Catálogo de Productos


Catálogo de Productos
Catálogo de Productos
Diciembre 2013
Intelligent Simplicity
Sencillez Inteligente en
Soluciones para Implantes
Neoss tiene un posicionamiento seguro y único en el mercado de soluciones para implantes
dentales. Basándose en la evidencia, en tecnologías innovadoras y en productos rigurosamente
probados, Neoss suministra soluciones sencillas e inteligentes para los profesionales dentales.
Pero lo que es más importante, Neoss contribuye a que los profesionales puedan ofrecer a sus
pacientes tratamientos altamente exitosos.
Liderando el mercado como una autoridad en soluciones científicas y creativas, Neoss dispone
de un gran portafolio de tecnologías y productos patentados. Los implantes ProActive Straight y
Tapered tienen características excepcionales como el diseño patentado de rosca modeladora y de
corte (TCF), la superficie Neoss ProActive® y la exclusiva conexión NeoLoc® entre implante y pilar,
con su fortaleza sin igual.
Neoss continúa creciendo a un ritmo impresionante, apoyándose en el lanzamiento de nuevas
innovaciones de producto.
Todos los productos del Sistema de Implantes Neoss han sido hábilmente diseñados para ayudar
a los profesionales para llevar a cabo su trabajo con la mayor comodidad. La racionalidad del
sistema permite reducir los tiempos de tratamiento, para beneficio por igual de los pacientes y de
los profesionales dentales, permitiendo relaciones más estrechas y eficientes con los clientes. En
definitiva, mejorar la gestión y mejorar el rendimiento.
La ingeniosa tecnología del Sistema de Implantes Neoss atiende las múltiples necesidades de
los pacientes, incluyendo los casos de mayor riesgo. Fiabilidad, fortaleza y funcionalidad hacen
de los productos Neoss las soluciones indicadas tanto para las necesidades generales de los
tratamientos, como las específicas de cada paciente.
Proporcionando sofisticada sencillez inteligente a los profesionales, al mismo tiempo que
centrándose en innovar, en la integridad profesional y en la relación con los clientes, Neoss
representa en el tratamiento con implantes dentales la solución respaldada por la ciencia.
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 3.5 x 7 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 3.5 x 9 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 3.5 x 11 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 3.5 x 13 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 3.5 x 15 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 3.5 x 17 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 3.5 x 9 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 3.5 x 11 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 3.5 x 13 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 3.5 x 15 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.0 x 7 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.0 x 9 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.0 x 11 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.0 x 13 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.0 x 15 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.0 x 17 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 4 .0 x 9 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 4.0 x 11 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 4.0 x 13 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 4.0 x 15 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.5 x 7 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.5 x 9 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.5 x 11 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.5 x 13 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.5 x 15 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 4.5 x 17 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 4.5 x 9 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 4.5 x 11 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 4.5 x 13 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 4.5 x 15 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 5.0 x 7 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 5.0 x 9 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 5.0 x 11 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 5.0 x 13 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 5.0 x 15 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 5.0 x 9 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 5.0 x 11 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 5.0 x 13 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 5.0 x 15 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 5.5 x 7 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 5.5 x 9 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 5.5 x 11 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 5.5 x 13 mm
21245 Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 5.5 x 9 mm
21246 Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 5.5 x 11 mm
21247 Kit Implante ProActive Tapered Ø 5.5 x 13 mm
41119 Guía Radiográfica Implantes ProActive Straight
41183 Guía Radiográfica Implantes ProActive Tapered
51150 Organizador Clínico Neoss, Straight
51151 Organizador Clínico Neoss, Tapered
Superficie Neoss ProActive®
Neoss ProActive® se beneficia de una
tecnología patentada aplicada a la superficie del
implante que le confiere una mayor capacidad
de cicatrización y reparación tisular y de
oseointegración del implante.
