Multiple Christmas festivities scheduled - South Belt
Multiple Christmas festivities scheduled - South Belt
Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 December 9, 2010 Dobie holds food drive Dobie High School is hosting a schoolwide food drive to benefit the Salvation Army. The goal for each grade level is to collect 5,000 items for a grand total of at least 20,000 items collected by the school. Community members wanting to donate items can bring them to the front office of the school through Thursday, Dec. 16. For more information, contact Stefanie McKinney at 713-740-0370. Junk waste pickup set Junk waste will be picked up Thursday, Dec. 16, for city of Houston residents living north of Beltway 8. Residents south of the beltway are scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 23. For more information, call 3-1-1. Lariaette dance clinic set The Dobie Lariaettes will have their annual winter dance clinic on Saturday, Dec. 11, at Dobie High School from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The clinic is for girls and boys in kindergarten through 12th grade. Registration is $50 at the door, cash or money order only. Clinic participants will receive a T-shirt and be invited to perform in the Lariaette’s spring show in May 2011. For information, contact Pam Burns at prburns1@ earth or at 281-412-7123. Dobie offers European tours E-mail: Christmas is around the corner, and there are many ways for South Belt residents to get into the holiday spirit. Kirkwood South Christian Church Kirkwood South Christian Church, 10811 Kirkfair, will host a hayride on Saturday, Nov. 11, from 6 to 9 p.m. On Friday, Dec. 24, the church will hold its Christmas at the Manger candlelight service from 6 to 7 p.m. For more information, call 281-481-0004. Easthaven Baptist Church Easthaven Baptist Church, 13100 Beamer, will hold its Carol and Candlelight service on Wednesday, Dec. 22, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Unlike previous years, the church will not have Santa photos this year. For more information, call 281-922-5520. St. Stephen Presbyterian Church St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta, will have its annual Christmas program, A Child Was Born, on Wednesday, Dec. 15, beginning at 6 p.m. Performed by the church’s school children, the program tells the story behind Christmas. A Christmas cantata with full choir and orchestra will be presented on Sunday, Dec. 19, at 10:30 a.m. See Page 5A for more information. For more information, call 713-946-4006. Sagemont Church Sagemont Church, 11300 Hughes Road, will have multiple Christmas services on Friday. Dec. 24. A children’s service will take place at 2 p.m. Traditional candlelight services will follow at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. For more information, call 281481-8770. St. Luke’s The Catholic Community of St. Luke the Evangelist, 11011 Hall Road, will celebrate its annual children’s Mass on Friday, Dec. 24, beginning 4:30 p.m. Additional Christmas Eve services will be held later that night with carols beginning at 11:15 p.m. to be followed with midnight Mass. On Saturday, Dec. 25, St. Luke’s will celebrate English Mass at 8 a.m. and Spanish Mass at 10:30 a.m. Once again, the church, along with Southeast Area Ministries (SeAM), has “adopted” 50 needy children to provide them with three of their Christmas wishes. Those wanting to help are urged to visit the church’s education building Vultures swarm on South Belt The annual South Belt-Ellington Leader Christmas program is under way with several in the community actively participating. Now in its 28th year, the program is aimed at helping needy families in the immediate South Belt area. The drive is funded by area residents, schools, organizations and merchants. Desired items include toys for children of all ages, nonperishable food items, paper products and cash. There is a particular need for gifts appropriate for older children and teens, such as clothing, sporting goods, makeup kits and gift cards. All gifts should be new and unwrapped. Past participants include Atkinson, Moore and The Wood Meadow Sec II Association will hold a Christmas decorating contest for everyone in the community to participate in. The association will award a first- and secondplace winner for the best Christmas decorations. Judging will take place on Dec. 18, 2010, and prizes will be awarded. Food drive at Stuchbery Michael Clark with Troop 692 at St. Luke’s Catholic Church is currently working on his Eagle Project, a food drive to benefit the Houston Food Bank. A drive-through food drop-off will be available Sunday, Dec. 12, from 2 to 5 p.m. at Stuchbery Elementary, 11210 Hughes Road. Also, during Monday through Friday business hours, nonperishable goods can be dropped off at the day care center (the building with the flags in front) at Life Church located at 9901 Windmill Lakes Blvd. SBGSA early registration The Southbelt Girls Softball Association will hold early registration on Saturday, Dec. 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Tuesday, Dec. 14, from 6 to 8 p.m. Early registration fees are $70 with no sibling discount, $55 buyout. Tryouts are scheduled for Jan. 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. All registrations are held at El Franco Lee Park at the girls’ softball field, concession stand. New coaches must submit colors and logo on Jan. 19. No Dec. PIP meeting set There will be no Positive Interaction Program meeting in December. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, Jan. 18, at Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital. PIP consists of police and citizens working together for safer neighborhoods. For more information, call Officer Randy Derr of the Houston Police Department at 281-218-3900. in Burlington court from 2 to 4 p.m. On Saturday, Dec. 18, the Galaxy Cheer squad will perform from noon to 1 p.m. in Burlington court. For more information, call 713-944-1010. Action Ministries Action Ministries will have its annual toy drive every day through Wednesday, Dec. 15, in the Kroger parking lot, Beltway 8 and Sabo, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. New toys for all ages will be accepted. Sageglen lighting contest The communities of Sageglen, Meadows of Clear Creek, Estates of Green Tee 1 and Green Tee Terrace will award a $50 gift certificate to the best decorated homes in the following categories: most colorful light display, most elegant holiday decoration and best spirit of Christmas. Judging will take place Sunday, Dec. 19. For more information, call 281-481-2160. Cards for veterans Longtime Freeway Manor resident James Muecke is urging South Belt residents to mail Christmas cards to wounded U.S. veterans. Military officials ask that only cards be mailed rather than letters. There is a limit of 15 cards per person or 50 cards per classroom. Care packages and monetary gifts will not be accepted and should instead be sent to the military section of the Red Cross online catalog. Contrary to multiple online reports, however, the cards should not be addressed to A recovering American soldier at Walter Reed Medical Center, but rather to: Holiday Mail for Heroes, P.O. Box 5456, Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456. Any cards sent to Walter Reed Medical Center will not be delivered. For more information, visit redcrosschat. org/2010/10/26/holiday-mail-for-heroes-2010. Frazier elementary schools, Beverly Hills and Thompson intermediate schools and Dobie High School’s Future Farmers of America. The American Legion Post 490 and Action Ministries have also donated food items in previous years. Those wishing to donate items or apply for assistance should visit the Leader office, 11555 Beamer. Applications will be accepted through Tuesday, Dec. 14. Applicants must reside in the South Belt area and possess one form of identification verifying their address. All applications will undergo a screening process to determine eligibility. Resident warns of mail scam Dobie Project Grad meets Cowboys hold elections and select at child’s name from the Giving Tree. Gifts will be accepted through Thursday, Dec. 16. For more information, call 281-481-6816. Cokesbury United Methodist Church Cokesbury United Methodist Church, 10030 Scarsdale, will host Breakfast With Santa on Saturday, Dec. 11, beginning at 9 a.m. On Sunday, Dec. 12, the church will have its Kids Club Carols and More at 5 p.m. The service will include a meal. The church will have its annual Christmas Without Them service on Friday, Dec. 17, at 7 p.m. for those who have lost a loved one this past year. On Sunday, Dec. 19, Cokesbury will have a special service at 5 p.m. that will feature a cantata performed by the church’s choir. A living nativity with farm animals will follow at 6 p.m. A children’s crafts display and light meal will follow at 6:30 p.m. On Friday, Dec. 24, the church will have a special children’s Christmas service at 5 p.m. Traditional candlelight services will follow at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. For more information, call 281-484-9243. Almeda Mall Almeda Mall has a natural-bearded Santa available for photographs in center court every day during normal mall hours. He takes a break to feed his reindeer between 1 and 2 p.m. on Monday through Friday and between 5 and 6 p.m. on Saturday and between 2 and 3 p.m. on Sunday. On Thursday, Dec. 9, the Morris Middle School choir will perform from 6:30 to 7 p.m. An AMA Dance Studio performance will take place Saturday, Dec. 11, from noon to 2 p.m. in Burlington court. Later that day, Radio Disney will host a make-your-own-stocking workshop Christmas program under way Wood Meadow II contest The Sagemont Cowboys Board of Directors will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m. in the community building at El Franco Lee Park. Elections for the 2011-2012 board will be held. All members of the 2010 season are eligible to vote. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. Vol. 35, No. 45 Multiple Christmas festivities scheduled Dobie High School teachers Allison Bowers and Lakeitha Kirven will sponsor trips to Europe for the summer of 2012 to students ages 14-19 only. Prices are reasonable, and a discount is given if enrolled by Dec. 15, 2010. Bowers will take a 15-day tour of London, Paris, Lucerne, Swiss Alps, Florence, Rome and Assisi. Those who would like to find out more about this trip can e-mail her at Europe Kirven will take an 11-day tour of Paris, Milan, Florence and Rome. Those who would like more information about this trip can email her at J. Frank Dobie Class of 2011 Project Graduation will meet Monday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m. in the Dobie cafeteria. The group is working together to raise funds and organize and create an event on June 3, 2011, that will be safe and chemical-free for the senior class of 2011. Assistance is needed from Dobie seniors and parents, community and business leaders, and anyone interested in supporting the event. For more information, contact Christine Duensing at 281-974-0867, Sharon Finney at 281-793-5918 or e-mail jfdprojectgrad@ Dobie Project Grad is also on Facebook. Several South Belt residents have recently notified the Leader of a presence of large birds in the community. A flock of turkey vultures is shown above at the intersection of Hughes and Sagewind on the afternoon of Thursday, Dec. 2, feeding on an unknown animal carcass. While it is not rare for the birds to live in this part of the state, it is fairly uncommon to see them in a residential area. Photo by South Belt resident Syreeta Smith Team Gabby collects clothes Friends and family of the late Gabby Romero, along with members of St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church, are currently hosting their second annual Warm Blessing clothes drive to benefit the homeless. Collectively referred to as “Team Gabby,” the group will accept new and slightly used clean jackets, coats, sleeping bags, blankets, gloves, socks and skull caps through Friday, Dec. 10. Organizers are also seeking volunteers to help distribute collected items on Sunday, Dec. 12. Volunteers are asked to arrive at St. Luke’s church, 11011 Hall Road, by 3 p.m. The drive was originally set to conclude the following Sunday, Dec. 19, but was moved up, due to the availability of buses provided by the church. Drop-off stations are Dobie High School, St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church, Beverly Hills Intermediate School, and the Romeros’ home at 11103 Kirkpark Drive. Romero, a standout local athlete, died in October 2009 after a 15-month battle with renal cancer. For more information or to volunteer, call Edna Romero at 832-876-0502. Meeting set for Shaver repairs A public meeting on the proposed widening of South Shaver from Interstate 45 to Highway 3 will be held Thursday, Dec. 9, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the YES Prep Southeast School located at 353 Crenshaw. Representatives from the Texas Department of Transportation and the City of Houston Department of Public Works and Engineering will conduct the function to present information on the proposal and to request feedback from the public. The project would expand the area street from a four-lane undivided roadway with open ditches to a six-lane divided roadway with raised me- dian, curb and gutter drainage, sidewalks, street lighting and improved underground utilities. In addition, the City of Houston would widen 2,514 feet of the channel Berry Bayou north of South Shaver Road and build a retention basin at South Shaver Road and Berry Bayou. The proposed project would increase vehicle capacity, reduce congestion and improve safety and drainage. The meeting will be in open-house format. Project schematics and environmental exhibits will be available for viewing. There will be no formal presentation. Written comments and suggestions may also be presented. An alert resident notified the Leader of a scam she recently received in the mail that involved an unclaimed lottery prize. The woman said she was mailed a letter from a company in Canada, along with a check for $3,850. The mailer said the resident had an unclaimed prize of $155,000 from a “Consumer Evaluation Draw.” The letter explained that the check was for the payment of the applicable governmental taxes on the winnings. The resident was instructed in the letter not to attempt to cash the check before talking to the claim agent listed. Knowing she had not entered such a contest, she made no attempt to cash the suspect check. A quick Google search of the name of the company on the letterhead (omitted here due to a legitimate business sharing the same moniker) reveals the scam is quite common. Multiple signs point to the letter being a fraud. Most notably, the unclaimed prize is for a contest that was never entered. Further, applicable fees are generally taken out beforehand when one wins any sort of lottery. To report suspected mail fraud, contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service at www.postalin aspx. Deputies arrest drug suspect A South Belt woman was arrested for drug possession Thursday, Dec. 2, following a tip from an alert resident. Sgt. Zerick Guinn and Deputy Margaret Magana from the Harris County Precinct 2 Constable’s office responded to the incident at roughly 11:30 a.m. at an apartment complex in the 12300 block of Beamer where a resident reported seeing multiple individuals using drugs in a car parked in the complex parking lot. Upon making contact with the suspects, the officers detected a strong smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle, prompting them to search the car. The search yielded not only a small amount of marijuana, but also 0.5 gram of a rock-like substance that tested positive for cocaine. One of the individuals in the car, Susan Johns, admitted to possessing the contraband. Johns, 47, was subsequently arrested on a felony charge of possession of a controlled substance. Sullivan no longer to oversee city’s redistricting process Houston City Councilman Mike Sullivan will no longer oversee the city’s redistricting process. Sullivan was notified of the decision Thursday, Dec. 2, by Houston Mayor Annise Parker. The mayor said the redistricting process will now be managed by all of the City Council rather than the Special Ethics and Council Governance Committee on Redistricting and Term Limits, which Sullivan chairs. The decision stems in large part due to a recent disagreement between Sullivan and Parker over her choice of candidate for port commissioner. Sullivan had reportedly given Parker an assurance he would back Dean Corgey, Parker’s candidate for port commissioner. However, after consulting with other conser- vative leaders, the councilmember recently withdrew his support for the candidate. Sullivan said he was told by the mayor that she could no longer trust him due to the vote. Also last week, Houston Councilwoman Anne Clutterbuck resigned as mayor pro tem, amid rumors that she intends to challenge Parker as mayor next election cycle – something Clutterbuck denies. Clutterbuck also briefly stepped down from her post as chair of the council’s Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee. Parker, however, persuaded her to remain on board until she is able to train her successor, Councilman Stephen Costello, who will serve as vice chair until Clutterbuck steps down. Michelle Mitchell also resigned unexpectedly last week from her position of finance director. Page 2 Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, December 9, 2010 Death Tyre Lee Jennings III Tyre Lee Jennings III, 88, died Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010. He was born in Atlanta, Ga., to Tyre Lee Jennings Jr. and Ellie Louise Martin Jennings on Nov. 3, 1922. He was a 35year resident of Sagemeadow subdivision. Jennings is preceded in death by his wife, Madylene, both parents, and grandson Matthew Jennings. Survivors include sister Daryl Terry and husband Pat; daughter and son-in-law Linda and Mickey Holder; son Durhmon Jennings and daughter and son-in-law Kay and David Montgomery; grandchildren Donna Holder and Todd Ford and son Keller; Laura Hodde and husband Henry and sons Andrew and Ryan; Denise Holder and daughter Madylene; Sarah Montgomery; niece Nancy Haupt; and other relatives and numerous friends. Jennings joined the U.S. Navy in 1940 where he served in World War II as a boatswain’s mate second class aboard the USS Crescent City (APA 21), and he participated in the initial amphibious landing in Guadalcanal in August 1942. He was awarded the Purple Heart and served on the USS Tulagi (CVE 72) until his discharge in December 1944. Following the war, he graduated from Texas A&M in January 1954. During his career, Jennings worked for several national firms, retiring in 1986 after 22 years as senior salesman for Pitney Bowes. He was a former Boy Scout leader and Edgewood Little League coach, a member of the local South Belt AARP chapter and a lover of genealogy, history and saltwater fishing. He attended Fellowship Bible Church in Pearland. Visitation will be held Thursday, Dec. 9, from 5 to 9 p.m. at SouthPark Funeral Home in Pearland. Service will be conducted Friday, Dec. 10, at 10 a.m. at the SouthPark Funeral Home, with interment to follow at SouthPark Cemetery. Pasadena ISD schools collect several performance awards Pasadena Indepedent School District schools combined for the 101 Gold Performance Awards in summaries released by the Texas Education Agency. The awards note campus improvements in areas ranging from attendance to TAKS scores to college readiness. Sixty-two of the 101 awards went to district elementary schools, with Fisher Elementary and Young Elementary leading the way. Both were cited in five categories, all related to test scores. Among other elementary schools, Garfield, Meador, Red Bluff, Atkinson and Turner were cited in four categories each. De Zavala and Schneider led the pack among middle schools with three awards each. Bondy led the intermediates with four, while Memorial High and Dobie were each cited in two areas, including college readiness. Elementary schools cited for attendance were Pomeroy, Richey, L.F. Smith, South Shaver, Atkinson and Laura Bush. Also honored for attendance were De Zavala PW Library sets events The following events are scheduled for the week of Dec. 9 through Dec. 15 at Parker Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale Blvd.: A winter craft program is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 13, in the children’s area of the library at 4 p.m. The group will make winter picture frames. Create a frame and have a picture taken. Preschool storytime is at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, and toddler storytime is at 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Dobie calendars available 2011 J. Frank Dobie calendars are currently on sale for $10 each. The calendars feature football, Lariaettes, cheerleaders, band, boys’ and girls’ basketball, volleyball and the JFD singers. For more information, contact Carolyn Johnson at or call 832-665-8376. Sullivan announces community meeting Councilmember Mike Sullivan and the Houston Arts Alliance will host an informational meeting about the available grants HAA offers to nonprofits and cultural arts organizations. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 19, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at San Jacinto College South campus, Marie Flickinger Building, Room 12116. The HAA offers grants to more than 250 organizations every year with the majority of funding coming from the City of Houston Hotel Occupancy Tax. Most of the grants are awarded to 501(c) (3) nonprofit arts and cultural organizations; however, others are offered to additional nonprofits that present or produce arts programs or events in the city limits and continue to promote the enhancement of the City of Houston and Harris County as a cultural destination. Sullivan has worked with the HAA for several months organizing these educational and informative meetings in his district. “We have a large artsbased population here in the community,” Sullivan says. “It is important to me that all the arts organizations and other nonprofits know about the available grants that are offered and to see some of the monies returned to District E.” Applicants are reviewed by an external peer review panel. Panel members are selected based on their expertise, knowledge of the arts and their impartiality. Those who make up the panel are groups of artists, arts administrators, finance professionals, business people, community volunteers and others. When reviewing the applicants, the panel takes into consideration the encouragement, promotion, improvement and application of the arts to promote tourism and the convention and hotel industry. Sullivan encourages all those interested to attend the meeting. Representatives from the Houston Arts Alliance will present general information about the HAA and explain each individual grant and the panel review process, where the money comes from and who is eligible to apply. For more information, contact Sullivan’s office at 832-393-3008. South Belt Graphics & Printing One stop for all your wedding needs: • Invitations • Reception Cards • Response Cards • Thank You Notes • Matchbooks • Scrolls • Napkins 11555 Beamer 281-484-4337 Middle School, Melillo Middle School, Carter Lomax Middle School and Queens Intermediate. The summary reflected a complete accounting of TEA acceptability ratings for the 2009-2010 school year. Of the 58 campuses that were rated, all were acceptable or higher. Eighteen were exemplary, 32 were recognized, and the other eight were rated academically acceptable. Readers’ Opinions Dynamic Cheer champions Resident concerned about neighborhood I live in the neighborhood behind the ... gas station at 45 and Astoria and for at least the last few years there has constantly been drug transactions going on at this location. They have got to the point where they don’t even hide it anymore. If you pull up there and see two cars passing each other slowly and then handing each other something out of the window, this is just one of the many days you will be witnessing a drug transaction going on. Other than this, I have been stopped numerous occasions there by men coming up to me when I’m pumping gas and telling me they either ran out of gas or their car has stalled and they need just a couple of dollars to get home. You want to be a good Samaritan and help, but just don’t know if they are scamming you or not. But, more than likely if its going on at this (gas station) it’s a scam. There was one particular van that would come there every day with their hood up, and one man will come over to you and tell you a “story” of his van not working and needing money to help get it fixed. We witnessed countless times of people falling for it and giving them money, the van would leave for a few hours and then be right back. This has been reported to the store who didn’t seem to acknowledge the problem so I wanted our community to be aware of the issue. We definitely don’t need this in our neighborhoods, I just wish the store would realize it as well. But to the stores credit, I think that most of the time when this goes on, they will park on the side of the store and none of the workers will be able to see them there. This has just been going on for too long, hopefully the management will try to tackle this problem. Even though its more convenient for me to go to the 45/ Astoria location, I will continue to keep going to the other (gas station) at 45 and Scarsdale where this is not an issue. Robert McDonald Do Social Security business online There’s a lot to do during the holiday season. Probably the last thing on your list is spending precious time at a Social Security office, waiting to conduct business, especially if you don’t need to. The busiest times for Social Security field offices and the agency’s toll free telephone number are early in the week and early in the month. So if your business can wait, it’s best to contact us at other times. The same is true during the holiday season – especially the week between Christmas and New Year’s. If you must do business with Social Security during the holidays, you may experience more busy signals on the telephone and longer wait times in local offices. There’s an even better way to conduct your business: online at www.socialsecu There you’ll find a wealth of information and online services. For example, you can apply online for Social Security benefits or for Medicare, and then you can check on the status of your pending application. If you’re already a Social Security beneficiary, you can go online to change your address, phone number, or your direct deposit information, get a replacement Medicare card, or request a proof of income letter. Visit our website at and save yourself a call or a trip to our office. But if you do need to speak to a Social Security representative one-onone, we’ll be there for you. Shelly J. Robinson Social Security Public Affairs Specialist South Belt girls on the All-American Dynamic Cheer Team recently won first place in the Cheer USA Regional Cheer Competition in Katy on Nov. 13. Team members pictured are, left to right, (front row) Zayle Stormer, Breleana Anderson, Valerie Garcia, Kaitlyn Bess, (middle row) Stecyva Salazar, Angelica Garcia, Victoria Ayala, (back row) Andrea Cuellar, Hillary Bazaldua, Rebekah Ragain and Destinee Gonzales. Not pictured is Krystalynn Garcia. Cheer coaches for the Dynamics are Tristann Trujillo, Terrel Smith and Michelle Whitely. Photo submitted Thursday, December 9, 2010, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section A, Page 3 South Belt Elementary announces first nine-weeks rolls South Belt Elementary recently released its honor, merit and perfect attendance rolls, and Good Citizen and Principal’s awards for the first nine-weeks grading period of the 2010-2011 school year. Students earning status are: First grade Honor roll Alana Arrington, Ava Ayala, Jarden Balderaz, Andre Barrientos, Rhiannon Barron, Miguel Bazaldua, Aaron Begazo, Michelle Blanchard, Crista Bralley, Brittany Burleigh, Madison Cai, Gabriella Campo, Makenzie Castillo and Alyssa Chapman. Matthew Collins, Di Dao, Jaxon Efird, Cameron Galloway, Emily Gonzalez, Johnathan Guerrero, Alaina Hampton, Elijah Hernandez, Katelyn Hernandez, Leslie Hernandez, Niklas Hernandez, Akira Jack, Anh Ky, Angelina Lam, Kevin Lewis and Jocelyn Limon. Diego Melchor, Matthew Mendiola, Katelyn Mendoza, Kenneth Merritt, Marcus Momie, Xavier Musquiz, Kelly Nguyen, Nathalia Norton, Sydney Olivier, Jeremiah Palma, Keith Parker, Levani Pelaez, Alexandra Ramos, Jaedon Reichelt and Asher Ridge. Jose Rodriguez, Megan Rodriguez, Manuel Rogriguez, Ryan Saxton, Kennedy Scimmons, Kal Self, Dominic Serna, Kenzie Snook, Brianna Toro, Diego Torres, Ethan Valles, Fernando Villarreal, Zaire Walker, Malik Williams and Taya Williams. Merit roll Keegan Ashworth, Cameron Brown, Anisa Burds, Brandon Cates, Vincent Gonzales, Madison Hoop, Isaac Jaimes, Caidence Martin, Cory’on Matthews, Karime Murgia, Jacob Puente, Adrian Quiroz, Colby Reed, Kielee Snook and Abby Whitley. Perfect attendance Cesar Aguilar, Alyssa Alvarado, Alana Arrington, Ava Ayala, Jayden Balderaz, Andre Barrientos, Miguel Bazaldua, Aaron Begazo, D’aisha Bob, Brittany Burleigh, Madison Cai, Alyssa Chapman, Di Dao, Jaxon Efird, Cameron Galloway and Alaina Hampton. Elijah Hernandez, Katelyn Hernandez, Sy’mora Holt, Madison Hoop, Lara Huynh, Akira Jack, Isaac Jaimes, Angelina Lam, Cory’on Matthews, Diego Melchor, Kenneth Merritt, Marcue Momie, Karime Murgia, Xavier Musquiz, Kelly Nguyen, Nathalia Norton and Sydney Olivier. Levani Pelaez, Alexandra Ramos, Colby Reed, Justin Rhoden, Asher Ridge, Manuel Rodriguez, Megan Rodriguez, Ryan Saxton, Kennedy Scimmons, Kal Self, Kendon Smith, Derrick Turner, Ebony Velasquez, Fernando Villarreal, Jimmy Vo, Abby Whitley and Taya Williams. Good Citizen Di Dao, Alaina Hampton, Katelyn Hernandez, Leslie Hernandez, Marcus Momie, Nathalia Norton, Sydney Olivier, Jeremiah Palma, Adrian Quiroz, Alexandra Ramos, Colby Reed, Megan Rodriguez, Bryce Sanchez and Kal Self. Principal’s Award Gabby Arredondo, Ava Ayala, Jayden Balderaz, Andre Barrientos, Miguel Bazaldua, Aaron Begazo, Jasmine Bethely, Aqib Bhatti, D’aisha Bob, Christa Bralley, Anisa Burds, Madison Cai, Gabriela Campo, Makenzie Castillo and Brandon Cates. Izabella Cavazos, Alyssa Chapman, Conlie Christmas, Matthew Collins, Angel Coreas, Di Dao, Jaxon Efird, Lizette Fonseca, Vincent Gonzales, Emily Gonzalez, Johnathan Guerrero, Alaina Hampton, Trinity Harris, Elijah Hernandez and Katelyn Hernandez. Leslie Hernandez, Sy’mora Holt, Lara Huynh, Akira Jack, Isaac Jaimes, Anh Ky, Kevin Lewis, Jocelyn Limon, Adrian Martinez, Natalia Martinez, Celeste McBride, Diego Melchor, Natthew Mendiola, Katelyn Mendoza, Marcus Momie, Karime Murgia and Nathalia Norton. Syndey Olivier, Sammy Paredes, Keith Parker, Levani Pelaez, Jeremiah Plma, Tyson Puryear, Adrian Quiroz, Alexandra Ramos, Colby Reed, Justin Rhoden, Daniel Rice, Alexander Rios, Jose Rodriguez, Manuel Rodriguez and Megan Rodriguez. Bryce Sanchez, Ryan Saxton, Kennedy Scimmons, Dominic Serna, Kendon Smith, Kenzie Snook, Kielee Snook, Carrick Steans, Diego Torres, Anni Tran, Derrick Turner, Ethan Valles, Luis Villarreal, Shamori Walker, Zaire Walker, Malik Williams and Taya Williams. Second grade Honor roll Jianni Anderson, Kaitlyn Bess, Matthew Campos, Jardon Carter, Luke Castillo, Yelizavet De La Cerda, Laura Diaz, Jacob Flores, A.J. Garcia, Alonso Garza, Wesley Godwin, Clayton Goforth, Emily Gonzalez, Jeremy Gutierrez and Lily Gutierrez. Jordan Hayes, Karisa Hernandez, Thomas Herrera, Savanna Herring, Anissa Howard, Jonathan Jean, Reagan Jones, Victoria Lazo, Jose Martinez, Erin Maslonka, Taurean Millien, Robert Montano and Christina Moses. Janah Naser, Albert Nguyen, Alexis Nguyen, Duy Nguyen, Trishta Nguyen, Jacob Perez, Morgan Pytka, Isaac Real, Austin Rhoden, Ryan Roppolo, Elliot Spiller, Alyssa Toro, Michael Vo, Alise Williams, Garret Winnek and Bella Woernley. Merit roll Bre’leana Anderson, Mason Banhart, Heaven Cadena, Bruce Chavez, Devyn Cook, Megan Godeke, Brooklynn Lathan, Justin Padilla, Damian Parton, Kyle Redmon, Lily Simons, Arianna Soza and Ruth Tabarez. Perfect attendance Zariah Aguilar, Cheyenne Alexander, Joseph Allen, Jianni Anderson, Jorge Arredondo, Mason Banhart, Kaitlyn Bess, Brandon Bui, Kamron Byrd, Heaven Cadena, Matthew Campos, Jaydon Carter, Luke Castillo and Moises Cisneros. Ricky De La Fuenta, Laura Diaz, Alonso Garza, Rayven Gavin, Luke Giron, Wesley Godwin, Clayton Goforth, Emily Gonzalez, Lily Gutierrez, Jordan Hayes, Thomas Herrerea, Savanna Herring, Dajah Hill and Brooklynn Lathan. Victoria Lazo, Erin Maslonka, Taurean Millien, Robert Montano, Avry Munoz, Albert Nguyen, Duy Nguyen, Trishta Nguyen, Justin Padilla, Jacob Perez, Morgan Pytka, Kyle Redmon, Austin Rhoden, Roman Rodriquez and Ryan Ropplo. Isaac Salazar, Brandon Salinas, Christian Sauter, Tristan Soria, Elliot Spiller, Ruth Tabarez, Marquise Terry, Alyssa Toro, Marco Torres, Michael Vo, Jhonas Washington, Alise Williams, Garrett Winnek and Bella Worenley. Good Citizen Alonso Garza, Savanna Herring, Reagan Jones, Victoria Lazo, Jose Martinez, Christina Moses, Duy Nguyen, Justin Padilla, Morgan Pytka, Isaac Real, Ryan Roppolo, Lily Simons and Bella Woernley. Principal’s Award Cheyenne Alexander, Brook debate earns numerous awards at Bay City competition Recently, the accomplished team of speakers, actors and debaters at Clear Brook High School were in Bay City for their latest competition. When the grueling two-day competition was over, the team found itself in possession of 10 more trophies to add to its growing collection and a number of other notable finalist recognitions and state points. Beginning with debate events, the team of Kelly Hogg and Eric Stone advanced to the semifinal round and seized a third-place ranking which now puts them within two points of their needed state point total for the state meet in Flower Mound, Texas, later in March. Joining Hogg and Stone were Nhi Do and Neil Patel who were both finalists in Lincoln Douglas debate, and Nathan Tamburello and Dinusha Wijesinghe, who also placed third in public forum debate. These wins put Patel, Tamburello and Wijesinghe within striking distance of their state qualifications as well. Results in speaking events were equally impressive with junior Hunter Bodiford bringing home a first-place win in domestic extemporaneous speaking, an event in which he is already qualified for the state meet. Joining Bodiford was Rishi Suresh, who placed third in foreign extemporaneous speaking and Eric Chaney and Hogg, who were both finalists in this same category. Another speaking event, impromptu speaking, saw Hogg as a finalist and resulted in a third-place win for Saurabh Limaye. Junior Alexa Schnoor brought home her first wins of the season by bringing home a third-place trophy in poetry interpretation and by becoming a finalist in storytelling. Lastly, acting and theater events also garnered attention from the Wolverine team over the weekend. Team members Wijesinghe and Tamburello came away with a secondplace win in duet improvisation and were joined in the finals round by fellow teammates Rebecca Szeto and Sami Gifford. Tamburello also paired with Szeto in record pantomime and walked away with a first-place win in this event. The team next will host its own tournament, and members look forward to hosting 25 schools from around the area. The Clear Brook High School Debate team recently Eric Chaney, Kelly Hogg, (back row) Nathan competed at Bay City. Members pictured are, Tamburello, Nhi Do, Saurabh Limaye, Dinusha left to right, (front row) Samantha Gifford, Alexa Wijesinghe, Hunter Bodiford and Neil Patel. Schnoor, Rishi Suresh, Eric Stone, Rebecca Szeto, Photo by Rhonda K. Haselbarth Thompson staff birthdays celebrated Thompson Intermediate School recently celebrat- Cathy Broussard, Carol Waters, (back row) VeAnn ed the October and November birthdays of its Richards, Sherial Caswell, Gina Gibson, Stacey staff members. Pictured are, left to right, (front Kennedy and Rebekah Seeley. row) counselor Prudencio Reyna, Erica Alvarez, Photo submitted Bre’leana Anderson, Jianni Anderson, Zariah Aquilar, Evangelique Armas, Jorge Arredondo, Mason Banhart, Kaitlyn Bess, Ayanna Brooks, Heaven Cadena, Matthew Campos, Matthew Campuzano and Luke Castillo. Bruce Chavez, Devyn Cook, Dominick Cruz, William Dao, Leah De Hoyos, Yelizavet De La Cerda, Jade De Robles, Jarian Dhuperoir, Laura Diaz, Nicole Embrey, Alexander Enriquez, Jacob Flores, A.J. Garcia, Robbie Garica and Alonso Garza. Luke Giron, Megan Godeke, Wesley Godwin, Emily Gonzalez, Lazarus Gonzalez, Valerie Gonzalez, Lily Gutierrez, Carl Harris, Jordan Hayes, Karisa Hernandez, Thomas Herrera, Savanna Herring, Dajah Hill, Anissa Howard and Jonathan Jean. Miciah Jones, Reagan Jones, Yazmine Lackey, Brooklynn Lathan, Victoria Lazo, Mandy Le, Matthieu Lindsey, Adrian Lopez, Alex Lopez, Jose Martinez, Erin Maslonka, Christian Medina, Kristene Mena, Christina Moses and Avry Munoz. Steven Myles, Albert Nguyen, Alexis Nguyen, Duy Nguyen, Trishta Nguyen, Justin Padilla, Damian Parton, Jacob Perez, Mary Pham, Morgan Pytka, Isaac Real, Kyle Redmon, Austin Rhoden, Roman Rodriquez and Ryan Roppolo. Blake Roque, Isaac Salazar, Brandon Salinas, Christian Sauter, Lily Simons, Tristan Soria, Elliot Spiller, Ruth Tabarez, Alyssa Toro, Everett Triplette, Daqari Tuckson, Michael Vo, Vincent Vo, Alise Williams, Garrett Winnek and Bella Worenley. Third grade Honor roll Rida Asif, Reid Ball, Joshua Bickers, Etna Bosso, Yenvy Bui, Sophia Colmenares, Nicolas Cook, Alex Dhuperoir, Jacob Efird, Elisabeth Elings, Annette Eonne, Tyler Guth and Tristan Hillman. Abigail Hogan, Faith Johnson, Andrew Limon, Halliee Nelms, Madyson Nguyen, Eloy Sanchez, Samantha Schroder, Kobe Thompson, Jordan Tran, Dylan White and Zoe Whitley. Merit roll Shelby Couchman, Bailee Dang, Efosa Ewansiha, Carson Fletcher, Jaylen Gonzalez, Hailey Henry, Shaniah Humphrey, Vivian Luu, Nathan Medina, Alexis Mottu, Gracie Roessler, Shaun Simpson, Hunter Stevens, Caleb Tamez, Isaiah Trevino and Angela Vu. Perfect attendance