February 2012 - Robert Morris University


February 2012 - Robert Morris University
sports & health
arts & culture
RMUEAGLE.COM Where are They What to do
Around Town
Meals for a
Tight Wallet
5 Horror Movies Meals for a
for Valentine’s Tight Wallet
Issue 16.01
February 2012
Arlington Heights • Bensenville • Chicago • Dupage • Elgin • Lake County • Orland Park • Peoria • Schaumburg • Springfield
Grad School’s Professional Development Week A NEW
By Lindsay Dahl and
Marcel Terrell
Many are beginning to hear
the talks of a calendar change
at Robert Morris. However,
“It would be more of a philosophical change,” says Provost
Mablene Krueger. She went on
to explain that, rather than the
current practice of taking five
quarters with the opportunity
of four, students would take
four with an optional fifth. Students would still be able to earn
their degrees at an accelerated
rate. There would be no actual
change in tuition because it is
charged by the quarter and not
the year. Currently this idea is
See CHANGE pg. 4
By Lashondra Graves
Photo Credit: Nicole Koskovich
By Bianca Hannah
Professional development
week is held for Morris graduate students by the graduate
career services, and this year
it was all about Imarketing:
Marketing for Success. During this week there were keynote speakers and a reception
to round out the festivities.
One thing that was mentioned repeatedly was always
make sure that your brand,
that something that identifies
you individually represents
you, at your best.
The first speaker was
Gregory Tall, who is the
president and founder of
Successions, an adult education company that creates and
delivers keynote presentations
and interactive workshops on
the topics of career management, performance management, motivation and personal
wellness. Gregory is also the
Director of Human Resources
here at Robert Morris. His
presentation showed how
having a brand, especially a
good one, makes a person
memorable. For example,
Arts & Culture
New to Film
of Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs (ABLE), and LaTonya
Williams, a Development Professional at DePaul University,
who helps raise funds for students. Their insights and advice was eye opening, and really gave the audience a thing
or two to think about while on
the job hunt.
The third day gave us Tobias Q. Brown, who is in a
way a motivational speaker
for students and organizations, giving them a push to
achieve new heights. His presentation showed how easily
The players coming
in from several
geographic localities
helps to push one
another, and challenge
each other.”
Venuti’s Ristorante
Is it as good as it sounds?
See SMOKE pg. 3
So Fresh So Green: Recycling
is more important than you think PAGE 10
Blondie Bars
This recipe will satisfy any sweettooth
people can sometimes look
over the important things.
The night was finished off with
a reception that was held so
students could network and
get to interact with the speaker.
The reception was catered by
the Culinary Department at
Robert Morris. One hit during the reception was the little
cheeseburgers with the bacon
jelly, delicious. For all this we
have a Graduate Career Advisor, Daphne Anderson, and
her associates to thank for all
the wonderful speakers, workshops, and reception. F
Free Museum Days
Go out and see something new!
whenever you hear the “$5
footlong song”, you think of
Subway. He talked of how
you need to know who your
target audience is, what do
you have to offer, and why
should people care.
The second day of speakers
was a panel of ladies that just
inspired me and brought to life
a belief that my own individual success as an entrepreneur
is possible. The panel was made
up of Genevieve Thomas, the
President of Awakened Alternatives, Inc., Donna Gaines, President and CEO for the Alliance
On January 1, 2012 Robert Morris University set forth
with becoming 100% tobacco
free. RMU has enforced a tobacco free policy that applies
to all faculty, staff, student
workers, interns, temporary
employees, volunteers and
contractors. This policy is being enforced at all ten RMU
campuses, all of RMU’s property, and at all of RMU sponsored events (including sports).
The purpose of the policy is
to promote health in all of the
campuses. The policy states
that there will be no tobacco
products on any of RMU’s
property. This includes cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, chewing tobacco, snuff, and any
He Says // She Says: Should
Permanent Residency be granted to some
illegal immigrants?
Peoria: Full of Winners
Eagle Advisor
Paul Gazsak
Design Advisor
Jacqueline Carter
Campus Faculty
David Belotti
Lake County
Beth Gainer
Nicole Hager
Gerard Wozek
Jane Wendorff-Craps
Advisory Board
Jane Ungari
David Pyle
Mick McMahon
Nicole Koskovich
Bianca Hannah
Ad Manager
Lashondra Graves
Staff Writers
Blake Whitmore
Joe Looney
Agnes Szczepanska
Marcel Terrell
Glen Pavlov
Sanina Ellison
DeMarco White
Richard Connelly
Lindsay Dahl
Ann Roche
Kim Martinez
Online Editor
Bianca Hannah
Art Director
Nate Daubert
Asst. Art Director
Dylan Broll
Graphic Designers
Lidia Rosales
Rich Connolly
Aaron Wilson
Chris Sekardi
Shetara Sawyer
CHANGE cont. from pg 1
the future of
Enrichment Courses
By Lindsay Dahl
Yoga? Zombies? Games
chance? They all
have one thing in common, classes. Starting
an Italian class, teachers have been given the
freedom to design unique
They are scheduled outside of nor mal class times
to accommodate more students. These courses are
usually four credit hours
and they do affect GPA.
Open to all students, enrichment classes can be
added as a fifth class, so
there is no need to remove
major required courses,
and count towards free
SMOKE cont. from pg 1
other nicotine delivery device
that is not approved by the
FDA as a cessation product.
Becoming a 100% smoke
free university is a process
that will happen over time.
RMU has already made a
few announcements about
this policy, but they will
continue to repeat the same
message. Gregory Tall, Director of Human Services
for RMU, said the reason
this policy was put into place
is to promote a healthy and
for RMU faculty, staff and
students. Gregory explained
that this is not a punitive action, but should be seen as
a health conscious action.
Robert Morris University
has partnered up with the
Respiratory Health Association of Metropolitan Chicago (RHAMC), an association that advocates for lung
friendly policies throughout
Chicago. Both RMU and
cision making will also be
available in the spring. A
marketing class, based entirely on social media, will
teach students how people
use social media and how to
develop marketing strategies
based on social media. The
last class being offered is the
Darwinian Revolution, in
which students are going to
examine Darwin’s theory of
evolution and its impact on
western thought.
These courses may or
may not be available after spring, because the enrichment courses are faculty driven. Therefore, it’s
up to the teachers to host
them for another quarter
or to change them up. For
more information visit any
academic advisor. F
Be warned though, not
all of them can be considered easy. In fact, according to student academic
many are quite challenging.
Fortunately as Seth says,
“Students benefit from
smaller classes and they
are more highly motivated
than in their regular classes
because it is the students’
choice.” There are no requirements and, depending
on the class, can be more
like seminars.
For the Spring 2012
quarter there are ten enrichment courses available
to students. Two fitness
based courses, yoga and
boot camp, are available as
pass/no pass for one credit
hour. A computer class will
also be available to cover
personal online security,
computer ethics and misuse, and protection against
information theft. Mock
Trial, which teaches students to be quick on their
feet, will be available again
in the Spring. This law and
order class, that is great for
all students, is designed to
help students with organizational and public speaking skills. Of course, the
arts will be represented
with an Intellectual Foundation of the Arts class, in
which students will be introduced to various analytical perspectives on creative
expression. Another course
being offered, examines the
role certain metaphors play
in society and how they
have evolved; the metaphor being zombies. The
Monte Carlo Method of
Prediction, a math based
class, helps students learn
RHAMC have programs to
help people stop smoking.
RMU students who want to
stop smoking are encouraged to go to the student
affairs office and inquire
about the resources that
are available. RMU Faculty
and staff are encouraged to
join the “Courage to Quit”
program that will be facili-
work for the individual.
When asked why the
policy was put into effect
Gregory Tall responded,
“We are not starting a
brand new policy. The
policy we are enforcing is
an extension of the state
law that has been enforced
for years. My father passed
away from Lung Cancer
at 66. If there is anything
I can do to prevent others
from going through the experiences my family went
through dealing with lung
cancer I will support it. I
have spoken with many people that smoke and 8 out of
10 of them expressed that
they would quit smoking
if they could; we are offering them the help, encouragement and support to do
this. Through this policy
enforcement we intend to
strengthen out partnership
with the Respiratory Health
Association of Metropolitan
Chicago by joining them
in health events and ven-
tures that aid people
in living healthier and
smoke free. I am excited
about the policy”
Robert Morris University wants everyone to
voluntarily comply with
the policy so that punitive
actions are never necessary.
