better bedtime - South Jersey MOM


better bedtime - South Jersey MOM
See page 14
fun tips for
Your Child's
Visit Williamsburg,
Jamestown & Yorktown
Meals Made Easy
The Facts About Food Dyes
Working Mom's Juggling Act
Hosting a Fall Block Paty
a m
, 2015
October 17 m
Sewell, NJ
2 | September/October 2015
mom 2 mom
6Meal-Time With
moms R women 2
10 You Have to Love
Yourself Before You
Can Love Anyone
know 2 grow
26 8 Fun Tips for a
Better Bedtime
28 Food Dyes
30 Feeding Your
Child's Brain To
Better Focus
also in this issue
4Books & Music to Help Grow
Coupon Mania
5 Some of My Faves
14 Business Spotlight:
12 Buying Guide
New Jersey's Got Talent
16 Spooktackular Celebration
20 Stroller Review
22 Stay Fire Safe
27 Dear Working Girls
29 Back To School
Lunches Made Easy
31 Things to Do
24 Get to The Head of the Class
In Colonial Williamsburg
September/October 2015 | 3
South Jersey
September/October 2015
Christopher Ognibene • (609) 670-1794
hat an easy way to decorate for
Halloween! Design your front door
with a person waiting for you. In
this example idea from Pinterest, strips of
green crepe paper were used for the hair,
white paper plates with black construction paper circles inside are the eyes, and the mouth
and eyebrows are made from red construction
paper with black lines on it, for effect. Scary
or friendly, this is good any time of the year so
the kids have a friend waiting for them when
they walk up to their front door. It’s an especially easy decoration tip for Halloween.
Not only a South Jersey Mom, Sharla Feldscheris a proud South Jersey Grandmom (Grammy, as she prefers to becalled). The author of
six books on creative ideas to do with young children, including two KIDFUN Activity Books published by HarperCollins, she has a blog
at with more easy-to-do KIDFUN ideas. Sharla has her own public relations business in Philadelphia. A real
kid-believer, she began her career as the first PR Director of the Please Touch Museum and started her own business with Sesame Place
as her first account, representing the park for 26 years.
Books and Music
To Help Grow
Now That We’re Friends
By Mil’s Trills
This family oriented band is back
with a second album of high-spirited,
empowering songs for kids and adults
alike. The album’s central theme is
friendship, open minds and compassionate hearts.; $13
Great Adventures of
Little Foxycat
By Wald Peterson
A warm new world in which friendship, discovery and learning with open eyes are the
central, heartfelt themes. Filled with bright
and expressive illustrations, kids will enjoy
Foxycat’s journey in the animated world
of Foxyland. A beautifully rendered, and
wonderful story that parents, teachers and
children will enjoy reading.
4 | September/October 2015
Executive Editor
Karen Ognibene • (609) 230-6280
Marketing & Business
Development Specialist
Michelle Scianni • (856) 986-9606
For General Advertising Inquiries
Marissa Josephick • (856) 537-7089
Christina Paul • (609) 790-5125
Production Manager
Lisa Celfo
Kate Bennett
Business Development Intern
Michael Ahearn
Contributing Writers
Michael Ahearn, Matthew Brenner, Sharla Feldsher,
Lisa Figueirdo, Karen Harper, Dolores Hoffman,
Louisa Kopp, Deb McCarson, Tara Pyfrin,
Janelle Retig and M.B. Sanok
Special Thanks To
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
Historic Jamestown
Kings Creek Plantation
Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Water Country USA
Jessica Farr, Development Counsellors International
Submit Calendar Listing
Created by Markations
Adam Nichols • (215) 825-7499
Superior Graphics Print Management LLC publishes
South Jersey MOM™ monthly and distributes it
throughout the region. The publication is available
free of charge at select locations.
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or
in part is not permitted without the
authorization of the publisher.
Superior Graphics Print Management, LLC
Publisher of South Jersey MOM
P.O. BOX 268 • Wenonah, NJ 08090
Main: (609) 670-1794
Fax: (856) 210-1524
All materials and services provided in this magazine
are for informational or educational purposes only
Every month South Jersey MOM features a
local child on the cover. If you think you have the
“Cutest Kid in Town”, send a 4x6 photo to South
Jersey MOM. P.O. Box 268, Wenonah, NJ 08090.
On back of photo write child’s name and age
along with guardian contact info.
some of my
a letter from the EDITOR
ummer has come to an end and now
it’s time to get back into the school
routine. My family had a relaxing
summer hanging out with friends and
taking day trips, but the highlight of our
summer was visiting Virginia’s Historic Triangle
- Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown (page
24). It’s a great family destination full of living
history. Did you know that Busch Gardens and
Water Country USA waterpark are smack-dab in
the middle of it all? By the end of our visit we
were all adrenaline junkies! Our favorite coaster
of all times was the Alpengeist, after climbing
to an Alpine high of 195 feet, we were hurtled
through six staggering inversions at speeds up
to 67 miles per hour. It was insanely fantastic!
Colonial Williamsburg is the nation’s largest
living history museum. The entire colonial town
stays in character 24 hours a day. In the evening,
there are fun ghost tours for all ages and this
was a highlight of our vacation. We went to an
early evening family tour, and let me tell you,
both our kids loved it and I was the one that was
freaked-out! Now, that our kids are both teens
I got a kick out of watching them put together
history they’ve learned over the years, it really
helps the learning process when you can see
and experience it first hand! As a parent of two
kids that have very different learning styles I’ve
always tried to inspire them to do their best
in school by using positive reinforcement for
grades. Okay, I’ll call it what it is- mom report
card bribery. I pay my kids for A’s and B’s and
they pay me for C’s (hence C’s are avoided). I
heard an economist on NPR a few years back
talk about how his father did this for him and he
now carries on the tradition with his own kids.
Understand your child’s ability and if they are
more likely to get B’s and C’s then reward them
for their successes, not punish. Initially, the child
is driven by the reward, but if you create positive
reinforcement around the idea, hopefully your
child will eventually strive to do their best.
This month we have a great issue packed
with helpful information to start off another
school year. You’ll find helpful lunches, bedtime tips, and how to create daily mealtime as
a family. Remember to be kind to yourself…
as mom, we try to do it all, and some days it’s
possible and others days all we can do is hope
for a better tomorrow. Wishing you a pleasant
journey into the next school year!
