azalea festival parade winners


azalea festival parade winners
A Publication of Connors State College
Azalea Festival Parade Winners
700 College Road
Warner, OK 74469
Inside this issue
5 ,
2404 W Shawnee Ave
Muskogee, OK 74401
2501 N 41st St E
Muskogee, OK 74403
Dr. Tim Faltyn
Dr. Ron Ramming
Mike Lewis
Stacy Pearce
Cindy Anderson
Morgan Anderson
Dr. Ryan Blanton
Wayne Bunch
Von Castor
Morgan Cook
Jonathan Dallis
Ami Maddocks
Zadie McElhaney
Clint Mefford
Stacy Pearce
Hailey Stottlemyre
Lindsey Taylor
Lisa Wade
AT H L E T I C S 10
E D U C AT I O N 13
C A M P U S L I F E 15
M us kogee A z al ea Fes t i val
C ham pi ons – M en’s B as ket bal l
Vol unt eers M ake M us kogee S hine
D ept . of C om m erc e V is i t s C S C
68t h A ggi e D ay H os t s M ore T han 1700
M eet D rake, C orrado, M ar t in and
R os s on • E m ployee R ec ogni t ion Day
Baseball, Softball Season Update
Muse Named Coach of the Year
Judgers Named All-Americans
Equine, Rodeo Host Spring Gathering
A l l-S t at e A c adem ic Team
U ndergraduat e R es earc h D ay
A nders on, Lang & Wor t han H onored
C om edi an B r ings F i nanc i al Fac t s t o CS C
S t udent s A t t end S G A C ongres s
W here’s C onnors ?
Connors State College, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services. This publication
was printed and issued by Connors State College as authorized by the Director of College and Community Relations. The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding
that no discrimination or endorsement is intended by Connors State College.
he 2015 Muskogee Azalea Festival
and parade began the morning of
Saturday April 11th, but the planning
of the Connors State College float began
weeks before. The theme for the 2015
festival parade was ‘American Bandstand’,
the cultural iconic television series, notably
hosted by Dick Clark and was most popular
in the 1950s and 60s – running until the late
1980s. Derek Drake, Coordinator of Student
Activities, Jonathan Rowe, Coordinator
of Resident Life & Special Events, and
numerous other student workers, volunteers
and staff worked around the clock in the
weeks before preparing the stage of which
they would receive their trophy. Wearing
two-toned clothing, smearing pale white
grease-paint on their faces and singing hits
from the 1950s as they stood on stage lined
with records and balloons, the Connors
State College parade float was among the
most decorated and talked about.
During the hour and a half parade through
downtown Muskogee, Jonathan Rowe, frontman, donning a black fedora and ‘Zoot Suit’
sang Little Richard’s 1955 hit ‘Tutti Frutti’ in
front of the Judges, as Derek Drake acted
as host and announcer of the televised
‘Bandstand’. Several students and staff
rode on the float, acting as backup singers
and dancers as others marched alongside,
passing out candy and holding the CSC
banner proudly.
In the end, Connors State College was
awarded the trophy for ‘Best Overall Float’
beating out nearly 100 entries. The judges
said Connors State College was the most
creative and dedicated float they had
seen in recent years and enjoyed the live
performance and attention to detail.
“The late nights and little sleep we got
was worth it,” said Derek Drake. “We have a
great staff here at Connors, Mike Jackson,
Jonathan Rowe and everyone else who
helped out are amazing and we could not
have won this without them. I’m glad we
were able to put our heads together and
build this great looking float!”
Champions – Men’s Basketball
t was an unbelievable season, one that
Connors State Cowboys men’s basketball coach Bill Muse will long remember.
Muse and his 2014-15 Cowboys
established several firsts for the Warner
college this season.
The Cowboys posted a 31-2 record,
won their fourth Oklahoma Collegiate
Athletic Conference championship,
seventh Region II Title and Muse’s eighth
appearance in the National Junior College
Athletic Association Men’s National
Basketball Tournament in Hutchinson,
Kan. Muse was also named the Region II
Coach of the Year for the seventh time.