ProActive Tapered Implant
ProActive Straight Implant
Incluye el Implante, el tornillo de cierre
quirúrgico, dos tamaños de pilar de
cicatrización PEEK y un tornillo de pilar
de cicatrización
Componentes de Fresado
41170 Fresa Piloto Ø 2.2/3.0 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 2.2 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 2.85 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 3.0 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 3.2 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 3.4 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 3.6 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 3.9 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 4.1 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 4.4 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 4.6 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 4.9 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral Ø 5.1 x 7-17 mm
Pilares de Cicatrización
31159 Pilar cicatricial Ti 2 mm
31160 Pilar cicatricial Ti 4 mm
31161 Pilar cicatricial Ti 6 mm
31162 Pilar cicatricial Ti 8 mm
31163 Pilar cicatricial Ti 10 mm
31148 Pilar de Cicatrización PEEK con tornillo
Moldeadores Gingivales
Todos los Modeladores Gingivales incluyen el tornillo de titanio
Modelador gingival – Incisivo Ancho
Modelador gingival – Incisivo Estrecho
Modelador gingival – Canino
Modelador gingival – Pre-molar
Modelador gingival – Molar
41167 Kit Standard Fresas Implantes Straight Ø 3.5–4.5
Incluye Fresas Espiral Ø 2.2, 3.0, 3.4, 3.6 y 3.9
41168 Kit Fresas Suplementario
Suplementario a 41167. Incluye Fresas Espiral Ø 2.85, 3.2, 4.1, 4.4, 4.6, 4.9 y 5.1
41120 Alragador Fresas
51137 Transportador Implante 17 mm
51118 Transportador Implante 22 mm
51119 Transportador Implante 32 mm
Fresa Espiral, Tapered Ø 3.0 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral, Tapered Ø 3.4 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral, Tapered Ø 3.9 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral, Tapered Ø 4.4 x 7-17 mm
Fresa Espiral, Tapered Ø 4.9 x 7-17 mm
51134 Llave Transportador Implante 15 mm
51120 Llave Transportador Implante 22 mm
51132 Llave Transportador Implante 32 mm
41199 Kit Fresas Implantes Tapered Ø 3.5-5.5
Incluye Fresas Espiral Ø 2.2, 3.0 T, 3.4 T, 3.9 T, 4.4 T y 4.9 T
51125 Paralelizador/Medidor Profundidad – 4 udes.
Tope de fresado 7 mm Ø 2.2, 3.0, 3.4, 3.9 y 4.4 mm
Tope de fresado 9 mm Ø 2.2, 3.0, 3.4, 3.9 y 4.4 mm
Tope de fresado 11 mm Ø 2.2, 3.0, 3.4, 3.9 y 4.4 mm
Tope de fresado 13 mm Ø 2.2, 3.0, 3.4, 3.9 y 4.4 mm
Tope de fresado 15 mm Ø 2.2, 3.0, 3.4, 3.9 y 4.4 mm
Avellanadora, Straight Ø 3.5
Avellanadora, Straight Ø 4.0
Avellanadora, Straight Ø 4.5
Avellanadora, Straight Ø 5.0
Avellanadora, Straight Ø 5.5
Avellanadora, Tapered Ø 3.5 mm
Avellanadora, Tapered Ø 4.0 mm
Avellanadora, Tapered Ø 4.5 mm
Avellanadora, Tapered Ø 5.0 mm
Avellanadora, Tapered Ø 5.5 mm
Macho de terraja Ø 3.5 mm
Macho de terraja Ø 4.0 mm
Macho de terraja Ø 4.5 mm
Macho de terraja Ø 5.0 mm
Macho de terraja Ø 5.5 mm
41138 Molinillo de Hueso
51121 Llave de carraca
Atornillador 22 mm
Atornillador 32 mm
51141 Atornillador Manual 15 mm
Uso múltiple
51126 Instrumento Manual
51124 Colocador Bola
41151 Kit Instrumentos Quirúrgicos
Incluye refs. 41120, 51118, 51119, 51120, 51132, 51139, 51140, 51125 y 51126
51131 Bandeja Sistema Neoss
Incluye su elección entre 51150 y 51151
Quirúrgico / Restaurativo
41152 Fresa lanceolada Ø 1.5 mm x 3/5/7 mm
Uso único
41153 Fresa lanceolada Ø 1.5 mm x 3/5/7 mm
Pilares de Cicatrización
Componentes de Impresión
31170 Coping Impresión 8 mm y Réplica
31145 Coping Impresión 11 mm y Réplica
31183 Coping Impresión 18 mm y Réplica
31170, 31145 y 31183 Incluyen Coping, Tornillo, Réplica, Tubo de extensión para cubeta abierta y tapa plástica para cubeta cerrada
31185 Coping Impresión Cubeta Abierta 13 mm y Réplica
Incluye Coping, Tornillo, Réplica y Tubo extensión
31186 Tapa Coping Impresión – 10 udes.
31262 Tubo Extensión Coping Impresión – 20 udes.
Pilares Express
Incluyen Pilar y tapa de impresión Express, Cofia Calcinable Express (una antirotacional y
otra no), Tapa de cicatrización Express, Réplica Express y Tornillo de Pilar Neoss.
