Nov-Dec 2013 - Society for Range Management


Nov-Dec 2013 - Society for Range Management
Grass Roots
PUBLISHED BY THE TEXAS SECTION SOCIETY FOR RANGE MANAGEMENT Providing Leadership for the Stewardship of Rangelands Based on Sound Ecological Principles NOV—DEC 2013 Jeff Goodwin—TSSRM President As the year comes to an end, we have the opportunity to reflect on what we have accomplished over the past 12 months. I am very proud of the accomplishments made by the Texas Sec on Society for Range Management in 2013. We entered the year with the desire to focus on offering opportuni es to our young professionals; this is our first full year of implementa on of the new Mentorship Commi ee. Special thanks to Mark Moseley and Carrie Koennecke for their leadership in ge ng this commi ee up and running. We also had several special events at our annual mee ng focused on young professionals that were very well received. Another of our focused goals was to provide more informa on to our ranching community through outreach events. TSSRM was able to host, sponsor, and cosponsor eight local, regional, and statewide rangeland outreach and educa onal events this year Volume 65, Number 6 ranging from statewide weed and brush management symposium to local riparian grazing management workshops. I am especially proud that TSSRM rekindled the Summer Grazing Tour. This is a really good opportunity for our society to move across the state and showcase the ranches and range managers that are doing a great job on an annual basis and provide some insight on rangeland principles along the way. I will encourage the incoming TSSRM Board and Officers to consider con nuing this important event. This year’s TSSRM Annual Mee ng “Improving Sustainability through Grazing Management” was very much a success. I would like to add a special thanks to the mee ng co-chairs Chuck Stanley and Chad Ellis along with their Annual Mee ng commi ee members Brian Hays, Nathan Haile, Charles Kneuper, Jodie Stocke , Ma Machacek, Kevin Derzapf, Reggie Quie , and Royce Siebman. Their steadfast determina on and commitment were the reason the mee ng was a success, and I am truly grateful. More informa on can be found regarding the recent mee ng on the TSSRM website and our Facebook page. This year would not have been successful without the diligent effort by all of our commi ee chairs; this is where the real work is done for any society. The commi ees keep our membership informed, keep us up on legisla ve ac ons, make sure our deserving are honored, teach and train our youth, and so much more. I encourage all of the membership to get more involved, if you would like to become more involved next year please contact incoming president Dr. John Nov—Dec 2013 Texas Section Officer and Directors
Jeff Goodwin, President
3501 CR 356
Gatesville, TX 76528
C: (254) 977-2663 O: (254) 742-9951
John W. Walker, 1st Vice President
7887 US Highway 87 N
San Angelo, TX 76901
H: (325) 947-2886 O: (325) 653-4576
C: (325) 450-2440
Dr. Cody Scott
Box #10888 ASU Station
San Angelo, TX 76909
H: (325) 656-1851
Ken Cearley, Past President
6500 Amarillo Blvd W
Amarillo, TX 79106
H: (806) 558-2472 C: (806) 670-6070
Natalie Bartek, Secrtry, Admin Handbook, Web
107 Wyoming Blvd
Pleasanton, TX 78064-4401
C: (210) 288-6898 F: (830) 569-6140
Robert Moen, Treasurer
PO Box 43
Sonora, TX 76950-0043
H: (325) 387-2942 W: (325) 387-3168
E :
Tyson Hart, Newsletter Editor
4613 NW Stallings Dr
Nacogdoches, TX 75961
W: (936) 462-8185 H: (979) 571-5885
Jeremy Hasty, Social Media
12821 Carillon Way
Manor, TX 78653
H: (512) 382-9683 O: (512) 459-1623
Lee A. Knox, Archivist
361 Foothill Rd
Abilene, TX 79602
H: (325) 692-1026
Bill Fox, Director 2011-13
720 E. Blackland Rd
Temple, TX 76502
C: (979)777-3730 W: (254) 774-6034
Dr. Alfonso “Pancho” Ortega, Director 2011-13
292 N. CR 1070
Kingsville, TX 78363
W: (361) 593-5001 H: (361) 595-4093
C: (361) 522-0084
Mandi M. Ligon, Director 2012-14
