SSH-001 - Kimray
SSH-001 - Kimray
SSH-001 (HPCV) FOR CLEAN, LOW COST, AND ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY HIGH PRESSURE VALVE PISTON BALANCED HIGH PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE 02 For more information please visit simplified installation Large variety of end connections available for Travel Indicator Open Yoke Design with Visable Easily change from fail open to fail closed Field Reversable Topworks PISTON BALANCED thee 3” th 3 SGT G -B -BP, P a pililot P, ot ope pera ra ate tedd ga gass back back ck-p -pre essssur uree re eguula lato attoor.r The e first st Leak Free Seal re ecogn cogniz ized zed e ind ndus usstr tryy an a d wo worl rdw rl wiide de.. For more information please visit Oill Dum Oi Dump Valve es, Hig ighh Pr Prees essu sure re Con ontr trol tr ol Vaallve ves, s, and Pili ot otss ar a e al alll last la stin st i g impactt on th thee in indu duust dust stry ryy. Ki Kim mray mray mr a ’s Glyycol Pu ump mpss,, Tre mps, r at ater err Val alve ves, s s, M . Ki Mr K mmelll we went on to to dessig gn ma many ny oth ther err pro rodu duct du cts ct ts wh whi hic ich ha have had a have presssu pr sure re reggul ulat lat atiio ion. o man of anyy pate paate t nt n ed e des esig ig gns ns, s, th t e Ki Kimr mray ay gas val alve ve rev evol olut ol utio ut ioni io nize ni zeed gaas Mr.. Ki Mr Kimm mmel ell’l’ss vi visi siion on for the he com o pa pany nyy beggann wit ithh th t e in intr int trod oduc duc uctitition tionn of Teflon Packed Stuffing Box for fami fa mily ly com ompa pany ny,, ha hass a ri r chh his i to tory of se serv rvic rv ic ce to o the he petro ettro role leum le um ind ndus ustr us try. tr y. Foun Fo unde dedd by Gar arma mann O. ma O Kim imme mell in 19948 mell 4 ,K Kiimr mray, ayy, In Incc., a pr priv i at iv atel elyy ow owned O lah Ok la aho homa Citty, OK 73 7 11 1188 52 NW 42nd St 52 Kim Ki mray, mray mr y, In Inc. c. f 40 405 52 405. 5 5. 5.75 7520 20 p 40 4055.52 5.5225.66 6601 6601 01 A pl Ap p ic icat atio ionn & Enngi g neeer ered ed Sol olut u io ut ons n :: enngi gine neer er@k er @kkimra im mrraay. y coom P icin Pr ng & Sa Sale les In Inqu quir irie iess :: inf nfo@ o@ @kimr kimray ki ayy.c .com m Because of the high pressure range, the stuffing box houses a non adjustable spring loaded Teflon sleeve around the stem with a wiper felt and Buna backups for leak free sealing. The Model HPCV PB is a diaphragm operated control valve featuring equal percentage, or on/off trims. Multiple trim sizes are available to accommodate a variety of flow requirements. The trim is a piston balanced style that uses an elastomer seating surface for a Class VI shut off. The High Pressure Control Valve, Model HPCV PB, is designed for use in liquid and gas control applications which require modulating (throttling) or on/off service. The HPCV PB has a single port body and a pneumatic spring actuator. The actuator is available in either Pressure Opening (normally closed), or Pressure Closing (normally open) configurations. The valve standard is pressure open, but may be ordered pressure closed by adding PC to the model number. OPERATING PRINCIPLE saving time and money down the road. As with all Kimray valves, the Piston Balanced HPCV can be repaired in-line allows for simple replacement of the seat, extending the life of the valve. situation. This valve features a ceramic seat in high wear areas which are using it to control pressure in a