South Jersey MOM has a lot going on
so check us out on the website and like us on
Facebook for contests and giveaways. Don’t
miss South Jersey MOM’s -- Family Fun Fest at
Duffield’s Farm on Saturday, October 17th from
11am to 4pm. Hope to see you there!✲
Your friend & fellow MOM,
Karen Ognibene
“Like” South Jersey MOM magazine on Facebook and find out about local
events, win prizes and connect with other moms in the area! www.facebook.
on the Cover
Gianna, 10 years
old, singer that
plays the piano,
ukulele and
cello and is
in advanced
11 years old,
loves hip-hop
soccer and
Sydney, 10 years
old, enjoys
dance, karate,
and softball.
Johnny, 13
years old,
loves art and
playing the
parakito mosquito
Mosquitos are still around
through September so try
this super cool bracelet that
can be worn on the wrist
or ankle. It has a small
pocket that fits an essential
oil pellet (2 come with the
bracelet) that needs to be replaced every 15
days. It’s perfect for the entire family and the
bonus is that it’s waterproof!; $20
silk'n face fx
Is the most advanced at-home, anti-aging
device available today! It uses a combination of fractional red light therapy and deep
thermal heating to stimulate collagen production and achieve long-term radiant skin.
It diminishes the appearance of wrinkles,
improves skin texture and brightens skin
color.; $150
Show off your love
of the beach with
this personalized
necklace. It features a
German glass sand dollar charm accented with stacked baby pearls
and your initial(s) of choice.; $48
veneffect anti-aging
intensive moisture
This super-luxe hydrating emulsion restores
the skin, imparting a beautiful, luminous and
healthy glow. It’s expensive, but you can
see the difference
immediately. Treat
yourself or perfect
gift for the mom
that has everything!
com; $185
September/October 2015 | 5
mom 2 mom
Meal Time With Family
Dolores Hoffman W
e all know how hard it is to make time for dinner with the
family. With busy schedules and school activities, we quickly
get into the habit of eating dinner on the run. A recent study
conducted by the University of Illinois found that children ages 7 to 11
who did well in achievement tests, spent a large amount of time eating
meals and snacks with their families. More importantly, dinner provides
an open exchange of ideas and is a great way to find out “what’s going
on” in the lives of our children, especially teenagers. Researchers also
found that those who have two or less family meals a week are 3 times as
likely to try marijuana, cigarettes and alcohol.
Try the following tips to get the most out of your family dinners:
To begin with, all devices such as TV and phones should be turned off.
Encourage kids to cook with you even if it means setting the tables
and getting dishes ready. Being in the kitchen together can make them
feel important. Gardens, whether a huge backyard patch or a few herb
plants on the counter, can be a great way for them to learn where food
comes from and become more familiar with nutrition.
Ask each family member to tell one good thing and one bad thing
about their day. It may be something as silly as, “the best part was
lunch” or “When the bell rang at the end of the day”, but at least it gets
them talking and lightens the mood.
6 | September/October 2015
Try and remain at the table ten minutes after eating before cleaning
up. It gives you more time to finish conversations and may even start
more meaningful ones.
Have “free night” once a week. Fridays are good for this, signaling
the start of the weekend. Each person can choose what they want for
dinner, whether it’s take-out or going out to a restaurant. Flip a coin if
you have a large crew.
Keep in mind that after-school activities must be chosen carefully in order
to keep up the dinner ritual. It may be hard to do but not impossible.
Dinner time is a way for parents to better understand their children:
their likes and dislikes, their everyday schedule and school life in general.
By having this information, parents can direct them toward activities and
behaviors that benefit them throughout their youth. Be cautious, however, family researchers say that the benefits of family dinners are not a
given. Parents can sit and talk with their kids every day and achieve little
if the conversation is filled with nothing more than arguing, belittling or
Remember, it’s never too late to start a family dinner routine. Just
find one that works for your family and keep it consistent. Your kids will
learn to see it as something they can count on and look forward to everyday.✲
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September/October 2015 | 7
moms r women 2
Neighborhood Calling
he street on which I now live happens
to be my childhood neighborhood. I
grew up here in the mid-1970s with a
stickball, a Huffy, and a street full of kids. Over
the years, many of us moved back into this
neighborhood with families of our own. We
now share the street with the same neighbors
we had as children. Our neighborhood is named
Rosewood West and we have the best neighbors
in the world. When I was a kid, Mr. M fixed
my bike. He now gives treats to my children.
Mrs. C brings up the newspaper to Jane’s porch
every day. The first snowfall brings out Jim
and John and their snow blowers. Mr. and Mrs.
P have an open-pool policy every summer. I
cannot thank my closest neighbors enough for
all they have done for me, and you know who
you are. Recently, my neighbors and I hosted
a block party in our neighborhood. The Block
Party Committee met over a Facebook thread
with one main person in charge, the Brains
behind the Outfit, as it were, that oversaw the
organization of food, flyers, and games, and
8 | September/October 2015
By Karen Harper
worked directly with our town municipality for
the permit. There was a bike parade, as well as
the local fire truck that soaked the kids with a
steady stream of water from its hose. Neighbors
set up cabanas and chairs in the middle of the
street and in front of their houses and played
music on their iPods. We took pictures playing
Tug- of- War and trying to eat donuts from a
string tied to a pole. Someone brought a Slip
‘N Slide and a neighbor opened her pool.
We downloaded, shared, and tagged. These
neighbors, as well as several newer families
to the neighborhood, came out to our Party.
Grown children that grew up in Rosewood
returned with their kids, and some grandkids
showed up to Nana’s house, too. It was equal
parts Block Party, reunion, and a great excuse
to let the kids run freely in the street.
I was reminded that night of something
rare and valuable I hope to impress upon my
children, and that is they can live a lifetime with
folks in something long forgotten and timehonored. It’s called being a good neighbor,
and of the many relationships we hone over
the years, perhaps one of the most elusive in
our transient culture. What does it look like?
Imagine it like this: a good neighbor has your
back in the Mundane, the Critical, and the
Immediate. Some things are just too Mundane
for formal arrangements but still necessary; too
Critical to waste time; or too Immediate and
can be accomplished very quickly by someone
living close to you: I need an egg for this cake
now. Got one? To quote State Farm, a good
neighbor is there.
The Block Party ended with catching
lightning bugs and a fire pit set up by the curb.
A neighbor’s remote control airplane whirred
gently in the dark summer night with soft lights
of green and blue on its tail. One young girl
whose father grew up on my street told her
mother, “When I get older I want to move back
and live back there, too.” Maybe she will. My
hope is wherever she lives, she has and will be
a great neighbor.✲
Joseph Cavallaro III, D.O.
