From the Principal Townsville State High School Facebook Page


From the Principal Townsville State High School Facebook Page
36 Boundary Street
Townsville Qld 4810
Phone: 07 4721 8777
Fax: 07 4721 8700
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17 July 2015
From the Principal
Welcome back to term 3 of the 2015 school
year – a particular ‘Town High Shout Out’ to
our new families and students!
Our Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)
ran another successful car parking and
building use activity around the V8 Super
Cars event, held on Friday 10 July through to Sunday 12 July. I
would like to thank all students, staff, parents and friends who
volunteered to support this major fundraiser for our school. We
will be in a position to announce the final amount fundraised in
the next newsletter.
Annual School Opinion Survey for Parent/
All families have been posted information about participation in
the 2015 School Opinion Survey – the single sheet, which has
the web address and the unique sign on information should be
in your letterbox very soon! I would like to invite all parents/
caregivers to take the opportunity to have a say about the
school, what your child(ren) do well at school and how we can
encourage parents/caregivers to be in regular contact with
subject teachers to ensure that students are ‘on track’ and
performing to the best of their ability.
Frank Greene
Townsville State High School Facebook
Our Facebook page has been active since late last year and it
is terrific to see the amount of content about our students and
school programs appearing on the site and being updated on
a daily basis. To view the page and post a message, please
access via this link and once on the page, hit ‘like’
We are following a clear and strict set of guidelines related to
Facebook usage by schools and our ‘gatekeepers’ are currently
doing a fantastic job of monitoring content!
Coming Events
Inter-Reef Athletics Carnival
As I write this newsletter we are preparing for the Inter- Reef
Athletics Carnival, a feature event on our whole school
calendar. Parents/caregivers would have received a text
message from us earlier in the week letting you know that
the carnival commences on our school oval lessons 3 & 4 on
Thursday 16 July and continues all day Friday at Red Track,
North Ward. The excitement is really building for this event with
participation and having a go being the key!
Semester 1 2015 Student Reports
Student reports with assessments and comments for
achievement, effort, behaviour & attendance will be in the mail
by the end of this week. The first point of contact for
conversation about student achievement is the subject teacher,
who can be contacted via email, or via the school office. I
Inter Reef Athletics – Red Track
Japanese Week – Students visiting from
RACI National Chemistry Quiz
Yrs 7 & 8 EAL/D Excursion to Magnetic
Australian Mathematics Competition
EAL/D Reef HQ Excursion
Yrs 9 & 10 EAL/D Excursion to Magnetic
Payment of 2015 Textbook and Resource
Hire Fees
Participation in the 2015 Student Resource
Scheme requires payments as follows:
All parents/caregivers should have received a mail package and
emails about how to complete registration. Please contact the
office if you need any support to register.
Yr 7-9 $170.00 ; Yr 10-12 $195.00
Plus some subject specific costs for Year
10/11/12 students.
Payment may be made in full as a single payment or by
Please refer to the Participation Agreement Form forwarded
with the invoices for 2015. If you do not have a copy of the
Participation Agreement Form you can collect a copy from the
school office.
Please elect to participate or not participate in the scheme on
the Agreement Form and return to the school. Non-payment
of the participation fee by the designated payment date(s) may
result in debt recovery action being undertaken for the overdue
participation fee which may result in extra costs being incurred
by the parent/carer.
Non-payment of the participation fee will also result in
withdrawal of students from extra-curricular activities some
examples include: Yr 7, Yr 8, Yr 10, Yr 12 camps, afternoon
sports, NQ Sports, Vocal and Guitar Lessons, use of the School
buses, Yr 12 Formal, Senior Jerseys, School Magazine, posting
out of school reports.
For your convenience, the school office has Eftpos facilities
and can be processed either in person or over the phone. The
school also accepts payment via Direct deposit to the school’s
bank account – BSB 064-819; Account 00090292 and stating
the student’s name and invoice number.
