T ikvah Shaarey - Shaarey Tikvah
T ikvah Shaarey - Shaarey Tikvah
Shaarey ikvah T Bulletin Adar I/Adar II 5774 March 2014 Events CALENDAR FRIDAY EVENING—Services 6:00pm SHABBAT MORNING—Services 9:00am SUNDAY MORNING—Minyan 9:00am TUESDAY EVENING— Rabbi’s Talmud Class 6:30pm Minyan 7:15pm Tues Wed Thurs Sat Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 6 Mar 8 Sun Mar 9 Mon Mar 10 Tues Wed Thurs Sat Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 15 Sun Mon Tues Wed Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar 19 Thurs Tues Wed Mar 20 Mar 25 Mar 26 Thurs Fri Mar 27 Mar 28 Executive Comm. Mtg. 7:30pm Face to Face 9:30am Face to Face 9:30am Teen Lunch & Learn Adult Lunch & Learn Hamentaschen Bake-Off 10-3:30pm Men‘s Club Breakfast & Yom Hashoah Candle Assembly 10:00am-noon B‘nai Mitzvah Series 2-5pm Sisterhood Short Story Discussion Group at Roberta & Gary Kaplan‘s - 7:00pm Face to Face 9:30am Face to Face 9:30am Fast of Esther Erev Purim Megillah Reading 8:30pm Purim Festivities (see page 11) Shushan Purim Board of Trustees Mtg. 7:30pm Face to Face 9:30am Senior Café 1:30pm Maggid of Beachwood at Barnes & Noble - 6:45pm Face to Face 9:30am Face to Face 9:30am WOW Rosh Chodesh Service 7:00pm Face to Face 9:30am Fam Jam 5:30pm A MESSAGE FROM R ABBI DAVID KOSAK Flip Flops in the Snow Geologists have noted that at any time, possibly during our own lives, the Earth could undergo a geomagnetic inversion, in which the magnetic fields would flip around so that North becomes South, and South becomes North. Strange but true. I have long maintained that this particular Jewish age we live in is also a time of inversion. Some of those reversals are simultaneously marvelous and inscrutable. For most of Jewish history, we pined to return to Zion while forced to dwell in hostile exile. Now, when Jerusalem is ours, life in the American diaspora is arguably easier than at any other point in our history. For long years, attaining a Jewish education was relatively straightforward, while institutions of secular learning were often closed off to us. Now when so many of us are blessed to have college diplomas and advanced degrees, Jewish literacy is hard to achieve, even for our day school population. Of the many inversions in Jewish life, the one that stands out the most strongly to me is the inversion in our day between halakhic and mystical Judaism. Since at least the destruction of the Second Temple, and probably much longer, the meaningful glue of the Jewish people has been halakhah, our enduring system of law. It taught us ethics, religion, custom and peoplehood. A select few, well versed in the law, could then turn to the mystical channels of kabbalah to seek a still more vivid spirituality, even as they risked their sanity by plumbing those depths. Yet in our time, books on Jewish mysticism, meditation, and psychological truths are all the rage. Halakhah, with all of its terrific wisdom and insight, meanwhile, is ignored by the Jewish masses. Simultaneously, it sometimes seems that the handful of Jews who do dedicate themselves to it get lost along the way, just as students of mysticism once did. North becomes South, South becomes North. Purim is the great holiday of inversion. We celebrate it, we mock it, we turn everything upside down. Haman who is high is brought low, and the lowly Mordecai is brought high. God is hidden, cruelty is manifest. Esther, who sublimates her Jewish identity, becomes the people‘s savior. Even our deep desire to know is revoked by the commandment that we should grow tipsy enough so that we can no longer distinguish the Continued on page 6 page2 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT L ESLIE SOBEL The CST Shabbaton and the Olympic Games converged for a little while. Like teammates, the warm and welcoming community of learners and worshippers at Shaarey Tikvah were poignant. A special thanks specifically goes to Laura Kosak and Jill Cahn and, in general, to the JECC, the outstanding cooking volunteers, committee volunteers and extra hard work from our staff. Without the planning, vision and cohesiveness of the group, the Shabbaton would not have been so fantastic. Recently, I have had the pleasure to see a few other examples of cohesiveness. For much of January, I spent a good deal of time at Montefiore while Allyn was there for rehabilitation. I witnessed a connection form between an unlikely assembly of individuals. There were elderly, not so elderly, men, women, single, married, those with families, Clevelanders, out of town individuals, Jewish, not Jewish and all with different mobility requirements. They each lived for a short time on a wing of the first floor reserved for rehab patients. The only thing that brought them together was meals in a small dining area with room for 6-8 individuals, 3 times a day. Some of those on the wing left the dining area quickly, others left angrily, and some chose to eat all their meals in the privacy of their room. However, the core group that had meals together regularly became extended family. They looked forward to being together, to laughing, sharing and quibbling. They celebrated a birthday and the success of completing a program. In March this group is meeting for lunch and I find that remarkable. What I also find remarkable are the pieces of the Olympics that I have not focused on in the past. This year, after watching small sections of the Games, I realized that I really don‘t like winter sports. I‘ve been so cold recently that watching others in the cold is not very enjoyable. But I do like the camaraderie of all sports, and specifically the Olympics. Yes, you can hear the Russian fans cheer on their national favorites and I‘m sure that their families are supportive and excited. Yet, the cameras‘ focus is on the U.S. athletes and I am glad of Question: Why didn't Esther receive Mordechai's e-mail, warning her about Haman's plan to kill the Jews? Answer: She had an