The Peace Project
The Peace Project
The Peace Project Can one book change your entire belief system? 0MVULWLYZVUJHUZPUNSLOHUKLKS`LZ[HISPZO >VYSK7LHJL+H`^OH[JHUHULU[PYL PU[LYUH[PVUHSJYLH[P]LJVTT\UP[`KV& ;OPZVULX\LZ[PVUZWHYRLKHUPKLH[OH[ PUZWPYLKHY[PZ[ZMYVTHYV\UK[OL^VYSK[V [HRLHJ[PVUMVY7LHJL;OPZIVVRTHYRZ[OL ÄYZ[Z[LWPUHQV\YUL`[OH[WYVTPZLZ[VIYPUN \ZJSVZLY[VWLHJL[OHU^LL]LYKYLHTLK 0M`V\»]LL]LY^VUKLYLK^OL[OLY`V\ JV\SKJOHUNL[OL^VYSKUV^PZ[OL[PTL HUK[OPZPZ[OL^H` ;OL7LHJL7YVQLJ[ ^^^[OLWLHJLWYVQLJ[JVT common ground for creative people ;OYV\NOJYLH[P]P[`HUKJVTT\UP[` ^LJHUJOHUNL[OL^VYSK The Peace Project Through community and creativity we can change the world. Has one book ever changed your entire belief system? ¸ Lennon Peace Wall, Prague, Czech Republic Peace Project submission by John Douglas Inspiration for The Whole 9 Peace Walls Peace Wall, Los Angeles, California Art by Steven Lopez and Tazroc Creative Consultant Peter Youngblood :L]LYHS`LHYZHNV7\SP[aLY7YPaL>PUULY2HYLU)SLZZLUZOV^LK TL7LHJL6UL+H`HIVVRZOLPSS\Z[YH[LK[OH[[LSSZ[OLZ[VY`VM >VYSK7LHJL+H`>VYSK7LHJL+H`PZ[OL]PZPVUVMÄSTTHRLY 1LYLT`.PSSL`^OVPUSLZZ[OHU[^V`LHYZIYV\NO[[VNL[OLY[OL TLTILYZ[H[LZVM[OL<UP[LK5H[PVUZ[VYLJVNUPaLHUKHKVW[ [OPZHUU\HSKH`VMNSVIHSJLHZLÄYLHUKUVU]PVSLUJL;LU`LHYZ SH[LYTPSSPVUZVMWLVWSLPUJV\U[YPLZJLSLIYH[LWLHJLVU :LW[LTILY 0»]L\ZLK[OPZZ[VY`[PTLHUKHNHPU[VPSS\Z[YH[L[OH[VULWLYZVU ^P[OW\YWVZLWHZZPVUHUKHWSHUJHUJOHUNL[OL^VYSK,HYSPLY [OPZ`LHY0ILNHUHZRPUNT`ZLSM¸0MVULWLYZVUJHUKV[OPZ ^OH[JHUHULU[PYLPU[LYUH[PVUHSJYLH[P]LJVTT\UP[`KV&¹ 0JHTLIHJR[V3VZ(UNLSLZ^P[OHUL^ WLYZWLJ[P]LVUSPMLHUK^HZL]LUWYV\KLY VU>VYSK7LHJL+H`^OLU^LVWLULK;OL 7LHJL7YVQLJ[L_OPIP[¶HTVZHPJWHULSVMHSS Z\ITPZZPVUZWS\ZWPLJLZVUPUKP]PK\HS WHULSZ,_OPIP[LKHSVUNZPKL[OPZ^HZHZLYPLZ VMISHJRHUK^OP[LPTHNLZMHTLKWOV[VQV\YUHSPZ[ 7LW)VUL[JHW[\YLKK\YPUNZP_`LHYZMVSSV^PUN [OLJP]PS^HYPU:PLYYH3LVUL >P[OTVYLX\LZ[PVUZ[OHUHUZ^LYZHUKHUHTWSLKVZLVM ;OL>OVSL »ZZPNUH[\YLº/,33@,(/»H[[P[\KL^LLTIHYRLKVU ;OL7LHJL7YVQLJ[;VNL[Z[HY[LK^LSH\UJOLKHUHY[JVTWL[P[PVU [OH[JVUULJ[LKWLHJLTPUKLKHY[PZ[ZHYV\UK[OLNSVIL>L ^LYLÅVVKLK^P[OV]LYZ\ITPZZPVUZMYVTJV\U[YPLZ ;OLUL_[Z[LW^HZ[VJYLH[LJVSSHIVYH[P]L7LHJL>HSSZPU -YLL[V^U:PLYYH3LVULHUK3VZ(UNLSLZ*HSPMVYUPH0U[OL KH`ZSLHKPUN\W[V:LW[LTILYZ[0]PZP[LK:PLYYH3LVUL TL[[OLILH\[PM\SWLVWSL[OLYLHUKNV[[OL7LHJL>HSSZ[HY[LK *OPSKYLUVM:PLYYH3LVUL^P[O 3PZH:JO\S[a*6, *OPLMVM,]LY`[OPUN ;OL>OVSL ^^^[OL^OVSL JVT Peace Wall, Freetown, Sierra Leone Art by Papa Jack, Gibriel, Kamara 4 5 )\[;OL7LHJL7YVQLJ[PZHIV\[MHYTVYL[OHUWYL[[`WPJ[\YLZ ;OYV\NO;OL7LHJL7YVQLJ[^LZLLR[VOLSWJYLH[LHZ\Z[HPUHISL WLHJLPU:PLYYH3LVUL[OH[Z[HY[Z^P[OZPNUPÄJHU[S`PTWHJ[PUN[OL SP]LZVMH[SLHZ[WLVWSLPU[OLUL_[`LHY>L»YL[OYPSSLK[V ZOHYLV\YWSHUZ! GET SIERRA LEONE OFF THE GROUND >L»SSWYV]PKLJY\[JOLZHUK^OLLSJOHPYZMVYHSSHTW\[LLZ[OH[ KVU»[OH]L[OLT¶THU`^OV»]LILLUZJVV[PUNHYV\UK VU[OLNYV\UKMVY[OLWHZ[[LU`LHYZ teach the Children 0U[OLJVTPUN`LHY^L»SSZWVUZVY[OLLK\JH[PVUVMJOPSKYLU¶ PUJS\KPUNIVVRZ\UPMVYTZHUKVJJHZPVUHSS\UJOLZ Let the People Fly! 7LHJLPZUV[WVZZPISL\USLZZWLVWSL»ZIHZPJULLKZHYLTL[ HUK[OL`OH]LOVWLMVYHIL[[LYM\[\YL>L»SSPUZ[PSS[OH[OVWLHUK JYLH[L^H`ZMVYWLVWSL[VWYV]PKLMVVKZOLS[LYHUKPUJVTLMVY [OLTZLS]LZ[OYV\NOKLZPNUKL]LSVWTLU[HUKVWLYH[PVUVM ;OL7LHJL*LU[LY -YVT;OL7LHJL*LU[LYHKQHJLU[[V[OLMVYTLY(ILYKLLU(TW\[LL 9LM\NLL*HTW^L»SSVWLYH[LHY[ZHUKJ\S[\YHSPUP[PH[P]LZ[YHPUPUN WYVNYHTZHUKHKTPUPZ[LYHTPJYVSVHUWYVNYHTL[J6\YNVHS PZ[VJYLH[LHKL]LSVWTLU[TVKLS[OH[JHUILK\WSPJH[LKPUV[OLY JVTT\UP[PLZ¶THRPUN[OLNVHSVM[\YUPUN[OPZJV\U[Y`HYV\UK Z\KKLUS`ZLLTWVZZPISL ;OYV\NOJYLH[P]P[`HUKJVTT\UP[`^LJHUJOHUNL[OL^VYSK ;OHURZMVYQVPUPUN\Z 6 3PZH:JO\S[a*6, *OPLMVM,]LY`[OPUN ;OL>OVSL ¹ 7 Pep bonet faith It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. Robert F. Kennedy IN chaOs Photographer Pep Bonet walks through life, camera in hand, shooting some of the most horrific and heartrending circumstances imaginable. But rather than focusing on and capturing the despair that is often the first thing he sees, Pep manages time and again to capture the triumph… and the hope. The Whole 9’s Chief of Everything, Lisa Schultz, is certainly not the first person to respond dramatically to Pep Bonet’s photographs, however her reaction was so visceral when she viewed them in June 2010, that she was immediately mobilized into action with a vision called The Peace Project. Since then, The Peace Project has not only changed her life, but the lives of thousands of others around the world. It is impossible to imagine how many lives will ultimately be touched by The Peace Project, but it is possible to give thanks to this man with a camera who was not afraid to see. For information on Pep Bonet, visit: To inquire about prints, contact: 8 Gallery 9 6101 Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232 310-836-4603 9 E C A E P IS A VERB Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal. Martin Luther king, Jr. 10 11 Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. John F. Kennedy 12 13 /29( ART SHDFH 14 15 16 17 Without peace, all other dreams vanish and you are reduced to ashes. Jawaharlal Nehru 18 19 Peace is not only better than war, but infinitely more arduous. George Bernard Shaw 20 21 22 23 If you can create harmony In your own life, This harmony will enter Into the vast world. Sri Chinmoy 24 25 Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. Unknown 26 27 There can never be peace between nations until there is first known that true peace which is within the souls of men. Black Elk 28 29 P a E e a ce p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a c p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a ce p e a c e p p e c e a c e a e e p p e a ce p e p e a ce a ce a ce e e p p a ce p e p e e e p e a e a c c c a e e p p e c a a c e c e c e p e a a e e a ce p e a p c e p e p e p e p p ea c e a ce p e a ce p e a c a e e p c a ce p e a ce p e a e a ce p ea ce e ac p e p e a ce p e c a e a ce p e p e c a e p p e e c a ce pe e a ce p eace a ce p eace e a ce peac a ce p e a ce p e a c e p ea c e p e a c e e p e c a e p e a ce p e pea ce p a e p c e p ea c e ea c e p e c p e a ce p e a ce p e a c e p e a c e p e a ea ce p ea c e pea ce p e a ce c a e e p p e e a c c a e e p p e e a c p c a e e e a p p e ce p e a ce p e e a c e p e ac e p p e a ce e p ea c e c c a a p ea c e e e a a p p c ce p e a c e pe ac ce ce a e pea a e e p e e p e p c p e e a a e ce p e c e c a e ce p e p e a ce ep ea c p ace pe a e p e a c e c e p ea c p c a e a e p a p ea e c c e p ea e p ea c e p e a ce p e a ce p ea c e p ea c e p eac e e p e a c e p e ac C eace peace peace peace peac p e c e pea ce p eace eace peace peace peace peace peace peace peaace pea ce c e p ea ce p e a ce p e a c e p e a ce p e a c e p e ac a e p p e e c c e e e p e a ce p e a ce p ea ce p e peac peace c a p ea ce a p e e e e c p p a p a e c e c e c e e p e a ce a a p a e p e