March 2006 Bahn Stormer - Rally Sport Region


March 2006 Bahn Stormer - Rally Sport Region
Volume XI, Issue 2 Winter 2006
The Official Newsletter of The Rally Sport Region • Porsche Club of America
Some days are much better than others — Clif Rosenberry, a PCA member
from White Plains, N.Y., is the winner of the Porsche 911 Club Coupe Sweepstakes grand prize, (See page 14 for details.)
Rally Sport Calendar — Page 8
WOMENS’ ONLY Drivers’ Education Day — Page 19
Dinner at the Mediterrano — Page 22
by the end of the
second week of the month
Full Page: 8½” X 7” (ad size 8 x 6“) $145. per quarter,
per issue $60.
Half Page: 3¼” 7½” or 4 x 6¼” $85. quarter, per
issue $35.
Quarter Page: 3¼” x 4” $50. per quarter
Business Card: 3½” x 2¼” $100 per year
Classified: free to RSR club members , all
others $5.00 per quarter.
Contact: for Ads
Owen Balduf or 734.395.3087
Contact: for Classifieds
Mike O’Rear
For information or submissions to the
The Bahn Stormer please contact:
Mike O’Rear -
Material from The Bahn Stormer may be
reprinted (except for ads) provided proper
credit is given to the author and the source.
Copy is the responsibility of the advertiser.
Check out events at the
Zone 4 Website
Old Yeller (Part 1)…………………4
Membership Page………….……..7
Calendar / Events………………....8
Ultimate Porsche Driving………..10
Jeff’s Tech Bits…………….….….12
Ask Portia………………….…...…13
Meeting Minutes………………….14
Classifieds .. ...............................16
Membership Information………...18
Women’s DE Event………………19
Hot Off the Headers……………...20
The Official Page…………………23
lawn during January!), and the salt will be washed
from the roads. That is when I know spring is
really here, when there is no salt left on the roads.
Then I can get out and drive the car!
I've been honing my procrastination skills. It will
be track season soon, and there is much work to
put off until the last possible minute between now
and then. Our first event is scheduled for May 2,
and it won't feel like the start of a new season
unless the car is in the shop right up to the last
Patrick Jeski, President
I hope you made it to the Mid-Winter Blues
Caribbean Party. (It hasn't happened yet as I write
this, but I am looking forward to it.) Turnout for the
Holiday Party was excellent; about sixty people
showed up. The food was great, and so were the
people. I'm going to have to do this more often!
We have four Waterford days on the schedule this
year, as well as the weekend at GingerMan.
Ladies’ day is scheduled for June 20. Contact
Gary Starin (see the article in last month's issue,
or check our web site at and let
him know if you are interested! We have
Beginners' Day on May 2. If you have never
participated in one of our track events, this is a
good day to start. The helmet rules are relaxed a
bit, motorcycle helmets are allowed in the green
group, so you don't have to invest in a Snell SA
rated helmet. And we do have loaner helmets as
well. If you are not a beginner; you are still
welcome on Beginners' Day, we will have all four
normal run groups. And if you are a beginner and
can't make Beginners' Day, fear not! Beginners
are welcome at every event as well.
And as the season progresses, there are more
events. See the events calendar in this issue for
some hints!
It has been a strange winter, but spring is just
around the corner. Even though as I write this, we
are having a bit of a cold snap, I'm optimistic. The
days are getting noticeably longer, which always
makes me feel good. Soon the grass will be
turning green (again, I saw some green in my
PS: It’s brake dust, can you believe it?
Old Yeller — by Nancy Lowe
(Reprinted from Allegheny Region Rundschau with
permission from the author)
Installment #1 (of 3)
It’s 06:00 on a freezing December morning in 1978.
I’m riding in a van, wearing four layers of clothes,
on my way from Dayton, Ohio, to Horse Cave,
Kentucky. I am resigned to my fate. Today I will die
from hypothermia so Jon can get his hands on “a
REAL Six!” As the trailer bangs and bounces down
the highway, he is gleefully babbling on and on
about “real” Porsche brakes, suspension, and
power. Never mind that this car we are going to
buy, a 1970 914-6, hasn’t been started for four
years. Or that this means I have to sell my very
nice 1974 914-4 2-liter. Or that I will have to drive
this thing home – if it runs – sans any heat. It’s
something Jon can’t pass up. (“We’re getting a
parts car with it!” and “It’s a really early one!”) And
he has to buy it “right now.” I don’t have a terribly
good feeling about this.
roadworthy. A 1971 914-6 with a crushed front end
is pushed onto the trailer, the inventory of spares is
stowed in the van, payment is made, and we depart. I still don’t have a good feeling about this.
I can’t remember much about the drive home, other
than stopping every hour or so to allow me to get a
little fresh air, thaw my fingers, and gulp some hot
coffee. We aren’t sure that the Six will restart, so
we always leave it running. We can, however, be
sure that nobody will steal it. The shift linkage perfectly simulates stirring a can of gravel with a wet
noodle. When the stick is pushed straight forward
from first, you usually get fourth gear, not reverse.