Achashvirus. Mar2014 that, as it gives me the opportunity to watch teammates, families and friends substantiate the energy and drive necessary to attain this level of endurance and stamina. Before the winning or the losing, the teammates are together rooting for each other and encouraging each others‘ success. The families, partners, and friends are on the sideline watching, cheering and praying. Win or lose, the athletes know that those around them, those they love, those that they have worked with for years, will be in the right place for them. Consoling, reassuring, cheering, applauding, and celebrating in the end are the same. At Congregation Shaarey Tikvah in any given month or any give week, we gather together as a support network – a supportive family – to grieve the loss of a loved one or celebrate the birth of a child/grandchild. The difference is that the cameras aren‘t running. The Olympic Games will close and after their March reunion lunch, our community will still be together sustaining each other. We feel this more at the Shabbaton because of the extensive time we spend together. It rejuvenates us and gives us the chance to make new and deeper connections. Some come to learn, some come to pray and, like the joke, some come to ―talk to Schwartz.‖ Yet, the Shabbaton is not for everyone. I believe that Shaarey Tikvah does have something though that will make you feel part of this community, something that can give you some sustenance. I‘m sure by this time you know that I am available, as well as the clergy and staff, to help you find your special place within the synagogue. In any case, I urge you to pick up your directory and call someone you know or even someone you don‘t. Just say, ―Hello,‖ before Passover. This small gesture will let a fellow congregant know that we encourage each other‘s success, substantiate their individuality, and console each other in times of need. Winter Olympics may be cold and Montefiore may rehabilitate the body, but Shaarey Tikvah is more; it‘s the common denominator of family and friends finding each other in their own special ways. page3 Mar2014 A FROM THE CANTOR G ARY PALLER For, Lo, The Winter is Past? “For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing is come, and the voice of the turtle-dove is heard in our land.” [Shir Hashirim 2:11-12] Well, we can always live in hope. At this writing, it is the 2nd week of February. I look out of my office window at a frigid landscape dominated by white; and more is descending from the skies. No longer does the snow on the branches and all over the parking lot evoke lovely, quaint visions of a Currier & Ives painting – have we entered a new Ice Age? I trust that by the time you read this, at least the temperature has moderated to a tolerable 25 or, dare I say, 30 degrees Fahrenheit. We have survived the first Adar; perhaps Adar II will give us more cause for rejoicing! Purim is nearly upon us, and we are planning a ―no holds barred‖ celebration. The reading of Megillat Esther will once again feature a number of our teen readers, and there will be lots of general zaniness. Join us on Sunday morning, March 16th [See page 11 for details]. Come in costume and be ready to pull out all the stops! How did the ―Purim Shpiel‖ originate? The creation of folk dramas relating the Purim story goes back to the ninth and tenth centuries, and continued throughout the middle ages in Germany. Purim plays as we know them today began appearing in the early eighteenth century. Though instrumental music was banned from the synagogue after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E., it was permitted at Purim, and became an important part of the story-telling and celebration. Purim shpiels had a great influence on the development of Yiddish theater music, beginning with Abraham Goldfaden in the late 1800s. Many of our beloved folk tunes come from the Yiddish theater, such as ―Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen.‖ Did you know that the word grogger (Heb. ra-ashan) comes from the Polish word gregarz, meaning rattle? The percussion instrument is sounded fifty-four times during the reading of the Megillah, whenever Haman‘s name is mentioned. It was first used in the 13th century in France and Germany. So come in costume! Make noise with your grogger! Sing at the top of your lungs! “Lay’hudim hay’tah orah v’simchah v’sason vikor.” [Esther 8:16] ―The Jews had light and gladness, and joy and honor.‖ On Purim we celebrate not only our people‘s survival, which is no small feat in itself, but our flourishing creativity and passionate exuberance of spirit. L‘shalom, Cantor Gary VOLUNTEERS for A Kosher Taste of Cleveland We continue planning for our next major fundraiser, A Kosher Taste of Cleveland. Headed by our crackerjack co-chairs, Steve and Rena Wertheim, KTC will be held the evening of Sunday, May 18, 2014 right here at Shaarey Tikvah. We need volunteers in all capacities including ticket sales, auction prize solicitations, and hosting on the night of the event. However, the big push now is acquiring sponsors for the event itself. This year, a special incentive has been added to the sponsorship possibilities. If you have always wanted to attend this fabulous event but could never justify the fundraising high-priced ticket, you now have the opportunity to bring in a $1,000 sponsor and receive a ticket for yourself FREE. If you want to bring a guest, sell two $1,000 sponsors. It‘s just that easy. Stop by Martha‘s office and pick up a sponsorship packet. Then, go ask your doctor, your dentist, your accountant, your rich uncle, etc. to consider sponsoring KTC (sponsoring YOU to come to this event). There are several levels of sponsorship including the $250.00 ad book placement. Sell 4 of them and you have a ticket! page4 A MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR M Mar2014 ARTHA SIVERTSON ―A fabulous event‖ ―Best Kosher Taste yet!‖ ―This was so much fun. I can‘t wait until next year.