RMU hopes other building
tenants at branch locations
will join RMU in promoting
tobacco-free environments.
When asked how he thought
the people would adapt to the
policy Gregory said, “This policy will only be a transition for
those who are here now. When
new students come to RMU the
policy will already be here. I
don’t think it will be hard to
get everyone on board.” F
The policy we are
enforcing is an
extension of the
state law that has
been enforced for
years. ”
tated by Caroline Nawara,
Director of RMU Wellness
Institute. This program
deals with everything that is
affiliated with smoking such
as life, work, behaviors and
successful methods that will
For the Spring
2012 quarter
there are ten
courses available
to students”
about the different types of
probability and topics will
include: odds of winning,
cards, dice, and predictions.
An excellent management
class based on strategic de-
Over the past few weeks love has been everywhere I seem to look because of Valentine’s Day. I have always hated the holiday
due to the fact that it rubs love in the face of those without a date for Valentine’s, like me. This year is different for me though, I
have realized that this holiday is about sharing your love for others all around and not just for your significant other. Working the
fundraiser that the paper did really showed me that when people were making out their messages to friends and family, because
they didn’t have a Valentine. I have now challenged myself to share this love filled day with my amazing friends and family, and
I challenge you all to do the same.
being piloted at the Arlington
Heights and Elgin Campuses,
with new students only. It will
take, according to Provost
Krueger, about a year to see
the results of these pilots and
another three to phase in any
The administration lays out
new models and examines the
current one about every five
years; this idea has been part of
the ongoing planning process. As
the administrators discuss these
potential changes, they are trying to do what is best for both the
students and the university. Paula
Diaz, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, points out that, “There
are always focus groups and exit
interviews.” The administration
uses these tools to help discover
what keeps students here and
what drives them away. They also
rely on informal feedback from financial aid and student advisors.
Unfortunately, one of the most
common issues is financial aid,
because on a five quarter system
students are paying for one and a
third years of tuition. However, as
Dean Diaz mentions, with a four
quarter year it
would make tuition sync
up more appropriately with the
average family’s income.
A more suitable relationship
between yearly income and tuition is just one benefit for the
students. With an optional fifth
quarter, which would most likely
start as Summer II, students
would be able to take off and
relax or work. This would offer students with a more traditional college experience, while
still offering accelerated degree
programs. A break during the
summer could give some students a much needed break to
help them see graduation day.
It would also provide students
with children to stay home
with them during their summer
break. Students looking to complete internships would have an
easier time finding and completing summer internships. There
is also an unintended benefit
for current or potential athletes,
who would be able to maintain
eligibility with the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. With the plan that is being
put into to place at the two pilot
locations, this allows for athletes
to play out their four years of
eligibility while earning their un-
course evaluations
dergraduate degree.
Unfortunately, there are
drawbacks with having an optional fifth quarter, socially and
emotionally. By implementing a
new potential calendar change,
cohorts could be a slightly altered or could be split into
two. This would also mean
that while some students will
continue to study, their friends
could be graduating or having fun without them. It is also
likely that students will have
It would also
provide students
with children to
stay home with
them during their
summer break”
more unique, individualized
experiences based on their
academic decisions.
However ,if this idea does
not work out RMU, according
to Provost Krueger, the administration still has alternatives that could eventually be
piloted. It is also important for
students to understand that if
these changes occur, they will
not be implemented with current students. Vacations, like
Winter and Spring, will stay
the same and the new calendar will have no bearing on
their current lengths. F
By: Lashondra Graves
The Robert Morris Eagle
Newspaper is losing one of
their great editors, Nicole
Koskovich. Nicole is a Business Administration student
with a concentration in hospitality management. Since
she has been at Robert Morris, she has been inducted
into Sigma Beta Delta, an
international honors society for Business Administration students, she has been a
writer for the Eagle Newspaper for over a year, then was
promoted to Entertainment
Editor for the Eagle during
June of 2011, and promoted
to Editor In Chief in December 2011. Nicole is graduating this February with her
Bachelors degree and leaving
her mark behind with the
Eagle Newspaper.
Nicole is one of Robert
Morris University’s extraordinary students who not
only completed her degree
with exceptional grades, but
also found time in her busy
schedule to become a huge
contributor to the Eagle
Newspaper. She has forged
her mark upon the
Eagle by being consistent in her involvement as
well as taking charge when
things were out of place. Nicole being the modest person
that she is, when charged
with doing all of these great
things for the paper responded with, “the Eagle has done
more for me than I could have
done for it”.
When asked how she became a writer for the Eagle,
Nicole said it was her love
for reading that started her
relationship with the paper.
She said she reads a lot in
her spare time and aspires
to become a writer and since
some of her friends were
staff members of the paper
at the time they thought her
talents could be used in the
paper. Her first article was a
book review and she hasn’t
turned back since. Nicole
said she is a shy person and
writing for the Eagle gave
her an outlet to express herself. Once she started writing,
the staff members made her
feel very comfortable to be
herself and gave her room
to fall into roles that she was
comfortable in. These
roles included administration, keeping everything in
order in the newsroom, editing, writing and even falling
into mentor roles to the new
staff members.
When asked how she felt
about leaving Nicole replied,
“I am a fan of history and
writing for the Eagle Newspaper has given me a chance
to become a piece of the paper’s history. Working for the
paper has helped me with my
future by equipping me with
confidence in my writing
skills and helping me build
upon my relationship building skills. I will miss the Eagle
and its staff members a lot.
I’d like to thank Paul Gaszak,
Michael McMahon, Dr. Jonathan Derr, John Daschler
and Mary Beth Hedmark for
making my time here at Robert Morris memorable and
inspirational. You have been
my confidants and having
people like you in my corner
have helped me through my
school career. I am truly going
to miss you”. F
not your mama’s
GOONLINE pokemon
By Joe Looney
During the closing weeks of
classes in all previous quarters
we have all taken course evaluations. Formerly these student
surveys were taken during the
class periods. However, professor and institutional technology
consultant, Sharon Pincham,
and Director of Education,
Eleanor Champagne, has opted to change the evaluations
from classroom assessments to
online surveys.
Instead of the older way
of passing out testing sheets
and bubbling in answers; students will receive the survey
in an email. Students will
receive links to the survey
during weeks eight through
ten for each class. According to RMU’s Director of
Education, Eleanor Champagne says “the survey takes
about five minutes.” Eleanor
also stated that the survey
only consist of about fifteen
to seventeen questions.
Some students do not
take surveys serious, but you
should for they are very important. According to Sharon
Pincham, Professor and Technology consultant, at RMU
“course evaluations give the
administration insight about
how well material is being
distributed to students.” Sharon also stated that “we value
student feedback.”
most students think that taking part in these surveys is a
waste of time, they should be
thinking about the fact that in
the mist of taking these surveys you are bettering Robert
Morris University by giving
the Deans and administration
ideas for growth.
The online evaluations also
have a more environmental
and student approach as well.
Both, Eleanor and Sharon,
stated that “the online version is more sustainable and
uses less paper.” As long as its
online the course evaluations
supports RMU’s motto of
go green -go clean. It surely
benefits from less contribution to excess paper. In which,
Sharon broadly supports. As
far as students go the online
evaluations are excellent for
student privacy as some students feel more comfortable at
home in front of a computer
than at a desk surrounded by
twenty or more students.
Keep in mind as you are taking these course evaluations
of what they stand for. They
stand for the improvement
of an already great school
and the better establishment
of a learning environment.
Remember that you are free
to express your thoughts as
well; as Sharon Pincham
stated “taking the survey is
like being in a scientific study
where nobody knows who you
are” so feel free to give your
thoughts on how to make a
university better so that in
the future will be responsible
for making a better you and
future students. F
Photo Credit: Nintendo
By Aaron Wilson
On the weekend of January 6th, the Robert Morris Anime Club took part in the annual Anime-ZAP convention.