Abrianna Aguilar, Briana Andrade, Angel Aquilar, Colby Arnold, Jacqueline Arrington, Ried Ball, David Benavidez, Tierra Bickems, Justin Blogg, Etna Bosso, Yenvy Bui, Jessica Cano, Daijia Carter and Diego Cerda. Priscella Chavez, Olga Cisneros, Joshua Collins, Nicolas Cook, Shelby Couchman, Deven Cypert, Alex Dhuperoir, Shaylyn Dunlap, Annette Eonne, Efosa Ewansiha, Mackenzie Gilliand and Kayla Guajardo. Hailey Henry, Andrew Hernandez, Laila Hernandez, Xavier Hernandez, Tristan Hillman, Elias Jaimes, Faith Johnson, Andrew Limon, Carla Lopez, Manuel Martinez, Marissa Maxwell and Natalia Melchor. D’untre Miller, Kaaynat Mistry, Joshua Morin, Hallie Nelms, Leslie Nguyen, Bianna Salazar, Eloy Sanchez, Samantha Schroder, William Schroder, Quinton Simons, Randy Smith, Oscar Valasquez, Tahj’nique Wade, Zoe Whitley and Vorian Wilcox. Good Citizen Angel Aquilar, Reid Ball, Bailee Dang, Jonthan Garcia, Shaniah Humphrey, Andrew Limon, Natalia Mechor, Joshua Morin, Brianna Salazar, Evertte Taylor, Tahj’nique Wade and Vorian Wilcox. Principal’s Award Abrianna Aguilar, Briana Andrade, Angel Aquilar, Bryan Arlen, Colby Arnold, Jacqueline Arrington, Rida Asif, Yulissa Avitia, Reid Ball, David Benavidez, Joshua Bickers, Etna Bosso, Yenvy Bui, Jessica Cano, Priscella Chavez and Olga Cisneros. Joshua Collins, Sophia Colmenares, Shelby Couchman, Bailee Dang, Shaylyn Dunlap, Jacob Efird, Elisabeth Elings, Annette Eonne, Justin Esquivel, Raven Finister, Carson Fletcher, Jonathan Garcia, Noah Gonzales and Kianna Groves. Kalya Guajardo, Tyler Guth, Mikayla Gutierrez, Hailey Henry, Laila Hernandez, Xavier Hernandez, Abigail Hogan, Shaniah Humphrey, Faith Johnson, Andrew Limon, Carla Lopez, Rhett Lorfing, Marissa Maxwell and Natalia Melchor. Kaaghat Mistry, Joshua Morin, Alexis Mottu, Hallie Nelms, Leslie Nguyen, Madyson Nguyen, Jasmine Peralta, Amya Ray, Gracie Roessler, Brianna Salazar, Eloy Sanchez, Samantha Schroder, William Schroder, Quinton Simons and Hunter Stevens. Caleb Tamez, Dominic Tamez, Everett Taylor, Mya Tello, Kobe Thompson, David Tran, Jordan Tran, Esaiah Trevino, Oscar Valasques, Nathan Villanueva, Angela Vu, Tahj’nique Wade, Dylan White, Zoe Whitley, Vorian Wilcox, Jeffrey Wilson and Erin Woodard. Fourth grade Honor roll Darielys Alexander, David Amaya, Andrea Arredondo, Danny Chu, Tiffany Duong, Uyi Ewansiha, Rubin Flores, Adam Gil, Karina Gonzalez, Keishon Groves, Jayden Hayes, Julyssa Herrera, Trevor Hondros, Alec Johnson and Stephanie Martinez. Andres Melchor, Madison Mendiola, Jonathan Moreno, Briana Munoz, Jeany Ngo, Dalila Nguyen, Natalie Nguyen, Precious Oguamanam, Sara Otwell, Dominique Peralta, Alexa Rivas, Camille Smith, Haley Spencer and Adriana Toro. Merit roll Elyssa Armenta, Devin Childs, Bella De La Garza, Sean Dempsey, Bianca Espinoza, Yareli Garcia, Jacob Montoya, Dennis Pham, Brittni Poole, Priscilla Rodriguez, Lance Tanner and Lily Vitrella. Perfect attendance Darielys Alexander, David Amaya, Andrea Arredondo, Christian Blackmon, Jasmine Cano, Kristin Cates, Lizbeth Chapa, Devin Childs, Danny Chu, Ryan Correa, Araceli Dale, Sean Dempsey, Tifany Duong, Bianca Espinoza and Uyi Ewanshiha. Jennifer Flores, Hailey Fox, Karina Gonzalez, Keandra Green, Keishon Groves, Jayden Hayes, Matthew Hernandez, Julyssa Herrera, Travis Hondros, Myles Jefferson, Deshawn Jones, Brandon Julks, Anthony Limon and Lauren Martinez. Stephanie Martinez, Andres Melchor, Gavin Melchor, Timberleigh Milton, Jacob Montoya, Khaliah Moore, Jonathan Moreno, Ramiro Moreno, Briana Munoz, Jeany Ngo, Dalila Nguyen, Martin Nguyen, Natalie Nguyen and Ronald Nguyen. Precious Oquamanam, Dennis Pham, Taylor Pleasants, Brittni Poole, Riena Ramnarine, Damien Rice, Coby Riley, Alexa Rivas, Priscilla Rodriguez, Camille Smith, Haley Spencer, Harley Ton, Adriana Toro, Izabella Torres and Kevin Tran. Good Citizen Darielys Alexander, Celine Espinosa, Rubin Flores, Adam Gil, Juyssa Herrera, Brandon Julks, Adam Lopez, Ramiro Moreno, Dalika Nguyen and Dominique Peralta. Principal’s Award Darielys Alexander, David Amaya, Elyssa Armenta, Andrea Arredondo, Christian Blackmon, Maisie Bralley, Jasmine Cano, Lizbeth Chapa, Ryan Correa, Kennedy Craven, Araceli Dale, Sean Dempsey, Tiffany Duong, DeAundrea Edwards and Chase Erskin. Celine Espinosa, Bianca Espinoza, Uyi Ewansiha, Jennifer Flores, Rubin Flores, Hailey Fox, Adam Gil, Keishon Groves, Jayden Hayes, Matthew Hernandez, Julyssa Herrera, Travis Hondros, Myles Jefferson, Deshawn Jones, Brandon Julks and Adam Lopez Jr. Brianna Loredo, Lauren Martinez, Andres Melchor, Madison Mendiola, Khaliah Moore, Ramiro Moreno, Briana Munoz, Jeany Ngo, Dalila Nguyen, Francis Nguyen, Martin Nguyen, Precious Oguamanam, Sara Otwell, Dominiques Peralta amd Dennis Pham. Taylor Pleasants, Brittni Poole, Riena Ramnarine, Alexa Rivas, Priscilla Rodriguez, Tristin Sanchez, Rachel Smith, Haley Spencer, Jonathan Stahl, Alysa Tamez, Lance Tanner, Adriana Toro, Izabella Torres, Nick Vega, Lily Vitrella and Dy’Nayzia Walker. Meador Science Fair winners selected Meador Elementary recently held its science fair, and approximately 165 students completed projects. Six students received top awards for the school. Pictured are, left to right, Gabriel Barrerae, Maegan Osseweyer, Juan Membreno, Meador Principal Darlene Davis, Eliza Garcia, Bianca Cruz and Alejandro Mena. These six students will compete in the Pasadena Independent School District Science Fair in March. Photo submitted Cadenas raise money for foundation Heaven Lee Cadena has been active in the South Belt area for the past few years through the Sagemont Cowgirls. A few months ago, she took a liking to skateboarding after receiving a skateboard for her birthday. On her first visit to the downtown skate park, it was love instantly. Shortly after, she and her brother, Chance, came to their parents, Robin and Roel, and said they would like to finish up their commitment this season to Sagemont Cowboys/ Cowgirls, but would like to pursue skateboarding as a sport and grow in it fulltime. “We, as parents, are here to encourage our children and so figured if they were mature enough to have this conversation with us, then they were mature enough to know what they want to pursue. Thus, we are supporting their decision,” stated Robin Cadena. And their decision has had them skyrocket with knowledge of this sport that many look to as just a hobby. Soon after, the family read an article in Texas Monthly (September 2010) about a little boy named Johnny Romano. He was diagnosed with leukemia, and although he was not given much hope, he never lost sight of his dream to be a professional skate- boarder. They were all in tears by the end of the article in which he eventually lost his battle with cancer. Most children would wipe their tears, and then go watch TV and not give much thought afterward. Not Heaven. She said she wanted to raise money for Johnny’s foundation which his parents set up, www.johnnykickscan So, their mother wrote a letter to her teacher at South Belt Elementary, Kelly Lohse, and asked her if it would be OK if Heaven brought a bucket for change for her classmates to raise for the foundation. From there, Lohse not only agreed for her class to do this, but also for the entire second grade to pitch in from Heaven Lee (left) and Chance Cadena at the Joe class to class. Heaven is still in the pro- and Lee Jamail Skate Park in downtown Houston. cess of collecting change from the school but will also be going around the neighborhood to collect more. She has a goal of at least $100. Heaven is in the second grade and Chance is in kindergarten at South Belt Elementary. They both made the honor/merit roll for the first nine weeks of school. The Cadenas have lived in Sagemeadow almost nine years. Their father, Roel, grew up in Sagemont. ORTHODONTIST John E. Freeman, D.D.S., M.S. ✰ No Down Payment with Verified Insurance ✰ Payment Plan Available ✰ Insurance Assignment Accepted ✰ No Referral Needed ✰ Video Game Room ✰ Quality and Caring Office ✰ Certified Specialist Member American Association of Orthodontists Heaven Lee Cadena (right) and her brother, Chance, put on their protective gear and gather their skateboards for a visit to the Joe and Lee Jamail Skate Park in downtown Houston. 281-481-9575 13310 Beamer Page 4, Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, December 9, 2010 PISD alumnus nominations sought The Pasadena Independent School District is currently accepting nominations for the district's Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2011. This award recognizes an alumnus who has made significant contributions to society and whose accomplishments have brought credit to the district. The honored alumnus will be recognized at a special reception on March 8, 2011. The deadline for submitting nominations is Jan. 7, 2011. Eligibility criteria for the award should take into account the following: • The award is a one-time honor. Previous award recipients are not eligible. • Current employees of PSD are not eligible. To be considered, a candidate: • must have attended any PISD school for elementary or secondary school years. • must be distinguished in his or her business, profession or life work. • must be a person of such integrity, stature and demonstrated ability that the award will reflect honor on the Pasadena ISD and create a sense of pride among the members of the community. • must be present to receive the award (unless the nomination is for posthumous consideration). • must not be a candidate for elected office in 2011. Those wishing to nominate an alumnus can obtain a nomination form at www. A link in the upper left corner will take you to a download site. Return completed form to Candace Ahlfinger, Pasadena Independent School District, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, TX 77502. Area Lions meet Hobby Lions Club Houston Hobby Airport Lions Club will meet Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 11:30 a.m. at the Golden Corral at Fuqua and I-45. For more information, call Monica Montoya at 281-794-5531. Houston Space City Lions The Houston Space City Lions Club meets Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m. at the Golden Corral, 12500 Gulf Freeway. For information, call George Malone at 281438-7243. Unique Card Designs by Daily Milestones Are you, or somebody you know, celebrating an important milestone in life? At Daily Milestones I create cards that say it with style and care; cards that appeal to all personalities for each individual occasion. Each milestone is special in its own way and therefore should be presented as so. My designs are here to speak for YOU. When people receive their card from you, you want to know that they feel as if it was made especially for them. To guarantee your satisfaction, I take time and care when outlining each and every one of my cards. Over The Back Fence WELCOME BABY BOY JAYDEN Congratulations are sent to Morgan Pardo and Trezz McNair on the birth of a new son, Jayden Isaiah McNair, on Thursday, Nov. 4, 2010. Love and support are sent from the Pardo, McNair and Johnson families. HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY KENNEDY! Kennedy Grace Flowers turns 3 years old Wednesday, Dec. 15, and will celebrate with a princess-themed party at her grandparents’ house. Best wishes are sent to Kennedy from little brother Owen, grandparents Jannie and Robert Scarberry of South Belt, uncles Tyler, Austin and Joey, aunts Jenny, Nyssa and Nicole, and cousins Brayden, Baylee and Jade. Kennedy is the daughter of Stephen and Stacey (Hayes) Flowers of Texas City. SCHOOL DAZE The following personnel and staff members of the Pasadena Independent School District celebrate birthdays Dec. 9 through Dec. 15. Atkinson Elementary A birthday greeting is sent on Dec. 10 to Jamie Mellinger. Enjoying a birthday Dec. 15 is Richard Whittaker. Burnett Elementary On Dec. 9, Judy Rohde and Cassandra Wilkerson share a birthday. Blow out the birthday candles for Cynthia Henderson on Dec. 13. Frazier Elementary Birthday wishes are sent to Nicole Green Dec. 9. Maria Vazquez marks a birthday Dec. 14. Greetings for a happy birthday are sent to Rhonda Jacobs Dec. 15. Meador Elementary A double birthday is celebrated on Dec. 13 for Laura White and Crystal Westinghouse. Cara Wildermuth is wished a happy birthday Dec. 15. Moore Elementary On Dec. 10, Sheryl Munn has a birthday. Bobbie Bashinski is sent birthday greetings Dec. 15. South Belt Elementary The day for a birthday cake for Maria Sanchez is Dec. 10. Stuchbery Elementary Blow out the birthday candles for Le Nguyen Dec. 9. Melillo Middle School Dec. 12 is the day for a birthday party for Guadalupe Aleman-Perez. Sheri Richardson enjoys a birthday Dec. 15. Morris Middle School Celebrating a birthday Dec. 10 is Jacoby Smith. Beverly Hills Intermediate The day for a birthday cake for Sandra Medina is Dec. 11. Mary Greene has a birthday Dec. 14. On Dec. 15, Angela Butler and Velia Gutierrez are wished a happy birthday. Thompson Intermediate Special birthday wishes are sent to Janie De Los Santos and Nancy O’Connell Dec. 11. The day for a birthday party for Janice Frankum is Dec. 15. Dobie High Christi Christian is wished a happy birthday Dec. 9. The day for a birthday surprise for Carmela Swinnen is Dec. 10. A special brithday greeting is sent to Mary Obenauf Dec. 11. On Dec. 13, a double birthday is celebrated by Philip Foster and Loan Peabody. Happy birthday wishes are sent to Willie Ansley and Matt Park Dec. 15. DOBIE TRAILMIXER NEWS The Dobie Trailmixers recently met at Luby’s for their monthly meeting. Topics included: Congratulations are sent to Dobie’s varsity football team, which finished first in district 22-5A. First-year head coach Jim Phillips was selected Coach of the Year. Dobie is hosting a holiday food drive to benefit the Salvation Army. Donations are welcome at the school through Dec. 16. Dobie parents have been concerned about the scheduled opening of a game room at the corner of Blackhawk and Kirkville. The venue will have about 100 video gaming machines, and there is worry about the influence on area students. There are no current laws to prohibit the opening. Mike Montz, retired Dobie drafting teacher, is proud of his son, David Montz, who was recently elected to the Friendswood ISD School Board. Pam Comer Burris, an early Dobie English teacher currently living in Katy, is proud to announce the birth of her third grandson, Luke. He and brother Scott are the sons of Pam’s son, Brad. Daughter Lauren is the parent of 1-year-old Jack. Pam reports that her husband, Dan, foresees all three of these boys playing high school football for the Katy Tigers in a few years! Carole and Walt Wright recently enjoyed a 24-day trip to Australia and New Zealand and reported they had a wonderful time. Cathie Goforth continues to recover from her knee replacement. Jon Rascoe reports that he fished with former Miami Dolphins star Larry Csonka on a recent Alaska fishing trip. Marie Barfield, retired South Houston High principal, now lives on Fairmont Parkway near the Pasadena Convention Center. Joe Don Cole, 39-year-old son of early Dobie coach Don Cole and Pasadena High English teacher Beverlye Cole, died on Nov. 18. Lois Sumbera’s mother also recently died. Lois was scheduled to travel on her “First Cousins Cruise” in late November. Roger Woest, Memorial counselor, performed at the Sorrento Ristorante Italiano on Dec. 5. He is multi-talented, playing the piano and singing. Former Dobie team physician Don Turner and his wife, Janie, live in Bay Oaks these days. Don has given up his daily running, but plays as much golf as he can. Janie has become a star bridge player in the Clear Lake area, earning master points. Pat Teaster Pewthers and Dick Pewthers, both retired Dobie vocational teachers, now live in the Texas Hill Country. Dick reports that Pat is busier than ever with two part-time jobs. She is an administrative assistant to her first boss in Leander ISD. She also gives presentations around the state for the Region 9 Service Center, teaching vocational teachers how to do their jobs in five-hour training sessions. Dick enjoys the shop that he built next to their home; he builds custom furniture there. Both structures look out over Lake Travis and the Texas Hill Country. He reports, “Life is good.” The Dobie Trailmixers meet at 1 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at Luby’s Cafeteria on Fuqua. The group sends wishes for a happy holiday season to everyone. Bella Vita holds annual cancer walk Visit us online at or search for us on Facebook at Daily Milestones Best Friends Boutique FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS Jeffrey M. Barry Insurance and Financial Services Representative 11555 Beamer Rd., Ste 600 281-464-3383 Offering: Mutual Funds, Variable Universal Life, Variable Annuities, IRAs, 40l(k)s Securities offered through Farmers Financial Solutions, LLC, Member FINRA & SIPC ANCHOR BOX CHEAP PRICES NO MINIMUM PICK-UP MOVING BOXES SHIPPING BOXES BAGS BUBBLES PACKAGING SUPPLIES CLICK, CALL OR VISIT - ANCHORBOX.COM 1 1 0 4 3 - C F U QUA N E A R G U L F F RW Y. IN FOODARAMA CENTER, 1/2 BLK. WEST OF I-45 OPEN MON-SAT 713-947-1500 ANCHOR BOX Affordable & Quality Dental Care 10904 Scarsdale Blvd., #100 • Houston, TX 77089 • 281.464.9440 Braces • Teeth Whitening • Children’s Dentistry Be Payment Plans Available Medicaid,CHIP & Insurance Accepted Hughes at South Belt 281-484-9655 Bella Vita subdivision recently held its third annual cancer walk. Pearland Mayor Tom Reid, residents and coordinators Sarita Cannon and Carol Dyson cut the ribbon to signal the beginning of the cancer walk. Girl Scout Troop No. 15098 worked the first aid stations and passed out water while encouraging residents in their walk. This year, the proceeds from the walk will benefit prostate cancer research. More than 100 residents and friends JSC Federal Credit Union Tired of Playing Games with Your Credit Card Company? Apply for a JSC FCU VISA Credit Card Today 8.75 as low as % APR* Penalty Rate Increases Balance Transfer Fees LNO Annual Fees of Bella Vita participated in the 3K and 5K walk. Resident Joe Iacocca, a survivor of prostate cancer, spoke on behalf of himself and other men in the community and said that regular testing and early detection are the keys to fighting the disease. Pictured are, left to right, Dyson, Megan Watson, Halee Lewis, Hanna Lewis, Reid, Hayden Smith, Mia Koern and Cannon. Photo submitted Enjoy These Benefits: Free Checking Accounts Savings/Investment Accounts Money Market Accounts, IRAs Free Online Banking & Bill Pay 32,000+ Surcharge Free ATMs Special Club Accounts Home Equity & Mortgage Loans 281.488.7070 800.940.0708 24/7 Account Access We do business in accordance with Federal Fair Lending Laws. 15 BAY AREA BRANCH LOCATIONS *Annual Percentage Rate. Rates can range from 8.75% APR to 15.75% APR, based upon credit qualifications. Please refer to the Credit Disclosures section on the JSC FCU VISA Credit Card Application for complete details. For current information, please see a Credit Union employee at any branch location, call us at 281.488.7070 or write to JSC Federal Credit Union, P.O. 58346 Houston, Texas 77258. These credit terms are accurate as of 04/03/20068 All rates and credit terms are subject to change without notice. am er 20% $20. 