SmartPlant Electrical Basic Training Guide


SmartPlant Electrical Basic Training Guide
SmartPlant Electrical 3.5
SmartPlant Electrical
Basic User’s Training Guide
Version 3.5
September 2005
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
SmartPlant Electrical 3.5
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SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
SmartPlant Electrical 3.5
Table of Contents
Training Prerequisites...................................................................................................9
Electricity and Electrical Engineering ........................................................................10
Smart Plant Electrical Modules ........................................................................................ 12
Electrical Equipment .......................................................................................................13
Generators and Power Sources ...................................................................................13
Create a Project Generator ................................................................................................ 13
Duplicate an Item.............................................................................................................. 13
Delete an Item ................................................................................................................... 14
Create Electrical Items in Reference Data Explorer ......................................................... 14
Create Motors ................................................................................................................... 15
Converting Equipment................................................................................................16
Create a Transformer ........................................................................................................ 16
Common Features in Smart Plant Electrical ..................................................................... 17
Properties Window (Property Grid).................................................................................. 19
Electrical Loads (Consumers)........................................................................................... 23
Static Loads, Heater Equipment Form.............................................................................. 28
Transformers and Other Types of Converting Equipment................................................ 30
Lab 1 ................................................................................................................................. 32
Tabular Editor .................................................................................................................35
Create a Table ................................................................................................................... 35
Lab 2 ................................................................................................................................. 46
Power Distribution Board ...............................................................................................48
Design of PDB Layout – General Arrangement ............................................................... 55
Lab 3 ................................................................................................................................. 59
Wiring Equipment ......................................................................................................62
Panels ................................................................................................................................ 62
Control Stations ................................................................................................................ 63
Local Panels and Junction Boxes...................................................................................... 64
Cables................................................................................................................................ 65
Parallel Cables .................................................................................................................. 83
Busways ............................................................................................................................ 84
Signals............................................................................................................................... 85
I/O Sets ............................................................................................................................. 85
Lab 4 ................................................................................................................................. 86
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 3
Table of Contents
Propagating Default Data and Associations ..................................................................91
Look-Up Tables (LUT)...............................................................................................91
Create LUT ....................................................................................................................... 92
Apply Options................................................................................................................... 92
Apply Lookup Tables ....................................................................................................... 93
Apply Typical Circuit ....................................................................................................... 94
Apply Profile..................................................................................................................... 99
Assigning a Load to a PDB/Bus/Cell/Circuit ................................................................... 99
Batch Load Assignment.................................................................................................. 101
Assigning Control Stations to Loads .............................................................................. 105
Lab 5 ............................................................................................................................... 106
Cable Sizing ....................................................................................................................108
Ampacity Sizing .......................................................................................................110
Voltage Drop (VD) at Running (VDN) .......................................................................... 111
Voltage Drop at Starting Conditions (VDS) ................................................................... 111
Ambient Temperature Correction Factor........................................................................ 112
Calculating Maximum Allowable Power Cable Length ................................................. 112
Viewing All Possible Combinations and Acceptable Cable Sizes in Sizing Procedure . 114
Fault Short Circuit Cable Sizing ..................................................................................... 115
Properties Copied from Loads ........................................................................................ 117
Required Data for Sizing and Selection.......................................................................... 118
Refresh Load - Changes in Electrical Data of Load ....................................................... 119
Power Systems ................................................................................................................ 120
Batch Sizing of Cables.................................................................................................... 120
Replacing Cables ............................................................................................................ 121
Lab 6 ............................................................................................................................... 124
Reports ............................................................................................................................127
Report Writer ............................................................................................................127
Creating New Report Templates..................................................................................... 127
SmartPlant Reports Toolbar............................................................................................ 128
Editing Report Templates ............................................................................................... 133
Deleting Reports ............................................................................................................. 133
Running Reports ............................................................................................................. 133
Run Reports and Specify Items Through Tabular Editor................................................ 134
Shipped Reports .............................................................................................................. 134
Lab 7 ............................................................................................................................... 139
Electrical Engineer.........................................................................................................140
Lab 8 ............................................................................................................................... 141
Single Line Diagrams.....................................................................................................142
Generate a power distribution board-based SLD ....................................... 143
Generate an Electrical Engineer-based SLD................................................ 143
Single Line Diagram Drawing Options ......................................................... 144
Power distribution board-based SLD .............................................................. 144
4 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Table of Contents
Managing the SLD ............................................................................................ 146
Lab 9 ............................................................................................................................... 147
Schematics ......................................................................................................................148
Typical blocks .......................................................................................................... 148
Create a Typical Block ......................................................................................... 150
Create a Typical Schematic ................................................................................ 151
Generating Schematics in Batch Mode........................................................................... 155
Create Templates (template for Schematic and SLD) ..................156
Lab 10 ............................................................................................................................. 158
Associating Documents ............................................................................................160
Define a Document Reference .................................................................. 160
Associate a Document ........................................................................................... 161
Lab 11 ............................................................................................................................. 162
Archiving Documents ....................................................................................................163
Global revisions ...............................................................................................167
Deliverable Project Reports (register report) ....................................168
Exercise .................................................................................................................... 168
Lab 12 ........................................................................................................................ 174
Miscellaneous Features..................................................................................................175
Batch Assignment of Control Station Cables ...................................175
External Drawings .......................................................................................................... 178
Transfer Switches .....................................................................................................180
Dual Power Source Equipment.................................................................................184
Exercise:.......................................................................................................................... 185
Rules in Operations that Involve Circuits ....................................................................... 191
Earth Loop Impedance Calculations in Cable Sizing ...............................................192
Metering Equipment and Protection Relay...............................................................193
Measure Transformers .................................................................................................... 194
Create Meters .................................................................................................................. 196
Protection Relays and Relay Functions .......................................................................... 197
Drag Metering Equipment to the Instrument Index ........................................................ 198
Working with Metering and Protection Relay Symbols in the SLD............................... 200
Cable Management System ......................................................................................204
Automating Cable to Drum Assignment......................................................................... 204
Cable Routing ...........................................................................................................207
Exercise........................................................................................................................... 208
Cable Routing Validation Rules ..................................................................................... 224
Introducing NEC Motor Tables Data .......................................................................228
Detailed Transformer Neutral Grounding Definitions .............................................231
Defining the Neutral to Ground of the Transformer Windings....................................... 232
Representing the Neutral Grounding of the Transformer in an SLD.............................. 236
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 5
Table of Contents
Document Revision History ..........................................................................................238
6 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
This training guide introduces concepts, procedures, and features of SmartPlant
Send documentation comments or suggestions to
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 7
8 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Training Prerequisites
An intermediate knowledge of electrical design
Familiarity with windows-based applications
A plant with default reference data
‘Demo Training SLD’ drawing available.
The purpose of this document is to educate the user on Smart Plant Electrical
(SmartPlant Electrical) operational procedures and methods, features and
The document contains the following sections:
Part 1: Electrical Equipment
Part 2: Tabular Editor
Part 3: Power Distribution Board
Part 4: Wiring Equipment
Part 5: Propagating Default Data and Association
Part 6: Cable sizing
Part 7: Reports
Part 8: Electrical Engineer
Part 9: Single Line Diagram
Part 10: Schematics
Part 11: Associate Document
Part 12: Archive Document
Appendix A: SLD Demo Project
The last section in each part is a lab. The asterisk sign before a lab
exercise indicates that it is part of the ‘SLD Demo Project’.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 9
Electricity and Electrical Engineering
Following is a brief synopsis of Electrical Engineering and Design and also some
guiding principles that were employed in the creation of SmartPlant Electrical.
The Electrical Distribution Network
The electrical distribution network includes all the equipment and devices used to
control and deliver electrical power safely and efficiently from the ‘incoming’ service
to the ultimate end ‘users’ or ‘consumers’.
The distribution network consists of:
1. Sophisticated equipment that in some cases is designed and manufactured for
particular network-specific (or plant design-specific) use.
2. Standard or ‘typical’ equipment that has the same characteristics from device to
device or even from project to project. SmartPlant Electrical has the ability to
handle both cases. One advantage the user will discover about SmartPlant
Electrical is that the ‘typical data’ need only be entered once and then copied as
needed to other similar devices. Both typical and copied items of equipment will
have specific parameters defined in the course of the design and recorded on the
project documents and drawings. The equipment includes (but is not limited to):
Incoming utility feeders
Motor Control Centers
Local Control Equipment
Low Voltage Distribution Panels
10 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Engineering and Design
Involves the design of those electrical parameters and equipment that make up the
distribution and utilization network. Part of the design is also involved with correctly
assembling all the ‘pieces’ to form a cohesive and robust system (with calculated
results) to fill the current needs of the client as well as providing for future expansion.
This design is all handled in a framework of recognized Codes (National and Local),
Standards, and Accepted Practices. Another important function of electrical design is
to develop and record accurate calculations related to specific electrical and physical
phenomena that the engineer/designer uses daily. These design activities and the
resulting design documents are ultimately used to:
Provide safety and adherence to codes, client requirements, and so
Provide the contractor with direction and materials related needs
during construction.
Provide documentation to the particular facility’s ‘technical libraries’
for future reference, and so forth.
These engineering and design activities are presented to the facility and to the
contractor in a variety of documents. Some of these documents will only be used
during construction, however, some will form a part of the facility’s technical library.
Some of these documents will include (but not be limited to):
Single Line Diagrams
Cable Schedules
Material Take-offs and Reports
Equipment List
Electrical Load Lists
SmartPlant Electrical does not force a particular workflow, and thee are several ways
to perform the required design. SmartPlant Electrical has been designed to create and
enter data or entities in a series of stand-alone operations. These operations can be
performed in sequences that suit the users needs.
Some of the major issues with which SmartPlant Electrical development was
concerned were:
1. The very real assumption that current contracts are short in the Electrical Index
duration and that accurate and efficient tools are required to maintain the data
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 11
2. The design process is never a ‘one time through’ operation and that changes do
occur at any point during the life cycle of the design process.
3. SmartPlant Electrical users need a mechanism whereby they can set up ‘default’
information once and re-use it during the course of the project and in future
projects as well.
Smart Plant Electrical Modules
EI – Electrical Index
The Electrical Index is the module where you create and store project-specific
equipment and data. Logging into a SmartPlant Electrical project or plant will grant
you accessing your tags and relations as per your granted access rights set by your
Administrator. The Electrical Index will present the tags that belong to the entire
plant or specifically the ones of the lowest plant group (for example, Unit), based on
your settings.
To view all plant items, on the View menu, select the option Show Items of All Plant
Groups (when selected, a check mark appears beside the option as shown),
otherwise, to see only those items that belong to the current unit, deselect this option.
EE – Electrical Engineer
The Electrical Engineer is the module where graphical representations of Equipment
and Associations are stored.
RDE – Reference Data Explorer
The RDE is the module where you create and store reference (or generic) equipment
and data. This equipment and data can later be used as seed data to populate projectspecific electrical equipment in the Electrical Index. The more that is invested in
properly preparing the ‘generic data’ or ‘defaults’ the greater the savings will be
during the course of the current project and on future projects.
12 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Equipment
Generators and Power Sources
Power sources include generators, battery banks, and offsite power supplies.
Create a Project Generator
Use the following procedure to create a new project generator ‘G-1’.
1. In the Electrical Index, click Electrical Equipment > Generators.
2. Right-click and on the shortcut menu, click New Generator.
3. Right-click the generator, and on the shortcut menu, click Rename.
4. On the Item Tag dialog box, rename the generator to G-1.
To display the Item Tag dialog box each time you create a new item,
click File > Preferences and on the Preferences dialog box, under
Open after creating or duplicating an item, click Item Tag dialog
Duplicate an Item
Use the following procedure to duplicate Generator G-1.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 13
Electrical Equipment
1. In the Electrical Index, right-click G-1.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Duplicate.
3. On the Item Tag dialog box, type G-2.
Delete an Item
Use the following procedure to delete Generator G-2.
1. In the Electrical Index, right-click G-2.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Delete.
3. On the Confirm Item Delete prompt, click Yes.
Create Electrical Items in Reference Data Explorer
You create reference items in the Reference Data Explorer (RDE). You use these
items as templates for your SmartPlant Electrical items in the Electrical Index
(which contains the project specific items).
1. In the Reference Data Explorer, click Electrical Equipment > Generators.
2. Right-click and on the shortcut menu, click New Generator.
3. Right-click the generator, and on the shortcut menu, click Rename.
4. On the Item Tag dialog box, rename the generator to G-1.
5. In the RDE, select generator G-1.
6. Drag G-1 onto the Generators folders in the Electrical Index.
A sign appears when the dragged cursor is over the Generators
folder in the Electrical Index.
14 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Equipment
7. Release the mouse to create the generator.
8. Rename the generator to G-2.
Loads include motors, heaters, heat traces, capacitors, harmonic filters, resistors,
lighting fixtures, socket outlet, welding outlet, other electrical equipment.
Create Motors
Use the following procedure to create a typical motor ‘M=10hp’ and from it create
project motors.
1. In the Reference Data Explorer, click Electrical Equipment > Motors.
2. Right-click and on the shortcut menu, click New Motor.
3. Right-click the motor, and on the shortcut menu, click Rename.
4. On the Item Tag dialog box, rename the motor to M=10hp .
5. Drag motor M=10hp from the Reference Data Explorer to the Electrical Index.
6. In the Electrical Index, rename the new project motor to M-1.
7. Create another 2 project motors by duplicating M-1 in the Electrical Index, and
name the new motors M-2 and M-3.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 15
Electrical Equipment
8. Create new motor with heater M-4 and identify motors with space heaters from
those without space heaters.
Converting Equipment
Create a Transformer
1. In the Reference Data Explorer, click Electrical Equipment > Converting
Equipment > Transformers.
2. Right-click and add New 2-winding Transformer.
3. Rename it to T-1.
4. Drag T-1 from the Reference Data Explorer to the Electrical Index, and create
project transformer T-1 (name the secondary ‘out’).
16 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Equipment
Common Features in Smart Plant Electrical
finding an item that matches certain criteria.
windows refresh.
modifying the lower pane views.
creating a shortcut button to an item.
Find item - find item based on name or property.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 17
Electrical Equipment
View – List view pane.
Buttons - Creating an item shortcut button.
Select an Item.
Select Add Button
18 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Equipment
To remove a button, select the button you want to remove, and select Remove
Properties Window (Property Grid)
The property grid window contains all the properties related to the particular entities.
Sorting by category versus alpha-numeric sorting
Types of Properties:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 19
Electrical Equipment
Units of Measurement
The ‘Units of Measurement’ select lists are different from other select
lists. The user cannot modify the values because they have associated
conversions and calculations.
When the user selects one of these fields, such as 0.0 hp, 0.0 hp will
appear in the window and the user can then type in the required value.
The default unit of measure for a particular property is set in the Data
Calculated Properties
20 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Equipment
Reference Properties
Property that points to a path, such as the symbol name that contains the path
to a symbol used in the SLD
Select Lists
All select lists are not fully customizable by the users, but users are allowed a large
degree of latitude in the ability to modify the lists to according to requirements:
The user will not be able to delete any value from a populated select list
The user will be able to hide any value (or prevent it from appearing when the select
list is opened during operation).
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 21
Electrical Equipment
The user will be able to rename any value (for example, to another language).
The user will be able to create additional values in any select list.
The user must have access to the Data Dictionary to customize the select lists. Some
of this access will be determined by whether the user is logged in as an administrator
or as a user and/or if the user has been granted access (more on this later). Thee are
also some differences associated with ‘Unit of Measurement’ select lists.
The Select Set
Apply changes to set of Items
A Select Set is a temporary set and will not be saved after user moves to another
1. Select the Motor folder in the Electrical Index or the Reference Data Explorer.
You will see all the motors listed in the bottom pane.
2. Select the required motors from list view pane.
3. In the Properties grid window pick the Select Set.
Note: all of the motors that were picked in the bottom pane are also listed in the
properties screen.
22 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Equipment
Whatever change is made to one property (with Select Set selected) it will apply to all
items that are included in the Select Set.
When a select set is chosen, a value will appear only if all the items share the same
Item counter in the Electrical Index or the Reference Data Explorer
The counter of the selected items exists in the bottom left part of the SmartPlant Electrical
window.The counter displays when highlighting a folder
Electrical Loads (Consumers)
Entering engineering values using the Common Properties entry form.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 23
Electrical Equipment
Note: Rated power property, varies and depend on the type of electrical equipment. For all type of equipment it has units of measure type of
property, while for Motors it is a select list.