a ce c e p e a c e ce p e a c e p e p e a ce p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a ce p e a c e p p e a ce p ea p ea 30 e pe a ce p31ea ce p High in a tall tree far from the grasp of mankind the dove of peace waits … Corey Mason 32 33 34 35 There was never a good war or a bad peace. Benjamin Franklin 36 37 EURWKHUKRRG LPDJLQH ART /29( SHDFH UHVSHFW XQGHUVWDQGLQJ IRUJLYHQHVV serenity 3($&( /29( $57 ART tolerance /29( XQGHUVWDQGLQJ IRUJLYHQHVV SHDFH JUDFH LPDJLQH \WTMZIVKM /29( +23( serenity FRPSDVVLRQ LPDJLQH XQGHUVWDQGLQJ +23( 38 tolerance $57 UHVSHFW 3($&( +$5021< $57 +23( LPDJLQH XQGHUVWDQGLQJ JUDFH +$5021< XQGHUVWDQGLQJ /29( ART 39 Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. George Washington 40 41 42 43 Peace is the state in which fear of any kind is unknown. John Buchan 44 45 Peace is its own reward. Mahatma Gandhi 46 47 You may call for peace as loudly as you wish, but where there is no brotherhood, there can, in the end, be no peace. Max Lerner 48 49 50 51 Birth It happens every single day we enter the same exact way pure and free with no preconceived notions We grow and learn under the same sun our paths may cross and if they do I’ll direct my heart to what makes us equal and accept our differences with peace and understanding We may leave this world in ways far different from one another sadly, some far sooner than others... but in the end, my friend, I pray every miracle of life is greeted and ultimately released from this world with the same respect, peace and love Rosendo 52 53 Peace is not the absence of war, but a virtue based on strength of character. Baruch Spinoza 54 55 If you want to make peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies. Moshe Dayan 56 57 Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King, Jr. 58 59 60 61 My Inner Peace My inner peace Does not select anybody, Does not reject anybody. My inner peace Always self-givingly projects itself. Sri Chinmoy 62 63 64 65 When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Jimi Hendrix 66 67 Peace Peace Peace is our gift to each other. Elie Wiesel Peace Peace Peace Peace 68 69 12 Keeping Quiet Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still. For once on the face of the earth let’s not speak in any language, let’s stop for one second, and not move our arms so much. It would be an exotic moment without rush, without engines, we would all be together in a sudden strangeness. 12 12 Fishermen in the cold sea would not harm whales and the man gathering salt would look at his hurt hands. Those who prepare green wars, wars with gas, wars with fire, victory with no survivors, would put on clean clothes and walk about with their brothers in the shade, doing nothing. What I want should not be confused with total inactivity . Life is what it is about; I want no truck with death. 70 If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves and of threatening ourselves with death. Perhaps the earth can teach us as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive. Now I’ll count up to twelve and you keep quiet and I will go. Pablo Neruda 71 There is no road towards peace; peace is the road. Mahatma Gandhi 72 73 74 75 He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe. Marcus Aurelius 76 77 H c ( W - 7 78 P( , * ( , D c e 79 How is it they live in such harmony - the billions of stars - when most men can barely go a minute without declaring war in their minds about someone they know. 80 Saint Thomas Aquinas 81 A human being is a part of the whole called by us “the universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affections for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of understanding and compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Albert Einstein 82 83 If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace. Thich Nhat Hanh 84 85 86 87 88 89 I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days, governments had better get out of the way and let them have it. Dwight D. Eisenhower 90 91 e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a ce p e a c e p p e p e a ce p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p c e a c e a e p e a ce p e e e a ce p ce p a e p peac ace peace peace peace p a ce p e e e a c a c e e e e a ce p e a p c p e p p e a ce p e e a ce p ce a e p a ce p p e a ce e ace p e c a e a ce p ea ce e a ce p ace p e a ce p e a c e p e p p e e c a e a ce p e a ce eace pea peac ce p e a ce e pe e p c e a a e c p e e p c e a a c e e p p e a c e pe a ace p p ea ce e c c e p ea a eace p e p e c a ce p ea e p e a e c c e p e a ce p e a ce p e a c e p e a p e e a c c a e e p p e e a c c a e e ce p e p p e a ce p e a ce p e a ce p e a ce p e a ce p e a ce p e a c e ace p e a c a ce p e p ace p e pe ac e e c p ea ce p ea p e p ea e a ce e c e a ce p e ea p ce p e e p eac c a a e c p ace p e e e p c e pe a e a ce p a c e p ea c e p e a ce p e a ce p ea c e p e a ce p e a ce p eace pe eace pe ace peace paece pe a ce a c e p ea ce p e a ce pe a a ce e p ce ce p ea a c e e p p e e c a c a e p e p p e a e c c e a e e p e e p a a eac peace pe peacece pe p e c e c a a ce p a a ce p e pe pe e c e a e e a ce c p a e c c e a e p a 92 e ac e p e ac e p e a ce ace peace peace p peace pe p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a c e p e a ce p e a e c e p e ac p e a ce e a ce p e c a pe p ea ce p e a ce p e a ce p e a ce p e a c e p e a ce p e a ce p ea ce p e a ce p e a ce p ea ce p e a ce p ea c e p93eace pe “ The artist of this piece, Joseph Donovan is from East Cambridge, Massachusetts. He’s also inmate W55313. For the last 18 years, Joe has been serving a life sentence (without the possibility of parole) for a murder he did not commit. The actual murderer in Joe’s case was released back in 2003, and despite receiving support for a second chance ranging from Joe’s judge, jurors, and the victim’s family, We artists are indestructible; Joe’s deliverance is being denied by a system that won’t even even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, afford Joe’s case a well-merited hearing. I would be almighty in my own world of art, As a fellow artist, who believes that art CAN heal the world and that even if I had to paint my pictures community CAN make a difference, I saw the Whole 9’s Peace Project with my wet tongue on the as a unique opportunity to extract Joe’s art/hope from its field dusty floor of my cell. of darkness and give it some much needed sunshine. Pablo Picasso ” Eric Percoco, Fellow Artist and Friend of Joseph Donovan Joe’s case has been chronicled in the documentary film, “Unequal Justice? The Joe Donovan Story” and can be seen at: For additional information, please visit 94 95 Thank you One goal of The Peace Project is to show that