No. 01 - September, 1996 - Omaha Central High School Archives


No. 01 - September, 1996 - Omaha Central High School Archives
Volume 110
Number I
September 30, "1996
agles get new W,LN,G,S,
Central has received ajoint lottery grant
imately $600,000 to instigate a new
called w'I.N.G .S. 21.
Central's Business/ Marketing/ Technoldepartment in partnership with the ApInformational Management In stitute, or
M. Institute, co-wrote a grant proposal for
lottery commission asking for a technolgrant to better prepare students for the
The grant money that was received was
t between Central and A.I .M.
" Central received $300,000 of the
8,933 grant. The money will be spent on
W.I.N.G :8. 2 1 program, which stands for
{)r~· t{)lr('p Initi ative for the Next Generation
Students for the 21 st century.
With W,I.N .G.S . 21 in place, new DOS
, I.B .M. compati ble, computers and soft- ·
will be purchased for a new wave of techcurricu lum , which has never been
at the hi gh school level before.
This new curriculum will help students
to enter the 2 1st century by educatthem in the areas of advanced informatechno logy.
"We approached the AJ .M. Institute bewe knew they could help us get the
m. GarYThompson,principal, said .
will benefit them just as much as it will
fit Central."
The A .I.M. In sti tute will receive
,933 on he grant. A.I.M. is acoriglomof abo ut 32 businesses and 10 colleges
the Omaha Metro area that will be aiding
I in establishing the new informational
logical curriculum.
Some of the money they receive will be
back into Central by mean s of internships
certain students with some of the busiin association with A.I.M .
"A.I.M. is compOsed ~ most of the larger
corporations in the Omaha area, and some
universities like U.N .L_., Creighton and
V .N.O.," business teacher Keith Bigsby said.
Bigsby was one of three teachers, along
with Business/ Marketing/ Technology teachers Tim Larson and Murray Fenn, who helped
the A.I.M. Institute prepare the grant proposal.
"Over seventy schools applied for some
kind of a lottery grant for this year," Dr. Thompson said, "and Central was one of the
thirty or so schools picked to receive a grant."
Dr. Thompson said that the three teachers, Bigsby, Larson and Fenn, did a great job
on writing the grant proposal.
"With A .I.M .'s help they really did a
wonderful job on getting the proposal perfect.
It said exactly what we wanted to accomplish
with this new technology."
Dr. Thompson said that Central has always had a great reputation and trad ition for
being a high school with strong academics,
and this new program will only add to the·recognition Central will receive.
Bigsby said that since the neW computer
age is what is dawning in America for the 21 st
century, all students will need to know some
basics on how to use comp ulers.
"There are fi fteen hl 'ndred johs in the
Omaha Metro area that require technical in. fomiational education," Bigs15ys aid .-«As of
now, there are only about one hundred qualified people that are graduating from college
who are _qualifi,cd to fill these jobs."
Bigsby said that the goal · of "tfie ·
W.I.N.G .S. 21 is to give more students the
opportunity to go in to these technical fields.
. Bigsby said that he, along with others,
wants kids to have every opportunity to find
out what they want to do in life during high
sc hool. He said if they go through the
W.I.N.G.S . program now, they will now have
a wider ra'lge of job choices to choose from
in the future.
First and ten ...
va~sity football Coach Joe McMenamin sends in
a play with Djuan Johnson, 11, against the number one rated
Millard South Indians. C·e ntral battled the Indians, bt1~ came up
short in the long run losing 31-13 . The Eagles played a tough
first half and held the Indians to a 16-13 half time· score. - The
Eagles play Creighton Prep at Caniglia field, at V.N.O., on Oct. 4.
Increase In crime among you'nger generations
past decade, the amount
delinquent filings in Douglas
Juvenile Court have ri sen
551 filings in 1985 to 1,855
in 1995.
Mr. Vernon Daniels, Deputy
Attorney, said this 342 perincrease is because of a variety
including lack of paren-
page 5
Taylor . .. page 10
veniles cannot be attributed to any
specific area of crime," Daniels said.
However, drug charges and weapons charges have increased heavily ·
since 1985. Daniels also said that
theft charges have not only risen in
the past decade, but have also
changed in nature. They are not only
simple robberies now, they have
become highly sophisticated crimes,
often involving credit cards and
checks instead of the traditional
theft of items of value. The types of
weapons being confiscated have
also changed from knives to guns,
Daniels said .
One of the main factors in the
increased amount of crime among
juveniles is the way they are raised
in their home, Daniels said.
"Many kids haven't received
basic instruction on how to behave,
or even been taught basic manners,"
Daniels said. This lack of etiquette,
when brought to a further extent,
creates an attitude in the child that
is easily transferred to criminal behavior, Daniels said
The object of the juvenile court
system is to rehabilitate the child
back into proper behavior. Rehabilitation is defined as restoring a
previously .good condition. The
main problem with this rehabilitation process is that when it tries to
rehabilitate a child who has no good
basis to return to, it fails .
"You have to have something
to build on," Daniels said. He also
commented that it is much more difficult to teach a child when they are
older and past the initial development of their life.
The young age of some parents
is also detrimen_tal to the upbringing of children. Becal!se the only
observations a child may have is that
of their parents, who are not much
more than children themselves, the
child develops a skewed attitude towards their behavior, Daniels said.
If the parents were older, Daniels
also added, the maturity level would
most likely be higher, and the children much more likely to receive the
proper instruction as to their behavior.
In a situation in which the par-
ent exhibits an inappropriate behavior to the child, reparations must be
made before the child can improve
his behavior, Daniels said. The parent needs to be able to face the child,
tell him or her they themselves were
wrong, and that the behavior is not
acceptable for either the parent or
the child, Daniels added . .
The natural lack of judgment
that comes with youth, regardless of
particular upbringing, is also a main
contributing factor to the high rate
of juvenile crime, Daniels said.
"Children seem to think that
age provides a shield to any adverse
consequences," Daniels said. This
immortality complex that many juveniles possess is a main contributing factor to the unwise decisions
that result in their committing
crimes. Daniels said.
Daniels also cited negative peer
pressure that encourages criminal
behavior as a main detriment to the
_children of today. He said the"gang
culture" that is prevalent in the youth
today is one of the main problems.
Another addition to the many
problems and roadblocks in the way
of the justice system is the lack of
resources the juvenile court has been
given. Daniels feels that critics of
the justice system should acknowledge the limited amount of resources before placing blame upon
the members of the system, He feels
that most people who criticize the
system aretoo far away from the real
situation, so their view is distorted .
"It's a fashionable thing to be
concerned about kids today. Tomorrow they ' ll move on," Daniels said
of the bandwagon activists that attack the juvenile court.
Regardles s of the many
struggles and roadblocks-in the path
to a successful juvenile court system, Daniels said he feels that the
court system is quite effective, considering the resources allotted to it.
He said that more attention should
be focused on juvenil e justice in
general, and that the courts would
be even more effective if the appropriate amount of financial and personnel support were provided for the
court system.
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2 Editorials
- _..
Uentrallligh Ibn RCffislel'
Beha'vior brings just rules
Ma ny stude nts a t Ce ntra l have been a mazed and a ngered at the new lun c h ho ur ,
po lic ies in sta ted this yea r. M ost wo nder w hy these measures have been ta ke n. The
ma in reason fo r the new lunch ho ur po licy is the lac k of sta ff availabl e fo r the supe rvision o f the West Porc h a nd the re m a inde r o f the school durin g lunch periods. It must
also be ac knowl edged that the te nde ncy of stude nts to di sregard rul es also reinforces
the admini stra tio ns ' limitin g o f privil eges. The stude nt body needs to reali ze thftt good
be hav io r is the key to recei vin g pri vil eges.
O n Tuesday, Sept. 3, an unna med stude nt lit o ff a sm o ke bomb in the base me nt of
Ce ntra l. Whe ther thi s was a pro test again st the ncw po li cy o r just a mindless ac t. It is
obvio us th at thi s stude nt does no t unde rstand how the ad mini stratio n wo rks. II is sha mefulto have to ad mit that be hav ior like thi s s till ex ists o n the hi g h school le vel. If we
expec t to be treated w ith any a mo unt o f respec t o r ~mpath y, we must earn it. As most
stude nts have learn ed thro ug h re lati o nships w ith the ir parents, once a trust is broke n it
is a lo ng te rm struggle to rega in tha t trust. It is very diffic ult at the beg inning yea r fo r
the admini stra ti o n to tru st the stude nt hody because there is no bas is fo r trust. The lac k
o f fo res ight in thi s stude nt 's ac tion s has mostlikcl y des troy ed any trust the admin is trati o n had the courtesy to pl ace in us.
The ad mini strati o n does no t feci that the majority o f the stude nt body is at fa ult
fo r these prob le ms. Dr. Tho mpson has sta ted th at he fee ls that 95 to 96 pe rcent o f the
stude nt body is no t to bl ame for the pro bl e m s in the sc hool. IL is, however, that four or
fi ve perce nt tha t e limin a te the c ha nce fo r a ny pri vileges fo r the rest o f the sc hool. Thi s
ri d ic ul o us be ha¥io r ca n be c ited as a spec ific reason for the rules pl aced upo n the student body. If the stude nt body of Centra l had the maturity and commo n sense to behave. progress in the c ha ng in g o f certa in po lic ies may be poss ible. Bu t unfo rtunate ly,
there a re e no ug h shorts ig hted a nd infantil e people in thi s sc hool to rui n any c hance o f
freedo m that we had .
It is no t tha t the adm in istra tio n does no t wa nt the stude nt body to e njoy the ir lunc h
ho ur ; it is s im ply th at they canno t pe rmit the stude nts to da mage the schoo l's property
or cause chaos in the sc hoo l. Fire d rill s are q uite d isrupti ve to the days sched ule, and
the notifi catio n o f the authoriti es is q uit e a hass le for th e admini stra ti o n. The pa thway
to being abl e to e njoy the pri vileges and freedoms th at the admini s trati o n has the au.thori ty to give is no t thro ugh misbehav io r and va nda li sm . T he stude nt body must be
ab le to exh ibit e nough respo ns ibility and maturity th at is ex pec ted o f hi gh school age
stude nts . T he ad mini s tra ti o n, as w ith a ny o ther autho rit y, respo nds to pos iti ve ac ti ons
in a pos iti ve way. T he stude nt body mu st learn to pro vide the ad mini stra ti o n with
re asons to trust the m . Good be havior is the o nly a nswe r.
Child neglect causes concern
Over the yea rs, the term neg lec t has deve loped a mo re serious co nno tation. No
lo nger is it yo u neg lec ted to pi ck up the milk a t the grocery sto re, or yo u neg lected to .
g rah the ma i I.
Today in 1996 it is the neglec t o f peop le to take adequ ate care of the ir childre n. It
is a neg leci to feed and bathe the ir infa nt s. It is a neg lect to keep the ir babi es a li ve.
Infan tic ide . the killing of o ne's ch il d re n, occu rred aga in las t mo nth in N ew Yo rk .
Carla Lock wood was cha rged w ith three acco unts o f murder fo r the deat h of he r fo ur
ye ar ol d daughter, Nadine Lockwood. Nadine di~d Aug ust ::I I s t at the pit iful weight of
Ii l'tce n a nd a hal f pounds. The chi Id had virtu a lly not moved out of her s leepi ng area for
allll(l~t a ye ar.
:'vlorc puu .ling than j u ~ t the in sane ci rcumstance of thi s child being s lowly forgotten aho ut. is th ai under the ~ alll e roof seve n other c hil dre n were hein g fcc\. c lothed and
~e nerally cared fo r. There wa~ an eigth ch ild that had been g ive n up for adoptio n. Even
!lOW Lockwood is preg nant. thi ~ time with twins.
