royal dutch shell plc north america investor visit upstream americas
royal dutch shell plc north america investor visit upstream americas
ROYAL DUTCH SHELL PLC NORTH AMERICA INVESTOR VISIT UPSTREAM AMERICAS: PROFITABLE GROWTH IN SHELL HEARTLAND MARVIN ODUM O DIRECTOR UPSTREAM AMERICAS 1 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 SHELL UPSTREAM AMERICAS OVERVIEW ORGANISATION PRODUCTION AND CAPITAL INVESTMENT PRODUCTION Onshore Gas Deepwater/ Oil Heavy Oil Exploration 714 KBOE/D ONSHORE GAS On-shore tight gas and shale gas operations DW operations Other Oil operations Oil Sands mining + In-situ Exploration strategy Growing resource base 2009 2 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 CAPITAL INVESTMENT $9.2 BILLION DEEPWATER HEAVY OIL TRACK RECORD UPSTREAM COST IMPROVEMENT SAFETY UPSTREAM AMERICAS $ Bln Injuries – TRCF per million working hours 17 FX PENSIONS PROVISIONS 16 4 COST SAVINGS 3 15 Q2 2010 4 QUARTERS ROLLING 2008 Continuous improvement • Organization efficiency • Logistics • Procurement/Contract management 3 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 2 jan apr 2008 jul oct jan apr 2009 jul oct jan apr 2010 jul 2008 2009 2010 oct SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CO2 WATER MANAGEMENT STAKEHOLDER + NON-TECHNICAL QUEST CARBON CAPTURE & STORAGE Alaska drilling program Athabasca river - Alberta 4 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 Groundbirch – tight gas drilling UPSTREAM AMERICAS EXPLORATION 5 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 EXPLORATION GLOBAL STRATEGY EARLY ACCESS & UNIQUE GEOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE DEPLOY INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY DRIVE DISCOVERIES TO PRODUCTION ALASKA FOCUS, DELIVERY, CAPABILITY BC-10 LEVERAGE NEARBY INFRASTUCTURE MARS PLATFORM 6 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 IMAGING FOCUS ON MATERIAL OPPORTUNITIES HAYNESVILLE EXPLORATION PORTFOLIO – UPSTREAM AMERICAS Arctic Alaska Beaufort Leases, ‘05 & ’07 Chukchi Leases, ‘08 North America Gas Haynesville entry , ’07 & ‘08 Groundbirch entry, ’08 EagleFord g & Marcellus entry, y, ‘10 Gulf of Mexico Guyana y / Fr. Guiana OCS Lease Sales, ‘07 07 - ’10 10 Offshore Blocks, ‘09 & ‘10 Colombia Onshore Leases, ’07 - ’10 Offshore Leases, Leases ‘10 10 Brazil Onshore & offshore leasing 7 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 ALASKA – CHUKCHI & BEAUFORT SEA Chukchi Sea Alaska North Slope type stratigraphy ‘80s ‘80 – ‘90s ‘90 undeveloped d l d oill and d gas discoveries d Beaufort Sea 0 100 Shallow-water drilling (~30-50 meters water depth) and shallow target depths (2.4 – 3.5 kilometer) Key challenge remains regulatory and judicial delay SHELL LEASEHOLD CHUKCHI SECTION Crackerjack 1991 Successful leasing in 2005-2008 #1 Chukchi position with 1.6 mln acres #1 Beaufort Sea position with 0.8 mln acres Proven, undeveloped petroleum province with potential multi-billion boe p 8 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 Klondike 1989 Burger 1990 GULF OF MEXICO DEEPWATER EXPLORATION THREE ACTIVE PLAYS Mesozoic Appomattox, A tt Vicksburg Miocene W. Boreas, S. Deimos Vito, Cardamom Deep Miocene – South Deimos, West Boreas, Vito, Cardamom Deep Paleogene Perdido, Stones 0 Paleogene S Stones, P Perdido did 100 Miles CONCEPTUAL X-SECTION Mesozoic – Appomattox, Vicksburg In-depth regional studies & subsurface models to high-grade portfolio Proprietary seismic imaging technologies and well calibration Infrastructure advantage 9 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 GULF OF MEXICO PORTFOLIO REJUVENATION PORTFOLIO RELOADING 2000-2010 DRILLING SUCCESS RATE # of blocks leased 100 Miocene Paleogene Mesozoic 80 60 100% 50% 40 20 0 