if people come together as a community and use their creativity, we can change the world. Today we’re envisioning making an impact far greater than we initially dared to dream because thousands of people around the world have stepped forward and many have asked “What can I do to help?” If these pages were limitless, we’d list everyone. Please accept our thanks whether you’re included or not – we hope you realize, as we do, that we couldn’t have done it without you. I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks. ~William Shakespeare The beautiful people of Sierra Leone whose faith, forgiveness and courage is an inspiration to us all. All artists that submitted work to The Peace Project. To you, we give not only a “Thank You,” but a very loud “Hell Yeah!” Greater Goals Ministries, U.S.A. and Sierra Leone. Salvatore Sinare and Sherry Rand, who not only said yes to designing this book, but who’ve dedicated countless hours, endured countless changes, and still show up with unfailing enthusiasm. Sherman Gallery, Marina del Rey, who generously framed all of Pep Bonet’s work and continues to be an amazing partner to The Whole 9 community. 96 Golden Paints, providers of paint for our LA Peace Wall and gel for The Peace Project panels. Everyone that donated items for the silent auctions. At time of press, this includes: Levi’s Puma Kronan Bicycles VeeV Acai Spirit (who also hosted the bars at our LA, NY and SF events) Mark Acetelli Sasha Bell Brooke Benson Phillip Bissell Joe Brklacich Mark Brunner Ana Cavalheiro Robyn Coburn The Massage Garage, Culver City Ransom Eng The Wellness Spa, Culver City Jeanne Griffin The Institute, Marina del Rey Harry Gundersen Fraiche Restaurant, Culver City Maria-Tina Karamanlakis Rush Street, Culver City Laurie MacAdam Trader Joe’s, Culver City Pat Preble Industry Café, Culver City Armando & John Reyes Royal/T, Culver City Phil Santos DogTown CrossFit, Los Angeles Rachel Shultz Street, Los Angeles Aimee Shocket Culver Hotel, Culver City Adam Stone The Red Cat, New York Johan Wahlstrom Sea Glass Theatre, Los Angeles Yumé Junker Designs, Los Angeles Sandra Zebi Community Builders Rosendo, Ryan Rice, Charlene Maguire, Chrystal Walker, Jonathan Crawford, Cheryl McDonald, and Jerry Shawback. The Peace Project judges: Marc Balet, Karen Blessen, Peter Clothier, Gail Gaynin, Claudia Hinterseer, Sylvia Lauden, and Frank Meo. All others who’ve lent a helping hand, including (but not limited to): Sergi Agusti Susan Joy Brownstein Andy Carmichael Cecilia Casey Joann Cella Jon Coffelt Victoria Collins Michele Dacosta Kamara Brian Leighton Steven Lopez Corey Mason (DJ worldOnelove) Brian Neiman Larke Paul Papa Jack Romulo Rivera (DJ Astro) Steve Rodriguez Adam Rosekelly Erica Springer Joe Stocco Tazroc Peter Youngblood Olivier Darceaux Michael Datcher Mark Espinoza Gibriel Hugh Hamilton Jason Hampleman Outi Harma Judith HeimCharles Hopkins 97 climb aboard This journey starts with one village in Sierra Leone – it’s impossible to know where it may end or how many lives will ultimately be changed because of The Peace Project. It’s also impossible for this change to happen without your help. If you’ve ever thought, “I’d like to help change the world, but I don’t know where to start,” now is the time and this is the place. BUY ART, T-SHIRTS & OTHER MERCHANDISE All panels from the exhibit are for sale, plus we’ve got t-shirts, books and other Peace Project merchandise. Proceeds go towards our efforts in Sierra Leone. Please visit LEND A HAND We’re gratefully accepting offers of help at events, assistance with research and outreach for the initiatives we’re developing, copywriting and graphic design, etc. To help, please email DONATE NOW Learn about our specific initiatives and donate now at Corporations and Organizations can support The Peace Project through financial investments or product donations (art supplies, agriculture or building supplies, school supplies, crutches, wheelchairs and medical supplies, etc.). Please contact The Whole 9’s COE, Lisa Schultz at or call 310-836-4603. GET THE LATEST UPDATES Get updates and other Peace Project news at 98 99 KEY TO SYMBOLS index IMAGE# TITLE M 57 M 62 63 64 M 65 M 67 69 71 M 72 M 75 77 78 M 79 80 81 82 83 M 86 87 M 88 89 90 M 91 M 92 M 96 97 M 98 99 100 101 M 103 105 M 107 108 109 110 111 Tree of Life Streak441 Seeking to Find Praying to your Face Standing in the Light Bintan Signs of Peace Humble Scene Hope Shines Through Butterfly Buddha War is Peace Peace Within Mother earth Peace Missing Piece Perfecting Peace Peace Be With You Aspiration Peaceful Prayer Presence of Angels Let’s Make Peace! Embracing Peace Peace Little Girl Dreams War No More Deity Meditation #18 Puzzle Peace LovEarth Peace of the Action Light a Prayer Pedirle a Jesús The Sound of the Imagination After the Los Angeles Riots Love Will Prevail Imagine Maitreya’s Flowers Best of Show * $ Peace Maker Award MEMBER NAME REAL NAME (if provided) olaf leighton hughhamilton justbee paintdance krf68 halfcent audreymcnamara cherylart halfcent modart markacetelli helenahotzl rbarts grahamsale awwyea1 colebarrow daol artjk sandracooper lark lark mihacirlugea melissak lschau elenamarysiff matthewmurphy gino2ten bijan theartofe loreleilala loreleilala kettleofish briannieman artsygrlny marcart allenhaeger Olaf Folta Brian Leighton Hugh Hamilton Lori Mertz Outi Harma Kelly Fajack Skot Jonz Audrey McNamara Cheryl McDonald Skot Jonz Michiko Tanaka Mark Acetelli Helena Hotzl Rajiv Bhamoo Graham Sale Inspiration Award M Included in Traveling Exhibit PLACE OF ORIGIN Culver City, CA, USA New York, NY, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Corona del Mar, CA, Los Angeles, CA, USA Venice, CA, USA San Francisco, CA, USA Denver, CO, USA San Francisco, CA, USA San Francisco, CA, USA Olympia, WA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Alingsas, Sweden Dallas, TX, USA Los, Angeles, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Cole Barrow Los Angeles, CA, USA Yaejin Lim Somerville, MA, USA Jason Kuncas San Cemente, CA, USA Sandra Cooper Los Angeles, CA, USA Larisa Pilinsky Los Angeles, CA, USA Larisa Pilinsky Los Angeles, CA, USA Mihaela Cirlugea Cluj-Napoca, Romainia Melissa Kreisa Santa Clara, CA, USA Lawrence Schau Jr. Staten Island, NY, USA Elena Mary Siff Santa Monica, CA, USA Matthew Murphy Boston, MA, USA Gino-Burman Loffredo Hollywood, CA, USA Bijan Panah Palm Springs, CA, USA Evan Wondolowski Chicago, IL, USA Lorelei Estrada Fabro S. California, CA, USA Lorelei Estrada Fabro S. California, CA, USA Shelley Couvillion Garden Grove, CA, USA Brian Nieman Santa Monica, CA, USA Sarah Aponte Staten Island, NY, USA Marc Roulstone Kingston, MA, USA Allen Haeger Oceanside, CA, USA 113 M 116 M 117 118 119 M 120 