(More on this later.) Eventually, we arrive home.
Jon is tired and happy. I’m tired and frostbitten.
On the first mild day after getting this hunk-o’-junk
home, I get out the wash bucket and start in on it.
First, a thorough rinse. The flow of peacock guano
from under the windshield trim lasts a good 15 minutes. (As Dave Barry would say, “I am NOT making
Several hours later, we pull into the entry for Mam- this up.”) I wash it. It is still brackish-grey. I wash it
moth Onyx Cave and meet Bill Austin. Seems like again. No change. I get out the bug remover. No
a nice guy. Maybe this won’t be so bad. He directs effect. We try everything we can think of. It graduus down the driveway. We come around the bend. ally improves. Several coats of wax finally make
I am dumbstruck when I see the car. When he told the car look sort of reminiscent of yellow in most
areas. Contrary to Bill’s statement that “it obviously
us that it was sitting in his carport, we thought he
faded as did all the ’70 cars that were yellow,” the
meant one that was attached to a house. This
looks suspiciously like a picnic shelter in the middle paint was pretty well destroyed by exposure to the
of his yard. The car is buried beneath leaves, cob- elements and his peacocks. Why again did we buy
this thing?
webs, dirt, and general detritus (but no tarp or car
cover). He said the car was yellow, but all I can see
Jon and Bill have many phone calls and exchange
are brackish-grey streaks. Hmmm. Maybe that
many letters in the succeeding months. We graduflock of peacocks over there explains more than
ally strip the parts car, putting the best bits on my
the layer of feathers.
The doors and lids creak open after a bit of fiddling Six and selling the rest. I am now greeted with,
to reveal that deep down inside, the car IS yellow. “Hey, Nance! What does your Six need this week?”
by every person in the parts department at the loGreat. I hate yellow. It also smells like my grandcal Porsche dealership.
mother’s attic after the roof leaked. We try to start
it. Nothing happens. Bill and Jon lean into the enI miss my 2-liter. It was a complete car. It ran well.
gine compartment and I retreat to the minimal
warmth of the van. After an hour or so of coughing, It looked good. It smelled good. But after a few
wheezing, back-firing, and sputtering (from both of autocross events in the Six, I don’t miss it quite so
much as I first did. I like the additional power from
the guys as well as the car), they pronounce it
(Continued on page 5)
the 2.0 T engine and the sound it makes. I like how
the Six’s brakes keep working even when it rains.
The yellow color doesn’t bother me so much as
long as I’m sitting inside it. And the horrible mustiness has faded. Maybe I’ll end up actually liking
this car.
Jon is in mechanics’ heaven as he continually
tweaks the carburetors, changes jets, and generally messes about with the mechanicals on the car.
That is … until he has to adjust the shift linkage.
He does this before every autocross since it has
42,000 adjustment points (okay – VERY minor exaggeration) that simply refuse to remain adjusted.
His standard method is: 1) slide under car, 2) make
adjustments, 3) get in driver’s seat, 4) make adjustments inside tunnel, 5) start car, 6) put it in reverse, 7) shut car off, 8) curse, 9) repeat steps 1
through 8 until car goes easily into reverse, 10)
restart car, 11) back out of driveway, 12) shut car
off, 13) curse, 14) repeat steps 1 through 13 until
car goes easily into reverse and first, 15) restart
car, 16) drive around block, 17) park in driveway,
18) shut car off, and 19) curse. This sequence may
be repeated several times before progressing to
20) drink beer. Good thing this car is so much fun
to autocross.
(The saga continues next month)
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball
and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the
infant's life without even considering if there is a man
on base."
Dave Barry
Porsche Boxster Again Garners Two of
North America’s Most Prestigious
Automotive Awards
ATLANTA, Dec. 8, 2005 ― Porsche’s Boxster and Boxster S® mid-engined soft-tops continue
to rack up awards, again earning two of the most
noted prizes available from the automotive press.
The Porsche Boxster has been named a 2006
Automobile Magazine All-Star, and has also made
Car and Driver’s 10 Best list.
The Boxster has earned both of these respected
awards on previous occasions. Appearing in Automobile Magazine’s January 2006 issue, a news
release on the awards referred to the Boxster as
“the sports-car from heaven.” In its January 2006
10 Best issue, Car and Driver described the Boxster
as having “pinpoint balance, augmented by reflexes worthy of an Olympic fencing champion,”
adding that, “the Boxster serves up the quintessential sports-car experience.”
3480 E. Grand River
Howell, MI 48843
(517) 545-5977
Discount Tire Company — satisfying your needs for
Custom Wheels and Tires.
Our success depends on delighting our customers and we
look forward to meeting each and every one of YOU!
