Air Cushion Vehicle Landing & Support Ships Offshore Patrol / Salvage Vessels Special Ships Special Purpose Ships HANJIN HEAVY INDUSTRIES & CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. Headquarters & YEONGDO SHIPYARD 29, 5-GA, BONGNAE-DONG, YEONGDO-GU, BUSAN(606-796), KOREA TEL +82 51 410-3241/3242 FAX +82 51 410-8465 E-mail Subic Shipyard Green Beach 1, Redondo Peninsula Sitio Agusuhin Brgy. Cawag, Subic Zambales, the Philippines TEL +63 47 252 5100 FAX +63 47 252 2703 SEOUL OFFICE (Shipsales & Marketing Team) 168-23, SAMSEONG-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL(135-090), KOREA TEL +82 2 2006-7011/ 7141 FAX +82 2 2006-7115 LONDON OFFICE 5 th Floor, 3 America Square. London EC3N 2LR, United Kingdom TEL +44 207 488-4848 FAX +44 207 488-4824 E-mail Hong Kong Office 1902, Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Rd., Wanchai, Hong Kong TEL +852 2238-0600 FAX +852 2238-0610 ● LPH(Landing Platform Helicopter) Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co., LTD. Special Ships Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Ltd., with its unrivalled technology and broad field of experience, has increased Korea’s offshore defense and the world’s sea power by introducing a new range of special ships from high speed patrol boats and next-generation missile/gun boat to large landing ships and hovercraft. Landing & Support Ships Shipyards 05 Reinventing HHIC as the center of global shipbuilding Offshore Patrol / Salvage Vessels Business Overview 04 Founded in 1937 as the first steel ship builder in Korea, Hanjin Heavy designing and building special-purpose and naval ships in its high-tech shipyard. Starting with Korea's first high-speed patrol boat, Haksaeng (Student), in 1972, Shipbuilding Technology Development has added sophistication to the design and engineering of high-speed patrol boats, Special Purpose Ships Industries & Construction Co., Ltd. (HHIC) has set the records in landing ships, midget submarines, and hovercraft. From the late 1970, HHIC exported about 30 naval vessels to Asia, Africa, and Latin America. development, HHIC has also been developing oceanographic vessels, hydrographic vessels, fishery research vessels, cable-laying ships, diving ACV(Air Cushion Vehicle) To reflect the growing importance in the 21st century of ocean resources • Yeongdo Shipyard the Philippines which began opening from 2007, HHIC has secured an efficient global production system. In Korea, HHIC operates the Yeongdo Shipyard which is supported by its plants in Yuldo, Ulsan and Dadaepo. With unwavering determination to pursue technological and managerial innovation, HHIC is concentrating its energy and knowhow on providing SPECIAL SHIPS Following construction of a large scale shipyard (Subic Shipyard) in HanJin Heavy Industries & Construction CO., LTD. support ships, etc. top customer satisfaction as a specialty ship builder and thus getting to the global forefront. • SUBIC SHIPYARD HanJin Heavy Industries & Construction SPECIAL SHIPS Landing & Support Ships 06 Landing & Support Ships Unique technology and experience to build naval combat and support ships From Korea’s first patrol boat “Haksaeng” in 1972 to high-speed vessels, patrol combat corvettes, convoy ships, landing ships and submarines, HHIC has built a wide range of vessels for the Korean navy. The company has also exported naval combat and support ships to the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. That was followed by the development of various naval ships. Based on our unique technology, we also constructed and delivered hovercrafts (air cushion vehicles), high-speed craft and the large transportation ship “Dokdo”. These efforts have contributed to strengthening Korea’s naval capabilities. 1 LPH(Landing Platform Helicopter) AMPHIBIOUS TRANSPORT, DOCK 197M / 19,000TON / 23KTSLifting Capacity : Approx. 5,000ton Tank, AAV, Helicopter, Hovercraft & Others 2 1 3 4 2 LST-IILANDING SHIP TANK 127M / 7140TON / 23KTS 3 MULTI-ROLE SUPPORT SHIP 103M / 4900TON / 16KTS 2x57mm / 2x20mm 4 LST-ILANDING SHIP TANK 112M / 4300TON / 16KTS 1x40mm / 2x20mm / Payload 1700TON AMMUNITION SUPPLY SHIP 07 HanJin Heavy Industries & Construction SPECIAL SHIPS Offshore Patrol / Salvage Vessels Offshore Patrol / Salvage Vessels Stability and mobility to support marine patrol and other activities HHIC has built and delivered guard and rescue ships to the Korea Coast Guard which are keeping watch over the waters off the Korean shores and exclusive economic zones. Recognized for their superior functionality and performance, these ships are also mobilized to rescue people and prevent pollution in times of marine disaster. 