The Cowboys also posted a 30-game
winning streak, the longest in school
At the National Tournament the
Cowboys entered as the No. 1 seed in the
tournament after being ranked No. 2 in the
nation in the final NJCAA poll, highest in
school history at the end of a season.
The Cowboys received a first round
bye and then defeated Tyler Community
College 78-59 before losing to South
Plains Texas, 81-65, the eventual national
runner-up who lost to Northwest Florida
State in overtime.
“I didn’t want our season to end as it did
but these guys have been unbelievable to
coach,” said Muse. “They have represented
us well.”
Muse will be losing two outstanding
players to graduation, NJCAA
All-American candidates Corlbe Ervin , 6-3
guard from Edmond, and Ronnie Boyce,
6-4 guard from Oklahoma City, both of
whom have been highly recruited all
season by Division I level schools.
Also graduating and moving on to a
higher level of basketball next season are
Phabian Glasco, 6-7 forward from Tulsa,
Kayshaune Spencer, 6-1 guard from
Toronto, Canada, and Erick Broadnax, 6-9
forward from Porter, Okla.
“All of these players have contributed
a great deal to our program with their
hard work on the court,” said Muse.
“They have worked in the classroom and
have conducted themselves very well
off the basketball floor. They have been
outstanding players and students here at
Connors State.”
Ervin, looking back at his Connors
career said, “I knew we were going to get
here (national tournament). We just fell
short. Our team worked hard. We have a
good group of guys top to bottom.”
uskogee shines a little brighter thanks
to the volunteer help of nearly 20 CSC
staff and family who picked up trash
and other garbage on Saturday, March 28 as
part of the Muskogee 500 Azalea Clean Up.
Wearing safety vests and gloves, the
CSC team filled numerous trash bags with
garbage collected along the north side of
Shawnee Blvd. from 11th street in front of
Walmart to Macedonia Baptist Church.
Muskogee Mayor Bob Coburn challenged
500 people who live or work in Muskogee
to participate in the community-wide clean
up to help spruce-up the town to welcome
the thousands of visitors during the annual
Azalea Festival in April. Mayor Coburn
reported that the community-wide cleanup
was a success with more than 800 volunteers participating.
n March 26, delegates from the
Oklahoma Department of Commerce
visited with the Connors State
College leadership team and toured the
campus to learn more about CSC’s role in
building local and state economic growth
opportunities. Members of the Business
Development office spent their day
discussing the business recruitment and
expansion opportunities that CSC provides
for the agricultural and health care sectors
of Oklahoma’s economy.
“Our college does an exceptional
job working with our business partners
to understand their needs,” says CSC
President, Dr. Tim Faltyn. “We are
privileged to be the first college that the
Department of Commerce visited.”
“Connors provides the best hands-on
educational opportunities in agriculture in
the state,” says Dr. Ron Ramming, Senior
Vice President for Academic and Student
Dr. Ramming also highlighted that the
CSC Bull Test and Sale has provided more
than $1.8 million in bull sales since 2010,
generates indirect economic stimulus,
and provides cattleman across the state
and region with high quality genetics and
marketing opportunities.
Dr. Ryan Blanton, Associate Vice
President for External Affairs, discussed
the regional economic impact of
healthcare and the ways that Connors
is adapting to ensure continued growth
“More than 19 percent of the workforce
in our region is employed in healthcare,
and we have worked with our community and business partners to develop
programs, such as the Muskogee
Difference Healthcare Scholarship, to
ensure we can provide highly skilled
graduates to meet the ever-growing health
workforce demands,” said Blanton.
“When colleges provide high quality
degree programs that have a direct impact
to our businesses and local and state
economies, “ says Faltyn, “then our graduates have greater opportunities to flourish,
and our business and state will be more
68th Annual Aggie Day Hosts More Than 1,700
he Connors State College Division
of Agriculture hosted its 68th Annual
Aggie Day Interscholastic Competition
on Thursday, April 2 at the Warner
Campus. During the day of contests, more
than 1,635 students vied for top team and
individual honors in 18 separate contests,
while over 230 different 4-H Clubs and
FFA Chapters from across Oklahoma,
Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and Texas
were represented.
