New intermediate, middle school to open


New intermediate, middle school to open
Inside Aldine
Vol. 33, No. 1
Discover News, Information and More about Aldine ISD’s Schools
School Supplies
Parents and guardians should
check the district’s website or
with their children’s school to
find out what school supplies
will be needed for the 201011 school year. Prepackaged
school supplies can also be
purchased at their school.
Football Preview
The 2010 high school football
season is right around the
corner. Inside Aldine provides
a preview of your favorite Aldine ISD teams and provides
comments from the district’s
four head coaches.
Read the story on page 3
Tax ratification election New intermediate, middle school to open
The Aldine Independent
School District will hold a
tax ratification election on
Tuesday, Aug. 31.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77032-3099
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 7
p.m. at Precinct A, located at Aldine
Middle School (14908 Aldine Westfield Road); Precinct B, located at
Worsham Elementary School (3007
Hartwick Road); Precinct C, located
at MacArthur Senior High School
(4400 Aldine Mail Route); Precinct
D, located at Stovall Middle School
(11201 Airline Drive); Precinct E, located at Drew Academy (1910 West
Little York Road); Precinct F, located
at Smith Academy (5815 West Little
York Road); Precinct G, located at
Shotwell Middle School (6515 Trail
Valley Way) and Precinct H, located
at Magrill Elementary School (21701
Rayford Road).
The district is required by the Texas
Tax Code to hold a tax ratification
election because it adopted a tax
rate that will raise more taxes for
maintenance and operations than
last year’s tax rate. The tax rate will
effectively be raised by 10% and will
raise taxes for maintenance and operations on a $100,000 home by approximately $130. The adopted tax
rate exceeds the district’s current
M&O rate by $.13 cents. Because
the M&O portion of the approved
tax rate exceeds the district’s compressed rate, the district is required
to hold an election to obtain voter
approval for the adopted rate.
When the 2010-2011 school year begins on Monday, Aug. 23, Aldine ISD will
open a new intermediate school and a new middle school.
Rayford Road Intermediate School
will be the district’s 11th intermediate school and will be located
at 21919 Rayford Road. Robert
Graham, formerly the principal at
Carter Academy, will serve as the
school’s first principal. The campus
will have a projected enrollment of
700 students.
Vernon and Kathy Lewis Middle
School will be the district’s 10th
middle school and will be located at
21255 West Hardy Road. Cassandra
Cosby, formerly the principal at Oleson Elementary School, will be the
school’s first principal. The school
will have a projected enrollment of
750 students.
Lewis Middle School is named after
Vernon and Kathy Lewis, two longtime educators who served Aldine
ISD for close to 80 years.
Vernon began his career in Aldine
ISD as a teacher at Aldine High
School in 1969 and over the next 37
years, he served as an assistant principal (Eisenhower HS), principal (at
Teague Middle School and Aldine
HS), executive director of secondary schools, the Nimitz area superintendent and finally as assistant superintendent of administration. He
retired in December of 2006.
Kathy also began her career in Aldine ISD in 1969 and over the next
38 years she served as a teacher at
MacArthur High School and Nimitz
High School, and a special education counselor and regular education counselor at Teague Middle
School from 1983 until her retire-
Rayford Road Intermediate School
Vernon and Kathy Lewis Middle School
ment in 2007. Kathy cared deeply
for her students, knew their circumstances as well as their names. She
was committed to their success and
kept a private prayer list for both
students and faculty.
The Aldine ISD Board of Education
unanimously voted to name the district’s 10th middle school in honor
of the couple at the December 2009
Board meeting.
It was an honor that caught Vernon
and Kathy totally off guard.
“This was such a surprise for both
of us to be honored like this,” Vernon said. “It’s hard to express our
gratitude and how overwhelmed we
are with this honor. We’re just two
ordinary people who were committed to the children of Aldine ISD.”
Aldine ISD wants students in school every day
Aldine ISD will again emphasize the importance of student attendance as a key
factor in academic performance at school.
Each year valuable time and resources
are spent tracking and monitoring students with poor attendance in school.
These efforts will continue as research
indicates that poor attendance in
school leads to poor grades, increased
behavior issues and increases the potential of a student becoming a high
school dropout.
Parents can expect multiple phone
calls, home visits and court summons if their children do not com-
ply with state attendance laws.
“Aldine has tremendous schools that
work very hard to assist each student
academically and socially,” said Ken
Knippel, AISD’s assistant superintendent of administration. “We provide
quality programs to engage kids in
activities that support our academic
programs. It is important that students and parents take advantage
of these opportunities and that students attend school each day.”
Newest schools
to be named after
General Davis
During the July meeting,
AISD Trustees approved
naming the district’s newest high school and ninth
grade school after General Benjamin Oliver Davis
Jr., who was commander
of the Tuskegee Airmen
during World War II.
Dr. Viola M. García, chairperson
of the School Names Committee,
along with committee members
Merlin Griggs and Rick Ogden, recommended the Board name the two
schools after General Davis.
General Davis served the United States
with honor and distinction during an
illustrious career in times of war and
peace. He was the recipient of the Air
Force’s Distinguished Service Medal,
the Army’s Distinguished Service
Medal, the Silver Star, the Legion of
Merit with two oak leaf clusters, the
Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air
Medal with four oak leaf clusters and
the Army Commendation Medal with
two oak leaf clusters.
He retired from the Air Force in
1970 at the rank of Lt. General, but
in December of 1998, President
Bill Clinton awarded him a fourth
star raising him to the rank of full
general. General Davis was the first
African American full general in the
United States Air Force. General Davis was the son of Benjamin O. Davis
Sr., a U.S. Army officer who retired
at the rank of brigadier general.
Born in Washington, D.C. on Dec. 18,
1912, General Davis died July 4, 2002.
That same year, Temple University’s
Dr. Molefi Kete Asante, considered by
his peers as one of the nation’s most
distinguished contemporary scholars,
placed General Davis in his book “100
Greatest African Americans.”
Inside Aldine
Fall 2010
Page 2
Nimitz graduate
Michael Bourn
was among
players at NL
All-Star game.
Schools & Community
Transportation policies set for 2010-11
Homework Policy
Aldine ISD believes homework is
a necessary part of each pupil’s
educational program.
Each student must be expected
to spend some time in addition
to scheduled class instruction to
achieve satisfactory work. Some
assignments are long-range in
nature and require planned study
time for completion.
The term “homework” also includes home study assignments
in which no written work is required. Students should plan to
spend between an hour (intermediate, middle school students)
to 90 minutes (high school students) each night in preparing
for the next day’s classes and/or
The district’s homework policy
for all grade levels can be found
in the Parent/Student Handbook
or online at
The Aldine ISD Transportation Department continues in its effort to provide a better,
more equitable, and more efficient transportation service to its students.
Welcome back to the 2010-2011 school
year! I am excited about the opportunity
for new challenges, changes, and celebrations for our students and staff.
We are opening two campuses in the
northeastern section of the district. Vernon and Kathy Lewis Middle School and
Rayford Intermediate will open this year
to relieve crowding and address future
growth in the areas of Teague Middle
School and Parker Intermediate School.
Later this fall, we will celebrate with the
community at special dedication events.
The board has named the first new high
school to open in Aldine since 1978.
In keeping with the Aldine tradition of
naming our high schools after generals, our new high school is named after
General Benjamin Oliver Davis, Jr. a
World War II aviator and commanding
general of the famous Tuskegee Airmen.
The new high school will open in 2012
and is located on Ella Blvd. In October,
the district will host a reception for the
Airmen, members of General Davis’ family and the community to celebrate the
new school.
Funding continues to be a challenge.
Last spring, the district hosted numerous community and school meetings
to share financial challenges with our
parents and community partners. The
district saved approximately $20 million
dollars in program cuts and reduced
spending for the 2010-2011 school year.
In June, the Board of Trustees voted for
a Tax Ratification Election (TRE), which
will be held August 31st. The Tax Ratification Election is requesting voter approval for a 13 cent increase per $100
of valuation. For example, the average
home in Aldine is valued at $92,000.
If the measure passes, the increase in
property tax would be $102.00 per year
or $8.35 per month. A home valued at
$50,000 would have an increase in property tax of $45.00 per year or $3.79 per
month. Early voting began at MOC and
selected schools August 16th. The official election will be August 31st, and
voting will be held at regular precincts.
All of this information is available on the
district website.
As always our goal is to provide the best
education possible for our students.
Even though Aldine has experienced
some success with student academics, it
is time to increase the rigor at all levels
to ensure that students not only pass
state required tests, but pass at high
levels and are then ready for the next
grade level. Look for information from
your child’s school about what your son
or daughter should know or be able to
do to be ready for the next grade level
and finally College/Career Ready. After
school begins, you will receive information about what your son or daughter
needs to know and be ready to do at the
end of this school year so he/she will be
ready for the next grade or school level.
This will begin with PK. Our goal is to
prepare each student to be successful
as he or she moves from grade to grade.
Please help us in this effort by ensuring
your child attends school each day ready
to learn. Also, make sure that your child
does his/her homework. On days when
there is no homework, please encourage your child to read or review math
information such as math facts or sample problems. Also, use our web-based
system to view your child’s grades, and
communicate with teachers and campus
administrators when you have questions
or concerns. Our goal is to partner with
you to ensure the very best for your
Together, we can make 2010-2011 a
great year!
Wanda Bamberg, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools
Bus stops for traditional and magnet
routes will continue to be on street
corners where possible. On longer
streets, bus stops will continue to
be placed on corners and middle
of the street, respectively. Drivers
will communicate to students specific morning pick-up times at their
respective bus stops after the first
three days of school. Once morning
pickup times have been communicated, drivers have a 10-minute
window after the established arrival
times. This window is necessary
due to unexpected external factors including, but not limited to,
traffic, mechanical problems, road
conditions, weather conditions, etc.
Please remember that bus drivers
do not provide door-to-door service
for students who ride traditional or
magnet bus routes.
Parents and legal guardians of Prekindergarten and kindergarten
students will continue to be responsible for supervising their children as they are picked up in the
AM and for receiving his/her child/
(children) when dropped off at designated bus stops in the afternoon.
Prekindergarten and kindergarten
students may be dropped off with
older siblings only if the siblings are
second graders or older. Otherwise,
the student will be returned to his/
her respective elementary school.
magnet coordinators or dispatch according to these route changes.
Numerous boundary changes as
well as the opening of two new
schools have affected some elementary, intermediate, and middle
school bus routes. Parents have
been notified by the school their
children attended of any changes.
To locate the correct school for your
area please visit the district website
Click on the “Parent” link and then
click on the “School Locator” link.
The transportation link to locate
the bus stops for your children’s
bus routes can also be found on the
district website at: www.aldine.k12. Click on the “Parent” link and
then click on “Bus Stops.”
* Reece Academy parents will need
to contact campus administrators
for procedures on allowing students to be dropped off with older
The first three days of school will
be used to determine the number
of students riding as well as the
actual pick up times for each stop.
Bus drivers will communicate with
students the time(s) to be at his/her
assigned stop(s) after the first three
days. Students should be out at the
bus stop 10 minutes earlier than
their scheduled pick up time. We
ask that students be visible. Please
remember drivers cannot wait or
blow their horns for students who
are late to his/her stop. Routes will
run no earlier than the posted times
(see side table) for the first three
Pick-up times for magnet schools
may vary the first week of school.
Bus drivers will communicate with
students the approximate time they
will be at his/her respective bus
Students new to the magnet program and students with changes of
addresses will require a minimum of
three days to have their routes processed and assigned. Route changes
will be issued to drivers and school
personnel during these three days.
Pick-up times are estimated by the
Traditional Routes:
High School
Elementary School
Intermediate School
Middle School
Magnet Routes:
Carver HS, Victory College, Houston, Drew
Eisenhower HS, 9th Grade (IB)
Raymond Academy, Carter, Kujawa
Reed Acad., Grantham Acad. (combined)
Wilson, Shotwell* (IB), Hoffman* (IB)
Reece, Anderson, Bethune
Pick-up Times
6:00 AM
7:00 AM
7:45 AM
7:45 AM
Pick-up Times
5:35-5:45 AM
5:45-5:55 AM
5:50-6:00 AM
7:15-7:50 AM
7:20-7:30 AM
7:20-8:00 AM
*(FM-1960 area 6:30-7:30 AM)
Free/reduced meal guidelines announced for 2010-11
Aldine’s Child Nutrition
Services Department administers the federal free/
reduced meal program.
Both breakfast and lunch are available to all students. We encourage
all students on free, reduced and
paid meal plans to join us for breakfast and lunch each day. Our school
meals meet the Dietary Guidelines
for Healthy Americans and all national standards in addition to the
adopted nutritional requirements of
the Texas Department of Agriculture.
Meal applications are available at
each campus and at the Child Nutrition Services Office. To apply for free
and reduced-price meals, households
must fill out the application and return it to the school. Applications
may be submitted anytime during the
school year. The information households provide on the application will
be used for the purpose of determining eligibility and verification of data.
Foster children who are the legal
responsibility of the state agency or
court may also be eligible for benefits regardless of the income of the
household with whom they reside.
For school officials to determine
eligibility for free and reducedprice benefits, households receiving
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP) benefits (formerly
Food Stamps) / Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Programs 2010-11 Income Eligibility Guidelines
Twice Per Month Every Two Weeks
For each additional family member add:
only have to list their child’s name
and SNAP or TANF case number.
Households that do not list a SNAP/
TANF case number must list the
names of all household members,
the amount and source of the income received by each household
member, and the Social Security
number of the adult household
member who signs the application.
Breakfast will be offered and available in every school at no cost. All
students will have access to a nutritionally balanced breakfast regardless of meal eligibility status. A nutritional breakfast is a great way to
start the day ready to learn.
Meal Prices
Elementary Students
Secondary Students
No Charge
No Charge
No Charge
To file a complaint of discrimination,
write U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Director, Office of Adjudication and
Compliance, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410
or opportunity provider and employer.
