October 2011 - Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church


October 2011 - Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
me ss e n ge r
Macedonia Missionary
Baptist Church of
Eatonville FL
October 2011
Church Info
Photo by Angelo Davis
A. Davis 2011
From the Pastor’s Desk
Reverend Willie C Barnes
So built we the wall; and all the wall
was joined together unto the half
thereof: for the people had a mind to
work. Nehemiah 4:6
The growth of Macedonia
has increased in such a way
that the present facilities cannot
efficiently meet the demanding
needs of its members. Giving
prayerful consideration to the
concept of developing new
structure, it became clear with
confidence that we, with God’s
help, could engage in the design of
a new complex that will meet the
demands of church, families, and
Visionary Statement
community. It is our Vision to
develop a facility in which its
design and quality will define
our ministry’s future.
movement of ministry will be a
holistic approach for Christian
Education, evangelism, youth
development, social services,
health, senior services and
educational opportunities (K3). With the growing concern
of health, we believe that our
health ministry will have a
major role as it operates within
the church and community.
The plan to build is an
undertaking which must be
exercised with good stewardship
and faith in God. We believe
that as God has helped us in
the past, He will help us now.
As we have illustrated
through the proposed Seven
Year Plan, this vision can be
accomplished by “those who
have a willing heart.” As God
gave Moses instructions in
Exodus 25, we benefit from
the belief of the principle
to inspire the members to
commit themselves likewise.
When you look at the
history of Macedonia, which
was established in 1882, we
see how God through Jesus
Christ have taught this ministry
accountability over the years.
So much so that we are not only
stable spiritually but also stable
physically. Therefore, as we have
emerged from a small A-frame
building with a wood burning
stove to a modern beacon in
the community, let’s continue
to move toward ministries and
monuments that will keep us
occupied to the service of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
As God gave Nehemiah
the grace to re-build the walls
of Jerusalem and he committed
himself to that task, we the
Missionary Baptist Church of
Eatonville FL, Inc., with God’s
help, thus commit ourselves
to building the walls within the
church and community. For it
is the belief of this Pastor that
the people have a Mind to Work!
A. Davis 2011
Editor’s Note:
Venus Highsmith
After a two year absence, The Messenger news staff is back together! We
have dealt with personal issues and technical issues while away. But God is good
and in control of all things! October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we
also take the opportunity to focus on all cancers. I thank those who prayed for my
mother who has been battling multiple myeloma cancer for the past two years.
I am glad to be able to report that she is now a Cancer Survivor and doing well!
As the news team embarks upon publishing the newsletter again,
we are adjusting our format. It will be shorter, except for Special Editions.
We look forward to providing you with information about Macedonia
and our community. God Bless and thanks for your continued support!
The Messenger
Weeping May Endure for a Night:
A Cancer Survivor’s Story
As told by Virginia Butler-Demby to Mark D. Hodges
My name
is Virginia ButlerDemby and I have cancer. I would like to give a brief
testimony. I received the news from my doctors
stating that I had cancer. It’s in my right lung.
Initially, it started out with me not being able to
breathe very well. Then I caught pneumonia and
was treated for it at the hospital. I was released
from the hospital. About two months later I caught
pneumonia again, but the second time was more
excruciating than the first. I went back to the
hospital with pneumonia, and I was bleeding inside
very tremendously. They got the bleeding and
pneumonia under control, and I was released again.
My respiratory doctor asked me, “Did they
find out why you were bleeding?” I said, “No.” He
said, “I’m very concerned because they released
you without checking with me. Would you mind
if we did a bronchoscope?” I agreed. They took
me to the hospital for an out patient examination.
After the exam I woke up and my doctor said,
“Virginia you have cancer in your right lung, and
that’s why your breathing is irregular. We need to
do something right now.” I said, “Ok, I’m fine with
it.” I had respiratory problems prior to discovering
the cancer. Consequently, this restricted me from
having surgery, because I have sleep anemia,
and my oxygen level drops when I go to sleep. My
doctor decided that I would have chemotherapy,
and I said, “Ok we’re going to go through this.”
When I heard the word cancer, I said, “Devil
you are a liar, because no weapon formed against
me shall prosper. No matter how much you form,
you will not prosper because this body belongs to
God.” He has me here for a reason, and I know that
he wouldn’t bring me this far and put a dedication
on my life like he did this year. Giving me custody
of three great-grand boys and then for me to just
leave them. No! Sometimes it’s hard, very hard,
when people ask me how am I doing, I have to
say I’m doing fine even though I know I’m crying
inside, even though I know I’m hurting with pain, I
still have to walk on. I was away from church for a
while, and it was so comforting when I returned, the
people embraced me, they loved me. I needed to
have love because that’s what God put us here for,
it’s to love one another like he loves us. God still
loves us so much. He loves us in spite of everything.
