CASE STuDY: Olympus TLP Tow-Out Marks Shell`s First use of


CASE STuDY: Olympus TLP Tow-Out Marks Shell`s First use of
JU L Y 2 0 1 4
Com m e rcial
applicat ions
New Developments in Synthetic Rope Technology
CASE STUDY: Olympus TLP Tow-Out Marks Shell’s First
Use of Synthetic Rigging
Finds Operational and HSSE Benefits
Photo by Tim Burdick Photography
Project Overview
Transporting monolithic structures over long distances
is a major undertaking that calls for fully engineered
solutions. Towing the Olympus TLP—Shell’s newest and
largest tension leg platform (TLP)—from the construction
and integration yard in Ingleside, Texas to its new home
in the Mars B field, more than 425 miles offshore in
the Gulf of Mexico, was in planning for over two years.
At more than 400 feet tall and weighing 120,000 tons,
moving the platform is equivalent to moving a fortystory building that’s nearly a city block square. To make
matters more challenging, it was hurricane season in the
Gulf of Mexico.
This was also the first time that synthetic lines were
used exclusively to rig a tow-out and installation for one
of Shell’s projects.
During the in-shore portion of the tow-out in some areas only there was only 9 meters of clearance.
The Situation
The path to a decision to use synthetic lines had
many tributaries, but throughout the process, Shell’s
commitment to safety in all its operations was apparent.
With 16 different ropes required for the inshore towout, the offshore tow, and positioning when on-site,
personnel handling issues were a major concern. The
decision to use synthetics for the tow-out rigging allowed
simplified connection points (lugs versus padeyes),
eliminated heavy shackles and jewelry requiring
additional lifting equipment for attachment, and the
pinch-points that come with the process. Re-rigging with
heavy connection hardware in calm seas is challenging
enough. In the kind of heavy weather that the Gulf often
encounters during hurricane season, the chances of
potential delays or even injuries rises exponentially.
Synthetic lines were used for the critical inshore portion
of the tow-out, as well as the offshore transport and the
eventual positioning of the rig for installation. The result
was faster, more efficient rigging and real benefits that
eliminated health, safety, security, and environment
(HSSE) exposure and operational considerations during
design, fabrication, integration, transport, and installation of
the platform. The reduction in installation time was due to the
simplicity of the connection—lugs versus a padeye/shackle/
shear pin system required by steel-wire rope. The total
number of fittings was reduced, along with the elimination of
additional steel-wire ropes required just to handle the fittings.
The rig’s design also influenced the choice. The TLP’s
columns have limited space to accommodate additional
hardware. The use of lugs and synthetic ropes rigged in
a simple basket passed through the lugs required little
additional space.
The solution
Because the use of synthetics in this application was new to
Shell’s engineering team, they relied heavily on their selected
vendors for information and assistance in selecting the
highest integrity products, fabricated into the most efficient
configurations to handle the requirements of the project.
Engineers from Shell and their installation and transportation
contractor, Heerema, worked with Samson’s master
fabricating distributor in Houston, SWOS. Mike Poroo from
SWOS handled the interface with Shell’s engineering team
and Heerema during the planning stages, coordinated
the fabrication of all the lines, and was on hand for the
installation and rigging prior to the tow-out. Samson’s
offshore technical sales engineer, Justin Gilmore assisted
with appropriate line selection and design. Fabrication and
testing of all the components was done at SWOS’
Houston facility.
LEFT: Crowley tugs rigged for propulsion during the inland portion of the tow out
Photo by Tim Burdick Photography
Olympus Tow-Out..............1
Inspection & Retirement
Pocket Guide.......................4
KZ™100 Synthetic
Crane Hoist Lines..............5
Samson Assists NASA
on Space Station
Exercise Project............... 5
CURRENT NEWS:......................6
Samson in Action
Behind the Lion
JU L Y 2 0 1 4
Olympus Tow-Out continued
Gilmore reports, “SWOS was the key contributor to the
success of this project. Shell leveraged the technical and
fabrication expertise of SWOS from design to installation.