Thank you to those parents who have already attended to
payment of Textbook/Resource Hire Fees. Payment of school
fees and return of text books ensures a fair and equitable
distribution of resources. Thank you for your assistance.
BPoint - Parent Payments
Following the implementation of BPoint integration with Agresso
and the changes made to customer Invoices and Statements to
include the BPoint web address, many parents are now making
their payments via BPoint. When parents make these payments
via the BPoint web site they need to ensure that they enter their
Customer Reference Number, Invoice Number and Amount to
Narelle Searston
Business Services Manager
QParents Registration
Thank you to those parents/caregivers who have registered
for ‘QParents’, which is a secure online parent portal. The
online portal allows you to electronically notify the school of
any student absence, check on the attendance and behaviour
of your child, view a student’s current timetable and subjects,
update contact details and receive any accounts for payment.
Newsletter Distribution
To ensure that you are receiving the school newsletter, please
register with Schoolzine. The purpose of moving to this new
format is to engage the school community more effectively
and provide parents, students and the community with a more
effective and content rich newsletter format.
This new format will include video, image galleries, online
bookings and feedback forms, calendars and much much
You can subscribe to receive the enewsletter here
From the Rolls Office
Student absences are to be explained by a parent/caregiver
to the Rolls Officer Lyn Brice stating the reason and dates of
absence. This may be done by phoning the school on 4721
emailing Student absences of
three or more days due to illness require a medical certificate.
Medical Certificates should be emailed to the above email
address or hand delivered to the Rolls Office. Your prompt
assistance with explanation of absences will be greatly
Should a student arrive late in the first period, a letter
of explanation or a note in the Student Diary from the
student’s parent/caregiver is required for their Subject
Teacher. This letter or note must be presented to the
Rolls Office if the student is arriving at school after
If there is a need to collect your student from school early,
you must do so via the front office and sign your student
out. A note should be written in your student’s Student
Diary, the student then presents the note to the Student
Counter before school. A Leave Request will be given.
The student will show this to their teacher when they
need to leave the class.
Lunch passes will NOT be approved. This applies to
students of all year levels.
Students who feel unwell at school must first report to the
class teacher who will direct them to the General Office
with a note to this effect. During morning or lunch time
recesses, students should report directly to the Office.
Facilities for housing sick students are limited. Sick bay
is used as a holding station only. Your student needs to
know a contact number so that we can phone parents
and send students home as quickly as possible.
Students who are in the post compulsory schooling years
(Years 11 and 12) who do not attend school regularly will also
work with our Student Wellbeing Department to re-engage with
schooling. If attendance fails to improve as a result of this
support, these students will have their enrolment cancelled at
this school.
Townsville State High School - every day, in every classroom,
every student is learning and achieving.
Every day counts…..because children achieve better
when they go to school all day, every day
Every day counts…..because going to school means
getting a better chance at life
Every day counts…..because school helps students
make friends and be happy
Every day counts…..because the law says children must
go to school
Junior Secondary
Message from the Junior Secondary Deputy
National Collection of Data on School Students with
Dear parents/carers,
Every Day Counts At Town High
Students of Town High are expected to attend school every
We believe strongly in the statement: every day, in every
classroom, every student is learning and achieving.
Research clearly tells us that students who attend school,
achieve to their potential. This is what we want for all of our
If a student is absent, then his/her absence must be explained
within two days.
Absences can be explained in a number of ways:
• a phone call to the Absence Line on 4721 8768;
• email the Rolls Officer on;
• a letter from you that your student hands to the
Students who are in the compulsory schooling years (Years
7-10) who do not attend school regularly, will work with our
Student Wellbeing Department to re-engage with schooling.
Parents/Guardians of these students will receive formal and
legal Education Queensland correspondence that can lead to
Collecting data on school students with disability helps
teachers, principals and education authorities support the
participation of students with disability in schooling on the same
basis as students without disability.
