We`re Going Wild We`re Going Wild
We`re Going Wild We`re Going Wild
March 2015 We’re Going Wild March Madness …“Wild About Saving” that is. We invite you to join in the fun and celebrate Credit Union Youth Week in April! We’ll help guide youth through the jungle of savings toward a path to financial success. Watch for more information in April’s newsletter and special mailings about the wild fun we have planned. Warmer weather is just around the corner, so we’re celebrating March ‘Mortgage’ Madness!! For those of you planning a home improvement project in the upcoming months, consider a M-O FCU home improvement loan Help improve the look of your home, because when it’s time to sell your home, your remodeling efforts may be the key to selling it faster. Fraud Prevention — An Ongoing Task Financial fraud and identity theft are ongoing issues everyone should keep in mind. Below are just a few suggestions. • Be cautious about where you leave personal • Don’t just throw it away. Shred receipts, copies of credit applications, insurance forms, physician statements, bank checks and statements, expired charge cards, and credit offers, etc. This will help stop any identity thief who may pick through your trash to get ahold of your personal information. information in your home, especially if you employ • Find out who has access to your personal information outside help, have roommates, or if you are having at work and verify the records are kept in a secure service work done. location with limited access. • Notify us if you plan to travel. If charges start to come through from a different location our fraud monitoring Refer to next months newsletter for more valuable fraud prevention information… company may assume the purchases are fraud and block your card. Avoid the hassle before you travel. Information courtesy of “Privacy Rights” from the Office of Attorney General 64 th Annual Banquet M-O FCU Employees: Back Row: Jeanie King, Gail Broer, Kristi Neuharth, and Amy Waldner Front Row: Deanna Decker, Tiffanie Gebhart and Jennifer DeShazer Gail Broer: (above) Gail received a crystal plaque service award engraved with her 30 years of service and a leather laptop attaché case. Kristi Neuharth: (left) Kristi received a gold star paperweight engraved with her 10 years of service as M-O FCU’s Receptionist and recent promotion to Electronic Services Clerk. Sheila Baruth: (right) Sheila was awarded a Black Hills Gold Onyx necklace with an engraved plate with her 12 years of service on M-O FCU’s Board of Directors. Kay Daugherty: (right) Kay was awarded a mantel clock engraved with her 9 years of service on M-O FCU’s Board of Directors. 18th & Dakota Drive-Up 1730 Dakota Ave S, Huron, SD 57350 Phone: (605) 353-9977 Toll Free: 800-422-9040 Fax: (605) 353-1732 Email: mofcu@santel.net 18th & Dakota Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8am - 5:30pm Friday: 8am - 6pm Sat: 9am - Noon (Drive-up only) Huron Federal Building www.m-ofcu.com Huron Federal Building Hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 1pm 2 Convenient Locations: ⋆ ⋆ Judy Bowder: (left) Judy was awarded a desktop pen holder with a picture frame and small clock engraved with her 18 years of service on M-O FCU’s Board of Directors.
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