The single, largest, high school student
event that occurs each year on the Warner
Campus, Aggie Day also serves to recruit
students for the Division of Agriculture.
“We want to make sure that every
student who competes in a contest also
pictures themselves on campus in the
future, so top individual contest winners
are awarded scholarships,” said Debra
Golden, Division Chair for Agriculture.
Corporate sponsors for the 2015
event included American Farmers and
Ranchers, T&D Meats, Natural Resources
Conservation Service, and the University
of Arkansas.
“An event of this size doesn’t take place
without the help from many departments
and individuals,” said Golden. “From
our maintenance department preparing
campus and classrooms, to faculty,
students and state agencies setting up
contests, to the student activities department setting up games, the 68th Aggie
Day was well staffed, well run and had a
record attendance.”
Results from the 2015 Aggie Day
Interscholastic Competition are posted at
Cowboy Family
Derek Drake, Staff
erek Drake recently joined
Connors State College as the new
Coordinator of Student Activities.
He graduated from Oral Roberts in 2013
with BA in Organizational/Interpersonal
Communications and Business. When Drake
heard about the open position, he thought it
was the perfect fit for him. As Coordinator of
Student Activities, Drake works to organize
events and activities for students on all three
CSC campuses.
“We understand that there are many
different aspects of your collegiate career,
and we are here to help the students
connect with others and provide activities
and entertainment for them during their time
here at Connors State,” said Drake.
Drake has been working on new ideas to
reach students and their families specific
to each of the CSC campuses. Student
Activities is also working on different ways
to reach students to get them more involved
on campus.
“In the past month or so we have already
added a few activities that are new to
Connors and have already been big hits,”
said Drake. “We are also looking into new
methods of reaching students to let them
know about the exciting things happening
here at Connors State College.”
Drake said he is excited for the 20152016 school year.
“We are here for the students, and we
encourage feedback and ideas for future
events and activities,” said Drake. “We are
now located in the new Student Union right
in the heart of campus. We think this will
play a huge part in connecting with more
students to get them more involved.”
r. Frank Corrado, instructor of biology,
was voted Faculty of the Year at
Connors State College. He was
nominated by faculty of CSC who were
asked to recommend nominees based on
qualities of professionalism, community
and campus committee involvement, work
ethic and dedication to their job, among
other attributes.
“Dr. Corrado’s enthusiasm and passion
for teaching are an inspiration,” said Dr.
Ron Ramming, senior vice president for
academic and student affairs. “I think it is
indeed high praise for Dr. Corrado to be
voted Faculty of the Year.”
Corrado said he was surprised and
deeply honored to have been selected as
Faculty of the Year.
“I have such a great respect for the
faculty here, and I was very excited to join
their ranks and be able to contribute to
CSC as a faculty member,” said Corrado.
“To receive this recognition from the faculty
was more than I ever expected and I am
truly grateful.”
Corrado said receiving the award
inspires him to continue to improve as a
“I am having the time of my life teaching
at CSC and I appreciate all those I work
with,” said Corrado. “I especially want to
thank Debi (Corrado’s wife). She is the
one who challenged me to become a
teacher, and she is the one who taught me
how to teach. I would not be where I am if
not for her.”
Alumnus Bill Martin
ill Martin’s first association with
Connors State College was in 1951,
when he attended on an athletic
scholarship as a catcher for the baseball
team. Also a member of the National
Honor Society and ROTC, Martin graduated in 1953, continued his academics and
athletics at Panhandle State in Goodwell,
Oklahoma, before finishing his education
at Northeastern State University with a
bachelors and masters in education. He
also received a professional diploma from
the University of Tulsa.
Martin taught math and science, and
coached all athletics at Warner High
School, where his baseball teams won
back-to-back state championships.
Martin returned to CSC as a math and
science instructor, served as Dean of Men
and Federal Programs Coordinator, as well
as Baseball Coach for one year.
