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View - Tiferes Bais Yaakov
NOVEMBER 15, 2013 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 י״ב כסלו תשע״ד RABBI DOVID ORLOFSKY of DARCHEI BINA SEMINARY addressed the entire school this month. Rabbi Orlofsky is always a popular speaker whose humour keeps the audience engaged throughout. Rabbi Orlofsky spoke about the idea that what we learn should be in order לעשות- to do. The Torah is not theoretical; whatever we learn has to have meaning. He connected this concept to פרשת ויצאand the story of Yaakov and his dealings with Lavan. Rabbi Orlofsky analyzed the story from the perspective of ישרותand honesty. Though Yaakov says in the פרשהthat he’s trickier than Lavan, he never actually uses trickery. His trick was that no matter how dishonestly Lavan dealt with him, Yaakov never turned from the path of ישרות. Rabbi Orlofsky emphasized the lesson that you can never go wrong if you do the right thing. Yaakov Avinu was tricked by Lavan time and time again, and he continued to always deal honestly with Lavan. When we understand that Hashem is always with us and looking out for us, we also realize that there is no need to act in a dishonest manner or try to get back at someone for acting dishonestly with us. Rabbi Orlofsky is a popular lecturer internationally where his combination of humor, novel insights and inspiration touch the lives of thousands. He has taught in the Discovery Seminar, Aish Hatorah Fellowships and Yeshiva Ohr Somayach, and is currently on the staff of Darchei Binah Seminary and Neve Yerushalayim college for women, as well as other ישיבותand seminaries. He has lectured for almost twenty years in the Ohr LaGolah Rabbinical training institute. Calendar Corner Have some Nachas News? Comments? Ideas? Tell Us What You Think E-mail Chanuka Break Nov. 28-Dec. 2 Limudei Kodesh Exams Jan. 9-10 PTA Grades 9 and 10 Dec. 9 Winter Break PTA Grades 11 and 12 Dec. 10 Rosh Chodesh Adar 1 Jan 31-Feb 1 Dessert Reception Dec. 28 School Photos PD Day Jan. 8 Jan. 24-31 Feb 18 PAGE 2 ROSH CHODESH KISLEV Our students had the opportunity to open their minds to a different perspective when they learned about the origins of חסידות during the Rosh Chodesh program, continuing the theme of “Tiferes Around the World.” Decorations, a Yiddish song, and Kugel & Kishke treats were presented by our student council. Students also heard from Rabbi Feigenbaum and Shoshana Sherrington (grade 11) about the concept of doing מצוותout of love, just as the חסידות movement tried to teach. Mrs. Morran Sabbah, a celebrated songstress, told her inspiring life story and performed several of her songs. PAGE 3 A YOM IYUN was held this month commemorating the 75th year since KRISTALLNACHT, Night of Broken Glass. Organized by Mrs. Lipner and the Yom Iyun committee, Ashira Forman and Levana Ouanounou, and facilitated by our Chumash teachers, the program offered a different perspective of the Shoa than most of our students had experienced before. Students read a scenario and then were instructed to choose, as a group, what happened next. The storyline followed an Eastern-European woman throughout the war who, depending on what the groups decided, either saved a Jew or led a Jew to certain death. The activity was followed by questions that asked: Why would a non-Jew choose to risk their life by hiding Jews during the war? Can we blame them if they chose not to? The program ended with a documentary about a family that returned to Poland to meet the people who hid their grandparents during the war. Communication between parents and teachers is critical. Please make every effort to attend this important evening. PAGE 4 The TEACHER’S PD DAY was a great opportunity for the staff to receive important information and advice about school safety, differentiated learning, and incorporating the SMART board into their teaching. Thank you to the PD