121 122 123 M 124 125 129 M 131 132 133 M 135 M 137 138 139 141 142 145 146 148 M 149 150 151 M 152 153 M 154 155 156 157 160 M 162 163 165 169 170 171 174 176 Leaf Mourning Rwanda Under a Quarter Moon Entwined Opal Moon Stellar Cosmos on Jet Blue Field What Would Love Do Now? Reply to 9/11 Do Not Look Beyond Me Limbo Peace Wall, Separation, Darkness Super-Peace! War is Raw L’Espirit de Liberté On Call Four Thousand Dead Too Human Flower Machine Gun Buddhist Monk Meditating Waters Homage Right Mindfulness Going Home 5 Days After Peace Upon the Water United State of Mind You Are Infinitely Precious Imagine HumNity and Play Peace Square The Path Peace for all One World Peace War Peace The Art of Peace Contemplation Possibility Detox How Did She Get Here Tree of Truth At One clepley lenspoetry wsmorris marthabrouwer halyaskulka joncoffelt piercarlagarusi shelleyme shelleyme shelleyme jessadee77 robbygordon arlen6658 shalla kibbier pley2win chrishall58 dorothytunnell Ichi timsabatino jaramillo1 leahdevora alinart servo charles graham shanemershon piercarlagarusi johndouglas amyroger66 eva1 jillbird7 cindyprevett21 claravox paulgaj sarahhage ckay juliadupuis magneticeyz jwhiteburton tarabasik thewalkingseed Christian Lepley Vikki Marshall Wendy Sue Morris Martha Brouwer Hal Yaskulka Jon Coffelt Piercarla Garusi Michele Dacosta Michele Dacosta Michele Dacosta Jessa Dee Robby Gordon Arlen Schumer Shalla Javid Jack Keough Lily Nava Christopher Hall Dorothy Tunnel Ichiro Okada Tim Sabatino Angela Jaramillo Leah Devora Alina Bachmann Rob Servo Charles Hopkins Lisa Graham Shane Mershon Piercarla Garusi John Douglas Amy Roger Eva Lewarne Jill Brook Slaymaker Cindy Prevett Randi Antonsen Paul Gaj Sarah Hage Chrystal Kay Julia Dupuis Pascal Raymond J White Burton Taras Pivens Dan Khoury San Francisco, CA, USA North Fork, CA, USA Culver City, CA, USA Seattle, WA, USA Granada Hills, CA, USA New York, NY, USA Milan, Italy London, UK London, UK London, UK Trinity, NC, USA Irvine, CA, USA Westport, CT, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Douglas, MA, USA Las Vegas, NV, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Southern CA, CA, USA New York, NY, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Petaluma, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA New Rochelle, NY Brooklyn, NY, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Arlington, TX, USA Santa Monica, CA, USA Milan, Italy Sydney, Australia Cambridge, ON, Can Toronto, ON, Canada New York City, NY, USA Medfield, MA, USA Inderøy, Norway Groton, MA, USA N. Hollywood, CA, USA Castaic, CA, USA Oshawa, ON, Canada Marietta, GA, USA Culver City, CA, USA N. Hollywood, CA, USA Santa Monica, CA, USA M 177 M 180 181 182 M 183 192 M 194 M 198 M 202 204 215 216 223 225 226 228 232 233 234 238 244 245 246 M 247 249 252 253 M 254 255 256 257 M 258 261 262 M 263 265 M 268 M 270 272 274 M 276 278 The Awakening Happy Birthday, Nelson Mandela! Kuan Yin In God We Trust Forgive Me Boy into the world. Bird of peace Child’s rapture in peace Blowing a Kiss Non-Confrontation is Beautiful Sweet Companionship-Work In Water All roads lead to... The Perks of being a wallflower gridPlanet World Peace Children of God: young buddhist monks Bed Peace Just War “The American,” 2009 Brewer’s Blackbirds Peace Child Why Can’t Good and Evil… God’s Glory Light at Sunset Peace Portals I Am You Not Forgotten Mother Together Love Fifth Century Peace Affirmation Loaded Vase Hope Unity and Equality Return To Love Connecting Spirits The Cross The Love Bus Motherhood Meu Rio de Janeiro Solitude Peace Tea thewalkingseed mariehamm flane johanwahlstrom johanwahlstrom lynnamarnick ozippa1 valintine sorchae laurakeen alvarogarciaordonez millo meganleighe tcmayo laidoffmom anandakesler judywest djpearlta kelseymarie devldog starman readyyeti pkimseybollinger pkimseybollinger piercarlagarusi marazaslove andreinadavila emmaskywolf treedesign nachotoro darlene grasshopper awinebright dlhuserid joycecollins nima80 helgaono rosendo kyliewilliams carlaguimaraes12 timaldridge mariahfox Dan Khoury Marie Hamm Frank Lane Johan Wahlstrom Johan Wahlstrom Lynn Amarnick Osnat Lippa Adam Gonzalez Charlene Maguire Santa Monica, CA, USA Aix-en-Provence, France Venice, CA, USA Malaga, Spain Malaga, Spain Elkins Park, USA Toronto ON, Canada San Antonio, TX, USA N. Hollywood, CA, USA Phoenixville, PA, USA Alvaro Garcia Ordonez Delray Beach, FL, USA Emilio Lovisa Vancouver, BC, Canada Megan Leighe Pittsburgh, PA, USA Turner Mayo Austin, TX, USA Katy Kerr Grand Ledge, MI, USA Ananda Kesler Fairfield, IA , USA Judy West South Boston, MA, USA Dominic Peralta San Carlos, CA, USA Kelsey Marie Macdonald San Francisco, CA, USA Russell Pachman San Francisco, CA, USA Star Shields Laguna Beach, CA, USA Matthew Cory Auburn, WA, USA Patricia Bollinger Palo Cedro, CA, USA Patricia Bollinger Palo Cedro, CA, USA Piercarla Garusi Milan, Italy Mara Zaslove Santa Monica, CA, USA Andreina Davila Berkeley, CA, USA Emma Sky Wolf Arlington, VA, USA Daly City, CA, USA Austin, TX, USA Darlene Dull Capistrano Beach, CA Lisa Eisenhardt San Francisco, CA, USA Austin, TX, USA Duane Lucas-Harper San Francisco, CA, USA Joyce Collins Orange County, CA, USA Nima Honarbakht Irvine, CA, USA Olga Borynet Atlanta, GA, USA Robert Gonzalez Los Angeles, CA, USA Kylie Williams Holliston, MA, USA Carla Guimaraes Santa Barbara, CA, USA Tim Aldridge Los Angeles, CA, USA Maria Fox Miami, FL, USA M 279 M 281 284 287 * 289 291 M 292 294 M 295 297 299 M 300 301 M 302 $ 303 M 304 306 307 308 309 310 M 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 320 321 322 323 M 324 326 M 327 M 329 M 332 333 M 335 337 338 339 Out of Darkness Inner Peace I Light a Candle Look Within Peace Couple Sound of Silence Implicit Meaning Moving Colors Peace of Mind Her Ways Love Forgiveness Respect Come Together Bullets, Bombs, and Love Untitled Happy Feet The Spiritual Energy of Peace The Voice of a Generation Blow Your Wishes of Peace Into The Wind Peace and Love Lifetimes of Peace Childlike Innocence Kaylie Alone in Iraq Diving into the Embrace Ketchup Beard Going Green Man Kind Integrated One Venus Bud Prayers Wiest Lake Wheel of Peace Panagia Peaceful Togetherness Delicate Fingers Act for Peace Now! Over and Over The Singing Tree The Gateway Roses Really Seen Colorado Mountain Side jgpelton nakedcarlyart sorchae kdrew sandrazebi icypaprika jbrokaw artmuller2003 ckay beaartsy njhfoto njhfoto dyanna04 dyanna04 jeremyfokkens soulmandala aubreyje eddygarcia91 myndx franciscolittle lingkit76 lingkit76 dmwartwork naomihottango mindasart janetbothne burclaysitch divinedog bruce18 timaldridge eakelton jenibate kathyoleary randakaterina raym zacharycornwell pepp cwill128 lmarshall5 eoomwake eoomwake bradsmithmiami