31205 Kit Pilar Express 0.7 mm
31206 Kit Pilar Express 1.5 mm
31207 Kit Pilar Expresst 2.5 mm
Pilares Preformados de Titanio
Todos los Pilares Preformados incluyen Tornillo de Pilar Neoss y Tornillo de laboratorio
31280 Pilar Preformado Ti 1.5 mm 0° – Incisivo Ancho
31281 Pilar Preformado Ti 1.5 mm 15° – Incisivo Ancho
Pilares Provisionales
Pilares Provisionales
Todos los Pilares Provisionales Incluyen el tornillo de titanio
31267 Pilar Provisional Ti Mono
31268 Pilar Provisional Ti Multi
Pilar Preformado Ti 1 mm 0° – Incisivo Estrecho
Pilar Preformado Ti 1 mm 15° – Incisivo Estrecho
Pilar Preformado Ti 3 mm 0° – Incisivo Estrecho
Pilar Preformado Ti 3 mm 15° – Incisivo Estrecho
Moldeadores Gingivales
Todos los Modeladores Gingivales incluyen el tornillo de titanio
Modelador gingival – Incisivo Ancho
Modelador gingival – Incisivo Estrecho
Modelador gingival – Canino
Modelador gingival – Pre-molar
Modelador gingival – Molar
31286 Pilar Preformado Ti 3 mm 0° – Canino
31287 Pilar Preformado Ti 3 mm 0° – Pre-molar
31288 Pilar Preformado Ti 3 mm 0° – Molar
NeoLinks™ de Oro y Titanio incluyen Tornillo de Pilar Neoss , Tornillo de Laboratorio y
cofias Straights
31102 Gold NeoLink™ Mono
31103 Gold NeoLink™ Multi
31133 Ti NeoLink™ Mono
31134 Ti NeoLink™ Multi
31157 NeoLink™ Multi Calcinable – 2 udes.
Cicatización PEEK específicos con Tornillo
Compatible con Implantes Cónicos Ø 5.0–5.5 mm
Pilares de Zirconio
Todos los Pilares de Zirconio incluyen Copings de Zirconio, Ti NeoLink™ Mono, Tornillo
de pilar Neoss y Tornillo de laboratorio
31300 Set Copings Plásticos NeoLink™
Pilares Preformados de Titanio, Perfil de Emergencia Alternativo
31317 Pilar Preformado Ti 2.0mm 0° – Emergencia Ancha
Incluye Tornillo Pilar Neoss, Tornillo Laboratorio, Tornillo cierre y Pilar 31290
Pilar Zirconio – Incisivo Ancho
Pilar Zirconio – Incisivo Estrecho
Pilar Zirconio – Canino
Pilar Zirconio – Pre-molar
Pilar Zirconio – Molar
Incluye copings Straights
Pilares Access
Soluciones LOCATOR® Sobredentadura
Los Pilares Access incluyen el Pilar, transportador pre-montado y pilar de cicatrización
31238 Pilar Access 1,5 mm
31215 Pilar Access 3,0 mm
31216 Pilar Access 4,0 mm
31219 Pilar Access 10° 2,6 mm
31221 Pilar Access 20° 2,6 mm
31223 Pilar Access 30° 2,9 mm
31225 Coping Impresión Access 8 mm y Réplica
Incluye Coping, Tornillo, Réplica, Tubo de extensión para cubeta abierta y tapa plástica para cubeta cerrada
31226 NeoLink™ Access Ti Multi
31227 NeoLink™ Access Oro Multi
31226 y 31227 Incluyen NeoLink™, Tornillo Provisional, Tornillo Provisional de Laboratorio y Coping plástico