Non-Discrimination Statement: This explains what to do if you believe you have
been treated unfairly. “In accordance
with Federal law and U.S. Department
of Agriculture policy, this institution is
prohibited from discriminating on the
basis of race color national origin, sex,
age or disability. To file a complaint of
discrimination, write USDA, Director Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence
Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 202509410 or call 800.795.3272 (voice) or
202.720.6382(TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”
Inside Aldine
Fall 2010
Page 3
State and Aldine ISD
graduation and
promotion requirements
Aldine ISD wants to make sure
parents and guardians are kept
informed of what is required of
their children to graduate and be
able to participate (walk) in their
respective graduation ceremonies. Additionally, they also need
to be informed of promotion requirements from one grade level
to the next.
With that in mind, Inside Aldine
will publish these requirements
in each edition beginning with the
Back To School edition.
High School Level
Below are the state and district
requirements AISD seniors must
meet to graduate (receive a diploma) and participate (walk) in
graduation ceremonies.
To receive a diploma in Aldine
ISD, students must:
• Complete all the necessary
coursework for graduation.
• Earn the required number of
• Pass ALL parts of the exit level
Texas Assessment of Knowledge
and Skills (TAKS) test.
The exit level TAKS includes four
subject areas: English language
arts, math, science and social
studies. The exit level TAKS test is
given in the spring of the students’
junior year (11th grade) of high
school. The students will be given
multiple chances to pass all parts
of the test. When the students pass
all parts of the test, they will have
fulfilled the testing requirement
for graduation. A complete list of
graduation requirements can be
found in the High School Planning
Guide or in the counseling office
at the high school campus.
Elementary School Level
In order for students to be promoted at the elementary level,
students must meet all of the following criteria:
• Students must complete the
requirements for reading and
math with an average of 70 or
• Students in third grade must
pass the Reading part of the
TAKS test.
Intermediate and
Middle School Level
In order for students to be promoted at the intermediate and
middle school levels, students
must meet all of the following criteria:
• Students must achieve an overall average of 70 or better in
each of the following courses:
English, reading, math, science
and social studies.
• Students in fifth and eighth
grades must pass the Reading
and Math parts of the TAKS
Aldine’s Vision
Produce the Nation’s Best
Our Mission
We exist to prepare each student
academically and socially to be a:
• critical thinker;
• problem solver; and
• responsible and productive
Schools & Community
Aldine Noon Optimist Club donated
$4,000 to AISD’s
C.H.I.C.K.E.N. Club.
2010 Aldine ISD Varsity Football Schedules
All games begin at 7 p.m. unless otherwise indicated.
Aldine Mustangs
Date Opponent Site
9-4 Deer Park Thorne*
9-10 FB Clements Thorne
9-18 PA Memorial Port Arthur*
9-24MacArthur Thorne
10-1Hastings Thorne
10-15Eisenhower Thorne
Eisenhower Eagles
Date Opponent
8-27 Hightower
9-3 North Shore
9-11 B. Westbrook
9-17 Dayton
9-25 Elsik
10-1 Bye
10-8 Nimitz
10-15 Aldine
10-23 Taylor
10-29 MacArthur
11-6 Hastings
Head Coach: Lionell Crawford
(2nd season)
2009 Record: 7-5 (3-3 in district,
defeated Westside in first round of
playoffs, eliminated by Lamar in secThorne*
ond round)
Returning Lettermen: 9
Returning Offensive Starters: 5
Returning Defensive Starters: 4
MacArthur Generals
Nimitz Cougars
Date Opponent Site
Players to Watch: QB Jordan Moore Date Opponent Site
8-27 FB Bush
(1,119 yards passing, 7 TDs, 400 yards 8-26 Sam Houston Thorne
9-4 DeKaney George*
rushing, 10 TDs); OL Zach Hester: 9-2Chavez Barnett
9-11 Conroe
WRs Dazon Graves and O’Ryan Wiley; 9-9 Sam Rayburn Memorial
9-17 Jeff Davis
9-18 Dawson
DL Galen Nailor and Aaron Neal; LB
9-24 Hastings Crump
Matthew Teague; DBs Jacob Moore 10-1Taylor
10-2 Elsik
and Jordan Jeanlouis; K Ivan Castro
10-8 Eisenhower Thorne
Coach’s comments: “In the spring 10-16Hastings
10-15 Bye
we changed from a 4-3 to a 3-4 de- 10-22Elsik
10-22 Aldine
fense,” said Kerry Bamburg, first as- 10-29Eisenhower Thorne
10-29 Taylor
11-5 MacArthur Thorne
sistant / defensive coordinator. “The 11-5Nimitz
kids are still in a learning process. * 6 p.m. Kickoff, ** 2 p.m. Kickoff
Our strength will probably be our
defensive line since we return two ary should be strong as well. Our goal we can win a few nondistrict games
starters in Galen Nailor and Aaron is to win the district championship.” and compete for a playoff spot.”
Neal. Our linebackers are not very
big, but they can all run very well.
We are young in the secondar.”
Head Coach: Ray Evans (3rd season)
2009 Record: 6-4 (4-2 in district, eliminated in the first round of the playoffs)
Returning Lettermen: 26
Returning Offensive Starters: 8
Returning Defensive Starters: 4
Players to Watch: QB James Jones
(1,307 yards passing, 7 TDs, 767
yards rushing, 10 TDs); RB Trevion
Cooks; WRs Elon Fusilier (15 receptions, 224 yards, 2 TDs) and Jerry
Madison: OL Quartel Miller, Cornelius Dickey, Jacob Nichols and Woodrow Thomas; DL Stanley Chatman
and Michael Smith; LBs Jalante Jones
and James McQueen; DBs Emmanuel Raspberry (7 ints, 2 TDs), Davonte
Thomas and Jacoby Wilkerson
Coach’s comments: “We need for
James Jones to play well every game,”
Evans said. “We need to stay healthy
and we need to play well on defense
to be successful this season. With eight
starters returning on offense, I’d have
to say that’s going to be our strength
heading into the season. Our second-
Head Coach: Bernie Mulvaney
(2nd season)
2009 Record: 0-10 (0-6 in district)
Returning Lettermen: 24
Returning Offensive Starters: 6
Returning Defensive Starters: 4
Players to Watch: QB Elijah Garrett; RBs Devohnne Fontenot and
Arthur Howard: WR JaVoris Potier;
OL Donovan Miles, Jon Apostalo,
David Gomez, James Mosley, Billy
Minchew and Moses Flores; DL Alex
Andrade, Steven Books and Matthew Velez; LBs Francisco Robeldo
and Phillip Apostalo; DBs Demetrius Woodard (2 ints, 57 tackles),
Dustin Frye and Eddie Longorio; P
Chris Turcios; K Marcos Escobar
Coach’s Comments: “We had a tremendous off-season and the players
have worked extremely hard and
are ready to compete,” Mulvaney
said. “The kids know what our expectations are and that helps. The
strength of our offense will be our
offensive line. We return all five
starters and the strength of our defense will be our secondary, where
we return all four starters. We feel
Head Coach: Robert Toomer (2nd
2009 Record: 4-6 (3-3 in district)
Returning Lettermen: 27
Returning Offensive Starters: 7
Returning Defensive Starters: 6
Players to Watch: QB/DB Jamarcus Darden, QB Kris Denton; RBs
Joe Crowe and Torrin Amos; WRs
Masakela Malone (11 receptions,
245 yards, 1 TD) and Andre Grant;
OL Stephen Jacobs, Eric Flores and
Hector DeLaGarza; DL Leonard
Lewis, Joshua Perry, Michael Roberts
and Jahmaal Mitchell; LBs Kevin Palin and Torrin Wiltz; DBs Jamarcus
Darden (2 ints) and VonEric Murphy
Coach’s Comments: “Although our
journey is not complete, this chosen path will surely lead us toward
success,” Toomer said. “We have
some experience returning in the
offensive line, and that’s always a
good thing. Our running backs will
need to grow up in a hurry, but we
believe we have some talent back
there. Defensively, we should be
solid up front and in the secondary.
Our goal is to earn a playoff spot.”
AISD well represented at National History Day
Twenty-six students from Aldine ISD
competed at National History Day
and returned with two third-place
finishes and three top 10 finishes.
National History Day was held in
June in College Park, MD.
High School Team
Alejandra Europa
Place Exhibit
3rd Sr. Individual
Project Name
“An Innovation
to Eat”
Oscar Trejo-Soria, Daniel 3rd Sr. Group Project “From Bayous
Aguirre, Anail Caudillo,
to Beachheads:
Mayra Romero, Monica
A Practical
Cameron Amos,
6th Sr. Interpretive “A Star is Born,
Ignacio Castelan,
Web Site
An Innovation
Maureen Bracho
Emerges, Patent
Eisenhower Kersey Tse, Brandon
7th Sr. Group
“A Temple Built
Lee, Priscilla Le, Kevin
on Innovation”
Sanchez, Jose Manriquez
Eisenhower Zuleyma Escobar,
9th Sr. Group
Joshua Wilson
the American
school calendar
Aldine ISD Trustees approved the
school calendar for the 20102011 school year during their
February 9 board meeting.
Below is a listing of all key dates
for the 2010-2011 school year.
• August 12-13 (Thu.-Fri.) –
staff development days
• August 16-20 (Mon.-Fri.) –
staff development days
• August 23 (Monday) –
first day of instruction
• September 6 (Monday) –
Labor Day holiday
• October 8 (Friday) –
staff development day
(student holiday)
• October 11 (Monday) –
Columbus Day holiday
• November 22-26 (Mon.-Fri.)
– Thanksgiving holiday
• December 20-31 (Mon.-Fri.)
– Midwinter break
• January 13 (Thursday) –
End of first semester
(86 instructional days)
• January 14 (Friday) –
Staff development day
(student holiday)
• January 17 (Monday) –
Martin Luther King holiday
• January 18 (Tuesday) –
beginning of second semester
• February 21 (Monday) –
Presidents’ Day holiday
• March 14-18 (Mon.-Fri.) –
spring break
• April 22 (Friday) –
Good Friday holiday
• May 30 (Monday) –
Memorial Day holiday
• June 3 (Friday) –
End of second semester
(91 instructional days)
• June 3 (Friday) –
last day of instruction
• June 4 (Saturday) –
staff development day
Should inclement weather force
the postponement of school, those
days would be made up on Oct. 8,
Oct. 11, Feb. 21 and June 4.
The Aldine Independent School District offers
career and technology education in agriculture
science, business education, career orientation,
family and consumer science, health science
technology, hospitality services, marketing education, technology education and trade and
industrial technology. Admission to these programs is based on ability, aptitude, interest, grade
level and class size. It is the policy of the Aldine
dent School District not to discriminate
on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
or handicap in its vocational programs, services,
or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972; and Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. It is the policy of the Aldine Indepen­
School District not to discriminate on the basis
of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap,
or age in its employment practices as required
by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments
of 1972; the Age Dis­crimination Act of 1975, as
amended; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973, as amended. Aldine Independent
School District will take steps to ensure that lack
of English language skills will not be a barrier to
admission and participation in all educational
and vocational programs.
For information about your rights or grievance
procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Dr.
Archie Blanson, deputy superintendent, 14910
Aldine West­field Road, at (281) 985-6315, and/
or the Section 504 Coordinator, Dr. Charlotte J.
Davis, director of guidance and counseling and
at-risk students, 14909 Aldine Westfield Road, at
(281) 985-6403.
Aldine Independent School District does not discriminate against persons because of race, creed,
national origin, age, sex, disabilities, economic
status or language disability in employment,
promotion or educational programming.
Any complaints or grievances that cannot be
solved at the campus level through the principal
may be submitted in writing to Dr. Archie Blanson,
deputy super­
dent, 14910 Aldine Westfield
Rd., Houston, TX 77032.
Inside Aldine / Noticias de Aldine, August 23, 2010, is
published quarterly by Aldine Independent School
District, 14910 Aldine Westfield Road, Houston, TX
77032-3099, Issue Vol. 33, No. 1, Fall 2010.
Schools & Community
Inside Aldine
Fall 2010
Page 4
2010-2011 Minimum Vaccine Requirements for AISD Students
Grades 2-4
Grades 5-6
DTaP or Td
4 doses
5 or 4 doses
3 doses
3 doses
4 or 3 doses
4 or 3 doses
4 or 3 doses
4 or 3 doses
4 or 3 doses
4 or 3 doses
2 doses
2 doses
2 doses
2 doses
2 doses
2 doses7
1 dose or series
1 dose
1 dose
2 doses
2 doses
1 dose
1 dose
2 doses
1 or 2 doses16
Hepatitis A 1, 10
2 dose
2 doses
2 doses
2 doses
Hepatitis B
3 doses
3 doses
3 doses
3 doses
3 doses
3 doses
3 doses
3 doses15
1 dose or series
1 dose or series
1 dose
1, 13
IPV or OPV 1, 6, 13, 14
1, 7, 11
Hib 15
1, 9, 11, 12, 16
8, 11
PCV 17
Grade 1
4 doses
5 or 4 doses
4 or 3 doses
4 or 3 doses
1 dose
2 doses
1 dose or series
Grade 7
3 doses
3, 4
Grades 8-12
3 doses3, 5
1 dose18
TB (tuberculosis) skin test is required for those students determined to be at risk for TB according to the guidelines of the Texas Department of State Health Services. Asymptomatic individuals (no symptoms of active TB) with positive skin test results must show proof of either a negative chest x-ray with evidence of ongoing or completed preventative therapy as indicated
or proof of an appointment for an x-ray. Students who fail to provide documentation as indicated or fail to keep the appointment for the chest x-ray will be excluded from school until the
requirement is met. Parents are encouraged to consult their physician for recommendations for skin testing as part of their children’s annual physical exam.
1) Receipt of the dose up to and
including four days before the
birthday will satisfy the school
entry immunization requirement.
2) Five doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-containing vaccine, one of which must have
been received on or after the
fourth birthday; however, four
doses meet the requirement if
the fourth dose was given on
or after the fourth birthday.
3) Three doses, including one
dose on or after the fourth
4) Students will be required to
have a booster dose of DTaP
only if it has been five years
since their last dose of a
tetanus-containing vaccine. Td
is acceptable in lieu of DTaP if
a contraindication to pertussis
5) Students will be required to
have a booster dose of DTaP if
it has been 10 years since their
last dose of a tetanus-containing vaccine. Td is acceptable in
lieu of DTaP if a contraindication to pertussis exists.
6) Four doses of polio vaccine,
one of which must have been
received on or after the fourth
birthday; however, three doses
meet the requirement if the
third dose was given on or
after the fourth birthday.