Motor Form
In the Electrical Index, select M-1 that you already created. Press Ctrl + F2 to invoke the Electrical Motor
Common Properties form.
General Tab
Entering general data like description, manufacturer, model, motor type and frame size.
Data quality field enables you to qualify the status of the data of this motor.
Conformity to Standard, allows you to specify the standard for electrical calculations when you
associate a power cable with the motor.
Load Data Tab
Dependencies and workflow, fill in the required fields to see it in work.
The fields that are marked with asterisks (*) are required fields. If you do not enter data for these
fields, the software does not calculate certain important values.
To obtain the demand factor, on the Load Data tab, you should fill in values for Rated power
and Brake power (consistency of units is not mandatory, you may enter mixed hp and kW
values). The software also validates that the brake power does not exceed the rated power value.
Select a value for Rated voltage and let the system calculate the value for Full load current
(this property appears on the Electrical Data tab).
24 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Equipment
To obtain the synchronous speed, you should enter values for the Frequency, Poles, and Supply
properties. The software validates that the asynchronous speed never exceeds the synchronous
Select an operating mode to enter the coincidence factor of that motor
To get the Power factor and Efficiency values at demand you need to enter the Electrical Index
values at 50%, 75%, and 100% of operation.
We will see later that thee is a better way to populate these values using lookup tables.
Electrical Data tab
calculations behind these calculated fields.
Once you have entered all the previous values on the Load Data tab the software calculates all
three vectors of the electrical consumption from the bus that feeds this motor.
The full load current can be the Electrical Index the calculated or entered manually, depending
on the Override FLA Calculation flag. If it is set to Calculate, the values are calculated using
the rated power, power factor at 100%, rated voltage, number of phases and according to whether
the supply is
AC or DC.
Observe the relation between the FLA, LRC, and the Electrical Index ratio.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 25
Electrical Equipment
Controls & Signals Tab
Provides optional information for control stations that control the motor operation, and controls
and signals for the motor.
26 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Equipment
Instruments Tab
Displays instruments that monitor and control the motor operation.
Feeder Data Tab
Enables you to view and assign a feeder (provided an association to a feeder circuit does not yet
exist). Once an association is made, the only way of dissociating a motor from its feeder circuit
is in the Electrical Engineer.
On this tab, you can:
Pre assign the Motor to a PDB and to a bus without actually creating feeder circuits
Assign and Create feeder circuits on the fly, based on the last applied typical circuit
Once the Motor is assigned to a Feeder circuit you will see the actual components in that circuit
shown in the Internals grid.
Feeder equipment, displays the name of the equipment other than feeders that the load is fed
from. Such equipment can be a transformer's secondary, variable speed drive and so forth.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 27
Electrical Equipment
The last tab is the Alternate Feeder tab, showing the second power source that may be feeding this
motor, in case thee is such:
Static Loads, Heater Equipment Form
In this session you learn about all the various properties that may be edited or viewed for Static
loads, using the forms and the Electrical Index behavior under various circumstances. The
corresponding editing functionality using property grid will be mentioned
The function of the various tabs is very much the same as for the motor except for few minor
differences due to the fact that static loads are not rotating, therefore properties such as brake
power, LRC power factor, synchronous and asynchronous speeds, and so forth, do not apply.
28 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Equipment
Heater Common Properties
General Tab
Very similar to motors
Load Data Tab - calculated fields
Notes: Rated power for these types of loads is not a select list but rather a property with engineering units. Each type of static load has its own
category of units of measure. For example, heaters have Power, whereas capacitors and harmonic filters have Reactive power, etc. The demand
factor, power factor, and efficiency at demand are manual entries rather than calculated values.
Create new heater H-1.
Electrical Data tab
Calculations behind these calculated fields.
The calculated electrical properties are very similar to those for motors.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 29
Electrical Equipment
Transformers and Other Types of Converting Equipment
Create new transformer T-1 (New 2-Winding Transformer), and T-2 (New 3-Winding transformer).
Transformer Common Properties
General Tab
30 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Equipment
Electrical Data tab
Full load current is also a calculated property. Nominal current for the secondary windings is not
a calculated value.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 31
Electrical Equipment
Lab 1
1.1 Typical Electrical Equipment
Create the following typical items in Reference Data Explorer:
Typical Motors:
1. NEMA 1 MTR – 1 HP
Motor Rated Power = 1 hp
Rated Voltage = 460V
NEMA 2 MTR – 15 HP
Motor Rated Power = 15 hp
Rated Voltage = 460V
(by duplicate typical motor NEMA 1 MTR – 1 HP)
(by duplicate typical motor NEMA 2 MTR – 15 HP)
Typical Motor with Heater:
Motor Rated Power = 1 hp
Rated Voltage = 460V
1 KW MTRHTR (for the motor’s heater item tag)
Rated Power = 1 KW
Rated Voltage = 460V
Typical Heater:
Rated Power = 1 KW
Rated Voltage = 460V
1.2 Project Electrical Equipment
Create the following items in Electrical Index:
1. Mtr-100-1
(copy from typical NEMA 1 MTR – 1 HP)
2. Mtr-100-2
(copy from typical NEMA 2 MTR – 15 HP)
Motor Rated power =1 hp
Brake Power =0.75 hp
Rated Voltage = 220 V
Number of phases=3
Number of poles=4
Operation Mode=continuous (X=1.0)
32 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Electrical Equipment
Motor Rated power =10 hp
Brake Power =6.8 hp
Rated Voltage = 460 V
Number of phases=3
Number of poles=4
Operation Mode=continuous (X=1.0)
Motor Rated power =100 hp
Brake Power =80 hp
Rated Voltage = 460 V
Number of phases=3
Number of poles=4
Operation Mode=continuous (X=1.0)
Motor Rated power =10 hp
Brake Power =6.8 hp
Rated Voltage = 460 V
Number of phases=3
Number of poles=4
Operation Mode=continuous (X=1.0)
Motor with Heater:
7. Mtr/H-100-1 (copy from typical NEMA 1 MTR w/HTR – 1HP/1KW)
MHtr-100-1 (for the motor’s heater item tag)
(copy from typical HTR-REF-1kw)
Motor Rated power =100 kW
Rated Voltage = 380 V
Number of phases=3
Operation Mode=intermittent (Y=0.5)
Demand Factor =1
Power Factor =0.9 (100% =0.9,At demand=0.9)
Efficiency =0.9 (100%=0.9,At demand =0.9)
*10. G-001
Rated Apparent Power = 1 MVA
Rated Voltage = 3300 V
Number of phases=3
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 33
Electrical Equipment
* T-001
3 winding transformer, primary T-001, secondary X,Y
Rated power= 1 MVA
Rated voltage of the primary = 3300v
Number of phases=3
Rated voltage of the secondary = 460/400v
34 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Tabular Editor
Create a Table
1.To create a new tabular editor, select Window > New > Table.
Select an item type, filter (optional), and a layout. Click OK. to open the document of the tabular
Note: When you create a Tabular Editor view for abstract item types such as loads or converting
electrical equipment, as opposed to specific item types such as motors or transformers, the
software displays all the common properties for these item types in the Tabular Editor. With
loads, for example motors and heaters both appear, but the software cannot display the Electrical
Index specific properties in one common Tabular Editor view. However, when you select items
of the same specific type, all of the properties appear in the Properties window.
Scope of items: Note that the Tabular Editor will show the Tags as per your settings; the
Electrical Index the All items of the plant or only those of the current unit.
Create and use layout in tabular editor
From Table Properties dialog box
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 35
Tabular Editor
Select item type, and select advanced.
In the Advanced Table Properties dialog box, select layout.
36 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Tabular Editor
To create a new layout, type its name, and add properties as required.
Notice that the edit section let you to sort the items.
Click Save to save your new layout.
Click OK, and return to the Table Properties.
Click OK to open the Tabular Editor view with the new layout.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 37
Tabular Editor
Brief, Bulk, and Brief/Bulk layouts
From the Usage select list, you can select from 4 choices: a blank value, Brief, Bulk or
Brief/Bulk. The 4 distinctions have to do with how Properties are displayed and used in the
Property Grid Window.
-Only one brief layout can be active at a time for a given item type.
-Only one bulk layout can be active at a time for a given item type.
-You can duplicate a view by selecting one of the available views, modifying its name and
properties, and saving it under the new name.
Brief - selecting the brief icon displays only the properties defined by the brief layout
38 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Tabular Editor
Copy Bulk Properties - to copy properties from layout that set as bulk.
Paste Bulk Properties - pasting bulk properties into another tag or a selected set of tags.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 39
Tabular Editor
Using the Copy feature to copy a table to an external file
Using filters through the Tabular Editor
From the Table Properties dialog box, select Advanced to open the
Advanced Table Properties.
There are 2 types of filters you can create.
1.“On the fly filter”
40 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Tabular Editor
2. “Base Filter” created through Filter Manager. This filter can be saved and used in many
To create the base filter through filter manager, select the Browser button.
In the Select filter dialog box select the folder you want to locate the new filter.
Note: Filter created under Plant folders available to all users, filter created under my folders available only to creator.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 41
Tabular Editor
Select New to create the new Base filter. When prompt to select simple/compound filter), select
the simple filter. (A compound filter consists of more than one simple filter).
Enter a name for the new filter (Motor 1 hp)
42 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Tabular Editor
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 43
Tabular Editor
The Tabular Editor can be also used in a more advanced mode by editing the required items
Create new item.
1.Copy and paste data from one item to another.
Copy and paste data from one group of cells to another similar set of cells.
Deleting an item.
Duplicating an item.
Rename item.
Open the common properties form.
Finding items in other opened windows
Copy and Paste
Open the tabular editor with motor as item type, and motor list as layout (shipped layout).
Select Manufacturer and Brake Power of motor M-1 (to do this, click the Manufacturer cell and
move the mouse to the right to also include the Brake Power cell).
Right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click Copy.
44 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Tabular Editor
Move to Motor M-2 and select the same two properties (click Manufacturer and select the 2
adjacent cells) Right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click Paste. Observe that you have copied
these two properties from M-1 to M-2.
To copy a complete tag (without of course copying the value of the Item Tag property), select the
required tag by clicking on the left side sequence number of that tag, right-click to display the
shortcut menu, click Copy, and then select another tag and click Paste on the shortcut menu.
To copy a complete record to a group of records, copy the required tag as before, then select the
required target tags using the mouse + Ctrl key, and then right-click and paste.
Auto Filter
Freeze Panes
It is possible to freeze panes by selecting a column, then selecting the Freeze panes option in the
popup menu. As a result, all columns left to the selected one .get into freeze status.
Find in Index and Engineer
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 45
Tabular Editor
Navigate to a Tag in the Electrical Index or in the Electrical Engineer.
Lab 2
2.1 Create Table and view the data
Item type: Motor.
Layout name: Motor Layout Lab
Attributes: Item tag, Description, Motor Rated Power, Rated Voltage
Usage: Brief/Bulk.
2.2 Create and edit data from tabular editor.
1. Create from tabular editor new motor M-5.
From tabular editor set the following values for motor M-5:
Motor Rated Power = 3 hp
Rated Voltage = 460V.
2. From tabular editor set the following values for motor M-2 and M-3:
Motor Rated Power = 10 hp
Rated Voltage = 460V.
Note: Double click on cell enables the cell for editing.
46 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Tabular Editor
2.3 View and copy data using the Brief/Bulk usage.
From Electrical Index do the following actions:
1. Select M-1 and view its properties from property grid.
2. Select Brief Properties button in the property grid and view the change.
3. Select Copy Bulk Properties button.
4. Select M-5 and select the Paste Bulk Properties button in the property grid.
Select the common property form of M-5 and view the data.
2.4 Using Filters
1. Create ‘on the fly’ filter for motor to bring only motor with Motor Rated Power = 1hp.
2. Create basic filter for motor to bring only motors with Rated Voltage = 460 V and name the
filter, Motor = 460 V
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 47
Power Distribution Board
PDB’s and the related internal associated items play a major role in the design of an
electrical distribution network. A PDB usually is a confined enclosure that contains
the necessary electrical internal equipment that will accept and distribute power from
power sources to loads or other secondary distribution PDB’s.
While all types of PDB’s behave the same (SmartPlant Electrical wise) thee are
different names for these PD’s, based on what load they supply and what function
they serve in the electrical network. The following terms are used in a mixed way in
the various regions and countries:
Switchgear, PDB that supplies power to other lower voltage PDB’s such as MCC’S
Load Center is a PDB that distributes power to MCC’s
MCC (Motor Control Center) is a PDB that supplies power mainly to motors
Switchboard is usually a PDB that delivers power to small loads such as lighting
fixtures and low voltage circuit breaker distribution boards
PDB’s accept power (current under specific voltage levels) from power sources such
as generators, UPS, battery banks, other PDB’s, transformers, etc.
PDB’s deliver power (current under specific voltage levels) to loads and to other
PDB’s accept power through incomer circuit that are connected to internal physical
metal buses (copper or other conducting material)
PDB’s deliver power through internal feeder circuits that connect to the internal
Internal buses of a PDB can supply power to each other (a circuit in a bus is a feeder
to another bus). These type of feeder circuits are called bus couplers and they
connect to circuits that contain bus risers that receive the power and transfer the
power to the bus
PDB - From the Electrical Index select the Power Distribution Boards folder exists
under Electrical Equipment, Power Distribution Equipment.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 48
Power Distribution Board
Right-click and select New Power Distribution Board.
BUS - Select the Buses folder exists under PDB-1. Right-click and select New Bus.
PDB and BUS in the Reference Data Explorer
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 49
Power Distribution Board
PDB and BUS in the Electrical Index using the Reference Data Explorer PDB.
Drag and drop the Reference Data Explorer PDB to the Electrical Index Power
Distribution Board folder.
CELL - Select the BUS in the Electrical Index. Right-click and select New Cell.
Add circuit to CELL or BUS.
Select the CELL or BUS. Right-click and select one of the available circuit types:
50 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
Incomer circuit – A cable or circuit that supplies power to a power
distribution board.
Feeder circuit – A cable or a circuit that distributes power from a
distribution board to other equipment.
Coupler circuit – A circuit that connects two buses in a power
distribution board for the purpose of creating a bus tie. This circuit
belongs to the bus that servers as the power source of the coupled bus in
the PDB.
Bus Riser circuit – A circuit that connects two buses in a power
distribution board for the purpose of creating a bus tie. This circuit
belongs to the bus that servers as the receiver of backup power from the
feeder bus in the PDB.
Typical circuit in the Reference Data Explorer
Select Typical Circuits folder. Right-click and select one of the available circuit type.
Disconnect Electrical Equipment
These items are the components that are used internally in Power Distribution Boards
in buckets and circuits or as stand-alone items. The individual disconnect electrical
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 51
Power Distribution Board
equipment that we create in the Reference Data Explorer can be used in the project
by dragging them to the appropriate the Electrical Index folder or dragging them
onto typical circuits.
Note: Power Distribution internal circuit components are not shown in the
individual folders.
In the Electrical Index select one of the available type of Disconnect Electrical
Right-click to add new item.
In the Reference Data Explorer select one of the available type of Disconnect
Electrical Equipment.
Right-click to add new item.
Add internals (Disconnect Electrical Equipment) to circuit.
Select circuit in the Electrical Index. Right-click and select one of the available
52 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
In the Reference Data Explorer you select typical circuit. Right-click and add one of
the available internals.
The internal types you can add into typical circuit or project circuit are:
Battery Charger, Other Converting Equipment, 2-Winding Transformer, Uninterrupdible Power
Supply, Variable Frequency Drive, Contactor, Overload Relay, Disconnect Switch, Circuit
Breaker, Fuse, Starter, Other Disconnect Equipment, Current Transformer, Potential
Transformer, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Multimeter, Protection Relay.
Adding cables to typical circuits and project circuits
Considering that the control side of the circuit may have cables that connect from the circuit to a
DCS/PLC, there is a way to automate the creation of these cables by adding cables to the typical
circuits and from there to the project items.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 53
Power Distribution Board
Once this is specified, applying the typical circuit on a circuit will create the Project cables as
well, with the Electrical Index “to” side associated to the circuit.
