The Shul - The 3 Million Mitzvahs Campaign


The Shul - The 3 Million Mitzvahs Campaign
The Shul
Weekly Magazine Sponsored By Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Ethel Sirotkin
and Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz
An Institution of The Lubavitcher Rebbe,
May His Merit Shield Us
A House of Torah, Prayer And Acts of Goodness
...And the Lord passed
before him and proclaimed:
Lord, Lord, benevolent G-d,
Who is compassionate
and gracious, slow to anger
and abundant in loving
kindness and truth, preserving
loving kindness for thousands,
forgiving iniquity and rebellion
and sin...
Shabbos Parshas Ki Sisa
Parshas Parah
Adar 19 - 20, 5770
March 5 - 6, 2010
Candle Lighting: 6:06 PM
(See page 5 for full Shabbos schedule)
‫וַיַּעֲבֹר יְ־הֹוָ־ה עַל ָפּנָיו וַיִּ ְקרָא‬...
‫ל רַחוּם וְחַנּוּן‬- ‫יְ־הֹוָ־ה יְ־הֹוָ־ה‬
:‫ֶא ֶר ְך אַ ַפּיִם וְרַב ֶחסֶד וֶ ֱאמֶת‬
‫נֹשׂא עָוֹן‬
ֵ ‫נֹצֵר ֶחסֶד ָל ֲא ָלפִים‬
...‫ֶשׁע וְ ַחטָּאָה וְנַקֵּה‬
ַ ‫וָפ‬
Welcome to
Rabbi Yona Metzger
Chief Rabbi of Israel
who will be addressing the Community
this Shabbos
Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside
9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154
Tel: 305.868.1411
Fax: 305.861.2426
Weekly Message
Thoughts on the Parsha from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
Parshas Parah
he event of the Golden Calf that
left an indelible scar on the Jewish
People and continues to
negatively impact us until today is part
of this week’s Torah reading. Why did
the Jewish People, referred to as “the
generation of knowledge”, who
experienced miracles and witnessed events that even the
greatest prophets (Ezekiel) did not, who heard G-d Almighty
personally exclaim the Commandments during revelation at
Sinai and who were part of the greatest, most revealed
wonders and miracles of all times, transgress with such a gross
malfeasance as idolatry?
Our Rabbis explain that on a practical level the Israelites made
an error in miscalculating the end of the 40 days when Moses
was to return from his heavenly sojourn. Satan immediately
took advantage of this and created a cloudy vision of Moshe
who seemed lifeless. In despair of having lost their trusted
Rebbe and leader and incited by the dark, negative elements of
the community, they turned to Aaron and demanded that he
give them a new leader. Having experienced the assumed loss
of Moshe they wanted an intermediary that would stand
between them and G-d: one who was tangible but not mortal;
selfless and reliable but not subject to the natural life cycle of
aging and dying.
They had just been commanded to build a “house for G-d
wherein I will dwell among you”. The most important vessels
in that sanctified house, the Holy Ark, Incense Altar,
Candelabra and Royal Table, were made of gold. In fact, G-d
would communicate to Moshe from the center of the Ark
between the two Cherubim. Gold was already sanctioned by
G-d to be a receptacle and conveyer of holiness. Hence the
Golden Calf which came out of the fire by means of special
powers seemed to meet all the criteria for a proper
manifestation of G-d’s representation.
The difference between the Golden Calf and the Golden Ark
and vessels was fundamental and critical. The Golden Calf was
the object and focus of their service whereas the golden Ark
and Vessels were the means for their service. Their focus was
G-d Almighty.
When gold becomes the objective, the raison d’ètre of our life’s
goals, then it is an idol to be eliminated. When, however, gold
is used to serve G-d to make the world a holier place and fulfill
its purpose to allow man to elevate himself and the material
objects of the world to higher levels , then it becomes holy and
Have a good Shabbos, and a great week!
The Tween Girls helped with delivering Shaloch
Manos packages throughout the community.
Bat Mitzvah Club at the Shul is always packed with
great activities!! This past class the girls learned about the
beauty of Shabbat and its significance. A great
preparation for their 25 hour Shabbaton experience this
weekend!! They also enjoyed making their own
Hamentashen for Purim with delicious fillings.
The Shul Weekly Magazine
Everything you need for every day of the week
Special Thank You
ake a Deeper Look
Celebr ating Shabbos
Schedules, classes, articles and more... Everything you
need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience.
Kiddush Bank
The Investment with the Guaranteed Return
A Time to Pray
Check out all the davening schedules and locations
throughout the week.
Communit y Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate.
Inspiration, Insights and Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE.
Events Calendar
A great listing of the places you want to be and the
things you want to do!
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events around town.
Just for the Gals
Delve into the power, strength and beauty in the life
of the Jewish Woman.
The ABC's of Aleph
Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments.
Kids Corner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
Latin Link
Reflexión Semanal
French Connection
Réflexions sur la Paracha.
The Netw ork
Get Connected! All your advertising needs
in one convenient spot.
It’s Good To Know
Find out what's going on and how you can get involved.
Dail y Study
A complete guide to all classes and courses offered
at The Shul.
Communit y Nachas
A Peek at Recent Happenings
Featured Upcomi ng Event
Events you won’t want to miss
Shul Office Hours
Mon. - Thurs.
*National Holidays and Chol Hamoed
9 am - 5 pm
9 am - 1 pm
9 am - 2 pm
Light & Power and Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah
for the month of Adar is sponsored by:
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto and Corinne Camhi
Mr. & Mrs. Steven and Sandra Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob and Anita Givner
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory and Veronica Levine
Mr. & Mrs. Steven and Michelle Schmutter
Best wishes to The Shul Community for a Happy Purim
and an especially joyous month of Adar
“Those who establish Synagogues for prayer and those who come there to pray,
those who provide lights for illumination, wine for kiddush and havdalah, food
for the wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those who occupy
themselves faithfully with communal affairs— may the Holy One, blessed be
He, give them their reward, remove them from all sickness, heal their entire
body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and success to all their
endeavors, together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say Amen.”
- Shacharis for Shabbos.
Gabayim Corner
The Shul’s Gaboyim:
Mr. Allen Berry / Mr. Mauricio Fux / Mr. David Pollack /
Mr. Andrew Roth / Mr. David Portnoy /Mr. Henry Eichler
Please note that the distribution of Aliyot according to our customs
is in the order of certain Simchot, Yahrtzeits, Birthdays, Guests and
general rotation. We encourage you to participate in the weekday
Davening and Aliyot on Mondays and Thursdays.
Attention members and guests:
During the taking out of the Torah for leining, please allow seat
holders to return to their seats before occupying open seating.
Designated seats are for the use of members who dedicated them.
On Shabbos and Yom Tov, dedicated seats may be occupied by
anyone after 10:30 a.m. in the men’s section and 11:00 a.m. in the
women’s section.
Contacts at The Shul 305-868-1411
Rabbi’s Secretary
Community Kolel
Youth Director
JLAC/Outreach/Adult Ed.
CYS College / Senior Kolel
Events /Office Manager
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
Mrs. Fay Garber
Mr. Terence Speyer
Rabbi Eily Smith
Rabbi Mendy Levy
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Mrs. Geri Kelly
Mrs. Janice Barney
Mrs. Pnina Wuensch
Ms. Lydia Hasson
Kashrus Contact / Bulletin
Ms. Miriam Gitman
Singles/Special Projects
Youth Oversight /Dinner/ Mrs. Devorah Leah
Operations / Maintenance Mr. Shlomie Katan
Reception/Accounts Payable Mrs. Renee Moore
Chana or Shani
Chazan Shimshon Tzubeli
Sephardic Minyan
Mrs. Aurit Katan
Hebrew School
Please remember to take personal belongings with you when you leave The Shul.
Ext. 7315
Ext. 7345
Ext. 7315
Ext. 7326
Ext. 7304
Ext. 7333
Ext. 7342
Ext. 7343
Ext. 7341
Ext. 7318
Ext. 7313
Ext. 7314
Ext. 7319
Ext. 7328
Ext. 7322
Ext. 0
Ext. 7325
305 790-4634
Celebrating Shabbos With Our Youth
Everything you need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience
Shabbos Schedule
Shabbos with the Teen Boys Minyan
No longer will your children get lost amongst the crowds in Shul on
Shabbos morning. The Shul youth has worked together to organize a
highly educational and fun program for children and teens of all
ages. Each Shabbos morning program involves a mix of Tefilla
(prayer), Parsha (weekly Torah study) and general "Jewishness",
through games, songs, and stories. Taught by our very own Shul
Bochurim and youth girls, each child will experience Shabbos in its
full glory; leaving with a taste of holiness and fun memories that will
keep them coming back from week to week. A Kiddush exclusively
for the children culminates the exciting program.
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Boys, ages 5-9: 2nd floor Youth Synagogue
Boys, ages 10-13: Main Sanctuary
Girls, ages 6-9: 2nd floor Classroom #2
Girls, ages 9-12: 2nd floor Classroom #2
10:30 a.m. until the end of Shul Services
Teen Girls, ages 15-18: Child Enrichment Center Classroom # 2
Ever wonder how you can teach your son to follow with a real
Minyan, or even run his own? The Shul youth has created the scene.
Every Shabbos morning, each teen has his own chance to play a
vital role in his own Shul Minyan, lead by one of our very own
Rabbis and Youth leaders. Every week all the boys have a chance to
act as Chazzan, Gabbai or ‘Rabbi’. This hands-on approach gives
each teen the opportunity to experience Shul and prayer to its
fullest, by involving them in every aspect of the Davening.
For Boys Only: ages 14-18
Child Enrichment Center Classroom # 2
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
*Please note: The Teen Minyan is strictly for the Teens. We would
appreciate it if adults would stay in the Main Sanctuary.
For more information: Contact 305 868 1411 ext. 7345
Torah Quiz
(At the back of the women’s section of the Sanctuary)
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tween Girls, ages 12-14: Rabbi Lipskar’s Conference Room
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Toddler Program with Morah Malkie (ages 0 - 4)
Teen Girls Room (front of Women’s Sanctuary)
6:00 p.m.
Leibl’s Mishnayos Ba’al Peh for all Boys (Youth Synagogue)
Messibos Shabbos for Girls: Classroom 1
7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Father & Son - Sponsorship available at $100
For more information on any of our Youth Programming, please contact
Rabbi Mendy at 305 868-1411 ext 7333
Leibl’s Mishnayos Ba’al Peh
For Boys
Every Shabbos afternoon between Mincha & Maariv
In the Youth Synagogue (upstairs)
Shalosh Seudos Served!
Prizes kindly sponsored by the Goldczer Family
Messibos Shabbos
For Girls
An exciting program for all Girls: 1st-5th Grade.
Every Shabbos afternoon at 6:00pm (Afternoon Mincha)
In Classroom # 1
Come and Enjoy Tzivos HaShem learning, great food
& nosh, prizes, games and stories.