7) Two doses of MMR (measles,
mumps and rubella) vaccine with the first dose on or
after the first birthday; and a
minimum interval of 28 days
between first and second
dose; or one dose of a MMR
vaccine plus one dose measles
vaccine. Refer to the phase-in
schedule to determine when
the two-dose MMR vaccine requirement goes into effect for
students in each grade level.
8) Two doses of adult hepatitis B
vaccine (Recombivax HB® or
Engerix-B®) are acceptable
for individuals 11 to 15 years
of age. Dosage and type of
vaccine must be clearly documented (i.e. two 10 mcg/1.0
ml of Recombivax HB®).
9) Two doses received on or after
the first birthday. Refer to the
phase-in schedule to determine
when the two-dose varicella
vaccine requirement goes into
effect for students in each grade
10) Two doses with the first dose
received on or after the first
11) Serologic confirmation of immunity to hepatitis B, measles,
mumps, rubella, or varicella
(chicken pox) or serologic
evidence of infection is acceptable in lieu of vaccine.
12) Serologic proof of immunity
or documentation of previous
illness may substitute for vaccination. Previous illness may
be documented with a written
statement from a physician,
school nurse, or the child’s
parent or legal guardian that
contains wording such as,
“This is to verify that (name of
student) had varicella disease
(commonly known as chicken
pox) on or about (state date)
and does not need the varicella vaccine.”
13) DTaP [diphtheria, tetanus
(lockjaw), and acellular pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine;
also known as DTP, Tdap, and
DT] and polio immunization
for students in Grades K-12
received prior to April 1, 2004
that were received within
the calendar month of the
fourth birthday will satisfy this
14) Four doses; one dose must
be received on or after fourth
birthday. However, three doses
meet the requirement if the
third dose was received on or
after the fourth birthday.
15) Haemophilus influenzae type
b vaccines. Only three doses
of hepatitis B- and Hib-containing vaccines (Comvax®,
ActHIB®, PedvaxHIB® or
Pentavenlente) required if the
third dose is on or after the
first birthday. All others require four doses. A completed
primary series plus booster
dose [A completed primary
series includes two or three
doses (with a two-month interval between doses; normally
administered at two, four and
at six months of age, depending on vaccine type) and a
booster dose between 12 and
15 months of age (at least two
months after last dose)]. Note:
Children who received the first
dose of Hib vaccine on or after
15 months of age are only
required to have one dose.
16) Two doses are required for
students in Grades K, 1st, 7th
and 8th. Two doses of varicella
vaccine are required if first
dose is received at age 13 or
17) Pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine. The primary series
includes two or three doses
(depending on the age given;
and there should be a twomonth interval between doses)
given at two, four and six
months of age with a booster
dose at 12 to 15 months of age
(at least two months after the
last dose), or one dose on or
after 24 months of age.
18) Only one dose is required for
for students in Grades 7-8.
Documentation: Any immunization document that has been
validated by a physician or public
health personnel is acceptable.
The month, day, and year that the
vaccine was administered must be
Medical and Religious Exemptions: The school nurse or
program director of health services
should confirm medical and religious exemptions.
Strongly Recommended Vaccines: The DTaP (Tdap or DT),
hepatitis A (two doses), varicella
(two doses), meningitis, and influenza vaccines may not be required
for school attendance in Grades
K-12, but they are strongly recommended.
DTP and OPV: DTaP is a safer
version of DTP, which is no longer
used in the United States. OPV
is also no longer recommended.
However, depending on the year
and/or country the student is immigrating from, DTP and OPV may
have been administered.
Food for thought about Aldine’s cafeterias
School cafeterias and cafeteria food often are seen in a negative light in the news.
In Aldine ISD, however, the child nutrition services department received
the 2009 National Best Practices
Award by the School Nutrition Association for its Power Up with School
Breakfast campaign. The campaign
increased by four percent the number of Aldine students who ate a
healthy and nutritious school district
breakfast that year.
To separate fact from fiction, Inside
Aldine asked Dani Sheffield, executive director of child nutrition services, for answers to questions that
students, parents and school district
employees would like to know about
meals served in Aldine’s cafeterias.
Question: How can parents be assured that school cafeteria food is
safe and healthy?
Answer: All cafeterias follow a mandatory federal food safety plan for
all food products from receiving
to the point of service for the customer, which includes taking and
recording temperatures, performing
kitchen sanitation practices and continual staff training. Also, all food is
purchased according to nutritional
specifications as required by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture.
Q: What about donuts and honey
A: We do serve a breakfast donut and
breakfast bun that are produced specifically for child nutrition programs.
They are fortified with vitamins,
minerals, fruit juice and they meet
a grain/bread requirement. They are
not the same items sold in convenience or grocery stores.
Q: Who develops the menus for food
served in school cafeterias and what
guidelines are followed?
A: All menus are developed by a
licensed and registered dietitian.
Guidelines include a U.S. Department of Agriculture meal pattern that
is aligned with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Food
Guide Pyramid. Menus provide all
necessary nutrients for both breakfast and lunch.
Q: We sometimes see French fries on
the menu. Are they actually prepared
by frying?
A: Frying is not a method of preparation for any food including French
fries. They are baked.
Q: Are salads and fruit as available as
A: Salads are available daily through
the choice of entree salads, sandwich salads and fresh salad self serve
bowls. Fresh fruit is offered daily at
breakfast. Fresh and chilled fruit are
offered daily at lunch.
Q: What about concerns over fat content and sodium?
A: There is a restriction of 23 grams
of fat for individual food items as per
the Texas Public School Nutrition
Policy. Menus are planned for school
age children who require more fat in
their diet than adults due to physical development and activity. At this
time there is not a specific sodium
restriction, but foods such as canned
vegetables are specified for lower sodium and we are seeing more companies producing products with less
Q: Anything new in our cafeterias
this year?
A: Breakfast at no cost is available
for all students daily. We hope our
students take advantage because
breakfast can boost classroom performance. Also, continuing Mealpay
Plus, an online meal payment system
which enables parents to deposit
money into a student’s account,
check balances, pay debts owed and
track what students are eating on a
daily basis. Visit www.mealpayplus.
com for more information.
Q: What is your recommendation to
parents who want to know more?
A: They may visit the child nutrition website @ www.aldinecafe.
com, contact Aldine child nutrition
services at 281-985-6450, participate
in the child nutrition advisory committee or visit a school cafeteria for
breakfast or lunch.
Inside Aldine
Fall 2010
Page 5
Business Partnerships
Join our current
business partners
A and J Automotive
A-1 Glass & Mirror
Aaron’s Rental Spring Cyrpress Rd.
Abitibi Recycling Corp
Academic Enrichment
Learning Academy
Academy Breton Ridge
Academy Group Dental
Academy North Freeway
Acres Home Center
Acres Home Public Library
African American Chamber of Commerce
Aggressive Trucking
AIG Valic
Airport Express
Alaskan Snow Cones
Aldine Bender Auto
Aldine Child Development Center
Aldine Greenspoint YMCA
Aldine Improvement District
Aldine Pathfinder Scouting District
Aldine Public Library
Aldine Y.O.U.T.H.
All Awards
Alley Theatre
ALS Accounting
AMC 24 Deerbrook
American Bureau of Shipping
Ann Schmalz
Anti-Smoking Campaign
Arby’s Imperial Valley
Art Institute of Boston
Art Institute of Chicago
Atascazoo Animal Hospital
Atlas E. Parker
Atlas Signs
AutoZone Bingle Rd.
B&M Trash Hauling
Baker Blackie
Machine Works
Bartlett Tree
Expert Company
and Noble
Barnes and
Noble FM
1960 W.
Be An Angel
Fund Inc.
Beasley Tire
Bell Towing
Best Buy North
Better Business
Big Lots
Bolts-N- Nuts
Boy Scouts of
Brazos Valley
Equine Hospital
Brenda Solano
Baptist Church
Brother’s Pizza
Greenspoint Mall
Burchfield and Bro.
Burger King Aldine Westfield
Burger King - Dyna Dr.
Burger King - Little York
Burger King - Houston
Cajun Stuff
Candy Land Day School
Eis Edveuryconae’stBuisoinenss
Becoming a
Business Partner
Tell me about Aldine ISD.
Aldine ISD has approximately 63,000 students. Eighty-four
percent are economically disadvantaged and 23 percent (mobility rate) move from one campus to another or to another district
during the course of the school year.
Tell me about the quality of Aldine’s education
Aldine was winner of the 2009 Broad Prize for Urban Education,
winner of the HEB Excellence in Education Award in
2008, has earned seven Recognized ratings for academic achievement from the Texas Education Agency, and
won the 2006 Texas Award for Performance Excellence.
Considering the demographics and quality of
Aldine’s educational program, is there a need
for business partnerships?
Absolutely. Aldine needs additional assistance to help all of
our students perform at the same academic levels as students from more affluent communities. Business partners
help Aldine neutralize the impact of poverty and mobility.
From Aldine’s point of view, education is everyone’s business.
How can businesses help Aldine ISD remain a
high performing school district and continue
to improve in the delivery of educational services?
Many campuses express the need for mentors, tutors, assistance with special projects, Texas Scholars and Career Day
presenters, and assistance with school supplies.
How can our company get involved?
Contact any principal or Ben G. Wilson, assistant superintendent of community and governmental relations, at 281-9856202 or send an E-mail to
Wanda Bamberg, Ed.D.
Aldine ISD
Canino Produce
Capital One Bank FM 1960 E.
Capital Welding and Construction
Career Educators
Carlos Mexican REstaurant
Carls Automotive
Carrington Enterprises
Catalyst Rx
Catholic Charities
CCD Ventures
Cellular Unlimited Talk
CEVA Logistics
Charles Transports & Associates LLC
Chase Bank (Fall Creek)
Chase Bank Rusk St.
Chase Bank W. Little York
Chavez Graphics
Chic-fil-A Deerbrook
Chick-fil-A @FM 1960 W.
Chick-fil-A N. Sam Houston Pkwy.
Chick-fil-A North Freeway
Children’s Museum of Houston
Churches Chicken T.C. Jester Blvd.
CiCi’s Pizza (Humble)
CiCi’s Pizza FM 1960
CiCi’s Pizza Greenspoint Mall
CiCi’s Pizza Tomball Pkwy.
City of HoustonSolid Waste Mgt. Dept.
Collision King Auto Center
Columbus College of Art
Comfort Inn & Suites JFK Blvd.
Community of Christ Church
Component Sales & Services
Computer Sales and Service
Congressman Gene Green
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
Continental Airlines
County Commissioner El Franco Lee
Cracker Barrel North Freeway
Dairy Queen Aldine Bender Rd.
Davis Food City
Deerbrook Forest Chrysler Jeep
Delmar Studios
Delta Supplies
Denny’s North Freeway
Discount Tires Eastex Freeway
Doctor’s Hospital (Parkway)
Dollar General Greens Rd.
Dollar Tree FM 1960 Bypass
Dollar Tree North Freeway
Domino’s Pizza Aldine Bender
Domino’s Pizza FM 529
Doubletree Hotel JFK Blvd.
Downtown Aquarium
Dr. Gloria Iwuala
Dr. Pepper Snapple
Dream Starters
Dreamzone365, Inc.
Driscoll Place Apartments
E. F. & Associates
Eagle Global Logistics
Eagle Tire & Auto Service
Early Initiatives Group
East Aldine Management District
Educational Products
El Dorado Paving Co. Inc
El Paso
Empress Shipping
EMRJ Marketing, LLC
Enterprise Products
Eraser Dust
ExxonMobil Educational
Alliance Program
EZ Party
Fallbrook Church
Falles Paredes
Family Dollar Eastex Freeway
Famsa Furniture Store
Farmers Insurance Greens Rd.
Farmers Insurance S. Loop W.
Fiesta Airline Dr.
Fiesta Jensen Dr.
Inside Aldine
Fall 2010
Page 6
Fiesta W. Mt. Houston Rd.
Firestone North Freeway
First Service Credit Union
First Southwest Company
First Stop
Flower Connection
Fluor Corporation Foundation
FMA Alliance, Ltd.
FMC Technologies
Forest Park Lawndale
Frost Bank
Fry’s North Freeway
Future Group World Cricket Premiere
G. Ian Smith III, CPA
G. K. Pillar - CPA
G. Pillai - CPA
Gallery Furniture
Garnett Aviation
Gayla Corporation
GEN X Uniforms
Genesys Works
Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
Girls Scouts - Explorer
GleanKing Janitoral Services
Gloria Jean’s Coffee
Go Go Gomez
Godfather’s Aldine Mail Rte.
Good Eats
Gotcha Kovered
Great Time Skate
Greater Commission Missonary
Baptist Church
Greater Inwood Partnership
Greensheet for Education
Greenspoint Mall
Grimes Bakery
Gulf States Financial Services
Gulf States Toyota
H.E.B. Aldine Westfield Rd.
H.E.B. Windfern
Harbor Capital Group
Harris County Library (Aldine Branch)
Harris County Sheriff’s Dept.
Harris County Utility District #15
HBB Piano Studio
Hess Corporation
High Meadows Branch Library
Hilda’s Deccoraciones
Holiday Inn Houston IAH
Holy Bears Inc.
Home Depot North Freeway
Houston Aeros
Houston Airport System
Houston Association
of Professional Landman
Houston Astros
Houston Bar Association
Houston Chronicle
Houston Dynamo
Houston Food Bank
Houston Northwest
Chamber of Commerce
Houston Police Department
Mounted Patrol
Houston Rockets
Houston TaeKwonDo Academy
Hughes Christensen
Product Engineering
Humble Family Skate
I. Scott Lidji & Associates Law Office
Immigration Customs
Institute for International
Education - Houston Office
Intercoastal Paint
Intergrated Airline Services
InvesTex Credit Union
ITT Technical Institute
ITZ- Family Food and Fun
J.C.’s Office Solutions
J.L. Trucking
J&B Technologies
Jack-in-the-Box Aldine Westfield Rd.
Jack-in-the-Box JFK Blvd.
Jack-in-the-Box Will Clayton Pkwy.
Jackson Catering
Business Partnerships
For more information
on student internship
programs, call Franklin
Higgins, director of
career and technical
education, at 281-9856650.