0% '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 H1 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 SYSTEMATIC DE-RISKING MIO/PALEOGENE Princess Discovery 1998 Subsurface Evaluation Drill 1st Pg Discovery & Expand Leashold 2001 1st EGoM Lease Sale Stones Discovery 2004 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 2007 Vicksburg Discovery & Expand L Leasehold h ld Shiloh Discovery MESOZOIC 10 Expand Leasehold 28/09/2010 Drill Vito, W. Boreas, S. Deimos, & Card Deep Discoveries Early acreage moves ahead of the competition 2010 Step-up in success rates since 2005 Appomattox Discovery & Appraisal Systematic de-risking with advanced seismic imaging and key well data 2009-10 drilling adds >500 mln boe for Shell '10 H1 2009-10 DISCOVERIES: VITO AND APPOMATTOX HUB CLASS DISCOVERIES WITH 100 KBOE/D POTENTIAL (100% BASIS) Appomattox (Shell 80%, operator) Discovery well and successful sidetracks drilled in first half 2010 Vito Vito Potential to establish Shell-operated, area infrastructure hub > 250 million boe resources with upside potential Synergy with 2007 Vicksburg discovery (Shell 75%) ~10 10 kilometers east Vito (Shell 55%, operator) Successful appraisal first half 2010 Pre-salt reservoirs unlocked with proprietary seismic processing > 200 million boe resources 11 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 2009 Vito Discovered 2010 2011 Vito Appraised Appomattox Discovered Appomattox Appraisal 2013-2014+ FID Expected Appomattox UPSTREAM AMERICAS DEEPWATER PRODUCTION & GROWTH 12 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 DEEPWATER DEVELOPMENT HISTORY 13 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 GULF OF MEXICO – RECENT EVENTS SPONSOR OF THE MARINE WELL CONTAINMENT SYSTEM Shell moratorium impacts 4 Floater and 4 TLP/platform rigs i impacted d iin GoM, G M 1 Floater Fl in i Alaska Al k Delayed drilling & exploration activities: • Production 2010 impact ~8 kboe/d • Alaska drilling program delayed • Standby period to upgrade and recertify Rigs/Equipment/Mgt Systems for safe and compliant deployment p post-moratorium Cost mitigation on rigs negotiated: 75-90% reduction in standby rig rates Development activities continuing Mars M B FID Mitigation for moratorium … industry response … progressing new developments 14 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 MARS BASIN RESOURCES GROWTH ADDING VALUE WITH TECHNOLOGY & EXPLORATION MARS RESOURCE OVERVIEW Deimos Subsea Mars TLP Sea Floor Million Boe (100%) 2,000 1,500 Antares Salt 1,000 Produced 500 Venus Salt 0 Satellite finds + Mars performance M f Mars discovery 1989 Mars Basin Prolific hydrocarbon basin Shell leadership position Technology + innovation 1996: Mars platform towed to location 15 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 2010 view CONTINUED VALUE CREATION: MARS BASIN PRODUCTION HISTORY Kboe/d at 100% 250 98 DebottleDebottle neck 200 2004/5 Waterflood 2007 2009 Mars Discovery First Oil Deimos Subsea Tie-Back West Boreas Discovery First Oil Mars First Oil King & Europa 2010 South Deimos Discovery 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 '96 1989 1996 2000 200 Katrina 150 5 KM 250 99/00 Expansion/PtL '98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 '10 71.5% Shell (Operator) 1989 discovery;~900 meters water depth Mars-B FID Mars-B FID September 2010: • 100 kboe/d TLP; 2015 start-up • Tapping new resources on Mars basin • South Deimos and West Boreas tie-backs 16 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 Mars B Mars A '15+ NEW POTENTIAL AT AUGER: CARDAMOM DEEP SEISMIC OVERVIEW PRODUCTION Kboe/d Auger Platform 100 100 50 50 0 0 Auger North Auger Main Cardamom '94 '96 '98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 '10 '15+ Shell 100% (operator) Auger TLP & Cardamom 1987 1993 1999-2004 Discovered First Oil First TLP Subsea-Fields Macaroni Serrano Oregano Habanaro Llano l 17 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 2009/10 2011/12 Deep Cardamom discoveries Deep Cardamom Subsea system Expected FID 28/09/2010 Auger 1993: 1st application of a Tension Leg Pl tf Platform in i deepwater d t (820 meters t water t d depth) th) Cardamom Deep discoveries in 2009/10 (>100 million boe resources) Development options > 20 kboe/d PERDIDO: START-UP IN 2010 Shell 33.3% (operator); Peak production ~100 kboe/d Substantial oil in place > 3 billion boe Recoverable R bl resources > 400 million illi boe b …… upside id from technology development First oil in March 2010 Industry first production in Lower Tertiary Development D l t drilling d illi planned l d for f 5+ years New world record deepest drilling and production system RESERVOIR VIEW 4.85km KM Seismic overview of Great White 18 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 SHELL DEEPWATER GULF OF MEXICO SHELL GOM DEEPWATER PRODUCTION Kboe/d 500 500 250 250 0 0 '94 '97 '00 '03 '06 '09 Cardamom Deep Auger TLP extended reach discovery & appraisal > 100 million boe resources > 20 kboe/d kb /d potential i l Shell 100% (operator) Perdido '15+ W. Boreas, S. Deimos >150 million boe resources Tie Tie-back back to Mars B Shell 72% (operator) Vito >200 million boe resources ~100 kboe/d potential Shell 55% (operator) Auger Mars B FID for new TLP, Shell 72% (operator) ~100 kboe/d Nakika Mars Ursa Brutus Appomattox ~100 kboe/d hub potential > 250 million boe reso resources rces Shell 80% (operator) Holstein Stones Assessing early production options ~80 kboe/d potential Shell Sh ll 35% ((operator) t ) Caesar/Tonga ~50 kboe/d 2009 FID Shell 22.5% NEW HUB 0 EXISTING PRODUCTION HUB SHELL LEASEHOLD 2009 production ~250 ~250,000 000 boe/d >250,000 boe/d new potential for Shell 19 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 200 KM BRAZIL: BC-10 PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE FIELD LAY-OUT Kboe/d at 100% 90 60 30 0 Jan Feb March April May 2010 ACTUAL June July PLAN 2000 2005 2006 2009 2010 BC-10 Discovered Shell 35% BC-10 Declared Commercial Shell stake increased to 50% First Oil Phase 2 FID August Shell 50% (operator); 1780 meters water depth; Oil in place: ~1.1 billion boe; resources >300 million boe Unlocking heavy oil in deepwater Phase 2 FID September 2010 • Argonauta ON field development • Sustaining g plateau p production p Exploration upside 20 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 NORTH AMERICA HEAVY OIL 21 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 SHELL NORTH AMERICA HEAVY OIL PORTFOLIO PRODUCTION OVERVIEW 2009 Production; ~170 kboe/d MINING IN SITU/OTHER Peace River IN SITU/ OTHER Athabasca MINING Cold Lake AERA CAPACITY OUTLOOK Kb /d Kboe/d Carmon Creek 400 200 0 Large resources + growth potential Debottlenecking Mine + In Situ+ AERA Expansion Cos Cost pe performance o a ce Footprint management 2008-09 2010-11 ONSTREAM 22 Mine Expansions Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc ~2020+ CONSTRUCTION 28/09/2010 OPTIONS IN-SITU AND COLD PRODUCTION PEACE RIVER POTENTIAL AERA TRACK RECORD AERA TRACK RECORD Belridge field AERA Energy LLC Shell/Exxon (Shell 51.8%) Production ~160 Kboe/d (100%) 9 key fields • Cold & thermal • ~80 Kboe/d / Drill ~ 800 to1,000 wells /year Enhanced Oil Recovery (Waterflood and Steam Injection) One of California’s largest oil and gas producers Produced its billionth barrel in 2009 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 18 Kboe/d (2010 est.) Studying Carmon Creek development ~ 15,000 wells 23 CYCLIC STEAM STIMULATION 28/09/2010 • Cyclic steam and vertical steam drive injection • 1.5 billion resources