The re arc ri s k facto rs wh ic h can s he d li g ht on wha t types of peopl e m ight neg lec t
the ir chi ldre n. hut no concrete reaso ns as to why. Acco rd in g to C hil d Protecti ve Services (C PS), heing a person o f une mploy me nt , a dru g abuser, a depressed person , having a me nta l illness, o r hav in g bee n ahusedt hemselves as a c hild a re a ll compo nents
that coul d make a pare nt a neg lec tor. B ut ultim ate ly no sta tis tic can break it dow n so
tha t sudde nl y the re is an ex pl anati o n.
O ne ca n s impl y write o ff tha t these people are pro fo undl y di sturhed , and be sati sfied to ad m it the mi s fo rtune o f the ir ex iste nce. What no person sho uld beg in to accept
are the peop le who are ab le to hrea k the eyc le o f abuse, but are s ittin g bac k as the
nu mhe rs o f fa ta liti es inc rease. a nd the peaks in the c harts do ubl e.
Accord in g to the C PS, in 199 1, a n estim ated 1,383 fa ta liti es in o ur natio n we re the
res ult of c hil d ahu se a nd neg lec t. Thi s shows a te n, pe rcent inc rease since 1990 . In
1994 the num bers continued the climb upward. And who is sta nding in the ir way ?
It was a lleged ly reported w ith thi s most recent case that notificatio ns had bee n
made to the po lice, and no thin g was do ne.
S upri sing ly in a year o f hurricanes, fo re ig n connic t and e lectio ns, the re we re but
few briefs in pa pe rs a nd news progra ms o n the latest case o f infa ntic ide. The Inte rne t
produced no info rm atio n in regards to this unde r a dozen diffe re nt appropri ate head in gs. There was but Iimited roo m fo r the tragic account o f a no the r c hild lost to a mo the r's
neg lec L. An account whi c h is impe ra ti ve to the aware ness o f the people o f the United
S tates.
But appa re ntl y everyo ne should ass ume the regul arity o f these deaths because o f
the exte nsive coverage of S usan Smith who sent he r car a lo ng with her two sons into a
lake to drown .
Is the United States sending cruise missiles to Iraq
an appropriate way to deal with Saddam Hussein's
invasion of Kurdish territory?
. pfl
It 's great that we bombed Iraq. They shoul dn ' t han:
moved into Kurdi sh territory.
Derek Vande-Brake 9
I th ink it was appropriate because Saddam keeps
messi ng with other countries. We need to show him
we have the power.
DeAntae Gri xby
No, because they are having their own problems. We
should worry about our own backyard before we
invade others.
Chad Jacobsen 12
I don't think its okay because the United States has
their own problems. Solving other countries problems should be secondary to ours.
Perhaps Ta nya Re id , who suffocated he r baby girl , sho uld have made us realize
how these thin gs happe n.
Or may be it was Wane ta Hoy t who killed her five c hildren, o ne afte r the o ther, by
the same induced suffocati o n tha t Re id a nd ma ny othe r pa re nt s use, who was supposed
to ma ke us re me mbe r fin a ll y how reocurre nt these same types o f deaths are.
I ncarceration has bro ught thi s wo ma n to he r punsishmenL. But she shares the bl ame
wi th others . The police a nd ne ig hbors, th ose who kn ew a re j ust as g uilt y for no t be in g
pers isten t e nough to preve nt thi s innoce nt g irl 's dea th.
T he guil ty part ies in in fa nti c ide cases are s impl y lunat ics, and no t in a capac ity to
make rational deci s ions . But mos t times the re is someone w ho think s tha t somethin g is
wro ng or someone who knows, .and those people deserve no pardo n.
Laura Werkhei ser 9
No, if they keep bombing them, it shows how much
more violent America is. Sendi ng missi les just
creates more pro ble ms.
Quincy Welchen 12
J ...
' .....
ougb My Eyes
~ilence . From the moment you en-' world time and time again. Seif-confiter the classroom, all chattering dies dent people have often instigated ilee.ded
away. Gathering your courage, you risk changes create a better quality of
one glance toward the rows of desks and life. None of this would be possible if
their curious, slightly hostile occupants. those people had allowed self-doubt and
All of a sudden, your new school clothes shyness to take control.
don't seem so "cool" and anxiety tightOf greater interest, however, than
ens around your heart. Never having felt any story from the pages of history, are
so alone, you quietly take your seat in the actions of ordinary people ,as they
the new school which is a few blocks - change their communities in extraordifrom your new house in this cold, un- nary Ways. No matter what ,their perfriendly city.
sonalities may be like these pe e have
Most people have experienced this the'desire to improve the world around
terrifying event, otherwise known as the _ them.
first day of school. For new kids, this
Be it your neighbor who serves
important day can be especially trau- lunch at a shelter on the weekends or
matic . However. as with most problems the rather quiet student who teaches
in life, the newness wears off and the Spanish at grade schools on Wednesfears are soon forgotten. Instead of days, each has overcome the obstacle
strange faces. children's memories are , of shyness and touched others as a resoon filled with laughter and best friends. sult.
While this day is usually the beginning
For some, interaction with others
ofinany fun-filled times,for some it is a is painful because oftlie paralyzing fear
door slammed shut.
that accompanies it. Social functions
For those who are extremely shy, an can be especially trying for extremely
interactive education is far from reach. shy people. Our appearance-based soBecause they are uncomfortable with ciety usually views them as silent and
other people, it is almost impossible for rather boring.
them to gain a rich, diverse life experiWithout pausing for a second
ence. The fetters of insecurity often keep glance, the popular crowd always passes
people from forming friendships or ex- them by in its continual search for new
pressing their ideas to others.,
excitement. These capricious peoplt;
Shyness often confines people to make such a horrible mistake.
their homes and familiar situations. A
Every person has some interesting
person's lack of confidence can limit both story to share. In general, quiet individ~his or her experiences and enjoyment of
life. The results of extreme shyness and
insecurity are tragic for both the shy individual and the rest of the world.
So many amazing discoveries have
~sulted when people refused to be silenced by doubt. For example, Christopher Columbus requested money 'from
Spanish royaity tOpay for his now famous voyage. If th!S bold step had not
been taken; the discovery of America'
would have been prolonged indefinitely.
Individ!lal bravery has changed the
als are much more observant of life
than the rest of the population who
habitually chatter on without stopping for breath. Therefore, shy people
often noti ce the detail s in life that
escape the notice of others.
They indeed have many interesting stories to tell. Unfortunately,
many shy individIJals never see their
potential, focusing instead on their
faults and shortcomings.
No matter how much they might
like to tell someone ajoke they made
up or relate the strange conversation
they overheard at a restaurant last
ht, they simply cannot. The very
thought of unwelcome attention is
enough to turn some faces pale.
In reality, most people never dis. cover the interesting stories that make
up a shy person's life because they
don't take the time to ask the questions or truly listen.
Most people will never know
that the quiet;'eighty year-old man in
church used to ride Harley
Davidsons. In -addition, few people
pause long enough to learn how
much he loved them or the reason
why he gave up riding . .
, The boisterous neighborhood
kids never really seem to notice the
shy girl whO whispers and plays with
her dolls alone every day. They never ,
see her eyes follow them as they
laugh and cycle down the street.
It could be that shy girl who sits
behind you in class or the'old man
who, with tears in his eyes, sings the
church hymns in a quavering voice.
Extend yourself and help to bring
a shy and frightened person out of
their shell. ·In initiating such a friendship, you Will have cha!lge,d two lives
Do you think that the
belief of Creation should
join the teachings of
Darwinism in our
educational institutes?
131 Students Polled
4 News
Celtral HiP de Belisler
Nebraskans join together and walk for cure'~
By Carolyn Bullard
The grand prize was two round trip
";r tickets to anywhere in the contiHIV
O ver 0 ne tho uds
supporters, victims and volunteers nental US.
gathered at Memorial Park on the
Jeffrey Wilson, Development
morning of Sept. 8 to kick off AIDS Director for NAP began the openWalk Nebraska, a ten . kilometer ing ceremonies by comparing this
fundraising walkathon benefiting year's walk to the very first AIDS
the Nebraska AIDS Project, or NAP. walk.
The participants began to pour
"We have over 1,100 registered
in around 10 a.m . via wheelchairs, walkers today. Just five .years ago
rollerblades and by foot. By 11 a.m. . there were twenty of us here to
the park was bustling with activity. walk," Wilson said.
People with different stories, differWilson' attributed the increasing
ent backgrounds, and different numbers to the awareness of the
health status all came for the sup- community, saying that more people
port of one single cause: AIDS.
had been affected by the epidemic
Walkers were to get people to today than they had previously been
sponsor them for the amount that five years ago. According to th
they were planning to walk. As an Center fo[, Disease Control an estiincentive, t-s hirts were given to mated 2,500 Nebraskans are now
those who raised forty dollars or infected with the virus.
more. In addition to the t-shirts, a
Cindy Calhoun, aerobics ingrand prize was to be given to the structor, led the mass of supporters
person who raised the most money. in a group warm up before the walk.
As well, much concern w~s given
' .~e walk was finished and t~
to the health of those walking who partlclpants met back at the park fa ,aide, I
~ od
d '
Th O ·
perhaps could not make t e entIre
ree 0
an pnzes.
e nenta after
walk. A van followed closely be- Trading Company, which is a hU11 the be
hind the crowd to pick up any strag- - supporter of NAP, along with man: .die '9~
other businesses and individuals year.
The walk encircled the areas of donated hamburgers, hotdogs, par
Memorial Park, Fair Acres and toys and other odds and ends.
Dundee, and did not go unnoticed.
Upon finishing the walk, eacl pursu
H9meowners came out of their registered walker received a red ba1 padl; I
houses to see what was occurring. full of toys and candy as well as in· bave a
Some were supportive while others formation regarding NAP, H!V bting
showed their lack of enthusiasm to- AIDS, volunteer opportunities ano said.
wards the cause. Several offensive prevention. After all the hotdo1'
names were yelled at walkers.
had been eaten, those who remainei Dot II
"Not only are you raising . at the park helped clean up and wert way h
money to help provide for people · trea:ted to icecream.
living with HIVI AIDS but you are
The proceeds went to Nebraskl the Or
also sendin'g a message out to the AIDS Project, an organization thai SCbo(
community, to every house you has taken on the great responsibil· last se
pass, a message that says 'WE ity for preventing the spread 0;
CARE'. We are raising the level of AIDS through education and su~
conscious.n ess that. much more," port services for those whom it has
Emile Cartoin, walk volunteer said. affected.
Minimum wage Increase has mixed reviews at
By Tim Hakanson
of the wage increase, his wage will go up. After the increase, David saio Cel)tr:
The Nation's minimum wage will be increasing across the country in that he will be, "Makin' the money."
He also approves of the increase because he said he believes that the you n
less than a month and working students are not short of opinions on the
federal minimum wage increase will keep the economy stable.
Others also think that the increase will cause increased inflation Was 'tl
Starting in October, the federal minimum wage, the lowest legal hourly
Michael Sheehan, sophomore, works for the present minimum wage $4.25. place.
wage, will be raised in two increments.
On Oct. I, the minimum wage will increase from $4.25 to $4.75. Despite the fact that his wage is directly affected by the increase, he doe~ cabinl
One year from this November, the minimum wage will be increased again. . not agree with it. In his view, it will raise the price of everything else. and t1
Becky Overgaard, senior, said she is not happy with the increase. A more
At that time it will be raised 40 cents to set the wage at $5.15.
There is a varied reaction to the minimum wage among working Cen- year ago, she started working at minimum wage. She now earns $4.6!
tral High School students.
and said she is not happy that it took her so 10n8:,to get paid that while Cippe
- Among those pleased with the increase include those paid below the come October, all workers will be paid at least $4.75. She said that her
future minimum wage.
employer will have to redo the raise scale.
Students such as David Richardson, junior, who makes $4.25, which
All of those who work over the minimum wage do not think that their made
is the present minimum wage, said he enjoys the change. As a direct result pay will be affected by the minimum wage increase.
and . .