James Pelton Carly Swenson Charlene Maguire Kelly Drew Sandra Zebi Aisha Brik Julia Brokaw Art Muller Chrystal Walker Beatrice Lebreton Najib Joe Hakim Najib Joe Hakim Dyanna Dimick Dyanna Dimick Jeremy Fokkens D. Kristin Herrington Eddy Garcia Teri Bonatti Francisco Little Melanie LK Chang Melanie LK Chang Dawn Whitaker Naomi Hotta Minda Merinsky Janet Bothne Joe Brklacich Leland Auslender Ron Guerincom Tim Aldridge Emily A Kelton Jeni Bate Kathy O’Leary Wolfgang Karl Zachary Cornwell Pierre Paul Pariseau Laurie Marshall Eo Omwake Eo Omwake Brad Smith Bellevue, WA, USA Cambridge, UK N. Hollywood, CA, USA Berkeley, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA New York, NY, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Castaic, CA, USA New York City, NY, USA San Francisco, CA, USA San Francisco, CA, USA San Francisco, CA, USA San Francisco, CA, USA Calgary, Alberta,Canada Round Rock, TX, USA Huntington Bch., CA, USA Miami, FL, USA Lowell, MA, USA Calgary, Alberta,Canada Atlanta, GA, USA Atlanta, GA, USA 29 Palms, CA, USA Santa Monica, CA, USA Washington, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Phoenix, AZ, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Largo, FL, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Seattle, WA, USA Salton City, CA, USA Manorhamilton,Ireland Boston, MA, USA Friedrichshafen,Germany Denver, CO, USA Montreal, Canada Fort Gratiot, MI, USA Novato, CA, USA New Rochelle, NY, USA New Rochelle, NY, USA Miami, FL, USA 340 M 342 344 345 346 M 348 349 351 M 353 354 357 359 360 M 362 363 M 364 M 365 366 367 M 368 369 M 370 M 372 377 378 381 M 382 383 384 M 386 391 M 393 $ 394 395 397 400 M 406 407 409 410 411 M 416 Texas Skies Chicago dance II - giving peace a chance Let’s Grow Together... Explosion Join Us Tree of Ghosts Hope Stone Buddha 5 Ryan November Instrument of Peace Earth angel Collector Throwing Flowers at Sakineh In One Piece Beauty Breath of Venus Stardust A Perfect Peace Anticipation Variegated View Peace & Harmony Peace.html_2 Peace Project Self Portrait Peace New Jerusalem Eclipse Flowers on a Pond Tehranasaurus Love Lagoon Duck Girl Light of God Peace In Metropolis II War Child Mantra Harmony To Mend A Heart Up to Us Transformation Everyone Can Contemplate Peace Doves Host of Angels-Together We Rise ingridmarrero flovie lingkit76 jprice27 dmwartwork linnea27 linnea27 linnea27 bernadette bernadette kar50 artseacat nima80 erinferro pacifist morecchia benjaminwrightcoleman divinedog gloriagoldfire melissamay migsalund lingkit76 jerniganjill0 jshawback leahchappell linnea27 magicaleye beverett lulu beverett rosetintedvision judith jeremypenn susanberkowitz designer647 vilma andreaginn laura41 jhundenski crystalsea barbcruz jetara Ingrid Marrero Mission Viejo, CA, USA Alejandro Flores Oviedo Marietta, GA, USA Melanie LK Chang Atlanta, GA, USA Sacramento, CA, USA Dawn Whitaker 29 Palms, CA, USA Linnea Tober Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA Linnea Tober Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA Linnea Tober Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA Bernadette Leno Vancouver, BC, Canada Bernadette Leno Vancouver, BC, Canada Atlanta, GA, USA Verdelle Lavalle S. Pasadena, CA, USA Nima Honarbakht Irvine, CA, USA Erin Ferro Santa Monica, CA, USA DeWinton, Canada Megan J Orecchia Los Angeles, CA, USA Benjamin W. Coleman Denver, CO, USA Auslender Los Angeles, CA, USA Gloria Goldfire Rockville, MD, USA Melissa Curtis Burbank, CA, USA Thorton, CO, USA Melanie LK Chang Atlanta, GA, USA Jill Jernigan Austin, TX, USA Jerry Shawback Santa Monica, CA, USA Leah Chappell Oakland, CA, USA Linnea Tober Oslo, Norway Katrina Vrebalovich Oslo, Norway Bart Everett Los Angeles, CA, USA New York, NY, USA Bart Everett Los Angeles, CA, USA Ashley Schroder Stuart, FL, USA Judith Helm Seattle, WA, USA Jeremy Penn New York, NY, USA Susan Berkowitz Los Angeles, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Vilma Rohena Punta Gorda, FL, USA Andrea Ginn Woodinville, WA, USA N. Hollywood, CA, USA Jill Hundenski Beverly Hills, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Barbara Cruz Abington, PA, USA Jetara Tara - Argall Woodacre, CA, USA M 417 Desert Lily M 420 Full Cup 421 Freedom M 422 Crossing Over 423 Lotus Legs M 425 Peaceful Philosophy 426 Snow White and Friends 430 Universal Prayer 431 The Journey West, A Parable M 433 La Primavera 436 Globe Amaranth M 441 Free Flying 443 Everything in it’s right place M 445 Emerald Forest 447 Merced River, Yosemite National Park 449 Plant Your Luv & Let it Grow 450 Tea Time 451 Hands of Peace 452 Surreal Puppy 453 Touch 454 The Buddha for Peace M 455 Blue Sky M 457 Cracked Sunset 458 Blue Peace 459 This Side Up M 460 Angel of Peace M 465 Freedom to Love M 466 Which Path will YOU take? 467 With-in 473 Pull Me Out 474 Home World Padang Bai 478 Old Habits New Ideas M 479 Vigilant 480 The Afterglow 481 Balance Mandala in Bleach M 483 Love Only Knows Love M 484 flower (los angeles) M 485 Stars at Night 486 Peace Shot 487 Beating Hearts 489 Peace Invocation M 490 Cowboys & Angels 10 whitecranephoto sheilafein mikehinders alexkube splitsart grool helicewen gloriagoldfire kbaseball siqueiros artist10704 erikathorpe airosdesign shaene dponedel robynfeeley solmariel rochelleask amneil37 dassara mtrain 1946 drewdunlap saepenihil gelarek svetnik silviaros ehawk garybarnard bibidavidson jackalexander mwulff cameron bisforbrianne wkoffman ibiibrahim ojoblanco baylord jennyp jaclyn jais maximilianotte Rakesh Malik Sheila Fein Michael Henderson Alex Kube Seattle, WA, USA Agoura, CA, USA Denver, CO, USA Valley Village, CA, USA Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA Ryan Rice Canton, OH, USA Helice Wen San Francisco, CA, USA Gloria Goldfire Rockville, MD, USA Ken Paul Keegan Santa Cruz, CA, USA Anna Siqueiros Los Angeles, CA, USA Kathleen Benton Yonkers, NY, USA Erika Thorpe Encinitas, CA, USA Andrew Soria Boca Raton, FL, USA Shaene Fanton Los Angeles, CA, USA Oakland, CA, USA Robyn Feeley Topanga, CA, USA Solange Maria Mariel Dallas, TX, USA Redlands, CA, USA Phil Madrigal Upland, CA, USA Denver, CO, USA New York, NY, USA Anahit Vart Sherman Oaks, CA, USA Andrew Dunlap Joshua Tree, CA, USA Gaithersburg, MD, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Bernd Svetnik Klagenfurt, Austria Silvia Ros Miami Shores, FL, USA Eric Hawkinson Turlock, CA, USA Gary Barnard Pasadena, CA, USA Bibi Davidson Los Angeles, CA, USA Jack Alexander Sarasota, FL, USA San Francisco, CA, USA Cameron McIntyre Playa Vista, CA, USA Brooklyn, NY, USA Will Koffman Santa Ana, CA, USA Ibi Ibrahim New York, NY, USA Lester Weiss Campinas, Brazil Darren Baylor Chicago, IL, USA Novato, CA, USA Wappingers Falls,NY, USA Oakland, CA, USA Maximilian