It`s always nice to write for the school newsletter, as it gives me the
It`s always nice to write for the school newsletter, as it gives me the
From the Headteacher: It’s always nice to write for the school newsletter, as it gives me the chance to reflect on the events of the weeks since the last one. I am pleased to report that the school continues to be very popular with the local community. Having had over four hundred first choice applications for the first time last year, we have recently been informed that it is over four hundred once again this year. We’ve also just received notification that our most recent GCSE results (2014) place us in the top 8% of all state secondary schools (including selective ones) in the country – our highest ever previous position was in the top 9% in 2012. We’re all very pleased. It has been a busy and very enjoyable half term with lots going on, in and out of school, which you will read about in the rest of this newsletter. I have had the privilege of awarding green conduct points badges (for 100 points) to the thirteen students pictured below, who were the first to reach that milestone; the figure stands at over two hundred now, with over eight hundred wearing their bronze badges (for 50 points) very proudly. It’s so nice to see the students wearing their badges with pride. Next stop, the red badge (for 200 points). We’ve installed the Students of the Week book (from Years 7 to 11) in its very smart display cabinet on the main corridor, with sixty-five different students’ names in it so far this year. It’s a record of each of those with the most achievement points each week; picking up even one behaviour point that week (usually for forgetting homework) disqualifies you for that week I’m afraid. Amongst many other events which I have enjoyed attending, I was at the Cluster Carol Service most recently, where our concert orchestra did the school very proud, playing while all the students from St John Fisher, Pinner Park, West Lodge and Cannon Lane sang carols. There is nothing more certain to get one in a festive mood. Wishing you all ‘Season’s Greetings’ and all the very best for a healthy and happy 2015. Chris Livesey Music Festival 2014 There have been many wonderful things happening in the Music Department this term. In November many students entered into the Music Festival, which consisted of a series of heats and then a day of finals and a concert given by the winners of each instrumental category. The independent adjudicator James Topp, who is a professional orchestral performer, was very impressed with the amount of talent he saw. The overall winner of the grades 1-3 category was Damian Jethwa (Year 7) who plays clarinet. The winner of the grades 4+ category was Ben Bucknall (Year 12) who plays violin. Autumn Concert with a Christmas Feel In the wake of the Music Festival, the musicians and singers of Nower Hill gave an outstanding performance at the annual Autumn Concert with a Christmas Feel on the 26th November. The concert was a selection of performances by ensembles run by the Music Department, including Concert Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, Choir, Chamber Ensemble and Steel Pans to name but a few. The evening also included a vast array of musical styles, ranging from popular songs and musicals to classical repertoire. The main hall was full of parents, friends and staff who came to support the children which created a really lovely atmosphere on the evening. The staff in the Music Department are very much looking forward to future concerts in the Spring and Summer terms! Mrs Sheppard Community Christmas Lunch On Wednesday 10th December we had the privilege of entertaining guests from the local community. They enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner, the school choir sung carols and Santa popped in and gave every guest a Christmas present. Ho Ho Ho. Mr. Nagle Community Christmas Lunch We were pleased to receive many a ‘thank you’ from guests but I would like to share with you an excerpt from a lovely letter. ‘The canteen staff obviously worked hard in the kitchen to produce a lovely lunch brought to us at the tables by a delightful group of Yr. 7 pupils who were most polite and helpful. The Yr. 10s who seemed to be in charge of drinks made sure we were well supplied. The bingo session was an enjoyable interlude and Father Christmas made a fitting end to the afternoon. May I congratulate you on the boys’ and girls’ politeness and interaction with all the elderly folk who were present, they were a credit to you, your staff and the school’ Mr. Livesey Year 10s visit Imperial College, London On the 22nd October four Year 10 students visited Imperial College London, to attend a chemistry outreach day. The students enjoyed a busy day which involved some practical exercises, like turning a 2p piece into ‘gold’ (just a brass coating really!) They toured and discovered the Imperial College campus by solving cryptic quiz questions. We were helped in this by bumping into Kunal Bhatia who was in Year 13 last year and is now a physics undergraduate there. The group also listened to a very interesting talk given by