Join Up! - Winnipeg Parent Newsmagazine


Join Up! - Winnipeg Parent Newsmagazine
September 2015
Take One!
Classes, Memberships
& Programs for All Ages
Pg. 19
Back to
Part 2
Social Skills
Teens & Sexting
Perfect Parties
2 Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
UST 28
Explore the Assiniboine Park Zoo all year
round! See our newest exhibit, the McFeetors
Heavy Horse Centre, where you can journey
back to a time in our province’s history when
heavy “horse-power” was relied on in pioneerera industries such as agriculture, forestry, and
mining. Visit the centre’s gentle giants, four
magnificent Percheron horses, and explore
Manitoba’s rural roots.
With a variety of indoor exhibits as well as
hearty cold weather species, like polar bears,
wolves, Amur tigers, cougars, lynx and more,
Assiniboine Park Zoo is Winnipeg’s premier
outdoor attraction in every season!
Assiniboine Park and Zoo offers a wide
range of school and group programs.
Visit our website to learn more!
Become a Park & Zoo member and enjoy unlimited Zoo visits all year long!
Buy your membership at the Zoo entrance or
call 204 927 6033 and start saving today.
Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Publisher’s Pen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Back to School Part II
Back to School Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Homework Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Back to School Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Join Up!
Join Up Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Expressions Film Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Funky Monkey is Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5 Skills Adolescents Need . . . . . . . . . . 9
H20 Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Fall Craft Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Gustafson: Social Skills . . . . . . . . . . . 11
by Susan Rykiss
WSO offers Great
Family Concert Lineup . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Tech Talk: Hootsuite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Family Matters-Family Health
Moser: For the Love of Reading . . . 14
Teens and the Sexting Talk . . . . . . . 16
Top 11 Fall Family Activities . . . . . . . 18
Lunchbox Ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
BOOK Your Ultimate Family
Organizer Fundraiser . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Party Page
Planning Perfect Parties . . . . . . . . . . 21
Family Fun Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . 22
On the Cover: Alex is Ready for Back to School!
Don’t miss out!
on advertising in Manitoba’s premiere
parenting newsmagazine!
October/November 2015
eptember is a transition month.
Summer is done, kids head back
to school and our family routines
change yet again! Does anyone look
forward to September? I know I am torn.
I love the relaxed attitude of summer but
look forward to the excitement of fall with
new beginnings and opportunities.
We are back to carpools, children's
activities, hockey try-outs, making lunches,
meetings, fall clean up, winter planning
etc. Gone are those lazy days and evenings
of biking, swimming, free concerts, picnics
and movies in the park, Sundays at the
beach or the cottage. Gone for another
year. Just like that!
It has been a pretty good summer with
lots of hot days and mostly bug free evenings, tons of festivals, fairs and farmers
markets. It's such a bonus that the kids
were allowed a few more days to enjoy this
wonderful Manitoba summer before going
back to school after Labour Day.
to Winnipeg Parent!
Featuring: Mompreneurs,
Ready for Winter, Family Health
& Wellness and more!
Ad/Copy Deadline: Sept. 18th
Distribution: Oct. 5th
Don’t miss out! Enjoy finding the latest issue of
Winnipeg Parent in your mailbox eight times a year.
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Winnipeg Parent Newsmagazine
23 Swindon Way, Winnipeg MB R3P 0W2
Call us: (204) 896-3227
All library branches, many
schools, Y branches, community centres, daycares,
doctors’ and dentists’ offices,
children’s retail and service
outlets, The Manitoba ChilHold on to
dren’s Museum, select retail
outlets, Fort Whyte Centre
and family centres. Would you like to be a
distribution point for Winnipeg Parent?
Camps, Programs
& Events
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Winnipeg Parent Newsmagazine
Name: __________________________________________________________
August 2015
Take One!
City: ________________________________________ Province:__________
• Beyond the
Bedwetting Blues
• Ready or Not…
Here comes School
• Back to School
Call us: (204) 896-3227
or e-mail:
September 2015 Volume 22 Issue 2
Winnipeg Parent is published eight times per year.
Reproduction in whole or in part without written
permission is strictly prohibited. Subscriptions are
$20.00 per year. Editorial submissions are
welcome by e-mail only.
Winnipeg Parent
23 Swindon Way
Winnipeg, MB R3P 0W2
Phone / Fax: (204)896-3227
Publisher/Editor Susan Rykiss
Management Consultant Neil Rykiss
or e-mail:
Where to Find
Winnipeg Parent
This issue of Winnipeg Parent marks
the beginning of our twenty third year
publishing! It is our Back to School part 2
Issue featuring Join Up... a section dedicated to places and programs that families and children can join for fun, fitness
and learning. Places that offer recreation,
education or cultural experiences to enrich
lives and offer new experiences. Have you
ever considered joining someplace as a
family, then making a family tradition to
go to that place every week together to play
or learn? There are places that offer family
martial arts, family yoga, family gym and
swim programs etc. This is quality family
time together that will provide memories
to last a lifetime.
Enjoy a wonderful September!
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Karen Jorgenson: 204-883-2988
Allison Delaurier: 204-269-4088
Website Steve Schwartz
Monica Gustafson, Susan Rykiss, Dr. Cathy Moser,
Blair Kaplan, Lauren Parsons, Linda Mornell,
Dr. Anne Brennan Malec, Michelle Borba
Publications Mail Agreement
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Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:
Winnipeg Parent, 23 Swindon Way, Winnipeg, MB R3P 0W2
Back to School
4 Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Back to School Checklist:
Top Ten Things to Do!
ow is the time to make sure your kids
are prepared to go back to school.
Planning NOW will help you and
your kids be relaxed about heading back in
September. Keep the discussion about going
back to school positive and upbeat. Take the
time to discuss the great things about going
back to school in September like seeing
friends again, finding out what class they will
be in and what teacher they will have. Talk
about what kind of lunches they like to take to
school and what classes and activities they like
best. Have a discussion about signing up for
new after school activities or school clubs too.
Here is a brief checklist to help you:
Girls get the best start at Balmoral Hall
The BH Beginnings program is a year-round,
fully licensed program for girls aged 2 and
3. On our recent ECERS-R evaluations, we
received an outstanding rating of 6.4 out of 7.
With an enhanced staff to child ratio of 6:1
(exceeding Manitoba standards) girls enjoy a
warm, nurturing environment as they play and
Our full day program includes hot meals and
healthy snacks - not to mention our expansive
campus on the Assiniboine river to run around
and explore!
Space still available for 2015/16! Visit us online or call
to book your tour any time: 204-784-1600
And receive daily information
about parenting, programs,
events, products and services
you should know about!
1. Book your children's annual checkups at
the doctor, dentist and optometrist. Prepare
a list of questions or concerns if you have
2. Go through last year's school supplies
to see what can be reused. Often there are
supplies that can be recycled to the upcoming year.
5. Check out the condition of backpacks,
lunch bags, thermoses and mini ice packs.
These items are used day in and day out
and you many need to purchase.
6. Discuss with your children, the types of
extra-curricular activities they would like
to participate in, in the fall. Call around for
information, registration dates and program brochures. Many register early!
7. Plan a family participation activity to do
weekly in the fall. Join a museum, fitness
facility or visit the library together. There
are family martial arts classes, family yoga
classes, family gym and swim classes, family storytime etc.
8. Purchase tickets to family theatre or concerts series. These are activities that kids
love and enjoy along side of parents
3. If you need to organize a carpool for
school or after school activities, do it now!
9. Clean out your children's closets to see
what needs to be thrown out, replaced or
donated to a charity.
4. Go through your children's fall clothing to
see what has been ruined or outgrown. This
includes footwear too. Kids can grow a lot in
the summer so be prepared.
10. Plan an end of summer party or activity
for your family to celebrate the transition
back to school.
Make dental checkups part of your
child's back-to-school routine!
s children head back to school this fall, it
is important to consider making dental
exams a regular part of your children's
back-to-school routine, especially if visits are not
regularly scheduled. Today, tooth decay is still
considered the most chronic childhood disease,
and is surprisingly second only to the common
cold in prevalence. Unfortunately, if tooth decay
is left untreated it can impair a child's ability to
eat, speak, sleep, and possibly concentrate.
Tooth decay, however, is preventable, says Dr.
C.D. Meier, a board certified Winnipeg Pediatric
Dentist at Children's Dental Centre. "Just like
hand washing can help prevent the spread of disease, brushing, flossing and seeing your dentist
regularly can help prevent tooth decay caused by
dental disease," explains Dr. Meier.
The Canadian Dental Association advises parents that children should have their first dental
visit by age one, and Dr. Meier agrees. "If a preschooler is having his or her first checkup, dental
health problems at this point are more likely to
be easier to treat, when damage is minimal and
restorations small. Yet, if a kindergartener is
visiting the dentist for the first time, pre-existing
dental problems may be more difficult to care
for because they haven't been addressed early
For those who do not schedule regular
six-month visits with their Pediatric Dentist, a
back-to-school dental checkup is very important
for parents to consider. Children deserve to
start the school year with a healthy and care free
Dr. Meier's pediatric practice, Children's
Dental Centre, specializes in treating children.
The office is well equipped to put children at
ease with video games, painted murals and a
toy train traveling around the office. Children's
Dental Centre is conveniently located at 2401630 Ness Avenue in Madison Square, one block
west of Polo Park. Appointments may be made
at 668-5437. New patients are welcome. Referrals are not necessary.
Back to School
Start the year
out right
with these
homework tips!
•Keep in touch with the teacher or teachers to be fully aware of the quantity and
the quality of the homework turned in.
•Set a schedule, including both a beginning and an ending time.
•Provide a home study center for your
child with adequate light and few distractions. If your child concentrates better
with "white noise" (music), provide that
help. Also, a dictionary, paper, pens, etc.,
should be readily available.
•Most kids need some time to unwind after school before they tackle their homework. Doing it too close to bedtime may
make it difficult due to fatigue. Fridays are
usually the best day for homework that
must be completed over the weekend. Assignments are still fresh in mind and last
minute panic rushes are avoided.
•Encourage your child to divide the
homework assignment into" What I can
do myself " and "What I need help with."
You should help only with that part of
the homework your child cannot do
independently, such as using flashcards,
practicing spelling tests, and clarifying assignments. This builds responsibility and
independence in your child.
•Hold off on watching TV and other fun
activities until homework is completed.
•Use direct praise for doing the homework and even more for accomplishment. "You've spelled 18 out of 20 words
correctly--that's the best you've done this
•Look over the homework when it is completed. Do not correct it unless you have
checked with the teacher. Seeing the pattern of errors is often helpful to a teacher.
•Study groups are often a good strategy.
Your child may benefit from studying
with one or two classmates. However,
make sure they are using the time to
Back-to-school safety tips!
A checklist for parents
•Be sure your child knows his or her home
phone number (including area code) and
address, your work number, the number of
another trusted adult, and how to use 911
for emergencies.