‖ These are just a few of the comments A Kosher Taste of Cleveland received last year. And this year, I have the distinct pleasure of working on it to try to match last year‘s success. What an adventure! The committee has already gotten together several times to act on some of the suggestions from last year. One big thing is the invitation list. As much as we love having CST congregants in attendance, we are broadening our scope this time to get invitations out into the community. As a CST member you will be on the list, but if you know others you think may wish to partake in this delicious event, please e-mail me with names and addresses. Thanks. Not so incidentally, don‘t forget the sales challenge the committee has put out about earning a FREE TICKET TO KTC. We have sponsorship and ad packets ready when you are! Do you think your company, school, social club, etc. would be interested in an ad? Call me for more information. A Kosher Taste of Cleveland gives Shaarey Tikvah a great opportunity to shine. Not only can we put on a bang-up event, but we welcome new faces inside our doors to experience our kehillah in a different light. Chances are everyone already knows we know how to pray and we know how to learn. They now can see we know how to party. New members, anyone? In advance, I‘d like to thank Steve and Rena Wertheim who are putting their all into getting the restaurants lined up and to Mike Goldberg for taking on the raffle tickets ($50.00 each for a $2,000 prize. Only 200 will be sold) and to Mike Axel for heading up the sponsorship committee. Shari Wolfe is also hot on the trail for auction prizes and me, well, I‘m just here to keep things together…for now. Martha MARTHA’S WISH LIST Donations for new carpeting Donations for the new hot water system for the kitchen Half door for Shabbat Clubhouse A little more sunshine page5 L Mar2014 NEWS FROM FACE TO FACE DIRECTOR cursed Haman blessed cursed OUISE FREILICH from “We need to hear the message of tolerance over and over again” A teacher- St. Peter School This quote is from a lovely thank you letter which we received from a teacher who attended our program for the first time in the fall. She had many positive things to say about all aspects of Face to Face – the Judaism section, hearing about Kristallnacht in person, the museum displays, the educational booklets which we give to the students to take home, and of course the survivor speaker. But the above quote really gets to the heart of the matter of what we strive to do at Face to Face. question sheets and developed a new exhibit on Kindertransport. We have even increased our reach in the community by adding five new Judaism presenters to our roster this year. We now have rabbis or Jewish educators from twelve synagogues or Jewish organizations representing a full range of Jewish denominations volunteering their time for this extremely important part of our Holocaust education program. We are working on the Face to Face section of the soon to be released new CST website. And, our work was We are having an amazingly productive year recently highlighted in a Sunday Plain at Face to Face during this 20th anniversary Dealer column by Regina Brett. You can year. We are hosting a record number of find the February 2, 2014 column at http:// sessions (40), expecting to teach a record www.cleveland.com/brett/blog/ number of students (well over 3,000) and index.ssf/2014/02/ expecting to see a record number of new holocaust_survivors_fade_but_t.html. schools (8 new schools plus 2 schools with a A Holocaust Education new contact teacher returning after a long All this cannot be done without your help. Program at gap). We completed our video project Congregation Shaarey Tikvah It is time once again for our annual Remember the Children: The Hadasah Friends of Face to Face campaign. If you Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face have been a Friend in the past, please Presentations, a 25 DVD boxed set with a 132 page consider increasing your giving level and if you have not educational guide and are now talking with the United given in the past, we need you as a ―Friend‖. Please States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) about don‘t forget to tell your neighbors and non-CST friends plans to include the videos both in their library and in their about our Face to Face program, a wonderful opportunity oral histories online collection. Over the summer, our to make a difference. We make every dollar count. volunteers updated the museum question-sheets which Please use the flyer on page 6 or watch for your letter in the students complete, the teachers‘ packet with the the mail to make a generous donation to a unique answers, and the materials about the different museum program that allows students from all over Greater stations which the docents use. We added two new Cleveland to ―hear the message of tolerance‖. FACE TO FACE SCHEDULE FOR MARCH Date School City 3/5/2014 3/6/2014 3/11/2014 3/12/2014 3/12/201 3/19/201 3/20/2014 3/20/2014 3/25/2014 3/27/2014 Garfield Heights Middle School St. Raphael Schoo St. Hilary Schoo St Joan of Arc School St Michael School Avon Lake High School St. Joseph School St. Robert and William School Kenston Middle School Kenston Middle School Garfield Heights Bay Village Fairlawn Chagrin Falls Independence Avon Lake Avon Lake Euclid Chagrin Falls Chagrin Falls Speaker Gita Frankel Rose Gelbart Leo Silberman Joseph Klein Joseph Klein Ellis Lewin George Kronenberg George Kronenberg Betty Gold Judy Shamir page6 Mar2014 Rabbi’s Article con’t. cursed Haman from blessed Mordecai. On and on the normal order is overturned, only so that, in the end, order can be restored. There are lessons to ponder in all this. But I want to return to the lost role of halakhah in Jewish life. In the Shulkhan Arukh (OH 795), we learn that it is a mitzvah to celebrate with a great Purim feast, that one mitzvah meal is