Questions This Week:
1. Which other Tzadikim glowed like Moshe Rabbeinu?
(Berachos 5b, Yalkut on Parshas Vayechi, Tanchuma on
Parshas Chukas)
2. What happened to the Atlantic Ocean when the Luchos
were smashed? (Zohar vol. 2:113b)
3. Why were there two Luchos? (Shemos Rabbah 41:6)
Answers for Last Week:
1. King Balshetzar and King Achashveirosh wore the Bigdei
Kehuna (the clothes of the Kohanim). Both were severely
punished: Balshetzar himself was killed, and
Achashveirosh’s wife, Vashti, was killed. (Source:
Gemorah Megillah 12a)
2. Olive oil is very good for your memory. (Olives, on the
other hand, are bad for the memory.) (Source: Gemorah
Horiyos 13b, Gemorah Menachos 85b)
3. The word Haman is written 53 times in the whole
New Rules for The Torah Quiz...
One winner per question. Each child may only answer one
question. Answers may be given from after Mincha on Friday
afternoon until the printing of the next week’s bulletin. Tell
your answer to Rabbi Mendy Levy or e-mail them before or
after Shabbos to: If you answer your
questions correctly ten weeks in a row, you will qualify to win
a MP3 music player!
Prizes kindly sponsored by the Goldczer Family.
Last Week’s Winners
Jakobo Fux
Omission from two weeks ago:
David Ben-arie
Children should respect all School & Shul property.
Their Parents will be held responsible for
any damage they may cause.
Shabbos Parshas Ki Sisa
Celebrating Shabbos
Everything you need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience
The Friday Evening Service and Shabbos Torah Portion
Friday Night
Shabbos Day
Shabbos Day
Yedid Nefesh pg. 151
pgs. 99-101
pg. 101
(Stone Chumash)
Torah Portions
pgs. 484-514
pg. 838
pg. 1216
(Gutnick Chumash)
Torah Portions pgs. 228-256
pg. 319
Kiddush This Week
Friday Evening
Candle lighting
Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbos
Davening with Dad
6:06 p.m.
6:10 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Shabbos Day
Hashkama Minyan
7:15 a.m.
Tanya / Hayom Yom
8:35 a.m.
Shacharis (Morning Services)
8:45 a.m.
Children's Program
10:00 a.m.
Teen Minyan (Haime Library)
10:30 a.m.
Shabbos Women’s Tanya: Classroom #1 +/- 11:40 a.m.
With Mrs. Vivian Perez
After Davening
12:00 p.m.
Shabbos Women’s Class
5:10 p.m.
Daf Yomi
5:15 p.m.
Mincha followed by Shalosh Seudos
5:55 p.m.
Leibl’s Mishnayos for Boys
6:00 p.m.
Messibos Shabbos for Girls
6:00 p.m.
Shabbos Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah
6:59 p.m.
Weekly Video of The Rebbe
Father & Son Learning
7:30 p.m.
This week’s Kiddush is funded by a contribution made by
Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe & Chana Barouk in honor of their son,
Shmuel Menachem Mendel’s 1st birthday and the miraculous
recovery they have all been blessed with.
Co-funded by Mr. & Mrs. Silvio and Carina Sitkowski
who have become Patrons of the Kiddush Bank.
The Shul is looking for a sponsor to cover the balance in honor of
Rabbi Yona Metzger, Chief Rabbi of Israel.
Please help us cover the cost of non-sponsored Kiddushim
by becoming a Partner or Patron of our Kiddush Bank.
Shalosh Seudos This Week
Available for Sponsorship
Kiddushim at The Shul
Please help us continue to provide our weekly Shabbos Kiddush
and Shalosh Seudos by offering to become a sponsor.
Sponsorship by one or more individuals is encouraged.
The following dates are available for sponsorship:
Shalosh Seudos:
Mar. 6, 27
Mar. 6, 20, 27
If you wish to become a sponsor, please speak with Pnina
at 305 868-1411 x 7313 or email:
Sephardic Minyan
Friday Evening
6:10 p.m.
Shabbat Day
Shabbat Ends / Arvit & Havdalah
8:45 a.m.
5:55 p.m.
6:59 p.m.
Next Week:
Candle lighting
6:10 p.m.
6:10 p.m.
The Shul has a “Kiddush Bank” to ensure that there are always
adequate funds to cover the costs of our weekly,
non-sponsored Shabbos Kiddushim and Shalosh Seudos.
Eruv Information
We would like to emphasize that every Erev Shabbos, individuals
should call the Eruv Hotline to make sure that the Eruv is
operational prior to carrying on Shabbos.
The number is 305- 866-ERUV (3788).
The Eruv message is recorded approximately two hours prior to
Candle lighting. Please note that the Eruv in Bal Harbour and
Surfside does not include the path along the beach. The backs of
the buildings form the Eruv in that section. It is forbidden to
push strollers or carry anything on this path or beach area on
There are two levels of participation:
Partner - annual contribution of $770
Patron - annual contribution of $360
Please help make our Kiddushim special.
Partners and Patrons will be matched with un-sponsored
Kiddushim and your name will appear in the bulletin as the
Kiddush sponsor on the week your donation is applied.
To participate in this mitzvah please call Pnina at (305) 868-1411 x 7313
Or email
Shabbos Parshas Ki Sisa
Kiddush Bank
The Investment with a Guaranteed Return
Our very special thanks to the following Partners & Patrons
whose contributions helped us to cover most of the costs of the
un-sponsored Kiddushim and Farbrengens as listed below.
Partners - annual contribution of $770:
Patrons - annual contribution of $360:
Mr. & Mrs. Moishe and Fayge Hersman
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard and Carolyn Baumel
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen and Bella Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Boruch & Yonit Duchman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Pauline Kopelman
Mr. & Mrs. Temuri and Maya Nanikashvili
Mr. & Mrs. Sholom Moshe and Sarah Sheridan
Mr. Peter Schwalbe & Mrs. Jody Soltanoff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Dana Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Silvio & Carina Sitkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Pershin
Mr. Abe Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Beryl & Florence Miller
Rabbi & Mrs. Simeon and Rose Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. Baruch and Feige Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan & Blimie Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey and Lillian Glick
Dr. & Mrs. Gene and Sandra Moteles
Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Susan Packer
Total Revenue for Kiddush Bank 5770: $10,530
Un-Sponsored Events
Sept. 20
Oct. 4
Oct. 9
Oct. 9
Oct. 10
Oct. 10
Oct. 31
Dec. 5
Dec. 25
Jan. 2
Feb. 6
Feb. 13
Feb. 20
Feb. 27
2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah Farbrengen
Sukkot Kiddush (2nd Day)
Eve of Shemini Atzeret Hakafot Kiddush
Shemini Atzeret After Hakafot Meal
Shemini Atzeret Day Special Kiddush
Eve of Simchat Torah Hakafot Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Paid by Kiddush Bank
Total Expense on non-sponsored 5770 Kiddushim: $13,100
Current Shortfall: $2,570
(Excluding the expenses for all the non-sponsored Shalosh Seudos
meals provided by The Shul)
Make a deposit in our Kiddush Bank
Call Pnina at 305 868 1411 ext. 7313 to share in this special mitzvah.
A Time to Pray
Davening schedules and locations throughout the week
Daily Learning Schedule at The Shul
MORNING SCHEDULE - Monday through Thursday
6:15 - 6:45 am
Sichos Kodesh
Parshas Vayakel-Pekudei
R’ Zalman Lipskar
7:00 - 7:25 am
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
R’ Dov Schochet
7:30 - 8:30 am
Daf Yomi
Bava Basrah
R’ Dov Schochet
8:30 - 9:00 am
1 Chapter per day
R’ Dov Schochet
8:45 am (approx)
Sephardic Custom
Shimshon Tzubeli
10:00 - 10:45 am
Sicha of the Rebbe - Textual
R’ Shea Rubinstein
Daily Chumash & Tanya after every Minyan
EVENING KOLEL SCHEDULE - Monday through Thursday
Mon. to Thurs.
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Chavrusah ~ Subject of Choice
R’ Eily Smith
Mon. to Thurs.
8:00 – 9:00 pm
Chavrusah ~ Subject of Choice
1st Session
Mon. to Thurs.
9:00 - 10:00 pm
Chavrusah ~ Subject of Choice
2nd Session
Daily Minyanim at The Shul
6:45 am
7:30 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
2:00 pm
6:10 pm
No Minyan
R’ Zalman Lipskar
No Minyan
R’ Shimon Shur
R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Dov Schochet
No Minyan
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Shimon Shur R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Zalman Lipskar
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Dov Schochet
Wednesday Thursday
R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Shimon Shur
R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Dov Schochet R’ Shimon Shur
R’ Zalman Lipskar
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet
No Minyan
R’ Sholom Lipskar
See Complete
on page 5
Sephardic Minyanim at The Shul
8:00 am
9:00 am
6:10 pm
Wednesday Thursday
Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli See Complete
Shimshon Tzubeli
Shabbat Schedule
on page 5
Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli
Halachic Times for the Week: Based on times for Mar. 10, 2010
Alot Hashachar / Dawn
Earliest Talit & Tefillin
Netz Hachamah / Sunrise
(Earliest Amidah)
Latest Shema
Zman Tfillah
Chatzot / Midday
Earliest Mincha
Plag HaMincha
Shekiah / Sunset
5:27 am
5:50 am
6:35 am
9:32 am
10:32 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
5:12 pm
6:27 pm
(preferable latest time for Mincha)
Tzeit Hakochavim/Nightfall
6:54 pm
(earliest preferable Ma’ariv)
(Times taken from
Please note that during the week the times may vary by a minute or two.)
The Shul of Downtown
Shacharis Monday & Thursday only
Monday through Thursday
8:00 am
2:00 pm
Rabbi Chaim Lipskar
48 East Flagler Street, #363 (3rd Floor), Miami
305-373-8303 or 786-368-9040
This is Hashem’s House!
When in the Sanctuary ……...…shh!…...…...
If you speak in Shul...then where do you Pray?
Community Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate
Adar 20
Adar 20
Adar 20
Adar 20
Adar 20
Adar 20
Adar 20
Adar 20
Adar 21
Adar 21
Adar 21
Adar 21
Adar 21
Adar 21
Adar 21
Adar 22
Adar 22
Adar 22
Adar 22
Adar 22
Adar 22
Adar 23
Adar 23
Adar 23
Adar 23
Adar 23
Adar 23
Adar 25
Adar 25
Adar 25
Adar 25
Adar 26
Adar 26
Adar 26
Adar 26
Adar 26
Adar 26
Mr. Mario Cytrynbaum
Mr. Harvey Finkel
Mr. Ralph Mizraji
Mr. Glenn D. Moses
Ms. Miriam Gitman
Mr. Spencer Kupferman
Ms. Stacy Livingwell
Rabbi Meir Shlomo Herz
Mr. Lazer Milstein
Mrs. Raquel Haime
Ms. Illana Tova Musikar
Mr. Andrew Feltenstein
Mr. Yair Ben-Ishai
Mrs. Malka Sragowicz
Mr. Tzvi Hirsch Pershin
Mr. Avraham Maskin
Mr. Moises Wertheimer
Ms. Sara Azout
Mr. Max Sussman
Ms. Rachel Chaya Sussman
Ms. Sofia Lustgarten
Rabbi Berel Zisman
Mr. Steven J. Kravitz
Mrs. Perla Edderai
Mr. Steven B. Schmutter
Mrs. Marlene Weisleder
Mr. Jacky Yerushalmy
Ms. Luisa Edderai
Mrs. Jenny Klainbaum
Mr. Scott Friedman
Ms. Sharon Edderai
Dr. Jimmy Srur
Mr. David Shear
Mr. Ira Sussman
Mr. Abe Mark Sher
Mr. Lowell Robinson
Dr. Rita Steiner
Our Kids’ Birthdays
Adar 20
Adar 20
Adar 21
Adar 21
Adar 21
Adar 22
Adar 23
Adar 25
Adar 26
Adar 26
Adar 26
Adar 26
Leslie Benarroch
Maccabee Eitan Herman
Chani Stark
Sara Perel Citron
Jack Golomb
Ita Mockin
Benjamin Cohen
Joseph Eliyahu Coiffman
Joshua Jacob Gilinski
Yehuda Tzvi Gassner
Jake Penson
Jed Penson
Mazel Tov
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Avrohom and Sandra Gewirtz on the
recent marriage of their grandson, Tzvi Shuchat to Rochie Altein
in Montreal, and also on the recent Bar Mitzvah of their grandson,
Elazar Hacohen Ehrentreu in Toronto.
