How Do I Use Coconut Oil For My Pet?


How Do I Use Coconut Oil For My Pet?
Sun Beams
Coconut Oil For Pets
Surprise Benefits
The Miracle of
Coconut Oil
Inside find out about the crazy
and cool benefits that coconut
oil can have for your pet and
all kinds of animals!
What is Wrong
with Your Pet?
How Do I Use Coconut
Oil For My Pet?
There are many surprising
uses for coconut oil that can
benefit your pet in ways that
you would never have
What is Wrong With Your Pet?
You have this lovable and adorable friend who is part of
your life in almost every way, and here he is suffering
with various diseases, illnesses and discomforts. You
have tried everything… you take him to the vet, you give
him every imaginable pill, vitamin, food or treatment and
you obtain only temporary relief, if any. You feel
helpless. You feel desperate but mostly you just feel bad
for your pet as you witness his distress.
Or maybe there is nothing wrong. Maybe your pet is
healthy and happy and your main concern is that he
stays that way. You want to keep him around for as many
years as possible in a vibrant state of life!
In both cases above, that is where coconut oil comes in.
Coconut oil is experiencing a wave of popularity in recent
years because of the many benefits it has proven to have
for pets. This substance could possibly create the most
dramatic changes in your pet’s internal as well as external
health you have ever seen!
I have been using coconut oil to manage candidiasis for
years because coconut oil is generally known to kill fungal
and yeast infections. It has been very helpful. But little did
I know that I could have been using it to help my dog, Susie
Q, who passed away 2 years ago. She lived to be almost 15
human years and was not without her challenges. I sure
wish I had known at the time that she would have greatly
benefitted from taking coconut oil and that I could have
made her declining years much more comfortable! This ebook was written in honor of our Susie Q in hopes of
helping other pets live a healthier life by taking advantage
of the enormous benefits that coconut oil has to offer.
Born 1998
Susie Q
Died 2012
About Coconut Oil
Isn’t saturated fat bad for my pet? Although in the recent
coconut oil was maligned as an unhealthy fat because it is
saturated, it has been found that the bad reputation it has
had is just not true.
In fact, some saturated fats that are mostly from animal
sources, are made up of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and
conversely coconut oil is made up of mainly medium chain
fatty acids (MCFAs), or medium chain triglycerides (MCTs)
and comes from a plant based source.
on the
The fact that these two types of saturated fats were not
differentiated added to the confusion about the health
benefits of each in their own right. Additionally, coconut
oil contains the most abundant amount of lauric acid of
any other substance on earth, except for mother’s milk.
Lauric acid is a miracle substance that it is a potent source
of anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and antiinflammatory properties.
In the last few years coconut oil has been vindicated by
thousands of successes with the use of coconut oil for the
benefit of man and animal. Further proof is had by
inspecting those cultures that have used coconuts as a
staple of their diet for thousands of years and have
surprisingly low incidence of heart disease, diabetes,
cancer and other illnesses.
Differences in Quality of Coconut Oil
The quality of coconut oil greatly varies mostly due to the
process by which it is made. It should be noted that coconut
oil is liquid above 76 degrees F (25 degrees C). The highest
quality coconut oil is made by pressing the milk out of the
dried coconut meat which is then allowed to ferment for a
brief period during which the water separates from the oil.
Coconut oil is its purest and best if it is cold-pressed with
very little heat used in the process. There is no substitute
for pure, raw 100% organic coconut oil anywhere on earth.
Many companies use the refined- bleached-deodorized
(RBD) process to produce the oil they sell. This type of oil is
less expensive and odorless and does not contain the full
spectrum of nutrients that are present in unrefined coconut
Sub-standard coconuts are often used and hexane and
chlorine are the chemicals employed in the refining
process. At Sun Beams Brands we have tested over 15
sources of coconut oil and the best ones always are the
pure, raw and unrefined brands. But even among those
brands there were different flavors and scents one to the
next. Some that claimed to be pure had a cheesy, burnt or
smoky taste to them which was very unpleasant.
