 Sponsored by: Jacobin magazine Ashley Smith, Chair.................................................................................. Jérémie Bédard-Wien ......................................................................................ASSÉ Alain Savard.....................................................................................................ASSÉ Megan Erickson, Chair................................................. Jacobin magazine Brian Jones........................................................................................ MORE Julie Cavanagh................................................................................ MORE Climate justice: Challenges and prospects for an emerging movement Globalizing Revolution: New Perspectives on History,Theory, and Praxis E303 Sponsored by: Union for Radical Political Economics Brian Tokar, Chair............. Institute for Social Ecology, University of Vermont Patrick Bond .................. Centre for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu-Natal Chris Williams ..................................................................... Pace University Marcela Olivera........................................... Red VIDA, Food & Water Watch Jacqui Patterson .............................................................................NAACP Socialism is Feminist E326 Ninotchka Rosca, Chair.............................................................. AF3IRM Kimberly Sarabia........................................................................... AF3IRM Emelyn Dela Pena New York Students Rising: Students Rebuilding Resistance E329 Biola Jeje, Chair................................................... New York Students Rising Alyssia Osorio....................................................... New York Students Rising Eirik Bjorkman ..................................................... New York Students Rising Evangeline Byars................................................. New York Students Rising Activist filmmaking and Academia W608 Kelly Saxberg, Chair.......................................................... Shebafilms Inc. Ronald Harpelle......................................................... Lakehead University Greg Scott ........................................................DePaul University / Sawbuck Joe Davidow................................................................................ Illume oy 42 E302 John Maerhofer, Chair...................................... Roger Williams University Grover Furr........................................................... Montclair State University Autumn Quezada-Grant ................................. Roger Williams University Greens, climate crisis, environmental justice, and the eco-socialist moment E322 John Reynolds, Chair....................................... Green Ecosocialist Moment Colia Clark................................................................ Green Party of NY State Anthony Gronowicz.............................................. Green Party of NY State Art and the Commodity-Form E328 Sponsored by: Platypus Affiliated Society Victoria Campbell, Chair........................................................... Platypus Chris Mansour.............................................................................. Platypus Martha Rosler.................................................................... Artist and Writer Stephen Squibb ................................................................................N+1 Iran: The Presidential Election of June 2013 E330 Sponsored by: URPE G.Reza Ghorashi, Chair.................................................. Stockton College Hamideh Sedghi ...................................................Brooklyn College, CUNY. Mohammad Soleymani................................................................ BMCC Hamid Zangeneh .........................................................Widener University The Road to the Third United States Social Forum— Towards a Social Forum of a New Type Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 4: 5:30 - 7:10PM E321 David Cobb, Chair...............................................Move to Amend Coalition Cheri Honkala................... Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign Jerome Scott ...........................League of Revolutionaries for a New America Barriers to Transformation: Government Repression and White Supremacy E323 Sarah Hogarth, Chair.................................. Defending Dissent Foundation Chip Berlet .................................................... Defending Dissent Foundation Arun Gupta George Friday .......................................... Bill of Rights Defense Committee 500 Years of Machiavelli’s The Prince: Organization, Desire, Communism W617 Sponsored by: Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination Jeremy Glick, Chair.....................................................CUNY and Situations Carlos Frade................................................................. University of Salford Michael Pelias.................................................. LIU Brooklyn and Situations Peter Bratsis .................................................................CUNY and Situations Bruno Gulli .........................................................................................CUNY Robyn Marasco................................................................................. CUNY Pathways towards a Sustainable World: Strategies for Occupying our Economy W504 Yannis Tziligakis, Chair................................................... G.E.T, GSMT, HGS Monica Perez Nevarez Damian DeCaires Alan Hewson J Bardia What Government Must Do: What The Left Can Learn From The New Deal W211 Charles Bell, Chair.........................................National Jobs for All Coallition Timothy Canova............... Prof. of Law & Public Finance, Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center Sheila Collins ........ Prof. of Political Science Emerita, Wm. Paterson University Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg .....................Professor Adelphi University Philip Harvey................................. Professor Rutgers School of Law, Camden The Renewal of Radical Thought and the Question of Communism W520 McKenzie Wark, Chair......................................................The New School Bruno Bosteels ................................................................Cornell University Jodi Dean Hobart............. Razmig Keucheyan University of Paris-Sorbonne William Smith...................... Razmig Keucheyan University of Paris-Sorbonne The Future of World Capitalism W521 Alan Freeman, Chair.................................London Metropolitan University Radhika Desai ......................................................... University of Manitoba Costas Panayotakis ................... CUNY New York City College of Technology Robert Chernomas ................................................ University of Manitoba Henry Heller............................................................. University of Manitoba The Domino Effect: Growing the Healthcare Is a Human Right Movement, One State after Another W604 Anja Rudiger, Chair...National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI) James Haslam ......................................................Vermont Workers’ Center Sergio Espana..................................................................... United Workers Jennie Pirkl ...............................................................Maine People’s Alliance Food Sovereignty and Land Reform in the US W621 Tristan Quinn-Thibodeau, Chair.................................. US Food Sovereignty Alliance Ray Figueroa............... NYC Community Gardening Coalition, Friends of Brook Park Kathy Ozer................................................................National Family Farm Coalition Ending the School-to-Prison Pipeline W622 Sponsored by: Campaign to End the New Jim Crow; NY Coalition of Radical Educators Marissa Torres, Chair................................NY Coalition of Radical Educators Angelo Pinto ................... Correctional Association “Raise the Age” campaign Matthew Guldin ........... Teachers Unite; Campaign to End the New Jim Crow The Responsibilities of Heterodoxy: What Kind of Economics Do We Need? E320 Josh Mason, Chair.................................................................................... Suresh Naidu Maliha Safri A New Documentary Film: “Raya Dunayevskaya: Biography of an Idea” W601 Sponsored by: Marxist-Humanist Initiative Mike Dola, Chair.............................................. Marxist-Humanist Initiative Ray McKay ......................................................... Marxist-Humanist Initiative Brendan Cooney.......................................... Politics and Literature: Victor Serge Today W522 Sponsored by: New York Review of Books Classics, Haymarket Publishers, PM Press, Brecht Forum Jenny Greeman Chair,...................................................... New Perspectives Theater Chris Winks............................................................................Queens College/CUNY Mitch Abidor Casey Butcher................................................................ Brecht Forum, NYC Richard Greeman......... Victor Serge Foundation, Montpellier, France; Praxis Center, Moscow, Russia Prison Radio The Making of the Media and Fighting for Freedom W625 Noelle Hanrahan, Chair.........................................................Prison Radio Stephen Vittoria ............................................................................ Director Bret Grote .....................................................................Abolition Law Center Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 43 SATURDAY 6/8, SESSION 4: 5:30 - 7:10PM Lil Mama’s Tool Shed: Black and Brown Women Strategies/Tools for Liberation E332 Colia Lafayette Clark, Chair.....Guadeloupe Haiti Tour USA, MNN Producer Nellie Hester Bailey ..................................................Black Agenda Report Betty Davis ............................... New Abolitionist Movement and Green Party Cleo Silvers Florence M. Rice .........................................Producer MNN Public Television Johanna Fernandez ................................................. Educators for Mumia SUNDAY 6/9 SESSION 5 Organizing Against Solitary Confinement in the Era of Mass Incarceration Imagine living in a socialist USA, Part l. W618 Jean Casella, Chair..... .Solitary Watch, Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement Five Mualimm-ak ............................... Campaign to End the New Jim Crow Anthony Farley .............. Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement Scott Paltrowitz ................................. Correctional Association of New York, Linda Rousseau..................... Peace&Justice Task Force/All Souls UU Church, Desiray Smith ...............The FOCIS Movement, Schimmel Frances Goldin, Chair.............................................................................. Arun Gupta ..................... The Indypendent/The Occupied Wall Street Journal Tess Fraad-Wolff Blanche Wiesen Cook Joel Kovel..................................................................... Ecosocialist Horizons Frances Fox Piven .................................... Democratic Socialists of America Kazembe Balagun............................................................... Brecht Forum Ron Reosti Imperialism in Africa and Building a Mass Resistance Socialize the Energy Sector! W619 Sponsored by: Committee for a Workers’ International Pete Ikeler, Chair.......................... Assistant Professor at SUNY Old Westbury Glen Ford..................................................................... Black Agenda Report Eljeer Hawkins .. Socialist Alternative/Committee for a Workers’ International Stephanie Sucasaca.......................................................... Queens College The Untold History Of the United States Schimmel Auditorium 7:30pm Speakers: Oliver Stone Peter Kuznick Bill Fletcher, Jr. Donna Murch Greg Wilpert W613 Sponsored by: Green Shadow Cabinet Howie Hawkins, Chair............................................................Green Party Jill Stein .......................................... 2012 Green Party candidate for President Sean Sweeney ...........................................................Global Labor Institute Charles Komanoff.......................................................... Carbon Tax Center Leonard Rodberg ..Professor and Chair of Urban Studies at Queens College/ CUNY Prospects for Syria’s Revolution W614 Sponsored by: Haymarket Books Lichi D’Amelio, Chair......................................................... Haymarket Books Anand Gopal .................................Harper’s Magazine and Haymarket Books Omar Dahi .................................................Middle east Report and Jadaliyya Catastrophism W615 Doug Henwood, Chair............................................................................ Eddie Yuen........................................................ Capitalism Nature Socialism James Davis A National Security State In and Out: History Will Not Be Kind W510 Debra Sweet, Chair......................................................... World Can’t Wait Thomas Drake Jesselyn Radack ................................... Government Accountability Project “Health Care Struggles in Embattled Communities: Critical Historical Lessons, Political Continuities-Black Panther Party, Harlem; Young Lords, Lincoln Hospital/South Bronx -- & Beyond W511 Sponsored by: Social Medicine (online) 44 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 5: 10:00 - 11:50AM Matt Anderson, Chair...................................... Montefiore Medical Center, Robb Burlage................................. Community & Labor Health Study Group Shepard P. McDaniel ................................... The Peoples Survival Program Cleo Silvers....................................... Selikoff Center, Mt. Sinai Medical Center Alondra Nelson ....................Department of Sociology, Columbia University Joaquin Morante ...........................................Occupy Sandy Medical Relief Toni Lewis.. Healthcare Division, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Johanna Fernandez ......Departments of History & Political Science, Baruch College/City University of New York (CUNY) BRICS: Which side are they on? W520 Andrew Pollack, Chair.................................................................................. Patrick Bond ........................University of KwaZulu-Natal Centre for Civil Society Horace Campbell .............................................................Syracuse University Radhika Desai ..............................................................University of Manitoba Black Politics at the Tail End of Obama - and Beyond W612 Nellie Hester Bailey, Chair.......................................Black Agenda Report Glen Ford ............................................ Executive Editor, Black Agenda Report Bruce Dixon ...................................... Managing Editor, Black Agenda Report Margaret Kimberley ..........Editor & Senior Columnist, Black Agenda Report Anthony Monteiro Paul Street China, Africa and Capitalist Destruction of the Planet W626 Matt Meyer, Terisa Turner .........University of Guelph Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology Fred Magdoff ............................................................University of Vermont Richard Smith .............Institute for Policy Research & Development., London Memorializing the urban revolutionary movements on the Lower East Side W610 John Hudson, Chair......................................................................MORUS Laurie Mittelmann ........................................................................MORUS Bill Di Paolo .....................................................................................MORUS Failed Strategies: A Critical Dialogue on the Left’s Response to Climate Change and Economic Crisis E306 Sponsored by: Logos: A Journal of Modern Society & Culture MJ Thompson, Chair................................................................................ Michael P McCabe John Mason Philip Louro Empire, the national security state and racism during the Obama era E311 Deepa Kumar, Chair......................................................Rutgers University Moustafa Bayoum......................................................... i Brooklyn College Arun Kundnani ............................................................New York University Saadia Toor ............................................................. College of Staten Island The North Star: Strategies on Renewing the Radical Left E316 Sponsored by: The North Star Ben Campbell, Chair................................................................................ Dario Cankovic Tim Horras Luke Elliott Apartheid: We Don’t Buy It, the BDS Movement on the Rise E301 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review Riham Barghouti, Chair..........................................................Adalah-NY Mark Hage ........................................Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine Sherry Wolf ................................................................................Adalah-NY Shafeka Hashash ..........................................................................NYU SJP Anna Calcutt .. New Yorkers Against the Cornell-Technion Partnership (NYACT) Marxism and Postmodernism -- enemies or allies? E307 Sponsored by: not yet Sara Farris, Chair........................... Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton Richard D. Wolff .......................................................................New School Charlene Sinclair .............................................Union Theological Seminary Jan Rehmann ...................................................Union Theological Seminary Strategies for Rank and File Militancy E308 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review Lee Sustar, Chair............................................ International Socialist Review Nastaran Mohit Kevin Prosen................................................... United Federation of Teachers Amy Muldoon...................................... Communication Workers of America Or does it Wither ? : Democracy in the age of inequality E309 Dr. J. Ward Regan, Chair.............................................New York University Max F Wolff Sasha Hammad.......................................................... Retail Action Project Against Privatization & Towards the Commons: Experiences from Bolivia, Greece & Argentina E310 Marina Sitrin, Chair.................................................................................. Marcela Olivera Theodoros Karyotis Horizontal Organizing in the Crucible of Disaster Recovery E325 Tamara Shapiro, Chair .....interoccupy, wildfire rockaways, murhpy institute Larry Swetman............................. Various Occupy Sandy Organizers Susannah Dyen Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 45 SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 5: 10:00 - 11:50AM Devin Balkind..................................................... “Occupy Sandy” and “Sarapis” Foundations of Economic Justice: Low-wage Workers Forward! E327 zine Sponsored by: Between the Lines Radio Newsmaga- Richard Hill , Chair........................Between the Lines Radio Newsmagazine Bertha Lewis ...................................................................The Black Institute Josh Eidelson ............................................................................The Nation Michael Zweig .........................................................Stony Brook University Catherine Ruetschlin ................................................................... DEMOS Joseph Barrera..................... KFC worker; New York Communities for Change Alterique Hall ......................McDonalds worker; NY Communities for change History and Education in Contemporary U.S. Politics W523 Jacob Kramer, Chair...... Borough of Manhattan Community College (CUNY) Michael Hattem................................................................... Yale University Jonathan Wilson ......Syracuse University-Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs Roy Rogers ................................................................ CUNY Graduate Center Adam Parsons .............................................................. Syracuse University Building A Democracy Movement - Confronting Corporate Rule E326 David Cobb, Chair...............................................Move to Amend Coalition Jerome Scott ............................. League of Revolutionaries for New America Reinvisioning Global Energy Turmoil E329 Mohammad Soleymani, Chair ........ Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY Matthew Ally ....................Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY Fabian Balardini............... Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY Enrique Lanz Oca............ Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY Kenneth Levin.................. Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY From Slavery to Emancipation or From Slavery to Liberation: Which Way Forward From Neoliberalism and Racial Capitalism? W608 Alicia Arrington, Chair................................................St. John’s University William Bradley.............................................................St. John’s University Tiffany Fitzgerald.........................................................St. John’s University Tiffany Stewart.............................................................St. John’s University Dymon Davis Tremont Poole Sagal Hashi....................................................................St. John’s University Tyette Puryear...............................................................St. John’s University Tsion Gebeyehu...........................................................St. John’s University Gamal Ahmed...............................................................St. John’s University Tramp the Dirt Down: Thatcher’s Irish Problem E305 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review Shaun Harkin, Chair...............International Socialist Review editorial board Brian Kelly .. School of History, Queens University Belfast; Irish Marxist Review Denis O’Hearn .. Author of Bobby Sands, the Irish Hunger Striker Who Ignited a Generation Sandy Boyer ............................................................Radio Free Eirenn, WBAI Environmental & Social Struggles in Greece (The Case of Skourgies- Halkidiki) W606 Alan Akrivos, Chair............ Aristeri Kinisi NY - Greece Solidarity Movement, Costas Panayotakis .................NYC College of Technology, Aristeri Kinisi NY Panayota Gounari ..............................University of Massachusetts - Boston The Central Park 5 & its Impact on the Criminal Justice System E302 Sponsored by: Campaign to End the New Jim Crow Lee Wengraf, Chair.............................. Campaign to End the New Jim Crow Yusef Salaam......................................................................... Central Park 5 Lewis Webb ....American Friends Service Cmte.; Campaign to End the New Jim Crow Knowledge, Climate, Energy and Ecosocialist Transition in the 21st Century 46 E322 Sponsored by: DC Metro Science for the People www. Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 5: 10:00 - 11:50AM Walter Teague, Chair................ Metro DC Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and EcoSocialism David Schwartzman.DC Metro Science for the People, Metro DC Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and EcoSocialis Jane Zara.. DC Metro Science for the People (, member of the DC Statehood Green Party, Natio John Tharakan ... DC Metro Science for the People; Faculty Adviser to Howard University’s Engineers Without Borders st The 2013 World Social Forum in Tunis E330 Thomas Ponniah, Chair........ Affiliate of David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies,........................................................ Harvard University Walda Katz-Fishman ................................................................. Professor Vanessa Zettler .............................................................................. Occupy Addressing Sexual Violence While Opposing the Prison Industrial Complex E304 Katy Otto, Chair.................................................................... KO Consulting Layne Mullett.................................................................... Decarcernate PA Quentin Walcott The Core of Today’s Broken Capitalism: Privatized Debt-Money of the Banks E321 Julia Willebrand, Chair...........................................................Green Party Sue Peters Pat Barry........................................................... American Monetary Institute Allen Smith ..................................................... American Monetary Institute Ecological/Economic transformation for Jamaica and Haiti? E323 Cecile Lawrence, Chair................................................ Green Party of NYS Colia Clark ...................................................................... Green Party of NYS Pascal Robert.................. - Thought Merchant blog, Haitian Bloggers’ Caucus Kiki Makandal Aggression by another name— how the US wages war on Syria. W504 Barbara Nimri Aziz, Chair................................................WBAI Radio, NY Sara Flounders................................... International Action Center, New York Joyce Chediac Ghias Moussa ...................................Member of The Syrian American Forum Venceremos Brigade: Who’s gonna break the Travel Ban? E300 Benjamin Ramos, Chair..................................... The Venceremos Brigade Rachel Ibrahim Malcolm Sacks Elizabeth Hernandez Kathe Karlson Electoral Politics: Demobilizing Swamp or Tactic for Social Transformation? W211 Sponsored by: Union for Radical Political Economics Al Campbell, Chair..............................Union for Radical Political Economics David Laibman .. Professor Emeritus, Brooklyn College and Graduate Faculty, City University of New York Stephan Edel................................ URPe and The Center for Working Families Marx’s Politics of Revolution: From the Critique of Proudhon to the Critique of the Gotha Program W521 George Comninel, Chair.........................Marx Collegium - York University Michael Roberto ..North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Norman Levine. Beijing Normal University and Fudan University, Beijing and Shanghai Michael Kraetke ......................................................... Lancaster University Reproducing Cities in the Americas: Knowledge, Technique, and Spatial Practice W602 David McNally, Chair......... Department of Political Science, York University Karen Murray ....................... Department of Political Science, York University Vannina Sztainbok ............. Department of Sociology, University of Toronto Leslie Kern ..................... Department of Geography, Mount Allison University Collective Liberation and Radical Mental Health Workshop W604 Jonah Bossewitch, Chair..............................................The Icarus Project Annie Robinson.............................................................. The Icarus Project Sonia Cheruvillil Stan WIlliams Nothing About Us Without Us - Sex Work Activism in NYC W607 Sheldon Ranz, Chair.................................................................SWOP-NYC Sabine Lilly Brittany Wollman Love ...........................................................SWOP-NYC Reclaiming our Agricultural Commons W621 Michelle Hughes, Chair.............. Schumacher Center for a New Economics Kathy Orlando.............................................................. Sheffield Land Trust Jacob Meyer .........................................................Attorney/private investor Samuel Smith ......................................................................Caretaker Farm Elizabeth Smith.................................................................. Caretaker Farm Political Prisons in America W622 Lynne Jackson, Chair............... National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms Cyrus McGoldrick .Director of Development and Outreach, National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms Sharmin Sadequee .................. National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 47 SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 5: 10:00 - 11:50AM Sahar Mirza Kathy Manley Roundtable on “More Misused Wage Data from ‘Monthly Review’: The Overaccumulation of a Surplus of Errors” E320 Sponsored by: Marxist-Humanist Initiative Mike Dola, Chair............................................... Marxist-Humanist Initiative Andrew Kliman......................................... Economics Dept., Pace University Alan Freeman .............................................London Metropolitan University Brendan Cooney ......................................... Nick Potts..................................................... Southampton Solent University Primitive Accumulation: Then and Now E324 Kanishka Chowdhury, Chair...................University of St. Thomas, St. Paul Joe Ramsey Stephanie McMillan Ariane Fischer.................................................................. Temple University Mario Kawonabo Exodus: Breaking out of Prison and Patriarchy: The Life and Times of Russell Maroon Shoatz W625 Sponsored by: Capitalism Nature Socialism Quincy Saul, Chair......................................................Ecosocialist Horizons Theresa Shoatz Kanya D’Almeida Dan Kovalik Vagabond Beaumont Bret Grote Global Punitiveness and Social Waste: the Plight of the Deportee W618 David Brotherton, Chair.......................................John Jay College, CUNY Shirley Leyro ............................................................John Jay College, CUNY Fenix Nikaurys Arias .............................................................York College Yolanda Martin ................Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY Inequality and Exploitation in the World of Art Engaging the African Youth and Young Professionals in Africa’s Sustainable Development in the 21st Century. Geoff Bailey, Chair........................................ International Socialist Review Ben Davis.......................................................................... Haymarket Books Yasmin Ramirez Milton Allimadi, Chair.............Black Star News ( Zeinab Eyega Sauti Yetu.................. Center for African Women & Families Tyrene Wright W522 Sponsored by: Haymarket Books W619 Sponsored by: AfrobeatRadio.Net SESSION 6 Workplace democracy and democratic ownership: Moving from theory to strategy Join Angela Davis, Eve Ensler, Cotter Smith, Martín Espada, the Rosenberg/Meeropol Family & others at Town Hall on June 16, 2013, 7 pm, for Carry it Forward Celebrate the Children of Resistance A dramatic program to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the executions of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg and celebrate those fighting for social justice today Tickets/Info: or (800) 982-2787 48 Schimmel Sponsored by: Democracy Collaborative Maliha Safri, Chair...................................................................... Drew University Richard D. Wolff ................................................................... Democracy at Work Gar Alperovitz .............................................................. Democracy Collaborative ALEC Exposed: How the Right-Wing “Bill Mill” Facilitates Attacks on Economic, Social, and Environmental Rights – and How to Fight Back LHN John Nichols, Chair........................................... The Nation / Capital Times Connor Gibson ........................................................................Greenpeace Sabrina Stevens .......................................American Federation for Teachers Joanne Doroshow ..................................... Center for Justice & Democracy Brendan Fischer .......................................Center for Media and Democracy Challenges for the Latin American Left in Power LHS Gregory Wilpert, Chair............................................................................ Alvaro Garcia Linera............................................ Vice-President of Bolivia Calixto Ortega .Charge D’Affaires of the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the United States Maria Perceval ......................................Ambassador of Argentina to the UN Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 5: 10:00 - 11:50AM Rank & File Unionism in a Time of Austerity: Heath Care Unions on the Front Line W613 Ellen David Friedman, Chair.....................Labor Notes Policy Committee Sal Rosselli ........................................................................................NUHW Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez..................... New York State Nurses Association TBD Representative ................................................................CNA-NNOC Emerging Revolt in the Arab World: Egypt, Palestine and Beyond W614 Suzanne Adely, Chair............................................National Lawyers Guild Lamis Deek ..............................................................National Lawyers Guild Michael Letwin ...Ad-Hoc Coalition to Defend the Egyptian Revolution; Labor for Palestine; Imagine living in a socialist USA, Part Il: Making The American Socialist Revolution W615 Debby Smith, Chair.................................................................................. Leslie Cagan Dianne Feeley...................................... Occupy Detroit/Autoworker Caravan Michael Ratner Michael Smith Michael Zweig ...................................................U.S. Labor Against the war Clifford D. Conner Capitalism & The State: Examining The Environment, Social Security, and the Economy W510 Geoff Mann, Chair.................................................................................... Eric Laursen Heather Rogers Militarism, Economic Warfare, and Health W511 Sammy Almashat, Chair......................................................................... Martin Donohoe ................................................. Portland State University Tiffany Caudill, ............ Howard Waitzkin Civilian Medical Resources Network Occupy Neighborhood. (Lessons from Occupy assemblies in Kensington, Harlem, Astoria and elsewhere in New York City. Workshop. All Occupiers invited!) W612 Sponsored by: Occupy Astoria LIC ( Sofya Aptekar, Chair...............Max Planck Institute, CUNY Graduate Center. Nicholas Levis..... Author, Occupy Activist, AKNY-Greece Solidarity Movement Nellie Bailey ................................................................Black Agenda Report Eleanor Rodgers.......................................................... Socialist Alternative Crisis and the Left in Europe: The Cases of Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain W626 Sponsored by: AKNY-Greece Solidarity Movement and Campaign for Peace and Democracy Peter Bratsis, Chair...................................CUNY, City University of New York Marcus Grätsch .....Interventionist Left, Germany, FelS Berlin, Left Forum, NY Despina Lalaki .............................................................New York University Bruno Gullì ................................................CUNY, City University of New York Carlos Frade......................................... University of Salford, Manchester, UK Eirini Dourou............................................... Member of Parliament Athens, Greece The State of the U.S. Left Alternative Media W610 Joseph Calhoun, Chair............................................................. Journalist Tom Kiely.......................................... Radio Host ---- INN World Report Radio Webster G. Tarpley..... Historian, Economist, Radio Host--World Crisis Radio Labor and the Resilient City – Stories from Rapid Repairs and Sandy Recovery E306 Michael Merrill, Chair...................................... SUNY Empire State College Katherine Spaulding ..........................................SUNY Empire State College Moshe Adler .......................................................SUNY Empire State College Danny Ferreyra.................................................. SUNY Empire State College Fitz Reid ................................................................SUNY Empire State College Fighting Racism in a Post-Racial World E311 Sponsored by: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - New York Office Kazembe Balagun, Chair.................................................... Brecht Forum Steve Williams ......................................................Ear to the Ground project Tahir Della ............................................Initiative of Black People in Germany Luz Schreiber ........................................................................Atl Tlachinolli Donning the red square with CLASSE: the organizational and political aspects of the 2012 Québec mass student movement and strike E316 Mathieu Dufour, Chair.............John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY) Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois Estelle Gadbois-Bernard Eric Pineault Eve-Lyne Couturier Divesting from Fossil Fuels - Investing in Our Planet E301 Catherine Skopic, Chair.......... Environmental Task Force, NYU Divest, 350. org, IMAC Lyna Hinkel Sophie Lasoff ............................................................................NYU Divest Dr. Cathey Falvo ................................... Physicians for Social Responsibility, Corinne Rosen......................................................... Food and Water Watch Lisa DiCaprio ........... Professor, New York University, Sustainability Task Force The revolutionary project of social ecology E307 Sponsored by: Union for Radical Political Economics Brian Tokar, Chair............Institute for Social Ecology, University of Vermont Dan Chodorkoff ................................................Institute