I experienced another battle when I caught
an infection in my lung. The infection went down
into my stomach. With this battle I had to be
hospitalized and the pain was so excruciating that I
was on morphine shots every four hours. That’s how
demonic and painful it really was. But I had to hang
in there, I had to hang on because if I had given up,
I would’ve given up on God and then I would have
made his word void because he said I would never
leave you nor forsake you. I would feel the pain and
I would lie down, and I could see Jesus up on the
cross. I just cried out one day and I said, “Lord I’m
so sorry but I’m also in pain, I said, please forgive
me, I do not doubt you, I love you and honor you,
but I also know that I am in pain and I cry out to you
and I know that you’re not putting anything on me,
no more than Jesus was taken to the cross for me.”
He took this pain! He took my healing and said, my
child look at what I’m going to do for you, I’m going
to get up on this cross, I’m going to die for your sins.
I’m going to take everything away from you. Yes,
there’s going to be some pain in your life. Yes, there’s
going to be some heartache in your life. Yes, there
is going to be some sorrow in your life. But hang in
there Honey! Hang in there my child, and everything
is going to be alright because I promised you that
I will never leave you nor forsake you. So keep on
going on, my child because things will get better!
The Messenger
3 3
24th Pastoral Anniversary
A Steadfast Leader, Abounding in the Work of the Lord.
I Corinthians 15:58
celebrated Pastor Barnes’
24th Anniversary on October
9, 2011. He requested a
simple celebration. Members,
family and friends participated
in 7:45 and 11 am church
services. Reverend Raymond
Brinson (Springfield Missionary
Baptist Church of Sanford
FL) was the Guest Lecturer.
Speakers included
Bishop Thomas Lee, (Ebon
Temple, Inc.), and Reverend
Ronald Critton (Beth-Tehillah
Special Musical Guest was
Sunday Best gospel artist
Elder Goldwire McLendon.
The Messenger
Top Left:
Darreyl & Anissa
Railey (son-in-law and
daughter) ,
Pastor & Sister Barnes,
Jasmine Barnes
(granddaughter) and son
Bottom Left:
Pastor & Sister Barnes.
Bottom Right;
Pastor’s Mother,
Sister Alma Barnes.
Photos by Angelo Davis
The Messenger
Pastor Barnes and Elder
Goldwire McLendon
Photos by Angelo Davis
We Appreciate Pastor Barnes!
Pastors Critton, Barnes & Brinson
A Special Thanks to the
2011 Pastor Anniversary Committee:
Nicole Jefferson, Veronica Lubin, Pat Nicholson (Chair),
Minister Calvin Young and Yu’vette Young
The Messenger
Praise and
The Messenger
Strength ~ Courage ~ Hope ~ Cure
Submitted by Tonja Williams, R.N.
Why do you see so much pink every October? October
is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an
annual campaign by major breast cancer organizations
to increase awareness of the disease. This includes
educating the public about early detection, the cause,
diagnosis, treatment, fundraising for research, and
support for survivors.
Breast cancer affects one in eight women during their
lives. No one knows why some women get breast
cancer, but there are a number of risk factors. Risks that
you cannot change include:
•Gender - more prevalent in women
•Age – risk increases as you get older
•Genes - there are two genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2,
that greatly increase the risk. Women who have family
members with breast or ovarian cancer may wish to be
•Personal factors - beginning periods before age 12 or
going through menopause after age 55
Other risks include being overweight, using hormone
replacement therapy (also called menopausal hormone
therapy), taking birth control pills, drinking alcohol, not
having children or having your first child after age 35 or
having dense breasts.
Breast self-exam and mammography can help find
breast cancer early when it is most treatable.
Men can have breast cancer, too, but the number of
cases is small (1% of all breast cancers).
Each year Team Macedonia joins millions of walkers across the
country in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. This
fundraising effort saves lives by helping people get well, stay well,
by finding cures & fighting back against breast cancer.
Courtesy of Tonja Williams
Upcoming Events
Team Macedonia will participate in the Making
Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on Saturday,
October 29, 2011, at Lake Eola (downtown
Orlando). Team photo at 7:30 am; Walk starts at
8:00 am.
Second Harvest’s Free Senior Food Packs are
available for Seniors age 50+. Distribution
occurs on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month
in Lias Hall from
12 pm -2 pm. Must call 407-647-0010 ext 119
and reserve with Tonja Williams, Parish Nurse.
New Member’s Fellowship, October 23, 2011,
after 7:45 and 11:00 am services.
Annual Fall Festival, October 31, 2011, 6-9 pm.
Admission is one (1) canned food and/or one (1)
dry good item.
Couples Ministry Marriage Conference,
November 3-6, 2011.
This news magazine is a publication of Macedonia Missionary
Baptist Church of Eatonville FL located at: 412 East Kennedy
Boulevard, Eatonville FL 32751, Phone 407-647-0010.
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 940515, Maitland FL 327941-0515.
Staff Contributors This Month:
Rev. Willie C Barnes, Pastor; Venus Highsmith, Editor;
Deacon Angelo Davis, Assistant Editor/Photographer;
Mark Hodges.
Ministries and Members please e-mail Articles, Story
Ideas or Upcoming Events to us at: MdoniaNews@aol.com
Additional Contributors:.
Virginia Butler-Demby, Tonja Williams, R.N.