Have you celebrated a special occasion that warrants a Mazel
Please email all info to or call 305 868 1411
Adar 21 Rabbi Yermiyahu Gedaliah ben Avrohom Abish obm
Brother of Mr. Samuel Burstyn
Adar 21 Yossef ben Itzhak obm
Father of Mr. Isaac Gilbert Franco
Adar 21 Zipporah bas Joseph Yehudah obm
Daughter of Mrs. Blanche Levine
Adar 21 Yitzchok ben Avrohom obm
Father of Mr. Abe Sreter
Adar 21 Samuel obm
Grandfather of Mr. Norman Weinflash
Adar 21 Sara bas Efraim obm
Mother of Mr. Sergio Zelcer
Adar 22 Mary obm
Mother of Mr. Howard Fleishman
Adar 22 Yakov ben Leib Fraiman obm
Father of Mr. Guido Fraiman
Adar 22 Molly obm
Mother of Mrs. Vivian Naimer
Adar 22 Yehoshua Hirsh (Tzvika) ben Yaakov Kapol obm
Father of Dr. Michael Salzhauer
Adar 23 Rykla bas Yejeskel obm
Mother of Mrs. Ofelia Hersman & Mr. Julio Brener
Adar 23 Moishe obm
Father of Mr. Sam Greenberg
Adar 23 Sylvia obm
Grandmother of Mr. Craig Kulman
Adar 23 Naomi bas Yosef obm
Mother of Mrs. Maya Nanikashvili
Adar 23 Salomon ben Habib obm
Son of Mr. Harry Mamane
Adar 23 Jacob Saltiel obm
Father of Mrs. Rebecca Esformes
Adar 24 Yosef Dovid Israel Yakov obm
Father of Mrs. Anne Paul
Adar 25 Nuchim ben Tzvi obm
Father of Mr. Nelson Berman
Adar 25 Yekutiel Zeev ben Moshe obm
Father of Mr. Harry Greenblatt
Adar 25 Elchonon ben Shmuel Menachem Mendel obm
Father of Mr. Mayer Rivkin
Adar 26 Yisroel Yaakov ben Shlomo obm
Father of Mrs. Yonit Duchman
Adar 26 Yehuda Leib ben Moshe Hacohen obm
Father of Mr. Robert Maskin
Adar 26 Pauline Rubin obm
Grandmother of Mr. Steven Sommers
Our heartfelt condolences go out to Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Vivian
Perez on the loss of Vivian’s brother-in-law, Dr. Jack Peicher. May his
dear soul be bound with the Eternal Bond of Life. May Vivian, her
sister, Annabel, and all their family be comforted among the
mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Our heartfelt condolences go out to Mrs. Shoshana FeingoldStudnik on the passing of her dear mother, Chana bat Avraham
Studnik, who passed away on the 3rd of Adar in Berlin
Germany. May her dear soul be bound with the Eternal Bond of Life.
May Shoshana and her family be comforted among the mourners of
Zion and Jerusalem.
Community Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate
Refuah Shleimah
Mr. & Mrs. Victor and Alla Weingarten
Mr. & Mrs. Raphael and Alyssa Reboh
Special Thank You
We sincerely thank the following members & supporters of The
Shul for donations received between 02/23/10 and 03/01/10.
We apologize for any errors or omissions we may have made.
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Barouk
Ms. Malca Bassan
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Baumel
Dr. & Mrs. Ivan Berend
Mr. Donnie el Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Berry
Mrs. Genia Bruder
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Colonomos
Mr. Guido Cytryn
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Failer
Mrs. Ilona Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Finkel
Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Frohlich
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Garson
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gelb
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gellman
Mrs. Perla Gilinski
Dr. Fran Glicksman
Mr. & Mrs. David Goihman
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gottesman
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Groisman
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Hersman
Mr. Irving Hoine
Ms. Shay Kardonski
Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Zev Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Kavana
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Kestenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Mendel Knoll
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kopelman
Ms. Vivian Grace Kroner
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Sholom D.
Drs. Raul & Janet Mitrani
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn D. Moses
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Moteles
Mr. & Mrs. Temuri Nanikashvili
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Osman
Dr. Allen Packer
Mr. & Dr. Albert Pollans
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Portnoy
Mrs. Tessie Rosenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rosenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rosenzweig
Ms. Meryl H. Schneider
Rabbi & Mrs. Simeon Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. Moises Selesky
Mr. & Mrs. Josef Shakib Panah
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Sirotkin
Mr. & Mrs. Terence Speyer
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Sragowicz
Dr. & Mrs. Menahem Srur
Mr. Abe Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Moris Tabacinic
Ms. Maria Libera Vallone
Mr. & Mrs. Josef Weiss
Mr. Bernard Werner
Thanks to Our Volunteers
The Shul thanks all our Volunteers for their
invaluable help:
Mrs. Sarah Libke Caplin & Mrs. Ofelia Wiener
Laugh a Little!
These fit so well they should be in a dictionary
Chaim ben Nechama
Mayer ben Jamie
Eliyahu ben Batiya
Joseph ben Alegria
Moshe ben Henia
Ariel Leib ben Nechama
Baruch ben Tzipa Faiga
Yitzchak Chaim ben Rivkah
Rachmiel ben Miriam
Beryl ben Miriam
Levi Yitzchok ben Tzirel
Binyomin ben Chasha Riva
Yaakov ben Esther Gittel (Mr.
Jacob Farkas)
Avraham Yosef ben Sofie
Yishaia ben Celia
Yitzchok ben Chana Rochel
Avrum ben Moshe
Moshe Yehuda ben Sheva Ruchel
Yaakov ben Miriam
Aron Wolf
Baruch Chaim ben Tuve (psalm # 5
for his speedy recovery)
Ariel ben Miriam
Mordechai Gershon ben Malia
Raphael Moshe ben Sara
(Mr. Moshe Behar)
Miriam bas Rivka
Rachel bas Yula
Leah bas Shaindel
Rivka bas Esther
Itel Dina bas Shivra
Shima bas Sarah
Chaya Leah bas Yenta
Rachel bas Bracha
Chayah Yehudis Meusheres
bas Rachel Sheli
Pessa Devorah bas Malka
Sandal bas Leah (Sonia Kawa)
Bracha bas Sarah
Leah bas Feiga
Esther bas Hilda
Chava bas Elka (#40)
Chaya bas Ginta
Miriam Hagar bas Chayenah
Chaya bas Rachel
Leah bas Miriam Rachel
Freda bas Adelle
Haddassah Rivka bas Sara
Ilana Leah bas Shaindel Rochel
Malka bas Shoshana
Ruchama Alisa Sara Chana bas
Esther Liba
Rina Chaya Miriam bas Leah
Bracha Plutno. Please read
Tehillim especially #10, for her
speedy recovery.
Kashrus Korner
Due to the numerous inquiries being received by Kosher Miami
regarding the status of the kashrus violations by Wing Wan in
North Miami Beach and whether or not dishes in homes need to
be kashered, please be advised that Wing Wan has never
been under the supervision of Kosher Miami, and as such
we cannot comment on their status. The signs posted in
some shuls indicate that the OK has removed their
certification from Wing Wan. Therefore, please contact the
OK Kosher Certification for further details.
Effective March 4, 2010, "The Hummus" located at 18090
Collins Avenue, is no longer under Kosher Miami
supervision. Please note that this is not due to kashrus
CANNIBAL: Someone who is fed up with people.
Sunkist Orange Float and A & W Root Beer Float were
erroneously listed as approved on a cRc kosher certificate and
the cRc website. These particular Sunkist and A & W products
are not under cRc certification.
CHICKENS: The only animals you eat before they are born and
after they are dead.
Gaterade is now certified by the OU. Gatorade drinks are
now kosher only when bearing the OU symbol.
COMMITTEE: A body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.
For a complete list of Kosher Miami certified establishments,
please visit our web site at .
ADULT: A person who has stopped growing at both ends and is
now growing in the middle.
DUST: Mud with the juice squeezed out.
EGOTIST: Someone who is usually me-deep in conversation.
To sign up for kosher notifications by email go to, and/or
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Parsha Messages
Halacha of the Week
by Rabbi Dov Schochet
Milk and Meat
Three times the Torah tells us “Do not cook a young animal in its
mother’s milk”. Although the commandments regarding Kashrut
are generally understood to be “Chukim” (supra-rational laws)
there are various explanations given for this prohibition.
Maimonidies explains (in the Guide for the Perplexed) that
idolaters had a custom to eat a delicacy of milk and meat when
they went to serve in their temples. He supports this by the fact
that the three times the Torah mentions this prohibition it is
adjacent to the laws of going to the Temple in Jerusalem. The
Chinuch understands it to be a mixture which is harmful to
creation. He explains that G-d intended for certain elements in
the world to remain separate and included in this are milk and
meat (Kabbalistically this can be understood that red meat
represents severity and white milk represents kindness). This is
supported from the fact that the Torah forbids the mere cooking
of milk and meat, which implies that this prohibition is not
simply about what we consume but the very mixture is
problematic. There are still others who view this prohibition as
preventing us from acting cruelly. To cook an animal in its
mothers milk is viewed by them as unconscionable, hence
The reason this command is repeated three times is to teach 3
separate prohibitions: Firstly, one may not cook milk and meat
together; secondly, one may not eat that cooked mixture; and
lastly, one cannot derive any benefit from milk and meat which
were cooked together.
Although there is discussion if this Biblical prohibition extends to
roasting, frying and other means of cooking, the question is
purely theoretical, for the Rabbis saw fit to forbid the
consumption of milk and meat even in a case where they were
not cooked together, as a safeguard.
Furthermore, the Rabbis decreed that following the consumption
of meat one must wait 6 hours before having any milk products.
(There is one source which quotes a custom to wait only one hour
along with cleaning out one’s mouth and an after blessing from
the meal of meat - still the proper behavior is to wait 6 hours).
The Shul’s
Halacha Hotline
Two reasons are given for this mandated wait: one is that meat
has taste that lingers and therefore one must wait 6 hours for the
taste to dissipate; the second reason given is that the meat that
gets stuck in one’s teeth is considered meat for 6 hours from the
time of consumption. The difference between these two reasons
would be if one must wait after just chewing meat (for example
to soften it for a child). If the reason is the lingering taste, if one
just chews without swallowing there would be no need to wait
though there could still be some meat stuck in ones teeth.