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South Jersey Magazine Readers’ Choice
Award Winner, “Top Doc” 2009-2015
432 Ganttown Road, Suite 202
Sewell, NJ 08080
Board Certified in Family Medicine
September/October 2015 | 9
“You have to love
yourself before you
can love anyone else”
’ve been telling my ten year old daughter that her entire life, and isn’t
it true? When we board an airplane, the flight attendants instruct us
to put our oxygen masks on first, because we won’t be able to help
our children if we are not functional. This idea applies in everyday life,
though it’s importance is a little less obvious day-to-day.
So why is it so hard for us as parents to take care of ourselves?
Self-care is a vital practice, but one we are rarely taught. Over the
years, I have identified those things that “refill my bucket” and am good
at using them regularly. However, when I am the busiest is when I need
self-care the most, and when it’s the easiest to let it slip through the cracks. One day several years ago when I was doing my parent coach certification, my kids were in school and I had three hours to work on a ten-page
paper that would soon be due. I sat down to write, but was spinning my
wheels, as it was hard just to string a coherent thought together. It was
also almost time for my weekly yoga class, but I planned to skip it to work
on this paper. I went through a mental tug-of-war trying to decide whether
Erin Taylor, MA
to attend yoga or write my paper. Because I was not getting much writing
done, I decided to go to yoga. When I got home, I was so clear-headed,
refreshed and inspired that I finished that ten page paper in the hour that I
had left before my kids came home from school! I’m certain I would not
have written so much or so well if I didn’t take care of myself first. Now,
whenever I start to feel that anxious, tense, revved-up feeling and my To
Do List is a mile long, I try to remember to pause, and see if I need some
self-care before forging ahead. It’s not always easy, but practicing makes
it easier.
As parents, especially when our children are little, it can feel impossible to meet all the demands placed on us - taking care of our children,
the house, paying bills, working, spending time with our spouse, friends,
family, volunteering, etc. But if we spend all our waking hours meeting
everyone else’s needs, it’s not long before we are exhausted, cranky, resentful, and snapping at our children and anyone else who crosses us.
When we forget to take care of ourselves, life might not seem much fun
It’s amazing how much better we feel when we intentionally carve
out time to do whatever fills our buckets - lunch with a friend, going to
the gym, getting a massage, reading a book, gardening, etc. When my
children were little, I wish someone had told me it was ok if I hired a
babysitter one afternoon a week to do something that made me feel better
as a person. And if I had to revisit life with my children when they were
young, that is exactly what I would do now. After all, as I always tell
my daughter, you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else,
Erin Taylor, MA is a wife, therapist, writer, parent coach and mom to four children
ages 7, 9 and 12. Her oldest daughter died of a heart defect as a baby. It Takes A
Village Parent Coaching is a source of inspiration for her work, and you can reach
10 | September/October 2015
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September/October 2015 | 11
buying guide
Bubble Bum Junkie Backseat Organizer (a)
If your car is a mess, this
is your solution to get
your car organized. Junkie
transforms into an all in
one entertainment center
with snack trays & fold out
media viewer. Removable
tote easily lifts out of base
to transport activities
outside of the car!; $40
Zippy Sack (b)
Don’t make your bed, just zip it
up instead! Kids will never have to
make a bed again! ZippySack is a
fleece blanket that fits on a bed
just like a fitted sheet. It stays
in place and keeps kids warm all
night. Making the bed is now fun
and easy! Ages 4+; $30
Etch A Sketch (c)
In an age of electronic screens,
help show a child the original tablet, powered only by two knobs
and their imagination.; $15
Mineral Discovery
Experiment Kit (d)
Learn about rocks and the minerals that form them. Much more
than just a crystal-growing kit,
this experiment kit teaches kids
the chemistry of crystals and the
geological science behind rock
formations. Ages 6 +; $55
Reusable Food Pouch
Squeez’Ems (e)
Reusable food pouches for any
pureed food that are easy to fill,
clean and store and kids will think
their fun to use. They are great
for on-the-go baby food and
yogurt or applesauce in a grade
school lunch.; $8
ZTEMaven is great deal for BackTo-School and there is no annual
commitment. The device can
be activated on a new GoPhone
account or used with an existing
AT&T GoPhone or AT&T Wireless
account. You get fast speeds
streaming, downloading, and
surfing for one flat rate, that’s a
deal this holiday!; $60
Dimension (g)
Is a fast-paced, innovative puzzle
By Michael Ahearn
12 | September/October 2015
game that takes place in three
dimensions with 60 colorful
spheres. All of the players play
at the same time and everybody
tries to position the spheres on
their trays to earn as many points
as possible. This game is great fun
for the family. Ages 8 +; $39
Kingdom Cookie Cutters (h)
This company has every cookie
cutter theme imaginable. And, if
they don’t have what you’re
looking for they can make a
custom one for under $10.;
$10 & under
Dohdles! (i)
This fun game is riddles made of
dough! Exercise your imagination in this artistic and hilarious
sculpting and guessing game for
families and parties of three to
six players. It will definitely have
the whole gang laughing! Ages
10+; $40
Fine Line Living AromaWear
Necklace (j)
Enjoy the health benefits of
essential oils everywhere you go!
This beautifully designed locket
includes 3 small washable pads
that you drop essential oils onto.
Excellent gift for those fellow
“oilers” that may have an occasion
looming on the horizon!; $25
Caudalie Firming Serum (k)
The formula has the latest
generation of micro hyaluronic
acids. After application, skin is
smoother, contours seem lifted
and the skin appears firmer and
more toned. This product is the
real deal! Treat yourself!; $80
Neon Light Writer (l)
Every kid wants their name
in lights! In this kit, kids will
use cool light technology to make
a kind of neon sign.; $20
Urban Decay Naked Smoky
Eyeshadow Palette (m)
The key to nailing the most
sought-after and elusive eye
look ever? Naked Smoky—loaded
with ALL the essentials you need
for the perfect neutral smoky
eye. A true range of shades. The
perfect brushes. And detailed
tutorials.; $54
September/October 2015 | 13
business spotlight
oes your Son or daughter
dream of singing on stage
like their favorite popstar?
Or maybe become a
dancer like Jlo and possibly one
that's been asking for guitar lessons which seems like forever?
As a mom have you ever
wished that all your children's
activities could be under one roof?
