c first baptist church - Cohutta First Baptist Church


c first baptist church - Cohutta First Baptist Church
It’s Where You Need To Be
2012 Spring
2012 FALL
The Value of Preparation
Meet the Staff
Rev. John Bagley
Secretary & Website
Pamela Turner
Choir Director
Ellen Durham
Sunday School Director
Cathy Parrott
Sheryl Brock
Team Outreach
Ray Knittel
Newsletter Editor
Debbie Thompson
Special Prayer
If God brings you to it
He will bring you
through it
Welcome Reverend John Bagley
e are blessed to have Reverend John Bagley and his family join us at
Cohutta First Baptist Church.
Reverend John attended Grove Level Baptist Church during his childhood and received Christ as his Lord and Savior at the age of 12. A graduate of Northwest Whitfield High School, John began his ministry in 1982, entering Bible College in 1983.
Also in 1983, the Lord brought a wonderful young lady into John’s life. Her name was
Tammy Barber, and she and John married in 1984.
The couple have three sons, Caleb, Matthew and Joshua and a daughter Haley.
Caleb and his wife Amber are the proud parents of a beautiful one year old little girl,
Gracyn. Caleb and Amber are both teachers within the Whitfield County School System. Matthew is a Firefighter/EMT in Murray & Whitfield counties and is continuing
his education at Paramedic School. Joshua and his wife Tera live in Bakersville, California, where Josh is continuing his education at Bakersville Business College. Haley
is an eight grader at Bagley Middle School where she plays basketball and is also a
member of the archery team.
John, Tammy and Haley love the outdoors and enjoy spending time together white
water rafting and scuba diving. John and Tammy enjoy running and participate in
local running events. Haley enjoys archery, basketball, football and riding her new
four-wheeler she recently got as a birthday present.
John has also worked as a volunteer firefighter in Whitfield County. He later joined
the Chatsworth Fire Department in the role of Deputy Chief and Training Officer.
Tammy is a nurse and currently works in the ER at Gordon County Hospital.
Just prior to coming to Cohutta First Baptist Church, Reverend John served as the
Minister of Education and Evangelism at Holly Creek Baptist Church in Chatsworth,
John, Tammy and Haley currently reside in Chatsworth, GA in the beautiful foothills
of the Cohutta National Forest.
Psalm 84:12 12
O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.
David Williams, (shown here with his sister, Susan, and his proud
mom, Betty) graduated from Northwest Whitfield High School.
David is attending Truett-McConnell College in Cleveland,
GA, where he also participates in the Community Chorus.
Grant Hendrix (shown here with parents Randy &
Monica Warren) graduated from Northwest Whitfield
High School. Grant is the brother of Brittany and the
grandson of Oradia Grant. Grant is a student at
Dalton State College.
William Edward Hayes II graduated
from Athens Christian High School
in Athens, GA. Will is the son of
Shanon and Cathy Hayes, the
brother of Samuel and the grandson of Marilyn Maples. Will is attending Liberty University in
Lynchburg, VA where he is a member of the track team.
Ashley Carter graduated
from Northwest Whitfield
High School. She is the
daughter of Mitchell &
Karen Hayes and step sister
of Tayler Hayes. She is the
step-granddaughter of
Marilyn Maples. Ashley is
attending North Georgia
College & State University
in College in Dahlonega,
Tiffany Trump is a graduate of Viewpoint
High School in Calabasas, CA. Tiffany is the
daughter of Marla Maples and Donald
Trump. She is the granddaughter of Stan
Maples and the great niece of Marilyn Maples. Tiffany is a student of the University of
Do you have a story or an event that you would like to share with us?
We would love to hear from you.
Email us at cohuttanews@gmail.com or
contact Debbie Thompson at 706-264-7102
2012 Graduates
Matthew Patrick Gunn is a graduate of Christian Heritage School.
He is the son of Patrick & Glo
Gunn and the brother of Riley
and Molly Anne. Matthew is the
nephew of Ellen Durham and
cousin of Marilyn Maples.
Matthew is attending North Georgia College in Dahlonega, GA.
A Special Wish
God has truly blessed you with unique talents and abilities,
And you have used His gifts extremely well.
Your positive attitude, your willingness to try new things,
Your dedication, your caring ways —
All this shows just how much you’ve done with His gifts...
