MediTrim - Grand Junction`s HCG Weight Loss Clinic
MediTrim - Grand Junction`s HCG Weight Loss Clinic
MediTrim r t tl fi r yr: ,,l y'' i'/'/t ( rrf rtt; Patient Intake Form (LasQ Girsfl Patient Name: Patient Address: Ctty: Home (MD zip,; State: Phone: Beeper/Cellular: Birthdde: Sex: Age: M F E mail: County of Parents' Birth: County of Birth: Emnlovment Information: Occupation: Patient Employer: Employer Ad&ess: Crty: Work phone No: Social ztp Stafe: Ext. Securiw: Drivers License: In Case of Emergencv: Name: Phone: Phone: Phone: Relationship: Patie,nt's Spouse: Family Physician: Referred by: lYeight llistory When did you first become overweight? (your age theQ How did your weight gain start? Describe any circumstances: ,(Year) What do you think is the cause ofyourweight problem?. your weight goal: Your prese,nt weight: your age # of years (excluding What was your highest weight? your # ofyears age then What was you lowest Have you ever stayed the same weight for 10 years or more? Yes:/ No how long it most lbs Have you attempted to lose weight Describe previous methods of weight loss (e.g. diets, pills, injections, hypnosis, acupuncture) and describe your weight? pregnmcy) lost: before? results: Where and when do you do most ofyour overeating? Please make any c,omme'rts that you think might be helpful: then ago:ago:took:- Do you currently have any medical concems? Please List: Past I{istory: (Please check if you have had any of the following): E Allergies, T5pe: tr Birth defects or abnorrnalities E Exposed to tuberculosis E Mumps E Fever German Measles (3 day) E Frequent Colds E Pnetrmonia fr Diabetes: Tlpe: E Cancer, Type: tr Scarlatina E Measles tr Diphtheria E Rheumatic fl Whooping Cough E Polio E Chickenpox fl Tonsillitis fl E Influenza E Scarlet Fevq Other Diseases EI Operations :( dates) Current Medications (vitamins, birth control pills): Any mood altering or depression medication: Allergies to medicines, foods, Family llistory: Father:Health Mother:Health # of siblings:_# _ _ Age Age living_ Deceased at age _Cause Deceased at age Cause #deceased: _Cause Family Diseases: Check diseases known in your blood relatives (not yourself) tr High bloodpressure tr Migraine E Strokes tr Kidney disease E Arthritis E Other Heartfiouble Dropsy Diabetes tI Syphilis or (bad btood) tr Suicide E Rheumatic fl Fever E Allergy E (abnormal) tr Bleeding tr E Cmcer E Examinations: Date of last physical oxamin4fiel Hospitalizations _ Dates X-Rays: Chest_Stomach Other \Electrocrdios{n (heart racing) - E Anemia tr Epilepsy E Nervous breakdown tr Obesity Reason: Reason: Gallbladder Kidney Colon Date of last laboratory tests: Date of last pap (cancer smear): Do you now have or have had any of the following? tr Itching E Eczema tr Arthritis El Limitation ofmotion tr Pain or stiffrtess (nec$ E Asthma tr Lung disease E Heart trouble E Hives E Backache E Goiter E Raise sputum E Jointpains E Muscle aches pains tr Leg E Heel Pains E Swelling, enlarged glands E Emphysema Bronchitis tr High blood pressure EI Shorhress of breath tr Palpitation or fluttering pain tr Lips or nails turn blue E Indigestion E Nausea or vomiting tr Abdominal fl Chest tr Hardbowel mov€ments pain No. ofbowel move,ments - daily D Tire easily fl E tr Diarrhea E Colitis Gas or bloating Swelling of ankles E Jaundice E Hemorrhoids (piles) tr Urinary System tr Painftlurination tr Dribbling of urine E Trouble sleeping tr Fainting tr Neuritis or Neuralgia fl Hernia tr Bleeding or black stools tr Kidney disease tr BladdEr disease tr Kidney fl Pus or blood in urine tr Albumen or sugar in urine E Vaicose veins I E Headaches E E Convulsions E stones Nervousness or anxiety Bored or depressed E Nervous breakdown E Loss of consciousness Numbness El Paralysis Menstrual History: Z8daycycle? Ifno,howmanydays? *age: Pain with periods? ofbleeding: flow: Light_Med. menstrual period: Date of Ist day of last: periods: Bleeding after intercourse:Bleerling between Itching or burning lrritation or discharge: Me,nstruationbegan Duration Amount of Are you on birttr control? (method): -Heavy B- Complex iniections: tr One injection per week E Two injections per week tr Three injections per week Statements on this patient inake form are accurate and true to the best of my lnowledge. I understand that treatnents will be based on the information provided herein. If I willingly withhold knowledge from my treating physician, I accept full liability from any consequences 6ising there from. All I have read md understand all of the above and have agreed to these terms. Pdient's Name and Signature Date I reviewed the patient's medical history and approve the following treatment: HCG B- Complex days injections ml Nurse Practitioner's Name and Signature per week Date