•Plan a walking route to school or the bus
stop. Choose the most direct way with the
fewest street crossings and use intersections with crossing guards. Test the route
with your child. Tell him or her to stay
away from parks, vacant lots, fields, and
other places where there aren't many
people around.
•Teach children - whether walking, biking,
or riding the bus to school -- to obey all
traffic signals, signs, traffic officers, and
safety patrols. Remind them to be extra
careful in rainy, foggy, or snowy weather.
•Make sure they walk to and from school
with others - a friend, neighbor, brother,
•When car pooling, drop off and pick up
children as close to school as possible.
Don't leave until they have entered the
school yard or building.
Teach your child never to talk to strangers or accept rides or gifts from strangers.
Remember, a stranger is anyone you or your
Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Voted #1 Best
Kids Haircuts in
$2.00 OFF Back To S“cool”
With this Ad
expires Sept. 30/15
2020 Corydon Ave.
•Agree on rules for inviting friends over
and for going to a friend's house when no
adult is home.
Take time to listen carefully to children's
fears and feelings about people or places that
scare them or make them feel uneasy. Tell
them to trust their instincts. Take complaints
about bullies and other concerns seriously.
Let Winnipeg Parent promote your party destination,
product or service! Get exposure where it counts!
Call: 896-3227 or email:
Parents read
October/November Issue
Featuring: Mompreneurs,
Ready for Winter,
Family Health and Wellness
Ad Deadline: Sept. 18th
Distribution: Oct. 5th
•Make sure he or she checks in with you or
a neighbor immediately after school.
14-845 Dakota St.
In the party business?
Advertise your School,
Business, Program or Event!
children doesn't know well or doesn't trust.
If your child is home alone for a few hours
after school:
•Set up rules for locking doors and windows, answering the door or telephone.
2016 Family Survival Guide
Ad Deadline: Nov. 6th Distribution: Nov. 30th
December/January Issue
Featuring: Winter Break Guide,
Holiday Gift Guide, Join-Up for January
Ad Deadline: Nov. 13th
Distribution: Nov 30th
Contact Winnipeg Parent for
more information.
Call: 204-896-3227
Join Up!
6 Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Where swimmers come first!
Join a Club, Register for a Program
Register Now!
For Fall Classes
Call :
By Susan Rykiss
At Fluid Motion
we believe in
each swimmer.
• Continuous
instruction with
the same instructor
• Small class sizes
• Baby & me • Preschool
• School-age • Teen • Adult
ariety is the spice of life they say
and we have compiled an "at your
fingertips" directory of facilities and
programs for families and children. From
Recreational facilities, to Museums, Family
Theatre, Music, Dance and Art Programs to
Cultural Centres and Nature Centres, this city
offers an incredible array of GREAT places
for families and children to learn and grow.
Take time out of your busy schedules and
check out one or all of the exciting facilities
which offer year-round activities and programs and annual family memberships.
Maples Academy of Dance,
40 Mandalay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-697-9205
Winnipeg Theatre School
306-63 Albert St. . . . . . . . . . . 204-415-2714
Marquis Dance School,
3-20 Island Shore Blvd. . . . . . 204-255-8486
Children’s Acting Centre. . . . . 204-801-8318
GymKyds Gymnastics,
421 Beaverhill. . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-487-1806
Masterworks Dance
333 King St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-946-5617
Heights Archery,
2281 Portage Ave.. . . . . . . . . . . 204-832-4421
Magic in Motion Baton and Dance,
Lagimodiere at Fermor. . . . . . 204-254-8419
Kick-It Dance,
3-986 Lorimer Boulevard. . . . 204-269-9003
Seven Oaks Wellness Institute,
2300 McPhillips at Leila . . . . . 204-632-3900
Mad Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-775-7959
Fluid Motion Swim School. . 204-888-3861
Feed your
family’s creativity
Rady Jewish Community Centre,
123 Doncaster St.. . . . . . . . . . 204-477-7530
Funky Monkey Movement. . 204-396-1787
Registration on now
Classes begin Sept 21
Winnipeg Winter Club
200 River. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-452-3311
YM/YWCA of Winnipeg: Call your local
branch for further information.
YogaKids/Itsy Bitsy Yoga. . . . . 204-284-0250
Masterworks Studio Inc,
83 Henderson Hwy . . . . . . . . . 204-946-5617
Panthers Gymnastics,1016 Marion. . . . . . . .
U of M Childrens Fun and Fitness
Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-474-9142
Winnipeg Youth Basketball
League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-925-5774
Winnipeg Youth Soccer. . . . . . 204-233-8899
Manitoba Speedskating Association . . . . . . .
Winnipeg Gymnastics Centre,
3-1290 Clarence. . . . . . . . . . . 204-475-9872
Painting, drawing, sculpture, pottery,
and more! Classes for children, teens,
and adults. All experiences levels are
WAG Studio 280 Memorial Blvd
Register at
or call 204.789.1766
Canlan Ice Sports,
1871 Ellice Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . 204-784-8888
Royal Winnipeg Ballet Dance School,
380 Graham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-957-3452
Monica's Danz Gym,
4-25 Scurfield Blvd. . . . . . . . . 204-261-8890
School of Contemporary Dancers, 104-211
Bannatyne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-452-1239
City of Winnipeg Pools and
Fitness facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
H2O Swim Academy. . H20ACADEMY.CA
Manitoba Children's Museum,
The Forks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-924-4000
Manitoba Museum,
190 Rupert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-956-2830
Western Canada Aviation Museum Hanger T2-958 Ferry Rd. . . . 204-786-5503
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra Sundays with
the Family Concerts. . . . . . . . 204-949-3999
Ft. Whyte Nature Centre
1961 McCreary Rd. . . . . . . . . 204-989-8355
Oak Hammock Marsh
Nature Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-467-3300
Assiniboine Park
Children’s Programs. . . . . . . . 204-927-6070
Girl Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-253-3937
Scouts Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-786-6661
Winnipeg Boys and
Girls Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-982-4940
Big Brothers and Big Sisters . . 204-988-9200
Winnipeg Boys Choir . . . . . . 204-475-2127
Winnipeg Youth Chorus. . . . . 204-479-6468
Winnipeg Girls Choir . . . . . . 204-339-1528
Kindermusik Discovery. . . . . 204-453-1222
Paradise Found Art School,
565 Academy Rd. . . . . . . . . . . 204-488-5944
Forum Art Institute
120 Eugenie St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-235-1069
Winnipeg Art Gallery Studio Programs,
300 Memorial Blvd.. . . . . . . . 204-789-1776
MB. Registered Music Teachers
Assocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Music for Young Children. . . 204-488-8488
Peart Music School
106 Brentcliffe Dr. . . . . . . . . . 204-489-9048
Suzuki Music Winnipeg . . . . 204-254-8709
ADD Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-897-4493
Kumon Math and Reading Centres
Partners for Learning,
13-1080 Waverley St. . . . . . . . 204-475-2199
Sylvan Learning, Henderson. . 204-938-7322
Kenaston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-938-7330
Manitoba Theatre for Young People,
2 Forks Market Rd. . . . . . . . . . 204-947-0394
Spirit of Math School. . . . . . . . 204-772-6284
Prairie Theatre Exchange School,
3rd floor Portage Place. . . . . . 204-925-5250
Dramatic Theatre School. . . . 204-691-4182
Doowah Design Inc.
Client: WAG Insertion: September Issue PO: 11749
WAG Fall/Winter Studio Programs ad - Winnipeg Parent
CMYK / 2.37 in x 5.86 in
Problems or questions, call Terry/Priscilla at 204-949-7230
Water Fun for EVERYONE!
Discover the health benefits and FUN of water activities—from private
and semi-private swim instruction to group swimming lessons, public swim and
free swim opportunities! Visit one of our 13 indoor pool locations around the City;
there’s an activity for every age and ability!
For more information visit
Expressions Film Studio . . . . . 204-799-1427
Integral Physics and
Math School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-230-9519
Winnipeg Public
Library. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Join Up!
Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
w Open!
Learn film
acting, make
your own
movie and
Expressions a comfortable place
for young film actors
Kids learn to act and create their own
movie in year-long sessions
By Lauren Parsons
erious fun happens at Expressions Film
Studio, a professional film training studio
for kids.
For the past five years, brother-sister team
Neil Shah and Reena Varshney have been
operating the studio as a place where kids can
come to learn the fundamentals of film and get
silly in a professional setting. "They learn about
self expression and become confident in their
bodies, their voices, their movement and - most
importantly - their ideas," said Varshney.
All of the studio's four instructors have
worked professionally on the stage and screen,
but above experience, Varshney said, it's important for everyone who works at Expressions to
love kids. "They have to be able to be silly and
connect to being young. To be able to talk to the
kids and help them bring out their personalities," she said. That ability to connect is made
easier by the studio's low student to instructor
ratio. None of their classes have more than eight
students, which allows for each student to be
involved in every activity and grow through
What Shah said is easy to take pride in is the
variety within classes. "You can be at Expressions for 8 years and never do they same curriculum," he said. "We always have new scripts,
new games, and new techniques. Everything is
changing all the time so you're constantly being
challenged and you're constantly learning."
Each class is structured by pair to be a dynamic experience. It includes games, cold reads,
scene work, writing, developing a character
and ultimately - making a movie. At the end
of the term a movie written by and starring
the students is premiered at a gala with family,
friends, special guests from the industry and
even photographers to make the event a night to
remember. Each student receives a DVD copy to
take home, and according to Shah it's something
they'll be happy about for years to come.
"Quality is very important to us. I want the
parents and the kids to be able to watch their
film four or five years from now and still be
proud of it," he said. Although the studio is
professional in it's training, it doesn't necessarily mean someone has to want to become a
professional actor to attend classes. "We're not
hammering get the part get the part," adds Shah.
"That's not what it's about for us. If they get an
audition or a part we are behind them 100 per
cent - but we're here to bring an experience to
kids who want to have fun and learn how to
Fall registration has already begun, with ten
classes to choose from for kids aged six to 19.
Visit their website
for details.
Piano, Guitar, Voice & Violin Studio
• Ages 4 and up. Beginners to ARCT
• Over 35-years experience
• Concert Artists with excellence in teaching
• Also available: Theory & History
• In Linden Woods
Rosemarie Peart, Registered Piano Teacher
106 Brentcliffe Dr. Winnipeg, MB, R3P 2B5
Tel./Fax: (204) 489-9048
To register or learn more,
call (204) 799-1427 or visit
Join Up!
8 Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Fall Pre-School Program
* Baby Rhyme Time *
* Time for Twos *
* Story Time for 3-5 year olds *
Save $100 on a family
membership in September!
* Family Story Time *
Registration for the Fall session at Winnipeg Public
Library begins Friday, September 11 at 10 a.m.
For information about locations and schedules, please visit the
library website at or pick up a copy of the
library newsletter, At The Library, available at all branches.