The two-day event was held
at the Four Points Hotel in
Downtown Peoria. In its third
year, of what actually began as
an alternative convention site,
this event was full of excitement toward a genre of film,
art and literature that has built
a steady following since its,
surprisingly successful, start in
2010. That year saw 160 attendees travel to Peoria after
a cancellation from another
location only 72 hours prior.
The next year saw a turnout
of about 450 members. And
this year, Molly Blue, a spokesperson for the sponsors of the
event, confirmed over 530
members stopped in over the
weekend. She credited being
able to provide more features
for some of the increase. She
also made note of how a lot
is done to keep costs down so
that more people are able to
travel to Peoria. Animezapcon.
com, the official web site for
the expanding group, bids well
for next year’s event, which
will be held for three days instead of the normal Saturday
and Sunday bookings.
The administrators at the
convention gave a press pass
to journalists, which allowed
them freedom to take part in
any portion of the energetic
gathering. The attendees, who
were all in anime costumes,
took over the bottom floor
of the hotel. There were well
planned agendas of the days’
events posted randomly so that
everyone could focus on certain features, despite the visual
chaos. Vendors from all over
the United States were there
offering related items for sale.
Video games, books, costumes,
and other items could be purchased for a reasonable price.
There was even one booth
where guests could order personalized contact lenses that
made people’s eyes look like
the animated characters from
the actual features.
Regina Powell, a senior
Graphic Design major, who
serves as President of the
Anime Club on the Peoria
campus, attended and took
part in the convention. A fan
of anime styled features since
watching Sailor Moon as a
child, she stated how she was
inspired to want to be a cartoonist. She aspires to work in
Japan in the near future. This
is but one example of the
obvious impact this style of
animation has had on many
who showed up for the convention. Everyone seemed to
be totally engrossed in the
energy that this culture seems
to produce.
The experience of being at
the convention was certainly
enlightening, fun, and educating. For several reasons, the
Anime following is definitely
worth looking into. Just make
sure to be prepared for having
your ideas, of what animation
should look like and stand for,
transformed a bit, as many
Anime stereotypes no longer
fit the reality of this genre. F
sports & health
Where Are
Among Us
Former Eagle Takes His Game To Uruguay Jessica Von Bohlen
Hamburg, Germany
RMU Sport
Business Administration
Favorite team
Photo Credit: RMU Athletics
By Marcel Terrell
Jessica von Bohlen is a
very talented goalie from
Hamburg, Germany. She
came to Robert Morris
University to pursue her
business degree and to play
the sport that she has loved
for about seven years now.
However, she has played
soccer her whole life either with her dad or the
boys at school.
Her favorite high school
sport experience was her
very last game for the team
she last played with in Germany where her team won
6-0 and she described that
day as “perfect, everything
that could go well did!” Jessica was granted a full ride
scholarship based on not
only her talent on the field,
Photo Credit: RMU Athletics
By Chris Sekarti
Five years ago, Ephrem
Davis bounced a ball and
walked the halls of Bolingbrook
High School. Two years ago, he
made high honors as a member
of the Robert Morris University men’s basketball team, while
simultaneously earning his
Bachelor’s Degree in Business
Administration. While it is not
a surprise that the Eagle grad’s
love for basketball goes on,
what might be news is the decision he made to move his game
to Uruguay. Far below the
equator in the South American
city of Salto, Davis recently sat
down at his computer to speak
with me in an online interview
that offered not only an update
on his life, but also some insight
into his overall relocation and
thoughts on other athletes taking their game abroad.
At 6 feet 8 inches, one would
assume that Davis’ future
would always lie on the court.
But, after graduating Bolingbrook High School in 2004,
located near Chicago, Illinois,
basketball did not seem like a
path he would pursue. When
a friend’s father contacted
the head coach of Lake Land
College in Mattoon, IL, and
Ephrem received a call about
his interest, it appeared basketball had made its way back
into his life. After finishing his
schooling at Lake Land, Davis
made a move to Acadia University in Nova Scotia in 2006
with little success.
Discouraged and uncertain
of his future, Davis made the
decision to follow an old teammate back to Illinois; he moved
to Springfield and become a
Robert Morris Eagle. Although
he had no intention of playing basketball or attending
the school at all, it was sudden
when RMU coach Scott Eades
called him up. A call that ended
up changing his life, Davis accepted Coach Eades offer to
play and enrolled at RMU in
the Business Administration
program. Davis marveled on
the court being named to the
USCAA All-American Team
as a junior and leading numerous categories in his senior
year. Shining in the classroom
as well, Davis rounded out his
time at Robert Morris-Springfield completing his business
degree in 2010.
Now 23 years old and living
in Uruguay, Davis often reflects
on his time back at RMU. For
his success in the business program, he attributes his strong
relationship with his instructors as the key to his academic
achievement. “They will work
with you if you are having
problems or questions about
their course. Ultimately,” Davis
Now 23 years
old and living in
Uruguay, Davis
often reflects on
his time back at
reminisces, “all of the RMU
instructors...have done a good
job being available and willing
to assist students.”
Davis’ jump south was not
immediate, as he first attempted semi-professional basketball
in Ohio after graduation. Arriving at a crossroads of his
life once more, Davis traveled
back to Bolingbrook to his family where they decided that his
future was abroad. Hoping to
expand his basketball resume
and improve his craft, he set his
sights on Uruguay and made
the move more than three
thousand miles south in July of
Despite apprehension, the
comradely of Davis’ team
has helped in making the adjustment easier. The Circulo
Sportivo, based out of Salto,
Uruguay is a unified body that
he instantly became integrated
with. “I am treated like family. That have catered to all of
my needs, and they insist on
making me feel comfortable
and [are willing] to make my
stay better. The family-oriented culture makes outsiders
feel welcome.”
While Davis may not have
been the first and definitely
not the last collegiate athlete to
make the transition overseas,
his move was definitely a success story.
For all those considering a
major athletic relocation of
their own, he extends two pieces of advice: “First is to get your
degree, because playing a sport
can not last forever; and a solid
education can always help open
doors for yourself. [And two,]
being a professional athlete is
far from easy. There are many
challenges ahead and sacrifices
that will have to be made. As
long as you keep God first and
have a will and desire to chase
your dream, it’s your life to
make the most of.”
Living by those very words
and blessed with his fortune
and opportunities thus far,
Davis scored an impressive 17
points and 8 blocks in his first
game back on August 8th; and
continues to exhibit the potential to pursue anything he
wants. Armed with both the
higher learning he received
from RMU, as well as, his talents on the court, the world is
his to take on; quite literally in
fact: from Bolingbrook to Lake
Land to Nova Scotia to Ohio to
Springfield and now Uruguay.
Only he knows where he is
headed next. F
Hamburger Sport Verein
but her academics as well.
Although it was a shock to
see everything that goes on
in a big city, such as Chicago, Jessica wasn’t totally new
to the country considering
she had the liberty to study
abroad while in high school.
While at RMU, Jessica
would like to focus primarily
on academics while in pursuit of her degree. She stated that she would also like
to leave RMU with no regrets. Thus far, I would say
so far so well for her. When
asked about the different
people she has encountered
so far at Robert Morris as
far as professors, teammates,
and coaches Jessica said,
“I really love all of them,
they were open and honest
and it made me feel like I
was with family!” F
full of winners
By Aaron Wilson
At a time when ice could
seem repulsive to many Illinoisans,
the present time lends many gifts
on the ice to Robert Morris University. The RMU hockey team at
the Peoria campus has a staggering
undefeated 16-0 record up until
early in December and has come
back from the defeats fighting. The
team, coached by James Sanchez,
is skating toward a noteworthy
In an interview with Coach
Sanchez, I asked what the contributing factors to the team’s success were. Insistent on not touching
on individual accolades, he stated
that “cohesion” was the key to their
standout season. He said that the
players “coming in from several
geographic localities helps to push
one another, and challenge each
other.” On the team that started
in Peoria only four years ago are
players from Canada, California,
some New England states, and all
throughout the Midwest.