Centrai gets new teachers from junior high
By John Gaskins
happy with the students and impressed with the
Going to a senior high school after attend- maturity, work ethic and focus they have shown.
ing a junior high can be an interesting experi- She says there is a definite difference in the beence for most students. but what about teachers havior and maturity level of junior high students
that must do the same thing?
and high school students.
Due to Omaha Public School's decision to
Whitney, whose tenure at Lewis and Clark
terminate ninth grade at Lewis and Clark Junior lasted 21 years, is also overwhelmed by the
High School , many of the students that would larger class sizes, ·not to mention one other pesky
have been freshmen at Lewis and Clark are at- issue that both teachers and students have had
tending Central. Three former Lewi's and Clark to encounter.
freshman teachers, English teacher Ms. Dolores
"It is hot in here!," Whitney said. "I miss
D' Agosto, math teacher Ms. Mary Whitney, and the air conditioning we had at Lewis and Clark."
science teacher Mrs. Jean Whitten, have made
She taught freshman Honors Geometry and
the same move.
-Algebra 1-2 at Lewis and Clark and now teaches
New students must adjust to the significant Algebra 1-2 and sophomore Algebra 3-4 at Cendifference in the size, age and maturity of other tral. At first, she thought the job of teaching at a
students, as well' as the overall atmosphere of a ~igh school would be more demanding than at a
high school. However, these teachers have also jun.ior high, but has found that not to be the case.
had to adjust to high school life, especially durWhitney also felt slightly uncomfortable
ing their first few days.
and disorganized the first few days of school.
"Lwas overwhelmed with chaos; numbed She said one of the more difficult adjustments
in fact," D' Agosto said. "I'm still trying to re- was following the different procedures that the
cover from that numbness."
Central administration demands, such as the
D' Agosto has reason to be overwhelmed. hour-and-a-half home room the first day.
Her life and teaching career has not seen such a
Other difficult adjustments she has had to
change in a long time.
make at Central have been teaching significantly
She spent many of her 23 years at Lewis larger classes, dealing with the heat, and, like
and Clark teaching freshman English 1-2, and . D' Agosto, traveling from room to room . She
already has seen major differences in the sur- no longer has the comfort of her air-conditioned
roundings of the junior high school level and portable at Lewis and Central.
"Oh, yeah, it has taken some getting used
"I have always b~en an organized person, to, but I think I'll like things here," Whitney said.
but this experience has made me feel very dis- "The students have been great and I've seen so
organized, which is kind of fru strating ," many kids I knew from Lewis and Clark, which
D' Agosto said.
is nice."
D' Agosto, who teaches freshman English
Both Whitney and D ' Agosto sa id th ey
1~2 and sophomore English 3-4, teaches about
greatl y enjoyed teachin g at Lewis and Clark and
J 50 studel)ts in her five classes, compared to
would have stayed at the junior hi gh had freshthe J 10 she taught in her six classes at Lewis man enrollment not been termin ated. However,
and Clark.
the presence of Central principal Dr. Gary ThDespite the size of the classes, D' Agosto is ompson, who was principal at Lewis and Cl ark
to get
·F utur,
for four years before coming to Central , and ' to tha
Central's reputation of quality academics con· create
vinced them to come to Central.
back '
The adjustments of going from a junior high
school to a senior high school were not as difficul1 sit bat
to make for Whitten, the freshman Honors BioI·
ogy 1-2 teacher. Prior to teaching ninth-grade bi·
ology at Lewis and Clark for five years, Whitten [;)
taught at high schools in South Carolina, Boston, .
North Carolina. She also taught at the Universit) By Rof Nebraska at Omaha for 10 years. The year be·
fore she started at Lewis and Clark, she taught al SurrOI
Central as a substitute.
and Sl
Whitten said there is very little difference be· centel
tween the freshman class she teaches now and the High
one she taught at Lewis and Clark" with the excep1
tion of the much larger class sizes. She is also reque,
impressed at the maturity of high school students their (
and said they are capable of handling the larger each :
"The kids seem to be really, really easy and sehed
fun to work with, and as long as you have that, yOU and e
can teach 32 kids without any problems," Whitten
said. Her classes at Lewis and Clark had only 20 have (
to 25 students.
Whitten srud she came to Central because she Paul ~
wanted to continue teaching biology at the high are a
school level and because she already knew mosl with t
of the Central staff from her substituting..days.
ing ((
She said one of the benefits ·of teaching fresh· have I
men at a high school compared to a junior high is. enroll
that she is able to see her former students in the· least.
years after she taught them . As a freshman teacher
at ajunior high school, she didn ' t get to know stu· of sci
dents until they were freshmen in her class .
of (
Whitten said she feel s no added pressure or ,
stress teaching at a high school because she h3~ tunit)
done it before. She is very excited to be at Cent ral ·they
These Lewis and Clark veterans said they arl Seuir
gradually getting used to teaching at a hi gh schoO
and are proud to call Central home.
familiar face returns to the halls of CHS
security aide at both the Walnut Hill
and Jackson Schools.
Working in the schools, Williams became interested in coming
back to Central.
"It's home," he
"I went to an
After bidding
agency to
for a security job at
rsue another
Central he was
I thought I'd
hired once again.
ajobin marThere were people
g," Williams
who were pushing
for him to return to
Central as well,
Williams said.
This year there
been numerCharles Williams
ous changes in
Central's rulebook, many of which
security aides. Most changes
In OPS Williams worked as a
Mr. Charles Williams, security
retumed to Central this year
leaving at
beginning of
'95-'96 school
once again.
"I give a helping hand driving
the debate team to tournaments and
talking to the consumer science
classes about immunizations," Williams said.
His experience with immuniza~ions is based on 22 years of giving
immunizations to infants and children while in the United States
Returning to a different administration than he remembers Williams is happy with the changes,
sighting the positive changes that
have already taken place over the
past year.
"Central this year will grow and
get better," Williams said . .
If it does, one can expect Williams to be a part of the positive
Counseling center changes are positive
Personnel and the office makeup are some of the changes that the
High guidance center have undergone since last year.
If you've been in the guidance department lately,
may have noticed a few new characteristics
the room. Over the summer, the north wall
torn down and another office was built in its
. The secretary's desk, copy machine and file
were all moved to the middle of the room
"It's a great change," Guidance Director Sharon
said. "We have more space then before
we also have more plans in the making."
It's clear that the changes in the-eenter have
some impact on the students as well as the
For many seniors, college is currently the main focus of attention in
their liyes. The counseling department dealt with this two years ago by
adding a new position based on college guidance alone.
Cipperley held the position last year as well as guidance director. An attempt was made to replace the counselor from two years ago, but after many candidates were
interviewed, no one was selected to fill the position.
"It was tough handling both jobs,'! Cipperley said .
This year, because of the expected ipcrease in enrollment, interviews again took place over the summer.
They needed someone who could concentrate directly on
college counseling.
Ms. Janette Matney was hired to fill the position of
college counselor.
"We wanted someone enthusiastic who could work
with seniors," Cipperley sl\id.
Matney will add to the idea at Central that a student
is able to go to any counselor he feels comfortable with,
unlike many other schools where you are assigned a certain counselor who you see all the time.
Whether it be a change of character in the center, or
the addition of new people, the counselors' office has
undergone some extensive alterations in the past few
months . It has given the guidance department a whole
new look which will allow it to have an even greater impact on the student
e have more
space than
efore and
are plans
n the makng.
-- Sharon
"The changes made waiting to see a counselor
," senior T.J. Ernst said. "It's also made it easier
get in and take care of my scheduling problems."
changes include a new work station similar
that of the main office. There are also plans to
a college search area for seniors towards the
of the center where the partition used to be.
"We plan on putting some comfy chairs in the back where seniors can
back and get comfortable while they look at colleges," Cipperley said.
lue sheets stack up in guidance center
occur during the lunch hour.
"A lot of the changes are work- .
ing really well," Williams said.
There is a smaller area to observe students in during lunch time
. which makes his job more efficient.
At lunch, Williams may be seen
patrolling the school foreveryone's
"My duty is to insure the safety
of staff, students, equipment and
faculty," Williams said.
The student population increase
has not hurt his duty.
The students appear to be more
protective with their .p roperty because of the increase in population
this year Williams said.
Students and staff have welcomed Williams back this year.
Many are glad to have him volunteering his time to school activities
The blue sheets represented the
of students trying to change
r class schedules. At the start of
h school year, the guidance derearranges numerous class
ules to lit the needs of students
elimi nate conflicts.
Many students are aware or
dealt with thi s si tuation before.
ntral's assistant principal Mr.
Semrad said schedule conflicts
a result of too many stude.nts
too many class needs. Accordng to Semrad, the students who
the most schedule conflicts are
lied for the courses offered the
Semrad said the primary goal
f scheduling is to match the needs
f the most kids .
"We want to give every oppority for students to take the classes
want or need to graduate,"
However, some students have
to make a choice between two
classes because of a schedule conflict.
Semrad said music subjects and
other electives cause many schedule conflicts for students. Classes
offered in various hours of the day
try to revolve around those courses
with fewer sections(hours offered).
Semrad also said s.cience
courses can be a problem because
of the double period required for lab.
Thi s year, Biology is no longer attached to a lab period, and as a result fewer freshmen have schedule
The process of developing a
student's schedule begins months
before the school year approaches.
Semrad is-in charge of creating an
overall schedule for every course
offered at Central during the year.
In the spring, counselors register students for the following school
From the spring registration, he
determines the number of class periods necessary for each course.
The department heads then de-
cide which teacher and what period
of the day a certain course should
be taught. Semrad spends the first
three weeks of summer on his computer fitting all courses and sections
into an overall schedule. Each class
period is designated a maximum
number of students to control the
class size.
Semrad conducts trial runs of
the schedule, or prints a listing off
of the computer of every student and
whether he or she has a conflict.
"This year I started out with
330 conflicts out of 1800 students.
It took six trial runs to have over
2000 students with no schedule conflicts," Semrad said.
Semrad said he will contact students over the summer if they have
a schedule conflict occurring on a
trial run.
"It is important that a student
decides between taking one class or
another," Semrad said. "It is not fair
for me to choose one class over another without a student's approval."
Academic support counselor
Mrs . Sharon Franzen said that one
of the causes of schedule conflicts
is a lack of faculty. Like Semrad,
Mrs. Franzen said she agrees that the
biggest problem is having students
desire too many class periods for a
wide selection of courses.
"We try to accommodate all of
our students, but it is very difficult
to do with almost 2000 different
schedules to work with," Franzen
Franzen and Semrad also commented that class sizes may reflect
schedule conflicts. An example is
Honors Physics 1-2 ~uring periods
four and five . Mr. Frank Marsh, the
teacher of this class began the year
with 42 students . The class was
large because several stud~nts'
schedules could not fit a Physics
class any other time during the day.
Since then, the class size has
decreased to 35 . The counselors
chose seven students whose schedules would be easiest to change. As
Central continues to grow, the
sc hedule will become a n even
harder puzzle to solve said Franzen
and Semrad . The goal will be the
same: providing students with the
best possible help with class needs.
- -- - -- - ------------------~-- .- ---
-- - ---- -
Uentral High the Register
Jobs -affect students
school performance
By Tim Hakanson
By .~aroline Foley
School: Iowa State Univer-
~ Where? Ames, Iowa
~Total Enrollment: 20 ,757
~ P~rcent male and female: 58
and 42 percent
Number of applicants: 8,000
~Percent accepted : 88%
©> SAT range : 370-530 Verbal
and 460-630 Math .
~ Estimated tuition (including
room and board): $1 0,000 out-~f­
state ·
@ 'Students
involveed tn
. fraternaties and soroities: .33%
0. Most popular majo~: engi: '
. . Miscellaneous information:
io~a;'State's has ou~tanding 3(tiil~eCiUre:,engin.eei:ing
fF";i« <Since ISU is state-ftirided,
VQi:~tional programs such as
yei~inary medicine, medicine,
ag~~culture, and Consumer scl~nc¢s:are very strong.