Instruments can be created in SmartPlant Electrical and associated later to main equipment, such
as motors or generators.
To create an instrument, select right mouse click on the Instruments folder:
To edit its properties, use the property grid or working through the various tabs of the
Common Properties:
54 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
Design of PDB Layout – General Arrangement
SmartPlant Electrical enables to design the cabinet layout of Power Distribution
Boards that have cells defined. The cabinet layout can be viewed, printed and saved
as document and deliverable; you can revise it - with both the graphical presentation
of the distribution and location of the various cells and also an embedded report of the
data for the cells and the loads and circuits that are contained within these cells.
The following features are supported:
Define the structure of PDB in terms of:
· Number of vertical sections (maximum allowable is 30).
· Number of horizontal rows (maximum allowable is 15).
· Number of compartments (subdivisions).
· Position in PDB can be further subdivided (maximum allowable is 4 by 4).
· Define the naming conventions for the sections and rows, those will be used for
identifying the cells position within the PDB
· Drag and drop cells from the Index to layout.
· Move cell from one position to another.
· Change size of position and cell
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 55
Power Distribution Board
Assign a cell usage in the property grid (In Use, Spare, Spare Place)
To open Design PDB Layout select a PDB. Right-click and select Design PDB
Change Cell Size
Place a cell.
Select cell you want to place from the Electrical Index and drag it to the PD Layout.
56 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
Issue a report of the PDB Layout with the relevant data of the internal configuration
and design.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 57
Power Distribution Board
The following rules apply on designing a PDB Layout:
· Once the number of sections, rows, number of vertical/horizontal compartments
have been defined, any
attempt to modify these settings will result (after a warning) in a complete cellcompartment reset and un
assignment (in case no cell has been assigned no harm will be caused…)
· The only exception is that the user is able to add sections to the right side of the
PDB (by increasing the
number of section in the property grid by the use of the ellipsis…)
· The origin point of each and every compartment is its left upper point. This means
that any change of
compartment size is referenced to that point.
· A compartment may be enlarged to its right or to its bottom only (a left most
compartment in a vertical section can only be enlarged to its right or to any free space
available down).
· A compartment cannot be enlarged to a part of an adjacent compartment; you
change its size to occupy the entire right side adjacent compartment size.
· A compartment cannot exceed the boundaries of a section
· A compartment can exceed the boundaries of a row.
58 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
Lab 3
Create PDB’s
*3.1 Create Switchgear SW-300
1.Create in the Electrical Index, Switchgear, SW-300. From property grid set its
Electrical Equipment Type to Switchgear.
2.Under SW-300, Create bus, Bus A-3.3KV/SW-300
From property grid set the bus rated voltage to 3.3 kV.
3.Under Bus, A-3.3KV/SW-300, create one cell for incomer circuit, SW-300 Main
Utility Inlet
And two cells for the feeder circuits, MCC-201/2 Bus A Feeder, and MCC-201/2
Bus A Spare Feeder
4.Under the incomer cell, create incomer circuit, SW-300 Incomer
5.Under MCC-201/2 Bus A Feeder cell, create feeder circuit, MCC-201/2 Feeder
And under MCC-201/2 Bus A Spare Feeder cell, create feeder circuit, MCC-201/2
Spare Feeder
6.Copy from the Reference Data Explorer to the Electrical Index (drag & drop),
the typical circuit, Switchgear Incomer, to circuit SW-300 Incomer
7.Copy from the Reference Data Explorer the Electrical Index (drag & drop), the
typical circuit, MCC Feeder, to circuits
MCC-201/2 Feeder and MCC-201/2 Spare Feeder
8.Verify you have all the required circuit internals according to the ‘Demo Training
* 3.2 Create Motor Control Center, MCC-201 and MCC-202
1.Create in the Electrical Index Motor Control Center, MCC-201. From property
grid set its Electrical Equipment Type to Motor Control Center.
2.Under MCC-201 create 2 buses, MCC-201/Bus A- 460 V, and MCC-201/Bus B460 V
From property grid set rated voltage to 460V, and Number of phases to 3.
3.Under bus, MCC-201/Bus A- 460 V, create the following circuits:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 59
Power Distribution Board
Incomer, MCC-201 Bus A Incomer
Feeder, M-100 Feeder
Feeder, M-101 Feeder
Feeder, Spare Motor Feeder
Coupler, MCC-201 Bus A/B Coupler
4.Under bus, MCC-201/Bus B- 460 V, create the following circuits:
Incomer, MCC-201 Bus B Incomer
Feeder, M-102 Feeder
Feeder, M-103 Feeder
Feeder, H-102 Feeder
Bus Riser, MCC-201 Bus A/B Bus Riser
5.Copy from the Reference Data Explorer the Electrical Index (drag & drop):
Typical circuit MCC Incomer, to circuit MCC-201 Bus A Incomer
Typical circuit Motor Feeder <1hp, to circuit M-100 Feeder
Typical circuit Motor Feeder<10hp, to circuit M-101 Feeder
Typical circuit Bus Coupler, to circuit MCC-201 Bus A/B Coupler
Typical circuit Bus Riser, to circuit MCC-201 Bus A/B Bus Riser
Typical circuit MCC Incomer, to circuit MCC-201 Bus B Incomer
Typical circuit Motor Feeder<100hp, to circuit M-102 Feeder
Typical circuit Motor Feeder<10hp, to circuit M-103 Feeder
Typical circuit Heater Feeder, to circuit H-102 Feeder
6.Verify you have all the required circuit internals according to the ‘Demo Training
7.Duplicate MCC-201 and name the new MCC, MCC-202
8. Rename MCC-202’s buses and circuits according to ‘Demo Training SLD’.
*3.2 Design PDB Layout for SW-300
60 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
1. Select SW-300 and from properties grid set the Numbers of Columns and Number
of Rows to 5. And set Compartments in Section, and Compartments in Row to 1.
2. Right-click on SW-300 and on the shortcut menu, select Design PDB Layout.
View the Default design and make changes in the layout to exercise its options
(Number of rows/sections, compartments in rows/sections, naming conventions).
3. Allocating SW-300’s cells into specific positions in to layout.
4. Generate Report.
The system opens Excel with the first page showing the general layout of SW-300
and the second page tabulating the cells and internal equipment and any load assigned
to the relevant circuits.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 61
Power Distribution Board
Wiring Equipment
Serves as placeholder for panels that will be retrieved as loads.
Cabinets have Common Properties form with 3 tabs, General tab, Electrical data and Feeder tab.
In the electrical tab the user will be able to define its power consumption in Watts or Kilowatts
and the system will calculate the current as for any other load.
Cabinets may be connected to feeder circuits and buses as any other load, the Electrical Index
the by dragging them over to buses or feeder circuits or from the Feeder data tab in the Common
properties form.
62 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
You create cabinets in the Electrical Index or EE.
Control Stations
Local or remote panels that contain the control elements (start-stop push buttons)
activated manually by the person operating the plant. You can create such control
stations with or without associated cables.
Control stations can be created in one of 3 ways:
Manually, by select Control Station folder and select New Control
Automatically, as part of the creation process initiated from the Apply
Profile option or Apply Control station tab of the Apply Options.
Copy from the Reference Data Explorer.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 63
Power Distribution Board
A control station can be associated to a project cable (cable category should be
control, ground or instrument), and/or to a load.
A control station may have more than one cable, but it can have one load associated
Once a cable is associated to a control station, the control station becomes the “to”
side reference of that cable.
When the creation of the control station is a result of an automated process as
described above, the association is created as part of the automation process, both to
the cable and to the load.
In case the control station is created manually, the user is responsible for these
Local Panels and Junction Boxes
Local Panel
64 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
Cabinets containing circuit, equipment, and wiring items, used for example, to provide switching
or isolation close to a motor.
Junction Boxes
Cabinets used to connect wires that run between various items of electrical equipment.
Note: In contrast to Power Distribution Boards (PDBs), local panels and junction boxes are much smaller in size and do not contain busbars.
Smart Plant Electrical specifies the following cable categories according to the
purpose of the cable:
Power, control, grounding, and instrument. The software supports compliance with
the strict regulations governing cable definitions by using standard reference cables as
a basis for all the cables that you create in your project. Reference cables contain
technical cable data such as voltage rating, ampacity, resistivity, cable material, and
data relating to the construction of the cable. For this reason, you must initially create
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 65
Power Distribution Board
all your reference cables in the Reference Data Explorer. The software allows you
to organize your reference cables in families known as cable specifications. When
you select a reference cable to use as a basis for your project cable, you must select
the appropriate cable category and cable specification for the reference cable. Also,
when you size project cables, the software looks for the appropriate reference cable
based on a particular cable specification and conductor arrangement.
Power Cable Category
Reference Power Cable
Create new reference power cable by select the power cable folder in the Reference
Data Explorer, right-click and add new power cable. Edit the cable properties on the
Reference Cable Common Properties dialog box according to the available catalog
information, including conductor arrangement size material and electrical cable data.
66 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
Project Power Cable
Project cables based on existing reference cables.
Create new project cable by select the power cable folder in the Electrical Index,
right-click to add new power cable.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 67
Power Distribution Board
Open the cable common properties form, and select the cable specification and the
reference cable.
Selecting the reference cable populate the values from the selected catalog (the
Reference Data Explorer) cable.
68 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 69
Power Distribution Board
70 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
Note: 1. You can leave the default ‘Non Sized Cable’ for reference cable, fill in the values for cable construction manually,
and select a reference cable later.
2. Asterisk indicates field required for cable sizing calculation.
Control Cables
Cables in this category do not need sizing calculation, or to have electrical properties
such as ampacity and resistance values.
Reference Control Cable
Create new reference control cable by select the control cable folder in the Reference
Data Explorer, right-click and add new control cable. Edit the cable properties on the
Reference Cable Common Properties dialog box according to the available catalog
information, including conductor arrangement size material and electrical cable data.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 71
Power Distribution Board
Project Control Cable
Project cables based on existing reference cables.
Create new project cable by select the control cable folder in the Electrical Index,
right-click to add new control cable.
72 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
Open the cable common properties form and select the cable specification and the
reference cable.
Selecting the reference cable populate the values from the selected catalog (the
Reference Data Explorer) cable.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 73
Power Distribution Board
74 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 75
Power Distribution Board
Grounding Cables
Grounding cables have only one conductor arrangement, which is the single
conductor cable. The other parameters and behavior is similar to control cables.
Reference Grounding Cable
Project Grounding Cable
76 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 77
Power Distribution Board
78 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
Instrument Cables
Cables with concept of cable set (pair, triad, etc) and shields.
Reference Instrument Cable
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 79
Power Distribution Board
Project Instrument Cable
80 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 81
Power Distribution Board
82 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
Parallel Cables
Parallel cables are groups of cables that were created as a result of the cable sizing or
added or converted into parallels cables and as such they behave as a group for all
senses and operations.
The number of Parallel cables (or cores per phase) is indicated in the User Interface:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 83
Power Distribution Board
A busway is a brass or other metallic bar, like in the PDB, used to connect between
two item tags, on cases that regular cables cannot do the job; the Electrical Index the
due to the high required current or for other reason.
A bus way functionality is similar to the one of the power cable without the sizing
capability and with no Common properties form.
84 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
The system allows creation of reference signals. Creating a signal under a specific item is
enabled for loads, converting equipment, typical circuits battery banks and generators.
I/O Sets
These typical I/O sets may be used in conjunction with reference control stations and typical
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 85
Power Distribution Board
Reference I/O sets can be dragged from the Reference Data Explorer to the Index for all the
valid items: Loads, Converting equipment, Generators, Battery Banks, circuit, disconnect
equipment, control stations.
Lab 4
4.1 Reference Panels
Create the following reference panels in the Reference Data Explorer
Reference Cabinet
1. REF-CAB-1
Reference Control Station
2. REF-CS-1
Associate to the control station REF-CS-1, the reference cable 3/C- 1 mm2- (Control),
and the typical I/O set DI/DO
86 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
Reference Local Panel
3. REF-LP-1
Add to the local panel REF-LP-1, new circuit LP-1-CKT-1 with new disconnect switch, DS-1
Reference Junction Box
4. REF-JB-1
Add to the local panel REF-JB-1, new circuit JB-1-CKT-1 with new disconnect switch, DS-1
4.2 Reference Cable
Create the following reference cables in the Reference Data Explorer
Reference Power Cable
5. 3+1/C - 0.75 mm^2 - (Power / mm^2)
Reference Control Cable
6. 3/C - 0.75 mm^2 - (Control)
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 87
Power Distribution Board
Reference Grounding Cable
7. 1/C - 0.75 mm^2 - (Ground)
Reference Instrumentation Cable
8. 3 Pair w/Shield 0.75 mm2- (Instrumentation)
88 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Power Distribution Board
4.3 Project Panels
Create the following project panels in the Electrical Index
Project Cabinet
9. CAB-P-1 (Using the reference cabinet REF-CAB-1)
Project Control Station
10. CS-P-1 (Using the reference control station REF-CS-1)
Project Local Panel
11. LC-P-1 (Using the reference local panel REF-LP-1)
Project Junction Box
12. JB-P-1 (Using the reference junction box REF-JB-1)
4.4 Project Cables
Create the following project cables in Electrical Index
Project Power Cable
13. C-PWR-P-1 (Using the reference cable 3+1/C - 0.75 mm^2 - (Power / mm^2))
*14. C-Main
Utility Supply
(Using the reference cable 3/C - 120 mm^2 - (Power / mm^2))
*15. C-T-001/P (Using the reference cable 3/C - 120 mm^2 - (Power / mm^2))
*16. C-T-001/X (Using the reference cable 3/C - 120 mm^2 - (Power / mm^2))
*17. C-T-001/Y (Using the reference cable 3/C - 120 mm^2 - (Power / mm^2))
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 89
Power Distribution Board
Project Control Cable
18. C-CTL-P-1 (Using the reference cable 3/C- 0.75 mm^2- (Control))
Project Grounding Cable
19. C-GND-P-1 (Using the reference cable 1/C - 0.75 mm^2 - (Ground))
Project Instrumentation Cable
20. C-INS-P-1 (Using the reference cable 3 Pair w/Shield 0.75 mm2- (Instrumentation))
90 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Propagating Default Data and Associations
This part deals with advanced procedures and operations that will save you time,
enable the reuse of default engineering data and minimize the errors due to manual
data entry.
Look-Up Tables (LUT)
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 91
Propagating Default Data and Associations
Create LUT
From the Reference Data Explorer select Look Up Tables hierarchy folder, select motors (or
other equipment type)
Right-click to create new lookup table name it LUT-1
Select the LUT-1, right-click and select common properties
You can have more than one LUT for each equipment item type. The default look up table check
box set the default LUT for an equipment item type. Only one default LUT is allowed for each
Equipment Item type. Select the Structure tab.
In the edit section you select the properties you would like to include in your LUT.
From the Property list, find the property that contains the info that you need
In caption, enter the name of the heading you would like to see.
From Input/Output, select Input to specify a key property, or select Output to specify none
key property.
Note: It is very important that you pay particular attention to the Input/Output option.
When this look-up table is applied to an item, the program looks for an exact match of all the
properties that are specified as key fields.
Set True value in Overwrite option to overwrite whatever value is already in the property.
Set False will only write to empty property.
Set properties and click the Add button. The definition window reflects the properties you have
When you have selected several properties, you can arrange the Electrical Index order by using
the Up and Down buttons. The Remove button removes the highlighted property.
Select the Data tab.
Select the arrow to the right of the property and select the appropriate values.
When you finish Click OK.
Apply Options
The Apply Options command allows creating and populating project tags with massive default
equipment and the Electrical Index data.
92 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Propagating Default Data and Associations
The following options are available:
Equipment Profile
Typical Circuit
Control Station
Lookup Tables
Typical Schematic
Typical I/O Set
When applying any of these options, the user has to select the enable check box found in the
dialog. Only one is allowed at a time (checking the flag on one tab resets any previously checked
flag).You can define the applied set of tags the Electrical Index the in the lower pane of the
Electrical Index window by making multiple selections or in the Tabular Editor by highlighting
a subset of tags from the table.
Apply Lookup Tables
Applying look up tables may result in overwriting project data. One should be aware of this. The
right timing on whether and when to commit this operation is an engineering decision and would
be based on your project state and your workflow.