Otte Vienna, Austria M 491 493 494 M 495 496 502 504 M 505 M 506 M 507 M 508 510 511 513 514 516 517 519 521 522 M 523 528 529 530 M 533 535 M 536 M 537 538 539 540 M 546 549 550 M 551 552 553 555 556 557 M 559 $ 561 Mise En-Abîme fatimatavetu Expecting kcepec Freedom dig8788 Freedom Song abskuyirenkyi Peace Within Apart from External Conflict helenbabis Meditation #4 sseronick Mandala 9 dryan1144 .45 Caliber Condom spoonpatch Infinity sbottinelli The Landing chelseabriggen The New Mother Earth universallove Count The Stars johnantoinelabadie Give Peace a Chance artro2 Transit of Peace margielabadie The Right Idea redwood Cosmic Mother divinedog Hendrix Passion amand Imagine all the people scottyhill Sway alice010 Imperial Blonde with Buffalo randolphnesbitt Hold alice010 Adolescence paul3d Samadhi divinedog Living in Gratitude goddess Waiting for a Child’s return gnelson peaceful prayer ktbrever We’re Still Hopeful niloufar A Still Life with Volcano ziemballa Cadet richardkoek Imagine All The People lyndsey43 The World with Peace vivienferrari Pazienza uriahcactus Public Access to Peace aleciac Mirando Pasar el Tiempo zondainc77 Shadow of Envy dnclifton If You Want It davestolte Smiles of Peace lostinart Peace Maker rmrstudio Target Peace otterman Innocence is Peace otterman Peace Lights robbiekaye Home, Dog & Dreams mazerland Fatimata Vetu Helen Babis Lasha Siegel Sandra Bottinelli Chelsea Briggen Amir Or Ahamenata Will Redwood Leland Auslender Scotty Hill Alice Case Randolph Nesbitt Alice Case Leland Auslender Barbara Wurden Glenn Nelson Niloufar Madani Lauren Ziemba Richard Koek Vivien Ferrari John Clayton Dana Clifton Dave Stolte Carl Wydra Carl Wydra Robbie Kaye Elena Rodina San Francisco, CA, USA Fremont, CA, USA New York, NY, USA Alexandria, VA, USA Montrose, CA, USA Silver Spring, MD, USA Huntington Beach, CA, USA Rico, CO, USA Longwood, FL, USA Santa Cruz, CA, USA Kelil, Israel Red Springs, NC, USA Redondo Beach, CA, USA Red Springs, NC, USA Portland, OR, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA San Antonio, TX, USA Boston, MA, USA Seattle, WA, USA Austin, TX, USA Seattle, WA, USA Dorchester, UK Los Angeles, CA, USA Long Beach, CA, USA Walnut Creek, CA, USA Aurora, CO, USA Altanta, GA, USA Chicago, IL, USA Brooklyn, NY, USA Farmingdale, NY, USA Suffern, NY , USA Culver City, CA, USA Clinton, WA, USA Miami Beach, FL, USA Bonney Lake, WA, USA Murrieta, CA, USA Studio City, CA, USA Golden, CO, USA Haddonfield, NJ, USA Haddonfield, NJ, USA Santa Monica, CA, USA Moscow, Russia M M M M M M M M M M 562 563 565 566 569 570 571 575 576 582 584 586 588 590 592 593 594 597 598 599 600 601 605 606 607 608 611 612 615 618 619 621 622 624 625 627 629 630 631 632 633 634 Dance is Freedom. Dance is Peace. The World Chained in Love and Peace Peace African Input Eternal Paradise Bliss: Wandaland Amphitheater of the Mind Peace Prevails Peace Smoke Peace Blue Peace Algaeic Sage Chakana Youm El Ard Minoan Prayer Soldiers Holding Hands Reach for Peace Pleasing for Peace One Color, One Class, One Religion Community Consciousness Gandhi Elastic World Dancing With The Lights Calm Under The Sun Something Worth… No More War Ze Tlapeuhkayotl (One Element) War for Peace Stop War Celestials SI No4 Interdependent3 Seeker Scissors Sleep in Peace Love is Peace Shopping for Solitude Human Race Children of Paradise Peace Peace Is Peace: A Concept kimia lesecha kellyannart tlrockoff ravensoul1 nailaharts1 indigochai joann chrissylynn suzeque msfox geneva geneva sarahfarahat mariatina f22studio bollywood annibrandt emcmahill johnnyg desireemanly jeffreylee Nat jhundenski marinareiter1 harveybent kaloust ayotzintli nicolerose kingofthecastle theholodoc melissak melissak seanwill clareco dewilde diazideas arteangie divinedog jeanneb jeffreylee jeffreylee Aisha Nailah Audrey Krai Joann Cella Chrissy Lynn Geneva Shanti Geneva Shanti Cara Pastore Shyam Kishore Anni Brandt Ellen McMahill Johnny G Jeff Sevening Natalie Gearhart Jill Hundenski Gerald Westlund Oscar Ayotzintli Dr. Robert Newport Melissa Kreisa Melissa Kreisa Sean Sweeney Claudia Recorean Ron DeWilde Angie Brooks Leland Auslender Jeff Sevening Jeff Sevening Groningen, Netherlands London, UK Berkeley, CA, USA Chicago, IL, USA Austin, TX, USA Bridgeport, CT, USA Berkeley, CA, USA Flemington, NJ, USA San Francisco, CA, USA San Luis Obispo, CA, USA Chicago, IL, USA San Francisco, CA, USA San Francisco, CA, USA Portland, OR, USA Tiburon, CA, USA Atlanta, GA, USA Mumbai, India Åland, Finland Sacramento, CA, USA Hollywood, CA, USA Racine, WI, USA La Mirada, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Beverly Hills, CA, USA Brooklyn, NY, USA Chicago, IL, USA Glendale, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Pittsburgh, PA, USA St. Charles, MO, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Santa Clara, CA, USA Santa Clara, CA, USA Austin, TX, USA Westport, New Zealand Huntington Bch., CA, USA San Leandro, CA, USA Atlanta, GA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA San Francisco, CA, USA La Mirada, CA, USA La Mirada, CA, USA 636 654 655 656 M 657 658 660 661 M 665 666 667 668 670 672 679 680 692 694 697 698 703 705 706 M 708 709 710 719 720 M 722 M 723 724 725 726 729 730 732 733 735 M 738 739 740 741 Earth Peace Mandala Begins with Me Untitled Peace of Innocence In Unity There is Strength The Court of the Pine Cone A Sign of Peace/A Piece of Love Make peace, not war peace-iles Peace - Survival of Life Pure Peas Peace Child and Dog Piece of Peace Pie OM Murphy #2 Sleep In Peace - Out of Focus Inner Peace creates better people The World Hidden Message Focus on This Blurry Landscape American Untitled Little Harmony Reverie In the Flow Perfect Circle in a Perfect Square Conversion Peace and Harmony Martin Luther King, Jr. and Son Angel Peace Tree An Innocent Prayer You can do it too Gaia Who says we can’t be friends? Day Five. Let the Birds Fly! Pax Salaam Dream Earth Identity rooster deirdre labtop08 fcruz natalia85 gbayly kimeski prestonsinfield mejoe jackie135 msrenda audreylo fabiana labtop08 augustmoon leana katherinejeans graphicspice jilldagnenica chazamm unbevfeatherpainter fraser jglau78 notenoir evelisa onyxx peacemusicmaker karltani GreggValley brucewhole9 remirkoed markbrunner anandakesler momot galitea1750 melissamay momot segromigno laylamitchell paintergirl kollyk agataimpresja Jacob Oliver Licht Natalia Gendera Kimberly Shumski Dave Dincau, Jr. Marie-Elena Joseph Jacob Oliver Licht Leana Clifton Jill Dagnenica Beverly Lambert Fraser Radford Note’ Karen Dunning Karl Tani Gregg Valley Bruce Bermudez Mark Brunner Ananda Kesler Lyubov Momot Melissa Curtis Lyubov Momot Elisabeth Mitchell Redwood City, CA, USA Kingston, Jamaica Boston, MA, USA Racine, WI, USA