Coach Sanchez also discussed
his team’s involvement in projects
within the Peoria community.
They took part in “Skate For the
Cure,” which is held in conjunction with the Susan G. Komen
Breast Cancer awareness and support program. For another project
they raised $2,000 for Lifeline Pilots, a free air transportation service for medical patients needing
to be transferred to other hospitals
for specialized care. Caterpillar, a
global manufacturing company
that is headquartered in Peoria,
has also worked in conjunction
with the players for public projects.
It was difficult to get Coach Sanchez to point out a few players to be
featured because of his unified team
approach, but he did mention a few
of the many outstanding players on
his team. He mentioned a non-traditional player, #19, Zac Tortorella,
who is 32 years old and working toward his master degree in business.
Another noteworthy player is #22,
Brandon Neville. Brandon has a
hearing impairment and has competed on the U.S. Olympic Deaf
Hockey Team. Also spoken of for his
leadership was #4, Josh Sandberg.
He has been on the team since the
program began. In fact, he was the
first player signed to the team.
Looking forward from a season
that is already two-thirds complete,
Coach Sanchez is now preparing for regional playoffs and perhaps even national tournament
playoffs. Robert Morris Peoria
is currently ranked fourth in the
North division of the ACHA.
The ACHA chooses ten teams
to participate in regional playoffs. These teams are chosen by a
ranking committee that considers
teams’ records, schedule strengths,
and roster formations. The
team that wins that tournament
could go on to compete on the
national level.
Coach James Sanchez was
asked what his strategy was for
continuing what has been developed. He said he would focus on
recruiting players that would enhance or fit into the team chemistry. He ended the conversation by
stating that it is a known fact that
“everyone likes a winner,” and
from an Eagle-perspective, he has
a team of winners. F
Valentine’s Day
Sports & Health
from the heart
This year the Eagle
hosted a fundraisor
for the American
Heard Association.
All proceeds from the
Valentines have been
given directly to them.
Thanks for all the
Christina, you’re the
best, forget the rest.
Happy V-Day.
—Chris Greene
Happy Valentine’s Day,
Kristin. I’ll let you take
me out to dinner.
—Carlos Ardon
RMU Volleyball
program, Happy
Valentine’s Day!!!!!
—Megan Brasfield
I love everybody! Happy
—Dantoinne Williams
Happy Valentine’s Day!
—Alyse Williams
I love my Culinary
Arts classmates.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
—Deshawn Kendall
Melissa Nancy Joyce, it’s
going to happen!! ;)
—Megan Brasfield
Couldn’t ask to start the
year off than by being
your wife! I love you!
—Your Boo
Lauren Joyce-Hensel,
Happy Valentine’s Day
—Megan Brasfield
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Diana te quiero chencha.
—Mariela Chavez
Happy V-Day to all my
Eagle friends!!
—Amanda Hendricks
Glen Coco – Happy
Valentine’s Day Man!
—Megan Brasfield
Happy Valentine’s Day
Daddy love your good girl.
—Angel Kendall
Happy Valentine’s Day
to my baby Brittany.
Love you!
—Dakari Logan
Daniel Orozco – Pathos ;)
—Megan Brasfield
Happy Valentine’s
Day to Robert Morris
—Jarvis Tucker
Happy Birthday
and Valentine’s Day,
Lashondra Graves.
Hey Roxanne GomexHenderson, I love you
and I just want you
to know! Just start
smiling. I know you
want to! Love you much,
my Bunny. Can you be
my Valentine?
—Raymie Henderson Jr.
Life is like a box of
chocolates, you never
know what you get.
—Jordan Tuia
Happy Valentine’s Day
to all my loves!
—Shauna Bell
To my lovely cousin
Carrie. I am glad you’re
my cousin. Love you.
—Maira Lara
Kimothy Smith – I hope
you’re cooking for me
—Megan Brasfield
Kory Kakes – Happy
Valentine’s Day sweet
—Megan Brasfield
Liz Cate – Happy
Valentine’s Day Lil Sis!
—Megan Brasfield
Grenchen Wheiners –
None for you!
—Megan Brasfield
Office Paul – Happy
V-Day from the Women’s
V-ball team J
—Molly Bradley
Dear Sarah, I think
you’re real cute. I would
really like to know you.
Happy Valentine’s Day
to Kayla Wilkins
—Jarvis Tucker
To every single,
cute, and adorable
RMU lady… Happy
—Khalif Kemp
Happy Valentine’s! Gena
—Shanell Turner
Although we have only
been friends for a while,
I <3 U
—Maria Gonzalez
Free kisses for
Valentine’s Day. See G.
—Gerald Homan
To Maria, thanks for
being such a great
friend. Happy V-Day
—Aireal Mays
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Looking for a Valentine!
—Chad Davis
Happy Valentine’s!
—Shanell Turner
Happy Valentine’s Day
to my Culinary family!!!
Diana, will
you marry me?
—Devon Tammerello
To Barack Obama…
thanks for your love
and concern for the best
country in the world –
the U.S.A.!!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
—Basil McFarlane
N8! was here
Happy V-Day to my
Eagle colleagues.
—John Jameson
Roses are red, violets are
blue, it’s Valentine’s Day
at RMU. Love is spread
from me to you, here’s a
message to love, it’s true.
—Joe Looney
Happy Valentine’s Day,
—Lydia Andrews
Deanna Loves Mom <3
—Deanna Johnson
To Ivan from your BFF
—Chantay Rogers
Happy Valentine’s Day
to all Graphic Arts and
Culinary Arts majors.
—Brenda Brumfield
Happy Valentine’s Day!
—Bonnie Boersma
Happy V-Day to my
BFFs John J., Angie C.,
Uhmanda, Edith C., Liz
G., and Eliza V.
—Jennifer Beltran
Dear ABS family, I love
you all and don’t know
what I would have
done without you all
this summer. Happy
Valentine’s Day!
—Nicole Koskovich
450- CAT group, Thanks
for being so supportive
and great through the
whole project. Have a
good Valentine’s Day!
—Nicole Koskovich
To Michael Stelzer
Jocks, the smartest
colleague with the best
—Jenny Jocks Stelzer
Spiro Aposto
Silvia Arnold
Luis Batchelor
Lizette Gallegos
Viewtiful Joe
Kyesha Lee
David Moore
David Pyle
LaTanya R.
KJ Russell
Gregory Tall
Jane Ungari
Happy Valentine’s
Day, Nicole Koskovich.
Thank you for all of
your hard work last
—Jackie Gordon
Happy Valentine’s
Day to Ryan and
Communications. Thanks
for all your support with
my career fairs!!
—Jackie Gordon
Love is a Few Clicks Away
By Richard Connolly
It’s been said by some
that it’s all you need; other’s
say it hurts, but one thing’s for
certain – everyone needs a little
love. Students at Robert Morris University already enjoyed
access to a variety of programs
and services which help enrich
their lives and advance their
careers, but between going to
school full time and working
jobs or internships, many find
it hard to get out there and
meet that special someone.
This term RMU is taking the
next step in improving the lives
of their students with their
newest program – Student
Love Connection or SLC.
SLC is a free service provided to all RMU students where,
much like popular social media sites, members create a
profile, and post pictures and
information about themselves
for possible matches to review.
In addition to building a profile, students can fill out an indepth questioner that will help
match their core personality
traits with their potential soulmate. A newcomer to RMU
and world-renowned matchmaker, Dr. Greta Von Shtupp,
has been tasked with overseeing the SLC service and is
building the program from the
ground up. After working as
a world class dog breeder for
over 15 years, she has decided
to step away from the canine
industry after a freak incident
when a client ate their match.
“I’ve always had a keen ability
to identify things that go well
together. Whether I’m pairing drapes to a rug, or setting
up my mother with her fourth
husband Frederic, matchmaking has been a natural gift
my entire life,” says the doctor,
“I’m very excited to start applying my talents to students at
Robert Morris!”
Be on the lookout for a link
to this fantastic new service in
the Current Students page of
the Robert Morris webpage.
Student Love Connection
is expected to be released
by the end of the month, so
those without a Valentine
this year are in luck for next
V-day - and who knows you
might just find that special
someone to celebrate with
for years to come. So long as
they don’t eat you… F
Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture
Around Town...
