de PAUL - St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
de PAUL - St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
ST. VINCENT de PAUL OCTOBER 17, 2010 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME C H U R C H 1502 E. Wallen Road • Fort Wayne, IN 46825• PARISH STAFF Pastor ........................................................... Msgr. John Kuzmich Parochial Vicar ........................................... Fr. Andrew Budzinski Pastoral Associate ........................................ Dorothy Schuerman Pastoral Associate ......................................... Judy Mockenhaupt Business Administrator ............................................ Sherry Miller School Principal ..................................................... Sandra Guffey Dir. of Religious Education ........................................ Beth Amick Director of Music .................................................... Tony Andorfer Facilities Manager ................................................. Bruce Cadwell Youth Director ............................................................... Sarah Hill Parish Secretary ...................................................Mary Berkshire Parish Secretary ................................................... Marie Andorfer Parish Secretary ...................................................... Geri Schmidt Parish Nurse/Homebound Ministry ....................... Deb Andrews Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson........................ Suzon Motz TELEPHONES Church Office…Hours: 8:30—4:30 pm M—F ... (260) 489-3537 Church Fax ....................................................................497-9405 E-Mail Religious Education Office .............................................. ext. 204 Youth Ministry Office ....................................................... ext. 228 Director of Music ............................................................. ext. 210 Spiritual Center ............................................................... ext. 222 Wedding Coordinator Rhonda Noll ..............................341-1249 Development Director Linda McCarthy .......................... ext. 247 Scout Lodge ..................................................................489-1763 Prayer Line Laurie ........................................................637-8146 Prayer Line Dolly...........................................................489-4461 BULLETIN DEADLINE Items should be in the church office via e-mail by Monday 9:00 am (Prior Friday 12:00 noon for a holiday week.) MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 am, 12:45 pm and 6:00 pm Life Teen Mass Weekday and Holyday: As scheduled in bulletin. SACRAMENTS Reconciliation Sat. 8:45-9:45 am or anytime by appointment. Baptism Sunday following the last Mass; also baptisms may be scheduled during Sunday Mass. Baptismal Catechesis is required prior to baptism. Matrimony Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Sick and Communion Calls Please keep us informed of the sick and homebound, particularly when there is serious illness. ST. VINCENT de PAUL PARISH SCHOOL A Catholic education for children (grades K-8) Office Hours ..................................................... 7:15 am-3:15 pm School Office ....................................... (260) 489-3537 ext. 213 School Attendance Line .................................................. ext. 214 School Kitchen................................................................. ext. 220 School Secretary..................................................... Kathy Palmer School Secretary.......................................................... Ellen Ryan NEW PARISHIONERS Registration for new members is held on the second Sunday of the month following the 9:00 am Mass. CATECHUMENATE We welcome persons interested in embracing the Catholic faith. Please call the church office. 2 N E W S & N O T E S MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 18 *6:30 am Rocco Misiano 8:00 am Rita Kammer Tuesday, October 19 8:00 am Edmund Wurst *5:30 pm Phil Gerardot Wednesday, October 20 8:00 am Richard Lawrence ALL MASS Thursday, October 21 *6:30 am Nancy Trabel 8:00 am Int. Jonathon Craw Friday, October 22 8:00 am Helen Okleshen Saturday, October 23 8:00 am Zoa & Eugene Pequignot 5:00 pm Michael Dafforn Sunday, October 24 7:15 am Int. Paul & Fran Braun (47th Anniv.) 9:00 am Janet Lynch 11:00 am Carol Sue Forbes 12:45 pm Gladys Szklarek 6:00 pm For the Parish (Life Teen Mass) *Chapel Congratulations to Jim and Pat Brandt on the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. May they be blessed with good health and happiness. Last Sunday you had the opportunity to make your pledge to the 24th annual Bishop’s Appeal. If you were not here this past weekend, or were not prepared to make your pledge, please know that you may make your pledge today following Mass. A representative of the appeal committee will be in the East Room, off the Gathering Space, to assist you. For the next two weekends we will receive pledges following the Masses, or you may bring your pledge to the church office during office hours. Thank you very much for supporting the work of Bishop Rhoades as he shepherds