We found the best brands have a light coconut flavor and
smell and were snowy white or clear (depending on the
temperature). It is important to give your pet the highest
quality coconut oil! Most pets LOVE the taste of coconut
oil and will come running when they know are opening the
container and they want some too! They deserve the best
quality for long life and health.
More Coconut Oil?
Suggested Uses for Coconut Oil
I have compiled a list from research I have done as to the
many possible uses of coconut oil for pets. Keep in mind
that most all of the benefits that can be attributed to
people, can also be had by animals. Coconut oil is unique
in that it will be a solid in temperatures below 75 degrees
F and liquid above that temperature. It is very stable and
changes in temperature don’t alter its healing properties.
It has a shelf life of 2 years or more and it does not have
to be kept in the refrigerator.
These are specifically benefits that I found for pets and
There are two ways to use coconut oil with your pet or
animal: Internally and externally.
External Use:
1. Rub it on your pets paws, nose and ears to
sooth rough patches and cracks.
2. Preventing and/or killing mites, fleas and
3. Disinfecting cuts and scrapes.
4. Helping wounds to heal.
5. Brightening skin and coats that go from
shabby to sleek!
6. Helping your pets breath smell fresh as it is
also a deodorizer. No more doggy breath.
When applying coconut oil externally on your
pet, you may want to cover the area with a towel
or a shirt to make sure he or she doesn't lick off
the oil as they do love the taste.
Don't forget my
Coconut Oil!
Internally it may help with:
1. Increasing energy and well-being.
2. Arthritis and ligament ailments.
3. Fungal infections as well as yeast infections
like candidiasis and thrush.
4. Reducing the risk of cancer.
5. Thyroid conditions and functions.
6. Irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive
tract problems such as colitis and ulcers.
7. Nutrient absorption, digestion, metabolism and
hormone levels.
8. Fighting heart disease by improving
cholesterol content in the blood.
9. Prevention of herpes, measles and the flu
because of its potent anti-viral properties.
10. Control and even prevent diabetes,
osteoporosis, skin cancer, acne and other skin
Coconut oil is easily melted and taken up in an
eyedropper for use in ears, eyes and mouth. Rub
the melted oil directly on lumps and bumps and on
dry, scaly patches on your pet’s body. You can
even put the melted oil into a spray container and
lightly spray the oil on your pet’s coat!
How Much Coconut Oil Should I Give My Pet?
Although there are no clinical trials using coconut oil to
help animals, there is an abundance of anecdotal
evidence. There is an impressive array of testimonials in
blogs and forums on searching the internet.
Just as a caution, it is advisable to start your pet out
slowly with the coconut oil in the beginning. Using
coconut oil is so highly beneficial to the systems of the
pets body that it can cause what is commonly known as
the healing crisis. This may happen when the bacteria,
viruses, toxins start to die off and be eliminated from the
system sometimes causing a reaction that mimics illness
or discomfort. This reaction can be manifested in
symptoms such as diarrhea, lethargy, flu-like symptoms
and other malaise. Each pet reacts differently and you
may notice no symptoms at all. It is essential to get your
pet through this stage if you can, as he or she will come
though it much healthier on the other side!
Coconut oil expert Bruce Fife, N.D. says in his book,
“Coconut Therapy for Pets” – “You don’t want to drop a big
blob of coconut oil into your pet’s dinner bowl. Although
coconut oil is a food and is harmless, it can loosen the
bowels if too much is eaten too soon. A good daily
maintenance dose of coconut oil, whether solid or liquid, is 1
teaspoon (5 g) per 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of body weight for
carnivorous pets (dogs, cats, ferrets); 1/8 teaspoon (0.6 g)
per pound (450 g) for small herbivores (Guinea pigs,
hamsters, gerbils, parrots); and ½ teaspoon (2.5 g) per 10
pounds (4.5 kg) for large herbivores (horses, goats, sheep).
Give the maintenance dose once daily.”
If the coconut oil is solid, you can melt it for easily mixing
into your pet’s food. All of the information in this section
are suggestions only. You will be able to gauge your pet
better than anyone else when it comes to the coconut oil.
Testimonials from Around the Web
From the book, ”Coconut Therapy for Pets”
by Bruce Fife N.D. (Excellent book – get it on Amazon!)