Welcome to the Rally Sport Region
The Fast, Fun and Friendly Region
Current Membership 226
New Members
Jeffrey & Colleen Krieg
Brighton, MI
1990 Green 911
David & Fritz Bausch
Ann Arbor, MI
1982 Black 928
Member Anniversaries for March
Gary Migut
Alan Vayda
Gary Stellmach
Jack Dunlap
Thomas Elsner
Yoran Guy
Michael Jahs
Ernesto Roedenbeck
Lori Ellis
Richard Honecker
Charles Price
John Adamo
Ell Pizarek
Marko Tomko
Jason Wagner
John Oyer
John Rinne
Daniel Beckett
Jack Phillips
Membership Applications are available at:
Achtung !
We are trying to keep all members informed of upcoming
events or updates via Email. If it is a concern of privacy that
has kept you from sharing this information, please note; our
club does not share or sell your e-mail address or personal
information to anyone!
Please send your current Email address to
Glenn Trapp -
Only European Cars
Rally Sport Calendar
Thursday, 2
Saturday, 18
Thursday, 6
Saturday, 8
Saturday, 22
7:00 pm
10:00 am
7:00 pm
Tuesday, 2
Thursday, 4
Saturday, 20
Thursday, 1
Tuesday, 20
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Tuesday, 11
Thursday, 13
Thursday, 3
Sat.-Sun., 12-13
Thursday, 4
Thursday, 5
7:00 pm
Board Meeting at Baker’s of Milford
Dent Removal Demonstration at Kantrow’s
Board Meeting at Mediterrano, Ann Arbor, MI
Swap Meet with SE Michigan Region
Dinner at Mediterrano in Ann Arbor (see Pg. 11)
Beginners’ Day DE Event at Waterford Hills
Board Meeting at Baker’s of Milford
Lunch Run
Board Meeting at Ginopolis - Plymouth, MI
Women Only DE Event at Waterford Hills
DE Event at Waterford Hills
Board Meeting at Baker’s of Milford
7:00 pm
Board Meeting at Mediterrano, Ann Arbor
DE Event at GingerMan
7:00 pm
Board Meeting at Baker’s of Milford
DE Event at Waterford Hills
7:00 pm
Board Meeting at Ginopolis - Plymouth, MI
Color Tour
By Jim Harris ( Orange Coast Region )
freeways in the States. They are smooth and designed for high-speed travel. Patti was a little nervous at first about the higher speeds (I was ecstatic)
but she soon got used to them. In general, speeds
of around 170 to 200 kilometers and hour (100 to
120 mph) can be maintained for significant periods
of time. Much higher speeds are possible for a
limited duration. The Germans spend a lot of effort
maintaining their roads. The nice part, you’re never
looking for the flashing red lights behind you as it is
all legal. In between our rides on the Autobahn (eticket for those that
The story goes something like this.
know what the saying
means), we took tours of
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to drive
the Stuttgart
on the Autobahn. As a teenager, the type of car
(Zuffenhausen) and
didn’t matter. Later, after owning my own Porsche,
Leipzig Porsche factodriving a Porsche on the Autobahn was preferred.
ries to watch them build
Late one evening, while reading the Pandemonium
the cars we love so
newsletter, I saw an ad for Autobahn - Adventures.
much, visited wonderful
I started ranting and raving to my wife (asleep on
(in spite of being old) castles and churches ,
the couch in front of the TV as it was 12:30 am) “I
finally found the trip to Europe I want to take”. The shopped at interesting stores and boutiques
(according to Patti) and of course drove.
thought of visiting Europe to look at old buildings
and old churches ...didn’t exactly thrill me, but a
chance to drive a Porsche on the Autobahn without Another highlight of the
trip was the laps in the
speed limits, that was a trip I could deal with, inCarrera GT at the Porcluding the old buildings. We contacted Mark and
sche test track in Leipzig.
Tina Trewartha (
For those of you without
and we were all set to go.
a spare $450,000 this is
On the first morning of the tour (we took delivery of a once in a lifetime experience you will not forthe cars the night before) we, along with our get. Lunches in the dining facilities at both factories
were absolutely fantastic, especially in Leipzig
new acquaintances,
where you overlook the
John and Joanie, set off
track and can watch the
on our first drive. The
Carrera GT being put to
goal was to drive to
the test while you eat.
Saabruchen, walk
across the border and
Although the itinerary
step into France, tour the area (looking at just a
included suggestions as
couple of old buildings) and drive to our new hotel
to the sites to see and
in Nurburg. The driving was incredible. The roads
are engineering marvels. As a practicing Civil Engi- events to attend, the trip is set up to be as strucneer, I can attest to the fact that the German high- tured or as flexible as you like. There were lots of
way system (Autobahn) is superior to most of our
(Continued on page 11)
I want to tell you about one of the most memorable
times of our (my wife Patti and I) lives...our trip to
Germany last year. Why do I want to tell you?...
because it was the best vacation of my life (my wife
said it was tied for best with a romantic transatlantic crossing on the QE II). We spent 2 weeks
in a beautiful country on a tour with 20 other great
people seeing some awesome sites and driving a
great car. The stars of the trip...13 new Porsche
997 Carrera S.
activities for all. If you choose, however, you can
drive to other places during the day and then meet
with everyone at the hotel for dinner. Driving
around Germany was easy with the full navigation
systems provided with the cars. At the end of each
day, simply punch in the hotel and you were there.