00 exam, x-rays & consultation Rd d. . le da ars Sc Blv off your first treatment In the Food Town Shopping Center FREE NREGISTRATION - GOOD THRU DEC 23 EW ENROLLMENTS ONLY • WWW.MSJANETS.COM Child Care & Learning Center Ms. Janet’s Children of the Future Monday - Friday 6 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 6 wks - 23 mos. $110 a week 2 yrs. old $100 a week 3 yrs. old & up $ 90 a week Large Play Room, Breakfast/Snack, Hot Lunches, Dance, Library & Computer Room Ms. Janet’s is providing pick-up service from WEBER & PASADENA SCHOOLS including MELILLO & MORRIS middle schools and South Belt Elementary. LNO mile west of Highway 146. Bring party snacks to share. Cost is $6 for members and $8 for nonmembers. For information, call 409948-1156 or 281-337-3112. FARMERS® Scarsdale Dental Smiles Tender Loving Care for All Dogs & Cats LNO LEADER WANTS YOU IN THE NEWS E-mail birthday, anniversary, vacation, congratulations, etc., to with OTBF in the subject line. Items must be submitted by Friday noon for the next week’s publication. The Bay Area Singles Club monthly dance will be Saturday, Dec. 18, from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at the VFW Lodge 8566 in Bacliff, 1401 Grand Ave. on FM-646, one-quarter Chu, Truong, DDS & Associates, PLLC Grooming & Boarding LRates Singles dance Dec. 18 by Jan Remember When 30 years ago (1980) Frazier Elementary, the first open concept educational innovation for the Pasadena Independent School District, was in its sixth year. Two members of the 1980 Dobie cross country team qualified for the National Cross Country Championship meeting sponsored by Kinney Shoes, to be held in San Diego at Balboa Park. Seniors Gawain Guy and Getting Married? Let South Belt Graphics & Printing help you with all your printing needs. 11555 Beamer 281-484-4337 Greg Johnson qualified for the national meet by placing first and fifth, respectively, in the regional Kinney cross country meet at Arlington. 20 years ago (1990) Two Dobie graduates were killed and one seriously injured in a 10-car accident in Austin. Killed were 1989 Dobie graduates Thi Hien Tiet and Long Hoang Ta. Injured in the accident was former Dobie student Loc Bui. The victims were attending the University of Texas. One other person was killed and 11 more injured in the accident caused by wet, slick road conditions. South Belt resident John Burke was killed in a plane accident in Detroit when two airplanes collided on the runway during dense fog. Burke was a 1978 Dobie High School graduate. Dobie High School sophomore Deanna Kenisell won best model and third runnerup at the annual teen competition of the Miss San Jacinto Classic Pageant. She is the daughter of Bill and Debbie Kenisell. Anna Maria Carrara, a kindergarten student at Stuchbery Elementary, won second runner-up in the San Jacinto Classic Cover Girl contest. She is the daughter of South Belt residents Angelo and Glenda Carrara. 15 years ago (1995) Construction on the center lanes of the beltway (Sam Houston Tollway) began, and the entire section from the Gulf Freeway to U.S. 59 was expected to open in 15 months. Speed limit signs boosting the speed limit to 70 miles per hour on the Gulf Freeway southbound from the beltway to Galveston were erected. The Dobie High School Academic Decathlon team won the district championship with nine Longhorns earning individual medals. Dobie students swept all categories – honors, scholastic and varsity – for overall best students. Dobie’s 12-person team won first place in the super quiz. Local constable deputies would be issuing citations throughout the Christmas season to juveniles violating the county’s curfew. Those under the age of 17 who were out without a guardian between midnight and 6 a.m. any night of the week would be taken into custody. Clear Lake attorney Rob Todd, 32, got more than 63 percent of the vote to beat the Rev. Andrew C. Burks Jr. for the District E seat on the Houston City Council. 10 years ago (2000) Construction plans for the new J. Frank Dobie High School’s $57,000,000 complex were under way. Brittany Garlington, 15, a freshman at J. Frank Dobie High, died in her sleep. She suffered from a congenital heart disease. 5 years ago (2005) South Belt resident Emory Gadd was presented a plaque naming him the PISD 2005 Distinguished Citizen during a ceremony at the district’s administration building. Deputies from Precinct 2 Constable Gary Freeman’s office rounded up truant students as well as several parents during a warrant sweep. A total of 15 juveniles and adults appeared in Judge Jo Ann Delgado’s court to answer charges of truancy and contempt of court. The 23rd annual Leader Christmas food and toy drive was under way to provide needy local residents with items to make the Christmas season better. U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Robert Alexander Martinez, 20, son of former South Belt resident Kelly Hunt, was killed in action while on foot patrol outside Fallujah, Iraq. Martinez was the nephew of longtime Southeast Volunteer Fire Department firefighter Robert Cino. A Harris County grand jury indicted Jerry Michael Cook, 41, for manslaughter. The charges were in connection with the death of Ruth Young, 9, who was killed as the school bus Cook was driving ran over her on Hughes at Sageburrow. 1 year ago (2009) The South Belt area was hit with a series of snow flurries Friday, Dec. 4, with some areas receiving nearly 3 inches of snowfall. The incident was the second consecutive year Houston received snowfall and was the earliest ever recorded in the city. The previous record for early snow in Houston was Dec. 10 in 1944 and again in 2008. This marked only the fourth snowfall in 15 years. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER CALL 281-484-2376 11590 HUGHES RD. @ BW8 281-464-2366 12490 SCARSDALE BLVD. Serving The Houston Area Since 1952 Business and Personal Insurance Specialists • • • • • • • • • • • • • Personal Auto Homeowner Renters Flood Wind Risk Management Workers Compensation Employee Benefits Commercial Property General Liability Contract Bonds Commercial Auto Professional Liability Barmore Insurance Agency offers comprehensive product lines for all of your insurance needs through these major companies. Your Risk is our Specialty 713-209-2800 • 1-800-376-3169 8511 S. Sam Houston Pkwy E • Houston, TX 77075 • Thursday, December 9, 2010, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section A, Page 5 Robbins climbs Guadalupe Peak South Belt resident Ralph Robbins celebrated turning 66 by climbing to the summit of Guadalupe Peak, the highest point in Texas at 8,751 feet. Robbins had to postpone the trip twice because of high winds at the summit which were gusting up to 85 mph. Then when given a window of good weather, Robbins drove the 650 miles to Van Horn and then 60 miles to the Guadalupe Mountains National Park the next morning. The 8.4 mile trek is rated “difficult” by the state parks service. After five hours into the climb and only reaching the halfway point, the other members of the climbing group dropped out. Robbins continued alone completing the second half in 2.5 hours. When he reached the summit, it was late afternoon with no time to rest. After taking his photo to document his achievement, calling his wife on his cell phone and writing his name in the summit registry, he headed back down the mountain. At this point, Robbins estimated that he could make the journey down from the peak in three hours which would be an hour after sundown. Hurrying down the rocky path he got past all the narrow cliff ledges with 1,000 foot drops while there was still daylight, and then in the fading light, he made it back to the trailhead, taking exactly three hours. Guadalupe Peak was an important landmark used by the Butterfield Stage and Pony Express Riders to help guide them across the desert. Later when airplanes started carrying mail, the pilots used this landmark as a way point. Ruberg to unveil cantata Tyler T. Ruberg, the assistant choral director at J. Frank Dobie High School, is putting the finishing touches on a multicultural inspired Christmas cantata that he has arranged. “The point wasn’t to use music from different parts of the world,” he said. “I took Christmas hymns and put them in the styles of the cultures. We know the hymns, but they sound different.” For instance, in the hymn O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, Ruberg changed the pitches according to the Arabic scale. The melody and harmony change and give a sense of listening to Middle Eastern music. “It is still the hymn we all know and love, and you can recognize it right away.” For the Germany and Largest selection of wigs in Texas! FEATURING ESTETICA DESIGNS WIGS & EXTENSIONS The Right BRA, The Right Form! by JODEE Caring Fitters Trained & Certified to Help With All Your After Breast Surgery Needs. Great selection of Mastectomy Swimsuits RAQUEL WELCH™ SIGNATURE COLLECTION OF WIGS & HAIR ADDITIONS Becky’s South Belter scales summit The stainless steel pyramid was erected on the summit in 1958 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Butterfield Overland Mail. One side of the pyramid displays a U.S. Postal Service tribute to the Pony Express riders of the Butterfield Stage. The second side displays a compass with the early logo of the Boy Scouts of America with a pilot inside. The third side has the American Airlines logo as it was the first airline to deliver airmail for the post office. A summit registry contained in a metal box is located at the base of the pyramid. For his 65th birthday, Robbins and his wife, Erolyn, explored the jungles of Belize and Guatemala, where he climbed to the top of several Mayan temples. Austrian movement, he takes the familiar carols of Silent Night and Still, Still, Still and sneaks in some of the famous themes of Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms. Altogether there are seven countries in the cantata arranged in an attempt to show the spread of Christianity throughout the world. The finale revisits the themes and ends with Joy to the World. Interspersed among the music are poems written by the Rev. Patricia Clark and scriptures that highlight the great theological themes of Advent. The cantata will be performed by the adult choir of St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta St., on Sunday, Dec. 19, at 10:30 a.m. An 11-piece orchestra of strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion will accompany the choir. Ruberg is in his first year teaching at Dobie High School. He holds a master’s degree in music composition from the Univesity of Houston. 125 E. Galveston Street League City 281-332-6407 Advertise! WALKER LAW OFFICES Milton Walker, J.D. 281-481-0909 WILLS & PROBATE INJURY CASES BUSINESS & COMMERCIAL OIL & GAS Kirkwood resident Ralph Robbins celebrated his 66th birthday by scaling Guadalupe Peak. At 8,751 feet, the peak is highest point in Texas. Robbins is pictured next to a stainless steel pyramid that was erected at the summit of the peak. Robbins is the longtime president of the Kirkwood Civic Club. Girl Scout Troop 1104 earns Silver Award Girl Scouts in Senior Troop 1104 recently earned their Silver Award, the second highest award in Girl Scouting, by promoting literacy to youth in several different ways. First, the girls spent more than 24 hours reading to and working on reading skills with children at local day cares, churches, YMCAs and libraries. Second, the girls held a literacy event at Houston’s Park Place Regional Library where they demonstrated how books can be fun not only to read but to act out. At this event, the girls put on a play based on the children’s book The Real Story of the Three Little Pigs by A. Wolf, helped children create wolf and pig masks to take home with them and handed out Three Little Pig coloring books and crayons to the children. After each performance, the girls had a door prize drawing for a new book donated by Barnes and Noble. In addition to their work with the children, the girls handed out information to parents on a summer reading patch program through Girl Scouts, the Houston Astros and the Green Sheet, and literature on why it is important for parents to read to their children. The third and final step to complete their literacy program was to hold a children’s book donation drive and take these books, along with donated bookshelves built by family members, to Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital and Bayshore Medical Center, to start children’s libraries for visiting and hospital-bound children. Photo submitted Mayes graduates Above, Girl Scout Troop 1104 members are, left to right, (front row) Alexis Hernandez, Lorissa Carassco, Devin Will, (back row) Yvonne Alvarez, Madilynn Russo and Claudette Saldana. Bottom photo: While at Houston's Park Place Regional Library, Girl Scout Troop 1104 performed a play based on The Real Story of the Three Little Pigs. Pictured are, left to right, Saldana, Alvarez, Carrasco, Russo, Will and Hernandez. Photos submitted Jason Brooke Mayes graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio on Friday, Nov. 5, 2010. He underwent 8-1/2 weeks of training and is now at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss. He will continue training for the Air National Guard at Ellington Joint Reserve Base. Mayes is the son of Karen and Michael O’Connor, longtime South Belt residents. He is a 2006 graduate of J. Frank Dobie High School and attended San Jacinto College before entering the Air National Guard. Pictured are, left to right, sister Mykala O’Connor, a freshman at Dobie, Mayes, and sister Shannon O’Connor, a junior at Dobie. Also traveling to attend the graduation was friend Priscilla Lucas. Photo submitted Meador bowls for turkeys LICENSED BY TEXAS SUPREME COURT 10909 Sabo, Suite 120, Houston, Texas 281-481-0909 FURNITURE RE-DO • Re-Pair • Re-Finish • Re-Glue • Re-Screw ‘We Re-Do For You’ For Free Estimates Call: Jeff Davis 281-481-3216 INVENT YOURSELF. With over 140 degrees and certificates, there’s really no limit to who you can become. Not only are our classes more affordable than most four-year universities, we also offer financial aid and scholarships to help you pay for college. For information or to enroll, visit or call 281.998.6150. December 12th D a.m. and 6:30 p.m. 10 a. December 19th D 11 a.m. Christmas Celebrations! We invite all denominations. There is no race culture or nationality in Christ Jesus. YOU are welcome to worship with us. Interpetacion en Español. We Give You the Gift of Church 12815 Fuqua St., Houston, TX 77034 EOI Teachers at Meador Elementary participated in a “Turkey Bowl” before the holiday. Frozen turkeys were their bowling balls. The team with the highest score won the turkeys to take home. The turkeys were donated by Kroger on Sabo. Members of the winning team are, left to right, (front row) Cara Wildermuth, music teacher; Maria Hernandez, first-grade teacher; (middle row) Sarah Flores, third grade teacher; Cecelia Stewart, clerical aide; Connie Daumas, peer facilitator; Shirley Hawley, pre-K aide; and (back row) Dana Norfolk, kindergarten teacher. Photo submitted South Belt Graphics & Printing One stop for all your printing needs. Business Forms • Business Cards • Custom Letterheads & Envelopes Wedding Invitations • Thank You Notes • Menus • Directories and more! 11555 Beamer 281-484-4337 CHURCH DIRECTORY The Catholic Community of ST. LUKE THE EVANGELIST Rev. James Burkart, Pastor Rev. Thomas Puthusseril, Parochial Vicar 11011 Hall Rd. Houston, TX 77089 (between Beamer & Blackhawk) LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30, 9:15, 11:15 a.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. Misa en Espanol Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. Tuesday & Thursday 7:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated Thursday 6 to 7 p.m Saturday 4 to 5 p.m. Parish Office 281-481-6816 Faith Formation 281-481-4251 Youth Ministry 281-481-4735 St. Luke’s offers ministries for ALL-families, men, women, youth, children, young adults, single, divorced, separated, widowed. This Week’s Message: Joy to the World Kirkwood South Christian Church Where God Makes Lives Better 10811 Kirkfair (At Beamer) 281-481-0004 or 713-444-0044 Sunday School - 9 a.m. Worship for Everyone - 10 a.m. Listen to our Minister’s messages at “HABITAT” HAPPENS! Youth Events on Fridays - 6:30 p.m. Traditional Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 & 11 a.m. The Fountain (Contemporary) 5 p.m. New Covenant Christian Church 10603 Blackhawk 281-484-4230 Cokesbury United Methodist Church 281-484-9243 • 10030 Scarsdale Blvd. Attend the Church of Your Choice Bill & Cheryl Hines, Pastors Bill & Cheryl Hines We’ve Enlarged Our Day Care Facilities Register Now! 281-481-2003 WEEKLY SERVICE TIMES Sunday Wednesday Early Service • 7:45 a.m. Prayer Meeting • 7:00 p.m. Sunday School • 9:30 a.m. Mid-Week Service • 7:45 p.m. Worship Service • 10:45 a.m. Nursery Available at all Services Page 6, Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, December 9, 2010 W Whether it’s gift shopping, stopping for or lunch, or entertaining, let South Beltt m on meet your needs with its great selection of businesses and restaurants. Serene Wellness Spa Eugenia Sackey Wishing All Our Valued Clients a Merry Christmas! Grand Opening “THE HOLIDAY WORKS” PACKAGE 2 hours and 45 minutes of spa pampering $150 KIDS EAT FREE MONDAYS Maximum 2 kids per table. Must present coupon. 12118 Dickinson Rd., Houston, TX 77089 Great Hands Massage Call for our other Holiday Specials!! 281-484-0700 Body Massage · One Hour $40 Foot Massage · One Hour $20 281-464-8322 Special not to be combined with any other offers In Front of AMC Theatres 10904 Scarsdale Blvd. · Houston, TX 77089 GIFT CERTIFICATES are available and valid for 6 months from purchase 281-464-9103 WE ARE HIRING! 10851 Scarsdale (at Beamer) Suite 740 • across from Parker Williams Library ...The Medical Spa of Southeast Houston S New pa N O Cosmetic & Aesthetic Services: Laser Hair Removal• Laser Vein Treatments Titan • 3D Rejuvenation • Micro Genesis Laser Genesis • IPL (Intense Pulse Light) Relaxing Massages • Microdermabrasion Visia Skin Analysis • Dermal Fillers (Juvederm Ultra & Radiesse) Botox • Facials • Chemical Peels Waxing • Fake Bake Airbrush Spray Tanning Airbrush Makeup • LipoB12 Injections ur medical spa offers a unique experience for its clients. The state-of-the-art equipment, the warm, relaxing atmosphere, and the on-site supervision by our medical doctors enhance the quality of service that we offer. Our goal is to provide superior results! en ow Op Wednesday All Day ANY TWO ADULT DINNER REGULAR FAJITAS FOR TWO ENTREES W/PURCHASE OF 2 BEVERAGES $ 14.99 NOT VALID FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS. DINE IN ONLY. ONE COUPON PER TABLE. NOT VALID WITH LUNCH SPECIAL OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL. EXPIRES 3/3/11. DINE IN ONLY. ONE COUPON PER TABLE. NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER SPECIAL. EXPIRES 3/3/11. 