M.B. “Sonny” Donaldson Golf Tournament a success
The eighth annual M.B. “Sonny” Donaldson Golf Tournament once again provided
six $1,000 scholarships to graduates of Aldine ISD.
The tournament, held in the spring at
Cypresswood Golf Course, is named
after former Aldine ISD Superintendent M.B. “Sonny” Donaldson and
benefits the Aldine Council of PTAs.
Thanks to the combination of entry
fees, hole sponsorships and prize donations, the Aldine Council of PTAs
was able to award six AISD graduates
each with a $1,000 scholarships.
The seniors who received the scholarships were: Isaac Valdez of Aldine Senior High School, Danielle
Meshack of Carver High School,
Fernando Anguiano of Eisenhower
Senior High School, Carlos Perez of
Hall Academy, Adrian Medellin of
MacArthur Senior High School and
Royce Brooks of Nimitz Senior High
The de Santiago EC/PK Center won
the Superintendent’s Trophy for the
third consecutive year — Principal
Estella Mattern accepted the award.
The Nimitz Vertical won the Area
Superintendent’s Plaque — Nimitz
Area Superintendent Pat Leon-Wade
accepted the award. And Oleson Elementary won The Campus First Place
Net Plaque — Principal Cassandra
Cosby accepted the award.
Tim Lyman, Kyle Krueger, Mathew
Horel and A.J. Johnson comprised
the first-place gross team, which
posted a score of 57.
The first-place net team comprised
of Cassandra Cosby, Robert Bell,
George Bell and Frank Carrier posted
a score of 48. Meanwhile the secondplace net team comprised of Charles
Kirkpatrick, Rodney Kirkpatrick and
Roderick Kirkpatrick posted a score
of 51. And the third-place net team
comprised of John Vangill, Marshall
Schroeder, Darrel Carouthers and
John Crumbley posted a score of 51.
Rick Kirkpatrick won the closestto-the-pin contest on the fifth hole,
while George Bell won the closestto-the-pin contest on the 14th hole.
Ryan Stewart took top honors in the
longest drive competition on the
eighth hole, while Matt Horel won
the longest drive competition on the
15th hole.
The following sponsors pledged
$100 apiece to sponsor a hole: Al
and Amy Hoggatt, the Aldine Council
of PTAs, Balfour, Beasley Tire Service
Houston, Inc., Caldwell Banker, U.S.
Congressman Gene Green, Dilly Letter Jackets, Aldine ISD Superintendent Dr. Wanda Bamberg, Aldine
ISD Deputy Superintendent Dr.
Archie Blanson, ING Financial Advisers, LLC, InvesTex Credit Union,
Lone Star-Winzer, McDonald’s (Aldine Bender, Kenswick and Aldine
Westfield), Montgomery & Barnes,
Inc., Prosperity Bank and Solid IT
Other hole sponsors included: State
Farm Insurance, Aldine ISD School
Board Member Steve Mead, Sweet
Tomatoes Cattering, the University of Phoenix, Wells Fargo, Aldine
Middle School PTO, Aldine Senior
High School, Black Elementary PTA,
Carter Academy, Carver High School,
Eisenhower Senior High School,
Pictured is de Santiago Principal Estela Mattern as she received the Superintendent’s Trophy for the third consecutive year from John
Hill Intermediate, Hill Intermediate
PTA, Hinojosa EC/PK PTA, MacArthur
Ninth Grade School, Magrill Elementary School, Nimitz Ninth Grade PTA,
Nimitz Ninth Grade School, Oleson
Elementary PTA, Orange Grove Elementary PTA, Plummer Middle
School, Stehlik Intermediate School,
Stephens Elementary School and
Wilson Intermediate School.
Additionally, a number of Aldinearea businesses, individuals and
organizations also donated prizes
to the tournament. The businesses,
individuals, and organizations that
donated prizes included J.R. Burke
and Judy Burke, Wings N More, Aldine Council of PTAs, Mo’s BBQ,
Stewart International, Cypresswood
Golf Course, Academy Sports (Humble), Olive Garden (Humble), Black
Eyed Pea (Humble), Outback Steakhouse, Pancho’s Restaurant, A2Z
Educational Supplies, ING Financial
Advisors, LLC, McDonald’s, Texas
Teacher’s ACP, Jason’s Deli, Custom
Built Awards, Sweet Tomatoes Catering, Aldine ISD Athletic Department, Wells Fargo, deSantiago EC/PK
Center, Montgomery & Barnes Inc.,
Kidd Pipeline, Solid IT Networks,
Enterasy’s Networks, Imagine Learning, Texas Roadhouse, Aldine Council of PTAs, Terry Guidry, Borden
Golf Range, Golfsmith Golf & Tennis, Houston I-Tour, CGI, and Royal
Genuine Service.
The 2011 Sonny Donaldson Golf
Tournament will be held on Friday,
June 17 at Cypresswood Golf Course.
John Cornett of the Aldine Council of PTAs
awarded the Area Superintendent’s Plaque to
Nimitz Vertical Area Superintendent Pat Leon
Wade. The Campus First Place Net Plaque was
awarded to Oleson Elementary.
Leadership Aldine
Aldine ISD is seeking
interested parents and
business and community
members to apply to become a member of the
2010-11 Class of Leadership Aldine.
Leadership Aldine is a series of
lectures and presentations to help
participants understand the complexities and challenges of operating a school district. Members of
the class will receive, in simple and
understandable language, in-depth
information about accountability
and testing, school finance and bud-
geting, security, transportation, facilities, technology and much, much
We currently have a limited number of openings. Applicants who
are admitted are asked to attend all
presentations. At the conclusion of
the last presentation, class mem-
bers will be listed in the school district’s quarterly newspaper, Inside
Aldine, which is mailed to more
than 100,000 homes and businesses
within Aldine ISD.
If you are interested in joining the
2010-11 Class of Leadership Aldine,
please call 281-985-6202.
Adrian Medellin MacArthur HS
Danielle Meshack Carver HS
Fernando Anguiano Eisenhower HS
Carlos Perez
Hall Academy
Royce Brooks
Nimitz HS
Isaac Valdez
Aldine HS
Tournament coordinator
David Brenek,
Aldine ISD
Committed supporters
MB “Sonny” Donaldson
Dr. Alton Smith,
School Board President
Steve Mead,
School Board Member
Dr. Wanda Bamberg,
Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Archie Blanson,
Deputy Superintendent of
Gloria Cavazos,
Assistant Superintendent
Ben Wilson,
Assistant Superintendent
Mardee Barnett,
Executive Director
John Crumbley,
Marshall Schroeder,
Executive Director
Deon Samuel,
Lunch sponsor
Clayton Reaser,
Texas Teachers
Breakfast sponsor
Howard Kelly,
Awards sponsor
Pam Chavis,
Custom Built Awards
Team sponsor
Doris Davis,
Kidd Pipeline
Newt Newman,
Solid IT
J C Kranz,
Michael Bradberry,
Wells Fargo Bank
Bloomin’ Onion certificates
Jason Newcomb,
OutBack Steakhouse
Child’s Buffet certificates
Jose Macias,
Panchos Restaurant
VIP golf passes
Josh Zellars,
Cypresswood Golf Course
Discount cards
Mike Deering,
Golfsmith Golf & Tennis
Hole sponsor signs
Brad Kaplan,
EMRJ Marketing
Tournament sponsor
Veronica Martin, Council of PTA
Nancy Martin, Council of PTA
John Cornett, Council of PTA
Judy Hoya, Council of PTA
Ron Merriweather, Council of PTA
Optimist Club Golf Tournament
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sonny Donaldson/PTA Golf Tournament
Friday, June 17, 2011
Business Partnerships
Inside Aldine
Fall 2010
Page 7
Eis Edveuryconae’stBuisoinenss
Operations departments thank vendors
Mardee Barnett, executive director of technology services, and Marshall Schroeder, executive director of maintenance, thanked a number of vendors who purchased projects at the 2010 Livestock Show and Country Fair during
the July Board of Education meeting.
Thanks to the vendors’ purchases,
more Aldine ISD FFA (Future Farmers of America) students received
scholarships for their projects. Additionally, the meat from the projects, which totaled more than 700
pounds, was donated to Mission
Greenspoint. During the July Board
meeting, the vendors were acknowledged and presented with a plaque.
The following were recognized:
Lone Star Supply, Miles Williams
Painting, Grainger, John Follis and
Hydro-Stop, Steven’s Power Solu-
tions, AEI Engineering, Lange Mechanical, Williams Painting, United
Environmental Services, Sahara
Pool and Spa, PRC Roofing, Solid IT
Networks, Troxell Communications,
Trinity TD LP and Robert Winter and
Enterasys Networks.
On hand to receive their plaques
were Al Lange of Lange Mechanical,
Chris Morgan of United Environmental Services, Newt Newman of
Solid IT Networks, John Fabiacci,
Jamie Harris, JC Kranz and Rob
Verkon of Enterasys Networks.
Comcast, Bethune Academy volunteers partner to help campus shine
Volunteers from Comcast joined staff, students and parents of Bethune Academy to spruce up the campus on
Comcast Cares Day, Saturday, April 24.
Bethune was one of eight Houston
area locations targeted for improvements by Comcast. The company
enlisted more than 1,700 local Comcast employees and their families
and friends to help.
Projects at Bethune included power
washing, painting, landscaping and
constructing new benches. In addition to assisting with beautification
improvements, the Comcast Foundation awarded a grant to Bethune
for $8,700, and presented checks
to other local community organizations on behalf of each employee
and family member who volunteered. The grants will help Comcast’s community partners continue
their mission of serving the community throughout the year.
“We are very grateful for the work
Comcast performed on our campus,” said Theresa Craft, principal
of Bethune. “It was a wonderful
sight. They brought more than
300 volunteers. Volunteers purchased and brought supplies and
materials such as soil, mulch and
stepping stones for landscaping.
They trimmed trees, pulled weeds,
cleaned up our Outdoor Learning
Center and improved our outdoor
trail with additional gravel. And we
had about 200 students painting
throughout the campus. Comcast
Cares Day resulted in such a huge
volunteer effort that we would not
have been able to accomplish alone.
They even brought lunch to feed everyone,” she said.
Craft added that the effort “made a
big difference” for the campus.
“April 24 was a great day,” she exclaimed.
Craft stated that the $8,700 grant
will be used for a much needed
technology upgrade.
Brian L. Roberts, Comcast chairman and chief executive officer, said
Comcast Cares Day was a successful
community effort.
“Each year, I am proud to join thousands of Comcast employees and
volunteers participating in Comcast
Cares Day projects across the country,” said Roberts. “It is truly inspiring to be a part of such a collaborative effort that helps so many people
and organizations in the communities we serve.”
As volunteers helped out at Bethune, more than 55,000 Comcast
volunteers participated in projects
across the nation on the company’s
annual day of service. It is one of the
largest single days of corporate volunteer efforts in the country. This
year marked the third annual Comcast Cares Day in Houston.
“We’re proud to be an active member of the Houston community, and
Comcast Cares Day is one example
of our commitment to improving
the quality of life in communities
we serve,” added Tony Speller, senior vice president for Comcast’s
Houston region. “I’m grateful to
the 1,700 Comcast Cares Day volunteers who donated their time to
help make such a big difference.”
For more information on Comcast’s
volunteer and community investment initiatives, visit http://www.
AISD reaching out to dropouts
Aldine ISD volunteers will spread throughout the district as part of its annual Reach Out to Dropouts effort,
Saturday, September 11 to encourage students to return to school.
Last year, the district enlisted 558
volunteers who convinced more
than 110 students to return to
school or to contact their previous
campus about completing their high
school education.
Volunteers assemble at the district’s
high schools for training Saturday
morning, September 11 and a criminal background scan before dividing into recovery teams. Volunteers
must bring a valid driver license or
state ID to participate in the effort.
For more information, visit and click on the large
dropout recovery banner.
Group of 2009 Reach Out to Dropout volunteers at MacArthur
High School
Aldine ISD appreciates the following business partners
for supporting the school district’s annual administrative conference
to assist principals, directors and all administrators prepare for the new school year.
Holiday Inn Intercontinental Airport
Sheraton North Houston Hotel
Zio’s Italian Kitchen North Freeway
Jason’s Deli FM 1960 W.
Jed’s Hardware
Jesse Jones Park
Jet Machine Works
JMW Productions
Jo Aderholdt
Johnson Space Center
Jose’ Morales
Joslin Construction
Junior Achievement
Just Poppin Gourmet Popcorn
Kansas City Art Institute
Keller Williams Realty
Kid’s and Play
Child Development Center
Kings and Queens Barber & Beauty
Kingwood College
Kroger Aldine Mail Rte.
Kroger Gift Imperial Valley
Kroger Gulfton
Laguna College of Art and Design
Larry’s Photos & Video
Graduate Photos
Laser Quest
Law Office of Angela Aaron
Law Offices of Mari Gianukos
Lawemax Truck & Trailer Repair
Le Petite Bistro
Learning Blocks
Leslie Knetsar
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Liberty Tax Service
Lisa Read
Little Angels Day Care
Little Angels of Praise
Little Caesars W. Little York Rd.
Little Caesars W. Sam Houston Pkwy.
Living Word Fellowship Church
LMS Group
Lone Star College - Greenspoint
Lone Star College - North Harris
LoneStar College - Tomball
Loxanna Photography
Luby’s Cafeteria Eastex Freeway
Luby’s Veterans Memorial Dr.
Luby’s W. Greens Rd.
Lucia & Cesar Diaz
Lunchbox Deli
Lupe Tortilla
M&J Customs
Mac Haik Chrysler
Mac Jr. Steel Erectors
Main Event
Main Street Theater
MÁS Club
McCullough Kwik Air & Heating
McDonald’s Aldine Bender Rd.
McDonald’s FM 1960
McDonald’s Greens Rd.
McDonald’s N. Sam Houston Pkwy E.
McDonald’s North Freeway
McDonald’s Southwest Freeway
McDonald’s W. Mt. Houston Rd,
McDonald’s West Rd.
McDonald’s-Kelly QSR Group
McDonalds FM 1960 E.
MD Anderson
Me and My Pals Portraits
Melcon Vending
Menzies Aviation Group
Mercer Arboretum
Mex. Institute of Greater Houston
Michelle Moosally
Mine Beads & More
Mission Greenspoint
Mister Carwash
Mogas Industries, Inc.