Well if you answered yes to these
questions then New Jersey's got
talent is definitely the place for
This over 10,000 square-foot
facility is a full-service performing
arts school that houses a full school
of Dance and a Vocal program
second to none! NJGT is soon to
be one of the largest Vocal schools
on the East Coast and if that's not
enough, there are also Gymnas-
14 | September/October 2015
tics, Acting, Guitar, piano, and Drum
lessons, so its more than likely you can
have multiple children all taking lessons
all at the same time and maybe even an
adult Dance or fitness class for you as
well!! The NJGT students love the opportunity of practicing in a real recording
studio and on their professionally lite
stages that are there to enhance their
skills and build their confidence. NJGT
provides their students a fun professional safe
environment as well as many shows
and multiple performance opportunities throughout the year. Many of NJGT
students are regularly seen performing
the national anthem or dancing at local
fundraisers and sporting events.
Looking for somewhere different to throw
your next party or corporate event?
With themes like:
• High energy dance party
• Rockstar recording studio, where
all guests record and take home
their own disc!
• Game show Live!!
• Fashion show diva
Your sure to have a party they will
never forget !!
To Try a class or throw your next
party- visit
or call 856-494-4554.
September/October 2015 | 15
Spooktacular Celebration
a ghostly good time on a budget
andy, costumes, crisp autumn air…Halloween is the perfect holiday for a party! But after spending money on loads of treats to
hand out to the neighborhood children (and have extra leftover
to treat yourself) and purchasing increasingly pricey and extravagant
costumes, you might not have much left in your wallet to throw a big
bash. So here are a few effortless and affordable ideas for a budget-friendly spookfest that will impress all your guests.
Start with a ghost theme! It’s ideal for a Halloween party for obvious reasons, but it’s also great because ghostly decorations are simple
and easy to pull-off. The white and black color scheme won’t require
any color printing costs. And it’s a party theme that can work for any
age group.
Create a ghoulish atmosphere with inexpensive DIY decorations.
Draw ghost faces on white balloons with a permanent black marker.
Make the balloons extra ghostly by attaching white streamers to the
bottom of the balloons with tape. Find a pattern for spinning ghosts
online and then cut them from white poster board. Draw ghost faces
on each one and hang from the ceiling to fill your party room with
swaying paper ghosts.
Coffee filters can easily be made into a ghostly garland to hang
across the party space. Fold coffee filters in half and then in half
again. Draw ghost faces on the folded filters with a black pen and
then make a small hole above the face near the folded corner. Tie the
filter ghosts through their holes onto string or ribbon and hang the
finished garland.
If you’re throwing a party for older children, create a more eerie
ambiance. Paint a canvas black and then lightly paint white ghosts on
16 | September/October 2015
the black background. Print old spooky black-and-white photos that
you can find with a quick Internet search and display them in frames
that you already own. Wrap glass jars with gauze and make ghost
faces with a black marker or googly eyes. Then place a votive candle
or glowstick in each jar for ghostly lighting.
Keep the party food simple with a few sweet ghoulish treats.
Draw ghost faces on the outside of clear plastic cups with a permanent marker. Fill the cups with white vanilla pudding or white cheddar
popcorn. Dip pretzel rods or bananas cut in half into melted white
chocolate and turn them into ghosts with chocolate chip eyes. Frost
cupcakes with white vanilla frosting and arrange them into the shape
of a ghost. For the party favor, make lollipop ghosts; tie a white napkin around a lollipop with ribbon and draw a ghost face on the napkin.
In addition to playing some spooky-sounding music, keep your
guests entertained with a couple simple ghost-themed activities. Gather everyone in a circle and read age-appropriate ghost stories. Turn
off the lights and use flashlights to make the tales even spookier. For
smaller children, play ghost bowling. Stack white plastic cups with
ghost faces drawn on them; the children can take turns trying to knock
down the cups by rolling a ball or even a small pumpkin.
Louisa Kopp is a South Jersey mother and the blogger behind Ice Cream Off
Paper Plates, where she shares humorous stories about raising two tots, easy
recipes, and party and entertaining ideas. Follow Louisa’s adventures at
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For Marie-Laure, blind since the age of six,
the world is full of mazes. The miniature of
a Paris neighborhood, made by her father
to teach her the way home. The microscopic
layers within the invaluable diamond that
her father guards in the Museum of Natural
History. The walled city by the sea, where
father and daughter take refuge when the
Nazis invade Paris. And a future which
draws her ever closer to Werner, a German orphan, destined
to labour in the mines until a broken radio fills his life with
possibility and brings him to the notice of the Hitler Youth.
Great read for those that enjoy historical fiction!
September/October 2015 | 17
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September/October 2015 | 19
trollers are the go to baby product. They allow you to move your child easily and comfortably, but with so
many models, which one is right for your needs? It all depends on your needs and budget, and to help you
get started, here are some of our favorite models, both for strolling and jogging.
Classic Strollers
Combi Twin Cosmo
Graco LiteRider
This duel stroller, brought to you by
Combi, allows you to give two little
ones a smooth, safe ride. The deluxe,
padded seats feature a multi-position
recline with a full lay-flat position,
infant safety boots, and convertible
three or five point harness. And with
locking front wheels, you can move
your little ones around easily and
comfortably. $260;
If you want a stroller that
gives a smooth ride for
a small cost, the Graco
LiteRider is the one for your
family. This inexpensive
stroller has portability as the
name of its game. It has
a one-hand fold and lightweight design make it the
obvious choice for parents
who don’t want a hassle
when going on the move.
Running errands and getting
around with your child has
never been easier, thanks to
the City Mini. This stroller is
the essence of mobility: lightweight, compact and nimble.
Its sleek and practical design
makes it the perfect companion for traversing the jungle
of childhood. $300;
Chicco Bravo
Maclaren Quest Sport
For the Maclaren Quest Sport
Stroller, making your child
completely comfy is the point
of this ultra lightweight stroller.
With five-point safety harness,
four different seating positions,
and ergonomically shaped three
position height adjustment handles
and marking break, your child will
feel safe and comfortable riding in
this stroller. $290; Toys R Us.
This Chicco stroller is born
to perform, with a 3-in-1travel system that adapts
to your changing needs
as baby grows. With a
carrier mode, travel system,
and toddler system, with
mutli-position reclining seat,
this stroller will be there as
long as you need a stroller.
