SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST Information Regarding Public Service Announcements: The following list of suggestions was prepared in conjunction with SCBA member stations. Strict adherence will encourage use of your material. SPOT LENGTHS: 10 second spot has approximately 20 words 20 second spot has approximately 50 words 30 second spot has approximately 75 words 60 second spot has approximately 150 words THE FOLLOWING DO NOT QUALIFY AS PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements of commercial events for which the premiere performance only goes to charity. Fund-raising efforts sponsored by a non-incorporated group. Controversial issues, e.g. political, or religious content. (This material may lend itself to editorial or public affairs programs). INFORMATION CARD: A copy of the Information Card must accompany any spot being sent to stations that appeals for funds or fundraising event in the City of Los Angeles. SCBA does not issue these cards. To inquire, call the Charitable Service Dept. at: (213) 978-1144. (At least 15 business days before the start of a fund-raising campaign or special event, a "Notice of Intention" [PDF] must be completed, supported by various other documents as specified, and filed with this office). IMPORTANT: On all fund-raising spot copy running 60 seconds or longer, when an Information Card has been issued, the following line must be included: “This solicitation is made in compliance with the Los Angeles Police Commission.” For TV, this statement can be either audio or video. The Charitable Service Number must appear at the lower left corner of the copy. The SCBA identification number should be at the lower left of all copy (see example on page 5). DO’S AND DON’TS •Use 8 ½ by 11 white bond paper •One announcement per sheet, typed •Upper and lower case type preferred, double spaced •Punctuate simply for easy reading on air. •Do not hyphenate at the end of a line •Use no abbreviations •Fold sheets together, do not staple pages •Do not mention prizes to be given away •Do not mention any profit making company •Label tape case •Include start and stop date on script and tape case •Generic copy, (no event to promote) label as “ongoing” •Stop date must be day before the event When soliciting donations other than money, arrange for collections at a non-commercial place of business. No station will donate free airtime to a commercial establishment. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST COPY WRITING SUGGESTIONS FOR PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS BEFORE YOU WRITE YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT: • Writing for broadcast is salesmanship and you can’t sell unless you are completely informed about your “product.” • Your job is to overcome the listener or viewers apathy. Create interest in your story. Motivate the listener to do something. • Determine the objective of the total campaign, the specific goals of the radio and television spots. • List all of the pertinent fact to be included in order of importance. • Decide on the single most important thing you want to say • Think how you would say it if you were saying it face-to-face to one person then write it that way. AFTER YOU WRITE YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT: • Read it aloud. How does it sound? Is it natural or does it sound stilted? Is it believable? Does is sound like someone talking or someone reading? • Did you grab the listeners’ attention in the first few seconds? • Did the announcement deliver the main idea quickly, clearly, completely and often enough to stick in the listeners’ mind? • Did you register the key facts about your project or your organization strongly? Did you mention the name at least three times in a 60-second spot, at least twice in any shorter spots? • Is the information specific enough to get your idea across? • Does your announcement maintain interest from beginning to end? SEND THE COMPLETE PUBLIC SERVICE PACKET AT ONE TIME: Film: 16mm sound on film, optical track. Video Tape: 1” or 2” high band color. CHECK THE STATION LIST FOR REQUIRED FORMATS CD’s/MP3’s (for radio): In the copy, identify sponsor. Please label both the CD box and CD itself. Indicate the contents on the CD or MP3. Put the start and stop dates on the CD cover/box and include script. Make sure CD is ready for audition. Stations will not transfer tapes. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOWS: Please watch and listen to the show of your interest before sending any material to the show for Public Affairs time. Any questions pertaining to the jargon, call any Radio or Television Public Service Director. NOTE: Most television stations do not, as a matter of practice, return film or slides that have been submitted. Material of any kind may not be returned. Stations will not use an announcement that does not conform to their specifications. Please be considerate when communicating with station public service directors. They have HUNDREDS of organizations that send them materials. It will be to your advantage to listen and watch for your spots. Do not expect the stations to supply you with information as to when they were used. Before Submitting PSA’S in Spanish, Asian, Farsi or any other language, or PSA’s that you wish to have translated to another language at the station, please review these questions. 1.) Do you want to reach that particular ethnic community? 2.) Will it benefit that community to hear your PSA? 3.) Is there someone available at your organization that speaks that language to take calls when they come in? If you answered NO to any of these questions, it would not be to your advantage, or the listeners to have your PSA broadcast in a different language. EMAIL one SAMPLE copy of your written announcement only, preferably a 60-second to: subject line: “PSA COPY”. This will be REVIEWED and POSTED on our website and social media outlets. DO NOT SEND TAPES, FILM, VIDEO TAPES OR SLIDES. MATERIALS WILL NOT BE RETURNED. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST LIVE COPY FORM FOR PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS FOLLOW THESE PROFESSIONAL GUIDELINES TO HELP YOU WRITE COMPLETE AND EFFECTIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS. • GET ATTENTION: You can’t tell or sell anyone anything unless you first get the listeners attention. • DEVELOP INTEREST: Promise a benefit, emotional or actual, and show how the listener will gain. • DEMONSTRATE: Give, with facts and information, reasons why the listener should do what you want done. Offer rational reasons to support an emotional decision. • ASK FOR ACTION: Tell the listener where to go, what to do, when what to do, when to do it. Say “write in,” “come in,” “send money,” or just plain “listen” to your story. REMEMBER: You can only get 140 to 150 words into a 60-second spot, 70 to 150 words in a 45-second spot, and 70 to 75 in a 30-second spot, and proportionately less in shorter announcements. Make every word count. Write and re-write. ALSO: Your announcements must be submitted to the stations on 8-1/2 by 11 bond paper. When they must be submitted varies from station to station. (see requirements on following Public Service List). PSA SAMPLE American Heart Association Live Announcer Copy American Heart Assn. 3550 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90010 Media Contact: Bob Jones Radio/TV Contact Tel: 213-555-4231 Email: Start Use: January 9, 2010 or “IMMEDIATE” Stop Use: December 20, 2010 or “OPEN” Reading Time: 20 seconds ARE YOU SERIOUS ABOUT YOUR HEALTH? DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT DIET? HOW DOES YOUR EATING HABITS AFFECT YOUR HEALTH? YOUR LOCAL HEART ASSOCIATION WANTS TO HEAR. CALL US ON OUR DIET LINE! (555) 555-2345. WE ARE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE. _________________ SOCIAL SERVICE # (if fundraising) _________________SCBA ID NUMBER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KABC-AM / KLOS-FM KBIG-FM Dial: KABC-790 AM (Talk); KLOS-95.5FM (Classic Rock) Demographic: Adults 25-64 PSA Contact: Roxane Requio, Promotions Manager 3321 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90016 Tel: (310) 840-4924 Fax:(310) 840-4877 Website: Station Accepts: 60 sec (KLOS 10 & 20 sec) Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes & CD's HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send material 6-8 wks. prior to air date. Professionally pre-recorded cassettes or CD's. Dial: 104.3FM (Upbeat Hot AC) Demographic: Adults 25-54 PSA Contact: Jason Griffin, Programming Coordinator 3400 W. Olive Ave. Ste. 550, Burbank CA 91505 Tel: (818) 566-4729 Fax:(818) 955-8151 Website: Station Accepts: :10 :15 sec Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes MP3's HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Mail or fax material 3 wks prior to desired air date. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Public Affairs Show PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): SPOTLIGHT ON THE COMMUNITY: Time: 6:00AM-7:00AM Sunday's on KLOS HOST: Cynthia Fox SUBMIT: To be a guest on Spotlight on the Community, please fax or mail an information packet about your organization to 310-840-4877. The information packet should include but is not limited to: * Personality biographies for each guest * 20 talking points for a ® hour show * 35 talking points for a one hour show * Background information regarding your organization * Any material you wish to be discussed. KATJ-FM Dial: 100.7 FM (Kat Country) Demographic: Adults 25-54 PSA Contact: Kari Lynn, Program Director 12370 Hesperica Rd. #16, Victorville CA 92395 Tel: (760) 241-1313 Fax:(760) 241-0205 Website: Station Accepts: 10 sec., 30 sec. and 60 sec. Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: No HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: At least two weeks prior to event. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): Hi Desert Diaglogue Host: Kari Lynn - Sundays 11:00PM-11:30PM KCBQ -AM Dial: 1170 AM (News Talk) Demographic: Age 25-64 PSA Contact: Noah Dingley Operations Assistant/Host 9255 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego CA 92121 Tel: 858-535-1210 Fax:858-535-1212 Website: Station Accepts: Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Minimum 2 weeks in advance. Email: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): "ViewPoint San Diego" Sun. 1:00-2:00pm Public Affairs Director Name: Noah Dingley. KCLU-FM Dial: 88.3 FM/Ventura Co. 102.3FM/Santa Barbara Co. (News & Public Affairs) Demographic: Adults 30+ PSA Contact: Jim Rondeau, Dir of Programming & Operations 60 W. Olsen Road #4400, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Tel: (805) 493-3900 Fax:NO FAXES Website: Station Accepts: 10, 15 & 30 sec Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: no HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit 2 weeks prior to desired air date. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): BEYOND WORDS (book show), Saturdays 2 pm-3 pm LOCAL NEWS (daily newscasts during AM &PM drive) CROSS TALK: Monday-Friday, 1:00 - 3:00 PM Daily THE FOOD & WINE SHOW: Saturdays 1:00PM-2:00PM. Show is about local restaurants, wines and food. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KCRW-FM KDIS-AM Dial: 89.9 FM (NPR/Music/Talk) Demographic: General Audience PSA Contact: Whitney Alderson Director, On-Air Promotion 1900 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica CA 90405 Tel: (310) 450 5183 Fax:(310) 450-7172 Website: Station Accepts: 15 & 20 seconds. Live Copy:: yes (ready to be read) Tape/CD/DVD/Media: no HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 3 weeks prior. Calendar notices. performing arts or fine arts related only. Email: Whitney.alderson@KCRW.ORG Dial: KDIS-1110 AM (Radio Disney) Demographic: Kids 2-14, W 25-54 W KIDS PSA Contact: Natalie Eig Station Manager 500 S. Buena Vista St. (Mail Code 6107), Burbank CA 91521 Tel: (818) 569-5000 Fax:(818) 973.4077 Website: Station Accepts: 60 sec; :30 Live Copy:: NO Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes & CD's HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send material 6-8 wks. prior to air date. Professionally pre-recorded cassettes or CD's. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): COMMUNITY PLAYGROUND: 6:30AM-7:00AM KDIS HOST: LaFern Cusack PSA's for the following shows should be sent directly to the producer for these programs: TO THE POINT : 12:00 pm-1:00 pm Mon.-Fri.-Host: Warren Olney Producer, Karen Radziner, WHICH WAY L.A? : 7:00pm Mon.-Thurs-.Host: Warren Olney ***Targeted To Breaking News*** Breaking news bulletins should be directed to KCSN-FM Dial: 88.5 FM (Public Radio CSUN) Demographic: 25-54 PSA Contact: Martin Perlich Program Director 18111 Nordoff St., Northridge CA 91330 - 8312 Tel: (818) 677-3090 Fax: No Faxes Website: Station Accepts: No Live Copy:: No Tape/CD/DVD/Media: No HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit 4 to 6 weeks prior to desired air date. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): KFRG-FM/KXFG-FM/KVFG-FM/KRAKAM/KRAK-AM Dial: 95.1 FM/92.9 FM/103.1 FM/910 AM Demographic: PSA Contact: Jeff Davis News Director 900 E. Washington Street, #315, Colton CA 92324 Tel: (909) 825-9525 Fax:(909) 825-0441 Website: Station Accepts: Yes for Community Calendar Live Copy:: 10, 15 amd 30sec Tape/CD/DVD/Media: CD's HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit as early as possible. PSA and CD's that I can post to the website, and yes, they can send it via email, or fax or regular mail. Email: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): Frog Talk: 5:00AM-5:30AM Sun. HOST: Jeff Davis Frog Talk: 11:00PM-12:00AM Sun. HOST: Jeff Davis Email: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): ART NEWS 6:30PM-7:00PM, MONDAY; HOST: MOLLY BARNES SHRINK RAP 6:30PM-7:00PM, TUESDAY; HOST: PHYLLIS CHASE & JAMES E. WALTON FITNESS GOURMET 6:30PM-7:00PM, WEDNESDAY; HOST: PATRICIA GREENBERG ARTS AND ROOTS FORUM 6:30PM-7:00PM, THURSDAY; HOST: MARTIN PERLICH WOMEN'S INSPIRATION 6:30PM-7:00PM, FRIDAY; HOST: JOAN ROSENBERG & ERIKA YOMTOBIAN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KFRN-AM Dial: 1280 AM (Religious) Demographic: General Audience, All Age Groups PSA Contact: Suong Tran Public Service Director 3605 Long Beach Blvd., Suite 445, Long Beach CA 90807 Tel: (562) 427-7773 Fax:(562) 427-7723 Website: Station Accepts: 10, 15, 20, 30, 45 & 60 sec. Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes (good quality) or CD HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send material 3 weeks prior to desired air date. Email produced spots by email as an mp3 file to: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): FOCUS ON ISSUES: Saturdays at 12:14 AM, 6:44 AM, 12:14 PM & 5:14 PM Host: Suong Tran KFRN's public affairs show is now a 15-minute taped show. KFWB-AM Dial: 980 AM (News Talk) Demographic: PSA Contact: News Department News Director 5670 Wilshire Blvd. #200, Los Angeles CA 90036 Tel: (323) 930-5243 Fax:No Faxes Website: Station Accepts: 15, 30, 60 sec. Live Copy:: yes (Generic Copy Preferred-include fact sheet on org.) Tape/CD/DVD/Media: CD's Only HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit 4-6 weeks prior. CD's Only. Prefer generic spots that are not event related or time specific. NO EMAILS PLEASE. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): KGB-FM, KHTS-FM, KIOZ-FM, KMYI-FM, KUSSFM, KLSD-AM, KOGO-AM Dial: KGB 101.5, KHTS 93.3, KIOZ 105.3, KMYI 94.1, KUSS 95.7, KLSD 1360, KOGO 600 Demographic: KGB=A25-54, KHTS=A18-34, KIOZ=A18-34, KMYI=A25-54, KUSS=A25-54, KLSD=A25-54, KOGO=A25+ and Reach = 6+ Oct/Nov/Dec PPM KGB=429,800 ; KHTS=739,600 ; KIOZ=508,500 ; KLSD=97,600 ; KMYI=731,100 ; KOGO=345,100 ; KUSS=339,800 PSA Contact: PSA Director PSA Director 9660 Granite Ridge Drive, Suite 100, San Diego CA 92123 Tel: 858-292-2000 Fax:858-522-5700 Website: Station Accepts: :30-sec spots Live Copy:: No Tape/CD/DVD/Media: CD's HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit 30 days in advance via PSA Submission Form found on any of our websites by going to website and typing word search "PSA":;;;;;; PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): Community Connection Airs on 6 of our 7 stations (all but KHTS, which uses Dawson McAllister) Air Time/Air Dates: Various times on weekends on 6 of our 7 stations (for KHTS, Dawson McAllister airs Sundays from 10pm-12am) Producer: Mary Ayala (for Dawson McAllister, Wes Crafton) Hosts: Phil Farrar & Mark Zegan (Dawson McAllister) How to contact or get on show: (for Dawson McAllister, No Public Affairs Programs at this time. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KGGI-FM / KKDD-AM KIIS-FM Dial: KGGI-99.1 FM (CHR); KKDD-1290 AM (Radio Disney) Demographic: PSA Contact: K.C. Morris Public Service Director 2030 Iowa Ave. Ste A, Riverside CA 92507 Tel: (951) 684-1991 Fax:(951) 784-1991 Website: Station Accepts: 15 sec only Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: no HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Please FAX PSA to station. Give 2 weeks lead time. Dial: 102.7-FM (Top 40 CHR) Demographic: PSA Contact: Julie Pilat Community Services Director 3400 W. Olive Ave Suite 550, Burbank, CA 91505 Tel: (818) 559-2252 Fax:(818) 729-2502 Website: Station Accepts: 10 sec. only Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: no HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit material 2 weeks prior to desired air date. No CDs. To add listing to Community Calendar EMAIL: with Subject Line: KIIS Community Calendar Listing PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, 6-7 AM Sun. KHHT-FM Dial: 92.3 FM (Old School R&B) Demographic: Adults 25+ PSA Contact: Josefa Salinas Community Affairs Director/Morning Show News Anchor 6868 Arizona Ave, Los Angeles CA 90045 Tel: 310-645-0820 Fax:310-645-5769 Website: Station Accepts: 10,15,20,30 & 60 sec. Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: No HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: 3 weeks prior to event. Email: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): The Community Review Sundays, 7:00-8:00am Producer/Host: Josefa Salinas Email for show submission: Website: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): COMMUNITY COUNCIL: 5:30AM Sat. Host: Jesse Lozano. Show airs on KIIS, XTRA Sports 690/1150 and KLAC, Sundays 11:00PM. If you know someone that is doing good in the Community or if you're part of a great organzation and want to be part of the Community Council show all you have to do is email us. Send your email to KIRN-AM Dial: 670 AM (Farsi Language) Demographic: 18 to 49 PSA Contact: John Paley VP/General Manager 3301 Barham Blvd. #300, Los Angeles CA 90068 Tel: (323) 851-5476 Fax:(323) 512-7452 Website: Station Accepts: 30 sec. & 60 sec. in English Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: No HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send PSA's typed on letterhead and CD's 30 days in advance. Will translate English spots. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PROGRAMS : Randomly throughout entire program schedule. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KJLH-FM KKGO-FM / KGIL-AM / KKJZ-FM Dial: 102.3 FM (Urban Adult Contemporary) Demographic: A25-54, 450,000 PSA Contact: Adai Lamar Director of News & Pub. Affairs 161 N. La Brea Ave., Inglewood, CA 90301 Tel: (310) 330-5550 Fax:(310) 330-5555 Website: Station Accepts: 10 sec. Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: no HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Mail or fax PSA's 3 weeks in advance of desired air date. Dial: KKGO 105.1 FM (Country); KGIL-1260/540AM (News/Talk) & KKJZ- 88.1FM (Jazz) Demographic: PSA Contact: Denise Maynard Director of Public Affairs 1500 Cotner Ave., Los Angeles CA 90025 Tel: (310) 478-5540 x226 Fax:No Faxes Website: Station Accepts: 20 & 30 sec. Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 3 wks. prior. Tape and written copy for KKGO. If you have a community or non-forprofit event you want to share with KKGO email the information, at least 10 days in advance to PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): FREE TALK WITH ADAI LAMAR Air Time/Air Dates: Saturdays, 8am-10am Producer:/Host Adai Lamar How to contact or get on: KJLL-FM/KAJL/KHJL Dial: 92.7 FM (VarietyHits) Demographic: Women 25 - 54 PSA Contact: Doug Eldred Public Service Director 99 Long Court #200, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Tel: (805) 497-8511 Fax:(805) 497-8514 Website: Station Accepts: 30 & 60 sec. Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Prefer CD HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Give 3 weeks lead time: If your non-profit group or organization is hosting a "Special Function", and would like to have it mentioned in this "Jill's Event Planner".email the info at least (3) weeks prior to the event to: Subject line: "ORGANIZATION / EVENT" Website: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Public Affairs Programs at this time. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): TUNED IN & ARTS REPORT WITH P.J. OCHLAN KKGO/KGIL/KKJZ: Sunday 5:30am - 6:00am Host: P.J. Ochlan Email: Info: P.J. Olan hosts special programming including concert broadcasts, public affairs, arts reports and interviews. Web: KKLA-FM/ KRLA-AM / KXMX-AM Dial: KKLA-99.5 FM (Christian Talk); KRLA-870 AM (Talk); KXMX -1190 AM(Foreign Lang) Demographic: PSA Contact: Ann Aragon Public Service Director PO Box 29023, Glendale CA 91209 Tel: (818) 956-5552 ext 528 Fax:No Faxes Website: Station Accepts: 15 & 30 sec. Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: No HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: PSA's Send 2ks prior or Email: . Written copy for use on ONLINE COMMUNITY CALENDAR Go to and under the Community Events section click on "Submit an Event" to submit your information. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): Community Focus with Larry Marino 3:30am Sundays; Frank Pastore Show 4-7pm weekdays SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KLAC-AM / XRTA- AM KLLY-FM / KKBB-FM / KSMJ-FM / KNZR-AM Dial: KLAC-570-AM (Sports Talk; XTRA-690/1150 AM (Sports talk) Demographic: PSA Contact: Diane Sanchez Community Services Director 3400 W. Olive Ave. #550, Burbank CA 91505 Tel: (818) 559-2252 Fax:(818) 566-6141 Website: Station Accepts: does not accept psa's Live Copy:: no Tape/CD/DVD/Media: no HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Does Not Accept PSA's. If you would like to add your event to our community calendar, email: with Subject Line: XTRA Spotrs am 570 Community Calendar. Dial: KLLY-95.3 FM (Hot AC); KKBB-99.3 FM (Rythmic Oldies); KSMJ-97.7 FM (AC); KNZR-1560 AM (News/Talk) Demographic: PSA Contact: Kathy King News Director 3651 Peagasus Dr., Bakersfield CA 93308 Tel: (661) 393-1900 Fax:(661) 393-1915 Website: Station Accepts: 10, 20 sec. Produced Materials Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: No HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 10, 20 sec. Email: Web: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Shows at this time PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): KLAX-FM / KXOL-FM Dial: KLAX-97.9 FM (Regional Mexican); KXOL-96.3 FM (Reggaeton) Demographic: PSA Contact: Rafael Navarro News Director 10281 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90064 Tel: (310) 203-0900 Fax:(310) 843-4961 Website: Station Accepts: 15 & 20 sec. Live Copy:: yes (15 sec. only) Tape/CD/DVD/Media: CD or DAT HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 2 weeks prior. Material of interest to Spanish speaking community. English/Spanish fliers ok. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Programming at this time COMMUNITY FOCUS Sundays, 6am-6:30 on KLLY, KKBB, KSMJ News Director: Kathy King Email: KLVE-FM / KTNQ-AM / KSCA-FM / KRCD-FM / KRCV-FM Dial: KLVE-107.5FM (Spanish AC); KTNQ- 1020AM (Spanish Oldies); KSCA-101.9FM (Mex. Regional); KRCD103.9FM (Spanish Olides); KRCV- 98.3FM (Spanish Oldies) Demographic: PSA Contact: Nancy Cotez Promotions Mgr and Community Affairs Coordinator 655 N. Central Ave. #2500, Glendale CA 91203 Tel: (818) 500-4473 Fax:(818) 500-4540 Website: Station Accepts: 10 sec. Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 3 wks prior. Serving the Spanish speaking community. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): ATTN: Nancy Cortez COMMUNITY FORUM 5:00 AM - 6:00 AM Sun./Host varies .Three 1/2 hr. segments. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KNX-AM KPCC-FM Dial: 1070 AM (News) Demographic: PSA Contact: News Department News Director 5670 Wilshire Blvd. #200, Los Angeles CA 90036 Tel: (323) 930-5243 Fax:No Faxes Website: Station Accepts: 30 sec. Live Copy:: yes (include fact sheet on org. Generic Copy) Tape/CD/DVD/Media: CD's Only HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit 4-6 weeks prior. CD's Only. Prefer generic spots that are not event related or time specific. NO EMAILS PLEASE. No dated events Dial: 89.3 FM (NPR) Demographic: PSA Contact: Jonathan Serviss, Producer, Patt Morrison 1570 E. Colorado, Pasadena CA 91106 Tel: (626) 585-7000 Fax:(626) 585-7916 Website: Station Accepts: Does Not Accept PSA's Live Copy:: NO Tape/CD/DVD/Media: NO HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: NO PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Public Affairs Programs at this time. KOST-FM Dial: 103.5 (Mainstream AC) Demographic: Women 25-54 PSA Contact: Monica Medina Assistant to Programming Coordinator 3400 W. Olive Ave. Ste. 550, Burbank CA 91505 Tel: (818) 566-4637 Fax:(818) 955-8308 Website: Station Accepts: 15- 20 sec. typed copy Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: no audio, no email HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Mail of fax material 3 weeks prior to desired air date. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): ATTN: Christine Martindale, HOST/PRODUCER DIALOGUE 5:00 - 5:30 AM, Sun 51% 5:30 - 6:00 AM, Sun SUNDAY JOURNAL 6:00 - 6:30 AM, Sun ANIMAL RADIO NETWORK 6:30 - 7:00 AM, Sun HOST: Christine Martindale; PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): PATT MORRISON 1:00 PM- 3 00PM, M-F Producer: Jonathan Serviss Host: Patt Morrison KPFK-FM Dial: 90.7 FM (Listener Sponsored) Demographic: PSA Contact: Public Service Director c/o Community Calendar 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. West, N. Hollywood CA 91604 Tel: (818) 985-2711 Fax:(818) 763-7526 Website: Station Accepts: 30 & 60 sec. Live Copy: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: no HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 2 wks prior. Must have date, time & location of event written on copy. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Public Affairs Programs KPRZ-AM Dial: 1210 AM (K-PRAISE) Demographic: Age 35-64 PSA Contact: Noah Dingley Operations Assistant/Host 9255 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego CA 92121 Tel: 858-535-1210 Fax:858-535-1212 Website: Station Accepts: Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Minimum 2 weeks in advance. Email: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): "ViewPoint San Diego" Sun. 5:00-6:00pm Public Affairs Director Name: Noah Dingley. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 10 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KPWR-FM KROQ-FM / KAMP-FM / KCBS-FM / KRTH Dial: 105.9 FM (Rythmic CHR) Demographic: 18-34 Males PSA Contact: Wendy Carrillo Host/Exec. Producer 2600 W. Olive, 8th Fl, Burbank, CA 91505 Tel: (818) 953-4200 Fax:(818) 525-5001 Website: Station Accepts: 30's & 60's Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 3 weeks prior. Dial: KROQ 106.7 FM (Alternative Rock) / KAMP-FM 97.1 (All the Hits) / KCBS-FM 93.1 FM (Adult Hits) / KRTH 101.1FM (Oldies) Demographic: PSA Contact: PSA Director Public Affairs Producer 5901 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034 Tel: (323) 930- 4424 Fax:No Faxes Website: http://www.KROQ.COM http://www.931JACKFM.COM http://www.KEARTH101.COM Station Accepts: KRTH ONLY ACCEPTS PSA's - 30 and 60 sec - include fact sheet on organization. Generic Copy Live Copy:: :30 and :60 written copy only for KRTH Tape/CD/DVD/Media: NO HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: KRTH ONLY accepts :30 and :60 second written copy only PSA's. Prefer generic spots that are not event related or time specific. Mail Attn: KRTH PSA Director or Email: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - KPWR 105.9fm Host: Wendy Carrillo, Host/Exec. Producer Sunday Mornings 7:00am TEL: (818) 953-4200 FAX: (818) 846-4106 KRCK-FM Dial: 97.7FM & 95.5FM (Hot Hits) Demographic: 25-54 Adults, 18-34 Females PSA Contact: Josua Fleming VP/Director of Corporate Programming 73-733 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 201, Palm Desert CA 92260 Tel: (760) 341-0123 Fax:(760) 341-7455 Website: Station Accepts: 60 & 30 sec Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 2 weeks in advance. KRTH and KTWV ACCEPTS COMMUNITY EVENTS: Attn: "Community Events Calendar Listing" Submit 6 - 8 weeks prior to air date. Do you have a PSA or community event you'd like to post for KRTH OR KTWV? If so, please contact us: By email, or Materials may be mailed to: Community Events Calendar Listing 5901 Venice Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90034 PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No public affairs show at this time. OPEN LINE Sunday, 6:00AM - 7:00 AM KROQ, KAMP, KCBS and KTWV HOST: Scott Mason Producer: Massimo Bordonaro THE FORUM Sunday, 6:00AM - 7:00 AM KRTH HOST: Scott Mason Producer: Massimo Bordonaro All of our P.A. programming is either 30 or 60 minute interviews, and all are related to community Macro issues ( i.e. Crime, Transportation, Education). All Interview topics/requests/public affairs event listings should be e-mailed to: Please submit request 6 - 8 weeks in advance for consideration for public affairs show SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 11 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KSBR-FM KTYM-AM Dial: 88.5 FM (Jazz) Demographic: PSA Contact: Dawn Kamber News Director 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Tel: (949) 582-4508 Fax:(949) 347-9693 Website: Station Accepts: 20 & 30 sec. Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: No HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 21 days prior to air date. Written copy only. Submit Online: Dial: 1460 AM (Religious) Demographic: Religious PSA Contact: Bobby Howe Director of Public Affairs 6803 West Blvd., Inglewood CA 90302 Tel: (310) 672-0594 Fax:(310) 673-2259 Website: Station Accepts: 10, 20, 30 & 60 sec. Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes and CDs (No DATS) HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit 3 weeks prior to desired air date. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): ATTN: Public Affairs Director, Bobby Howe THE INGLEWOOD FORUM Various times Bobby Howe CONVERSATIONS WITH THE COMMUNITY Various times Bobby Howe ATTN: News Director, Dawn Kamber COLLAGE 7:00 PM, Mon. Host: Dawn Kamber Prefer Orange County community guests and subject matter. Show tapes one month prior to airdate. KSPN-AM Dial: KSPN-710 AM (Sports) Demographic: Men 25-54 PSA Contact: Heather Thau Executive Assistant 800 W. Olympic Blvd, Suite A-200, Los Angeles CA 90015 Tel: (213) 284-7105 Fax: Website: Station Accepts: 60 sec Live Copy:: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes & CD's HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send material 6-8 wks. prior to air date. Professionally pre-recorded cassettes or CD's. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): KUCR-FM Dial: 88.3 FM (Public Radio- UC, Riverside) Demographic: PSA Contact: Elizabeth Venable Public Service Director UC Riverside - 691 Linden St., Riverside CA 92521 Tel: (951) 827-3737 Fax:(951) 827-3240 Website: Station Accepts: 20, 30, & 60 sec spots Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit 1 to 2 weeks prior to desired air date. Accept CDs, DATs & cassettes. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): ATTN: Walter Douglast Various Public Programming SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EXPERIENCE: 5:00AM-6:00AM Sun HOST: LaFern Cusack Email interview requests to: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 12 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KWKW-AM / KWKU 1220 AM (SIMULCAST POMONA) Dial: 1330 AM (Spanish Talk Sports) Demographic: PSA Contact: Juan Rodriguez Public Service Director 3301 Barham Blvd. #201, Hollywood, CA 90068 Tel: (323) 851-5959 Fax:(323) 512-7459 Website: Station Accepts: 10 and 30 sec only Live Copy: Yes (Typed on Letterhead) Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Must have material 2 weeks in advance. English spots will be translated. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): COMUNIDAD AL DIA Air Time/Air Dates: Sunday’s 6PM-7PM and 11PM- 12AM Producer: Mario Amaya Host: Mario Armenta How to contact or get on show: Call Mario Amaya at (323) 8515959. Must be fluent in Spanish and have a subject of interest to the community. KWVE-FM Dial: 109.7 FM (Religious) Demographic: Religious PSA Contact: Isabelle Lajoie-Smith, Public Affairs Director 3000 West MacArthur Boulevard, #500, Santa Ana CA 92704 Tel: (714) 918-6207 Fax:(714) 918-6256 Website: Station Accepts: 60 sec & 30 sec Live Copy: Yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: No HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send at least two (2) weeks in advance. EMAIL: K-Wave provides free publicity for non-profit organizations holding events or providing information of value to the community. Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are provided for concerts, church activities, and community events, along with benefits and fundraisers. We make an exception for events that involve a fee if the fee is used to cover the cost of materials, workbooks, handouts, or to provide meals or accommodations. Conferences, seminars, or concerts that charge a fee for any other purpose do not qualify for a PSA. KXLU-FM Dial: 88.9 FM (Spanish/English) Demographic: PSA Contact: Estelle Wall Public Service Director One LMU Drive, Malone 402, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Tel: (310) 338-2866 Fax:(310) 338-5959 Website: Station Accepts: 15, 20, & 30 sec. Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: no HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 2 weeks prior to desired date in English or Spanish. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): ATTN: Public Service Director, Estelle Wall STATIC 9-10pm Sat./Sam Smotherman KYSR-FM Dial: 98.7FM ( Alternative) Demographic: PSA Contact: Lisa Marie Gallegos Public Service Director 3400 W. Olive Ave Suite 550, Burbank CA 91505 Tel: (818) 559-2252 Fax:(818) 729-2502 Website: Station Accepts: :10 :15 Live Copy:: Yes written copy for review for production. Tape/CD/DVD/Media: CD HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: 6 weeks lead time. Subject Line: COMMUNITY CALENDAR Email: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): COMMUNITY COUNCIL Air Time/Air Dates: Sundays, 7:20am (40 min program) Producer: Natalia Perez Host: Jesse Lozano How to contact or get on show: Email: Email: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): UPDATE PROGRAM: 10:00AM & 8:30PM, Saturday's.