- Catholic Community Services
- Catholic Community Services
together We make a better life catholic community Services of Southern arizona 2012-2013 annual report 2012-2013 Annual Report | 1 together “I want to be an artist when I grow up.” “It means a lot to have a doctor who cares.” Isaiah, a young student at Pio Decimo Center with his teacher, Jovita Gonzalez William, a patient at St. Elizabeth’s Health Center with Dr. Mark Schildt We make “I’m so grateful for a beautiful, safe home I can afford.” Angie with Mason, residents of Casitas on East Broadway senior housing a better life “She was worth every bit of the wait.” “I’m getting better at English every day.” Ashley and Matthew, adoptive parents through Catholic Social Service’s Infant Adoptions Program Zawadi, in an English language class with volunteer instructor Phyllis Prawl “I like to work.” Cynthia, with supervisor Juan Diaz at Community Outreach Program for the Deaf’s woodshop training program, Silent Desert 2012-2013 Annual Report | 1 Dear Friends, This year we have seen the election of a new pope, one with a particular tenderness for people who live in poverty and who struggle for a life of dignity. Shaped by a lifelong ministry among people who are the most vulnerable, Pope Francis has called all of us to open our arms to those who are most in need, just as Jesus did. Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona answers this call every day, responding to people’s immediate needs but also helping them grasp opportunities to rise out of poverty and overcome their life challenges. You also answer this call. Your generous support—of time, treasure, and talent—is what enables all of us to make a better life for so many people in Southern Arizona. Thank you and God bless you, Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas, DD Bishop of Tucson Marguerite D. Harmon, MS CCS Chief Executive Officer Linda S. Tansik CCS Board President Traci M. Smith CCS Foundation Board President 2 | Catholic Community Services Peg, Linda and Traci leaDerShiP CCS Executive Management Chief Executive Officer Marguerite D. Harmon, MS Chief Financial Officer Margaret Orr, CPA, CA, MBA Operations Director Teresa Cavendish Development Director Liz McMahon Human Resources Director Brenden Robinson Agency Executive Directors CCS in Southeastern Arizona Michael G. Vetter, MA CCS in Western Arizona Evita Mendez-Counts, MA Catholic Social Service Ron Dankowski, PhD Southwest Community Services Anne Levy, MA Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona, Inc. Catholic Community Services Foundation, Inc. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2014 Officers Officers Linda S. Tansik, president Christopher Ahearn, vice-president Maurizio Balistreri, CPA, treasurer Patricia Torrington, secretary Charles Dunn, KM, member at large Ed Irving, member at large Traci M. Smith, president Michelle Tong, vice-president John Slattery, secretary/treasurer M. Rebecca Rebenstorf, immediate past president Members Amanda Buck Brenda Even, PhD Maria Elena McElroy Mark Mrozowski Kim Wolfarth, AIA Wayne E. Yehling, Esq. Donna Zazworsky Agency Representatives CCS in Western Arizona Howard Gwynn St. Elizabeth’s Health Center Jane Bakos, FACHE Pio Decimo Center Carol Falk Pio Decimo Center Sister Elizabeth Adams, CSJ, MBA Southwest Community Services Frank Orozco St. Elizabeth’s Health Center Brenda Even, PhD Members Colin Cotter Fred Dardis Brenda Even, PhD Thomas Hall Marguerite Harmon, MS Patricia Johnston Nathan Kanute Teresa Neil Nowak Pam Schifano Linda S. Tansik Thomas D. Toole Honorary Members Patricia Arida Ginny Bargull Jim Click, Jr. Scott Goering, Esq. Bill Holmes Ed Irving Czarina López Allan Norville Buck O’Rielly Gary Pasquinelli Jim Ronstadt 2012-2013 Annual Report | 3 oUr ServiceS through our numerous social and human services we work to achieve our vision of: oUr miSSion Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona strengthens families, supports communities, provides compassionate services, and strives for excellence. Happy and Thriving Children and Youth childhood education and child care youth Development Foster care child abuse and neglect Prevention Strong and Secure Individuals and Families adoption Services Free tax Preparation housing counseling Financial education and asset building in-home Services oUr valUeD actionS In carrying out this mission and working with people of many beliefs, Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona: ■ Responds to the call of the Gospel: “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” (Matthew 25:35-36) ■ Collaborates to provide services where gaps exist. ■ Fosters new and creative responses to community, family, and individual needs. ■ Encourages, supports, or restores self-reliance and self-determination through program design. ■ Respects diversity in our community. ■ Raises community awareness of social issues. ■ Inspires others by our actions to perform acts of charity and justice. ■ Advocates for just and compassionate public policy. ■ Respects the dignity of all employees, volunteers, and the individuals we serve. ■ Treasures the work of each employee and volunteer. ■ Expects personal and professional integrity, honesty, and accountability from all employees, volunteers, and board members. ■ Adopts the following principles to assure quality service and administration: recruitment, training, supervision, and retention of competent, ethical staff; supportive work environment; sound financial management; fund development; timely, accurate accounting and program reporting; and strategic planning based on the mission statement and valued actions. Healthy and Independent Seniors Senior nutrition meal Program adult Day health care Pastoral ministry Senior housing Successful and Integrated Refugees and Immigrants refugee resettlement Services immigration and citizenship Services employment Services immigration Services for victims of Domestic violence Hopeful and Contributing People with Disabilities Deaf and hard of hearing Services residential Support employment Services and Job coaching Supported and Strengthened People in Crisis Pregnancy counseling group homes for new or expectant mothers Domestic violence Shelter and Services Substance abuse counseling transitional housing for at-risk Families emergency Food and clothing Detention ministry Flourishing Communities counseling case management transportation medical and Dental care for the Uninsured health education and outreach 4 | Catholic Community Services together We make a better life Every day at Catholic Community Services of Southern What We Accomplished Together This Year With the help of clients, staff members, volunteers, and donors, the six agencies of Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona accomplished great things this year. ■ Abused and neglected children were protected while parents worked toward reunification by learning good parenting skills. To support this effort, Catholic Social Service renovated its Casa de Crianza home so that visits between parents and children could take place in a comfortable home-like environment. ■ People in Southeastern Arizona who depend on the Bisbee Bus are getting better services through a revamped and revitalized CCS transportation program. ■ Preschoolers who attend Pio Decimo’s child education program are getting a first-rate education. Pio Decimo earned a 4-star “Quality First” ranking (out of 5 stars) from Arizona’s First Things First organization. Only six child education centers out of 185 in Tucson received a 4- or 5-star rating. ■ Women and children in domestic crisis are enjoying a renovated and revitalized shelter facility in Yuma thanks to the generosity of the local community and the Catholic Foundation. ■ 16 teens are on their way to a beautiful smile thanks to St. Elizabeth’s Smiles Ahead orthodontic care. Established in partnership with Drs. Larry and Eric Leber, the program provides affordable braces for kids with severely misaligned teeth. ■ Deaf-Blind people are staying connected with the world through state-of-the-art technology provided free of charge to eligible individuals through CCS’ Southwest Community Services’ programs serving Tucson, Phoenix, and throughout New Mexico. ■ At the urging of Bishop Kicanas, our community stepped up to help refugees get job training and find jobs. Catholic Social Service’s refugee resettlement program now has an 85% job placement rate. ■ More foster families in Southeastern Arizona are being recruited and trained through CCS to help address the growing numbers of children in foster care. ■ Community Outreach Program for the Deaf in Tucson, a program of Southwest Community Services, celebrated 40 years of service by honoring two Deaf community leaders with a new award named for Jack Craven, who helped establish COPD in 1973. Arizona, we see people living better lives. A family overcomes homelessness and achieves financial stability. A Deaf person learns a new skill and finds a job. A refugee begins learning English so she can communicate in her new community. A child finds a loving adoptive home. And a senior, with supportive services, is able to remain living in his own home. But better lives don’t just happen, and certainly not because of our efforts alone. All of us who are connected with CCS— clients, staff, volunteers, and donors—contribute something to foster this success. Clients offer their vulnerability, trust, and willingness to do hard things. Staff members give their dedication, caring, and energy day in and day out. Volunteers bring their time and talents, expanding our reach to individuals and to our community. And donors provide valuable financial support that sustains our vital work. Only together are we able to make the difference we do in people’s lives. 