With SWOS located in the heart of Houston, they are the
perfect partner for projects in the Gulf. They inventory
a big selection of our products, handle all of the custom
fabrication and testing, and were on-site to get first-hand
knowledge of how the ropes were going to be used
and oversee the installation; ensuring the best possible
outcome for Shell.”
The Inshore Tow-out—No Room for Error
The inshore portion of the tow-out was critical. At times,
there were as little as nine meters of clearance in the
channel from the Ingleside integration facility to open
water. The channel transit required eight tugboats—two
for propulsion, two for braking, and two for steering, plus
two more on standby. The two propulsion tugs and the
two steering tugs were tethered to the rig using wing lines
fabricated from Samson Quantum-12, a 12-strand line
made with 100% Dyneema® HMPE fiber with Samson’s
patented DPX™ technology incorporated into the surface
strands. The line is designed to have an enhanced
coefficient of friction for better grip on H-bitts and capstans.
All lines were fabricated with an eye on each end, and
protected from chafe with Samson’s Saturn Dynalene.
A sliding chafe sleeve of Samson DC Moor-Gard that could
be easily moved along the line to the location of the lugs
was also fitted to prevent chafe at the attachment points
through the lugs.
The Offshore Tow
Once the rig was clear of the channel and in open
water, the tugs were repositioned in the offshore tow
configuration. Again, an easy changeover without the need
for additional equipment was critical. Rigging in open water
can be challenging, but lightweight, high-performance
synthetics that are easily handled by manpower alone
made rigging changeovers quick and efficient.
Photo by Tim Burdick Photography
The offshore portion of the tow-out.
Four tugs were used for the offshore tow; three towing the
rig astern using Samson Saturn-12, a 12-strand, 100%
Dyneema® fiber line. Saturn-12 has the strength of steelwire rope, along with a proprietary coating that significantly
reduces both internal and external abrasion. The result is
ultimate strength and reliability in a line that will outperform
and outlast other lines with up to 20% longer service life in
critical applications. These lines were rigged in advance,
with two of them designed to double as a positioning
bridle during anchoring and installation. These lines were
also fabricated with an eye at each end, protected with
Saturn Dynalene and a sliding sleeve of DC Moor-Gard to
be positioned at the center of the line through the lug to
protect from rotational abrasion caused by potential sea
swells during the 10-day tow-out.
Photo by Tim Burdick Photography
Positioning the rig during installation.
Positioning and
Arriving at the installation
site, the four transport tugs
were again repositioned;
one at each of the four
quadrants of the rig.
Each was tethered by a
positioning bridle fabricated
from the same Saturn-12
construction as the offshore
tow lines. The bridles were
rigged prior to the tow-out.
Since the Olympus platform
is installed in relatively close
proximity to the existing
Mars platform, positioning
operations were critical.
In each case, the lines
were rigged quickly and
efficiently by a minimum of
crew and without additional
handling equipment. Early
Photo by Tim Burdick Photography
engineering and design took
into account using synthetic
Olympus TLP and AHV during installation; positioning bridles visible from rig.
lines for the eventual
tow-out and installation stages later in the process. That
allowed standardization of the towing lugs and the ability
to replace unique and complex one-off components
required for steel-wire rope with a much simpler, yet
robust, design.
After the project the ropes
SWOS’ Mike Poroo reports on another benefit to using
were returned to SWOS
lightweight, high visibility synthetic lines for the positioning
for inspection, proofportion of the project, “An unanticipated advantage not
loading and recertification.
covered in the report was explained to me during my last
They are currently stored
visit with Shell. They could look down from any point on
the platform and clearly see the Saturn-12 lines while
in controlled conditions
moving the platform into position. Wire rope would have
and ready for use on the
been too dark in color and too far under water to see. This
next Shell project.
helped keep the vessels clear of the lines and helped
prevent a tow-line from snagging on the preinstalled
tendons/tension legs.”
Key Benefits
Samson’s high-performance synthetic lines made with
Dyneema® fiber are, size-for-size, as strong as wire rope
with similar elongation characteristics, yet weigh 85%
less and they float. The advantages include quick and
easy rigging using only manpower in most cases, rather
than heavy equipment. This results in safer worksites with
fewer strain injuries from excessive weight, a significant
reduction of potential pinch-points, and elimination of
injuries from broken, “fish-hooked” strands common with
wire rope. In addition, exposure to potentially dangerous
situations with additional heavylift equipment and
personnel was virtually eliminated.