separator, treater, knock-out or other can easily be added to customize your Piston Balanced HPCV, whether you stand-up to the harsh environment of oil and gas production. Kimray Pilots has been designed to handle the demands of high pressure while, able to to control — Kimray has the solution. The Kimray Piston Balanced HPCV High pressure in upstream production can mean problems when it comes INTRODUCTION PB HPCV HIGH PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE E-SERIES Screwed Screwed Screwed Screwed 300 RF 600 RF 600 RF 600 RF 1500 RF 1500 RTJ Screwed EFG EQH EFH EQI EOS EFI EFJ EQJ EFK EFL MCA 6000 psig 3705 psig 3705 psig 1480 psig 1480 psig 1480 psig 740 psig 4000 psig 4000 psig 1500 psig 1500 psig PRESSURE 2 inch 2 inch 2 inch 1 1/2 inch 2 inch 2 inch 2 inch 1 1/2 inch 2 inch 1 1/2 inch 2 inch IV SIZE Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard ELASTOMERS 600 RF 600 RTJ 600 RF 600 RTJ EZQ EFU EFV EFM EFO 1480 psig 1480 psig 1480 psig 1480 psig 740 psig PRESSURE IV SIZE 2 inch 2 inch 3 Inch 3 Inch 3 Inch ELASTOMERS Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard 600 RF 150 RF 600 RF 300 RF EGU EQA EQE EQO 04 300 RF EQC 740 psig 1480 psig 285 psig 1480 psig 740 psig PRESSURE 3 inch 3 inch 4 inch 4 Inch 4 Inch IV SIZE Standard Standard ELASTOMERS For more information please visit CONNECTION CATALOG CODE 4 INCH PISTON BALANCED CONNECTION 300 RF CATALOG CODE 3 INCH PISTON BALANCED CONNECTION CATALOG CODE 2 INCH PISTON BALANCED BASE CODES 600 RF 150 RF 150 RF 300 RF 600 RF EIB EIG EIH EII EIJ 1480 psig 740 psig 285 psig 285 psig 1480 psig 740 psig PRESSURE 4 inch 4 inch 4 inch 6 3/4 inch 6 3/4 inch 6 3/4 inch IV SIZE Standard Standard ELASTOMERS 150 RF 150 RF MFT MFU 285 psig 285 psig 740 psig 1480 psig 1480 psig 740 psig PRESSURE 6 3/4 inch 8 inch 6 3/4 inch 6 3/4 inch 8 inch 8 inch IV SIZE Standard Standard Standard ELASTOMERS 300 RF 600 RF EIX EIZ 1480 psig 740 psig 1480 psig PRESSURE 6 3/4 inch 8 inch 8 inch IV SIZE Catalog Base Code Spring Code 30# 20# 20 10# 10 Elastomers Code Buna Viton V Aflas AF Highly HSN Saturated Nitrile EFG 20 V PO BUILD YOUR CODE 600 RF CONNECTION EIT CATALOG CODE Fail Mode Code Fail Closed Fail Open PO Standard ELASTOMERS 10 INCH PISTON BALANCED 600 RF 300 RF 600 RF EIM EIQ 300 RF EIN EIR CONNECTION CATALOG CODE 8 INCH PISTON BALANCED 300 RF CONNECTION EIA CATALOG CODE 6 INCH PISTON BALANCED Kimray offers a wide variaty of HPCV configurations. Contact your local distributor or the Kimray Applications department for more information. HPCV OPTIONS 8” EP 8” Modified EP 6” Reduced 8” EP 8” Modified EP 6” Reduced 8” 8” 8” 10” 10” 10” 75 PG Pilot Indirect 75 PG Pilot Direct AFZ2 AFZ3 2500 PSI 2500 PSI 1500 PSI 1500 PSI 750 PSI 750 PSI 500 PSI 500 PSI 300 PSI Pressure Rating 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.76 0.75 0.76 Cf Sidemount Gen II Right Hand Sidemount Gen II Left Hand 12 PL Floatless CML BAT Backmount Gen II CMM CMK Description 175 PSI 4000 PSI 4000 PSI 4000 PSI Pressure Rating LEVEL CONTROLER 250 PG Pilot Indirect 250 PG Pilot Direct 150 PG Pilot Direct Item number AFZ7 AFZ6 AFZ1 150 PG Pilot Indirect 50 PG Pilot Direct AFZ 50 PG Pilot Indirect AFZ5 30 HPG Pilot Indirect Description AFZ4 AHJ 655 855 1091 450 630 808 222 450 115 222 52.6 107 28.6 57 Cv CONTROL PILOTS 4 3/8” 6” Item number 6 3/4” 3” 4 3/8” 2” 3” 1 1/2” 2” Trim Size 6” 4” 4” 3” 3” 2” 2” Valve Size VALVE SIZING (CV AND CF)
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