All Australian Governments have agreed to work together on
the annual collection of data on school students with disability.
All Australian schools participate in this annual data collection.
The data provided to the Australian Government is aggregated
data only. Please be reassured that the Department will not
provide on to another organisation any data that can identify an
individual student. The only data being collected at the school
level to be reported nationally is the:
• number of students in the school who are provided
with an adjustment to address a disability;
• level of adjustments we provide for those students;
• broad category of disability.
Consultation with parents is important not only for the data
collection but also to ensure you are aware of the adjustments
being provided to support your child. We will therefore continue
to consult with you.
While only data that cannot identify your child will be submitted
outside of the Department, if you do not wish for your child’s
details to be included, please let me know.
prosecution if students do not attend school.
Information and fact sheets are available to help you make a
decision from the:
• Department’s website:
• Australian Government Department of Education
Alternatively, if you have any queries about the collection or use
of this data I encourage you to contact me directly.
Robyn Harvey
A/Junior Secondary Deputy Principal
Working together to improve
Literacy and Numeracy
We can all do small things each day to
assist our children with further developing
their Literacy and Numeracy skills. Below
are some tips you might like to try.
Year 7 Camp
The sun was shining as two busloads of Year 7 students set out
from Town High in Week 7 of last term, trading school bells and
classrooms for whistles and tents, bound for Kinchant Outdoor
Education Centre, about 40 kilometres west of Mackay.
Kinchant Outdoor Education Centre is a well-equipped school
with a difference. Operated by Education Queensland, the
centre and its fantastic teaching staff provides students of all
ages with opportunities to engage in adventure and
outdoor-based learning.
Uniforms were replaced with harnesses and wetsuits as
students put their nerves to the ultimate test with a freefall from
the 25 metre tall giant swing, while others splashed into the
brisk waters while biscuiting on Lake Kinchant. They showed
tremendous teamwork and leadership skills by working
together to complete a range of complicated puzzles, and
impressed our staff and the Kinchant team with their positive
‘never-say-die’ attitude and resilience in the face of adversity.
Useful memorising activity for
What really stood out was the fearless way that students faced
their fears of heights, speed, water, and the cold, and got in
and had a go, encouraging each other to do their best.
When you come across a new spelling word ALWAYS use the
memorise it.
On the final night, students and staff donned their finest plastic
wear for the Garbage Bag Ball, crafting couture in a range of
styles – from formal to casual wear – to celebrate their success.
• LOOK carefully at the new word. How can you break
it into smaller bits? Do any of the smaller bits remind
you of the patterns of letters from other words?
THINK about the parts of the words which might
cause problems - double letters for instance, or a
vowel that isn't pronounced as you would expect, or
a tricky letter combination. Decide on a strategy to
help you learn your word.
• SAY the word out loud
• COVER the word and close your eyes. Try to see it in
your mind's eye.
• WRITE the word down without looking back.
• CHECK to see if you're right. If not, look carefully at
where you went wrong and try again.
Piling back onto the buses for the four hour journey home
students were tired from four days of nonstop activities and fun,
enjoying this opportunity to have a well-earned nap. While we
were all tired and somewhat relieved when the buses pulled
up at the school, however we were all glad to have had this
experience. Students and teachers got to know each other
better. New friendships were made. Old friendships were made
stronger. Memories were created and leaders were made.
Special thanks to all of our Year 7 students who attended the
camp, to their parents and carers for letting us take them for
three nights, to the Kinchant Outdoor Education Centre team
who kept us all busy, and to our staff – Mrs Reeves, Ms Harvey,
Ms Short, Mr Ditzel, Mr Harvey, Mrs Preston, Mr Seymour, Ms
Strang, and Mr Williamson (aka DJ – for going the
extra mile to make sure our students had a fun and safe camp.