a researcher who spoke about his work on separating individual molecules for studies into cancer treatment. Mr. Katz From left to right: Zak Mirza, Riya Panchmatia, Alice Agerbak, Rahil Pandya Making ‘gold’ coins This year, 9AMN have decided to donate our usual Secret Santa money to Oxfam, because we feel that giving is better than getting and we would like to give less fortunate people a special Christmas present from our own money. The idea is to give up presents from our tutors for this year and also to donate the money we would usually spend on Secret Santa and teacher presents to Oxfam. Toilets, goats, medical attention, wells, teacher training and mosquito nets are all options and 9AMN are determined to buy as much as we can. If you have any loose change, please donate and 9AMN will make good use of it! Lauren McNeil, Simran Mehta, Shania Ramnarine, Kartik Hirani EDEXCEL DRAMA CONFERENCE On the 17th November we attended an Edexcel Student Drama Conference at The Piccadilly Theatre. The conference was based on how to achieve high grades in our exams. Throughout the day we were given presentations to show us mark schemes for the different parts of the exams. These presentations helped us to understand what is required to achieve top marks in both coursework and performances in the future. One aspect of the conference was a practical activity where we all participated. We were given a script and were asked to interpret the lines and prepare a short scene. Some groups were asked to rehearse on stage and our group was lucky enough to be chosen for this. At the end of the exercise our group was highlighted by the organisers as “amazing” out of all 40 groups! Later in the day we were shown a mini scene and heard a talk about revising for our exams and preparation, We were shown what would happen if we left our preparation until the last minute! One highlight of the day was a presentation from an Edexcel Examiner who reiterated to us that examiners are not there to criticise but to give us the marks we deserve and that we will therefore get out what we put into the process. Towards the end of the day, we saw a presentation by a group of students who had received Band 1 in their exams. The whole day was both informative and extremely enjoyable. Imogen Kelly and Rosie Bashford Year 10 Citizenship Showcase 2014 On Friday 7th November Year 10 students at Nower Hill High School held their annual Citizenship Showcase. As part of their GCSE Citizenship Studies, students have been campaigning on a wide range of issues including High Speed 2, homelessness, university fees, world hunger, homophobic bullying, tax avoidance and animal rights. At the same time as researching their chosen issue in detail, students have been learning how to organise an effective media campaign. The Showcase gave them an opportunity to engage with a wide audience of parents, teachers, governors, their local Councillor James Bond, MP Gareth Thomas and the Mayor of Harrow, Councillor Ajay Maru. Jon Mason, Head of Citizenship, said: ‘We are delighted with the passion that the students have shown for their campaigns and that they now realise that with clever use of the media, they as individuals they can make a real difference to their communities. Each year this event has gone from strength to strength and we plan to build on this years by holding a Youth Question Time in the near future.’ Mr. Mason Are you able to offer a 6th Form Nower Hill student a work placement? Year 12 go on work experience from Monday 22nd June to Friday 3rd July 2015. The placements are linked to the degree course they wish to study at University. We strive to place our students in high calibre placements. If any parent or carer is able to offer Nower Hill students an opportunity to work in a professional environment, please contact Mrs Doshi on or 0208 863 0877 x 2209 6th Form Tablets All 6th Form students now have a school tablet computer. Students and teachers are using the tablets as a tool both in and out of lessons to help with learning. Some of the uses of the tablets by the students so far include: • Internet to access resources on Fronter and educational websites. • Past paper apps to aid revision. • Interactive questioning apps to allow teachers to see all student responses and provide immediate feedback. • Use of the camera to record tutorials for fellow students The use of this learning tool is developing and we are sure that it will have a long term positive effect on learning. Mr. Hardy Outstanding achievements Holly Woollen, pictured here on the right of the photo with her team mates Abbie and Tash, competed in the Commonwealth Taekwondo (Poomsae) Championships in Edinburgh on the 15th and 16th November. We are delighted to let you know that Holly and the girls represented England as part of a synchron team in the Cadet division coming home with a silver medal at Commonwealth level. This is a tremendous achievement and testament that attending club sport really does pay off! Mr Parker Girls Netball Results Year 10 fixtures Year 11 fixtures VS Sacred heart Lost 11-1 VS Bentley Wood Lost 7-5 VS Park High Lost 7-0 VS Whitmore Lost 5-4 VS