All of the hotels, food and activities were truly first
On two of our free days,
we drove through the
countryside looking for
the brown signs (tourist
attractions) indicating
interesting places to see.
We would then input the
names into the navigation
system in the car, which
led us directly the point of interest. One of the
many locations we visited, King Ludwig’s
Neuschwanstein Castle, was absolutely stunning.
(war stories) of the day. The food and the company
were great. This was one of my favorite times on
the trip, in spite of not being a “group” or “tour” kind
of guy. A wonderful time was had by one and all.
As I said before, our trip to Germany was the best
vacation of my life. We saw and did too many
things to discuss in a short article. The country and
people are great, there is no language barrier, the
activities/touring are wonderful and the Porsche
driving was truly outstanding. Tina and Mark do a
great job setting up the trip and taking care of everyone. We did not encounter a single problem. WE
JUST HAD A BLAST! For anyone who likes to
drive fast and enjoy adventures, this trip is for you.
We enjoyed the trip so
much, we are going back
in September, 2006. For
more information check
out or call
Probably the best thing about this trip was spend( 714 ) 964-0280. You will
ing a lot of time with Patti doing things that we both
not regret it.
enjoyed. At the end of everyday, we would gather
To see these and other pictures in color check
at dinner to fellowship and share our experiences
out the Bahn Stormer on-line
Dinner at Mediterrano
April 22, 2006
Mediterrano Restaurant
$30 per person
Cash bar available
Joe Lile (313) 274-3091
by April 16, 2006
John Roumanis (RSR member) owns this fine Ann Arbor restaurant and
has promised a great meal and a wonderful evening. Come join us as we
celebrate good food with good friends.
The Events Committee
Jeff Jones has 30 years of automotive experience, predominantly Porsche since 1984.
He was awarded Master Porsche Tech by Porsche A.G. in 1986. He has owned and
operated Automotive Techniques since 1988. He has a unique and knowledgeable
perspective and approach to each car on an individual basis and the customer’s desire.
ο Leakage/Compression Test with
24744 Crestview Ct.
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
Phone: (248) 615-8964
every major maintenance
ο Complete Engine, Driveline,
Visit our website at!!
Suspension and Brake Service.
Performance Suspension, Wheel
and tire upgrade.
30 Years of Experience!
Head Studs
This week we will discuss head studs on Porsche 911's. All 911's have 24 cylinder head
studs to attach the heads to the engine. A
broken head stud can cause many problems
including loss of power, oil leaks, blown head
gaskets or worse. Every head stud needs to
be checked during every maintenance in order to help catch a broken head early on before it can cause any serious damage. Head
studs can fail at any time regardless of mileage. We have seen failures on cars with less
than 40,000 miles on them. Old 911's and all
911 Turbos are at the highest risk of a broken
head stud. Old 911’s are at risk because the
metal has been fatigued for many years and
Turbos are at a high risk because there is
more pressure in the combustion chamber
than in a regular 911. Replacing head studs
can be an expensive venture, but it is much
cheaper than a new engine! When we replace head studs we always use Raceware
studs, washers and nuts. They are strong
and reliable; we have never had a failure to
date. Since there really is no way to prevent
broken head studs, make sure those head
studs get checked out! Until next issue Jeff
Need Car Advice?
Ask Portia
Portia wants to remind her fans that she will entertain any questions pertaining to cars
and driving. She will gladly provide you with feedback, answers or abuse at her discretion. So don’t be shy, just Ask Portia. (
Dear Portia,
What do you think of giving one’s car a name?
Tom from Trenton
Dear Tom,
Names should only be given to people. Children should be named only after they have become human (this usually occurs after puberty); then they can have a say and not be saddled with
some piece of family heritage. Odin may have named his horse Slepnir but I can tell you the horse
hated it. Call your car The Car, The Cab (cabriolet), The Teener (914), The 44 (944) or something
straightforward. None of those cute names and absolutely no flowers. Makes Portia want to puke.
Dear Portia,
Why don’t the authorities let us use studded tires? Many European countries allow them.
Dexter Dan
Dear DD,
The most often used argument against studded tires is that they are hard on the road surface.
HA! The only way to make the roads around here any worse would be to drive on them with tank
treads. Since most roads are salted a good set of winter tires are your best investment. Portia prefers
her men studded, not her tires.
Dear Portia,
Did you see any celebrities during the Super Bowl?