You should make sure that the tags that have been selected for this operation have the key fields
populated with data that will be recognized by your look up tables, otherwise, data will not be
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 93
Propagating Default Data and Associations
Apply Typical Circuit
The purpose of this feature is to have a powerful way of the Electrical Index the to create new
circuits and internals or to replace existing circuits or internals.
Applying typical circuit on item will not create the internal components if the item is not yet
associated with a circuit. In this case, only a reference to the typical circuit is maintained. You
can verify which typical circuit is assigned to a item by opening the “Feeder Data” tab of the
Circuit internals (also, typical circuit internals) must have a unique sequence (order) property,
which determine the Electrical Index power path in the Electrical Engineer. Applying a typical
circuit on an item must preserve the electrical relations (if existed before) between the last
internal component in the circuit and any other “external” object that was associated before
(usually this would be a cable).
Applying typical circuits is available upon selecting single or multiple items.
The following are the various options for applying the typical circuit work correctly on the
selected set or multiple items you have highlighted.
All Items Applies the profile to all the selected items.
Items with no typical circuit Applies the profile only to items without an existing profile. Use
this option to add a profile only to new items among the items that you selected.
Items with a different typical circuit from the selection Changes the profile of the selected
items to the current profile. Use this option to add a profile to items with a modified profile
Items with the same profile as the selection Updates an existing profile for the selected items.
94 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Propagating Default Data and Associations
Clear last applied typical circuit makes it possible to clear pre associated typical circuits.
The actual project items are created as per the typical circuit (you need to associate the load with
a PDB – Bus and Cell in order to create them)
When applying a typical circuit on loads that have electrical associations, associations are kept.
Guidelines and rules:
1. When assigning typical circuits, the system checks and prompts in case of
discrepancy between the reference typical of the load and the circuit we are trying
to associate it to. In case of a batch, the user is the decision-maker and he has the
option to choose the scenario. No prompt will be issued in the batch apply. The
“Apply” will govern and not the circuit.(still, the rules will govern- in case thee
are some motors that were not applied a “non all items has been successfully
committed” message will be issued)
2. Associating a motor to a circuit that has no internals will result in creating the
actual internals if thee is a reference in the motor. If not, it will not generate
anything. Internals will be created once the profile is applied on the load. The
form of the load/motor will be updated to show this typical circuit.
3. Trying to associate a motor with a typical circuit on a circuit (the Electrical
Index the by the drag and drop or applying a profile) that has different type of
typical defined within it, will be preceded with a message: "Load and circuit
internals are different- do you wish do override circuit internals? “Yes” or
“Cancel” will tell the system how to proceed. If yes, the system will replace, as in
the apply profile the internals of that circuit.
Reapplying a Typical Circuit
Typical circuits will replace the existing internal circuits and the Electrical Index
components with the Reference Data Explorer components that constitute the
typical circuit. Any existing electrical relations and association will be kept and
preserved (so the Electrical Engineer will not be affected).
It will be up to the designer to make sure that what he is doing is right.
Apply Control Station
Applying control stations on loads will add new control stations and the Electrical
Index cables or replace existing control stations (and the Electrical Index cables)
associated with the loads.
The control stations associated with a load can be seen in the “Control & Signals” tab
of the load. This identifies the project control stations associated with the load. You
can identify to which load the control station belongs to and what are the cables that
are associated to it by opening the control station property dialog.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 95
Propagating Default Data and Associations
Note: When reapplying control stations you should expect:
Existing control stations and the Electrical Index cables should be replaced or added
according to the checked options (old control stations and the Electrical Index cables
Cable associations, if existed, should REMAIN (we are talking of control cables
associated to control station- any new stations will be new and any replacements will
result in replacing the cables + stations
Control stations and the Electrical Index cables will be replaced by the new set of
control stations and the Electrical Index cables. Any associations and relations of
these items will remain as before, the To and From relations of the cables will be
transferred to the new control stations and the cables. Any additional control station
cable will have its To side associated to the control station and its From side will be
not assigned.
Apply Typical Schematic
This option is used when you need to specify a typical schematic or to modify the
associated typical schematics of a group of loads The user may associate typical
schematics also to loads, converting equipment, circuits, disconnect electrical
equipment, generators, battery banks and buses.
96 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Propagating Default Data and Associations
All items - Applies the typical schematic to all the selected items.
Items with no typical schematic - Applies the typical schematic only to items
without an existing typical schematic. Use this option to add a typical schematic only
to new loads among the loads that you selected.
Items with a different typical schematic from the selection - Changes the typical
schematic of the selected items to the current typical schematic. Use this option to
add a typical schematic to items with a modified typical schematic definition.
Apply Typical I/O Set
Sets options for associating typical I/O sets to items in the Electrical Index.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 97
Propagating Default Data and Associations
Enable typical I/O set Select this check box to apply a typical I/O set. This check
box is used for security to prevent you from applying a typical I/O set in error.
Select typical I/O set
Clear last applied typical I/O set Clears the typical I/O set that you last applied.
Select this option if you do not want to apply any typical I/O set to the item.
Typical I/O set Displays the typical I/O set for the item. Click Find to navigate to the
typical I/O set that you want to select.
Apply to - Enables you to select the rule that the software implements when
associating the typical I/O set. The options are:
All items Applies the typical I/O set to all the selected items.
Items with no typical I/O set Applies the typical I/O set only to items without an
existing typical I/O set. Use this option to add a typical I/O set only to new items
among the items that you selected.
Items with a different typical I/O set from the selection Changes the typical I/O set
of the selected items to the current typical I/O set. Use this option to add a typical I/O
set to items with a modified typical I/O set definition.
98 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Propagating Default Data and Associations
Apply Profile
The Apply profile maps the reference profile item properties, to the project item and creates
additional items, as specified in the Profile.
If we use motor item type, then for a new motor, it will create new items, and when reapplying a
profile on an existing motor, the operation will result in replacing the previously applied and or
associated items with the items specified in the new applied profile.
The right timing on whether and when to commit this operation is an engineering decision and
would be based on your project state and your workflow.
Number of items to create This option is available only when you select the folder for the item
you require prior to selecting Apply Options, and after you select Enable equipment profile. It
allows you to specify the number of new items to create in the Electrical Index in accordance
with the profile you select.
Assigning a Load to a PDB/Bus/Cell/Circuit
All electrical consumers and distribution equipment (PDB’s) need power source. The
power source must match the requirements of the supplied equipment, in voltage
levels, current consumption and by providing a suitable protection and control
A load can be assigned and connected to one circuit only.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 99
Propagating Default Data and Associations
A circuit may feed one or more loads or equipment.
You can associate the load to a feeder from more than one environment:
From load form
Through the Batch Load Assignment
By dragging the load from the Index to the Engineer
By moving the load within the Engineer (you will learn about this
From the load form:
In case thee is not yet a circuit associated, the user is able to do the association from
this form, as a one time action, after that he needs to go to other place for modifying
the association.
Thee are three alternatives that you can choose to assign a load:
1. You can pre-assign a load to a PDB and its bus without actually creating and
connecting the load to a feeder circuit.
2. You can create a new feeder circuit on the fly by selecting the Create circuit
check box. (You can also select the Create cell check box if required.) This
option automatically creates a new feeder circuit under the bus, populates the
circuit with the components specified in Last applied typical circuit, and
connects the load to that circuit. (If a motor has an associated set of items such as
100 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Propagating Default Data and Associations
a cable, a junction box, and so forth, the uppermost associated item is connected
to the circuit in the Electrical Engineer.)
3. You can associate the load with an existing spare or other feeder circuit by
selecting the circuit from the appropriate list on the Properties entry form.
Clicking Apply or OK commits the operation. Clicking Cancel reverts to the
previous setting.
Batch Load Assignment
It is common practice to associate loads with a PDB not one by one, but rather using a
batch operation based on some common properties. For example, all the motors of
Area 1 should be fed by MCC-100, bus A. The user needs a way of assigning loads
by selecting a set of loads and associating all the tags to the same PDB and bus by
means of a single command.
In this session you will learn how to select a PDB and a bus, select a set of loads and
perform an association between them.
Since this operation provides the total installed load values, it gives the user an ability
to perform some iterations on the assignments without actually assigning the loads to
final circuits.
As with the forms, the user can perform a pre-assignment first by selecting a PDB and
bus only, thereby adding the loads but not creating circuits. Alternatively, the user can
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 101
Propagating Default Data and Associations
create circuits on the fly automatically by selecting the Create circuits / Create cell
check boxes.
To select a set of loads you select a set of tags using the Tabular Editor and then click
Add Selected Loads. The calculated values shown are the total calculated electrical
quantities of all the assigned loads.
The load balancing will be done by using the Move to cache functionality:
One of the biggest challenges in electrical design is to perform load balancing. This is
an operation that is done at the early stages of the project, moving loads from one bus
to another, watching the total bus load, until buses are evenly loaded.
SmartPlant Electrical now supports this operation in the Batch load association form.
It is assumed that this operation is done in early stages of the project at which no
feeder cables have been yet created between the loads and the feeder circuits and
profiles have not yet been applied and populated and created massive data sets.
Suppose we want to move M-1, and M2 from PDB-1, Bus-1 to PDB–2, Bus-2
In the batch load assignment, we select the loads and clicking the Move to Cache
button, which will move them to the last new tab named Cached Loads:
102 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Propagating Default Data and Associations
These loads will appear in the Cached Loads tab:
The next step is to select the new PDB and bus to where we want to move the loads.
This will request to save the operation of the un- assign from the current bus, before
he can move to other bus.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 103
Propagating Default Data and Associations
Once you save this operation is committed to the data base and these loads have been
dissociated from the current bus, and waiting to be assigned to other buses.
Select the loads and hit the assign to bus to complete the transaction.
104 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Propagating Default Data and Associations
Note: Until all these loads have been moved and assigned, they will remain in the
Cached loads Tab of each and every PDB, until assigned to a bus.
Note: Variable frequency drives are used to drive motors, you can include the
variable frequency drives in the grid to calculate the Electrical Index power
consumption if required.
Assigning Control Stations to Loads
1. Using profile.
2. Using control station assignment within the dialog box
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 105
Propagating Default Data and Associations
Lab 5
Apply Options
1. Verify that motors Mtr-100-1 and Mtr-100-2 set to have Rated Power of 10hp and
Rated voltage of 460V.
2. Apply Sample Look Up Table to Motors Mtr-100-1 and Mtr-100-2
3. Check the result
4. Apply Profile M<10hp to motors Mtr-100-1 and Mtr-100-2
5. Check the result
Assign Loads to Buses and Circuits
1. Create in the Electrical Index, new Power Distribution Board, Bus, Cell and
feeder circuit:
Power Distribution Board
106 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Propagating Default Data and Associations
2. Create new motor M-6 by duplicate motor M-5.Assign motor M-6 from its form
to PDB-200, BUS-A,CELL-1,CKT-1.
3. Create new motor M-7,and M-8 by duplicate motor M-5. Assign motors M-7 and
M-8 using the batch load association option to PDB-200, BUS-A.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 107
Cable Sizing
Cables can be sized as stand-alone cables (not associated to loads or other objects). In this case,
the user needs to provide sufficient electrical characteristics in order to perform the sizing
The same applies if the cable(s) are associated to loads.
It is important to understand that the cable sizing procedure is iterative. Thee are several
procedures involved, but not always all these procedures are executed.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 108
Cable Sizing
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 109
Cable Sizing
The following procedures are done for motors or loads in general.
Ampacity Sizing
In this procedure the software looks for a cable that satisfies the de-rated ampacity. If
the software can’t find a cable that can be used, it will try to assign parallel cables
110 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Cable Sizing
(starting from a minimum cable size defined in the options manager and up to a
maximum number of allowable cables, also set in the option manager). Once the
software finds the cable that matches the required de-rated ampacity, it will proceed
to the voltage drop running validation.
Voltage Drop (VD) at Running (VDN)
In this validation, the software validates the cable voltage drop percentage during
normal full load current running conditions satisfies the maximum allowable cable
voltage drop that is set by the user.
Voltage Drop at Starting Conditions (VDS)
In this validation, the software validates the cable voltage drop percentage during
start of the motor satisfies the maximum allowable cable starting voltage drop that is
set by the user.
IMPORTANT: For loads other than motor (static), only the first and second
procedure is carried out. This means that the system does not require the following
properties “Power factor at starting”, “Starting Current” and “Allowable Voltage
Drop Percent Start”.
The sizing program will recommend the required cable size according to the:
Cables found in the selected cable Specification as per the project cable
Same conductor Arrangement as the project cable
IMPORTANT: the Reference Data Explorer catalog cables will be the source for
the sizing and cable selection. It is important to make sure your cable catalog is full of
all the standard cable sizes and configurations. If a specific size and arrangement is
missing from the catalog, the sizing may find a different cable, which has a higher
cross section (not as the one recommended by the sizing Excel program).
Note: if thee isn’t any cable found with the specified construction or electrically
suitable, the software needs to notify this to the user. The message should say clearly
that the sizing of this cable was not successful and a proper cable was not found to
satisfy the requirements.
When the cable is associated to a load (the “To” side is associated with the load), the
cable should inherit electrical properties from the load. The automatic data transfer is
valid for loads only. For other cables association this information needs to be entered
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 111
Cable Sizing
Ambient Temperature Correction Factor
Ambient temperature affects the ampacity of the cable, meaning that in higher
ambient temperatures, the cable will be able to carry less current than it is specified in
its basic ampacity. The temperature effect can be the Electrical Index the calculated
or taken from tables (NEC tables give these figures).
The request was though not to calculate the effect, but simply enter the ambient
temperature derating factor manually.
Basically, the overall derating factor is calculated :
Df= (Custom derating factor X Utilization factor X Ambient temperature factor)
The ability of this factor to affect is set at the Options Manager, general settings:
In case it is set to No, the system will set it in the formula to “1”, and this way not
affecting the overall derating factor.
Calculating Maximum Allowable Power Cable Length
As part of the sizing procedure, the system calculates and shows the maximum
permissible cable length
for that particular cable type that meets the voltage drop specifications.
Let us enter some sizing data and size a cable
112 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Cable Sizing
This number, of the maximum cable length is calculated from the voltage drop
formulae. Trying to enter a longer cable length will automatically cause the algorithm
to suggest a larger cross section cable.
Lets enter in the cable design length 300 meters and observe the result
Select the perform sizing button again will recommend a cable of 25 mm2
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 113
Cable Sizing
To accept the recommended cable select apply sizing.
Viewing All Possible Combinations and Acceptable Cable
Sizes in Sizing Procedure
The system provides the user a window to identify all the recommended/acceptable
cables that may be used for a specific data set of electrical parameters. The user will
114 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Cable Sizing
be able to select any of the recommended or acceptable cable configurations of the
Electrical Index the single or parallel cables.
With the previous cable, let us see what possibilities the system suggests. Click the
browse button adjacent the recommended/acceptable cross section gives:
This gives the user the whole range of possibilities to select from, the Electrical
Index the a single cable or an assembly of parallel cables of different sizes. Selecting
a cable from this list will replace the current cable with the selected one.
Fault Short Circuit Cable Sizing
Set ‘True’ in property grid for ‘Enable Short Circuit Sizing’, will include an
additional step in the sizing algorithm- to match the fault short circuit current values
imposed by the network to the cable short circuit capabilities. The algorithm is based
on the following formula:
T +β
⎜ ⎟ t = K × l og 10 2
T1 + β
⎝ A⎠
I = Short Circuit current [Amperes]. This is the maximum permissible (allowable)
short circuit current that the conductor can withstand.
A = Conductor area [Circular-mils]. See appendix at the end of this document for
additional information.
t = Time of short-circuit [Seconds]. This value is determined by the time it take the
protective devices to disconnect the power. Some standards use fractions of the
frequency. Sometimes, this time is assumed to be 5 or 10 seconds.
K coefficient = constant
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 115
Cable Sizing
β coefficient = constant. Depends on the conductor material as follows:
T2 = Maximum allowable short-circuit temperature in Degrees Celsius. This property
is the temperature at which the cable-insulation starts to damage. These temperatures
have been established for various materials of insulation as follows:
Temperature T2
Silicon Rubber
T1 = Maximum operating Temperature in Degrees Celsius. Values are given below:
Temperature T1
Silicon Rubber
The above listed tables are defined at the Reference Data Explorer under the Conductor new
special look-up tables.