Shell found that
transitioning to synthetic
ropes for tow-outs and
installations furthers their
aim of achieving Goal
Zero and strengthening
their commitment to
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Olympus Tow-Out continued
SWOS and Samson representatives were on hand for
the initial rigging for the tow-out. Each line in the system
was purpose-built and fabricated to specification at
SWOS’ Houston facility. Each is tagged with a unique
serial number and can be tracked using the Field
ID database that maintains a full record of the lines’
construction details, current certifications, and logistics.
Photo by Tim Burdick Photography
With the installation now complete, the lines have been
returned to the SWOS facility in Houston. They have
been fully inspected, proof loaded, and recertified, and
are being stored in controlled conditions, ready for use
on the next Shell project.
HSSE Benefits
In addition to the operational efficiencies of using
Samson high-performance synthetic lines for tow-out,
the switch from wire was consistent with the design
philosophy that proven, safe solutions are better than
designing one-off, complex solutions. Transitioning to
synthetic lines for tow-outs and installations furthers the
aim of achieving Goal Zero, a program that captures
the belief that they can operate without fatalities or
significant incidents despite the often difficult conditions.
Lightweight, high-strength synthetic ropes have been
proven to significantly eliminate weight-related injuries
as well as handling injuries while reducing operational
Challenges Encountered
Since the platform connections had been designed to
accommodate synthetics, the attachment points had
been engineered from the start. The connections to
tugs from two different tug operators—Crowley and
Signet—were only a little more problematic. Crowley was
supplying two brand new ocean-going tugs that were
placed in service just prior to the tow-out. This would be
their first operation. Signet provided four tugs. Each had
different configurations of deck hardware and equipment
to account for in designing the connection from the tug’s
tow wire to the synthetics attached to the platform.
One unexpected benefit — the highly visible Saturn-12 and Quantum-12 lines improved safety.
The Results
In this case, an offshore project worth more than $1 billion was delivered and positioned
safely for installation with a significant savings in time. In addition, there were no safety
issues to personnel or damage to the rig itself in the process.
The Samson Advantage
In the case of the Olympus TLP tow-out, SWOS and Samson engineers brought not only
superior products to the project, but also the full knowledge-base Samson has developed
over its 135-year history. A history of manufacturing innovative cordage products that
industries rely on for the biggest challenges. Products that can change the way critical
work is done on the most complex projects. SWOS’ expertise in dealing with the offshore
industry’s unique problems, combined with the test data and engineering expertise of
Samson’s Research and Development and Sales Engineering departments, help to
produce the best outcomes.
More efficient operations, safer work environments, well-engineered products: it all adds
up to a real, significant advantage on complex, demanding applications.
We call it The Samson Advantage. Our customers call it peace of mind.
There’s a lot
riding on your
…and your
bottom line.
Delivered with every Samson towing system
is a service package that ensures long
service life and low total cost of ownership.
We call it The Samson Advantage.
Our customers call it peace of mind.
Dyneema® is a registered trademark of Royal DSM N.V. Dyneema is DSM’s high-performance polyethylene product.
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Inspection & Retirement Pocket Guide
A new way to talk about synthetic ropes
The visual inspection of synthetic ropes before use is critical in most industrial applications. The
residual strength of a rope, the prime indicator of its useful and safe remaining working life, must
be assessed before committing the rope to continued use. With high-performance synthetics
like HMPE replacing steel-wire ropes in many applications, the need for a method to determine
the state of a rope is more critical than ever before. The problem is that there is no common,
standardized language or reference scale to describe the state of a rope. To date, judgment on
the state of the rope has required a synthetic rope expert to complete an inspection on-site.
The alternative is removing the rope from service and testing the rope to destruction in order to
evaluate residual strength.
Inspection ancket
The detailed photos
and information make
inspection quick and
This information is provided as a guideline.