Fran the Fan
Dear Fran,
Actually Portia was a celebrity during the festivities. Did you see the pictures of the Maxim
party? The paparazzi were all over the place trying to snap a picture of a real Valkyrie in her helmet,
braids and brass bra. One of them mistook Portia for a porn star. He should be out of his casts in
about six weeks.
Rally Sport Region – Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 2, 2006
Board Members Present:
Patrick Jeski: President
Joe Lile: Vice President
Jim Christopher
Jim Dowty
Patrick Grace:
Tom Green
Tom Krueger
Christian Maloof
Sue Sarin
Members & Visitor Present: Owen Balduf, Liz Christopher, Vigen Darian, Matt Huber, Dan Kantrow, Burghard
Linn (Treasurer), and Mike O'Rear (Editor).
Meeting Minutes: December meeting minutes reviewed and approved.
Treasurer's report: Burghard Linn presented the Dec/05 and Jan/06 reports. Reports approved. Reviewed Actual
vs. Budget for last year. Report approved. Check has been written to GingerMan for the August DE event to lock
in the date.
REMINDER: The Treasurer’s Report is available to any RSR Club member.
E-Mail your request to Burghard Linn (
Insurance: No report.
Goody Store Report: Chuck Freitas absent.
Advertising Report: Owen Balduf reported that all old advertisers have been retained and 8 new advertisers have
signed up. He is encouraging advertisers to add coupons to the ads so they get feedback. Talking to Jeff Jones
about a Dyno Day with the chassis dyno across the street with Jeff doing some tuning. Thinking about charging
extra for prime areas in newsletter (rear, center, back cover). New rate schedule for new advertiser will be available at the next meeting.
Membership: Burghard reported the count at 229.
Track report: Christian Maloof reported that Anne is no longer the manager at Waterford. Waterford Days:
May 2 (Beginner’s day), June 20 (Women's only day), July 11 and Sept 5. May need to look at the Sept 5 date because of the proximity to Labor day. Jim Christopher will run the July 11 event.
GingerMan Dates: August 12 & 13. Christian is working on new event forms and tech forms.
Newsletter: Mike O'Rear reported that the February newsletter has more pages. Need to keep a balance with content and advertising. Looking for information for Waterford. Deadline for next newsletter is February 18. Accepting bids for other print shops.
Web site: Pat reported that Cider run pictures have been updated. Still looking into registration for events on the
web. Still investigating payment on the website. To visit our website go to
Event Committee Report: Joe Lile reviewed upcoming events. Caribbean Party at Trapp’s on February 25. And
Dent and Ding Demo at Kantrow’s on March 18. Dan Kantrow reviewed a slide show of the Bellevue Mill.
Would like to plan a road trip to the mill, maybe in June. He will contact the owner for available dates. Rally and
Dinner Event is being planned for July by the Free’s.
New Business:
Business Cards: Burghard has business cards for distribution. Thank you card from Make a Wish foundation received.
Board meetings may have to be rescheduled from Ginopolis because of new manager. Owen has a possible new
location. Mary Ann will contact Ginopolis about future board meetings and coordinate with Owen.
New idea for the newsletter was discussed: “Hot shot” picture award – for member photos included in newsletter.
Meeting adjourned: 9:07pm. Minutes taken by: Mary Ann
Note: Unless otherwise noted. All monthly meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the first Thursday of each month. All
RSR members are welcome to attend any monthly meeting - see the RSR monthly newsletter “The Bahn
Stormer” for details.
Sleep in the Garage? Of Course!
(Details on front cover photo.)
Surrounded by family, friends and fellow PCA members, Rosenberry accepted the keys for 911 Club
Coupe #50 from Jack Bair, Porsche Club Consultant.
“This is an unbelievable prize – and a truly unbelievable car! On behalf of all the Porsche Club of America members in the United States and Canada, I say thank you,” Rosenberry said to the smiling group
of onlookers. “Porsche Cars North America has always been there for the clubs, and this was a wonderful birthday present to the club,” Rosenberry added, “and, of course, it is a great present for me
too !”
“I hope the weather is warm enough,” his wife remarked. “I know he is going to wind up sleeping out in
the garage with it tonight! ”
Have a car photo that you’ve taken and would like to share?
If you have a digital camera send a copy to the editor and it
might get included, with credit, in an upcoming issue of the
Bahn Stormer. Perhaps even the cover photo.
To see this and other pictures in color check
out the Bahn Stormer on-line
Please note that we are trying to update our classified section. If your ad is over six
months old, it will be removed unless you resubmit it
Please notify the editor if the item is sold.
2003 Carerra 911 Coupe. Black with Black
Interior, Manual, Stability Management, Upgrade Bose Sound Package, leather and
power seats. Stored every winter and detailedmint condition. Call Richard Honecker (313)
600-2515. Asking price-$59,000. (03/06)
2000 996 C4 Coupe "Millennium Package" Violettchromaflair Metallic over
"Millenium" Natural Brown + X99, Limited Edition: Number 291 of 911 made worldwide. 19,000 miles, 3.4, 300 hp, stainless exhaust, 18" polished alloy "turbo" wheels, Digital Sound Pkg., Litronic, GPS, On Board Computer, 3-spoke Str. Wh., aluminum instruments, PSM, about 3/4 leather with dark burl,
aluminum trim. Always garaged, no salt.