BabyJogger F.I.T. jogger
BabyJogger City Mini
This fitness stroller, built for speed,
is the lightweight jogging stroller
that started BabyJogger. This
classic is built for jogging; with
a safety hand brake and a fixed
front wheel, this is designed so you
can go straight and fast, allowing
you to get the most out of your
mommy and me exercise. $300;
InStep Flash Fixed
Wheel Jogger
The InStep Flash Fixed
Wheel Jogger gives
quality for a low price.
With a bicycle-style
hand brake giving
stopping power and
dual trigger folding
mechanism offer easy
mobility, this jogger offers uncompromising safety for you and your child.
It even has cup holders so you can stay hydrated
during your exercise. $110;
20 | September/October 2015
Phil&teds Classic Stroller
This classic stroller includes all the
features you need to travel with baby.
It has an adjustable seat, allowing for
newborn and toddler alike, and with
an ultra-adaptable travel system and
ultra lightweight handling, this stroller
facilitates your travels with your little
one. $400; phil&
Graco FastAction Fold
Jogger Click Connect
Graco’s new jogger is the
ultimate crossover stroller,
combining all the comfort and
convenience features of a
traditional stroller with the performance and maneuverability
of an all-terrain jogger. $190;
BOB Stroller Strides
Fitness Stroller
BOB’s strollers offer top of the line fitness experience for you
and baby, with their Strides Fitness Stroller. For you, with
the option between the maneuverability of a swiveling front
wheel and the stability of a locked one, this stroller follows
you wherever your exercise leads you. And for baby, with
an ultra-padded, adjustable reclining seat with a five-point
harness that helps keep your child comfortably secure. $480;
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September/October 2015 | 21
Stay Fire Safe
By Deb McCarson
ire prevention week is celebrated each October, commemorating the
date of the great Chicago fire, which burned from October 8-10,
1871, and is considered one of the greatest American disasters of
the 19th century. There’s a good chance your children will be participating in fire safety activities in school during this week. While they’re
engaged, it’s a good time to discuss fire safety tips and facts as a family.
Mind the Children
• According to the US Fire Administration, children of all ages set over
35,000 fires annually. Keep matches and lighters locked up and
away from children. Children can also start fires with a magnifying
glass which seems “really cool” and very tempting to try. Explain to
children that fire is a tool, not a toy, and that it’s dangerous to play
with it.
• The leading cause of fires in the kitchen is unattended cooking.
Always use a kitchen timer and stay in the kitchen if the stove is on.
• Don’t cook if you’re sleepy or drowsy.
• Do not wear loose hanging sleeves when cooking or place flammable materials near an open flame. See that the flames stay underneath the pot you’re cooking in. Overreaching flames can melt
handles and cause burns.
general safety tips
• Don’t overload electrical sockets with extension cords.
• Keep flammable materials at least three feet away from portable
• On average, 42 home candle fires are reported every day. If you
burn candles, place them securely in an appropriate holder, at least
12 inches from anything that can burn.
• Extinguish candles after use. Don’t go to bed with candles still
• Never use a candle where medical oxygen is being used.
• Don’t use candles for emergency lighting. Use flashlights instead.
• Don’t force a three-prong plug into a two-slot outlet.
22 | September/October 2015
• Use power strips that have internal overload protection.
• Don’t use light bulbs that exceed the recommended wattage on
• Avoid putting cords under rugs, across doorways or where they can
be damaged or pinched by furniture.
• Electrical work should be done only by a qualified electrician.
The US Fire Administration recommends calling an electrician if
you experience any of the following:
• Recurring problems with tripping circuit breakers
• A tingling feeling when you touch an electrical appliance
• Discolored or warm wall outlets or switches
• Flickering lights
• Sparks from a wall outlet
• Replace damaged appliance cords immediately.
• Place all items securely in the dishwasher. Loose items can land on
the heating element and cause fires during the drying cycle.
• Clean your clothes dryer lint screen after every use. Make sure your
vent hose isn’t crushed or kinked, and your vent line isn’t restricted or
clogged. • Have your dryer serviced periodically.
In Case of Fire
• Escape first, and then call for help. Develop a home fire escape plan
and practice it with your family. Designate a meeting place outside.
Make sure everyone in the family knows two ways to escape from
every room.
• Never stand up in a fire. Always crawl low under the smoke and try
to keep your mouth covered. Never return to a burning building for
any reason.
• Teach children not to be afraid of firefighters who may be wearing
equipment that looks scary.
Remember, having a working smoke alarm dramatically increases your
chances of surviving a fire.
You’re Invited to the
Rain Date October 24th
Vendors – Family – Fun
Vendor space 609.670.1794 for details
Corn Maze benefits The Clayton Hope Organization
280 Greentree & Chapel Heights Rd
Sewell, NJ 08080
September/October 2015 | 23
Get to the Head of the Class
Visit The Historic Triangle
Jamestown, Yorktown, Williamsburg and Much More!
By MB Sanok
oing back to school is not the
only way to get an education.
Delve into this country’s history by planning a fall getaway
to Colonial Williamsburg and
Greater Williamsburg where learning takes
place far away from the classroom. With Williamsburg’s wealth of attractions and amenities, in and surrounding Revolutionary City,
you can supplement your child’s education,
enjoy a fabulous family vacation and kick back
when it’s time for recess. Let’s take a page
from history and read about what they have to
offer! No homework help required!
Strolling through the courtyard, surrounded by majestic brick buildings, whispering
tales of yesteryear – it may feel like a fairy tale
but real people inhabited the area with true stories that capture the imagination. Observing
Colonial life with demonstrations like blacksmithing and tailoring, done by folks dressed
in period garb, bring you back to simpler times
when our nation was just beginning. When
you’re ready to jettison back to modern life,
enjoy shopping, outdoor activities, fine dining,
art and culture, and museums just steps away
from and among the historical sites.
24 | September/October 2015
Colonial Williamsburg: Interact with the townspeople of Colonial Williamsburg while learning how the town operated during Revolutionary wartime. Witnessing the storming of
the governor’s palace and visiting local family homes that show
how daily life was lived, you’ll absorb the experiences of the era.
A highlight of any season in Colonial Williamsburg but especially fall is the Tavern Ghost Tour where guests of all ages can
accompany an official guide through Indian burial grounds and hear
spooky stories of witches, pirates and true historical tales of terror.
Don’t miss one of 2015’s Top 10 Ghost Tours in America!
The next lesson to learn is that Colonial Williamsburg is not
the only hotbed of history but just part of America’s Historic Triangle which contains Greater Williamsburg, comprised of Jamestown, Yorktown and the town of Williamsburg itself. Read on for
a glimpse of Greater Williamsburg aka America’s Historic Triangle
which will further your education.ic Triangle. A living history museum and exhibits show the lives led by those in wartime, a recreated military encampment displays Colonial military life, and a
1780s-era farm educates visitors about farming in that time period.