103 W Florida Ave
Sweetwater, TX 79556
H: (325) 766-2029 O: (940) 733-0120
Brian Hays, Director 2012-14
PO Box 1066
Gatesville, TX 76528
O: (254) 865-2061 H: (254) 865-8585
C: (254) 216-0774
Dr. Jim Ansley
PO Box 1066
Gatesville, TX 76528
O: (940) 552-9941 x 234
Dandy Kothman
PO Box 243
Menard, TX 76859
C: (325) 212-8944
Grass Roots 2 Walker. The Officers and Board have also done a great job this year. I was blessed to have a board of directors to work with that made all the board mee ngs, were a en ve to details, posed ques ons and had excep onal ideas on moving our society forward, you truly have my apprecia on and respect. The unsung heroes of any sec on are those posi ons that are appointed by the President. They are behind the scenes making sure the sec on is running properly. To that end, I would like to give special thanks to Secretary Natalie Bartek, Treasurer Robert Moen, Newsle er Editor Tyson Hart, Social Media and Website Coordinator Jeremy Hasty and Archivist Lee Knox. Their job is ongoing and their passion is unques onable. This has been a special year for me; I am humbled, grateful, and so very apprecia ve to have had the opportunity to lead this sec on for 2013. Each of us have someone in our lives that has inspired us to be passionate about our professions, I encourage each of you to “Pay it forward”. Teach a someone a new plant, don’t miss an opportunity to tell someone from the city about all of the ecosystem services that rangelands provide, stand up for the American rancher, do whatever you can do at whatever level to make a difference. You might be surprised at the impact you can make. As I pass on the reins to Dr. Walker and his board, I wish all of you best of luck and please have a happy and blessed rest of the year. Respec ully, Jeff Goodwin Congratula ons to the photo contest winner James Demoin ‘Mr. Quail’ and runner up Felix Ayala for ‘Fire Boss’. Jan—Feb 2011
Nov—Dec 2012 Nov—Dec 2013 Grass
Grass Roots 23 Outstanding Student Awards Kaitlin O’Brien—TX A&M Rode Mills—Angelo State Jose Etchart—Sul Ross Kiel Sieckman—Angelo State Breanne Carr—TAMU-K Tiana Blackmon—Tarleton Tanner Jerre —Texas Tech Neil Estes Texas Tech Linda Stapper—Texas A&M Neil Estes—Texas Tech Jan—Feb 2011
Nov—Dec 2012 Nov—Dec 2013 Grass
Grass Roots 24 Plant ID Contest Professional—Mark Moseley Rancher—Carlon Stapper Young Professional College—Garre Friesenhahn College Plant ID Contest 1st Place—Garre Friesenhahn 2nd Place—Kaitlin O’Brien 3rd Place—Linda Stapper Team Plant ID Contest 1st Place—Texas A&M 2nd Place—TX A&M Kingsville 3rd Place—Sul Ross Jan—Feb 2011
Nov—Dec 2012 Nov—Dec 2013 Grass
Grass Roots 25 Awards Outstanding Range Stewardship Rocosa Ridge Ranch Agriculture Science Teacher Buddy Decker Technical Wri ng — Drs. Richard Teague & Tim Steffens et. Al. NRCS Randy Moore Popular Ar cle —Jake Landers 1st Place Presenta on Eric Grahmann Special Publica on Robert Shaw 2nd Place Presenta on 2nd Hannah Sawers Jan—Feb 2011
Nov—Dec 2012 Nov—Dec 2013 Grass
Grass Roots 26 Awards Outstanding Rangeland Mgmt F Bar Springs Ranch Young Professional Corey Owens Special Recogni on Jaime Tankersly Fellow Award Royce Siebman Outstanding Achievement Dr. Bob Knight Outstanding Contribu on to Range Mgmt—Dan Caudle Outgoing Directors Pancho Ortega & Bill Fox Jan—Feb 2011
Nov—Dec 2012 Nov—Dec 2013 Grass
Grass Roots 27 7 Photo Contest Winners People — Stephen Deiss Plants — Stephen Deiss Theme — James Demoin Na ve Wildlife — Robin Verble Texas Landscapes — James Demoin Ranching — Stephen Deiss Jan—Feb 2011
Nov—Dec 2012 Nov—Dec 2013 Grass
Grass Roots Thanks to all of our sponsors and exhibitors! Atascosa SWCD Bamert Seed Company Browne Bros, Inc. Chem‐Air, Inc. Dixon Water Founda on Dow AgroSciences DuPont GLCI Texas Coali on Helena Chemical Lone Star Ag Credit Noble Founda on Red River Special es Stay‐Tuff Fence Manufacturing TCU Ranch Mgmt Program Trinity Waters Truax Company, Inc. Tru‐Test Turner Seed 28 8