1 2 3 1 PKG PATROL KILLER GUIDED MISSILE 63M / 570TON / 40KTS 1x76mm / 1x40mm / SSM and Chaff with FCS 2 FFK FAST FRIGATE KOREA 102M / 1890TON / 36KTS Anti Air, Surface & Submarine 3 PCC PATROL CORVETTE CLASS 88.3M / 1180TON / 33KTS Anti Air, Surface & Submarine 4 6 8 5 7 9 4 3000TON CLASS SALVASE / OFFSHORE PATROL VESSEL 110M / 3857TON / 21KTS 1x40mm / 1x20mm 5 1500TON CLASS SALVASE / OFFSHORE PATROL VESSEL 98M / 2700TON / 20KTS 1x40mm / 1x20mm 6 500TON CLASS SALVASE / OFFSHORE PATROL VESSEL 62M / 630TON / 35KTS 1x40mm / 1x20mm 7 300TON CLASS SALVASE / OFFSHORE PATROL VESSEL 57M / 461TON / 35KTS 2x20mm 8 1900 TON CLASS OPV / VERSION I 102M / 1900TON / 22KTS 1x30mm / 4x7.62mm 9 1250 TON CLASS OPV / VERSION II 75M / 1250M / 20KTS 1x100mm / 1x30mm 08 09 HanJin Heavy Industries & Construction SPECIAL SHIPS Special Purpose Ships Special Purpose Ships Spearheading global market trends HHIC has managed to lead new trends in the global shipbuilding market through constant R&D into new types of ships. HHIC has demonstrated its technological prowess with various firsts in Korea. These include the nation’s first cable layer ship that lays and repairs submarine optic cables, drilling rig that drills for oil in the oceans, ice breaker that paves a path by breaking through ice, and diving support vessel to facilitate the work of divers. Going forward, we plan to expand into more diverse areas such as FPSO, offshore facilities and plants to maximize the synergies between Yeongdo and Subic shipyards. 1 1 2 ICE BREAKING RESEARCH VESSEL 3 HYDROGRAPHIC VESSEL 89.2M / 3407TON / 16.7KTS 4 FISHERY RESEARCH VESSEL 90.3M / 3560TON / 14.5KTS KR PL – 10(DAT-30) grade research ice breaker (identical with DnV Polar 10 grade) capable of continuous breaking of 5 OCEANOGRAPHIC VESSEL 49M / 652TON / 13KTS 1 m thick flat ice at the speed of 3 knot 6 CABLE LAYING SHIP 115M / 11200TON / 16.7KTS 2 115M / 6200TON / 14KTS 109M / 6950TON / 16KTS Ice Breaking Capability DIVING SUPPORT VESSEL 3 5 4 6 10 11 ACV(Air Cushion Vehicle) Next-generation amphibious hovercraft In 1937, Hanjin Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., entered the barren field of shipbuilding technology in Korea. During over 70 years of forging technology with a pioneer spirit, HHIC has witnessed vivid shipbuilding events in Korea. Setting as its goal the development of the next-generation hovercraft, HHIC, by continuously investing in R&D, has developed amphibious hovercraft, and in 2004 developed the design of LSF-II, a high lifting density military hovercraft capable to lift up to 55 tons. In recent years HHIC has succeeded in building the greatest output of special-purpose ships in Korea, excelling in warship design and engineering capability. HHIC is committed to an impressive range of R&D activities with the aim of designing the next-generation of advanced naval ships, while meeting the need for large-scale, high-speed, computerized operation vessels along with other multi-purpose and high-performance requirements. HHIC has also emerged as one of the world's few major shipbuilders of hovercraft. HHIC foresees further excellent achievements in future vessel development, as evidenced by the development and successful testing of the WIG(Wing–in–Ground effect) ship, the first next-generation super-high speed vessel to be produced in Korea. HHIC has also pursued advanced research into innovative technologies in such diverse fields as hull analysis, navigation, propulsion, resistance, and durability through the combined research efforts of academy and industry. R&D KEY TO HHIC’S PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE 1 2 1 LSF-VERSION II ASSAULT HOVERCRAFT 27M / Payload 55TON / 40KTS 1x20mm Gun, Bow & Stern Ramp 2 LSF-VERSION I ASSAULT HOVERCRAFT 26.5M / Payload 26TON / 60KTS 1x20mm Gun, Bow Ramp Only 3 27M CLASS SES 27.5M / Weight 58TON / 31KTS 200 Passenger 12 Underwater Research Vessel 6-axis Welding Robot Depth Charger Explosion Test R&D Center in Busan 3D Modeling in Design Towing Tank Test of Hovercraft 3 13 Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction CO., LTD. Special Ships Many agree that the 21st century will be the age of maritime exploration. "He who rules the sea rules the world" will become the new catch phrase not only in shipbuilding but also across a wide range of industries. HHIC is now improving the competitive edge of the nation navy and merchant marine and at the same time exporting the world best specialty ships. Abundant experience and innovative technology and management, together with order-made delivery, will let us surge to the forefront.
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