Mary Jo says: “My cat had tapeworms. When I started
giving her coconut oil they vanished almost
Ruth says: “My dog LOVES coconut oil! She has allergy
and skin problems and in the past had a bad doggy smell.
She now gets coconut oil twice a day and her skin
problems and odor have disappeared! She loves it! She
licks her bowl clean as well as the spoon that I use to put
the oil into her bowl.”
K.D says: “My rabbits had some kind of skin infection
and my vet suggested applying coconut oil to the
affected areas. The coconut oil cleared the infection in just
a couple of days, but I had to keep applying more coconut
oil because they loved the smell and taste of it so much
they would immediately lick it off.”
From the site here are a few coconut
oil tales:
Tarah says: “I give coconut oil to my cat, Moccasin,
because she loves it, but I didn’t realize how healthy it
was for her. The only problem is, she loves it so much that
whenever I put it on her coat, she licks it off right away!
Moccasin got a terrible skin infection on her head and
neck recently, we think it was some kind of fungus, but
after multiple trips to the vet, it was not getting any
better (her fur fell out and her head was practically bald).
The vet could not tell us what the cause was, and
Moccasin could not keep her antibiotics down, so there
was not much we could do to help her-except with
coconut oil! I kept putting coconut oil on the scabs, along
with some apple cider vinegar diluted in water, and
FINALLY several weeks later her wounds healed up and
her fur is now starting to grow back.”
Ashlee says: “My dog had horrible skin issues. It took
forever to figure out why. It ended up being an allergy to
flea saliva. It was awful and she constantly itched, red
belly, and was just miserable. Finally, we started bathing
her with coconut oil and giving her some in her food and
problem solved just like that.”
Chris says: “My dog had problems that sounded just like
yours. His was so bad that his ears turned black and crusty
and bled. Body was totally covered in red rash with hair
loss. We thought it was mange. I bathed him in sulfur soap
and rubbed coconut oil over every troubled area,
especially his ears every other day. Was almost totally
healed in a week!!!!! I’m a believer!!!”
Only the
for your
And Finally...
Coconut oil is a natural substance in its purest form. It
contains the most nutrients and works best when the
quality of extraction and the conditions in which this
process is done are the best they can be. The differences
in quality, taste and purity can be vast. No one can
patent pure coconut oil. The process by which it is
extracted can be patented, but you can’t patent coconut
We at Sun Beams Brands strive to provide the very best
coconut oil that can be obtained anywhere. In setting up
our supplier we went to great lengths to source only the
best tasting, lightest and purest coconut oil with no
compromise, even when it takes longer and costs more.
Our coconut oil is human grade. And yes, just in case
you wondered, you can buy any other coconut oil
from any other vendor and use it for your pet. But
you can rest assured that our oil is always going to be
the top of the line in quality. Your loving pet will
have his or her very own container of coconut oil just
for him.
We strive to go the extra mile to make sure you are
happy with our oil and guarantee your satisfaction.
Please feel free to contact us at any time and we will
gladly help with any of your questions or concerns.
Phone number in southern California is: 909 533 4042
and email is Also
should you feel inclined to do so, please give us an
honest review of our product on our Amazon page
listing, it really helps! Thank you!
Lucy's Favorite Cookies Recipe
Check out my friend’s recipe for Lucy’s Favorite Cookies
below using coconut oil!
Lucy’s Favorite Cookies
1 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup coconut oil
2 teaspoons beef bouillon granules
1 cup boiling water
¾ cup cornmeal
2 teaspoons white sugar
½ cup milk
1 cup shredded cheddar
1 egg
3 cups whole wheat flour
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a large bowl, mix oats,
coconut oil, bouillon and boiling water. Let stand 10
minutes. Grease cookie sheets.
Mix all ingredients together, except flour and then add flour
1 cup at a time until a stiff dough has formed.
Knead dough on a lightly floured surface and roll to ½ inch
thickness. Cut with cookie cutter (bone shaped or other)
and place onto cookie sheet
Bake 35-40 minutes until golden brown. Cool before storing.
Makes 48 dog treats.