sufficient, and that throwing this feast at night does not fulfill one‘s responsibilities. In other words, one must make a day time party after tippling for hours the night before. Gevalt, thank God for strong black coffee! And so, although it has been our custom to hold the larger portion of CST‘s festivities at night, this year we will mix it up. While this decision was primarily based on daylight savings time, nonetheless it returns us to ancient tradition. I hope you will join us on Saturday night for ―Malt and the Megillah” (that would be a Scotch tasting and straight ahead megillah reading beginning at 8:30pm; then return on Sunday for our ―Brunch in Shushan,‖ starting at 9am. There will be all sorts of mayhem and shenanigans, kids‘ costume parade, Bloody Haman cocktails, talent galore--and Sunday brunch, of course. Details on page 11. Oh, if you have already know what costumes you will be wearing, you are one step ahead of me... Mi shenikhnas Adar, marbim b’simchah. That‘s Hebrew for: the best Purim celebration by the Cuyahoga is at Shaarey Tikvah. Of course. Most severely, Rabbi Kosak This Year Please Become a Friend of Face to Face A Holocaust Education Program for Middle and High School Students Donor Name ____________________________________ Angel $ 5,000 and up _____ Sustainer $1,000 to $4,999 _____ Patron $ 500 to 999 _____ Please return this form to: Louise Freilich, Director Face to Face Congregation Shaarey Tikvah 26811 Fairmount Boulevard Beachwood, Ohio 44122 Donor $ 250 to 499 _____ Supporter $ 100 to 249 _____ Associate $ 50 to 99 _____ Friend $ 18 to 49 _____ All contributions are tax deductible Your donation may help to cover the following expenses: - Museum easel $20 - Cost to program for 4 students $100 - Memory bags for one year $1,500 - Snacks for one year $1,750 - One bus for a needy school $600 - Book / DVD for museum display $40 - Scholarship for 50 students $375 - New museum exhibit $1,000 - Printing of educational booklets $6,700 - Curriculum support materials for schools $600 page7 EDUCATION UPDATE L Mar2014 AURA KOSAK Purim has always been one of my favorite holidays, and not just because David and I met at a Purim celebration, or because Amitai was born at Purim time, or because the Purim story is a wonderful reminder of the power of one person to make a difference. I really like the masks and the costumes! I think that dressing up in costumes is a lot of fun. It gives us a chance to try on different personalities, different identities. Who of us doesn‘t wonder what it might be like to be a superhero, a princess, a hippie, a magician, a pirate, a cowgirl, for a few hours. It‘s fun to be someone else for a while. One of the lessons of Purim is the reminder that we choose who we are. And who we are has many facets – we are complex creatures after all. If you‘ll indulge my nostalgia for high school, I think that John Hughes expressed it beautifully in a movie that is well worth a second look: Dear Mr. Vernon, We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. What we did was wrong, but we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us. In the simplest terms. The most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain... and an athlete... and a basket case... a princess... and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club. Children are deep in the throes of figuring out who they are and trying out different possibilities. Maybe that‘s why they especially love the chance to wear costumes. Part of our job as parents, teachers, family, and friends is to help the children embrace their potential and develop into wonderful people who will make a contribution in the world. One of their facets that we hope will shine especially brightly is their Jewish selves. We bring them to shul, we celebrate Shabbat and holidays in our homes, we educate them in our synagogue school or maybe a day school, etc. Those are some of the big ways that we show our kids how we are Jewish. There are small ways that are also important: the way we tell stories about family members they never got to meet; the way we connect our values to Torah; the way we talk about God; the way we talk about our hopes and dreams for our children‘s futures; the way we use a Magen David shape when we make cookies on a snow day; the way we say Shehechyanu over all of their firsts; the bedtime stories and prayers we choose; the way we fantasize about a family trip to Israel; the way we encourage learning and questioning when we frame it as a Jewish value; the blessings we offer throughout the day; the way we connect ourselves to the lives and history of Jews around the world; and the way we have the weather in Jerusalem as one of the apps on our phone. As we gather together to celebrate Purim on March 16th, think about who you are choosing to be. Ask yourself how you are helping the children in your life choose Jewish selves. And have fun dressing up in costume!! SENIOR CAFÉ Richard Friedman was our guest speaker at the past Senior Café, held on Wednesday, February 19, from 1:30-3pm. He spoke about his background leading to radio involvement. Please join us next month on Wednesday, March 19. page8 Mar2014 Sisterhood News Shalom. March is here and spring is around the corner It is time to think about Purim and Passover...where did the winter go?! I am sure we are all ready for some sunshine and nicer weather. I (Roberta) want to wish Ruth continued healing of her broken leg. I know she will be back to her "young" self very soon!! A special thank you goes out to Julie Kaufman and Jessi Shapiro for a successful, well attended Havdallah Pajama Social. There were over 50 people having a wonderful time doing arts and crafts, eating, stretching and singing. Our Feb. social to see "The Diary Of Anne Frank" surpassed our expectations for ticket sales. It was an enjoyable and moving evening for all. Ruth and I were very disappointed that we had to cancel Games Night due