Robyn Harvey
A/Junior Secondary Deputy Principal
Information Night For Year 6 Students
An information night will be provided to parents and students
of Year 6 students where they will receive information about
Town High for 2016 by members of administration, teachers
and current students.
Where: Townsville State High School Library
Date: Thursday 13th August 2015 (week 5)
Time: Session: 5:30 – 6:30pm BBQ: 6:30- 7:00pm
We look forward to seeing you there.
Denise Reeves
A/HOD Junior Secondary
Senior Secondary
Senior Schooling Update
Hello to the Town High students, parents and wider community.
Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself
as the new Acting HoD of Senior Schooling and Wellbeing.
My name is Sam Hall, and I will be at Town High until the
end of 2015, having transferred into the position from Northern
Beaches SHS. While here, my main foci will be Queensland
Certificate of Education attainment, maximising Overall Position
achievements and sustaining and improving the wellbeing of
our students in years 10 to 12. I also look forward to using
this platform to keep you all abreast of news and upcoming
events that our students in the Senior School will be involved in.
The first of these is the Townsville Careers Expo, which takes
place on Monday, August 10. This is a compulsory event for
year 10 students, while attendance is optional for year 11 and
12 students. There is no cost to our students for attendance
at the Expo, and permission notes will be circulated shortly –
keep an eye out for these from your students! Additionally, the
Rotary Young Driver Awareness (RYDA) programme is running
again in 2015, and we are encouraging all year 11 and 12
students to attend this event. The cost is $15 to each student,
and attendance is optional however strongly encouraged. The
RYDA programme takes place on the 16th of October.
Permission notes were circulated in term 2, however more will
be made available to students who wish to sign up now.
To finish, I’d like to wish all year 12 students the best of luck
as they begin their final semester of school, and would like to
encourage any parent, student or community member to get in
touch should you have any concerns or queries regarding any
matters in relation Senior Schooling here at Town High.
Sam Hall
Acting HoD of Senior Schooling and Wellbeing
2015 Early School Leavers Survey
The Queensland Government is conducting its annual
statewide survey of students who left school in Years 10, 11
and prior to completing Year 12 during 2014. The Early School
Leavers survey is a short, confidential survey that collects
information about what young people are doing the year after
leaving school. The information from the survey helps our
schools to understand the pathways young people follow after
leaving school and to plan services to support transitions into
study or employment for our students.
Between July and August, our students who left school in Years
10, 11 and prior to completing Year 12 last year can expect
to receive an invitation to complete a web-based survey or a
telephone call from the Queensland Government Statistician’s
Office to complete the survey. Please encourage early school
leavers to take part.
For more information, visit
nextstep/ or telephone toll free on 1800 068 587.
Academic Review
The academic review for senior students is currently underway.
All Year 10 students should have completed their Senior
Education & Training plans with their Reef Curriculum Advisor
and their parents. If you have not completed the Senior
Education & Training plans with your child please phone the
office on 4721 8777 to organise an appointment.
Kaylene Mladenovic
Deputy Principal Senior Secondary
Important Notice for Senior Students
Student on their P’s are not permitted to
transport other students unless they are
siblings. Students who drive to school are
also reminded that they must comply with
all parking provisions within the school and
they must not leave school grounds during the day. Failure to
follow this policy could result in school disciplinary action. The
safety and wellbeing of all students is a priority for our school. If
you have any questions regarding this policy please see Mrs
Kaylene Mladenovic
Deputy Principal Senior Secondary
Student Council Fundraiser: Keeper(Ing)
It Real
This year, the Student Council have
discovered another worthy cause for the
Town High community to get behind. Pull
On Your Socks is a winter fundraiser run by
the McGrath Foundation. It raises money by selling pink footy
socks for the McGrath Breast Cancer Nurses that are specially
trained to help raise awareness about breast cancer, and
support families who are battling the horrible disease.