Similarly, if after six hours there is still some meat stuck, if the
reason for waiting is that up to six hours the meat between one’s
teeth is considered meat, one would not have to remove the
meat after six hours, but if the wait is for the lingering taste, even
after six hours one would need to remove the meat. Both reasons
are accepted in Halacha and therefore one must be strict in both
of the above scenarios.
After the consumption of cheese, there is an opinion that if one’s
hands are clean from any residue of the cheese, and one has a
drink and some bread one can have meat immediately. There are
other customs regarding the wait between milk and then meat.
The Chabad custom is to wait one hour between dairy and meat.
After a hard, aged cheese some have the custom of waiting six
hours before having meat.
There is a further problem for acquaintances to eat at a table
together if one is having meat and the other dairy. They can only
do so if they have some sort of reminder which will prevent them
from sharing their meals. They can place a food they’re not eating
from between them or even placing a pitcher they wouldn’t
regularly use on the table between them would be sufficient.
The laws regarding the meat and dairy vessels and if meat or milk
fall into a pot of the other are beyond the scope of this article. In
the event that a question comes up one should contact a
competent orthodox rabbi.
Searching for Self-Esteem?
By: Rabbi YY Jacobson
Counting the Jews
The opening verses of this week’s Torah portion, Ki Sisa, convey
G-d’s instruction to Moses on how to count the Jewish people.
When it is necessary to conduct a census, they are to be counted
not in an ordinary manner, person by person. Rather, every
member of the community should contribute a coin for charity,
and then the coins should be counted.
What is the rationale behind this instruction? Why the need to
count the community in such a round-about fashion, rather than
simply counting the people directly?
Two messages, it seems, are being conveyed here.
Call 786-539-8521 anytime
(besides Shabbos and Yomtov)
to ask a halachic question.
What Are You Worth?
First, the Torah is suggesting that you are counted not based on
you are but on what you give. Your genuine value and worth
spring forth from your contribution to another soul, from the
love and kindness you impart to another heart.
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Parsha Messages
international diplomat and philanthropist, was once asked how
much he was worth. The wealthy man thought for a while and
named a figure. The other replied, “That can’t be right. By my
calculation you must be worth many times that amount.”
Moses Montefiore’s reply was this: “You didn’t ask me how
much I own. You asked me how much I’m worth. So I calculated
the amount I have given to charity this year and that is the
figure I gave you. You see,” he said, “we are worth what we are
willing to share with others.”
Evaluating a people
Yet, there seems to be a one more vital message presented here,
one that would reverberate throughout history.
To appreciate the value and greatness of a people, the Torah is
suggesting, you must study not the number of its bodies, but
the depth of their contributions. What matters most is not the
quantity of its adherents, but rather their commitment towards
making a difference and their inspiration and readiness to make
sacrifices for their values and ideals. Numbers can be deceiving.
Large groups of people often barely leave a trace. On the other
hand, there are times that small groups, when committed heart
and soul to their mission statement, have left an enormous
impact, totally disproportionate to their numbers.
To appreciate the significance of Jewish existence, the Bible is
telling us, you must study not its numbers: Jews never
constituted more than one percent of society. Rather, you must
examine the impact this little monotheistic group has had on
the world. Other nations, cultures and civilizations enjoyed far
greater numbers, larger territories and mightier armies. But
nobody has left an impression on the very fabric of civilization
as the relatively few and hunted down descendants of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob.
As Catholic writer Thomas Cahill wrote in his national bestseller
The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed
the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels:
“Most of our best words in fact – new, adventure, surprise;
unique individual, person, vocation; time, history, future;
freedom, progress, spirit; faith, hope and justice—are the gifts of
the Jews ... We can hardly get up in the morning or cross the
street without being Jewish. We dream Jewish dreams and hope
Jewish hopes.”
Here is a passage by contemporary historian Paul Johnson in his
bestseller “History of the Jews:”
"All the great conceptual discoveries of the intellect seem
obvious and inescapable once they have been revealed, but it
requires a special genius to formulate them for the first time.
The Jew has this gift. To them we owe the idea of equality before
the law, both divine and human; of the sanctity of life and the
dignity of the human person; of the individual conscience and so
of personal redemption; of the collective conscience and so of
social responsibility; of peace as an abstract ideal and love as the
foundation of justice, and many other items which constitute
the basic moral furniture of the human mind. Without the Jews,
it might have been a much emptier place."
The Power to Love
Just as this is true concerning our national identity, it is true
concerning every individual person. At times you may think to
yourself, “I am worthless; I amount to nothing.”
Comes the Torah and says, that you on your own, cloistered in
your vanity and egotism, may indeed amount to a small, futile
creature, unworthy of counting (“If I am only for myself, what
am I,” Hillel is quoted as saying in the Ethics of the Fathers).
However, each of us has the power to contribute something to
the world, to reach out to an individual in need. Each of us has
the ability to touch a heart, to lift a spirit, to kindle a soul, to
look a fellow human being in the eyes and say “I Love you.” You
may be small indeed, but the love and light you can bring to
another life through a simple gesture, a sincere “good morning,”
or an act of goodness and kindness, cannot be counted enough.
The Soiled Face
By Simon Jacobson
And G-d spoke to Moses, saying: “Make a basin of copper, and
its stand of copper, for washing, and place it between the Tent of
Meeting and the altar.... And Aaron and his sons should wash
their hands and feet from it, when they enter the Tent of
Meeting... or when they approach the altar to serve...”
Exodus 30:17-20
Every morning, a person should wash his face, hands and feet
before praying.
Mishneh Torah, Laws of Prayer, 4:1
ince the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem more
than nineteen hundred years ago, G-d does not commune
with man in a “Tent of Meeting,” nor do kohanim offer
sacrifices to Him upon the altar. Yet the Holy Temple and the
service performed therein remain, to this very day, the vehicle
for our relationship with G-d; it is only that today they exist in a
more spiritual form. In the words of our sages: “The daily prayers
were instituted in place of the daily offerings”; “A person’s table
is comparable to the altar”; “From the day that the Holy Temple
was destroyed, G-d has only the four cubits of Halachah (i.e., the
places where Torah law is studied) in His world.” Thus, many of
the laws which govern our lives today derive from the laws of the
Temple and its service: the designated times for prayer are the
times in which the daily offerings were brought in the Temple; at
the table, we dip our bread in salt because the salt was part of
every offering placed upon the altar; and so on.
Before a kohen could perform a service in the Holy Temple or
enter the Sanctuary, he first had to purify and sanctify himself
by washing his hands and feet from a washstand especially
constructed for that purpose. For although the Torah instructs to
“know G-d in all your ways” and that “all your deeds should be
for the sake of Heaven,” one must still distinguish between the
world outside the Temple walls and that which is the exclusive
domain of the Divine. When entering the sanctuary of G-d, one
must cleanse himself of the materiality of everyday life,
“washing his hands” of all that carries the taint of self-interest
and mundanity.
This is the deeper significance of the law that obligates
the kohen to wash his hands and feet before approaching
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Continued from p. 11
Parsha Messages
the service of G-d. In its post-Temple incarnation, this law
instructs the Jew to “wash his face, hands and feet” prior to the
morning prayers, to cleanse and purify himself before making the
transition from a material being in a material world to a soul
communing with her Creator.
Manual Labor
“If you eat of the toil of your hands,” proclaims the Psalmist,
“fortunate are you, and good is to you.” Chassidic teaching
explains that the verse is telling us to invest only the most
external of our faculties in the pursuit of material livelihood,
leaving our higher talents free to devote themselves exclusively
to our spiritual goals.
Why Keep the Broken Pieces?
By Elisha Greenbaum
guy wanders into an expensive gift store seeking the
"perfect" gift for his mother-in-law. Perfect, as in the most
impressive for the cheapest price. As he checks out the
selection he can't help but overhear the boss berating a new
employee who'd just smashed an extremely expensive china vase.
He approaches the owner and negotiates a very reasonable price to
have the broken pieces gathered, packaged and delivered to the
birthday party, with specific instructions that the klutzy employee
accidentally drop the gift at the front door.
Our ancestors sustained themselves exclusively with the toil of
their hands. The Patriarchs were shepherds, and the Jews who
settled in the Holy Land were tillers of the soil. Many of the
greatest Talmudic sages, whose teachings are a source of
guidance and wisdom to us to this very day, were manual
laborers: Rabbi Yochanan HaSandlar was a cobbler, Rabbi Joshua
a blacksmith, Shammai a bricklayer. There were also merchants
and shopkeepers, but business was free of the craftiness and
obsessive preoccupation that characterize it today. Scholarship
and teaching were not professions but sacred callings, not to be
sullied by the remuneration of material reward. Earning one’s
daily bread was a matter for the hands and feet and the most
rudimentary of mental exercises, not something upon which to
expend the mind’s ingenuity or the heart’s devotion, which were
reserved only for life’s higher aims.
The big day arrives. So does the deliveryman. Our hero's plan
executes flawlessly. Sympathy all round and assurances that "don't
worry, darling, it's the thought that counts."
That world is no longer. Today, we not only invest time and
energy in the endeavor to procure our material needs; we give it
our “all”—our keenest mental capacities, our strongest passions,
our most forceful will. Our “careers” consume our days and
nights, our minds and hearts, indeed, our very identities (we
don’t ask each other, “What do you do to make money?”—we say,
“What do you do?”).
In a display of supreme displeasure Moses smashes the two luchot
(tablets), punishes those who had sinned, and then heads right
back up the mountain to beseech G-d's mercy. Eighty days later (on
the day later to be known as Yom Kippur), G-d agrees to grant His
nation a second chance and symbolizes this by allowing Moses to
carve out a second set of tablets.
This explains the difference between the two laws quoted at the
beginning of this essay. The law that one should wash before
praying is a derivative of the law that the kohanim must wash
before entering the Sanctuary or performing a service in the Holy
Temple. But while the Torah commands Aaron and his sons to
wash their hands and feet, Maimonides rules that before the
morning prayers one must wash his hands, feet and face.
In the time of the Temple, only the “hands and feet”—
externalities of human life—were involved in material pursuits; so
only they required purification and sanctification before being
devoted to the service of G-d. The “face” of man—his higher
prowess and inner self—required no such cleansing, for it was not
sullied in the first place.
But in later generations, the mundanity of life began its
encroachment on our inner selves. Today, the effort to commune
with G-d also requires the cleansing of our “faces” of the taint of
the material. Our minds and hearts must be purged of the
prejudices and affinities that adhere to it in the course of their
involvement in earthly affairs, so that we can truly relate to the
essence and purpose of life.
Based on the Rebbe’s talks on various occasions.
All would have ended perfectly if some nudnik hadn't decided to
open the package to examine what the gift had looked like... You
wouldn't want to be in our friend's shoes when his shvigger saw
that the stupid worker had lovingly gift-wrapped each individual
shard separately.
A Bad Break
Moses comes down the mountain to be confronted by a shocking
and perverse scene. Barely a month had passed since G-d
declaimed the 10 Commandments; while the very echoes of the
Sinaic revelation still reverberated around the world, a number of
the Jews had rebelled and built an idol, the Golden Calf.
The two sets of tablets, the broken ones and their replacements,
are stored together in perpetuity in the Ark of the Covenant.
But why keep the broken pieces? In what way do they differ from
the gift-wrapped public-relation disaster in the above story? Aren't
they just a symbol of our crime and punishment? Why stockpile a
souvenir of the depravity to which the Jews sank?