- Update Program, delivering relevant and insightful conversations with community leaders on important issues and events. Topics of local, national, or international concern. HOST: Brian Perez, Executive Producer Toll Free: 866.999.5983, Ext 3522 Local: 714.918.6207, Ext 3522 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 13 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KOCE-TV KABC-TV Dial: Channel 50 Demographic: PSA Contact: Pat Petric, Program Director 17011 Beach Blvd. #1550; P. O. Box 2476, Huntungton Beach CA 92647 Tel: 714-861-4326 Fax:714-842-5790 Website: Station Accepts: 10 or 15 sec Live Copy:: No Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Videotape required is Beta SP or DVC Pro 50 HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Must be an Orange County organization with a local office in the 714 or 949 area codes, a non-profit organization and must be registered with the IRS as such. It cannot be a political organization. Your Federal Tax ID is required. No PSA's from K-12 schools or related K-12 school organizations. No PSA's from religious groups. Tapes must be appropriate to air within the next 2 years and cannot be timely. It may take up to two years to have your tape included in KOCE's periodic reorganization of its PSA inventory. Therefore, KOCE cannot accept PSA announcements of a timely nature. The production must be broadcast quality and professionally produced. Press releases, timely event announcements, K-12 educational, religious group announcements, or anything of a community calendar nature should be directed to the REAL ORANGE newsroom: Fax 714895-0861 or email Dial: Channel 7 Demographic: PSA Contact: Ruth House Public Affairs Supervisor 500 Circle Seven Drive, Glendale, CA 91201 Tel: (818) 863-7220 Fax:(818) 863-7227 Website: Station Accepts: 10, 15, 20 & 30 sec Live Copy:: yes include script Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Beta SP Tape- No digital HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Material must be dated, submit 6 wks prior to air time. Include proof of non profit. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): REAL ORANGE: Weeknights at 6:30 and 11:00 PM, and weekday mornings at 8:00 AM A newsmagazine examining issues that affect Orange County. Included: neighborhood features; trends in business, education, politics and culture. HOST: Ed Arnold and Ann Pulice PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): Director of Public Affairs, Teresa Samaniego VISTA L.A. Various Producers EYE ON L.A., Various producers 7-DAY PLANNER COMMUNITY CALENDAR Want to see your non-profit sponsored event on the ABC7 7 Day Planner? Send your information at least four weeks in advance. Submit online: KCAL-TV Dial: Channel 9 Demographic: News, Sports, Entertainment Independent CBS Corp. 1989 PSA Contact: Stephanie Medina-Rodriquez Public Affairs Director 4200 Radford Avenue, Studio City CA 91604 Tel: (818) 655-2155 Fax:(818) 655-2682 Website: Station Accepts: 10, 15, 20 & 30 sec. Live Copy:: yes for Community Calendar Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Beta SP (station does not return) HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Proof of non-profit/SCBA #. Local spots take precedence. Submit at least 6 weeks ahead. CITY TV OF SANTA MONICA PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): Dial: Cable Demographic: PSA Contact: Robin Gee, Cable TV Manager 1717 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Tel: (310) 458-8590 Fax:(310) 260-1568 Website: Station Accepts: 30 & 60 sec Live Copy:: No Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes 3/4" or beta SP OR DVD HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Give at least 3 weeks lead time. Airs events & info from Santa Monica area orgs. or that serve Santa Monica. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Public Affairs Programs No Public Affairs Programs at this time. News Director: Nancy Bauer- Gonzales Assignment Editors:Larisa Montelindo-Estrada SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 14 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KCBS-TV KFTR-TV Dial: Channel 2 Demographic: PSA Contact: Stephanie Medina-Rodriguez Public Affairs Director 4200 Radford Avenue, Studio City CA 91604 Tel: (818) 655-2155 Fax:(818) 655-2682 Website: Station Accepts: 10, 15, 20 & 30 sec. Live Copy:: yes for Community Calendar Tape/CD/DVD/Media: beta SP (station does not return tapes) HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Proof of non-profit / SCBA #. Local spots take precedence. Submit at least 6 weeks ahead. Dial: Channel 46 Demographic: Southern California Hispanic Community PSA Contact: Christina Sanchez-Camino Director of Public Affairs 5999 Center Drive , Los Angeles, CA 90045 Tel: (310) 348-3417 Fax:(310) 348-3597 Website: Station Accepts: 10,15, & 30 sec. Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes Prefer Beta SP or Digital DVC pro. HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Brochure or fact sheet , proof of non profit org. Send 4 to 6 weeks prior. Must have text in Spanish. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Public Affairs Programs at this time. News Director: Nancy Bauer- Gonzales Assignment Editors:Larisa Montelindo-Estrada PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): KCOP-TV KLCS-TV Dial: Channel 13 Demographic: News, Sports, Community FOX News Corp. 1948 PSA Contact: Community LA13, Community Relations 1999 S. Bundy Drive, Los Angeles CA 90025 Tel: (310) 584-3361 Fax:(310) 584-3362 Website: Station Accepts: 10,15,20,30 & 60 sec. Live Copy:: No Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes Beta SP HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit material 6 to 8 weeks prior to desired air date. Include script & proof of non profit status; Email: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Public Affairs Show ATTN:Director of Public Affairs, Christina Sanchez-Camino TU PULSO, Weekly public affairs program. Host: Christina Sanchez Camino Dial: Channel 58 Demographic: Parents, Kids Educators General Audience PSA Contact: Thomas Taitt Admin Analyst- PSA Services 1061 W. Temple St., Los Angeles CA 90012 Tel: (213) 241-4007 Fax:(213) 481-1019 Website: Station Accepts: 10,15,20,25,30 & 60 sec. spots on SP Beta Live Copy:: no Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes Beta SP HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 4-6 wks prior. Emphasis on kids, educ. & local events. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Public Affairs Programs at this time. KDOC-TV Dial: Channel 56 Demographic: Adults 25-54 PSA Contact: Janice Mansfield Broadcast Coordinator 625 N Grand Ave,, Santa Ana CA 92701 Tel: (949) 442-9800 ext 122 Fax:(949) 851-7752 Website: Station Accepts: 10, 20, 30 & 60 sec. Live Copy:: No Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Beta SP, DVC Pro HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: No written copy or slides. Send 4 to 6 weeks prior. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Public Affairs Show SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 15 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KMEX-TV KRCA-TV Dial: Channel 34 Demographic: Southern California Hispanic Community PSA Contact: Director of Public Affairs 5999 Center Drive , Los Angeles, CA 90045 Tel: (310) 348-3417 Fax:(310) 348-3597 Website: Station Accepts: 15, & 30 sec. Live Copy:: No Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes Prefer Beta SP or Digital DVC pro. HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Brochure or fact sheet , proof of non profit org. Send 4 to 6 weeks prior. Spot MUST BE IN SPANISH. Dial: Channel 62 (Spanish) Demographic: PSA Contact: Carlos King, Promotions Director 1845 Victory Place, Burbank CA 91504 Tel: (818) 729-5690 Fax:(818) 729-5678 Website: Station Accepts: 10,15,20,30 &60 sec Live Copy:: yes Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 1 wk prior. 3/4" or Beta SP (prefer Beta). Include script & non-profit status. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Public Affairs Programs PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): ATTN:Director of Public Affairs NOTICIAS 34 (News) 6pm Ingrid Luquetta, Executive Prod. NOTICIAS 34 (News) 11pm Andres Angulo, Executive Prod. PREMIERA EDICION 5:00- 7:00 AM Mon-Fri Moana Ramirez, Executive Prod. VOZ Y VOTO - taped out of Sacramento (916) 614-1917 (Statewide Issues) VOZ Y VOTO - taped out of Sacramento (916) 614-1917 (Statewide Issues) KNBC -TV Dial: Channel 4 Demographic: PSA Contact: Rebecca Nieto Platform Manager, Community Coverage 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, CA 91523 Tel: (818) 840-4944 Fax:(818) 840-3535 Website: Station Accepts: 15, & 30 sec Live Copy:: No Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes Beta preferred HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 1 month in advance. Tapes will not be returned. For PSA's or community information only: Website: KSCI-TV Dial: Channel 18 Demographic: Asian (Including Southern Asian) PSA Contact: Joyce Shimazu, Dir of Community Relations 1990 So. Bundy #850, Los Angeles CA 90025 Tel: (310) 478-1818 Fax:(310) 479-8118 Website: Station Accepts: 10, 15, 20 & 30 sec. Live Copy:: No Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes (prefer beta sp) or Digital DVC Pro HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Include one copy of script. Send 4 - 6 weeks prior. Asian,Including Southern Asian interests. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): LA LIVING: 5:30-6:00 PM Mon-Fri (Mandarin) COMMUNITY CALENDAR: email Kababayan LA : Filipino show (Tagalog) 4:30-5:00 pm Mon-Fri Korean Prime Time News: 8:00-8:30 PM Mon-Fri (Korean) PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): NEWS CONFERENCE Producer Yvonne Guevara Email: Assignment Editors: David Reese, Yvonne Guevara, Eugene Silver, Jack Noyes. For Breaking News Stories: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 16 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST KTLA-TV KVEA-TV Dial: Channel 5 Demographic: PSA Contact: Vickie Prothro Community Affairs Manager & Associate Producer, Pacesetters 5800 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90028 Tel: (323) 460-3981 Fax:(323) 460-5772 Website: Station Accepts: 10,15,20,30 & 60 sec Live Copy:: No Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes (Beta SP) HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Send 4 - 6 weeks prior. Include script with tape. Dial: Channel 52 (Spanish) Demographic: PSA Contact: Victor Franco VP of Public Affairs/Media Relations 3000 W. Alameda Avenue, Burbank CA 91523 Tel: (818) 840-4444 Fax:(818) 260-2580 Website: Station Accepts: 15, 20, 30 sec. Live Copy:: yes (Spanish only) Tape/CD/DVD/Media: yes (Beta SP) HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit 3-5 weeks in advance. Serving the Spanish speaking community. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): Community Affairs Manager & Associate Producer, Victoire Prothro (323) 460-3981 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Fax Scripts to (323) 460-5772 PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): No Public Affairs Programs at this time. News Director: Esteban Creste Assignment Editors: Roberto Inigo and Lorena Lopez KTTV-TV Dial: Channel 11 Demographic: News, Sports, Community FOX News Corp. 1948 PSA Contact: Community FOX Community Relations 1999 South Bundy Drive, Los Angeles CA 90025 Tel: (310) 584-3361 Fax:(310) 584-3362 Website: bmissions Station Accepts: 10,15,20,30 & 60 sec. Live Copy:: No Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Yes, Beta SP HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Submit material 6 to 8 weeks prior to desired air date. Include script & proof of non profit status; Email: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): ATTN: John Frenzel, Programming Tel: (310) 584-2000 MIDDAY SUNDAY : 9:00 - 9:30 AM, Sun.; (Feb. to Aug.) Host: Tony Valdez EMAIL: KWHY-TV Dial: Channel 22 (Spanish) Demographic: PSA Contact: Victor Franco VPof Public Relations & Community Events 3000 W. Alameda Avenue, Burbank CA 91523 Tel: (818) 260.5752 Fax:(818) 840-2580 Website: Station Accepts: 10, 20, & 30 sec. spots Live Copy:: yes (Spanish only) Tape/CD/DVD/Media: Beta SP or 3/4" HOW TO SUBMIT PSA’S: Accept PSA's 6 weeks prior, in Spanish only. PUBLIC AFFAIRS SHOW(s): FORO 22 9:30am Sun Alejandro Flores DAYTIME DIALOGUE 2:00pm Mon OUR PEOPLE, OUR TOWN 6am Sun CAFE CALIFORNIA 10:00am Sun Chris Franco COMMUNITY CALENDAR Daily M-F various times ATRABAJAR SE HA DICHO Daily M-F various times News Director: Esteban Creste Assignment Editors: Roberto Inigo and Lorena Lopez SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 17 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST SCBA MEMBERS TELEVISION STATIONS News, Entertainment ABC KABC TV Ch 7 Walt Disney Co. 1949 News, Sports, Entertainment Independent CBS Corp. 1989 KCAL TV Ch 9 CBS2 News, Sports, Entertainment CBS CBS KCBS TV Ch 2 Corp. 1931 News, Entertainment, Sports, Religion Independent Ellis KDOC TV Ch 56 Communications 1982 News, Sports, Entertainment CBS KFMB TV Ch 8 LATV is America’s first bilingual Latino contemporary digital entertainment and KJLA TV Ch 57 musical network. The Education Station Los Angeles Unified School KLCS TV Ch 58 District News, entertainment, talk show, reality Independent Liberman KRCA TV Ch 62 Broadcasting Inc. 1998 Asian language television station in the United States. KSCI TV Ch 18 On air since 1977 News, Sports, Community, Entertainment CW Tribune Broadcasting KTLA TV Ch 5 1947 818-863-7220 500 Circle Seven Drive Glendale CA 91201 323-460-3000 6121 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90028 323-460-3000 6121 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90028 949-442-9800 18021 Cowan Irvine CA 92714 858-571-8888 7677 Engineer Road San Diego CA 92111 310-943-5288 2323 Corinth Avenue Los Angeles CA 90064 213-241-4000 1061 W. Temple Street Los Angeles CA 90012 Burbank CA 91505 m Los Angeles CA 90025 Los Angeles CA 90028 818-563-5722 310-478-1818 1845 W. Empire Ave 1990 S. Bundy Dr. #850 323-460-5500 5800 Sunset Blvd. SCBA MEMBER RADIO STATIONS STATION DIAL FORMAT KABC 790 AM Talk KALI AM Spanish/Other KALI FM 900 AM 106.3 FM KAMP 97.1 FM Top 40 KATJ 100.7 FM Country KAVL Vietnamese/Jpnese KAZN 610 AM 1300 AM Chinese KBBY 95.1 FM AC KBHR 93.3 FM 104.3 FM 1580 AM AAA KBIG KBLA KBUA KBUE 94.3 FM 105.5 FM Fox Sports Upbeat Hot AC Spanish Religious Regional Mexican Regional Mexican ADDRESS 3321 S. La Cienega Blvd. 747 E. Green St. 4th Fl 747 E. Green St. 4th Fl 5801 Venice Blvd. 12370 Hesperia Rd. #16 348 East Avenue K-4 747 E. Green St. 4th Fl 1376 Walter Street P.O. Box 2979 3400 W. Olive Ave. #550 123 S. Figueroa St. #101A 1845 Empire Ave. 1845 Empire Ave. CITY Los Angeles Pasaden a Pasaden a Los Angeles ZIP Victorville 92395 Lancaster Pasaden a 93535 Ventura Big Bear City 93003 90016 91101 91101 90034 91101 92314 Burbank Los Angeles 91505 90012 Burbank 91504 Burbank 91504 TEL (310) 8404900 (626) 844 8882 (626) 844 8882 (323) 9719710 WEBSITE OWNER Citadel Multicultural Radio Broadcasting Multicultural Radio Broadcasting CBS (760) 2411313 (661) 9421121 (626) 5681300 (805) 6428595 (909) 5845247 (818) 5592252 (213) 6288700 (818) 7295300 (818) 7295300 m El Dorado Broadcasters Clear Channel Multicultural Radio Broadcasting SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, Cumulus Parallel Communication Clear Channel Multicultural Radio Broadcasting Liberman Broadcasting Liberman Broadcasting 18 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST STATION DIAL FORMAT KBZT 94.9 FM Alternative KCAL Rock KCAQ 96.7 FM 104.7 FM KCBS 93.1 FM Adult Hits KCEL Mexican Regional Business News KCHJ 96.1 FM 1000 AM 1010 AM KCLB 93.7 FM Rock KCLU 88.3 FM NPR/Jazz KCRW NPR KCWR 89.9 FM 107.1 FM KDAR 98.3 FM Religious Talk Music KDAY 93.5 FM 104.7 FM 106.9 FM 1440 AM Hip Hop KCEO KDES KDGL KDIF KDIS KDLD / KDLE KEZN KEZY 1110 AM 103.1 FM 103.1 FM 1240 AM Rhythmic CHR Mexican Regional Country Oldies Classic Rock Spanish Radio Disney Rhythmic Regional Mexican Soft AC Spanish/Religious KFI KFMB AM KFMB FM 640 AM Talk 760 AM 100.7 FM Talk KFRG 95.1 FM 1450 AM Country KFSD KFSH KFUT KFWB KFYV 95.9 FM 1270 AM 980 AM 105.5 FM AC Classical Contemp Christian Spanish Sports Talk News/Talk CHR ADDRESS 1615 Murray Canyon Rd. #710 1940 Orange Tree Lane 2284 Victoria Ave. Ste. 2-G 5901 Venice Blvd. 570 East Avenue Q-9 1835 Aston Avenue 5200 Standard Street 1321 N. Gene Autry Trail 60 W. Olsen Road #4400 1900 Pico Blvd. 3223 Sillect Avenue 500 Esplanade Dr. #1500 5055 Wilshire Blvd. #720 2100 E. Tahquitz Canyon 1321 N. Gene Autry Trail 2030 Iowa Ave. Suite A 500 S. Buena Vista St. MC6325 5700 Wilshire Blvd. #250 72-915 Parkview Drive 136 S. Oak Knoll #202 3400 W. Olive Ave. Suite 550 7677 Engineer Road 7677 Engineer Road 900 E. Washington #315 1835 Aston Avenue 701 N. Brand Blvd. 1321 N. Gene Autry Trail 5670 Wilshire Blvd. #200 2284 Victoria Ave. Ste. 2-G CITY ZIP San Diego 92108 Redlands 92374 Ventura Los Angeles 93003 90034 Palmdale 93550 Carlsbad Bakersfiel d Palm Springs Thousand Oaks Santa Monica Bakersfiel d 92008 Oxnard Los Angeles Palm Springs Palm Springs 93308 92262 91360 90405 93308 93030 90048 92262 92262 Riverside 92507 Burbank Los Angeles Palm Desert 91521 90036 Pasadena 91101 Burbank 91505 San Diego 92111 San Diego 92111 Colton 92324 Carlsbad 92008 Glendale Palm Springs Los Angeles 91203 90036 Ventura 93003 92260 92262 TEL (858) 5601037 (909) 7933554 (805) 2891400 (323) 9379331 (661) 9473107 (760) 7291000 (661) 3255494 (760) 3227890 (805) 4933900 (310) 4505183 (661) 3281011 (805) 4858881 (323) 3371604 (760) 3252582 (760) 3227890 (951) 6841991 (818) 5695035 (323) 9006100 (760) 3409383 (626) 3564230 (818) 5592252 (858) 5718888 (858) 5718888 (909) 8259525 (760) 7291000 (818) 9565552 (760) 3227890 (323) 5250980 (805) 2891400 WEBSITE m OWNER Lincoln Financial Media of CA Anaheim Broadcasting Corp. Gold Coast Broadcasting CBS High Desert Broadcasting Astor Broadcasting Lotus Bakersfield Desert Radio Group CA Lutheran University n/a Buck Owens Salem Comm. Magic Broadcasting RR Broadcasting Desert Radio Group Clear Channel ABC/Disney Entravision Commun. n/a CBS Hi Favor Broadcasting Clear Channel Midwest Television Midwest Television CBS Astor Broadcasting Salem Morris Desert Media CBS Gold Coast Broadcasting SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 19 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST STATION KGAM DIAL 1450 