Conference - Faculty of Law - Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
Conference - Faculty of Law - Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
THE SOCIETY OF LAW TEACHERS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA Conference 20 Programme 12 10-13 July This programme was sponsored by Juta and Company DAY 1 | Tuesday, 10 July 2012 08:00 - 09:00 Registration (Building 123 00 02) 09:00 - 10:00 Official Opening: Prof Derrick Swartz, Vice - Chancellor: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University 10:00 -10:30 Tea (SLTSA Council Meeting in Moot Court) CRIMINAL & PROCEDURAL LAW BANKING & FINANCE LAW (Prof Vivienne (Prof Deon Erasmus) Lawack-Davids) 11:00 -11:25 11:25-11:50 CUSTOMARY CONSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW LAW (Prof Elmarie (Dr Rosaan Kruger) Knoetze) 123 00 02 35 00 05 35 00 27 35 00 04 Dane Ally Prof Michelle KellyLouw Paul Hoffman Actor Katurura Jacques Mathee The public interest in crime control assessment under the South African exclusionary rule The Hlope Inquiry Should all individuals Papers standing surety for the debts of another have the protection of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005? A comparative analysis of customary law of succession reform legislation in South Africa and Zimbabwe Protection of cultural heritage products to promote cultural tourism in South Africa Kanagie Naidoo Prof Natania Locke Prof G Devenish Prof Laurence Juma Raashi Singh Cutting the apron strings - a comparison between the two manifestations of decolonisation in the South African constitutional experience Chieftaincy succession & gender equality in the Kingdom of Lesotho: Discordant offerings of constitutional customary law “E-defamation”: A new name for an old wrong? Thoughts on the application of the actio iniuriarum in the 21st century Douglas Mailula Zamokuhle Mopai Chauke Prof Dana van der Merwe Recent developments in The impact of courtroom demeanour the regulation of Credit Rating Agencies & non-verbal communication on the verdict Irene Portela Neil Stuart Comte Revisiting the reversal The corruption in Portugal: Self-serving/ of fraudulent electronic credit tranfers: Lombard public serving Insurance Company Ltd v Firstrand Bank Ltd and others. 2011 JDR 1314 (CSJ) (Prof Frans Marx) 123 00 07 (First-time presenter) 11:50-12:15 GENERAL LAW An analysis of the legal framework for national executive intervention in provincial administrations (First-time presenter) Community engaged Cloud computing teaching of customary law & indigenous law as an empowement tool for women and men in rural based universities DAY 1 | Tuesday, 10 July 2012 12:15-12:40 12:40-13:05 BANKING & CRIMINAL & PROCEDURAL LAW FINANCE LAW CONSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW CUSTOMARY LAW GENERAL LAW (Prof Deon Erasmus)) (Prof Vivienne LawackDavids) 123 00 02 123 00 07 (Dr Rosaan Kruger) (Prof Frans Marx) 35 00 05 (Prof Elmarie Knoetze) 35 00 27 Michael Shackleton Bonolo Dinokopila Jan-Louis Serfontein Contemporary challenges to the application of customary law in Botswana What is wrong with unjustified enrichment law in South Africa? Annette van der Merwe Phepisi Senoamadi Sentencing law & practice in southern Africa: a comparative perspective on minimum sentencing legislation and child rape Absa(lutely) lucky: A critical Judicial control of appraisal of Columbus Joint presidential pardons Venture v Absa Bank Ltd (2) SA 491 (W), with specific reference to s21 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2011 Oscar Patrick Matsemela & Hilda Tivana Shaun Kruger Prof Richard Mqeke James Faber The recognition of victim’s interest in parole matters: A South African experience Guaranteeing the political independence of investigative bodies: An analysis of Hugh Glenister v President of the Republic of South Africa and others - CCT48/10 Recognition of Customary Marriages Act in need of urgent review The condonation of formally defective “wills” - an international perspective 13:05-14:05 14:05-14:30 35 00 04 LUNCH Nqobizwe Mvelo Camilla Pickles Ngema Prof Dawie de Villiers Howard Chitimira Siyambonga Heleba Warrantless arrest discretion & the Constitution, 1996 - Can we expect consistency of our police when our judges disagree? An analysis of the general enforcement approaches to combat market abuse The constituational duty to Should lobola be abolished? consult: A critical Which way for evaluation South Africa? Proving the significance of the born-alive rule with reference to the contextual realities of foetal viability DAY 1 | Tuesday, 10 July 2012 CRIMINAL & PROCEDURAL LAW BANKING & FINANCE LAW (Prof Deon Erasmus)) (Prof Vivienne Lawack-Davids) 14:30-14:55 CUSTOMARY LAW GENERAL LAW (Dr Rosaan Kruger) (Prof Elmarie Knoetze) (Prof Frans Marx) CONSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 123 00 07 123 00 02 35 00 05 35 00 27 35 00 04 Prof Charnelle van der Bijl & Dr Nina Mollema Nicholas Matloga Ithumeleng Chidi Contilia Hlamalani Baloyi & Lawrence Segoane Mannye Judy Parker (First-time presenter) (First-time presenter) Examining atrocity crimes and hate crimes from a domestic and international criminal law perspective 14:55-15:20 Tersia Oosthuizen Graffitti as a crime in South Africa Time-barring and prescriptions of pension funds complaints under the South African Pension Funds Act: A critical legal analysis Nationalism of mines in South Africa: A process which will cripple the economy Decline in the registration of customary marriages: Will lobolo be accounted for? Dr Rosaan Kruger The Constitution, the president the advocate and the silk gown 15:20-15:40 TEA 15:40-16:05 Nomthandazo Ntlama The Chief Justice is ready for discharge... tip-toeing back to the office? 16:05-16:30 Helena van Coller Gay clergy: The Court versus the Church. Who should compromise? 16:30-16:55 18:30-18:30 Lexis-Nexis Braai: Pine Lodge (map attached) The Land Tenure Security Bill 2010 compared and contrasted with its predecessors, The Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act 3 of 1996 and The Extensions of Security of Tenure Act 62 of 1997 (Juta) Getting published: A presentation by Juta Law 35 00 22 Bradley Smith A consideration of recent case law pertaining to the institution of the dependent’s action in the context of heterosexual life partnerships Newsflash NEWS FLASH ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION Soft cover • 490 pages Law and Poverty: Perspectives from South Africa and Beyond is a collection of essays by leading South African and international experts, as well as emerging young scholars. The collection focuses on key theoretical and strategic questions concerning the relationship between law and systemic poverty. The essays were first presented at a colloquium on Law and Poverty organised by the Stellenbosch Law Faculty, which took place from 29 to 31 May 2011. The range and richness of the essays illuminate the multifaceted nature and causes of poverty, as well as the possibility and limits of law in responding to the social injustice which poverty represents. By engaging with these questions, the book aims to deepen critical reflection and debate on law’s ability to respond effectively to social and economic marginalisation. CONTENTS • Notes on Contributors • Table of Cases • Introduction - Sandra Liebenberg & Geo Quinot • The Role of the Constitution in the Struggle against Poverty - Pius N Langa • Social Exclusion, Global Poverty, and Scales of (In)Justice: Rethinking Law and Poverty in a Globalizing World - Nancy Fraser • The Legal Construction of Poverty: Gender, “Work” and the “Social Contract” - Lucy A Williams • Not Purpose-made! Transformative Constitutionalism, Postindependence Constitutionalism and the Struggle to Eradicate Poverty - Sanele Sibanda • De-Politicising Poverty: Arendt in South Africa - Emilios Christodoulidis • Representing the Poor: Law, Poverty and Democracy - Henk Botha • Transformative Constitutionalism in a Democratic Developmental State Solange Rosa • The Potential and Limits of an Equal Rights Paradigm in Addressing Poverty - Sandra Fredman • Gendered Transformation in South African Jurisprudence: Poor Women and the Constitutional Court - Catherine Albertyn • Judicial Deference and Democracy in Socio-Economic Rights Cases in South Africa - Danie Brand • Narrowing the Band: Reasonableness Review in Administrative Justice and Socio-Economic Rights Jurisprudence in South Africa - Geo Quinot & Sandra Liebenberg • Taking Poverty Seriously: The South African Constitutional Court and Socio- Economic Rights - Stuart Wilson & Jackie Dugard • An Appraisal of International Law Mechanisms for Litigating Socio-Economic Rights, with a Particular Focus on the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the African Commission and Court - Lilian Chenwi • Liberal Constitutionalism, Property Rights, and the Assault on Poverty - Frank I Michelman • Farm Land and Tenure Security: New Policy and Legislative Developments JM Pienaar & A Kamkuemah • Conceptualising “Meaningful Engagement” as a Deliberative Democratic Partnership - Gustav Muller • Rental Housing as Adequate Housing - Sue-Mari Maass • Constitutional Perspectives on Unemployment Security and a Right to Work in South Africa - Avinash Govindjee & Ockert Dupper • Privatisation of the Commons: Water as a Right; Water as a Commodity Khulekani Moyo • Tensions Between Vernacular Values that Prioritise Basic Needs and State Versions of Customary Law that Contradict Them - Sindiso Mnisi Weeks & Aninka Claassens • Developing the Common Law of Contract in the Light of Poverty and Illiteracy: The Challenge of the Constitution - DM Davis • Concluding Reflections: Legal Activism after Poverty has been Declared Unconstitutional - Karl Klare • Index Juta Customer Services: Tel: +27 21 659 2300, Fax +27 21 659 2360, Email:; Juta and Company Ltd, 1st Floor, Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7708, Cape Town, South Africa; PO Box 14373, Lansdowne 7779; Docex Number DX 326 Cape Town REG. NO. 1919/001812/06 VAT REG. NO. 4520113319 DAY 2 | Wednesday, 11 July 2012 08:00-09:00 SLTSA Annual General Meeting LABOUR LAW INTERNATIONAL LAW CRIMINAL & PROCEDURAL LAW CONSUMER PROTECTION COMPETITION & INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW LEGAL PHILOSOPHY (Prof Deon Erasmus) (Prof Mark Tait) (Prof Coenraad Visser) (Gary Richards) (Prof Adriaan van der Walt) 123 00 07 123 00 05 35 00 27 35 00 22 35 00 40 35 00 04 Prof Philip Iya Mbuzeni Mathenjwa Olivia Lwabukuna The effects of the Walmart/Massmart merger on South African Competition Law and economy Enhancing the Development of African Jurisprudence: What Specific roles for universities in Southern Africa? A critique of the law regarding the employment of municipal managers and managers directly accountable to the municipal manager Migration, refuge and settlement policies in South Africa: law, society & service delivery Pieter Brits Ogana Samson Mlungisi Tenza 09:00-09:25 Prof Shannon Hoctor Adv Dumisani Prof David McQuoid-Mason Nxumalo The ambit of the Hospital exclusion crime of robbery clauses limiting liability for medical malpractice: What is the effect of the Consumer Protection Act? 09:25-09:50 Lourens Grove Hanri du Plessis (First-time presenter) Substituted service revisiting the old and exploring the new The unilateral determination of price in contracts of sale governed by the Consumer Protection Act Intellectual Property A jurisprudential in the virtual world reflection on the Customary Adjudicatory System in Africa: A case study of AFO of Nasarawa State in North Central Nigeria The employee’s right to privacy and employer’s corresponding “prerogative” to monitor and intercept e-mails in the workplace: constitutional or unconstitutional? Or unconstitutional or justiciable (Prof Patrick Vrancken) Dr Babatun de Fagbayibo Enhancing Africa’s relevance in the changing dynamics of global power: An international law perspective DAY 2 | Wednesday, 11 July 2012 CRIMINAL & CONSUMER PROCEDURAL PROTECTION LAW COMPETITION & INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW LEGAL PHILOSOPHY LABOUR LAW (Prof Deon Erasmus) (Prof Mark Tait) (Prof Coenraad Visser) (Gary Richards) (Prof Adriaan van der Walt) 123 00 07 123 00 05 35 00 27 35 00 22 Ray de Villiers Prof Wim Alberts Yvonne Oyieke Adv Kate Malepe Protecting the international consumer limiting party autonomy Comparative advertising post the Verimark case Investigating the gap between laws’ promise and rural women’s lived reality: a call for consciousness through narratives 09:50-10:15 Rene Koraan The Child Justice Act after two years in the making: challenges & successions pertaining to the preliminary enquiry 10:15-10:35 35 00 04 INTERNATIONAL LAW (Prof Patrick Vrancken) 35 00 04 Khaled Qasaymeh & Porsche Makama The role of labour broking in South Africa labour relations. Or does labour broking create jobs or cause job losses? The power of the ICC in the context of the inherited immunity of the head of state TEA 10:35-10:50 Prof Stephen Terblanche Sentencing young offenders in the 21st century 10:50-11:15 Dr Desan Iyer Precious Ndlovu Adv Joel Baloyi Dial Ndima Marius van Staden Juha Tuovinen Product liability and section 61 of the Consumer Protection Act new dawn for the consumer in South Africa? Laws that do not work: A consideration of certain problematic provisions of the Copyright Act 98 of 1978 (as amended) in relation to “Public Play” rights The values underpinning African Jurisprudence The impact of international labour standards upon the South African understanding of social justice The role of international law in constitutional adjudication Prof Sieg Eiselen Prof Philip Iya Lizelle le Roux Jeanne-Marie Retief Shifren The semiotics under fire of non-verbal communications in the legal arena Human rights: Building regional capacities to manage Have we lost Intellectual Property, the dream? use of genetic resources and indigenous knowledge in the South African Development Community (SADC) region: Review of policy and legal strategies with an agenda for legal education Paper v practice examining the scope and limit of section 206 of Labour Relations Act in providing a remedy for a non-party to an extended collective agreement (First-time presenter) Prof Engela Schlemmer The functional immunity of international organisations DAY 2 | Wednesday, 11 July 2012 LABOUR LAW INTERNATIONAL LAW (Gary Richards) (Prof Adriaan van der Walt) (Prof Patrick Vrancken) 35 00 22 35 00 40 35 00 04 Puseletso Thejane Tanya Wagenaar Prof Graham Glover (First-time presenter) The doctrine of quasi- Performers’ rights: mutual assent - has it It’s just a matter become the general of time rule for the formation of contracts? The case of Pillary v Shaik An unprecedented “precedent”? The mathematical and logical