As you celebrate your accomplishments,
Megan Durham graduated from Graves County High
School in Mayfield, KY. She is the daughter of Scott
& Tiffany Durham, sister of Andrew and granddaughter of Ellen Durham. Megan is attending the
University of Louisville.
Remember that you are an important part of God’s
wonderful plan.
1 Timothy 4:12
Let no one despise you for your youth, but set
the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
Megan Fauscett is a Northwest Whitfield
High School graduate. Megan is the
daughter of Kendall & Jennifer Tate,
sister of Emma and the granddaughter of
Ann & Jimmy Blevins. Megan is attending Kennesaw State University. She is
currently a Business Major with a degree
in Accounting. She is also interested in
Criminal Justice.
Eleven year old Abigail is the daughter of Johnny and Allison Crawford and the granddaughter of
Bobby and Sue Crawford and JV Williams. She is the sister of Luke and Ruthie Crawford.
Abigail is an active member of Rocky Face Baptist Church. She previously attended Ringgold Elementary School where her mother Allison is the Media Specialist. This year, Abigail transferred to
New Hope Elementary School. Abigail is a very talented young lady. She is an “A” student, on the
Honor Roll, and participates in the Gifted Program.
Abigail is also a gifted athlete and a tough competitor. When she’s not outside playing ball, she’s indoors playing basketball with First Kids at First Baptist Church in Dalton, Georgia. She is also a
member of the New Hope Elementary School basketball team. Go Grizzlies !!!
Abigail’s grandfather, JV Williams, a former girls basketball coach, is a big fan of Abigail’s. He enjoys
watching his granddaughter play basketball and attends all of her games.
Abigail is also passionate about swimming. During the summer
months, Abigail swims with the Dalton Dolphin Team. She is
also a member of the Mako’s Swim Team which competes year
Abigail loves to visit her grandparents, Bobby & Sue, after
church each Sunday where she enjoys eating her favorite
foods...Hot Dogs & Ice Cream.
Start your child's day with love and
encouragement and end the day the same way. --Zig Ziglar
Members of our youth
group enjoyed a fun filled
day at Six Flags Over
Georgia this summer,
chaperoned by our own
fearless leaders Miss
Tammy and Miss
Haley, David & Maddie
on the Sky Coaster, a 10story free-fall ride. After
the free-fall, the riders
are moving 50 mph just
above the ground, then
zoom back up in the air.
Roller Coaster Warriors !!!
David, Alex, Haley and Maddie
are ready to ride.
Join our facebook family for
future Youth Group Events.
Youth Ministry is an essential part of the church today. Throughout the generations, the adolescent
has been identified in several different ways, changing his/her reputation with each new generation.
This, in turn, has impacted Christian education and the styles approached and presented in youth
groups. The study of adolescence is constantly shifting, but evidence suggests that beliefs, values, and
habits taught early on will prove to guide youth into adulthood with the capabilities and desire to continue in a relationship with God.
hanks to our VBS workers who volunteered their talents, time and testimonies to make a difference in
the lives of children.
As the children discovered some of the world’s most marvelous wonders, they also learned that we have an awesome God, who loves them and wants them to be part of
his family.
A special THANK YOU to Miss Ellen for
everything that she does to plan and organize this exciting ministry for children year after
year. Leading the children
in prayer, songs and activities, her love of the
Lord and of the children
in our community is evident. She is an
inspiration to all and her hard work does not go unnoticed
or unappreciated. Just take a look at the happy faces of all
the children that attended this years VBS.
Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not
hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as
Why Is Vacation Bible
School Important?
Nearly 85 percent of people who make a
decision for Christ do so between the ages
of 4 and 14. For many children, their relationship with Jesus Christ begins while attending Vacation Bible School.
The elementary years are a very important
learning period for children and it’s the
greatest opportunity to lead them to know
Next to Sunday School Class, Vacation Bible
School is one of the most powerful tools
the Church has to impact the life of a person. Vacation Bible School helps our kids
grow closer to Jesus and discover how to
love their world as Jesus did.
Miss Ellen spent her summer vacation in the land down
under. For sixteen days, Ellen and “The Recycled
Teenagers” travelled about Australia, making friends
with Crocodile Hunters and bridge climbing in Sydney. Then it was off to New Zealand to enjoy their
beautiful fall season.
on the
We’re all looking forward to
Miss Ellen’s next adventure !