Day Committee, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Ribacoff, Mrs. Lichtenstein, and Mrs. Train for their efforts in arranging this informative meeting. Thank you also to our presenters: Constable Tony Santeramo, who provided updated procedures for fire drills and school lockdowns; Mrs. Dianne Fenner, who addressed the staff about differentiated learning; Ms. Andrea Child, who provided important information about recent changes to Maplewood; and Dr. Jeremy Burt & Miss Nechama Sapirman, who demonstrated how to use the SMART board to enhance teachers’ lessons. CONSTABLE TONY SANTERAMO of Toronto Police Services addressed our staff Our Mishmeres representatives, Miriam Hytman, Avigayil Skosowski, Devora Pamensky, Malka Goldreich, Meirav Stopnicki, and Aviva Leibowitz, attended the MISHMERES HEADS SHABBATON in Monsey, NY, held at the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Building on שבת פרשת תולדות. It was a Shabbos filled with דברי תורהby renowned speakers, including Tiferes’ own, Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum. The girls met students from all over North America while they participated in activities, Shabbos Seudos, and other programs. Thank you to the Meiteles family for hosting the girls for Shabbos. Our Shabbos Tiferes Heads, Sarah FrischIsrael, Sarah Mammon, and Chavi Marder, announced Shabbos Tiferes at a school assembly. Girls have spent the last few weeks preparing דברי תורה, food, and exciting activities for this fun-filled Shabbos together. See next issue for details and lots of pictures. PAGE 5 The GRADE 9 MELAVE MALKA, held at the Ribacoff home, was a tea party that had the girls playing team games and enjoying wraps, salads, desserts, and tea.. The organizers of this evening were Annaelle Gabay and Malka Spiegel. Rabbi Feigenbaum and Rebecca Assor spoke. GRADE 10 The GRADE 10 MELAVE MALKA, annually held at the Feigenbaum home, was a “chilled out” affair that had girls donning winter caps and taking home sock souvenirs. Organizers, Sarah Haber and Ahuva Plonka, arranged a relaxed evening that included a “What Would You Do?” game, a delicious meal of soup and baked ziti, and דברי תורהfrom Rabbi Feigenbaum, Gabi Froom, and Gila Serman. GRADE 11 The Lipner home was the site of the GRADE 11 MELAVE MALKA. Organizers, Penina Selevan and Devorah Spigelman, arranged an elegant gathering, complete with a role role--playing game, lots of lasagna and baked ziti, and דברי תורהfrom Rabbi Feigenbaum and Shirel Moll. The GRADE 12 MELAVE MALKA HENNA was held at TBY, and arranged by Bayli Dukes and Kayla Levy.. Attendees played a teacher-themed trivia game and heard דברי תורהfrom Rabbi Feigenbaum and Shira Mittelmann. PAGE 6 Headed by Miriam Hytman and Avigayil Skosowski, this year’s MISHEMERES program is well under way. The מחסום לפיis observed daily at 11:00 am, as a רפואה שלמהor as an עליהfor a נשמה. You can contact the school office to add a name for the מחסום לפי מחסום. This year’s CHESED HEADS, Talia Klein & Chavi Wagowsky, continue to network with city organizations to find chesed opportunities for our students and to provide help wherever it is needed in our community. If you or someone you know is in need of a chesed, you can now contact the chesed committee directly at their CHESED E-MAIL ADDRESS: The Chesed committee hosted a PIZZA LUNCH this month and provided the students with volunteer opportunities. SHINING STARS CO-ORDINATORS, Nechama Kaiser and Dafna Somogyi, continue to work with Chai Lifeline in the Shining Stars Respite Program for siblings of children with special needs. Sports, arts & crafts, and music are all incorporated into the program to make it an enjoyable afternoon for all. Our students also work with AIM to provide an after school program for children with special needs every Wednesday. TEHILLIM TUESDAYS continues. The first five minutes of the lunch period every Tuesday are