Labor Day! - World Changers Church International
Labor Day! - World Changers Church International
Teen Ministry C A L E N D A R 2011 CDMA We are excited to announce that BIG Student Ministries has started Wednesday night services for both Junior and Senior High (grades 6 – 12). Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and service starts at 7:00 p.m. Ministers and Leaders BIG Student Ministries is growing! If you are interested in volunteering on Wednesday nights in our Junior or Senior High services or would like more information, please call the Teen Ministry office at (770) 210-5839 or e-mail Minister Michael Owens at Tuesday, October 4 – Thursday, October 6 BIG Student Ministries Tutorial program will be starting in September! We offer free tutoring for eligible students. We are seeking math, english, social studies and science teachers interested in part-time employment to serve as tutors who would be committed to at least 4 hours a week. Please contact the BIG Student Ministry for more information. If you are interested please contact the Teen Ministry at (770) 210-5744. Men’s Fellowship All men, you are invited to attend the next Men’s Fellowship meeting on Saturday, September 24th at 8:30 a.m. In the Fellowship Hall. Come to hear a God-inspired Word for men. We’ll see you there! Ministry of Resources The WCCI Food Bank will host a Food Drive on September 10 and 11 at Wal-Mart and Kroger located on Old National Highway in College Park. We request your support by purchasing food items and placing the donations in the food collection barrels inside both stores. We are not accepting fresh meats or bread at this time. Volunteers are needed to serve in the food bank. For additional information, please contact the Ministry of Resources at (770) 210-5757. O F E V E N T S SEPTEMBER 2011 conference With Guest Speakers: Earl Johnson, Gregory Dickow, Greg Powe, and Michael T. Smith To register, please visit Also Featuring a Special Music Conference With Guest Speakers: Ben Tankard and Steve Ingram Please bring your ministers, leaders, and choir members! Labor Day! The first Monday in September is acknowledged as a day of rest for people who are in the workforce. Many will use this day for an extended weekend to travel, cook out, or simply do nothing at all! Even though we are ceasing from work for a day, we must never cease from our work of faith, our labor of love, and our hope in Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:3). Remember Him as you celebrate Labor Day. Giving Announcement Please be reminded that the ministry does not accept postdated checks (checks dated for the future). Please hold all checks until the funds are available before placing them in the offering buckets. Member Care Services – “Getting Your Affairs in Order” Does Estate-Planning seem too complicated for you? Would you like to have simple answers to your estate-planning concerns? Join us for a free and informative workshop where you can learn the importance of wills, trusts, living wills, insurance, and other estate-planning tools such as beneficiary designations, and durable financial and medical power of attorneys from experienced professionals. This workshop will be held on Saturday, September 17 at 12:30 p.m. in the WCCI Chapel. Be prepared if something happens to you. Please stop by the Communications Desk in the Dome lobby for more information and to register. World Changers Church International Employment Opportunities • Athletic Director • Organic Farmer • Data Entry Operator • Payroll Specialist • Entertainment Manager • Prep Cook • Facilities Technician • Programmer/Developer • Lead Cook • Receiving/Storeroom Steward • Line Cook • Spot Editor • Marketing Associate • Steward/Dishwasher • Operations Processor • Web Designer • Business Development Manager (BDM) World Changers Church International is looking for a Business Development Manager (BDM) with considerable sales, organization, and strong negotiation experience. Candidates should be aware of, and responsive to, economic trends and currency fluctuations. The BDM will work to expand the company’s product reach and profit revenues, identify new markets, and attract new clients. In addition, he/she will research new business opportunities, identify likely sales points, develop strategic plans and sales strategies, and undertake presentations to, and negotiations with, prospective customers. The BDM will also work with the marketing and sales departments, government, and industry peak bodies. Some domestic and overseas travel may be required. In general, the BDM will be responsible for running the day-to-day business of a unit within a large church organization. This position will be crucial to holding the business together and leading changes that will ensure future success. The Office of Human Resources accepts applications Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. E-mail résumés to or fax to (770) 210-5731. Help us keep the ministry clean by refraining from chewing gum in the sanctuary. Also, please refrain from soliciting members or visitors for business opportunities on ministry property during service times, ministry department meetings, and events. As a ministry, it is our desire to protect and respect the rights of those who are on campus to have their spiritual needs met. 2500 Burdett Road College Park, GA 30349 (770) 210-5700 W o r l d C h a n g e r s C h u r c h I n t e r n at i o n a l world Services OUR VISION and the manifested Word of God, our goal is to teach the Word changers of God with simplicity and understanding so that it may be applied to our everyday lives in a practical and effective manner; thereby being transformed into World Changers—changing our immediate world and all those with whom we come in contact—ultimately making a mark that cannot be erased. CORPORATE Services Sundays 10:00 a.m. Fridays 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Sundays Dome Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Prayer 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Wednesdays Chapel Dome 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Fridays Chapel Chapel 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Translation is provided in Spanish and French. Please see an usher for headset equipment. Saturdays 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Dome Chapel Dome Chapel Chapel Dome Traducción disponible en Español. Por favor vea al ujier para audífono de traducción. La traduction est disponible en francais. Voyez avec les hotes pour les ecouteurs. • • • • • • Baby Dedications – First and third Sundays of every month. Pre-registration required. Christian Advisement – Provides spiritual guidance for challenging situations Premarital Counseling – Premarital counseling is available to all engaged couples Water Baptism – Third Saturday of each month Wedding Ministry – Supports on- and off-site ceremonies and vow renewal ceremonies Bereavement Ministry – Assists families in making home-going/funeral arrangements - (678) 618-2645 CHILDREN & TEENS *All classes meet on Wednesdays and Sundays. 