2012-2013 Annual Report | 5 Pio Decimo Center Pio Decimo Center, a community center in one of Tucson’s oldest neighborhoods, provides child care, youth development programs, transitional housing, senior housing, housing counseling, asset-building, financial education, and basic needs assistance. What We’ve Done Together ■ 388 children and youth, ages 3 to 18, participated in Pio Decimo’s pre-school, after-school, and youth-atrisk programs. ■ 32 families with 46 adults and 60 children lived in Pio Decimo’s transitional housing and received longterm shelter as well as case management to help them improve their finances, education, employment opportunities, and parenting. During the year, 13 families secured permanent housing, and nearly 80 percent of the school-aged children in transitional housing improved academically. ■ 924 people participated in financial and tax education workshops through the Assets for Families program. ■ foreclosure and repair distressed mortgages; 216 of these families were able to stay in their own homes. ■ ■ 2,338 families in need received food, clothing, household items, and hygiene products. ■ ■ 125 families participated in first-time homebuyer workshops and financial education classes. During the year, 15 families became first-time homebuyers. ■ in earned income tax credits and $6.1 million in tax refunds for these families. 240 families participated in classes to avoid Volunteers and staff prepared 4,310 tax returns for low-income families, resulting in nearly $3.8 million 6 | Catholic Community Services ■ 1 ,518 families participated in health and wellness activities conducted by Pio Decimo. 1 42 low- and middle-income seniors lived in a safe, comfortable, and affordable home through Pio Decimo’s senior housing. 1 50 seniors enjoyed 75 social and educational opportunities provided by Pio Decimo Center. “Saving pays you back” Before enrolling in Pio Decimo Center’s IDA (matched savings) program, Laura Herrera had never really tried to save. She found it challenging and felt like she needed a purpose. Joining the IDA program gave her just that. Her purpose was saving enough money to buy a home. Laura attended Pio Decimo Center’s financial education classes, which helped her to think differently about money and motivated her to save. “I learned that I could spend less and take advantage of what we already had instead of buying stuff,” said Laura. “You realize you don’t really need those things to be happy.” Laura and her daughter gave up things like going out to eat and going to the movies. Instead they would travel fifteen miles to go to play in the park. Although there were parks closer to her home, it was important to Laura to go somewhere clean and safe. With the funds saved through the IDA program, Laura purchased her own home in April 2013. She enjoys the park in her new neighborhood, a safe and clean place where other kids come to play. It’s perfect for her daughter. Laura feels proud of what she has done and finds herself encouraging others to save, too. “Saving pays you back in more ways than one,” said Laura. It’s not only about putting aside money, but about sacrificing in order to create change. She has learned habits that will improve her family’s quality of life. “We are looking forward to a better future for everyone in the family,” said Laura. 2012-2013 Annual Report | 7 St. Elizabeth’s Health Center St. Elizabeth’s provides a medical home for thousands of uninsured and underinsured individuals and families in our community. The center’s services include primary health care, dental care, obstetrics and newborn care, chronic disease management, integrated behavioral health care, health education, nutrition services, and community outreach in neighborhood centers. What We’ve Done Together ■ St. E’s patients received 12,229 medical visits with over 17,848 patient treatment services in a variety of specialties. ■ St. E’s patients received 5,131 dental visits with 6,307 restorative and preventative care treatments. ■ 16 children began Smiles Ahead, a unique, new program to provide low-cost braces for children with severely misaligned teeth. ■ 453 low-income women received free cancer ■ screenings through the Well Woman HealthCheck program. ■ 801 patients received financial support for medication assistance supported by Pima County and private donors. ■ ■ St. E’s patients received 825 behavioral health visits, which were integrated into their medical care. ■ St. E’s patients received 10,053 patient visits providing nutrition counseling and breastfeeding support through St. Elizabeth’s WIC program ■ 32 patients received treatment for breast cancer through support of the Susan G. Komen Foundation. 8 | Catholic Community Services ■ 4 9% of St. Elizabeth’s medical home patients reduced hospital in-patient readmissions and improved their preventative care such as mammograms, flu shots, and diabetes screenings. M ore than 350 students and faculty along with community businesses participated in the University of Arizona’s Cats in the Community Day. Their “extreme make-over” of St. E’s contributed in-kind services and goods valued at $50,451. V olunteer doctors, nurses, dentists, hygienists, student interns and community volunteers provided more than 6,000 hours of volunteer service valued at $353,473. “I owe them my life” Donna Newbury was at the end of her rope. For two months, she had been searching for someone, anyone who could help her get the surgery she needed to diagnose what her gynecologist suspected was ovarian cancer. She had no health insurance and not nearly enough money to pay out of pocket for such a procedure. “I spent two months on the phone, calling locally, calling nationally, always getting referred to someone else, and ending up at the place I started,” said Donna. “I was so emotionally drained.” Finally, with desperation overpowering her concern that St. Elizabeth’s only served Catholics, Donna went to St. E’s. “The difference was like night and day,” said Donna. “They hugged me and told me I’d come to the right place. I just broke down and cried.” From that point on, Donna had a team of caring health providers on her side. A surgeon did the surgery at no cost, confirming the suspicion of cancer and treating it surgically. The staff then saw Donna through six months of chemotherapy, not only providing medical care and emotional support but securing funds for the treatment through one of St. Elizabeth’s donors, Quilt for a Cause. Other St. E’s health providers followed up with pain management and physical therapy. It’s been a year since her cancer treatment ended. Donna still goes in for check-ups and physical therapy, and St. E’s staff members call often to see how she’s doing. “St. E’s is always there for me,” said Donna, with gratitude. “I’d be dead now if it weren’t for St. Elizabeth’s. I owe them my life.” 2012-2013 Annual Report | 9 Southwest Community Services Southwest Community Services (SCS) houses four organizations in Arizona and New Mexico that seek to maximize independence for people with hearing loss or developmental disabilities. Community Outreach Program for the Deaf in Tucson (COPD) and Albuquerque, NM (COPD-NM) and Valley Center for the Deaf (VCD) in Phoenix provide services ranging from counseling to job development skills for the deaf and hard of hearing. The Community Living Program (CLP) in Tucson provides residential living supports to people with developmental disabilities. What We’ve Done Together ■ 2,485 Deaf and hard of hearing clients received ■ 20 youth received on-the-job experience through ■ 32,338 hours of interpreting through COPD, COPD-NM and VCD. ■ education, counseling, and support services from COPD, COPD-NM, and VCD. COPD’s summer work program in Arizona. ■ ■ 44 individuals with disabilities received residential support services, ranging from a few hours each day of in-home support to 24-hour a day comprehensive care in a licensed group home. 10 | Catholic Community Services 62 Deaf-Blind people received 9,961 hours of support services from COPD, COPD-NM, and VCD trained service providers. 362 Deaf and hard of hearing individuals received vocational services, including on-the-job training, job supports/training, and job placement. 