the diocese. Also, your gift helps the parish, as the overage will be used to help defray the cost of parish grade school tuition for families in financial need. In our Gospel this Sunday, Jesus exhorts his disciples (and us!) to pray always without becoming weary. In our second reading, St. Paul tells Timothy (and us!) that all Scripture is useful for teaching, refutation, correction and training in righteousness. An ancient form of prayer with the Sacred Scriptures is Lectio Divina, which means "sacred reading." In Lectio Divina, one reads a very brief passage of scripture slowly and moves through various stages (reading, reflecting, responding and remaining) all the while engaged in a prayerful conversation with God. Below is a simple instruction on how to pray Lectio Divina that you can cut out of the bulletin and use as a bookmark in your Bible. For a more detailed description and instruction on Lectio Divina, please read Father Andrew's homily from this week on his blog: WEDDING BANNS “Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will strengthen and enlighten these couples as they prepare to take their marriage vows.” III Vincent Garcia and Rebecca McManus II Adam Sirken and Holly Hullinger I Bill Mesing and Meghan Connors dŚĞ&ŽƵƌZ͛ƐŽĨ>ĞĐƚŝŽŝǀŝŶĂ Lectio (Reading) Take your time and read the passage. Get a sense of what it is saying. Read the passage a second time. Listen for any words or phrases that strike you, and listen in your heart. Meditatio (Reflecting) Read the passage again, slowly. As you pause on the words or phrases that strike you, take time to consider what the word, phrase, or passage means, particularly in your life. Oratio (Responding) Read the passage again, slowly. Consider now how God has spoken to you in this passage and respond back to Him. You may want to consider how this passage is asking you to act differently. Contemplatio (Remaining) Now take some time to simply remain in the silent presence of God. Devoting at least 20 minutes each day for Lectio Divina is a good starting point. However, even 5 minutes of meditation on Sacred Scripture each day is better than no meditation at all. Start somewhere and let God’s grace help you grow over time. Adapted from the Catholic Youth Prayer Book, St. Mary’s Press, Winona, MN, 2006. SCHOOL & YOUTH NEWS CHILDREN’S STEWARDSHIP “Prayed for my Grandma and Aunt at CRHP.” Karsen R . “Going to bed nicely after prayers.” Lauren P. “Sharing new toys with brother and sister.” Nate M. “Helped my Mom make cookies.” Faith K. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS RE CALENDAR SUNDAY Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 RE RE No Class Preschool and RE Preschool and RE Preschool and RE No Preschool or RE WEDNESDAY Oct. 20 RE Oct. 27 No Class Nov. 3 RE Nov. 10 RE Nov. 17 RE Nov. 24 No RE PARENT CONFIRMATION MEETINGS Parents of all Confirmation candidates are asked to attend one of two meetings either on Sunday, November 14, at 4:00 pm or Wednesday, November 17, at 6:00 pm. Both meetings will be held in the Spiritual Center. Please mark your calendars now. Unless you had a child confirmed last year, you are required to be present. CONFIRMATION DATE SCHEDULED Confirmation for parish eighth graders will be Tuesday, May 10, 2011, here in the church. During the 11:00 Mass these 4 year olds are at Preschool with their catechist, Rebecca Freeman. Sunday RE first graders with their catechists, Kristi Beachy and Angie Bohne. 3 ATTENTION: HEAD COACHES It is mandatory that all head coaches take part in the Play Like a Champion Today workshop this year. Play Like a Champion Today is an innovative program designed to promote a more positive climate in youth sports. This presentation for Head Coaches and any assistant coaches that also would like to attend will be held Saturday, October 23, from 9:00–12:00 noon in the Spiritual Center. The cost of the workshop is $10. Registration will be from 8:30-9:00 am. Any questions should be directed to Paul Cassabon, Athletic Director, at 489-3537 ext. 218 or ST. VINCENT’S ATHLETIC COMMITTEE is in need of a 5th grade Girls basketball and 7th grade Girls basketball coach for this year. If you can help or have any questions, call Paul Cassabon at 750-3011 or at the school 489-3537 ext. 218. ATTENTION ALL THOSE WHO TEACH THE FAITH TO CHILDREN, TEENS, AND ADULTS: On November 6 the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend will host the Twentieth Annual Catechetical Institute Day at Wawasee Middle School in Syracuse, Indiana. Catechists are invited to explore a variety of workshops on teaching the faith to children, teens, and adults. Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades will be the keynote speaker and Mass celebrant. Find complete information at catechetical-institute-day/. HASA You can now find us on FACEBOOK! Get up-to-date information on HASA events, SCRIP, and news by becoming a fan of SAINT VINCENT de PAUL HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION (HASA)! 