On Friday August 7, a pink themed free dress day will be held,
with funds raised going to the Foundation in support of their
wonderful program. In honour of our fallen reef Keeper, the
Student Council have launched the first annual Keeper(Ing) It
Real day, to celebrate our former reef while doing what we do
best: supporting our community.
Socks will be available for purchase for $ 12
and go with our pink theme. A prize will be
awarded for the best dressed person in
pink, so get ready to pretty it up in perfect
pink. Along with the socks, donation tins
will also be going around to get as much
money raised. We are aiming for $ 600 dollars for our first year,
all for this well deserving cause.
For more information, Keeper an eye on the Town High
Facebook page, visit the Pull On Your Socks website at, or see any
member of the Student Council for more information.
We are Town High!
Science 2015
Term Three is the term for National Science Week. This year
we will celebrate with a range of special guests in the areas of
Technology and Science. Being the International Year of Light,
there will also be the opportunity to learn about the science
of photography and hear from nationally recognised science
photographers. Townsville State High School was successful
in gaining a grant that will support a community photography
competition during this week. There will be the opportunity to
hear from these nationally recognised scientists and enter some
of your photographs in the competition. Stay tuned for more
details or see Ms Chapman.
Parliamentary Visit
Leader of the opposition Bill Shorten visited Townsville State
High School on 16th July 2015. He met with a number of
Science and Technology staff to discuss our views on science
education at a national level. He also met with extension
science students completing the CREST program. He visited
Townsville State High School to gather ideas to implement
more combined Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) experiences in the future. Mr Shorten was
very impressed by the STEM initiatives run at Town High.
Senior School Science
Year Eleven Biology and Science in Practice students will
participate in Field Work during in Term Three around the Ross
Creek area. This will provide students with hands-on
experiences relating to Australian flora and fauna, ecology and
form a part of their assessment.
Town High Food Drive
Our Year 9 SOSE classes have recently completed a very
important unit on Food Insecurity. As part of this unit, the
school community donated non-perishable food items towards
a wonderful cause – Food Relief NQ.
This organisation was established in Townsville in 2002 and
encouraged locals to donate non-perishable products that can
be redistributed to the needy.
Over the past 5 years Food Relief NQ has redistributed on
average around $280,000 worth of food each year to support
the welfare industry within the North.
A massive thank you to everyone involved in donating their
non-perishable items towards this very worthy cause. Thank
you also to Abbie Paul for designing this wonderful poster that
was used to promote this cause.
CREST Program
CREST is a Science Inquiry Program that is nationally
recognised and run through the CSIRO. Students get to design
experimental investigations on topics that interest them.
Students throughout Australia participate in this program, with
some students going on to make lucrative and substantial
careers from the research that begins at school. Students
completing their Silver CREST projects will continue their
projects this term.
Robotics at Lunchtime – GIRLS PROGRAM
Town High is very fortunate to have been funded by the P&C to
purchase eight robotics kits. Science and IPT staff are working
together to provide students with extension experiences in the
fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM). STEM skills are essential in industry and tertiary
studies, plus it is a lot of fun too! This term there will be
an opportunity for female students to participate in a range
of challenges, learning computer programming and problem
solving along the way. Please see Mr O’Farrell and Mr Zanotto
who are supporting the students with the lunchtime Robotics.
Sarah Chapman
Head of Department – Science.
Japan Tour 2016
We are currently seeking expressions of
interest for the 2016 Japan Tour.
In the past our tours have cost
approximately $3000 for 2 weeks. This
includes everything but spending money.
If you would like your son or daughter to participate in this
cultural opportunity or you have questions, please contact the
Japanese Department.
We are very proud to offer our assistance and look forward to
donating more goods next year.
Belinda O’Neill
SOSE Teacher
Message from the CEC
Townsville State High School Student
Dress Code
With the cold weather now upon us, we
understand the need for warmer clothing
please ensure that you have checked the
dress code and your student is in full school
uniform everday.