impossibility of Phodoclinics (Pty) Ltd v Pinehaven Private Hospital (Pty) Ltd CRIMINAL & PROCEDURAL LAW CONSUMER PROTECTION COMPETITION & LEGAL INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY PROPERTY LAW (Prof Deon Erasmus) (Prof Mark Tait) (Prof Coenraad Visser) 123 00 07 123 00 05 35 00 27 11:15-11:40 Dr Benedicta Daudu Alternative to judicial proceedings for children in Africa: A desideratum of the 21st Century (First-time presenter) Effective access to justice for consumers: An analysis of the enforcement mechanisms of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 Adv Radley Henrico 12:05-12:30 Rapelang Ramosa Religious discrimination in the South African workplace: a democratic jostling of rights Stirring up the calmed legal waters of common-purpose jurisprudence: S v Mzwempi 2011 (2) SACR 237 (ECM) 12:30-13:30 Parental and paternity leave: A necessity in South Africa or perhaps even a right The predicament of African regional courts: Lessons from the SADC tribunal Dr Debbie Collier Dr Amos Saurombe Criminal sanctions in employment law: GATS mode lV: Matching the free a critique of the proposal to increase global movement reliance on criminal of people to the free sanctions to secure movement of capital across borders compliance 11:40-12:05 Stephen Monye Marelize Snyman Forensic evidence in South Africa: Where lies the truth? Lessons to learn Elsabe Huysamen Phazha Ngandwe LUNCH DAY 2 | Wednesday, 11 July 2012 LABOUR LAW CONSUMER COMPETITION & LEGAL CRIMINAL & PROCEDURAL LAW PROTECTION INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY PROPERTY LAW (Prof Coenraad (Gary Richards) (Prof Adriaan (Prof Deon Erasmus) (Prof Mark van der Walt) Visser) Tait) 123 00 07 123 00 05 35 00 27 35 00 22 35 00 40 INTERNATIONAL LAW (Prof Patrick Vrancken) 35 00 04 Nanoga Malatsi 13:30-13:55 Dumile Baqwa The right to procedural fairness with specific reference to member of the Defence Force: Lessons from the SANDU case The legality of the crime of intimidation as it is defined in section 1(1)(b) Thanduxolo Qotoyi 13:55-14:20 Dumile Baqwa Is an acting allowance a benefit? That is the question. The fire is still burning: The debate on the criminalisation of dagga continues 14:20-14:45 Ken Obura Non-conviction based confiscation: An effect or oppressive tool against corruption? 14:45-15:10 Jentley Lenong (First-time presenter) Quantifying human suffering: A critical look at South Africa’s compensation model under the Proposal Bill on trafficking in persons 15:10-15:30 TEA 18:00-18:30 Juta’s Gala Dinner: Radisson Blu HOTEL Guest Speaker: Lex Mapti - Judge President of the Supreme Court of Appeal DAY 3 | Thursday, 12 July 2012 LEGAL EDUCATION (Mrs Coetzee) 35 00 05 INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW (Prof Julia Sloth- (Prof Laurence Juma) Nielsen) FAMILY LAW 35 00 22 35 00 27 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW CLINICAL LEGAL SOCIAL SECURITY EDUCATION LAW (Dr Gustav Muller) (Prof David McQuoid-Mason) 123 00 02 123 00 07 (Prof Adriaan van der Walt) 35 00 18 Human Rights Law and Housing Patrick Oscar Matsemela & Boitumelo Mmusinyane Adv Lufuno Nevondwe Comments on the Resolutions of the 31st Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement on Current IHL priorities for further developments Maintaining RDP houses: A legal challenge and quagmire for Government? The recent development with regard to the social security & retirement reforms Marie-Eve Nkongolo Dr Gustav Muller Dewald Janse van Rensburg Violence against women in armed conflicts: A scourge in Africa: A critical view of the protocol to the ACHPR of women in Africa Developing the law of evictions and the common law of joinder Can financial assistance for serious injury assessment in terms of Regulation 3(2) (b) f the Road Accident Fund Amendment Act of 2005 be extended to include medicallegal reports? And does submission of a request in terms of Regulation 3(2) (n) halt prescription? Prof Garth Prof Caroline 08:00-08:25 Prof David Abraham McQuiod-Mason Nicholson & Andrea Bauling Using Franz Kafka’s The Trial to teach law students due process rights Surrogate motherhood agreements & their confirmation: A new challenge for practitioners Marita 08:25-08:50 Desia Colgan, Carnelley Prof Wesahi Domingo & Helen Papacostantis The new LLB Degree through the eyes of a 1st year Misattributed paternity New from Juta Law student Student Titles BOOKS ECOND DITION IN SOUTH AFRICA C Hoexter ISBN: 978-0-7021-9427-6 Soft cover 694 pages PRICE: R550 Published January 2012 50mm ■ ■ S E C O N D E D I T I O N Contemporary Company Law is written with a view to providing guidance to legal practitioners and accounting practitioners, law students and commerce students at all levels (both undergraduate and postgraduate), legal advisors, company secretaries and company directors. The standard of the writing is excellent. The work adopts an engaging, discursive style that looks beneath the dry text of legislation and the bare principles of common law to unearth and debate the concepts and philosophical bases of company law, and to explain how this complex area of law endeavours to balance the competing and often conflicting interests of the many stakeholders in a modern company. Prof RC Williams, University of KwaZulu-Natal ed itio n First published in 2007, this title takes full CORA HOEXTER account of South African administrative law with the emphasis on judicial review of administrative action. The second edition has been thoroughly updated to the end of November 2011, and considers approximately three hundred new cases. All the dominant company law topics are discussed in this work. In addition, insider trading and market manipulation receive detailed treatment even though they do not strictly form part of core company law. Common-law precepts and principles which have been preserved by the new Act are also discussed wherever relevant. Comparative foreign law is taken into account as well. se co nd CORA HOEXTER ■ The substantial length of Contemporary Company Law allows for all aspects of the new Companies Act 71 of 2008 and the common law to be examined in detail. The authors also discuss other relevant legislation, as well as the proposed amendments to the Companies Act of 2008, as they appear in the Companies Amendment Bill of 2010. FHI Cassim • MF Cassim • R Cassim • R Jooste • J Shev • J Yeats ■ The Companies Act 71 of 2008 is an exciting and challenging but also a complex piece of legislation. It is the outcome of many years of discussion, debate and consultation. The Act introduces a large number of new legal concepts, underlying philosophies and rules that a wide range of persons – from legal practitioners, legal advisors and ■ practitioners to company directors and company secretaries – may find accounting perplexing, and they will no doubt need guidance and direction. Contemporary Company Law is intended to fulfil this need. Contemporary Company Law ADMINISTRATIVE LAW IN SOUTH AFRICA Administrative Law in South Africa 2e ADMINISTRATIVE LAW seco nd e d ition Contemporary Company Law Farouk HI Cassim (managing editor) Maleka Femida Cassim Rehana Cassim Richard Jooste Joanne Shev Jacqueline Yeats Contemporary Company Law 2e FHI Cassim (managing editor) et al ISBN: 978-0-7021-8565-6 Soft cover 1204 pages PRICE: R645 Published February 2012 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The second edition of this book examines all aspects of the new Companies Act 71 of 2008, as amended, the Companies Regulations, 2011, and the common law. All dominant company law topics are discussed, as are common-law precepts and principles preserved by the new Act. Comparative foreign law is also taken into account. 