to inclement weather. A suggestion has been made to reschedule and we are thinking about a Sunday night in the spring. Please let us know your thoughts on rescheduling. Please see the list of our currently paid Sisterhood members below. A special thank you to all for your continued support. Our Upcoming Programs: March 9-Hamantaschen Bake Off and Fundraiser-see flyer on page 16. March 10th-Short Story Discussion at 7:30 at Roberta and Gary Kaplan's home. All congregants are welcome - see flyer on page 16. ATTENTION: We will be scheduling a meeting, hopefully in March, to brainstorm about Sisterhood moving forward. Please think about how you might be able to help and please come with ideas for future events. Our Sisterhood gift shop has many beautiful new items for all occasions. Please stop by during our hours or by appointment. Leanne Leavitt is always happy to meet you at the gift shop. May we continue to go from strength to strength, Roberta and Ruth, Sisterhood Co-Presidents Sisterhood currently has 80 paid members. We would like to thank the following list of women for becoming members of Sisterhood for the 13/14 year: Diane Adelman Karla Anhalt Ruth Bakst Natalie Barr Laurie Billowitz Hallie Bravo Rachel Browner Diane Burgin Beryl Burko Sandy Buzney Alice Cahen Sandy Cameron Cathy Catino Jackie Chernin Sharon Desatnik Shirley Edelman Irene Engelberg Sharon Fagin Marion Fish Jackie Freedman Harriet Friedman Judy Friedman Miri Gilad Shari Goldberg Sheryl Golden Olga Goldstein Fran Gordon Michelle Gordon Leona Greene Marion Gruen Joyce Hoffer Shirley Hoffman Barbara Horowitz Debby Horowitz Gayle Jacobsohn Roberta Kaplan Heidi Katz Julie Kaufman Janet Kneitel Laura Kosak Melanie Kutnick Leanne Leavitt Pauline Leber Nancy Levin Amy Lipson Arlene Lombardy Diane Loveman Maxine Margolis Florence Marsh Karen Mintzer Lois Novikoff Elizabeth Oberfeld Weisman Pam Essy Perelman Debby Picker Shelley Portnoy Nina Rosner Betty Rosskamm Wendy Sattin Alice Schubach Allison Schultz Tova Sego Jessi Shapiro Rita Shtull Yafa Silverman Fern Simkoff Gussie Singer Aletta Sinoff Leslie Sobel Milly Soroky Roz Stone Debbie Swisshelm Annette Szabo Susan Tannenbaum Ilse Walder Marilyn Weinberg Jackie Wiesenthal Joyce Wiesenthal Joan Wittenberg Simcha Zevit page9 Men’s Club Moments Our ‗Passover Fund‘ kicked off on February 10, 2014. We will look forward to your donation in support of OUR congregants first, and then other Jewish families that will be in need of Passover foods and holiday items. This event will end on April 6th. Please see our flyer on page 17 and please make your donation out to CST Men‘s Club PASSOVER FUND. (Mark Fixler, chairman). The 3rd and final adventure of the Maggid of Beachwood, with our Rabbi David Kosak, will again take place on Wednesday, March 19th from 6:45pm – 7:30pm. Come and watch the ―magic walking stick‖ tell its tales of old to you and yours. Story telling will be at the Barnes and Noble of Beachwood located on Chagrin in the Eton Collection in Woodmere. Mar2014 Look forward to Sunday, March 9th and our ‗prepping‘ event for Yom HaShoah candle distribution. There will be a breakfast, after Minyan, and we will be looking for our volunteers again this year to help out in packaging this important candle and the event that it represents. We will need some help in distributing the candles on Erev Purim, Saturday evening and Sunday morning, March 15th and 16th. We will have tables set up. Come and join us, WE need YOU! Don‘t forget that we are sponsoring Eian Katz and his year-long stay in Israel. Please follow him and his monthly blog. The link is http://wallsofakko.blogspot.co.il. A MESSAGE FROM LAURA Those of us who were able to participate in the Shabbaton February 7th and 8th, got a chance to have a full Shabbat experience, hanging out with friends, learning a lot about Israel, and enjoying wonderful meals together. It was a real team effort and I would like to thank all of the people involved, who include the following: Frank George for his tireless attention to detail and long hours making sure the facility supported our needs; Toby Rosenberg and her amazing team of Natalie Barr, Harriet Friedman, Leona Green, Shirley Hoffman, Paula Levy, Florence Marsh, Karen Sutton, Debbie Swisshelm, for all the hours and hours they put into preparing amazing meals for us; Shirley Edelman for her ideas and time spent calling members to extend a personal invitation to attend and for staffing a station Friday night; Leslie Sobel for ideas, support, and staffing the registration table; Martha Sivertson for her all around support and help with flyers, posters, logistics, staffing the registration table, and the wonderful banners from the Maltz Museum; Roz Stone for her help with mailings, flyers, posters, contacting members to invite them to participate, and staffing a station Friday night; the volunteers who staffed Friday night stations: Allen and Jazzy Gold (and thanks to Allen for all of his ideas along the way), Perach and Rick Kodish, Louise Freilich, Aletta Sinoff, Ellen Brown, Sharon Fagin, and Lois Novikoff; Cheryl Gordon for her ideas, materials, and general support; Marilyn Beck (otherwise known as Mom) for her many hours of research; Rabbi Simcha Zevit for a beautiful alternative shacharit service; Rabbi David Kosak for his all around support, patience, davening Kabbalat Shabbat, and teaching on Saturday; our teachers and presenters: Brian Amkraut, Gabe Tannenbaum (also for Torah reading at mincha), Ris Gilad (also for research), and Yafa Silverman; David Singer for leading ma‘ariv on Friday; Diane Burgin Hutt and friends for leading shira on Shabbat afternoon; Fran Gordon for leading shira at seudah shlisheet; Brynna Fish for a beautiful Havdalah; Jill Cahn from the Retreat Institute for her ideas, follow through, attention to detail, expertise, and hard work before and during the event; Clil Gross from the Federation for her ideas and planning, and her