Raffle Quilt—Need Help Organizing


Raffle Quilt—Need Help Organizing
Next Meeting:
Raffle Quilt—Need
Help Organizing
Thursday, March 17, 2016
6:30 Social
7:00 Meeting Start
Speaker: Allison Lee
Location: Temple Beth Or
5315 Creedmoor Road
Raleigh, NC 27612
Page 2 - President’s Message
Page 3 - Teachers/workshops
For the next 6 months, we will
need a concerted effort to continue to raise money through
this raffle. I’m looking for a few
friends, or perhaps a bee, that
would be willing to do some organizing work for this raffle. The
members of the guild are wonderful about volunteering to
serve shifts at Quilt & Vendor
Shows, but we really need someone to handle the administrative
tasks such as calling to reserve booths and serving as the contact
for the volunteers. Please shoot me an email if you are willing to
step up as a leader!
Page 4 - Symposium,
Drawing winners, MMIA fund
Lanakila Alexander
Page 5 - Block Party, Comfort
quilts, Communications
Coordinator position
Upcoming Raffle Opportunities
Page 6 - Library
Thursday, April 7th—Uncle Eli’s - contact Marsha Tolley @
marsha.t.edwards@gsk.com More information on Page 8
Page 7 - Show N Tell,
Sunshine & Shadows,
Thurs evening - Sat, April 7—9, Bernina World of Sewing
- contact Sue Miskovic @ smiskovic@nc.rr.com
Page 8 - Bee Keeper, Uncle
Eli’s, Baseball/Quilting
Friday - Sat, April 16 - 17, Warrenton Quilt Days - April
16-17, need organizer and contact person
Page 9 - Events
Did you know that you can
join facebook and only get
posts from the Capital
Quilter’s Guild? Email Kim at
kimthez@aol.com to get
Friday - Sunday May 13 - 15, Go to be NC Festival @ Fairgrounds, contact Connie Upshaw @ csupshaw@aol.com
Saturday, March 19 is National Quilting Day
Join Baseball fans at the DBAP at 1:00 pm for a UNC vs Duke
Baseball game. You can pick your favorite “blue” team. Bring your
quilting with you and get in free. Quilters will be counted and are
trying to set a record for the most people quilting at the same time.
Contact information@capitalquilters.org for free tickets.
See ad on Page 8.
President’s Message
Dear Guild;
The time for nominating officers is upon us! The Guild governance states that “All officers shall be
nominated in April, elected in May, and begin their term of office in July.”
Our Vice President, Darlene Silverman, will be completing her 2nd year with us shortly, and we
are actively seeking a member to step up to fill that position. Darlene gave an overview of her
responsibilities during the February meeting. In addition to attending a monthly Board meeting,
the Vice President also serves as the facilities coordinator, submitting room lay out requests and
any unusual access needs to the director of the Temple. The Vice President also manages the
monthly guild meeting programs for any months in which we do not have an outside presenter.
Those wonderful social activities come from the VP!! If you are interested in volunteering for this
position, or if you would like to chat with Darlene more about her duties, please do not hesitate to
contact her!
As mentioned at the February guild meeting, the IRS simply will not permit a 501 (c)(3) to
exist unless there is a Treasurer for the organization. Our Treasurer, Laura Suich, will be
completing her 2nd year with us soon. Without a Treasurer to replace her, the Guild will lose
status. The duties of the office require someone with excellent attention to detail. The Guild
currently utilizes QuickBooks software for bookkeeping, and will provide the software to a new
officer if needed. The specific duties of the position, as outlined in Article VI, Section 4 of the Guild
The Treasurer shall collect and deposit income; review disbursement requests; pay
approved Guild expenditures; reconcile the bank accounts monthly; submit monthly
reports to the Executive Committee; maintain the financial records of the Guild; and
submit an annual written financial report to the members. The Treasurer shall arrange for
preparation and submittal, in a timely fashion, all tax documents, coordinate an internal
audit of the previous year’s bookkeeping and work with the Executive Committee to ensure
all activities are consistent with the non-profit and tax-exempt status of the Guild.
If you are interested in volunteering for this position, or if you would like a tour of the current
records and processes, please do not hesitate to contact Laura!
Kim Zebrowski has posted a fantastic description of her soon-to-be-vacant position in this same
newsletter, so if you are Communications-oriented, consider volunteering!
Enough about BUSINESS, let’s talk about FUN!. Spring is right around the corner and with it
come some fantastic events, You’ll find several of them listed on the front-page article about the
Raffle Quilt and a few more in the Calendar of Events.
Quilts & a covered dish in the Eli Whitney Community? Count me in!
We all know which blue Roberta will be sporting at the attempt to set a Guinness record for
the most people quilting together on Worldwide Quilting Day; but which will you choose???