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Thursday, Dec. 16 • 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Photos with Santa from 6-7 p.m. 50 Formal Attire Required - RSVP (limited seating) For more information and to RSVP, contact Officer Loreto at 832-893-6644 or e-mail All Day Every Day $3.00 GAME POSH BUY • SELL • TRADE D USE ES 9990 Kleckly • 713-910-2888 GAM Buy 2 Get 1 FREE PS2 XBO X of equal or lesser value II Brothers ~ Pasta ~ 12123 Sabo Rd. · 281-922-1044 BEGINNING JAN. 3 we will be open MONDAYS for lunch and dinner. OPEN NEW YEAR’S DAY 12:00 - 9:00 p.m. THE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE OFF Get Great Food at Great Prices PARTY PANS or FAMILY MEALS Please place Special Orders 1 week in advance 281-485-5152 Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sun. 12-5 p.m. ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Dollar Power Family Store, Inc. CLOTHING • FOOTWEAR • HANDBAGS • LINGERIE 26 Years of Indoor Family Fun • Batting Cages • Miniature Golf • Arcade Games • Go Carts • Open Everyday, Including Holidays 10106 Thermon Save 10% with this ad! Across from Macy’s at Almeda Mall 11 k broo Edge 2 Al 12 9 A Christmas Carol Cantata Composed, Arranged & Adapted by Tyler T. Ruberg, Dobie High School’s Assistant Choral Director . Rd er am Be N. Main Hu Ellington Airport d. nR sto lve Ga ld 3/O 5 y Hw ) y8 w B ( ay llw o nT 6 sto u 7 Ho m Sa I-4 8 5/ Gu lf Fw . d 4 y R 3 s e 1 h g 10 Gift Cards Available Juniors • Womens • Plus-Sizes Up to 50% Off! t. ua S Fuq ar sd al e/ Yo st And the World Rejoiced Genoa Red Bluff Rd. noa -Ge a d me Sc 713-943-2299 713-946-4006 From $4.99! 1013 N. MAIN • PEARLAND U.S. GOLF & GAMES St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 2217 Theta (off Edgebrook) % ORIGINAL PRICE OF ALL IN-STOCK MERCHANDISE Merry Christmas Choir and full orchestra Sunday, Dec. 19th, 2010 10:30 a.m. Margaritas 10055 Almeda-Genoa Rd. •NOVEMBER 40% off Laser Package (Laser Hair Removal, Genesis, IPL, Titan, Vein) Specials: • ZERONA 6 treatments (incl. 3 massages) $999 • 30% off9 treatments IPL (incl. 3 massages) $1,299 • $100 12 off treatments Juvederm Ultra Syringe (incl. 3 massages) $1,499 •• $50 Vein Setup Fee• 10% off glotherapeutics 20%off offLaser glomineral makeup Spa now open at our NEW LOCATION Annual Christmas Party Lunch Specials Daily ADDIS LIQUOR, LLC Skincare & Makeup: •Neocutis Obagi ••Topix glotherapeutics • Cellex-C •SkinMedica Dinair Airbrush Systems/Makeup Phytomer • Vivite` Lip Plumper Pevonia for Men • glomineral makeup Glo Mineral Make-Up DECEMBER SPECIALS: now We areZERONA g in r e ff o asive non-invmming! li Body S $ 6.00 OFF 1. Reflections Medical Spa 2. Addis Liquor 3. Serene Wellness Spa 4. Great Hands Massage 5. Pearland Furniture 6. Caliente Grill & Cantina 7. II Brothers Pasta 8. Ruben Loreto & Friends Annual Christmas Party 9. Game Posh 10. U.S. Golf & Games 11. St. Stephen Presbyterian Church 12. Sonia SECTION B Thursday, December 9, 2010, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 1 SPORTS & CLASSIFIED Dobie’s Moreno nets TTCA character designation Coach thanks colleagues Dobie High School tennis coach Manuel Moreno has spent his career pushing his players and teams to be at their very best, but he also knows there’s more to life than tennis titles. The wins and losses come and go, this Moreno knows. But life goes on, and today’s tennis players will likely need to be very good at something other than ten- nis in the future. So it’s best, he believes, that his athletes learn to compete and be a part of a team in the proper way. Win or lose, Dobie players will exude a sense of family and respect for the game. There is no other way. Apparently, some of Moreno’s colleagues are taking notice. Already one of the Simple System to Create Wealth Visit 832-858-3367 50% off wash packages Reg. $14.99 & up, with coupon $7.50 & up 713-518-1683 Mon-Sat 8 am-7 pm Sun 9 am-6 pm Class Only $150 or Class & Driving $350 Adult Education 2010 Schedule Start Dates Class Times Days Call for Information! 2010 Schedule Dec. 13 - Jan. 17 4-6 p.m. Jan. 18 - Feb. 8 4-6 p.m. Jan. 6 - Jan. 27 6-8 p.m. Jan. 31 - Feb. 21 6-8 p.m. USA KARATE New facility - better programs! Great prices! Sign Up For After School Care Come Join the Fun! We will pick up at South Belt Elementary 11101 RESOURCE PKWY. (Behind Sonic) 281-484-9006 12830 Scarsdale Blvd. GRILLE & BUTCHER At I-45 Next to Dairy Queen 281-481-5214 Phone Ahead For Carry Out Orders SHOP HOURS Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Now Taking Holiday Orders Trimmed Whole Tenderloin (4-5 lbs.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 129.99 Bone-in Prime Rib Tied & Seasoned (3-7 Rib Roast). . . $ 14.99/lb Boneless Prime Rib Tied & Seasoned (3-16 lbs.). . . . . . $ 15.99/lb Fresh Turkey (10-25 lbs.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2.49/lb Pecan-Smoked Turkey (10-12 lbs.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 34.99 Cajun-Fried Turkey (9-11 lbs.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 49.99 Turducken (15 lbs.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 99.99 Pecan-Smoked Semi-Boneless Frenched Turkey Breast (5-7 lbs.)$ 44.99 Premium Spiral-Cut Ham (7-9 lbs.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 69.99 Bone-in Smoked Ham (14-17 lbs.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 69.99 Sliced, Boneless, Honey-Glazed Ham (4-8 lbs.) . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.99/lb Whole Frenched Pork Crown Roast (9-10 lbs.). . . . . . . . . $ 129.99 Prime Pork Standing Roast (6-7 bones) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 44.99 Choose from Stuffings: Jalapeno Cornbread, Wild Rice Pecan, Crawfish Jambalaya, Dirty Rice or Shrimp & Sausage Jambalaya. We Offer Lamb & Veal With 24 Hour Notice Holiday Side Items Cornbread Dressing (1 qt.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.99 Cajun Rice Dressing (1 qt.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 11.99 Peppercorn Sauce (1 pt.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 7.99 Cranberry Sauce (1 pt.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 7.99 Gravy (1 qt.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 6.99 Sweet Potato Casserole (1 qt.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 8.99 Garlic Mashed Potatoes (1 qt.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 8.99 Green Bean Casserole (1 qt.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 8.99 Broccoli and Cheese Casserole (1 qt.) . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 8.99 Pies (Sweet Potato, Pumpkin and Pecan - 10 in.). . . . .$ 13.99/ea. Cobblers (Peach or Apple, serves 10-12). . . . . . . . . . .$ 19.99/ea. ★ WE CATER ★ 281-480-3337 for details Cost is $365 or $345 if paid in full 10126 Almeda Genoa Rd. Gift Certificates Available Coupon Coupon Almeda Car Wash & Lube CAR WASH SPECIAL sport’s more highly decorated coaches, Moreno was again on center stage at the Texas Tennis Coaches Association’s annual convention and banquet in New Braunfels. Moreno is the 2010 recipient of the Carey Caldwell Character Award, created by the TTCA in 2009 in an effort to recognize those who hold both individual and team character in the utmost regard. Nominated for the honor by Kingwood High School assistant coach Kevin McElroy, Moreno was thrilled to accept. “To me, character is defined by one’s moral and ethical strength, integrity and fortitude, so receiving the TTCA’s Carey Caldwell Character Award is easily the greatest honor I have had the privilege to receive on behalf of all my present and past players,” Moreno said prior to traveling to New Braunfels to accept the honor. “This tops being named the Class 5A Coach of the Year in 2005, since it includes all the high school levels, Class A through Class 5A, and college tennis coaches throughout the state who are members of the Texas Tennis Coaches Association.” For his part, McElroy said putting Moreno up for the honor was simply the right thing to do. “Every time you play against a team led by coach Moreno, you can expect the utmost character on display from him and his players,” McElroy said. “It has often been said that character reflects a true sense of leadership, Dobie High School tennis coach Manuel Moreno Jr., was one of six honored by the Texas Tennis Coaches Association at the association’s annual convention and banquet Dec. 3 in New Braunfels. Moreno was given the Carey Caldwell Character Award, which was created by the TTCA last year. It’s not the first time Moreno has been recognized by the TTCA. He was named the state’s Coach of the Year in 2005 and again in 2009. Brook ex Boulavsky honored at Oklahoma University of Oklahoma right side hitter Suzy Boulavsky, a Clear Brook High School graduate, has been recognized by the College Sports Information Directors of America as a member of the ESPN Women’s Volleyball Academic AllAmerica third team. Boulavsky, a junior, boasts a 3.95 grade point average in journalism and was one of four underclassmen named to the third team. She was previously named to the ESPN Academic All-District first team and earned Academic AllBig 12 first team honors this season. She has also excelled on the court this season, guiding the Sooners to the NCAA tournament. Along the way, Boulavsky led the Sooners with a 3.55 kills per set average this season and was named to the All-Big 12 first team. She hit .282 from the right side and scored a team-best 454.5 points. On the court, Boulavsky’s Sooner team is still playing, having reached the NCAA’s Sweet 16 for just the third time in school history. Oklahoma defeated Wichita State 29-27, 25-21, 25-14 in the first round of the national championship tournament and then outlasted Tulsa 25-13, 25-22, 26-28, 20-25, 15-9 to reach the Sweet 16 as Boulavsky delivered 10 kills. Next up for Oklahoma is a third-round matchup with Penn State, the threetime defending national champion and No. 4 overall national seed entering the tournament. Oklahoma, now 23-10, will meet Penn State (28-5) Friday, Dec. 10, at Rec Hall on the campus of Penn State University. The match winner will advance to the Elite 8. Christmas, Duke women outlast Texas A&M 61-58 Duke women’s basketball player Karima Christmas, a Dobie graduate, had a doubledouble with 11 points and 11 rebounds as the fifth-ranked Duke Blue Devils outlasted No. 7 Texas A&M 61-58 Dec. 6 in a game televised from Duke Cameron Indoor Stadium on ESPN2. Duke trailed 22-12 early in the first half but rallied to lead by a point at halftime. The lead changed hands many times in the second half, and Duke pulled out the win as Christmas came away with a steal against Texas A&M’s Sydney Carter during the Aggies’ final possession. Christmas turned in a terrific performance despite making just six of 13 free throws in the game, which is uncharacteristic for her. But in the end, Christmas and the Blue Devils made one more big play than the Aggies to take the win. Duke is now 9-0 this season, while Texas A&M fell to 6-1. Photo courtesy Duke sports and that is certainly true of coach Moreno. His players are simply good, all-around student athletes.” Moreno is now in his 27th year of coaching, including 12 at Dobie. He has guided tremendously talented players at each of his stops, including Galveston’s O’Connell High School, Clear Lake High School and Dobie. To him, it’s always been about doing the right thing no matter the outcome on the scoreboard. “It all dates back to my playing and coaching days at O’Connell High School in Galveston, where I was first taught by Vince Stiglich Jr. to always, as an individual and as part of a team, to win or lose with class. “The same playing and coaching ethics were emphasized by my college coach, Ron Westbrooks, at Lamar University.” The Texas Tennis Coaches Association created six new awards between last year and this designed to recognize coaches who display certain honorable traits such as courage, vision, character, integrity, dedication and leadership. Apparently, Moreno’s name came up in several conversations as he was actually nominated for three of the six awards, eventually getting the character distinction. Friendswood head coach David Cook nominated Moreno for the Kim Enocksen Integrity Award, and Stratford head coach Rory Frazee entered Moreno’s name for the Loretta Hrncir Dedication Award. “I am very honored and humbled to receive the Character Award, and I am also honored to have been nominated for two of the three newest awards, the Integrity and the Dedication awards,” Moreno said. “It means a lot that your fellow colleagues think that Continued on Page 3B SBGSA hosts early sign-up; player discount available Players can take care of their registration business and also receive a discount during either of the South Belt Girls Softball Association’s early signup dates. The league’s two early registration dates are Saturday, Dec. 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Tuesday, Dec. 14, from 6 to 8 p.m. Both sessions will be held at the SBGSA’s facility at El Franco Lee Park in the concession stand. The early sign-up fee is $70 per player. There are no discounts for families with more than one player competing. There is a $55 buyout charge. There will be more registration dates in January, but the fee will jump to $80 per player, with a $5 discount extended to families beginning with the registration of a second (or more) player. There will be a $55 buyout charge. League tryouts will be held in the latter part of January. The regular season will then get under way in March. DIXIE DELI DAILY SPECIAL 364A FM 1959 (between I-45 & Hwy 3) 281-484-3083 $4.49 HOURS: 6” PO-BOY, CHIPS & DRINK 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Call Us For Holiday Parties! Party Trays - We Cater Chu, Truong DDS & Associaltes PLLC Scarsdale Dental Smiles 10904 Scarsdale Blvd., #100 • Houston, TX 77089 • 281.464.9440 Braces • Teeth Whitening • Children’s Dentistry Payment Plans Available Medicaid, CHIP & Insurance Accepted Be am er Affordable & Quality Dental Care $ 00 d. Rd . le da ars Sc 20% 20. Blv off your first treatment exam, x-rays & consultation In the Food Town Shopping Center AMERICAN TRANSMISSION CENTERS 10703 Fuqua (I-45 & Fuqua) • Houston, TX 77089 713-944-7212 15% OFF 20% OFF General Auto Repair Transmission Repair FREE Diagnostic Check FREE Towing FREE External Check CLEAR BROOK REALTORS FULL SERVICE Real Estate Insurance “FULL SERVICE Makes Your Investment EASIER” 11555 Beamer Rd., Ste. 100, Houston, TX 77089 Eli Tanksley Broker/Owner 281-450-3305 FAYETTE COUNTY - Desired Location, 12.5 Acres, $108,000. Make Offer. ALVIN SOUTH - 4-2, 13.8 Acres, Private Lake, Large Kitchen, Large Bedrooms, Master Has Garden Tub. Priced to Sell at $159,000. SAGEMONT - 4 or 5 Bedroom Beautiful Corner Lot. Pretty Trees, a Beautiful Place to Live in this 2,360 Sq. Ft. Home for Only $114,900. SAGEMEADOW - 3-2-2, Great Location, Recent Paint, Owner Will Install New Carpet. $94,900. Clear Brook Promises to Provide Professional, Ethical & Informed Services to Our New & Existing Clients – We Have The Answer To Your Real Estate Needs – Happy Holidays! Ocean Kwik Kar CAR WASH LUBE & SERVICE 11210 Scarsdale 281-484-KWIK(5945) Mon-Sat 8am-7pm • Sun 9am-5pm FREE Full Service Car Wash With Full Service Oil Change $12 Value! Car Wash Club $2 OFF Unlimited Washes for Package Wash 30 Days (Ocean Wash Package) Includes vacuum & wash 39 99 per vehicle Receive $2 Off Any One of the Following Package Wash! Choose From: •Ocean Breeze reg $16.99 •Blue Ocean reg $21.99 •Ocean Signature reg $26.99 “24 Hour Rain Check” Add $1 for Trucks, Vans, SUVs & Limos Expires 12/24/10 Not valid with any other offer SENIOR SPECIAL TUES. $3 OFF* LADIES SPECIAL WED. $3 OFF* Not valid with any other offer Page 2, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, December 9, 2010 Sports news, notes Tyler goalie Soto, Dobie ex, named all-American Longhorn netters meet a legend SBHLL sets sign-up dates Officials in the Sagemont-Beverly Hills Little League have established registration dates for the upcoming 2011 spring season. The league has also announced the formation of a junior T-ball division for boys and girls ages 3 to 4. The junior T-ball league will be of the instructional variety, with no umpires involved. Coaches will umpire the games. The registration dates for all players include Thursday, Jan. 6, and Thursday, Jan. 13, from 6 to 8 p.m., and Saturday Jan. 8, and Saturday, Jan. 15, from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. All of the sessions will be held at US Spring Training, located at 10330 Blackhawk Blvd. Registration fee is $100 per player from the 3- and 4-year-olds, and $140 per player from those ages 5 to 14. There will a $10 discount applied for those families with more than one player registering. For more information, visit the SBHLL website at Players must turn 3 years of age on or prior to April 30, 2011, in order to be eligible to compete. The following are the new player divisions for the 2011 season: Jr. T-Ball (ages 3-4) T-Ball (ages 5-6) A (formerly machine pitch, ages 7-8) AA (formerly peewee, age 9-10) AAA (formerly minors, ages 9-11) Majors (ages 10-12) SBHLL hosts monthly meeting The Sagemont-Beverly Hills Little League will host its monthly board of directors meeting Wednesday, Dec. 15, beginning at 6:30 p.m., at the Harris County Courthouse Annex, located at 10851 Scarsdale Blvd. Any parents with players in the league are welcome to attend. SBAST to celebrate 40th In association with its 40th anniversary celebration coming next spring, South Belt Area Swim Team officials are inviting former swimmers and parents to submit photos and success stories to be considered for inclusion in the special event. Team officials are promoting how the SBAST has and will continue to develop successful individuals in and out of the water while encouraging community involvement. More information on how to get involved in the event will be forthcoming in future Leader editions. Dobie softball clinic Jan. 29 The Dobie High School softball coaching staff will host the 2011 Lady Longhorn Softball Clinic Saturday, Jan. 29, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the high school. Girls ages 6 to 14 are eligible to attend the clinic, which will include instruction in all phases of the game such as pitching, hitting, baserunning, fielding, bunting and more. Players may register prior to the start of the camp for $25 per player, which will include a camp T-shirt. Registration on the day of the event is $30. For more information or to obtain a camp entry form, direct e-mail to Dobie head coach Robin Rackley at Sports Calendar BASKETBALL Thursday, Dec. 9 Brook varsity boys at Lee College tourn., TBA Brook varsity girls at Clear Creek tourn., TBA Although her Tyler Junior College women’s soccer team fell shy of its bid for a second consecutive national title, Lady Apaches’ goalkeeper Beatrice Soto earned her just due. Soto, a 2009 Dobie High School graduate, was named a first team all-American by the National Junior College Athletic Association following the season. Beatrice Soto A four-year starter in goal for the Lady Longhorns while at Dobie, Soto was in the