Monterey’s Little Mexico
Moore College of Art
Mrs. Bairds Bread
MRT Auto & Diesel Repair
Inside Aldine
Fall 2010
Page 8
Mt. Olive Baptist Church
Museum of Fine Arts
Nappco Fastener Company
New hope Community Church
Noble Energy
North Houston Bank
North Houston Greenspoint
Chamber of Commerce
North Park Baptist Church
North Star Interests, L.C.
Northside Karate
Nu Faith Community
United Methodist Church
Oaks Christan Church
Office Depot North Freeway
OfficeMax - Clara Rd.
OfficeMax - Eastex Freeway
Pam’s Prints & More
Pan Riko Bakery
Pancho’s (Humble)
Pancho’s North Freeway
Panda Express North Freeway
Panera Bread Company FM 1960 W,
Panhandle Energy
Papa John’s FM 1960
Papa John’s North Freeway
Pappasito’s North Freeway
Pepsi Bottling Group
Pheido Advertising
Phillip Townsend Associates
Phoenix Fasteners
Phoenix House
Photo Plus
Pier One
Pizza Hut FM 1960 W.
Pizza Inn
Popeyes FM 1960
Popeyes Imperial Valley
Pozada Restaurant
Precinct 1 Constable’s Office
Primerica Financial Services
Print Mailers
Producer’s Cooperative Association
Progress Art Group, Inc. - Art Festival
Prosperity Bank - Woodcreek
QSP Readers Digest
Quiznos N. Sam Houston Pkwy.
Rainbow Fish
RAM Winch and Hoist
Randalls Kingwood
RCW Nurseries, Inc.
Real Estate Resource
Reasoning Minds
Recycle Rewards
Rice University
School Mathematics Project
Right Now Termite and Pest Control
Riskbytes, Inc.
Ronnie & Cathy Matthews, LTD.
Rosita’s Restaurant
Ross Dress for Less
Ryan Energy Technologies
Ryan Drilling
SAFE Kids Greater Houston
Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club
Sam Houston State Univ. Educational
Leadership & Counseling Dept.
Sam Houston State University
Sam’s Club FM 1960
Sam’s Club FM 1960 Bypass
Sam’s Club Richey Rd.
Saturn of North Houston
SB&B Business Service
Shell Oil
Sheraton Hotel JFK Blvd.
Shipley Do-Nuts FM 1960
Showcase Awards
Smart Financial Bank
SMFA, Boston
Snowflake Donuts North Freeway
Sonic Drive-In FM 1960
Sonic Drive-In North Freeway
Sonic Drive-In Oklahoma City
Sonic Drive-In Veteran’s Memorial
Business Partnerships
For more information
on student internship
programs, call Robert
Thomas, program
director of businesseducation partnerships,
at 281-985-7230.
What Every Parent Should Know About College Readiness
Will your child be ready for college or additional training after high school graduation?
College Readiness is now an expectation for every student in Texas, and
parents play an important role. To
assist parents, Inside Aldine interviewed Dr. Wanda Bamberg, superintendent of schools, for answers to
questions that parents need to know
about College Readiness.
Question: What is College Readiness?
Answer: College Readiness means
that every high school graduate is
prepared to be successful in entrylevel college courses at a four-year
college, two-year college, or in advanced training for jobs requiring
additional skills. College Readiness
is a step beyond basic knowledge
in a subject. It is the ability to use
knowledge to analyze and think
more deeply about questions or issues in a subject area.
Q: When should students begin preparing for college?
A: College Readiness begins in
prekindergarten on the first day of
school and continues every year
until graduation. It is too late for
students to prepare for college
in ninth grade. Students must be
able to show a solid understanding in reading/language arts, math,
science and social studies in each
grade level so they will be ready for
the next grade level. For example,
a first-grader must be able to demonstrate the skills we expect of all
first-graders before he or she enters
second grade, and so on.
Q: How can parents make sure their
children are college ready?
A: Most importantly, parents who
work with their children on homework assignments make a big difference. On days when there is no
homework, parents and children
can review math facts or read to-
gether to strengthen skills outside
of the classroom. Extra practice
outside of the classroom improves
performance in school. Secondly,
parents must send their children
to school every day. It is difficult to
make up for time missed away from
school, and children with poor attendance fall behind. Finally, parents should insist on children following school rules and not doing
anything to disrupt learning in the
Parents will be receiving more information from campuses about College Readiness Standards. For more
information about helping your
child become College Ready, talk
with your school counselor and visit
Aldine’s Guidance and Counseling
website ( and
click on Guidance and Counseling
under Departments).
Lo que todo padre debe saber sobre
la preparación universitaria
¿Estará su hijo preparado para ir a la universidad o obtener formación adicional (p.ej.
de una escuela politécnica) después de graduarse de la secundaria?
Los alumnos tiene que satisfacer los
Estándares de Preparación Universitaria de Texas. Más abajo se publicó
la entrevista con la Dra. Wanda Bamberg, superintendente de escuelas,
quien contestó algunas preguntas
sobre los estándares y el papel que
desempeñan los padres en ayudarles a sus hijos a tener éxito académico.
P: ¿Qué son los Estándares de Preparación Universitaria de Texas?
R: Los Estándares de Preparación
Universitaria de Texas definen los
conocimientos, las habilidades y las
aptitudes que deben tener los alumnos. Los estándares ayudarán mejor
preparar a los alumnos para tener
éxito en sus estudios universitarios
en los establecimientos docentes
de educación terciaria donde se
realizan cursos de dos años (community colleges o junior colleges),
las universidades de cuatro años, o
escuelas politécnicas (institutos de
formación profesional). Los Estándares de Preparación Universitaria
profundizan los conocimientos básicos en cada asignatura (materia).
Los estándares intentan lograr que
sean capaces de desarrollar proce-
sos megacognitivos respecto de la
calidad de su pensamiento (p.ej.
pensamiento creativo, lógico, de
calidad y de alto orden) para prepararalos para los retos que afrontarán
en sus estudios universitarios y para
tener una carrera exitosa.
P: ¿Desde cuándo comienza la preparación universitaria?
R: La preparación universitaria comienza en la primaria y concluye
al graduarse de la secundaria. Los
alumnos deben poder demostrar
una sólida comprensión en las
asignaturas de lectura, el lenguaje
inglés, matemática, ciencia y los estudios sociales para que estén preparados para ascender de un grado
a otro. Por ejemplo, un alumno de
primer grado tendrá que satisfacer
las expectativas de conocimiento,
habilidades y aptitudes del grado
que cursa antes de que pueda ascender al segundo grado.
P: ¿Cómo pueden los padres asegurar que sus hijos estén preparados
para la universidad?
R: Hace una gran diferencia cuando
lo padres ayudan a sus hijos con
las tareas domiciliarias (deberes
escolares). En los días que no tiene
State of the District Luncheon
Pictured (l -r) are Jocklynn Keville, chamber chair-elect; Dr. Ralph
Draper, superintendent of Spring ISD; Dr. Wanda Bamberg, superintendent of Aldine ISD; Dr. Adrain Johnson, superintendent
of North Forest ISD; and Reggie Gray, chamber president.
deberes escolares, padres y sus hijos pueden repasar, practicar e integrar los conocimientos aprendidos
en el aula. Así los alumnos estarán
preparándose para las clases del día
siguiente. Los padres también deben asegurar que sus hijos asistan
diariamente a la escuela. El absentismo escolar afecta al rendimiento
escolar, el cual puede derivar a situaciones de abandono y fracasos
escolares que cada vez serán más
difíciles de recuperar. Y los padres
deben exigir que sus hijos respeten
el reglamento interno (reglamento
escolar) y que no interrumpan las
Padres recibirán más información de
las escuelas de sus hijos sobre los
Estándares de Preparación Universitaria de Texas. Para más información
sobre cómo pueden ayudar a sus
hijos a estar preparados para la universidad, póngase en contacto con el
consejero escolar de sus hijos y visite la página Web del distrito escolar
[ y haga click
en el vínculo “Guidance and Counseling” (Consejo y Orientación) bajo
el vínculo “Departments” (Departamentos) del menú].
Dr. Wanda Bamberg, superintendent of Aldine ISD, joined
superintendents from Spring
and North Forest ISD to present an update to the business community about important issues facing school
districts in North Harris
County. The update was given at the annual State of the
Districts luncheon on August
5, which was sponsored by
the Houston Intercontinental
Chamber of Commerce. The
event raised funds for scholarship programs supported
by each district.
Sonic Drive-In W. Little York Rd.
Southern Floral
Southwest Teachers Supply
Southwestern Energy
Special Olympics
Spring Creek Lodge
Spring ISD - Wunsche H.S.
Child Studies & Teacher Preparation
Starbucks North Freeway
Starbucks Tomball Pkwy.
Starbucks Veteran’s Memorial/1960
State Farm Louetta Rd.
State Farm Willow Center
Subway Antoine Dr.
Subway W. Little York Rd.
T B & D Services
Taco Bell
Taco Cabana College Park
Taco Cabana Little York
Taco Cabana Tomball Pkwy.
Target (Humble)
Target North Freeway
Tatoo Your Ride
Texans Together
Texas A & M University Houston
Recruitment Office
Texas A&M - MSC Lead Program
Texas A&M University
Texas Children’s Health Plan Inc.
Texas Department of
Rehabilitation Services
Texas Executive Women
Texas Landscaping Company
Texas Road House
The Bimmer Workshop
The Edwards Team Realty
The Fastener Connection
The Visualization Program
The WaterWorks Museum
Tin Star Jewelry
Toni Anderson
Total Construction Inspections
Toys for Tots
Trinity Training and Development
Triple J’s BBQ and Catering
Triten Corporation
Tuttle Development Co.
U of H Hispanic Business Student Assoc.
U.S. Army
UBS Investment Bank
Universal Essentials Gymnastics
University of Houston
University of Houston
College of Education
University of Houston Downtown
University of Phoenix
Univision Radio
Verizon Wireless
Vincent Gonzales Restoration
Wachovia Bank
Walgreens Aldine Westfield
Walgreens West Rd.
Walmart FM 1960 Bypass
Walmart N. Sam Houston Pkwy.
Walmart North Freeway
Washington Group International
Washington Mutual FM 1960 W.
Washington Mutual FM 2920
Washington Mutual Greens Rd.
WaterWise Water Smart
Wells Fargo Bank
Wendy’s North Freeway
What-A-Burger FM 1960 W.
What-A-Burger San Antonio
What-A-Burger West Rd.
White Flamingo Restaurant
World’s Finest chocolate
Women’s Business Enterprise Alliance
Writers in the Schools
Wurth Adams
YMCA of Greater Houston
Young Audiences of Houston
Zio’s Italian Restaurant North Freeway
Vol. 33, Núm. 1
Noticias de Aldine
descubra las últimas noticias, eventos y mucho más sobre las escuelas de aldine.
útiles escolares
La lista de materiales escolares necesarios para el curso
2010-2011 se puede descargar
del sitio Web del AISD o recoger en las escuelas de sus
hijos. Las escuelas también
venderán paquetes de útiles
Convocatoria de
elección para ratificar
tasa impositiva
La elección para ratificar la
tasa impositiva adoptada
por el AISD se celebrará el
martes, 31 de agosto.
Votantes podrán acudir a las urnas
entre las siete de la mañana hasta las
siete de la tarde. Lo siguiente provee donde cada recinto puede ir a
votar: Recinto A, Escuela Media Aldine (14908 Aldine Westfield Road);
Recinto B, Primaria Worsham (3007
Hartwick Road); Recinto C, Secundaria MacArthur (4400 Aldine Mail
Route); Recinto D, Escuela Media
Stovall (11201 Airline Drive); Recinto E, Academia Drew (1910 West
Little York Road); Recinto F, Academia Smith (5815 West Little York
Road); Recinto G, Escuela Media
Shotwell (6515 Trail Valley Way); y
Recinto H, Primaria Magrill (21701
Rayford Road).
El Código de Impuestos de Texas
requiere que todo distrito escolar
que adopta una tasa impositiva que
excede la tasa límite celebre una
elección para ratificar (aprobar) la
tasa impositiva adoptada para que
ésta sea aprobada. En la tasa impositiva (impuestos escolares) adoptada
por el AISD en junio 2010, la parte
que aumentó (por 13 centavos) es
la parte para pagar los gastos ordinarios del AISD (o sea para los gastos de operación y mantenimiento).
La tasa impositiva adoptada por el
AISD aumenta los impuestos en 10
por ciento. Para dar un ejemplo
cómo le afectaría la tasa impositiva adoptada si es aprobada por los
votantes, el dueño de una vivienda
a valor de 100 mil dólares pagaría
aproximadamente 130 dólares adicionales en impuestos escolares.
La visión de Aldine:
Preparar y Formar
Mejores Personas
Nuestra Misión
Existimos para preparar académicamente y socialmente a cada
alumno a ser un:
• Pensador crítico;
• Solucionador de problemas; y
• Ciudadano responsable y
Temporada 2010
Ya está por comenzar la temporada de fútbol americano
en el AISD. Aquí le daremos
una mirada a los equipos de
las cuatro escuelas secundarias y comentarios de los entrenadores principales.
Continúa en pág. 3
AISD abrirá dos nuevas escuelas en otoño
El distrito escolar estrenará una escuela intermedia y una escuela media este curso, el cual comienza el lunes, 23 de agosto.
La Escuela Intermedia Rayford Road
será la onceava escuela intermedia
del distrito escolar; se ubicará en el
21919 Rayford Road. Robert Graham (antiguamente el director de la
Academia Carter) servirá de director
de la escuela. Se prevé una matrícula de 700 alumnos para la Escuela
Intermedia Rayford Road.
La Escuela Media Vernon y Kathy
Lewis será la décima escuela media
del distrito escolar; se ubicará en el
21255 West Hardy Road. Cassandra
Cosby (antiguamente directora de
la Escuela Primaria Oleson) servirá
de directora de la escuela. Se prevé
una matrícula de 750 alumnos para
la Escuela Media Lewis.
Le pusieron el nombre de Vernon y
Kathy Lewis a la nueva escuela media. Los Lewis fueron dos educadores de muchos años en el AISD.