35.6mm Constitutional Property Law Constitutional Property Law t h i r d e d i t i o n A J v a n d e r Wa l t Constitutional Property Law 3e JUTA’S PROPERTY LAW LIBRARY AJ vA n de r WA lt AJ van der Walt ISBN: 978-0-7021-9419-1 Soft cover 682 pages PRICE: R595 Published October 2011 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Part of the Juta’s Property Law Library series, this new edition offers a comprehensive and authoritative discussion of all aspects of property law in South Africa. The third edition reflects recent developments in case law and literature, and expands extensively on the new comparative sections which include asset forfeiture, constructive expropriation and the public-purpose requirement for expropriation. J u tA’ s P r o P e r t y l A W l i b r A r y Contract: G Kontraktere Beginsels 4 T KONTRAKTEREG RAC Algemene Beginsels CONTPrincip les l Genera R VAN DE MERW E N YSSTEE VAN HU KE REINEC LUBBE SW van der Me MFB Reinecke, ISBN: 978-0-7 ISBN: 978-0-7 Soft cover 640 pages PRICE – Eng Available Jun VAN DER MERWE ■ VAN HUYSSTEEN REINECKE ■ LUBBE ■ ■ ■ Fourth Edition ■ Vierde Uitgawe Contract: Gene Kontraktereg: Algemene Beginsels de of the Consumer Protection Act and cont path that should be taken in the develop in accordance with Constitutional norms The strength of this book is the collective authors of common law principles and th The law is explained in terms that are eas 33.4mm fourth dition f o u r t h J ohn DugarD e d i t i o n International Law A South African Perspective A South African Perspective International Law International Law: A South African Perspective 4e Law of Damag Skadevergoedi J Dugard ISBN: 978-0-7021-8646-2 Soft cover 640 pages PRICE: R495 Published December 2011 ■ JM Potgieter, L Stey ISBN: 978-0-7021ISBN: 978-0-7021Soft cover 724 pages PRICE – Eng / Afr Published Februa ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The fourth edition Joh n D u g arD provides an introduction to international law that takes account of international and South African sources. The new edition takes account of developments in international law since 2006, when the last edition was published. ■ ■ The third edition de affecting the law of examines importan academic contribut most fields of the law of damages in b 18.61 mm Mineral Law Mineral Law Pr i nciples and Polic ies in Per sp ec t ive Mineral Law: Principles and Policies in Perspective H Mostert ISBN: 978-0-7021-8590-8 Soft cover 192 pages PRICE: R485 Published May 2012 ■ H a n r i M o s t e r t ■ ■ ■ Hanri Mostert ■ This book provides a unique view of the origins, roles and functions of current legislation on mineral resources. Private Internatio C Forsyth ISBN: 978-0-7021-942 Soft cover 554 pages PRICE: R645 Published April 2012 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ This book has become African work on privat new edition takes acco ground-breaking judg suggests how the law TIENDE UITGAWE Criminal Procedure Handbook 10e Strafprosesreg Handboek 10u NT H General Principles 4e Strafprosesreg re eduStrafprosesreg reg: Algemene al Proc Crimin 4u dure REDAKTEUR JOUBERT E K OR EDIT ERT J O U Bboek ´n waardevolle hulpmiddel Studente sal vind dat hierdie O K A O O B D N H B A Strafprosesreg D by hul studie van die Strafprosesreg is. In hierdie boek H word lesers bekend gestel aan die fundamentele beginsels en waardes onderliggend aan hierdie terrein van die reg en word hulle stelselmagtig gelei deur die proses wat tydens strafverhore gevolg word. al Crimin e erwe, LF Vanm Huyssteen, al Proc Cri in , GF Lubbe 7021-8628-8 (Eng) 7021-8629-5 (Afr) n H K O boete reg A N D misdaad B O E K begenadiging appèl misdaad trate magis misdaad O redelike gronde B verhoor D visentering ON N s ion esntat irnrese fa legal rep ED ITI voorbrenging A sentation legal repre jurisdiction TE H eals with new legislation f damages. It also nt judgments and tions since 2003 relating to both delict and contract. onal Law 5e 22-1 2 e the standard South te international law. The ount of developments and gments affecting the law, and may develop in the future. The South African Law of Unjustified Enrichment r: R595 ary 2012 boete billikheid bail regsverteenwoordiging ds groun able reason ation interrog misdaad klagstaat nt warra uitspraak forfeiture aanklaer justi fine ce du Plessis itable jurispperspective on a central theme in South Africa’s developing constitutional law, but also bring into view emerging answers to f of some of a suitable ju ction risencdi e jusent sal re Ththe great jurisprudential traditions of both the West and Africa, and has been assigned such a crucial transformational role that it has been at the forefront of attempts to connect law to the pursuit of emancipation. Justice Ackermann has played a leading role in the development of a suitable jurisprudence. In focusing specifically on the relationship between dignity and freedom in the post-apartheid legal order, the essnst the limits of some of a suitable jurispperspective on a central theme in South Africa’s developing constitutional law, but also bring into view emerging answers to life renmst ar ent for impriso retion jurisdic bail recu sheet ure charge forfeit offender juvenile right disc w ence sentmati c revie auto rial model accusato t rightion ure forfeit nt warra justice appeal ds able groun reason K ynberg, TB Floyd -9413-9 (Eng) -9412-2 (Afr) K O e in-depth knowledge of the he underlying philosophy. sily understood. ges 3e ingsreg 3e crime ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ While aimed at students, Joubert’s Criminal Procedure Handbook and Strafprosesreg Handboek are also increasingly relied on by legal practitioners as a first port of call. The revised and updated tenth editions of these books introduce readers to the fundamental principles and values underlying this area of the law, systematically guiding them through the rules of procedure that apply in criminal cases. The new editions also include a useful list of references to the Child Justice Act. dd 1 This volume pays trrudence. In focusing specifically on the relationship between dignity and fris volume pays tribute to the constitutional jurisprudence of Justice Laurie Ackermann, now retired from the th Africa. The South African Constitution pushes against the limitsusing specifically on the relationship between dignity and freedom in the post-apartheid legal order, the essnst the limits of some of a surispperspective on a central theme in South Africa’s developing constitutional law, but also bring into view emerging answers to fundamental jurisprudential questions of growing international prominence. ontslag 1/25/12 12:17 PM 10e The South African Law of Unjustified Enrichment y legalit E O Cover seizu 1/12/1 Strafprosesreg Cover 10e UV.indd 3 rosesreg landdros re AM 2 8:22 eral Principles and eal very usefully with aspects tinues the debate about the pment of the law of contract s. Strafp O B u Proced D t verdic on del l mioo n atorjuia risdict accus ons summn tio prosecu B N gation interro arraignment tion tion jurisdic D A g / Afr: R630 ne 2012 (Eng), July 2012 (Afr) N N H