Martin was the assistant to Cowgirl
Basketball Hall of Fame coach Monte
Madewell for 11 years. The duo’s teams
Beth Rosson, Student
eth Rosson, Muskogee sophomore, was named as part of the
All-Oklahoma U.S. Academic Team at
the Oklahoma State Capital. As part of her
recognition ceremony, Rosson received
a medallion and a certificate from CSC
President Dr. Tim Faltyn and two citations.
This was her first opportunity to visit the
State Capitol.
“The medallion and certificate both
represented becoming a part of the
All-Oklahoma U.S. Academic Team,”
said Rosson. “I received a Citation
of Congratulations from House
Representative George Faught and State
Senator Earl Garrison. The state capitol
was beautiful. It was a wonderful experience to have been awarded.”
Rosson is Vice President of Phi Theta
Kappa and currently works on campus and
as an intern for the Financial Aid office.
She has been on the Vice President’s
Honor Roll for three semesters.
“As a member and an officer of Phi
Theta Kappa I decided to submit a fall
transfer scholarship application,” said
Rosson. “This is a massive scholarship
application that has about 10 tabs of
questionnaires and essays with subject
and word minimum requirements.”
As part of the All-Oklahoma U.S.
Academic Team, Rosson can compete
for scholarships and honors for universities within Oklahoma such as the Jack
Kent Cooke and Coca Cola scholarships.
Rosson was also provided with a list
of scholarships from colleges that are
offering her scholarships to enroll. She will
graduate in May and attend NSU in August
with a major in Business Administration.
“I would actually like to thank God, my
family at Connors, my Phi Theta Kappa
advisers, and my family at home. I couldn’t
have done it without their support.”
dominated NJCAA women’s basketball,
winning almost 90 percent of their games,
eight conference titles and reaching the
National Tournament six times, finishing
Runners-Up in 1989 and National
Champions in 1985.
“Mr. Bill” or “Poppie” and his wife, Jeanie,
were like parents to many students.
They hosted meals, boarded players for
weekends and holidays, and were there for
whatever they needed.
Martin’s affiliation with CSC is a family
affair. His wife Jeanie is an alumnae, was
the Food Service Director, and taught
night classes. Their daughter, Debbie, and
son-in-law James Fast, also graduated
from CSC. Martin has had five generations
and more than 40 family members attend
onnors State College recently hosted
an Employee Recognition luncheon
in which employees were honored for
their length of service to the college as
well as for outstanding accomplishments.
“It’s important for us to celebrate our
people,” said Connors State College
President, Dr. Tim Faltyn. “They work hard
each and every day to make Connors a
better place for our students.”
The luncheon, sponsored by Sodexo,
was emceed by Julie Dinger-Blanton,
Interim Assistant Vice President of
Academic Affairs – Assessment and
“Last year we developed criteria for
awards, both individual and departmental,”
said Connors’ HR Director, Nate Walker.
“A committee of employees and the
leadership at Connors did a great job of
evaluating the nominations and choosing
the winners.”
The Connors Distinguished Recognition
award was developed to recognize
outstanding programs and departments.
This year’s awardees are the Office of
Financial Aid, the Child Development
Program and the Equine and Rodeo
The Connors Impact Awards were
developed to award individuals who
have exemplified outstanding service to
the college and/or the community, and
who have demonstrated commitment to
Connors’ mission, vision and core values.
This year’s awardees are Brandy McElyea,
Executive Assistant for the Connors
Development Foundation, for Classified
Employee of the Year; Angie Lane, Bursar,
for Professional Employee of the Year; and
Dr. Frank Corrado, Biology Instructor, for
Faculty of the Year.
“Each of these awardees is so
deserving,” said Faltyn. “They work so
hard and do an amazing job. I’m very
proud to be a part of their team.”
Classified Employee of the Year
Brandy McElyea
Executive Assistant for the Connors
Development Foundation
Professional Employee of the Year
Angie Lane
Faculty of the Year
Dr. Frank Corrado
Biology Instructor
Office of Financial Aid
Child Development Program
Equine & Rodeo Programs
Baseball, Softball Look to Advance Season Play
onnors State, the two-time defending
Oklahoma Collegiate Athletic
Conference baseball champion, took
a giant stride toward its third in a row by
opening OCAC play with a four-game
sweep of Rose State.