107 people found jobs. 352 people received case management and life skills ■ 64 Deaf-Blind people received assessment, communication equipment, and training on individualized communication equipment. “I will still be able to communicate” For most of us, the latest smartphones and tablets are fun and convenient to use, but for Steven Wilson, a DeafBlind single father in his 40s, the latest communications technology is keeping the world open to him. Born with severe hearing loss, Steven adapted by learning to read lips, but in his late teens he began having vision problems, which ultimately led to a diagnosis of Usher Syndrome, a disorder characterized by progressive and profound hearing and vision loss. The diagnosis left Steven burdened with anxiety. “Without my vision, I wouldn’t be able to read lips or read anything,” said Steven. “I feared the future.” That changed, however, through a program of Community Outreach Program for the Deaf. Funded by the Federal Communications Commission, the program provides assistive technology—Braille display devices synced with iPads or iPhones—to help Deaf-Blind people access the Internet and read and respond to emails and text messages. COPD helped Steven get the devices and learn to use them. He has learned Braille so he can use the Braille display, a small portable device with Braille keypads, to “read” text sent from his iPad. He can now carry on conversations through texting or by having people type messages into the iPad, which are then communicated through the Braille display. Steven is delighted. “I can’t get over the fact that I can present my iPad to someone and have a face to face conversation.” The devices have given Steven a lot of comfort as he faces the future. “Even in the worst case scenario, I will still be able to communicate and continue with my life’s goals.” 2012-2013 Annual Report | 11 Catholic Community Services i n S ou t hea stern A rizona Catholic Community Services in Southeastern Arizona (CCSSEAZ) serves residents in Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, Santa Cruz, and Gila Counties with varying services, including domestic crisis services, foster care, adoptions, parent aide, meals for seniors, substance abuse case management, and transportation. What We’ve Done Together ■ Students, commuters, the elderly and disabled, ■ 346 foster children were cared for in 104 foster ■ and other passengers received 37,000 rides on the Bisbee Bus. ■ families supported by CCSSEAZ. ■ 42 new foster homes were licensed. ■ 30 families were assisted with adoption services. ■ 463 women and children received shelter, counseling, legal assistance, case management services, and community referrals from CCSSEAZ’s three domestic crisis shelters. 12 | Catholic Community Services ■ 4 0,350 meals were delivered to homebound seniors, and 8,070 meals were provided for seniors at community meal sites. 2 03 children in 71 families received supervised visitation between parents and their children living in out-of-home care. 2 6 children in 11 families received In Home support services with the goal of ensuring the safety and well-being of the children and keeping the families together. All of the children who were in the physical custody of their parents were able to remain at home safely with their parents. “We have just the kid for you” As executive director of Catholic Community Services of Southeastern Arizona, Michael Vetter was consulting with the staff of St. Nicholas of Myra Adoption Center, a program of Catholic Social Service, on how his agency could do more to find adoptive families for children in foster care. When he mentioned that he and his wife Cathy were interested in adopting, they got a response that changed their lives. “We have just the kid for you.” From that moment on, Michael and Cathy began to get to know 12-year-old Avery, first on paper through his written profile, and then a few months later, in person. Their outings together gave them all, including Michael and Cathy’s three children, the assurance they needed to move forward with the adoption. Avery, who had lived in foster care for four years, was just glad to know where he’d live until he was 18 years old. It took a little while for the family to settle in together and for Avery to realize that he could be himself, that he had a forever family now. The experience of adopting has given Michael new insights, which he will use to grow his agency’s adoption program. “It’s not an easy process,” said Michael. “There are a lot of emotions, and kids like Avery need lots and lots of love and patience, but it’s worth it. You are changing the legacy of a young person’s life forever.” In September, Avery’s adoption was finalized. “We had a wonderful family before,” said Michael. “But now that we have Avery, it feels like this was meant to be. We can’t imagine not having him now.” 2012-2013 Annual Report | 13 Catholic Social Service Catholic Social Service (CSS) serves Pima, Pinal, and Gila Counties with counseling, adoption and foster care services, assistance to immigrants and refugees, group living for pregnant or parenting teens and their infants, meals for seniors, and strengthening services for families. What We’ve Done Together ■ 1,602 children with special needs were cared for by St. Nicholas of Myra Adoption Center, and 456 children found loving adoptive homes. ■ 90 families’ home studies were completed by the Infant Adoption program. 16 infants were placed in adoptive homes, including three from other countries. ■ 9 teen mothers and 8 babies lived at Merilac Lodge, where the mothers learned about parenting, communication, and self-development. Merilac Lodge also accepted 23 female teens referred through Child Protective Services for emergency short-term placement. ■ ■ ■ ■ 53 pregnant women and youth received pregnancy counseling and support. ■ 72 foster families who cared for 224 foster children ■ 2,447 elders in Pima and Pinal Counties enjoyed ■ were served through the foster family program in Pinal County. ■ 185,730 home-delivered and congregate meals served by the Senior Nutrition Program. The meals and personal contact during each delivery promoted the health and independent living of these vulnerable older adults. Elders who gathered at congregate meal locations socialized with their peers. 14 | Catholic Community Services ■ 7 4 families received supervised visitation during 1,390 visits between parents and their children living in out-of-home care. 30 of these families received parenting skills training during their visits. 1 ,016 people from 12 countries received assistance in uniting with immediate family members. 2 57 refugees from 13 countries received resettlement and adjustment services. 85 percent of the adults obtained employment within the first 90 days of arrival. 1 58 survivors of domestic violence received legal assistance in order to obtain the U-Visa authorized by the Violence Against Women Act. 5 49 individuals received 1,915 hours of counseling, and more than 480 individuals achieved personal goals or improved relationships as couples and families. 6 2 families became more economically stable through 1,320 hours of case management. “It means a lot to them” At 96-years-old, Estelle Oelzner still has the independent spirit of her youth, which gave her the courage to leave her homeland of Belgium to start a life in the United States with a handsome American soldier. Decades later, and now a widow, Estelle lives on her own—but not alone. Catholic Social Service provides a valuable service that helps her maintain her independence and live in her own home, just where she wants to be. A few years ago, with failing eyesight and hearing and other physical limitations, Estelle referred herself to Catholic Social Service to receive home delivered meals through the Senior Nutrition Program. She could no longer prepare her food for herself and wasn’t eating well. “Before she started on our program, she was eating only sweets and lunch meat. She was weak,” said Judy, who delivers the meals to Estelle. “Now that she receives our meals, she is doing great.” Judy knows how important it is for Estelle to live in her own home. “The elderly give up so much of their independence as they age, so it means a lot to them to stay in their own homes. With the right supports, we can make that happen.” 2012-2013 Annual Report | 15 Catholic Community Services i n WESTERN Arizona Catholic Community Services in Western Arizona (CCSWAZ) serves Yuma County with meals for seniors, counseling, domestic crisis services, and adult day health care for the elderly and disabled, as well as the Arizona Families FIRST program in Yuma and La Paz Counties. What We’ve Done Together ■ 46 seniors at Daybreak Adult Day Health Center ■ received 24,222 hours of personal care, nursing, and activities. 