31301 Pilar Provisional Ti Access Multi
Incluye Tornillo Laboratorio Provisional
31266 Pilar Calcinable Access Multi – 2 udes.
31229 Tornillo Protésico Access – 1 ud.
31257 Tornillo Laboratorio Provisional Access – 5 udes.
31265 Tornillo Laboratorio Access – Largo – 5 udes.
31231 Réplica Access – 5 udes.
Todos los Kits incluyen Pilar LOCATOR®, macho de procesado, anillo espaciador, retenedores
Standard, Ligero y Extra Ligero
Kit Pilar LOCATOR® Neoss 1 mm
Kit Pilar LOCATOR® Neoss 2 mm
Kit Pilar LOCATOR® Neoss 3 mm
Kit Pilar LOCATOR® Neoss 4 mm
Kit Pilar LOCATOR® Neoss 5 mm
Kit Pilar LOCATOR® Neoss 6 mm
90110 Kit Procesado Macho LOCATOR® Neoss
Reposición Macho LOCATOR® Transparente Neoss – 2 udes.
Reposición Macho LOCATOR® Rosa Neoss – 2 udes.
Reposición Macho LOCATOR® Azul Neoss – 2 udes.
Reposición Macho LOCATOR® Verde Neoss – 2 udes.
Reposición Macho LOCATOR® Rojo Neoss – 2 udes.
90120 Coping Impresión LOCATOR® y Réplica Neoss - 2 udes.
90122 Preservador Espacio LOCATOR® Neoss – 20 udes.
90130 Instrumento Combinado LOCATOR® Neoss
90131 Instrumento Manual LOCATOR® Neoss 15 mm
90132 Instrumento Manual LOCATOR® Neoss 23 mm
31146 Réplica de Implante – 5 udes.
31166 Protección Réplica - 1 udad.
Pilares para Sobredentadura
Los Pilares de Bola incluyen la Réplica
Pilar Bola 1.0 mm
Pilar Bola 3.0 mm
Pilar Bola 4.5 mm
Pilar Bola 6.0 mm
31258 Tornillo Crystaloc™ Neoss – 1 udad.
31259 Tornillo Crystaloc™ Neoss – 5 udes.
31149 Tornillo de Laboratorio – 5 udes.
31303 Tornillo Laboratorio, Largo – 5 udes.
90140 Kit Hembras Ti Clix
Incluye Hembra Ti, Mantenedor de Espacio y Hembras retención Normal, Reducida e Incrementada
Incluye dos Hembras retención Normal, Reducida e Incrementada
90141 Kit Inserción Clix
31167 Neoss Adaptador Hex
Convierte el Implante Neoss en un implante de hexágono externo RP
90142 Herramienta Inserción Clix
90143 Hembras Oro Clix Incluye Mantenedor de Espacio
51149 Calibrador Angulación Neoss
90144 Activador Clix
90145 Desactivador Clix
90138 Mango para Tallado
31168 Pilar Oro Barra
Includes Abutment (8 mm), Neoss Abutment Screw and Laboratory Screw
ProActive Straight Ø 3.25 Implant
Implantes ProActive Ø 3.25
Componentes de Impresión
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 3.25 x 9 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 3.25 x 11 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 3.25 x 13 mm
Kit Implante ProActive Straight Ø 3.25 x 15 mm
31197 Coping Impresión 11 mm y Réplica Ø 3.25
Incluye Coping, Tornillo, Réplica, Tubo de extensión para cubeta abierta y tapa 31186 Tapa Coping Impresión – 10 udes.