Give Your
Child the
Gift of Music
A developmentally designed music
and movement curriculum for
children birth to age 7 and their
 Remarkable and research-proven
child development benefits
 Over 60 weekly classes to choose
from including simultaneous class
options for siblings
 Canada’s most successful
Kindermusik program
SingingCreative Movement
Instruments Socializing
and Bonding
Register Now!
Get every issue of
Winnipeg Parent…
For more info
call 801-8318
Whether your goals are simply focused on
staying active in a friendly environment,
or as ambitious as imparting values to
your kids, the Rady JCC is the ideal place.
• Saltwater Pool and Children’s Play Area
As a new parent, start by joining a Parent/
Child program where you can connect with
other families and share the journey to
parenthood together.
• Day Care & Babysitting Services
O 453-1222
Classes start
Exclusive Membership Incentives:
• Priority Registration and Discounts on
Pre- and Post-natal classes, Swimming
Lessons, Day Camps and Family Programs
• FREE Family Fun Zone, Yoga For Mom &
Me, Kids In Motion, Family Yoga & More
• Teen Leadership & Fitness Programs
• 88 Free Group Fitness Classes Each Week
• 54,000 Sq. Ft. of Cutting Edge Exercise
Bring in this article to redeem our
no enrollment special offer, a
savings of $100.
Offer expires Sept. 30, 2015. Not applicable to trials.
New members only.
Funky Monkey is back this fall offering more fun
games and exercise for the whole family!
The Forks
St. Vital
• Audition Technique • Character Development
• Scene Study • Voice Training
• The Business of Acting
Transforming your child into a more confident person!
People who love the Rady have aspirations
— to learn, to grow, to stay in shape, to put
themselves and their families on paths to
meaningful lives.
Many programs are included free with
membership, including Yoga for Mom &
Me, Baby Drop-in Group, Parents & Ones
and Family Yoga.
3 Locations
Your Family Belongs At Rady!
Delivered FREE to your
School, Daycare,
Community Centre,
Business etc. It’s easy!
Call: 204-896-3227 or email:
ur children thrive on moving their bodies and interacting with others all while
having FUN!
Did you know children 1-4 years of age
should accumulate at least 3 hours of exercise at
any intensity throughout their day?
Did you know that children 5-11 years old
should be moving at a moderate to vigorous
intensity for at least 1 hour per day?
Funky Monkey programs help kids move
their bodies, learn the basic movement skills
such as hopping, skipping, jumping, running,
throwing, kicking, striking and catching, build
friendships and learn social/emotional intelligence, all while having tons of fun doing it!
Funky Monkey's focus is on building community in a safe, cooperative atmosphere that
allows children to thrive and learn at their own
Bethany Beaudry created Funky Monkey because she saw a need to offer something a little
different than sport specific programs. Bethany
prides herself on building a program that hits all
the physical literacy needs of children, so they
learn a balance of all of the movement skills
they need in order to play any sport or activity
they wish.
Bethany has been working full-time in the
public school system for 10 years, but this fall
will be learning at home with her daughters
(Makiya, 5 and Callia, 4), organizing and teaching Funky Monkey classes, and preparing to
open Inspired Explorations Learning Community (a holistic private school) for the Fall of
Her passion is Physical Activity and working
with movement and song. Inspired Explorations
Learning Community has a child-centered,
emergent curriculum and is based on enthusiastic, natural learning with a focus on daily
movement in a variety of learning experiences.
She hopes to be able to offer a place where
children can learn by experience as well as learn
to live in community with others, encouraging
them to be their authentic selves. She hopes you
are as excited as she is for these fun filled classes
that promise to deliver the right dose of activity,
community and overall FUN!
Visit for
Join Up!
Teen Talk! 5 skills adolescents need
for a successful and satisfying life
eenagers spend a good chunk of their
learning time immersed in such subjects
as algebra, history, biology and geography.
But the march toward a successful and satisfying
adulthood involves more than the ability to add
numbers or read and analyze complex material.
Equally vital are skills that help young people
develop character and give them the courage
and fortitude to deal with the many challenges
life will throw at them, says Linda Mornell,
founder of the highly effective nonprofit organization Summer Search (www.summersearch.
org), which provides disadvantaged young
people with life-changing and challenging summer opportunities.
"During the physical, emotional and intellectual explosions of the adolescent years, it's
critical that teenagers develop a belief in their
own ability to succeed," says Mornell, who also
is author of the book "Forever Changed: How
Summer Programs and Insight Mentoring Challenge Adolescents and Transform Lives."
"People who truly believe they can perform
well are more likely to view difficult tasks as
something to be mastered rather than something to be avoided."
Skills and values that help lead adolescents to
a more satisfying life can range from respecting their parents to understanding that making
mistakes is part of life. Here are just five of the
many skills Mornell says can make a difference:
• Learn to listen. The willingness to listen
is a direct reflection of how much we value
each other, Mornell says, and being listened to
reduces stress. "Nothing teaches young people
more about how to become good listeners than
having a mentor or other adult who consistently
and intently listens to them," she says. "The
ability to listen with intention and compassion
creates and enhances qualities like curiosity,
empathy and altruism."
• Understand and manage stress. Recent
research indicates that the adolescent brain is
highly sensitive to stress. It is essential that
young people understand the role stress plays
in their lives and the difference between healthy
and unhealthy outlets for handling that stress.
Healthy outlets for stress include exercise, talking, crying, creative pursuits and venting anger
through words and exercise in safe environments. Unhealthy outlets include withdrawing
and bottling up feelings, overeating or restricting food, inappropriate aggressive behavior,
relying on passive activities like TV and video
games, alcohol and drug use, premature sexual
activity, and blaming others.
• Embrace anger. Young people (and perhaps
adults as well) who want to achieve success
often try to keep a lid on negative emotions,
Mornell says. Yet Mornell, who worked as a
psychiatric nurse, has seen despondent patients
find relief when they are given permission to appropriately vent their anger and frustration. "We
definitely see that with Summer Search students
as well," Mornell says. "They consistently feel
better when their mentors help them talk about
rather than swallow their frustrations."
• Reject the victim mentality. Many young
people struggle at times with feeling like victims. That especially can be the case for those
growing up in poverty. "In truth, they often are
victimized," Mornell says. "They may live in a
dangerous neighborhood with highly stressed
and single-parent families, and every day
they are confronted with the harsh realities of
poverty." The challenge, she says, is for young
people to separate their experience of literally
being a victim from the tendency to develop a
victim mentality. They can't control the former,
but they can control the latter.
• Value humor. Adolescents are turned off by
sarcasm from adults, but they have a great appreciation for humor. "If a mentor and a student
can start poking fun at each other, the friendly
teasing can lead to a closer and more trusting
relationship," Mornell says. "Learning to laugh
at oneself is an important skill for us all."
About Linda Mornell
Linda Mornell is the founder of Summer Search
(, a nonprofit organization that provides disadvantaged young people
with challenging summer opportunities and lifechanging mentoring. She is also the author of the
book "Forever Changed: How Summer Programs
and Insight Mentoring Challenge Adolescents and
Transform Lives." Mornell was born on a farm in
Muncie, Ind. After getting her RN and bachelor's
degrees from Methodist Hospital and DePauw
University, she headed west on a Greyhound bus.
She has three adult children and seven grandchildren. Mornell divides her time among family,
writing and consulting. In 2014, she was blessed
by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama for her efforts to empower disadvantaged youth.
Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
For your SAFETY
Fall maintenance helps ensure
comfort and safety
Courtesy of Manitoba Hydro
ow is the time to perform important
fall maintenance tasks to ensure your
home heating system operates at peak
efficiency during the colder weather.
• Clean and repair leaky eavestroughs
A thorough cleaning will prevent ice and
melting snow from dripping onto the natural
gas meter and/or pressure regulator and freezing
when the temperature drops. Ice on the regulator can obstruct the vent causing a malfunction
and allowing excess gas to enter the home.
• Ensure your carbon monoxide (CO) detector
is installed properly and is in good working
Accumulation of CO can result from a faulty
appliance, clogged chimney, inadequate venting, or a build-up of engine exhaust. While CO
detectors aren’t a substitute for proper installation and regular equipment maintenance, they
do provide some reassurance and a CO detector
can warn of deadly carbon monoxide in the
home. Call 1-888-624-9376 for an emergency
inspection if you suspect a CO leak in your
• Have your furnace cleaned and inspected
Regular maintenance of your furnace can
help prevent carbon monoxide hazards and
helps to keep your natural gas furnace operating at its best. Have your furnace and venting
system checked by a qualified heating contractor and keep your air filter clean. A filter clogged
with dust and dirt restricts air flow, which can
cause the furnace to run hotter reducing its efficiency and life expectancy. Never keep gasoline
or other combustible or flammable materials
such as paper, chemicals, paint, solvents or
cleaning products near the natural gas furnace
as they can explode. Even vapors leaking from
containers can cause an explosion.
A house fire can start
in your clothes dryer
id you know that a buildup of lint in
your clothes dryer or its exhaust duct
can block the flow of hot air and start a
To reduce the risk of a fire in your home:
Clean the lint filter/screen before or after each
load. If your items appear to be taking longer
than usual to dry, this may be a sign that the lint
screen or exhaust duct is blocked.
Check the outside dryer vent while the dryer
is operating to make sure air is exiting through
the vent. If it isn’t, the exhaust duct or vent may
be clogged with lint. You will need to disconnect
the exhaust duct from the dryer and the vent to
clear any trapped debris. Don’t forget to reconnect the duct at both ends before using your
dryer again.
Have a qualified service person periodically
remove accumulated lint from the dryer chassis.
Clean up lint that accumulates behind the dryer
and keep the area all around the dryer free of
Install a rigid or semi-rigid corrugated metal
exhaust duct using the instructions that came
with your dryer. Flexible accordion-style plastic
or foil ducts crush easily and are prone to kinks
that can reduce air flow.
Take special care with items that are soiled
with volatile chemicals like gasoline, solvents,
finishing oils/stains, cleaning agents or even
cooking oil. Wash the items more than once to
minimize the amount of volatile chemicals and
hang them to dry. If you do use the dryer, use a
no-heat setting or the lowest heat setting possible with a cool-down cycle. Do not leave these
dried items in the dryer or piled up in a laundry
For more information on safety, visit hydro.
Gymnastics for All
Check out our FREE “Mommy N Me Classes”
Summer Camps
Largest state of the art gymnasium
in Manitoba!
Best Preschool Classes
Register for fall
Join Up!
10 Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
H2O Aquatic Academy
any children quit swimming lessons
out of frustration and fear, and some
participate for years and are not strong
swimmers. We realized there was nothing in
Winnipeg that provided technical, balanced,
and creative programming. Swimming is a life
skill – unlike your typical lessons, we are NOT
a lifesaving program. After 2 years of research
and planning, we created the AQUA-Lit™ Curriculum which is exclusive to H2O and ensures
progressive results. We aim to create proficient
swimmers who are confident and exercise safe,
responsible behaviour. We put the FUN back in
swimming lessons!