43 of the center’s seniors were able to maintain or increase their level of self-sufficiency. ■ 475 frail or disabled individuals living in their own homes were supported by receiving 47,502 home delivered meals. ■ 732 seniors or people with disabilities were served 13,993 meals at the Yuma North End Community Center; more than half were involved in socialization activities at the center, and 399 seniors participated in nutritional education. 16 | Catholic Community Services ■ 1 48 parents received 1,200 hours of substance abuse treatment and counseling and participated in 992 drug screenings through the Arizona Families FIRST Program, a family-centered approach to promoting family independence, stability, and self-sufficiency. 1 36 women and 119 child victims of domestic violence received emergency shelter, counseling, case management, and legal assistance at Safe House. All of the families completed a safety plan and 121 families felt they had improved their support systems outside of the shelter. “I am a success story” A few years ago, Eric Kolson took stock of the damage his 20 years of drug use had caused. He’d gone to prison, lost the custody of his daughter, and wasted a lot of time. He came to Catholic Community Services in Western Arizona ready to change. “I showed them my arms and said, ‘I’m an IV user. I want help,’” said Eric. “And they totally embraced me.” Eric joined the Arizona Families FIRST program, which helps parents overcome drug abuse so that they can be reunited with their children who are in foster care. For several months, he attended weekly group meetings, met with counselors one on one, and submitted to regular drug tests. He learned what to expect during his recovery and got the encouragement and support he needed to keep going. “It absolutely helped,” said Eric. “They gave me so many tools to succeed.” The counseling specifically helped Eric see his own strengths. “They see something in you that you don’t see in yourself, and you realize that you know the answers. You know what you need to change.” After recovering fully from his drug use, the program’s counselors went to court to testify on his behalf, and his daughter was returned to his custody. Though fully recovered, Eric still attends the group meetings to encourage other parents who are in the same place he was. “People are scared. They know they could lose their kids,” said Eric. “I help them understand how important this is and that they can recover. I am a success story.” 2012-2013 Annual Report | 17 Detention Ministry The Detention Ministry was established to coordinate and provide Mass, Communion services, pastoral counseling, Bible study, religious education, sacramental preparation, and reading and prayer materials to 39,000 men, women, and youth incarcerated in the nine counties of the Tucson Diocese. The Detention Ministry is also charged with providing outreach to families of those incarcerated and to victims to foster reconciliation in our communities. Priests, deacons, sisters, and lay volunteers carry out the work of the ministry. Ministry volunteers provide over 75 weekly services in four federal units, 40 state adult units located in seven state prison complexes, two juvenile units, six private facilities, and nine county jails. A shuttle service is also available to help families visit family members in prison. Pastoral Ministry For 28 years, CCS’ pastoral ministry has provided Catholic services and communion for seniors in nursing homes and senior living communities throughout the Tucson area. Father Angelo Mastria, O CARM, and Sister Carolyn Nicolai, FSP, staff the ministry, visiting 25 facilities at least twice a month to hold Mass and make personal visits to comfort and console Catholic residents and others who request their presence. Father Angelo and Sister Carolyn also minister to those that are in the hospital and in hospice centers. Volunteers from parishes in the area assist in the ministry by escorting residents to and from services, assisting them in taking communion, leading the group in songs, and sharing stories and spiritual messages. 18 | Catholic Community Services CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES OF SOUTHERN ARIZONA, INC. CONSOLIDATED Statement of activities | year ended June 30, 2013 Revenues and Other Support: Government Fees and Grants $14,928,634 62.2% Program Service Fees 4,428,680 18.4% Indirect Public Support 1,131,957 4.7% Contributions 1,472,224 6.1% In-Kind Contributions 861,381 3.6% Annual Catholic Appeal 490,000 2.0% Investments and Other Income 716,047 3.0% Total Revenue $24,028,923 100% Expenses Program Services $20,883,326 85.8% Fund Raising 171,646 0.7% Administration 3,289,962 13.5% Total Expenses $24,344,934 100% Funds Available (Used) for Program Services ($316,011) Beginning Net Assets $12,912,646 Ending Net Assets $12,596,635 Senior nutrition and aging services 13% Other programs 6% Services for people with disabilities 38% Program Service Expenditures Family and children’s services 31% Medical services 12% 2012-2013 Annual Report | 19 gifts received July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 The Ring of Charity Planned giving ensures the future work of Catholic Community Services. CCS and CCS Foundation gratefully acknowledge those who are making a difference in the lives that follow. circle of light Gifts given over time sustain the work of Catholic Community Services. With deep appreciation, we recognize those whose cumulative giving has strengthened our ability to serve. irrevocable PlanneD giFtS Therese Velasco Berg Robert and Sylvia Gergen Mildred A. Jennings circle of Faith revocable PlanneD giFtS Robert and Jeannette Barnes Margaret Buckelew David and Gloria Butler James Gebhart Dr. Martha A. Goodrich Joan Hall Tom and Karen Hall Chris and Marguerite Harmon Ted and Jeanne Hasbrook John J. Kronner Rev. Joseph A. Lombardo Tom and Liz McMahon Colleen Newman Norm and Becky Rebenstorf Mrs. Barbara M. Sack Eugene and Louise Sander Daniel and Joan Sweet circle of angels† realizeD PlanneD giFtS receiveD betWeen JUly 1, 2012 anD JUne 30, 2013 Genevieve Baxter Edward L. Racketa circle of love cUmUlative giving oF $100,000 anD above Angel Charity for Children, Inc. Arizona Community Foundation Estate of Elizabeth Brault Estate of Nancy J. Brua Calistri Family Foundation Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Tucson David J. Clopine Trust Peggy and Terry DeWald eegee’s Ed and Suzanne Irving KCTC/Forgach Tennis Tournament Susan G. Komen Breast Foundation Estate of Richard O. Martin Estate of Amy Mesenburg Marjorie O’Connell Open Wide Open ORFA Foundation Deacon Gary and Barbara Pasquinelli Raskob Foundation Shamrock Foundation Southwest Catholic Health Network Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption Tucson Electric Power Philanthropic Fund Ted and Elaine Welp Estate of Father Norman M. Whalen, Ph.D. Estate of Mary Josephine Williams Witz-Mallinger Charitable Foundation Estate of Grace M. Zierhut and John W. Oare annUal giving oF $10,000 anD above Joel and Lidia Allen William S. Anheuser Charitable Fund William S. Anheuser Family Foundation Estate of Genevieve Baxter Calistri Family Foundation Carondelet Health Network Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Tucson Chouinard Charitable Trust The Click Family Foundation David J. Clopine Trust Cochise County Senior Meals Fundraising Committee Peggy and Terry DeWald Eaglet Fund held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona Theodore Gebler Trust Fund Ed and Suzanne Irving Koch Foundation, Inc. Susan G. Komen Breast Foundation O’Rielly Family Foundation Deacon Gary and Barbara Pasquinelli The Pocono Foundation Quilt for a Cause Inc. The Edward L. Racketa Family Trust Raskob Foundation James and Nancy Rodolph Charitable Fund held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors Shamrock Foundation Significance Foundation Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes Estate of Edward M. Wavers Ted and Elaine Welp Witz-Mallinger Charitable Foundation Zuckerman Family Foundation CIRCLE OF CARINg If you have included CCS of the CCS Foundation in your will or other estate plans, please let us know so we may thank you now, and so that your gift planning may inspire others. If we have inadvertently omitted your name from our list or have you listed incorrectly, please accept our sincere apology and notify us at (520) 670-0854 or by email to lizm@ccs-soaz.org 20 | Catholic Community Services CIRCLE OF HOPE † denotes deceased annUal giving oF $1,000 -$9,999 AJ’s Fine Foods Don Acomb, D.D.S., LLC Arizona Department of Corrections Arizona State Department of Corrections Henry and Marilyn Atha Maurizio Balistreri Bank of the West BBVA Compass Bank Ray and Ginny Bargull Louis Barsky Hurd and Mary Ellen Baruch James and Elizabeth Beckmann Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration Al and Ruth Bollman Janice Bradel Paul M. Brownlee Burk, Hall & Co. Karen E. Bybee COPE Foundation Carondelet Sisters of St. Joseph -- Los Angeles Angelle Casagrande, D.D.S. Michael and Susan Cavender and the John M. Simpson Foundation Teresa Cavendish Cistercian Nuns - Santa Rita Abbey Jim