31262 Tubo Extensión Coping Impresión – 20 udes.
41119 Guía Radiográfica Implantes ProActive Straight
41153 Fresa redonda Ø 1.8 mm
51150 Organizador Clínico Neoss, Straight
41139 Avellanadora, Straight Ø 3.25
41140 Macho de terraja Ø 3.25
Uso múltiple
Ø 3.25
41154 Fresa Espiral Ø 2.2 x 7-17 mm
41156 Fresa Espiral Ø 2.85 x 7-17 mm
41157 Fresa Espiral Ø 3.0 x 7-17 mm
Uso único
Componentes de Fresado
plástica para cubeta cerrada
Pilares de Cicatrización
31320 Pilar Cicatrización PEEK con Tornillo Ø 3.25
Ø 3.25
Pilares Provisionales
Incluye Pilar Provisional de Titanio y Tornillo de Laboratorio Ø 3.25
31241 Pilar Provisional Ti Ø 3.25
31199 NeoLink™ Oro Mono Ø 3.25
31234 NeoLink™ Ti Mono Ø 3.25
NeoLink incluye Tornillo de pilar Ti Ø 3.25, Tornillo laboratorio Ø 3.25 y un set de Cofias Preformadas Plásticas
31255 NeoLink™ Calcinable Multi Ø 3.25 – 2 udes.
Includes set of Preformed Plastic Copings
41120 Alragador Fresas
51145 Transportador Implante Ø 3.25 24 mm
51142 Transportador Implante Ø 3.25 32 mm
31201 Pilar Ti Preformado 1 mm 0° Ø 3.25
31202 Pilar Ti Preformado 1 mm 15° Ø 3.25
Incluye Tornillo Pilar Ti Ø3.25 y Tornillo Laboratorio Ø 3.25
51143 Llave Transportapor Implante Ø 3.25 32 mm
51121 Llave de carraca
Atornillador 22 mm
Atornillador 32 mm
31198 Réplica Implante Ø 3.25 – 5 udes.
31304 Réplica Implante Ø 3.25 - 1 ud.
31239 Tornillo Laboratorio Ø 3.25 – 1 udad.
31240 Tornillo Laboratorio Ø 3.25 – 1 udad.
51141 Atornillador Manual 15 mm
51126 Instrumento Manual
Implantes ProActive Ø 3.25
El implante Neoss estrecho tiene un diámetro de Ø 3.25 mm y una
plataforma restaurativa de Ø 3.5 mm. Los componentes clave de Ø 3.25
y sus etiquetas están marcadas en color azul real (royal blue)
Incluye el Implante, el tornillo de cierre
quirúrgico, pilar de cicatrización y tornillo de
pilar de cicatrización
Neoss Limited
Términos y Condiciones
Renuncia de Responsabilidad
Los productos Neoss solo podrán utilizarse de acuerdo con las instrucciones y recomendaciones del fabricante.
Los usuarios de los productos Neoss deben determinar la idoneidad de uso para indicaciones y pacientes particulares.
Neoss Limited renuncia a la responsabilidad, expresa o implícita, y no tendrá responsabilidad, diStraight, indiStraight
o punitiva, de cualquier daño acaecido en combinación de cualquier error de juicio o práctica profesional al utilizar los
productos Neoss.
Derechos de autor, de diseño y marcas.
Las imágenes de producto no son para utilizar descontextualizadas y están sujetas a cambios.
Los documentos, software y diseños de Neos, no deben ser reimpresos, copiados o publicados total o parcialmente, sin
la autorización expresa escrita de Neoss Limited.
Neoss y el logo ‘N’ , NeoLoc y Neoss ProActive son marcas registradas de Neoss Limited.
Crystaloc y NeoLink son marcas registradas de Neoss Ltd
LOCATOR es una marca registrada de Zest IP Holdings LLC
ISO 13485:2003
MD 75473
1. Interpretation - In these conditions, except where otherwise stated, ”the Buyer” means the person with
whom the company is contracting, ”the Company” means Neoss Ltd of Windsor House, Cornwall Road,
Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 2PW (Co Reg 4120053), and “the Goods” means the goods sold or to be
sold by the Company to the Buyer.
The above warranty is given by the Company subject to the following conditions;
1. the Company shall be under no liability in respect of any defect in the Goods arising from any
drawing, design or specification supplied by the Customer;
2. Placing of orders and type of contract - All orders accepted by the Company are based upon these
conditions which shall supersede and be taken to override any terms or conditions proposed or stipulated
by the Buyer. Any changes, additions to, or cancellation of a contract shall require the written confirmation
of the Company.