dedicated to reciting the entire ספר תהלים. This program was started as a זכותfor a רפואה שלמהfor Dr. Salmon, זאב ישראל בן אסתר. Our PEER TUTORING GROUPS continue to help fellow students acclimate to the increased work-load of high school. Thank you to our Special Ed. Department, Mrs. Shayna Friedman and Mrs. Lynn Lichtenstein, for creating this program, and to our volunteers for giving their personal time to assist their peers. Join your friends every Tuesday at 8:30 pm for COFFEE SHOP - an inspirational חברותאlearning experience with young women from the community. Call Atara Katscher (647) 898-4044 for information. Donations Needed: TI-83 or TI-84 Scientific Calculators If you have a TI-83 or TI-84 Scientific Calculator that you would like to donate to the school, please drop it off at the office to the attention of Mrs. Lichtenstein. Thank You. PAGE 7 HOLD THE DATE: The DESSERT RECEPTION FOR WOMEN & GIRLS will be on Motzei Shabbos, December 28. Our FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE, Daliah Adler, Elisheva Nemetz, and Michal Silver, continue selling coffee every day, in addition to Muffin Wednesdays and Pizza Fridays. They are also selling fresh soups once a week. All money raised goes towards the senior graduation trip at the end of the year. After much anticipation, the hallways of Tiferes are filled with traces of burgundy as the seniors finally donned their SENIOR SWEATSHIRTS this month. Our YEARBOOK editors continue their efforts to create a colourful keepsake of their senior year. The girls are busy raising money for the yearbook by selling ads. You can help too! All parents, family, and friends are invited to PURCHASE A YEARBOOK AD to honour their graduate. See order form on page 11. Grade 12 parents and students attended an INFORMATION where they heard from Rabbi Feigenbaum and Dr. Norman Smith, who provided valuable information about the seminary and university application process. EVENING MRS. KLUGMAN OF TOURO COLLEGE addressed our seniors this month The senior class heard from representatives of Darchei Bina, Emunah v’Omanut, Machon Ra’aya, Scharfman’s, Stern College, Tomer Devorah, and Touro College, when they visited the school this month. Seminary interviews will begin in December. SEMINARY CALENDAR RABBI DOVID ORLOFSKY OF DARCHEI BINA addressed our seniors this month NOVEMBER 18 DARCHEI BINA NOVEMBER 19 HALICHOS BAIS YAAKOV NOVEMBER 20 MICHLALAH APPLICATIONS DUE NOVEMBER 27 MIDRESHET ESHEL DECEMBER 11 MICHLALAH INTERVIEWS PAGE 8 The BAIS YAAKOV CONVENTION, held this past Shabbos, פרשת ויצא, brought together hundreds of Bais Yaakov students from over 60 schools around North America. This year’s convention was held in Toronto and many of our seniors participated in this highly anticipated event. The main theme of the convention was תפילה, and the importance of staying connected to Hashem all the time. PAGE 9 Tiferes Bais Yaakov is proud of its efforts in maintaining a close קשרwith our graduates and we offer many opportunities for our alumnae to gather together and keep their connection to Tiferes strong throughout the year. The ראש חדש כסלוALUMNAE SHIUR took place on November 4th. Mrs. Atara Heber spoke to our graduates Class of 2013 Graduates in Israel about Chanuka and how the חשמונאיםfound the strength to join the war with the יונים. Mrs. Heber discussed the strength (l. to r.) Rivkah Perl, Adena of their relationship with Hashem and provided practical Gastfreund, Zahava Kirzner, Bella ideas about improving our own personal relationships with Cohen, and Esty Adler Hashem. ALUMNAE VISITORS It was nice to see Ita (Spitzer ‘07) Abramson, Rikki Berk (‘11), Brina Bressler (‘12), Rachel Bressler (‘12), Chagit Feldman (‘08), Shayna (Gavert ‘09) Mittelmann, Techiya Rosen (‘08), Rivka (Magazzinich ‘06) Rosilio, Shira Spitzer (‘12), and Hadassah Zacks (‘11). BE IN TOUCH! WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Do