Click Automotive Team Dr. Mary Cochran and Robert Wolk Community Partnership of Southern Arizona Roger and Mary Ellen Cook Brian and Regina Corry Mark and Pauline Covault Tracy and Joseph Cracchiolo Andrew E. Deeb, D.M.D., P.C. Delta Dental of Arizona Douglas Unified School District #27 Donal Drayne Fred and Betty Dusto Colin and Michelle Farrell Kathryn Fleming Fort Huachuca Community Thrift Shop Fraternal Order of Eagles Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold Foundation Dr. Martha A. Goodrich Richard Grant and Sarah Bogan-Grant Gail M. Gretta Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Haley Tom and Karen Hall Hammel, Beal & Lauer PC Vicki Hansen Chris and Marguerite Harmon Ted and Jeanne Hasbrook Benjamin Hawkins Frank Higney and Anne Claney Mark Hinkle Richard and Mary Lou Homan Thomas Horvath Peter and Henrietta Huisking Catharine C. Hurley Julie Hyatt Patti Jaekle Charles J. Jeffords Janell Jellison Jack R. and Kathleen B. Johnson Edmund and Kathleen Kahn Daniel Klemmedson, D.D.S. Judy Ann Kolvick KPMG, LLC Thomas R. Kramkowski Sandy Kreamer Thomas and Margaret Kusian L.E.S. is More Charitable Fund held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona John and Deanna Lauer Christina Trainer Leber and Todd Leber Long Realty Cares Foundation, Inc. HS Lopez Family Foundation Lynn Marcus Marian Club at St. Thomas the Apostle Church MCAS Yuma Station Chapel Marshall Foundation Andrew P. Martin Charitable Trust Ronald A. Martin Family Fund held at the Arizona Community Foundation Dennis and Julie McCarthy Tom and Liz McMahon Kendra McNally Kenneth J. and Margaret McNealy 2007 Charitable Trust John and Helen Murphey Foundation Mary Naifeh Northrop Grumman Claire B. Norton Fund held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona John O’Brien and Darlene Edminson-O’Brien O’Rielly Chevrolet Theodore and Elizabeth Olsen Charles L. Parcell Paul’s Pub Dana Pepper and Bob Callaway Charles and Patricia Pettis Richard and Donata Pfisterer Pima Federal Credit Union Pizza Hut of Arizona William C. Quihuis Norm and Becky Rebenstorf Manson and Jane Reedal Arthur and Marion Rogers Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson Roberto and Josefina Ruiz Safeway Foundation Senior Nutrition Yard Sale Schwab Charitable Fund Harry and Maxine Scott Thomas and Gayle Sette Sierra Vista Car Club, Inc. John and Gina Slattery Snell & Wilmer, LLP Snowbirds Church at Westwind Southwest Catholic Health Network Southwest Energy Southwest Gas Corporation Lucia Spikes The Springer Family Fund Thomas and Brigitte Spuhler St. Andrew the Apostle Parish Ladies of St. Andrew’s Parish Nancy Rose Stephan Mary Pat Sullivan Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Co-op, Inc. Sundt Foundation Richard and Patricia Switzer David A. and Linda S. Tansik Joe Thibodeaux Thomas-Davis Clinic Fund held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona James and Anita Tomola Thomas Toole Torch Ball Foundation Daniel and Patricia Torrington Tucson Charity Bridge Club Inc Tucson Electric Power Company John Tully and Susan Miller-Tully Norman L. Tully Roger and Ellen Ulrich John Van Rixel Michael and Ruth Virnig Henry and Joyce Walker Wells Fargo Foundation Ralph and Linda Welter Linda and Rick Werbylo Michael and Philomena White Michael and Paula Whitehouse Harriett Wilson DeLoris C. Woodford Hon. Wayne E. Yehling Youth Education Security, Inc. Circle of Friends Annual Giving of $100 - $999 AARP Chapter #3123 AEA Federal Credit Union A.F. Sterling Homebuilders, Ltd. Gary and Mary Abrahams Vincent and Rose Abrahamson Teresa Acadiz Ace Hardware Hector and Elizabeth Acosta Sr. Elizabeth Adams David and Diana Adler Jay and Mary Lou Adler Aetna Foundation, Inc. Affordable Auto Glass & TInt Agustin and Cindy Aguilar Gerardo and Sylvia Aguilar Eileen Aguilera Misty and Chris Ahearn Bart and Rose Ahern Daniel and Nancy Alcombright Bill and Maggie Allen John and Laura Almquist Alpha Delta Kappa Phi Todd and Mary Altenbernd American Federation of Government Employees Adelia Ames Ronald and Carolyn Ancell Eric and Sheree Anderson Kerry Anderson Albert Andrews Nanette Angiulo Donald and Carol Ankley Leroy and Silvina Anna Rosalie E. Anton Apache Dental Lab, Inc. Gus and Sally Aragon Mary Jane Aranda Mr. and Mrs. Augusto Aranguren Nan Rose Arena Patricia Arida Arizona Dental Association Arizona Rangers Douglas Company Arizona Rangers Sonoita Company Arizona State Prison Complex Frank Arlotti Ronald and Sandra Arlt Martin and Renee Armijo Rodolfo and Debra Armijo James and Maria Armstrong Walter and Patricia Arnell John Arnold Law Offices of John J. Assini, P.C. Stephen and Edith Auslander David M. and Vivian Auslander Nicolaas and Connie Aussems Robert M. Avina Alex Ayala Lance Bacon and Yvonne Cauzza Rosemary Bacon William G. Baffert Lawrence and Carol Bagley Larry and Carol Bahill Richard and Judith Baillargeon William and Marilyn Baim Eric and Elizabeth Baker The Bakers Flor LLC Paul Balak Howard and Annette Baldwin Kevin Ballent Henrietta S. Barassi Mr. and Mrs. James Bargenquast Gary Barnes and Lorraine Becker Frank and Rebecca Barraza Patricia Barry Christopher Bartos Jonathan and Carolyne Bass R.K. Battaglia Bays Law, P.C. Joel and Katherine Beck Elmo and Dorothy Becker Bruce Beenken Patrick and Genevieve Berens Joseph and Nina Beland Ray and Sally Benites Sheila Bennen Brian P. Bentley Michael and Rebecca Berch Carmen Bermudez and Tom Feeney Arturo and Ana Bernal and Family John and Yolanda Bernal Daniel G. Bert John and Joan Beyer Frank Bialek Thomas Bickley Roger C. Biede II, D.D.S. Dennis Bielicki Ethelmae Billedeauz Anna Binkiewicz Ronald Birdman David and Kathy Bishop Armida Bittner Thomas Biuso Michael and Marjorie Blaine Robert and Stephanie Blanchette George and Joyce Blanton Kenneth E. Boedeker Josephine Boehm Al and Terri Bonagofski Jerome and Joanne Bongard Bonnie’s Lounge Carol A. Boore Eric and Julie Boos Mr. and Mrs. John Borchert Jeffrey Bourff Christina Bowes Grady Eugene Bowman Marci Bowman Vincent and Margaret Boyen Calvin and Mary Boyles James Andrus and Margaret Lee Boyless Steven and Glenda Bracamonte James B. and Jennie S. Bradley Richard V. and Susan Brady Raymond Braghetta Joan J. Brandt Robert P. Brazaskas Christopher and Linda Brelje Bright Star Healthcare Beatriz R. Bright Francis and Stephanie Brinker Gloria Brinsko Colette Briody Arline Brown Timothy Michael and Linda Brown Edward and Patricia Brucker Raymond and Judith Bruns Douglas and Avelyn Brynildsen Richard and Elisabeth Buchanan Jay and Amanda Buck Terrence M. Buino Wade and Alison Bunting Susan Burg James and Jaime Burke Kathleen Murphy Burns Winnell H. and Chris Burt Howard Busby Dennis and Patricia Bybliw John and Cecilia Cabrera Alma Caffall CAID Industries, Inc. Eldred Caillouet Dennis and Pauline Caldwell Albert Callie, M.D. Douglas and Betty Cameron Christopher and Kimberley Campbell Robert and Susie Campbell Jovita Campos Paul and Jean Cannava Lisa Capristo Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Carbajal Gerald and Kathleen Carbonari Jose and Alice Cardenas Mrs. Frank Carella Edward and Dawn Carlson Monica Carmona Richard and Diana Carmona Carondelet Sisters of St. Joseph - Tucson Diane Marie Carrillo Laura Carrillo Denis and Anne Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Harry D. Carrozza Greg P. Carter Lloyd R. Carter Scott C. Carvajal Casas Arroyo Association, Inc. Stephen Caska Joseph and Julia Cassetta George R. Castillo Rosalee Castro Octavio and Virginia Celaya Robert and Lucille Cervi Robert and Dee Chandler David Chapa Harold and Mabel Chapman Rob Charles Daniel and Jacqueline Chellman William and Sharon Lee Chenevert Frank and Alice Christ Wendie Cimino Sam and Kathleen Ciulla James and Marcia Clark Bette J. Clarkson Stephen and Pamela Clarridge Edward and Martina Clary Clothing Exchange, Inc. George Charles Cobo Cochise College Cochise County Republican Committee Cochise Victim Awareness, Inc. John and Karen Coffin Edward Coghlan David J Cohen Leslie J. Cohen Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Coleman Gavin Colquhoun Bryan David and Sharon Concho James and Clare Conley Consulado de Mexico Janine Contestable Helen J. Cook Robin J. Coon Geraldine Cooper Jose Antonio Coppola Christopher and Olivia Coppus Sue Corcoran Catherine Cosentino, M.D. Christopher Kevin Cotter Colin and Jennifer Cotter Jocelyn Cotter Philip C. and Kathleen Thompson Cotton John E. Coulahan Edward and Caroline Coury 2012-2013 Annual Report | 21 Gifts received July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 John and Shirley Cox Vester Craft William Craig and Marie A. Yonkers Paul and Betty Craven Ryan T. Crawford Matthew and Maureen Creegan Lawrence Robert Cronin Alan and Dot Crosby Crossroads Quilt Guild Brian Crowley Merle and Deirdre Crutchfield Elizabeth and Francisco M. Cruz Isabel H. Cruz Luis A. Cueva, Jr., D.D.S. Robert and Sally Cummings Colleen Curran Charles and Margaret Cusack Daniel and Linda Cutler Keith R. Cyrnek Howard and Susan Daberry Larry