2. the Company shall be under no liability in respect of any defect arising from fair wear and tear,
wilful damage, negligence, abnormal working conditions, failure to follow the Company’s instructions (whether oral or in writing), misuse or alteration or repair of the Goods without the Company’s approval;
3. Price - The price of the Goods shall unless expressly stated by the Company in writing be the list price of
the Company current at the date of delivery. In the case of an order for delivery in instalments the price will
be the list price of the Company at the date of despatch of the relevant instalment. Unless expressly agreed
by the Company in writing the price of the Goods shall be exclusive of costs of packaging and delivery
which must be paid at the same time as payment for the Goods. Prices are also exclusive of value added
tax which, where applicable, will be separately charged at the appropriate rate. The Company reserves the
right by written notice given at any time before delivery to increase the price of Goods if, after the date of
the contract, there is an increase in the cost of the Goods to the Company by reason of any circumstances
outside the control of the Company including (without limitation) increases in the cost of materials, labour
or transport, exchange rate fluctuations, increase in import levies or other taxes. If the price of the Goods
is increased due to these conditions the Buyer may cancel the undelivered balance of the contract by written notice to the Company served within 3 days of the receipt of the Company’s notice hereunder. If the
Buyer requests that the Goods are despatched by urgent means, the Company may make an additional
charge for expedited delivery.
3. the Company shall be under no liability under the above warranty (or any other warranty, condition or guarantee) if the total price for the Goods has not been paid by the due date for payment.
4. Cancellation - Subject to clause 3, the Buyer may not cancel any contract to which these conditions
apply without the prior written consent of the Company which, if given, shall be deemed to be on condition
that Buyer shall fully and promptly indemnify the Company against all loss, damage, costs, claims or actions arising out of such cancellation.
5. Returns - In the event that return Goods are received within 30 Days after delivery, the Company will
either issue a credit note which must be redeemed against further purchases from the Company or exchange the Goods for suitable alternative products produced by the Company. Goods returned between
31-90 days from the date of delivery may only be exchanged for suitable alternative products produced by
the Company. Goods will not be accepted for credit or exchange after 90 days from the date of purchase.
All returned Goods must be in their original undamaged, unmarked and unopened package with all seals
intact. Goods may not be returned for credit if they, or their packaging is in any way defaced or damaged or
they have been removed from their packaging or undergone any sterilisation or disinfection process. Individual item(s) from a designated kit cannot be returned. Previously exchanged Goods cannot be returned.
Shipping charges for any returns must be paid by the Buyer. Before returning any Goods, the Buyer shall
apply for return authorisation from the Company, requesting a return number and instructions. No Goods
may be returned without such authorisation. Please call Customer Services and request a return number
stating the Goods to be returned. All return policy conditions must be met for the return to be processed.
A returns number will be given to the Buyer, which must be displayed on the package with the products to
be returned. Send all return Goods to the Company, unless otherwise notified. Credit for returned Goods
will only be issued upon the Company determining that the Goods are in an acceptable condition, the
Company’s decision being final regarding condition of returned Goods. Goods supplied according to the
Buyer specifications cannot be returned under any circumstances.
6. Payment - Except as otherwise expressly stated, the Company shall invoice the Buyer on the date of
shipment of each order. Payment for Goods shall be made in full within 30 days of the date of the invoice.
In the event of default, the Buyer shall promptly reimburse the Company for all costs and expenses,
including reasonable professional fees, incurred by the Company in collecting sums due hereunder. If
any sums become overdue, the Company may cancel the contract as regards any Goods which remain
to be delivered thereafter. Without prejudice to any of the Company’s other rights, the Company may at
its discretion charge interest at 2 per cent per month above the base rate of the Company’s bank from
time to time on any sum not paid on the due date, plus any accounting fee which reflects the cost to the
Company of recovering the sum overdue. Such interest shall run from day to day and accrue after as well
as before any judgement and shall be compounded monthly on the sum overdue until payment thereof.
Where Goods are to be supplied in instalments and payment therefore made by instalments, the failure of
the Buyer to make the instalment payment by the date due shall entitle the Company to treat such a failure
as a repudiation of the whole contract by the Buyer and to recover damages for such breach of contract.
The Buyer shall not be entitled to withhold payment in whole or in part on the grounds that it has a claim,
counterclaim or set-off against the Company.