Self-satisfaction or Self-delusion?
Someone who has never struggled, never experienced
disappointments, can never truly connect with G-d or His Torah.
Self-grandeur and aggrandisement preclude one from approaching
the Divine. The scars the world has inflicted upon us, the vestiges
of battles fought and temptations overcome are the entry fees to
the Kingdom of G-d.
Receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai was an unparalleled ecstatic
experience. The sense of accomplishment of being personally
selected for divine revelation must have been universally felt. How
then could the Jews refrain from feelings of smug self-satisfaction?
By exhibiting the broken shards of the luchot we were constantly
being reminded of our imperfect past and blemished record.
Displaying the evidence of our sins, and the subsequent constant
mood of regret, engendered a community-wide inspiration to
reunite with G-d, and determination to avoid future pitfalls, thus
guaranteeing our right to not just receive but to live with G-d and
his Torah.
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Recently in the News
Devastating Chile Earthquake Spares
Pacific Jewish Communities
By Joshua Runyan and Tamar Runyan -
ewish communities bordering the Pacific Ocean emerged
largely unscathed after one of the largest earthquakes on
record sent buildings and bridges crashing down to their
foundations throughout the South American country of Chile. As
word spread of the devastation Saturday night – after the close
of the holy day of Shabbat – Jewish residents in the Chilean
capital of Santiago and half a world away in Hawaii celebrated
their deliverance from harm while they took part in Purim
festivities. They also turned their attention to how they could
help those who weren’t so lucky.
“Our hearts and prayers are with the victims of this horrible
tragedy,” said Chaya Perman, co-director of Chabad-Lubavitch of
Chile, who since 1981, has run a network of programs for the
country’s estimated 16,000 Jewish community members, most of
them centered in Santiago. “Thank G-d, the Jewish community is
The magnitude 8.8 quake struck just after 3:30 local time early
Saturday morning, rousing hordes of sleeping citizens and
tourists, who sought shelter in doorways and in the streets
outside high-rise buildings. News reports and first-person
accounts said that the shaking lasted for about 90-seconds, and
that most of the damage was centered in the cities of
Concepcion and Talca, just 100 kilometers from the coast.
As casualty estimates shot past 300 deaths, President Michelle
Bachelet declared a “state of catastrophe.” Countries around the
world, following the lead of the United States, pledged their
According to The Jerusalem Post, Israeli Foreign Minister
spokesman Yigal Palmor said that the Israeli Embassy in Santiago
did not find the names of its citizens among the names of the
dead and injured.
Perman reported that there was some light damage to the
Chabad House, but that plans for the Purim holiday – which
recalls the victory of the Persian Jews against an evil plot by a
royal aide, as told in the Scroll of Esther – went ahead as
scheduled. On Saturday night, the community gathered for a
reading of the scroll, known in Hebrew as the megillah, and was
set to host a customary feast on Sunday.
Marcelo Lewkow, national director of ORT Chile, a Jewish charity
that supports schools and other communal infrastructure, told
the EJewishPhilanthropy blog that 60 percent of the capital was
without power, and that local officials had told people to stay
Immediately following the quake, “the communication system
was very fragile,” said Lewkow. “Cell phones were off and
sending [text] message was the only way people could be in
Throughout the city, “synagogues and schools are okay, pending
a deeper evaluation by professionals, but there is no visible
damage to the buildings or hydraulic systems,” he added. “Ort in
Chile has two headquarters which both seem to be alright, and
all personnel are safe and sound.”
On Sunday, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee,
which supported missions from Chabad-Lubavitch of the
Dominican Republic and other relief efforts in Haiti following
that country’s devastating earthquake last month, announced its
intention to collect funds for Chile’s victims.
“Our hearts go out to the people of Chile,” said the
organization’s CEO, Steven Schwager. “JDC will leverage our
strong partnerships in the region, including the local Chilean
Jewish community, to provide a quick and effective response to
the needs of those affected.”
The Tsunami That Wasn’t
Meanwhile, in Hawaii, where threats of a tsunami led emergency
personnel to evacuate beaches, low-lying areas, and the first
three floors of hotels, fears of destruction proved largely
unfounded. Footage shot by local television stations showed
erratic surges in harbor tidal levels, but there was no loss of life,
and very little property damage.
The accounts contrasted sharply with the havoc wreaked by a
1960 magnitude 9.5 earthquake in Chile that, according to the
U.S. Geological Survey, sent a tidal wave across the Pacific,
claiming 200 lives in Japan, Hawaii and the Philippines.
“It was the tsunami that wasn’t,” Pearl Krasnjansky, co-director
of Chabad of Hawaii, said of the Saturday evacuations.
Because of the strictures associated with Shabbat, the
Krasnjanskys didn’t have a television or radio on throughout the
“Someone woke us up and told us to drive away,” said
Krasnjansky, who lives in Honolulu. “Our synagogue is in the
hotel area, but one and a half blocks from the ocean. We went up
to the second floor and waited it out.
“The tsunami was supposed to hit at 11:15 a.m.,” she continued.
“Our nine-year-old said that we’d be okay, because that’s when
we normally read from the Torah.”
Purim festivities in Honolulu continued as planned Saturday
night, but the fate of a Sunday party in Hilo, where Rabbi
Avremel and Rivka Chazanow spend Shabbat once a month, was
up in the air.
“We all evacuated from the first couple of streets and walked up
the hill over to the university,” said Avremel Chazanow, director
of Chabad of the Big Island. “It was a beautiful day, but got very
windy as the time for the tsunami approached. Students came in
and saw us praying, and others came and sat down for the
Shabbat meal.”
Yudi Weinbaum, a kosher caterer who lives in Honolulu with his
wife and two kids, said that it was miraculous that Hawaii was
“Because we’re on an island, the effects of a tsunami could
knock out power and water supplies,” he said. “We can’t just
drive over to the next state.”
Events Calendar
A great listing of the places you want to be and the things you want to do!
Adar 19-20
Mar. 5-6
Morning Chassidus &
Davening Program
with Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
Rohr Community Kolel
Individual Yeshiva Style
Special Shabbaton
With Chief Rabbi of Israel
Rabbi Yona Metzger
6:15 am
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Candle Lighting: 6:06 pm
*See p. 7 for more details
*See p. 7 for more details
*See p. 36 for more details
Adar 21
Mar. 7
Adar 22
Mar. 8
Adar 23
Mar. 9
The Best of Yiddish & Ladino Songs
Women’s Study Group
Hebrew Ulpan
with Mr. David Adar
2:30 pm
8:30 pm
6:45 pm
*See p. 15 for more details
*See p. 20 for more details
8:00 pm
*See p. 18 for more details
Adar 23
Mar. 9
Rabbi Lipskar’s Tuesday Night Class
Adar 24
Mar. 10
8:00 pm
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
Adar 24
Mar. 10
Final Session: JLI 6 Week Program
Portraits in Leadership:
Timeless Tales for Inspired Living
11:00 am
8:00 pm
9:00 pm
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
*See p. 19 for more details
*See p. 18 for more details
Nissan 2
Mar. 18
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Nissan 3
Mar. 18
Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh
Lunch & Learn
with special guest
Fay Perelis - Personal Trainer
Tree of Life Inauguration &
Welcome to New Members
Wine & Cheese Tasting
10:00 am
8:00 pm
*See p. 18 for more details
Nissan 4
Mar. 19
Shabbat with a Twist
For Singles 20’s - 40’s
8:15 pm
*See p. 19 for more details
*See p. 20 for more details
*See p. 16 for more details
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Ki Haadam Aitz Hasadeh ~ A Man is Likened To A Tree of The Field
The Shul Sisterhood Invites You to an Evening of Wine & Friendship
Inaugurating The Tree of Life & Welcoming our New Shul Members
Thursday, March 18, 2010 – Nissan 3, 5770
8:00 pm
The Shul Social Hall
9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside
Wine & Cheese Tasting
Couvert $10 per person
Join us as we launch The Shul’s Tree of Life,
a beautiful permanent structure that enables you
to honor a family member or friend,
commemorate an occasion or memorialize a loved one.
Kindly call Zisa at The Shul
at 305- 868-1411
to make your reservations by March 16, 2010
or email
ORDER FORM ~ Mail: The Shul Sisterhood, 9540 Collins Ave, Surfside FL 33154 or Fax: 305-861-2426 Attn: Zisa
In choosing to purchase a commemorative piece of the Tree of Life, you gain a permanent place of recognition and support
the critical work of The Shul Sisterhood, which beautifies our Shul home and supports our Shul Family in times of need.
“...He is powerful like a rock. His acts are perfectly balanced...”
“...Doves flow peacefully and they balance the environment’s atmosphere...”
$5,400 each
$3,600 each
Apple “...Sweetness of sustenance are expressed in G-d’s gift of the apple...”
$1,800 each
$180 each
“...Every single leaf is directed by G-d’s breath...”
Dedication wording can be a maximum of five lines. Please print text clearly:
___________________________________________________ (25 letters max)
_____________________________________________________(21 letters max)
______________________________________________________(31 letters max)
_______________________________________________________(30 letters max)
________________________________________________________(17 letters max)
check enclosed, payable to: The Shul Sisterhood
CC number: ____________________________________ Exp: ___________ Sec:_______
Payment in full of $__________ 1 Year Installment Plan: _____installments of $_______ = Total: $__________
NOTE: Commemorative pieces are placed at random. A project of The Shul Sisterhood
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Only 3 weeks till it’s Pesach
So much to do... So little time!!!
Pesach Seder Reservations
Pesach Seder reservations are now open for
1st Seder: Monday, March 29 at 8:00pm
2nd Seder: Tuesday, March 30 at 8:30pm
(All products are non-gebroks)
Prices for each Seder are as follows:
Adults - $85
Children - $70
Adults - $110
Children - $80
(children are under Bar or Bas Mitzvah age).
Call 305-868-1411 ext 0 to make your reservations today!
Only Visa and MasterCard accepted. Cash or check payments must
be received at least 10 days before Pesach to confirm reservations.
Book online at
Kasher your Pesach Utensils
on the Deck @ The Shul:
Dates to be announced
Fresh from Israel
/ lb t y
t ed Q
Order by March 19, 2010
If you need help with
koshering your kitchen for Pesach
call Rabbi Mendy Levy at 305 868 1411 ext 7333
Pick-up only
Call 305-868-1411 to order now
or email
or complete this card and hand in at The Shul
Pesach Volunteers Needed!
We need lots of help and would love to see you
participate! The Shul will send out hundreds of Pesach
information packets and boxes of Shmurah Matzah.
Please call Renee at The Shul to volunteer your time
and help out with The Shul’s outreach efforts.
Name: ______________________________________________
I would like to order _______lbs of Shmurah Matzah at
$17.00 / lb, for collection at The Shul from March 25, 2010.
Call The Shul to confirm that your order is ready.
The total for my order is: $__________
Please charge my credit card: Visa □ Mastercard □
Amex □
□ Please find enclosed my check.
Bedikas Chometz Kits
available at The Shul front desk
starting March 24, 2010
$5.00 per kit
These will be available
on a first-come-first-served basis.
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Dr. Stephen R. Covey,
recognized as one of Time Magazine’s 25 most
influential Americans, is the author of the #1 Bestseller The 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People. He has dedicated his life to demonstrating how
people can truly take charge and improve their lives by using 7 habits that
are based on timeless principles.