No. 1: Exercise controls weight
No. 2: Exercise combats health conditions and diseases
No. 3: Exercise improves mood
No. 4: Exercise boosts energy
No. 5: Exercise promotes better sleep
No. 6: Exercise can be fun
s a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity
every day. Gyms are a great place to workout, but they’re not
the only places to exercise. Check out your community track . With cooler weather just around
the corner, it’s a great time to be outdoors. If you have trouble getting around, try lifting 5-10
lbs. weights while sitting. You’ll feel better physically and mentally. Projects around the house,
yard work, and household chores can be fun if you turn on your favorite music and take a little
quicker step when performing these tasks. If you have to do the chores, you might as well make
them fun, so turn up the music and lets get moving.
2012 Boston
ongratulations to Dean Thompson on running the 2012 Boston Marathon in April. Dean was the third
male finisher from the state of Georgia and finished 316th out of 22,535 participants in the second hottest Boston Marathon in it’s 116 year history.
According to a story by The Associated Press, the heat left 2,181 runners in need of help at Boston Athletic Association medical tents, setting a record for the event. Another 500 were treated at Red Cross stations.
Dean wore a Run For God singlet that was given to him by Mitchell Hollis of Dalton, the founder of the Run
For God Ministry. When asked why he wanted to wear the singlet during the marathon, Dean responded, “I
wanted to be an ambassador for the Run For God Ministry. The singlet certainly got the attention of some of
the 500,000+ spectators along the race course as they encouraged Dean with shouts of “RUN FOR GOD”.
Congratulations to Dean Thompson, Mitchell Hayes, Pastor John and Tammy Bagley for participating in the
Run For God 5K at JFest. The event was June 4th, 2012 at Camp Jordan in East Ridge, TN.
Welcome To Stressful Living
or many people in the world today, tension, conflict, weariness, and suffering have become commonplace. Nevertheless, some offer the vain hope that life’s troubles can be done away with, that
we can somehow get to the point where things will always be great. They suggest that faith in Christ will
deliver us into a state of serenity and ease and bring prosperity, health, and constant pleasure.
However, that was neither the experience nor the teaching of early Christians such as Paul, James, or
Peter, and certainly not of their Lord Jesus. Paul described the life of a servant of God in terms of
tribulation, distress, tumult, and sleeplessness (2 Cor. 6:4-5). But he also linked these stress producers with rich treasures that money cannot buy, purity, kindness, sincere love, honor, good report, joy,
and the possession of all things (2 Cor. 6:6-10).
So as long as we live as God’s people on this earth, we can expect a connection between trouble and
hope. That connection is never pleasant, but our troubles can bring about lasting benefits.
Jesus told us that if we want to follow Him, we must deny ourselves and take up a cross. If we try to
save our lives, we will only lose them. But if we lose our lives for His sake, we will find them (Matt.
The writer to the Hebrews encouraged us that our troubles are often a sign that we are legitimate children of God, who lovingly disciplines us to train us in righteousness (Heb. 12:8-11).
James encouraged us to rejoice in our various trials, because as they test our faith, they produce patience, which ultimately makes us mature in Christ (James 1:2-4).
Peter knew by personal experience the kind of pressure that can cause one’s allegiance to Christ to
waiver. He warned us that “fiery trials” are nothing strange, but that they actually allow us to experience something of Christ’s sufferings so that we can ultimately experience something of His glory, too
(1 Pet. 4:12-13).
How full is your schedule? Is it booked so tightly that only an act of God seems able to force an adjustment?
Jesus certainly had a demanding task with lots of responsibility. God sent Him to earth to gain salvation for all and to launch the
church—and gave Him little more than three years to do it! Yet somehow Jesus’ value system allowed for what we would call
interruptions. People barged into His presence, even when His associates tried to prevent them.
Such was the case for a blind beggar by a roadside near Jericho (Luke 18:35-38). The man called out to Jesus as He and His leadership team were on their way to major events in Jerusalem. Then as now, well-traveled roads were cluttered with such inconveniences. Some tried to ignore the beggar, or at least keep him away. But amazingly, Jesus stopped and met the man’s needs.
It’s interesting that Jesus’ very next encounter, with a known government crook, was also an interruption (Luke 19:1-10). Yet
again, Jesus set aside His travel plans and turned aside to Zacchaeus’s home to talk with him and meet his family and friends.