HISTORIC JAMESTOWNE: Walk through the first North
American colony which served as Virginia’s first capital and introduced many of today’s laws and customs. Not only will you soak
up life in Jamestown, you’ll also explore where archeologists are
unearthing relics from the settlement (July marked the discovery of
the remains of four elite settlers!) and see how early settlers survived in an
inhospitable, unfamiliar era that they made their own.
JAMESTOWN SETTLEMENT: Experience history firsthand by boarding replicas of ships that traveled from England to America and discovering
what activities Pocahontas engaged in as a child and try them out yourself in
a reproduction of a Powhatan Indian village.
Yorktown Victory Center: Only a short drive away, this
waterfront village is a must-see to complete America’s Historic Triangle.
A living history museum and exhibits show the lives led by those in wartime, a recreated military encampment displays Colonial military life, and a
1780s-era farm educates visitors about farming in that time period.
Yorktown BATTLEFIELD: Amid fifes and drums playing patriotic music, you’ll visit the battlefield, Washington’s headquarters and much
more. Be sure to stick around for a cannon firing demonstration to fully
experience the sights and sounds of battle.
BUSCH GARDENS: Ready for thrills perfect for the whole family? Get
back to the future with exhilarating roller coasters and other amusements in
celebration of their 40th anniversary. Check your calendar for events like the
Food and Wine Festival or scary good fun during Howl-O-Scream.
KING'S CREEK PLANTATION: Need a comfortable, relaxing place
to stay? Look no further than the Plantation which accommodates guests
with three different venues which feature a quaint village at The Cottages,
spacious town homes at The Townes and large, luxury homes at The Estates.
Enjoy multiple swimming pools year-round, plenty of workout and spa areas
as well as playgrounds for the little ones.
So when school starts this fall, leave the learning to The Historic Triangle, where history was made and can be relived again by you and your
family. For more information and to plan your fall getaway, visit our website
September/October 2015 | 25
know 2 grow
By Janelle Rettig
If you’re a parent, chances are you have difficulty getting your child to sleep. Children don’t understand
the value of a good night’s rest. However, there is no need for this to happen every night. With some quick
changes to your children’s bedtime routine, your children will lie down without a fuss!
Have a light snack. The Cincinnati Children’s Hospital recommends small snacks that will stop your children from getting up
because they’re hungry, but won’t keep them awake (ex. cheese,
fruit, etc.).
Turn clean-up time into a game of Eye-Spy. Instead of telling
your kids over and over again that they need to clean up their toys
before bed, make cleaning up fun. Use descriptions that make
it obvious what you’re talking about. That way, clean-up’s both
quick and easy. If toys are already cleaned up, this game can be
used as incentive to get your children to lie down. Tell them that,
if they finish getting ready for bed, you can play a quick game of
regular Eye-Spy.
Play bedtime dice. Children’s author and Developmental Specialist, Leigh Ann Hrutkay states,“Glue pictures of bedtime activities on a block and let your son or daughter roll it to see what they
get to do first. If it lands on a picture of a book, read to them first.
If it’s a picture of a toothbrush, they get to brush their teeth first.
This makes ordinary bedtime activities seem less like things they
have to do and more like things they get to do.”
Go through the routine with a stuffed animal first, then with
your children. “By going through the routine with an animal,”
Ms. Hrutkay says, “the child knows that this is what they are
going to do next. It mentally prepares them for going to bed.”
Go on a monster hunt. If children are scared to go to bed, make
a show of going around the room or even the house, looking in
closets and under beds. You can make it fun by placing stuffed an-
26 | September/October 2015
imals, food, or other objects that don’t belong there. Saying, “No
monsters, but what’s this doing here?” should elicit a few giggles
and make kids less scared of bedtime.
Use a reward chart. Make a chart. For each night that your
children go to bed without a fuss, give them a sticker. After so
many stickers, reward them with a small prize. Children are often
punished for disobedience, but rarely rewarded for following directions. Being rewarded for going to bed reinforces the idea that
good behavior should be strived for.
Turn planning a bedtime routine into a family project. You
can allow them to draw the steps or make a checklist. Being
part of the planning will make bedtime seem like the children’s
Make a Bedtime Box. While activities involving exercise rile
kids up, other activities are relaxing. With your children, put
together a box of quick and easy activities (ex. puzzles, books,
etc.) that your children can play with before bed. At some point in
the bedtime routine, allow your children about ten minutes to play
with anything in the box. You can add to it or take things away as
your children’s interests change.
Lastly, remember that, while routines typically stay the same,
children get bored if things don’t change every so often, and bored
children make a fuss. If you notice your children are getting tired
of an activity they used to love, try something else! After all, just
because bedtime needs to be done, doesn’t mean it can’t be fun!✲
Dear Working Girls,
My life as a working mom often feels like a juggling act. I have so
many balls in the air I might be able to perform my own big top
circus. Do you have any advice on how to keep all the balls going so
that nothing suddenly drops?
Tired of the Circus Act in Cherry Hill
Dear Circus Act,
Balancing work, kids, and a personal life is certainly no easy task.
Comparing this to a “juggling act” sums up the life of a working
mother pretty accurately. In fact, let’s be honest, most of us feel the
same way. When you find yourself not flying through life “with the
greatest of ease”, try some of these tips:
• Prioritize your tasks. Making lists in order of priority often helps
lay out your plan of attack. Once you see your tasks in writing, it
becomes easier to do one thing at a time.
• Make time for yourself. In the midst of completing all of your
daily tasks, make sure that somewhere in the schedule you find
time for yourself. Whether it is reading, exercising, or even going
grocery shopping sans kids, make time for yourself each day….
without guilt.
• Know your limitations. You cannot be six places at one time….no
matter how many times you try to do it. So rather than attempt, and
then fail to do the impossible, set realistic expectations for yourself
and everyone around you (at work and at home) and take on only
that which is truly realistic.
• Understand that some days, the crowds are just not going to cheer.
No matter how hard you try and how much you plan, every day
is not going to run as smooth as you hope. And very often…
whatever the cause of
the issue(s) is out
of your control.
On those days
take stock
of what’s
take a few
deep breaths
and remember
that you can do
this. Tomorrow will
be better.
The show MUST go on!