nets in 2009 as Tyler won the national crown in just the program’s second year of existence. This season, the Apaches coasted through the regular season and the playoffs with a perfect record before reaching the national final. Bidding for a repeat, the Apaches fell short as a firsthalf goal by Paradise Valley was the difference in a 1-0 final. Despite the loss, Soto and her teammates had plenty to be happy about after the season. Soto, the team’s starter in the nets, allowed just four goals through 15 regular season games. Soto’s teammate, Claudia Saucedo, also made the first team. A third Tyler player, Lauren Emmerson, was named to the second team. Tyler, under the guidance of head coach Corey Rose, has made quite a splash on the junior college women’s soccer scene since the program debuted in 2008. The first year didn’t produce much, but now, with the help of players such as Soto, Tyler has overtaken Navarro as the top program in Texas and has established itself as a national power along the way. Soto’s two-year stay at Tyler Junior College as a women’s soccer player is most recognized players. coach Jesse Saavedra and complete, but she has estab- While at Dobie, Soto started then three more under head lished herself as one of the her freshman year for head coach Kersten Mullan. San Jac VB players Dibbern, Soares selected as All-American players San Jacinto College volleyball sophomores Alyssa Dibbern and Candace Soares capped off their volleyball careers with National Junior College Athletic Association first-team All-American honors, the organization announced this week. Dibbern finished the season ranked 18th in the country in kills per set with a 3.51 mark, and led the squad in blocks with 116 total (1.01 per set). She was also named to the All-Tournament team at the NJCAA national championship, selected to the Region XIV first team, and was named the league’s Player of the Year. “Alyssa has worked so diligently during her San Jac career,” said head coach Sharon Nelson. “She is a dynamic athlete that catch- es your eye with her stature and left hand. “She is a player still hungry to learn and be challenged every day, and her talent ceiling is very high. She is deserving of all the accolades she has received during her time here at San Jac, including this great honor.” As a freshman, Dibbern was named the Region XIV Freshman of the Year and conference Most Valuable Player, and was also a firstteam All-Conference selection. Soares finished the season 23rd in the nation in kills per set with a 3.41 average. She was second on the team in digs per set (3.87), and served up a team-best 59 aces. Soares was a firstteam All-Region XIV selection, and named to the All-Tournament team at the Dobie football banquet is Dec. 12 Saturday, Dec. 11 Brook varsity boys at Lee College tourn., TBA Brook varsity girls at Clear Creek tourn., TBA Tuesday, Dec. 14 Dobie varsity boys at Clear Creek, 7:00 Brook varsity girls host Pearland, 7:00 Dobie varsity girls at Baytown Sterling, 7:00 Dobie JV girls at Baytown Sterling, 5:30 Brook JV girls host Pearland, 5:30 Brook freshman A girls host Pearland, 4:00 Dobie freshman A girls at Baytown Sterling, 4:00 Friday, Dec. 17 Dobie varsity boys host Channelview, 7:00 Brook varsity girls at Dickinson, 7:00 Brook JV girls at Dickinson, 5:30 Brook freshman A girls at Dickinson, 4:00 Monday, Dec. 20 Brook varsity boys host Alvin, 1:00 Brook JV boys host Alvin, 11:30 a.m. Brook sophomores host Alvin, 11:30 a.m. Brook freshman A boys host Alvin, 10 a.m. Brook freshman B boys host Alvin, 10 a.m. Brook varsity girls at Alvin, 7:00 Brook JV girls at Alvin, 5:30 Brook freshman A girls at Alvin, 4:00 Tuesday, Dec. 21 Brook varsity boys at Goose Creek Memorial, 1:00 Dobie varsity boys at Clear Lake, 2:00 Brook JV boys host Alvin, 11:30 p.m. Brook fresh. A boys at Goose Creek Memorial, 11:30 a.m. Brook freshman B boys at Goose Creek Memorial, 10 a.m. Dobie High School varsity tennis captains Eun Lee (left) and Jonathan Taylor (right) had the opportunity to meet and chat with legend Roy Emerson during the Texas Tennis Coaches Association’s annual convention Dec. 3 in New Braunfels. Emerson won 12 Grand Slam men’s singles titles and 16 Grand Slam men’s doubles titles, and his 28 combined Grand Slam titles is an all-time record for a men’s tennis player. Lee and Taylor were at the convention in support of Dobie head coach Manuel Moreno Jr., who was also honored at the event. 12-U Starlites second in Baytown softball; Gonzales honored Friday, Dec. 10 Dobie varsity girls at Angleton, 6:00 Brook varsity boys at Lee College tourn., TBA Brook varsity girls at Clear Creek tourn., TBA Wednesday, Dec. 15 Beverly Hills 8th Dark boys at San Jacinto, 5:00 Beverly Hills 8th Light boys at San Jacinto, 6:15 Beverly Hills 7th Dark boys at San Jacinto, 5:00 Beverly Hills 7th Light boys at San Jacinto, 6:15 Thompson 8th Dark boys host Southmore, 5:00 Thompson 8th Light boys host Southmore, 6:15 Thompson 7th Dark boys host Southmore, 5:00 Thompson 7th Light boys host Southmore, 6:15 Beverly Hills 8th Dark girls host San Jacinto, 5:00 Beverly Hills 8th Light girls host San Jacinto, 6:15 Beverly Hills 7th Dark girls host San Jacinto, 5:00 Beverly Hills 7th Light girls host San Jacinto, 6:15 Thompson 8th Dark girls at Southmore, 5:00 Thompson 8th Light girls at Southmore, 6:15 Thompson 7th Dark girls at Southmore, 5:00 Thompson 7th Light girls at Southmore, 6:15 NJCAA national championship. “Candace has worked so hard for two years for an honor like this,” added Nelson. “She is a fiery competitive player that always gives 100 percent. She had a great year as our team captain, earning numerous all-tournament honors. She and her family should be very proud.” San Jac (29-10) finished the 2010 season as the national runner-up after falling to Western Nebraska Community College in five sets in the championship match of the NJCAA national tournament. The second place finish is the highest under Nelson’s nine-year tutelage. It was the sixth-straight trip to the national championship tournament for the San Jacinto program. Everyone involved in the Dobie High School football program, including parents and supporters, are invited to join the season-ending banquet Sunday, Dec. 12 at the school. The event will begin at 4 p.m. as the dinner buffet line opens promptly, and the line will close at 5 p.m. Dobie will celebrate one of its finest seasons in recent memory, which included a district championship for the varsity team. Senior tailback DeMarcus Boyd (above) is one of many players who’s hoping his name is called for a postseason award. Upcoming High School Hoops Action Brook boys at Lee College tournament Thursday, Dec. 9 – Brook vs. Goose Creek Memorial, 10:30 a.m. at Lee College Friday, Dec. 10 – Brook vs. Texas City, 3:30 p.m. at Lee College Brook girls at Clear Creek ISD tournament Thursday, Dec. 9 – Clear Brook vs. Cy-Fair, 1 p.m. at Carlisle Field House (Clear Creek High School); Brook plays either San Antonio Wagner or Waco Midway Dec. 10. Friday Dec. 10 – Dobie varsity girls at Angleton, 6 p.m. At left, the South Belt 12U Starlites softball team took second place at the Baytown D-Krew Turkey Bash. Members of the team are, left to right, (front row) Camryn Ridge, (middle row) Diana Adame, Jocylin Reyes, Celeste Ontiveros, (back row) head coach Bobby Reyes, Sandra Gonzales, Suzette Gonzales, Riley Smith, Dominique Palacios, Alyssa Corpus and assistant coach Albert Corpus. Not pictured are Jasmine DeLeon, Hayley Garcia, Tiffany Mendoza and assistant coach Dago DeLeon. Above, Starlite player Sandra Gonzales, shown with head coach Bobby Reyes, has been recognized for her academic and musical accomplishments. Gonzales carries a full advanced placement load of courses at Beverly Hills Intermediate and is also a standout member of the school’s band department. She was selected as a member of the Pasadena Independent School District’s city and regional bands as well as Beverly Hills Intermediate’s jazz ensemble. PISD Intermediate Basketball PISD Intermediate Basketball Girls’ Standings Boys’ Standings 7 Light W L 7 Dark W L 7 Light W L 7 Dark W L San Jacinto Beverly Hills Bondy Thompson Miller Queens Southmore Park View South Houston Jackson Thompson Beverly Hills Southmore San Jacinto Miller Park View Bondy S. Houston Queens Jackson 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Park View Queens San Jacinto Bondy Miller Beverly Hills Southmore Thompson S. Houston Jackson 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 Jackson Thompson Southmore S. Houston Queens San Jacinto Beverly Hills Park View Bondy Miller 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Game Scores 7 Light Game Scores 7 Light Beverly Hills 28, Bondy 18 Queens 22, Thompson 19 San Jacinto 17, Miller 8 Park View 24, Jackson 22 Southmore 30, South Houston 16 Beverly Hills 54, Bondy 21 Southmore 43, South Houston 30 San Jacinto 23, Miller 21 Thompson 43, Queens 38 Park View 56, Jackson 10 Game Scores 7 Dark Game Scores 7 Dark Queens 26, Thompson 15 Southmore 37, South Houston 6 Beverly Hills 17, Bondy 14 San Jacinto 20, Miller 11 Park View 28, Jackson 8 Beverly Hills 54, Bondy 21 Southmore 21, South Houston 12 San Jacinto 13, Miller 10 Thompson 37, Queens 17 Jackson 21, Park View 18 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 8 Light W L 8 Dark W L 8 Light W L 8 Dark W L Bondy Miller Beverly Hills San Jacinto Thompson Queens Southmore Park View South Houston Jackson Thompson Beverly Hills San Jacinto Bondy Miller South Houston Park View Southmore Queens Jackson 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Park View Miller Bondy San Jacinto Beverly Hills Thompson Southmore S. Houston Queens Jackson 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 S. Houston Miller Bondy Thompson Beverly Hills Park View Southmore San Jacinto Queens Jackson 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Game Scores 8 Light Game Scores 8 Light Southmore 36, South Houston 14 Bondy 42, Beverly Hills 20 Queens 32, Thompson 8 Miller 31, San Jacinto 7 Park View 22, Jackson 8 Beverly Hills 41, Bondy 25 Park View 65, Jackson 59 (OT) San Jacinto 49, Miller 46 Thompson 57, Queens 23 South Houston 48, Southmore 23 Game Scores 8 Dark Game Scores 8 Dark Southmore 38, South Houston 6 Bondy 36, Beverly Hills 20 Thompson 12, Queens 8 Miller 32, San Jacinto 3 Park View 33, Jackson 16 Park View 42, Jackson 27 Bondy 44, Beverly Hills 42 (2OT) South Houston 43, Southmore 41 Thompson 48, Queens 31 Miller 53, San Jacinto 30 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 Thursday, December 9, 2010, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 3 Area varsity basketball teams developing winning ways with an eye toward holiday schedule ued to play exceptionally well on the offensive end. He had 28 points in the win over Sterling, then scored 28 more in the victory over Australia. A big lift has also come from Chris Campbell, who was one of the top scorers in the Clear Creek tournament. Despite the 80-56 loss to La Marque, Campbell had 21 points. Against Bryan, Campbell added 20 points. In the win over Houston Sterling, Campbell had 18 points then closed out a great four-game stretch with 22 against Australia. The Wolverines head to the Baytown Lee College tournament Dec. 9-11, where games against Goose Creek Memorial and a winless Texas City team await. After that, Clear Brook will focus much of its attention on the District 24-5A race as a Dec. 20 game at Brook will tip-off play in the league. Dobie boys are 8-6 Dobie, beginning to get a grip on its everyday playing rotation, is 8-6 out of the gate despite several close losses. The Longhorns ran into some poor luck with two overtime defeats by a combined two points in pool play Dec. 2 at the Katy tournament but bounced back to play pretty well the rest of the way. In fact, the Longhorns won the bronze division championship after getting past Houston Westside 66-59. Kingwood Park, which reached the championship game in the gold bracket, defeated Dobie 46-44 in double overtime in the tournament opener. “We had several chances to put the game away and either missed free throws or turned the ball over,” Dobie head coach Kevin Cross said. After a 55-52 loss to Katy Taylor in overtime, Dobie was sent to the bronze bracket, where the team responded with three wins. Dobie beat Livingston Darian Price (10) and the Dobie girls’ varsity team has 82-62 and Houston Daplayed well to this point in the season, but head coach vis 81-34 before downing Shane Brown would like to see the team hit another Westside, a team that had defeated Dobie earlier this gear prior to the start of 22-5A play. With the nondistrict portion of the high school varsity basketball schedule nearing an end, the boys’ and girls’ teams at Clear Brook and Dobie high schools are continuing to play solidly. Brook boys on a roll Clear Brook varsity boys’ basketball coach Jason Pillow has often pointed out this season that his team has yet to accomplish very much, well sort of. What he is referring to is that the Wolverines have yet to reach their ultimate goal of winning the District 245A title. Well, that part is true, but it’s hard to imagine much disappointment in the Clear Brook camp. The team moved to 5-0 with an easy win over Tulosa-Midway during the opener of the Clear Creek tournament as Fred Richardson led the way to the win. Clear Brook followed with losses to Class 4A No. 2 state-ranked La Marque and then a loss to Bryan but came back to down Houston Sterling 81-78. The Wolverines also handed Australia’s traveling squad a 76-59 defeat Dec. 7, giving the team a 7-2 record. Richardson has contin- season, in the final. “This far into the season, I feel we have a good idea of what we can and cannot do as a team,” Cross said. “We have a pretty set rotation of nine players. Of course, we are always looking for more help from our entire team. “We are excited about district starting pretty soon. I have seen Deer Park, South Houston and Memorial, and they all have been playing well. It will be an exciting district race. Dobie did hit a bit of a roadblock Dec. 7, losing to the same Australian squad that Brook downed, “We lost 55-33,” Cross said. “They were a big and physical team, and they just wore us down” Dobie girls win pair The Lady Longhorns have continued to play well at Dobie. The team beat Clear Brook 53-45 Dec. 3 as Shanequa Gaston had 20 points and Derika Thomas had 10 of her own. Dobie then came back Dec. 7 to beat Dulles 51-41 as Chelsea Rodriguez led the way with 15 and Jazmin Guerrero and Gaston had 10 each. CB girls ready for tourney The Clear Brook girls, which will play in the Clear Creek ISD/Peggy Whitley Classic (see bracket right), bounced back from the loss against Dobie with a 40-37 victory over Baytown Sterling Dec. 7. The Lady Wolverines trailed entering the fourth quarter, but outscored Sterling 15-10 in the fourth quarter. Courtney Lindsey led the Lady Wolverines with 15 points. Kia Love added nine points. Despite losing 55-33 to a very physical Australian national team Dec. 6, the Dobie varsity boys’ team, including guard Dominic Simon, is 8-6 with a road game coming Dec. 14 at Clear Creek. JFD’s Moreno lauded by tennis colleagues U-12 Stampede advances to Eastern District playoffs Continued from Page 1B status within the United ers. Whenever you face his of his time and energy by 11-1 in the fall and missed highly of you. “But, again, it is a great and well-deserved tribute to the Dobie High School tennis players, present and past, and those I was privileged to coach at O’Connell and Clear Lake high schools before that, for exemplifying each and every day that character quality, on and off the courts alike.” The Dobie tennis program had been strong in the ’70s, ’80s and early ’90s under the guidance of longtime head coach Bobby Kramer. After Kramer’s retirement, the program endured one other coaching change before Moreno took over. Twelve years down the road, Moreno has Dobie playing very well at the varsity level year in and year out. Some of the Houston area’s strongest high school tennis programs have the benefit of choosing from players who have competed in youth programs for years. Many of those same players enter high school with superchampionship States Tennis Association. There is no youth program in the South Belt area that compares with those of some of the other areas such as Clear Lake, Friendswood and others in Houston. And there aren’t many players joining the Dobie program as freshmen with championship or superchampionship status in hand, but Moreno molds a winner on a consistent basis. It all goes back to character and the way the Dobie players prepare themselves under Moreno’s watch. McElroy said it was easy to support Moreno’s nomination. In a letter he read in part at the TTCA banquet as Moreno was honored, McElroy provided the following: “(Coach Moreno) has coached some extremely talented players all the way down to the true beginners, but they are always young men and women of character. “He instills in them to be honest, fair, complimentary, and respectful to oth- THURSDAY, DEC. 9 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Monday through Friday. from 7 to 8 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 114. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. 9:30 a.m. NASA Aglow Community Lighthouse – meets the second Thursday of the month at 9:30 a.m. at the Lighthouse Fellowship of Friends, 144 Park Avenue in League City. The public is welcome and encouraged to bring others to the interdenominational meeting. 11:30 a.m. ABWA - Southeast Express Network – American Business Women’s Association-South meets on the second Thursday of each month at MiMi’s Cafe in the Pearland Town Center, 11200 Broadway Street, #1600. Lunch is from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost is $20 and includes networking with professional business women, lunch and guest speaker. Women of all ages and occupations are invited. Bring plenty of business cards. Reservations are appreciated. Contact Monica Perez at for reservations, or visit the Web site at Noon Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free water exercise from noon to 1 p.m. at Clear Lake Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Visit for a complete list of services offered. Al-Anon - Meets every Thursday from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 111. For information, call 281-487-8787. 