116 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Cable Sizing
In the Cable form thee is a new set of properties, related to this topic:
Short circuit duration time is specified by the user (can be defined in data Dictionary).
The required minimum cross section area in cmils will be calculated. The program will
recommend a cable with a cmils cross section equal or larger than this minimum calculated.
Project cables and the Electrical Index conductors will be automatically updated with the short
circuit data of the conductors look up tables.
Creating project cables, the Electrical Index the by dragging from the Reference Data
Explorer or in Index or through profiles will apply automatically conductor look up table data, if
exists in the project conductors and populate the above mentioned properties with look up data
These properties are read/write enabled in Index, but user shall be instructed that the short circuit
sizing procedure will use data from look up tables and will not look at the project conductor
property value any time the system will perform the short sizing calculation, the look up table
data and values will be used. Changes made in project cables conductor of the above properties
data will NOT set the “sizing required
flag.” In case look up data is missing the system will issue a message upon trying to perform a
short circuit sizing
Properties Copied from Loads
The following properties that are copied from the load (static or motor) to the cable
may affect the size of the cable:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 117
Cable Sizing
Supply (AC/ DC)
Rated Voltage
Power Factor at full load
PF at Starting (LRC Power Factor), not valid for static loads
Full Load Current
Starting Current (for motors only)
Conformity to Standard
Auto Restart (flag)
Required Data for Sizing and Selection
For successful cable sizing, the following information is required:
Conductor Arrangement
Estimated Length and/or Design Length – the software needs at least one of them. If
both are defined, the software will use the “Design Length” which is the most
accurate length.
Supply (AC or DC)
Number of Phases (applies only if AC supply)
Rated Voltage
Conformity to Standard (valid for motors only)
Power Factor at full load (0 < value < 1)
Power Factor at Starting (0 < value < 1), (only for motors= LRC Power Factor)
Routing (InAir or UnderGround)
Full Load Current
Starting Current (valid for motors only for voltage drop at starting validation)
Auto Restart flag (currently not in use by the algorithm)
Voltage drop [%] Allowable at Running
118 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Cable Sizing
Voltage drop [%] Allowable at Starting (for motors only)
De-Rating Factor (0< value < =1), default value set at the data dictionary, modified
per each cable
Utilization Factor (0< value < =1), default value = 1
If not all the information that should apply is provided, the software should notify the
user to fill in the missing information. For example, “No value for Conformity to
standard found.” Message is displayed when this property is missing (need to verify
all required properties).
Refresh Load - Changes in Electrical Data of Load
If a load has an already sized cable and the load’s electrical properties are changed,
the cable gets a notification that the load’s electrical properties changed. In this case,
the “Refresh Data” command button of the cable should become enabled.
The electrical properties that should trigger this message are those that affect the
sizing of the cable and are copied from the load.
Note: In this case, if the “Sizing” tab of the cable is opened, it will say that the load’s
electrical properties have changed which means that the user needs to verify the
sizing results.
You may also perform this operation in batch, for all the power cables that the
Electrical Index loads have been updated by using the following command:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 119
Cable Sizing
Power Systems
DC Systems
SP- Electrical cable sizing support DC power systems.
DC (Direct current) systems are not commonly used in power industry. These
systems will be used in indoor machines usually. DC power requires special motors
and usually used in machines where very high precision is required.
AC Systems
AC Single Phase Systems
This type of cable sizing is supported by SP-Electrical.
AC stands for Alternating Current. The cable sizing supports single phase and 3 phase
AC Two Phase Systems
We will not support cable sizing of ac other than 1 or 3 phases.
Whenever the user attempts to size a cable that the number of phases is other than this
the system will issue a message (when trying to perform the sizing):
" Number of phases must be the Electrical Index the 1 or 3, please correct "
AC Three Phase Systems
This type of cable sizing is supported by SP-Electrical.
Three-phase systems are the most commonly used power systems in the industry.
Batch Sizing of Cables
In order to perform batch sizing: Select multiple cables in the Electrical Index or
tabular editor (need to verify that it works from both places) -> Actions -> Cables ->
Batch size cables.
The dialog collects all the selected cables and performs the sizing. If everything goes
OK and the sizing passes without any missing data, the recommended sizes are
populated in the grid.
120 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Cable Sizing
If there is missing data that prevents the system from sizing the cable(s), the
“Comment” column states thee is missing data. If data is missing, all that you need to
do is right-click the cable record to open the Cable Common Properties form and add
the missing data.
To apply sizing, check the select check box for each cable you need to perform the
sizing, and hit Apply Sizing .
The batch sizing process is usually necessary upon a change in cable design
parameters or change in loads, where sizing of individual cables would be time
Replacing Cables
Replacing project cables is possible in two ways: manual replacing cable and batch
The rules that should apply are as follows:
When a cable is replaced by another catalog cable, it should get the cable
characteristics of the newer catalog cable: voltage rating, temperature ratings,
ampacity, reactance and resistance, formation, sizes, materials etc.
Replacing a project cable by another should retain project data of the original cable:
Name and service, Design data: Procurement, from/to, associations to objects, and
sizing results.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 121
Cable Sizing
Any other cable property defined by the project that does not pertain to the catalog
cable construction or technical specification.
In case thee are Parallel cables, all these cables are replaced as per the selected cable
Cable construction (number of conductors, size, formation) is adjusted according to
the new selected cable.
Note: After replacing the cables, you should perform a cable sizing operation.
Reference cable glands can be created in the Reference Data Explorer:
With the use of the following UI specify the major gland data:
122 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Cable Sizing
While the General tab defines its certification and type basic properties, the Details
Tab specifies the more detailed dimensions.
While the inner and outer dimensions provide information on the size of cables that it
can accommodate, the Armor clamp flag, when checked means that this gland is
suitable for armored cable (has metal armor)
You may associate reference glands to reference cables in the Reference Data
Explorer from the new Connections tab:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 123
Cable Sizing
This will allow creating the project cables already fit with some default glands.
So, dragging a ref cable or performing some apply option that involves cables will
create project glands.
Project Cables can be associated with reference glands on a one to one basis and in
Lab 6
Cable sizing
Size cable C-PWR-P-1
Enter the following data:
General Tab
124 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Cable Sizing
Design Data Tab
Connections Tab
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 125
Cable Sizing
Sizing Data Tab
Perform sizing, and apply sizing if required.
126 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Reporting is the process of retrieving information from the database and displaying
the information as formatted output. At any time during the design creation process,
you can create a report. Each report consists of a Microsoft Excel workbook and a
report definition, which describes the data to collect and how to organize the data in
the workbook.
Each report you create is based on an item type. This item type serves as the starting
point for collecting data for your report. Examples of item types include motors,
cables, control stations, and buses. Several default report templates already exist;
however, reports are fully customizable. You can create your own reports that contain
the information you want to see in a format you choose.
Report Writer
The SmartPlant Electrical report writer lets you quickly and easily create and modify
reports. The report writer runs with Microsoft Excel and therefore allows all
formatting to be done with Excel formatting commands: for example, drawing lines,
sorting column data, and inserting objects. When you edit the SmartPlant Electrical
report, you use an add-on
toolbar to define and map
properties in the database to a specific column in the Excel file. This toolbar also lets
you filter the database information, sort the information, and format the column
header information.
You open the report writer from the SmartPlant Electrical environment. Click the
Reports menu for the various options. These options let you create new reports,
modify existing reports, delete reports, and run the Electrical Index the project
reports (plant report) or user-level reports (my report).
Project reports are stored in the server directory (Option Manager specifies this
default directory)
My reports are stored locally on your machine (under \Profiles\<username>\My
Creating New Report Templates
To create a new report template, click Reports > New.
The Report dialog box lets you create a new report from by selecting the Blank value
for the Source template. You can also select any existing report to use as a template
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 127
or starting point for a new report of that item type. All reports stored for the project
and the reports stored for the current user are displayed in this list.
You can define three report types for a new report: Fixed format, Tabular format, and
Composite format.
Fixed format. For a report that is defined as fixed format, each item
that you select for the report is printed on a separate sheet with no
repetition of data. The fixed format type is similar to the
instrumentation spec. sheet reports.
Tabular format. A tabular report prints all of the items selected on a
single sheet. Most of the SmartPlant Electrical delivered reports are
defined as tabular format.
Composite format. A composite report is a combination of fixed
format and tabular format. The first sheet is fixed format and contains
the data common to the items on the subsequent sheets. The
subsequent sheets have the specific item data. For example, a pump
vendor report would have the vendor’s name and information on the
first sheet, and the listing of the pumps from that vendor on the second
If you click Add to project reports, the report is stored in the project reports location
defined in Options Manager. If you do not click this checkbox, the report is stored in
the user report directory. By default, the user report directory is located in your user
name profile directory.
SmartPlant Reports Toolbar
After you create or modify the report, Microsoft Excel is opened, and the SmartPlant
Reports toolbar is displayed in the worksheet.
This toolbar lets you define attributes that are available to the report and define the
sorting criteria for this data. The toolbar also lets you filter the data for a specific
value or range of values. You define the report header information here as well as
map the defined attributes to specific cells.
When you click Define on the SmartPlant Reports toolbar, a dialog box is displayed,
allowing you to create, edit, and remove items in the report tree view.
When you click Define on the Define Report Contents dialog box, a list of attributes
is displayed for that report item. From this dialog box, click Sort to sort by one or by
multiple attributes in ascending or descending order. The Filter tab allows
discrimination on a certain value or values for the property.
128 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Items and Properties that can be used in the Reports
Defining items and the properties that you wish to see in your report is procedure that
requires a knowledge in the data model of Smart Plant Electrical.
Thee can be reports that are very easy to retrieve the required data and thee are such
that are more complex. The available list of items and related properties available is
based on the data model associations, and you may need to select the Electrical
Index the a single item type or use a chain of item types- all depending on your
needs. Thee is more than one way of accessing items and data, and it depends from
which item type.
A simple report that would retrieve the direct properties of a appear as follows:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 129
130 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
To run the report:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 131
Report Options
Options on the SmartPlant Reports toolbar define the report header and basic
information in the body of the report. The Report Options dialog box applies only to
tabular and composite reports because the fixed report prints each set of data on a
different sheet.
132 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Skip lines between rows defines the number of lines between each printed row of
data. Rows in report header defines the basic report information. Project name, unit
name, date, report title, and company logos are examples of information that goes in a
report header. This information is printed on each page of the report. Also, if any of
the information mapped in the header changes, the software prints a new page with
the header information. Because a page break occurs if the value for an attribute
changes in the report header, the basic report information (attributes) should not be
mapped in any rows in the report header. Otherwise, every time a value changes in
the header, the information prints on a new page. In the example above, the mapping
of attributes would begin in row 6 or after.
You may cause the header to be displayed on each page by File-ÆPage setup and
selected the Sheet tab to “row to repeat at top”
Map Attributes
After you define attributes, they are available to be mapped to specific columns and
rows in the spreadsheet. Use Map Attributes on the SmartPlant Reports toolbar to
place attributes. Point to the cell to insert the data, and select the item from the Map
Attributes list.
Editing Report Templates
To edit an existing report, click Reports > Edit. In the Edit Report Template dialog
box, you can change the title and open the template in Excel for editing.
Deleting Reports
To delete existing reports, click Reports > Delete. Depending on how project
permissions are set, you can delete a single report or multiple reports.
Running Reports
Reports >Plant report or My Report, and select the report you want to run.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 133
Run Reports and Specify Items Through Tabular Editor
Allows you to choose a report and specify what items to report on.
For this you need to open tabular editor first.
Current selection - Produces a report containing the items currently selected in your
current table. This option is not available if no table items are selected.
Entire table - Produces a report containing the contents of the Tabular Editor.
Thee is no need that the opened table will have properties matching the properties of
the report. One property is enough.
Shipped Reports
SmartPlant Electrical provides sample special reports (more complex reports that use
embedded VB code to fetch and organize data) that user can customize or use as
134 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
reference to create his own standard. The following list is a partial list out of the ones
actually shipped
All Feeder Load Summary Report (rated and consumed values)
Cable Schedule
Cable Sizing Summary
Cable Take-off
Electric Load List
Instrument and Cabinets
IO Signal List
PDB Load Summary
PDB Load Summary by Operating Mode
PDB Schedule
Power Distribution Panel Schedule
All Feeder Load Summary Report (Rated and Consumed Values)
This report is a bus load summary report that includes “roll up” of downstream loads.
The report collects all the loads that are connected to the circuits that are tied to the
specific bus, including circuits that feed other buses, looks for the Electrical Index
connected loads, performs a roll up (brings the total downstream loads up to the
selected bus) and calculate the total load, based on some Options Manager or
preferences settings, definitions and factors, as follows:
-In the Option Manager or preferences, the user will define:
Whether to calculate the total load based on individual coincidence load factor or use
the bus averaging coincidence factors
Whether to include coupled and tied buses
-For each bus, the user will be able to define if the system should calculate the
connected loads, or to use the Bus rated values
Cable Schedule
Cable schedule provides a detailed list of all the project cables. Besides the cable tags
names and the Electrical Index type, stores part numbers the report provides the
origin and destination of the cable side 1 (“to” side) and side 2 (“from” side). These
“to” and “from” information will include the tag of the item this side is assigned to- in
case the to/from is a PDB, PDB/Bus/Cell/Circuit Tags will be provided.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 135
In case the to/from is a panel with internal circuits, these tags will be provided.
Cable Sizing Summary
Cable Sizing Summary is a report that lists all the cable sizing input and output data
for a specified power cable. This report is useful as a quick reference for your sizing
considerations and criteria at any time during the life cycle of your project. This
report provides the following information:
Cable tag name.
Cable origin and destination sides (the To and From cable sides).
The To and From information includes the tag of the electrical item that the cable is
assigned to.
Input values such as load voltage, full load current, number of phases, and so forth.
Sizing results such as reference cable, conductor size, calculated voltage drop, and so
Cable Take-off
This report provides a summary of all the different cable types of all categories,
including any none sized cables, that the user has created in the project.
This report will provide technical details about the type of cable and calculates the totals
estimated and design lengths of each type.
The total required length for Single core conductor configuration cables lengths will
be calculated taking into consideration the number of conductors of each of the
cables. ( the system multiplies the number of conductors per phase by the cable
Electric Load List
Electrical Load List is a report that you generate based on the load item type. The
software retrieves the load tags with the relevant load tag data, such a rated power,
brake power for motors, as well as values for efficiency, power factor, full load
current, and so forth.
136 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Instruments and Cabinets
This report is actually a report based on Equipment table, and its main use is to be a
template so user can create a registered report that can be used to publish to INtools,
instruments and cabinets that were retrieved from INtools loads
Signal List
The report is used as a template for creating registered reports that can be used as
published document to send IO signals to INtools.
PDB Load Summary
This report provides a load summary for Power Distribution Boards. The main difference of
this report from the All feeder load summary is that thee is no roll up in this report and the
load summary includes directly connected loads only.
Its intention is to provide a list of the associated loads connected/associated with a
PDB, sum the Electrical Index electrical kW, kVAR and kVA and enable the user to
evaluate what should be the required capacities that this PDB will need to deliver.
The report calculates 2 summaries. One, that includes only the continuous and
intermittent loads and second, all the connected loads, including any spares and
standby loads. The system uses the individual coincidence factors of the loads.
The Loads For each associated load, the report will list the load rated power, its
demand factor, operating mode, operating factor and its electrical consumed and rated
The report does not consider downstream or tied or coupled PDB’s or other
equipment that may have been connected and fed from the selected PDBs.
Calculated Results The report will group the loads per PDB (sort them) and sum the
electrical quantities to provide the total running (consumed) load and the total peak
load based on the coincidence factors that has been defined for each and every load.
Within the PDB, the loads are sorted per the Electrical Index bus association and
then alphanumerical within the bus. The report multiplies each electrical load by its
coincidence factor (x, y, z or zz). Based on the total kW and KVA’s, the report will
calculate the required power factor. Calculated values and Results are not stored in
the data base and they are recalculated each time the report is generated.
The PDBs The report doesn’t filter out any specific PDB and if not filtered, it will list
all the PDB’s.
In case you want a specific PDB, you should use the filter to filter the specific PDB
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 137
Each PDB will be displayed on a separate page, with the first page allocated to non
those loads that are not related and associated to any PDB.