; 'iiTh~ only required courne for
~l{~iicdents to take deals with the·
:.-~}lane Smile, Pulitzer Prilf-'
\tirtning author, teaches in ISO's
English department.
:.' Every spring, VEISHA, a
large music festival and parade,
gives the students time to take a
break fiom the books_
Iowa State is a member of
the competitive Bi g Eight
Conference,and the facilities and
opportunities for varsity athletes
are outstanding.
One of these facilities is the
sta te-of-the-art athletic hall designed sole ly for recreatio nal use
by non-varsity athletes .
Iowa State is a classic large
unive rsity th a t provides sound
academics, strong at hletics, and a
sociilllife fill ed with variety.
** all information taken from
The Insider's Guide to the Colleges
Part-time jobs area good way
for studen ts to learn responsibility
and time manageme nt, as well as
putting a littl e ex tra cash in their
bank acco unts, but jobs can a lso
have a negative e ffect on stude nts' grades and overall performance in
Many stude nts are em ployed
in aft er sc hool and weekend jobs.
These j obs are o ften necessary because of fi nancial needs. They also
teach important sk ill s. Work experience, social skill s, responsibil-ity and time manageme nt can be
learn ed by hi gh sc hoo l s tud e nts
who wo rk.
Many tim es, however, jobs
tak-e up so much time that students
run out o f tim e for schoolwork and
s leep.
Dr. Shawver, English teacher,
asks th at stude nts tell him whether
they work or not on the ir enrollment cards. He said that some stude~ts who ~ork make exc uses for
undo ne work due to the ir jobs.
Also, working late hours and lack
of sleep causes some students to not
only leaveilomework undone, but
be tired and inattentive in class. He
said that some job situations demand that work cuts into school.
Jason Stearns, sophomore,
works at Petrow's Restaurant over
20 hours a week. He works
Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
He said that his job does affect his
"When you work from 4:30 p.m.
to 11 p.m'., yo u don ' t have time fo r
homework," Stearns said.
. He sa id he be lieve s that he
would mos t likely be doing better in
school ifhe worked fewer hours, but
that is not alway s possible. Jason
said he needs the money'
Dr. Shawver, who said he beli eves that e.ery case is different,
said he has seen improvement in the
grades of students who work after
they end their job. He said that the
same is t~ue of students involved in
extra-cuITi cul a~ ac tivities. After a
sports seaso n, there are often small
improvements in the grades of athletes involved in those sports. .
"If at all possible, school should
be the number one priority, " Dr.
Shawver said.
Jobs do not always cause students
fall behind in their schoolwork,
Allison Pagan , junior, works at
Baker's 15 hours a week. She said
that she does not let working a ffect
her schoolwork.
"I am motivated enough to get
my homework done," Allison said.
She said she does think, however, that any more than ] 5 hours
probably would have a negative affect her schoolwork.
day ~
he il
the 1
. Helping out. Imani Taylor, 8, "dead heads"
magnolias at the City Sprouts garden. City Spro~ t s
is an organic gardening project on 41st and Franklm.
Kate Brown, founder of the organization, said, "Our
goal is to get the community involve.d in an~ aware
of organic gardening." All of the splCes, frUIts and
vegetables that the garden produces are sold at the
Farmer's Market on Sundays. Work parties are on
Satudays and Sundays. Anyone can volunteer an~;
according to Brown, "We'd be happy to_have you.
to b
Community service
Students-'take pleasure in reading for the disabled
By John Gaskins
R~ading magazines, newspa-
pers and books is an activity to at
many people do for thel( own personal enjoyment and sometimes
take for granted. However, once a
week" Central seniors Jeff Evans
and Ryan VanArkel riot only read
for themselves , but for a community of people who are unable to
take part in the everyday activity
of reading.
Jeff and Ryan read magazine
and new s articles for the Radio
Talkin g Book Network , a closed
c ircuit radio station that provides
news and informational programmin g for anyone who cannot read
th e words o r turn the pages of
printed _materi al, mainl y the blind
and physically disabled .
When Jeff, who has a lways
been a fanatica l reader, found o ut
abou t the vo lunt eer se rv ice , he
cou ldn 't pass up the opportunity to
get invo lved .
He has been vo lunteering at
the netwo rk for two yea rs and usuall y reads science and enviro nme ntal art icles, and also find s it great
that he not onl y gets do something
he enjoys, but is giving bac k to the
community at the same time .
" I love it. It 's the best and most
fun vo lunteeri ng I can think of,"
Jeff said. Jeff sa id he also lik es the
fac t that volunteers can choose to
read whatever they wa nl.
Rya n heard about the service
from Jeff, and comes in once a
To receive the network, interweek to read for '~Names 'in the ested listeners must apply for a reNews," whichis a program in- ceptor that carries it, or the network
volving the current news of politi- can be heard Dn secondary audio
cal, entertainment, and sports fig- programming on Nebraska Public
"It is so much fun. It's kind
John Fullerton, executive diof cool to know you're casually rector, said most listeners are eld- reading these articles from People _erly people who have gone blind late
Magazine to thousands of people in their life, and therefore many hos- .
who are thankful you are doing it," pitals and nursing homes receive the
Ryan said.
Over 125 people volunteer for
"These people miss being able
Radio .Talking Book, which is on to do the ,simple things they could
the air 120 hours a week, 365 days when they could see, such reading
a year, and offers a wide variety of the newspaper every night, and that
prog ramming . The network is part is why we are he re - to read for
o f the R adi o Talking Book Ser- them, " sa id -Fullerton, who is in
vices, Inc., which is located in the charge of fund -raising and s uperComm unit y Hea lth Plaza , just vises a staff of ten at the organizasou th of Imman uel Hospital.
tio n.
A variety of interesting and
One member of the staff is Dick
entertaining programs fills the a ir- Zlab, the s tudi o manager, who like
waves everyday. Fi nacial, medi - most li steners is visuall y impai red .
cal, enviro nmental, cons umer and Z lab has worked for the network
sports news are heard, not to men- since it was nine months into its estion cooki ng programs, yard and tabli shme nt in 1974.
garden tips, and e ntertai nment gosHe sa id th at the ne twork has
sip .
grown from 100 receivers in the
Plus , li steners are en tertai ned Omaha area whe n it started o ut to
with am usi ng shows such as " Mys- over 2,000 receivers statewide, with
tery Theatre," a he art -s toppin g a potenti al audi e nce of 25,000 li ss tory tellin g program , and " The teners.
Go ld Old Days," a li ght- hearted
Z lab's job is e ng ineeri ng the
history program.
network in the co ntro l room five
In addi tio n, advertisemen ts in days a week, w hi ch includes selec tnewspapers from department stores ing the programs that will air o n the
and grocery stores are read every network . He says the most popul ar
weekd ay.
program is the readin g o f the Omaha
World-Heral and Lincoln Journal,
Star newspapers, which air live every weekday for two hours in the
morning and two hours in the
Ziab also advises volunteers on
how to read their stories and articles.
"Basically, we tell them to read
clearly and slowly, as if they are
reading to a friend over the kitchen
table," Zlab said.
Volunteers have the freedom of
coming in whenev~r they choose,
and 'may also read whatever they
When a volunteer goes to read,
he or she selects the m aterial they
will rea d a nd the tape with th c
alo tted time for their reading, and
then reads the material in a recording stud io until the tape is compl etc
M ost readings are done on hallhour tapes , since most programs arc
a half-hour lon g. Vo lunteers Ill U,1
record and edit their own tapes .
Jeff and Ryan said they agrced
that the process is both fun and easy.
" I was a littl e nervous at first, hul
now it 's like riding a bike. I'm hasically reading out loud to mysel f. "
Jeff said.
" You go in , pick your arti cle.
read and leave," Ryan said. " It's
simple and fun as thaI." Both Zlah
and Fullerton said they are sati sfi ed
wi th the success of the network . and
future goal s in c lu de m akin g sure
that the network is rece ived hy ;]1
many peopl e as poss ible .
Trip to Israel enriches the lives of
entral students with new experience
Last summer two Central seniors took a
to a foreign country. In late June, JaHoberman and Maggie Jacobson both
to Israel.
They each spent a total of twenty-eight
s in several cities.
"I was never in the same city for more
four days," Maggie said.
Jason also traveled to Egypt for a total of
"It took awhile for it to sink in that I was
" Maggie said. While both Maggie and
had the same destination each had difreasons for going; and each went with
fferent groups. Maggie wanted to go for a
experience. Jason wanted to go because
is devout in Judai sm, the main reJigion in
"I wantfd to visit the Homeland," Jason
Maggie went with people from all over
U.S., call ed lSI outdoor adventure. Jason
t with the Jewish Organization of Omaha
awarded him a scholarship that covered
of his traveling expenses.
" I received the scholarship for going to
asses in the organization," Jaso n sa id .
ile in Egypt Jason said the temperature
hcd 115 degrees both days.
"Thc food was horrible, and we were only
nteed one bottle of water." The bottle
ntains only one and a half liters, very sparg for a whole day in one hundred degree
. If any more water was needed it cou ld
purchased for at one to two dollars a bOllle.
" I spent nearly two hundred dollars on
alone," 1ason said.
He said the lodging also left something
be desired. "There were no doors to the
it was very un safe," Jason said.
While in Egypt, Jason climbed Mt. Sinai
h reaches an elevation upwards of 7000
The morning of the climb Jason and his
left at two thirty and reached the top at
five fifteen. He stayed on the peak of the
mountain for one and a half hours until the
"It was probably the most beautiful thing
I have ever seen," he said. "You could see for
miles across all of Egypt." While in Israel,
Jason climbed Masada, a mountain believed
to have been climbed by the Zealots in 71 A.D.
to free the Romans from captivity.
"We weren't really trying to re-create
what the Zealots did we were just trying to
get a feeling for it all," Jason said.
Maggi~ went repelling 150 feet down 'a
mountainside. She also went scuba diving in
the Red Sea.
Some of the cities in Israel visited by both
were Tel Aviv, (considered the capital in the
United S.tates), Jerusalem, (considered the
capital in Israel), and Tiberia. While in Israel,
Jason ate mainly schnitzel. Schnitzehs a type
of Jewi sh ethnic food.
"It is similar to beef cutlet at school except it is chicken." Jason said. "It's like a long
wide chicken Mc Nugget."
Maggie ate alot of rice, pida bread, cucumbers and tomatoes. While there both got
a feel of the Israeli lifestyle.
"They try to be Americanized,"
M aggie said. She said they look like they
just came off the cover of Seventeen .
"As a whole th e people are very
friendly," Jason said.
Both Maggie and Jason believe Israel is
a much safer country than the United States .
Neither of them saw nearly as much crime as
the United States has. Jason plans to return to '
Israel thi s Summer. He wants to live there after college.
"I am deeply attached to the state of Israel ," Jason said.
Maggie has done all she wanted while
she was there and won't be returning for a
"I would go back, but it wouldn't be anytime soon," Maggie said.
Camel herder. MohamIJIed, a Bedouin nomad, is responsible for taking care of the camels. In Israel, the care of camels is
a very important job for nomads, since these people depend on
them as transportation in their wandering lifestyles . .
any factors shape youth political views
teenagers are new to the process, they don't know
As the news and airways become crowded with political what democrats and republicans stand for." She
voters are finali zing their choices for presidential said she believes that as adults, people see the
differences between the two groups and are able
'~',,".u'nv.,. Teenagers, along with adults, are forming opinto make a conscious decision as to their political
s as to what is right and wrong in the political scene.
Many factors can influence teenagers' beliefs regarding alignment.
Mr. Jack Blanke, history teacher, said, "Many
important issues. My parents always explain what they
lieye and why. It makes sense," Lisa Petersen, senior, times [teenagers] ideas change as they're away
d.Parents' persuasive arguments often affect the way their from home and they see the world unfold before
think. Christina White, senior, said, "A lot of my be- them. They're affected by the way it unfolds."