6:30 p.m. St. Luke’s Catholic Church – St. Luke the Evangelist Church, 11011 Hall Road, offers free tutoring on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tutoring is held in Room 2 of the Education Building. Contact Joe Pavlicek at 281-484-1397 or team, you can’t help but tell your kids that they are playing a classy group of kids. “He convinces his players to ‘buy into what he preaches’ and that is to be young men and women of character. “Coach Moreno tells his kids that it is not about wins and losses but is instead about having an impact on something bigger than you. “Manuel is also so giving helping out running a site if you are in a bind and covering the local high school tennis to get it the much deserved publicity that some reporters fail to give our great sport.” Moreno has accepted his honor in New Braunfels, and now returns to a role he cherishes so much, that of head coach at Dobie High School. The Longhorns were 11- out on the Region III tournament. The upcoming spring season is designated primarily for individual play in both boys and girls singles and doubles as well as mixed doubles. As he has done every year, Moreno still works as hard as he can to prepare his players for play, knowing a strong character means so much. Coach adds to his wall of honor Dobie head tennis coach Manuel Moreno Jr. has earned quite a few honors during his 27 years in the sport, particularly during his time with the Longhorns. Here is a rundown of some of his honors: 2010: Carey Caldwell Character Award (Texas Tennis Coaches Association) 2009: District 22-5A Coach of the Year 2009: Joe Lightsey Coaches’ Award (Spring Branch Independent School District) 2005: Class 5A Coach of the Year (Texas Tennis Coaches Association) The U-12 Stampede of the South Belt Youth Soccer Club won the Bay Area Youth Soccer Association Division III championship after defeating the Texas City Raptors to advance to the South Texas Youth Soccer Association Eastern District playoffs. Members of the team are, left to right, (front row) Oren Moreno, Edgardo Feria, Enrique Betancourt, Jose Martinez, Sebastian Martinez, (middle row) Jose Pozo, Thomas Carte III, Christopher Lopez, Ediel Betancourt, Xavier Gonzalez, Colton Chu, Firas Alhamra, Abraham Garcia, (back row) assistant coach Abraham Garcia and head coach Chip Carte. CALENDAR by e-mail at 8:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., and Sundays and Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street. For information, call 713-204-2481. FRIDAY, DEC. 10 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Monday through Friday. from 7 to 8 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 114. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. 10 a.m. AARP-South Belt Chapter – The American Association of Retired Persons meets the second Friday of each month at the community center at El Franco Lee Park on Hall Road. Noon Moving Forward Women’s Adult Children Anonymous – The ACA group meets Fridays at noon at the Up The Street Club in Webster, 508 Nasa Parkway, in room 4. ACA is a 12-step program of hope, healing and recovery for people who grew up in alcoholic or dysfunctional homes. For more information, call 281-286-1431. 8 p.m. Pasadena Little Theatre – Pasadena Little Theatre presents Greetings! by Tom Dudzick at 8 p.m. at 4318 Allen-Genoa Road. The show runs through Dec. 19. Fridays and Saturdays performances are at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. One special priced Thursday show will be held at 8 p.m. on Dec. 16. Kathy Woods is the director. Make reservations online at pasadena or call 713-941-1758. SATURDAY, DEC. 11 6 p.m. Frontier Squares – Meets to square dance at the Westminster Academy at 670 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Refreshments provided. For more information, contact Gina Sherman at 281-5545675 or visit 8 p.m. Pasadena Little Theatre – Pasadena Little Theatre presents Greetings! by Tom Dudzick at 8 p.m. at 4318 Allen-Genoa Road. The show runs through Dec. 19. Fridays and Saturdays performances are at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. One special priced Thursday show will be held at 8 p.m. on Dec. 16. Kathy Woods is the director. Make reservations online at or call 713-941-1758. SUNDAY, DEC. 12 2 p.m. Grief Support Group – For any adult who has lost a loved one. Meets every Sunday, except Mother’s Day, Easter and Christmas from 2 to 3:15 p.m. at First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway. For more information, call 281-487-8787. 3 p.m. Pasadena Little Theatre – Pasadena Little Theatre presents a matinee performance of Greetings! by Tom Dudzick at 3 p.m. at 4318 Allen-Genoa Road. The show runs through Dec. 19. Fridays and Saturdays performances are at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. One special priced Thursday show will be held at 8 p.m. on Dec. 16. Kathy Woods is the director. Make reservations online at pasadena or call 713-941-1758. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Sundays and Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. and Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street. For information, call 713-204-2481. MONDAY, DEC. 13 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Monday through Friday. from 7 to 8 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 114. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. 9 a.m. Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise and speech therapy from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Clear Lake Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd., Webster. Visit for a complete list of services offered. 6 p.m. Scrabble Club #511 – Meets every Monday at the IHOP on Fuqua from 6 to 9 p.m. All who enjoy the game or want to learn to play are invited to join. For more information, call 281-488-2923. 6:30 p.m. New Directions Singles Club – The New Directions Singles Club has moved its time and location from St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Nassau Bay, to Webster Presbyterian Church, 201 West NASA Parkway in Webster. Meetings are held every Monday evening beginning at 6:30 p.m. This organization was created as a social support outlet for 50+ widowed, divorced and never married individuals. In addition to the regular meeting, a potluck dinner is held on the first and third Mondays. Call 713-340-2354 for information. Civil Air Patrol Meeting – Weekly at Ellington Field in the Civil Air Patrol Building. Call 281-484-1352 and leave a message for more information. 7 p.m. Sagemont Civic Club – Meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at Kirkwood South Christian Church, 10811 Kirkfair Dr. Grief Support Group – “Friends Helping Friends” meets every Monday from 7 to 8:15 p.m. at Clear Lake Rehab Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Those who have lost a spouse or other loved one are invited to participate. For information, call Betty Flynn at 281-474-3430 or Diana Kawalec at 281-334-1033. Continued on Page 4B THINK MONEY THINK THE CLASSIFIEDS buy... you’ll save money! sell... you’ll make money! Call Today 281-481-5656 Page 4, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, December 9, 2010 REAL ESTATE Leader Reader Ads 25 Words - $8 • 3 Weeks $22 Business - 25 Words - $10 • 3 Weeks $27 Roy Shiflett Realtors • Celebrating Our 30th Year of Serving the South Belt Community! 281-481-3733 • Quality Service Award Winning Office • Se Habla Español Celebrating “40” years! 281-481-9000 10914 Fuqua PIENSA COMPRAR o vender su casa, aquí estamos para servirles SUN VALLEY: Nice 3-2-2, Updated Kitchen W/New Appliances, Fresh Interior Paint, Refinished Hardwoods, Plus an In-ground Pool! $99,900. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Intersection of Genoa Red Bluff & Strawberry. 2.24 Unrestricted Acres. 219’ Frontage on Genoa Red Bluff. $225,000. BEVERLY HILLS: Large Corner 3 Bdrm, Both Formals, Huge Den W/FP, Remodeled Kitchen, Granite Counters, 13x18 Extra Room, 2 Car Gar. & 2 Car Carport + Cov. Boat Parking. $99,900. FOR LEASE: Cedarwild TH - 2 Story Loft Style 1 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath, Large Den, Fireplace, Refrigerator, Washer, Dryer Included. $500/mo. Plus Equal Deposit. SOLD SOLD Each Office Independently Owned & Operated. HIGHLAND MEADOW: 2 Master Suite on 1st Floor, Open Story 3-2.5-2, Den, Fireplace, Kitchen, Den, Breakfast Area, Breakfast, Formal Dining, Fireplace, Upstairs Gameroom Gameroom Plus Swimming & Patio. $150,000. Pool. $149,000 WOODMEADOW: Nice 3-2-2 BEVERLY HILLS: Cute 3-1- On Cul-de-Sac Street, Spacious 1, Hardwood Floors, Central Air/ Den With FP, Vaulted Ceiling, Heat, Covered Patio, Storage Recent Paint Inside + Out, Bldg., Refrigerator, Washer & Updated Baths. $105,900. Dryer Included. $71,500 GULF PALMS: 3 Bedroom, 1 THINKING OF SELLING? Bath with Large Den Addition, Chances are you’ll be pleasant- Plus 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath Garage ly surprised at the value of your Apartment on Corner Lot. home. Call today & ask for our $89,000! FREE estimate of your proper- HUD HOME: 8406 Kirkbrook, ty’s value! 1 Story 3-2-2, Formal Living, SOUTH HOUSTON: Den, FP, Large Master Bedroom Remodeled 3-2-2, Recent Roof, & Bath, Island Kitchen. A/C, Paint, Carpet, Tile & $130,000. Appliances. Large Den & KIRKWOOD SOUTH: Corner Rooms, Big Yard. $114,900. 3-2-2D, Formals, Den, FP, BEVERLY HILLS: 2 Story, 5 Bdrm., 3 Bath, Huge Kitchen, Cathedral Ceiling, Wet Bar, Corian Counters, 2 Story Covered Patio. $119,900. Ceilings, Decorator Touches. FOR LEASE: El Dorado Way, Nice 2-Story, 2.5 Bath Town $109,900. CLEARWOOD CROSSING: Home, Fireplace, Island Kitchen. Spacious 2 Story 4-2.5-2. $795/Mo. Plus Equal Deposit. "The Company You'll Keep" Buying or Selling? Call the Experts! Be one of our # 1,000’s # of satisfied customers! SAGEGLEN - Approx. 2,225 Sq. Ft., 3 Bedrooms W/Loft Area, Den W/Fireplace, Wet Bar, Large Bedrooms. Great Deal! Low Taxes! $119,900. Call Tami, 713-628-4157. DEER PARK - Cul-de-sac, 3 Bdrms. Down + 1 Bdrm. (21x15) Upstairs W/Private Bath (or Gameroom). Extra Parking, Tech Shield, Seller Considering All Offers. Reduced for Quick Sale, $217,500. Call Tami, 713-628-4157. CLEAR BROOK CROSSING - 4 Bedroom, 2,121 Sq. Ft., 1 Story. New Carpet, Fresh Paint, Tile in Wet Areas. Both Formals, Open Floor Plan, Close to Weber Elementary. Reduced, $149,900. Call Tami, 713-628-4157. REDUCED PRICE - WOW - $114,900 - SOUTH BELT AREA - 4-2.5-2 - W/Gmrm., Fantastic Tile, Wood Lament Floors, Rem. Kitchen W/ New App., New Roof, Huge Bkyd. W/Covered Patio. KIRKWOOD- 4/2/2 New Carpet, Updated Appliances W/5 Burner Stove Top, New Roof, Large Backyard W/ Covered Patio. Reduced! $117,000. Call Tami, 713-628-4157. SAGEMONT PARK - Terrific 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath, Both Formals, Upd. Flooring (Wood & Tile), Lrg. Den W/FP, Master Bdrm. W/Jacuzzi Tub. Priced to Sell! $115,000. Call Judy, 281-703-6309. A FAMILY OWNED COMPANY YOU CAN TRUST Thinking Of Selling??… Call for our FREE ESTIMATE OF YOUR PROPERTY’S VALUE! FOR SALE: ‘84 BLAZER 4X4, not running, & ‘93 GMC Safari van, needs transmission work. Fix or use for parts. Both vehicles for $1,500 as is OBO. Please call 832-526-7269 or email jnr520@ for photos. TF Clearwood Crossing, Large 4 Bdr., 2 Bth., 2 Gar., Both Formals, Quiet Cul-de-sac Facing Park, Almost New, Close to Schools and Frwy. Lots of Amenities. Possible Owner Finance. STORAGE karmalennon designs BOATS, RV’s, CARS • Concrete floors • Electricity • Water • interior decoration, home staging and art consulting • residential & commercial • formally trained with degree • practicing artist for over 20 years 25’ stall - $65 30’ stall - $80 713-943-7172 11502 Dumas COMPUTER 281-309-7375 LOST & FOUND LOST DOG! REWARD! Visit us at AUTOMOTIVE HOME FOR SALE · 281-484-1111 k Need Help Finding Your Dream Home? PENDING SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD ! gents Top A ervice! rior S ntion! e p u S tte nal A sults! Perso Re itive s o P = Leader Reader Ads 25 Words - $8 • 3 Weeks $22 Business - 25 Words - $10 • 3 Weeks $27 My name is “Bella.” Please help me find my family! I’m black & white, long hair, long tail, female, 15-20 lbs., grey patch over right eye, grey behind ears. Missing since Dec. 1 on Beamer, near Hall Rd. Not wearing collar, spotted on Fuqua and at Stuchbery Elem. I’m an inside dog and I may be scared! 281-451-9124/281-300-9988 Call Anytime! YOUR FRIENDLY Neighborhood Computer Guy. New hard drive, upgrades, increase memory, wireless setup & home networking. Complete scan for viruses & cleanup, $35. Hablamos Español. 713-987-9189. 12-16 Southbelt-Data-Systems - Hard Drive Data Recovery - Linux Installation. 10909 Sabo, Suite 120, 281-922-4160. E-mail: sds@ TF GARAGE SALE 12815 FUQUA. Thurs. & Fri., Dec. 9 & 10, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Church sale for missions. Many items: convection oven, mobility chair, electronics, big men’s clothing, glassware, baby & toddler clothes, toys. No early! 12-9 1059 EASTLAKE (off Edgebrook) Sat., Dec. 11, 8 a.m. Antiques, household items & lots of misc. 12-9 South Belt-Ellington Leader Leader Ads LeaderReader Reader Ads Deadline: 25 Words $8 for 1 week Personal: Noon Tuesday or Words- $8 for 3 $21 2525 Words • 3Weeks Weeks $22 no changes, no refunds. Business: 25 Words - $10 • 3 Weeks $27 Ads Are Not Taken Over The Phone no changes, no refunds _______________________________________________________ 11447 SAGESTANLEY. Sat., Dec. 11, 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Items include girl’s clothes (newborn-24 months), stroller, infant carrier, various baby items, TOYS, shoes, purses, women’s clothing and more! 12-9 HEALTH HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED on the job or in an automobile accident? The company doctor or insurance company doctor is not your doctor. He works for the company. In Texas you get to choose your doctor. Call me, Dr. Michael Stokes for your free consultation. 281-481-1623. I will work for you. I have been relieving back and neck pain for South Belt families for over 30 years. I want to be your chiropractor. TF HELP WANTED PATIENT COOK/DIETARY AIDE. FT/PT. Great pay/excellent benefits! Work either: Luby’s @ Cornerstone Hospital (Clear Lake) 709 Medical Center Dr., Webster, 77598. Luby’s @ Cornerstone Hospital (Bellaire), 5314 Dashwood, Houston, 77081. Apply in person or call 281-3168080. 12-9 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Cowboys vs. Eagles tickets for this Sun., Dec. 12. Great seats in Section 121, Lower End Zone, Row 15, Seats 7 & 8. Only asking face value of $300 OBO. Call 713-416-4174 for info. 12-9 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 11606 SAGEHURST, $110,991. 4 bed, 2 bath, 2,450 sq. ft. Granite island kitchen, custom cabinets, 2 ovens, glass cooktop, new water heater & furnace, deck, BBQ, many upgrades. 713-2401979. 12-9 FOR RENT: 3-2.5-2 SAGEMONT Park townhouse. Both formals, 1,800 sq. ft. $925 + deposit. 281481-2711. 12-16 SERVICE TYLER’S POOL SERVICE. Years of experience, pool inspections for home buyers. Filter & motor. 832671-3632. DRAIN & CLEAN. 12-9 KIM’S JANITORIAL & MAID Services. Free estimates, reasonable rates, Christian woman. Call 713-725-5771 or 713-874-4568. 12-16 PATENTED ANTI-AGING & energy complex. Immune system booster. Guaranteed weight loss program. Patent-pending energy mix without caffeine. Tim 310-3039656. TF _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ★★★★★★ ★ Advertise in the Leader! Let the Leader Classifieds Be Your Guide! ★ South Belt Graphics & Printing No Job Too Small! Now printing small-quantity orders! Call For Information 281-484-4337 The South Belt-Ellington Leader urges all readers to exercise caution when responding to any ads where there may be an exchange of personal information. HELP WANTED Nurse Manager Comprehensive cardiac care center seeks skilled nurse with medical management experience. Primary duty will be to manage, supervise, and coordinate the operations of the patient care clinic. Pay up to $70,000. No weekends. Interviews coordinated through Medserv, the service organization of the Harris County Medical Society. We represent over 75% of physicians practicing in the greater Houston Texas area. To apply for this position e-mail your resume to To follow up call us at 713-526-1321. Need Help Around The Office? Let the Leader advertise your job openings! Just bring your ads to our office by noon Tuesday or use the mail slot by the front door. 11555 Beamer 281-481-5656 _______________________________________________________ Make checks payable to: South Belt-Ellington Leader 11555 Beamer Road, Houston, TX 77089 After Hours: Use mail slot in front of building facing Beamer. 281-481-5656 Turn those unwanted items in your garage and closets into cash! Bring ads into Leader office by Tuesday or use the mail slot by the front door. Let the Leader help with your advertising! 11555 Beamer Call - 281-481-5656 281-481-5656 LAWN & GARDEN DON’S MOWING & LANDSCAPE Residential, Commercial Landscape Your New Home or Give Your Home a New Look Pressure Washing • Fertilize Lawn Trim Trees • Complete Lawn Service DEPENDABLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - FREE ESTIMATES Call Don 281-484-5516 Advertise Your Business in The Leader! DAN’S TREE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED CALL TODAY ! TREE REMOVAL • STUMP REMOVAL • FIRE WOOD/ BARBEQUE WOOD •TREE TRIMMING • TOPPING • HAUL OFF • PRUNING • SHAPING 832-768-6292 • 281-922-4787 South Belt Graphics & Printing One stop for all your printing needs • Business Forms • Business Cards • Custom Letterheads & Envelopes • Wedding Invitations • Thank You Notes • Menus • Directories and much more! 11555 Beamer 281-484-4337 CALENDAR Continued from Page 3B TUESDAY, DEC. 14 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Monday through Friday. from 7 to 8 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 114. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. 9:30 a.m. CCART – The Clear Creek Association of Retired Teachers meets the second Tuesday of each month, September through May. They are held from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Bay Area Community Center, 5002 Nasa Parkway in Seabrook near the Landolt Pavilion. All Texas retired school employees from all surrounding school districts are welcome to attend and join this organization. Annual dues are $35. 10 a.m. American Begonia Society – Meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Pasadena Town Square Community Room. For more information, call 713-946-4237 or 713-941-7158. 10:30 a.m. Tri-County Republican Women – General meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month except June and July at Golfcrest Country Club, 2509 Country Club Drive in Pearland. A luncheon is available. To make reservations, call 281-484-8083. 1 p.m. Pasadena Heritage Park and Museum – Exhibits include dioramas, an old-time kitchen and a turn-of-the-century doctor’s office. Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. 204 S. Main, Pasadena. For information, call 713-472-0565. 1:30 p.m. Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise and speech therapy from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Bayshore Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center, 4021 Brookhaven, Pasadena. Visit www. for a complete list of services offered. 6:30 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) – Due to Sagemont Recreation Center closing for remodeling, TOPS will meet at the Beverly Hills Community Center, 10201 Kingspoint. For information, call Erma Coskey at 713-946-6049. Green Thumb Series – The Harris County Master Gardeners at Precinct 2 offers free evening gardening lectures the second Tuesday of each month at the Bass Pro Shops, Hwy. 288 @ the Sam Houston Tollway. Programs will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Visit the Web site for a list of topics and location at www.hcmgap2. or call 281-991-8437. Clear Lake Toastmasters Club – Meets at the Clear Lake Church of Christ, 938 El Dorado Blvd. Call Jerry Tate at 281-481-5417 for information. 