facilitating of several programs; Ronna Fox from the JECC for her creativity and materials; Yuval Kessler for sharing his knowledge and exeriences in Israel; Gal Katz for her fun and energetic teaching with the kids and overall help; and my sons Shayah and Amitai who helped more around the house and were patient with me and my absence while I worked extra hard. There were many others who pitched in to help when they saw a need. Thank you everyone. We couldn‘t have done this without all of you! It was a pleasure organizing an event such as this with and for such a wonderful community. Thank you to everyone for helping to create an amazing Shabbaton experience, and thank you to all of the participants who spent their day with us, Laura. I think it is a little early to ask who wants to help next year, so I will refrain... page10 Mar2014 Milestone Birthdays for March: Rachel Browner Liz Oberfeld James Harris Anita Ross Hallie Bravo Toby Rosenberg Lora Cover Peter Shulman Anita Baum Jacob Hennenberg Elisabeth Sapell Marc Post Milestone Anniversaries for March: Roger & Deborah Gold 15 The Sisterhood Gift Shop is open on Thursdays from 12:30-3:00pm. Diane Loveman (330-405-0588), Pam Weisman (440-248-7463) and Leanne Leavitt (216-831-2434) will also be happy to open the Gift Shop by appointment. The Sisterhood shop has a great selection of Judaica. Stop by soon! OUR CONDOLENCES ...to Miri Gilad on the loss of her father, Michael Bobovik. ...to Jonathan Brown on the loss of his mother, Florence Brown Attn: Families with students in college Sisterhood will be sending out Passover packages to all college students for whom we have addresses. Please contact Roz at 216-765-8300 x100 or email her at roz@shaareytikvah.org with your child‘s name and his/her college address no later than March 17! MAZAL TOV ...to Matt Fieldman for being named fundraising professional of the year by FundRaising Success magazine, for his work in raising $422,000 in nine months for EDWINS restaurant. ...to Bob and Sharon Desatnik on becoming grandparents to Theodore Arno Desatnik. Parents are Aaron Desatnik and Jenna Levy. ...to Mitchell and Kyla Schneider on becoming grandparents to Everly Lila Rotz. Parents are Sari and Seth Rotz. I would like to thank the congregation for their kindness, help, and love following my recent fall. I am so very grateful to all of you! - Annette Szabo page11 Mar2014 page12 Mar2014 These are actual Personal Ads from an Israeli newspaper: Yeshiva bochur, Torah scholar, long beard, payos. Seeks same in woman. Shmuel Gabbai, 36. I take out the Torah Saturday morning. Would like to take you out Saturday night. Nice Jewish guy, 38. No skeletons. No baggage. No personality. Female graduate student, studying kaballah, Zohar, exorcism of dybbuks, seeks mensch. No weirdos, please. Couch potato latke in search of the right applesauce. Let's try it for 8 days. Who knows? Divorced Jewish man seeks partner to attend shul, light shabbos candles, celebrate holidays, build Sukkah together, attend brisses, bar mitzvahs - Religion not important. Orthodox woman with get, seeks man who got get or can get get. Get it? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Sincere rabbinical student, 27, enjoys Yom Kippur, Tisha B'av, Taanit Esther, Tzom Gedalia, Asarah B'Teves, Shiva Asar b'Tammuz. Seeks companion for living life in the 'fast' lane. Jewish businessman, 49, manufactures Sabbath candles, Chanukah candles, havdallah candles, Yahrzeit candles. Seeks non-smoker. I am a sensitive Jewish prince whom you can open your heart to, share your innermost thoughts and deepest secrets. Confide in me. I'll understand your insecurities. No fatties, please. Jewish male, 34, very successful, smart, independent, selfmade, looking for girl whose father will hire me. Notes of Interest Lost and Found: Be sure to check the coatroom near the sanctuary for lost items. Divrei Torah: We welcome congregants interested in delivering a d‘var Torah. Contact Kyla Schneider at kylaschn@adelphia.net or at 440-519-1544. Service Leaders: Contact Matt Fieldman if you are interested in leading a part of the service — mattfieldman@yahoo.com or 216.373.5662. Aliyot: Alayne Meskin would be happy to assign you an aliyah. Contact her at 216-464-8279 or meskin5@aol.com. Need a refresher in chanting Haftarah, Torah, or leading various parts of the Shabbat or weekday service? Cantor Paller would be happy to work with any congregants who are interested. Contact him to arrange an appointment. Haftarah: Contact Cantor Paller if you would like to schedule an opportunity to chant a Haftarah. Looking for a secure place to store your Tallit bag? Tired of schlepping your tallit to shul every Shabbat? A CST Personal Cubby is the answer for you! We are proud to offer you the opportunity to rent your very own personal cubby at Congregation Shaarey Tikvah. Available for yearly rental at a modest fee of $120/fiscal year. Contact Roz Stone to rent one today. page13 Mar2014 Join Us For Fam Jam Shabbat Fam Jam is a special Friday night service and Shabbat dinner program for families with young children throughout the Greater Cleveland community Date: Time: Cost: Where: RSVP: Friday, March 28, 2014 5:30 PM FREE!! (RSVP is necessary) Congregation ShaareyTikvah Lappen.rachel@gmail.com or (216) 765-8300 by Monday, March 24 This program is geared towards families with children in kindergarten and under and is made possible by the generosity of a JECC Shoresh Grant. A rabbi who's been leading a congregation for many years is upset by the fact that he's never been able to eat pork. So he devises a plan whereby he flies to a remote tropical island and checks into a hotel. He immediately gets himself a table at the finest restaurant and orders the most expensive pork dish on the menu. As he's eagerly waiting for it to be served, he hears his name called from across the restaurant. He looks up to see 10 of his loyal congregants approaching. His luck, they'd