However, in some cases, adults stand by the
come from my parents. The values that you've grown up
they held when they were younger. For
th have a lot of influence on you."
Kovarik said, "The system that I grew
Some teachers also accredit their parents with influenctheir political beliefs. "My parents were my first influ- up with is still consistent with my life."
"At eighteen and nineteen, you tend to be
I would hear things they said about democrats versus
more idealistic and liberal," Dr. Jurgen Shawver,
icans," Mrs. Dee Kovarik, math teacher, said.
However, parents are not the sole source of teenagers' English teacher, said.
He said that he believes that people become
ideas. Many students form their own opinions based
information from outside of their families. I decide just more conservati ve as they age.
seeing the news on T. V. Everyone's entitled to their own
ion about politics. I decide for my- . - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
Sean Baxter, senior, said, "My pardon't influence me at all . I'm an inlependlent because I think it's easier to
between two sides. You want to
the right candidate, not the right
The political party a teenager begins
mayor may not be the one he or she
to stay with. Mrs. Vickie AnderSpanish teacher, was a republican as
teenager but later became a registered
"I now better understand how the posystem works," she said, "When
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Rules do not prevent communication .dell
By Rachel Slosburg
**Names have been changed/or conJulentiality
"Radios, tape players, record players, portable TV 's computer games,
electronic paging devices (beepers), cellular telephones, etc. ARE NOT
TO BE BROUGHT TO SC HOOL These machines cause distractions to
. the learning atmosphere of the school and there is the possibility of theft
for which a sc hool cannot be respo nsi ble."
Does the above paragratlh look fa mili ar? It is an excerpt from page
II in the white section of the 1996- 1997 Central High School Handbook.
The excerpt explains the rules for bringing technological devices to school,
and li sts the main reasons why the machines are not allowed .
However, several st udents do not abide by thi s rule. **John Doe brings
hi s page r to
. sc hoo l every
day. John said
he uses hi s
pager to ke·e p in
tou c h
fri e nd s durin g
the day.
" I need my
pager to know
who 1 need to
call back," John
J o hn said
he hid es the
p ager in hi s
poc ket
leaves it on theGotcha! .. This Central student
vibrating mode
s.ecretly checks his pager in the
while at school.
school day to see who he needs to
" It doesn ' t
call back.
di sturb a class,
and my teachers never see it but I can still receive pages at school,"John
said. John said he disagrees with the school's policy. He said that a student should be able to carry a pager as long as it doesn't disturb a class.
"My pager doesn't interrupt anyone and is my own personal property," John said. "The school shouldn't be able to take things that belong
to me."
**Joe Bloggs also brings his pager to school, but for a different reason.
"I mainly use my pager so my parents can contact me at any time
durtrend unlike others; I use my pager for the convenience!'
Tea ~ hers
is more beneficial than a pager. He sa;evel
fe~tures induding call forwarding I(:onfl
ence . .
"My phone can do a IQI more th<, me
expensive," Andrew said. "I have to lg a
out-going calls."
Andrew said he pays for t; i, celnair
uses it for social call s on the wcckcnc
"My phone is not for security. it [.) COl
municate with friends," Andrew said
Dr. Thompson said that as the pOrOhOll
increases, the school's policy 'A il l ber nt's
Stu de lt c
One hundrel. tuHe(
, .-/
[d ~l l
call cellular phones a success
By Erika Wulff
When Miss America waved her
delicate hand good-bye , she left
Central with something it never had
before, cellular phones.
Last May Central was issued 25
cellular phones on tri al from Alliant
Cellular. The main objective for the
program was to make information
readil y available fo r students and
staff and to help Central overcome
communicatinn barriers in and outside the sc hooL
"Central was c hosen for the cellul ar phone trial due to the networking diffi culties o f our sc hool," Dr.
Thompso n said .
With Centra l' s thi ck wal ls,
w , ........ -
According to Dr. Gary Thompson, principal of Central, more
and more students fit the scenario of John and Joe.
Dr. Thompson said that the students' use of pagers and cellular
phones at school has become prevalent in recent years. The popularity of these technological devices has increased for several reasons Dr. Thompson said.
" It is easier for stude nts to obtain access to a c·e llular phone or
pager, and many parents want son or daughter to carry either of these
devices for safety precautions," said Dr. Thompson.
Dr. Thompson said it is difficult to confiscate the pagers and
cellular phones if the devices are not causing classroom or hallway
"We will not search backpacks or lockers for cellular phones
and pagers. However, if a student receives a phone
call or hi s/her pager interrupts a classroom , it will be
taken away."
Dr. Thompson said he understands the parents'
concern for the security of their child. He said his
own son has a car phone to use just in case of an
According to Dr. Thompson, pagers originally
represented drug trafficking and the selling of illegal
substances in schools. Today, some students display
their pagers to represent a fashion trend. Senior
Maggie Jacobson said she uses a bright yellow pager
for social connections on weeke nds.
"My pager sits in my room until Friday night,
and I changed the col of to brig~t yellow to be different than the normal black design," Maggie said.
Maggie said the cost of her pager is approximately $85 dollars a year~ She said she has found it
very useful and has more advantages than a cellular
"My pager replaces the need for a phone, which
is much more expensive and unnecessary Maggie
said. "If I had a phone, I would use it twentyfourseven and consider every little instance an 'emergency'."
Other students own only cellular phones and not
pagers. Junior Denna Leavitt said her parents gave
her a phone for her sixteenth birthday.
"Because I started driving, my parents felt safer
with me carrying a phone on the weekends," Denna
said. "It really worked out to my advantage because
I use it for social calls all the time."
Senior Andrew Mattson said he thinks a phone
courtyard and vast area, it is extremely difficult and costly to run
wires within the building, especially
in the basement and in the teacher's
Teachers are required to submit
an application for reques t of the
phone. The applications are looked
over by Dr. Thompson who then determines where the pho nes would be
needed the most. Staff membcrs who
are frequently requested throughout
the building have first righ ts to the
phones. There are al so six phones
th at are kept in the offi ce that can be
checked out on a da il y basis. Thi s
way teachers who need the phones
temporarily can take advantage of the
phones as well .
For Mr. Larson and Mr. Fenn
the phones are a "godsend". The two
computer teachers are in high demand throughout the school. With the
cellular phones they can easily be
contacted for computer reference. It
also enables them to contact computer maintenance when there is a
networki ng prob le m . Beforehand
Mr. Larson and Mr. Fenn had to dash
from the phone to the computer to
solve problems.
"With the cellular phones , you
can be in front of the screen and solve
the pr ob le m at th e same time ."
Larson said.
Fenn and Larso n say that their
phones are al~
ways ringing.
COl11put L' t
"I have to rememo
ber to turn it off when
I go the rest room ,"
Fenn said.
Both teac he rs as
The cellular phones ~II O\:ed:
well as students have access to the
students to get a hold of inl(lrn ve
Mrs. Peggy Wheeler allowed her that norm all y would not he a'·:l rhl
students to use her phone during cre- to them .
Other bene fit s the phon c'·
ative writing in order for them to acquire infomlation for their semester to offer is that they enable It' ;ai(
to reach parents qui ck ly and ' md
" I was able to get all my infor- nie ntly.
Departments can abo t\':h cel
mation in class which gave me more
time to complete my proj ect" Sam other effortle ssly within the '. hil
which saves timc and ol1lit ~ IhAchelpohl sai d.
Students surf into. the future
By Tim Hakanson
Many consider the Internet to be the gateway to the future, and
at Central High School, the Internet is already becoming a part of the
school's future.
Thi s is the third year that Central has been connected to the
Interne t, Mr. Tim Larson, technology coordinator, said.
About 15 computers in Central High School are connected to
the Internet through the Netscape browser. These computers are located throughout the building, in the writing lab, as well as the foreign language, family and consumer science, social studies, busi ness
and marketing, math and science computer labs ..
In social studies, students have -used the Internet (0 log onto information about the
United States Congress. Foreign language students have
found information on
their specific lanrepresenting 5% of every class
guage over the
Internet, and internacf>ictures = 10 units
tional business stU"
5% of each class
dents have explored
different areas of
business on it.
Teachers, as
well as students, take
ad vantage
_ of
Central's Internet access. They do research for classes,
and get information
on writing.
Larson said that
Central is not yet using the Internet to its
full potential. Some
students do not
know about it or
ho,.v to use it. Right
now, students use
the Internet if a class
they are in is using
it or if they have a
good reason to use
it, such as being assigned to do research
by-a teact~r. Larson
said that Central is
8 88(
. Dr. Thompson said
received on the. phones
positive .
n said that one of the
sto len on the first day of
Ihi s was an extreme waste
effo rt because the phones
outside of the school.
lIu lar phones offer coni vance
lily al Central High.
Getting on-1ine .. l3t~siness marketing teacher Murray Fenn
explains to his student the steps in order to connect to the internet. Several Central students use the internet.
getting more into the use ofthe Internet. There is currently no
class that directly teaches how to use the Internet, but Larson
is hoping that will change.
"There will be classes in the future that teach the use of
the Internet," Larson said.
Ms. Amanda Karpf, science teacher, will be using the
Internet this year for her Global Science and Biology classes.
She said that it is a wonderful tool for teaching. Karpf designs projects for her students' research on the Internet by
writing a home page for the topics being explored. She said
that it is a teacher's job to write a well-guided assignment on
the Internet.
"It is a great research 1001 if you know where to look,"
said Karpf.
She said that in the future, all teachers and students will
need to use the Internet. Right now, many Ceachers and students lack the experience or are afraid to use the Internet.
However, it is relevant to almost any
class. "lean find out almost anything
on the Internet," Karpf said.
Science teachers can get scientific information from universities.
Social Studies teachers can visit Europe over the Internet. English teachers can visit university libraries. Art
teachers can even visit the Lourve or
the Smithsonian.
Last year, Karpf used the Incemet
for her physical science classes. AIthough having most of ~ computers
in the computer labs. and not in classrooms is an obstacle. she plans to use
the Internet even IIlQre this year than
last year.
September 30, 1996
10 -
m g<
It wi
Is, fOI
:r in .
When you go to mosl .
Opium Taylor Shows. thelf
don't expect a longd an
drawn out show and totan s
. hLpartI
be home by III I'd nlg
Opium Taylor playing to.the local scene
By Rebecca Starr
New releases, touring and
local shows are just some of the
reasons for Opium Taylor to get
" It gets to a point when all
the bands are so good, and everyone has so much energy,
people are playing a lot of shows
and everything is really exciting
and then all the bands break up
and the venues close and everyone has to start over," said Matt
Focht, drummer and Ce ntral
Hi gh alumnus.
Self-acclaimed twi sted punk
rock band, Opium Tay lor mu st
feel privileged for being a band
that has been together sin ce Nov.
of '93 putting out a se ven in ch
in April of '94.
Opium Taylor's first recordin g came out with original guitarist, Mike Mogis, who is currently playing with the band
We 'd Rather Be Flying. Chris
Hiene, front man, said that reason for the split was, "at the
time, he wanted to do other
things besides tour." Mogis recorded Sun Foil and one track
off of Boy White City with the
band and was replaced by Matt
Si1cock almost a year later.
"Touring made us a lot
smarter and a lot tougher. It
helped us reach a different level,
even though we have many other
levels to attend," Hiene said .
Focht described the experience as scary, but fun . The band
has made three tours including
The members are finn
believers in a short sel.tuna
and think that a slidden
s sel
burst of energy is bener)cess
than a longer, slo werl take
show. Th~ band is a rea· getti
son ably bIg name on the local scene and is luck) )by,
to get on stage bcfore!adft
II : p.m.