senta tioation free pard n Professor met y recusal ecl examin legal repreentr study J P Swanepoel (voormalige staatsadvokaat H A discretio prottpre-tria tion special their n interroga ds nce S vic aanklaer vonnis regsverteenwoordiging e in uitgebreide ondervinding van strafverhore), Professor S tim defeed n of guil the discretio reasonableedgroun tion accus admissio invaluabl readers to chaticjurisdicreview arautom reg lasbrief appeal accus warrant billikheid n geregtigheid plea book Terblanche (voorheen ´n landdros) is beide verbonde aanwarrant sedon ed ce ces accus field of discretio aanklaer parment for life justi find this It introdu ing this die Department Straf- en Prosesreg aan die Universiteit vanfree w s of ts will imprison legaliteit ure. geregtigheid underly c revie ds Studen the rule misdaad boete Proced and values able groun automati l van reason right trialid ed through Suid-Afrika. Professor J J Joubert is ´n afgetrede minal warrant les accus warrant n ally cip of Cri atic nment discretio die Departement Straf- en Prosesreg aan die Universiteit arraig ental prin m system entryn the special fundam l cases. examinatio ina ial des ning sal h pre-tr gui van te Suid-Afrika. Dr T Geldenhuys is ´n hooggeplaaste crim wit tion recu questio ed jurisdic r misdaadslagoffer oca on law and that apply in accus uto ds sec te advlid vanatio free pard n n),Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens. 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Profes Terbla sor S ica min • l par fes Afr Cri Pro uth nt of anepoe the De of So t • Sw partme ers of Africa. iversity the De memb • Jouber South nhuys the Un mber of iversity of South Gelde red me Law at Un er of the t is a reti Law of the memb rwe is Jouber l anking der Me ch cedura E van a high-r llenbos U I T G A W E and Pro sor S uys is O TN I E N D E y of Ste ldenh Profes I T I Universit Dr T Ge lice Service. the E D Po ic. Law at H African this top Public N T R E D A K T E U R : J O U B E R T sor in ively on T E E R T extens a profes O U B written R : J O and has T E D I JJ Joubert (Editor), PM Bekker, T Geldenhuys, JP Swanepoel, SS Terblanche, SE van der Merwe ISBN: 978-0-7021-9424-5 (Eng) ISBN: 978-0-7021-9425-2 (Afr) Soft cover 520 pages (Eng) 544 pages (Afr) PRICE – Eng / Afr: R490 Published December 2011 South African Law of Unjustified Enrichment, The J du Plessis ISBN: 978-0-7021-9474-0 Soft cover 480 pages PRICE: R550 Published April 2012 The South African Law of Unjustified Enrichment ■ ■ ■ JACQues du Plessis ■ ■ This book provides a comprehensive, systematic exposition of the principles of the South African law of unjustified enrichment, taking into account modern local and foreign scholarship. It sets out the requirements for enrichment liability, differentiates between the main types of situations in which such liability arises, and indicates how enrichment claims are quantified, and when they terminate. South African Criminal Law and Procedure Volume I: General Principles of Criminal Law 4e J Burchell ISBN: 978-0-7021-8611-0 (Hard) ISBN: 978-0-7021-8612-7 (Soft) Soft cover; Hard cover 658 pages PRICE - Soft cover: R665; Hard cover: R765 Published October 2011 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ This volume, which covers the general principles of South African criminal law, has been updated to December 2010. The book also provides a comprehensive audit of the first 15 years of Constitutional Court jurisprudence on criminal law. Newsflash NeWS FLASH 19 mm fifth edition 422 pages • Soft cover diamond Law L Uys & L MiddLet oenand Poli c y i n Contex t Chang e, Trad diamond Law Ch an ge, Trade a nd Poli c y i n Contex t P o r t i a f n d L o v u Diamond Law Portia f ndLovu Change , Trade and Policy in Context Por tia F Ndlovu CONTENTS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Abbreviations Definitions Table of Statutes & Cases Further sources The South African Economy and Early Diamond Law Modern Diamond Mining and Trade Law The Diamonds Act and Blood Diamonds Diamond Sales and the Regulated Industry De Beers and Humane Diamond Law Conflict of Laws and the Diamond Trade Documentary Credit and Diamond Sales Transportation of Diamonds and Underwriting Activities The Diamond Trade and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods, 1980 International Agency Law and the Diamond Industry Insolvency and International Diamond Trade Anti-Corruption Laws and Diamond Trade Trade Unions, ITAC, SACU, DTI and the Diamond Industry The Future of the Diamond Trade Appendices o Appendix A: KPCS Certificate o Appendix B: Invoice with a System of Warranties Statement o Appendix C: UNGA Resolution 55/56 o Appendix D: UNGA Resolution 56/263 o Appendix E: Mining Licence ML 3/2003 Index aBOUT THiS PUBLiCaTiON: Diamond Law: Change, Trade and Policy in Context provides commentary and guidance on the state of the law relating to diamonds. It is useful from both an historical and economic perspective and provides excellent reference to important case law. This book also deals with the actual business of diamond trade, specifically looking at aspects of international commerce such as sales and all ancillary aspects of such commercial activity within the diamond trade law. Diamond Law: Change, Trade and Policy in Context considers how the economic history of South Africa has affected the development of laws regulating diamond trade and also looks at constitutional aspects of the South African diamond trade. While historical injustices and moves towards humaneness and sustainability are borne in mind, helpful emphasis is placed on the commercial legal history and economic considerations that have influenced the development of diamond law as applicable today. Juta Customer Services: Tel: +27 21 659 2300, Fax +27 21 659 2360, email:; Juta and Company Ltd, 1st Floor, Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7708, Cape Town, South Africa; PO Box 14373, Lansdowne 7779; Docex Number DX 326 Cape Town REG. NO. 1919/001812/06 VAT REG. NO. 4520113319 DAY 3 | Thursday, 12 July 2012 LEGAL EDUCATION FAMILY LAW INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW (Mrs Coetzee) (Prof Julia Sloth- (Prof Laurence Nielsen) Juma) HUMAN RIGHTS LAW CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION SOCIAL SECURITY LAW (Dr Gustav Muller) (Prof David McQuoid-Mason) (Prof Adriaan van der Walt) 35 00 05 123 00 07 123 00 02 35 00 18 35 00 22 35 00 27 Human Rights Law and Women 08:50-09:15 Patricia McKeller & Dr Steven Warburton Flexible learning in law: eReaders & eContent 09:15-09:40 Heidi Schoeman The challenge for the law academe: Remaining relevant in a changing world Ashraf Booley Marelie Maritz Deborah Dippenaar Prof Pierre de Vos Gugulethu Nkosi Islam’s position on polygamy: Can South Africa learn from other African jurisdictions? Piracy? Armed attacks against ships on the West coast of Africa 40th Anniversary of the Commonwealth Legal Education Association 08:00 -10:00 The protection of human rights of women trapped in domestic violence in South Africa Alleviating child poverty in South Africa: Social assistance beyond the monetary approach Patricia Erasmus Prof Letetia Ann Strode Dr Nombulelo Lubisi The best interests of the child: Unsupervised contact with a parent who is an accused person in a pending sexual abuse case “I feel like half a woman all the time”: A qualitative study of HIV positive women’s experiences