If you are unsure of the condition of your
rope/sling, please contact your sales or
technical support representative.
period of time will
racteristics of
hile others will.
ons that should be
Cut Strands
RepaIR oR ReTIRe
> Two or more cut strands in
> Abrasion
NoT peRMaNeNT— RepaIR
> Sharpedgesandsurfaces
> Cyclic tension wear
ved damage
ge is over
ernational Guideline
Criteria: Guidelines
CorreCtive aCtion
If possible, remove affected section and
resplice with a standard end-for-end splice.
If resplicing is not possible, retire the rope.
Pulled Strand
Melted or Glazed Fiber
NoT peRMaNeNT— RepaIR
> Visible sheen
> Stiffnessreducedbyflexing
the rope
> Nottobeconfusedwithmelting
> Often seen on winch drums
> Fibermoldingitselftothe
contact surface under a radial load
CorreCtive aCtion
Work back into the rope.
> Strand pulled away from the rest
of the rope
> Isnotcutorotherwisedamaged
> Snaggingonequipmentor
> Fusedfibers
> Visiblycharredandmeltedfibers,
yarns, and/or strands
> Extreme stiffness
> Unchangedbyflexing
> Exposure to excessive heat, shock
CorreCtive aCtion
If possible, remove affected section and
resplice with a standard end-for-end splice.
If resplicing is not possible, retire the rope.
CorreCtive aCtion
Flex the rope to remove compression.
Inconsistent Diameter
RepaIR oR ReTIRe
RepaIR oR ReTIRe
RepaIR oR ReTIRe
RepaIR oR ReTIRe
> Fusedfibers
> Brittlefibers
> Stiffness
> Chemical contamination
CorreCtive aCtion
If possible, remove affected section and
resplice with a standard end-for-end splice.
If resplicing is not possible, retire the rope.
> Flat areas
> Lumps and bumps
> Shockloading
> Broken internal strands
CorreCtive aCtion
If possible, remove affected section and
resplice with a standard end-for-end splice.
If resplicing is not possible, retire the rope.
> Brokenfilamentsandyarns
> Abrasion
> Sharpedgesandsurfaces
> Cyclic tension wear
CorreCtive aCtion
Consult abrasion images* and rate internal/
external abrasion level of rope. Evaluate rope
based on its most damaged section.
n Minimal strength loss (continue use)
n Significant strength loss (consult Samson)
n Severe strength loss (retire rope)
*Refer to images on opposite side.
2090 Thornton Street, Ferndale, WA 98248 USA
Tel 01.360.384.4669 Fax 01.360.384.0572
© 2013 Samson Rope Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. 3/2013 #1021 {108283} 12.5K
The Pocket Guide includes information on proper rope inspection techniques and corrective action steps, plus a visual scale for external and internal abrasion.
Understanding Abrasion
There are two types of abrasion: internal abrasion caused
by the relative movement of internal and external yarns, and
external abrasion caused by contact with external surfaces. An
unprotected rope moving over a rough surface, such as a poorly
maintained chock can be subjected to both. Upon inspection,
it’s easy to see that the external strands are abraded by a rough
surface: often, fibers can be left behind on the surface that
caused the abrasion, and the surface of the rope readily shows
abraded yarns.
Compare surface yarns with internal yarns.
Inspect for internal abrasion.
The same rough surfaces
can also cause internal
abrasion due to the
movement of the internal
strands relative to each
other. When the rope’s
surface strands pass over
rough surfaces, they are
slowed relative to the
strands next to them,
causing friction. Heat is
created from friction—
and heat is among the
biggest enemies of
synthetic ropes.
This information is based on testing performed by Samson and
is provided as a guideline. If you are unsure of the condition of
your rope, please contact your Samson representative.
The Samson Inspection and Retirement Pocket Guide is designed
to alleviate this problem by establishing a common language and a
reference scale to describe the current state of a rope. The Pocket
Guide is based on a statistical analysis of several years of lab testing
reports of ropes used in a variety of different applications and tested
to destruction in the Samson R&D labs. All testing in the Samson labs
is well documented with photos of the samples tested and pre-test
assessments of the general state of the rope. The type of damage, its
extent, and any mitigating conditions (like chafe gear) are all properly
noted. The rope is then tested to destruction to determine the actual
residual strength of the sample.