:t fOl
Focht apoli gizes
for the late s h ow ~ and
broken curfews thal l
Opium Taylor hcipcd
Other bands thai
they feel arc worth
checking out are Side ReI
Show, Giant's Chair. Go
Boys Life, all on the alll
same label as Opium unci
If you want lol .set
check out Opium Tay- m 0
Catch Opium Taylor will be at Sokol Hall on Oct. 7. where they will
lor live, they will bd St
be performing material from their new album, Fade Machine, Fade Magazine.
coming off of Iheir kinB
third east coast tour ds 0
and you
should J I '
the Entropui Press Festival in Bos- first and only full length album Taylor's next full lenght release.
head down to Sokol Hall at 13th and Ncr
ton with a variety of other bands.
Martha on Oct. 7. They will be play- :>e.
Boy White City. The album Heine considered the album a
Around the Omaha area the band came out in April 1995, on natural progression of four musiing with Man or Astro Man.
has been playing venues like the Cog Caulfield records. This driven cians (Pat Noecker, Matt Silcock,
''I'm glad that high school kids mar:
Factory for years. Focht considers and energetic album was re- Chris Heine, and Matt Focht.) He .can relate to us because there is are ki
himself fortunate to have a place like corded at Mogis Studios in Lin- adds that the album may be a little
lot of older bands that<::an ' l connect: onl
the Cog Factory to play at and con- coln.
to high school," Focht said . "Its nice d ~I
darker and that it will sound more
. 10 h'Ig h to tlI
siders the Antiquarium and the Cog
"Expect something new," is mature to the keen ear. Al so, exto have a secret connection
to be two of the best things in Omaha. how Focht described Fade Ma- pect another seven inch out on
school kids and its nice that they can U'Se
"We consider this a typical first chine,
Fade Ma gaz in e, Red Dawg Records from
get excited about a Lincoln band." :r; ' \1
wn '
album," Focht said, de.scribing their tenativley the name for Opium Bloomington, Indiana.
res I
Central ·alumnus in the spotlight
guard who played on the state championship football team with Chicago
A new star has emerged from Bears Hall of Famer, Gale Sayers.
the long line of successful Central
"I believe one of the most cxitgraduates, a former ----------"""""--, ing things ever to
football player who
happen for me
now performs onewas winning that
man plays around the
football game,"
he said. "It was
You can't count
the most memoas many people that
rable point in my
have gone on to big
high schoo! c&cii!"ters sinct! they
were at Central.
Don Fiedler
Fiedler also
Some big names inhad no idea that
clude Henry Fonda,
Sayers would go
Gale Sayers, and now, Don on to such a huge career.
Fiedler, a local attorney who has
"There were so many great playused his acting skills to create a ers on that team, and since Central
name for himself.
still hadn't become a factory of suFiedler, a graduate of the perstars, no one knew Gale would go
class of 1961, was an all-state so far."
By Sam Achelpohl
After high school, Fiedler
went on to the University of Arizona, where he played football
for one year.
When asked about how he
got started in acting, he laughed
and commented on a time when
he wore a cheerleading outfit
during a pep rally at Central to
help gain athletic support from
the student body.
"I think that's probably
what sparked my career," Fiedler
Fiedler has worked in many
different productions ranging
from Catch 22 to The Odd
Couple. He has also starred in
local productions including Of
Mice and Men, which was performed at the Omaha Community Playhouse. -.
19 a
)re c
llld I
The play that Fiedler is most
Fiedler has also been infamous for is Bryan, the life story volved in other activities and or- es Cl
of William Jennings Bryan, who ganizations besides his acting ca- :Iudl
was a presidential candidate from reer.
Nebraska in 1896.
He served as the Executive
One of the popular parts of Director of N.O.R.M .L. (Nathat play was Bryan 's Cross of tional Organization to Reform
Gold speech, which he spoke at Marijuana Laws).
the Democratic National ConvenHe became involved with
tion of 1896, in Chicago.
this organization because of his :t:::::
Fiedler performed the same work with cases that dealt with PE
speech, which was televised and drugs. He said that he enjoyed
broadcasted nationally on both C- the opportunity to work with such SPAN and National Public Radio, a liberal organization.
during the 1996 Democratic ConFiedler felt that his best years
vention, which was also held in were spent at Central, and that we
should all take advantage of our
"I remember how bizarre it time here.
was performing such a huge, piv" High school will be the
otal speech in front of a podium greatest time of your life, as long
in the complete darkness," Fiedler as you don't let the springboard
of opportunity pass you by."
- - - - - --- ---
- -
Sometimes Dazed
dUsually Confused
Okay, I am going to try
Iy hard to restrain myself
going on a ballistic rant, but
ill be painfully difficult.
e up and brace yourselves,
for it is time for me to give my
al views on a place that many
probably visited this sumn the midst of a critical point
'r lives, one of the most hectic
annoying places on earth,
's gift to the free world .... the
of Motor Vehicles.
If you are getting a driver's
, you have to go there, uny, and at least for myself,
ingly easy and efficient
was a complete nightmare!
you through the experience
'ng a Iicense step by step.
As you walk into the
y, you notice a roomful of
ful souls who look like they
out that either the world
has officially come to an end, or that
they are sitting in the lobby at the
stupid D.M.Y.!
After waiting five decades
to be called up, you hear a mysterious voice completely mispronounce
your name, and go up to the counter
to see a baggy-eyed, body-odorsmelling, drag of life, supposedly
one of the officers. She is wearing
what appears to be a uniform that
should have been donated to the
Children's museum for kids to dress
up in sometime around 1980. This
charmer, who goes by the enchanting name of Irma, looks like a character straight out of Fraggle Rock,
only uglier.
As you smell the coffee
and tobacco smoke rolling off of
Miss America's breathe, you hear
her in a voice sicker than Harry
Caray's completely interrogate you
with personal questions the C.I.A.
could care less about. You are sent
back to the lobby and go into a
coma for...say ... another decade until it you are called to take the vision test.
You are escorted up to the
counter by a retiree turned parttime D.M .Y. "security guard", a
man who looks like Rusty the Bailiff from the People's Court and
who flaunts about as much power
and authority as Barney Fife or Mr.
Magoo. Anyway, you're ready to
take the vision test.
And what a doozie_ this
thing is! Ray Charles could pass
this test in his sleep. It would matter less if you had two swelling
cataracts. All you have to do is
, identify blinking red and green
lights, something the average hyperactive kindergartner can do. As~
suming you do pass, it is then off
to take the written driver's test..
This test is no law school
bar exam. Basically, if you have
been in a mode of transportation
once in your life, if you have normal human brain cells and a pulse,
you'll pass this puppy with flying
colors at some point, no maJter if it
is the first, second, or twentieth
time you take it. I could drool my
music and a great atmosphere made the First AnReggae festival in
I Bluffs a success.
Only after getting lost
__ "~ .. "'" the picturesque
of Neola, Iowa did I
tate Fair Park. In the
ng lot, there were hunof cars and my friend
were talking about
crowded it was going
answers on the paper or write them
in crayon and it wouldn't matter. I
apologize to those who have failed
it, but I mean ... come on ... read a
manual and pass this brain stumper!
Now you come to the hardest and most nerve-racking part of
this ordeal, the actual driving test,
conducted by the one, the only,
Irma. Now, if you take the
same sadistic, maze of an obstacle
course I did to pass the test, then
about the only ' thing you have to
know is how to change lanes, meaning you have to know whe{'e the
right and left-hand lanes are, something I learned when I was, say, oh ...
three years old!
I kept my speed under the
limit and kept my eyes straight
ahead as if I were paying attention
to what was going on, two things I
never do now, and passed easily,
though I would have never guessed
judging by the cyborg tone in Queen
of the Dead's mouth when she broke
me the great news.
The final part of this process is everybody's favorite - the
picture. Have you ever seen anyone look half-good on their driver's
lic:ense? These things make Brad
Pitt look like the Elephant Man.
In my case, I look like Alfalfa
coming out of a coma after a heroine overdose, or maybe by strange
coincidence some~ne who has spent
way too much time at the D,..M.Y.!
You are then handed the
piece of plastic by the lovely
Thelma, the defiled, foul-mouthed
D.M.Y. secretary, who has by now
already called you a "little twerp"
twelve times for disturbing her coffee-drinking, nail-filing, and National Enquirer reading.
Now you are an officially
licensed driver of the state of Nebraska and can go out into society
and risk losing you life amidst the
other idiotic, out-of-control, driving
boobs inthis town. I can just hear
the Church Lady from "Saturday
Night Live" yelling, '~ell, isn't that
just special!'
To sum it up (too late), it
is not being a good enough driver
to receive the license that is the hard
part, it is putting up with the long
,and disgustingly irritating process of
getting it.
The D.M.Y. - folks, fun, and
state funding. Aside from getting a
root canal or listening to a Bob Dole
speech, I can't think of too many
worse things to do with my time.
their set with a sing-along whose lyrics consisted of "Put
a solo drummer. The multiple bands allowed people to leave
your hand in mine, everybody put your hand in mine."
the park an come back without even missing and entire act.
Kirsten Hepburn, sophomore, said, "I think that rain and
The overcast day and
publicity kept people away from this great event."
the open field permitted
first annual Reggae Festival was a great event depeople to play Frisbee and
unexpected turnout and this is one 1111lsic festival I
soccer while enjoying the
despite the poor turnout.
music. World Power kicked
off the show
around 2 p.m.
I didn't get to
EfJ7 Underwood Avenue
the show until
Omaha, NE 68132
4 p.m . so I
(402) 553-8755
can't imagine
that World
Power would
,Open Monday - Saturday 10 - 6
have drawn a
large crowd.
Buy I Sell / Trade
The em~
cee came out
Unique antiques, collectables, clothing, and
and talked for
many new items
a while making jokes concerning the
poor turnout.
Towards the end of Local Hero the skies
began to rumble and darken as they finished up
hey had v-astly
the reggae audience ... however,
the music'was
great and fans of
all ages came out '
for the event.
we turned into the
Reggae Fest, we
kind of disappointed to
Iy about 40 cars. -We
the $13.00 fee and got
the concert to find a
y covered amphithewith a single stage
front and a row of
and food stands runa boarder around the
With the access they had vastly overestimated the reggae
with several different restaurants and
clothing, wall hangings, and incense than
be bought by so few people.
However, the music was great and fans of all
came out for the event. Some of the bands
Local Hero, World Power, Jon Levi, and
OIV.AHA, NE 68106
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Sega Playstation rentals and Super NES
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Coil us todoy for your appointment
10/ 12/96
1 0% discount with this ad
12 Entertainment
Fazoli's fast food fails taste test-:-
dashes '
By Carolyn Bullard
Muddy, wet and mi!;enlble
are three words to describe the
event that took place Sunday,
Sept. 15 atAksarben. Whatevent
is being described? You guessed
it, Edgefesl.
Around 11 :30 a.m. crowds
began to file into Aksarben 's outdoor area. The rain was a constant drizzle butat that point none
seemed to be bOthered by iCl'Ile.
first band began to play and soon
a visible mass of mashers and
crowd-surfers could ' be se~(
amidst all the mud and COlIUU-··1
Their audience, n,."""·,,.MIV
sisting of Omahans, aPf)lalJded
loudly as they perfonned r
stage with all the otherl ..··~UVIl'"
The other bands .....'1" "·~...a,,,
Around, The Vet~e:Pipe, ·.· '.~",.... I
Mary Three, TheRefreslitrie#~,
Goldfinger, Th~ NixoIls; Tr~cy
Bohnam, A Flock of Seagulls an'ct
several other modem TOckblirlils.
Many . f~ns~~p€~S'~~, ~~i~
disapproval ',.towards , th~bands
seleCted for the 96'E<JgC£fesL t
. After aU, E~geresi 95' was
filled with bimds like 3 I I and
The Vjolent Femmes.
Wh~n asked ~bout the m~si
important band playing Edgefest
several different reli'p<!nses were
"I came here for one reason ,
. and one reason' only. To see
Goldfinger," Dan Harbeck, concert goer said.