… WHERE is the cotton
– The Working Girls
Lainee Beigel is the founder of Career Esquire
(, a career consulting company.
She is also the mom of two amazing little kids, as
well as the wife of one big kid.
Heidi Chhabria is a professional accounting and
finance recruiter and writer, sometime public
speaker and all-the-time wife and mom of 3.
September/October 2015 | 27
Food Dyes
By Lisa A Figueiredo
s a parent we try to make the best decisions when it comes to what goes
in to our children’s bodies. We try
to choose foods that will enrich their little
minds and stimulate growth and development.
There is a lingering debate as to what
effect dyes in food may have on our children. There has been speculation that one
dye, Red Dye 40, the most commonly found
dye in food, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, has been known
to show adverse reactions in children. Red
40 may cause physical symptoms such as
swelling in the mouth and hives, in adults
according to WebMD. The dye may even
have contaminants that may cause cancer.
These dyes have been linked to hyperactivity in children, particularly those with ADD
and ADHD. While the research is inconclusive, parents have witnessed some negative
effects on their children.
One South Jersey mother, Ashley
Gross, experienced this first-hand in her
daughter who has ADD. “She was hyperactive all the time; more than normal and had
a hard time calming down and controlling
herself. She had a hard time focusing on
tasks. Gross believes it was from the dyes
in foods her children ate. Despite the fact
that she usually eats homemade meals and
veggies she said she would occasionally indulge in packaged foods that usually contain
She took notice and began doing research on her own. She began to pay attention to how her child would act after eating
foods containing the dye. “Since we have
stopped her (Gross’ daughter) from eating
Red 40, we have almost no issues. It was a
lot of self-education and observation on my
own part. I don’t want to treat my child with
meds so I looked in to other options,” she
Dyes can be found in some of our
children’s favorite foods including; snack
foods, candies, margarine, soft drinks
cheese, jellies and desserts. As a parent
some moms take the ‘everything in moderation approach.’
According to mother of two, Janelle
Chambers Bellina¸ “I don’t buy in to any of
that. Of course too much of anything isn’t
28 | September/October 2015
good. My kids eat and drink dyes. Do they
eat and drink them all day? Nope.”
Mother of two Jen Rudd agrees.
“I am sure everything is bad for kids
in some regard. I try to limit candy and
snacks offer more fruits and veggies.
My kids have never had mac n’ cheese,
but mostly because my daughter has
milk allergies. I don’t like orange cheese
in general and I don’t allow cheese puffs
for either of my kids. But, I think I can’t
be vigilant on food dyes. I can just try to
focus on healthy, homemade or at least discernible foods.”
Mother of four and child care provider Lilli Pieczara agrees. “It is my
choice and my job to be sure that my
kids eat right. Sure I buy juice,
etc., but I also have a constant
supply of fruit, grains and
things I bake. There are
too many shortcuts, and
people that overuse them
blame everyone else for
their issues that are a consequence of those shortcuts.”
What to look
With the number of food
containing dyes, it may be
possible to avoid them all
together. As parents when
we are perusing the supermarket aisles, what do we
look for to ensure our children are getting the most
nutritious foods? IT may
be in our children’s best interest to read the label for
ingredients such as Blue
1, Blue 2, Green 3, Red 3,
Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6, Citrus Red 2, FD&C
Lakes, and the more obvious artificial colors.
Whether you choose to
eliminate dyes in your foods
or all together is your decision.
No doubt you will decrease the
amount of sugar your child is eating, and
enhance their overall health.✲
Back To School Lunches Made Easy
Did you know that according to, school lunch makes up one third to one half of a child’s nutritional intake for an
entire day? Needless to say, lunch is an important part of any child’s day!
Don’t fret over school lunches now that StarKist offers their new single-serve Kid’s Creations pouches! Kid’s Creations is an
easy and delicious accent to school meals with protein that keeps kids full and energized to learn throughout the day.
Choo Choo Pasta
Buffalo Tuna
This fun pasta will become
any kid’s favorite – don’t tell
them it’s good for them –
they’ll never know!
• 2, 2.6 oz. pouches StarKist®
Kid’s Creations, Bacon Ranch
• 2 cups pasta wheels, dry
• 1 cup frozen mixed
• ½ cup nonfat Greek yogurt
• ¼ cup low fat milk
• 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
• Boil pasta for 9 minutes, or until al dente.
• Microwave vegetables for 2 -3 minutes until hot.
• In a small bowl mix yogurt and milk until well blended.
• Drain pasta and place in a medium bowl. Mix in vegetables
and yogurt mixture until combined. Add cheese and toss.
Waffle Sandwich
• 2, 2.6 oz. pouches Kid’s
Creations, Bacon Ranch and
or Honey Barbeque
• 24 mini waffles
• 8 slices of American or
Cheddar Cheese, cut in half
• 8 tomato slices
• 12 small pieces of lettuce
• 8 gherkin pickles
• 8 Fun toothpicks or cupcake picks
• Preheat broiler and place waffles on baking sheet. Toast
waffles to brown on each side. Remove from oven and allow
to cool.
• Place 8 waffles on a platter. Layer with a piece of lettuce,
tomato slice and a slice of cheese.
• Place a waffle on top of each. Layer the next waffle with
cheese, a piece of lettuce and 1 – ½ Tbsp. of tuna. Top with
the last waffle and secure with a pickle and toothpick.
• 3 wedges light spreadable
Swiss cheese
• Two 2.6-oz. pouches StarKist Hot Buffalo Tuna Creations
• ¼ cup shredded part-skim
mozzarella cheese
• ¼ cup finely chopped
• ¼ cup finely chopped celery
• Eight 6-inch corn tortillas
• Optional topping: hot sauce
Directions: • Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick spray. • In a medium bowl, stir cheese wedges until smooth. Add tuna
and mozzarella cheese. Stir until uniform. Mix in carrots and
• Place tortillas between 2 damp paper towels. Microwave for
1 minute, or until warm and pliable.
• Evenly distribute tuna mixture among the tortillas.
Tightly roll up each into a tube, and place on the baking sheet,
seam side down. Secure with toothpicks, if needed. • Bake until crispy, 14 - 16 minutes.
Crispy Fruit
Available at shoprite; $8
Perfect snack to add to
lunches the Crispy Fruit
is a light, crispy texture
like a chip, but has all the
nutrients of 100% fruit.
Easily digestible Kabrita goat milk based yogurt and fruit.