$52,500, Mark Breeding, 734-669-8801,
Note: Millennium is spelled two different ways
as per the original sticker.
1987 Porsche 911 Cabriolet. Black over Burgundy leather. Black top with burgundy boot.
Very attractive. Original 3.2L 5-sp G50 trans.
Updated 993 tech style rims. No wing. Records, 112K $17,500 obo. David at or 248-819-0756 (11/05)
1970 911 T - green with black interior - rebuilt
carbs, tranny and brakes. Accell ignition, new
wires and plugs. Newer carpet and paint.
Drives and low miles but in storage for many
years. Floor pan rust. Contact Tom McDonald
734-878-1539. (10/05)
For Sale: 1998 Ford Escort ZX-2, 2-door
coupe, 2.0L 16V DOHC 130hp, Manual Trans,
front wheel drive, Red with Grey interior, original owner, very good condition, great MPG
(30+ mpg and uses 87 octane fuel), Clean
chassis, engine and interior, A/C, PS, Power
locks, AM-FM-Cassette, Higher mileage vehi-
cle but very well maintained, no rust, have all
receipts, not driven much in past 2 years, recent maintenances include: new tie-rod ends,
alignment, new rear bearing hub assys, new
timing and serpentine belt and fuel filter, great
commuter/starter car or for kid away at school
$3,800.00, Contact Gary Starin, Work: 810257-8500 (days), Home: 248-887-2524
(evenings, weekends) (11/05)
1986 Carrera Race Car Kelly-Moss Motorsports Prepared. Very Fast GT3S or R 911
- $45,000 invested in full race 3.4 liter engine
built by Porsche Motorsport from all new parts.
Twin Plug, Mechanical Injection with RSR
stacks, Full Race 915 with Motorsport LSD,
RSR Clutch & Flywheel, Race Axles, KMR
Chromoly Roll Cage, Carbon Dash, Carbon
Kevlar Seats, Mil-Spec wiring harness,
Autometer UltraLite Gauges, custom KMR
Double Adjustable Coilover Dampers, KMR
Driver Adjustable Swaybars, Big Charlie
Brakes, two sets of 3-Piece BBS Race
Wheels, Halon fire System, large Enduro Fuel
Cell. All the best, no expense spared. Super
Fast and easy to drive. Includes Trailex CT7541HSCXS light weight aluminum trailer. $55,000. Photos on line at http:// or contact Peter
Haralovich at
Classic Cars
The following cars are for sale by Arndt
Clemens Weierstahl (810) 636-2840, (586)
’64 Porsche 356. 77,552 miles, beautiful
ivory exterior, red interior, southern car, previous owner Atlanta Porsche collector, extremely nice condition., $21,500.00
’70 Porsche 911 366 Engine, GT1 Race Car
#42, 40 hours on engine, $28K
’74 Porsche 911
GT2 Race Car #55,
GT2 WHRR Champion 5 X 1995 – 2005,
Placed 2nd and 3rd over 30 X in WHRR Racing,
Placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd 22 X in HSR Races, Placed
1st, 2nd and 3rd numerous X in Porsche Club Racing, $27K
’82 Porsche 911 K-1 Kremer (Slant Nose) 1st in
Show Boston Porsche Parade, 3.2 litre aluminum
alloy engine, RSR pistons/cylinders, 46 IDA Webers, Carrera RS cams, output 330 HP, MSD high
output ignition, front/rear suspension, 22mm front
swaybar, 21mm rear swaybar, special Bilstein
shocks with Kremer modification front/rear. Interior
Modifications: Recardo Luxury Seat, Momo Monte
Carlo steering wheel with matching shift knob.
Dennon Stereo/Cassette with MX Terminator
Speakers. Total mileage 61,516K; Only 9K on 3.2
engine (papers included). Modifications done by
Kremer in Atlanta 1986, $33K
190 SL Mercedes Benz 74,300 miles, Red Exterior/Tan Interior, $36K (03/06)
Winter Wheels & Tires, E36 3 series Arbet 7.5x17
wheels with 215-45x17 Michelin X M&S 330 winter
tires. Tires have about half tread remaining. $300
OBO. Elliot Wagenheim,
993 - New Bra, performance airbox and BMC F1
filter: Performance Products Genuine Porsche Bra
w/ embossed logo ( $125), Fab
Speed performance airbox and BMX F1 filter
( $175+$90). Best offer. or 734-710-4925 (08/05)
1985 944 parts: Parting an old and tired 944
street car, lots of parts available. To name a few:
Rear hatch $500, power steering rack $150, headlight assy $40 each, side windows $15 each, sunroof $15, lots more. Call or email to inquire. Greg
Steen 248-799-5947 or gregory.k.steen@aexp.