Head Coach Perry Keith, who is in his
30th year to guide the Cowboys, has a
26-5 record and a No. 10 National Junior
College Athletic Association national
The Cowboys currently sit atop the
OCAC standings with a 4-0 record
followed by Seminole State College at 3-1
and Northeastern A&M at 1-3.
One of the major reasons for the
success of the Cowboys this season has
been its hitting prowess. Connors leads
the league with an impressive .355 batting
average, while also leading in home runs
with 32, runs scored 296, and 51 doubles.
At the beginning of the season Keith
believed his club would need to grow up in
a hurry and learn how to score runs.
“I think we have grown up and are
scoring runs. We can improve. Our pitching
has been good at times, especially Landon
Bradley,” said Keith. “He’s been our ace
this season and we expect even better
things as the season goes on. But we still
have a long way to go. It’s going to be a
dogfight the rest of the way.”
The hitting prowess of the Cowboys
during the season has registered in the
national statistics by several Cowboy
Jonathan Laureno ranks No. 24 nationally with a .439 batting average, with Trevor
Crone, No. 31, who is hitting at a .432 clip.
In the power hitting department Conner
Stevenson ranks No. 23 in home runs with
eight, whit Caleb Knight and Laureno, No.
32, with seven round trippers each.
In the national RBI department Laureno
and Stevenson are No. 21, with 40 RBIs
each, while Knight is No. 42 with 37.
The Cowgirls softball team is beginning to make its move. Head coach Rick
Carbone who was concerned about
injuries at the start of the season has a
healthy club once again. The result is a
21-10 record and 10-7 OCAC mark.
The difference has been the return of Jill
Roye, inside the circle, and her explosive
bat. The left hander who sustained a
knee injury has recovered and is back in
pitching shape. She won her first three
“Getting Jill back has played a big part
in our success recently,” said Carbone.
“Her play in the circle and at the plate has
taken much of the pressure off of Kristen
Reasnor. They can’t pitch around her now.”
Reasnor who is hitting .511 to rank No. 7
in the nation, eclipsed the Connors all-time
hitting home run mark of 23 with 27 thus
“’Big Red’ is just a tremendous hitter and
outstanding pitcher. She is getting a lot of
attention from Division I schools, as is Jill,”
said Carbone.
Reasnor ranks No. 9 in the NJCAA rankings in hitting with a .511 batting average
and is No. 3 in the home run department
with 15 and No. 10 in RBIs with 48.
onnors State men’s basketball coach
Bill Muse, who guided the Cowboys
to the National Junior College Athletic
Association Region II Championship and a
trip to the NJCAA National Tournament in
Hutchinson, Kan., was named the Region
II Region Coach of the Year.
“Winning this award is a team award for
all their hard work this season,” said Muse.
“We had a great season and we all share
in this award.”
It was his seventh Region II Coach
of the Year honor in 23 seasons at the
Warner college. His 2014-15 squad
finished the year ranked No. 2 in the
nation and entered the NJCAA National
of the Year
Tournament as the No. 1 seed.
The Cowboys reached the Elite Eight
of the National Tournament, losing to the
eventual national runner-up South Plains
College. Connors State ended the season
with a 31-2 record, winning the Oklahoma
Collegiate Athletic Conference championship for a fourth time, and a Region II
Muse also led the Cowboys to the
school’s longest consecutive winning
streak this past season, winning 30
consecutive games.
The Hall of Fame Coach has posted
a 538-207 record as head coach of the
ecently at Houston, Connors Livestock
Judging Team students Cassi Allread,
of Union City, and Zane Webster,
of San Simon, Arizona, were two of the
15 recipients named to the 2014-2015
Junior College All American Team. This
title rewards students for achievements
in both livestock judging competition and
academic excellence. This is the highest
honor bestowed among livestock judging
contestants at the junior college level.
The Connors Livestock Judging Team
finished the year strong at both San
Antonio and Houston. At San Antonio, the
Cowboys finished as the 3rd High Team
Overall and were also the 2nd high team
in swine, 3rd high team sheep and the 4th
high team in oral reasons.