Below we have set out the rules on the
school’s uniform policy as per the Student Diary. We expect all
students to have the correct attire. If you have any concerns
please contact the relevant Deputy Principal.
JUNIOR SCHOOL (Years 7 to 9)
Polo style T-Shirt in bottle green and navy blue
with the school logo on the pocket.
Navy blue shorts with the school logo on the short
Navy blue skirt with inverted box pleats
Lace up sports shoes (See attached pictures for
acceptable and unacceptable styles)
White sport socks
Polo style T-Shirt in bottle green and navy blue
with the school logo on the pocket.
Navy blue shorts with the school logo on the short
Lace up sports shoes (See attached pictures for
acceptable and unacceptable styles)
White sport socks
A hat must be worn at ALL times when outside, including
HPE lessons and lunch time activities.
SENIOR SCHOOL (Years 10 to 12)
Green and white striped shirt with school logo.
Girls must also wear a clip-on tie in navy blue and
Navy blue skirt with inverted box pleats (All girls’
skirts should be worn from the waist to near the
knee, with blouse overlapping the skirt.)
Navy blue shorts with the school logo on the short
Lace up sports shoes (See attached pictures for
acceptable and unacceptable styles)
White sport socks
Green and white striped shirt with school logo
Navy blue shorts with the school logo on the short
Lace up sports shoes (See attached pictures for
acceptable and unacceptable styles)
White sport socks
A hat must be worn at ALL times when outside, including
HPE lessons and lunch time activities.
Winter – Boys and Girls Years 7 to 12
Navy blue tailored long pants
The school jersey or navy blue zip-up fleecy lined
or plain navy blue jumper without any logos
Navy, black or skin coloured tights may be worn
under skirt
Students not in a uniform are to carry a dated explanatory
note from home and to have this note signed by the
relevant Deputy Principal
Jewellery & Make-up regulations
1. If ears are pierced one small, plain stud or sleeper
per ear, may be worn in the lobe of the ear only. No
facial piercings are permitted
2. One plain signet ring may be worn
3. One simple chain may be worn
4. A plain wrist watch and/or a simple, metal bangle or
bracelet, no wider than 2cm
5. Hair must be of a natural colour and be worn neat
and tidy
NB: Earrings (stud or sleepers) are the ONLY acceptable
form of body piercing allowed.
General Items:
Safety Standards As required by Curriculum Activity
Risk Management, safety standards involving footwear,
hair, jewellery, must also be met.
Hair Hair must be of a natural colour and must be worn
in a style which meets school community standards.
Headwear Hijabs / head coverings are to be no longer
than shoulder length and must be navy blue in colour.
Tattoos Tattoos are not permitted.
Students representing the school on official excursions/
activities are to wear full Representative Dress school
uniform, unless notified otherwise.
Students not in a uniform are to carry a dated explanatory
note from home and must have this note signed by the Tag
teacher or Senior Administration.
Student Council Bucket Hats - Now
AVAILABLE for $10.00 each in REVERSIBLE
The Students Council is purchasing 400 school bucket hats
(see pictures) for sale to students. The bucket hats are
reversible with school and Reef colour/name.
You will be able to purchase these bucket hats from the School
Office at $10.00 each. With the sale of these hats, more hats
can be purchased to keep up with the demand.
This was an initiative from the Student Council 2014.
Any questions about the bucket hats, please ring the School
Office on 4721877.
Thank you,
Ms Di Giacomo
Canteen Price List 2015
Smoking banned 5 metres around school
Smoking any tobacco products or using an electronic
cigarette within five metres of any state or private school
grounds has been banned. This applies before, during
and after school hours as well as over weekends and
On the spot fines can be issued by environmental health
officers, police or other officers authorised by the local
government to anyone found in breach of this legislation.
The ban does not extend to businesses or residences
that share a property boundary with a school.
Smokers are asked to put out your cigarette and dispose
of the litter thoughtfully well before you reach the school
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