com (04/05)
Tires … Street or track set for 911: 2 Goodyear
215/45ZR17 and 2 Goodyear 235/45ZR17 Eagle
F1 (all excellent condition and 7/32 -9/32 tread
depth) … $100/set. Street tires for Boxster: 2
225/40ZR18 Dunlop SP Sport 9000 and 1
265/35ZR18 Michelin Pilot Sport (all excellent condition and 9/32 tread depth) … $20/tire. Jim Long
734-740-3240 or jlong48188@comcast (01/06)
To place your classified ad in
The Bahn Stormer please contact:
Mike O’Rear -
Fee: Advertisement for members is free, others are
based on space availability and have a fee of $5.00 per
Alloy Strut Bars: Versions available to fit 924 &
944 ($200); early 911 ($250); & 993/968 ($170)
models. Precision-fabricated in Germany. E-mail
me for details & photos at
Specializing in Tow Vehicles
Membership Information: Those interested in joining Porsche Club of America (PCA) can fill out the
application form located in the forms section of our website — Cost is $42 US per year. You
will receive a subscription to both Panorama, the official PCA magazine, and the The Bahn Stormer .
Send the application and a check (or Visa/MC), payable to Porsche Club of America, to the membership
chairperson, Glenn Trapp, for processing. If you have questions or need additional information please contact
Subscription to The Bahn Stormer is free to RSR* members. Non-members pay an annual fee of $18 US.
Address Changes: If you change your address, please forward your new address to Porsche Club of
America’s Executive Secretary:
Diana Tringali
PO Box 5900
Springfield, VA 22150
Please also forward your new address to the RSR* Membership Chairperson, Glenn Trapp, at This will ensure the timely delivery of both the Panorama and The Bahn
Stormer .
Please take note:
*Rally Sport Region’s official acronym from PCA national is RSP. Please make special note of this
when dealing with PCA national.
Gotta dent in your Porsche?
March 18, 2006
10:00 AM
Dan & Mary Ann Kantrow’s
5557 N. Territorial Road East
Ann Arbor, MI
Gary Starin wk. 810-257-8500 or
Donation: $10
You must see this demo for yourself! Jason Roth will demonstrate his paintless dent removal
technique and it will surprise you.
Interested members may bring their cars and have the dents removed as part of the
demonstration! Call Gary for details.
2006 Rally Sport Region WOMENS’-ONLY Drivers’ Education Day
RSR is conducting a “Women’s-Only” Track Driving education day at Waterford raceway on Tuesday, June 20,
2006. This event will give the women in our chapter the opportunity to experience track driving and learn what their
spouse or significant-other gets “all pumped up” about without the “testosterone effect” and apprehension of having
to drive on the track with the guys.
What you will learn:
All participants will receive a full day of 1 on 1 instruction and four 20 to 30 minute track sessions with a qualified
and experienced RSR instructor in a very safe and controlled track environment. Classroom instruction will also be
provided. You will learn the basics of track driving and vehicle dynamics and control during acceleration, braking
and cornering. Whether or not you ever decide to try this experience again – what you learn on the track at this
event will make you a safer driver on the street and may even save your life one day.
What you will need:
You will be required to provide your own vehicle: an every-day vehicle, a compact to midsized 2 or 4 door sedan
with good condition street tires and fully functional 3-point seat belts for both the driver and front seat passenger is
preferred. As an option – if you have experience driving your significant-other’s track car, then that would also be
OK to bring it to this special event.
You will need a proper fitting helmet: Either an SA (automotive)-rated or M (motorcycle) rated helmet. RSR only
has five SA-rated “loaner” helmets available so please plan to bring your own helmet or borrow one prior to the
Age, Driver’s License and Vehicle Insurance requirements: All participants must be 18 years of age or older, possess a valid driver’s license, and their vehicle must be fully insured. Participants under the age of 21 will require
parental permission and attendance of at least one parent during the event.
At this time (based on 2005 costs) it is estimated that this event will cost $130 per person for RSR members or
spouses/significant-others of RSR members and $150 for non-RSR members. Lunch will also be provided.
If you might have an interest in participating in this 2006 event, please contact: Gary Starin at 248-887-2524 or at
Thanks to Jim Christopher for sharing his
recipe for —
Ortonville, Cow Manure Grown, Mushrooms
One, 16oz, container of mushrooms, typically
hand-picked from the prime forests of Ortonville
One “brick” as I call it of Kraft cream cheese,
maybe eight ounces
Two and one-half tablespoons; minced or chopped
dried onions
One tablespoon dried chives
One tablespoon dried sweet basil
One tablespoon dried basil
One half teaspoon ground pepper
One teaspoon garlic powder
One teaspoon of crushed rosemary
One three-quarters to one cup Kraft grated Parmesan cheese.