4 C H U R C H E V E N T S YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR Sunday, Oct. 17 Wednesday, Oct. 20 Thursday, Oct. 21 Sunday, Oct. 24 LIFE NIGHT “Can You Hear Me Now?” Ministry Hour, 7:30 pm Pray at Abortion Clinic, 7:00 am NOLIFE NIGHT “FaithFest” "Have you felt a call to be more involved at church, but just aren't sure how? Prayerfully consider joining the youth ministry team as we strive to lead teens closer to Christ." For more information contact Sarah Hill 435-0453 or FAITHFEST 2010 The theme for FaithFest this year is FEARLESS. This will be a high-energy day packed with catechesis, music, prayer, sacramental encounters, meeting teens from every corner of our diocese, and celebrating Mass with Bishop Kevin Rhoades. The event will be held on Sunday, October 24, at Lakeview Middle School in Warsaw, and is open to all high school teens. The cost of FaithFest remains at $15 (actual cost is $25) per participant, which covers food, transportation, facilities and t-shirt. Pick up a form in the back of church. Retreat forms now available in the back of church. Pick yours up today!!!!!! For information about our Life Teen Program, please contact Sarah Hill, 435-0453 or EUCHARISTIC ADORATION On Wednesday, October 20, we will have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the church following the 8:00 am Mass until 3:00 pm. Adoration will continue in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and conclude at 7:00 pm. The grade school children will be present for periods of adoration until the closing of their school day. The regularly scheduled adorers are expected to honor their scheduled time. All parishioners are invited to spend time in our Lord’s presence. SERVERS’ SCHEDULES (It is YOUR responsibility to find a replacement) Saturday, October 23 8:00 am Thomas Roesler and Frankie Yanko 5:00 pm TEAM 14: Jack Harris, Noah Benzing, Mez Ijomante, Brennan Kinniry Sunday, October 24 7:15 am TEAM 19: Charlie Gray, Mike Voors, Cassandra Lombardo, Audrey Lukemire 9:00 am TEAM 15: Jacob and Natalie Yehle, Olivia Leazier, Graisen Proctor 11:00 am TEAM 4: Mily Smythe, Emma Winkeljohn, Parker and Skyler Noll 12:45 pm TEAM 1: Claire Zurbuch, Cassie Buescher, Amanda and Brittany Smeltzley ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY PANTRY The pantry is always in need of non-perishable items. This is what we need the most: Pasta Sides Spaghetti Sauce Canned Ravioli Mixed Vegetables Ketchup Syrup Laundry soap Crackers Jelly Meal Helpers Canned Fruit Cereal Facial tissues Pancake mix Mustard Bathroom tissue Potatoes Again, we wish to thank you for your support in helping us feed the poor of our community. Your response has been GREAT! RIDE NEEDED TO SUNDAY MASS A young Burmese mother and grandmother living in Concordia Gardens needs transportation to Sunday Mass. If anyone is able to help, please contact Dorothy at the Church Office. Thanks! CAR RAFFLE TO RAISE FUNDS FOR THE WORLD YOUTH DAY PILGRIMAGE Tickets will be sold for $50 each and are available at the parish now. After all Masses next weekend, October 23—24, raffle tickets will be available for purchase in the Gathering Space. Also, one of the cars will be shown. Winner will get their choice of a 2010 Dodge Caravan OR a 2011 Hyundai Sonata, taxes paid. (Generously donated by Glenbrook Dodge & Hyundai—Fort Wayne.) Bishop Rhoades will draw the winning ticket on Monday, November 22. The goal is to sell 3,000 tickets and raise $150,000 for a World Youth Day fund. This fund will be used to distribute financial aid to pilgrims who would not otherwise be able to participate. Call Ann Gray 373--1526 if you have any Gaming License #121966 questions. Church Calendar 5a MEETINGS OF THE WEEK Monday, October 18 6:30 pm Light Weigh—Nursery 6:30 pm Buildings & Grounds—East Room Tuesday, October 19 8:45 am Two by Two Bible Study—East Room 6:30 pm Shepherds of Christ—Reservation Chapel 6:45 pm RCIA—Spiritual Center 7:00 pm 7 Steps to Financial Freedom—East Rm Wednesday, October 20 9:00 am Adoration of Blessed Sacrament— Reservation Chapel 9:00 am WINGS—Spiritual Ctr, East Rm, Nursery 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus Open House— Community Room A 7:00 pm CRHP Continuation—Chapel Thursday, October 21 9:00 am WINGS II—Community Room A 7:00 pm Baptismal Preparation II—Church Conf Rm 7:00 pm Planned Giving Seminar—Community Rm Saturday, October 23 9:00 am Play Like A Champion Coaches Mtg— Community Room Sunday, October 24 12:00 pm Adoration of Blessed Sacrament— Reservation Chapel 6:00 pm Rekindlefest—Life House ATTENTION FRIENDS & FAMILIES OF CUB SCOUTS Open roller skating at Roller Dome North for all Cub Scouts family, classmates and friends: Sunday, October 17, from 5:15—7:15 pm. PICTORIAL DIRECTORY PHOTOS Complimentary photos taken for the pictorial directory may be picked up in the East Room off the Gathering Space. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASS Attendance at two Baptismal Preparation Sessions is required before your child is baptized. Each session will begin at 7:00 pm. It is recommended that you attend before the birth of your child so that there will be no delay in setting a date for the baptism once the baby is born. Godparents, too, are welcome. Please call the church office 489-3537 to register for your sessions. Session I (East Meeting Room) October 28 Session II (Church Conference Room) October 21 5b Church Calendar ADOPT-A-MOM TRAINING SESSION A 2-1/2 hour training session will be held in the nursery (off the Gathering Space) at 6:30 pm on Thursday, October 28. This training session is mandatory for all who want to participate in the Adopt-A-Mom ministry. Those who are still discerning are welcome to attend without making a commitment. Adopt-A-Mom is a new ministry at St. Vincent's which lends support to mothers who have chosen life for their babies. For more information, call Judy at 637-3238 or Laura at 637-8415. In a time of loss it is important to know that there is a place where you can be with others who understand your pain. This is a time when being with others who have walked their own path of grief may be of comfort and offer solace in a way that our family and friends cannot give. St. Vincent’s Bereavement Ministry is holding a Bereavement Support Group Session which will meet from 6:30—8:30 pm for seven weeks. The dates are Wednesday, November 3, 10, 17; Tuesday, November 23; and Wednesday, December 1, 8, 15. All meetings will be held in the East Room in the Gathering Space of church. It is our hope to provide a comforting atmosphere in which to share the grief and bereavement process and to offer emotional support. We are also having an All Souls Day Mass on November 2 at 5:30 pm with a candle lighting service. If this is something you are looking for, call Therese Yankowiak 489-6741. Your loss need not be recent for you to attend. TRICK-OR-TREATING The St. Vincent Scouts are offering free trick-ortreating on Saturday, October 30, from 3:00—5:00 pm at the Black Forest, next to the Haunted Castle. This event is a safe trick-or-treating event sponsored by the Allen County Sheriff Department. This is non-scary trick-or-treating for the community. Children are invited to come dressed in costume and receive candy and prizes. HAUNTED CASTLE/BLACK FOREST Sponsored by the St. Vincent Boy Scouts. Open every weekend in October. Thursday and Sunday 7:00 to 9:00 pm and Friday and Saturday 7:00 to 11:00 pm. Castle $9, Forest $9 and Combo $15. Visit Use this ad to get $1 off the regular admission for a single ticket or combo for each person in your group on Friday and Saturday or $2 off Thursday and Sunday. C HURCH & C OMMUNITY E VENTS 6 ONE SUNDAY FOR THE WHOLE WORLD Students, including our St. Vincent 8th Graders, recently marched to the abortion clinic and prayed for Life. Next Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI calls every Catholic in the world to celebrate our vocation to be missionary. It's World Mission Sunday! As Catholics around the world (here at home and in the Missions) gather at the Eucharist around the table of the Lord, we are to pray for the Church's worldwide missionary work. We pray for those awaiting the "Good News" of our Lord's great love for us and for the missionaries who offer the poor and suffering the light of Christ. And we are to offer financial help through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith for more than 1,150 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands. TUTORING AVAILABLE ONLY TWO WEEKS LEFT – PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY AND FAST “40 Days for Life” national Campaign enters into the last two weeks. Come, stand together at Statewood Church Prayer Tents by the 2210 Inwood Drive Clinic. Create awareness to the Child Sacrifice happening in our City, and please pray for the conversion of Dr. Klopfer. “40 Days” is a peaceful, prayerful, loving campaign for Life. Visit us at Wednesday night prayer service at 7:00 pm at the Prayer Tent across from 2210 Inwood Dr. Save the Date ~ Closing Rally, Sunday, October 31, 2:00—4:00 pm. Statewood Church Prayer Tent location. Join us to thank the Lord for all His mighty work in our city. Sarah Hall, a former Saint Vincent's teacher, is currently accepting new students for after school individualized tutoring. If interested please contact her at 416-9130 or email at MARKET DAY November orders are due by October 30. Get a FREE 4-pack of ChicNSteakes with any $90 purchase and NOVBONUS in the promo code box. Continue to get your $40 order in to qualify for the Frequent Buyer prize. You need a $40 order in two of the three months of September, October and November. Pick-up will be on November 4. Questions, call Eva at 490-9329! Thanks! DONATE YOUR APPLIANCE You can help the poor by donating your refrigerator, washer and other appliances to St. Vincent de Paul Store. Call 456-3561 for pick up. 7 READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 17, 2010 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Ex 17:8-13/2 Tm 3:14-4:2/Lk 18:1-8 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38 Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48 Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53 Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9 Sir 35:12-14, 16-18/2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18/Lk 18:9-14 ©Liturgical Publications Inc "Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night? Will he be slow to answer them? I tell you, he will see to it that justice is done for them speedily. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?" Lk 18:7-8 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. 8