AM KGB 101.5 FM KGGI FORMAT Talk Classic Rock CITY Palm Springs ZIP San Diego 92123 Riverside Los Angeles 92507 90025 Palmdale 93550 Ventura 93003 Burbank 91505 Burbank Thousand Oaks 91504 San Diego Los Angeles 92123 90025 92262 TEL (760) 3252582 (858) 2922000 (951) 6841991 (310) 4785540 (661) 9473107 (800) 3675429 (818) 5592252 (818) 7295300 (805) 4978511 KHAY 99.1 FM 1260 AM 106.3 FM 100.7 FM KHHT 92.3 FM Old School R&B KHJ KHJL, KAJL, KJLL 930 AM Ranchero 92.7 FM Soft AC KHTS 93.3 FM CHR KHWY 98.9 FM 100.1 FM AC 1845 Empire Ave. 99 Long Court, Suite 200 9660 Granite Ridge Drive, Ste 100 12381 Wilshire Blvd. #105 AC P.O. Box 1668 Barstow 92311 99.5 FM 105.5 FM AC Regional Mexican P.O. Box 1668 104 West Chapel St. Barstow Santa Maria 92311 93458 Smooth Jazz San Diego 92108 KIIS 98.1 FM 102.7 FM Burbank 91505 (619) 2973698 (818) 5592252 KIOZ 105.3 FM San Diego 92123 (858) 2922000 KGIL KGMX KHWZ KHYZ KIDI KIFM KIRN KIST KIWI KIXA KIXF KIXW KIXW KJJZ KJLH KKBB KKDD KKGO 670 AM 107.7 FM 92.1 FM 106.5 FM 106.5 FM 960 AM 107.3 FM 102.3 FM 102.3 FM 99.3 FM 1290 AM 105.1 FM/540 AM CHR ADDRESS 2100 E. Tahquitz Canyon 9660 Granite Ridge Drive, Ste 100 2030 Iowa Ave. Suite A 1500 Cotner Avenue 570 East Avenue Q-9 1376 Walter Street 3400 W. Olive Avenue #550 News Talk Hot AC Country Active Rock 1615 Murray Canyon Rd. #710 3400 W. Olive Avenue #550 9660 Granite Ridge Drive, Ste 100 Farsi Language 3301 Barham Blvd. #300 Top 40 CHR Spanish Mexican Regional Classic Rock Country Talk Country Smooth Jazz R&B Classic Soul Rhythmic Oldies 414 East Cota 5200 Standard Street 12370 Hesperia Rd. #16 P.O. Box 1668 12370 Hesperia Rd. #16 P.O. Box 1668 441 Calle Encilia, Ste 8 161 N. La Brea Avenue Radio Disney 3651 Pegasus Dr. 2030 Iowa Ave. Suite A Country 1500 Cotner Avenue 91360 Los Angeles Santa Barbara Bakersfiel d 93308 Victorville 92395 Barstow 92311 Victorville 92395 Barstow Palm Springs 92311 (858) 2922000 (310) 8204628 (760) 2560326 (760) 2560326 (805) 9284334 Inglewood Bakersfiel d 90301 Riverside 92507 (323) 8515476 (805) 8798300 (661) 3255494 (760) 2411313 (760) 2560326 (760) 2411313 (760) 2560326 (760) 3204550 (310) 3302200 (661) 3931900 (951) 6841991 Los Angeles 90025 (310) 4785540 90068 93101 92262 93380 WEBSITE OWNER RR Broadcasting Clear Channel Clear Channel Mt. Wilson Broadcasters High Desert Broadcasting Cumulus Clear Channel Liberman Broadcasting Amaturo Group Clear Channel Khwy Inc. Khwy Inc. Khwy Inc. Emerald Wave Media Lincoln Financial Media of CA Clear Channel Clear Channel Lotus Communication s Rincon Broadcasting Lotus Bakersfield El Dorado Broadcasters n/a Khwy Inc. El Dorado Broadcasters Khwy Inc. RR Broadcasting Taxi Productions Buckley Broadcasting Clear Channel Mt. Wilson Broadcasters SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 20 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST STATION DIAL FORMAT ADDRESS 1288 N. Bellflower Blvd. 701 N. Brand Blvd. 1321 N. Gene Autry Trail 570 East Avenue Q-9 2284 Victoria Ave. Ste. 2-G 2000 Gene Autry Way 3400 West Olive Ave. #550 KKJZ 88.1 FM Jazz KKLA 99.5 FM Christian Talk KKUU 92.7 FM Dance CHR KKZQ 100.1 FM Rock KKZZ 1400 AM KLAA 830 AM News Talk Conservative Talk KLAC 570 AM Sports Talk KLAX 97.9 FM Mexican Regional KLKX 93.5 FM Classic Rock KLLY 95.3 FM Hot AC KLOS 95.5 FM Classic Rock KLSD 1360 AM KLTX 1390 AM Sports Talk Spanish/Religiou s KLVE 107.5 FM Spanish AC KLYY 97.5 FM Contemp Cumbia KMET 1490 AM Talk KMGQ 106.3 FM Smooth Jazz 10281 W. Pico Blvd. 570 East Avenue Q-9 3651 Pegasus Drive 3321 S. La Cienega Blvd. 9660 Granite Ridge Dr, Ste 100 136 S. Oak Knoll #202 655 N. Central Ave. #2500 5700 Wilshire Blvd. #250 700 East Redlands Blvd., Ste. U 403 East Montecito Street #A KMNY 1600 AM Chinese, Mandarin 747 E. Green Street 4th Fl KMRB 1430 AM Cantonese KMRJ 99.5 FM Rock KMVE 106.9 FM Oldies KMYI 94.1 FM Hot AC KMYT 94.5 FM Smooth Jazz KNWH 1250 AM Sports Talk KNWQ 1140 AM Talk KNWZ 970 AM Talk KNX 1070 AM News KNZR 1560 AM News Talk 747 E. Green St. 4th Fl 1061 S. Palm Canyon 570 East Avenue Q-9 9660 Granite Ridge Drive, Ste 100 27349 Jefferson Avenue #116 1321 N. Gene Autry Trail 1321 N. Gene Autry Trail 1321 N. Gene Autry Trail 5670 Wilshire Blvd. #200 3651 Pegasus Drive, Ste 107 CITY ZIP TEL (562) 9855566 (818) 9565552 (760) 3227890 (661) 9473107 (805) 2891400 (714) 9402500 (818) 5592252 Long Beach 90815 Glendale 91203 Palm Springs 92262 Palmdale 93550 Ventura 93003 Anaheim 92806 Burbank 91505 Los Angeles 90064 Palmdale 93550 Bakersfield 93380 Los Angeles 90016 San Diego 92123 Pasadena 91101 Glendale 91203 Los Angeles 90036 (858) 2922000 (626) 3564230 (818) 5004500 (323) 9006100 Redlands 92373 (951) 8494644 Santa Barbara 93101 (805) 9661755 Pasadena 91101 (626) 844 1600 Pasadena 91101 Palm Springs 92264 Palmdale 93550 San Diego 92123 Temecula 92590 Palm Springs 92262 Palm Springs 92262 Palm Springs 92262 Los Angeles 90036 Bakersfield 93380 (310) 2030900 (661) 9473107 (661) 3931900 (310) 8404900 (626) 844 8882 (760) 7786995 (661) 9473107 (858) 2922000 (951) 2969050 (760) 3227890 (760) 3227890 (760) 3227890 (323) 5691070 (661) 3931900 WEBSITE OWNER Mt. Wilson Broadcasters Salem Desert Radio Group High Desert Broadcasting Gold Coast Broadcasting Radiovisa Clear Channel Spanish Broadcasting System High Desert Broadcasting Buckley Broadcasting Citadel Clear Channel Hi Favor Broadcasting Univision Radio Entravision n/a m Cumulus Multicultural Radio Broadcasting Multicultural Radio Broadcasting RM Broadcasting High Desert Broadcasting Clear Channel Clear Channel Morris Desert Media Morris Desert Media Morris Desert Media SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, CBS Buckley Broadcasting 21 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST STATION DIAL FORMAT KOCP 95.9 FM Rock KOGO 600 AM News/Talk KOLA 99.9 FM Oldies KOSS 1380 AM News Talk KOST 103.5 FM KPCC 89.3 FM KPCV 90.3 FM Mainstream AC Public Radio News Talk Public Radio News Talk KPLM 106.1 FM Country KPRI 102.1 FM Alternative Rock KPRZ 1210 AM Christian KPSI AM 920 AM News Talk KPSI FM 100.5 FM Hot AC KPSL 102.9 FM LA830 KPWR 105.9 FM Rhythmic CHR KRAK 910 AM Adult Standards KRCD Spanish Oldies KRCK 103.9 FM 97.7 FM / 95.5 FM KRCV 98.3 FM KRLA 870 AM Spanish Oldies Conservative News Talk KROQ 106.7 FM Alternative Rock KRQB 96.1 FM Regional Mexican KRSX 105.3 FM Oldies KRTH 101.1 FM Oldies KRUZ 97.5 FM Hot AC ADDRESS 2284 Victoria Ave. Ste. 2-G 9660 Granite Ridge Dr, #100 1940 Orange Tree Lane 570 East Avenue Q-9 3400 W. Olive Ave. #550 261 S. Figueroa Street #200 261 S. Figueroa Street #200 441 Calle Encilia, Ste 8 9710 Scranton Road #200 9255 Towne Centre Dr. #535 2100 E. Tahquitz Canyon 2100 E. Tahquitz Canyon 5200 Standard Street 2600 W. Olive Ave. #850 900 E. Washington #315 655 N. Central Ave. #2500 73-733 Fred Waring Dr. #201 655 N. Central Ave. #2500 701 N. Brand Blvd. 5901 Venice Blvd. 1845 Business Center Dr. #106 12370 Hesperia Rd. #16 5670 Wilshire Blvd. #200 403 East Montecito St #A KRXV 98.1 FM AC P.O. Box 1668 KSBL 101.7 FM AC KSCA 101.9 FM Mexican Regional KSCF 103.7 FM Modern AC KSDO 1130 AM Spanish/Religious KSGN KSON, KSOQ 89.7 FM 97.3, 92.1 FM Christian AC KSPA 1510 AM Adult Standards 414 East Cota 655 N. Central Ave. #2500 8033 Linda Vista Road 136 S. Oak Knoll #202 2048 Orange Tree Lane #200 1615 Murray Canyon Rd. #710 1045 S. East Street Hot Hits Country CITY ZIP Ventura 93003 San Diego 92123 Redlands 92374 Palmdale 93550 Burbank Los Angeles Los Angeles Palm Springs San Diego, 91505 San Diego Palm Springs Palm Springs Bakersfiel d 92121 93308 Burbank 91505 Colton 92324 Glendale Palm Desert 90028 Glendale 91203 Glendale Los Angeles San Bernardino 91203 Victorville Los Angeles Santa Barbara 90012 90012 92262 92121 92262 92262 92260 90034 92408 92395 90036 93101 Barstow Santa Barbara 92311 93101 Glendale 91203 San Diego 92111 Pasadena 91101 Redlands 92374 San Diego 92108 Anaheim 92805 TEL (805) 289-1400 (858) 292-2000 (909) 793-3554 (661) 947-3107 (818) 559-2252 (213) 621-3500 (213) 621-3500 (760) 320-4550 (858) 678-0102 (858) 535-1210 (760) 325-2582 (760) 325-2582 (661) 325-5494 (818) 953-4200 (909) 825-9525 (818) 500-4500 (760) 341-0123 (818) 500-4500 (818) 956-5552 (323) 930-1067 (909) 663-1961 (760) 241-1313 (323) 936-5784 (805) 966-1755 (760) 256-0326 (805) 879-8300 (818) 500-4500 (858) 560-1037 (626) 356-4230 (909) 583-2150 (619) 291-9797 (714) 502-9494 WEBSITE OWNER Gold Coast Broadcasting Clear Channel Anaheim Broadcasting Corp. High Desert Broadcasting Clear Channel Southern CA Public Radio Southern CA Public Radio RR Broadcasting Compass Radio Salem RR Broadcasting RR Broadcasting Lotus Bakersfield Emmis Communications CBS Univision Radio Royce International Broadcasting Univision Radio Salem CBS Liberman Broadcasting El Dorado Broadcasters CBS Cumulus Khwy Inc. Rincon Broadcasting Univision Radio CBS Hi Favor Broadcasting n/a Good News Radio Lincoln Financial Media of CA Astor Broadcasting SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 22 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST STATION DIAL KSPE 94.5 FM FORMAT Regional Spanish KSPN 710 AM Sports KSSE 107.1 FM Spanish CHR KSWD 100.3 FM KTAP 1600 AM Triple A Regional Mexican KTDD 1350 AM Country KTIE 590 AM KTLK 1150 AM News Talk Progressive Talk KTMQ 103.3 FM Classis Rock KTMS 990 AM News Talk KTNQ 1020 AM KTPI AM 1340 AM Spanish Oldies American Standards KTPI FM 97.7 FM Country KTWV 94.7 FM Smooth Jazz KTYD 99.9 FM KTYM 1460 AM KUNX 1400 AM KUOR 89.1 FM Rock Religious/Ethni c Spanish News/Talk Public Radio News Talk KUSC 91.5 FM Classical KUSS 95.7 FM KUTY KUZZ AM KUZZ FM 1470 AM Country Spanish Classics 550 AM Country 107.9 FM Country KVCR 91.9 FM NPR KVEN 1450 AM Oldies KVFG 103.1 FM Country KVMX 96.5 FM Classic Hits KVNR 1480 AM Vietnamese KVTA 1520 AM News Talk KVYB 103.3 FM Hip Hop y Mas ADDRESS CITY Santa Barbara 93101 Los Angeles 90015 Los Angeles 90036 Los Angeles 90036 Santa Maria 93458 Riverside 92507 Glendale 91203 Burbank 91505 Temecula Santa Barbara 92590 Glendale 91203 Lancaster 93535 Lancaster 93535 Los Angeles Santa Barbara 90036 6803 West Blvd. 2284 Victoria Ave. Ste. 2-G 261 S. Figueroa Street #200 Inglewood 90302 Ventura 93003 Los Angeles 90012 P.O. Box 77913 9660 Granite Ridge Dr, Ste 100 570 East Avenue Q-9 3223 Sillect Avenue 3223 Sillect Avenue Los Angeles 90007 San Diego 92123 Palmdale 93550 Bakersfield 93308 Bakersfield 93308 414 East Cota 800 W. Olympic Blvd. # A-200 5700 Wilshire Blvd. #250 5900 Wilshire Blvd. #1900 104 West Chapel St. 2030 Iowa Ave. Suite A 701 N. Brand Blvd. 3400 W. Olive Ave. Suite 550 27349 Jefferson Avenue #116 414 East Cota 655 N. Central Ave. #2500 352 East Avenue K-4 352 East Avenue K-4 5670 Wilshire Blvd. #200 414 East Cota 701 South Mt. Vernon Avenue 1376 Walter Street 900 E. Washington #315 5200 Standard Street 15781 Brookhurst Street #101 2284 Victoria Ave. Ste. 2-G 1376 Walter Street ZIP 93101 93101 San Bernardino 92410 Ventura 93003 Colton 92324 Bakersfield 93308 Westminste r 92683 Ventura 93003 Ventura 93003 TEL (805) 8798300 (213) 2847100 (323) 9006100 (323) 6341800 (805) 9284334 (951) 6841991 (909) 8856555 (818) 5592252 (951) 2969050 (805) 8798300 (818) 5004500 (661) 9421121 (661) 9421121 (323) 9379283 (805) 8798300 (310) 6723700 (805) 2891400 (213) 6213500 (213) 2257400 (858) 2922000 (661) 9473107 (661) 3281011 (661) 3281011 (909) 3844444 (800) 3675429 (909) 8259525 (661) 3279711 (714) 9184444 (805) 2891400 (800) 3675429 WEBSITE OWNER Rincon Broadcasting n/a ABC Entravision Commun. Bonneville International Emerald Wave Media Clear Channel Salem Clear Channel Clear Channel Rincon Broadcasting Univision Radio Clear Channel Clear Channel CBS Rincon Broadcasting Trans America Gold Coast Broadcasting Southern CA Public Radio USC m Clear Channel High Desert Broadcasting Buck Owens Buck Owens San Bernardino Community College Cumulus CBS Lotus Bakersfield Liberman Broadcasting Gold Coast Broadcasting Cumulus SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 23 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST STATION DIAL FORMAT KWAC 1490 AM KWIZ 96.7 FM KWKW 1330 AM Spanish Sports Spanish/Sonid o Spanish Talk Sports 109.7 FM Christian 1340 AM EZ 98.5 FM EZ KXFG 92.9 FM KXMX 1190 AM Country Foreign Lang. Talk KXOL 96.3 FM KXOS 93.9 FM Rhythmic CHR Spanish Contemporary KXPS 1010 AM Sports KYOR 106.9 FM Hot AC KYPA 1230 AM Korean KYSR 98.7 FM Modern AC KYXY 96.5 FM Soft Rock KZXY 102.3 FM AC XEWW 690 AM Spanish Talk XHCR 99.3 FM XHRM 92.5 FM XHTZ 90.3 FM Country Rhythmic Oldies Urban Contemporary KWVE FM KWXY AM KWXY FM ADDRESS 5200 Standard Street 3101 W. 5th Street 3301 Barham Blvd. #201 3000 W. MacArthur Blvd. #500 68-700 Dinah Shore Dr. 68-700 Dinah Shore Dr. 900 E. Washington #315 701 N. Brand Blvd. 10281 W. Pico Blvd. 2600 W. Olive Ave. #850 1321 N. Gene Autry Trail 1321 N. Gene Autry Trail 747 E. Green St. 4th Fl 3400 W. Olive Ave. Ste. 550 8033 Linda Vista Rd. 12370 Hesperia Rd. #16 3500 W. Olive Ave, Ste 250 9660 Granite Ridge Drive 9660 Granite Ridge Drive 9660 Granite Ridge Drive CITY Bakersfiel d Santa Ana Los Angeles ZIP 93308 92703 90068 Santa Ana Cathedral City Cathedral City 92704 92233 Colton 92324 Glendale Los Angeles 91203 92233 90064 Burbank Palm Springs Palm Springs 91505 92262 Pasadena 91101 Burbank 91505 San Diego 92111 Victorville 92395 Burbank 91505 San Diego 92123 San Diego 92123 San Diego 92123 92262 TEL (661) 3279711 (714) 5545000 (323) 8515959 (714) 9186207 (760) 3281104 (760) 3281104 (909) 8259525 (818) 9565552 (310) 2030900 (818) 5255000 (760) 3227890 (760) 3227890 (626) 844 8882 (818) 5592252 (858) 5601037 (760) 2411313 (818) 9724200 (858) 2922000 (858) 2922000 (858) 2922000 WEBSITE m OWNER Lotus Bakersfield Liberman Broadcasting Lotus Communications Calvary Chapel Church Glenn Barnett Inc. Glenn Barnett, Inc. CBS Salem Spanish Broadcasting System Grupo Radio Centro Desert Radio Group n/a MCC Radio, LLC Multicultural Clear Channel CBS El Dorado Broadcasters GLR Southern California n/a Clear Channel Clear Channel Clear Channel SCBA MEMBER AFFILIATES Arbitron Entravision Communications Corporation Katz Media Group Metro Networks Miller Kaplan Arase & Co. Radio Companion (Dial Global) Radio NRI Take on the Day Traffic Pulse Networks Zimmer Advertising 10877 Wilshire Blvd., #1600 5700 Wilshire Blvd. #250 6500 Wilshire Blvd., #200 6420 Wilshire Blvd., 4th Fl. 4123 Lankershim Blvd. 140 E. Via Verde 2967 Michelson Drive, Ste G220 15260 Ventura Blvd #200 5120 W. Goldleaf Circle, #450 2097 E. Washington St. 1E250 Westwood CA 90024 (310) 824-6600 Los Angeles CA 90036 323-900-6100 Los Angeles CA 90048 (323) 966-5000 Los Angeles CA 90048 (323) 782-6100 North Hollywood CA 91602 (818) 769 2010 San Dimas CA 91773 (310) 855-3537 Irvine CA 92612 (310) 402-5443 Sherman Oaks CA (818) 461-5479 Los Angeles CA 90056 (323) 290-9700 Colton CA 92324 (909) 825-9422 n/a 91403 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 24 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIST Related Links Ad Council The Ad Council has endeavored to improve the lives of all Americans since first creating the category of public service advertising in 1942. From our earliest efforts including "Loose Lips Sink Ships" to the more recent "I am an American," Ad Council PSAs have been raising awareness, inspiring action and saving lives for more than 60 years. Based on our long history of effecting positive change, it's fair to say that Ad Council campaigns have inspired several generations of Americans. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that future generations will reap the benefits of our efforts to date, and continue to be inspired by our public service campaigns in the future. The Paley Center for Media Formerly The Museum of Television & Radio, The Paley Center for Media is a nonprofit organization that collects and preserves radio and television programs, and makes them available to the public. For information about the Center's unique exhibitions, screenings, listening series, educational programs and other features, or to become a member, please go to their website. PIRATES PIRATES (Print Interactive Radio & Television Educational Society) is dedicated to helping nonprofits to more effectively work with the media. It is the only L.A. area association that offers regular opportunities for nonprofits, the media, and other communications professionals to network. In addition to monthly events, members receive an informative monthly newsletter, are listed in a directory that is distributed to the media, and can participate in PSA workshops and public affairs programs. The organization gives back to the community through an ongoing scholarship program for college students in the communications field. American Women in Radio and Television, Southern California Chapter American Women in Radio and Television (AWRT) was founded in 1951 and is the longest established professional organization dedicated to advancing women in media and entertainment. AWRT's mission is to advance women's impact in electronic media, through educating, advocating and acting as a resource to members and the industry. The Southern California Chapter of AWRT is the Southern California area chapter of the national non-profit organization. We offer various programs and events that provide opportunities for social networking, peer support and career development on a local level. National Association of Broadcasters The National Association of Broadcasters is the voice for the nation’s radio and television broadcasters. As the premier trade association for broadcasters, NAB advances the interests of our members in federal government, industry and public affairs; improves the quality and profitability of broadcasting; encourages content and technology innovation; and spotlights the important and unique ways stations serve their communities. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION 1849 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 543, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Email: Direct Phone: 310-444-1431, Fax: 310-444-1463, 25