First of all, I am particular about the Kraft ingredients as I have tried using other brands of cheeses
and results are poor…honest.
In a mixing bowl…fold all of the ingredients, except
the parmesan cheese, into the cream cheese.
Once this is thoroughly mixed, add the parmesan
cheese and blend it into the mixture. If you nuked
the cream cheese, let it cool to the point that will
allow you to introduce the parmesan cheese into
the mixture so that it will not melt.
Take a teaspoon and scoop out a little bit of the
cheese mixture. Transfer this mixture into a
‘shroom cap…I usually use the inside edge of the
‘shroom as a straight edge of sorts to drag the mixture against…depositing it into the cap. In any
event, a moderate mounding is good. When all of
the mushrooms are filled; baked until golden
brown…I cannot give an approximate time…maybe
one-half hour. This is important to note, I have
found it much better to cook the mushroom caps
under lower heat…325 degrees...rather than
higher. The reason is that it will dry out the mixture
as well as any moisture from the wash of the
mushrooms, and it will thoroughly warm the mixture inside the cap. If you accelerate the cooking
by increasing the heat, the interior of the caps will
not even be warm…and you want it hot. Similarly,
do not broil to brown the tops.
Don’t lose track of the fact that you will have to experiment with the quantities of the ingredients and
the amount of cheese mixture placed into the caps.
You can add red pepper for horsepower or more
garlic to fend off vampires. If you make the mixture
the night before…to save on preparation time…or
you have some left for another round of ‘shrooms,
you must allow it to warm without the aid of a microwave. Nuking the completed mixture makes the
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees…Fahrenheit.
parmesan melt and you have a gooey mixture that,
Thoroughly wash the mushrooms, pat dry with tow- actually, doesn’t taste good. You can, however,
eling and remove the stems to create a void in the nuke an already cooked cap to make it warm.
cap. This takes a little bit of time so start the oven
heating…it will be ready by the time you have cre- Any question, please telephone: 248 627-8655.
ated this mess….
Have a recipe that you’d like to share?
Please forward it to the editor at
Okay, soften the cream cheese…either by letting
stand for a few hours in its foil wrapper or placing
it, unwrapped, of course, in a microwave. It is difficult to convey in words, but the cream cheese
should have a medium consistency…so that you
can easily fold the ingredients together with a
wooden spoon.
911 C2, C4
18% OFF
18% OFF
18% OFF
*Includes: oil; air &
Fuel filters; v.c. kit;
Plugs; valve adj.;
30 point inspection
*Includes: oil; oil &
Ail filters, plugs,
All belts adjusted,
B.G. Fuel Additive,
35 point inspection
Oil Change
Oil Change
Through 1989
Oil Change
*Incl. Filter
*Includes: oil; oil,
Air & fuel filters; v.c.
Kit; plugs; valve
adj.; B.G. Fuel Additive;
30 point inspection;
1978-89 Models
Reg. $225.50
Turbo models
Add $45.00
*Incl. Filter
March 31, 2006
7:00 a.m.-Midnight
Call for appointment
Balance &
Timing Belt
Reg. $350.00
Patrick Jeski *
Pinckney, MI 48169
Vice President
Joe Lile *
Dearborn, MI 48124
Past President
Kelly Roberts
Howell, MI 48843
Goodie Store Chairperson
Chuck Freitas
Chelsea, MI 48118
Advertising Chairperson
Owen Balduf
Dexter, MI 48130
Membership Chairperson
Glenn Trapp
Brighton, MI 48114
Burghard Linn
Brighton, MI 48116
Mary Ann Kantrow
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Tech Chairperson
Jim Dunham
Plymouth, MI 48170
Track Registrar
Dan Gaulin
Northville, MI 48167
Track Chairperson
Christian Maloof *
Dexter, MI 48130
Safety Chairperson
John Melvin
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Insurance Chairperson
Patrick Grace *
Brighton, MI 48114
Sue Sarin *
Milford, MI 48381
Bahn Stormer Editor
Mike O’Rear
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Patrick Jeski *
Pinckney, MI 48169
Events Committee
Joe Lile -
Tom Green -
Sue Sarin -
Claudia Trapp -
* Denotes Board Member
Archivist / Historian
Joe Lile *
Dearborn, MI 48124
Zone 4 Rep
Roy Wilkinson
Akron, Ohio
Board Members
Jim Christopher *
Ortonville, MI 48462
Jim Dowty *
Pinckney, MI 48169
Tom Green *
Saline, MI 48176
Dan Kantrow *
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Tom Krueger *
Sterling Heights., MI 48313
The ideas, opinions and suggestions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the PCA or RSR. PCA and RSR do not
take responsibility for the content of such articles. Permission to reprint any material from this publication is granted provided full credit is given
to The Bahn Stormer and author, and provided copyright is not infringed upon.
2686 Parkridge Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Please Recycle
Address Correction Requested

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