A springtime road trip to a quilt tour of historic homes? Let’s ride!
A hui hou kākou (Until we meet again),
Teachers and Workshops
Don’t forget to check out the spring speakers and sign up for a class. Our workshops are held at
Highland United Methodist Church from 9 am—3:30 pm. You may register at the guild meeting or mail
your registration form to Debby Femia at 4408 Irving Ct, Raleigh NC 27609
Workshop Registration
Member fee $50.00
Phone ______________________________________________
Non-member fee $60.00
Home Address ______________________________________
Allison Lee
Quilt as You Go-Go
Log Cabin & Pineapple
Fri, Mar 18, 2016
Allison Lee
Quilt as You Go-Go
Bias Tape Applique
Sat, Mar 19, 2016
Gudrun Erla
Fri, Apr 22, 2016
Gudrun Erla
Scandinavian Style
Sat, Apr 23, 2016
Registration forms and payments may be sent to Debby Femia at 4408 Irving Ct, Raleigh NC 27609
Registration for Spring workshops are now open to the public.
No refunds will be issued if participant withdraws 30 days or less before
date of workshop.
Registrations are pouring in and
there are some classes filling up.
We are updating the Teachers/
Workshops page weekly on classes that are filling and are filled.
We are excited about the number
of participants that we are seeing.
Thank you in advance for taking
luggage tag kits and making
them up for us. We will have
more at the February meeting, if
you missed out.
Sue Ann Jatko and Marsha Tolley, Co-Chairs, Symposium 2016
Check out all the updates on the
Symposium website
Drawing Winners
Laura Jackson
Hope Brown
Lori Addington
Chelsea Folz
Kim Zebrowski
Sue Ann Jatko
Lynn Farrow
Anne Bowman
Elaine Wilson
Helga Speth
Nancy Honeycutt
Military Missions In Action
March 30th, Jersey Mikes is donating profits to
Charity Groups
Cary Quilting Compang
Lone Star Mercantile
My Sewing Shoppe
Wish Upon a Quilt
Sew Taken
Comfort quilts still
needed to hit goals
Quilts on Wheels—61
Quilts for Kids—120
Communications Coordinator
Position of the Guild
This position of the guild is up for grabs starting
July 1st. This is a voting Board position, so
attendance at Monthly Board meetings (currently
2nd Thursday of the month) is required.
Skills and time requirements: Computer skills a
must, 5 - 10 hours a month
1) Collect and maintain contact information on
Board and Committee members.
2) Attend Board and Guild Meetings
3) Collect newsletter articles, at Guild meeting and
by email and by word of mouth.
4) Create and distribute Newsletter (currently created on Publisher), on or about the 1st of every
month. Currently 15 newsletters are printed and
12 of those are mailed. Newsletters are also posted
on Yahoo group, Facebook, website and are
emailed to a few other guilds.
5) Work with Membership to maintain a list of
members who have paid for a mailed newsletter.
6) Work with the Treasurer to maintain a list of
Newsletter ads and payments and provide quarterly invoices to those contacts.
7) Make website changes using WordPress.
8) Use Mail Chimp to send out monthly meeting
reminder on or about the Monday before the Guild
Contact Kim Zebrowski at kimthez@aol.com for
any more information.
Block Party
We had 43 of the “Rail Fence” hearts turned in this
month and they were wonderful!
We were able to distribute two sets of blocks to
these winners: Janet Farrell and Donna Sontag
Our February block is “Polka Dot Square”.
Instructions are posted on our Yahoo Groups and
Facebook pages.
Thanks, Barb and Carolyn
biggsbarbara@yahoo.com rubyc@nc.rr.com
I spoke at
about the
need for a
new librarian(s) in June because my
two year tenure is finished then, and I
hope some of you will consider taking
over the position. As I said, I love to be
in the library at guild meetings. I meet
lots of members, and I get to see the
generosity of the guild with the
donations of books and magazines. The
library takes some physical strength,
but a group could easily make it
work. The time outside of guild is
minimal, and the library is a low tech
job, too. If you are seeking to be more
involved in the guild but don't want to
take on too much, then the library
would be a great option for you. You
can let Lanakila, Darlene, or myself
know if you are interested in having
your name or group's name on the
Happy reading and sewing, Ginger.
Sunshine & Shadows
Sympathy is extended to Doris Knoy upon the death of her Mom and
to Connie Upshaw upon the death of her Mother-in-Law.
Please share any “member news” with me so I
can send a note on behalf of the Guild - Happy
news and sad news.
loishmccoy@gmail.com or 919.266.1045
Please stop by the Membership
table to pick up your printed
directory if you paid for it.