Sacred Heart Lost 12-5 VS Park 8-8 VS Bentley Wood Won 9-3 VS Whitmore 8-8 Year 10 Netball Rally The girls put in a great effort at the Netball Rally hosted by Nower Hill, showing enormous improvements from previous fixtures. Nower Hill came 5th over all with Nikita Mistry as our player of the tournament. Year 11 Netball Rally Nower Hill came 5th in the rally with our player of the tournament going to Leanne Ting for consistent effort and determination. Miss Reynolds Girls’ Badminton Years 7/8/9 Years 10/11 The lower years Badminton team put in a great effort and came 5th over all with, Prisha Bathia as our player of the tournament winning 3 out of her 4 games. The upper years Badminton team came 6th overall, with our player of the tournament going to Sarah Sabir. Miss Reynolds Girls’ Volleyball U14 girls Volleyball team at Park High Wednesday 3rd December 2014. The girls first entry to the Borough tournament finishing a credible 5th out a field of experienced teams losing 15-6 to the former London U14 Champions of Sacred Heart. The team were really spirited and scored some great points. All had great fun! Mr Parker Prisha Bathia, Chloe Jeanes, Thaakshajini Vasanthakumaran, Honey Butterworth, Mahira Zenk-Medjahed, Theresa Wilson U14 Boys’ Badminton The squad this year: Results: Kyran Jethwa 9ACN (Player of the season) Jake Douglas-Brooks 9ACT Hossam Hannachi 9 9ADM Thuvarakesh Sivakumar 9AJM Stephen Trowbridge 9ALH Sriraghavan Sribalakrishnan 9ASC Pritul Bavishi 9ALD Akeed Lareef 8SMB NH vs Park high – Won 4-3 NH vs Harrow high – Lost 5-2 NH vs Whitmore – Lost 4-3 NH vs Salvatorian – Lost 6-1 NH vs Harrow high – Lost 4-3 NH vs Park high – Won 6-1 Mr Murrell Harrow Borough District Football Team Nower Hill students representing Harrow Borough District football team. This is testament to the commitment the students have in wanting to further their football development and play to the highest standard. Well done lads! Mr Parker Back Row- Jacob Loza 4th from left, Stanley Butterworth 6th from the left Front Row-Bradley Jerrom 3rd from left GK, Jake Graham-Rosser 5th from left Missing from the picture who have also represented the District are Keyan Martin, Chris Porter, Anele Mvuni, Tyreese Thomas Inter-Form Spelling Bee Competition 2014! Congratulations to the champions: 7LMX 8RAA 9ADL 10MMM 11WAM BEHN Inter-Form Spelling Bee Competition 2014! When I was picked to represent my form in the Spelling Bee, along with Toby and Sasisan, I was so happy. There was nothing like it at my primary school, but I had heard about it, so I was very excited at the opportunity to have fun in a competition, while increasing my knowledge of words. On the day of the first round, we walked from our form room to our opponent’s form room and everybody was cheering us on. The first word to spell was ‘adolescence’ and I knew I could spell it by breaking the word into chunks. So I did. The suspense throughout the round was great and Toby, Sasisan and I came out on top. Our spelling success continued to take us right through the semi-final and into the final! The final came. Our form tutor announced that it would be taking place in assembly, in front of about 300 people, not counting the staff. My stomach dropped to the floor and immediately I felt like a huge wave had come crashing over me. I was going to have to spell words in front of 300 people! Assembly day came. Except it wasn’t any old assembly. This was the day that the victors of the C-side and the L-side would go head to head. We made our way to the Gristwood, with Toby, Sasisan and me at the front of the line. We were neck and neck on points, which led us to a tie-breaker. The word was ‘reminisce’. Toby buzzed in first to spell the word. He looked sure of himself as he attempted to spell the word. The teacher paused for a second, looked around and then said that the word was correct. Our fellow form members cheered very loudly at our victory and were grinning like Cheshire cats! We had done it! We had represented our form and our side of the Year Group (L-side) and were crowned the Spelling Bee champions! When I met my best friend afterwards (who is on the C-side), she said that everybody was looking at her weirdly because she was the only one cheering for us every time we got a word right. I wouldn’t blame them, but she is my best friend, so I appreciated that. By Zoe Kabasele 7LMX Autumn Term Literacy Champions! Many congratulations to the champions: Year 7 7LDH: Eleanor Forrest 7LLS: Sahana Santhiappillai 7LNB: Oliver Botly 7CPP: Aaran Patel 7CSJ: Muhammad Virjee 7CMP: Kamraan Majeed 7CSL: Amara Siddiqui Year 9 9ASC: Sonia Lalloo 9ADM: Ishani Thakar 9AMN: Rahul Patel 9ALD: Elica Kargarnovin 9ACN: Jamie Young 9AKC: Zain Ahmed Year 8 8STW: Devesh Sood 8RAA: Hana Andari 8RHP: Brendan McCarthy 8RLK: Abdulla Al-Janaby Year 10 10MJG: Stefan McCabe 10MNM: Joe Dadomo 10MSW: Dylan Crook 10MDA: Saorla Hanley 10MKB: Alice Agerbak Mrs. Christou Year 11 11WLD: Abishajini Rajakumaran 11WMG: Mayu Greenaway Harvey Remembrance Day Head Boy Cavan Day Lewis and Head Girl Rachel Chellapha accompanied by Mr Nagle laid the wreath at the Pinner War Memorial. Megan Bailey played the