J. Damer Rita J. Daniels Robert Daniels Ron Dankowski and Jamie Zink Nelson Daou George H. Daranyi Charles and Elena d’Autremont Fred Dardis John T. and Mary Davee Deron Davenport, D.D.S. LaVonne Davidson Charles Davis, D.D.S. James and Elaine Davis Jon and Deborah Davis Richard and Karen Davis Rita Davis James Allen Davy, Jr. Daynes Optical Luis F. de Jangh Alfonso and Maria Luisa De La Riva Ruben and Lydia de la Vara Cliff and Delann DeBenedetti Robert and Mary DeBolt Evo and Ora DeConcini and Thu Family Foundation Lola DeLeon Debra DeShae Catherine DeWitt James R. and Patti Deaver C. Jane Decker Margot Del Santo John and Karen Delgado William and Leila Demaree M. J. Demetras Paul and Lisa Desrosier Richard F. and Mary A. Determan Barbara Dexter Donald and Sylvia Diamond Laura Edith Diaz Ann Dickson Gordon and Sharon Dicosola Thomas and Cheryl Dimmick Thomas J and Catherine Dingell Louis and Valerie Dinnan Discount Furniture Warehouse Paul Dittrich Robert O. and Gerda Dizon Sr. Barbara Donahue and Sr. Mary Therese Martin Patrick and Sherall Donovan Frederick P. Dooley, III Mary Dorais 22 | Catholic Community Services Christopher John and Angelle Douville Dove Security Donald S. Doyle Vladimir F. Drobny Linda Drew William and Denise Du Pont Frank Duarte Lety Duarte Paul Duckro Suzanne Duffey Dunn Insurance Charles Dunn, K.M. - Order of Malta Jose I. Duran Lisa Duran Tony and Nann Durando Martin Durkin Lydia Duron-Kan Donald and Carol Eagle Janet Earley Michael Ebner EC Group Kenneth and Susan Edmiston Jerry and Rose Edwards Robert S. and Elizabeth Edwards Roger Edwards Philomena Edwardson Lawrence and Judy Effken Charles and Judith Eichman Ed and Mary Eick El Rio Community Health Center Elgin Sonoita Cowbelles James and Kathryn Ellerson Laura Ellington-Pierre John D Elofson J. and Lois Emmel Susan Encinas Mary Enderle Alan and Christine Engel Richard Donald Ennis Marvin F. Erickson Jesus and Carmen Escarcega Mr. and Mrs. Robert Esparza Alfonso and Martha Espinoza R. Thomas and A. Marcy Euler Robin Kathleen Evans Donald R. Eve Brenda Even, Ph.D. Donald and Carol Ewing Carol Falk Ellen Fallon Roger and Anne Fallon Lawrence and Colleen Farnam Michael E. Farro John and Jean Fearnow John Felix Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Fellows Mary Fellows Steve and Veronica Fenn Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Fennerty Francis and Andrea Fergel William and Carolyn Ferguson Jesus and Georgana Fernandez Patricia Ferrer, P.A. Manuel and Mary Ferris George and Lynn Feulner Everardo and Theresa Figueroa Jeanette Figueroa Suzann Filleul Mary Fimbres Bruce J. Fink First Assembly of God First Baptist Church First West Properties Robert W. Fischer Alice Patricia Fisher Harry and Margaret Fisher Joel and Valeria Fisher Fishkind, Bakewell & Maltzman Eye Care & Surgery Center Michael Fitzpatrick Kathrine Flanagan Virginia Flanagan Virginia Flanigan Paul Flasch Susan Fleishman Janyse Florek Mr. and Mrs. Victor Florez Theo and Melba Fones Scott and Lori Forgues John and Theresa Forsythe Connie Fotinos Rodney and Sara Francis Billie Franco Amylee Franklin Nickolas and Joan Franks William and Barbara Freeman Deborah Frent Maureen L. Friedmann Fred and Nan Friend Walter Frost John and Debra Funk Herbert and Mary Furth Greg and Patty Gadarian Ernest and Marie Galaz Alfonso and Anna Gallardo Pablo and Mari Gallardo Victor and Marilyn Galloway Louis and Sharon Galto Frances M. Galusky David Gamboa Anna-Marie Gantt Alfred P. Garcia Caroline M. Garcia Estela Garcia Francisco A. Garcia and Norma H. Gonzalez Jose Garcia Nina L. Garcia Robert and Sharon Garcia Henry Gasper Robert and Leticia Gastelum David and Nancy Gates Frederick W. Gaudet, Jr. Catherine Gehrig de Chavez Marilyn Gehrig Paul and Migdalia Gelsinger Hans and Phyllis Geres Robert and Sylvia Gergen Kenneth and Susan Gerhart David and Jeannette Gerlach Michelle Germano George August and Julie Gewehr David and Sandra Gibeault Mary K. Gibson Joseph and Marilyn Giedraitis Ethelma and Sandra Gill Frances Gillette Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gilliam Kathleen Girvin Kurt and Robyn Glaesser Ian and Randy Glennie Joe and Gloria Godoy Ronald and Judith Goggin Patricia Gonzales Jose Alfredo and Nicole Gonzalez Robert and Margaret Goodnight Judith M. Gordon Thomas and Kathleen Gordon Jerry Grady Rudolph and Barbara Graf Francis and Mary Ann Graffagnino James W. Graham Richard and Louise Grantham Earl and Susan Gray GRC Wireless, Inc. Giulio and Joan Grecchi James Michael Green Loring and Susan Green Roy Mack Green Monette L. Greer Stan Greer Millworks Gary E. Gregory Mary Ann Grevas Brenden Griffin William J. Grochola David and Carol Groetken Rupert and Evelyn Groh Groomin’ Grannies Jeffrey and Letitia Grove Henrietta Guadiana Margarita Guerra Robert and Patricia Guerra Peter Guevara Athos and Susan Guillot Daniel and Debra Guilmette Scott M. Gulas Robert and Wanda Guth Heriberto and Ruby Gutierrez Michael and Sonya Gutierrez Catherine Guttuso Alicia Gutzman Victor Guzman Roger and Margo Haar James and Annamarie Haase John and Carol Habra Marie Hackert Susan Marie and Stephen Damian Haight Gerald and Barbara Haines Heather Hajek Joan Hall Steve Halper Jeannie Hamblin Norma Hamilton Samuel and Christine Hammett Kenneth and Marian Handy Robert and Linda Hannifan John Hannigan Bill and Nancy Hansen Conrad and Kelly Hanson Mary L. Harbour Harespray, LLC James and Roberta Hargleroad Edward and Marge Harms Sherry Harper Anthony Harrell and Laura Corcoran Bill and Dee Harrington Carter and Constance T. Harrison Kathy Harrison Richard C. and Judy Hartigan Ron and Mary Hassler Hermann and Janis Hastreiter Philip and Olga Hayes Bradford L. Hazzard John and Patricia Healy William and Bernadette Heath HED Gold-N-Design, LLC Tom and Donna Hefley Gregory L. and Kathy Heisey David and Marjorie Henrich Milton J. Henrichs Arturo and Ernestina Hernandez Joy E. Herr-Cardillo Vince and Anna Herrera Robert Hershoff Marri Elizabeth Herzenach William P. Hess Larry W. Hester David Hetzel and Bettyrose Schwier-Hetzel Richard C. Hibner, D.D.S. Adora Marie Higgins Joe and Chris Higgins Esthermarie Hillman Helen Hilts Mark Hingstrum Robert J. Hirsh John and Martha Hirth Harland Hirtzel Chris Hitchcock and Kathleen Burke Noel and Cynthia Hobeisch Michael and Diane Hoedel Glenn Hoffman and Bessie Guadiana-Hoffman James and Esther Hogan Steven Hollander, D.P.M. Annette M. Holt James A. Hooton II Steven Hopp and Barbara Kingsolver Horizon Moving Systems Francis and Angela Horkey Mary T. Horr Joyce Hospodar Theresa Howard Huachuca Area Republican Women’s Club Huachuca Area School Retirees Association Huachuca Mountain Archers & Bowhunters Club Law Offices of Jennifer Huang, P.C. Joyce Hubbard Jacqueline Huckabee Jim and Carol Huddleston James Hudson, M.D. Joe Huerta Gerald and Janice Hungerford Therese Hurley Jeffrey and Michaele Hustad Evalyn Hutzel Craig and Catharine Hyatt Frances Hyde Gary and Marcia Imdieke Shirley M. Ingram Intergalactic, Inc. Interiors by Decorating Den JP Morgan Chase Bank Lloyd Lermon Jackson Jerome Richard Jacobs Michael D. James Mary Lou Jarms Francis Jefferson Donna JoAnn Jensen Harold and Patricia Jensen Michael Jerman Michael and Sally John Gordon and Mary Lou Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Lane P. Johnson Richard and Roxana Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Shirley A. Johnson Thomas and Elizabeth Johnson Veronica Johnson Jon and Pat Jonz Donald and Kathryn Jorgensen Cindy K. Jorgenson Peter and Sara Juliano Edward Jung Beverly Blashill Jutry Maria E. Juvera, PLLC K - CETTES Jayme and Karen Kahle Owen and Rhonda Kaiser Nathan and Lisa Kanute James and Luz Kattinge Eileen Kaul KB Office Solutions Joseph and Louise Keane Joseph and Susan Kearney James and Carol Keaveney James and Suzanne Kee James and Martha Keef Keegan, Linscott & Kenon, P.C. Patricia K. Keegan Donald and Virginia Keller Mary B. Keller James M. Kennedy Joseph and Deanna Kennedy Karl P. Kennedy Robert and Margaret Kennedy Frank William Kern, III G. Richard Ketchum Mr. and Mrs. James Kimmet David and Paticia King King’s Appliances, LLC Father Richard M. Kingsley Martin D. and Cheryl Kinsley Lisa Cotter Kirsch Barry Kirschner and Leslie Nixon Margaret Kish Michael and Paula Kjolsrud Kathy Kline Gary and Doris Kling Conrad and Marguerite Knecht James Knepler and Holli Horak Robert and Jana Knight Knights of Columbus - Deacon Raphael Longpre Council Knights of Columbus - Huachuca Knights of Columbus - Our Lady of the Mountains Knights of Columbus - Regina Clari Council Knights of Columbus - State Council Knights of Columbus - St. Augustine Council Knights of Columbus - St. Francis de Sales James R. Knochel, D.D.S. John Joseph Knosby David and Martha Knuttinen Leo Koester Harold and Rose Ann Kohl Richard and Sandy Kolasa Minerva Mejia Kong Gary Kordosky and Noreen Geyer-Kordosky Helene M. Koski Eddie and Lynda Koury Arnold and Barbara Kraus John J. Kronner John and Christine Kuebler Ed and Mary Kunkel † denotes deceased