6 weeks to 1 year, not walking First trailer behind WCCI Chapel * Little Lambs – 1 to 2-years-old, not potty-trained Trailer Across from WCCI Chapel * Turtledoves – 2 to 3-years-old, potty-trained Daycare Building and/or * Grasshoppers – Trailer Across from WCCI Chapel Trailer Across from WCCI Chapel * Mighty Conquerors – Children with special needs 4-years-old to Kindergarten Super Church – Elementary grades 1 – 5 Sundays Wednesdays BIG Student Ministries – Sundays Junior High grades 6 – 8 Wednesdays Junior High grades 6 – 8 Sundays Senior High grades 9 – 12 Wednesdays Senior High grades 9 – 12 Welcome to World Changers Church International. Enjoy your worship experience with us. Monday, September 19 at 7:00 p.m. in the WCCI Chapel Men’s Prayer Night Monday, September 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the WCCI Chapel Radical Women’s Ministry The Radical Women’s Ministry is looking for dynamic women to participate in leadership training. We are recruiting women who have a passion for service and want to use their skills and compassion to be a blessing to others. Stop by the Communications Desk to pick up an application. CDMA Ministers & Leaders Conference We are seeking volunteers for the 2011 CDMA Ministers & Leaders Conference to assist us in the following areas: parking lot attendants, restroom attendants, ushers & greeters, tape ministry, bookstore, kitchen, transportation, facilities, vision keepers, and the Communications Desk. Member Care Services and Community Development WCCI Children’s Ministry is available during regular Sunday and Wednesday evening services. Praisers – Women’s Prayer Night There will be a meeting with all volunteers on Sunday, September 11 immediately after service in the Dome. If you have any questions, please call Creflo Dollar Ministerial Association (CDMA) at (770) 210-5800. “And When They Prayed, The Holy Spirit Moved.” Please come to the next special hour of prayer that will be held Sunday, September 11 from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the Administration meeting room. Prayer will start promptly at 5:00 p.m., and the doors will close at 5:15 p.m. There will be no entrance after 5:15 p.m. WE WILL ASK OF THE LORD! Intercessory Prayer Ministry The Intercessory Prayer Ministry orientation will be held Monday, September 26 in the Administration building in the Administration meeting room from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. You must be a member of WCCI and have completed or currently be attending New Members classes. We look forward to seeing you at orientation! For further information, please call (770) 210-5700, extension 6207. Family Worship Center Victory In Education Elementary Tutoring WCCI Chapel WCCI Chapel Children’s Ministry Fine Arts Department WCCA Chapel WCCA Chapel Fellowship Hall Fellowship Hall All services are interpreted by the Ministry for the Deaf. Special seating is provided. SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENTS AND EVENTS NOTE: CALL (770) 210-5700 FOR DE TA I L S O N T H E F O L L O W I N G E V E N T S . Contact Member Care Services at (770) 210-5757 to make an appointment or to ask questions about the programs listed below. As we proclaim Jesus, the Christ, as the Head of the Church WORSHIP SEPTEMBER MEMBER The Victory in Education Department offers tutoring for grades 1-5 and basic skills support for students in kindergarten, in the areas of Reading/Language Arts and Math. For more information, please contact the VIE Department at (770) 210-5700, ext. 6240. The Children’s Ministry Fine Arts Department is looking for volunteers in the following areas: drama teacher, costume and props designers, vocal coach for choir, dance instructors, musicians (keyboard, guitar, drummer), and administration. E-mail or call (770) 210-5700, ext. 6275 to join this dynamic team! Changing Your World Books and Music September is Customer Appreciation month in the bookstore. Stop in to take advantage of our amazing weekly specials. We have also launched our new Frequent Buyer Program as an added incentive to you. One of our friendly associates is ready to assist you. As always, thank you for sowing. Men and Women Support Groups WELCOME NEW MEMBERS New Members Orientation Classes SUNDAY ORIENTATION SESSIONS September 11 and 18 Administration Building Time: 7:30 a.m. No Orientation Sunday, September 4 (Labor Day Weekend) and September 25. Contact (770) 210-5700, ext. 6208 for more information on New Members Orientation and Class Sessions for 2011. Are you looking for answers to overcome sexual sin? If so, we invite you to attend our support groups, “Every Man’s Battle” and “Every Woman’s Battle.” The women’s group is held Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. and the men’s group is held Thursdas at 7:00 p.m. Both group sessions are located in the Family Worship Center (Room 2). Ages 18 and older only. Call (770) 210-5700, ext. 6244 for more information. Legal Resources – “Resolve Disputes” Are you in a dispute and looking for a way to resolve it without going to court? The WCCI Legal Resources Department offers a free program where parties have the opportunity to work with a state certified mediator who will assist with negotiations and help the parties work through to resolution. For more information, call (770) 210-5700, ext. 6203. Transportation Ministry Are you looking for a fun, energetic, exciting, and fast-paced ministry? The Transportation Ministry is the one for you. We are looking for CDL/CDL-P Drivers, Crowd/Traffic Controllers, Administrative Personnel, and Hospitality-oriented people. For more information, come by the Transportation Office (Suite 5895) or call (770) 210-5755. Come be a part of the “Ministry That Carries You to Church.”
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