Did you know… babies can take classes at 6
months old?! At H2O we offer state of the art
swimming lessons for children 6 months - 12
years old. We strive to create confident and
competent swimmers who are equipped to enjoy
a lifetime of aquatic activities.
What makes H2O different?
Our online registration is easy and fast with no
hidden fees. We teach at the Winnipeg Winter
Club, which provides a cozy environment and
a WARM pool! Every class has two teachers to
keep kids moving the entire time.
We are the answer for quality programming
and use unique teaching tools like underwater
music, SwimFins, and props! We also encourage
Your child will be READY for any aquatic
sport if they choose to continue on with any one
of our affiliates; Manta Swim Club, Revolution
Diving, Bushido Water Polo and Winnipeg
We are pleased to offer H2O families with
discounts to other local businesses such as the
Green Carrot Juice Company and Swimming
We don’t operate on a PASS/FAIL system!
We encourage growth by evaluating skills on an
improvement scale rather than creating a fear of
water and failing, which is common in traditional lessons. Check out!
Kaley and Krista,
owners of
H20 Aquatic
Homemade Silly Putty
2 parts white glue
1 part liquid starch
Mix ingredients and let dry until workable.
Add more glue or starch if necessary. May not
work on humid days. Store in airtight container.
Edible Playdough
(Allergy Alert: peanut
butter used in this recipe)
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup powdered milk
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup chocolate chips
Mix, Mould then EAT!!!!
Eggshell Chalk
4-5 eggshells
1 teaspoon flour
1 teaspoon very hot tap water
food coloring (optional)
Wash & dry eggshells. Put into bowl and grind
into a powder. A mortar and pestle works fine
for this. Discard any large pieces. Place flour
and hot water in another bowl and add 1 tablespoon eggshell powder & mix until a paste
forms. Add food coloring if desired. Shape &
press mixture firmly into the shape of a chalk
stick, and roll up tightly in a strip of paper
towel. Allow to dry approximately 3 days until
hard. Remove paper towel & you've got chalk!
Eggshell chalk is for sidewalks only.
Dryer Lint Clay
Make some fabulous clay with your dryer lint!
To make this clay, combine the dryer lint and
the water in a pan and stir them together. Add a
little flour next, and then a few drops of oil- keep
stirring as you add substances so your mixture
doesn't get all bumpy. Now cook the mixture
over low heat until it holds itself together. Now
pour it out onto a flat surface to cool. Mold it
around objects, press it into molds- you decide.
This mixture will last for several days. It drys into
a very hard smooth surface.
Ice Cream in a Bag
1 Tbl. sugar
1/2 cup half & half (may substitute milk)
1/4 tsp. vanilla
6 Tbl. rock salt
1 pint-sized Ziploc bag
1 gallon-sized Ziploc bag
ice cubes
Put the sugar, half & half, and vanilla in the
small bag and seal it.
Fill the large bag half full with ice, add the rock
salt and then place the small bag inside and
seal the larger bag.
Shake the bag until you have ice cream, about
5 minutes. Open the large bag, remove the
smaller one and wipe off the top. Open the
small bag and eat the ice cream out of the
Join Up!
Developing them early in children
By Monica
e all know
who have poor
social skills...they don't
look you in the eye when
you talk to them, they
interrupt others in midsentence, or they don't
know how to initiate or carry on a conversation.
Social skills, or the ability to interact with other
people, are developed throughout our lives.
Children who are talked to, and interacted with,
will evolve into social individuals.
The development of social skills can start
with infants. When interacting with and talking
to your baby make sure to face them and use
facial expressions. Show your pleasure with
their attempts at communication by reacting
with smiles and pleasant voice tones. Although
babies do not understand language yet, they will
react to facial expressions and tone of voice. Try
not to talk to them with your back turned. Eye
contact signals attention, and your baby will
sense your attention to them and respond with
eye contact themselves.
Once they are upright and toddling remember that you are way up there and that in order
for them to have eye contact with you, you
must get down to their level. They will feel
more connected with you on the same level and
it is a signal to them that they are important.
Keep your language simple and allow your
child the time to say what they are trying to
tell you without filling in the gaps too quickly.
Many times you will need to repeat and ask
for clarification but this is still a positive verbal
As Preschoolers, most children will rely on
their parents to initiate their social interactions
or requests. They may come to you and say
something like, "I want play with Suzie too."
Rather than intervene for them, model the
necessary social language, and direct them to
attempt the interaction themselves. Say, "Go and
say to Suzie, Can I play in the sand box too?"
It is much easier for a child to have an adult
interact for them, and this reliance on adults
can result in a child who is too shy to approach
their peers. Once a child has successfully initiated a social interaction they may only need the
prompt of, "Why don't you ask Suzie if you can
play?", to venture out on their own.
Children need to interact with others close
to their own age. If siblings are not available
cousins or friends can provide valuable social
interaction time.
Another valuable social skill for children is
turn-taking and sharing.
Having some toys and games available
where children must take turns can provide
these valuable lessons. Simple items like
bubble blowers, or See & Say toys, require that
children wait their turn with others. Explaining how turn-taking works at home can avoid
painful lessons being learned in Kindergarten
where sharing and turn-taking is so important.
Children also need to understand how to act in
group situations. Taking places where they must
sit and listen, such as story time at a library, or
a children's drama production, gives them good
practice for the Kindergarten situation. Mom
can't sit and help them understand when to be
quiet and listen once they get to school, so practice before school entry can be a valuable lesson
to learn. Even taking turns in conversation at
the dinner table, commenting on a subject like
the what they liked best at the circus, will demonstrate conversational turn taking.
Social skills can vary from how to interact
in a group to how to make requests. When in
a "child friendly" restaurant encourage your
children to order for themselves. Rehearse what
they are going to say before the server arrives
and asks what they would like. This is not only
a social skill of making a request, but also a
real confidence for booster for a child who
can tell an adult what they would like without
the assistance of their Mom or Dad. Another
real confidence builders can be a phone call to
Grandparents. Prompt Grandparents by telling
them what your child would like to talk about.
For Example, "Erik went to the dentist today I
am sure he would like to tell you all about it."
Allowing your child to relate the experience
themselves is a signal to them that you have
confidence in their verbal skills. That confidence in their social and speaking skills comes
with practice, and that confidence will allow
your child to use social skills when you are not
Remember that if at any time you feel your
child's Speech or Language development is
delayed in comparison to their peers, be sure to
contact a licensed Speech/Language Pathologist.
Monica Gustafson is a Speech /Language
Pathologist and the Author of 23 programming
books and games for speech and language. After
34 years in the school system, she is now in full
time private practice. Speech/Language therapy
sessions for Preschool and School-aged children
are available weekdays and evenings. For more
information phone: 204-896-3964 or visit her
website at...
Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Is Your ADHD Child Ready for School?
Ivan Poturica BA - Director ADD Centre Winnipeg
hile parents can find all the school supplies from
the list provided by schools, what about the skills
identified on the report card? The list includes:
ignore distractions, be still and quiet, stay focused on task and
remember to complete and hand in all assignments. On the
behaviour side the child needs to control their impulsivity and
hyperactivity. What options exist for children who struggle
with these skills?
The medical answer is to chemically manage distraction,
impulsivity and hyperactivity with stimulant medication. They
use a pill that acts as a chemical restraint for the impulsive
and hyperactive child. What they prescribe is a short term
solution that provides no lasting benefit leaving the child
without the skills required to succeed in the classroom.
This outcome is confirmed by a Government of Western
Australia sponsored study where researchers found “lack of
significant improvements in long-term social, emotional and
academic functioning associated with the use of stimulant
medication.” Closer to home, Quebec saw a sharp increase
in the use of stimulant medications prescribed for ADHD
after it expanded insurance coverage. Economists looking
into the benefits of this policy discovered little evidence
of improvement in either the medium or the long term in
regards to the emotional functioning or school attainment
among children with ADHD. They did find evidence for shortterm deterioration in academic outcomes among both boys
and girls, and that boys were more likely to eventually drop
out of school following this policy change. These two studies
provide evidence for no improvement in academic, attention
and long term school outcomes for children that solely used
What is the alternative? It is possible to teach a person
how to naturally control their distracted, impulsive and
hyperactive brain so they can perform in school, in sports and
music and social situations. Research into the brain shows
us that the brain is flexible and capable of learning new skills
with the right kind of feedback.
Neurofeedback brain training is one such approach,
and when used in a multi-modal strategy, it is capable of
removing the symptoms of ADHD in 91% of children that
complete at least 40 training sessions. Better yet of children
on medication, 96% are can be taken off when the training
is completed.
The ADD Centre’s brain training program coupled with:
nutrition, exercise, managing allergies, improving home and
school structure, educational supports, accommodations
and behaviour skills training all can contribute to achieving a
higher level of success for the child.
What are the benefits of this multi-modal approach
incorporating neurofeedback brain training? Increased
academic results, increased intellectual potential,
normalization of behaviour, and improved results in sports
and music. Upon completion of brain training the person
no longer presents the symptoms of ADHD, resulting in a
huge improvement in the quality of life for the child, family,
friends, school and community. The costs and side-effects
of medication are avoided and any of the special measures
required in school may no longer be needed. The ADHD
child now performs like their peers for the remainder of their
academic and working careers.
For children with ADHD, ASD and learning difficulties
Federal and Provincial tax benefits may be available. For
further information contact the ADD Centre at 897-4493.
Visit our web site www. or read: “The A.D.D.
Book” by Dr. William Sears and D. Lynda Thompson to learn
You can’t change the wind...
But you can adjust
the sails.
Manitoba Registered Music Teachers’ Association
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Contact us Today to find a Registered Music Teacher for you or
to find out how you can become a Registered Music Teacher.
Phone: 204 339-6768
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And receive daily information about parenting, programs, events,
products and services you should know about!
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12 Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Winnipeg Symphony mixes classics,
comedy and cinema in kids series
this fall!
we have a class for you!
We have classes for
Classes for ages
5+ up!
Beginner classes
run for 1 hour, once a
week for 10 weeks
he WSO is probably best known for rousing
performances of the great symphonies. Less
known is the wide variety of education and
community engagement programs it carries out.
Each year the WSO performs for more than
40,000 students throughout the province. School
performances, matinees at the concert hall and the
Great-West Life Kids Concerts are all tailored to
introduce young people to the pleasure of classical
New this year is a Family series designed for
teens and pre-teens ready to take in a full evening
concert. Home Alone the Movie: Live in Concert,
Disney FANTSIA, and Cirque Mechanics create a
series of three fun concerts filled with great music,
film and performance that audience members of
any age will enjoy.
However, the Great-West Life Kids Concerts are
at the core of the WSO's youth programming. The
series mixes classical treasures with entertaining
hosts and beautiful cinema. Each concert starts
with an hour of pre-concert activites that introduce
young people to the instruments of the orchestra.