Do you have room for others in your life, especially the “little people” such as your children, an entry-level employee, a visitor
to your church, or someone poor? When Jesus took time to serve a forgotten castaway, it caused everyone nearby to give
praise to God (Luke 18:43). Watch out for God’s holy interruptions.
Don’t forget to check out our church library.
We have reading material for all ages.
Cohutta Cares Food Ministry
continues to grow.
Helping other in our community.
We are now in our third year of providing bags of food for local kids at Cohutta Elementary School to take
home with them each Friday to eat over the weekend.
The Cohutta Cares Ministry began after CFBC members attended a meeting, hosted by Dalton First Methodist Church, where members of Chatsworth First United Methodist Church shared their Saturday Sacks
Ministry story. During the meeting, we learned that there are many families where children do not have
sufficient nourishment over the weekends. Many of these children live right here in our own community.
In our first year, we provided 50 bags per week. We began our second year providing 60 bags per week.
The need increased to 66 bags a week during the school year when a new family moved into the community. Volunteers at the school provided an additional 20 bags for a total of 86 bags each week.
Although the economy is showing a few small signs of improvement, there are many families still experiencing difficult times. This year, the need has increased to 130 bags per week. The wonderful news is that
other churches and individuals are also contributing to this ministry by providing food and monetary contributions.
Cohutta First Baptist Church looks forward to a continued partnership with Cohutta Elementary School to
provide these children with nutritious food for the weekend. If you would like to make a donation to the
Cohutta Cares Food Ministry, please contact Dean Thompson @ 706-264-7101 or mail your donation to:
Cohutta Cares Food Ministry
c/o Cohutta First Baptist Church
P.O. Box 300
Cohutta, Georgia 30710
Gift Ideas
Small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos,
harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small Etch A
Sketch, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky,
Christmas Child
Takes Off !!
Pens, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad
sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture
books, etc.
Toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc.
Don’t Forget To
Pack Your Shoe Boxes For
Operation Christmas Child
by November 4th.
Hard candy and lollipops (please double bag all candy), mints, gum, Tshirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches,
flashlights (with extra batteries).
In a separate envelope, you may enclose a note to the child and a photo
of yourself or your family. If you include your names and address, the
child may write back.
Used or damaged items, war-related items such as toy guns, knives or
military figures, chocolate or food, out of date candy, liquids or lotions,
medications or vitamins, breakable items such as snow globes or glass
containers, aerosol cans.
With cooler weather just around the
corner, there are lots of indoor projects you can do with your family.
Check out some of these fall crafts
Toilet Paper Roll Turkey
Here's what you'll need...
•Toilet paper roll
•Construction paper in fall
•2 googly eyes, or black marker
Here's how to make it...
Make this sweet and salty fall mix
treat using snacks like cheese
crackers, salted peanuts, pretzels, Reese's candy bits, caramel corn, Honey Nut Cheerios,
Cocoa Puffs, candy corn, and
mellow crème pumpkins, or put
your own spin on it using your
favorite snacks.
This makes a great gift or a nice
snack to have at home while
watching a movie with your
1. Cut two slits into your toilet paper
roll to make a triangle and fold up to
make your turkey's beak.
2. Trace your hand print onto the construction paper and cut out.
Decorate pumpkins with ribbons, lace, beads and buttons.
3. From your construction paper
(preferably red color) cut out a "J"
shape for your turkey's neck. Glue the
“J” onto the toilet paper roll just under his beak. Glue the hand prints
around the base of your toilet paper roll. To finish it off,
glue on googly eyes, or draw on eyes with a black marker.
These plump candy packages make
perfect party treats. Just wrap
orange jelly beans in orange tulle,
tie off with a green pipe cleaner,
and your little guests will be happily nibbling their favors all the
way home.
Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeder
Don’t forget our feathered friends
this season.
Cover toilet paper rolls with peanut
butter then roll in birdseed.
Use ribbon to hang the treat from a tree.
Upcoming Events
With Pastor Tommy Crider
Sunday 10/14/12 @ 6:30pm
Monday 10/15/12 @ 7:00pm
Tuesday 10/16/12 @ 7:00pm
Invite your family, friends and neighbors and join us for a
wonderful time of worship.
Wednesday Night Meals
OCTOBER 3 @ 6pm & NOVEMBER 7 @ 6pm
The Harold Kinnamon Memorial Men’s Bake Off
OCTOBER 28 @ 6pm
When I Say "I Am A Christian"...