Ronald and Karen Kurdelski Ludwig and Barbara Kuttner Shirley La Bay Vernon and Barbara LaCoursiere Adam and Kristine LaGuardia Concetta LaPaglia James T. Lacey Philip and Jane Lacovara Jeffery Ladd Shiraz and Gwendoline Ladha Brian Laird Lambda Chi Omega Arizona Beta Moniqua K. Lane Mark and Denise Langhenry Timothy Larche Nancy Larison Irene Larriva Jerry and Susan Lauer Andrew Laurenzi and Valerie Hink Philip Lauzon Billie A. Lavin Don and Patricia Lawhead Lawley Automotive Group Adam Lazarus Jeffrey and Rachael LeFave Robert A. and Kathryn Leach Ronald and Paulita Leader David and Linda Lee Kevin and Barbara Leehey C.B. and Susan Leeser Robert and Janice Leff William and Susan Lehman Jim and Luanne Leising Earl and Dorothy Lenois Michael and Stacey Lent Grant and Ann Leonard Patricia Leonardo Robert and Lori Lepore Gina Frances Lesniewski Leon Leszczynski and Carol Ramage Anthony and Angela Leto Anne Levy Stanley and Patricia Lewandowski Kevin Libentritt Larry and Joyce Lickfelt Jennifer Liddicoat Life Care Center of Sierra Vista Peter and Patricia Likins David T. Lila Ruth Liljenquist and Eduardo Pagan Yvonne M. Lindstrom Teresa Linn Robert and Sue Ann Linnemann Chris Linscott and Cindy O’Neil Lisa Lear, D.D.S., M.S.D. Albin and Kristen Littell Fran Livingston Robert Lizarraga and Jennifer Hogan-Lizarraga Lloyd’s Dry Cleaning and Drapery Michael A. Loden James and Bonnie Logan James and Bonita Lohman John Lohse Lawrence and Mary Lou Long Patricia Long Hiram and Diana Lopez Maria D. Lopez Miguel Lopez Norma Lorge J. David and Edith Lowell Jose and Elizabeth Loyola Vincent Luciano Mr. and Mrs. Charles L Luebbering Patrick and Denise Luzar Robert Lyon Mary C. Lyons Robert and Beverly Machulies William and Elizabeth Madden Enzio and Amzell Magaletti Alfonso and Susan Mages Timothy and Mary Maher Robert Mahl and Tanya O’Neill George and Kerman Majewski Mark Maklin, D.M.D., P.C. Jane H. Mallon Charles J. and Evelyn Malone Daniel and Rebecca Malone Catherine Mammana Eric and Erica Mannlein Nick and Sharon Mansour MHC Healthcare Ronald and Judith Marcischak Melissa Marcus Kenneth L. and Gayle L. Markham Glenn Marks and Tamara Novak Charles and Mary Lou Marksch Martin and Nohemi Marquez Jose and Marisela Marrufo David and Joan Martin Fred and Shirley Martin William and Candace Martin Massengale & Associates Consulting, Inc. James and Patricia Masterjohn Ronald and Lucinda Mathers Michael and Katherine Mathieu Eric and Diana Maugans Leroy A. Maus James and Nancy Mayerhofer John Maynard and Mary Helen Maley Carol J. Maywood Ryan P. Mazura Robert and Mary McAndrew Richard and Patricia McBride Stanley McBride and Rosa Flores-McBride The McCarthy Law Firm, P.L.L.C. Brian P. and Patricia K. McCarthy Terrence and Thecla McCarthy Jerry and Connie McCollow Robert J. McCue Glenn and Diane McDaniel Thomas and Barbara† McDevitt Angus and Barbara McDonald William and Mary McDonald Joy A. McDoniel Keith and Maria Elena McElroy Joseph and Nora McGowan Michael McGrath Matthew McGuire Ronald and Madeleine McKinnon Samuel W. McKnight Kay McLoughlin Patrick and Margarita McLoughlin Catherine McMahon Fred J. McNabb Erin McNulty Ovis and Rosa Mead Ricardo C. Medina Matt Meehan Thomas and Barbara Meis Thomas and Kathleen Meixner Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Merchant Mesa Verde Quilters Clement and Arleen Mesch Larry R. Metler Joan E. Metzger Bill Meyer Rodger and Joan Meyer John and Joanna Michelich George Michels Kathleen Middleton Daniel and Sharon Mikolitis James J. Mikolitis Cyril and Marga Mikula John and Jane Miller Joseph Miller, M.D. Lawrence and Elizabeth Minich Sylvia Mioduski Raul A. Miranda Gerald C. Miriani Randall and Caryl Mobley Lawrence M. Moher Mary Moisio Edward and Donna Molina Amy C. Monreal Leo and Rose Marie Montano Jesus Montes Rosalie C. Montgomery Philip Mooberry, D.D.S. Mike Morales Kenneth N. and Linda Moreland Roy and Delores Morey Dennis and Beatrice Morneau Linda Morrison Rita M. Moseley Robert W. Moser Daniel and Jenine Moss William and Susan Motl Charles and Linda Mount Michael H. and Martha Mount Mark and Pauline Mouw Donald and Linda Mower James and Judith Mueller John C. and Janice M. Mueller Stanley Muldrow Christine M. Mullinax Thomas M. and Christine G. Murphy Francis Murray Mark H. and Tamra Myers Mark and Judith Nagle Thomas and Gloria Naifeh Lynn Jo Namsick Geraldine K. Nangle Chris and Loni Nannini Ronald Nathan Danielle Neer James and Josephine Neihart Joe and Julie Neilson Glenn E and Karlene Nelson Joseph and Elizabeth Nelson Peter G. and Shirley Nelson Julie Nentl Kenneth G. and Joanne C. Nesler Colleen Newman Michael Niemira and Shirley Lazo Edward and Carol Nigl Nogales Woman’s Club Sharon Noll Northminster Presbyterian Women Harvey and Cecelia Norton Agnes Novak James and Teresa Nowak Kathy Nugent John and Marjorie O’Brien Philip and Kathleen O’Brien Michael and Jeni O’Callaghan Delmer and Judith O’Connell Eugene and Therese O’Connell Patrick and Ann O’Connor Roger O’Mahen Raymond and Jean O’Neil James D. Obenauf Mark and Karen Ogram Donald F. and Madelyn Olander Old Pueblo Crystal Corporation Laurel Ann Olson Lauretta Olson Marian G. Olson Mildred H. Olson Lola Davis and Adeyemi Adetutu Oluwole Order of the Eastern Star, Yuma Chapter No. 14 Bryan and Margaret Orr Orthodontic Specialists of Tucson John and Dorie Anne Ory Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oser Alex Richard Osuna Our Lady of Fatima Parish Our Mother of Sorrows Parish Norma J. Owen Margaret H. Owens Fr. Gilbert Padilla Steven and Colleen Page Herbert and Margaret Pahoresky Paladin Fitness Robert and Josephine Palmer The Panousopoulos Scholastic Charitable Foundation Richard and Lisa Panzero Stephen K. and Lorraine Park Jack A. and Joyce S. Parris Michael and Cindy Parseghian Michael and Linda Pastor Bonnie and William Patient David and Helen Patterson Donna Patterson Florence Penman Alyce Pennington John and Patricia Pepper Michael Peralta Raul and Carla Peralta William Perius Ron and Christi Perrault Philip and Maxine Perzan Robert Peterson Efren and Sue Peyron Dorthea Pfeiffer Barbara Phillips Patricia B. Phillips David and Agnes Pino Pioneer Title Agency, Inc. Paul and DiAnn Plunkett David and Nancy Poirier Robert and Michelle Pollock Gladys A. Pope Jonathan and Gisela Porcelli Ann J. Porter Thomas and Penny Posedly Larry and Zola Powers Charles and Maria Preble Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Preble Prestige Assisted Living James and Elizabeth Provenzano 2012-2013 Annual Report | 23 Gifts received July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 Robert Provost Ray and Belsora Pucket Leo Quesada Daniel J. and Kristin Quigley Joseph Rademacher Beatrice Ramirez Thelma Z. Ramos David and Molly Ramsower Mary Helen Rasor Sandra L. Rausch Frank and Marta Rawa Barbara and Jack Raymond Re/Max Homestores, LLC Patricia Redden Brent Reed Scott Reff Phyllis M. Reid Christopher Reidy Richard and Elizabeth Reilly Steve and Beverly Reiter Daniel and Elsa Reyes Thomas and Susan Reynolds Dennis and Barbara Rezabek Mack and Carmen Rhoades, III Peter P. Ribotto Melanie Rice Diana Richmond Dolores M. Riggan Judith Evelyn Riley Lawrence and Susan Ring Rio Rico Rotary Foundation John and Kathleen Rivera Brenden Robinson Clyde M. Robinson Gilbert and Mary Robles Rachel Robles Jay and Gail Rochlin Debra Rodriguez Joe and Lupe Rodriguez Joseph and Cynthia Rodriguez Mark and Kathryn Rodriguez Martin and Ruth Rodriguez Rose F. Rodriguez Susana G. Rodriguez Stephen and Jennifer Rogan Robert and Sandra Rohen Samuel and Annie Rolfe Maureen Roll Donald and Nan Rollings Amy Romero Barbara S. Rooney Judith A. Ross Thomas C. Rothe, M.D. Silvia Rouzaud Mary F. Ruddick Maria Elena Ruelas R. Mark Russell, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Russell Rutherford Diversified Industries, Inc. Bernice Ryan Hubert and Emily Ryan Kiernan and Teresa Ryan Sarah B. Ryan Raul and Raynelda Saba Sabino Dental Ronald and Patricia Sable Mrs. Barbara M. Sack Ronda Saenz Marylou Sainz John L. Salapski Paul and JoAnn Salazar 24 | Catholic Community Services Harold and Segrid Salmon Estella Samorano Lyle and Elba Samuels Isabel Sanchez Lawrence and Mimi Sander Lucille Sandhurst Santa Cruz County Board of Realtors Santa Cruz Valley USD#35 Mike and Karen Sarikas Gerald and Dolores Sass James F. Sattler Alfred and Rita Jeanne Saucier Genevieve J. Sauder Kathryn Sawicki Thomas E. and Grace Sawyer Ernest and Jo Ann Sayre Dennis and Patricia Scalpone Aubrey G. and Rosa Scarbrough Frank and Susan Scerbo Richard A. Schaefer Gary Scheer Henry A. Scheuermann Johnie and Joan Schiemer Joe and Pam Schifano Mark and Susan Schildt Steve Schiltz and Melissa Murray John and Heather Schmidt Matthew and Ann Schmidt Joe and Nancy Schmieder Reg Schmit Robert and Joanna Schmit Anthony and Margaret Schmitz John Albert and Mary Charlene Schmitz Dawn Schoenberger Ruth Scholl Dora Schramm Judith G. Schuler Carol Schulte Alan and Delores Schultz David and Pamela Schutt Leonard and Mary Schwartz