Kids can conduct a group of symphony musicians,
visit the Instrument Petting Zoo or participate
in crafts, a rhythm ensemble and round-singing.
Following the pre-concert activities is an hour-long
performance that will keep even the most wriggly
five-year old fully engaged.
The season kicks off with Dan Kamin's Haunted
Orchestra on October 25. An old-school Hollywood showman, Dan has trained A-listers including Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr. in classic
Hollywood comedy techniques. In this Halloween
special Dan plays Mr. Kirby who is "haunted" by a
suite of timeless music from Grieg, Leroy Anderson, Strauss and more. Kids are invited to dress up
to join in the fun!
The second concert of the series, back by
popular demand, is The Snowman & The Bear on
November 22. Raymond Briggs' heartwarming
holiday classic films bring Winnipeg audiences to
their feet every time they are performed.
Manny Tuba returns to the WSO January
17 with Mr. Mark for Around the World with
Manny Tuba, a musical odyssey filled with dance,
gymnastics, a hoop dancer, and of course plenty of
March 20 will see the Winnipeg debut of
Iceland's favourite musical mouse in Maximumus
Musicus Visits the Orchestra. A mix of images
from the award-winning book of the same name
and music by Beethoven, Bizet and Ravel, kids will
be on the edge of their seats waiting to learn what
happens when Maxi finds himself caught in the
concert hall.
The season closes May 1 with the classic film
Disney FANTASIA. A mix of scenes from the
original Fantasia and Fantasia 2000, the show
includes music from The Sorcerer's Apprentics,
Beethoven's Pastoral and Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker
Suite that lasts approximately one-hour.
Full details and tickets for the series are available
at or through the WSO box office:
Managing your time and social
media with Hootsuite
By Blair Kaplan
For ages 7-13
King of the
By David S. Craig
“everything that you
want a show for young
audiences to be”
– Toronto Star
Oct 1-18, 2015
Danny Carter and his mom have lived in more places than most kids his age.
Together they discover that courage, creativity and imagination can help them
overcome life’s challenges.
e a t re
You ca
re a t t h
See m
. m t y p.
fo r l e s
he kids are back in
school, which means
during the evenings
there's a great chance that
you're going to be helping
them with their homework.
And that means you're valuable social media browsing
time after work is now going to be filled with
math homework, english homework and all
sorts of other fun subjects. So, if you're looking
for a way to manage your time and social media,
I have the right program for you!
Each social media platform is different and it
can be overwhelming managing each platform
(meaning opening different apps or website at
once). By managing I mean: posting content,
seeing who is posting what, checking out Twitter lists, scrolling through different hashtags and
everything in between. If you haven't heard of a
company called Hootsuite, I'd like to introduce
them to you. I have been using them for many
years and with their (free) software, I'm able to
manage all of my social media accounts in one
place. Yes, that is correct. Hootsuite is a social
media management tool that allows you to hook
up your social media accounts so you can log
into one place and see everything organized on
a dashboard.
If you have all of your social media set up
on your phone, this may have less appeal to
you and it still works on your phone. However,
where it comes in very handy is when you want
to schedule posts to be published when you are
unable to physically publish them and when you
want to shorten links, which helps with character limits and making your post look neater.
Here are 9 reasons why you should explore this
1.Hootsuite is offers a free and paid version and
can be used on your phone or online.
2.They are very user friendly and have a great
tech-support team.
3.You can track the clicks on the links shortened in Hootsuite.
4.It's a really great way to manage Twitter lists.
5.The ability to schedule posts to be published
at a later time.
6.The ability to post in real time.
7.You are able see multiple streams (functions)
of each app at once (on the website).
8.Log in to one program and have access to
post to and monitor all of your social media
9.It saves you time (in the long run).
If you are hooked on social media, this is a
great tool to use to plan your posts and browse
efficiently. It's a Canadian company based in
Vancouver and you can check them out at www. Oh yah, their mascot is an owl.
Who doesn't love a cute owl?
Join Up!
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In the party
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Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
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How Munsch fun can you have?
PTE’s is known for its hilarious Munsch shows. Now 7–9 year-olds
can experience the fun in a 10 week class for just $160.
Check out for details or to register for Munsch fun
Photo by B. Monk.
14 Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Family Matters
Stay alert, slow down.
Kids are back in school and
it’s important to watch out,
especially during peak
school hours.
Watch for signs in school
zones, as the speed limits
may be lower in some
municipalities. Please slow
down and be prepared to
stop suddenly.
Back to School Winnipeg Parent Ad (2).indd 1
By Dr. Cathy Moser
hat a wonderful summer - we
couldn't have
asked for better weather. I
hope that you had so much
fun that your children are
saddened by the passing of
the lazy (and sometimes
crazy) days of summer. Even
though most children complain about having to get
back into routine - the whining is only half-hearted.
There are many reasons to look forward to going back
to school, including: overcoming the boredom that
sets in when summer-time fun winds down; seeing
friends and favorite teachers; and getting back to the
structure/routine of the school year. Underneath all
the complaining, most children really do like school
- because through the interpersonal interactions and
successes that they experience at school, they are able
to fulfill a very basic human need - the development
of self-esteem. For many children who complain about
school, the reasons are based on fear - fear of the
unknown, anxiety about peer rejection, AND/OR the
fear of FAILURE.
The school system is set up to meet the needs
of the majority. If your child doesn't learn in the
conventional manner -they soon become aware that
many of their peers are more successful. Even though
I know that many of the most creative and talented innovators of the world were not conventional learners,
this fact is not very comforting for children who feel
inadequate NOW.
If you've read my column before, you probably
already know that my column has been a self-journey
of writing therapy (just half-kidding!). When I
For the love of reading
introduce myself at speaking engagements, my shpiel
often sounds like this: I treat Anxiety, Depression,
academic problems, childhood disorders, relationship
difficulties, and family dysfunction..... and THEN I
go to work! Even though this is in half-jest, I think
that I am a better Psychologist BECAUSE I have gone
through many of the challenges that the children I
treat are going through. Yes - me!... separation anxiety
(I used to vomit when my parents went out); fear of
the boogey-man (nightly checking of under the bed
and in the closet); occasional bedwetting (I remember
thinking in my dream - 'it's only a dream, why bother
taking time out from playing to go to the bathroom?');
pathetic penmanship (I am now told that this was an
early indicator that I was going to be a Doctor - but
back then, I was made to feel like I was not as smart as
the children who could do beautiful loop-d-loos with
their 'L's'); inattention (I used to glob that white glue
on my palm and wait until it dried enough to doodle
on it); and worst of all - being a SLOW READER.
I say it was the worst, because children compare
themselves to other children, and it is very clear as to
who the strong readers are (a.k.a. 'the smart kids') and
who the weak ones are (a.k.a. 'the not so smart kids').
In my day, we had three groupings of children within
the class: the JETS; the ROBINS; and (my group), the
TURTLES. It didn't take more than a day or two for
each of us to figure out who was who. These days,
there are more discreet groupings (i.e., leveled books
that are assigned by the teacher), but I guarantee you
that the general gist of the groupings doesn't escape
many children.
Even though teachers and parents usually assure
children who struggle that it is not because they are
inferior, the general message of inadequacy can't help
but come through loud and clear. Unfortunately, the
less capable a child feels, the fewer risks they take and
the less they are able to absorb. Soon, they have fallen
so far behind that they are embarrassed by the simplistic level of reading material that is assigned. The
cycle of avoidance, frustration and a sense of failure
soon begin to contaminate many aspects of the school
experience and their self-confidence.
Parents often ask me when to intervene, and how.
Some educators will tell you that children vary in the
development of reading skills and to not be alarmed
if your child is on the slower end of the spectrum. I
am an early interventionist when it comes to reading maybe because it took me so long to learn to read, and
I hated being in the TURTLES group all those years.
As a Psychologist, I see how negatively a child's selfesteem is affected when their reading is not up to par.
I guess that is why I took on the challenge of
creating a summer camp experience that would be a
whole lot of fun, intensive in reading instruction and
practice, and a multi-faceted approach to self-esteem
building. On the first day of camp, I read the children
a book called 'Thank You Mr. Falker' - a story about
a teacher that took the time and care to work with an
older student that couldn't read. I haven't quite been
able to get to the end of the book, because I usually
choke up by the last few pages. I see the looks on the
children's faces when they learn that I had a problem
learning to read when I was their age.... And that leads
to a little hope in their heart, and a willingness to give
it another try. At first, we offer extrinsic rewards as
incentives to practice (we broke the bank at the Dollar
Star). We were awed by the fact that children went
home and practiced their reading after eight hours of
camp! That is the power of positive reinforcement for
you. Eventually, when they were able to read books
that they enjoy - the rewards were all intrinsic. And
there is nothing more rewarding seeing the smile on
the face of a child who has mastered a challenge!
14-08-07 10:07 AM
If your child struggles with reading, here are a few
tips: GET PROFESSIONAL HELP - unless you have
studied Education, you are not going to be able to effectively teach a child with a learning difficulty. Most of us
leave it to the professionals to teach swimming, playing
instruments, gymnastic, etc. Don't think twice about
hiring a tutor that specializes in reading.... It's worth
every penny. WORK WITH THE SCHOOL - let
them know that you are determined to make sure that
your child receives the intervention that they need, and
that you are willing to be part of the treatment plan.
WORK WITH YOUR CHILD - let them know that
you are aware of how hard their job is, and that you are
willing to 'pay them overtime' (after all, that's what they
are doing when they have to take the extra time in the
evening to practice). Generate a list of rewards that you
feel good about giving them (e.g., money towards buying an item that you would probably buy them at some
point in time - like a special hockey stick, a sought after
piece of clothing, a special book).
LIKE - I grew up on a healthy diet of comic books.
Many parents dismiss them as having little educational
value. Guess what! I was in New York and saw a Tony
Award Winning play on Broadway called Fun Home. I
thought it would be a good idea to read the book first.
To my surprise, it was a Graphic Novel (a.k.a. COMIC
BOOK). There are lots of Graphic Novels and Minecraft Books that are worth reading, and Archie and Veronica are still going strong (they don't even look older
than they did fifty years ago). SEARCH the computer
for famous people that had learning disabilities - and
let them know that every brilliant brain has peaks and
valleys. Build upon their peaks and let them know that
working in the valley will be a challenge - but worth
every ounce of sweat and tears.
Family Matters
Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Mind Matters Clinic
Dr. Cathy Moser & Dr. Jay Greenfeld, Registered Psychologists
3-1250 Waverley Street Tel: 204-477-8555
Registration now being accepted
for fall children’s programs:
Boost your child’s reading skills this fall with Mind Matter’s
9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. STARTING IN OCTOBER
• an intensive fun and instructional reading intervention that
combines direct instruction with fun activities and games that
reinforce the skills that were taught.