7 p.m. St. Luke's Catholic Church – St. Luke the Evangelist Church, 11011 Hall Road, offers free tutoring on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tutoring is held in Room 2 of the Education Building. Contact Joe Pavlicek at 281-484-1397 or by e-mail at Houston Space City Lions Club – Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Golden Corral, 12500 Gulf Freeway. For more information, call George Malone at 281-4387243. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Tuesdays and Sundays from 8 to 9 p.m. and Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street. For information, call 713-204-2481. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Monday through Friday. from 7 to 8 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 114. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. 10 a.m. Harris County Master Gardeners at Precinct 2 – Free monthly gardening educational programs meet on the third Wednesday of each month. The programs are at 10 a.m. at Clear Lake Park in the meeting room located at 5001 Nasa Parkway, Seabrook (on the south side of the lake). The programs are free and open to the public. For information, call 281-991-8437 or visit the Web site at 11:30 a.m. Houston Hobby Airport Lions Club – meets at 11:30 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held at the Golden Corral, 12500 Gulf Freeway (Fuqua and I-45). For information, call Monica Montoya at 281-794-5531. 4 p.m. Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise held from 4 to 5 p.m. at First Baptist Church of Pearland, 3005 Pearland Parkway, Pearland. Visit for a complete list of services offered. 6:30 p.m. Bay Area Turning Point Crisis Intervention Center – Domestic violence support group for male survivors meets each Wednesday at 210 S. Walnut off NASA Parkway. Call 281-338-7600 for information. Participants may join at any time as this is an open group. Visit us online @ Thursday, December 9, 2010, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 5 SERVICE Hayden Cooling & Heating, Inc. 281-481-3914 NO GAMES, NO GIMMICKS. JUST HONEST RELIABLE SERVICE! FREE $39.95 ALL WORK GUARANTEED 281-484-8986 NO SERVICE CALL CHARGE! • Financing Available • Radio Dispatched • Estimates on Equipment • Second Opinions TACL #B00567SE TACLB4351C 12 MONTHS Interest Free! Residential Only WE SERVICE ALL MAKES WE GIVE A FREE 2ND OPINION ON NEW EQUIPMENT TACLB1954E ★ CERAMIC TILE ★ WOOD FLOORS ★ GRANITE ★ CULTURED MARBLE ★ PLUMBING ★ TUB & SHOWER CONVERSIONS ★ MEET ADA STANDARDS ★ SAFETY GRIP BARS ★ COMPLETE REMODELS 281-481-1022 281-235-8073 SPECIAL OFFER 713-649-2665 Quality Work - Dependable Free Estimates - References Painting Interior & Exterior Siding All Types - Floors Conversions - Patios – Fences Concrete - Carpentry Work Additions - Kitchens Bathrooms - Garages for 18 Years 281-685-4805 • 281-692-1684 MPL #18439 Termite & Pest Control (Former WARDS employee) All Major Brands 25 Years Experience 281-585-5693 Morgan’s Janitor Service • Roaches • Rats • Mice • Spiders • Ants • Fleas • Termites • Silverfish Owner: Myron Lewis Triple M Plumbing TERMITE SPECIALIST Complete Building Maintenance ANY SEASON Floor Stripping & Waxing One Time Jobs or Contracts Insured and Bonded PEST & TERMITE CONTROL 281-484-6740 Master License # 8069 281/481-1850 or 281/485-4341 Family Owned and Operated Since 1984 Member South Belt-Ellington Chamber $25 OFF STERLING ELECTRICAL SERVICES YOUR FIRST SERVICE CALL Providing All Your Commercial & Residential Electrical Needs Melvin D. Glover III One coupon per household. Not valid with any other offer. Great Prices! 5 Year Labor Warranty • Vinyl • Hardi Board Siding Kevin Dalley ’76 Dobie Grad REPLACEMENT & STORM WINDOWS BONANZA AIR & HEAT 281-922-KOOL (5665) TACLB002755C IT’S BACK! $1,000 REBATE!* 2nd chance! Don’t miss out! Act now! The Texas Appliance Rebate Program will begin AGAIN on December 20, 2010. Call today for qualifying installation dates & details. Schedule and reserve an install date today! *1st come, 1st served. $10M available. Will also qualify you for $1,500 tax credit if installed before 12/31/10. Any season in Houston is bug season. Residential • Commercial Please Check Us Out – We Are Here To Stay Cell 281-455-1175 Pgr. 713-786-5910 Ph. 281-464-9037 Call Now! 281-481-9683 PLUMBING Serving & Saving Your Community TACLB 28564E If you want a Quality Job we are the ones for you 281-484-4777 Home Repair & Remodeling CAVAZOS Roland Cavazos 713-944-5257 We have been Same Name & Phone Number Since 1991 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ $45 Heating Inspection Marcus Gonzales Construction Custom Cabinets Installed Free Estimates UP TO $1,200 281-484-1818 4403 F.M.2351 GET IT TODAY! 10207 Kirkwren Dr. REFERENCES AND PROOF OF INSURANCE ON REQUEST Free Estimates on New Equipment Specializing in Bath & Kitchen Remodels FACTORY REBATE LEWIS CONSTRUCTION Call for Heating Inspection Since 1983 W.A.C. 33 Years South Belt Resident Serving your neighborhood since 1982. 100% FINANCING TO QUALIFIED BUYERS *ask about $1500 federal tax credit! Heating & Air Conditioning AIR & HEAT INC. CHECK-UP Sales & Service – We Service All Brands – South Belt FURNACE OR A/C Will Tell You What Is Wrong With Your System If Anything. Leader Reader Ads 25 Words for $8 • 3 Weeks for $22 Business - 25 Words for $10 • 3 Weeks $27 Airstream AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING New Furnace Specials Available Now! Plus, Get Cash for Old Furnace Call for a free estimate For limited time only. Lic.TACL23730E Call 281-481-6308 Willie’s Concrete Works 713-591-4751 Driveways • Patios • Sidewalks • Repairs Additions • Pool Fill-ins • Etc. MPL-19638 24 HOUR SERVICE • LICENSED & INSURED TECL #27247 Commercial • Industrial • Residential WE ARE INSURED Houston, Sagemont and the World! Office 281-484-7712 We also do hauling. 281-489-7200 YOU CAN COUNT ON US Owned & Operated by Alan O’Neill MPL#20628 • Room Additions • Concrete Drives • Decks • Patios • Kitchen & Bath • Home Maintenance • Floorings •Hardy Board • G & F APPLIANCE REPAIR We service all major home appliances. Our Professional Technicians will provide you with service you can trust. All “Honey Do’s” list Garage Door Problems? Call Big Edd’s MENTION THIS AD AND SAVE $10 281-650-4777 Established 1979 Repair/Replacement 281-480-8898 Garage Doors & Openers 713-784-4238 CAVAZOS ELECTRIC “Fast, Friendly Service at a Discount Price” Licensed & Insured • Residential & Commercial Master Electrician - Call Joe @ TECL# 2567 713-302-5742 BOOKKEEPING Cynthia L. Vetters, CPA Individual-Corporate-Partnership & Estates • All Tax Preparations • Financial Statement Preparation • Monthly Accounting Services • Individual & Business Tax Planning • Payroll & Other Related Services 281-481-4184 SAME DAY SERVICE John 8:12 Licensed • Insured Lighthouse Electric 713-530-0833 Located in the South Belt area J.R. Gibbs, Owner TECL# 19197 ★ Best Service ★Best Price Repair & • All Brands Servicing • 35 Years Sears Exp. 281-286-0906 Sewer & Drain Cleaning, Emergency Water Leak Repairs, Toilet Repair or Replacement, Garbage Disposal Installation, Backflow Certification & Repair, Gas Testing, Water Heater Repair or Replacement Primary Plumbing Service RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Complete Plumbing • Repair Service • Jet Out Sewers 713-643-7228 All Major Credit Cards Accepted ML 17449 ~ Se Habla Espanol SOUTH BELT SERVICE CO. Will Beat Most Estimates Serving t el South B 88 Since 19 Jim Elder • 281-484-2685 E-mail: • PAINTING - INT./EXT. • PLUMBING • SEAMLESS GUTTERS • SHEET ROCK • ROTTEN WOOD/DOORS • HARDI BOARD BATHROOM REMODELING WATER DAMAGE REPAIR ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ BROWN’S PAINTING SERVICE Old-Fashioned Service Need A Door? Carpenter Specializing in New Doors and Repair. Reasonable Rates Call Jerry 281-300-3282 ELLIOTT’S REMODELING A Full Service General Contractor EXTERIOR / INTERIOR • ROOFING • CUSTOM BATH / KITCHENS • SIDING • SHEETROCK WORK • FENCES • ROOM ADDITIONS • ALL TYPE FLOORING • CONCRETE • PAINTING • INTEGRITY • COMMUNICATION • QUALITY ACCREDITED BUSINESS REFERENCES • 30+ YRS. EXP. 281-487-2234 • 713-817-5505 DECK TECH FENCES 832-297-3339 99% of our fences withstood Hurricane Ike KW Painting • Interior/Exterior Painting • Environmental Friendly Paint • Sheetrock Repair and Texturing • Minor Carpentry • Cabinet Refinishing • Pressure Washing • Hardy Plank Installation • Fencing References Available Free Estimates 281-773-3991 • 281-481-0428 ELECTRIC REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS • • • • • • • Free Estimates Senior Citizen Disc. No Service Charge Res./Comm. Master Electrician Insured TECL#21246 281-484-8542 LOW PRICES HIGH QUALITY FREE baseboard with first cleaning! We accept most major credit cards. SAGEMONT ELECTRIC SVCS. $20 OFF 2nd Cleaning! NOW HIRING Free Estimates Gary Brown 281-488-3361 A & M DRYWALL • Sheetrock • Painting • Demolition • Tile • Fences Call for a Free Estimate 281-642-2939 Alvaro Bravo Visit us online at Page 6, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, December 9, 2010 Blakely wraps up milestone-marked volleyball career at Newberry College Former Dobie star collects 2,901 assists, adds 1,000 digs Racking up more than 1,600 assists as Newberry College’s primary setter during her freshman and sophomore seasons, Brianna Blakely eventually collected 2,901 assists in her career, placing her second in the all-time history of the program. Photos courtesy Newberry College SID Dept. By John Bechtle Sports Editor Four short years after leaving Dobie High School as an all-district volleyball player, Brianna Blakely is set to exit Newberry College in South Carolina not only with a college degree but as one of the women’s volleyball program’s bestever performers. The Wolves’ 2010 season did not go as well as planned as the team struggled to a 13-18 overall finish, complete with a quarterfinal (first round) loss in the South Atlantic Conference tournament. But that didn’t keep Blakely from placing her name among some of the very best in the volleyball program. With 860 assists in her final season, Blakely finished her career with 2,901, which will leave her second in school history. She also ended her career with a little more than 1,000 career digs, which will place her in the top six. Not too bad a career for someone who almost left the program following her freshman season. “I was homesick, and I had never experienced that before,” Blakely said. “There had been times in my life where I had gone to a volleyball camp out of town for a month and never felt that, so I thought I would be fine when I moved to South Carolina to come here.” But it wasn’t an easy transition, she said. “I was out of my comfort zone, and it was tough. I wanted to quit and move back home. But my parents (Renee and Steve Blakely) were great about it. They told me to go back for the spring semester – that it was only another four months of my life – and that if I still wanted to “On the court, it’s all been great. When I came on my visit, one of the things that sold me on this program was just being around the other players and getting a good feeling about them. “That has been the case all four years. Each year, we have had a great group of girls, and it has been really nice to be friends on and off the court. “I chose to come to a smaller Division II school. That’s something that some high school athletes don’t want to do, but it was a great thing for me. “You’re not just a number here, and that feeling of mattering was something I needed.” Brianna Blakely When Blakely does graduate this spring, she is likely headed back to the Houston area, albeit for a variety of reasons. She is considering a master’s program – likely in business marketing – at the University of Houston. Blakely is also excited to reunite with her older sister, Chelsea, who also graduated from Dobie and then enjoyed a fine playing career at the University of Texas-Pan American. Chelsea is completing her master’s work in business marketing at UT-PA and will also likely return to the Houston area. Sometime this spring or summer, there’s likely to be a nice family reunion at the Blakely home in the South Belt area. “It’s going to be great to get together again,” Brianna Blakely said. “Hopefully, we have made our parents proud. We know they have gone out of their way to do so much for us over the years.” As for her eventual career move, Blakely is still undecided. She did an internship last summer in the business administration field and decided it wasn’t a good fit. Perhaps something in sports marketing will feel more comfortable, and maybe one day going into business with Chelsea will be a fit. “It’s always been a dream of ours to open a business together, but these days you have to be careful,” Brianna said. We’ll see. I’m still finishing up here at Newberry, and then I have my master’s work. There’s still time to decide.” No matter what Blakely does in the next chapter of her life, there will be a few chapters marked in bold from her days at Newberry College. Just check the volleyball media guide. Her name may be there forever. H-town in Blakely’s future leave after that, I could. “I came back that spring and never looked back. It’s been a great overall experience for me, both on and off the court. “When I visited here during my senior year in high school, I felt like this was the place for me. It’s definitely a smaller town, nothing like the city where I came from, but it’s been great.” At right, Brianna Blakely spent the majority of her junior season at the libero position, which paved the way for her to finish her career with more than 1,000 digs to go with her 2,901 assists. Christmas Gift Sale Shop Local, Shop Almeda Mall Chance to win Free Gift Wrapping $10,000* Visit Santa Welcome Our New Stores: * Stop by the mall customer service center inside the Gift Palace store and show two same day mall receipts and receive a game scratch card. Scratch 5 squares with the prize symbol and win a $10,000 or $500 prize. Free Gift Wrap - present mall receipts which total $100 at the gift wrap center inside Cosmetic Cove and receive one free gift wrap. One free gift wrap per customer please. Macy’s · Palais Royal Ross · Burlington · Fallas 713-944-1010 · I-45 South @ Almeda Genoa Exit · An immediate starter As she did early in her career at Dobie, Blakely proved she belonged on the court as a freshman starter at Newberry. The Wolves already had a setter in place, but Blakely was able to step in and take control of the offense. “Coach said that one of us needed to step up and take the job, not just for ourselves but for the team,” Blakely said. “It always helps the entire team when you know each other on the court and can trust one another through the experience and repetitions. “Continuity means a lot in this sport, and fortunately, I was able to come in my first year and be a starter.” Blakely returned as a sophomore and had what turned out to be her best season at the setter position. That season, playing for first-year coach David Nicholson, Blakely registered 962 assists, leading the team to a winning record. Things seemed to be going very well, but then Blakely took one for the team as a junior. With two of the Wolves’ liberos struggling, Blakely was asked to move to libero for the betterment of the team. She did so and logged 450 digs to go with 436 assists. “I had played libero before at Dobie, so it wasn’t that big of a change,” she said. “Again, it’s something you have to do for the team.” During this past season, Blakely found herself playing primarily at setter, getting 860 assists and 301 digs to close out her career. “We came into the season with like seven hitters, so sometimes we ran a 5-1 and other times a 6-2,” Blakely said. “It was tough because this was our first losing season after three winning seasons, but I wouldn’t trade my entire experience here for anything.” Small town works fine Newberry College, located just over 40 miles outside of one of South Carolina’s largest cities of Columbia, has a little more than 1,200 total students on campus. The student to teacher ratio is 14:1, and roughly half of the college’s students participate in athletics. It doesn’t seem like the ideal place for a studentathlete like Blakely, who grew up in the bustling Houston area. Yet it’s been perfect for her. There isn’t much to do in the town during the week or on the weekends, so the students fill their time by supporting any number of the other athletic programs at Newberry College or by enjoying get-togethers in smaller numbers. “It’s definitely different,” Blakely said. “You know everyone here, and there certainly is a good dose of southern hospitality. “Everyone is friendly, and the smaller class sizes allow you to get the personal instruction if you need it.” Blakely said there have been several professors who have made a difference in her life during her pursuit of an education. She eventually chose to study business administration, gaining tutelage from professors who were company CEOs or business owners before becoming teachers. In short, they all had built successful professional lives. “All of my professors have played different roles in my life,” Blakely said. “The biggest thing is they have all taught us how things apply not just in the books but in real life. That’s been a big help along the way.” And Blakely has enjoyed plenty of good experiences while playing volleyball. Bias, SFA football finished Defending football national champion Villanova handed Stephen F. Austin University a 54-24 loss in the Football Championship Subdivision playoffs, ending the season for the Lumberjacks, including Dobie graduate George Bias. The Lumberjacks, champions of the Southland Conference, built a 21-7 lead after one quarter of play before the Wildcats seized control of the game. Stephen F. Austin, possessing one of the nation’s most prolific offensive attacks, scored just three points in its final five possessions of the game. Overall, SFA finished the season at 9-3 overall, but it was a disappointing ending for a team that had national title aspirations. Bias, a 6-foot-3, 305 pound offensive lineman, had his finest season during his junior campaign. The 2007 Dobie High School graduate was a first team member of the All-Southland Conference team. Bias, a business major, will return for his senior season in 2011. Planning a Holiday Party? Celebrate in one of our large party rooms or have us cater your special event. All cuisines available. Treat someone special to an evening of great food and fun with a Las Haciendas gift card. Sun.-Thurs. 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. FREE Mini Buffet 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Lunch Specials from $4.99 South Belt (12933 Gulf Freeway) 281-484-6888 Nasa (1020 NASA RD. 1 @ 45) 281-557-3500 STAFFORD (12821 SOUTHWEST FRWY.) 281-240-3060
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