In regards to individual success,
Webster was 5th in cattle and 9th individual overall; Bryce Hauenstein, of Pryor,
was 4th in goats, 10th in sheep, 10th in
swine and 4th overall; Wyatt Smith from
Adair was 8th in goats, 3rd in sheep, 5th
in swine and was 11th overall; and Jordan
Moubry, of Russell, Kansas, was 2nd
individual in sheep.
In Houston the team finished 5th overall
and was the 3rd high team in cattle,
placing’s and sheep & goats. Individually,
Webster was the 8th individual overall, 3rd
in goats, and 10th in placing’s; Moubry
was 8th in placing’s; and Hauenstein tied
for 10th individual overall, and was 5th
in sheep & goats. Other team members
include: Allison Tarvin, Mt. Olivet, Kentucky;
Keegan Vander Molen, Pella, Iowa;
Morgan Cook, Reed City, Michigan; and
Ross Taylor, Okemah.
For more information on the Connors
State College Livestock Judging Team and
upcoming judging camps, contact Coach
Clint Mefford at (918) 463-6335.
n March 28 the Connors State College
equine and rodeo programs hosted
the annual Alumni and Friends Spring
Gathering at the Warner Campus Student
An event that has seen growth over the
years, this year’s barbecue dinner, silent
auction and three-prize raffle entertained
approximately 300 guests. Those in
attendance ranged from current students
and staff, alumni, horse owners, prospective students, and other community
“It was great to be able to show off our
newly renovated Student Union,” said
rodeo team member Payton Hill. “It made
for the perfect atmosphere for everyone to
dance, eat, and socialize.”
Prior to the event, students sold $25
raffle tickets, which qualified the ticket
holder for a chance to win a 40-foot
Priefert utility round pen kit worth $1,600,
a Priefert horse stock worth $1,000, or a
20X black gold cowboy hat.
The top raffle ticket salesmen were
awarded for their efforts; Kasey Wagnon
took home top honors, earning a $250 gift
certificate from Mock Brother’s Saddlery;
while Brett Jones was reserve and earned
a $150 certificate.
A live auction saw several attendees in a
bidding war to purchase a 2-year old horse
– Peptos Fancy Step – trained by the CSC
equine program and donated by Bob and
Vicki Mouser.
“We would like to thank everyone
who donated items to the silent or live
auctions, and all of those who came out
to support our students and program,”
said Jake Walker, CSC rodeo coach. “The
Spring Gathering is a great way to enjoy
ourselves and end another great year with
our students.”
Another exciting element of the Spring
Gathering was the musical performance of
Paul Bogart, Nashville recording artist and
CSC alum. To the enjoyment of those on
the dance floor, Bogart and his band took
the stage at 6:30 p.m. and then gave an
extended performance later in the evening.
Also joining him at the microphone and on
guitar were the musically inclined rodeo
coaches Jake Lawson and Jake Walker.
hi Theta Kappa, community college
presidents and community college
state associations sponsor All-State
Community College Academic Team
ceremonies in 38 participating states.
On March 2, six members of the Mu Chi
chapter of Phi Theta Kappa were named
to the Oklahoma All-State Academic Team
for Connors State College. The students
received medallions and certificates during
a ceremony hosted at the Oklahoma State
Capitol. Also included with the award, the
students received a tuition waiver that can
be transferred to most of the universities in
Students nominated to the All-USA
Community College Academic Team from
the 38 participating states are considered
for placement on All-State Community
College Academic Teams. Rankings on
All-State Community College Academic
Teams are generally determined by the
student’s score in the national competition and All–State Community College
Academic Team structures which vary
from state to state.
It was a proud day for Dr. Faltyn and the
Phi Theta Kappa advisors, Kim Phillips
and Colleen Noble.
Photo: Oklahoma Academic Team for
Connors State College members include
(L-R) Taylor Sparks, Brandie Center, Kory
Zehr, Amanda Handley, and Cecelia (Beth)
Rosson. Pictured with CSC President, Dr.
Tim Faltyn.