Available in three delicious flavors - Mixed Berry, Banana &
Natural Vanilla Bean, and Mango Peach. Walgreens; $2.50
Backpack & lunch boxes with super cute
designs! The backpacks have two functional
sides giving children the power to choose
which print to;
backpack $40 & lunch box $25
September/October 2015 | 29
Feeding Your Child’s Brain to Better Focus
By Matthew Brenner
veryone knows there are many benefits to exercising and
healthy eating, but can this type of lifestyle actually help
you or your children improve with focus this school year?
Summer reading, one-on-one tutoring, and summer school
are generally the path that most parents take for children who
need or want improved school performance. While these tools
are valuable, many parents overlook their child’s eating and exercise habits. Who could blame you? With summer barbecues,
vacations, and family gatherings, summer does not typically
breed healthy eating. Moreover, playing out in the yard simply
does not suffice if your child cools off with a 32oz slurpee.
We all know that trying to get our children to eat blueberries instead of ice cream is an uphill challenge. Yet, according to
Susan Johnson, PhD and director of the Children’s Eating Laboratory at the University of Colorado “With kids, nutrition is all
about structure and consistency. Once new foods become predictable, they’ll come around.” Thus, a consistent diet of fresh
fruits and vegetables will eventually become habit. There is not
a better gift than conditioning your child to clean healthy eating
while they are young and forming habits that can last them a
lifetime. The easiest first step is to serve & eat fruit for breakfast: ensuring a platform for healthy foods for the rest of the day.
Plus, according to the Children’s Nutrition Research Center at
Baylor University as many as 37% of American kids routinely
skip breakfast, which research demonstrates is sure to help with
increased levels of focus and energy.
However, eating healthy is only half the equation.
Making sure your child gets adequate exercise is crucial. According to Karen Postal, PhD and Clinical Instructor at Harvard
Medical School “An hour of vigorous exercise per day will allow your children to focus better in school and while studying.
Exercise allows them to retain more information. And, as a
great side effect, exercise will even out their moods, improve
sleep patterns, and build self confidence.” So, what can you do
right now? Make sure you fill your kitchen cabinets only with
food that will help you build a stronger family. Furthermore,
plan a designated time for your child to get structured exercise,
whether it is a Karate class, or time to play basketball in the
Matthew Brenner, Columnist and Instructor at Action Karate. Questions?
30 | September/October 2015
For a complete list of events, log onto
To submit your event, send an e-mail to
Entries are due six weeks prior to the event and are filled on a first-come first-served basis. Space is limited.
Summer’s End Car Show
Silver Diner
September 7
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Celebrate the end of summer
this Labor Day at the Silver
Diner. The Cherry Hill diner
will be having their Unofficial
End of Summer Car Show on
September 7. Held rain or shine,
the show will have several
different models and makes. It
is hosted by the South Jersey
Pontiac Club. The car show is
from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.,
rain or shine. 2131 Route 38,
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Wild West Corn Maze
Springdale Farms Cherry Hill, NJ
September 11
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wild West corn maze at
Springdale farms starts
September 12th and runs to
November 2nd. Hours are 10 am
to 4 pm and tickets are $10.00.
Springdale Farms is located at
1638 Springdale Road, Cherry
Hill, NJ. Flashlight Fridays are
September 12th, 19th, 26th,
and October 3rd and 10th.
Throughout the maze, you will
find pictures, clues, and games .
MOMS Club of Blackwood
Wednesday, September 16
Deptford Skate Center
Come out to our Open House
and learn more about this
MOMS Club. Have a bite to eat,
let your little ones play and get
to know some other mothers
in the area! Free admission
for Tykes skating. Email
Bike MS City to Shore
October 3
6:30 am - 5:30 pm
Ride with 7,000 cyclists of all
ages and cycling abilities for the
challenge of your choice with
several route options. Enjoy flat
terrain as you travel through the
quaint towns and back roads
of Southern New Jersey. Pedal
through the blueberry fields
of Hammonton, experience
the serene beauty of the Pine
Barrens and listen to the waves
as you roll into family friendly
Ocean City. Woodcrest Station
PATCO, 200 Tindale Drive,
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003. www.
Mum Madness & Pumpkin
October 10
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Camden Children’s Garden
Come visit Camden Children’s
Garden for their amazing
display of fall chrysanthemums.
Along with colorful mums,
children can visit mascot
Mum Bear, and participate in
pumpkin crafts and activities.
For a fee, you can purchase
and paint your own pumpkin.
Mum Madness & Pumpkin
Parade is Saturday October 11
and Sunday October 12 from
1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Admission is
$6.00. For more information, see
Facebook, call 856-365-8733, or
visit the garden site. Camden
Children’s Garden is located at 3
Riverside Drive, Camden, NJ.
JCC 5k Race & 1 Mile Fun Walk
Sunday, October 25
5k Run: 9am & 1 Mile Walk:
Location: Katz JCCCherry Hill, NJ
Open to the community! Join
us for a family day of athletic
fun on a USATF Certified Course
complete with prizes and
*Cost: 5k Pre-Race: $20; 5k Entry
Day Race: $25; 1 Mile Walk: $10
*First 150 5k registrants will
receive a dri-fit race shirt
For more information, visit or contact Gene
Bonetti at
Festival of Fine Craft
Wheaton Arts and
Cultural Center
October 3
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Festival of Fine Craft at
Wheaton Arts and Cultural
Center offers two days of art
and crafts for the entire family.
More than 130 juried artists will
present and sell their works.
It also includes interactive
things 2 do
Sept/Oct Calendar
craft experiences, live
music, and hands-on
family activities. 1100 Village Dr.
Millville, NJ 08332
New Jersey Motorsports Park
Battlegrounds Paintball
Book a party or just come out
with friends. Game play varies
in style and composition but
often range from capture the flag
to organized scenario games.
Players will have a fun-filled
and exciting time on any one of
our fields located on 10 acres of
action-packed outdoor paintball
fields. Battlegrounds Paintball
provides a family friendly, fun
and safe environment for young
and old, ages 10 and up! (856)
327-7221 or email paintball@ 47 Warbird Dr.
GPS: 8000 Dividing Creek Rd.
Millville, NJ 08332
Duffield’s Farm Market
Family FUN Fest
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Sewell, NJ
Join us for a family fun fest
kinda day! Vendor Tables, Hay
Rides, Music, Balloon Maker,
Pumpkin patch, Face Painting,
goodie Bags, Food and More.
280 Greentree & Chapel Heights
Rd, Sewell, NJ 08080. Rain date
September/October 2015 | 31