El Sr. Lewis emprendió su carrera profesional en el AISD en 1969
como un docente en la Escuela Secundaria Aldine; durante 37 años
sirvió de subdirector (Secundaria
Eisenhower), director (Escuela Media Teague y Secundaria Aldine),
director ejecutivo de escuelas secundarias, superintendente del área
Nimitz y superintendente auxiliar
de administración. Se jubiló en diciembre de 2006.
La Sra. Lewis también inició su carrera en el AISD en 1969; durante
38 años sirvió de docente (secundarias MacArthur y Nimitz) y asesora
(consejera) de educación especial
e incluso del sistema educativo
regular (Escuela Media Teague).
Escuela Intermedia Rayford Road
Escuela Media Vernon y Kathy Lewis
Se jubiló en 2007. Ella siempre su rante la reunión de diciembre 2009.
preocupó por sus alumnos; conocía Fue un honor que sorprendió a amlas circunstancias y los nombres de bos.
cada alumno. Fue una docente com- “Este honor fue una gran sorpresa
prometida con el éxito de sus alum- para ambos,” dijo Vernon. “Es difícil
nos. Siempre estuvo dispuesta a expresar nuestra gratitud y que tan
ayudar a los alumnos y a la facultad. sorprendidos estamos con este hoEl Consejo Escolar de Aldine aprobó nor. Sólo somos dos personas ordipor unanimidad ponerle el nombre narias quienes se comprometieron
de los Lewis a la nueva escuela du- con los niños de Aldine.”
Objetivo: Aumentar la asistencia escolar
El AISD les recuerda que la asistencia escolar es obligatoria y es la clave del éxito.
Cada año, el distrito escolar dedica
tiempo y gasta recursos para localizar
(averiguar el paradero) y supervisar a
los alumnos con baja asistencia escolar. Estos esfuerzos continuarán en el
curso 2010-2011. Los estudios indican
que el abandono escolar es un proceso progresivo que se manifiesta por
problemas disciplinarias, absentismo,
bajas calificaciones o asignaturas a que
el alumno no se presenta al examen.
Padres y apoderados pueden esperar múltiples llamadas telefónicas,
visitas al hogar y citaciones judiciales si no cumplen con la Ley de Asistencia Escolar Obligatoria.
“Los miembros de personal escolar
trabajan arduamente y se comprometen con el éxito de cada alumno,”
dijo Ken Knippel, superintendente
auxiliar de administración. “Brindamos programas de alta calidad pedagógica. Es importante que alumnos y
padres se aprovechen de estas oportunidades y que los alumnos asistan
diariamente a la escuela.”
Nuevas escuelas
llevarán el nombre
del General Davis
El Consejo Escolar de
Aldine aprobó ponerles
el nombre del General
Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr.,
quien sirvió de comandante de los Aviadores
de Tuskegee durante la
Segunda Guerra Mundial.
El Comité de Nombramiento constando de la Dra. Viola M. García,
Merlin Griggs y Rick Ogden, recomendó que la escuela secundaria
y la escuela de noveno grado, las
cuales abrirán en el 2012 y 2013 respectivamente, lleven el nombre del
General Davis.
Davis sirvió a su país con honor y
distinción. Fue destinatario de muchos honores: Medalla de Servicio
Distinguido de la Fuerza Aérea,
Medalla de Servicio Distinguido del
Ejército, Estrella de Plata, Legión al
Mérito, Cruz de Vuelo Distinguido,
Medalla de Aire y Medalla del Elogio
del Ejército.
Se jubiló de la Fuerza Aérea en 1970
con el rango de teniente general,
pero en diciembre de 1998, el Presidente Bill Clinton le concedió una
cuarta estrella elevándolo al rango
de general. El General Davis fue el
primer general afroamericano de la
Fuerza Aérea de los EE.UU. El General Davis fue el hijo de Benjamin
Oliver Davis, un oficial del Ejército
de EE.UU. quien se retiró con el rango de general de brigada.
General Davis falleció el 4 de julio de 2002 (nació el 18 de dic. de
1912). Ese mismo año el Dr. Molefi
Kete Asante de la Universidad Temple, considerado como uno de los
expertos de la historia afroamericana más distinguidos del país, incluyó a Davis en su libro titulado “Los
100 más notables afroamericanos:
Una enciclcopedia biográfica”.
Noticias de Aldine
Otoño 2010
Página 2
Escuela y Comunidad
Michael Bourn, un
bachiller de Nimitz,
participó en el
Juego de Estrellas
de la Liga Nacional.
Política de transporte escolar
Tareas domicilarias
AISD cree que las tareas domicilarias o deberes escolares son parte
del programa educativo. Los deberes ayudan a los niños a repasar,
practicar e integrar los conocimientos aprendidos en el aula. Los
deberes a largo plazo requieren la
organización de tiempo para cumplirlos y entregarlos a tiempo.
Tareas domicilarias o deberes
escolares también incluyen asignaciones en las cuales no se requiere trabajo escrito.
Deberán planificar pasar entre
una hora (escuela intermedia y
media) a 90 minutos (secundaria) todas las noches repasando
o practicando y así preparándose
para las clases del día siguiente.
La política o reglamento de tareas
del AISD para todos los niveles
puede encontrarse en el Manual
para padres y alumnos (Parent/
Student Handbook) y en la página
El Departamento de Transporte Escolar del Distrito Escolar de Aldine (AISD) sigue
esfuerzo para brindar servicios más equitativos y eficientes para los alumnos.
Estimados Padres y Apoderados:
¡Bienvenidos al curso 2010-2011! Estoy
entusiasmada por la oportunidad
de afrontar nuevos retos y cambios
e incluso para celebrar los logros de
nuestros alumnos y personal.
Leerán en esta edición que abriremos
dos nuevas escuelas al noreste del
distrito escolar este curso. Las escuelas
disminuirán el hacinamiento en las aulas
y abordarán el crecimiento en las zonas
de la Escuela Media Teague y la Escuela
Intermedia Parker.
Abriremos una nueva escuela
secundaria, la cual se ubicará en la
Bulevar Ella, en 2012. Es tradición que
las escuelas secundarias lleven nombres
de generales de las fuerzas armadas.
La nueva secundaria llevará el nombre
del General Oliver Benjamin Davis,
hijo. Davis sirvió de comandante de los
Aviadores Tuskegee durante la Segunda
Guerra Mundial. En octubre, el AISD
será anfitrión de una recepción para
los Aviadores Tuskegee, miembros de
la familia Davis y la comunidad para
celebrar la apertura de la nueva escuela.
La financiación de la enseñanza sigue
siendo un reto. La pasada primavera,
el AISD celebró numerosas reuniones
comunitarias e internas para compartir
los retos financieros. Tuvimos que
recortar aproximadamente 20 millones
de dólares de los programas y reducir
los gastos para el curso 2010-2011. En
junio, el Consejo Escolar de Aldine
convocó una elección para ratificar la
tasa impositiva (impuestos escolares)
aprobada por el Consejo. Si es aprobada
por los votantes, habrá un aumento
de 13 centavos por cada $100 de
tasación. Por ejemplo, el dueño de una
vivienda a valor de $92,000 pagaría
$102 adicionales por año o $8.35 por
mes. El dueño de una vivienda a valor
de $50,000 pagaría $45 adicionales en
impuestos escolares cada año o $3.79
por mes. La votación temprana iniciará
el 16 de agosto en el Centro M.O.
Campbell y en algunas escuelas. La
elección se celebrará el 31 de agosto en
los recintos regulares. Puede encontrar
información en esta edición o en el sitio
Web del AISD,
Como siempre nuestro objetivo es
brindar la mejor educación posible para
nuestros alumnos y asegurar que estén
preparados. Aunque el AISD ha tenido
éxito con el rendimiento académico,
aumentaremos el rigor para asegurar
que los alumnos no sólo aprueben las
pruebas estatales sino que aprueben
a altos niveles y estén preparados para
ascender de un grado a otro. Aunque
recibirán la información, lean el
artículo en esta edición e infórmense
en las escuelas de sus hijos sobre
los Estándares Para la Preparación
Universitaria y Profesional de Texas.
Por favor ayúdenos en
esfuerzo asegurando que sus hijos
asistan diariamente a la escuela y
que estén preparados para aprender.
Aseguren que sus hijos cumplan con
sus tareas domicilarias y alienten a sus
hijos a repasar, practicar e integrar los
conocimientos aprendidos en el aula.
También, use nuestro sistema en línea
para ver las calificaciones de sus hijos y
pónganse en contacto con los docentes
y administradores de las escuelas si
tienen preguntas o preocupaciones.
Nuestro objetivo es trabajar con ustedes
para asegurar el futuro de sus hijos.
¡Juntos tendremos un año exitoso!
Dra. Wanda Bamberg
Superintendente de Escuelas
Las paradas de los recorridos de
transporte de las escuelas tradicionales e imanes (magnet) seguirán en
las esquinas de las calles donde sea
posible. Para las calles más largas,
las paradas seguirán en las esquinas
y a media calle. A tres días lectivos
después de la fecha de iniciar el curso 2010-2011, cada conductor (chofer) le avisará a los alumnos sobre
los tiempos específicos de las llegadas matutinas (por las mañanas) del
autobús a las paradas. Los conductores tienen un lapso de 10 minutos
después de los tiempos fijados. Esto
es necesario debido a inesperados
factores externos (p.ej. tráfico, los
problemas de mecánica, las condiciones de las carreteras, el estado
del tiempo, etc.). Recalcamos que
los conductores de los recorridos
tradicionales y magnet no ofrecen
servicio a domicilio.
Los padres y apoderados de alumnos de prekinder (párvulos) y kínder tienen la responsabilidad de
vigilar a sus hijos cuando se recojan
(mañanas) y dejen (tardes) en sus
paradas designadas. Al dejar a los
alumnos de prekinder y kínder en
las paradas, pueden ser acompañados por sus hermanos mayores (por
lo menos de segundo grado). De lo
contrario, los alumnos serán regresados a sus respectivas escuelas primarias o colegios de párvulos.
* Padres y apoderados con hijos
en la Academia Reece tendrán que
ponerse en contacto con administradores del colegio para averiguar
los procedimientos para permitir
que los alumnos sean dejados (en
las tardes) con hermanos mayores.
Durante los primeros tres días lectivos se determinará el número de
alumnos que viajarán en autobús y
los tiempos de las llegadas matutinas a las paradas. Cada conductor
le avisara a los alumnos sobre los
tiempos de las llegadas matutinas
a sus paradas designadas. Alumnos
deben estar en sus paradas al menos
10 minutos antes del tiempo fijado y
deben ser visibles. Los conductores
no pueden esperar ni tocar la bocina (el claxon). Durante los primeros
tres días lectivos, las recorridas no
comenzarán más temprano de los
tiempos fijados (vea la tabla al lado).
Las llegadas matutinas para los recorridos de las escuelas imanes pueden variar la primera semana. Cada
conductor le avisará a los alumnos
sobre las llegadas aproximadas.
Se requiere un mínimo de tres días
para tramitar y designar el recorrido
de alumnos nuevos al programa de
escuelas imanes (magnet) y aquellos con cambios de dirección. Los
conductores y el personal escolar
recibirán cambios a los recorridos
durante estos tres días. Según los
cambios, las llegadas matutinas son
determinadas por los coordinadores del programa imán o el Departamento de Transporte Escolar.
Se les ha comunicado a los padres
de hijos cuyos recorridos de transporte han sido afectados por los
cambios a las zonas escolares y la
apertura de dos nuevas escuelas.
Para localizar la escuela de su zona,
visite la página Web del distrito escolar:
Haga click en el vínculo “Parent”
y luego haga clic en el vínculo
“School Locator”.
También se puede localizar las paradas de los autobuses en la página
Web: Haga
click en el vínculo “Parent” y luego
haga clic el vínculo “Bus Stops.”
Recorridos de transporte de escuelas tradicionales:
Escuela secundaria
Escuela primaria
Escuela intermedia
Escuela media
Tiempos de llegada a paradas
6:00 a.m.
7:00 a.m.
7:45 a.m.
7:45 a.m.
Recorridos de transporte de escuelas imanes (magnet):
Tiempos de llegada a paradas
Carver, Victory College, Houston y Drew
5:35-5:45 a.m.
5:45-5:55 a.m.
5:50-6:00 a.m.
7:15-7:50 a.m.
7:20-7:30 a.m.
7:20-8:00 a.m.
Secundaria Eisenhower y Escuela de 9no Grado (BI)
Raymond, Carter y Kujawa
Reed y Grantham (combinadas)
Wilson, Shotwell* (BI) y Hoffman* (BI)
Reece, Anderson y Bethune
*(área de la FM-1960, 6:30-7:30 a.m.)
Directrices para comidas escolares gratis y a precios reducidos
El AISD participa en el
Programa Federal de Alimentación Gratuita y A
Precios Reducidos.
Las comidas escolares cumplen con
las leyes federales, normas y regulaciones de las Pautas Alimenticias
Para Estadounidenses e incluso los
requisitos nutritivos del Departamento de Agricultura de Texas.
Solicitudes para el Programa Federal
de Comidas Escolares Gratuitas y A
Precio Reducidos están disponibles
en todas las escuelas y el Departamento de Servicios de Alimentación
Infantil del AISD. Para saber si califica,
rellene una solicitud y entréguela a la
escuela de su hijo. Se podrá solicitar
en cualquier momento durante el año
lectivo. La información que provee se
usará para determinar la elegibilidad
de su familia y la verificación de datos.
Niños acogidos bajo el amparo o la
protección tribunal o una agencia
de asistencia social también pueden
ser elegibles a pesar de los ingresos
de las familias con quienes residen.
Familias recibiendo ayuda del Programa de Alimentación Suplementaria (conocido por las siglas en inglés SNAP; antiguamente conocido
como Food Stamps o cupones para
canjear por comida que reciben las
personas de pocos recursos) o el
Programa de Ayuda Temporal a las
Familias Necesitadas (TANF) sólo
tiene que proveer el nombre y el
Directrices de elegibilidad según los ingresos por familia para el Programa Federal de Comidas Escolares
Núm. integrantes
de familia
A precio
Gratis reducido
A precio
Gratis reducido
A precio
Gratis reducido
Cada dos semanas
A precio
A precio
Gratis reducido
Por cada integrante adicional de la familia, agregue lo siguiente:
número del historial (o número de
caso o número de determinación de
elegibilidad del grupo o EDG#) de
su hijo en estos programas.