Research Day
n March 21, Rhiannon Ritthaler
presented her research at the
20th Annual Research Day at the
Capitol. Glen D. Johnson, chancellor of
the Oklahoma State System of Higher
Education, invited the state’s university
presidents to nominate their institutions’
top undergraduate student researchers
to participate. Twenty-four students,
representing 18 colleges and universities,
gathered on the State Capitol’s fourth
floor rotunda to showcase the outstanding
research being conducted on Oklahoma’s
Ritthaler presented her research poster
“Measuring the Return on Investment
from Rural Health Development in Eastern
Oklahoma,” a project she worked on with
Faculty Advisor, Dr. Ryan Blanton. Her
research analyzed the economic impacts
and return on investment of federal and
state grants for Community Health Centers
in rural eastern Oklahoma. Her findings
showed that each dollar of investment
generates a three year average of $8.98
back into the local economy.
Members of the State Legislature and
Capitol guests visited students’ poster
displays to learn more about the research
projects, and Ritthaler was presented
with Certificates of Merit from State
Representative Jerry McPeak and State
Senator Roger Thompson.
hree Connors State College students,
Carly Anderson, Brittani Lang, and
Nella Worthan, were each honored
for their exemplary work and dedication to
their education.
Carly Anderson was selected to receive
the 2015 Campus Compact Newman Civic
Fellows Award. From across the country,
college and university presidents have
nominated promising student leaders who
have demonstrated an investment in their
community to be Newman Civic Fellows.
Through service, research, and advocacy,
these Fellows are making the most of their
college experiences to better understand
themselves, the root causes of social
issues, and effective mechanisms for
creating lasting change.
As these students tackle community
challenges, they provide fresh energy and
perspective, inspire and mobilize others,
and develop their own skills and potential.
This year’s record amount of Fellows
will leverage an even greater capacity
for engagement and change through
online networking. In keeping with their
generation’s emphasis on networks over
hierarchies, Newman Civic Fellows will
share ideas and materials to further their
work through an exclusive online community especially for Fellows.
Brittani Lang is a nursing student at
Connors State College, was recently
awarded the Women’s Opportunity Award
by Soroptimist International of Muskogee.
The $1,000 scholarship will be used to
help Lang, 26, complete her degree and
become a registered nurse.
Vicky Spradling, co-chairman of the
award, said the scholarship is intended to
help women complete their degrees while
trying to take care of their family. Lang is
the busy mother of a four-year-old son and
three-year-old twins.
CSC sophomore Nella Worthan will
have a chance to gain new leadership skills and experience at the 2015
National Education for Women’s (N.E.W.)
Leadership Institute next month. The
highly competitive, award-winning program
is offered through the Carl Albert Center at
the University of Oklahoma.
The N.E.W. Leadership Institute is an
intensive five-day program that connects
Oklahoma undergraduate women with
policy makers and community activists.
The program’s purpose is to educate
and empower the participants to actively
engage in politics and public service.
Worthan will join approximately 30 other
undergraduate women selected each year
for the institute. To date, almost 400 have
graduated from the program.
“Before coming to Connors, I never
had the confidence to go after the things
I really wanted or knew I could benefit
from, but whether it was a kind word in an
instructor’s office or a soft push toward a
leadership position from an advisor’s aid,
Connors has helped build me up into this
‘go getter’ person, and I couldn’t be more
Campus Life
Comedian Brings Wit and Financial Facts to Connors
n Monday, April 6, Colin Ryan, comedian and motivational speaker, started
the show at Connors State College
with a flurry of laughter, engaging the
audience with crowd work, playful banter
and helpful tips on surviving bear attacks!
He then transitioned the conversation to
financial facts, discussing money – something everyone in the audience uses. Ryan
pointed out that most people who come
to college generally do so with aspirations
to one day earn more money. Whether the
student wants to work in an office, as a
manager for a company, or become a star
athlete – they choose these careers with
their financial future in mind.
“Your ability to manage your money
directly affects your ability to have the life
you want,” Ryan said.
Elizabeth Wanger, Default Prevention
Specialist in the office of Financial Aid
was one of the members who brought the
comedian to Connors State College.