Głogów, Poland Denver, CO, USA Austin, TX, USA Pittsburgh, PA, USA Portland, OR, USA Kingston, Jamaica Gonic, NH, USA Auburn, ME, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Boston, MA, USA Culver City, CA, USA Marfa, TX, USA Ottawa, Ont, Canada Sunnyvale, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Chicago, IL, USA Saylorsburg, PA, USA Brockville, ON, Canada Los Angeles, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Toronto, ON, Canada Montreal, QC, Canada Kentfield, CA, USA Ornage, CA, USA Benicia, CA, USA Hollywood, CA, USA Seacaucus, NJ, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Fairfield, CA, USA Chicago, IL, USA Austin, TX, USA Burbank, CA, USA Chicago, IL, USA San Anselmo, CA, USA Muscat Oman, Oman Newport Bch., CA, USA Seattle, WA, USA Polkowice, Poland 742 M 753 755 758 762 764 767 769 770 771 772 775 776 M 777 778 779 780 M 781 782 784 786 790 791 792 793 M 794 M 796 797 798 799 M 800 801 802 M 803 808 809 812 813 815 816 818 821 Punishment In Stillness Jupiter The Long Walk Home United Faith Floating With You The Wave Care Bella & Tarra: Inter-species Peace Fallen Angel Hamsa War my A$$ man.... Possibility Madonna and Cat Embrace Peace bow Playing in the Midst of Ruins The Peace Tree Pondering Peace Unspoken Reflections Patron Days Gone By Shanti Human Inner Peace Harmony The Wall, Now Unity Seeking A Time of Peace Untitled A Peasant’s Plea Here and There No U turn Time is Running Out…… Sea Bliss Bleeding Trees Time for World Peace Peaceful Woman Bullet Casings Angel protecting the world I My ABC Book agataimpresja smandla thedisortionprocess kellyramsey baio1 gratovich oscarrodriguez mazerland jenkellerart natalia85 rscoach saeed pencilpoint Turri clairmont ccolaw jasmineartivism joedonovan quilla bearsquared atkreiger bearsquared ijosher sylph7th bollywood rohlander msoltesz amieleigh jennyp ryetai yata divinedog yata bollywood melaniesoto dylanprotus nell gary49 nell shina514 styliani jasmineartivism Suzan Mandla Kate Saurman Kelly Ramsey Scott Baio Annalise Gratovich Oscar Rodriguez Elena Rodina Jen Keller Reva Solomon Saeed Kom Traci McNamara Salvatore Sinare Catherin Colaw Jasmine Khademi Joseph Donovan Juliie Quill Amy Kreiger Diem Pascarella Shyam Kishore Nathan Rohlander Matthew Soltesz Ryanne Rodrigues Sally Campbell Leland Auslender Sally Campbell Shyam Kishore Melanie Soto Gary Deininger Jasmine Khademi Polkowice, Poland Ottawa, ON, Canada Philadelphia, PA, USA Livonia, MI, USA Scottsdale, AZ, USA Austin, TX, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Moscow, Russia Palo Alto, CA, USA Głogów, Poland Los Angeles, CA, USA Beruit, Lebanon Chicago, IL, USA Yucca Valley, CA, USA Lafayette, CO, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Orange, CA, USA Shirley, MA, USA Norwell, MA, USA Berkeley, CA, USA Bethesda, MD, USA Berkeley, CA, USA Portland, OR, USA Irvine, CA, USA Mumbai, India S. Pasadena, CA, USA Oakland, CA, USA Highlands Ranch, CO,USA Novato, CA, USA Marietta, GA, USA Antioch, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Antioch, CA, USA Mumbai, India Joliet, IL, USA San Francisco, CA, USA Westport, CT, USA Silver Spring, MD, USA Westport, CT, USA Florence, AL, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Orange, CA, USA 822 823 824 825 826 828 829 830 831 832 834 835 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 851 852 853 857 858 859 860 862 M 863 864 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 876 891 892 893 895 Buddhist Monk - Hue, Viet Nam Corner of my Mind Doing More Bloom Iron Quotable Peace Peace Is… Ladies of Liberty Tranquility Peaceful Meditation Vibrant Sun Rays Conclave for Peace Ryan Serenity Downtown An unembarrassed manner Peace: The War Against Fear Color Me Peaceful Hope No more child soldiers Peace of My Heart Chained Together Seaweed Peace Piece Dove On The World Nyame, biribi wo soro When We Are Gone Children of Peace Stop the Violence The Light Within Ode to Commander Bigelow Beauty From the Mud Glimpse Peace Vinyl Why? 9/11/01 Dear Dad Angel of Peace Connection Synergy of Peace Angel Kiss Inside Man Renezvous with Destiny Life mbphotog jasmineartivism crobjective siqueiros thedisortionprocess bethanyjordan bethanyjordan lriordon dianamih phillip76 cranem cranem cranem mattharang gruntledfunk jpgardiner jacqlovelace bollywood bollywood journeyofreturn salerno franpop catmclaughlin phyllis85 cassius7k kamandi62 sosar1 Goldenfish dlmchale winstonrylee jenngrossman hotlinx ionecitrin ionecitrin ionecitrin Kwangus jackierogers Kwangus fatimatavetu rhindigo joeliskowitz phmantis Michael Burr Jasmine Khademi Long Beach, CA, USA Orange, CA, USA Austin, TX, USA Anna Siqueiros Los Angeles, CA, USA Kate Saurman Philadelphia, PA, USA Bethany Jordan Indianapolis, IN, USA Bethany Jordan Indianapolis, IN, USA Newburyport, MA, USA Diana Mihalakis San Jose, CA, USA Amarillo, TX, USA Mary Crane Redondo Bch., CA, USA Mary Crane Redondo Bch., CA, USA Mary Crane Redondo Bch., CA, USA Matt Harang Los Angeles, CA, USA Wahiawa, HI, USA John P. Gardiner Everett, MA, USA Clifton, NJ, USA Shyam Kishore Mumbai, India Shyam Kishore Mumbai, India Chicago, IL, USA South Windsor, CT, USA Fran Popadak Dana Point, CA, USA Austin, TX, USA Austin, TX, USA Atlanta, GA, USA Aaron Samuel Los Angeles, CA, USA Alameda, CA, USA Peter Youngblood Hills Los Angeles, CA, USA Modjeska Canyon,CA,USA Winston Rylee Los Angeles, CA, USA Jenn Grossman Chicago, IL, USA Rebecca Hinsdale San Francisco, CA Ione Citrin Los Angeles, CA, USA Ione Citrin Los Angeles, CA, USA Ione Citrin Los Angeles, CA, USA Dave Henderson Fullerton, CA, USA Long Beach, CA, USA Dave Henderson Fullerton, CA, USA Fatimata Vetu San Francisco, CA, USA Burlington, ON, Canada Woodstock, NY, USA Denver, CO, USA M M M M M 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 904 905 906 907 908 909 912 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 925 926 928 930 931 932 933 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 948 949 951 953 956 958 The World Peace Tree State of Grace Yerevan Madonna Forever Peace Inside Out - Love Outside In Vein Embrace Notion Whirled Peace Hands Show Love Tiananmen Obama Drawn Together 4 Peace Metamorphosis Dawn of Freedom Use Your Words Peace in mid-air Mother Nature’s Surrender Faith Paix Bird in Flight Vedic Recitation Hoping for Peace The Dawn of Peace Pray In Peace We Win Detroit 2009 Peace Under the Same Sun Dawn of Light Come Walk With Me Golden Bird Hollywood Peace Sign #1 Hollywood Peace Sign #2 Source Media Sunday Floating Torii Human Peace Here Too, Feel You Sanctuary Ganesha DreamCatcher/Peacewheel Tarot Lady of Peace Peace Parade over a Nuclear Field venusdeoshun fortune19 melsl aprillhallwood melsl orlyfaya buntrock melsl kerry pblieden