of coerced and forced sterilisation in South Africa General comment no 19: The right to social security: A commentary (First-time presenter) van der Poll Sexual violence in armed conflict: Why both sex and genger (ought to) matter Human Rights Law and Education 09:40-10:05 Ramaccio Lizelle Hungwe Servious The paradox of the Enhancing the Civil Union Act 17 protection of of 2006 refugees: An analysis of article 33 of the United Nations Convention on the status of refugees 10:05-10:30 Chiedza Simbo Section 29(2)(A) and the Juma case: An unqualified human right and a minimum score card Prof Shaheda Mahomed & Meetali Jain Clinical Legal Education in 21st Century South Africa Arthur van Coller Franaaz Khan & Clydenia Stevens Lunga Siyo Direct participation and asymmetric armed conflict in urban environments The stomach issue: Compulsory Developing a human rights commuity service for education approach to Law graduates the problem of learner pregnancies in South African schools: A response to Welkom High School case Clarence Tshoose The interpretation & scope of the constitutional right of access to social security in South Africa Newsflash NEWS FLASH ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION Soft cover • 490 pages Law and Poverty: Perspectives from South Africa and Beyond is a collection of essays by leading South African and international experts, as well as emerging young scholars. The collection focuses on key theoretical and strategic questions concerning the relationship between law and systemic poverty. The essays were first presented at a colloquium on Law and Poverty organised by the Stellenbosch Law Faculty, which took place from 29 to 31 May 2011. The range and richness of the essays illuminate the multifaceted nature and causes of poverty, as well as the possibility and limits of law in responding to the social injustice which poverty represents. By engaging with these questions, the book aims to deepen critical reflection and debate on law’s ability to respond effectively to social and economic marginalisation. CONTENTS • Notes on Contributors • Table of Cases • Introduction - Sandra Liebenberg & Geo Quinot • The Role of the Constitution in the Struggle against Poverty - Pius N Langa • Social Exclusion, Global Poverty, and Scales of (In)Justice: Rethinking Law and Poverty in a Globalizing World - Nancy Fraser • The Legal Construction of Poverty: Gender, “Work” and the “Social Contract” - Lucy A Williams • Not Purpose-made! Transformative Constitutionalism, Postindependence Constitutionalism and the Struggle to Eradicate Poverty - Sanele Sibanda • De-Politicising Poverty: Arendt in South Africa - Emilios Christodoulidis • Representing the Poor: Law, Poverty and Democracy - Henk Botha • Transformative Constitutionalism in a Democratic Developmental State Solange Rosa • The Potential and Limits of an Equal Rights Paradigm in Addressing Poverty - Sandra Fredman • Gendered Transformation in South African Jurisprudence: Poor Women and the Constitutional Court - Catherine Albertyn • Judicial Deference and Democracy in Socio-Economic Rights Cases in South Africa - Danie Brand • Narrowing the Band: Reasonableness Review in Administrative Justice and Socio-Economic Rights Jurisprudence in South Africa - Geo Quinot & Sandra Liebenberg • Taking Poverty Seriously: The South African Constitutional Court and Socio- Economic Rights - Stuart Wilson & Jackie Dugard • An Appraisal of International Law Mechanisms for Litigating Socio-Economic Rights, with a Particular Focus on the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the African Commission and Court - Lilian Chenwi • Liberal Constitutionalism, Property Rights, and the Assault on Poverty - Frank I Michelman • Farm Land and Tenure Security: New Policy and Legislative Developments JM Pienaar & A Kamkuemah • Conceptualising “Meaningful Engagement” as a Deliberative Democratic Partnership - Gustav Muller • Rental Housing as Adequate Housing - Sue-Mari Maass • Constitutional Perspectives on Unemployment Security and a Right to Work in South Africa - Avinash Govindjee & Ockert Dupper • Privatisation of the Commons: Water as a Right; Water as a Commodity Khulekani Moyo • Tensions Between Vernacular Values that Prioritise Basic Needs and State Versions of Customary Law that Contradict Them - Sindiso Mnisi Weeks & Aninka Claassens • Developing the Common Law of Contract in the Light of Poverty and Illiteracy: The Challenge of the Constitution - DM Davis • Concluding Reflections: Legal Activism after Poverty has been Declared Unconstitutional - Karl Klare • Index Juta Customer Services: Tel: +27 21 659 2300, Fax +27 21 659 2360, Email:; Juta and Company Ltd, 1st Floor, Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7708, Cape Town, South Africa; PO Box 14373, Lansdowne 7779; Docex Number DX 326 Cape Town REG. NO. 1919/001812/06 VAT REG. NO. 4520113319 DAY 3 | Thursday, 12 July 2012 LEGAL EDUCATION (Mrs Coetzee) 35 00 05 INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW (Prof Laurence (Prof Julia Sloth-Nielsen) Juma) FAMILY LAW 35 00 22 35 00 27 10:30-10:50 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW CLINICAL LEGAL SOCIAL SECURITY EDUCATION LAW (Dr Gustav Muller) (Prof David McQuoid-Mason) (Prof Adriaan van der Walt) 123 00 07 123 00 02 35 00 18 Prof Zingisile Ntozintle Jobodwana Climate change regulation in South Africa: Introducing a carbon tax regime TEA Human Rights Law and Disability 10:50-11:15 Doey Mothilall The personal liability of directors for trading in insolvent circumstances, a South African perspective 11:15-11:40 Aubrey Sibanda Ethics in South Africa corporate governance 11:40-12:05 Carika Keulder Pay now, argue later - achieving a balance between SARS and the taxpayer 12:05-12:30 Afton Titus (First-time presenter) Section 24(h)(2) of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962: Does South African law need this deeming provision? Soretha Venter Juanita Easthorpe Clydenia Stevens & Lee Stone Isolde de Villiers The unlawful Execution of recruitment of maintenance child soldiers orders: Is the maintenance process failing the “child on the street”? Unpacking the right to education as a socio-economic right, with particular focus on disabled persons in South Africa: An international and comparative analysis Street law & the law of the street: Revisiting communityorientated courses & the idea of access to justice Yvette Wiid Leah Ndimurwimo (First-time presenter) Prof Jobst Bodenstein Prof Warren Freedman Human rights & internally displaced persons (IDP’s): Burundi as a case study South African legislation and disability: What we can learn from other African countries South African Law Clinics in 2012: Mavericks, mongrols or the like? Conservation of natural resources and the South African Public Trust doctrine Dr Serges Alain Djoyou Kamga Promoting the right to health care services for persons with disabilities who are HIV positive in Malawi: Incorporting disability into HIV programming Tshepang Monare Legal aid in a constitutional democracy, a sunrise for scarce resources Mzukisi Njotini From industrialisation to informatisation: the role of modern technologies to control South Africa’s environmental consternations Newsflash NeWS FLASH NeW 2nd edition CONTeNTS • Preface • Law reports cited with mode of citation • Principal authorities cited with mode of citation • Table of statutes • Table of rules • Table of cases • International conventions cited • Reports cited • Historical outline • Admiralty jurisdiction • The law applicable to the matters in respect of which admiralty jurisdiction exists • The action in rem • Security arrests • The action in personam • Description of parties, representation and locus standi • Miscellaneous statutory powers and excessive claims and proceedings brought without reasonable and probable cause • Maritime liens • Judicial sales, the creation of a fund and its distribution and the ranking of claims • Appendices • Index This work is a comprehensive discussion of the law of admiralty jurisdiction in South Africa. There are extensive references to case law, which is critically analysed. Reference is frequently made to the law in comparative jurisdictions. The second edition provides greater coverage in general than the first edition, and updates the law as at the end of November 2011. Juta Customer Services: Tel: +27 21 659 2300, Fax +27 21 659 2360, email:; Juta and Company Ltd, 1st Floor, Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7708, Cape Town, South Africa; PO Box 14373, Lansdowne 7779; Docex Number DX 326 Cape Town REG. NO. 1919/001812/06 VAT REG. NO. 4520113319 DAY 3 | Thursday, 12 July 2012 FAMILY LAW (Mrs Lindi Coetzee & Ms S Mzenze) (Prof Laurence (Prof Julia Sloth-Nielsen) Juma) 35 00 05 35 00 22 12:30-13:30 35 00 27 (Dr Gustav Muller) 123 00 07 Fixing Humpty Dumpty - past, present and future efforts to make the NCA work 13:55-14:20 Liezel Classen (First-time presenter) To leave or not to leave? “Exit tax” is the question Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service v Tradehold Ltd (132/11) [2012] ZASCA 61(8 May 2012) (Prof Michael Kidd) 35 00 18 Morota Bernard (First-time presenter) Reaction to early warning of gross human rights violations: Preventative obligations imposed upon the international community Culture or Coal? A legal analysis of the Mapungubwe heritage Dr Jose Miguel Cabrales Lucio Prof Michael Kidd The principal of interpretation of laws in conformity with the Constitution and human rights: A European and Latin-American perspective. Is there something to show for African States? Compulsory licensing under the National Water Act: The Tosca-Molapo case study Adv Tsietsi Ramatsekisa Aubrey Sibanda Zimbabwe at legal crossroads: Restorative or retributive justice or human rights violations? 15:10-15:30 (Prof David McQuoidMason) 123 00 02 Adv Mispa Roux Commentary on the Protection of information Bill of 2012: “The Secrecy Bill” in South Africa 14:45-15:10 ENVIRONMENTAL CLINICAL LAW LEGAL EDUCATION LUNCH 13:30-13:55 Charlotte van Sittert 14:20-14:45 INTERNATIONAL HUMAN HUMANITARIAN RIGHTS LAW LAW GENERAL COMMERCE AND TAX TEA Newsflash neWS FLASH M Y CM MY CY CMY K Soft Cover • ISBN 978-0-7021-8617-2 • 166 pages C COntentS: • Preface - Frank Diedrich • Ubuntu as a legal principle in an ever changing world Yvonne Mokgoro • Ubuntu: An African equity Tom Bennett • Ubuntu: Ethnophilosophy and core constitutional value(s) - Ilze Keevy • The contribution of Ubuntu to the development of constitutional jurisprudence in a democratic South Africa - SF Khunou & Seth Nthai • ‘Just say sorry?’ Ubuntu, Africanisation and the child justice system in the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008 - Julia Sloth-Nielsen & Jacqui Gallinetti • Towards constitutionalism and democratic governance: Ubuntu and equity as a basis for regulating public functionaries in common-law Africa - Mwiza Jo Nkhata • Ubuntu in the traditional justice mechanisms of South Africa Inga Svarca • The procedural relationship between state law and customary law in civil and commercial matters Frank Diedrich • Individualism and the balancing of interests in German civil law Ulrich Spellenberg • Index UBUNTU, GOOD FAITH & EQUITY: Flexible Legal Principles in Developing a Contemporary Jurisprudence Frank Diedrich (ed) abOUt thiS PUbLiCatiOn: Since its inception into South African law, ubuntu has played a key role. In the proceedings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission the term was used to produce a result that no other legal rule could achieve as successfully: it was used as a flexible political notion to justify the desired result of forgiveness rather than retaliation. However, the definition of ubuntu is insufficiently resolved, and its application varies from context to context. The concept of ubuntu needs closer scrutiny if it is to play a meaningful, clear and foreseeable role in the South African legal system, or elsewhere, as an authentic customary rule. In September 2010 a group of comparative lawyers, practitioners, and academics from various disciplines met at the University of the NorthWest, Potchefstroom, South Africa to discuss the topic of Ubuntu, Humanity and Good Faith / Equity as Flexible Principles in Law and Society in Southern Africa. Some of the papers presented at the conference are published in this book. The papers aim to capture as many facets of ubuntu, customary law and legal process as possible. The articles shed light on both the notion and the use of ubuntu, without purporting to provide definitive answers. Since ubuntu is not confined to any branch of law, the articles cover private law as well as public law. The papers by non-South African academics seek to show how the notions of good faith and equity have likewise been used in other jurisdictions as flexible legal principles to achieve equitable outcomes. It is hoped that the range of articles in this book will lead to a better understanding of ubuntu for the purpose of further research, the development of jurisprudence and for its application in the field of law, culture and everyday life in general. Juta Customer Services: Tel: +27 21 659 2300, Fax +27 21 659 2360, email:; Juta and Company Ltd, 1st Floor, Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7708, Cape Town, South Africa; PO Box 14373, Lansdowne 7779; Docex Number DX 326 Cape Town REG. NO. 1919/001812/06 VAT REG. NO. 4520113319 DAY 3 | Thursday, 12 July 2012 GENERAL COMMERCE AND TAX FAMILY LAW INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS HUMANITARIAN LAW LAW (Prof Laurence (Mrs Lindi Coetzee (Prof Julia Sloth-Nielsen) Juma) & Ms S Mzenze) 35 00 05 35 00 22 35 00 27 15:30-15:55 CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (Prof Michael Kidd) (Dr Gustav Muller) (Prof David McQuoid-Mason) 123 00 07 123 00 02 35 00 18 Mwanawina IIyayambwa The tradegy of South African xenophobia: Legal shock & awe FACULTY COCKTAIL: North Campus Conference Centre DAY 4 | Friday, 13 July 2012 INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW LAW OF DELICT (Prof Engela Schlemmer) (Prof Andre Mukheibir) 35 00 27 35 00 04 08:00-08:25 Phazha Ngandwe The Practical challenge and repercussions of the SADC Foreign Investment Policy and Law 08:25-08:50 Giles Millard (First-time presenter) Juristic persons as perpetrators of market abuse: A critical comparison of the South African position with that in the United Kingdom 08:50-09:15 Vicky Heideman Pineapples, cadmium, and the SAPS Agreement 09:15-09:40 Prof Chuks Okpaluba Constitutional and delictual damages for judical acts & omissions: A review of Claasen & recent common law decisions Devina Perumal & James Linscott The difficulties of personal & vicarious liability: Some reflections of the decision in F v Minister of Safety & Security & others (2011) ZACC 37 Michael Buthelezi Seen in a different light: Le Roux v Dey 2011(3) 274 (CC) Prof Daleen Millard Collateral benefits 09:40 Tea & Coffee in the Madibaz Café: Prize-giving South Campus, Summerstrand Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Nelson Mandela Bay Building 35/Universal Hall Conference Venue 1 Building 123 Conference Venue 2 Building 09 Embizweni (Law Faculty on Second Floor) Building 14 Conference Venue 1 Juta’s Property Law Library 1 mm Revisiting and reassessing South African property law in its entirety Planning Law Planning Law s e c o n d e d i t i o n Jeannie van wyk Planning Law 762 pages 2nd edition Jeannie van Wyk NEW n 2012 9780702194207 n Jeann ie van wyk Soft cover n This new edition provides a comprehensive discussion of core aspects of South African planning law. It takes into account the effect of the new constitutional dispensation and considers landmark judgments. The book also deals with related administrative, environmental, local government, housing and informal settlement issues. R680 y ty Law Librar J u ta’ s P r o P e r 22 mm n new legislative developments Relevant case law and to indicate how are discussed comprehensively and schemes are governed fragmented property use rights of individual how disputes regarding property of such schemes sections and the common South African For this purpose, the New eventually Property Law Library will monographs, consist of a number of on a specific each of which is focused aspect of property law. are solved. y ty lAW librAr J u tA’ s P r o P e r The third edition offers a comprehensive and authoritative discussion of all aspects of Constitutional property law in South Africa. It reflects recent developments in case law and literature, and expands extensively on the new comparative sections which include asset forfeiture, constructive expropriation and the public-purpose requirement for expropriation. neighbours in the new democracy. is to establish the current The aim of the analysis its against the context of state of the law, seen the in South Africa and in historical development law, as well as to establish perspective of foreign position may or may whether and how the current the Constitution. not be consistent with y ty Law Librar J u ta’ s P r o P e r 454 pages South African For this purpose, the New eventually Property Law Library will monographs, consist of a number of on a specific each of which is focused aspect of property law. R510 This book explains the idea of urban fragmented property holding in South Africa, with reference to the different forms of urban fragmented property schemes introduced by legislation. Relevant case law and new legislative developments are discussed comprehensively to indicate how fragmented property schemes are governed and how disputes regarding use rights of individual sections and the common property of such schemes are solved. n Soft cover A J v a n d e r Wa l t A J van der Walt 2010 n R460 n n 2010 n Soft cover only the traditional areas This volume covers not as party walls and fences, of neighbour law, such interference with lateral support, encroachment, nuisance, and dangers the natural flow of water, a but also included is caused by neighbours, caused by building chapter on neighbour conflicts the influence of the new as well as chapters on of living together as Constitution and the notion G J Pienaar Property Law The New South African and Library is aimed at revisiting of South African reassessing the whole uncodified property law, which includes embodied common law that is mostly writing; and in case law and academic legislation, to establish: of property law • how each aspect law; was influenced by apartheid new constitution • its response to the as land al dispensation (as well reform), and; a • whether it could make contribution towards the African law transformation of South and society. The Law of Neighbours* y ty lAW Librar J u tA’ s P r o P e r This book provides a substantive analysis of this area of law. It covers traditional areas of neighbour law as well as neighbour conflicts caused by building, the influence of the new Constitution and the notion of living together as neighbours in the new democracy. It also analyses the current state of the law seen against the context of its historical development in South Africa and in the perspective of foreign law. Print prices incl. VAT, excl. delivery and are valid until 31 December 2012. Contact a Business Consultant for online pricing or visit our website. *ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE! FORTHCOMING y ty lAW Librar J u tA’ s P r o P e r neglected in property Neighbour law has been a are good reasons for law textbooks, but there this area of law. These substantive analysis of a of interesting case law, include a large volume Roman-Dutch law fascinating mix of uncodified Law, and interesting new and English Common and development law, developments in building that make it easier to as well as new technology power. generate solar and wind 9780702185519 2011 R595 legislation, to establish: of property law • how each aspect law; was influenced by apartheid new constitution • its response to the as land al dispensation (as well reform), and; a • whether it could make contribution towards the African law transformation of South and society. GJ Pienaar n n the idea at the exposition of This book is aimed South property holding in of urban fragmented of to the different forms Africa, with reference schemes introduced urban fragmented property the functioning of the by legislation. Therefore, the of such schemes and management bodies and conduct rules nature and effect of management to what extent the idea indicate to emphasised are changed property holding has of urban fragmented in the new constitutional the property concept Africa. dispensation in South s Sectional Title schemes and other fragmented property GJ Pienaar AJ vAn der WAlt 9780702194191 3rd edition AJ van der Walt Property Law The New South African and Library is aimed at revisiting of South African reassessing the whole uncodified property law, which includes embodied common law that is mostly writing; and in case law and academic 9780702185533 682 pages n e d i t i o n A J v a n d e r Wa l t y ty Law Librar J u ta’ s P r o P e r Africa developments in South Social and economic increasing need for fragmented have contributed to the in urban areas. With the property holding, especially of property in terms advent of the wider interpretation has dispensation this need of the new constitutional The idea that individualised been strengthened. African the basis of the South landownership forms by been gradually transformed property concept has titles, share blocks, property the reality that sectional are essential schemes retirement time-sharing and holding. forms of urban property The Law of Neighbours AJ vAn der WAlt Soft cover t h i r d Constitutional Property Law* Sectional Titles Law Constitutional Proper ty Constitutional Property Law Sectional Titles and Other Fragmented Property Schemes* The Law of Neighbours 35.6mm 582 pages 18.72mm n Mineral & Petroleum Resources - E van der Schyff (Late October 2012) n Land Reform - J Pienaar (2013) Grace Kironde Juta Law Business consultants offer a free advisory service to evaluate your legal and regulatory information needs. 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