chosen the same time to visit the same remote location! Just at that moment, the waiter comes out with a huge silver tray carrying a whole roasted pig with an apple in its mouth. The rabbi looks up sheepishly at his congregants and says, "Wow - you order an apple in this place and look how it's served!" page14 Mar2014 Congregation Shaarey Tikvah’s Education Va’ad presents a Lunch and Learn program: Is It Good for the Jews? Jewish Life under Christian and Islamic Rule Join us for Shabbat services and schmooze over a delicious lunch provided by Sisterhood. Professor Jay Geller will discuss the experience of Jews under the Cross and the Crescent. March 8, 2014 In the Beit Tefillah about 30 minutes after Kiddush. Contact Karla Anhalt at karlanhalt@hotmail.com for more information or with ideas for future lunch and learns. Save the date for the Kosher Taste of Cleveland Sunday, May 18, 2014 Read on page 3 how YOU can get involved! page15 Mar2014 Congregation Shaarey Tikvah’s Men’s Club proudly presents: Supper Stories & Sleep with … The Maggid of Beachwood The Maggid, is a storyteller, and Rabbi David Kosak is versed in the ancient and modern folktales of the Jewish People. He shares stories from across the generations with origins in countries as far flung as Persia (modern day Iran), India, Eastern Europe, Baghdad and Egypt. Indeed, wherever the Diaspora took the Jews, their stories followed, evolving in a conversation with the folk traditions of dozens of cultures. Some of the stories Rabbi David shares are thousands of years old, others were composed in recent years. All remind us that even in our technologically sophisticated age, stories – and the voice that carries them – retain their power to charm us and make us laugh, while teaching us about our own humanity. Rabbi David shares tales and fables with people of all ages and backgrounds, and has regaled audiences across the country. He serves as the spiritual leader of Congregation Shaarey Tikvah – The Gates of Hope – in Beachwood, Ohio. Remaining session: March 19th Wednesday at 6:45pm – 7:30pm Story Location: Barnes & Noble 28801 Chagrin Blvd. Woodmere, Ohio 44122 Phone: 216.765.7520 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Come Join Us and Support the Distribution and Lighting of the Yom HaShoah Candle A breakfast for volunteers will be held after Minyan on Sunday, March 9, at 10am We will begin packing the candles for distribution to be handed out on Purim, March 15 & 16. Yom HaShoah begins on Sunday evening April 27, 2014 page16 Mar2014 Short Story Discussion for Men and Women presented by Shaarey Tikvah Sisterhood Join us for a discussion of two short stories that deal with angels and faith in contemporary Jewish literature: “Angel Levine" by Bernard Malamud "Lazar Malkin Enters Heaven" by Steve Stern Stories available on request by email or in the synagogue office Date: Monday, March 10, 2014 Time: 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Place: Home of Roberta & Gary Kaplan 130 Valencia Circle Orange 44022 Refreshments will be served Please RSVP by March 5 to Lois Novikoff at lonovikoff@roadrunner.com or 216-469-8987 All synagogue members welcome! Congregation Shaarey Tikvah Sisterhood Tenth Annual Hamantashen Bake-off Sunday, March 9, 2014 Two sessions: (attend one or sign up for both) 10am – 12:30pm & 12:30pm – 3:30pm Come and bake with us for Purim. Questions? or to RSVP: Ruth Bakst (440) 498-4757 or Ellen Greenfield (315) 430-7885 page17 Mar2014 PASSOVER FUND Sponsored by Congregation Shaarey Tikvah Men’s Club Support OUR congregants and other Jewish families in the Cleveland area in need of Passover foods and/or other items for the holiday. Donations accepted through Sunday, April 6th 2014 Checks payable to CST Men’s Club PASSOVER FUND Questions? Contact Mark Fixler at compfsv@sbcglobal.net SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN BLOOPERS All the mistakes in spelling and typing were left in. These announcements were found in shul newsletters and bulletins. Even spell check wouldn't have helped. 1. Don't let worry kill you. Let your synagogue help. Join us for our Oneg after services. Prayer and medication to follow. Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our congregation. 2. For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. 3. We are pleased to announce the birth of David Weiss, the sin of Rabbi and Mrs. Abe Weiss. 4. Thursday at, there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers Club. All women wishing to become Little Mothers please see the rabbi in his private study. 5. The ladies of Hadassah have cast off clothing of every kind and they may be seen in the basement on Tuesdays. 6. A bean supper will be held Wednesday evening in the community center. Music will follow. 7. Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the JCC. Please use the large double door at the side entrance. 8. Rabbi is on vacation. Massages can be given to his secretary. 12. We are taking up a collection to defray the cost of the new carpet in the sanctuary. All those wishing to do something on the carpet will come forward and get a piece of paper. page18 Donations as of February 19, 2014 Mar2014 GENERAL FUND In memory of: FLORENCE BROWN: Leanne Leavitt, Roberta & Gary Kaplan MICHAEL BOBOVIK: Roberta & Gary Kaplan BERTMAN COHEN KITCHEN FUND In memory of: MOLLIE COHEN SACOLICK: Natalie Barr LORI SOLOMON: Natalie Barr In honor of: ARLENE LOMBARDY‘S MILESTONE BIRTHDAY: Sandee & Norton Goodman, Laurie & Aaron Billowitz LEONA GREEN‘S MILESTONE BIRTHDAY: Mr. & Mrs. David Dobres GRANDCHILDREN BORN TO BOB & DEBBY JACOB, FRAN GORDON, BOB IMMERMAN, SHARON & BOB DESATNIK, ROBERTA & GARY KAPLAN: Diane Burgin & David Hutt RACHEL HUTT‘S MARRIAGE: Andy Havas & Janet Green BIRTH OF MITCHELL & KYLA SCHNEIDER‘S GRANDDAUGHTER: Andy Havas & Janet Green BIRTH OF ROBERTA & GARY KAPLAN‘S GRANDDAUGHTER: Andy Havas & Janet Green BIRTHDAYS OF LIZ WEISS, WENDY SATTIN, BETH