Rink at Wrigley
Love the Chicago Cubs?
Here is a chance to visit
the beloved Wrigley
Field this winter. Try ice
skating at The Rink at
Wrigley. There is a full
sized ice-skating rink
in the Cub’s parking lot
at the corner of Clark
and Waveland. This is
the third year this event has
been held and it boasts Cub’s
fans and fun. This event will
go on thru February 26th.
For more information visit
Chicago Auto Show
Restaurant Week 2012 Chicago Theater Tour
If you are a car lover this
is the event for you. The Chicago Auto Show is the largest
auto show in the United States,
and it has taken place more
than a century. This year the
show runs from February 1019. For more information visit
Chicago’s annual Winter
Dance Festival in Millennium
Park is a great way to burn off
some of the holiday weight. This
event is aimed to keep locals and
tourists actively enjoying the
cold weather. You can learn
tango, swing, or ballroom dance
at Pritzker Pavilion on Saturday
and Sunday nights for free. They
also have free ice skating lessons
during the weekend days. The
event goes on throughout the
whole month of February. For
more information visit www.
Chicago Restaurant Week
is an opportunity to get a taste
of the fine dining Chicago
has to offer for a great price.
There are over 200 restaurants
throughout Chicago offering
a 3-course meal at the same
price. This event will go on
through February 17-26, 2012.
For more information on this
event and to find out the complete list of participating restaurants visit www.eatitupchicago.com.
McCormick Place located
at 23rd St. and Lake Shore
Drive, Chicago IL.
Throughout Chicagoland
Millennium Park
Wrigley Field located at
1060 West Addison, Chicago,
IL 60613
The Chicago Theatre was
the first large lavish movie
palace in America. Here is a
chance to tour this wonderful
marvel. The tour encompasses
historical and architectural
highlights of the building. The
next tour is February 18, 2012
at 11 am and 12 pm. The tours
last one hour and reservations
are not needed. For more information on this event visit
The Chicago Theatre
located at 175 North State
Street Chicago, IL 60601
Shedd Aquarium
6–7, 13–14, 19–23, 27–28
96th Ave
94th Ave
W 159th St.
W 159th St.
163rd St
94th Ave
You don’t have to break
the bank to show your loved
ones a great time and treat
them to a wonderful meal.
Mimi’s Café is a great place
to spend your Valentine’s
Day or date night. They
have a vast variety of cuisines and the menu is affordably priced. For starters, they have choices such
as the Mimi’s Trio, which
highlights their zucchini
parmesan, chicken tenders
and spinach artichoke dip.
This starter also comes with
grilled sourdough baguette
and dipping sauces. After
having this delectable starter
you can go right into one
of their entrees from their
Gourmet Francais menu.
Their menu has entrees such
96th Ave
La Grange Road
By: Lashondra Graves
as the Chicken Brie Dijon,
which is broiled chicken with
honey Dijon glaze, melted
brie cheese, seasonal vegetables and mashed potatoes.
No meal is complete without
a wonderful dessert. Mimi’s
offers dessert selections such
as the Mimi’s Classic Ensemble, a signature trio of petite
desserts including Mimi’s
bread pudding, fresh apple
cinnamon crisp and a triple
chocolate brownie served a
la mode.
Described as a little slice of
New Orleans located right in
Orland Park Illinois with authentic décor, Mimi’s Café is
located at 16154 S la Grange
Rd, Orland Park, IL 60467.
Mimi’s also has free parking. For more information
about this restaurant visit
www.mimiscafe.com. F
By Kimberly Martinez
Remember H1N1, aka the
swine flu? How everyone with
flu symptoms was suspected
to have it. I remember going
in for a doctor’s appointment
due to the fevers from a cold
and the doctor immediately
sticking something in my
nose uncomfortably to test
if I had the swine flu, which
thankfully I didn’t. The film,
Contagion, directed by Steven Soderbergh, is very similar to that situation at a more
extreme level.
This thriller is based off
the same idea of the swine
flu and similar outbreaks we
have had in the past. The difference is that the virus in the
film is airborne with the ability to wipe out all that come
in contact with it if it is not
contained. The virus starts in
Hong Kong, a Provence of
China, when a woman visits
for business and spends her
last evening in a casino where
she picks it up from an unknown source. The woman
comes in contact with many
individuals throughout the
night at the casino and so
the virus spreads and all hell
breaks loose. After receiving
several death reports with an
unknown cause of death, the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization begin to investigate
where the virus came from,
how it can be contracted, how
fast it spreads, and if they can
create a vaccine to stop it.
I must be honest, I did not
think the movie was going
to be that good when I saw
the trailers, but after watching I was a bit spooked. The
thought of not being able
to open your door to neighbors or friends for the fear of
contracting the virus is scary.
Riots begin to unleash, business are abandoned, funeral
homes refuse to bury the
dead, even doctors and nurses cease to see the sick due to
the anxiety of becoming in-
Art Institute of Chicago
1–3, 6–10
M of Science & Industry
1, 8, 15, 22, 29
M of Contemporary Art
7, 14, 21, 28
Adler Planetarium
1, 6–9, 14, 15, 21–22, 28–29
Photo Credit: John Harvey
new to
La Grange Road
Arts & Culture
fected. Contagion is a movie
that many can enjoy, it is PG13, suitable for the majority
of audiences and it does a
great job in showing how civilians and the government
are most likely to react in situations like these. After you
are done watching it, since
it is winter season, you will
start noticing all those with
coughs and sniffling noses if
you don’t already. Enjoy! F
1. Set Fire To The Rain
1. Where’s My Water?
Walt Disney
1. Underworld Awakening
January 20th
1. The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins
2. We Found Love
Rihanna & Calvin Harris
2. Scramble with Friends
Zynga, Inc.
2. Red Tails
January 20th
2. Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins
3. Good Feeling
Flo Rida
3. Fruit Ninja
Halfbrick Studios
3. Contraband
January 13th
3. Mockingjay
Suzanne Collins
4. Turn Me On
David Guetta & Nicki Minaj
4. Angry Birds
Rovio Mobile
4. Beauty and the Beast 3D
January 13th
4. Quite: The Power of Introverts in a...
Susan Cain
5. The One That Got Away
Katy Perry
5. Words with Friends
Zynga, Inc.
5. Haywire
January 20th
5. Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez
By Kimberly Martinez
Butterflies start off as
caterpillars and eventually bloom into colorful and
winged creatures flying freely
to and from wherever they
please. The Mirabal sisters
in Julia Alvarez’s fictional
novel, In the Time of the
Butterflies, are known by
their people as the four “Butterflies” for their involvement in the underground
operations to overthrow the
Dominican Republic’s dictator Trujillo. Although the
book is fictional, Alvarez incorporated true events that
people in the Dominican
Republic experienced along
with the lost story of the
four Mirabal sisters. Alvarez
was not able to get as much
information as she wanted
about the courageous Mirabal sisters, which lead to Alvarez to create the legendary
sisters to what she imagined
them to be in order to let
readers know that they were
in fact real.
Alvarez’s novel depicts just
some of the violent events
that took place within the
oppressed country and the
day to day lives people were
forced to live in fear. Patria
Mirabal, Dede Mirabal, Minerva Mirabal, and Maria
Teresa Mirabal were the four
fearless sisters, known by their
people as the “Butterflies”,
who risked their lives trying
to free their country from
the oppression of President
Trujillo, who reigned from
1930 to 1931. This survival
story is one that readers from
all backgrounds can relate to
with acts of infidelity, broken
marriages, broken families,
lost loves, forbidden dreams,
imprisonment, death of
loved ones, orphan children,
and oppression. I appreciate
how Alvarez set up the novel,
switching from past to present, because as the reader it
helps us understand why each
character may think or feel a
certain away by vividly describing the specific event
or action that made them
change. The surviving sister,
Dede, opens and closes the
story, but the novel isn’t always
read from her perspective. As
you read along, it feels like
each sister is alive and telling you their story and their
own individual struggle from
their own point of view.