• designed to boost your child’s skill level, self-confidence,
and show them that READING CAN BE FUN!
Other six-week groups that start in October:
• ANGER MANAGEMENT GROUPS for children ages 6-13
children ages 8-16 WITH ADHD
children ages 8-11
• OVERCOMING ANXIETY GROUPS for children ages 9-12
October 15th & 22nd: Positive Parenting – Paving the Path To
a Peaceful Home
October 29th & Nov. 5th: Exercise and Healthy Eating – A
Family Model
November 12th & 19th: Flying Without Fear
November 26th & December 3rd: Parenting the Oppositional
and Defiant Child
Speech and Language Assessment
and Therapy Available On Site
Children’s Services
• Psychoeducational
Assessment for Children
with Learning Challenges
• School Consultation
• Diagnosis and Treatment
of Anxiety and Depression
• EMDR – Trauma Treatment
• Individual and Family
Therapy for Children with
Emotional/Behaviour Problems
Adult Services
• Short-term Solution Focused Therapy
for individuals/couples/families
• Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for
Anxiety, Depression, Habit Control,
• Clinical Hypnosis for Pain, Smoking
Cessation, and Habit Control
• EMDR/Trauma Treatment
• Assessment & Treatment of Adult
ADHD & Learning Disabilities
Evening & weekend appointments available. Covered by most extended health care insurance plans
Call 204-477-8555 or go to for more information
Family Matters
16 Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
How to make money
work in a marriage
void Financial Infidelity,” MoneyMinded Psychologist SaysChildren, sex,
in-laws, work stress — how couples
handle these issues says plenty about a marriage and, often, a divorce. Not surprising to
many, however, the No. 1 predictor of divorce is
money, according to a study from Kansas State
University.More specifically, researchers say
that arguing about money, especially early in a
relationship, is the best predictor of divorce –
despite a couple’s economic bracket.
“As with sex, for example, arguments about
money are probably connected to deeper,
underlying issues, such as trust, self-esteem,
identity, etc.,” says Dr. Anne Brennan Malec, a
clinical psychologist and marriage and family
therapist with a background in accounting and
business.“Like most other areas of conflict,
frequent communication and formulating a plan
for how to address the financial situation allows
many, if not most, issues to be adequately and
respectfully resolved.” Dr. Malec, author of the
book Marriage in Modern Life: Why It Works,
When It Works (, offers constructive solutions for marital money
• Be partners in your common cause. When
one partner carries most of the financial burden,
it can thrust that partner into an almost parental
role over the other. This is a form of asymmetry
that can affect other areas of the relationship
and erode a marriage, creating resentment by
each partner for different reasons. Whether
or not you make roughly the same amount of
money as your spouse — or none at all because
you’re a stay-at-home parent — stay involved
in the goings on of your household’s finances.
Understand what you can and cannot afford as a
family. Communication is crucial. Discuss your
feelings about money and how both of you contribute to the overall well-being of your family.
• Avoid financial infidelity. Every couple has
to determine how their joint and individual
expenses will be shared. Account for the necessities, from rent or mortgage to groceries and
more. Account for all of your typical expenses,
which may include date night and individual
interests or hobbies. Respect individual interests
— whether or not they are reasonable expenses,
understand that they are important to your
partner and may help the relationship. If one
shops too much or spends too much on cars,
find a way to compromise. Having an agreedupon monthly budget helps minimize financial
tension, and to spend more requires a good
• Be open to money issues beyond the marriage.
Most adults have some degree of debt because of
a college loan, child support, a medical history
or a host of other reasons. Ideally, you will have
discussed and come to terms with a spouse’s
debt before marriage. Also, consider the potential upsides to having a prenuptial agreement,
especially when one or both of you come to
the marriage with significant assets or debts, or
when children are involved.
• Have annual discussions about a spouse’s stayat-home status. There are many good reasons
for a mother or a father to stay home and raise
children, but you should revisit this decision
once a year to determine if it still works for
the family. The spouse who chooses to stay at
home should make him or herself fully aware of
the potential risk of doing so. Can you afford a
one-income household? Will the stay-at-home
spouse be able to re-enter the workforce? Will
you be fulfilled at home? These are valid questions to seriously consider each year.
About Dr. Anne Brennan Malec
Dr. Anne Brennan Malec (www.drannemalec.
com) is the founder and managing partner of
Symmetry Counseling (, a group counseling, coaching and psychotherapy practice in Chicago. She also is author
of the book Marriage in the Modern Life: Why
It Works, When It Works. Dr. Malec earned her
Bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from Villanova
University and holds two Master’s degrees: one in
Liberal Studies from DePaul University, and one
in Marital and Family Therapy from Northwestern University. Dr. Malec earned her Doctoral
degree in Clinical Psychology from the Chicago
School of Professional Psychology.
We Deliver
Winnipeg Parent for Free!
October/November 2014
Take One!
Take One!
August 2014
TeenSafe Gives Parents Tips to Face the
Uncomfortable “Sext” Talk With Their Child
its own set of risks, and often exposes our sons
and daughters to a variety of repercussions that
can have a negative impact on their lives.
Why do they do it?
Interest in sex typically enters the brain during
puberty. Between 12 and 13 years old, preteens
and teens look for information about sex in any
way they can, the easiest way being the internet.
•A sext lasts forever, with the potential to be
saved, forwarded, and recovered years from
hances are you’ve talked to your teen
about reproduction at some point, but
what about the inappropriate conversations that could be happening behind the
screen? If you are wondering if your child’s
sexual curiosity is being expressed online where
they spend most of their time, it may be time
to have the “sext” talk with them. It is estimated
that 40 percent of all high school students
have sent or received a “sext” and 70 percent
of teens admit to sexting with their boyfriend
or girlfriend. Parents should talk to their kids
about sexting and teach them how to protect
themselves, preventing serious damage to their
September 2014
Take One!
HOLD on to
• Raising A
Polite Child
• Fever and
• Stuttering...
When is it
A Problem
• JOIN UP: Memberships,
Clubs & Programs
• Honey, I Wrecked the
• Are You Overparenting?
• Back to School PART 1
• Step Families
• Don't Stick Stuff Up Your
Contact us for a free
placement test today!
Math. Reading. Confidence.
Contact us for a free placement test today!
Math. Reading. Confid
•Never send intimate texts to people you do
not know in real life.
• For 40 percent of girls, sexting is humorous
•Sexting leaves you vulnerable, giving another
person all of the power in the relationship.
•While the other 34 percent of girls sext to feel
•If you witness inappropriate sexting, tell an
Because of feeling pressured, 61 percent of
both sexes engage in the behavior, but girls are
asked to send risqué photos 68 percent more
often than boys.
•Teach them self-respect and to never feel
pressured to do things they don’t want to do.
Back to
Math. Reading. Confid
•For 77 percent of boys, the reason for sexting
is to initiate sex
When to have the sext talk?
Our children’s connectivity and reliance on
digital devices starts at a very young age, so the
conversation about online safety should begin
early and should build on that foundation as
a child ages. It is recommended for parents to
begin teaching children social media etiquette
long before they hit the teen years.
TeenSafe has compiled a list of details to help
this conversation go smoothly and accurately.
Here are a few key points to include in the
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placement test
We would be happy to add your school, daycare,
organization or retail outlet to our delivery list.
Receive all 8 issues for your families!
Contact Winnipeg Parent for more information.
Call: 204-896-3227
Is it dangerous?
A common misconception circulating among
our children is that there are no threats like
pregnancy or transmitting diseases associated
with sexting. While this can be true, sexting has
•There are legal ramifications that can negatively impact lives for decades.
If you feel you need to keep a closer eye on
your child with a monitoring solution, go to, and for more resources and
parenting tips, go to
Family Matters
Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
5 house rules that will defuse bickering
before it gets out of hand
o you feel like you’ve traded in your
parenting hat for referee stripes? Parenting expert Michele Borba says you can
enforce a truce on sibling battles and bickering.
Read on for five house rules that will stop the
shouting and promote peace in your home today.
It’s the soundtrack to parenthood: the battles, the
bickering, the rivalries. Mom- she’s touching me!
He’s looking out my window! Tell her to get out of
my room! Even on the best of days these sibling
squabbles can make you want to pull your hair
out. Add in busy schedules and mounting stress
and coming home to conflict and contention can
just be too much to handle. So what can you do
when your living room more closely resembles a
war zone rather than the relaxing retreat that it
should be? Though you can’t force your children
to be best friends, you can get a handle on their
squabbles and create a (relatively) harmonious
home, says parenting expert Dr. Michele Borba.
“As you probably know already, just saying ‘You
kids stop your fighting!’ isn’t going to cut it,” notes
Borba, author of The Big Book of Parenting Solutions: 101 Answers to Your Everyday Challenges
and Wildest Worries. “Kids respond to firm
boundaries and clear cut directives. So what you
have to do is lay out some non-negotiable rules
and enforce them - period.”
Borba says that there are five simple house rules
that will result in a (temporary, at least) cease-fire
on all the fighting:
No yelling.
Instate what Borba calls a “vow of yellibacy” in
your house and enforce it. When tempers flare and
feelings are hurt, the volume decibel tends to rise,
causing arguments to quickly escalate and get out
of hand. Just remember: the “no yelling” rule isn’t
only for the kids, it goes for you too. Parents have
to set the example for staying calm and collected
when they are upset or angry as well. “This should
be rule number one,” asserts Borba. “All family
members must use calm voices only – no yelling
allowed. And if talks get heated, anyone can make
a time-out hand sign hinting that he needs to cool
down. When cooler heads prevail, arguments get
resolved much more quickly and in a way that is
less stressful for everyone.”
No taking without asking. Property ownership
can be a BIG deal to little ones and the time-honored “Mooom, she’s touching my stuff!” complaint
can be frequent in multi-child households. This
can be a particularly touchy issue for tweens and
teens — especially if there is a younger sibling
in the house. Older siblings can get pretty upset
when their iPods and laptops are confiscated by
tiny, sticky (literally!) fingers. “Insist that permission of the owner must be granted before borrowing, using, or taking any property,” Borba explains.
“Not only will this cut down on the conflict, but it
will also make it easier to resolve any arguments
that may come up. If permission was not asked for
and granted, then you know who broke the rule.
Simple as that.”
No hurtful behaviors. With bullies and mean
girls running the schools, it’s important that you
set the standard for your home to be a safe haven
for your kids. It should be a place free from hurtful
behaviors. Set a strict policy: name-calling and hitting will not be tolerated, under any circumstances
and they will result in a consequence. Tolerating
hurtful behavior inside your home only encourages your kids to display it when you aren’t around
as well — and that’s not a character trait any parent wants to encourage.“This rule should stand for
each child in your home, no matter what age they
are,” Borba asserts. “The consequences may differ
according to the age group: for a younger child, a
display of hurtful behavior will result in a timeout. If your child is older, then it means the loss
of a privilege. While hitting and hurtful words are
sure to happen amongst siblings, it’s up to you to
make them understand that you will not tolerate it
under any circumstance.”