Familias que no provean el número
del historial de SNAP o TANF tendrán que proveer la siguiente información para todos los integrantes
de la familia: sus nombres e incluso
la cantidad y fuente de sus ingresos. El integrante familiar mayor de
edad quien rellene la solicitud debe
firmar e incluir su número de la Seguridad Social (Seguro Social); si no
tiene uno, marque una “X.”
Debido a un programa del gobierno federal, todos los alumnos del
Precios de las comidas escolares
Alumnos de Prekinder a 8vo Grado
Alumnos de 9no a 12mo Grado
A precio reducido
AISD podrán disfrutar de desayunos
gratis este año. Se espera que todos
aprovechen el desayuno nutritivo.
Declaración contra la discriminación:
Esta declaración explica qué hacer si
cree que se le ha tratado injustamente. “De acuerdo con la ley federal y la
política del Departamento de Agricultura de EE.UU., está prohibido que esta
institución discrimine por motivo de
raza, color, nacionalidad, sexo, edad o
incapacidad. Para presentar una queja,
en el caso que se trate de un acto discriminatorio, por favor escríbale al USDA,
Director Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington,
D.C. 20250-9410 o llame al (800)7953272 (voz) ó (202)720-6382 (número de
teletipo). El USDA no discrimina en sus
programas y empleo.”
Noticias de Aldine
Otoño 2010
Página 3
Requisitos para
el ascenso
de grado y la
El Distrito Escolar de Aldine
quiere asegurar que los padres y
apoderados (tutores) se mantengan al corriente de los requisitos
para que sus hijos se gradúen y
puedan participar (caminar para
recibir su bachillerato/diploma)
con su promoción (clase) en sus
respectivas ceremonias de graduación. Además, los padres también necesitan tener al corriente
los requisitos para aprobar el grado y ascender al próximo curso.
Teniendo esto presente, Noticias
de Aldine publicará los requisitos
en cada edición.
Nivel Secundaria
Para graduarse (recibir su bachillerato o diploma) y poder
participar en las ceremonias de
graduación, los alumnos tienen
que cumplir con los siguientes requisitos estatales y del AlSD:
• Cumplir todos los deberes para
las asignaturas (materias) necesarios para la graduación.
• Obtener o lograr el número de
créditos académicos necesarios.
• Aprobar todas las secciones de
la prueba nivel de egreso TAKS
(Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills; es la prueba de
Texas sobre los conocimientos
y aptitudes).
La prueba de egreso de TAKS incluye cuatro materias: el lenguaje
inglés (lingüística), matemática,
ciencia y estudios sociales. Los
alumnos se presentan al examen
de egreso TAKS en la primavera de
su penúltimo año de secundaria
(11o grado). Los alumnos tendrán
varias oportunidades para aprobar todas las materias de la prueba. Al aprobar todas las secciones
de la prueba, los alumnos habrán
satisfecho el requisito de aprobar
todas las secciones de TAKS para
poder graduarse y participar en la
ceremonia de graduación con su
promoción. Una lista completa de
los requisitos para la graduación
se puede encontrar en el “Guía de
planificación para la secundaria”
o en la oficina de orientación en
la escuela secundaria.
Nivel Primaria (Kínder a 4to
Los alumnos tienen que lograr un
promedio de 70 o mejor en cada
sección de lectura y matemática
para poder ascender al próximo
grado en la primaria.
Además, los alumnos de tercer
grado tienen que aprobar la sección de la lectura del examen
TAKS para poder aprobar el curso y ser elegible para ascender al
próximo grado.
Educación Intermedia y Media (5to a 8vo Grado)
Los alumnos tienen que lograr un
promedio de 70 o mejor en las
materias del lenguaje inglés (lingüística), la lectura, matemática,
ciencia y los estudios sociales
para poder aprobar el curso y ascender al próximo grado.
Además, los alumnos de quinto
grado tienen que aprobar las secciones de lectura y matemática de
la prueba TAKS para ascender al
próximo grado.
Escuela y Comunidad
Equipos para
la temporada
Potros de Aldine
Entrenador: Lionell Crawford
Récord de 2009: 7-5 (distrito, 3-3;
derrotó a Westside en la 1era vuelta
de los playoffs; eliminado por Lamar
en la 2nda vuelta)
Jugadores letrados con experiencia: 9
Jugadores ofensivos con experiencia: 5
Jugadores defensivos con experiencia: 4
Jugadores muy prometedores:
Mariscal de campo (QB) Jordan Moore [lanzado 1,119 yardas, 7 Touchdowns (TDs) y 400 yardas terrestres,
10 TDs]; liniero ofensivo (OL) Zach
Hester: receptores (WRs) Dazon Graves y O’Ryan Wiley; linieros defensivos (DL) Galen Nailor y Aaron Neal;
apoyador (LB) Matthew Teague; profundo libre Jacob Moore; profundo
fuerte Jordan Jeanlouis; pateador de
ubicación (K) Iván Castro
Observaciones del asistente: “En
la primavera cambiamos la defensiva 4-3 a 3-4”, dijo Kerry Bamberg,
asistente y coordinador defensivo.
“Los jugadores todavía están aprendiendo. Nuestro punto fuerte será
la línea defensiva con Nailor y Neal
jugando. A los apoyadores les falta
madurar pero corren muy bien. En
la línea secundaria, también les falta
madura a los jugadores”.
Águilas de Eisenhower
Entrenador: Ray Evans
Récord de 2009: 6-4 (distrito, 4-2; eliminado en 1era vuelta de los playoffs)
Jugadores letrados con experiencia: 26
Jugadores ofensivos con experiencia: 8
Jugadores defensivos con experiencia: 4
Jugadores muy prometedores: QB
James Jones (lanzado 1,307 yardas, 7
TDs y 767 yardas terrestres, 10 TDs);
corredor (RB) Trevion Cooks; WRs
Elon Fusilier (15 perdidas de balón,
224 yardas, 2 TDs) y Jerry Madison:
OLs Quartel Miller, Cornelius Dickey,
Jacob Nichols y Woodrow Thomas;
DLs Stanley Chatman y Michael Smith;
LBs Jalante Jones y James McQueen;
esquinero Emmanuel Raspberry (7 intercepciones, 2 TDs), profundo libre
Davonte Thomas y profundo fuerte
Jacoby Wilkerson
Observaciones del entrenador:
“James Jones necesita jugar bien en
El Club de Optimistas de Aldine donó
cuatro mil dólares
al programa antidrogas del AISD.
Calendario 2010 de fútbol americano
De no especificarse lo contrario, todos los partidos empiezan a las 7:30 p.m.
Potros de Aldine
9-4 Deer Park Thorne*
9-10 FB Clements Thorne
9-18 PA Memorial Port Arthur*
9-24MacArthur Thorne
10-1Hastings Thorne
10-15Eisenhower Thorne
Generales de MacArthur
8-26 Sam Houston Thorne
9-2Chávez Barnett
9-9 Sam Rayburn Memorial
9-17 Jeff Davis
10-29Eisenhower Thorne
Águilas de Eisenhower
Fecha Partido
8-27 Hightower
9-3 North Shore
9-11 B. Westbrook
9-17 Dayton
9-25 Elsik
10-1 Bye
10-8 Nimitz
10-15 Aldine
10-23 Taylor
10-29 MacArthur
11-6 Hastings
Pumas de Nimitz
Fecha Partido
8-27 FB Bush
9-4 DeKaney
9-11 Conroe
9-18 Dawson
9-24 Hastings
10-2 Elsik
10-8 Eisenhower
10-15 Bye
10-22 Aldine
10-29 Taylor
11-5 MacArthur
* Saque inicial a las 6 p.m., ** Saque inicial a las 2 p.m.
cada partido”, dijo Evans. “Necesitan y la línea secundaria. Sentimos que
mantenerse saludables y jugar bien a podremos ganar algunos juegos no
la defensiva para tener éxito. Nuestra distritales y llegar a los playoffs”.
línea defensiva y la línea secundaria
serán nuestros puntos fuertes. El objetivo es ganar el campeonato distrital”.
Generales de MacArthur
Entrenador: Bernie Mulvaney
Récord de 2009: 0-10 (distrito, 0-6)
Jugadores letrados con experiencia: 24
Jugadores ofensivos con experiencia: 6
Jugadores defensivos con experiencia: 4
Jugadores muy prometedores:
QB Elijah Garrett; RBs Devohnne
Fontenot y Arthur Howard: WR JaVoris Potier; OLs Donovan Miles,
Jon Apostalo, David Gómez, James
Mosley, Billy Minchew y Moses
Flores; DLs Alex Andrade, Steven
Books y Matthew Vélez; LBs Francisco Robeldo y Phillip Apostalo;
profundo libre Demetrius Woodard
(2 intercepciones, 57 derribadas),
esquinero Dustin Frye, profundo
fuerte Eddie Longoria; despejador
(P) Chris Turcios; K Marcos Escobar
Observaciones del entrenador:
“Los jugadores han trabajado arduamente y están listos para competir”,
dijo Mulvaney. “Saben nuestras expectativas para la temporada. Nuestros
puntos fuertes serán la línea ofensiva
Pumas de Nimitz
Entrenador: Robert Toomer
Récord de 2009: 4-6 (distrito, 3-3)
Jugadores letrados con experiencia: 27
Jugadores ofensivos con experiencia: 7
Jugadores defensivos con experiencia: 6
Jugadores muy prometedores:
QB y secundaria Jamarcus Darden,
QB Kris Denton; RBs Joe Crowe y
Torrin Amos; WRs Masakela Malone
(11 perdidas de balón, 245 yardas,
1 TD) y Andre Grant; OLs Stephen
Jacobs, Eric Flores y Héctor de la
Garza; DLs Leonard Lewis, Joshua
Perry, Michael Roberts y Jahmaal
Mitchell; LBs Kevin Palin y Torrin
Wiltz; profundo libre Jamarcus Darden (2 intercepciones) y profundo
fuerte Von Eric Murphy
Observaciones del entrenador:
“Esperamos tener éxito esta temporada”, dijo Toomer. “En la línea
defensiva tenemos muchos jugadores con experiencia. Los corredores
tendrán que madurar, pero tenemos
jugadores talentosos. Nuestros puntos fuertes serán la línea defensiva
y la línea secundaria. El objetivo es
llegar a los playoffs”.
AISD bien representado en concurso nacional
Veinte y seis alumnos del AISD compitieron en el concurso nacional celebrado en junio en la Universidad
de Maryland en College Park; cinco
proyectos quedaron entre las 10 mejores en sus respectivas categorías.
Secundaria Equipo
Alejandra Europa
Lugar Categoría
3ero Individual,
Objeto Expuesto
Oscar Trejo-Soria, Daniel 3ero Grupal, Objeto
Aguirre, Anail Caudillo,
Mayra Romero, Mónica
Cameron Amos,
6to Grupal, Sitio Web
Ignacio Castelán,
Maureen Bracho
Eisenhower Kersey Tse, Brandon
7mo Grupal,
Lee, Priscilla Le, Kevin
Sánchez, José Manríquez
Eisenhower Zuleyma Escobar,
9no Grupal,
Joshua Wilson
Título de proyecto
“Una innovación
para comer”
“Entre pantanos y
cabezas de puente:
Una innovación
“Nace una estrella:
Una innovación
surge, Patente
“Un templo
edificado sobre
la innovación”
el sueño
Calendario escolar
• 12-13 de agosto – Días de
formación profesional
• 16-20 de agosto – Días de
formación profesional
• 23 de agosto –
Primer día de clases
• 6 de septiembre – Día del
Trabajo (día feriado)
• 8 de oct. – Día de formación
(día feriado para los alumnos)
• 11 de octubre – Día de la
Raza (día feriado)
• 22-26 de noviembre – Día
de Acción de Gracias
• 20-31 de dic. – Vacaciones
de pleno invierno
• 13 de enero – Termina
primer semestre
• 14 de enero –
Día de formación profesional
(día feriado para los alumnos)
• 17 de enero – Día de Martin
Luther King Jr. (día feriado)
• 18 de enero – Inicia el
segundo semestre
• 21 de febrero – Día de los
Presidentes de EE.UU. (día
• 14-18 de mar. – Vacaciones
de primavera
• 22 de abril – Viernes Santo
(día feriado)
• 30 de mayo – Día de Conmemoración a los Caídos en
Guerra (día feriado)
• 3 de junio – Termina el
segundo semestre
• 3 de junio – Último día de
• 4 de junio – Día de formación profesional
Si es necesario cancelar toda
actividad educativa por tiempo
inclemente en el 2010-2011, los
días para recuperar el tiempo
perdido serán el 8 de oct., 11 de
oct., 21 de feb. y 4 de junio.
Preguntas y Respuestas
Esperamos que les guste esta edición de Noticias de Aldine. Si tiene
preguntas o comentarios sobre
la información aquí, nuestras
escuelas u operaciones, llame al
(713)756-7855 o visite
El Distrito Escolar de Aldine ofrece programas vocacionales
y técnicos en educación agrícola, estudios de comercio,
orientación profesional y vocacional, estudios de hogar y
gestión (consumo), estudios de la tecnología en la salud,
formación para hotelería y servicios, educación en mercadeo,
educación técnica, formación de oficio, y preparación para
tecnología industrial. La admisión a estos programas se basa
en la habilidad, interés, nivel de grado y tamaño de la clase.
Según la política del Distrito Escolar de Aldine, se prohíbe
discriminar en base de raza, color, religión, origen nacional,
sexo o discapacidad en sus programas vocacionales, servicios o actividades tal como exige el Título VI de la Ley de
Derechos Civiles de 1964, según la enmienda; el Título IX
de las Enmiendas Educacionales de 1972; y el Artículo 504
de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, según la enmienda.