for Social Ecology Chaia Heller .................... Mount Holyoke College, Institute for Social Ecology Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 49 SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 5: 10:00 - 11:50AM HOW CLASS WORKS - 2014 CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS A Conference at SUNY Stony Brook June 5-7, 2014 The Center for Study of Working Class Life is pleased to announce the How Class Works – 2014 Conference, to be held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, June 5-7, 2014. Proposals for papers, presentations, and sessions are welcome until December 11, 2013 according to the guidelines presented at Purpose and orientation: The conference seeks to explore ways in which an explicit recognition of class helps to understand the social world in which we live, and ways in which analysis of society can deepen our understanding of class as a social relationship. Presentations should take as their point of reference the lived experience of class; proposed theoretical contributions should be rooted in and illuminate social realities. Presentations are welcome from people outside academic life when they sum up social experience in a way that contributes to the themes of the conference. Formal papers will be welcome but are not required. All presentations should be accessible to an interdisciplinary audience. Conference themes: The conference welcomes proposals for presentations that advance our understanding of any of the following themes: The mosaic of class, race, and gender; Class, power, and social structure; Class and community; Class in a global economy; Middle class? Working class? What’s the difference and why does it matter? Class, public policy, and electoral politics; Class and culture; Pedagogy of class. Conference coordinator: Michael Zweig Director, Center for Study of Working Class Life Department of Economics, State University of New York Stony Brook, NY 11794-4384 631.632.7536 Stony Brook University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer 50 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 6: 12:00 - 1:50PM Eleanor Finley.................................................... Institute for Social Ecology Taking Socialism Seriously Organizing Young People, Teachers, Parents and Community: Building Trust and Accountability E308 Karsten J. Struhl, Chair.............John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY) John L. Hammond ...............Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY William R. Caspary.................................................. Gallatin School at NYU W523 Hiram Rivera, Chair......................................... Philadelphia Student Union Kim McGill .................................................................Youth Justice Coalition Anne Looser ...........................................................Teachers Unite member Lynn Sanchez............ New Settlement Apartments Parent Action Committee Striking Back: The Chicago Teachers Union’s Victory and its Lessons for Labor Fighting Ecological Transformation: 20th Century Energy in the Era of Sandy and Fukushima E309 Sponsored by: Haymarket Books Lee Sustar, Chair................................................................ Socialist Worker Kirstin Roberts .......................................................Chicago Teachers’ Union Megan Behrent............................................. United Federation of Teachers Becca Bor...................................................................... Chicago Teachers’ Union Latin America Rises Up: Resistance to Mega Mining Across the Americas E310 Dana Brown, Chair.................................................. US Office on Colombia Kelsey Alford-Jones ....................... Guatemala Human Rights Commission Manuel Perez-............................................Rocha Institute for Policy Studies Thinking Across Crises: Anti-Capitalist Strategies and Imaginaries E327 Marina Sitrin, Chair.................................................................................. Zoltán Glück ............................................................. CUNY Graduate Center Conor Tomás Reed ................................................. CUNY Graduate Center Preeti Sampat Shyam Khanna Themis Pellas E303 M V Ramana, Chair................ Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace Cathy Kunkel Elias Schewel Green Shadow Cabinet: Another Government is Possible E326 Sponsored by: Green Shadow Cabinet Ben Manski, Chair................................................... Green Shadow Cabinet Cheri Honkala ......................................................... Green Shadow Cabinet Jill Stein ..................................................................... Green Shadow Cabinet Fracking Us Every Which Way from Sideways, and How to Put the Kibosh on It E329 Maura Stephens, Chair....................... Park Center for Independent Media Dominic Frongillo ...............................Elected Officials to Protect New York Virginia Rasmussen........... Program on Corporations, Law, and Democracy; Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom; Frack Escape from Evil: Understanding and Overcoming Violence: Two Modern Masters on Violence W608 Sponsored by: David Rouge, Chair.......................... Ernest Becker Foundation, NY Chapter Sheldon Solomon all books available from the F e r n W o o D P U B L I S H I N G book table Continental CruCible What lies aCross the Water big business, Workers and unions in the transformation of north america Richard Roman & Edur Velasco Arregui the real story of the Cuban Five Stephen Kimber 9781552665428 $29.95 9781552665473 $19.95 Richard Roman & Edur Velasco Arregui will speak at the panel: “Class Struggle in North America — A Discussion of Continental Crucible: Big Business, Workers and Unions in the Making of North America” Stephen Kimber will speak at the panel: “A Changing Cuba, A Stagnant America Strategy and the Continuing Plight of the Cuban Five” F e r n Wo o D P U B L I S H I N G television anD the earth stop signs: Cars and 9781552665527 $22.95 9781552663844 $19.95 not a love story Jennifer Ellen Good Capitalism on the road to economic, social and ecological Decay Bianca Mugyenyi & Yves Engler critical books for critical thinkers Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 51 SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 6: 12:00 - 1:50PM James Gilligan Steve James Brown Plague: Europe’s Far-Right and Strategies for Resistance E305 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review Aaron Amaral, Chair................................................................................ Mathieu Bonzom ................................... Paris-Est Créteil University, France Aaron Amaral ....................AKNY-Greece Solidarity Movement New York City Shaun Harkin ..................................... International Socialist editorial board Eliza Goroya......................................................... Information Activism, The 5th Estate: Hacking, Leaking, and Investigative Journalism in the Age of Secrecy W605 Sponsored by: National Lawyers Guild Abi Hassen, Chair................................................................................NLG Gabriella Coleman .........................................................McGill University Will Potter................................................................. Grainne O’Neill ...................................................................................NLG Labor Goes Online: Technological Transformations in The Forms of Labor, Value, and “Life Itself” W606 Tom Buechele, Chair............................................... CUNY Graduate Center Karen Gregory ......................................................... CUNY Graduate Center Kara Van Cleaf.......................................................... CUNY Graduate Center Andrew McKinney .................................................. CUNY Graduate Center Resisting Racism and Militarism in 21 Century America: A Dialogue on the new book “We Have Not Been Moved” E302 Sponsored by: WIN Magazine, PM Press Matt Meyer, Chair......................................................War Resisters League David McReynolds..................... Socialist Party, USA; War Resisters League Ellen Barfield............................................... Veterans for Peace; WILPF; WRL Bob Brown ............................... All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) Tarin Gonzalez ............................................................ WESPAC Foundation The Intellectual Commons After the Book: Contemporary Experiments in Not-for-Profit Literary Publishing E322 Peter Dimock, Chair....................................... Author, Dalkey Archive Press Ian Dreiblatt Dalkey .............................................................Archive Press Eugene Lim ............................................................................. Ellipsis Press Holladay Penick ........GiantChair,Inc., The Institute for the Future of the Book Sarah Leonard....................................... The New Inquiry; Dissent Magazine Grassroots feminist organizing pushes the courts, makes leap for reproductive rights: The MorningAfter Pill Tummino Decision E328 Fran Luck, Chair...............Executive Producer, Joy of Resistance Multicultural 52 Feminist Radio Program, WBAI-FM, NYC Allison Guttu...................... National Women’s Liberation--New York chapter Annie Tummino ................ National Women’s Liberation--New York chapter Alexandra Leader.... National Women’s Liberation-Gainesville (Fla.) chapter Erin Mahoney .......................National Women’s Liberation-New York chapter Andrea Costello........................................ Partnership for Civil Justice Fund Building a Global Movement for Radical Transformation: An Orientation to the US and World Social Forum Process E330 Jackie Smith, Chair.. US Social Forum Accountability and Coordination Team Walda Katz-Fishman............. League of Revolutionaries for a New America Rose Brewer ....University of Minnesota & USSF Gender Justice Working Group Jerome Scott ...........................League of Revolutionaries for a New America George Friday.............................. Independent Progressive Politics Network Socialist-Feminist Strategy for the 21st Century E304 Sponsored by: Socialist Register Leo Panitch, Chair............................................................Socialist Register Joan Sangster.................................................................... Trent University Nancy Holmstrom .................................. Rutgers University, Newark - USA Rebecca Schein................................................ Carleton University, Ottawa Maria Poblet .............................................................................Causa Justa Industrial Development Agencies: Activist Opportunities Under Neoliberal Economic Development Initiatives E321 David Duncan, Chair...........................................................People’s Press Andrew Pragacz ..........................SUNY Binghamton Sociology Department Hernan Rodriguez .........................................................The People’s Press In the Eye of the Storm: Haiti Battle for National Soveriegnty E323 Sponsored by: Haiti Liberte Tom Siracuse, Chair.......................................Chair Manhattan Green Party Ray LaForest ....................................................Union Activist and Organizer Colia L. Clark........ Guadeloupe Haiti Tour USA, MNN Producer, NY Green Party P.J. Fleury ............................................................................4Haiti Magazine Public Resource Theft: Lessons of New Orleans Public Housing for NYC E325 Marty Rowland, Chair........................... Pace University, adjunct professor John Arena.................... City University of New York’s College of Staten Island Michael Howells ........ C3, Community, Concern, Compassion of New Orleans Imperialism Today: What it is and why we must fight it W616 Sponsored by: International League of Peoples Struggle Gary Labao, Chair.....................................................................Bayan USA Abayomi Azikiwe.. Pan African News Wire, Michigan Emergency Committee Jackelyn Mariano ..............................deputy secretary general, BAYAN USA Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 6: 12:00 - 1:50PM NEW FROM DOUBLEDAY “So many books . . . portray working Americans as hapless victims. Garson is too sharp an observer, and too honest a writer to do that.” —Los Angeles Times “A small masterpiece.” —Michael Kazin, author of American Dreamers Bill Dores........... vice chair for external affairs, International League of Peoples Struggle Class and History Consciousness: The uses and abuses of historical knowledge by the Left. W617 Sponsored by: Permanent Revolution web site http:// Alex Steinberg, Chair..... ........Independent scholar, Permanent Revolution web site Stan Hister................................................................... Independent Scholar Harrison Fluss .............. PhD student in philosophy at Stony Brook University Deadly Economies: Israel’s Role in Worldwide Repression W504 Sara Kershnar, Chair................... International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Kali Akuno ..................................................Malcolm X Grassroots Movement Toby Kramer ................................ International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Lee Gargagliano ......................... International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Maria LaHood............................................. Center for Constitutional Rights Lamis Deek Urban redevelopment. From NJ Nets and Atlantic Yards to FreshDirect’s Plans to move to the Bronx. Can Gentrification and Corporate Development Benefit the Poor? E300 Sponsored by: The Black Institute, The National Housing Institute/Shelterforce Magazine John Atlas, Chair..............National Housing Institute/Shelterforce Magazine Bertha Lewis................................................................... The Black Institute Miriam Axel-Lute ............National Housing Institute/Shelterforce Magazine Rachel Laforest..................................................... Right to the City Alliance Left Third Party Organizing: Challenges and Opportunities W211 Sponsored by: The North Star Ben Campbell, Chair.......................................................... The North Star Seamus Whelan........................................................... Socialist Alternative Tim Horras Philly ........................................................................ Socialists Carl Davidson Ursula Rozum........................................................................... Green Party Marxism and the Theory of the Self W520 Sponsored by: Science & Society K N O P F D O U B L E D AY A C A D E M I C 1745 BROADWAY • NEWYORK, NY 10019 WWW.RANDOMHOUSE.COM/ACADEMIC ACMART@RANDOMHOUSE.COM Russell Eliot Dale, Chair................................................ Science & Society Justin Holt Gallatin ......................................... School, New York University Xinruo Zhang.................................................................. Peking University MEGA(2) and the Revolution in The Philosophy of Marx W521 George Comninel, Chair..........................York University, Toronto, Canada Yulan Zhao ...................................Remnin University of China, Beijing, China Wei Xiaoping............................. Director, Chinese Academy of Social Science Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 53 SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 6: 12:00 - 1:50PM Norman Levine ................... Beijing Normal University and Fudan University The Soviet Experience, the Effects of its Temporary Destruction and the Struggle for Socialism Today W602 Grover Furr, Chair................................................Montclair State University George Gruenthal Angelo d’Angelo ........................................ US Friends of the Soviet People Intimate Life in US Capitalism: from the Bedroom to the Boardroom to the Battlefield Chairman W607 Harriet Fraad, Chair ................................................................................. Shane Knight Tess Fraad Wolff Political Ecologies of Developmental Terrorism: Neoliberalism and People’s Resistance in India W609 Sponsored by: Ramaa Vasudevan, Chair.............................................................Sanhati Partho Sarathi Ray ........................................................................Sanhati Siddhartha Mitra........................................................................... Sanhati Rajeev Ravisankar .........................................................................Sanhati FreshFood.Connection: Advancing Awareness of Healthy Food as a Right, not a Privilege W621 Eboni Banks, Chair................................................... Christian Jones................................. Brownsville Community Justice Center Charles Stroman ..............................Brownsville Community Justice Center Kahleek Davis.................................... Brownsville Community Justice Center Preemptive Prosecution: Prison with No Crime W622 Stephen Downs, Chair........Executive Director, National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF) Marwa Elbially .......................... National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms Laila Yaghi Sue Udry ............................ Executive Director, Defending Dissent Foundation Hany Massoud .................................... Director of Media Committee, NCPCF Toward a Carbon Theory of Value: Historical Materialism for the New Millennium E324 Rachael Sotos, Chair......................................................... Pace University Charles Komanoff ..........................................................Carbon Tax Center Dan Lazare US Treaty Obligations and Freeing Imprisoned COINTELPRO/Civil Rights Activists, Political Prisoners E331 Efia Nwangaza, Chair.....................malcolm x center for self determination Law in the Service of Human Needs To visit our new state-of-the-art facility in Long Island City, or to have a representative come and speak to your students, please call 718-340-4210 or email 54 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 6: 12:00 - 1:50PM Dr. Suzanne Ross .......International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal Ashanti Alston Board, .. National Jericho Movement Nat’l Jericho Mvmt for Amnesty & Freedom of Political Prisoners Paulette D’Auteuil ....... National Co-chair, Nat’l Jericho Mvmt for Amnesty & Freedom of Political Prisoner Revolution without Marx? Rousseau and his followers for the Left W601 Chris Cutrone, Chair................. School of the Art Institute of Chicago Spencer Leonard .......................................................University of Chicago Sunit Singh .................................................................University of Chicago Pop Media as AgitProp: The Power of Cartoons W522 Stephanie McMillan, Chair........................Universal Uclick, One Struggle Ted Rall .................................................................................Universal Uclick Peter Kuper .................................................................................cartoonist Policing, Prisons, and Resistance: Organizing Resistance across Communities and Sectors W625 Fahd Ahmed, Chair................................ DRUM - Desis Rising Up & Moving Andrea Ritchie............................................................. Streetwise and Safe Linda Tigani ..................................MXGM - Malcolm X Grassroots Movement Fernando Carlo .......................................... SBU - Sistas and Brothas United and Engagement W503 David Meadow, Chair......CUNY, Sustainability Committee at First Unitarian Universalist, Rude Mechanical Orchestra Christine Capetola .......................................... Queers for Economic Justice Jerry Weinstein.......... BIG, Occupy Money Cooperative, National Constitution Center Straight Talk Africa: Re-engaging with Africa W618 Divine Muragijimana, Chair............ The Council of Young African Leaders Okenfe Lebarty .. CO Founder/VP Council of Young African Leaders, President, Solome Lemma Natacha Gwet................................................................. US-Africa Synergy Chinua Achebe - His Life, His Legacy W619 Sowore Omoyele, Chair................................................................ Sahara Reporters Okey Ndibe ................................................................... Independent writer Horace Campbell ........................................................ Syracuse University Milton Allimadi ................................................................. Black Star News Betty Wambui ..................................................................SUNY at Oneanta The Citizen Suite: Strategies for a Full Media Literacy Forthcoming: Special Issues: New Dimensions in Political Economy, Anarchism, Theory of the Self Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 55 SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 6: 12:00 - 1:50PM Report from Greece Schimmel Auditorium 2:00pm Speakers: Mihalis Spourdalakis, Eirini Dourou - member of Parliament Leo Panitch (moderator) Stanley Aronowitz.................................................. CUNY Graduate Center Arun Gupta Jacqueline DiSalvo David Caprio................................................................................... AFL-CIO Mike Podhorzer ............................................................................ AFL-CIO How to solve the Israel-Palestine Conflict: 0, 1 or 2 State Solution W614 Gregory Zucker, CHair............................................................................. Norman Finkelstein Stephen Shalom Sherry Wolf Lamis Deek Let Fury Have the Hour: FIlm Screening W615 Antonino D’Ambrosio, Chair................................................................. Stephen Duncombe Stanislao Pugliese Unions and the Worker Coop Movement Building Power SESSION 7 The Transformative Dimensions of Local and International Politics: Astride or Outside the Revolution W510 Sponsored by: UnionCo-ops Council, US Federation of Worker Cooperatives Abby Scher, Chair...........................................................Dollars and Sense Denise Hernandez ................................Cooperative Home Care Associates Michael Peck ................................... Mondragon-Steelworkenrs partnership Carmen Huertas-Noble ............................................CUNY School of Law Brendan Martin ..................................................................Working World Schimmel Jeremy Glick, Chair.....................................................CUNY and Situations Ras Baraka.................................................................. Ras Baraka Campaign Al-Tariq Shabazz....................................................... Ras Baraka Campaign Mihalis Spourdalakis A Basic Income for All? LHN Sponsored by: Dissent Magazine, Verso Books Sarah Leonard, Chair.................................................................... Dissent Lena Lavinas................................................................ Princeton University Frances Fox Piven................................................... CUNY Graduate Center Almaz Zelleke........................................................................... New School Benjamin Kunkel ............................................................................... n+1 Imperialism and Ecology LHS Sponsored by: International Socialist Review Geoff Bailey, Chair........................................ International Socialist Review Chris Williams...................................................................... Pace University Ashley Smith ................................................. International Socialist Review Marcela Olivera........................................... Red VIDA, Food & Water Watch Patrick Bond .................. Centre for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu-Natal Labor the Left, and AFL-CIO’s 2013 big change of strategy W613 Bob Broadhurst, Chair......................................IBEW Local 103 Boston MA 56 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 6: 12:00 - 1:50PM This Positive World: Solutions to the Global AIDS Crisis W511 Mariel Selbovitz, Chair.., ................MPH, Cornell AIDS Clinical Trials Group Community Advisory Board Harold Smith................................., PhD OyaGen and University of Rochester Jeannie Wraight ........................................................................HIVHAVEN Michael McGrath............., PhD Pathologica and University of California-San Francisco Gary Blick, ......................... MD World Health Clinicians and Circle CARE Center Robert Melamede,........................ PhD Cannabis Science and University of Colorado-Colorado Springs Timothy Ray Brown................................... Timothy Ray Brown Foundation Bill Mugford .......................................Saddleback Church HIV/AIDS Initiative Roscoe M. Moore. Jr........................................................, DVM, PhD, MPH Patricia Ware................................. Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS Chris Norwood .................................................................... Health People Organizing Among/Within Crisis: Lessons From The Housing Market Collapse, Occupy Wall Street, and Relief and Rebuilding After Hurricanes Katrina & Sandy W612 Max Rameau, Chair......................................................Take Back The Land Valery Jean ..........................Families United for Racial and Economic Equality Jordan Flaherty ......................................................................... Al Jazeera Manissa Maharawal .....................................................Occupy Wall Street Deedra Cheatham ............Families United for Racial and Economic Equality (FUREE) Beyond Resilience: Actions for a Just Metropolis W626 Sponsored by: Planners Network and Progressive Planning Magazine Norma Rantisi, Chair...................................Concordia University, Montreal Peter Marcuse............................................................. Columbia University Tom Angotti .............................................................. Hunter College/CUNY Dick Platkin................................................. USC Price School of Social Policy Erminia Maricato.................................................... University of São Paulo Nabil Kamel ............................................................Arizona State University Hollywood and CIA. (Hollywood as Propaganda Ministry: Ideological confluence, security state influence, co-creation of enemies. Counterpropaganda.) W610 Nicholas Levis, Chair.......... Author, Occupy Activist, AKNY-Greece Solidarity Movement Bryan Sacks .....................................................................Rutgers University Deepa Kumar .................................................................Rutgers University Over-Population Ideology: Too Many People? E306 Sponsored by: Monthly Review Roger Harris, Chair...................................... Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library Betsy Hartmann................... Hampshire College, director of Population and Development Program Anne Hendrixson......... Hampshire College, Assistant Director, Population & Development Program Fred Magdoff ..... University of Vermont and the Monthly Review Foundation Recession, Racism and the Transformation of the U.S. working class E311 Sponsored by: International Socialist Review, Black Workers Rank and File Network Brian Jones, Chair.................................................... CUNY Graduate Center Tim Schermerhorn ........................... Black Workers Rank and File Network Lee Sustar ....................................................... International Socialist Review The Student-Labor Fightback Against Neo-Liberalism, on campus and off. E316 Jeff Crosby, Chair....................................................................................... KB Brower ............................................ United Students Againsy Sweatshops Jeffrey Lichtenstein .. Progressive Student Alliance, United Students Against Sweatshops Josh Shmizer ..........................................................United Campus Workers From a Green New Deal to a Global Transformation: Green Jobs, Demilitarization and Economic Reconstruction E301 Jon Rynn, Chair.......................................... Manufacturing Green Prosperity Brian D’Agostino ..............................................Empire State College, SUNY Patrick Deer ........................................................................................ NYU Alice Slater .............................................. Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, NY The Crisis of Capitalism: Five Years Later E307 Sponsored by: The North Star Ben Campbell, Chair...........................................................The North Star Leo Panitch Doug Henwood Radhika Desai Roundtable on Building International Labor Solidarity: Prospects and Challenges E308 Kim Scipes, Chair.........Purdue University North Central in Westville, Indiana, USA Katherine Nastovski ............................................. York University, Toronto Judy Ancel......................... Labor Educator: University of Missouri-Kansas City Michael Zweig ............................................. SUNY Stony Brook and USLAW Dan Kovalik Resist Empire, Build Justice through Solidarity, Close the SOA! E310 Bernie McAleer, Chair..................................NYC School of Americas Watch Arturo Viscarra .................................................... School of Americas Watch Phil Josselyn........................................................................ NYC SOA Watch Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 57 SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 7: 3:00 - 4:50PM Political Photography: Satires, Cartoons, Statements—Staged Photography and Digital Collages The Left Youth E325 Sponsored by: Husain Bazzi, Chair......................... Co-Editor of Justin Wedes................................................. Paul Robeson Freedom School Saad Saad ........................ Columbia School of International and Public Affairs Power Structures: Challenging Energy Hegemony in the Era of Climate Crisis E327 Braden Crooks, Chair.....Design and Urban Ecologies, Parsons http://urban. William Morrish .................................... Parsons The New School For Design Jesse Goldstein ........................................................ CUNY Graduate Center W608 Joel Simpson, Chair...........................................independent artist/writer Bahar Behbahani .........................................................independent artist Grace Graupe-Pillard................................................... independent artist Franc Palaia..................................................................... independent artist European Austerity and the New Resistance E305 Sponsored by: Rosa Luxemburg NYC, Transform! European Network Albert Scharenberg, Chair......Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - New York Office Josef Baum ...................................................European Network “transform!” Catarina Príncipe....................... Cultures of Labour and Socialism, Portugal Michael Krätke ...................................................University of Lancaster, UK Grassroots Visions of Socialism: The Growing Vision of Alternatives to Capitalism Emerging from Contemporary Social Movements Revolution in the Age of the Internet: an International Panel Organizing for Catastrophe -- Runaway Global Warming and Strategies for Community Empowerment John Brown: Trumpet of Freedom (A Play) W523 Rishi Awatramani, Chair.................................. Beyond Capitalism Project Maria Poblet Mazibuko Jara Amandla! John Cronan, Jr. Vivek Chibber E303 David Pugh, Chair.................................... University of California, Riverside Patrick Robbins ....................................................................Cooper Union Juliana Vanderlee....................................... Clearwater Hudson River Sloop Sofía Gallisá ...........................................Occupy Sandy and Restore the Rock 5 Years Longer, 5 Years Stronger: What Will it Take to Move from Resistance to Revolution? E326 Sponsored by: Green Shadow Cabinet Ben Manski, Chair................................................... Green Shadow Cabinet Jill Stein .............................................2012 Green Party Presidential Nominee David Cobb ......................................2004 Green Party Presidential Nominee Cheri Honkala........................... 2012 Green Party Vice Presidential Nominee From Detroit to the Marcellus Shale, from South America to Central Europe: Struggles for sustainable human development E329 Sponsored by: News & Letters Terry Moon, Chair................................... National Organization for Women Franklin Dmitryev ....Defense Depot Memphis Tennessee Concerned Citizens Committee Susan Stellar ........................................................................News & Letters Leo Seserko................. Environmental Protection College at Velenje, Slovenia Tom Siracuse ................................Green Party, Shut Down Indian Point Now 58 W605 Alfredo Lopez, Chair................................................ May First/People Link Anriette Esterhuysen............. Association for Progressive Communications Rosa Miriam Elizalde .......................................................... Cuba Debate! Molefi Mafereka................................................... Ndlovu Indymedia Africa Shahzad Ahmad..................................................................... Bytes for All Pedro Miguel............................................................................. La Jornada E302 Herb Boyd, Chair.............................................................Amsterdam News Larry Lawrence ......................................................The John Brown Society Ralph Poynter ........................................Lynne Stewart Defense Committee Louis A. DeCaro...................................................... John Brown biographer Mobilizing Alternative Enterprises to Provide Affordable and Sustainable Power E322 Paul Martorana, Chair......................................................Wagner College Richard Hayes..................................................... Hofstra School of Business Jeffrey Robinson ...............................................Rutgers School of Business Economic, Ecological, and Social Crisis in Iran: The Impact of U.S. Sanctions E330 Sponsored by: Havaar and Campaign for Peace and Democracy (sponsoring organizations) Geoff Johnson, Chair............................................................................... Alex Shams .................................................................... Harvard University Bitta Mostofi ..................................................... Where is My Vote, New York Manijeh Nasrabadi Raha ....................Iranian Feminist Collective; Havaar What Would/Does a Feminist Labor Movement Look Like? E304 Sponsored by: Dissent Magazine Sarah Jaffe, Chair...................................................................................... Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 7: 3:00 - 4:50PM Jennifer Klein Ellen Bravo Olivia Leirer......................................................................................... NYCC Someone from Domestic Workers Union The “F” Word: Creeping Fascism in the United States E321 George Friday, Chair............................... Bill of Rights Defense Committee Sue Udry........................................................ Defending Dissent Foundation Shahid Buttar............................................ Bill of Rights Defense Committee Running Against ‘the Man’; Utilizing Grassroots Organizing Tools to Change City Hall’ E323 Yetta Kurland, Chair................................................................................. Harry Waisbren ...................................., Occupy Wall Street L. Joy Williams... LJW Community Strategies, Brooklyn NAACP, Higher Heights of America Charles Lenchner ............................................................... Organizing 2.0 Envisioning Global Movements: How the International Organization for a Participatory Society (IOPS) overlaps with Anarchism, Zapatismo, and International Women’s Human Rights W616 Alejandra Franco, Chair..................................................... IOPS member Jonathan Uss .........................................................................IOPS member Jermaine Chambers............................................................ IOPS member All of the Pollution and None of the Jobs: Port Communities Fight Back W617 Cynthia Mellon, Chair....................................... Coalition for Healthy Ports Nicky Sheats ................................New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance Henry Rose ...................................New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance Christina Montorio ........................International Brotherhood of Teamsters Amy Goldsmith ................................ New Jersey Environmental Federation Spaces and Times of Occupation: A Collective Presentation by the Yale Working Group on Globalization and Culture E300 Michael Denning, Chair..Working Group on Globalization and Culture, Yale University Andrew Hannon ..............Working Group on Globalization and Culture, Yale University Tao Leigh Goffe .Working Group on Globalization and Culture, Yale University Edward King...... Working Group on Globalization and Culture, Yale University Samar Al-Bulushi............. Working Group on Globalization and Culture, Yale University Eli Jelly-Schapiro ..............Working Group on Globalization and Culture, Yale University Sigma Colon ......Working Group on Globalization and Culture, Yale University Andrew Dowe ...Working Group on Globalization and Culture, Yale University Community Organizing for a New Economy W211 Sponsored by: Democracy Collaborative John Duda, Chair................................................. Democracy Collaborative Caroline Murray Nick Iuviene.................................. Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative Brendan Martin ..................................................................Working World Stephan Edel .................................................... Center for Working Families Dialectical Materialism vs. The New Physics W520 Caleb Maupin, Chair.................................................................Red Youth Mike Gimbel. Chair, Labor/Community Unity Committee of Local 375 AFSCME Glenn Borchardt .. Director, Progressive Science Institute, Berkeley, California Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Legacy W521 Sponsored by: New Politics Jason Schulman, Chair.........................................................New Politics Stephen Eric Bronner ..................................................Rutgers University Michael Hirsch........................................................................ New Politics Chris Maisano........................................... Democratic Socialists of America China, the Panda in the left’s living room W602 Gary Hicks, Chair.........................Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library Oakland CA Norman Markowitz ......................................................Rutgers University Wei Xiaoping......................................... Chinese Academy of Social Sciences David Ewing ...................................US-China peoples friendship association Martin RIvlin................................................................ independent scholar Child Welfare and the Reproductive Justice Framework W604 Folasade Campbell , Chair....... ..Staten Island Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Emma Ketteringham ..................................................... Bronx Defenders Yeashea Braddock ................................Brooklyn Young Mothers Collective The Peoples Republic of China and U.S. imperialism’s ‘turn’ to Asia W609 Sponsored by: Workers World Newspaper Monica Moorehead, Chair..................................................................... Deirdre Griswold editor of Workers World newspaper Abayomi Azikiwe Pan Africa News Wire Fred Goldstein Workers World Party The Radical Potential of the Food Movement: Sustainability, Justice, and Health W621 Sponsored by: Radical Teacher Susan O’Malley, Chair..............................................Radical Teacher, CUNY Nancy Romer ...............................Brooklyn Food Coalition, Brooklyn College Deirdre Murphy....... Culinary Institute of America, Transformations (journal) Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 59 SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 7: 3:00 - 4:50PM Doris Friedensohn ... Professor Emerita of Women’s Studies, New Jersey City University; writer, (occasional) lecturer at t Bertha Lewis ...................................................................The Black Institute Miriam Axel-Lute............ National Housing Institute/Shelterforce Magazine Rachel Laforest .................................................... Right to the City Alliance The Free Mumia Movement: Solidarity, Internationalism, and Anti-imperialism W622 Dr. Suzanne Ross, Chair...... International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal Pam Africa.. International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal William Camacaro Alberto ...............Lovera Bolivarian Circle of New York Colia Clark Green Party Fignole St. Cyr Autonomous............... Confederation of Haitian Workers Marx’s Humanism: Folly, Peripheral, or Integral to his Philosophy? Closing Plenary Schimmel Auditorium 5:30pm E320 Sponsored by: Marxist-Humanist Initiative Ray McKay, Chair ............................................. Marxist-Humanist Initiative Aaron Jaffe............................................... Doctoral Student, The New School Chris Byron ............................. Graduate Student, Northern Florida University Anne Jaclard ..................................................... Marxist-Humanist Initiative Andrew Kliman .........................................Economics Dept., Pace University Redefining The Role and Application of Multimedia for Today’s Political Landscape W522 Iyanna Jones, Chair................................................................................... Tylon Washington Milton Allimadi ................................................................. Black Star News No More Budget Cuts on Our Backs! Fight Back with a Robin Hood Tax! E332 Jennifer Flynn, Chair........... Health GAP and U.S. Robin Hood Tax Campaign Francesca LoBasso ................................................National Nurses United Amanda Devecka-Ranier................................... National People’s Action Speakers: Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera, John Bellamy Foster Tadzio Muller Africa and 21st Century Governance and Security Challenges. Prospects for Ecological and Economic Transformation in the African Continent. W619 Wuyi Jacobs, Chair.................WBAI Pacifica Radio 99.5 FM / AfrobeatRadio Basir Mchawi................................................................. CUNY / WBAI Radio Sophie Schwoerer .............................MEDHIN, Ethiopian Democratic Party Alnoor Ladhar................................................... / Opal Tometi ........................................... Black Alliance For Just Immigration Urban redevelopment. From NJ Nets and Atlantic Yards to FreshDirect’s Plans to move to the Bronx. Can Gentrification and Corporate Development Benefit the Poor? W504 Sponsored by: The Black Institute, The National Housing Institute/Shelterforce Magazine John Atlas, Chair..............National Housing Institute/Shelterforce Magazine 60 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation SUNDAY 6/9, SESSION 7: 3:00 - 4:50PM Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 61 SPEAKER INDEX A-D Index A Abidor, Mitch 43 Abouyoub, Younes 31 Abu-Jamal, Mumia 24, 54, 60 Adam, Benjamin Eleanor 20 Adely, Suzanne 49 Adler, Moshe 49 Adler, Seth 1 Africa, Ramona 24 Ahmad, Shahzad 58 Ahmed, Fahd 55 Ahmed, Gamal 46 Ahmed, Zohra 38 Akbulut, Bengi 38 Akrivos, Alan 30, 46 Akuno, Kali 27, 53 Albertani, Claudio 38 Al-Bulushi, Samar 59 Alexiou, Nicos 36 Alford-Jones, Kelsey 51 Allimadi, Milton 48, 55, 60 Ally, Matthew C. 32 Almashat, Sammy 49 Alperovitz, Gar 27, 33, 40, 48 Alston, Ashanti 55 Alvarez, Sally M. 41 Amin, Mikal 24 Anderson, Kevin 38 Anderson, Matt 27, 45 Anderson, Matthew 2 Angotti, Tom 57 Antonopoulos, Rania 21 Aponte, Jack 31 Aptekar, Sofya 49 Arena, John 52 Arias, Fenix Nikaurys 48 Aronoff, Kate 27 Aronowitz, Stanley 1, 26, 36, 56 Aschoff, Nicole 18 Atlas, John 53, 60 August, Arnold 23, 41 Awatramani, Rishi 58 Azikiwe, Abayomi 21, 33, 52, 59 Aziz, Barbara Nimri 47 Azzellini, Dario 27, 40 B Bailey, Geoff 35, 48, 56 Bailey, Nellie 49 Balkind, Devin 46 Banerjee, Tarun 27 Banks, Eboni 54 62 Baraka, Ras 56 Barber, Benjamin 26 Barfield, Ellen 52 Barghouti, Riham 45 Barkin, David 29 Barrera, Joseph 46 Barrett, Dawson 31 Barrington-Bush, Liam 41 Barry, Pat 47 Barson, Benjamin 40 Baskerville, Stephen 31 Baum, Josef 58 Bazzi, Husain 58 Beaumont, vagabond 35, 48 Beck, Brenden 32 Behrent, Megan 35, 51 Benjamin, Medea 24 Benjamins, Jani 23 Bennett, Terri 35 Berlet, Chip 43 Bichlbaum, Andy 40 Birmingham, James 38 Bjorkman, Eirik 42 Blackwood, Laura 37 Bloch, Nadine 40 Bolender, Keith 37 Bolton, Matthew 23 Bond, Patrick 33, 40, 42, 45, 56 Bonzom, Mathieu 52 Boone, Thabiti 31 Bor, Becca 51 Borchardt, Glenn 59 Boscov-Ellen, Dan 26 Bossewitch, Jonah 47 Bosteels, Bruno 35, 43 Boyd, Andrew 40 Boyd, Herb 40, 58 Boyer, Sandy 46 Bratsis, Peter 36, 43, 49 Breaux, Rae 31 Brenner, Robert 19 Brewer, Rose 1, 36, 52 Broadhurst, Bob 56 Brogan, Peter 26 Brotherton, David 33, 48 Brower, KB 57 Brown, Bob 52 Brown, Dana 51 Brownhill, Leigh 40 Brown, Jenny 35 Brown, Linda 37 Brown, Timothy Ray 57 Buechele, Tom 52 Burbach, Roger 35 Burgess, Peter 23 Burlage, Robb 45 Butcher, Casey 43 Buttar, Shahid 59 Byars, Evangeline 42 C Cagan, Leslie 49 Cairns, James 21 Callaway, Charles 18 Calvin, Sam 27 Campbell, Al 2, 47 Campbell, Ben 45, 53, 57 Campbell, Folasade 59 Campbell, Horace 31, 45, 55 Campbell, Victoria 42 Campos, Felix Leo 31 Candipan, Jennifer 21 Cankovic, Dario 36, 45 Capetola, Christine 55 Carlo, Fernando 55 Carr, Daphne 33 Carroll, Toby 38 Casella, Jean 44 Caspary, William R. 51 Castillo, Esther Hio-Tong 21 Catalano, Joseph 32 Caudill, Tiffany 49 Channer, Harold 27 Charman, Karen 19 Chatterjee, Pratap 24 chattopadhyay, sutapa 24, 29, 36 Chaudhuri, Tapoja 29 Chaves, Gabriel 35 Cheatham, Deedra 57 Chediac, Joyce 47 Chernomas, Robert 27, 43 Cheruvillil, Sonia 47 Chibber, Vivek 40, 58 Chin, Staceyann 18 Chiroux, Matthis 35 Chowdhury, Kanishka 48 Chung, Daisy 19 Cicariello-Maher, George 41 Clark, Colia 42, 47, 60 Clark, John 36 Clough, Patricia 18 Cobb, David 43, 46, 58 Cohan, Beatty 24 Cohen, Sky 23 Coleman-Adebayo, Marsha 19 Coleman, Gabriella 52 Collins, Kalilah 36 Collins, Sheila 43 Colon, Sigma 59 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation Comninel, George 47, 53 Cook, Blanche Wiesen 44 Cooney, Brendan 43, 48 Cooper, Tess 35 Costello, Andrea 52 Coughlin, Frank 21 Courter, Don 26 Couturier, Eve-Lyne 29, 49 Credico, Randy 20 Cronan, John 58 Crooks, Braden 19, 58 D D’Agostino, Brian 18, 57 Dahi, Omar 44 Dale, Russell Eliot 53 D’Almeida, Kanya 40, 48 D’Ambrosio, Antonino 18, 56 D’Amelio, Lichi 33, 44 d’Angelo, Angelo 54 Daniels, Harris 38 D’Auteuil, Paulette 55 David Friedman, Ellen 35, 49 Davidow, Joe 42 Davidson, Carl 36, 40, 53 Davie, Grace 36 Davis, Ben 48 Davis, Betty 44 Davis, Crystal 33 Davis, Dymon 46 Davis, James 44 Davis, Kahleek 54 Davis, Karen 23 Dean, Jodi 43 DeCaires, Damian 43 DeCaro, Louis A. 58 Deek, Lamis 19, 49, 53, 56 Deer, Patrick 57 Dela Pena, Emelyn 42 Delgado Arria, Carol 35 Delgado, Carol 20, 35 Della, Tahir 49 Denning, Michael 59 Desai, Radhika 43, 45, 57 Devecka-Ranier, Amanda 60 DiCaprio, Lisa 49 Dillon, Dylana 24, 35 Di Paolo, Bill 45 Dirnbach, Eric 27 Dix, Carl 38 Dixon, Bruce 38, 45 Dmitryev, Franklin 29, 58 Dobson, Ted 24 Dola, Mike 43, 48 SPEAKER INDEX D-J Donald, Jaire 37 Donald, Mignon 37 Doonan, David 24 Dores, Bill 53 Doroshow, Joanne 48 Dourou, Eirini 14, 36, 49, 56 Dowe, Andrew 59 Dowell, LeiLani 24 Downs, Steve 35 Drake, Thomas 38, 44 Dreiblatt, Ian 52 Duda, John 59 Dufour, Mathieu 29, 49 Duncan, David 52 Duncombe, Stephen 1, 40, 56 Dworkin, Mark 40 E Earle, Ethan 35 Edwards, Ana 33 Ehmsen, Stefanie 41 Ehrenberg, John 31 Ehtisham, Syed 36 Eidelson, Josh 46 Eisenstein, Hester 1, 2, 41 Elizalde, Rosa Miriam 58 Elliott, Luke 45 Ellner, Steve 41 Emerson Gilbert, Ashley 21 Emmett, Gerry 29 Engler, Mark 18 Epstein, Barbara 1, 26, 40 Epstein, Itzhak 31 Eshelman, Robert S. 32 Espana, Sergio 43 Esterhuysen, Anriette 58 Ewing, David 59 F Fabricant, Nicole 29 Fagiani, Gil 29 Fahmy, Dalia 31 Fakhimi, Golnaz 42 Falvo, Dr. Cathey 49 Farber, Samuel 21 Farbman, Jason 32 Farley, Anthony 44 Farr, Arnold 38 Farris, Sara 45 Featherstone, Liza 36 Feeley, Dianne 23, 30, 49 Fernandes, Sujatha 27 Fernandez, Johanna 24, 44, 45 Ferreyra, Danny 49 Field, Rachel 24 Figueroa, Ray 43 Fine, Janice 40 Finley, Karen 33 Fischer, Ariane 48 Fischer, Brendan 48 Fitzgerald, Tiffany 46 Flaherty, Jordan 57 Flanders, Laura 26 Fletcher, Bill 2, 10, 26 Fleury, P.J. 52 Fleury, Pojanee 23 Flowers, Dr. Margaret 40 Flowers, Margaret 19, 35, 40 Flowers, Reg 21, 27 Fluss, Harrison 53 Flynn, Jennifer 60 Ford, Glen 38, 44, 45 Forlano, Julianna 30 Forman, Erik 20 Forrester, Hannah 37 Fox, Michael 35 Fox Piven, Frances 1, 33, 44, 56 Fraad, Harriet 1, 18, 54 Fraad Wolff, Tess 54 Fraad-Wolff, Tess 44 Frawley, TJ 31 Freeman, Alan 43, 48 Frehiwot, Mjiba 42 Friday, George 43, 52, 59 Friedensohn, Doris 59 Frieson, Jovonna 23 Furr, Grover 42, 54 G Gadbois-Bernard, Estelle 49 Gal, Yochai 31 Garbus, Martin 37 Garcia, Elizabeth 18 Garcia Linera, Alvaro 7, 15, 35, 48, 60 Gargagliano, Lee 31, 53 Garson, Barbara 1, 31 Gassaway, Bernard 21 Geller, Timothy 24 Gelman, Emmaia 41 Georgakas, Dan 40 Georgantzas, Nicholas 21 Gerard, James 32 Gerhardt, Tina 32 Gerson, Janet 21, 27 Ghorashi, G.Reza 42 Ghorashi, Reza 42 Giacomini, Terran 24, 36, 40 Gibson, Connor 48 Gilligan, James 52 Gindin, Sam 19, 35, 40 Glick, Jeremy 43, 56 Glicklich, Jacob 31 Glück, Zoltán 51 Gnaka Lagoke, Gervais 42 Goffe, Tao