No involvement without evidence. If you are the
parent of siblings, you’ve probably spent a good
deal of time playing referee. Kids are quick to run
to a parent’s aid to help settle their disagreements
and if you weren’t a witness to the incident itself,
then it can be hard to know exactly what to do.
Borba says you should get involved in the conflict
only if you actually saw or heard it occur. This
will help to keep you neutral and will encourage
your kids to adopt strategies to help them work
things out for themselves.“If your kids seek your
help, but you don’t have any evidence, then step
away,” Borba says. “Instead, suggest that they use
Rock, Paper, Scissors to work out their problem.
This prevents you from having to choose sides or
take one kid’s word over another’s — and it will
also teach them to work things out for themselves.
After all, you won’t always be there to help them
resolve their problems, so it’s better that they
acquire the skills at home so they are ready when
the time comes.”
No tattling. Siblings and tattling go hand in
hand, so it’s inevitable that you’ll come across this
parenting issue sooner rather than later. Not only
is tattling an unattractive quality in kids, it can
also breed resentment amongst siblings and can be
the central to continuing conflict in a household.
Keeping a “no tattling” policy in your household
can be crucial to cutting back on the squabbles.
“The no tattling rule works wonders in curbing
sibling resentment with younger kids,” Borba
explains. “Tell your kids that unless they are telling
you something to keep their sibling out of trouble
or to prevent him or her from being hurt then you
aren’t going to listen. Before any tattling gets well
underway, ask ‘Is this a tattle?’ and if the answer is
yes, then send them on their way.”
Of course, no matter what you do, sibling
squabbles will happen on occasion. So don’t drive
yourself crazy with unrealistic expectations for
non-stop harmony. If you can keep battles from
escalating and teach kids how to resolve them with
minimal fallout, you can count it a success.“Your
kids don’t get along every minute of the day and
they might not even like each other all the time,
but they do have to respect each other’s feelings
and be considerate of the need for empathy and
stability in the family,” says Borba. “After all, the
benchmarks of any strong relationship are empathy and respect — and if you can help your kids
learn how to co-exist more peacefully, you’ll have
taught them a valuable life skill they’ll appreciate
for years to come.”
Michele Borba, Ed.D., is an educational psychologist, former teacher, and mom. She is recognized
for offering research-driven advice culled from a
career of working with over one million parents,
educators, and children. A frequent Today show
contributor and recipient of the National Educator
Award, Michele is the author of 22 books, including
Building Moral Intelligence, No More Misbehavin’,
and her latest release, The Big Book of Parenting Solutions: 101 Answers to Your Everyday Challenges
and Wildest Worries. She also has appeared on Dr.
Phil, The View, CNN American Morning, and The
Early Show, and has been featured in numerous
publications, including U.S. News & World Report,
The Chicago Tribune, Redbook, Family Circle,
Parenting, and Child. She is an advisory board
member for Parents Magazine and she writes the
blog “Parenting Solutions” for NBC’s iVillage. For
more information, visit
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Family Matters
18 Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Winnipeg Parent's Top 11
Fall Family Fun Activities
Lunchbox Ideas
for Fussy Kids
ou’ve got that cool lunch bag, thermos and litterless lunch holders but
your child hates sandwiches, won’t eat anything cold, green or mushy.
Winnipeg Parent offers these suggestions to help you with a variety
on nutritious lunches. There has to be something on this list that your child
will it! Don’t worry, if they want the same thing over and over. As long as
they are eating what you give them and it’s nutritious. That’s half the battle.
ALLERGY ALERT!* Don’t forget to check your child’s daycare or school
policy on allergies. Many do not allow peanut butter, fish or nuts.
1. Set up a table and start on a family puzzle.
It's a great way to teach patience, persistence
and have quality family time together.
5. Camp out in the basement. Kids love to
pretend they are camping. Pack them up as if
they were really going out on a camping trip.
2. Do Simple Home Craft Activities:
-Colored Macaroni
Sprinkle several drops of food coloring into
a bowl of dry macaroni. Mix well, and spread
on cookie sheet to dry. Glue different colors
onto heavy paper to make a picture.
-Kitchen Sandbox
Partly fill a large plastic tub with cornmeal,
rice, or colored macaroni, as described above.
Then, use cups, spoons, colanders, sieves, etc.
to dig, scoop, and measure "sand."
-Kitchen Sink Fun
Fill the sink water and let the kids guess if
certain household things you have collected
will sink or float. Make a science lesson out
of this game and have fun playing along with
your children. Let them experiment with
household items like strainers, cups and
sponges. Kids love playing in the water.
6. Have the kids put on a puppet show. Make
sock puppets and come up with a story idea.
Great fun for all!
3. Pick up a classic movie from Mom and
Dad's childhood and watch it together. Kids
love to hear about when Mom and Dad were
4. Have an indoor picnic on a cool day.
Everyone gets to wear shorts and eat summer
foods. Watch a beach movie too!
7. Start thinking holiday season and make
lists of gift ideas together. Get a head start
before the stores get crowded.
8. Visit a local indoor swimming pool and
enjoy an afternoon or evening of swimming
as a family.
9. Plan a scavenger hunt in your home. Hide
notes throughout the house to lead the kids to
a surprise treat at the end of the hunt.
10. Have the kids go through their toys and
clothes to see what they have outgrown and
could donate to a charity. Charity begins at
home and even the youngest children can
learn that caring for others and helping those
in need is so important.
11. Volunteer as a family at Winnipeg Harvest, a local soup kitchen or mission to help
the less fortunate. Make this a monthly family
For more familyfocused features...
Visit us online at:
wieners and beans
wiener and bun
macaroni and cheese
cold chicken
scrambled eggs
boiled eggs
potato salad
macaroni and butter
macaroni salad
cut up pancakes or waffle sticks
crepes rolled in a bit of brown sugar
banana bread
banana chips
peanut butter*
dried fruit
peanut butter and sunflower seeds*
cold pizza
peanut butter and jam*
rice cakes
peanut butter and raisins*
crackers and cheese
hard cheese
cheese slices
cheese whiz
cream cheese
tuna salad*
salmon salad*
chicken salad
red and green pepper slices
brussel sprouts
bean sprouts
garden peas
fried egg on toast
cream cheese and jam
cream cheese and pickle
cold grilled cheese
peanut butter and raisins*
peanut butter and bananas*
egg salad
tuna salad
denver on toast
egg salad
tomato( run tomato
under cold water)
sliced meat and vegetables
submarine sandwich
chicken salad
peanut butter and coconut*
rice pudding with raisins
honey and banana pudding
cream cheese and bean sprouts
jello with fruit
fruit salad
fruit dip
dip for vegetables
cheese and crackers
granola, coconut, raisins, and nuts
nuts and bolts
Send a pita or a wrap and let
your child stuff it with a
filling of their choice.
Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Calling All Schools, Daycares and
Community Organizations...
CALENDAR - 2016 Edition
• Each Ultimate Family Organizer sells for $15.00 (GST included).
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• A product that helps busy families organize their lives daily, monthly, and yearly.
• 15 months from October 2015 to December 2016
• A double-page format with HUGE sections to note ALL family activities.
• Over 260 colourful stickers for highlighting
important events.
• Space to list emergency numbers plus terrific and easy recipes and parenting tips.
• One month forward and back on each page, and a 2017 calendar too!
May 20
May 2016
For further information or to Book Your Fall Fundraiser:
Ph:/Fax: 204-896-3227 Email:
Family Matters
20 Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Detecting body image issues in your child
TeenSafe Sheds Light on the Kind
of Issues Teens Face and the Role
Social Media Plays in Body
What does your teen see when they look
in the mirror?
Body image encompasses what a person believes about their outward appearance, how they feel about their body and
how they sense and control their movements.Issues can occur when your teen
starts showing signs of a negative body
image, perceiving their body as something other than reality, convinced that
their size or shape is a personal failure, or
they feel ashamed, anxious or awkward
about their appearance. “Shedding light
on these issues, we created this guide
to help parents understand and detect
red-flags that may indicate their teen is
struggling with body image issues,” said
Rawdon Messenger, TeenSafe CEO. “By
monitoring their social media and online
activity, parents can detect problems early
and start a conversation with their child
about self-worth.”
When should I start looking for body image issues in my child?
Body image issues are cropping up
earlier and earlier with both genders
subjected to unrealistic body images from
a young age. The best time to deal with
these issues is when you begin noticing
signs of a negative body image in your
child. Children who are immediately
brought into a discussion, reassured of
their worth and taught ways of improving their self-esteem are far less likely to
fall victim to any of the problems that can
arise from seeing too many of the wrong
How does social media play into this
As social media becomes increasingly
influential in the lives of teens in this digital age, they often become consumed in
the “cycle of selfies,” editing, sharing and
comparing highly-filtered photos, creating a culture of comparing themselves to
unrealistic photos of their peers. Measuring their appearance and self-worth on
the amount of “likes” and comments they
get is extremely unrealistic and can be
detrimental to a teen’s psyche.
How might my teen be affected by body
image issues?
Teens with negative body image have
increased chances of developing eating
disorders and more commonly suffer from
feelings of depression, isolation, low selfesteem, and obsessions with weight loss.
Will your family-focused
business be in the guide?
Plan to feature your product, business or
service in Winnipeg Parent's
2016 Family
Survival Guide
Our annual comprehensive guide to everything and anything
family in and around Winnipeg!
It's a handy, quick-reference guide that features valuable family
resources, services, activities, support and tons more!
Deadline: Nov. 6th Distributed Nov. 30th
For further details please call
204 896-3227 or email: wpgparent@shaw
Below are some search terms and
hashtags that may be a sign that you
need to start a conversation with your
child about self-worth.
Eating Disorders
• Anorexia: Popular Hashtags: #ana,
#proana, #proanamia, #proed, #eatingdisorder, #thinspo, #thinspiration, #skinny,
#anorexia, #fat, #diet, #thynspooo, #hipbones, #sue, #secretsociety123
• Binge Eating: Popular Hashtags:
#bingeeating, #bingefood, #overeating,
• Bulimia: Popular Hashtags: #bulimia,
#bulimic, #lax, #purge
• Cutting: Popular Hashtags: #blades,
#bloody, #cutting, #knife, #razor, #selfharm, #selfhate, #suicide
• Popular Hashtags: #sad, #ugly, #depression, #depressed, #mentalhealth, #anxiety, #pain, #mood, #imnotokay, #fakesmile, #worthless, #helpme, #paranoia,
#useless, #tears, #broken, #killme
How can parents help their children cope
with these pressures?