7. Packaging, freight and insurance - Any delivery dates given by the Company are approximate only.
Time is not of the essence in this contract, except with respect to the Buyer’s obligations. The Company will
not be liable for any loss or expense incurred by the Buyer as a result of any delay in delivery for any reason other than arbitrary refusal by Company to perform. The Company reserves the right to make partial
deliveries. Risk in the Goods shall pass to the Buyer on delivery to the destination nominated by the Buyer.
However, the legal and beneficial ownership of the Goods shall remain with the Company until such time
as the Buyer shall have paid to the Company in cash or cleared funds the invoiced price for the Goods
including any other costs as provided for in these conditions. Until such time as the Property passes in
the Goods the Buyer shall store them on his premises separately from the Buyer’s own Goods or those of
any other person and in a manner which makes them readily identifiable as the Goods of the Company. At
any time prior to property in the Goods passing to the Buyer (whether or not any payment to the Company
is then overdue or the Buyer is otherwise in breach of any obligation to the Company) the Company may
(without prejudice to any other of its rights) retake possession of all or any part of the Goods and enter
any premises for that purpose (or authorise others to do so); or require delivery up to it of all or any part of
the Goods. The Buyer’s right to possession of the Goods shall cease if he, being an individual, is declared
bankrupt or if a company, is declared insolvent or goes into liquidation (as defined in the Insolvency Act
1986) or has a receiver or administrative receiver or administrator appointed or calls a meeting of its creditors or any execution or distress is levied on Goods in its possession or anything occurs which is analogous
to the foregoing in any other jurisdiction.
Subject as expressly provided in these conditions, and except where the Goods are sold to a person
dealing as a consumer within the UK (within the meaning of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977), all
warranties, conditions or other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded to the fullest extent
permitted by law.
A claim by the Buyer which is based on any defect in the quality or condition of the Goods or their failure
to correspond with specification shall (whether or not delivery is refused by the Buyer) be notified to the
Company in writing within 14 days from the date of delivery or (where the defect or failure was not apparent
on reasonable inspection) within a reasonable time after discovery of the defect or failure. If delivery is not
refused, and the Buyer does not notify the Company accordingly, the Buyer shall not be entitled to reject
the Goods and the Company shall have no liability for such defect or failure, and the Buyer shall be bound
to pay the price for the Goods as if the Goods had been delivered in accordance with these conditions.
Where a valid claim in respect of any of the Goods which is based on a defect in the quality or condition
of the Goods or their failure to meet specification is notified to the Company in accordance with these
conditions, the Company may replace the Goods (or the part in question) free of charge or, at the Company’s sole discretion, the Company may issue a credit note to the Buyer for the price of the Goods (or a
proportionate part of the price), in which cases the Company shall, subject to the forgoing, have no further
liability to the Buyer.
For the avoidance of doubt, the parties agree that the remedies under this section shall be the full extent of
the Company’s liability under these conditions except in respect of death or personal injury caused by the
Company’s negligence. (“a PI Claim”). The Company’s liability in respect of a PI claim will not be limited
and all other provisions of these conditions and any Orders are subject to this statement. Subject thereto,
the Company shall not be liable by reason of any representation (unless fraudulent), or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of these conditions,
for loss of profit or for any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage, costs, expenses or other
claims for compensation whatsoever (whether caused by the negligence of the Company, its employees or
agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the supply of the Goods (including any delay
in supplying or any failure to supply the Goods in accordance with these conditions or at all) or their use
or resale by the Buyer, and the entire liability of the Company under or in connection with these conditions
shall not exceed the price of the Goods, in respect of which the claim applies except as expressly provided
in these conditions.
The Company gives no warranty and makes no representation that any sale or use by the Buyer of the
Goods will be free from infringement of any patent or other intellectual property right owed or controlled by
any third party and the Buyer will in this respect accept such title as the Company may have.
10(b): Clinical Warranties - Submit details to Neoss using document 10423, including appendix 10421
(Contact your Neoss representative for copies of these forms).
11. Representations - All descriptions, representations, specifications, samples, colours, illustrations and
other particulars furnished or made orally by the Company, it’s employees or agents or in catalogues, trade
literature, price lists or other documents issued by the Company are given for general information purposes
only and the Buyer acknowledges that it is not entering into the contract in reliance upon any such material.
