12/15/13 - St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church


12/15/13 - St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church
The Saint Sava Serbian orthodox Church of McKeesport & Duquesne,
901 Hartman Street, McKeesport, Pa. 15732 Our Web-site:
Rectory: (412)672-ISZZ HuUr (412) 664-0520 E-mail: frstevor@ao1'com
December Lsth, 2013 - 25th Sunday After Pentecost - Tone 8
Today's Gospel Readings:
Luke 10: 25-37
Today's Epistle Reading:
4: l-6
O Merciful One! Thou didst accept the
Life and Resurrection:
Three-day burial, to free us from our sufferings! o Lord, our
Troparion: "Thou didst descend from on high,
'Glory to Thee!' "
.,By rising from the tomb, Thou didst raise the dead and resurrect Adam' Eve
from the dead'
exults iri1,ny Resurrection, and the world celebrates Thy Rising
O GreatlY Merciful One!"
Two Keys
someone once said that man's heart is like a garden, a secret garden
which God has kept uniquely for Himself. That garden is locked like a safe
deposit box. It haJtwo keys as does every safe deposit box. God has one key.
wtan has the other key. Hence not even God can get in without man's
is already in the lock.
the key of His love and power
consent. God's key
is not yet in the lock. God is waiting
which is our free will
Man's key
the greatest treasure box in the
for us to insert our key to open the box
the box, oi rather the Person, in whom aII "treasures of wisdom
and knowlege are hid," christ "the power of God and the wisdom of God'"
llas the-"kingdom of God come with power" for you? Do you open the
door of your .oofdu.ily through prayer to receive Christ's love and power?
Are yout'lirring under your circumstances or above the circumstancs ofyour
life? There is power just a prayer away from you! Although just_a weak
earthen vessel-, the body wai cieated to house a great treasure, 'Iile have
this treasure in earthen vessels . . " wrote St. Paul. This treasure is God's
kingdom come with power within each of us. "The kingdom of God is within
you," said Jesus.
Toda)r's Special Announcements and Upcoming Activities For You:
(1) Today" we invite you to ioin us in events for the sood of our Parish:
A. Bring up your Stewardship Pledge Cards at the appropriate time during
Moleben for Stewardship we offer today at the Liturgy.....
B. After Church, join us downstairs for the Advent Celebration and Luncheon!
C. Pick up your 'wheat-dishes' for St. Nicholas Day downstairs!
for the health and well-being of our following loved ones within our parish:
Katie Repasky Nick Trbovich Very Rev. Rastko Trbuhovich Melva Buzzelli
Smilja Blagovich-NH Ann Vunovic Mimi Pavlovich-NH Ann Vranesevic-NH
Stella Stipanovich -NH Boya Kecman-NH Stoyan Popovich Stoyanka Vranesevich
(2) Please pray
(3) Also pray for the souls of those fallen asleep in the Lord:
+Mika Rocknage *George Medich fAnn Petrovich *ZoraNedzbala +Sophie Anastas
+Amy Pacura +Rudolph Karros +Alona Evanovich +Dorothy Suzich *Mara Gasparovic
(5) TTIESDAY: Nut-roll Christmas Luncheon - NO MORE ORDERS FOR NUT-ROLLS!
(6) WEDNESDAY evening: Choir Rehearsal at 7:30 PM - in Church hall!
St. Nicholas - 9:30 AM Liturgy!
- AIso - volunteers needed to help at the St. Cyril Food Pantry that afternoon!
YOUTH GROIIP MEETING: TOMGHT - December 15th - Meet at Parking Lot
at 5 PM - to go to Dylan Magill's house for the 6 PM meeting.. '..
- Saturday, December 21't: Choir set to go caroling at N.Homes....
- Saturday, December 28th: Decorating the Church for Christmas - JOIN US at 10 AM!
- January
St. Ignatius of Antioch - 9:30
AM Services!
- Baptism of Madelyn Violet Repasky - Saturday, January
at l2Noon - JOIN US!
- Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: January 6th-9th' Christmas Services!
(Check schedule times in the Bulletin coming out shortly!)