Although the four sisters and their families suffered horrible crimes, they
were unafraid and always
challenged Trujillo and his
corrupt government. The
Mirabal’s strong bond and
determination encouraged
those around them to become a part of the revolution in hopes of freeing their
country. This may be a fictional novel, but like many
survival memoirs out there,
In the Time of the Butterflies is an inspirational
story that shows us that we
must keep going in times
of great struggle. F
Happy Birthday! You will have an exhilarating month.
All of your childhood dreams will come true, along
with your childhood nightmares. Dreamers beware.
You should keep a pair of Galoshes in your locker to prevent your underwear from getting wet
in the snow.
Congratulations, you are a star! While you are up
there, ask the man on the moon for a date.
TAURUS ( April 21-May 21 )
This month you should eat lost of green
vegetables. It will do wonders for that orange
GEMINI ( May 22-June 22 )
Elvis said he did not want to make a comeback
through you. Lay off the greasy hair this month.
CANCER ( June 23-July 23 )
Father time has a gift for you this month. You will mysteiously end up in the 60s where you’re birthday suit is
welcomed and your nostalgic idealism is fed.
LEO ( July 24-August 23 )
You will bring laughter into every room you enter this month. This would be great if you were
trying to be funny.
VIRGO ( August 24-SeptEMBER 23)
Rice Krispies is your breakfast choice this month.
It will bring you that engaging conversation you
long for every morning.
LIBRA ( SeptEMBER 24-OctOBER 23 )
Go to Facebook and friend a lot of people. It is
time to stop pretending to talk on that cell phone.
You need actual contacts in order to get a call.
Everyone understands that Halloween is your favorite holiday. But, it is time to give the costume
a break.
You are tactful in knowing everything that is going on
outside your house. This month try to figure out what
is going on inside your head.
Your addictions are interfering with your school
work. Get off it.
By Shetara Sawyer
»» 1/2 Cup of butter, melted
»» 1 cup of tightly packed dark
brown sugar
»» 1 egg, lightly beaten
»» 1 tsp. of vanilla
»» 1/2 tsp. baking powder
»» 1/8 tsp. of baking soda
»» Pinch of salt
»» 1 cup of all-purpose flour
»» 1/3 cup of butterscotch chips
(chopped walnuts and chocolate chips are equally delicious additions)
1.Preheat the oven to 350°F.
2.Butter and flour an 8x8 pan.
Whisk together the melted butter and sugar in a bowl. Add
the egg and vanilla extract
and whisk.
3.Add the flour, baking soda,
baking powder, salt and mix.
Add the butterscotch chips
or other ingredients like nuts.
Pour into the pan and bake for
20-25 minutes.
4.Cool and cut into squares. F
Photo Credit: SimplyRecipes.com
Venuti’s Ristorante Tight Wallet
An Over-Priced Olive Garden
Spanish Rice & Chicken Skillet
By Bianca Hannah
By Lindsay Dahl
At first glance, Venuti’s interior suggests that it is a very
elegant and modern Italian
restaurant in Roselle, IL (Dupage/Cook County). Upon
entering, a beautiful sweeping twin staircase encasing a
fountain greets its diners, until
they realize that they went in
the main entrance, by the banquet halls, rather than the side
door to the restaurant. Unfortunately, the outside looks a
bit gaudy at night, almost like
someone put a night club spin
on ancient roman style, but
it’s actually a far cry from it.
Venuti’s tries to do a bit of everything from formal banquets
to a traditional restaurant to
a hopping lounge. As such,
appropriate attire can vary
from extremely casual to business casual. All in all a three
course meal will cost between
$35-50 per plate.
The food is decent but if you
have had great Italian food, this
restaurant does not compare. It
is slightly better than an Olive
Garden, but a bit more expensive. American-Italian food is
the primary focus but some popular traditional Italian dishes
have also made the cut.
For instance, the bruschetta and the caprese salad are
Photo Credit: VenutisBanquets.com
fairly well done, but it is difficult to do them poorly. As for
the hot appetizers, it almost
seems pointless given that the
prices range from $3 mozzarella sticks to $27 king crab
legs. They serve surprisingly
good (and free), warm focaccia
bread with olive oil and parmesan cheese; on a budget it’s
definitely better not to get hot
Like any Italian place, there
are, of course, a large variety
of pastas and sauces to experiment with. However, the basic
marinara sauce is mediocre at
best, which leaves doubt about
the quality of the other sauces.
As for the steaks that are offered, they are incredibly large
(12-24 oz) and priced between
$25- 35. A couple could easily
split one steak, but what is the
point in going out if it is split.
It is much more fun for each
person to try something different and share.
When it comes to dessert, it just depends on what
they have and if you are old
enough it might just be best
to end with a drink. Despite
how negative this review has
been there is one good thing,
the lunch buffet. It is available
Monday to Friday for less than
$20 per person. So if you want
to try it, go to the lunch buffet
rather than going for dinner at
a wannabe nightclub with over
priced food.
»» 1⅓ cups water
»» 2/3 cup long grain rice
»» 1 (4 oz) Can Chopped Green
Chili Peppers, Drained
»» 1½ tsp. Chili Powder
»» 1/4 tsp. Garlic Powder
»» 2 Cups Chopped Cooked
»» 1 Tbsp. Butter
»» 1 Tbsp. All-Purpose Flour
»» 3/4 Cup Milk
»» 1 Cup Shredded Sharp
Cheddar Cheese
»» 1/4 Cup Sour Cream
»» 1 Small Tomato Peeled,
Seeded and Chopped
»» 1/4 Cup Sliced Green Onion
1.In a skillet combine water, uncooked rice, chili peppers, chili
powder, garlic powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon
pepper. Bring to a boil, then
reduce heat; cover and simmer
for 15 minutes. Stir in chicken,
cover and simmer about 15
minutes or until rice is tender.
2.Meanwhile for sauce, in a
small saucepan melt butter,
stir in flour, then add milk.
Cook and stir until thick and
bubbling. Stir sauce into rice
mixture. Top with cheese,
sour cream, tomatoes, and
green onion if so desired.
Photo Credit: KitchenDaily.com
Double Baked Potatoes
By Bianca Hannah
With my love for potatoes and cheese I always love any recipe
that puts them together.
»» 4 - 6 Medium Potatoes
»» 6 Tbsp. Unsalted Butter
»» 6 - 8 Tbsp. sour cream
»» 3- 4 Green Onions, thinly sliced
»» Salt & Ground Pepper
»» 4 Tbsp. Bacon Crumbs
»» Shredded Cheese
»» Paprika
1.If you want a softer skin on
your potato, rub the outside
with butter or oil before baking. Bake at 425 degrees for
about an hour, it's done when
you can stick a fork in it.
2.When cool enough to handle, make a slice in the pota-
to and scoop out the insides
keeping in mind that you'll
be putting the potatoes
back inside.
3.Preheat the oven to 400.
4.Coarsely mash all the potato flesh in a bowl, then
add the butter, sour cream,
bacon crumbs, green onions and mix together.
Season with salt and
pepper to taste.
5.Spoon the insides back
into the potatoes, place
back on pan and sprinkle
cheese. Top each with
a pinch of paprika and
bake for about 10 minutes
to melt the cheese and
heat through.
Photo Credit: SimplyRecipes.com
10 Commentary
5 Valentine’s Day
So Fresh So Green
The Importance of Recycling
By Andy Cha
Envision the local park
turned into a landfill due to a
lack of space. Contemplate the
idea of breathing in harmful
chemicals every hour, every day.
Imagine a world that is polluted
to a level not habitable by human beings. Such abstract ideas
cannot possibly be true as some
people may argue. The Earth is
a place that we, as human beings, have manufactured to fit
our own personal needs. There
is no time or place to conceive
the notion that we are harming
humanity. We made this world
into what it is now, and we are
fine as it is. While they say that
we should continue practicing our habits of manufacturing, processing, and ultimately
trashing, there certainly are
negative consequences that
should be thought deeply
about first.
Throughout history, humankind has greatly evolved
into creatures of a new age,
or of industrialization. New
inventions were made by the
manipulation of natural molecules. New manners and hab-
its were adopted by the general
citizens and the very wealthy
alike depending upon the area.
