Netty - Annie Modesitt Dot Com
Netty - Annie Modesitt Dot Com
Netty Triple Twisted Drop Stitch Moebius Headwrap ©Annie Modesitt 2008 A fun and easy head wrap which uses a simple triple wrapped drop stitch. As your Local Yarn Shop to show you a provisional cast on and a 3-needle bind off! ...and while you’re there - get some yarn or needles - support them or they won’t be there to help with stuff like this! Instructions Using a provisional cast on, CO 30 sts Follow chart, repeating TTD stitch across 28 center stitches in row 3 of each repeat until piece is long enough to easily fit around head, end with row 2 or 6. Working on the RS of piece, slip provisional CO sts onto a separate needle (so that point of needle is positioned to start a WS row) Align the needles so both points are together - the piece will form a moebius twist. Work all sts in a 3-needle bind off, weave in ends. Chart Written Instructions Rows 1 & 5 (RS): Knit all sts Row 2 (and all WS rows): Knit all sts Row 3: Ch 3, (TTDS) to last st, end ch 3 St st: K on RS, P on WS. Yarn - 1 skein K1C2 TARTELETTE 50-gr skein / 75-yds. 50%/50% cot/nyl ribbon Color: Sea Jewels647 Rev St st: P on RS, K on WS. Ch 3 - Chain 3: (K st, then slip st created back onto LH needle) three times. TTDS - Triple Twist Drop Stitch: Insert needle into next st and wrap yarn three times around BOTH needles, then YO around RH needle and draw YO through wraps, allowing all wrapped loops to fall off of ends of needle. Do NOT pull stitch tight until next row.