The above answer seemed to
be the most common. And after
nine hours of loud, repetitive
modern rock music it wasn't too
hard to see why.
Goldfinger was superb,
while other bands generally
looked the same, talked the same
and attempted to be cool the
The crowd's energy was
brou ght to it's zenith during
Goldfinger 's performance of the
song "Mable", but was then subdued during a moment of silence
for the late Tupac Shakur.
Tracy Bohnam wasn't half
bad either.
Her versatile talent rotated
between violin and guitar and
kept the crowd very entertained.
Bohnam 's coveLof PJ Harvey 's
"50 Foot Queeny" was pretty
good compared to SeYen Mary
Three 's use of Pink Floyd's "The
Wall. "
"I wish I had decided to stay
home. Now I am going to have
pneumonia," Allison Dennert,
Nixons fan said concerning the
The weather was just one
more factor to make Edgefest less
desirable. The temperatures were
in the low sixties and rain was
Though the amount of ticket
sales were astro nomical (over
23 ,000), many attendants were.
di spleased. Better luck next year.
I arrived at Fazoli's around 7:30
p.m. to find a two-mile line and a
forty minute wait. It felt like Disney
World. I knew immediately that this
was not fast food .
Finally I approached the counter
to place my order. Looking overhead I began to peruse the menu and
check out my dinner options. After
debating between pizza, pasta and
minestrone soup I finally came to a
conclusion. I think I'll splurge tonight. The most expensive dish on
the 'entire menu- the Sampler Platter. What an Italian name.
The guy behind the cash register spouted off my order into his
little microphone and I proceeded
me. The building gave me the feel
of being in a real restaurant but
the service wreaked of fast food.
There were little Mediterranean murals on the wall, yet I
dined with plastic utensils. Confusing .
I was a little unsure of how
to judge my experience at
Fazoli 's.
At first I thought that the fact
that it was fast food would cause
me to cut it some slack, but after
comparing it to the taste and quality of other fast food chains I decided it was still unacceptable.
I must give Fazoli's credit
for their excellent breadsticks.
There is even a guy who's duty it
to shell out the $3. 99 to cover the
bill. I grabbed a spork, my drink
cup (to be 011ed at the drink station)
and my ticket number. My meal was
finally ready- all dolled up on a cute
red cafeteria tray.
The Italian Sampler Platter consisted of fetticini alfredo, spaghetti,
and lasagna. The food looked pretty
good on the plate. Boy, was I in for
a rude awakening.
Maybe I am an oddity but I prefer food that actually tastes like
The fettucini was watery, the
spaghetti bland and the lasagna was
just intolerable.
The atmosphere In this bustling
Italian restaurant really confused
.CD Review
is to walk around and replen
everyone's supply of breadstic
That was kind of nice I guess.
I realize I have been harsh tOt
new comer to the fast food indus: .,
It is just that the notion of speedyc
ing and Italian food is a huge com
Part of what I enjoy most a~
other Italian places is the sit dOl
take your time atomosphere.
These aspects were not eviden;
I would strongly recommc Vi
Fazoli's to anyone pressed for tir.
in dire need ofItalian food- minus'rt at
flavor and in search of grianC
breadsticks. Don't fall in to that c. Ca
egory? Stick with Burger King. Yo
! out
Specials latest album bombs
. By Rebecca Starr
Listeners are disappointed
with the new style of ska band, The
Specials. The band 's new album,
Today 's Specials, is lacking the energy of past albums with covers
(many well known) that fail to compare to the originals.
The tracks rack any past
Special 's sounds that gained the
band their popularity previous to
their turn into a mass produced easy
listening sound.
The first track, "Take
Five," an instrumental selection
leads fans to expect another catchy,
groovable' album, but the rest mellow out even mQre than this slow,
but jazzy lead.
Bob Marley cover,
"Hypocrite," "Pressure Drop" and
"Good.bye Girl" are all dragging
and a bland introduction to the new
album leaving the brassy solos as a
welcome interruption to the synthesized sounding rhythms and repetitive lyrics. The songs are something
well appreciated in the correct time,
but definitely not for listening to late
at night, while driving .
Radio song, "A Little Bit
Me, A Little Bit You," was a radio
song because it is the only song
catchy enough on the new album
to draw in new listeners.
After hearing this version of the Special's, many find
that this is a fun, but tiring remake
of Neil Diamond classic.
The droned out sounds
of the next two tracks, "Time Has
Come" and "Some body Got Murdered" can be thrown in with the
fist few tracks as being boring,
slow and dragging.
Sun peaks through the
clouds with "Shanty Town 007"
and "Simmer Down," which were
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~ ~ts/ FiBlWes IIId FrIend~Jnd~
ne, t
1I ha\
both fun listening and upbeat tune;t gif
The band kept it's repetitive lyric Pis
R&B sounding interludes, but thre . SOl
in more brass and funk-like beats. msel
The disappointment conti:e onl
ues through the end of the album wie p aJ
tracks "Maga Dog" and "Bad Boys Ar
The Specials are an excelle If ~
group, but this album doesn 't have be
energy, speed, and full force brass , you
past albums.
With a beat that seems not to chan! Tal
through out the entire album and son Be
high pitched back up singers, fansa!e yo
left with a new interpretati on ,so ~
Today's Specials.
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are written purely for the ennn... " ..... ~ of our readers. Any resemH.~ •.I.:J
Be prepared for a possible change in careers, or a
possible loss of employment. Do not look for a new
job. Out come could be dangerous. Instead focus more
e to fact is purely coincidental. . on personal goals.
june 22- july 22
Dec. 22- jan. 19
attitude towards the crowd you've been
Unexpected news will reach you through the grapelately are changing. Space is a must. Keep an · vine. As unbelievable as it may seem, it is most like!y
for peoples motives: the stars are aligned against accurate. The stars are showing a possible failed test.
special attention to friends this month.
Avoid misfortune by preparation.
jan. 20- Feb. 18
Leo july 23- Aug. 22
Keep your patience when dealing with a rival. The
latter part of the month will be your time to
but don't let others get you discouraged. What best way to deal with contlict is not to avoid it.
ve wished for is on the way. Don ' t miss it. The
Aug. 23- Sept. 22
fts aren't always wrapped.
Everything you could possibly want is about to
Feb. 19- March 20
happen, seeing as though you are the most wonderful
"rn~'''n '' who has been watching you will reveal and intellectual of the signs. Your schedule will be
ves. Your first impression is most likely a reli- opening up quite a bit. Enjoy free time outdoors.
Be up front to avoid unwanted disturbances.
Sept. 23- Oct. 23
open mind about different opinions.
Cleanliness is mandatory. Therefore, bathe. Get
ries Mar. 21- Apr. 19
organized and ready for success. The future is looking
you have been wondering why certain people bright. Your confidence will get you pl aces if you take
reluctant to spend time around you- exam- ·advantage of it.
. Stop the whining. Self-pity will get you
Oct. 24- Nov. 22
fast. Examine your problematic situations.
Stop worrying about your hair. It looks just fine .
Apr. 20- May 20
Start worrying about your Science grade. Though
e nice. Some people have feelings. Try to mini- things are in a state of confusion, take time to think
insensitive gossip and tend to your own busi- about your surroundings.
Share your success with someone who might
Sagittarius Nov. 23- Dec. 21
May 21- june 2
Expect the unexpected: Something may just
come up on you and pop you in the face .
ive Garden
a bad idea
Do you consider bread and salad
If so, the Olive Garden
d be just the restaurant you are
I went Sunday afternoon and
could count the number of paon one hand. The waitress did
run by smiles and waves befinally stopping.
After a few more run bys, she
and took our order. The
menu makes decision making
difficult, but is you're living
typical teenage budget, you'll
bread and water. Since I
my family there to pick up the
I opted for the chicken
While waiting for my meal, I
the house salad which is
family style with breadsticks.
you enjoy these because
put the main course to shame.
My main course showed up
an hour after my arrival at the .
with two gian t slabs of
and a generous side of spa. The taste of the main course
rather undefined with nothing
exceptional fl avor, but none
food was poor tastin g ei ther.
The chicke n was enjoyab le but
ad and breadsticks are the best
the Olive Garde n has to offer.
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14 Sorts
Central golf swings into Metro
Turf Tal
Why did the Central Eagles ' a lot of talent, the 1996 teain may
Football team lose -to Omaha go farther than the fIrst round of
North, a game that should have the State playoffs. Hey, who knows
they may win it ali.
"een won?
Maybe I'm getting ahead of
How did they lose in the last
minutes of the game?
myself here, but you never know.
And moving on to the NFL. ..
Was it lack of confidence or
lack of conditioning on the playThere are a lot of people out
ers or was it just a b) own cover- there in football land who believe
age?the Pack is back. They believe that
Only the coaches know that Green Bay Packers will be the next
answer for sure.
Super Bowl Champions. And some
But what I know is that all the are vyiDg for the Kan sas City
pl aye rs dedicated the mselves in Chiefs.
every practice. Like most t~ams in
Deep down, I believe it is goevery team sport, the Eagles have ing to be the Pack. The Pack has it
a weak side and senior leadership all in one complete package. They
isn't it. Senior leadership is appar- have a good running-back, a
en t in each practice.
phenomanal quarterback and talSeniors push and praise the ented, experienced wide-receivers.
yo un ger players. They can tell
Could it he their year or will
what is going wrong and they someone spoil it for them? And will
know how to fix it.
the Kansas City Chiefs be that team
Now with that kind of lead- to spoil the Pack run for the tiltle.
ership coming from the older playIs there any other team out
ers, the eagles' football team is there who could do that?
much str<?nger athletically and
What about the Cowboys?
I know they are I c2 with losses
The Central defense did a fan- againSt the Bears -and the Colts.
tastic job stopping Luther Starks This maybe the end of a legacy esa nd Chevist Johnson all night. pecially with a loss to the IndiaProps to to the defensive line and napolis Colts.
the secondary. The offense did the
But for some odd reason, I bemost pass ing I have ever seen lieve:-that the legacy of the '90's
since I have been here andcom- ' Dallas Cowboys is still going.
pleted the most receptions, too.
Right now, they're having a nose
TheEagles hav.e probably t~e dive for some odd reason. _ _..
best receiver in the state in senior
Maybe it is the five-game susLuke De nney, and the coaching pension of wide-receiver Michael
staff utilized him correctly. They Irvin because of drug use, the loss
went to Luke at the right time of tight~end Jay Novacek or probwhenlhe North defense was think- ably the athletes are hyped up about
ing run.
their multi-million dollar contracts
- - And you can't forget about likeEmmitSmith and Deion Sandsenior Zach Girthoffer. _
. - - ers. With Luke attracting the deMichael Irvin will hype the
fense , Z ach will likely be open team up 'during the games. That is
down the field. And senior Jeremy what he does the best. He gels the
Colvin is the right person to be at team ready to play and win . He is
quarterback. He has a stroog arm, a very good leader and his teamand he can deliver a thirty five- mates look up to him.
yard ball right on target.
For whatever reason the CowNow with the defe nse strong boys are losi ng. they will overcome
as it is and the offense which has it.
..... ,
By Mike Kelly
prove herse lf.
Th e Ce ntra l women's Go lf
team wi ll not let inexperience bring
bring them dow n thi s year.
Lcd by two year letterman,j unior Rache l Slosburg, and returning
lettermen sophomore Stacy Crammer and se nior Sarah Berg, the
Eag les hope to be competitive with
any team In the Me tro this year.
Central teed off their season
Sept. 5 against defending Metro
champion Omaha North without the
help of some key pl ayers.
Seniors Alicia Blanke and Sarah Berg along with junior Staci
John so n a ll mi ssed the seas on
opener due to Porn Squad's performance at the first football game.