Dr. Covey has brought his proven principles into the elementary classroom.
His recent book, The Leader in Me, details the process of bringing
leadership techniques and 21st Century life skills to children as young as 5
years old.
The Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education Miami (CAJE) and Franklin Covey have formed a new and
exciting partnership to bring The Leader in Me to South Florida
Jewish Day Schools. Please mark your calendars and join us for
the unveiling of this ground-breaking partnership between Franklin
Covey and CAJE.
March 17, 2010
Jungle Island
1111 Parrot Jungle Trail, Miami
Registration: 7:30pm
Program: 8:00pm
Elegant kosher dessert reception
to precede keynote address.
Couvert: $54 per person.
Final Session
March 10, 2010
8:00 - 9:30 pm
at The Shul
9540 Collins Ave, Surfside
For more information call
(Non-Tax Deductible)
By Invitation Only
RSVP online:
For more information please call Allison DiGiacomo
at 305 576-4030 Ext 141
(Please RSVP by March 1, 2010 as seating is limited.)
305 868 1411
To enroll visit us at
at The Shul (Haime Library - 2nd Floor)
Please join us for spoken Hebrew classes with an
experienced and professional teacher
Mr. David Adar
You will learn the four skills of the language:
Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
Classes for beginner and advanced levels
with a minimal cost. Men & Women Welcome!
6:45 - 8:00 pm: Beginners
8:00 - 9:00 pm: Advanced + 2nd Session
To register please call Mr. David Adar at
11:00 am - Meditations in Prayer
with Rabbi Mendy Levy
12:00 pm - Ein Ya’akov: Stories of the
Talmud - with Rabbi Dov Schochet
11:00 am - Tanya
with Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
11:00 am - Mitzvos of the Weekly
Parsha - with Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
12:00 pm - Jewish History: Joshua and
the Conquest of Israel - with Rabbi Dov
You can join these classes at anytime during the course.
All classes are followed by complimentary refreshments.
Call Rabbi Dov Schochet at 305 868 1411 or email
The Shul, 9540 Collins Ave, Surfside
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Rabbi Lipskar’s
Pre-Pesach Learning
Tuesday Night Class
Session 1: March 15, 2010 at 8:30 pm
March 9 ~ Adar 23
8:00 pm
When Obedience Is Not Enough”
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
9:00 pm
“The Development & Formalizing
of the Jewish People”
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
The Shul ~ Social Hall
9540 Collins Ave, Surfside
Download and listen to the latest classes and lectures
Laws & Customs Pertaining to Pesach:
Cleaning from Chometz
Basic Requirements for the Passover Seder
Laws & Customs for Passover including a Question
& Answer Session with a Rabbi
Session 2: March 23, 2010 at 8:30 pm
The Interpretations of the Haggadah
Understanding Passover from a Modern Perspective
The Inner Meaning of this Holiday of Freedom
Laws & Customs of Pesach through the Eyes of their
Present Day Meanings
Locations to be announced.
Just for the Gals
Delve into the power, strength and beauty in the life of the Jewish Woman
The Shul Sisterhood
Rosh Chodesh Nissan Lunch & Learn
with Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
and Guest Speaker
Fay Perelis, Personal Trainer
“Step Up & Get in Shape for the Holidays”
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
10:00 am
Lunch available for purchase
Weekly Classes
Establishing a Jewish Home
Evening Study for Brides and
Newlyweds / Bridal Class
Please call Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar for
an appointment 305-868-1885
Women’s Mikvah:
Please call Mrs. Devorah Failer for an appointment
305-866-1492 or 305-323-2410
Who we are...
The Women's Circle comprises all of The
Shul's programming and classes geared
toward women in the community. Our
objective is to bring women of all ages and
backgrounds together to learn, laugh,
experience, and rejuvenate their mind, body
and soul. Meet new friends, relax and get
If you would like to be a part of the
Women's Circle at The Shul, please call
305. 868.1411
Practical Halacha
Women’s Study Group -
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
11:00 - 11:30 am
8:30 - 10:00 pm
At the home of: Mrs. Johana Abraham
9555 West Broadview Drive, Bay Harbor Islands
Tanya Class in Spanish
Mrs. Vivian Perez
1:45 - 2:30 p m
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
Torah Portion Class in Spanish
Mrs. Vivian Perez
2:30 - 3:45 pm
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
9:15 - 10:00 am
10:00 - 11:00 am
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour
Parenting Class
Morning Torah Class
The Weekly Portion - Woman’s Perspective
~ Haime Library
Tanya Class in English
Mrs. Vivian Perez
1:30 - 3:00 pm
Rabbi Eily Smith
10:30 - 11:15 am
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour
Tanya of the Week
~ Women’s Sanctuary - Teen Lounge
Tefillah Class in French
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
10:30 - 11:15 am
~ Haime Library
Talmud Class in French
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
Tanya in Spanish for Women
Mrs. Vivian Perez
~Chabad of Aventura, 21001 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura
11:20 - 12:00 pm
2:00 - 3:00 pm
The ABC's of Aleph
Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments
-----Original Message----From: Fleming, Yuval LT NPDB A1 OIC
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 3:55 PM
Subject: Thank You
To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to thank the Aleph Institute for the Purim package and the Hamentasch
in particular. I am currently based in Camp Taji, Iraq which is about 20 miles
north of Baghdad. We had our regular Shabbat services tonight and celebrated
Purim one night early. Things here in Iraq are going smoothly and the process of
turning things over to the Government of Iraq are going well.
Purim at a
County Jail
(Left and bottom right:
Aleph rabbinical student
puts Tefillin on with a
Jail officer)
To contribute to The Aleph Institute’s programs, or to volunteer your time, please call 305.864.5553
Kids Corner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
Ice-Cre Sprinkles
Topics & Classes Will Include:
Code of Jewish Law:
Fundamentals in Judaism
Textual Based Learning & Stories
This Week Sponsored by Dr. Michael Salzhauer & Family
Jewish History:
Lessons For Life
Chumash & Parsha Study:
In-depth Learning & Discussion.
*All With Practical
Hands-On Approach!*
Kids Corner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
Exciting After School Programming!
Mother & Daughter
Tzivos Hashem for Girls & Boys
Monday, March 8 & 22
from 6:00 - 7:00pm in Classroom # 1
Every Sunday
10:00 - 11:30am in the Social Hall
Mothers and daughters are invited to join and participate in this
fun and educational program.
The program starts with a study session for each mother and
daughter as they explore their heritage and its place in the home.
Following the study session the mothers and daughters
participate in cooking, crafts and quality time.
For Girls : 1st - 5th grade
Fee: $12 (mother and daughter included)
For Boys & Girls ages 4 - 6
For Girls ages 7 - 11 years old.
(NOTE: Please call Michal Adar at 305.655.1720 before joining the
group to confirm whether there is space in the class)
Come enjoy a morning of learning, arts & crafts, music and
prizes! Homemade pancakes served each week!
Story Time For Kids!
Monday, March 15
Art expression with Sarah Libke Caplin
From 5:45 - 6:30pm
An innovative program using various art mediums to convey
feelings about Torah and Mitzvah messages.
Come & hear a Jewish delightful story with your kids!
For Boys & Girls: Ages 3 - 6
Kids are encouraged to come in Pajamas!
A Jewish Bedtime Experience!
Boys ages 6-10: Mondays from 5.00 - 6.00pm
Girls ages 6-10: Tuesdays from 5.00 - 6.00pm
In the Teen Girls Room (Back of Women’s Sanctuary)
Fee:$15 (including snacks and materials)
Tae Kwon Do with Master Steve Parker
Also available upon request: individual classes, classes for
younger girls & boys. For more information call Sarah Libke on
786 389 6528 (space is limited)
For Boys & Girls ages 4 - 6
To enroll your child/ren call Yankee at 718 757 6659
Imagine Tomorrow Computer Classes
3:30 - 4:30pm and 5:00 - 6:00pm
Custom Software, curriculum, and classes developmentally designed
for young learners ages 4-7.
For more info visit
Cost: $20
Classroom #2 - Enroll now as space is limited. For more
information call Iesha 305-967-3604
Mondays from 3:30 - 4:30pm
Tween & Teen Girls Activities
Tween Club
Tuesday, March 8 at 7:00pm
We will be meeting at Serendipity. Contact Zisa to join the Club
and to receive weekly texts about upcoming activities.
Bar Mitzvah Club
Teen Community Service
Call Yankee at 718-757-6659 for more information
All teens are invited to come and help with various
Community Service Activities, with snacks, music and a
great environment. In the Teen Girls Lounge.
Every Tuesday from 7:00 - 8:00pm
Bat Mitzvah Club
Every Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:30pm
Call Dobie at 305-984-8805 for more information
Mishmar for Boys ages 7 - 11
Each Wednesday from 6:15 - 7:30pm
Spanish Library #2
Call Eli at 305-742-3375 for more details
Weekly Tutoring Program
Monday - Thursday from 5:00 - 6:30pm
For boys ages 6-13. Does your son need help with his Jewish
Studies Homework? Bring your son to The Shul to learn with
one of our student Rabbis. To schedule a learning time, please
call Rabbi Mendy Levy at 305-868-1411 ext. 7333.
The Shul Youth
305.868.1411 ext. 7333
Teen Learning:
A nurturing environment for teens to learn and grow.
With light dinner. Teen Girls Lounge
(Back of Women’s Sanctuary)
For more information on the Teen Girls Programs, please
call Mushkie Parshan at 347-633-5286
Teen Boys Activities
Mishmar Night & Talmud for Teen Boys
Every Wednesday from 8:00 - 9:00pm
Call Chaim Mochkin for details: 310-770-4053
Kids Corner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
Daven for the amud in our very own Shul
Young Teens To Lead Shul Services!
Teen Chazzan Training Program
The Teens get an individual opportunity to lead a part of
the Shabbos prayer services at The Shul!
Invite your family and friends to come and watch you
Daven at the Amud!
The Teen boys once again will have the opportunity to Daven on behalf of the
congregation as authentic Chazzanim in The Shul Main Sanctuary! Every week
the boys will get together with Chaim Mochkin and go over the Davening
inside the Siddur, while practicing the different tunes and songs unique for
the Shabbos day. Stay tuned for a Shabbos coming soon with one of our very
own Teens as Chazzan!
If you would like your son to participate in this learning experience, please
email: or call: 310-770-4053
**Great incentives and prizes to be won! **
The Shul
Bat Mitzvah Club
7 : 00
- 8 :0 s
0 pm
A t Th
Call D
hu l
to en
For Children ages 3-6 from 5:45 - 6:30 pm
If you are 11 years old
join us for an awesome
year of learning and fun
in preparation for your
Bat Mitzvah
Monday, March 15
ext. 7333
Kids Corner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
Following many requests we are happy to announce
From 5:00 - 6:00 pm
In the Teen Room (Back of Women’s Sanctuary)
From 5:00 - 6:00 pm
In the Teen Room (Back of Women’s Sanctuary)
$15 per session for both boys & girls
including materials & refreshments
Also available upon request:
individual classes,
classes for younger girls & boys
For more information
call Sarah Libke on
786 389 6528
(space is limited)
Does your son or
daughter need help
with his/her
Jewish Studies
Join Our Weekly Homework Help Program
For Boys & Girls ages 6-13
Every Monday - Thursday
from 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Bring your son/daughter to The Shul
to learn with one of our student Rabbis/
Girl’s Youth Counselors.