Edward Schwerko Ronald and Debra Scott Antonia V. Scrivner Milford and Ann Seby Carl and Elizabeth Segerstrom Dorothy Segerstrom Don and Judith Sellmeyer Sandra Semon Jasmin Serina Mary Anne Seymour John and Kathleen Shaheen Allen and Karen Shanahan Robert M. Sharpe Craig A. Shay Edward and Ann Sheehan Ziad Maurice and Leila Shehab Sherman Family Trust Charles and Kathryn Shidisky Dolores Shoecraft Lisa Shubitz Mr. and Mrs. Ethan T. Sierka Raymond and Jeanne Sierka Sierra Toyota Fund held at the Arizona Community Foundation Sierra Vista Flowers and Gifts Co. Sierra Vista Police Officer’s Association Sierra Vista Regional Health Center Sierra Vista Rotary Club Sierra Vista United Methodist Women Sierra Vista West Rotary Club Sierra Vista Womans Club, Inc. Sigma Theta Tau Beta Mu Chapter Jeanne Silverberg Andy Silverman and Starr Sanders Sarah Simmons Clifford and Dawn Simske Joycelyn Ann Sinclair Mark and Nancy Siner Walter and Irene Sivek Sivilli Capital Management Thomas J. and Sally Six Michael and Sylvia Skeps Alice M. Slater Mark and Renee Smerlinski Anthony Smith Brad and Traci Smith Margaret Smith Marvin and Vanessa Smith Philip and Marilynn Smith Thomas and Michele Smith William J. Smith Social Club Mexico George and Christina Sokol Ole and Juanita Solberg Timothy Soliday Sonoita-Elgin Merchants Lowell and Lois Sorenson Ronald and Georgene Sorenson Gary and JoAnne Sorlien Robert Sotomayor South Southwest Trading Company Southern Arizona Dental Hygienists’ Society Southwest Gas Corporation Gene and Anna Spino Spur Western Wear St. Anthony’s Fraternity St. Pius X Parish Esther Staley Elizabeth Stambaugh Gary and Patricia Standlee Burt and Susan Stanga Kathleen Stanley Richard and Soledad Stanton Philip and Maria Starceski Mary K. Stark Neil and Christine Staten Betty Steindl Robert and Joan Steinmann Keith and Fran Stephens Lillian Stephenson Alicia Stine JoAnn M. Stoneman Robert and Darlene Stowasser Judy A. Strang Georgette Stromenger Stevan Subia Joan T. Suess Sullivan and Taylor Family Foundation Jerry and Kathy Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. John B. Sullivan James and Joann Sumwalt Sundance RV Park Chapel Cecily Surace David and Dolores Sussman John T. Svob Thomas and Ruth Swanton Peter and Della Swarm Diann Swartz Matthew and Chantal Sweger William and Constance Swendner Diana Syme Anthony and Mary Tappin Mark Taube Ted and Shirley Taubeneck Dusty Thomas and Nancy Gabriel Joy Thompson Eric and Patricia Thomsen Margaret Thomson and John Holcombe George and Lissa Thornburgh Nancy Thornes Thunder Mountain Marine Corps League Thunder Mountain Pools, Inc. Gregory and Leanne Titus Tobacco and More Smoke Shop Today’s Look Day Spa William and Michelle Tong Top Mex, Inc. Charles B. Towner Roger and Frances Trainor Daniel and Sharon Treiber Mary C. Trejo Jesus and Florence Trias Anh-Hong Trinh Trivent Financial for Lutherans Fred H. and Mary J. Tschirley Tubac Amado Cowbelles Tucson Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Tucson Fruit and Produce Eric and Janet Tyburec Joseph and Molly Tylutki Louis Tysver Thomas Unger Union Distributing United Churches Fellowship United Methodist Women University of Arizona U. of A. Undergraduate Anthropology Club Kenneth and Betty Unrein Daniel John and Denise Urbanski Robert and Janice Urman Alfredo and Evangelina Valenzuela Eliazar and Patricia Valenzuela Andrew and Janet Vall John Jay and Blake Van Es Dorothy J. Van Hazel Roger and Sharon Van Loan David Van Wyck and Linda Drake John and Betsy Vandebeuken Todd and Toni Vanderah Barbara Vandertie Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Vantage West Credit Union Maria T. Varela Daniel Vargas Domingo and Maria Vega Lucille Veid William Y. and Berniece Velez Frank and Marion Vendituoli VFW Post 9972 Ladies Auxiliary Cathleen and Michael G. Vetter Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Villaescusa Village Meadows Baptist Church Cheryl Villegas Deborah Vincent, R.N., Ph.D. Richard and Jean Vock George† and Carol Volk Shawn and Cindy Volk Lisa K. Wagenheim Richard and Nancy Walbert John Walkovich Sterling A. Wall Jim and Patricia Walmann Robert and Annette Walter Douglas Ward Richard and Irma Ward Nanette Warner Joseph W. Warren Joseph and Barbara Warrion Larry Wasielewski Robert O. and Carol A. Waters Joseph Watkins and Jean DeJong Kenneth and Joyce Weakman Mary Beth Weaver Kami Weddle Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Weinstein Lester and Carol Welborn Welcome Neighbors Newcomers Club Wells Fargo Wayne and Mary Wesolowski Western Tire and Auto Care James K. Weston Robert and Dorothy Whalen John and Kerry Whaley Joseph Rodney Wharton Winnie R. White Edwin B. and Mary Whiting Tamra Whitwell Wick Communications Co. George and Brenda Widugiris Dr. Marion Wieden and Dr. Mel Bina Peter and Anne Wierenga Charles and Filomena Wiese John Wild, M.D. Jill D. Wiley Donald L. and Barbara Williams Earl and Grace Williams Leona Williams Mark and Diane Willimann Chris and Michelle Wilson Lee and Rosalie Wilson Paige Winslett Paul and Jeanne Wirsching Janelle Wisner Barbara Witkiewicz Betty J. Wojciehowski Women’s Fellowship of S.V. Comm Church Jim and Linda Wood Paul and Donna Woodford John and Joy Woods Patrick J. and Vicky Woods Peter and Marilyn Woods Robert and Catherine Workman Adolph A. Wuester Frank H. and Margarita Wulftange Edward and Patricia Wysocki Kenneth J. and K. Diane Yeaglin John and Anita Young Patrick and Mary Ann Young Thaddeus and Virginia Zak Gail P. Zamar Donna Zazworsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zellem Zerba Chiropractic, PC Erich T. Zielinski Richard and Mary Zindrick Thomas A. and Gloria Zlaket Zonta Foundation of Nogales Tamas and Irene Zsitvay Elizabeth Zukoski † denotes deceased Memorial Gifts IN MEMORY OF: robert n. allen bob behling Sr. louise berard Sr. Patrick bernard Diane blanton Karen britch evelyn and chris coronado roy eddleman margaret eichelberger gay g. evans Jack Francisco elena gauna l. P. hermes Debra hill erroll m. Kahn, D.D.S. Kirk Kern marguerite linard Sr. teresa mahony DONOR/S Joel and Lidia Allen Donna Alferi Thomas and Elaine Smuczynski Barbara Dexter George and Joyce Blanton Dean and Sandra Bouley Ben and Mary Louise Coronado Camiel J. and Alice Albrecht Brian and Regina Corry Joel and Lidia Allen Parishioners of St. Pius X Robert and Elizabeth Culver Jerome and Julie Krempasky Carol J. Maywood John and Laura Almquist Arizona Dental Association John and Karen Coffin Gail Freyer Harry and Bernice Gin Philip and Kimberly Gray Richard C. Hibner, D.D.S. Jacqueline Huckabee Beverly Blashill Jutry Arnold and Barbara Kraus Leon and Jeanne Mackey Kenneth and Pamela McNeil Philip Mooberry, D.D.S. William Pfeffer and Wanda Paxton Jonathan and Gisela Porcelli Winnie Porcelli Amy Romero Timothy Soliday Calvin and Helen Sparks Anna, Simon, and Winnie White David Deibel Thomas and Diane Evans Geraldine Cooper Kathleen marner lorraine miesfeld marc mondragon, D.D.S. bonita Kent norton nellie F. Pain Prudence rizzo lily Shafer Fritz Sitzman audrey Smith Sr. mary carrilus Spisak James r. Strong, D.D.S William tierney Jenna lee Ulrich arsenio valenzuela bessie Williams larry yasmer Karl zimmerman, D.D.S. Michelle I. Antonell Helen Bagnall Hurd and Mary Ellen Baruch Albert and Frances Cole Mary Dorais Catherine A. Duff Janet Earley Pat Edmiston Tim and Jane Garigan Frank and Mary Gioco Marilyn Giedraitis Joan Hall Mary T. Howard Eileen Kaul Dennis and Nancy Kerkman Mary T. Mathieu Catherine McMahon Thomas Mulvihill Eugene and Therese O’Connell Barbara Phillips Mary Elizabeth Potts Maureen Roll Edward and Ann Sheehan Michael and Jeanne Sturgis Joan T. Suess George† and Carol Volk William T. and Rose Marie Welchert Donna Alferi M. J. Demetras Thomas and Elisabeth Lindow Ernest and Jo Ann Sayre Anh-Hong Trinh Jean H. Cornell Donald and Carol Ewing Michael and Marianne Naughton Sydney and Sue Ross Octavio and Virginia Celaya Carol J. Maywood Gus and Sally Aragon Richard and Amy Gordon Danelle Liwski Julia G. Olson Alyce Pennington Donald H. Shaw Thelma Caffarella Gary and Linda Crites Vivian Horner Jeri Lipsman Joseph and Peggy Putnam Beverly Thompson William and Katharine Wootton Donna Alferi Barbara Dexter Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Anne C. King Roger and Ellen Ulrich Steve and Beverly Reiter Carol J. Maywood David M. and Vivian Auslander Scott and Deborah Golan Robert M. Sharpe Arizona Dental Association 140 West Speedway Boulevard, Suite 230 | Tucson, Arizona 85705 (520) 623-0344 | Outside Tucson: 800-234-0344 | website: www.ccs-soaz.org This annual report meets the reporting requirements of numerous grantors in a cost-effective manner. We thank those whose talents and generosity have made its production possible: Ruth Liljenquist for compiling, writing and editing Theresa Reindl Bingham for graphic design Bob Bingham, Jay Rochlin and other friends of CCS for photography Sarah Neyhart and Amber Lea Russell for adoptions photos Arizona Lithographers for printing