“It’s important to bring financial speakers
to the college, because it’s another tool to
further help our students,” said Wanger. “It
provides them with an opportunity to hear
financial advice from someone outside
of the Financial Aid office. Adding humor
to his presentation helped Colin reach
the audience more effectively – personal
finance is not an easy subject to discuss
and by presenting it in a lighthearted way it
made the information easier to receive.”
Many of the students were hearing
information about financial responsibility
for the first time. Having lived with their
parents for most of their life, many of the
students in the audience were unfamiliar
with the notion of paying monthly rent, car
payments, providing for a family or living
on a budget.
“30 percent of adults in America use a
budget. You would think it would be more,
but it’s not,” said Ryan. “Which means 70
percent of adults just spend their money
when they receive it and then question
why they’re broke.”
Ryan suggested everyone in attendance
begins saving for the future now, because
when the time comes they’ll wish they had
started sooner.
“Choose a number, an amount that
you want to save and then work hard to
reach that goal,” said Ryan. “Unfortunately
America is not a saving country, it’s very
much a spending country. We look for
money we can spend now, not money we
can save for the future. We need to take
action and change our mindset now.”
Ryan said in his observation of the world
it seems that we as Americans are raised
in a culture of people who believe money
cannot change their fate.
“Many of the people I’ve met are under
the notion that a few extra dollars should
be spent now on something that is a ‘right
now’ want, instead of a lasting need,” said
Saving money for the future is no one’s
favorite pastime, but if left unchecked
individuals can wake up to thousands of
dollars in debt and feel like there is no
“When asked, 85 percent of adults
ranked credit card debt as the topic they
most wanted to avoid in conversation,” said
Ryan. “Start thinking ahead now, so when
the time comes you can take a vacation
or have comfort in not being pressured by
bills or mountains of debt.”
Wanger said she was looking for a
speaker who could change the mindset
and relationship students have with their
money and believes Colin Ryan did just
Students Attend Spring Congress with SGA
SC took a five-student delegation to
the Oklahoma Student Government
Association Spring Congress held
March 6-7 at Northeastern State University
in Tahlequah.
More than 120 participants from 15
Oklahoma colleges and universities shared
ideas and discussed issues relevant to
enhancing higher education opportunities
and experiences in Oklahoma.
The student leaders debated, and
ultimately passed, five pieces of legislation
that were then forwarded to Governor
Fallin, the Oklahoma legislature and the
State Regents from consideration. These
non-binding resolutions pertained to:
1) Allowing high school seniors to take
zero level courses at a local college or
2) Creating a subcommittee on the
Regents Student Advisory Board for
awareness, education and advocacy of
LGBT issues.
3) Calling upon the OK state legislature
to oppose efforts to allow guns on campus.
4) Requiring higher education institutions to provide sexual assault and sexual
violence prevention programs to students.
5) Establishing the 2015-16 OSGA
Students also had the opportunity to
hear from U.S. Congressman Markwayne
Mullin and Oklahoma House Minority
Leader Scott Inman about the importance
of active, informed engagement in the
political process.
Campus Life Events
Phi Theta Kappa hosted “C4 Be More”
Commit to Complete Signing Events on
all three campuses in March.
Staff, students and their families were invited to enjoy a free skate at the
Muskogee Skate Center on March 7.
Scout Jackson, Yukon Freshman, won
the Connors Got Talent competition on
Like Her”.
Easter events hosted by Campus Life included photos with the Easter Bunny, egg
hunts, inflatables, games and more in both Warner and Muskogee.
The Office of Campus Life sponsored a trip for students to attend a Tulsa Oilers
hockey game on April 4.
t’s been said your college years are
always with you. While this is true, we
want to know where you are taking
Connors State College! Send a photo of
you wearing your CSC gear – we want to
see where CSC travels. Wear it on vacation, out to dinner … anywhere you go!
Photos will be featured in the next issue
of the CONNECTION and uploaded to
Facebook. The image with the most votes
will win a prize. Send photos to:
700 College Road | Warner, OK 74469
High school land judgers compete during the 68th Annual Aggie Day Interscholastic Competition.