Leigh 59 Goldhagen, Eric 1, 31 Goldin, Frances 44 Goldsmith, Amy 59 Goldstein, Fred 59 Goldstein, Jesse 58 Gonzalez, Tarin 52 Goodwin, Jeff 33 Gopal, Anand 44 Gorman, H. Candace 42 Goroya, Eliza 52 Grace, Hallie 20 Grätsch, Marcus 49 Greeman, Jenny 18, 43 Greeman, Richard 18, 26, 43 Greene, Doug Enaa 31 Gregory, Karen 52 Griffths-Dingani, Kate 42 Griswold, Deirdre 59 Gruenthal, George 54 Gulli, Bruno 43 Gupta, Arun 1, 43, 44, 56 Gurna, Elia 21, 27 Gutierrez, Teresa 21 Guttu, Allison 52 Gwet, Natacha 55 H Hales, Larry 21 Hall, Alterique 46 Hamlin, Mike 40 Hammad, Sasha 45 Hammond, John L. 51 Hand, Sharon 32 Hanhardt, Christina 23 Hannon, Andrew 59 Hare, James 24 Harrison, Joan 23 Harris, Roger 57 Harris, Scott 27 Hartmann, Betsy 57 Harvey, Philip 35, 43 Hashash, Shafeka 45 Hashi, Sagal 46 Haslam, James 43 Hattem, Michael 46 Hawkins, Eljeer 44 Hawkins, Howie 23, 35, 44 Hayes, Richard 58 Hebdon, Chris 36 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation Hehner, Cay 33 Heller, Chaia 49 Heller, Henry 43 Heller, Stan 23 Hendrixson, Anne 57 Henwood, Doug 29, 40, 44, 57 Hernandez, Denise 56 Herr, Charles 38 Hester Bailey, Nellie 44, 45 Hewson, Alan 43 Hicks, Gary 59 Hinkel, Lyna 49 Hister, Stan 53 Hlinko, John 30 Hoffman, Joan 37 Hogarth, Sarah 43 Holland, Marvin 30 Holmes, Larry 21 Holmstrom, Nancy 1, 21, 26, 52 Holt, Justin 53 Honkala, Cheri 43, 51, 58 Hooper, Sylvia 23 Horn, Steve 19, 36 Horras, Tim 45, 53 Howells, Michael 52 Hudson, John 45 Hudson, Michael 19, 26, 33 Huertas-Noble, Carmen 56 Hughes, Michelle 47 Hungerford, David 32 Hunken, Monica 37 Hunt-Hendrix, Leah 2, 27 I Ibanez, Diego 35 Ivory, Alicia 30 J Jabola-Carolus, Isaac 35 Jacinto, Guio 27 Jackimovicz, Alex 35 Jackson, Daphne 38 Jackson, Eric 32 Jaclard, Anne 23, 60 jacobs, wuyi 60 Jaffe, Aaron 60 Jaffe, Sarah 58 James, Steve 52 Jara, Mazibuko 21, 58 Jeje, Biola 42 Jelly-Schapiro , Eli 59 Jennings, Pamela 40 Jimenez, Sandy 24 Johnson, Geoff 58 Jones, Brian 35, 42, 57 63 SPEAKER INDEX J-O Jones, Kaylie 23 Jones, Sabrina 24 Jordan, Tobin 40 Joseph, Melanie 18 Judson, Tim 32 K Kalyvas, Andreas 21 Kamel, Nabil 57 Karras, Andreas 36 Karyotis, George 21 Karyotis, Theodoros 45 Kassem, Ramzi 42 Katz-Fishman, Walda 36, 47, 52 Kauanui, J. Kehaulani 33 Kawonabo, Mario 41, 48 Kelley, David 33 Kemp, Robert 27 Kern, Leslie 47 Kershnar, Sara 53 Keucheyan, Razmig 43 Khanna, Shyam 51 Kimberley, Margaret 45 Kimber, Stephen 37 Kim, Yeong Ran 18 kinane, ed 38 King, Edward 59 Kissam, Jonathan 31 Kleinman, Nate 24, 35 Kliman, Andrew 48, 60 Knight, Shane 54 Kovalik, Dan 48, 57 Kovel, Joel 40, 44 Kraetke, Michael 47 Kramer, Jacob 46 Kramer, Toby 31, 53 Krätke, Michael 58 Kremez, Vitali 37 Kretsos, Lefteris 21 Kuan Wong, Elijah 18 Kumar, Deepa 45, 57 Kundnani, Arun 45 Kunkel, Benjamin 56 Kunkel, Cathy 51 Kunzru, Hari 24 Kuper, Peter 24, 55 Kurland, Yetta 59 L Ladhar, Alnoor 60 LaForest, Ray 52 LaHood, Maria 53 Laibman, David 47 Lalaki, Despina 49 Lamas, Andrew 38 Lamont, Beth K. 41 Landa, Ishay 23 Landy, Joanne 1, 21 64 La Riva, Gloria 37 Lash, Don 23 Lasoff, Sophie 49 Laursen, Eric 49 LaVenia, Peter 27 Lavinas, Lena 56 Lawrence, Cecile 24, 40, 47 Lebsock, Kent 40 Leenson, Eric 35 Lemma, Solome 55 Lenchner, Charles 41, 59 Leonard, Sarah 33, 52, 56 Leonard, Spencer 55 Lessinger, Jesse 26 Letwin, David 19 Letwin, Michael 49 Levine, Norman 47, 53 Levis, Nicholas 30, 37, 49, 57 Lewis, Toni 45 Lew, Peter 23 Leyro, Shirley 48 Libkuman, Mark 1, 31 Lieder, Rob 33 Lilly, Sabine 47 Lim, Eugene 52 Livingston, Martha 33 Lo Basso, Francesca 27 Lok, Kimberly 21 Lombardo, Joe 33 Looser, Anne 51 Lopez, Alfredo 58 Lopez, Clarissa 41 Lorber, Judith 32 Louis, Dana 38 Louro, Philip 45 Luck, Fran 52 Lumumba, Orie 24 Lumumba, Rukia 24 M Mablu, Nurit 35 Machado, Richie 40 Madar, Chase 23 Madeson, Victor 31 Maggio, Alice 24 Maharawal, Manissa 57 Mahlberg, Nathaniel 32 Mahoney, Erin 38, 52 Main, Alex 20 Maisano, Chris 33, 59 Makandal, Kiki 47 Malick, Pramilla 37 Malik, Imran 18 Malone, Christopher 23 Maloney, Timothy 32 Malpede, Karen 33 Mancini, Cam 38 Mann, Eric 18, 42 Mann, Geoff 49 Mann, Patricia S. 32 Manski, Ben 51, 58 Manski, Sarah 27 Mansour, Chris 42 Manu, Akuba 42 Marasco, Robyn 43 Marcuse, Irene 23 Marcuse, Peter 26, 57 Marentes, Carlos 37 Mariano, Jackelyn 38, 52 Markowitz, Norman 59 Martin, Brendan 27, 56, 59 Martin, Yolanda 48 Martorana, Paul 58 Mason, Josh 43 Matney, Jalen 21, 37, 41 Matney, Thaddeus 21, 37 Matos, Graciano 41 Mattera, Gloria 23, 27, 33 Mattleman, Jesse 21 Maupin, Caleb 24, 59 Mausner, Claudia 30 Mazzone, Andrew 20 Mazzone, Andy 33 McAleer, Bernie 57 McCabe, Michael P 45 McCleave Maharawal, Manissa 40 McCormick, James 20 McDaniel, Shepard P. 45 McGee, Megan 21 McGill, Kim 51 McGoldrick, Cyrus 47 Mchawi, Basir 60 McIntyre, Richard 36 McKay, Ray 43, 60 McKinney, Andrew 52 McMillan, Cecily 33 McMillan, Stephanie 41, 48, 55 McNally, David 26, 47 McReynolds, David 52 Melamede, Robert 57 Mellon, Cynthia 59 mental notes, spiritchild 24 Merrill, Michael 49 Meyer, Gerald 2, 29 Meyerhoff, Eli 29 Meyer, Matt 24, 45, 52 Miguel, Pedro 58 Miller, Victoria 27 Mimieux, Emmanuelle 30 Mirza, Sahar 48 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation Mitra, Siddhartha 54 Mittelmann, Laurie 45 M. Moore. Jr, Roscoe 57 Mohit, Nastaran 45 Montana, Omar 18 Monteiro, Anthony 45 Montorio, Christina 59 Moon, Terry 29, 58 Moorehead, Monica 59 Morante, Joaquin 45 Morgan, Ted 41 Morris, Frank 35 Morris, McDonald 18 Morton, Janks 31 Mostofi, Bitta 58 Mottern, Nick 38 Moussa, Ghias 47 Mualimm-ak, Five 44 Mueller, Tadzio 41 Mugford, Bill 57 Muhammad , Dr. Khalil Gibran 38 Mulder, Catherine 1 Muldoon, Amy 45 Mullett, Layne 47 Murphy, Deirdre 59 Murray, Karen 47 Mushett, Travis 24 Mwaura, Abraham 36, 40 N Nadeau-Dubois, Gabriel 49 Naidu, Suresh 29, 43 Naik, Devaki 37 Nasrabadi, Manijeh 58 Nayak, Meghana 23 Ndibe, Okey 55 Ness, Immanuel 27 Neuburger, Bruce 29 Niccoli, Sara 29 Nicholson-Smith, Donald 24 Noren, Dr. Scott 20 Norwood, Chris 57 Nunez, Ismael 31 nwangaza, efia 54 O O’Brien, Michelle 33 O’Hearn, Denis 46 Okah, Ebiere 33 Olivera, Marcela 26, 35, 42, 45, 56 O’Malley, Susan 1, 2, 59 Omoyele, Sowore 55 ONeil, Catherine 37 O’Neill, Grainne 52 Organizers, Various Occupy SPEAKER INDEX O-S Sandy 35, 45 Orlando, Kathy 47 Ortega, Calixto 48 Ortiz, Irene 31 Ortiz, Pilar 20 Osorio, Alyssia 42 Otto, Katy 47 Ozer, Kathy 43 Pugh, David 58 Pugliese, Stanislao 56 Puryear, Tyette 46 P Palaia, Franc 24, 58 Palmer, Julian 32 Paltrowitz, Scott 44 Panayotakis, Costas 43, 46 Panitch, Leo 1, 14, 18, 26, 52, 56, 57 Panourgia, Neni 30 Parkin, Scott 31 Parsons, Adam 46 Pashkoff, Susan 31 Paulson, Justin 2 Peck, Michael 56 Pelias, Michael 36, 43 Pellas, Themis 51 Penick, Holladay 52 Pennacchio, Chuck 32 Perceval, Maria 48 Perelman, Michael 26 Perino, Michael 32 Persaud, Anthony 30 Peters, Sue 30, 47 Petty, Leia 38 Picher, Marie-Claire 20, 27 Piette, Betsey 21 Pineault, Eric 29, 49 Pineiro, Carmen 40 Pingeot, Lou 24 Pinto, Angelo 43 Pirkl, Jennie 43 Platkin, Dick 57 Poblet, Maria 52, 58 Podhorzer , Mike 56 Policoff, Jerry 32 Pollack, Andrew 45 Ponniah, Thomas 1, 47 Poole, Tremont 46 Porter, Gareth 23 Posca, Julia 29 Post, Charles 40 Potter, Will 52 Poynter, Ralph 35, 58 Pragacz, Andrew 52 Premo, Michael 35 Price, Wayne 38 Príncipe, Catarina 58 Prosen, Kevin 45 Ptak, Laurel 33 Publow, Dave 37 Q Qazi, Tahir 37 Quezada-Grant, Autumn 42 Quinn, Adam 38 Quinn-Thibodeau, Tristan 32, 43 Qumsiyeh, Mazin 23 R Radack, Jesselyn 38, 44 Rall, Ted 55 Ramana, M V 51 Rameau, Max 18, 57 Ramirez, Yasmin 48 Ramos, Benjamin 31, 47 Ramos, Katt 35 Rantisi, Norma 57 Ranz, Sheldon 24, 47 Rapp, Peg 31 Rasmussen, Virginia 51 Ratner, Michael 1, 49 Ravisankar, Rajeev 54 Raymond, Laura 24 Ray, Partho Sarathi 54 Razbadouski, Janet 19 Redmond, Helen 35 Reed, Betsy 40 Regan, Dr. J. Ward 45 Rehmann, Jan 1, 45 Reid, Fitz 49 Renique, Gerardo 38 Rens, Jean-Guy 38 Reosti, Ron 40, 44 Reynolds, Emily 40 Reynolds, John 42 Rice, Florence M. 44 Richards, Keith 31 Richter, Deborah 33 Ritchie, Andrea 55 Rivas Sánchez, Eloy 26 Rivera, Hiram 51 RIvlin, Martin 24, 59 Robbins, Patrick 37, 58 Roberto, Michael 47 Robert, Pascal 47 Roberts, Kirstin 51 Robinson, Annie 47 Robinson, Beth 31 Robinson, Jeffrey 58 rockwell, russell 38 Rodberg, Leonard 33, 44 Rodgers, Eleanor 49 Rodriguez, Belinda 38 Rodriguez, Julio 20, 27 Rogers, Heather 49 Rogers, Roy 46 Romanou, Natassa 21 Roman, Peter 37 Romer, Nancy 38, 59 Rosca, Ninotchka 42 Rose, Henry 59 Rosen, Corinne 49 Rosen, David 24 Rosen, Fred 29, 41 Rosler, Martha 42 Ross, Carne 41 Ross, Dr. Suzanne 54, 60 Rosselli, Sal 49 Rossiter, Kate 21 Rothberg, Fivel 36 Rouge, David 51 Rousseau, Linda 44 Rowland, Marty 20, 52 Roxberry, Patrick 31 Rozum, Ursula 23, 53 Rubin, Ron 30 Rudiger, Anja 43 Rugh, Peter 19 Rynn, Jon 57 Schulman, Jason 59 Schwartz, Joseph M. 33 Schwartzman, David 31, 36, 47 Schwartz, Michael 24, 27 Scott, Greg 42 Scott, Jerome 36, 43, 46, 52 Scruggs, T.M. 27 Sedghi, Hamideh 42 Segneri, A.J. 40 Serpe, Nick 18 Seserko, Leo 58 Sethness Castro, Javier 23 Sewell, Jackie 35 Shabazz, Al-Tariq 56 Shalom, Stephen 2, 56 Shams, Alex 58 Shapiro, Tamara 45 Sheats, Nicky 59 Shepherd, Kira 32 Shmizer, Josh 57 Shoatz, Theresa 48 Shortsleeve, Joe 37 Siddiqui, Syeda Nuzhat 36 Silvers, Cleo 44, 45 S Singh, Sunit 55 Sacks, Bryan 57 Siracuse, Tom 52, 58 Safar, Karly 41 Skallman, Dana 31 Safri, Maliha 27, 43, 48 Skinner, Lara 41 Saldana-Portillo, Maria Skopic, Catherine 49 (Josie) 21 Slater, Alice 57 Salek, Fabiola 33 Smith, Allen 30, 47 Salmon, Josefa 35 Smith, Ashley 24, 42, 56 Sampat, Preeti 51 Smith, Debby 49 Samson, JD 33 Smith, Desiray 44 Sánchez González, Lisa 35 Smith, Elizabeth 47 Sanchez, Jose 31 Smith, Jackie 36, 52 Sanchez, Joseph 19 Smith, Michael 49 Sanchez, Lynn 51 Smith, Michael Steven 2 Sangster, Joan 52 Smith, Richard 26, 33, 45 Sarabia, Kimberly 42 Smith, Samuel 47 Sarma-Weierman, Stephen Smith, Stan 23 32 Smulewicz-Zucker, Gregory Sartori, Gina 33 26 Sassen, Saskia 26 Snipstal, Blain 32 Saul, Quincy 23, 40, 48 Soleymani, Mohammad Savard, Alain 42 42, 46 Sawyer, Jeremy 35 Solomon, Sheldon 51 Saxberg, Kelly 42 Sotos, Rachael 54 Scannell, Josh 20 Spalding, Hobart 1, 37 Scharenberg, Albert 58 Spaulding, Katherine 49 Schein, Rebecca 21, 26, Sperber, Irwin 35 52 Spourdalakis, Mihalis 14, Scher, Abby 56 56 Schermerhorn, Tim 30, 57 St. Cyr, Fignole 60 Schewel, Elias 51 Stellar, Susan 58 Schlesinger, Jeff 30 Stephens, Maura 19, 51 Schulman, Alan 21 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 65 SPEAKER INDEX S-Z Stevens, Sabrina 48 Stewart, Tiffany 46 Stills, Leutisha 38 Stone, Bob 32 Stravino, Dr. Vincent 31 Street, Paul 19, 41, 45 Stroman, Charles 54 Struhl, Karsten J. 51 Stubbs, Nicole 23 Sturgeon, Jonathon Kyle 24 Sucasaca, Stephanie 26, 44 Sundin, Jess 35 Sunkara, Bhaskar 33 Surkin, Marvin 40 Susser, Ida 36, 41 Sustar, Lee 45, 51, 57 Swagler, Matt 40 Sweeney, Sean 21, 38, 44 Sweet, Debra 38, 42, 44 Swetman, Larry 45 Szulikowski, Marzena 20 T Taetsch, Robert 31 Tahir, Madiha 24 Taylor, Astra 35 Teague, Walter 47 Terry, John R. 31 Tewksbury, Gregory 21 Tharakan, John 47 Theekat, Luna 30 Thompkins, Doug 20 Thompson, Linda 40 Ticktin, Hillel 19, 38 Tigani, Linda 55 Tobocman, Seth 24 Tokar, Brian 37, 42, 49 Tom, Alex 35 Tometi, Opal 60 Torres, Marissa 35, 43 Towne, Christopher 35 Tran, Dao 32, 38 Tsou, Walter 19, 32 Tziligakis, Yannis 20, 27, 43 U Udry, Sue 35, 54, 59 V Varon, Jeremy 42 Vasudevan, Ramaa 54 Velasco, Alejandro 27 Velgara, Frank 31 Villano, Vincent 40 Vincent, Joshua 20 Viscarra, Arturo 57 Vittoria, Stephen 43 66 Vlahos, Kelley B. 23 Vrettos, Jim 20 W Waisbren, Harry 59 Walcott, Quentin 47 Wallerstein, Immanuel 4, 18 Walzer, Joe 31 Wambui, Betty 55 Wang, Esther 35 Ware, Patricia 57 Wark, McKenzie 2, 43 Warren, Paul 32 Webb, Lewis 46 Weinstein, Jerry 55 Weissman, Suzi 19, 38 Wells, Charles 21 Welty, Emily 23 Welty, Patricia 24 Wengraf, Lee 40, 46 Wen, Laurie 33 Whalen, Nicole 23 Whelan, Seamus 53 White Plume, Debra 40 Whyte, Ron 41 Willebrand, Julia 23, 47 Williams, Catalina 20 Williams, Chris 19, 35, 42, 56 Williams, L. Joy 59 Williams, Scott 24 WIlliams, Stan 47 Williams, Steve 49 Wilpert, Gregory 20, 48 Wilson, Diane 19 Wilson, Jonathan 46 Winks, Chris 24, 43 Wishnia, Kenneth 23 Wishnia, Steven 23 Wolff, Max F 45 Wolff, Richard 18 Wolf, Sherry 19, 45, 56 Wollman Love, Brittany 47 Wong, Helena 35 Woodcock, Tim 37 Worth, Owen 38 Wraight, Jeannie 57 Wright, Tyrene 48 Yuen, Eddie 24, 44 Z Zangeneh, Hamid 42 Zarlenga, Stephen 36 Zavala, Diana 31 Zeldovich, Lina 23 Zelleke, Almaz 56 Zettler, Vanessa 47 Zhang, Lu 21 Zhang, Xinruo 53 Zhao, Yulan 53 X Xiaoping, Wei 53, 59 Y Yaghi, Laila 54 Yen Liu, Yvonne 19 Yilmaz, Yasemin 33 Young, Barbara 32 Young, Kevin 27 Young, Melissa 40 Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation Left Forum 2013 -Mobilizing for Ecological/Economic Transformation 67