To schedule a learning
time, please call
Rabbi Mendy Levy at
305-868-1411 ext. 7333
To enroll your child/ren
or for more information
call Yankee at
or email
Latin Link
Reflexión Semanal
Enfoque de la Parashà
Ki Tisa - Cuarenta días en el Monte Sinai
"Pan no comió y agua no bebió" (Shemot 34:28)...
Cuando Moshé subió a los Cielos para recibir la Torá, estuvo
allí cuarenta días y cuarenta noches. La Torá atestigua sobre ello:
"pan no comió y agua no bebió". Se plantea la pregunta: ¿Es
posible semejante cosa? ¡El mismo Maimónides dictamina en
Leyes de Juramentos que, debido a que es imposible subsistir
más de siete días sin comer, si la persona jura que no comerá por
siete días, debe considerarse esto un juramento en vano!.
Existen tres explicaciones sobre el tema: 1) Inclusive mientras
Moshé se encontraba en el Cielo, se seguía comportando como
un ser humano normal. Su cuerpo requería de alimento, líquido y
descanso. Sólo que Hashem produjo un milagro diario y
constante, que hacía que, a pesar de la condición humana de
Moshé, pueda vencer su naturaleza y permanecer con vida y
totalmente activo, sin necesidad de beber o comer.
2) No tuvo lugar aquí ningún milagro, sino que se trataba de una
situación que aunque excepcional, estaba dentro de las leyes de
la naturaleza. Cuando Moshé subió al Monte Sinaí, lo embargaba,
por un lado, una inmensa alegría y simultáneamente, su mente
estaba totalmente concentrada en la captación de la Divinidad y
la Torá abstraída de todo tema ajeno. Su extraordinaria
dedicación mental y el regocijo por lo que recibía y percibía,
robustecieron tanto a su mente y a sus fuerzas espirituales, a
punto tal que vencieron y anularon sus necesidades terrenales.
Su cuerpo estaba hambriento y fatigado, pero Moshé no sintió en
absoluto las exigencias del mismo.
3) Al subir Moshé al Monte Sinaí, su naturaleza humana se
cambió por la de los ángeles. Así como estos no necesitan de
alimento ni bebida, de la misma forma, Moshé podía prescindir
de los mismos. Su cuerpo se elevó al nivel de un ángel celestial.
De acuerdo a esta interpretación, no sentía hambre, sed ni
cansancio. En el nivel espiritual en el que se encontraba no
existen semejantes sensaciones.
Podemos explicar entonces, que cada uno de estos conceptos se
puede aplicar a cada una de las tres oportunidades en las que
Moshé subió al Monte Sinai .
Cuando ascendió por primera vez, para recibir las primeras Tablas
de la Ley, fue objeto de un milagro constante, que impedía que
necesitara de elementos materiales para subsistir. Las Tablas eran
de origen Divino, y también lo era "la escritura de Di-s", y ese
manejo milagroso se extendió también a Moshé.
La segunda oportunidad en la que subió, era para pedir perdón
por el pecado del becerro de oro. Se encontraba entregado a sus
rezos y súplicas por el pueblo de Israel, y sus necesidades físicas
quedaban totalmente relegadas pudiendo subsistir sin ellas.
La tercera vez, cuando subió a recibir las segundas Tablas, llegó a
una elevación espiritual tan grande, que logró que su cuerpo se
transformara al nivel de un ángel.
Por eso mismo, sólo luego del tercer ascenso tuvo el privilegio de
recibir los "karnei or" (rayos de luz) que irradiaban de su rostro.
Ellos testifican el refinamiento de la propia materia de su cuerpo.
El mismo semblante de Moshé irradiaba la luz de su alma.
Clases y Eventos
Porción Semanal
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Lunes 8:45 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. Sinagoga Principal
Lecciones practicas para nuestra vida cotidiana
(Para Mujeres)
Sra. Vivian Perez
Martes 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
198 Park Dr., Bal Harbour
Por favor llamar a las 305 213 3202 para confirmar
Kolel Español
Moshe S. Lerman
Miercoles 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Domingo 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Moshe S. Lerman
Miercoles 7:15 PM - 8:05 p.m.
Haime Library - 2do piso en Shul
Sra. Vivian Perez
Jueves 2:00pm – 3:00 pm
Nota: El cambio de sede
Chabad of Aventura,
21001 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura
French Connection
Réflexions sur la Paracha
Vivre avec la Paracha
Chabbat 20 Adar 5770, 6 mars 2010.
Chabbat Ki Tissa. Chabbat Para.
Nous arrivons à une terrible Paracha, car il y est question de la
faute la plus grave: LE VEAU D'OR. EGUEL HAZAHAV.
Ki tissa signifie, “quand tu compteras”. Ce mot vient de la racine,
Noun, Sin, Aleph = Lever, décompter, pardonner...
Ce chabbat est appelé Chabbat PARA, de la Vache (rousse).
Nous lisons le passage relatif au sacrifice de la vache rousse ou
Para Adouma. Les cendres de cette vache permettait de se
Cette purification s’impose à quelques jours de Pessah.
La Torah commence par le don du demi-sicle que chacun doit
offrir au Temple. Pourquoi un demi-sicle, Mahatsit hachékel?
Chaque juif doit se sentir comme le "complément de l'autre". Il
faut 2 moitiés pour réaliser une parfaite UNITE. Le riche comme le
pauvre paient la même somme.
Remarques grammaticales:
Cet argent servait aux dépenses relatives au fonctionnement de
Bet Hamikdache, du sanctuaire.
Le Daguech dans la Sine, remplace le Noun tombé, a cause de sa
position médiane.
Le passage le plus grave concerne la confection du fameux et
triste Veau d'or.
Le Tav initial perd son daguech léger à cause da la présence du
Yod, finale du mot précédent
Les Hébreux, désespèrant du retour de Moché, reclament une
idole à Aharon. Le Midrach dit que le Satan a montré le cercueil
de Moché au ciel. Un mauvais calcul sur les 40 jours d'absence
leur a fait croire que Moché ne reviendrait plus. Il faut ajouter
l'influence néfaste du Erev rav, ces Egyptiens qui ont suivi les
Hébreux, lors de la sortie d'Egypte.
La racine Noun, Sine, Aleph est une racine COMPLEXE, car elle
perd le Noun initial au futur, et le Aleph final est quiescent (muet)
en fin de syllable.
Aharon, sous la menace, s'exécute et confectionne un horrible
veau d'or.
On a chanté, on a dansé, on a acclamé et adoré cette idole. Au
même moment, Moché redescendait du mont Sinaï avec les 2
tables de la LOI. On a frôlé la catastrophe et l'irréparable. Moché
brise les Tables. Il passe à l'épée 3000 adorateurs. Moché n'en
peut plus. Il demande à D.ieu de l'effacer de son livre et de mettre
fin à toute cette histoire. Méhéni na missifrékha - efface-moi de
ton Livre. C’est de là que l’on sait que D.ieu tient les LIVRES des
C'est alors que se produit un évènement extraordinaire. D.ieu lui même passe devant Moché et propose le pardon. D.ieu se
présente avec ses 13 Attributs. Le nombre 13 équivaut au mot
EHAD = UN, et au mot AHAVA = AMOUR. D.ieu accepte de
pardonner et de tout recommencer avec Israel.
Kippour est ainsi institué. En ce jour, les Juifs rappellent ce
passage de VAYA'AVOR - Et Il est passé (D.ieu). L'on demande le
pardon, grâce à VAYA'AVOR, Bédil vaya'avor.
Il va falloir préparer deux autres Tables pour "réparer" et faire le
Le Zohar dit que les premières tables représentent Midat hadin, la
stricte justice divine. Les secondes tables représentent Mida
hahéssed, l'amour et la bonté divine.
Tissa: Racine - Noun, Sine, Aleph.
Tissa est conjugué au futur 2e personne du masculin.
Il en est de même des racines: Noun, Samekh, Ayin = NASSA’ =
Noun, Tet, Ayin =
Noun, Tav, Noun =
Noun, Tet, Hé =
NATA’ = planter
Natan = donner
Nata = étendre
Ces racines perdent la 1ere lettre, au futur.
Cours de Torah en Français
Tefillah (pour Femmes)
Rabin Zalman Gansburg
Jeudi de 10h30 à 11h15
Talmud (pour Femmes)
Rabin Zalman Gansburg
Jeudi de 11h30 à 12h15
Haime Library
The Network
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All your advertising needs in one convenient spot
2 Shopping Centers
Real Estate
For Sale Opportunity
Only $5,000,000
Raquel Sragowicz
Cell: 305-588-2481 E-mail:
Big 24 Stores = 41,250 SF
Big Lot = 174,351 SF
Approx. 200 Parking Spaces
All Offers Are Welcome!!!
Surfside: Spiaggia Oceanfront! 3Bed/3Bath
Bal Harbour Village: 2,561 sqft. 3 Bed/3.5 Bath.
Approved Short Sale $450,000 1,557 sqft.
Address: 7529 - 7551 W. Oakland Park Blvd,
Lauderhill, FL 33319
Certified Investment, International, Immigration Specialist
Telephone: 305-926-3106
Bal Harbour: The Tiffany 205: REDUCED!!
Marble 2 Bed/2.5 Baths, 2,018 sqft. $450,000
Surfside: House: 4 Bed/4.5 Baths, Brand new kitchen, 2,624 sqft
Tiffany for Rent: #606: $2,700. 2 Bed/ 2.5 Baths, 2,018 sqft.
Seasonal & yearly rentals
Hallandale: Parker Plaza. 1/1.5 Oceanfront/Oceandirect. Priced to sell at $195K
Aventura: Turnberry Marina 4/4.5 5000+ sq. ft unit mansion in the sky. New kosher
kitchen, views of all directions. Large rooms, wood floors, walking distance to Shul. $1.1M
Bal Harbour: Tiffany Condo. Large 2/2, completely redone. New kitchen and baths.
Surfside: 1 and 2 bedroom rentals available for 60 days or more. Prices start at $1,700/
month with all utilities included. Seasonal rates are higher.
Surfside Palms: Gorgeous 1/1.5. W/D in unit. Available with or
without furniture. Price slashed to $219K
Sunny Isles: Full service 2/2 furnished luxury condo hotel
suite. You can occupy and earn income when not here.
Reduced to $757K
Spectacular Sunsets and City views from this magnificent apartment on the beach.
Located across the street from the Shops of Bal Harbour and gourmet restaurants
in Harding Avenue. Spacious full 2 bedrooms - 2 bath unit. 1,500 sqft of luxury
plus balcony. Marble floors. European gourmet kitchen, black granite countertops.
Lots of custom made built-ins. Private elevator entry. Resort style facilities.
Best Buy in the Building.
Sarah Sheridan
Macken Realty 305-527-6888 ~ www.
Call 305 978-8817
Teri (Feige) Knight
Call Today for a
Guarantee Loan Modification Process
We will reduce your loan balance,
lower your interest rate and
reduce your payments
(even if you are current)!
JOIN The Shul’s
Expand your Client Base
Create Customer Loyalty
Maximize the Visibility of YOUR
Business with Search Optimization
Support The Shul
Bay Harbour Island Condo
For Sale and/or Rent
(on Intra Coastal)
Half mile from The Shul, beaches, and Bal Harbour shops.