you have a great idea? Want to be more involved? Celebrating a simcha? Take a moment to send us an update about where you are and what you’re up to. Call Mrs. Kleinman at (416) 785-4044 ext. 233, or e-mail Looking forward to hearing from you. To celebrate DR. SALMON’S BIRTHDAY, Tiferes baked and decorated a beautiful cake and created meaningful cards that were delivered by Miss Tokayer. Here is an excerpt of the Thank You letter the Salmons sent: On behalf of my husband, I want to thank you for the delicious cake that was sent to the Doc for his birthday. It was obvious that a lot of thought, creativity, and care was put forth in this project. Not only did the cake look amazing, it tasted great too. It really put a smile on Doc`s face and he even ate two pieces. The cards were all unique and special. You all conveyed the connection you have with my husband. To some girls it was the cell phones, the chocolate, the bottled water, the dissections in the lab, but to all girls it was the feeling you shared spending time in TBY. My husband misses that time with all of you. I`YH he will soon be happy to greet you with his special smile. In the meantime, make sure you all work hard and do your very best at TBY. Thank you again, Ros & Peter Salmon PAGE 10 The Mothers’ Association and the Senior Class of Tiferes Bais Yaakov present A Dessert Reception for Women & Girls Speaker * Student Video * Senior Choir * Raffle Motzei Shabbos, December 28th, 2013 7:30 p.m. 85 Stormont Avenue $36 for 2/$5 each additional attendee Please RSVP (416) 785-4044 ext. 233 Payment can be made at the door SPONSOR A DAY OF LEARNING A day of learning can be sponsored in honour or in memory of a loved one, or as a refuah shleima. Please contact our Executive Director, Mr. Lawrence Weinberg at (416) 785-4044 ext. 226, for sponsorship opportunities. UNIFORM GEMACH PARENT VOLUNTEERS If you need uniforms or have uniforms you no longer need, please contact Mrs. Shirley Belzberg (416) 789-2716. For more information or to arrange uniform pick-up, please contact the school (416) 785-4044. Looking for a way to be involved in your daughter’s school? We have just the job for you! We’re looking for volunteer help throughout the year. For information, please contact our Executive Director, Mr. Lawrence Weinberg (416) 785-4044, ext. 226. PAGE 11 Tiferes Bais Yaakov 2013‐2014 Yearbook Ads Order Form Name of Ad Purchaser: ______________________________ Address/City/Postal Code: _____________________________ _____________________________ Phone Number: ( ) ______ ‐ ________ Tax Receipt Requested Advertising Receipt Requested Please check your ad size: ____ Full Page $180 ____ 1/8 Page: $36 (Business Card) ____ ½ Page: $100 ____ 1/16 Page: $18 (Tiferes Students Pay $15) ____ ¼ Page $60 ____ 1 Line: $10 (Tiferes Students Only) Ad Text: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ If more space is needed, please attach a separate paper. Emailed ads will be greatly appreciated! Our E‐mail: Please make cheques payable to: Tiferes Bais Yaakov Yearbook Tax Receipts will be provided for payments of $18 and up. Questions? Please call Mrs. Kleinman (416) 785‐4044 ext. 233 Date Received Cash/Check # Amount Sold By PAGE 12 מזל טוב * To Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzchak and Lani Feigenbaum on the birth of a granddaughter, Ahuva Sara. * To Shoshana (Tabakman ‘08) and Yonasan Heisel on the birth of a daughter. * To Adina (Meisels ‘09) and Avi Weiss on the birth of a son. * To Tova (Lavin ‘10) and Yaakov Zev Hochman on the birth of a son. * To Mr. & Mrs. Rami and Shira Wellman on the birth of a son. Mrs. Wellman teaches Safa at Tiferes Bais Yaakov. * To Sara Epstein (‘08) and Adam Freidmann on their upcoming marriage. The Salmon Family appreciates our continued תפילותfor a רפואה שלמהfor זאב ישראל בן אסתר Send Your Nachas News to
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