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I am saved"
I'm whispering "I get lost!"
"That is why I chose this way."
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
my flaws are too visible
but God believes I'm worth it.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need someone to be my guide.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartaches
which is why I seek His name.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
and pray for strength to carry on.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority.
I only know I'm loved.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
and cannot ever pay the debt.
-Author Carol Wimmer
Cohutta’s Cooking
3 cups grated raw sweet potatoes
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup sweet milk
Combine ingredients and pour
into a 2 1/2 quart baking dish.
Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
3/4 cup buttermilk
1/2 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
2 eggs
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup chopped pecans
Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each
other - it doesn't matter who it is - and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other.
Mother Teresa
Diana Keener—706-694-2342 & Peggy Whaley—706-694-3679
Shelia Rose—706-694-8304 & Marilyn Knittel—706-694-3413
Cathy Parrott—423-236-4152 & Carley Kinnamon –706-694-3800
Diane Stone—706-694-8487 & Marilyn Maples—706-694-3602
Jane Williams—706-694-4226 & Debbie Thompson—706-264-7102
Shelia Rose—706-694-8304 & Connie Hobbs—706-694-8811
Sept 4
Kathy Brown
Nov 4 Frankie Williams
Jan 1 Ann Blevins
Sept 5
Bill Phillips
Nov 6 Marilyn Knittel
Jan 8 Robby Chase
Sept 7
Haley Bagley
Nov 6
Jan 12 Diana Keener
Sept 8
Jake Jackson
Nov 9 Caleb Thompson
Jan 12 Ray Knittel
Sept 9
Brian & Pam Young
Nov 12 Rob & Becky Chase
Jan 19 Walt Hobbs
Sept 10
Wayne & Ruby Collins
Nov 13 Vickie Stoner
Jan 23 Evelyn Phillips
Sept 10
Rob Chase
Nov 21 Kay Sapp
Jan 26 Charles & Glenda White
Sept 11 Dean Thompson
Nov 22 Susan Williams
Jan 27 Gwyn Payne
Sept 12 Becky Chase
Nov 24 Edith Brown
Jan 30 Billy Payne
Sept 12 Juanita Hicks
Nov 26 Sue Coker
Jan 30 Ruby Collins
Sept 13 Helen Dycus
Nov 27 Alex Wilbanks
Sept 14 Bob & Carolyn Chase
Nov 29 Harrison Young
Feb 5 Jim & Diana Keener
Sept 17 Virginia Thurman
Nov 30 Peggy Whaley
Feb 10 Carolyn Chase
Sept 23 David Rose
Becky Prichard
Feb 11 Wayne Joyce
Sept 26 Bob Chase
Dec 1 Wayne Collins
Feb 12
Jim & Robin McDonald
Sept 29 Roy Nicholson
Dec 1 Abigale Young
Feb 15
Greg & Wendi Chase
Dec 6 Roy & Betty Nicholson
Feb 18
Davy Rose
Dec 7 Gerald & Kathy Brown
Feb 19
Joe Williams
Dec 11 Bill Prichard
Feb 24
Blake Smith
Dec 17 Christy Jackson
Feb 26
Megan Fauscett
Oct 7 Debbie Thompson
Oct 8 Andrei Brown
Oct 10 Kevin Turner
Oct 15 Max & Beverly Crawford
Oct 23 Sue Crawford
Dec 20 Seth & Christy Jackson
Dec 28 Seth Jackson
Dec 30 Holly Smith
Dec 31 Tammy Bagley
Oct 24 Lindsay Brown Payne
Oct 31 Bobby Crawford
Help us keep our birthday and anniversary list current. If your birthday or anniversary is not included
for the months listed, contact Pam Turner at pam@pamturner.com
Cohutta First Baptist Church
5116 Red Clay Road NW
P.O. Box 300
Cohutta, Georgia 30710
Phone: 706-694-8321
Fax: 706-694-2322
Sunday School —9:45 A.M.
Sunday Morning Worship—11:00 A.M.
Wednesday—Bible Study—6:30 PM
Choir Practice following Wednesday service.
Please check the calendar on our website for the
most current schedule.
Join our Facebook family and receive up to date news.
Cohutta First Baptist Church
P.O. Box 300
Cohutta, GA 30710
“It’s Where You Need To Be”