12. Obligations of the Buyer - The Buyer shall provide all it’s patients with the necessary information to
enable them to assess any risks involved in using the Goods where such risks are not immediately obvious
and shall put in place measures to enable the Buyer to be informed of the risks which the Goods might
present and take appropriate action to avoid those risks. The Buyer shall provide the Company with such
information as it may require from time to time to enable completion of a product tracking form in respect of
the Goods used for each patient. The Buyer shall a) not supply the Goods to any patient which the Buyer
knows to be unsuitable for receipt of the Goods, b) monitor the safety of the Goods and in particular pass
on information concerning the risks in the Goods and co-operate in the action taken by the Company to
avoid those risks.
8. Buyer’s Condition - All orders shall be accepted subject to the approval by the Company of the Buyer’s
financial condition. If the financial condition of the Buyer at any time becomes unsatisfactory to the Company, or if the Buyer fails to make any payment when due, in addition to any other rights the Company may
have, the Company may defer or decline to make any shipment or shipments hereunder or may condition
any such shipment upon receipt of satisfactory security or cash payments in advance.
9. Force Majeure - The Company shall not have any liability under or be deemed to be in breach of these
conditions for any delays or failures in performance which result from circumstances beyond its reasonable
control (a “Force Majeure Event”). The Company shall be entitled in the event of a Force Majeure Event
to either; withdraw from the contract if the Goods cannot be provided or extend the delivery date by the
duration of the disturbance.
10. Warranties
10(a): Goods at time of delivery - Subject to the following provisions the Company warrants that the
Goods will correspond with their specification at the time of delivery and will be free from defects in material and workmanship.
Doc nr 10422 rev 2
Neoss GmbH
Im MediaPark 8
D-50670 Köln
T +49 221 55405-322
F +49 221 55405-522
Neoss Italia S.r.l.
Via Marco Antonio Colonna, 42
I-20149 Milano
T +39 02.92952.1 (centralino)
F +39 02.92952.250
Neoss Australia Pty. Ltd
PO Box 404
New Farm
QLD 4005
T +61 7 3216 0165
F +61 7 3216 0135
Neoss AB
T + 46 31 88 12 80
F + 46 31 88 12 89
Países Bajos
Rotor, Medical Supplies
Economiestraat 16
NL-6135 KV Sittard
T +31-46-481 12 03
F +31-46-481 12 04
Neoss GmbH
T +49 221 55405-322
F +49 221 55405-522
Medical Intertrade d.o.o
10431 Sveta Nedelja
T +385 1 33 74 020
F +385 1 33 36 035
Neoss AB
T +46 31 88 12 80
F +46 31 88 12 89
Aspironix s.r.o.
T +420 604 692 999
Formación, Gestión Y Rendimiento, S.L.
C. Londres 54
Etlo. 2 B 08036
T +34 931 408 770
Estados Unidos
Neoss Inc.
21860 Burbank Blvd.,
Ste. 190 (North Entrance)
Woodland Hills CA 91367
T +1 818 432-2600
or toll free 866 626-3677
F +1 818 432-2640
Nueva Zelandia
Neoss Australia Pty. Ltd
T +61 7 3216 0165
F +61 7 3216 0135
Top Implant Technologies Sp. z o.o.
ul. Owocowa 5
Nowa Iwiczna
T +48 (22)7111110
Reino Unido
Neoss Ltd
Windsor House
Cornwall Road
T +44 1423 817-733
F +44 1423 817-744
República de Irlanda
Neoss Ltd
T +44 1423 817-733
F +44 1423 817-744
Neoss AB
Mölnlycke Fabriker 3
S-43535 Mölnlycke
T +46 31 88 12 80
F +46 31 88 12 89
Flexident AG
Schützenmatte B 11
Postfach 453
Stansstad 6362
T +41413104020
F +41413104025
ACTEON (Thailand) Limited
23/45 Sorachai Building,
16th Floor Sukumvit 63 Road
Klongton Nua - Wattana BANGKOK 10110
T +66 2 714 3295
F +66 2 714 3296
Plasma Health Services Industry and Trade
Kehribar Sakak No.14/7-8 06700
T +90 (312) 4428270-5
F +90 (312) 4428277
República Checa
Aspironix s.r.o.
Hradčanské nám. 12
Praha 1
118 00
T +420 604 692 999
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