PDB Load Summary by Operating Mode
The "PDB Load Summary By Operating Mode" report is intended to be a
complementary to the new "All Feeders Load Summary" report, which calculates the
Running and Peak loads according to each load coincidence factor or to each load
feeding bus coincidence factor.
As it is sometimes required (especially for off shore platforms) to execute the load
summary calculation per special operating modes like emergency or life support
systems, the software was enhanced to provide
definition of up to 10 operating modes factors (Duty & Load factors) to each load or
bus, and the new "PDB Load Summary By Operating Mode" is calculating the total
power per each one of the 10 op. modes. The "PDB Load Summary By Operating
Mode" is subjected to same preferences like the "All Feeders Load Summary" report
(meaning: coupling method and usage of Load or Bus factors)
The formula used to calculate the total power for each op mode is not the same as
used in the "All Feeders Load Summary" report.
PDB Schedule
This report is a deliverable that one may generate to list all the contents of a certain selected
It will list, per selected PDB, all the circuits, the loads, the internal components and
the Electrical Index technical details of each circuit, its associated schematics
drawing, rated powers
Power Distribution Panel Schedule
PDB Schedule is a report that is intended for single phase loads connected to
distribution panels.
The report specifics are as follows:
The report lists, per selected PDB, all the circuits, each with its protection device type
and current rating (the software supports a single protection device per circuit) and
the loads associated with each circuit.
138 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
The report sorts the circuits by phase and then by circuit (all the circuits for phase 1,
then phase 2, and then phase 3). The report calculates the following: Full load current
for each phase, Total load current of the bus, Total kW per phase, Total kW per bus.
Lab 7
Create custom report
Source Template: Blank
Report Name: Power Cable List
Item type: Cable
Report type: Tabular format.
Attributes: Item Tag, Cable formation, Cable Specification, Ref Equipment.Item Tag
Filter: Add filter to retrieve power cables.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 139
Electrical Engineer
The Electrical Engineer, combined with the Electrical Index as a source, provides for:
Navigation through your electrical network
Connection between your power distribution equipment of the network
Modification of relations between the power equipment (electrical
flow of energy).
The above procedures are performed by dragging items.
The Electrical Engineer shows any electrical entity that has at least one electrical
In the root of the tree view, the Electrical Engineer shows entities which have
electrical children but not parents.
Notes: Some standalone electrical equipment will be shown as well - generators,
transformers, buses and the Electrical Index circuits.
You can open more than one instance of the Electrical Engineer.
In addition to the above, the Electrical Engineer provides the following functionality
from the right-click menu:
Open SLD
Find in Electrical Index
Find other Parent items
Expand all sub-items
Show Only
Show in New Window
Find in SLD
Common property
Add cable
Common Properties
Select Alternative Power Source
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 140
Electrical Engineer
Lab 8
Observe that the following items that you have created in previous labs have been automatically
made visible in EE
Generator G-001
Transformer T-001
In EI find the power distribution board, PDB-200 and add to it new bus, Bus-B
2. In EI create new Motor, M-9.
Assign M-9 to Bus-B by drag the M-9 from EI to Bus-B in EE.
Assigning the motor to the bus create new cell, and new circuit. Name the cell, CELL-1,
and the circuit, CKT-1.
1. Associate the loads M-100, M-101, M-102, M-103, H-102 to the appropriate circuits, by
drag and drop the loads from EI to the circuits in EE.
2. Connect the riser circuit, MCC-201 Bus A/B Bus Riser, to the coupler circuit, of
MCC-201 Bus A/B Coupler, to create a bus tie.
3. Connect the riser circuit, MCC-202 Bus A/B Bus Riser, to the coupler circuit, of
MCC-202 Bus A/B Coupler, to create a bus tie.
4. Connect the cable, C-Main Utility Supply to the generator G-001.
5. Connect the incomer circuit, SW-300 Incomer, to the cable, C-Main Utility Supply.
6. Connect the cable, C-T-001/P to the circuit, MCC-201/2 Feeder.
7. Connect the transformer T-001 (Primary) to the cable, C-T-001/P.
8. Connect the cable, C-T-001/X, to the T-001, X (Secondary).
9. Connect the cable, C-T-001/Y, to the T-001, Y (Secondary).
10.Connect the MCC-201 Bus A Incomer to the cable C-T-001/X.
10. Connect the MCC-202 Bus A Incomer to the cable C-T-001/Y.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 141
Single Line Diagrams
Smart Plant Electrical enables you to generate two types of single line diagrams:
1.Power Distribution Board-based single line diagram.
2.Electrical Engineer-based single line diagram.
Power Distribution Board-based single line diagram - is a project document
provided for the vendors so they can construct the PDB. It includes a power distribution board
general arrangement drawing and a power distribution board (PDB) schedule. The software
generates a single line diagram for a selected power distribution board that contains all the PDB
buses, circuits, circuit components, and their inter-connections (bus couplings).
Electrical Engineer-based single line diagram – is a main or key single line
diagram of the electrical network for a selected set of items created according to the generation options
that you predefine.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 142
Single Line Diagrams
Generate a power distribution board-based SLD
1. Select a PDB in the Electrical Index.
2. Right Click -> Generate SLD, or from Main Menu select Action -> Generate
SLD for PDB.
3. Define the generation settings.
4. Generate the SLD.
5. Add annotations (if required).
6. Add/modify revisions by clicking Edit > Document Properties, then
Add/Remove Revisions/Description, and so forth.
7. Save the document by clicking File ->Save.
Generate an Electrical Engineer-based SLD
1. Select one or more electrical objects in the Engineer.
2. Click File > New > SLD or right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click New
3. Define the drawing options.
4. Generate the SLD.
5. Add annotations (if required).
6. Add/modify revisions by clicking Edit > Document Properties, then
Add/Remove Revisions/Description, and so forth.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 143
Single Line Diagrams
7. Save the document by clicking File ->Save.
Open and Modify an Existing a power distribution board-based SLD
1. Select a PDB in the Index
2. Right-click -> Generate SLD, or from Main Menu select Action -> Generate
SLD for PDB.
Open and Modify an Existing Electrical Engineer-based SLD
1. Select one or more electrical objects in the Engineer.
2. Click File > Open > SLD ,or right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click Open
Single Line Diagram Drawing Options
Power distribution board-based SLD
144 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Single Line Diagrams
Electrical Engineer-based single line diagram.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 145
Single Line Diagrams
Managing the SLD
The software allows you perform various actions with an open single line diagram. Apart from regular
actions in a drawing such as zooming, selecting, saving, and so forth.
Moving items
You can select an item and drag it to another place in the drawing.
Entering and modifying item properties
You can select an electrical item and then enter or modify its properties in the Properties window.
Changing the line type, line color and line width of a selected bus
You can change the line type, line color and line width of a bus.
146 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Single Line Diagrams
Note that the software retains new line display settings only if you save the SLD as an external
document. Otherwise, after reopening the SLD, the software displays the original bus symbol. You can
use Options Manager to change the symbol that the software uses to represent buses. To create a new
symbol for buses, use Catalog Manager.
Annotations and Redlining
You can mark up single line diagram using text or symbols as annotations. The software saves
annotations in the same layer as the graphical elements of the drawing
Redlining appears in a separate drawing layer and you can hide and display redlining as you
require. When opening single line diagram that contains redlining items, the software
automatically displays the drawing in redlining mode. You can switch back to regular mode and
modify the drawing as needed. The software saves the existing redlining items regardless of
whether you open the drawing in redlining mode or not. You can add text, symbols, lines, circles,
rectangles, and watermarks as redlining.
Saving an SLD as an External File
You can save the SLD from the file menu as external file.
Printing an SLD
While the SLD document is open, you can print the document from the file menu.
Lab 9
Generate SLD for SW-300 from the Electrical Index and from
Electrical Engineer
Generate SLD for G-001.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 147
A schematic is a graphical representation of wiring and motor control systems. You create a
schematic by assembling it from typical blocks.
A block is a graphical representation of an electrical item. Blocks are parts of a complete
drawing. To create a block, start by creating an entire drawing in Catalog Manager or any CAD
application such as SmartSketch, AutoCAD, or MicroStation. Once the complete drawing is
ready, you select a part of the drawing and turn it into a block.
You can generate schematics for the following item types:
All loads
All converting equipment
All disconnect equipment
Battery banks
The software can generate a schematic by retrieving data for power related items from one block
or several blocks. If your generated schematic drawings contain the same information (that is, the
information repeats itself in identical sections of different schematic drawings), you should
consider creating a schematic block for the repeated parts so that this single block can be used by
several other schematic drawings. Note that you can create schematic drawings that include
several sheets. Multi-sheet schematics are mostly used when you need to display complex
electrical equipment for which a single sheet is not enough to show all the relevant wiring details
of the equipment.
After creating a block, you define the macros for that block. A macro is the smart text that you
attach to the block graphic. The software retrieves this smart text from the database and attaches
it to the block, thus making it part of the block file. You can create your macros in Catalog
Manager, SmartSketch, AutoCAD, or MicroStation.
Also, you must attach your blocks to templates. A template contains the definition for the desired
title block, border, and page size. You attach your blocks to templates in Catalog Manager,
SmartSketch, or any other CAD application.
Before generating a schematic drawing, you create a typical block and a typical schematic that
you will attach to a load for which you want to generate a schematic drawing.
Typical blocks
Typical block associated with drawing file (block or symbol) and it’s the basic element for
Typical schematic. There are several ways to create a block/symbol. Lets look at the following drawing.
148 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
You will notice that there are 2 groups of symbols called Block 1 and Block 2. The border makes
Block 3. Assume, for the sake of this discussion, that this was a representation of how you
wanted your schematics to appear, except with a variation on block 1, which we will call Block
The easiest way to create your symbols would be to make 4 copies of this drawing (one for each
block that you want to make a symbol from – Blocks 1, 1A, 2, 3). Delete everything else from
the particular drawings except the graphics that you want to see on that symbol.
So Symbol #1 (a drawing of just the graphics needed for Typical Block #1) may look like this:
Symbol 1A may be some variation on this set of graphics. Symbol 2 may look like this
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 149
Of course, you will make a template out of the Block #3, which may look like this:
Notice the relationship between the placement of these Blocks and the ‘Point of Origin’. This is
how the software places the symbols or blocks in the correct physical relationship to each other
and to the sheet.
Once the symbol files are prepared, you can save them in whatever format you are working.
Then all that is left is to add your macros and create a Typical Block from that Symbol File.
The above is true for all types of drafting packages.
Create a Typical Block
1.From RDE select Typical Block folder > right click -> New Typical Block
2.Give it a Name
3.Open Common Properties of the new block.
4.Select a block type.
5.Browse to the drawing file and select the symbol/block you need.
6.Select Apply or OK.
150 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
You can view the block at any time by clicking the View button.
If you want to create another block while you are in this window, just select add and create
another one.
Create a Typical Schematic
1.In the Reference Data Explorer, right-click the Typical Schematics folder, and then click
2.Type a name of up to 80 characters for the typical schematic.
3.Right-click the schematic and click Common Properties to open the Typical Schematic
dialog box.
4.Select template.
5.Select Add to add a typical block (you can 1 or more blocks).
6.To finish select Apply or OK.
You can view the typical schematics at any time by clicking the View button.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 151
When this typical schematic is used to create a schematic of a particular motor, the macros will be
replaced with specific data from that particular motor.
Create a Schematic Drawing in SmartPlant Electrical
Creation of a drawing block file (sym, dwg or dgn), using the Electrical Index the integrated
SmartPlant Electrical Catalog Manager or by using any of the following independent software:
SmartSketch, Autocad or MicroStation. In the block file, the user will draw its graphics (as
expected to appear with the Electrical Index correct displacement from page origin) and in
addition set of required Smart Text labels or “macros”, later on, to be replaced by SmartPlant
Electrical system with relevant data from the SmartPlant Electrical database, according to the
attached object.
Create a new typical block item in the Reference Data Explorer .
Edit the new typical block item properties, to attach it with a relevant drawing block file (one or
Create a new typical schematics item in the Reference Data Explorer.
Edit the new typical schematics properties to attach it with a relevant the Reference Data
Explorer typical block item (one or more).
Set each typical block sequence (in case two or more blocks of same item type are used that
typical schematic e.g. two Control Station blocks etc).
Assign a typical schematics to a load the Electrical Index the through the profile or through the
pop up menu:
152 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
The associated schematic dialog follows:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 153
In case macros have not been resolved, you may want to investigate more indepth:
In case there is equipment related to the load and do not have macros on the
typical schematic used, you can find it in the Unresolved Items list:
The following schematics and the Electrical Index relevant graphical blocks
can be exercised:
Schematics of Motor Type A, a standard motor with a control station, circuit.
154 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Generating Schematics in Batch Mode
You can generate your schematics in batch by simply selecting a number of motors the
Electrical Index the in the tabular editor or in the lower pane of the Electrical Index:
The following dialog box appears:
You can save the generated schematics as external CAD files in any commercially
available CAD format and have them printed on the fly.
You place macros on each block (or symbol) to retrieve relevant information from the
database. The macro name describes where (what table/attribute) it will find the
information.If you place a Macro called ‘Motor.ItemTag’ in a symbol or block, then
create a Schematic (or SLD that uses that symbol), the program will replace the macro
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 155
with the ‘Data’ in the database from the table ‘Motor’, attribute ‘ItemTag’. This
particular Macro happens to be the attribute that contains the name of the motor. So,
when this Macro is placed in block (or symbol), and a Schematic (or SLD) is created for
a particular motor, the program gets the name of the motor and places it in the drawing.
The formatting of the text put in the drawing is the same as the formatting of the Macro.
Macro Syntax
The macro text has to contain the SmartPlant Electrical item name, its required
property name, and a sequence number, according to the following syntax:
For example, to specify a name (item tag) of a motor, the text label has to be:
If a particular block contains several items of the same item type (that is, several
cables, control stations, and so on), you have to use the sequence number to
ensure item uniqueness.
Annotations and Redlining
You can mark up schematic drawings using text or symbols as
annotations. The software saves annotations in the same layer as the
graphical elements of the drawing
Redlining appears in a separate drawing layer and you can hide and
display redlining as you require. If a drawing has more than one sheet,
you can create redlining and hide or display it independently for each
sheet. Therefore, while working in redlining mode, you cannot access any
items in the main drawing layer. The software saves the drawing with the
redlining items. When opening schematic that contains redlining items,
the software automatically displays the drawing in redlining mode. You
can switch back to regular mode and modify the drawing as needed. The
software saves the existing redlining items regardless of whether you
open the drawing in redlining mode or not. You can add text, symbols,
lines, circles, rectangles, and watermarks as redlining.
Create Templates (template for Schematic and SLD)
1. From File menu select New -> Template.
156 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
2. From File menu select Sheet Setup and select the required page size.
3.From Edit menu select Insert Symbol, and browse to your template folder to select
a symbol template.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 157
4. From File menu save the new Smart Plant Electrical Template as Smart Plant
Electrical file
type ([Name].SPE).
Lab 10
Create new typical schematic and generate motor schematic
1. Create 3 typical blocks:
Block 1
Typical block name: MTR_A
Blcok Type:Motor
File name: MotorTypeA.sym
Block 2
Typical block name: FDR_A
Blcok Type:Circuit
158 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
File name: FeederCircuitA.sym
Block 3
Typical block name: CS_A
Blcok Type: Control Station
File name: ControlStationA.sym
2. Create a Typical Schematic
Template: AWide.spe
Blocks: MTR_A,FDR_A,CS_A
3. Generate schematic
Generate schematic for motor M-1 using typical schematic MTR_SCM_A and save the
Note: 1. Apply the typical schematic first.
2. Save the document also as external file ([Name].SPE file format).
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 159
Associating Documents
You define a document reference by adding a reference to the list of document references. You
can then associate this reference with an external file. The software adds this association by
storing the file path in the database.
After you define external document references, you select one or more electrical items and
associate them with external documents. You can associate an electrical item with a document
reference or with an external file that is linked to the document reference. The software allows
you to associate single or multiple electrical items with the same external document. Also, you
can associate the same external file with multiple items in the software.
Define a Document Reference
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 160
Associate a Document
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 161
Lab 11
Define and associate Document
1.Generate schematic for motor M-100 (using typical schematic MTR_SCM_A).
Save the generated M-100 schematic as external smart plant electrical file format (M-100.SPE).