Completely furnished. 2 bedrooms, 3 bath rooms. 5th floor.
Terrace facing both south & west for pretty sunsets.
Showing now through April 1, 2010.
Rental: $1,500 per month (minimum one year with possible renewal)
Purchase: $225,000 with possibility of owner giving the mortgage
Room for negotiation.
E-mail Jeff Kanrich at JKANRICH@YAHOO.COM
or call 201-519-9259
The First 50 Subscribers
will receive a $150 valued bonus
FREE Business Card Ad
for 4 weeks in The Bulletin
Call Lydia at 305 868 1411 ext 7314
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The Network
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All your advertising needs in one convenient spot
Benson (Benzion) Weintraub
Attorney at Law
Jake Marder
Federal White Collar Investigations
Health Care Law
PSI, Sentencing
Appeals, Post-Conviction
1 305-522-5849
5555 Anglers Ave, Suite 4
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312
Special Counsel to the Aleph Institute
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Tel 786.431.2942
Fax 786.431.2943
954-961 0078 ~ CELL: 786-486 9802
(305) 757-0651
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(305) 758-2967
CGC # 010159
7933 N.W. 7th Avenue ~ Miami, FL 33150-3298
English, Spanish, Yiddish, Creole & French Spoken
Paid advertisements do not constitute endorsements by any Rabbis or The Shul. The Shul reserves the right to accept or reject any ad submitted.
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All your advertising needs in one convenient spot
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24/6 + 2010 SEDAN
Aaron 305-763-0624
Your Simcha Is Our Reputation
Visit Our Website For Audio And Video Demos
954 - 205 - 9538
Math Tutor
Grades 7 thru 12
Computer Repair
Home & Office
Call For All Your Office & School Supplies
Call Ephraim (Barry)
(786) 316-8473
If you would like to place an ad in
The Shul’s Bulletin
Please contact
Lydia @ 305 868 1411 x 7314
The rates are as follows:
Business Card
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
$ 25 /week
$ 70 /week
$ 130 /week
$ 250 /week
# Weeks
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Min 13
Min 4
Min 4
Supplier to The Shul & Aleph Institute
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selection. Merchandise is going fast!
Near Shul of Bal Harbor
call Faigie 786-972-9150
Paid advertisements do not constitute endorsements by any Rabbis or The Shul. The Shul reserves the right to accept or reject any ad submitted.
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The Network
All your advertising needs in one convenient spot
Joel S. Baum, CPA
Call 305 868 1411
To Place Your Ad
Certified Public Accountant / Masters Degree – Taxation
Over 30 years of experience
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Aurit Katan 786-389-9274
Florida Sales Positions Available
Paid advertisements do not constitute endorsements by any Rabbis or The Shul. The Shul reserves the right to accept or reject any ad submitted.
It’s Good To Know
Find out what's going on and how You can get involved
In this Week’s Living Torah:
A weekly video magazine featuring the Rebbe's
application of Torah to timely events and issues
Who Should Teach The Children?
Timeless Moments
Purim Morning
Eye to Eye
Charity - The “Cure-All”
Enjoy a live video presentation every Saturday
Night at The Shul immediately following Havdalah
To see the video on-line:
"Living Torah" Weekly Video Magazine
Featuring the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson obm.
Shabbos Hospitality
If you would like to host or be hosted at a Shabbos meal,
please call The Shul at 305-868-1411
Staying Connected
The Shul's Staying Connected Program
For College Students
More & more Jewish college students from different universities
across the country keep joining The Shul's Staying Connected program!
These students are excited about this "cool" program that offers them
the opportunity to "stay connected" to The Shul family while they are
away at school. They enjoy receiving candies, chocolate, matzah, wine,
menorahs, and special CD's from The Shul video-library to celebrate the
Jewish holidays. Staying Connected students also enjoy sharing special
events such as the Winter- Break & Summer Shabbatons at The Shul
with over 150 Jewish college students from 18 universities across the
To learn more about Staying Connected, please call Miriam Gitman
at 305.868.1411 ext. 7319 or email
To enroll in The Shul's Staying Connected program , please mail the
Student’s name, Hebrew name, complete address, telephone & email
The Shul - Staying Connected
Attn. Miriam Gitman
9540 Collins Avenue
Surfside, FL 33154
Stay Connected! Sign up now to receive delicious packages throughout
the year to celebrate our wonderful Jewish Holidays! It's Free!
If you already joined Staying Connected, please remember to send
us your new address if the one you had last semester has changed.
Permanent Seating in The Shul
Looking for the Perfect Gift?
Would you like to honor someone’s Anniversary, Wedding,
Yahrtzeit, or any other occasion?
Honor them by making a donation to The Shul in their name.
A card will be sent to each Honoree on your behalf,
from The Shul, acknowledging your meaningful gift.
The amount of the donation will not be disclosed
unless requested.
For more information, please call Renee @ 305-868-1411 x 0
It Just Clicks!
The Shul's weekly E-News
Everything you need to know sent straight to your inbox!
Send us your email address to and let us know your
interests at The Shul and we will keep you in touch.
Write a letter to the Ohel
Find a picture of yourself with the Rebbe!
The Living Archive Preservation Project has launched this interactive archive
so that you can locate and request a video of your personal moment with
the Rebbe.
Download and listen to the latest classes and lectures
in The Shul, at the convenience of your home or office.
Fill all your Judaica needs
(Books, Tefillin, Mezuzahs, etc) at
The Shul will get commission on every sale!
The Shul Video of 'Journey of The Souls' has been one of the
main popular features this year all over
To view go to:
The New Jewish Marriage Website:
The New Jobs Board
JNET: The Jewish Learning Network:
Learning one-on-one over the phone:
The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Emergency Evacuation Procedures:
Older Folks with special needs can call 311 or register at
You will find a very informative, factual and - not political, short booklet
about Israel, which was issued by a non partisan organization "Stand With
Us". Your readers around the world will definitely benefit from the available
multiple languages.
There are a limited number of seat dedications still available
in our Main Sanctuary, with finance options as well.
If you are interested in more information please speak to or
call Lydia Hasson or Penina Wuensch at 305 868 1411
Go to this website for the link to the booklet “This Land is My Land”
educational booklet by Eli Hertz.
All the books can be downloaded for free.
Get connected to The Shul online
Daily Study
A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at The Shul
Sichos Kodesh
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
6:15 - 6:45 am
Halacha (Men) (Monday - Friday)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
7:00 - 7:25 am
Daf Yomi
Rabbi Dov Schochet
7:30 - 8:30 am
RamBam (Monday - Thursday)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
8:30 - 9:00 am
Chok L’Yisrael - Sephardic Custom
Shimshon Tzubeli
Sichos - The Rebbe’s insights on the weekly Parsha
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
10:00 - 10:45 am
Community Kollel (Men) Mon - Thurs.
Smicha Bochurim / Rabbi Eily Smith
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Daf Yomi (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Spanish Kolel - Chassidus (Men)
Mr. Isaac Gorin
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Executive Smicha (Men)
Rabbi Aryeh Citron
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Weekly Torah Portion (Spanish)
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Women’s Study Group At the home of: Mrs. Johana Abraham
9555 West Broadview Drive, Bay Harbor Islands
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
8:30 - 10:00 pm
Senior Torah Academy: Meditations in Prayer
Rabbi Mendy Levy
11:00 - 11:45 am
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women
Ein Ya’akov: Stories of the Talmud
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Tanya Class in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
1:45 - 2:30 pm
Torah Portion Class in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
2:30 - 3:45 pm
Ben Ish-Chai (Sephardic Class) (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
6:45 - 7:40 pm
Vayakhel-Pekudei: When Obedience Is Not Enough
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
8:00 - 8:45 pm
Executive Smicha (Men)
Rabbi Aryeh Citron
Rabbi Lipskar’s Tuesday Class:
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
9:00 - 10:15 pm
Parenting Class (Women)
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
9:15 - 10:00 am
Morning Torah Class (Women) - Weekly Parsha
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
10:00 - 11:00 am
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
11:00 - 11:45 am
Tanya Class in English (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
Spanish Kolel
Rabbi Moshe Lerman
Tefillah Class in French (Women) - Haime Library
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
10:30 am - 11:15 am
Talmud Class in French (Women) - Haime Library
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
11:20 am - 12:00 pm
Mitzvos of the Weekly Parsha (Men & Women)
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women (Main Sanctuary)
Jewish History: Joshua and the Conquest of Israel
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Tanya in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez (Chabad of Aventura, 21001 Biscayne Blvd)
Tanya (Men & Women)
Rabbi Eily Smith
8:45 am
9:00 am
8:30 - 9:30 pm
12:00 - 12:45 pm
8:00 - 10:00 pm
The Development & Formalizing of the Jewish People
Talmudic Mishmar for Men & Women
Select Thursday evenings
*All classes located at The Shul unless otherwise specified.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
8:00 - 10:00 pm
11:00 - 11:45 am
12:00 - 12:45 pm
2:00 - 3:00 pm
8:00 pm
9:00 - 10:00 pm
Community Nachas
A Peek at Recent Happenings
For pre-Purim fun, Mothers and Daughters joined together
at the Moore's home for hamentashen baking! Everyone had a
blast, and came home with yummy baked treats for Purim. A
special Thank You to Mrs. Nancy Poj who made all the
dough and filling, to The Moore Family for opening their
home to us, and to all the Moms who helped out!
A group of Yeshiva students sharing in the joy of Purim
after the first Minyan at The Shul.
Community Nachas
A Peek at Recent Happenings
Purim Carnival 5770 was a huge success with over 400
people participating. The children (and many of the adults)
came all dressed up in their Purim costumes and had great
fun at the Ferris Wheel, rock wall, giant slide, bungee
jumping and more, while munching on popcorn, cotton
candy, snow cones and ice cream. The main attraction was
the Bungee Jumping Trampoline where many of the young
participants were seen jumping and flipping high in the air.
At the entrance, everyone was handed a Purim mitzvah
passport and was rewarded a special prize for fulfilling the 4
Mitzvos of Purim. Many children from The Shul Hebrew
School attended and received 'Aleph Champ' rewards prior
to the carnival. Throughout the carnival spontaneous
dancing broke out to the lively music playing over the load
speakers. Thank you to Yankee Pearson and Aurit Katan for
all their hard work in coordinating this memorable event.
A Megilah reading took place at the end of the carnival for
more than 100 people who had not yet had the opportunity
to hear the Megilah earlier in the day. This Was followed by
the Purim Seudah in the Social Hall for almost 300 people,
with a delicious middle-Eastern menu, lots of l’chaims and
The Shul’s Community is Honored to Welcome
Rabbi Yona Metzger
Chief Rabbi of Israel
as our Special Guest on
March 5 - 6, 2010 / Adar 19 - 20, 5770
Please join us for an
Elegant Shabbat Dinner on March 5th at 7:30 p.m.
“The Influence of Halacha in Israeli Government”
Candle lighting and services at 6:06 p.m.
Please Join Us for Saturday Morning Services on March 6, 2010 at 8:45 a.m.
Special Address by the Chief Rabbi of Israel
Community Kiddush at 12:00 p.m.
The Shul, 9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154
(305) 868-1411 -