El Distrito Escolar de Aldine observa todos los principios de
igualdad en el empleo tal como exige el Título VI de la Ley de
Derechos Civiles de 1964, según la enmienda; el Título IX de
las Enmiendas de Educación de 1972, según la enmienda; la
Ley Contra Discriminación Por Razón de Edad de 1975, según
la enmienda; y el Artículo 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de
1973, según la enmienda. El Distrito Escolar de Aldine tomará
las medidas necesarias para asegurar que la falta de destrezas
en el idioma inglés no sea una barrera para la admisión y
participación en todos los programas educacionales y vocacionales. Para más información sobre sus derechos o el sistema
de trámite de quejas, póngase en contacto con el Coordinador
de Título IX, el Dr. Archie Blanson, vicesuperintendente del
AISD, 14910 Aldine Westfield Road, o llámele por teléfono
al (281)985-6318 o comuníquese con la Coordinadora del
Artículo 504, la Dra. Charlotte J. Davis, directora de orientación, asistencia psicopedagógica y de alumnos en riesgo de la
deserción escolar del AISD, 14909 Aldine Westfield Road, o
llámele por teléfono al (281)985-6472.
El AISD no discrimina contra personas en base de raza,
religión, origen nacional, edad, sexo, discapacidad, y estado
económico o falta de destrezas en el idioma inglés en el
empleo, promoción o programas educacionales. Cualquier
queja o agravio que no se puede resolver al nivel escolar
por el director/a, puede ser sometida por escrito al Dr. Archie
Blanson, vicesuperintendente del AISD, 14910 Aldine Westfield
Road, Houston, TX 77032.
Escuela y Comunidad
Noticias de Aldine
Otoño 2010
Página 4
Cartilla de vacunación al día para entrar a escuelas de AISD: Requisitos mínimos para curso 2010-2011
1er Grado
4 dosis
4 dosis
5 ó 4 dosis2
5 ó 4 dosis2
3 dosis3
4 ó 3 dosis
4 ó 3 dosis
4 ó 3 dosis
4 ó 3 dosis
1 dosis
2 dosis
2 dosis
1 dosis o serie
1 dosis o serie
1 dosis
1 dosis
2 dosis
Antihepatitis A 1, 10
2 dosis
2 dosis
Antihepatitis B
3 dosis
DTPa o dT 1, 13
VPI o VPO 1, 6, 13, 14
1, 7, 11
Hib 15
1, 9, 11, 12, 16
8, 11
VNC 17
7mo Grado
8vo a 12mo Grado
3 dosis3
3 dosis3, 4
3 dosis3, 5
4 ó 3 dosis
4 ó 3 dosis
4 ó 3 dosis
4 ó 3 dosis
2 dosis
2 dosis
2 dosis
2 dosis
2 dosis7
2 dosis
1 dosis
1 dosis
2 dosis
1 ó 2 dosis16
2 dosis
2 dosis
3 dosis
3 dosis
3 dosis
3 dosis
3 dosis
3 dosis
3 dosis15
1 dosis o serie
1 dosis o serie
1 dosis
2do a 4to Grado 5to a 6to Grado
1 dosis18
La prueba cutánea para el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis [prueba PPD (proteína purificada derivada) o de la tuberculina] se requiere para aquellos en especial riesgo de contraer la enfermedad
tuberculosa según las pautas del Departamento de Salubridad (Salud) Pública de Texas. Aquellas personas asintomáticas (sin síntomas de una infección activa) pero con resultados positivos
tendrán que presentar radiografías (rayos x) de tórax normales para descartar la enfermedad. Si la persona padece la tuberculosis activa, tendrá que presentar pruebas de que ha concluido
el tratamiento preventivo para eliminar las bacterias de la tuberculosis y reducir los riesgos de desarrollar la tuberculosis activa en el futuro; o pruebas de su médico de que está siguiendo el
tratamiento o confirmación de una cita para una radiografía de tórax. Si los alumnos no presentan documentación o faltan de guardar la cita para la radiografía de tórax, ellos serán excluidos de
la escuela por no cumplir con los requisitos. El AISD les recomienda que consulten con su médico para que les aconseje sobre un examen físico que incluya la prueba de la tuberculina.
Notas a pie de página
1)Dosis administradas cuatro días o
menos antes del intervalo mínimo
(o cumpleaños) se contabilizarán
como válidas.
2) Cinco dosis de la vacuna antidiftérica, antitetánica (tétanos, trismo)
y antipertusis acelular (tos ferina,
tos convulsiva o coqueluche) con
una de las dosis administrada al
cumplir los cuatro años de edad o
después de cumplirlos; tengan en
cuenta que cuatro dosis satisfacen
el requisito si la cuarta dosis se
administró al cumplir los cuatro
años o después de cumplirlos.
3) Tres dosis, incluyendo una dosis al
cumplir los cuatro años de edad o
después de cumplirlos.
4) Se requiere una dosis de refuerzo
de la vacuna DTPa solamente si
han transcurrido cinco años de la
última vacunación (vacuna/dosis
conteniendo DTPa). La vacuna Td
es aceptable en lugar de DTPa si
existe una razón que el niño no
debe recibir la vacuna antipertusis
(p.ej. una reacción alérgica a la
vacuna contra la tos ferina).
5) Se requiere una dosis de refuerzo
de la vacuna DTPa si han transcurrido 10 años de la última vacunación (vacuna/dosis conteniendo
antígenos de tétanos). Si existe una
alergia, la vacuna Td es aceptable.
6) Cuatro dosis de la vacuna antipolio
con una de las dosis administrada
al cumplir los cuatro años de edad
o después de cumplirlos; tenga en
cuenta que tres dosis satisfacen
el requisito si la tercera dosis se administró al cumplir los cuatro años
de edad o después de cumplirlos.
7) Dos dosis de la vacuna combinada PSR [vacunas antisarampión,
antiparotiditis y antirubéola (o
antirrubéola)] con la primera
dosis administrada al cumplir el
primer año de edad; y un intervalo
mínimo de 28 días entre la primera
y segunda dosis; o una dosis de la
vacuna PSR además de una dosis
de la vacuna antisarampión. Consulte el programa para introducir
progresivamente las vacunas para
aprender cuando se pondrá en
vigor el requisito de dos dosis de
la vacuna PSR para los alumnos de
cada grado.
8) Dos dosis de la vacuna antihepatitis
B para adultos (Recombivax HB®
o Engerix-B®) son aceptables para
niños de 11 a 15 años. La dosis y
el tipo de vacuna deben ser claramente documentados (p.ej. dos 10
mcg/1.0 ml de Recombivax HB®).
9) Dos dosis administradas al cumplir
el primer año o después de
cumplirlo. Consulte el programa
para introducir progresivamente
las vacunas para aprender cuando
se pondrá en vigor el requisito de
dos dosis para los alumnos de cada
10) Dos dosis con la primera dosis
administrada al cumplir el primer
año de edad o después de cumplirlo.
11) Confirmación serológica de la
presencia de inmunidad natural o
adquirida a hepatitis B, sarampión,
parotiditis, rubéola, o varicela (comúnmente conocida como peste
cristal, payuelas o lechina) o confirmación serológica de infección es
aceptable en lugar de la vacuna.
12) Confirmación serológica de la presencia de inmunidad. También se
puede presentar la historia clínica
si su hijo ha pasado la varicela. La
historia clínica debe incluir una
declaración escrita del médico, la
enfermera escolar o del padre o
apoderado del niño que contiene
una redacción sobre esto tal como
la siguiente: Esto es para comprobar que (nombre del alumno) ha
pasado la varicela (comúnmente
conocida como peste cristal,
payuelas o lechina) el (indique la
fecha o fecha aproximada), así que
no necesita la vacuna antivaricela.
13) Inmunización contra difteria,
tétanos, tos ferina (vacuna DTPa
DTP, DT o dT) y polio (vacuna VPI
o VPO; vacuna antipoliomielítica,
antipoliomielitis o antipolio) satisfarán el requisito para los alumnos
de Kínder a 12mo Grado si la última
dosis de cada una fue administrada
antes del primero de abril de 2004
y dentro del mes de cumplir cuatro
14) Cuatro dosis; una dosis debe ser
administrada al cumplir los cuatro
años o después. Tenga en cuenta
que tres dosis satisfacen el requisito si la tercera dosis de la vacuna
VPI (o VPO) se administró al cumplir los cuatro años o después.
15)Las vacunas antihaemophilus
influenzae tipo b (conocida como
Hib)y antihepatitis B. Se requieren
solamente tres dosis de las vacunas
conteniendo antihepatitis B y
Hib (p.ej. Comvax®, ActHIB®,
PedvaxHIB® o Pentavenlente) si
la tercera dosis se administró al
cumplir el primer año de edad o
después de cumplirlo. Para todos
los demás se requiere cuatro dosis.
Una serie completa de vacunación
primaria incluyendo la dosis de
refuerzo [Una serie completa de
vacunación primaria incluye dos o
tres dosis (con un intervalo de dos
meses entre las dosis; normalmente las dosis se administran a
los dos, cuatro y at seis meses de
edad, depende del tipo de vacuna)
y una dosis de refuerzo entre los
12 ó 15 meses de edad (al menos
dos meses después de la última
dosis)]. Tenga en cuenta que se requiere sólo una dosis si se recibió
la primera dosis de la vacuna Hib
al cumplir los 15 meses o después
de cumplirlos.
16) Se requiere dos dosis en Kindergarten (kínder o jardín de infancia),
1er, 7mo y 8vo Grados. Se requiere
dos dosis de la vacuna antivaricela
si la primera dosis se administró a
los 13 años de edad.
17) La vacuna neumocócica conjugada.
Una serie de vacunación primaria
incluye dos o tres dosis (según la
edad de comienzo de vacunación;
y debe haber un intervalo de dos
meses entre las dosis) administra-
das a los dos, cuatro y seis meses
de edad con una dosis de refuerzo
a los 12 ó 15 meses de edad (al
menos dos meses después de la última dosis), o una dosis al cumplir
los 24 meses de edad o después de
18)Se requiere una dosis solamente
para alumnos de 7mo y 8vo Grado.
Documentación: Cualquier certificado
de vacunas es aceptable con tal de que
un profesional de la salud haya declarado el acto vacunal. En el registro de
una vacuna, el profesional de la salud
debe cumplimentar datos de la administración de la vacuna como la fecha
(p.ej. mes, día y año) y confirmación.
Exenciones médicas y religiosas: La
enfermera escolar o la directora del
programa de los servicios de salud del
AISD debe confirmar estas exenciones.
Vacunas fuertemente recomendadas:
Pueda que no se requieran las vacunas
DTPa (Tdpa o dT; también conocida
como triple vírica o TV), antihepatitis
A (dos dosis), antivaricela (dos dosis),
antimeningitis e influenza para matricular a su hijo en la escuela (Kínder a
12mo Grado), pero sí son fuertemente
DTP y OPV: DTPa sustituye a la antigua
DTP, la cual ya no se usa en los Estados
Unidos. También ya no se recomienda
usar VPO. Se prefiere usar VPI. Sin
embargo, puede que algunos hayan
recibido estas vacunas — depende del
año en que se aplicaron las vacunas y el
país de origen.
Comedores escolares de AISD ofrecen menús saludables para dieta equilibrada
El AISD ofrece menús saludables
para una dieta equilibrada. El Departamento de Servicios de Alimentación Infantil del AISD recibió en el
2009 el Premio Nacional “Mejores
Prácticas” de la Asociación de Alimentación Escolar por su campaña
“Energízate Con un Buen Desayuno
Escolar”, la cual aumentó en un 4%
el número de alumnos quienes comieron desayunos escolares ese año.
Más abajo publicamos algunas preguntas del público y las respuestas
de Dani Sheffield, directora ejecutiva
de alimentación infantil.
P: ¿Puedo tener la seguridad que mis
hijos consumirán alimentos seguros
y saludables?
R: Todos los comedores escolares cumplen con los estándares y legislación de
seguridad alimentaria para todos los
productos alimenticios desde recibir
los alimentos a servirle al cliente, lo
cual incluye tomar y registrar las temperaturas de los alimentos, cumplir
con las prácticas de higiénico-sanitarias
para la gestión de comedores escolares
y la formación del personal. Además, la
compra de todos los alimentos cumple
con las especificaciones nutricionales
como exige el Departamento de Agricultura de EE.UU.
P: ¿Qué dice de las donas y los bollos
de fruta o especias cubiertos con una
capa de azucar?
R: Servimos una dona y un bollo para
el desayuno hechos específicamente
para los programas de alimentación
infantil. Están enriquecidos con vitaminas, minerales, zumo (jugo) de
frutas y satisfacen el requisito de un
cereal o pan.
P: ¿Quién organiza los menús de las
comidas escolares y cuáles pautas
R: Todos los menús son organizados
por un dietista profesional. Las guiás
incluyen los patrones alimenticios
del Departmento de Agricultura, las
Pautas Alimenticias (Diéticas) Para
Estadounidenses y la Pirámide Nutricional. Todas las comidas contienen
los nutrientes necesarios.
P: ¿Cómo se cocinan las papas “fritas”?
R: Entre los métodos de cocinar que
usamos, no freímos nada, incluyendo las papas “fritas”. Están cocidas al
P: ¿Ofrecen ensaladas y fruta?
R: Diariamente ofrecemos ensala-
das como una opción para el plato
fuerte, sándwiches de verduras y
ensaladas frescas en la barra de autoservicio (ensaladeras). Diariamente
ofrecemos fruta fresca o enlatada.
P: ¿Eligen alimentos con bajos contenidos de grasas y sodio?
R: Hay una restricción de 23 gramas
de grasas para alimentos individuales
según la Política de Alimentación Escolar de Texas. Los niños en edad escolar requieren una cierta cantidad de
grasas en su dieta para que su potencial de desarrollo sea óptimo. Actualmente no hay una restrición especifica de sodio, pero elegimos alimentos
con bajo contenido en sodio.
P: ¿Hay algo nuevo este año?
R: El desayuno es gratis para todos
los alumnos. Esperamos que se apro-
vechen de esta oportunidad ya que el
desayuno facilita el aprendizaje y mejorar el rendimiento escolar. Además,
seguiremos usando Mealpay Plus, un
sistema de pago en línea que les permite a los padres a depositar dinero
a las cuentas de sus hijos, comprobar
los saldos de cuenta, pagar deudas y
vigilar lo que comen sus hijos diariamente. Visite
para más información.
P: ¿Y si tenemos más preguntas?
R: Pueden visitar la página Web del
Departamento de Alimentación Infantil de AISD en www.aldinecafe.
com, llamárle al departamento al
(281) 985-6450, participar en el comité consultivo de nutrición infantil
o visitar al comedor escolar para desayunar o almorzar con su hijo.