WINKELER, ANDY ALTMAN, RITA SHTULL, LAURIE BILLOWITZ, KARLA ANHALT, MICHAEL GOLDBERG, JUDY ELDER, BRENDA FREED, BARRY MINTZER, STUART SHARPE, LESLIE SOBEL: Roberta & Gary Kaplan BIRTH OF SHARON & BOB DESATNIK‘S GRANDSON: Roberta & Gary Kaplan In honor of: ELLEN & ALEC GREENFIELD‘S ANNIVERSARY: Leona Green Speedy recovery of: LAURIE BILLOWITZ: Leanne Leavitt Speedy recovery of: LAURIE BILLOWITZ: Milly & Arnie Soroky RUTH BAKST: Milly & Arnie Soroky, Annette Szabo In appreciation of: JONATHAN & ELLEN BROWN: Rick & Allison Schultz CANTOR FUND In honor of: BIRTH OF FRAN GORDON‘S GRANDDAUGHTER: Andy Havas & Janet Green CANTOR GARY: Andy Havas & Janet Green, Leona Green FACE TO FACE FUND In memory of: FLORENCE BROWN: Laurie & Aaron Billowitz ALEXANDER WEIL: Gary & Peggy Dorfman In honor of: BIRTH OF SHARON & BOB DESATNIK‘S GRANDSON: Donna & Phil Soroky, Wiesenthal Family MICHAEL & SYLVIA BLAIN: Luisa Aviv YAIR APISDORF‘S RETIREMENT: Luisa Aviv BIRTH OF MITCHELL & KYLA SCHNEIDER‘S GRANDDAUGHTER: Leanne Leavitt, Laurie & Aaron Billowitz RACHEL HUTT‘S MARRIAGE: Laurie & Aaron Billowitz GRUEN ENTRANCE GARDEN FUND In memory of: FLORENCE BROWN: Marion Gruen In honor of: ARLENE LOMBARDY‘S MILESTONE BIRTHDAY: Marion Gruen, Diane Loveman BIRTH OF SHARON & BOB DESATNIK‘S GRANDSON: Marion Gruen Speedy recovery of: RUTH BAKST: Marion Gruen KIDDUSH FUND In honor of: LEONA GREEN‘S MILESTONE BIRTHDAY: Sandy & David Cameron BIRTH OF SHARON & BOB DESATNIK‘S GRANDSON: Sandy & David Cameron BIRTH OF BOB & DEBBY JACOB‘S GRANDSON: Sandy & David Cameron MATANAH FUND In honor of: LEONA GREEN‘S MILESTONE BIRTHDAY: Luisa Aviv BIRTH OF NATALIE BARR‘S GREATGRANDCHILD: Luisa Aviv BIRTH OF ROBERTA & GARY KAPLAN‘S GRANDDAUGHTER: Luisa Aviv BIRTH OF MITCHELL & KYLA SCHNEIDER‘S GRANDDAUGHTER: Marion Gruen, Roberta & Gary Kaplan, Gussie & David Singer HENRY MARGOLIS ISRAEL STUDY SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of: FLORENCE BROWN: Ed & Janet Kneitel In appreciation of: JACKIE CHERNIN: Laurie & MICHAAEL BOBOVIK: Ed & Aaron Billowitz Janet Kneitel In honor of: GRANDCHILDREN BORN TO BOB & DEBBY JACOB, FRAN GORDON, BOB IMMERMAN, SHARON & BOB DESATNIK, MITCHELL & KYLA SCHNEIDER: Ed & Janet Kneitel MEN’S CLUB In honor of: BIRTH OF BOB & DEBBY JACOB‘S GRANDSON: Diane Loveman ROBIN COLLINS‘ BIRTHDAY: Roberta & Gary Kaplan RUDY MICHEL FUND In honor of: BIRTH OF ROBERTA & GARY KAPLAN‘S GRANDDAUGHTER: Lisa & David Michel BIRTH OF FRAN GORDON‘S GRANDDAUGHTER: Lisa & David Michel RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of: CHAGIGAT HATORAH CHILDREN: Leona Green BIRTH OF SHARON & BOB DESATNIK‘S GRANDSON: Leona Green BIRTH OF MITCHELL & KYLA‘S GRANDDAUGHTER: Leona Green In appreciation of: RABBI‘S TALMUD CLASS: Ron Fersky SISTERHOOD In memory of: FLORENCE BROWN: Arlene Lombardy In honor of: SUE LOCKSHINE‘S BIRTHDAY: Arlene Lombardy Continued on page 19 Yahrzeits page19 March 1 - 7 Hedwig Fuldauer Sigmund Kramer Hans Pape Siegfried Sichel Arline Silverman Nadav Spector Laurie Stokes Anna Sunshine Mary Sutton March 8 - 14 Shlomo Dinovitzer Isadore Goodman Sally Greenberg Jacob Hausman Leo Smith Anne Symons Ida Wurzman Sumner Zacks Speedy recovery of: RUTH BAKST: Arlene Lombardy, Wiesenthal Family ZIMMERMAN SOCIAL HALL FUND In memory of: LINDA KLAAR: Joan Wittenberg, Sandi & Burt Zucker & Family YAHRZEIT DONATIONS PAUL AXEL: Michael Axel MARJORIE FLANZ: Ken & Rachel Browner JENNIE GENDEL: Joyce Wiesenthal ARLENE GORDON: Fran Gordon MERLE GORDON: Fran Gordon March 15 - 21 Hanna Berg Anne Browner Leo Decker Dora Edelman David Katz Adolph Keller Simon Krakow Jeanette Leavitt Anne Lewinson David Lester Reichell Ida Rund Florence Spiegel Marcia H. Sukol Leo Weiss Leo Wurzman Mar2014 March 22 - 28 Michael Albin Lehman Bildstein Melvin Gold Leon Katz Max Lederman Maurice Melinkoff Alfred Meyer Bessie Rodin Nandl Rosskamm Yetta Roth Arnold Seligman Herta Straus Elsa Wolffheim JOSEPH HOROWITZ: Sam Horowitz BETTINA KLAAR: Martin & Elaine Liston MEYER KOHN: Martin Kohn LILA KRANGLE: Robin & Larry Collins GUS RATH: Roz Stone RONALD SCHULTZ: Rick & Allison Schultz GUS SEITZ: Martin & Elaine Liston BARBARA A. SHARPE: Stuart J. Sharpe PHYLLIS B. SHARPE: Stuart J. Sharpe Eleanor Weiss: Liz & Larry Weiss FLORA WOLF: Jerry Wolf SELMA ZIMMERMAN: Arthur Zimmerman & Family March 29 - April 4 Yale Bossel Jacob Leonard Cohen Lypa Davidson Samuel Edelman Sidney Eliasov Lillian Gold Jerome Goldstein Eva Greenberg Harriet Karsh Alfred Kinstlinger Carl Lehman Max Levine Max Levy Alvin Lewis Harry Liberman Herbert Loveman Fritz Mayerfield Elsa Porjes Barbara Rosenberg Flora Rosenthal Elaine Schneider Helen Silverman Michael Tannenbaum Jozsa Taubner page20 Mar2014 Congregation Shaarey Tikvah 26811 Fairmount Boulevard Beachwood, Ohio 44122 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID CLEVELAND, OHIO PERMIT NO. 2978 Return service requested The Bulletin is a monthly publication of: Congregation Shaarey Tikvah 26811 Fairmount Boulevard Beachwood, Ohio 44122 216.765.8300; Fax: 216.765.0149 www.shaareytikvah.org Rabbi David Kosak ravkosak@shaareytikvah.org Cantor Gary Paller CantorGary@shaareytikvah.org Martha Sivertson, Executive Director martha@shaareytikvah.org Roz Stone, Office Manager roz@shaareytikvah.org Louise Freilich, Face to Face Director Face2Face@shaareytikvah.org Laura Kosak, Interim Education Director laura@shaareytikvah.org Frank George, Maintenance Manager Gift Shop x105 x107 x101 x100 x140 x103 x112 x109 Leslie Sobel, President howari@sbcglobal.net or lsobel@shaareytikvah.org Submission Deadline: 10th of preceeding month. Congregation Shaarey Tikvah is an egalitarian Conservative congregation whose members are passionate about Judaism. By combining meaningful and joyful worship, serious Jewish learning, social action and compelling Shabbat and holiday experiences, we create a vibrant spiritual community. DATED MATERIAL Deliver Immediately
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