Never a Cross Word at Duro Dyne
Never a Cross Word at Duro Dyne
® GOOD T MES Bay Shore, NY • Santa Fe Springs, CA • Fairfield, OH Vol. 31 • Fall 2009 Never a Cross Word at Duro Dyne It might be a play on words, but this is the first crossword puzzle to appear in Good Times in a long time. Give it a try. * We’ll give you a little help. Clues with are Duro Dyne trademarks or product names and many answers begin with the letter “D”. Fax your fully completed puzzle to us at 631-2498346 including your name and address. The first perfect puzzle received will win a lovely gift. Answers will be posted in February's Good Times, along with the name of the winner. 1. 3. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 13. 14. 16. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25. 27. 28. 29. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 11. 12. 14. Crossword Puzzle by Bill Watman 15. 17. 18. 19. 23. 26. ACROSS Flow controllers *A great cover up *Fabric recommended for outdoor use *Flanges, corners, cleats & drives For leaky joints (2 words) A ........ damper relieves excess pressure in zoned systems It can be absorbing or a method of fastening Adhesive Sheet Metal *Self stick nail and washer Super Saber Point screws are self ......... Lead in to ATE Flexmastic (2 words) *Zero leakage regulator Glasline application It gets driven *Cute name for a hand tool Stockist DOWN *The greatest name in sheet metal necessities (2 words) It can be fan shaped *For securing flex duct User ProPoint screws are self ...... *Cable locks and wire rope (2 words) When used properly some of it melts (2 words) Applicator Sometimes one end, sometimes two ends (2 words) They hold things together I can keep you in or out (2 words) Faster than threaded rod (2 words) *For people who like to be in control Instrument ____ Port Ending for QUAD GOOD T MES Published by: DURO DYNE CORP: 81 Spence Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 631-249-9000 Milton Hinden, Founder (1922-2000) Randy Hinden, Publisher Susan De Simini, Editor-in-Chief DURO DYNE WEST CORP: 15005 Marquardt Ave. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562-926-1774 DURO DYNE MIDWEST CORP: 3825 Symmes Road Fairfield, OH 45011 513-870-6000 DURO DYNE CANADA CORP: 5030 Francois-Cusson Lachine, Quebec, Canada H8T 1B3 514-422-9760 No Boundaries Meet the men and women of Duro Dyne who are always there to more than satisfy your HVAC needs – from East to Midwest to West – and all the way North. The Greatest Name in Sheet Metal Necessities knows no boundaries because we'll always be there for you – wherever that takes us. Canada Anita DellaRocca Customer Service Franz Korzer Director of Sales and Operations Come Visit Duro Dyne: IHACI Institute of Heating & Air Conditioning Industries, Inc. Pasadena Convention Center Steve Simowitz Midwest Division Manager Wednesday November 18, 2009 Booth #603 Roger Rondeau President Please call, mail or fax us to claim your prize. THE WINNERS ARE: Donna Tucker Superior Distributor Evansville, IN Craig Rebro Milwaukee Stove & Furnace Milwaukee, WI Steve Abair Northeast Air Solutions Inc. Essex Junction, VT Jeff Clayton Dunphey Smith Manasquan, NJ Cindy Davis Plumbers Supply Saint George, UT Ron Scott Homans Associates Inc. Portland. ME Keith Marshall N B Handy Co. Charlotte, NC Judy Wheelen Baker Distributing Co. Grandview, MO Pablo A. Chabau Refricenter Of Miami Pompano Beach, FL Don McCormack Wittichen Supply Co. Sheffield, Al David Pershell A C R Supply Inc. Houston, TX Grace McGee Geary Pacific Sply Orange, CA Stan Butler Yandle Witherspoon Sply Wilmington, NC Paul Wadham Raymond Shedrick CANADA DIST. Matic Air Concord Ontario, Canada The Big 5 International Building & Construction Show November 23-26, 2009 Booth #1G01 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Liliane Grifo Secretary Treasurer Midwest Aaron Simowitz Product and Support Manager For This Season’s Lucky Winners Congratulations! This month’s winners will receive this practical and convenient Corded Slimline phone from General Electric. This attractive phone is desk or wall mountable and has handset volume control. It also has Redial/Flash capability and comes with a one-year limited warranty. So dial away with your new landline phone and keep talking with our compliments! Diane Gauthier Administrative Assistant AHR Expo 2010 Orange County Convention Center Orlando Florida January 25-27, 2010 Booth # 3526 Keep up with all upcoming Duro Dyne Trade Shows, Promotions and Give-Aways. Simply email your name to: West This Fall’s Giveaway: Judy Dean Accounts Receivable Gail Dieffenderfer Office Manager John Meinhardt Production Supervisor Maria Magana Office Manager Debbie Ball West Division Manager EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Duro Dyne Canada Lachine Quebec, Canada Gina Lucero Customer Service Darlene Deters Customer Service With 2010 right around the corner, Duro Dyne knows that you’ve already started making appointments for the coming year. With that in mind, we are pleased to send you this practical, yet attractive personal pocket planner to keep track of all those important dates. Each month fills two pages and gives you plenty of room to jot down all your future engagements. Don’t lose track of your busy life and enjoy this planner with our compliments!
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