Christine Vitron and
Ginny Nugent
Thanks! Lois McCoy
Jean Holloway Peggy Forster
Susan Mastro
Carol Swanson
Sharon Dvorak Anne Allen
Cheryl Porter
Cherie Brugler
Bonnie Kurth
Julie White
Lori Addington Sharon Wisner
Bo Herman
Delores Slater
Nancy Honeycutt
Chelsea Folz
Ashly Tay with Sharon Lee
Uncle Eli’s
The 2016 quilting party will be on Thursday April 7 from
8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Eli Whitney Recreation Center.
This will be the 85th year!
We will be displaying quilts old and new, plain and fancy -all special in their own way -- from area quilters.
Remember to bring something for the Sharing Table. You're
invited to bring a quilting themed book or magazine to exchange for a new one. It's bring one, take one.
How can YOU participate in Uncle Eli's Quilting Party?
Just show up. You're invited to bring quilts to display, a
project to work on, and a covered dish to share for the always delicious potluck lunch at 1. Or just come to see the
Eli Whitney is about 13 miles south of Graham on N.C. 87.
The address is 4110 East Greensboro Chapel Hill Road,
Graham, N.C. Uncle Eli's Quilting Party is a noncommercial community event. It's free and open to the public.
Need more information or want to volunteer? Call 919-259
-8510 or 919-595-6224
Newsletter Ads:
Do you have something quilt related to advertise or sell? Just email your ad to Kim Zebrowski at
kimthez@aol.com and mail a check payable to Capital Quilters Guild.
Please write “Newsletter Ad“ and the month(s)/year in the memo line.
Capital Quilters Guild, PO Box 20331, Raleigh, NC 27619
Ads are due on Guild Meeting Night for the next month’s issue.
$10—Business Card
$20—Quarter Page
$40—Half Page
Is anyone interested in
joining a bee in the
Knightdale area?
Contact either of us for
more information.
Karen Schulz,
Jackie Iverson,
Upcoming Events
Guild Meeting Dates
Temple Beth Or
Workshop Dates & Titles
Highland United Methodist Church
5315 Creedmoor Road
Raleigh, NC 27612
March 17 - Allison Lee
1901 Ridge Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607
9 am—3:30 pm
April 21 - Gudrun Erla
March 18— Allison Lee, Quilt As You Go, Log Cabin &
Other Events
April 16 ”Holidaze”, Colonial Quilt
Lovers Guild, 2016 Day of Sharing,
Cornith Baptist Church, 1035 US Highway 17S, Elizabeth City, NC, Contact
Carol at carolc@embarqmail.com
June 2 –5 Quilting With the Stars –
NC Quilt Symposium; William Peace
University, Raleigh, NC
March 19— Allison Lee, Quilt As You Go, Bias Tape
April 22— Gudrun Erla, Stripology
April 23— Gudrun Erla, Scandinavian Style
Workshop in Durham - Nancy Mahoney on April 16 –
18, 2016
Quilt/Vendor Shows
March 4 - 5, “Lowcountry Threads” presented by Cobblestone Quilters Guild in Charleston, SC. To
be held at Omar Shrine in Mount Pleasant, SC
www.cobblestonequilters.com and https://www.facebook.com/CobblestoneQuiltShow/
March 11-12, 2016
Just Spoolin' Around 2016, Charlotte Quilters' Guild Annual Quilt Show, Metrolina Expo Fairgrounds
7100 Statesville Rd, Charlotte, NC www.charlottequiltersguild.org/quilt-show
March 15-19, 2016 A Mountain Quiltfest LeConte Center at Pigeon Forge 2986 Teaser Ln Pigeon
Forge, TN 37863 www.mypigeonforge.com
April 2-3, 2016
Quilters by the Sea of Wilmington Annual Quilt Show, Temple Baptist Church Activity Center
709 George Anderson Dr (off 17th St.), Wilmington, NC 28412, www.quiltersbytheseaguild.org
April 15-17, 2016, Warrenton Quilt Days, Historic Warrenton, NC, www.warrentonquiltdays.com
April 29-30, 2016, Sunny Days and Starry Nights Quilt Show, Salisbury-Rowan Quilters Guild, First
Baptist Ministry Center
223 N Fulton St, Salisbury, NC 28144, www.facebook.com/SRGQuild
May 12-14, 2016 Springtime in the Carolinas Quilt Show by the Rutherford Quilt Guild
Isothermal Community College, Student Union 286 ICC Loop Road (off Route 74 Alt), Spindale, NC
May 13-14, 2016, The Floyd Quilt Guild, Quilt Show 2016, Floyd EcoVillage, 178 EcoVillage Trail,
Floyd, VA www.floydquiltguild.com
July 24—25, 2016, The Quilting Expo, Jamil Shrine Center, 206 Jamil Road, Columbia, SC