2.Add new reference document using the external file M-100.SPE and name the document M-100 External
3. Associate the reference document M-100 External to motor M-100.
162 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Archiving Documents
Smart Plant Electrical let you revise, archive and compare document.
1. From option manager verify the archive documents is enabled.
2. Save the change, and reopen Smart Plant Electrical.
3. Generate a new SLD from EE.
Select the feeder circuit M-100 Feeder as starting point for the new SLD.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 163
Archiving Documents
4. Close the generated document M-100 Feeder.
5.Revise the document M-100 Feeder by open the document (select the document from the
document folder -> Right-Click and select open).
164 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Archiving Documents
6.While the document open select the document from the document folder, right-click and select
Document Properties.
7. In the Document Properties windows select P0, P1, P2… for revision method,
and select New to add revision P0.
Close the document.
8. To verify the new revision has been archived, reopen the document properties.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 165
Archiving Documents
9. Change motor rated power of M-100 from 1 hp to 1.5 hp
10. Select the document M-100 Feeder , right-click compare document
11. Select the Compare button, compare the current state of the document data with the data in
the document of its last saved revision and creates
A tabular report that includes a log of all the changes, with a reference to the Index
numbers as they appear in the drawing itself.
Document that shows clouds around items that has been changed since last saved
issue. Index numbers are used to identify the changes
166 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Archiving Documents
120 A
1.5 hp
Note: Same workflow of revise, archive and compare works for schematics document.
Global revisions
The ability to assign a specified Global revision to a set of documents is a powerful and
important feature often requested by those who need to issue deliverables packages all at once,
all in same or in a specified revision number.
Thee are several options that can be used in conjunction with this feature, and these can be seen
in the Global Revision Dialog. To open the global revisions dialog select Global Revision from
action menu.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 167
Archiving Documents
Add Revision add new revision to all selected documents. The system
will add a new revision (P0, P1 type; A, B, C type; 1, 2, 3 type, or any
“other” type). The system will identify the requested method and if
needed will modify the method window accordingly.
Upgrade revision upgrade the selected set of documents to next
higher revision level to each document.
This opens a selection window from which user select the method of
revisions for documents that have no revision method yet defined or
the revision method is “other”
Delete last revision delete only the last revision of the selected set of
Delete All revisions delete all document revisions.
Deliverable Project Reports (register report)
Project reports (plant reports), that were created as templates can be saved as project
deliverables, that have revision level, and can be archived for future viewing and compare.
The idea is to take the Excel templates, that were created in the classic report engine as plant
report and use them as the source for generating or declaring project reports. The procedure
involves what is called Report Registration- meaning, to take an existing Excel template report
and to transform it into a Project Document.
Lets see how we can create a project document called “Motor List.”
1.Select Register Report from the Actions menu.
168 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Archiving Documents
2.This invokes the Register Report Common Properties dialog box, which enables you to define
the project document:
3.Select a report template that will be used as the basic report, click the ellipse button to
open select report dialog box, and select the ElectricalLoadList.xls.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 169
Archiving Documents
4.Name the document, select Load for Report item type.
5.Click OK to create a new document under Registered Reports
6. Revise, archive and compare the register report works the same as compare the others
document type (SLD or schematic).
Select the register report Motor List, right click and open the document.
170 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Archiving Documents
7.While the document is open, select the Motor List document from the registered Reports
folder, right click and select Document Properties.
8.In the Document Properties windows select P0, P1, P2… for revision method,
and select New to add revision P0.
Close the report.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 171
Archiving Documents
9. To verify the new revision has been archived, select the document, right click and select
document properties.
10. Change motor rated power of M-100 from 1.5 hp to 2 hp
11. Select the Motor List document, right-click and select compare document to open
the Compare Document dialog box. Select the Compare button, to compare the current state of
the document data with the data in the document of its last saved revision.
172 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Archiving Documents
The comparison results are shown in two reports:
The Load List itself, with marked changes of properties, calculated
values that result from changes in properties, attributions (motors
moved from one PDB to another.) and new tags inserted. Renamed
will be considered as deleted and newly created.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 173
Archiving Documents
The modified properties will be colored in blue and the new records will be marked in bold.
The second report is a summary of all changes, named “Registered comparison
The report divides each tag by a bold line, the first record being the previous value, followed by
the current value.
Lab 12
Compare register report
1.Change motor rated power of M-100 to 3 hp.
2.Duplicate M-100 and name the new motor M-579.
3.Run compare report for the register report Motor List and compare its
current data with the last archived revision (P0).
174 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Batch Assignment of Control Station Cables
When we apply profiles to a set of motors which are connected to feeders, this operation results in creation of a set
of control stations with the Electrical Index related control and instrumentation cables. The “from” side of these
cables remains unassociated and you have to connect them manually. Assigning each one to the same feeder circuit
which feeds the motor can become a very time consuming process.
We have ability to automate this procedure as follows:
1.Close Smart Plant Electrical. Open Options Manager, under General Settings, set the Connect Cables of
Control or Instrumentation to Equipment Circuit to Yes.
Save the change in the option manager, and reopen Smart Plant Electrical.
2.Consequently, applying a profile or control station options to a motor that is connected to a feeder
automatically associates the control station cables with the motor feeder, as shown below:
2.1. Select motor M-100
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 175
Miscellaneous Features
2.2.Apply the typical control station, ‘Start-Stop Station type A’
2.3.After applying the typical control station to the motor, the software create new control station and 2
cables (control and grounding).
The ‘From’ side of the control cable is connected to the motor feeder circuit.
176 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
However, this feature doesn’t include grounding cables. This category will not be routed to the circuits.
The other variations of this feature is described in the following paragraph:
If the motor has control stations and then after that is connected to a feeder, once the motor is connected
to the feeder all the related cables of the control stations will be automatically associated with that feeder
circuit (except for the grounding).
Create a motor with a control station and cables. After creating them, have the motor dragged to a feeder
Observe that the control and instrumentation cables of the control station have the “from” side connected
to the circuit.
In batch, selecting a set of control stations, using a Batch command, “Associate cables with Main
equipment feeder circuit” will result in having all the cables connected to the feeder circuit of the
Electrical Index related main items.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 177
Miscellaneous Features
External Drawings
Allow you to create none typical drawings using CAD and save them as SPEL documents, uses the SPEL
revision management.
The miscellaneous drawing path defined in the option manager
To create new miscellaneous drawings do the following steps:
1.Select the Miscellaneous Drawings folder, right click, and select New Miscellaneous Drawings.
2.Select template and enter document number and select OK.
3.Close and save the new document.
4.Select the new document from Miscellaneous Drawings folder, right click and select open.
5.From Edit menu select insert, symbol and browse to you Miscellaneous Drawings folder to select
symbol for you drawing.
178 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
6.To insert and locate the symbol, select the symbol from the Select symbol file dialog box, select the
open button, left click and insert the symbol. Then to adjust the symbol, select it with left click and
7.Close and save the document.
The document properties dialog box that available for SLD,Schematics and Register report documents
available also to the Miscellaneous Drawings, and you can revise the document.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 179
Miscellaneous Features
These miscellaneous drawings may be found as shown in the following screen:
and can be associated to any item:
Transfer Switches
Transfer switches are 2 way manual, non-automatics or automatic switches, that are
used to switch or transfer an essential load from a power source to another, backup
power source.
Automatic Transfer Switches are an integral part of the power generation process,
allowing smooth and immediate transfer of electrical current between multiple
sources and the load. When the generator is operating, the transfer switch prevents
dangerous feedback of current to the utility’s system. It also ensures that different
180 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
power sources are fully synchronized before the Electrical Index power is combined
or loads are transferred, which is imperative for safe operation.
The transfer switch senses when utility power is interrupted, and starts up the
generator if the utility power remains absent. In about five to ten seconds, when the
generator is producing full power, the transfer switch disconnects the load from the
utility and connects it to the generator, restoring electricity to the load. The transfer
switch continues to monitor utility power, and when it is restored, switches the load
from the generator back to the utility. Once the generator is disconnected, it goes
through a cool-down routine and is automatically shut down.
These devices are standalone, usually housed in cabinets or mounted on wall, have 2
inputs to accept the mains and backup power source and one output, which connects
to one of the switch inputs.
The transfer of the power from input 1 to input 2 can be done the Electrical Index
the manually, switching the load from one to a second power source, or
automatically, via a monitoring and protection circuitry that senses a loss in power in
one of the sources and then switches to the alternate power source.
A new subfolder exists now under Power Distribution Boards:
The equipment type for this item will be set to Transfer switch:
The operation in the Electrical Engineer is as regular bus with 2 incomers, and each
incomer will have to be dragged under its own parent power source.
For example, a transfer switch that accepts power from a generator and the second
power source from Offsite power:
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Miscellaneous Features
This will be presented in the SLD as follows:
The following issues should be noted though:
As these items are basically PDB’s, they are filtered out in SPEL load summary
Also, the All Feeders report and Batch load assignment will consider the Electrical
Index circuits as being in a transparent mode, and the algorithm of the roll up will
roll the connected loads downstream the incomers, provided the following property of
the circuits are not set to Disconnected.
Setting one of its incomers to Connected will turn the other incomer into connected,
and vice versa.
In case the circuit mode is in Disconnected mode, the roll up will stop and not drill
down further.
182 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Some other notes:
Transfer switches will not be shown as possible PDB’s in the Feeder
tabs and will be filtered out
In case a load is connected via a Transfer switch, the transfer switch
name, its bus and outlet will be shown in the Feeder tab as the feeder
of the load
The Batch load assignment will not account for a load connected via a
transfer switch in Normal mode. In All feeder mode the transfer switch
will act as regular PDB, and any load connected downstream via it,
will be accounted for, provided circuits are not in “disconnected”
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 183
Miscellaneous Features
Dual Power Source Equipment
This feature is implemented to answer requirement of equipment that have 2 power
sources, a Primary and an Alternate, as follows:
The user needs to define a second or alternate power source for an electrical
equipment by selecting the equipment in the electrical engineer, that has one main
power source already defined:
184 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
This command will invoke a second Electrical engineer instance, from which user
will select the alternate power source.
The following conditions should be met for this operation to be successful:
The equipment is not already connected to an alternate feeder
The destination power source is a valid parent (power cable, feeder circuit, etc)
In this exercise we shall learn and accomplish the following:
How to connect a variable frequency drive to a main power source,
coming from a VFD feeder circuit.
How to connect a second power source supplying the VFD from a
power transformer.
Generate a single line diagram for this configuration.
How to dissociate the second power source.
Switching and modifying the second power source.
Step 1 - Connect the VFD to the Main Power Source
Create VFD-1 and drag it to under a feeder circuit via a power cable
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 185
Miscellaneous Features
Step 2 - Connect a Second, Alternate Power Source for VFD-1
Let us prepare a second power source for the VFD-1 by creating a new feeder branch
from another bus through a transformer, as in the following picture:
Right-click on VFD-1 and select “Add alternate power source..” :
This will open a second instance of the Electrical Engineer that we shall use to
navigate to the second power source:
186 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Select VFD Alternate source in the Alternate Power source engineer and click OK
The result will be as follows:
The “#” sign indicates that this is an alternate power source branch
If we look at the VFD common properties:
In the Feeder data tab:
And in the Alternate Tab:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 187
Miscellaneous Features
Step 3 - Generate an SLD for This Configuration
For the dual power source equipment to show properly, a new symbol must exist for
the item type, named as the original but with Alt added to the name. In our case it
would be “VariableFrequencyDriveAlt.sym”
Note: You may have to adjust the result to optimize the layout
Step 4 - Change the Alternate Source
In the electrical engineer, select the VFD-1 Feeder cable, right-click:
This will open once more the Alternate Power source screen, and allow you to
navigate to an alternate feeder:
188 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Step 5 - Dissociatie the Alternate Power Source
Dissociation of the alternate power source is possible only at the final element itself,
in our case, it is the VFD:
The following rules will apply:
Case A - Equipment has both Primary and Alternate power source
and alternate is connected via a cable or a longer multi item branch
The instance that connected to Primary power source can be dragged or
dissociated as usual. All operations on the items with regards to his feeder will be
assumed as operations on its Primary power source.
To edit/change the Alternate Power source will be as follows:
The instance of "equipment" that is connected to an Alternate PS can
only be dissociated in the engineer (the system will identify the
Alternate power source from the Primary). User will have to select the
item in the engineer and dissociate. The only place along the chain of
the feeder that can be broken (dissociation taking place) by the user
is the equipment itself and not any of its branch items.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 189
Miscellaneous Features
The "Cable" (or any item in the feeder chain), connecting between
Alternate PS and "equipment" cannot be dissociated or dragged.
For re-connecting of the branch to another alternate PS the user will
have to use again the response Engineer window.
Case B - Equipment is connected to alternate power source only, no
Primary is connected
"Equipment" and its "Cables or branch items" (if exists) are connected to
Alternate Power Source only.
All actions that are not using the “Add Alternate power source”
command will be interpreted by the system as regular operations on
the Primary power source, so, Dragging "equipment" to any other
branch will add a main power source, leaving alternate PS untouched.
Dragging or dissociating of "Cable" in an Alternate power source
branch is not allowed. The "Cable" can be re-connected using response
Case C - Equipment has no power source at all, just connected to a
feeder cable (after apply for example)
"Equipment" doesn't have any feeding equipment but has a "parent Cable or
something else". "Equipment" can be connected to Alternate PS using response
window, "Cable" can be dragged to any valid power source creating a new main
power source for the "Motor"
Delete an Item that Feeds an Alternate Power Source
The system does not allow you to delete an item that is in the path of the alternate
power source feeding electrical equipment, only after the electrical equipment has
been dissociated from its immediate upstream item that feeds it.
Dissociate Alternate Power Sources
The dissociation of the alternate power source will be also from the engineer, by the
use of the “Dissociate” command.
Dissociation will be possible only at the final element and not along any of its
feeder items..
Dissociating primary source will not affect its alternate and vice versa.
190 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Rules in Operations that Involve Circuits
All the operations and activities that deal with circuits on equipment will be acting on
the main feeder and not on the alternate circuit.
Associating an item to a alternate source
The alternate source will not be required to match the last applied typical circuit of
the item.
Applying typical circuit
Applying typical circuits on a dual input connected item will affect only its main
feeder circuit, not the alternate circuit.
Single line diagrams
For the purpose of proper handling in the SLD, the dual input equipment would need
to have a special symbol that will have 3 connection points, to handle both the 2
inputs ( loads, instruments and cabinets) and 2 inputs + one output for the converting
equipment types.
The 3rd connection point of the symbol will be dedicated for the Alternate Power
The SLD algorithm will position the dual input item so that its main feeder point will
be positioned first, and the system will run the connector from its alternate feeder to
the alternate connection point at the equipment.
Load Summary reports
Since the “All feeder report “ load summary may count the load twice in case the load
is fed from 2 different user will have to disconnect the circuit by setting the Circuit
mode parameter to disconnect.
In case user doesn’t do that, the load summary will count the load twice.
The drill down report will assume that circuit is connected unless
Batch load assignment
The batch load assignment, when operated in Normal mode (not drill down), will not
count the load in case the circuit is feeding the load as alternate power source. The
load will be accounted for in batch load assignment only for circuits that feed the
loads as primary power sources.
The All Feeder mode will take the load into account in both cases, provided the
alternate power source feeder circuit is not in disconnected mode
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 191
Miscellaneous Features
Earth Loop Impedance Calculations in Cable Sizing
The Earth loop impedance is defined as the total resistance seen by the source of
current when clearing a faulty current to the earth. The earth loop impedance is an
important safety factor since it determines what will be the highest possible potential
at the point of the fault to earth. IEC regulations restrict this voltage to be no higher
than 50 volts, therefore, EPC are requested to calculate this value on a per cable basis
and make sure that the protective device for the circuit, fuse or circuit breaker
protection values and settings are such that nor time nor earth potential will exceed
codes, and will be able to clear the faulty current in a predetermined time.
The calculation is done on a per cable basis and it includes both the cable armor earth
impedance ( in case the armor is the earthling path) and any external to the cable
impedance that is present from the power source through the final load and back to
earthing point.