The resulting guide provides a means of estimating the state of
the rope and whether it should be repaired or retired from use. The
Inspection and Retirement Checklist section of the Guide describes
the seven common forms of damage: cut strands, compression,
pulled strands, melted or glazed fiber, discoloration/degradation,
inconsistent diameter, and abrasion. It provides a visual reference for
each and a determination of the cause and possible corrective action
that can be taken.
Of all the forms of damage that a rope is subjected to, the most
commonly observed are abrasion and cutting. Both result in broken
filaments in the rope and in a potential reduction in strength. Cutting
is characterized as a highly concentrated density of broken filaments
localized in one or several strands at one particular position on the
rope. Cutting is generally easier to assess than abrasion in terms of
the volume of broken filaments in relation to the size of the rope.
ropes that are dragged against rough surfaces without proper chafe
protection, or experience repeated bending over sheaves and across
fairleads, the surface fibers are slowed in relation to the internal
fibers, causing fiber-on-fiber abrasion.
The effect of abrasion on the residual strength of the rope is more
difficult to assess than cutting or other forms of physical damage. To
help assessment in the field, the second side of the Pocket Guide is
devoted to a visual comparator of the various states of both internal
and external abrasion.
The Abrasion Comparator
The Abrasion Comparator shows a
12-strand HMPE rope —AmSteel Blue—in a range of abrasion states
from new rope to rope ready for
retirement. The images represent a
scale numbered from 1 through 7 that
ranges from minimal strength loss
(steps 1 and 2), significant strength
loss (steps 3 through 5), to severe
strength loss (steps 6 and 7). Each
is further tagged with an action—for
ropes with significant strength loss, consult Samson; for severe
strength loss, retire the rope. Images are provided for both external
abrasion and internal abrasion. When consulting your Samson dealer
or representative you now have a ready reference to accurately
describe the state of the rope in question.
Abrasion is characterized as a low density of broken filaments
distributed across a larger volume of rope, both along the length of
the rope as well as among the various strands at any position along
the rope. Abrasion can be both external—along the surface of the
rope, and internal, within the structure of the rope itself.
The comparator is an easy reference that can be used in the field to
help assess the state of a rope. Small and easily held in the hand
while performing an inspection, it helps establish a guideline and a
common language when discussing the state of a rope. It is printed
on extremely durable synthetic paper that is resistant to tearing and
comes packaged in a vinyl sleeve to make it ‘pocket friendly.’
It is easy to visualize how external abrasion occurs—ropes dragged
across rough surfaces can easily break surface fiber filaments.
Internal abrasion is caused by fiber filaments rubbing against one
another, or by the ingress of grit or gravel into the braid of the rope. In
For a complete description of the methodology used in preparing
Samson’s “Inspection and Retirement Pocket Guide,” see the
technical paper “Inspection Criteria for HMPE Rope” available in the
Resources and Literature section of
JU L Y 2 0 1 4
Synthetic Crane Hoist Line & NASA
Samson KZ™100 Synthetic Crane Hoist Line:
The first rope designed specifically for use on mobile cranes
In an industry where safety is the no. 1 priority, KZ™100 is a lightweight alternative
to traditional steel-wire hoist ropes. With the same load pull and load chart as wire,
KZ™100 can be used with a 5:1 safety factor. It is 80% lighter than the wire it replaces
for easy handling, simplified reaving, and faster installations. Synthetic KZ™100 does
not rust and requires no lubing. The unique construction eliminates kinking, bird caging,
and damage caused by diving on the winch drum. With a torque-neutral construction,
KZ™100 eliminates load spin and cabling.
Manitowoc and Samson joint development
KZ™100 is a product of joint application development between Samson and Manitowoc,
supported by fiber supplier DSM Dyneema®, and ushers Samson into the crane industry.
“Together, we were able to leverage the experience and technical expertise of both
Research and Development teams to bring the market something completely new that
offers many benefits to the end user,” said Michael Quinn, Samson’s director of new
market development.
The product debuted at ConExpo 2014. Mike Herbert, director of product planning
and marketing for Manitowoc, said “…dealers, customers, and even everyday crane
enthusiasts will see what a leap in technology this first synthetic hoist rope is for the
lifting industry. Partnering with Samson on this
“…dealers, customers, application development resulted in a lighter and
and even everyday crane more innovative product that ushers in a new era
enthusiasts will see what of hoist ropes.”
a leap in technology this
first synthetic hoist rope
is for the lifting industry.