frank2020 darrellmoseley yumeworld bollywood darlenedull pattyhall maeganking jdavis terrelune rominaolson jdavis nell jdavis rominaolson 512artist rtistnca ambrosia jdavis Immersion virtuadc stephenf stephenf annastasia alfarofineart itchybee danwillsphotography designertrw vula brushstrokes66 stephenf jacobaa jacobaa Christine Owner April Hallwood Orly Snir Darrell Moseley Yume Shyam Kishore Darlene Dull Patty Hall Maegan King Jim Davis Romina Olson Jim Davis Jim Davis Romina Olson Tara Carr Tim Bruehl Jim Davis Beth Surdut Don Leigh Stephen Gary Stephen Gary Sara Alfaro Betsy Kalin Dan Wills Vanessa Adams Adam Stone Stephen Gary Jacob Alan Jacob Alan Oakland, CA , USA San Francisco, CA, USA New York, NY, USA South Bend, IN, USA New York, NY, USA Tel Aviv, Israel Bethlehem, PA, USA New York, NY, USA Brooklyn, NY, USA Manhattan Bch.,CA, USA Burbank, CA, USA Plano, TX, USA Yume World, CA, USA Mumbai, India Los Angeles, CA, USA South Elgin, IL, USA Austin, TX, USA Fairfield, CA, USA Vincennes, France Austin, TX, USA Fairfield, CA, USA Westport, CT, USA Fairfield, CA, USA Austin, TX, USA Austin, TX, USA San Diego, CA, USA Fountain Vly., CA, USA Fairfield, CA, USA Santa Fe, NM, USA San Diego, CA, USA Vista, CA, USA Vista, CA, USA Salt Lake City, UT, USA Miami, FL, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Westchester, NY, USA Coffeen, IL, USA Torrance, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Vista, CA, USA San Francisco, CA, USA San Francisco, CA 959 961 962 963 964 965 966 968 971 972 973 974 975 978 979 980 982 983 M 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 993 994 995 996 998 999 M 1000 1001 1002 1004 M 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1011 1012 Love Spills out Peace Peace and Love Parents at the Piano The Blue Elephant Boy Descending Our Father Reach Out And Touch Love is the answer Quiet City Window of Peace 1,000 Faces Three Words The Color of Music Unanimous Division Hard Waters Caricatures #6 Serenity Red Bowl The Icy Wonderlands Watching the Wheel Go Round Parque Peace Open peace is the word The Whole power of peace Fabric of Life Urban Mandala (detail) Ebony & Ivory New, meet old Purnima’s Prayers Peaceful Summer Portrait Sleeping under the past paws Arts is Education Peaceful Love One Love Peace Action Where You Stand Disentanglement Gulf Sunset Flower of Life The Hands of Hope free2btheo lorettap2 susanguralnik annabel jleighrice andreadoyle danwillsphotography tierradentro dwels higgins lovarvin danwillsphotography davidhodge jwattscool dianab epcarson annabel kpike1 karasmith luar reneschuler cherif anke tonitrillionaire luar tonitrillionaire kebiana luar brooke1183 brooke1183 brooke1183 frstdghtr paintedtreez brooke1183 rejane teaphoto timuryork skim228 garyvisualartist pamelah lexi curtisvision La Toya Theogene Dania, FL, USA Alpharetta, GA, USA Susan Guralnik Los Angeles, CA, USA Annabel Ruffell Los Angeles, CA, USA Jennifer Leigh Rice Venice, CA, USA Andrea Doyle Austin, TX, USA Dan Wills Westchester, NY, USA Denver, CO, USA Debbie Wels New York, NY, USA Jennifer McKay Higgins Kennett Square, PA, USA Seattle, WA, USA Dan Wills Westchester, NY, USA David Hodge Seattle, WA, USA Joyce E. Coolidge Anchorage, AK, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Eric Carson Bremerton, WA , USA Annabel Ruffell Los Angeles, CA, USA Karen Pike Costa Mesa, CA, USA Kara Smith Brooklyn, NY, USA New York, NY, USA Rene Schuler Lake Forest, IL, USA Washington DC , USA MontgomeryVil .,MD,USA Atlanta, GA, USA New York, NY, USA Atlanta, GA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA New York, NY, USA Mountain View, CA, USA Mountain View, CA, USA Mountain View, CA, USA Kathryn Donatelli Los Angeles, CA, USA Virginia Beach, CA, USA Mountain View, CA, USA Franklin, MI, USA Terri Unger Ipswitch, MA, USA Timur York Queens, NY, USA McLean, VA, USA Gary Carlson Waterloo, ON, Canada Pam Holland Bryan, TX, USA Lexi Sundell Ennis, MT, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA M M M M M 1015 1016 1018 1019 1021 1023 1025 1027 1028 1031 1036 1037 1038 1040 1043 1056 1057 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1076 1079 1080 Together Refugee Hope Eye Candy Hypothetical Solutions… The Higher Prayer META See the Ocean II Dreaming 3 Alguien The Calm Release of the Dove Tiny Buddhas OCEANEA Message from the Great Mother Purple Forest in the Snow with Stars Yo! Venice Art Walls Let Them Find Peace at School The Coat of Many Colors If you wish to experience peace... Love, Sweet Love Reach for Peace: Dove Plants Olives Sitting on the Moon Evolve Peace Mandala Sea Glass Peace Of Mind In search for identity of the humanity Buried in the Sand Ivan Roommate Luis Goes to Iraq A Peace Centered World Make a Choice Serenity seika teaphoto teaphoto anabstractlife janeis rcraw2112 dawnanderson susanstone rcraw2112 makayla carrum stephenf rachelf frankielee jonharrisontaylor frankielee bevind frankielee yippiekiyea yata efisher magsters55 smalik1 margaritamurphy jodiefraser quirkycreatures matteiffel mbmiki abramcruz borbay melindawoolf malaguenasalerosa nishira Framingham, MA , USA Ipswitch, MA, USA Ipswitch, MA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA New York, NY, USA Richard Craw Monclair, NJ, USA Dawn Anderson Los Angeles, CA, USA Susan Stone San Diego, CA, USA Richard Craw Monclair, NJ, USA Chicago, IL, USA Carolyn Romancik Chicago, IL, USA Stephen Gary Vista, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Frankie Lee Slater Venice, CA, USA Jon Harrison Taylor Los Angeles, CA, USA Frankie Lee Slater Venice, CA, USA Bevin Dunn San Diego, CA, USA Frankie Lee Slater Venice, CA, USA Chicago, IL, USA Sally Campbell Antioch, CA, USA Ellen Fisher Newton, MA, USA Maggie McKeever San Francisco, CA, USA Saba Malik Los Angeles, CA, USA Margarita Murphy San Francisco, CA, USA Jodie Fraser Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Matthew Eiffel Vancouver, BC,Canada Michele BenzaminMiki Warner Springs, CA, USA Abram Santa Cruz Los Angeles, CA, USA Jason Borbay New York, NY, USA Melinda Woolf Playa Del Rey, CA, USA Lorena Rivera Anywhere, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Terri Unger Terri Unger Natalie Gray Our gratitude is extended to every artist that submitted work to The Peace Project. Every submitted piece has been include d in the cover mosaic and we’ve worked very hard to include at least one image from every submitting artist in the book. If imperfect technology and human error have caused us to leave you out, please accept our apologies and contact us at so that we may personally thank you. If you’d like additional information on any of these pieces or the artists included, please email
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