trumpet for her second successive year. Megan also played the trumpet during the whole school two minute silence. Mr. Nagle Harvest Festival Food Collection There was a very good response to the Harvest Festival food collection. We collected four shopping trollies full of food items. These were delivered to Millman’s Day Care Centre on the 26th October. Lovely photos and a thank you letter received. Thank you. Mr. Nagle The Bike Doctor The Bike Doctor, Mr Jeremy Tranter, serviced 42 bicycles on the 28th September. This was a free service provided by Bike It and TFL. This was followed later in the term by a ‘Biker Breakfast’ which was enjoyed by 23 cyclists on Friday 21 November. The breakfast was a much appreciated - hot chocolate and a croissant. Mr. Nagle Question: Where can you get an evening full of fun, laughter, questions to test your knowledge on a wide range of topics and a curry and rice too? Answer: At the NHHS Parents Teachers and Friends Annual Quiz Night! Although this wasn't one of the questions, the ones on the night weren't too bad either! Our Quiz Master, an ex Nower Hill student and black cabbie, kept us entertained with really bad jokes and funny stories as well as ten rounds of brain cell challenging questions. We played our Jokers to get double points and the competitive spirit was high! Teams either came as a group, or were put together on the night. I don't think it mattered as teams that met each other that evening scored pretty well! Making new friends was a side benefit! By the time the curries and samosas were served, it was like we had known each other forever! Our PTFA came early, set up and then made up their own team, (which didn't come last!!). We had new volunteers and 'old' working together to set the tables, create centrepieces and serve the dinner. The on-thespot raffle was very popular and the Kindle, kindly donated by Andrew Pearce Estate Agents in Pinner was a fantastic first prize. The Virgin Active Riverside Northwood club donated a family membership and Starbucks, Pinner donated a bag of goodies. Our grateful thanks go to each of our sponsors. I am very proud to say that as our first event for this year, it was a huge success and sold out! Next year, be sure to get your tickets early to avoid disappointment! Do look out for the next PTFA events coming in the new year and if you have a little time to offer some help, please get in touch via the PTFA email: Wishing you a happy festive season and a successful New Year! Sejal Wasani PTFA Chairperson PTFA Quiz Night Mandarin Classes go from strength to strength with Ms Wu Beginners’ Class learning numbers Mima and Mayu practicing their characters Limited Spaces now available for beginners on Tuesdays after school 3.15-4pm in L5 next term Election of the Classical Society Executive Committee 2014-15 Back row: Daphne Courtenage (Magazine Editor), Zaine V. Mansuralli (Publicity Officer and Y9-11 Representative), Katriona Carter-Robinson (Wider Classics Liaison Officer), Thomas Gardner (Activities Officer), Lacey Ryan (Display and Creativity Officer), Hafsa Ahmed (Y78 Representative). Front row: Riya Nathwani (Vice President), Krupa Choksi (President), Aarti Popat (Secretary General) LINGUISTS OF THE ½ TERM We would like to congratulate and commend the following students for their excellent work and attitude in Languages this ½ term. Bravo! French Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Achievement Laura Jane Foley Amy O’Grady Amy Wahab Alice Agerbak Dylan Mistry Taher Ebrahim Ajanth Raveendran Effort and Homework Sasha Falloon Jake Graham-Rosser Clara Smith Rasha Jaffrey Nicole Clarke Cathrin Fischer Yathusha Uthayakumar Spanish Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 German Year 8 Achievement Ariana Ladha Pauline Boateng Amirah Sheikh Mayu Greenaway-Harvey Courtney Duncan Nare Amasi Hartoonian Achievement Effort and Homework Rikin Bhudia Zanjabil Merahi David Davidovic Zachary Fitton Jasmeet Bamrah Jaina Shah Effort and Homework Tilly Mc Cargo Shasviny Sivaloganathan Year 9 Jakub Tiupa Nagumelan Thambipillai Year 10 Rahil Pandya Charlotte Prentice-Garner Year 11 Venoth Arulvasan Anmol Seth Joyeux Noël! ¡Feliz Navidad! Frohliche Weihnachten! Mr Piesse CLASSICS DEPARTMENT STUDENTS OF THE TERM! We would like to congratulate and commend the students below for their excellent work and attitude in Classics, Latin and Ancient Greek this term. Euge! Year 7 C-side Classics Year 7 L-side Classics Year 7 C-side Greek Year 7 L-side Greek Year 8 S-side Latin Year 8 R-side Latin Year 8 Greek Harry Brook 7CPP Gunraaj Kundi 7LDH Amanbir Bansal 7CSG Toby Deal 7LMX Stanley Butterworth 8SLG Saachin Bhatt 8RSB Seren Gillett 8STW Laura-Jane Foley 7CPP Selina Kelly 7LSM Alice Jardine 7CSG Sumayyah Siddiqui 7LSM Katie Jenkins 8STW Lena Jan 8RDP Any O’Grady 8STM Mrs. Christou Netball Indoor cricket nets Sporting Facilities Enquiries? Phone Jane Wilkinson on 020 8863 0877 ext 2211 Dancing Parties Main Hall Wedding Receptions Indoor 5 aside or skills Basketball court Family / Friends Celebrations Classrooms Tennis courts Productions Tuition Meetings Meetings
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