The following illustration shows how a short circuit current flows through a earth
192 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
In order to calculate the earth loop impedance user will select the Earth Loop
Impedance tab of the power cable Common Properties:
The calculation is based on the following formula:
The calculation is the Electrical Index the based on the earth path formed by the
cable armor metal sheet, or, of a separate grounding cable associated to the “to” side
of the load.
Any change in the cable grounding cable or properties
Metering Equipment and Protection Relay
In the Reference Data Explorer, under Metering Equipment within Disconnect
Electrical Equipment:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 193
Miscellaneous Features
Measure Transformers
Current and Potential transformers, used to measure electrical current and voltage,
may be created in the Reference Data Explorer and used in typical circuits:
and Potential transformers:
194 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
These items, which are “in-line” items, can be used in typical circuits, measuring
voltages and currents at specific points within the circuit:
The physical configuration for such assembly of items would be:
Changing the Tag sequence number of the transformer, changes the location at which
the measurement is performed.
Dragging the circuits to the Index will create the transformers accordingly.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 195
Miscellaneous Features
The transformer ration is a calculated property, a string that identifies the actual ratio
of the secondary with respect to the primary (2:1 would mean that for each 2 units of
the primary variable, the output has 1 unit)
Create Meters
Thee could be 3 types of meters (readout devices) that can accept the outputs of the
Voltmeter, Ampere-meters and Multi-meters, each with its own properties:
196 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
and the multi-meter, which is user configurable:
Protection Relays and Relay Functions
This item has been relocated from its previous location and moved to under the
Metering equipment, and changed its functionality to match the new one.
A protection relay is now a configurable device that could perform as a multiple
functions protection device, as found in the industry.
Such devices may range from simple Overcurrent trip relay, that its sole function is to
measure the current flowing at a certain location and trip in case the current exceeds
certain pre-set limit, to a combination of various functions.
The following user may now predefine standard relay functions and use them to
create protection relay functionality, as follows:
This will allow creation of protection relays, using as many relay functions as needed:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 197
Miscellaneous Features
Protection relays can be inserted in the Reference Data Explorer in typical circuits
and applied in Index, as before.
Drag Metering Equipment to the Instrument Index
User may create metering equipment in the Index items as follows:
Converting equipment
Converting equipment components
Battery Banks
Of site power
Disconnect electrical equipment
Transfer switches
A new folder named Metering equipment contains the metering items under each
class of items:
198 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Or by simply dragging them from the Reference Data Explorer:
Metering equipment folders have been added to all the items as per the list above,
except for circuits that will have these items as internals.
The reason for that is since Meters and protection relays can be physically located
separately from the circuits they serve, on the PDB front panel, within the cell, or
When inserted in circuits, metering equipment become circuit internals
in all respects. However, please note the following:
Current and Potential transformers become inline internals, with
regular Sequence in group functionality and will be shown in SLD as
Meters and Protection relays will become circuit internals but will
have the Electrical Index InSld flag set to False and not be shown in
the generated SLD drawing.
The Meters and Protection relays, as they are not shown will have to be inserted
manually, by the user into the generated opened SLD (see bellow)
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 199
Miscellaneous Features
Working with Metering and Protection Relay Symbols in the
The following workflow is recommended for this activity.
1. Create multi connection point symbol
2. Insert symbols in SLD
3. Connect between the items
Create Symbols with Multiple Connection Points
Add connection points to the existing symbols or create new symbols that you want to
insert in the SLD (Protection relays).
We will use the following examples to demonstrate the capabilities:
Protection relay:
IN1= Connection point 1
IN2= Connection point 2
OUT1=Connection point 3
A circuit breaker
The middle connection point is connection point 3
A current transformer and potential transformer
200 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Let us now add them to the project.
1. Add potential and current transformer to a circuit:
2. Generate the SLD and concentrate on the circuit with the transformers:
Insert the Protection Relay Symbol
1. Insert a Symbol From Menu-ÆEdit:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 201
Miscellaneous Features
2. Select the Protection relay with connections:
3. Position it near the transformers:
202 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
4. To turn the connection points, click Edit -> Activate Connection Mode
5. Select a connection point until you see a red circle, click the left mouse button,
then the second, select the red circle and click left mouse button:
6. Connect the output of the relay to the circuit breaker (make sure that the CB has a
3rd connection point). Adjust the dashed lines to suit the positioning restrictions
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 203
Miscellaneous Features
Cable Management System
Automating Cable to Drum Assignment
Let us create 2 drums, one for 4mm2 and second for 35mm2, 3 cores.
At this point in time we shall do an automatic cable to drum assignment
204 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
This procedure can be automated using the following User Interface:
Include assigned cables means that we wish to do a complete revamp in the design
and start the assignment from scratch. This will result in first dissociation of the
assigned cables from the Electrical Index drums.
Create new drums will create new drums in case the operation fills up all existing
drums and still cables are left to be assigned, otherwise, these cables will be left
untouched waiting for new drums to be created manually
Delete empty drums in case the auto assignment shuffles results in empty drums,
they will be deleted
Select all reference cables will handle all the cables of all types in the project,
otherwise, only for the selected type of cable
Select all pulling areas will perform the operation for all pulling areas, otherwise,
only for the selected one.
The algorithm works as follows:
Based on the defined cable set ( all reference cables, include assigned cables), the
system will organize them in an descending actual length order, from the longest
cable down to the shortest, per cable type and per pulling area set, as defined in the
check boxes options.
The system will also set the same order to the existing drums of the same reference
cable, starting from the drum that has the longest free cable available, to the shortest (
free cable on drum would mean the maximum cable on drum figure – total cable
assigned to the drum, including spare).
Then, the system will start, per pulling area and per cable type assigning the longest
cable to the drum which has the longest free spare (provided it doesn’t exceed the
maximum cable on drum figure)
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Miscellaneous Features
Following the selection of set of cables the Wizard will find the cables and sort them:
Note: Cables with no actual length or with no pulling areas cannot be selected and
will not be processed.
If data is missing for a cable do a right-click--ÆCommon Properties to edit the cable
Selecting the cables and clicking the Next command:
206 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Cables have been assigned to corresponding drums, from the longest to the shortest.
The system needs to accommodate and take into account that the actual cable on the
drum must include the spare.
Cable Routing
The cable management supports the following activity:
Creation of a library of reference items for Trays, Conduits and
Miscellaneous cableway components
Assignment of Project segments to reference cableway components
Defining Predefined cable routes
Connectivity of segments in between themselves
Assignment of cables to cableways using the following methods:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 207
Miscellaneous Features
Manual segment to cable assignment
Copying predefined routes to cables
Copying of one cable route to another cable
Batch cable routing using manual, copy route and copy from other
cable route
Segregation level definitions and validations
Tray fill validation using the following basic rules:
Cableway component physical dimensions of width, Depth of tray and
Diameter of conduits against cable physical dimensions and Fill
Weight per length properties of cableway component against total
assigned weight per length of cables and Weight Fill factor.
We will create 3 cableways, with the Electrical Index segments, specify tray types, defines
predefined routes and perform cable routing, as per the following equipment layout:
Step 1 - Create cableways infrastructure
In the Index, select Wiring ÆCableways and create:
Cableway “Blue”, “Pink” and “Violet”
208 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Right-click on the “Blue” cableway to create segments “BL-1” and “BL-2”, as
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Miscellaneous Features
210 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
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The reference component ‘Straight Run Tray’ is selected from the reference library.
You need to create it in the reference data explorer.
In the same way create the entire segments within the 3 cableways:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 211
Miscellaneous Features
Step 2 - Create Predefined Routes
Since we have 4 areas in which equipment is located, let us create 4 predefined
routings, which we shall use later to route the cables to the motors.
This will open the routing definition screen:
212 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Click New to create a new predefined route, R-1, from MCC to Area A (for motors
M-3 and M-4):
Click OK to confirm:
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Miscellaneous Features
Repeat this procedure to create now the other routes, as follows:
R-2, for MCC-1 to Area B
R-3, for MCC-1 to Area C
R-4, for MCC-1 to Area D
214 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
At this stage we should have the 4 predefined routing paths:
Step 3 – Define the Cable Routing
We should have in our project, already available, feeder cables for all the motors, as
For M-1, cable M-1 Feeder
For M-2, cable M-2 Feeder
For M-3, cable M-3 Feeder
For M-4, cable M-4 Feeder
For M-5, cable M-5 Feeder
For M-6, cable M-6 Feeder
For M-7, cable M-7 Feeder
For M-8, cable M-8 Feeder
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 215
Miscellaneous Features
For M-9, cable M-9 Feeder
According to the equipment layout, the cables should be routed as following:
M-1 Feeder
M-2 Feeder
M-3 Feeder
M-4 Feeder
M-5 Feeder
M-6 Feeder
M-7 Feeder
M-8 Feeder
M-9 Feeder
Open the Tabular Editor:
Select “Default cable List” layout
And click OK.
From the open table, select cables M-1 Feeder and M-2 Feeder
216 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Click Actions Æ Cables ÆBatch Cable Routing:
The Batch Cable Routing dialog box opens with the 2 selected cables shown in the
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 217
Miscellaneous Features
Select the Select predefined route radio button and then click Find:
This operation opens the Find dialog box, and allow you to search for a predefined route.
Click Find Now to find all the routes that match the specified segregation level:
Select R-2 and click OK. Observe that the routing data of R-2 has been copied to the
Cable routing grid area:
218 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
The following message is displayed:
To make sure the cables have been routed, let us look at the cable common properties
of M-1 Feeder:
Notice that the cable actual length equals to the route:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 219
Miscellaneous Features
Let us repeat the operation for the rest of the cables, as per the above table:
M-3 Feeder and M-4 Feeder to R-1:
Click OK to route the cables.
M-5 and M-6 to R-3:
220 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
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M-7 Feeder, M-8 Feeder and M-9 Feeder to R-4
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In the Cableways folder, select segment P-1 and right-click Common Properties:
Select the Associated Cables tab and see that all the cables that have been routed via
this segment:
222 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Step 4 - Generate a Segment Fill Report
Let us now generate the segment fill report and see the loading of the segments.
1. In the Electrical Index, select the Cable Ways folder:
2. Click Reports -> Plant Reports.
3. Select the Segment Fill Report:
4. Save the report:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 223
Miscellaneous Features
5. Click Yes to save the output as an Excel file:
The software generates the Excel report and includes the design data with the fill
Cable Routing Validation Rules
The following validations are carried out while performing cable routing:
Segregation level of the cables and route must match.
For segments of uncovered trays the tray fill validation validates that:
The total allowable width (tray width times the fill factor) is greater
than the total accumulated outside diameters of the cables assigned to
the segment.
For all other segments, the basis of the validation is on the allowable
area of the segment is not less than the accumulated cables area.
Modifying cables outside diameter or weight per length of the cable
will be validated against the segment fill
Modifying cableway width, depth, diameter or the tray cover will be
validated against the segment fill. System will reject a property change
that will result in overfill, unless, the “Allow overfill” flag is set.
224 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Step 5 - Copy Route from One Cable to Another
In the Power cables folder, select cable M-1 Feeder and duplicate it:
Rename it to M-1A Feeder, Right-click on the cable and chose Common properties:
Select the Design Tab to perform the cable routing.
In the Segregation level select Power.
Select the Copy route from cable as shown below
Click on the “Find” button and click again on the Find now:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 225
Miscellaneous Features
From the Results grid, select M-1 Feeder and click the OK button to perform the
cable routing.
226 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Save Routing of a Cable as a Predefined Route
Let us make now a change in the cable routing, by adding a segment and select
The Save as New Route.
That opens the Predefined routes dialog allowing you to save it as a new route:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 227
Miscellaneous Features
Introducing NEC Motor Tables Data
Once NEC Tables have been loaded into SPEL users may start using this data.
This functionality allows the user to make use of the NEC Motor look up tables that
are shipped within SPEL reference data.
The tables are as following:
The first 3 tables are provided so to populate the Full Load current property of motor
current values as per the NEC, each with its own keyfields, for example:
The last 2 Tables, 430-151(A) and 151(B) will populate Locked rotor values,
according to the keyfields, including the new motor property called Motor Design
Apply of these FLA and LRC look up tables will be enabled and possible when user
sets the Project Motors to “NEC”, the keyfields are populated and the FLA
calculation mode is on “NEC Tables”.
228 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
In the Electrical Data tab folder:
Defining the Lock rotor current for NEC motors
The LRC currently is managed the Electrical Index the manually, or calculated by
the FLA and the ratio LRC/FLA
On NEC type of motors the LRC will be populated or calculated as per the following:
Setting the LCR Code letter to True and selecting one of the available letters:
According to the shown formula (AC motors only):
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 229
Miscellaneous Features
For single phase motors instead of 1.73, it will be 1.
With the “Indicating code letter” un checked, the system will behave as per the
the a value applied from the NEC Tables ( when all is set to NEC and NEC Tables is
set at the FLA calculation mode
calculated as per its FLA dependency, or manually entered
The following summarizes the behavior of the FLA, LRC and the ratio:
Full load current and locked rotor current
Situations for Calculated mode
1. FLA will be always calculated automatically according to load data.
2. LRC or Ratio will be inserted by the user, the missing value will be
calculated by the software. User must fill in 1 of 2 parameters.
If inserting the LRC the ratio will filled in automatically. If inserting the
ratio the LRC will be calculated automatically.
Situations for Manual mode
1. The user must insert manually 2 of 3 parameters, the third
parameter will be calculated by the software.
If inserting FLA and LRC the ratio will be calculated by application.
If inserting FLA and Ratio the LRC will be calculated by application.
If inserting LRC and ratio the FLA will be calculated by application.
230 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
Situation for NEC tables *
1. FLA will be filled in by apply NEC LUT, LRC will be filled in by
apply NEC LUT, The application will automatically fill in the ratio. All
fields are read only.
2. FLA will be filled in by Apply NEC LUT, LRC will be fill in
automatically by selecting use locked rotor current and selecting
indicating code letter, ratio will be fill in by application. All fields are
read only.
* Must have the NEC LUT imported to the project (plant).
Motor conformity to standard must be set to
The Used locked rotor current indicating code check box and the
indicating code letter select list are enabled only for NEC table entries
(in the override FLA calculation).
Detailed Transformer Neutral Grounding Definitions
The ability to define how the star point of the transformer is connected, what type of
connection the transformer has with respect to its windings.
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 231
Miscellaneous Features
Defining the Neutral to Ground of the Transformer Windings
This is what we want to achieve:
Setting the Neutral grounding to None will disable the Grounding cable and Resistor
data windows.
Setting the Neutral grounding to Solid Grounding, enables to relate the transformer Y
center with a grounding cable.
232 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
To relate a grounding cable you need first to select a free grounding cable and set its
“Neutral grounding” new property to True:
This will allow browsing and Find this cable from the Transformer form
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 233
Miscellaneous Features
Setting the Neutral to Impedance will enable the cable and also the Impedance data
windows, which will now allow us to search for a NER (Neutral Earthing Resistor).
234 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
To associate a resistor, we need to define in a resistor the following data:
Browsing to this resistor in the Transformer Connection and Tapping dialog box:
The next new functionality deals with the definition of transformer tapings. By
selecting the Tapping required check box enables you to enter data:
The total tapping % is the product of the tapping % per step time’s the number of
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 235
Miscellaneous Features
The other new functionality is definition of the secondary winding connection related
to the primary:
The connection group defines the primary, secondary and the phase shift between
them. D represents delta and Y represents star or Y. The number represents the phase
shift in integers, each unit representing 30 degrees. The phase shift in degrees in this
case will be 30x6=180 degrees phase shift.
The “Winding fed from” defines if the phase shift is related to the primary or one of
the secondaries.
Representing the Neutral Grounding of the Transformer in
an SLD
Create a symbol for each of the components you may want to use to include the cable
and resistance, or cable only in the Catalog Manager:
The following transformer new attributes have been added for this purpose:
For the grounding cable:
236 SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide
Miscellaneous Features
For the resistor:
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 237
Document Revision History
Rev. 0. Initial Release of SmartPlant Electrical version Basic
Training Doc. #DELE2-TB-100001A (6/18/02)
Rev. 1 match to release (8/06/02)
Rev. 2 match to release
Rev. 3 match to release (4/14/03)
Rev. 4 structure change and match to release (09/03/03)
Rev. 5 Updates and enhancements to match version 03.00 (August 2004)
Rev.6 Updated for version (September 2005)
SmartPlant Electrical Basic User’s Training Guide 238