As time progressed, the general household idea in America,
consequently due to the large
amount of free land, was to
manufacture, to buy, and then
to ultimately throw away.
This concept wouldn’t be a
problem at all if the materials
that were used in the manufacturing stage were all natural and
biodegradable. The thing is that
most of the manufactured goods
that are produced are not biodegradable. They are recyclable
I Love You
Say it in 12 Languages
Ana Behibek
Kocham Cie
Ich liebe dich
Ek het jou lief
Wo ai ni
Je t’aime, Je t’adore
Eu te amo
Hum Tumhe
Pyar Karte hae
Te Amo
Ti amo
Jag alskar dig
words of the
Kerfuffle |kur-fuf-ul| noun:
A commotion or fuss, esp. one caused by conflicting views : there was a kerfuffle over the chairmanship.
ORIGIN early 19th cent.: perhaps from Scots curfuffle (probably from Scottish Gaelic car ‘twist,
bend’ + imitative Scots fuffle [to disorder] )
Karfenshnuken, noun:
A battle cry used before or after an act where one has or will utterly triumph. Usually preceding or
following an act of extreme violence were the recipient is either decimated, maimed or killed.
Example: Senior Peso is comes across a crippeld bitty with its broken baby chicken legs, descending upon it with his knife drawn he screams “KARFENSHNUKEN”.
What is your ideal
valentine's date
Worst Valentine's
Favorite winter sport?
Phrase of the month?
By: Joe Looney
This is why the United States
of America should strive to
reduce garbage ending up in
landfill and being incinerated,
to promote a strong program
that is for recycling programs,
and to emphasize the benefits
of recycling for the health and
awareness of the environment
for the future. F
By Ann Roche
Last month, Illinois Department of Transportation
(IDOT) received, what I’d
guess, was one of their strangest requests ever. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals) is asking for two
highway memorials to pay
tribute to twenty-two cattle
that died on Illinois roads
last year. The trucks carrying these animals flipped over
because of negligent driving
in two different accidents.
PETA is seeking two official
IDOT blue 36-by-24 inch
signs, one near Peoria and
another in suburban Hazel
Crest. The signs typically
say either “Reckless Driving
Costs Lives” or “Please Don’t
Drink and Drive,” with “In
memory of ” and the victim’s
name below.
Supporters of this idea
say that animals deserve
to be treated equally as
humans, so displaying memorials is the least we can
do. As Tracy Patton, a
campaigner for PETA, put
it, “Cows are intelligent,
sensitive animals that feel
pain the same way we do.”
My issue with this whole
situation is that the fatal accidents were just that: accidents. It’s not as though the
drivers purposefully got into
crashes to kill the cattle or
cause them to suffer. Most
farmers are perfectly humane
to their animals; after all it
is in their best interest to do
so. It’s not as if this was a
premeditated murder of the
cattle. This isn’t an “ethical treatment” issue at all, so
according to their organization’s name, PETA shouldn’t
be worrying about this.
Another obvious point
PETA is missing is that highway memorials are for human
beings who lost their lives in
fatal crashes. I’m not suggesting that a cow’s life has
no value, but I think the relatives of human car crash victims would be insulted by the
comparison. A scary thing
I noticed when researching
this story was that of maybe
ten articles I read, only about
half mentioned if there were
any human casualties in these
accidents. Thankfully there
weren’t, but it goes to show
how backwards our priorities
are these days. In our society, many animals are more
valued and legally protected
than human, namely the unborn.
IDOT have said that the request will probably be denied,
considering the Roadside
Memorial Act states only relatives of victims involved may
request memorials. I’m thinking that PETA should shift its
focus to limiting real animal
cruelty (their supposed reason
for existence), not on these
tragic accidents. F
“A fancy dinner and dancing.t”
“In fourth grade when I had my
tonsils taken out and couldn't
enjoy the party.”
“When my ex sort of forgot it
was Valentines Day.”
“Basketball, besides the hot
men I grew up with it.”
“Hockey, good looking men
and fighting.
“Sledding, because it is fun
and makes me feel like a kid
“Basketball because the bulls
are the shit. ”
“ Hockey, because it is so
exciting and it takes a real man
to play hockey!”
“Am I done yet?t”
“I don’t wanna talk about it. ”
“Counting down the days…is it
over yet?”
“I'm almost done...I'm almost
“Red Solo Cup”
“Adele - 21"
“California Dreamin’ by Savoy“`
“30 Seconds to Mars and
Motion City Soundtrack”
“Just keep swimming.”
“Alone with the man that I love,
no crowd, candles, roses, and
food you can eat with your
hands. ”
“Going to dinner and chilling
out. Not making it a big deal.”
“Alone watching sappy
romance movies. ”
“I haven’t had a bad
Valentine’s Day is all
about love, relationships, and
being with the person who
adores you the most. On this
day you spend all your time
with this special person doing
the things that they like. In
the end you top it off with a
fabulous dinner and a movie.
While stories of romance fit
the occasion, nothing keeps
your lover close to you like a
good old fashion horror film.
Here are the top 5 horror
movies to watch on Valentine’s Day.
Let Me In • 2010
Valentine • 2001
My Bloody Valentine • 2009
The Bride of Chucky • 1998
Zombie Honeymoon • 2004
A story of young love about
a bullied young boy who befriends a female vampire.
Vampire Abby; played by
Chloe Grace Moretz, has a
serial killer father who drains
his victims to provide blood for
his vampire daughter. However tension rise as Abby’s
father dies as the young boy
(Owen) played by Kodi SmitMcphee takes on his new
role as Abby’s boyfriend and
caretakeras well.
What a way to start the list with
a film that shares the same title
of this marvelous day. Valentine
is about four friends who receive
abnormal Valentine’s Day cards
from a mysterious person. Soon
the girls begin to drop one by one.
The opening scene reveals that
the girls have a childhood secret
and that they have all crushed the
heart of a boy in the past. The
movie stars former bond girl Denise Richards and Grey’s anatomy
star Katherine Heigl
This movie is a horror/slasher
film filled with jumps, thrills, and
of course gore. With each kill your
companion will gradually move
closer and closer to you sparking
the moment where you try to pull
off that corny arm over the shoulder move to bring her even closer.
(As if the guy with the mining
suit and the giant pickaxe didn’t
already scare her into your arms.)
This film features performances
from supernatural’s Jensen Ackles
and Sin City’s Jamie King.
Who ever said serial killer dolls
can’t find love as well. That’s
exactly what happens when
Chucky voiced by Brad Dourif is stitched back together by
former human turned doll Tiffany who is played and voiced
by Jennifer Tilly. Like all
chucky films with no exception
this film is filled with scares
that will keep you and your
companion cringing to the
couch and jokes that will keep
you both laughing all night.
starring lesser known performers
and Graham Sibley the
honeymooners. Zombie honeymoon is probably the second most love filled movie on
the list. Zombie honeymoon
is a gore and love soaked
film about how the boundaries of true love are tested
when Sibley’s character is
transformed into a flesh
eating zombie.
He Says She Says Tax Talk
D.R.E.A.M or Nightmare
By: DeMarco White
We, as a nation, have prided
ourselves on being such a great nation. As soon as you think about
America most- if not everyonewould state that America is a
nation that not only delivers freedom for its citizens but also equal
When defining
“Equal Opportunity” in America,
it would behoove you not to consider that the term, equal opportunity involves the principles of nondiscrimination which emphasize
that opportunities, especially in
education should be freely available to all citizens irrespective of
their individuality or group characteristics unrelated to ability, performance, or qualifications. We
can sit here and construct our own
definitions of terms that pertain to
this subject but let get real.
The D.R.E.A.M (Development, Relief, and Education for
Alien Minors) Act, although a
myriad of variations have been
proposed and passionately debated on, generally states that the
D.R.E.A.M Act would provide
conditional permanent residency
to certain illegal aliens of good
moral character who graduate
from US high schools, arrived in
the US as minors, and lived in the
country continuously for at least
five years prior to the bill’s enactment. If they were to complete
two years in the military or two
years at a four year institution of
higher learning, they would obtain
temporary residency for a six year
period. I feel as if the ones who oppose the D.R.E.A.M Act are the
ones who only base their perspec-
tive off what they say is a concrete
definition of a U.S Citizen.