• Communication: talk to them about
what they see online and reassure them
of their self-worth and importance
• Monitor: monitor their smartphone and
social media activity to watch for red flags
• Lead by example: do active things together and encourage healthy habits and
• Limit smartphone use: limit their screentime to balance online with offline life
If you feel you need to keep a closer
eye on your child with a monitoring
solution, go to, and for
more resources and parenting tips, go to
About TeenSafe - Founded in 2011 and based
in Santa Monica, Calif., TeenSafe, a National PTA
partner, is the leading smartphone monitoring
solution for parents operating without modification to the child’s phone. Parents can monitor
text messages, location, web browsing history,
contacts, call logs and social media activity.
For more info, visit and check
out their blog, Teenology. Like TeenSafe on
Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
PArty Page
Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
Planning perfect parties
Ultimate NERF Birthday Entertainment!
Up to 40 players at once!
Fitness and Fun combined! (204) 588-1257
By Susan Rykiss
t's your child's most exciting day of the
year but for many parents the thought of
planning the party makes them shutter. It's
usually a case of too much to do in too little
time. Choosing a theme, planning the activities,
deciding on food, doing the invitations, delivering the invitations, ordering the cake, making
loot bags, decorating etc...whew, it's exhausting
just talking about it.
Don't Panic! We've put together our best tips
to planning that perfect party. All you need to
do is keep them in a safe place and review them
well in advance of your party. In fact keep the
whole party planner for future reference.
•Start planning at least 6 weeks in advance,
even earlier if you want to have the party at
a party facility or you are booking entertainment.
•Include your child in planning every aspect
of the party. They will appreciate it that much
more. Personalize the event with the child
making the invitations, picking the decorations and stuffing the loot bags.
•Be realistic when it comes to inviting a manageable number of children.
•Having your party at home is usually less
expensive, but takes more energy. Enlist
the help of other parents to help supervise,
take pictures and serve food. Be sensitive to
potential food allergies.
•Plan the party from beginning to end: Have
welcoming activities, then games, arts and
crafts, entertainment, then food, cake and
present opening. If space allows open the
presents at the party. Kids love to see their
gifts opened by the birthday child.
•Make sure the activities or entertainment
are age appropriate. Bored, unhappy or
confused children result in party disasters.
Co-operative games are usually more fun
then competitive games. Make sure that all
children win.
•Keep party lengths reasonable. For young
children 90 minutes is plenty, for older kids
2 to 2 1/2 hours depending on the activities
•Hire only tried and true entertainers. Make
sure you have references or audition the
entertainer. To save money, check out your
local magicians or jugglers club for student talent. Professionals can charge over $100.00 per
party. Check out our recommended entertainment companies on this page!
•Book well in advance if you plan to rent a
party bouncer, ponies, petting zoos, dance
instructors, art teachers etc. Save yourself the
disappointment of your choice of entertainment not being already booked by planning
*Balloon Artists * Face Painters * Jugglers * Pony Rides *
*Inflatable Bouncers * Mascot Costume Rentals * Clowns *
* Glitter Tattoos * Airbrush Tattoos * Henna Tattoos *
Caricature Artists * Santa * Magicians * Fire Breathers *
*Ventriloquist * Spiderman *Princess and Pirate Parties *
•Find out the exact length of the entertainment so that you can have the whole party
timed perfectly.
Phone: (204) 663-1000
•Babies have no idea it's their birthday so
the party is really for parents and family to
celebrate the milestone. Don't plan the party
during baby's nap time. A tired crying baby
does not want to be the centre of attention.
Keep the number of invited guest down to
family and close friends. Too much commotion will exhaust the baby and make everyone
uptight . Finally, don't expect babies to pose
for pictures, open presents or blow out their
•Make sure loot is age appropriate. No small
toys for very young children and make sure
that all loot bags are exactly the same to prevent squabbles. Have extra loot for surprise
guests, older siblings etc.
Unique ideas:
1)Fill small sports bottles with loot.
2)Make loot necklaces with long strips of cellophane paper. Lay paper flat on table, place
small toys and candy 5 inches apart then roll
up cellophane with toys inside.Tie ribbons
around cellophane , separating toys. Tie necklaces together so kids can wear them when
they go home.
3)Have kids decorate there own loot bags at the
party. Fill them at the end of the party with
the toys candy from a Pinata. Make sure you
have extra so all children go home happy.
Visit us
online at:
Call Mad Science
(204) 775-7959
Educational and Entertaining
Science for Children
•Bigger Kids parties can be much easier to
plan and enjoy. Sleep overs with just a few
friends are winners if well planned. Going
to movies, Lazer Tag, swimming, sports or
dance facilities are just a few ideas. Bigger
kids are easier to feed and chances are you
will have little left over. You don't need a loot
bag for kids over 9, a chocolate bar will do.
•Sports and Fitness parties where the kids
can climb all over the special kid size equipment, play active games and generally wear
themselves out before cake time are the best
for active kids. Check out places for soccer,
swimming or dance facilities. Bowling is
another favourite for kids of all ages. The little
ones can bumper bowl where they place bumpers in the gutters so that the ball reaches the
pins every time
For more info visit:
From small birthday parties to large
gatherings, we can bring a little something
extra to your great party or event.
Guaranteed to put a smile on your face!
Glitter Tatoos
Balloon Art
“When your event deserves the best!”
Let us do it for you!
• Bouncy Castles
• Clowns
• Facepainters
• Balloon Twisters
• Teddy Bear Stuffing
• Themed Parties
• Company Picnics • Festivals
• School Fairs • Games • Crafts
(204) 285-9074
22 Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
September 2015 · Family Fun Calendar
Visit the Children’s
Museum to see the Hands
on Harley-Davidson exhibit.
Only here until September
Children’s Day at Lower
Fort Garry today! Step
back in time and see history
come alive!
Downtown Farmers'
Market at the Manitoba
Hydro Place, 360 Portage.
Every Thursday until October
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Head to the Manitoba
Museum to explore
that amazing galleries, the
science museum and the
planetarium too!
Lincoln SaltDogs vs.
Winnipeg Goldeyes, Sept. 5 - 7, Shaw Park;
Head to the Forks for
a stroll down the river
walk, play at the Heritage
Playground, visit the shops
and enjoy lunch or dinner at
one of the great restaurants!
Labour Day - Last day
of summer vacation! Do
something special with the
kids to celebrate!
Janet Jackson Unbreakable World Tour
at the MTS Centre! 8:00 PM;
Manito Ahbée Festival-A
celebration of Aboriginal
culture for everyone to enjoy!
Sept 9 - 13;
The kids are back
to school this week!
Surprise them with a special
treat and note in their lunch
to let them know you are
thinking about them!
Winnipeg's Largest
street festival that includes
Food Truck Wars, Farmers
and Artisan Market, two
stages, and more! September
11- 13;
Archaeology, Rocks &
Minerals Weekend, Sept
12- 13, 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM @
Oak Hammock Marsh;
Odysseo Cavalia
Show under the Big
Top! September 10-October
4, Corner of Sterling Lyon
Parkway and Kenaston Blvd.,
Mini Mondays resume
at the Children’s
Museum! Theme based fun
for preschoolers and their
caregivers. Activities at 11am
and 1pm;
Volunteer at your
children’s school to
get an insider’s view as well
as help the teachers and
Plan a Family Fun
Evening today! Games,
walks, bike rides, movies etc!
Have a picnic or make pizza
Oak Hammock Marsh
presents Astronomy
Night - Fall Constellations &
Star Party, 8:00- 10:00 PM,
Regular admission;
Go through your kids
closets and donate
outgrown clothing and toys
to a charity of your choice.
Al Simmons in concert,
Doors 12:15 PM, Show
1:00 PM at the West End
Cultural Centre, 586 Ellice
'Forge Day' + MB
AG ‘Open Farm Day’
Adventure, 1 to 5 PM Free at
the Pembina Threshermen's
Museum in Winkler; www.
Mini Mondays resume
at the Children’s
Museum! Theme based fun
for preschoolers and their
caregivers. Activities at 11am
and 1pm;
Winnipeg Jets vs.
Minnesota Wild in first
pre-season home game at
the MTS Centre;
Have you booked
your children into
swimming lessons! It is
essential the children learn
how to swim!
Join up as a family!
Check out the great
places in this issue that offer
children’s and family classes
and programs
Riverdance - 20th
Anniversary World
Tour, Sept 28- 30, 8:00
PM Daily at the Burton
Cummings Theatre;
Ottawa Senators vs.
Winnipeg Jets, 7:00 PM
at the MTS Centre;
It’s a great time to
organize your pictures
from this summer into
albums or online so they
don’t go missing!
Calgary Stampeders
vs. Winnipeg Blue
Bombers, 7:30 PM at
Investors Group Field;
2015 Manitoba Mega
Model Train Show Daily
September 26 & 27, 9-5 PM,
Red River Exhibition Park;
Get your tickets to
the Bubble Guppies
show, October 10th at the
Centennial Concert Hall:
Do you have a program, product, service or
camp of interest to families?
Presents the 13th Annual
Sunday, May 1, 2016, The Caboto Centre,
1055 Wilkes Ave. 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
What is the Family Fun & Learning Fair?
Designed to compliment Winnipeg Parent Newsmagazine, the Winnipeg Parent Family Fun
Fair is a terrific opportunity for anyone promoting family friendly products, services, programs
and camps to meet families face to face. It promises to be an information loaded fun filled
event with entertainment and hands on activities too! For families, it is a great chance to learn
about a wide variety of family focused programs, products and services all under one roof.
For more information on the Winnipeg Parent Family Fun and Learning Fair, please call: 204 896-3227or email:
Winnipeg Parent | September 2015
2015 I 2 016 SEASON
Dan Kamin’s
Haunted Orchestra
Sunday, October 25 I 2:00 pm
The Snowman
& The Bear
Sunday, November 22 I 2:00 pm
Around the World
with Manny Tuba
Per Child
Sunday, January 17 I 2:00 pm
Maximus Musicus
Visits the Orchestra
Sunday, March 20 I 2:00 pm
Live in Concer t
Live in Concer t
Sunday, May 1 I 2:00 pm
Join us for
Pre-concert Activities!
Children can visit the Conducting Station
where they get the chance to conduct a
group of symphony musicians or visit the
Instrument Petting Zoo to touch and play
the orchestral instruments. They can also
participate in musical activities such as
crafts, rhythm ensembles and round-singing.
Pre-concer t Activities begin at 1:00 p.m.
Kids Concerts Sponsored by:
Kids Concerts Pre-concert Activities Partner:
Instrument Petting Zoo Sponsor:
The Snowman
& The Bear
Dan Kamin’s
Haunted Orchestra
Around the World
with Manny Tuba
Maximus Musicus
Visits the Orchestra
Organized around Earth’s spectacular eco-zones – Polar Regions, Oceans,
Rain Forest, Mountains, Caves and Savannas – Earth Explorers brings to life
the unparalleled adventures of National Geographic.
MINI-EXPLORER MONDAYS • 9am to noon • Preschoolers will enjoy special programming in
Earth Explorers just for them (museum galleries are closed.)