'Thi s isn' t a good day to come
watch us play ", sa id Coach Jo
Dusatko, " We're mi ss ing half our
Coac h Dusatko expec ts great
things out.ofRachel, comparing hcr
to such fonn er Central stars as Liz
Cross ma n and Leah Mu sse lm a n
who qualified for the State Tournament their junior and senior year.
"Rachel has a great work ethic,
she works hard every practice to im-
think she has the
potcntial to go to
s ta te,"
sa id
Rach e l
pl aced 9th at the
. the'
A.L.. Invitational
on Sept. 16 and
s hot a 40 at
Elmwood in a
against Omaha
Rachel and Stacy,
key contributions
will be needed
from Sarah, Alicia
and Staci .
" If we keep
Fore! Senior Alicia Blanke tees off in a
trying hard in
match at Elmwood Golf Course . The
prac tice and keep
. mot
Eagles take on the Metro's best Oct .3 al
ge ttin g better in
Metro Championships
matc he s,
s hould do very
well at Metro ,"
GoThe Eagles pl ay Oct. 3 if
said Sarah.
whi l
Championships at EIJ1l~ .
Coach Dusatko remain s proud
of her team 's dedicatio n to fair play The Di strici to umement w ill ~. pete
Oct. 7
and commitment to getting better.
Gymnastics $prings to hot starj
By Les Anich
off in that dual meet. "
The Central Eagle's Gymnasitic Team has
Senior Zack--Johnson won the rings competiti ull .
high goals due to the team 's overall experience
Zack said , "I felt like we were very in sy nc wit h nur '
thi s year, senior Kelly Allen ~a id .
tines . The whole routine fl owed ex tremely well. If lIe ; turn
" We are really good this, because we form like that at Metro we should have a n ex celle nt sh
have a lot of talent," Kelly said . "And mostly
ing. "
'because we are all seniors and we havc competed
The Eagles -hope to compete we." aga iri st peren nial r l
ers such as Millard South and Papilli on at the Metro ella,!
On Sept. 17, they won a dual meet against onships.
the Papillion -LaVi sta Mon archs.
Kelly won the all around
which includes the vault, bars,
Admission s Director
beam and noor competitions.
_Senior Cori Mallenby
won the vault and Tiffany
Taylor won th e flo o r
excerc lse.
"This year, we have a real
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enced athletes," Tiffany said .
"Everybody's trying hard in
every practice and that paid
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Sporting Alternatives
National Go-Ped Championship roars through Omaha
dents among the participants. Professional
racers can attempt to go over ramps to increase
speed or pass the competition. After two laps
around the course the checkered nag is waved
and a winner emerges.
"You have to be in control, yet out of control, ride on the edge, have consistency, and
maintain a good speed," said Ray Kite, owner
of Top Speed Racing from Boulder, Colorado.
"Plus it helps to have good looking shirts."
Most Go-Ped racer~ said they have a
background in jet-skiing, skateboarding or
cycling, and believe Go-Ped racing is a sport
of the future.
Steve Ratmont, 45 , of Orange County,
California invented the Go-Ped in 1985. lie
sti ll owns his own Go-Ped company and :::ttended the event in Omaha. His two sons a:'e
sponsored by his company.
"I'm just a crazy Californian who was
bored with surfing and skateboarding ." f1ike
to think of Go-Peds as the mode of transportation for the future , easi ly transportable, sa fe
and fun ," Ratmont said.
Ratmont said Go-Ped racing will soon' be
a sport in the X- Games on ESPN, and the
courses of the future will have loops as well
asjumps .
The Go-Ped championships will be televised on Prime Sports later this fall, which is
Cox Communications channel 47.
Ratmont said the televised event wi ll give
the IPGA it's first exposure on national television.
While most Nebraskans were watching
the Huskers demolish Michigan State, the
International Go-Ped Association was having
it 's national championships, in downto~n
Omaha at the Gene Leahy Mall.
On Sept. 7, Omaha played host to 70 athletes from all over the country. The racers
came from as far away as California, Arizona,
Michigan and Colorado. Some of the athletes
were vying for $5000 dollars in prize money.
Go-Peds are effectively like Target
scooters with a weed-wacker motor on them ,"
said B.I. McCart who competed in the amateur stock class.
Go-Ped racing is divided into two classes.
The stock class is the event where every
racer gets a Go-Ped with an equally powerful
The modified class is a division where
the racers can build their own engines and
have no limit to the machine's power. Stock
Go-Peds usually attain a top speed of 17 mph
whi le modifieds reach 32mph .
"We usually have our best racers compete in the stock class," said racer, Mr. Rob
Kingery of Overland Park, Kansas, "The guys
that built their Go-Peds up we let race in the
modified. They tend to be nuts."
The actual race itself is very similar to a
motocross, the wipeout filled dare-devil sport
that frequented ESPN in the mid-80's.
The Omaha course was filled with tight
turns and barricades that caused many acci-
Go Speed Racer! A Go-Ped driver soars through the
air on his way to victory during the Go-Ped Nationals
held in down-town Omaha at the Gene Leahy Mall .
A '
first national oonk
of omaha
Investing in you.
111&___......0II1II------------.--,.. .
•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
&• • •
Varsity ~oftb~1I prepared for new season
By Dave Echternach •
Central's varsity softball team is
poised and prepared for an excellent season. After losing only three seniors from
last years squad experience will not be a
problem as it has been in the past years.
This year the Eagles have a new head
coach, Dianne Miller. Miller used to
coach at North West Missouri State University.
"Central works and plays hard all the
time," coach Miller said.
Thi s season's highlight has been the
7-6 victory to number ,8 Lincoln Southeast. After coming off the big win the
Eagles faced number three Millard North
and number one Millard South. Both
times the Eag les were stung, losing 10-0
to Millard North and 12-0 to Millard
South .
Coach Mill e r said that the Eagles
were prepared for the Millard teams but
just came up short. The fact that both
Smack! Senior Sirena
Montalvo hits one.
teams were highly ranked had no intimidating effect on the players.
Coach Miller said the team does not
pay attention to the ratings.
ross country strides into new ye.,._. __
By Les Anich
country program for years," coach
Shipman said. "The boys and girls this
year are as good as we ever had in my
six years of coaching."
On Sept. 13 at the first annual Central Cross Country Meet, the women 's
team placed first over Omaha Westside,
Bryan, Benson, Westside, Northwest
and the Creighton Prep Junior Varsity
"We had a lot of support from our
Central staff," coach Shipman said ..
Freshman Danielle Jamorczy won
the 4,000 meter race with a time of 14
minutes and three seconds.
"My first year running' for Central
has been good," Danielle said. "It is
what I expected it would be."
Senior Tim Riveria placed third and
junior Kaun Johnson placed eighth in
runners . The women's team has ve;YJo~
fast runners," Kaun said. " I expectJo' The
and Tim to finish in the top fi ve intind Net
The 1996 varsity Cross Countr In-tl
Team has the experience and st ren~l the U
to be one of the best teams in the Stallces De
varsity women's Head C oac h TI'emocr
Shipman said.
"Central has a very stable croosition
the 5,000 meter rac~ at the first anmict repl
Central Cross Country Meet.
Other cross country members! C;u
elude: seniors John Zendejas, S"ith a v;
Fischer and juniors Tim Hawk ins,otes, th
Tod Jacobson, Sam Krueger. Aarldio co
Privite ra, Chris Scofield, sophomo:al anal)
Anaka Carlson, Jill Carroll , Marga~rence
Kukula, Jami son Richart and freshmrs decil
Meredith Zendejas .
Ild seer
"This year's team has very S0n how I
On t
Central' football comes to a ·crossroad~~Zi~
By Mike Kelly
The Central varsity football team has
been on an e motional roller coaster in the
first three weeks of the season.
The Eag les opened up with a heartbreaking 2 1- 18 ove rtime loss aga inst
Omaha North in the first week of the season. The Eagles came from behind to take
the lead only to have North rally to defeat the Eagles in the season oyener.
With the score ti ed 7-7 in the ~eco'nd
half, the Eag les relied on the impressive
runnin g of junior Deante Grixby and
some key receptions by se nior Luke
Denney to sustain a drive that culminated
with a o ne yard run by quarterback Jeremy Colvin .
Col vin then hit junior Djuan Johnson
on the two point conversion attempt to
give Central a 15-7 lead.
North got the ball back with four minutes left in the game. The Vikings converted two important first down plays and
with 1:33 remai ning, North tied the game.
The Vikings caught the Central secondary off guard and completed an I I yard
scoring pass . North successfully attempted the two-point conversion and the
game was tied.
In overtime the Eagles received the
bail on the North 10 yard line. The Eagles
had to settle for a Denney field goal.
Women's golf
Page 14
Page 14
Go-peds Page 15
On their first overtime
who look the:ieker n
play, North won the game
of th e Eag lejs .. The
on a 10 yard run by Luther
~ntlOn I
Central hugrue
21 on September 13.
ceived the ha The
Led by three first half
s tart th e seclay of !
touchdown passes by Jerhalf ' and leairin:
emy Colvin, th e Eagles
. g aml ith a I
built a 35-7 half-time lead.
d nve w hen D,hugrue
lost th e hall
In t
zone,"senior captain Josh
q u~ e s t i on aike fir.n
Noreutt said, "we could do
fumbl e.
l~ maJ<
anything we wanted on ofMill ard S,ald thai
fen se and the defense
. I'Ize d or imilar,
played . an incredible
turn ov e r
, game."
scored on a 1ge In t
The Eagle defense,
K e nn e d y tOI,oth Rt
flanked by seniors Jeff
· klson I
d own run. Th"
Bogacz , Zach Girthoffer
dlan s comp Ilean
and Norcutt, held Benson's .
the two poinl hat apI
running game to just seven
. and leI·rats .
first half points.
13. The Eagle "Hl
"I told the defense that
not mu ster
the key to this game was
in theJ
tackling Benson's backs
well," coach Mark Aliner
Mi{ Caro
said. "I think we did that
South defense Over
pretty well."
M illard S~ntral a
Benson quarterback
a late li ve con
LaRon Tolbert was held to
down and werrm a nl
-14 yards rushing.
to a 31 - 13 wio10se pu
Behind the solid blockCentral.
rt spor
ing of junior Jason
Slashing by! Junior Deante Grixby runs past
On e of eerlead
Galaska, and seniors Robdefenders on a kick off return against Millard .
bright spots fC)faIIy.
ert Jefferson, Josh Cohen
Central lost 31-13 to the no. 1 ranked IndiEagle s th is "Boc
and Brandon Clogston, the
has been the hey, anc
Eagle running game was in
ing of Colvin
full effect. Senior Damion
the receiving'
Sayers led the team with a
tight ends. D.
career high 87 yards rush ~
botched double pass attempt fell in com- and Noreutt, who both have touch O
• •
plete in the end zone, resulting in a safety. receptions on the year. Throu ghPOlttll
"It was a great team victory," senior
Late in the first half with the Eagles weeks Colvin was third in the Mel
Jeremy Garrison said, "we really needed
trailing 16-7, Deante ran a kick-off all the passing and first in touchdowns with)eba
way back to the Millard South 2 yard Johnson was also among the leadc
On Sept. 19, the Eagles took on topline. The dazzling run set up junior receiving yards.
rated Millard South, in an emotional game
Lawrence Butler's first touchdown as an
Standing at 1-2, the Eagles arc
at Millard South.
major crossroads in their season. Ur
After the Indians took a 7-0 lead, the
With the momentum on their side and for the Eagles will be Creighton pf1';allO'J
Eagles came back to tie the score at 7-7 .
the crowd on their feet, the Eagles seemed OctA and Omaha South for the 0
A 2-yard Deante scoring run capped off
to pull the upset of No.1 Millard homecoming game.
a long drive for the Eagles.
"I think the team has the potenll_ __
In the second quarter, the Eagles were
When Jeremy did not return after the rise to the next level and step it Up l_
pinned deep in their own territory. A
first quarter, it was senior Joe Girthoffer next few weeks," Cody Shevli n .11.
n"" e