Several counter arguments
have been presented in debates
against the D.R.E.A.M Act. If
you were to only base counter
arguments on the fact that these
CHILDREN are not citizens
then you would be ignorant of
what the term citizen really means
and the qualifications of a citizen.
Anyone born in America is considered a U.S citizen. Education
is the most important thing in
a human’s life and in today’s
society it is a vital necessity. It is
law recognizes the right of
every sovereign state to allow whomever they want into
the country for however long
they want. It is often misconstrued that the D.R.E.A.M Act
will offer illegal immigrants
automatic free tuition to an
American Institution; this statement is false.
The D.R.E.A.M Acts purpose
is to protect the human rights of
immigrants brought to the country as children. The Act’s main
platform is that the children of
immigrants should not be penalized for their parent’s actions. I
support the D.R.E.A.M Act and
the guidelines that it sets up to
only help the children of illegal
immigrants. The children are
working just as hard as “Americans” (People born in America)
and toward similar goals with the
addition of permanent residency. If anything, the D.R.E.A.M
Act should serves more as
an incentive than anything.
The children are our future,
whether those children be from
across the river or from around
the mountain. F
tion any and all legislation that
can amount to amnesty for illegal immigrants. The DREAM
Act supports the amnesty
agenda, because it puts young
illegal immigrants on a path
to citizenship, making around
2.1 million illegals eligible for
the last time we passed a more
lenient immigration law, in
1986, the population of illegals
in the U.S. is estimated to have
quadrupled! More importantly is the principle behind it.
We are a nation of laws. Without the rule of law (laws apply
to everyone, no matter what),
no country cannot exist for
long. The difference between
legal immigrants, who helped
build America and we welcome with open arms, and illegal immigrants, is that illegal
immigrants have no respect for
our laws. Does it make sense
that someone who comes here
by breaking the law is likely
to abide by the rest of them?
The record of drug cartels and
human smuggling suggests
That being said, I do have
a heart, and I do feel sympathy for those wanting to come
to the United States. I absolutely understand why anyone
would want to come to this
country. Even though we (especially our federal government) do a lot of stupid and
unconstitutional things, the
United States of America is
the best nation in the history
of the Earth, but does that
mean everyone (that wants to)
has a right to come here? That
would be an unreasonable and
impossible policy to implement. America is a sovereign
nation, and has every right to
protect its citizens by keeping its borders secure. Only
after we quit taking from our
citizens to give handouts to illegals, stop businesses from hiring illegals for cheap labor, and
secure our borders, will we be
able to have productive discussions about what to do with illegal immigrants who’ve been
living here for years. In the
meantime, let’s focus on improving legal immigration and stop
sending the world the message
that they don’t have to take our
laws seriously. F
“Something simple, cheap and
“Doing it Wrong by Drake.”
What are you currently
listening to?
but nevertheless,
consequently, the
trash ends up in
the landfill to just sit
there for years to come.
This is a serious problem.
As the population is ever so increasing, so is the amount of
trash that is accumulating. If
humanity cannot figure out a
way to stop throwing everything away and to take action
in the recycling of non-biodegradable items, then there
possibly may not be humanity on Earth in the future.
“Good wine, food, and
“ I have never had a
Valentine....I guess that is the
worst it can get.”
By Ann Roche
The DREAM Act (short for
Development, Relief, and
Education for Alien Minors
Act) and different variations
of it have been debated heatedly for over a decade, especially in presidential election years. Supporters of the
DREAM Act almost always
portray any opponents as selfish, racist, or both. As American citizens, we have the right
and the responsibility to ques-
...that someone
who comes here
by breaking the
law is likely to
abide by the rest
of them
in-state tuition benefits. This
is grossly unfair to American
students (and their families)
struggling to pay for their
education, and a huge burden
on taxpayers.
Why, you may ask, is amnesty such a big deal? Since
..to protect the
human rights
of immigrants
brought to the
country as children.”
By Bianca Hannah
Well that time is near;
everyone is waiting on that
big payday that comes once
a year: income tax returns.
Every year there’s something new to know and in
my years of working the
front desk at H&R Block
I’ve heard and seen all kinds
misconceptions. My
hope with this article is to
give my fellow college students a few pointers to dispel any misgivings one may
have during this sometime
stressful season.
The first point I’d like to
make is that even if your
parents claim you on their
taxes, if you have a job and
will be receiving a w2, you
can still file your taxes. One
great thing about this is that
you usually qualify for a
1040EZ, which is one of the
simplest returns to be done,
and places like Block, to
which I’m partial, offer specials. The 1040EZ is free if
you qualify, for a certain
period of time, and for $39
and a $4 compliance fee
you can add on your state
tax return.
To be a well-rounded
font of information, I
found out from my office manager, Tanya
you’ll want to keep in
mind before going to get
your taxes done. First, as
I stated before, find out
if you’re a dependent
on someone else’s taxes
to keep any chances
of confusion down.
Another thing one
needs to do is have
the information for
how much one pays
for tuition, books,
fees and supplies.
So my fellow students, this means
those kits and
uniforms you
had to buy
deductible, yay!
other piece of information
you’ll need is how much is
paid by loans, grants and
out of pocket for your education. One of the biggest
things that Tanya said is
to keep in mind is that you
should go to a reputable tax
office. Some places can talk
you into getting a big refund,
but that may not be the best
approach for the family to
reduce their tax liability.
For those who want to know,
your tax liability is the debt
you may owe to the government. So before you go doing a happy dance because
of a large return, make sure
it won’t cost you next year,
because the IRS will always
get their money somehow.
So watch out for any
around tax time through
RMU or your local
organizations for tax
help. F
12 puzzles & comics
Fill the 9x9 grid with numbers so that each row, column, and each one of the nine 3x3 blocks contain
Puzzle 4 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.46)
numbers ranging from 1 to 9. Good luck!
Photo Credit: Rich Connolly
Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen/ on Wed Jun 8 19:30:08 2011 GMT. Enjoy!
1: Hang around
5: Nutmeg covering
9: Center
14: Weight allowance
15: Portend
16: Maui greeting
17: Analogous
18: Some nonfiction works,
19: Single-masted sailing vessel
20: They’re hot
23: ‘Sweet Pea’ singer Tommy
24: Goes furtively
25: Many millennia
27: Metallic tests
31: Vies for the break, in billiards
34: Bouquet
38: Hoof-on-pavement sound
39: Old-time telephone feature
40: Arm bones
41: Abacus part
42: Viola’s bigger cousin
43: Brownie pieces
44: French film
45: First symptoms
46: Antitoxins
47: Brunch dish
49: Besides
51: Petal oils
56: Have stuff
58: Solar system model
62: Russian villa
64: Came alive, with ‘up’
65: Potpourri
66: Hate the thought of
67: At all
68: Dryer outlet
69: Tufted plant
70: Sources of college funding?
71: Upper hand
1: Wild guesses
2: Captivated by
3: Come to mind
4: Rumormonger
5: Mother superior
6: Irritate
7: Object of pagan worship
8: Add-on for Congo
9: En ___ (all together)
10: Hardly hale
11: Entranceway fasteners
12: ‘Flee, fly!’
13: A runner may break it
21: Play ice hockey
22: Imitate Popeye
26: In the past
28: Cotton fabric
29: Flying solo
30: Alpine aria
32: Dorothy from Kansas
33: Frequent Las Vegas money
taker 34: Phoenix roundballers
35: Puzzle piece
36: Captivated
37: Like Fran Drescher’s voice
42: Terra follower
44: ‘Far out!’
48: Dreamers, to lotus
50: Sturdy hand shovel
52: Valuable find
53: Had a virus, say
54: Feeling regret
55: Belted, Biblically
56: Track figures
57: Hard or soft addition
59: Overwhelmed
60: Stellar phenomenon
61: Scratched (out)
63: Crone
Can you figure out what words these are? Unscramble the words and fill in the
corresponding blanks! Good Luck!