potential AOSP: OIL SANDS MINING >7 BILLION BARRELS RESOURCES POTENTIAL Substantial portfolio of 125,000 hectares Rapid growth since FID in1999 (base project + Expansion-1) • 255 Kboe/d mine capacity • Ramp-up in 2011 • 3.4 bln boe of resources in production • ~40 years of production Next Steps: optimization + debottlenecking • ~85 Kboe/d growth opportunity • Paced incremental investment • Assessing >1 mtpa CO2 CCS scheme (QUEST) Long L term t growth th potential t ti l • FID pace slowed in 2008 • Continuing with selected permit applications SCALE: 10 km AOSP & QUEST = 60% SHELL AND 20% EACH CHEVRON & MARATHON. VOLUMES ON 100% BASIS 24 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 OIL SANDS ECONOMICS >$1 BN/YEAR CASH FLOW POTENTIAL FOR SHELL AOSP net cash flows = $Bln (Shell) 2.5 0.3 2 Kbbl/d Expansion 1 start up Base project start up 200 1 100 0.0 00 -1 -2 2 -0.3 -2.5 2000 2000 Upgrader start up 2002 2002 2004 2004 2006 2006 2008 2008 CASH FROM OPERATIONS PRODUCTION (RHS) 2010 2010 2012 2012 2014 2014 CAPITAL INVESTMENT Bulldozer in Muskeg Mine 255 Kbbl/d from a 3.4 Bln bbls Resource base $19 Bln development cost: $5 - $6/bbl $75,000/flowing $ /fl barrel b l Base project pay-back <5 years@ $54/bbl Expansion 1 adds value >$70 - $75/bbl Overview Scotford upgrader 25 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 NORTH AMERICA TIGHT GAS 26 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 NORTH AMERICA TIGHT GAS: PORTFOLIO COMPETITIVE POSITIONING IN KEY PLAYS PRODUCTION GROWTH Kboe/d Mmscf/d 250 2009Acreage New Positions West Canada Foothills 1,200 150 Eagle Ford 1,400 1,000 Pinedale Haynesville JV South Texas Rapid portfolio growth build following Pinedale success since 2001 Industry leading tight gas portfolio ~$17 billion E&A + acquisition invested since 2001: ~40tcfe resources potential Focus on low cost entry + contiguous acreage positions Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc + 41 % 200 Marcellus 27 + 17 % 28/09/2010 800 600 100 400 50 200 0 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 H1 TIGHT GAS ECONOMICS SHELL ACREAGE BREAK-EVEN PRICES LEARNING CURVE ACCELERATION $/mcfe 8 Indexed Well Delivery Time per year since first production 120 Expected gas price range 6 4 100 2 80 0 Mature plays Emerging plays BREAKEVEN PRICE ONGOING BASIS Total ENTRY COST Drill + complete: rapid pay-back + cost performance Economics: 60 40 20 Pinedale - 2002 Deep Basin - 2008 Groundbirch - 2008 • Low break-even: $3-$5/mcfe (NPV basis) • Cash operating costs < $2/mcfe • Attractive returns and price upside 28 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 0 0 1 2 3 Early Deep Basin - 2005 Haynesville - 2008 4 Years 5 6 7 8 9 TIGHT GAS POTENTIAL ~2015 PRODUCTION OUTCOMES Bcf/d 4 ~40 Tcfe resource potential 3 Portfolio can support spend $3-5 billion per year 2 1 0 ~$15 Bln ~$20 Bln 2011-2015 Investment Budgeting on a 6-12 month rolling programme ~$25 Bln CAPEX AND CASH FLOW POTENTIAL Range g of production p outcomes $ Bln Bl 8 Cash flow potential + price upside CASH FLOW OUTCOMES ON $4 BLN/YR CAPEX SCENARIO $8 HH 6 $6 HH Capex range 4 $4 HH 2 0 2009 29 2010 2011 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 2012 2013 28/09/2010 2014 2015+ SUMMARY 30 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 UPSTREAM AMERICAS OUTLOOK PRODUCTION Kboe/d 1000 Significant growth for Shell 800 OECD risk profile + price upside Safety, SD and cost performance 600 Build-up of investment choices 400 • Exploration to production • Tight gas & heavy oil 200 • Investment pace 0 2009 ONSHORE GAS 2012 DEEPWATER TIGHT GAS GROWTH DRIVEN BY INVESTMENT PACE; PRE-ASSET SALES 31 Copyright of Royal Dutch Shell plc 28/09/2010 2014 HEAVY OIL
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