Partnering with Samson on
this application development
resulted in a lighter and more
innovative product that ushers
in a new era of hoist ropes.”
MIKE HERBERT, Manitowoc director of
product planning and marketing
KZ™100 was tested in the lab to characterize
tensile strength, tension fatigue, bend fatigue,
and the effects of temperature on the rope’s
performance. These tests were performed at four
different testing labs—two Samson labs and two
third-party labs, and required more than 4,000
hours of machine and sample preparation time
to complete. More than 4.6 miles of rope was
manufactured for testing and field trials over the
course of this project. Manitowoc conducted
reliability tests over more than 280 hours and
14,000 cycles.
The rope, sold exclusively through Manitowoc, will be available as an option on all
Grove rough-terrain cranes in late 2014. The initial launch at ConExpo 2014, together
with Manitowoc’s grove RT770E rough terrain mobile crane, generated serious interest
within the industry.
KZ ™100 is 80% lighter than the wire it replaces with the same load pull and
load charts. Torque neutral construction eliminates load spin and cabling.
Photo © Manitowoc Cranes
Developed jointly by Samson and Manitowoc KZ ™100 ushers in a new era in
hoist ropes.
International Space Station Crew Stays Fit with Samson
Crewmembers on the International Space Station (ISS) need to maintain their preflight muscle, bone
strength, and endurance. The Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) helps them do just that.
Developed by engineers at NASA, the exercise device simulates a free-weight training regimen that is
hard to duplicate in zero gravity. Cable-based exercises use a rope interface.
The engineers at NASA had at first specified 1/4" Validator- 12 for its low elongation, high strength,
and no creep, but the splice was too long and the splice area too big to work efficiently with their
system of pulleys. They tried to develop a shorter splice, but it was unreliable. The rope needed to
be replaced every three months. At the cost per minute of time on the space station, a reliable
replacement needed to be found.
NASA’s team included a sailor who recommended Samson’s XLS as a candidate. XLS was put through
their complete lab test series and was found to outperform Validator-12 in this application. The XLS was
put into service on ISS. When the splice began to pull out, it was time to call in the experts.
Samson R&D was consulted—the best solution was to lockstitch the splices in the XLS to keep them
from pulling out. Problem solved. XLS is performing well and is expected to last more than four times
longer before replacement is needed.
Samson sent Danielle Stenvers from R&D to consult with the NASA ARED team. She returned with a
list of follow-up questions from NASA engineers. In appreciation for the work Samson does to support
the mission of the ISS, Danielle was treated to a personal tour of the facilities and labs by one of the
ISS astronauts.
JU L Y 2 0 1 4
Current News from Samson
James P. Tolman chose the trademark (issued July 4, 1884
— the nation’s oldest continuously registered trademark) as a
symbol of brute power encountering its match. In Tolman’s mind,
the strength of Samson was something to be equated to the
strength of his braided rope. Tolman’s sister had been struck
by the paintings of Samson and the lion she had seen in her
tours of European
art galleries and
suggested adapting
the biblical story
as the basis for
a trademark. His
mother and wife
are also listed in
the family annals
as contributors to
the design.
This July Samson’s
trademark celebrates
130 years of service to
the company!
Samson high-performance winch lines
See Samson at these upcoming events:
September 17–18:
London, United Kingdom
December 2–5: Marina Bay
Sands, Singapore
> International Workboat
December 3-–5: New Orleans,
Perdido Spar Project: Lightweight traction winch on a cantilevered deck
holds 9,200 feet of 2-1/2" diameter Quantum-12 and lifts up to 90,000 pounds.
Samson high-performance winch lines go deeper than steel wire:
> 85% lighter than same > Greater capacity in
size steel wire ultra-deep water
> Reduces deck weight
> Neutrally buoyant
Talk to the experts at Samson and put their experience
and extensive testing to work on your next winch line
or heavylift project.
2090 Thornton Street
Ferndale, WA 98248 USA